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110789angle · 2 months ago
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After watching a series called DIGMAN! when the group is looking for Amelia Earhart's body or mystery beyond the skies, but got caught dieselpunk or decopunk aircraft plane.
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47ness · 2 years ago
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Batmobile, 1889 edition
art by @47ness
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vivianwrite · 1 month ago
WIP Intro: When In Erebus 💡
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[Image description: A nine-image moodboard for a story. Top left: An electric gas discharge tube filled with helium, glowing bright purple. Top centre: The skyline of New York City in stark black and white. Top right: The inside of a toolbox. Centre left: A train pulling into a station (black and white). Centre: The title of the story, “When In Erebus”, on a dark yellowish background. Centre right: An airship flying over Capitol Hill (black and white). Bottom left: A staircase with Art Deco designs next to a light orange wall. Bottom centre: A construction crane at night (black and white). Bottom right: Orange fireworks turning red at the tips. End ID.]
In an alternate Earth where luminiferous aether theory proved true, humanity has created cloaking devices that work by sucking the aether out of the air. While originally created for war, one thing led to another and now the city of Erebus (formerly New York City) is cloaked in eternal night as a demonstration of technological advancement. Lucian is a prodigy at aether mechanics. Despite his interests and the cultural attitude towards Erebus, he’s never been fond of the project — a feeling which only strengthens after he’s sent to the city for a job. When he is introduced to Dielism, a growing artistic movement centred around imagery of the day and night cycle, he decides to help end the age of Erebus. Unfortunately, for some of its fans Dielism may be nothing more than a collection of pretty pictures.
Genre: Science fantasy, alternate history, dieselpunk / decopunk
Age group: Adult
POV / Narration: Singular, first-person past-tense
Themes: The aestheticification of political causes
Cast (major):
Lucian Prestwich: The protagonist. Used to keeping his feelings secret, until Walter and Gladys encourage him to start speaking up.
Edward Blinkhorn: The head of the Erebus Project. Prone to prattling on about things that don't matter.
Gladys Henwood: A major local organizer in the anti-Erebus Project movement (ie most of the city's people, really. She just helps spread the word about protests and other such events.) Barely hiding her eternal bitterness over herself and everyone else in Erebus being barred from living a normal life.
Walter Henwood: Gladys' brother. Takes life lightly, except when it comes to the matter of light itself.
Word count goal: 12K
Date started: January 2, 2025
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bard-owl · 9 months ago
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The Lancer from Bioshock 2 is a great bit of streamline modern design in a series known for decopunk and dieselpunk.
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canis-majoris · 2 years ago
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mintshiiarts · 1 year ago
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Here we go for self-promo, which I never am fond of doing but know I have to do it in this case! My self-published, indie comic, Robust Heat is now in pre-launch on Kickstarter! You can find it here.
It is going to be printed into a full volume, graphic novel, with 150+ pages. Full colour, American standard comic book size (6.625" x 10.25"). The printed version is going to be more polished, have rewritten, relettered, redrawn parts that the webcomic version does not have. If you like slight Baccano! vibes mixed with Netflix's Hollywood (2020), then please consider checking it out :D. The actual launch date is going to be on April 2nd, and if you'd like an email notification when the campaign goes live, the notify me button will do the job for you. And if you have anyone in mind that you think might enjoy these series, please pass this along to them! I know I don't have a wide reach/big audience, and what my comic is--I consider kind of niche-so I'm hoping to get this word of mouth get rolling. Thanks in advance \O/ PS, I will be in PCF (Prairie Comics Festival), and hopefully DCAF (Dartmouth, not Dublin, Comics arts Festival) later this year. If any of you are from those spaces, do let me know if you'd be interested in local pick-ups.
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proib2 · 1 year ago
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I just learned that Lackadaisy is considered Decopunk (or more specifically Ottensian Decopunk). Decopunk is basically a subgenre of dieselpunk but is more focused on the 1920s and 30s but with a Sci-Fi twist. I am not exactly sure what about Lackadaisy is considered Science fiction because despite the cast being drawn as cats, everything else about the series is pretty grounded. Maybe it’s just the non-canon material.
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neuronerdo · 1 year ago
Radiance by Catherynne M. Valente is my all-time favorite book that no one has every heard of. It's about space, but it's also about grief, and it's about cinema, but it's also just a father and a daughter and everything that could possibly go wrong in that equation. It's a murder (?) mystery in that someone has died, but the characters make it so the concept of "murder" goes a little bit fuzzy around the edges.
It's also, for what it's worth, batshit insane. I love the worldbuilding because it reeks of someone having a baffling idea and devoting their entire novel to it. Valente commits to the bit at every turn, leaving no moment untouched by creative decisions that should logically fail and yet never do. I think it has to do with her tone-- the whole book is written in such a "duh" voice. Of course the moon is the modern Hollywood. Of course there are kangaroos on Mars and whales (?) on Venus. Of course Pluto and Charon are linked in a celestial dance by an organic bridge of tree limbs and flowers. Of course, of course, of course.
It's also the type of book where every character talks circles around what they actually mean. Every page is a treasure hunt, and trust me when I say that the hunt is entirely map-less for the first two thirds. But who likes their quests easy? It's only satisfying if you work for it.
I suppose my main point is that you should read it. It is a book that makes me happy and I would regret it forever if I didn't give you the chance to read it too.
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cozmic-ash · 1 year ago
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reminder that smoking is bad for you UNLESS!!!! you can make it homoerotic, then it's okay and sexy actually
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midnightechoes · 4 months ago
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Daily Doodles 7, 23, & 31- Youmi Nakamori
**Doing some batch posting of my daily doodles since I haven't been keeping up with posting them in a while 😅**
My OC Youmi Nakamori from my (hopefully starting sometime in 2025) comic Void Domain Midnight. Her right arm is a cybernetic prosthetic and yes, she does play guitar. I'm hoping to somehow work musical aspects into the comic.
I have some ideas, but I'll just have to see how they work when I get to them.
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chicar · 4 months ago
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roaringtwentiesstory · 8 months ago
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Welcome Fellow Nouveauites!
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This blog is dedicated to my writing project called "Roaring Twenties" (I know, incredibly original name lol). I will be posting various written segments, art, character work, etc along with reblogging certain appropriate posts. There wont be a set schedule for whne I post here, but I will whenever I feel motivated (ADD is really fun to deal with lol). At some point I would like to set up a AO3 page of some kind for Roaring, but I'd like to get the beginning to be as polished and to my liking as possible. As for what this story will be about, heres a little summary...
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The newly created assembly line became such a success in America during the early 20th century that it completely changed the course of engineering and construction forever, allowing for more complex and futuristic ideas to flourish and for new strides to be taken in the artistic scene like music and art. New York, now named Nouveau York, is a hotspot for new patent makers and blue-collar workers looking for any way to make a buck.
Wallace Reed, a postmaster for Nouveau York, is anything but your average citizen. While his peers are out drinking and socializing, Wallace chooses to bury himself in his work, with it almost becoming his entire personality. One night however, would shatter the walls of Wallace’s conscience and lead him on a journey of self-discovery, love, acceptance, and hatred.
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This is a project ive been wanting to start for quite a while and only got the motivation to really start it earlier this year, so I hope whoever decideds to find this blog will enjoy it! With all of that intro out of the way, I have one final question for you... Will you end the Roaring Twenties?
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psst, if you just wanna follow my main blog, here ya go ;)
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vifetoile · 4 months ago
You never saw girls like those glitter janes with their sequin crowns. You never saw boys like those velvet fellas getting their edge, neither. If Eve went door to door with her apple, not a soul in the Artemisia wouldn't have grabbed it, planted a kiss on old Mama Fig Leaf, and had that shiny red temptation turned into the applejack of good and evil within an hour.
Catherynne M Valente, Speak Easy
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bard-owl · 1 year ago
If cassette futurism and cyberpunk are complimentary, in that they can be separate or together, as are dieselpunk and decopunk, what is complimentary to steampunk? My first thought was "clockpunk," but I've never seen that as separate from steampunk. Clockpunk stuff always has steampunk stuff in the background, and steampunk always has keys, springs, and gears mixed in.
Is there some neo-victorian subgenre that I'm missing?
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cinemaquiles · 4 months ago
A estética "Decopunk" em cinco sugestões de filmes para você!
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dying-sol · 1 year ago
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Ambientación | Normas | Guía
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