#dee gets asks
writergirl2011 · 1 year
Can I genuinely ask why you do bother with arguing with people that simply don't ship the same things you do? You're not going to talk them into seeing things your way. They read the same books you did, and in this latest case, something left them uncomfortable. Whether they're "right" or "wrong", they're allowed to exist on the internet not shipping JB and even thinking the Lannisters are creeps. Like. What skin is it off your ass if they don't like JB?
Hello, and thank you for the ask. I presume you’re here from the Jonsa fandom asking because of my little dust-up with someone in your neck of the woods. I generally don’t care what people ship, what they think of my favorite characters, or what they think of my ship. Ship and let ship is generally my motto.
What I care about is reading comprehension, and in this case, the complete lack of it. I get that ten different people can read ASOIAF and get ten different things out of it; however, when you deliberately go cherry picking words looking for a connection to prove a point that isn’t there, I’m going to call your ass out on it. I didn’t say anything about what that original commenter’s chosen highlighted word was—the word being “child”—but I will now, because they wanted to make it look like both Jaime and Tyrion were pedophiles. While she is younger than Jaime by more than a decade, Brienne is an ADULT. In the Westeros world, in today’s world, she is an adult. Jaime calling her “an absurd, ugly child” doesn’t mean he’s attracted to a literal child. He’s acknowledging that she’s younger than him, nothing more. But that’s not the context that the original poster meant in comparing it to a scene in which Sansa, an ACTUAL child, is naked before her adult husband and is clearly uncomfortable by it (and terrified). That was part of my issue, and perhaps that’s what I should have addressed more than whether Brienne was uncomfortable in front of Jaime when they were naked together.
The other part of my issue is the one that I addressed—that they said Sansa’s situation was better understood because she had a POV to address her discomfort being naked in front of Tyrion, while Brienne’s was ignored, allowing fandom to romanticize the scene. I merely pointed out—bringing in that pesky reading comprehension thing that seems to elude so many—that Brienne does have a POV, and she’s quite clear about how she viewed it. If she’d been uncomfortable, her POV would’ve reflected it. What did we get? The opposite. She remembered it in quite romantic terms, and not because, as the response I got tried to claim, it was her way of dealing with some traumatic event. Nothing traumatic happened to her in the bathhouse. Was she shy about being naked in front of Jaime? Sure, but when those guards (and Qyburn) came back in after Jaime fainted, she didn’t go reaching for the towel right away, so she got over the shyness.
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aseuki · 2 years
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Sleep power coming in clutch
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dennisboobs · 10 months
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7x10 // How Mac Got Fat
↳ Charlie & Dennis + getting high together
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nookisms · 7 months
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Oops. It's a second headcanon compilation!
Don't worry, the next one will be back to our normal schedule of regular text posts and not headcanons
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
What's the story with the star spears in the galacta knight and starstruck drawing?
haha. well that is the question, isn't it?
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jojo-schmo · 11 days
Can I just say I love how you draw expressions? Going through some of your Metadede fanart and I love how expressive you make Meta Knight, unlike how most people make him completely stoic 24/7 allow the guy to show some emotion YEAHH
Uwahh thank you so much! It means a lot to me! <3 Expressions are definitely one of my favorite things ever to draw :D
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Stoic Meta Knight portrayals are just as cool as extremely expressive ones. But I pour so much emotion into whatever I'm drawing it's hard for me to not give Meta a wider range! I personally like to think it's part of the reason he wears the mask- it wouldn't be great to reveal what you're thinking about so easily to people who are just looking at you.... Although I still cheat and make him expressive with the mask on by giving him eyebrows and stuff. What can I say? I don't easily give up the habits I enjoy drawing LOL
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One of the reasons I keep a lot of the sketches I scrap from final pages is because I'm too emotionally attached to permanently delete some of the faces and poses I came up with...
Here is a snippet of like, a third of the scrap canvas from Chapter Two. :P A lot of the doodles are just heads and expressions, it's funny to look back on it xD I am very much an eyebrow gorlie. I just LOVE looking at and drawing 'em!!!
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chrliekclly · 2 months
Please i love how you draw the crew, CHARLIE on particular 😭 huge fan
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 months
April's mum and the rotmnt drafon bois?
I wasn’t sure if her parents would even know about them, but let’s be honest. All six of them would NEVER be able to keep that a secret forever. Not only would April have literal dragons in and out of her room every other day, but these are April’s Parents. They ain’t stupid. XD
It takes a couple years, but eventually the excuse of imaginary friends just doesn’t work anymore (and Raph gets to a size that’s way too hard to hide). Her parents are aware of her… Unusual found family situation. And to be honest? They take it pretty well, all things considering.
Kirby is around, I just don’t feel like trying to draw him right now lmao. But! Carol do be a dragon whisperer.
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zombiecicada · 3 months
Here there Wolfbell, how has it been? What do you think of the fellow competitors?
Ps: Do you like pasta? (Holding large bowl of spagetti)
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Wolfbell: ……it could be better.
Wolfbell: The… others..? I’ve met a lot of people now.
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Wolfbell: I’ve met s…some who’ve… b-been friendly to me.
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Wolfbell: and then….. there’s a couple I’ve only seen from afar, who… I’d approach and talk to, if I only had the courage…
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Wolfbell: and then.. the ones who have asked me… big questions… w-who are… like me in many ways… who have taught me I am…. Not alone in my e-experiences.
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Wolfbell: and then… there’s the ones I find.. t.. terrifying.
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Wolfbell, trying to keep her stomach from twisting at the scent of food: …. N.. no.. no thank you. Not right now.
Mirage belongs to @adridoot
Halley belongs to @zprite-x
Lady Celestine belongs to @kirbybecomesastarwarrior
Dotty belongs to @cauli-flawa
Techie belongs to @ivynajspyder
Wisp belongs to @moonsharkss
Starry Dee belongs to @staring-at-a-blank-pagee
Star belongs to @c0ffee-7
Fylass belongs to @george228732
Dazor belongs to @a-stardusted-sky
Necro Knight belongs to @dark-mega
Uther belongs to @quanblovk
Peony belongs to @giantchasm
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desultory-novice · 5 months
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"What? Her?" (Also, why would you phrase it like that? Weird...)
"It's a complicated story but, she's..." "She's like a..."
"Like my..."
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"...My Emotional Support Waddle Dee..." 
(First one to laugh dies, got that?!)
Noir's Field Trip Masterpost]
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nokk0 · 2 months
(Sorry about this I’m trying to get over the social anxiety I suffer if I try to send an ask. You liked to of my posts, so I thought I’d try with you first. Sorry if something here is wrong or if this seems weird—)
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A floating figure seems to wander aimlessly until it floats towards you. Looking closer at it, it appears to be a teru teru bōzu (weather doll). Do you try to talk to it?
(ONCE AGAIN SORRY IF THIS SEEMS WEIRD. I feel shaky trying to press the ‘ask’ button doing this.)
A high-pitched and fearful voice called to the Teru teru bōzu. The origin of said voice is a Waddle Dee who was hiding behind a hat and a starry red scarf
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"Uhm... Do you... Want to talk...?"
(introducing my sona Dee~ Nokk0... Yeah, i'm not good with names...)
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writergirl2011 · 1 year
K for the fanfic ask game please?
K was "What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?"
Oh God, it's easily "when the sun shine, we shine together"--by a MILE at this point!!!
It's so funny when I think about how that even got prompted in the first place. I originally had something else as my second prompt for smut swap when I came across the Tom Holland Umbrella video. After watching it half a dozen times, as you do, I thought, "Jaime dancing to Umbrella." And I thought it would be perfect for smut swap. It was wild and fun and I knew someone would do a great job with it, so I threw it in there at what I think was the last minute.
My gift writer went with another one of my prompts and wrote a lovely story around it, which freed up "Jaime dancing to Umbrella" for smut swap quickies. After a futile attempt to talk someone else into writing it--at the same time she was talking me into writing it, so you can see why my attempt was futile, lol--the story started coming together in my head.
Keep in mind that this prompt was supposed to be for a 5K-word story. I should've known I was in trouble when all the ideas we were throwing out in brainstorming were for a Lip Sync Battle-style between Jaime and Ned with Brienne as a choreographer, but even then I probably could've kept it fairly short. Even my early notes didn't have all the angst that crept in. But at some point early on, I got the idea for That Weekend in Riverrun and the bet that destroyed their relationship and after that, it was Angst-Fest 2023.
Thanks for the ask!
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Rope MF is a first stage in his evolution next is Chain MOFO
About that…
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Rope MF is to much of a rope purist to touch anything that isn’t a rope
but you know who isn’t much of a rope purist?
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But I’m going to steal the name Chain MOFO because that’s a better name lol
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Bonus doodles because I had to much fun with the design:
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Grandpa Splinter jsut loves having grandkids, he won't be happy at the injuries no... can we see Dee and Grandpa Splinter's reunion??
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Dee is very well medicated at the moment, to the point where he should be asleep. But he's been fighting it for the last half hour. Like he's chill, he just wouldn't go to sleep. Eventually, Splinter came into the room to see him (i think he was out doing errands or something when they first arrived so he didn't get the chance to see any of them until things had started to get settled).five minutes later, Dee's out cold. Grandpa powers lol
Thank you!
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poppybros-jr · 2 months
How many Waddle Dee are needed to change a light bulb?
Just answer this in Waddle Wednesday!
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What do you mean most Waddle Dees can’t do this?
(Happy Waddle Wednesday to all who celebrate! Wednesday is now Cosmo’s favourite day of the week.)
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months
offering three cookies 🍪🍪🍪
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(<< part 1)
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