#deep fucking sigh
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happybirthday-unusannus · 2 months ago
Happy 4th Birthday to
“The Unus Annus Annual Sleepover”
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happyk44 · 2 months ago
on one hand adding descriptions is fun to do and good because accessibility! on the other hand i have 600 drafts saved because i struggle so hard to reblog image without descriptions now. like if its super complex or abstract and i can just look at it and know "yeah there's no way im gonna be able to describe this in a way that works or makes sense" then into the queue it goes
but otherwise they just sit. waiting.
which is annoying because 600 drafts and also i save my own posts to finish or edit later and then lose and forget about them because they got hidden and there's so only so far i can scroll without getting tired
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boypussydilf · 1 year ago
“i need to become ice king again” SIMON.
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thegayhimbo · 1 year ago
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ozymoron · 6 months ago
seeing people younger than me get to experience the kinds of joys i never got to experience im fine this is fine i feel totally fine and normal about this
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fdelopera · 1 year ago
i am sick and fucking tired of antisemitic ex-Evangelicals in the US who came from a religion that took our Tanakh, chopped it up into little bitty pieces, mistranslated it (looking at you KJV), and called it the "Old Testament", who then abuse our sacred texts in order to attack Jews.
Christians and ex-Christians who call Hashem "angry" or "not loving" are engaging in one of the oldest and most insidious forms of antisemitism there is. as OP points out, it's part of Christian supersessionism.
they've culturally appropriated our texts, and then they think they get to tell us what they mean? fuck no. they can fuck all the way off!
it is not Judaism's fault that your Christian church leaders abused these Jewish sacred texts, weaponized them against you, and told you that you were going to hell. it is horrible that your religious leaders did this to you. you did not deserve this. but please, place the blame where it belongs -- on your former religious leaders, not on Judaism.
when you call Hashem "angry" (like during the Flood story), all you're doing is showing that you have zero understanding of Jewish history or tradition. you know nothing about the Babylonian Exile or how the Jews survived cultural death and assimilation by affirming our monotheism.
Parshah Noach (which you've probably heard as Noah's Ark) was clearly inspired by the Babylonian flood myth, which the Jews held captive in Babylon in the 500s BCE would have heard.
and yet, in the Babylonian version, there are several gods who are involved in the flood, and in saving humanity. Enlil wants to drown all of humanity, but Ea (Enki) intercedes on humanity's behalf. Ea tells the human king Utnapishtim to build a great boat and to load his entire family and all the beasts and animals of the field onto the boat. they weather the storm and the flood, and afterwards, the once angry Enlil blesses them.
the Jews during the Babylonian exile had to find a way to survive, to avoid assimilation and cultural death in polytheistic Babylon. and so they had a revolutionary insight: *all* gods are Hashem.
the Jews had already been practicing monolatry in the First Temple period in the Kingdom of Judah -- that is, they worshipped G-d without explicitly denying the existence of other gods. (we know this based on archeological evidence that shows the continued worship of other gods, such as Asherah -- the head goddess of the older Canaanite pantheon and wife of the Canaanite god El).
but now, the Jews in exile embraced monotheism. these Babylonian gods they were hearing about were all just aspects of Hashem, and so worshipping them separately was a denial of G-d's oneness. the Jews created their own versions of the stories they were hearing, but instead of telling stories of the exploits of the gods, they told humanistic stories about the Jewish people, and our covenant with Hashem.
the Jews declared through the Shema prayer, "Shema Yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai ehad". "Hear, O Yisrael (aka "Hear, O Jewish people"), the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One".
so that is why G-d both causes the flood, and also saves Noach, his family, and the animals.
in Judaism, G-d is G-d. and that is how Judaism has survived. G-d is being-ness itself. G-d is "I AM THAT I AM".
in Parshah Shemot (Exodus) 3:13-14 (which is this week's parshah):
Moshe said to G-d, “When I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The G-d of your fathers’ [house] has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is [G-d’s] name?’ what shall I say to them?” And G-d said to Moshe, “I AM THAT I AM (Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh),” continuing, “Thus shall you say to the Israelites, ‘I AM (Ehyeh) sent me to you.’”
so maybe before ex-Christians open their ignorant mouths and say, "wow, you Jews worship a really angry G-d, don't you", or "i hate the Old Testament because G-d is so angry there", maybe they should fucking educate themselves about Judaism, instead of just parroting back the antisemitic, supersessionist bullshit they heard their preachers screaming at them from the pulpit.
i get so angered when ex christians take stories from the "Old Testament' share them without context and say "how can this be a loving G-D?! Checkmate!' When what they should have vexations with is the conditional salvation of the New Testament, not the tales of the Jewish people.
Also, what you were taught about New Testament G-D vs the Old Testament G-D is highly dependent on the christian belief that Jesus redeemed the world. Where through supersessionism teachings, old G-D was a big old meanie and now He's nice and fluffy for us Christians who've accepted him. By mindlessly reiterating this point, you contribute to virile antisemitism, delegitimize the relationship Jewish people have with Hashem, by shaping this around yourself and your own angst.
I say this as a person who no longer practices christianity and whose entire viewpoint collapsed the day I realized I had no faith in the church- deconstruct your faith in a way relevant to the structure you grew up with. Not what you see as witty one liners and in the ridicule of religious texts that belong to a 5,000 year old tribe.
(Heavily inspired by a convo with @daughterofstories. )
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nualaofthefaerie · 3 months ago
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"Walk out the building with me...please."
Rivals (ep.4)
Taggie O'Hara and Rupert Campbell-Black
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invinciblerodent · 7 months ago
btw yes, I'm also still stuck thinking about how in the cutscene at the start of the attack of Astarion's siblings, Astarion himself is standing right next to your bed.
Every time that scene is mentioned or brought up on my dash, I just keep thinking about how the bed the PC is shown using in the long rests (which seems to me like the top left one as you enter that side-room), and the one in which he's presumably been resting, are basically on the very opposite ends of the room.
like... sure, it already has me scratching at the walls to think about how, when unromanced, he probably felt something was wrong and went immediately to wake you and let you know (trust!!! friendship!!!), but it has me extra feral to think that he had abandoned the bed he had originally claimed in favor of yours, and was sprung from his lover's embrace by the arrival of his siblings. (Because you can't talk about cuddling, and cuddliness, and call yourself "cuddly Astarion" in the same scene, without actually cuddling sometimes lol.)
I kind of like to imagine that even on top of it being self-defense, springing to his feet so fast, there could also be something instinctively protective in the fact that he so quickly puts his own body between you and danger.
I mean,
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right before the camera would focus on him, he's bent forward, snarling at them to get away, coiled to strike even unarmed (well. as unarmed as a vampire can be), and only relaxes into the conversation-pose when you stir, and Aurelia speaks.
And like, that doesn't feel like a conscious action, or even much of a purposeful decision from a mechanic standpoint (most likely the devs needed him to stand there-ish for there to be enough room for the PC to get up, and stand next to him for the conversation's camera angles to make sense), but I do like to imagine that at this point in the relationship, he just... acts without thinking, and puts himself into the more dangerous position on instinct. It lines up very nicely with that sweet, rather earnest line he says in the Wyrm's Lookout scene. (PC: "All that matters to me is that you're safe." Astarion: "I know you do. It matters to me, as well. I want to be able to protect you, too.")
... The rest of his "this is for us, this is to protect you, we're a team" lines are of course calculated, manipulative bullshit, and taking them at face value would be a mistake even if there is a kernel of truth at their core, but I think that one is genuine, and it's corroborated by this unthinking jump to your defense.
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thegayhimbo · 6 months ago
Same. 😖
This has destroyed my trust and faith in the Democratic Party. I am so disgusted.
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toasty-self-shipping · 1 month ago
So the reason why this weird losing followers glitch is happening because the tumblr staff is trying to get rid of porn bots but instead of actually doing their jobs they are targeting actual accounts
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s3rrrpentine · 1 year ago
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guys the art block is beating my ass i actually forgor how to draw this beautiful boy and his boyfriend (。•́ - •̀。) so please... have this crumb..... my sunshine......... my love........ foap.................
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thegayhimbo · 1 year ago
Slovak leader calls the war between Russia and Ukraine a frozen conflict | AP News
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ivanttakethis · 3 months ago
So like………………. what was the point of Round 6?? 🤨
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bikananjarrus · 4 months ago
i get that he was absolutely going for the “oh ha ha breaking the fourth wall” moment bc *gasp* we’re reading a book with percy as the main character!
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but it’s really just very annoying considering that thee literal lightning thief starts off with percy telling his story, as a way to help other demigods. and since RR has called himself the scribe of CHB since the beginning, we can assume that he is writing down the story that percy is telling. which y’know. would mean there’s something written about him. but who cares about continuity, right?
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livesincerely · 11 months ago
“Jack,” Davey murmurs, close enough that he can feel the whisper of his breath against his cheeks. “Apparently you haven’t noticed, but we’ve been dating for years. Tomorrow is our three-year anniversary.”
Jack, who had been swaying towards the warmth of Davey’s body, towards the promise of a kiss, freezes dead in his tracks. “What?”
But Davey just smiles. “Three years,” he repeats calmly.
“No, no, I heard you the first time, I jus’…” Jack shakes his head, hard, as if that with somehow make any of what’s happening make any kind of sense. “What?”
“When’s the last time you had sex with anyone but me?” Davey prompts—impossibly patient, all things considered. “Or went out on a date? Gave someone your number?”
“Not in fuckin’ ages,” Jack sputters, offended at the very thought. “You an’ me, we’ve got a good thing goin’. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“You wouldn’t cheat on me?” Davey specifies, tilting his head.
“Course not!”
“Why would it be cheating if we aren’t together?” Davey asks, pointedly.
Jack stares at him, trying to find the riddle hidden in Davey’s question. Because… Because…
“Oh,” he says blankly.
Davey laughs, curling his hands around Jack’s waist. “Oh,” he agrees.
“Three years?” Jack asks weakly.
“Jackie,” Davey sighs, apparently realizing that Jack needs this spelled out to him. “We live together. We share a bedroom. We spent last Christmas at your mom’s house and you introduced me to Charlie’s kids as ‘Uncle David’.”
“Oh,” Jack says again, because it really bears repeating. “How the hell have you managed to put up with my dumbass for three fucking years?”
“It probably helps that I’m madly in love with you,” Davey says, rolling his eyes even as another soft smile curls over his lips.
“Huh,” Jack says. It’s maybe not the best response, but it’s honestly a miracle he manages to say anything at all.
“You’re in love with me too,” Davey helpfully informs him.
“Well, I knew that part,” Jack huffs. Then, “How did you know that?”
“Because I know you,” Davey says, lacing their fingers together. “But feel free to say it aloud any time you like.”
“I love you, too,” Jack murmurs.
Davey’s smile is like the first days of spring: bright like sunshine, full of promise and full of hope.
And the taste of his kiss is even better.
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kradogsrats · 9 months ago
can we talk about how this absolutely FUCKS the entire societal lore by giving one rando a last name when LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE has one
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Lore on Captain Skall!
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