#decided to make a little something for Jack since he's been on my mind
aceghosts · 3 months
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CYBERPUNK 2077 OC: Jack Shepard (He/Him)
So, pack up your car, put a hand on your heart Say whatever you feel, be wherever you are We ain't angry at you, love You're the greatest thing we've lost The birds will still sing Your folks will still fight The boards will still creak The leaves will still die We ain't angry at you, love We'll be waiting for you, love
You're Gonna Go Far by Noah Kahan
TEMPLATE by @kanos
Taglist (Opt in/out): @bbrocklesnar, @alexxmason, @sergeiravenov, @tommyarashikage, @voidika,
@carlosoliveiraa, @direwombat, @strangefable, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @inafieldofdaisies,
@captastra, @cassietrn, @imogenkol, @katsigian, @g0dspeeed,
@clicheantagonist, @cloudofbutterflies92, @theelderhazelnut, @icecutioner, @thedeadthree,
@confidentandgood, @raresvtm
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miley1442111 · 5 months
fix it together- a.hotchner
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a/n: i imagined a fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :) thank you guys for all the love on the first part of this!!!!
please don't read if you have emetophobia!!!!
summary: aaron said some horrible things. He's trying to fix it, right?
pairing: husband! aaron hotchner x wife! reader
warnings: mad angst, aaron is so mean, reader believes she is a bad mother, heartbreak, feelings of disappointment, reader is pregnant, talks of pregnancy, talks of vomiting and morning sickness, happy ending :)
part 1- fix it.
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The last few weeks had been… tense. Going back to work was fine and we still acted like a couple, don’t get me wrong. Yet, everything felt disgustingly different. The gifts hadn’t been working. The dates hadn’t been working. Every second of my days were spent thinking over what I’d said on that horrible night. Did I ask for an annulment? What was I thinking? I love you more than anything, I want you forever. Since the first date I’d known you were my girl, my forever girl. Every night I’ve been trying to make it clear to you that I want you. That I think you’re a good mother. Even the nights you'd stayed at Penelope's.
After Jack's birthday, you'd gone to Penelope's for 3 nights, I only saw you during the day at work, and even then you didn't look at me, let alone speak to me. You came home because you missed Jack.
Since then, you’ve been distant, focusing on work, or Jack more often than not. So I decided something. 
I made all the distractions go away. Jack went off to his cousin's house, and I pulled us out of work for a full week, much to Strauss’s annoyance. Only thing is that I hadn’t told you. 
Well, this better work. 
“Honey?” I cleared my throat, still groggy from waking up a few minutes prior. You weren’t in bed, you’d recently stopped our regular 5 minutes of hazy cuddling as we both wake up. My third favourite part of the day. My second favourite being when you come to me at 2:07pm everyday at work and give me a kiss, my first favourite being the kiss and hug you give me at the end of the day, just after tucking Jack in. All three had stopped in recent weeks.  
“Yeah?” You called from the bathroom, doing your regular morning routine. 
“I called us out of work,” I yawned and heard your quickened footsteps, then you appeared in front of me. You looked so beautiful, as always. A random and oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts that left little to the imagination. I started to sweat just thinking about it. 
“What? Why?! We have people who need our help, we have cases-” You started rambling as I got up and cupped your face, kissing you. 
“Because I need you. I need you to be you again,” I whispered against your lips, hoping this would work. “So we’re going to have a nice few days, yeah? Today we have your appointment and we’ll have another talk. Then we can just relax for the rest of the week.”
“The week?” you stressed and I rolled my eyes, kissing you again. Your lips were so perfect. You’d brushed your teeth, not that I mind your morning breath. Not that I mind anything about you. 
“Please,” I was begging and I wasn’t even ashamed. “Please honey,” I wrapped my hands around your waist, trying to persuade you. 
“Don’t call me Aaron,” You’d stopped calling me the usual ‘baby’ or ‘darling’, or my favourite ‘love’. “Please. I want to be normal again. I don’t want this distance, I adore you more than anything.”
I could tell you felt conflicted. I hurt you. I know I did. 
“Aaron,” another stab to my heart. “Fine, we’ll take this week off, and we can… talk.”
“Thank you my love,” I smile, pressing kisses along your exposed collarbone. You chuckled. I’d missed your laughter. I’d missed you.
“Ok baby, come on, I need to shower,” you giggled against me and I could feel my heart mending. Baby. I couldn’t stop the grin on my lips. I let go of you, but not before kissing you again. My perfect wife. 
“Can I join?” I smirked, and you scoffed. 
“Don’t push your luck Hotchner,” You chuckled. This was it. This is what it used to be. Flirty, loving, and fun. Before I ruined everything. 
Forgiving Aaron was the easy part. Worrying if every parenting decision was the right one, was pure agony. 
Is it wrong to say that like that? Should I have done this a different way? Was that right?
And your brain’s personal favourite: 
What would Haley have done? 
You were beating yourself up about it all for the past few weeks. You felt you had ruined Jack’s birthday with your own insecurities, since he’d asked if you were alright the day after.
Telling Jack you were pregnant was a highlight from the past few weeks. He was ecstatic to find out he’d be getting a little sibling. He already wanted to meet them and he understood that there would be times where either of you wouldn’t be able to play with him when his sibling arrived. 
Aaron had been grovelling to the highest degree. Flowers once a week, date nights, house chores, taking paperwork from you so you don’t need to do it, getting any and all pregnancy cravings, and helping you deal with all your morning sickness and migraines. 
It was maddening. You were going to go insane if you weren’t careful. 
Yet, you felt like every second of every day was spent thinking about your parenting choices and just wondering if having another baby was even a good idea. Would your new child even like you? Would this ruin your relationship with Jack? What was going to happen when they grow up? Did Aaron really think your parenting is terrible? 
Ok, so maybe you haven’t forgiven him just yet. Or at all. 
You lay back in bed, a book in hand as Aaron pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder. You stared at the words on the page, trying to make sense of them when your brain was so clouded. Your levels of anxiety had risen greatly, which you both knew was not good for your baby. Aaron had been trying to lift some of the stress off your shoulders with his constant doting, but you knew that the stress was Aaron. From the moment you woke up to the minute you fell asleep, you felt like you were putting up a show. Being the perfect wife, perfect (probably shitty, you thought anyway) mother, perfect agent. It was exhausting. You wanted to go back to before, back to when you didn’t have to pretend everything was alright. 
You pushed him off you and lay on your side, a regular occurrence. Aaron felt dejected. He’d hurt you so badly, and he didn’t know what to do to fix it. 
“Baby?” he spoke into the room. 
“Yes Aaron?” You answered. 
“Do you still love me?” He asked in a small voice. He felt raw and full of emotion. Honestly, he was terrified of the answer. 
“Do I still love you?” You scoffed. “I think I should be the one asking that. You were the one mentioning getting an annulment.”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that… I was just-” He tried but you shot out of bed, staring at him with an anger in your eyes he could only describe as animalistic. 
“ 'You just' what Aaron? What?!” You squealed, all the emotions that you’d let build up, coming out at once. “I’ve been trying to be a good wife, to be a good mother for the past 4 fucking years Aaron. I have been that for you, I have been that for you and Jack, and I’m so happy to do it because I love the both of you more than anything! And all I ask in return is that you love and respect me! That is what you promised me on your wedding day! You didn’t fucking do that. You threw our marriage under the bus and compared me to your ex wife, the second you got slightly stressed. I’m sure Haley did a much better job than me Aaron, I’m sure she did! But I’m here Aaron. I love you. I love Jack. I have dedicated my life to the two of you, to our family! And now I feel like I’ve made a mistake in doing that, because the second you get overwhelmed, I’m in the first person that gets thrown under the bus?! To get reduced to nothing by you?! That’s not fucking fair Aaron, It’s not fair! And the worst part is that I fucking forgave you weeks ago, but I can’t forgive myself! I feel like such a shit mother every single day! I feel like I’m failing everyday, and that our baby will fucking hate me because it’ll somehow know that I’m the second choice! That it’ll know you’d rather be with someone who’s dead! So don’t come to me asking stupid fucking questions like that when you know the fucking answer Aaron. You don’t need to humiliate me more than you already have.”
You walked out of your shared bathroom, down the stairs into the living room, and sobbed your eyes out. 
Aaron sat up in the bed, thankful that Jack wasn’t home today, but devastated by your words, and his actions. Why had he even brought up an annulment? 
He couldn’t even begin to dissect the feelings he had when the bile in his throat suddenly came on and he had to run to the bathroom, and spill it into the toilet. Your words hit him like a knife, throwing his own words back in his face in the most disgusting way to do it, directed at you. You were an amazing mother, an amazing wife. And yet, you thought you were worthless. He had made you feel worthless. He felt terrible. He didn’t want Haley. Yes, he’d loved her for a long time, yes their divorce was heartbreaking. But he loved you now, and he didn’t ever want to take that for granted. He’d gotten two people who loved him unconditionally, two people who loved him enough to have a child with him, two people that would put themselves in harm’s way for him. 
And he fucked it up. Twice. 
He followed you downstairs, standing in the doorway as you sobbed into the couch cushions, then walked over and put a hand on your back. You didn’t push him off, that must be a good sign, right? He moved you to sit on his lap, your head in his shoulder as he calmed you down.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. I was awful to you. I don’t want an annulment, I never want an annulment. I know it sounds bad but I was just so used to Haley hanging a divorce over my head for so long, it just came out. You are who I want, who I would choose, every single time. You are a good mother. You’re going to be a good mother. I’m so sorry I ever made you doubt yourself. That I ever made you doubt me. I never want to hurt you like this again. This is the worst thing I’ve ever done, I’m so sorry,” he whispered against your skin. “I’m so sorry.”
You let out a half chuckle- half sob and pulled away. “Aaron, I need you to swear to me that you will never fucking bring up us breaking up again, unless you actually mean it.”
“I swear.”
“And I need you to promise me that you’ll work on stopping all the reactive bullshit we’ve been doing,” You sighed.
“I promise.” 
“Then, I think we’ll be ok,” You smiled softly and kissed his cheek, settling your head back against his neck. 
“So we’re ok again?” He asked hopefully. 
“Not yet, no,” You stated and his hope vanished. 
“We will be, soon.” 
He smiled again. You were his, always. Just as he was yours, always. Anything, you could get through. 
criminal minds masterlist :)
people that asked to be tagged: @michasia24 @pear-1206 @randomrosie01 @tonystankhere
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rumplereids · 1 month
Stop bc I’ve had a little brainworm lately. Hotch’s really young ex wife bringing the kid(s) to Aaron bc he was late for a drop off or something and Spencer absolutely falling for her ⁉️⁉️ it’s been eating me alive (love your work mwah mwah)
part two tags: spencer reid x fem!reader. not really infidelity. p in v smut. a/n: anon, you are crazy. i love that for us. (thank u for reading my work ilysm) i hope u like this, even if it's just short :) requests are open!
He feels like he’s going insane. Scratch that. He’s actually insane.
He’s sequestered himself in the men’s restroom, tugging on his cock, biting the sleeves of his sweater so that he won’t make a noise, all because you smiled at him.
His boss’ wife. His boss’ young ex-wife.
Distinction is important in his line of business.
Spencer would love to blame you for putting him into this predicament, but that would be pointless.
It’s been a week since he last saw you. Since you last dropped Jack off at the BAU. Ever since your divorce with Aaron (the team didn’t even know he was married), you would show up to the office on their slower days to drop Jack off for the weekend.
Spencer doesn’t know much about you, only that you were once Jack’s nanny. You’ve been working for Aaron since Haley, Aaron’s ex-fiancee and Jack’s birth mom, decided that she wasn’t ready to be a mother yet.
Aaron once confided in him. You married Hotch when Jack was barely 3. You’ve always been ‘mom’ to the little boy. Aaron regrets marrying you so hastily.
You were around Spencer’s age. The fights leading up to your divorce started and ended with Aaron’s guilt for holding you back. Spencer couldn’t bring himself to care about your marital disputes since it led to him knowing you.
“Fuck,” he whimpers. White cum making his fingers sticky. Tucking himself back into his pants, he unlocks the bathroom stall with a cough, as if to hide the depravity that just took place. He quickly washes his hands, thrice. And then he leaves the men’s room, nearly running into a body in his haste.
Strong hands steady exposed shoulders. The skin under his warm hands, soft and smooth. It was you. He had just finished touching himself to the thought of you, and here you are now. Served to him on a golden platter.
“Hi, Spencer. I was just on my way out.”
“Did you talk to Hotch?”
You look up at him with a quizzical brow. He gulps down the thoughts looking into your eyes brought to his brain.
“Not really, no. I’m just here to drop Jack off for the weekend.”
He nods, and then you start to leave. He hesitates for a while, begging for the words to leave his tongue on their own. You beat him to the punch.
“Are you free this weekend?”
You fill his hands so perfectly. Your hips, your thighs, your breasts. Everywhere he cups and squeezes, as his hips smack thunderously against the flesh of your arse. You have your cheek pressed onto the mattress, taking everything that Spencer gave you. His cum, his sighs, his praise. The way he moans and mumbles your name like a prayer.
He’s your ex-husband’s co-worker. You swear you’ve read a cheesy erotica of this plot somewhere.
But that didn’t stop you from pulling him into your bedroom. Practiced hands undoing his dark blue tie. His longer fingers lifting the skirt of your sundress.
“You’re so good. You fuck me so good,” you can’t help but moan.
Spencer’s hand runs up and down your back, taking your hair and tightening a fist against your nape.
“You take me so well,” his following praise gets cut off by your phone ringing. Spencer slows his thrusts, hips moving until you’ve taken him to the base, and he continues his ministrations in tiny grinds of his pelvic bone against your clit. Your mind goes hazy at each tantalizing grind of his hips.
Your phone continues to ring. You blindly stretch out an arm to grab for it. Without looking at the caller ID, you answer the call. “Hello?”
Spencer watches from above you, watches you move your cheek and tilt your head so that you can make eye contact.
“Aaron?” you say with an almost whimper.
Spencer continues the grind of his hips against your wet and throbbing clit.
“Yeah, I can get Jack. Twenty minutes?”
Spencer almost hisses at the thought of the inevitable.
“Okay, see you in a bit.”
You hang up the call. Before the phone lands on your pillow, Spencer grabs you by the hips and maneuvers you to lay on your back, all while keeping his cock firmly inside you.
“We have to stop,” you say. “I think you have a new case.”
And then, his phone rings.
He puts two fingers into your mouth while he picks up the call with his other hand.
“This is Reid.”
“Reid? We have a case. A string of homicides in Atlanta.”
He hums, watching you slobber over his fingers.
“Is Y/N with you?”
Spencer feels the way your pussy clenches around him.
“Yeah,” he admits.
Hotch is quiet on the other side of the line.
“Don’t be late. We leave in an hour.”
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themore12 · 3 months
The First-years sleepover!
Now that the Onboro dorm had been renovated and cleaned and everything, Ace decided to take advantage of that and have a sleepover there with the other 1st years!
Word count: 1092 words
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"Yo, Prefect!"
You sighed as you heard the ever-so-familiar voice behind you.
You turned to the nearest person beside you who so happened to be Dorm leader Vil Schoenheit, and tried to hide from the troublemakers behind you.
With a hint of exhaustion, you asked for a small favor from the worldwide model. "Hide me Vil...please I just want a moment of peace."
With a raised brow and an amused smile on his lips, he glanced at the one-brain cell trio, who were arguing as they made their way towards you. "I'm afraid they are already making their way here Prefect."
You can only sigh as you catch sight of the familiar red and blue-haired duo in the corner of your eye.
(more under the cut)
You already knew Ace would suggest troublesome with how he smiled at you.
"Prefect, we should sleep over at your dorm." (Ace) (events after book 7)
"Don't we do that every now and then already?" (Deuce)
With an annoyed smile, he continued, "Now that it's been renovated and all!" (Ace)
Before you could even begin to say anything, Grim said what you had in mind.
"Why would me and my henchman want you two in our dorm, each time you guys stay there our dorm gets wrecked!" (Grim)
"It only happened a few times!" (Ace)
"It shouldn't have happened in the first place?!" (Yuu)
In the end, you could only watch helplessly as they barged into the Onboro dorm with snacks at hand, a Happy Epel, and a Jack.
You sighed, "You didn't drag Epel and Jack here without their dorm leaders not knowing, right?" With that, the red and blue-haired troublemakers stopped in their tracks.
You can only sigh yet again, as words can't seem to convey the migraines that are starting to form in your head.
"I'm sorry Yuu..."
"It isn't your fault Deuce, I know Ace is the mastermind behind all of this."
"Hey! I'm right here!"
Without noticing it, the sun has begun to slowly disappear from the horizon and the moon from earlier seemingly becomes brighter as time passes by.
"Ace, Deuce, Grim, stop trying to kill each other."
"Epel and Jack can you help me set the table up?"
After a look at your annoyed expression, the three troublemakers raised their arms in defeat and (with a bit of guilt -Deuce) silently walked towards the dining table and sat quietly as they waited for the food.
Knowing that they might cause more trouble if they tried to help.
"Jack, could you please pass the salt?"
"Here Yuu."
After deciding who washes the dishes with Rock paper scissors, after an intense match between Epel and Ace, the loser (Ace) begrudgingly lurched to the kitchen.
Feeling bad, you decided to stay in the kitchen while he watched the dishes.
You might feel bad, but you're not that kind to take do his task for him.
The others, seeing you stay in the kitchen to provide moral support to their dishwasher, decided to join your little pity party.
"Since when have you guys been this nice..." (Ace)
"If Yuu wasn't here we wouldn't have stayed here." (Deuce)
*Nods along* (Grim, Epel, and Jack)
Grim the ever-competitive raccoon suggested playing something in the Wonder Link, sponsored by Idia.
"I bet I could score higher than you guys in Star Rouge!"
"Oh you're on, you talking raccoon!" (Ace)
"I'm not a raccoon!" (Grim)
Grim lost 2 times in a row.
"Fngha, Henchman! Win for me!"
You won those 2 losses back.
"Stop acting as if you won." (Jack)
"We count as one student, so I can say I won!" (Grim)
"That's not how that works..." (Epel)
"I can't hear losers!" (Grim)
"From what I heard you have 10 steps to do before you sleep in Pomifiore?"
"Yeah..." With a seemingly heavy heart, he sighed after he answered. "Don't get me started in our morning routine..."
As you were gossiping with the others, until sudden loud knocks and a familiarly loud voice yelled out. "Human!" Catching the other's attention with his ever-so-loud voice.
"Isn't that Sebek?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Sebek."
With a sigh, you decided to drag your tired body to the front door. "yow, what do you need Sebek?"
Long story short, he was tricked by Lilia to be part of the pajama party.
"Ace you cheating!-" (Epel)
"What is Wonder Link?" (Sebek)
"I honestly don't know too, man." (Yuu)
"I think it's something you can play games in?" (Jack)
(Literally in front of them)
"It's like our parents watching us, trying to understand what we're doing." (Ace)
(Glances behind them) "Yeah lol." (Epel)
"Epel, calm down!" (Deuce)
"GRAHHHHH!" (Epel)
After everyone joined Epel with his skincare routine(bonding), everybody seemed to have lost all their adrenaline from gaming earlier.
With the moon high up in the sky, almost all the first years seemed to have tired themselves out, since some of them had even passed out in the living room with their bodies littering the floor. Seemingly not caring how they are literally on the floor.
"Jack, can you help me carry them to their beds?" You asked as you pointed to the two passed-out idiots on the floor as you hoisted Grim up, making him grumble a little but after readjusting himself in your arms he continued to sleep like a log.
Jack nodded as he tried to keep his eyes open, seemingly a bit sleepy after all the trouble his friends made him go through.
"If you're tired, just let them lay on the couches." You said as you chuckled at him shaking his head and following you to their rooms.
"Thank you, Jack."
You covered Grim's ears as you shouted for the other two who were barely awake at this point. "Epel! Sebek!"
You hear a very weak "Yeah?" from Epel as he lies on the couch with no energy left in his body,
"Come on, you guys have rooms."
After what felt like an eternity (for them) all of them have finally gone to their respective rooms in the Onboro dorm.
"Thank you, Prefect..." You hear Epel mumble before he crashes onto his bed.
"Goodnight Prefect..." You hear Ace mumble as he subtly tries to drag you down onto his bed with him.
"Thanks, Prefect" You hear Deuce weakly mumble as he buries his head onto the pillow.
"Thank you and goodnight, Prefect." Jack said before he nodded and closed his door.
"I appreciate you for letting me in...Prefect." Sebek said although you could barely make out what he said at the end before he closed the door on you.
"I can't believe I hang out with these losers."
"But at least they're your losers!"
You glanced at the mirror in your room as you set Grim down who grumbled and reached out for you.
"You're right, they're the best losers I never asked for."
"Goodnight Mickey."
The dorm leaders honest reaction to the sleepover:
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Authors note: Its been weeks when will i ever post this?
AUTHORS NOTE 2: not proofread at all.
Authors note 4: reblogs and comments are appreciated ehe
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mell0wjello · 2 months
OK, i reeeeally like your writing style, so i'm going to make my first request 🫶
savanaclaw with a reader who, when they get nervous, do they end up cooking? as if it were a uncontrollable habit, yk? and what would happen if, one day, they got so nervous that they ended up having a big feast?
TYYY ANONN <333 Im loving the creativity of these requests so ofc !! I'm kind of scared of writing for Savanaclaw (some parts might be ooc) but I’ll do it just for you
𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓪 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓻
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Since Leona learned about your little habit, he’s been accepting what he can from you. He’s very picky. He won’t eat anything that’s been out for 2 days, and absolutely no veggies. Much to his dismay though, you keep bringing them to him, and you’ve joined in on Ruggie’s nagging to eat the dreaded items. He had to admit though, the way you prepared them made it much easier for him to keep down.
He takes what he can, and the leftovers go to Ruggie, who's always happy to get food on his plate. Savanaclaw was well-fed during exam seasons, and you also seemed much more relaxed when you brought over a few snacks. Leona enjoyed eating something other than cafeteria food, and the food you prepared was much tastier by a landslide.
Finals week rolled around, and Leona knew what this implied for you. As the only magic-less student on campus, there was pressure on you to uphold a decent grade. You'd stay all day holed up at Ramshackle, presumably studying, so Leona didn't care to interrupt you. As much as he avoided studying, he understood the stakes for you and let you be, although he advised you to take breaks in between.
That's why he didn't mind your text saying you'd be bringing dinner later. You'd finally decided to tear yourself away from the books and give yourself a break, so Leona left you on read as his way of giving you permission. A while later, there was a knock on his door. You were at his door, asking for him to come down. The smell of your cooking wafted into his dorm room and the sound of students chattering rang out from outside.
"What's that racket outside?" Leona stepped out and looked over at the lounge below, seeing half the dorm crowded around a table filled with a variety of different dishes, all still hot and fresh. He had to take a second to admire the incredible amount of food, threatening to rival the one at the royal palace.
"Oh," you said from behind him,
"I brought over dinner. Didn't I text you about it?"
Leona turned his eyes to you in subtle annoyance. You had joined his side and looked down at the lounge as well, a hint of pride glimmering in your eyes.
"Yes, you did but..." Leona groaned, pinching the space in between his furrowed brows. When you said you'd be bringing dinner, he didn't imagine it to blow to this proportion. Although part of him wanted to admonish you, he recognized no ill intent in your actions and besides, your tired demeanor had been wiped off your face when you knocked on his door. If this is what it took for you to finally return to your usual bubbly self, he decided he didn't mind.
"You really are a handful, you know that?" Leona sighed, making his way to join the rest of his dorm. You followed close behind him, jokingly urging him to quicken his step, or his dormmates would finish everything before he got there. Plenty of food and plenty of drinks were passed around that night, and lots of laughter and conversations were shared. There was enough food for everyone to eat their fill, and Leona ate quite a lot too. You were talking with Jack and Ruggie when you noticed the abnormal absence of a snarky comment.
You turned to look at Leona, but he wasn't in his seat. Instead, he was laying down on a nearby couch, arms thrown under his head, slowly falling asleep. The three of you had to hold back your laughter. Who would've thought that even Leona would get sleepy after a big meal? You sneaked in closer to him, looking how his chest began to rise and lower with his breath, and the small wrinkling of his nose. It was at times like these that you wished you still had your cellphone with you. The other two joined in. Ruggie sneaked his phone from his pocket, cautiously opening the camera to take a picture. As if sensing imminent danger, you and Jack stepped away. Ruggie was framing Leona’s sleeping expression, but his ears perked up and his eyes shot open.
All 3 of your hearts dropped simultaneously, feeling like prey cornered by your predatory upperclassman. In a moment of fight or flight, the three of you darted away, knowing deep down that you wouldn’t be able to outrun him, but still trying nonetheless to escape from peril.
𝓡𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓑𝓾𝓬𝓬𝓱𝓲
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Ruggie, for one, adored this little habit of yours. He loved having you around. Especially during big tests or events on campus, if you were there it meant that there was food on his plate. Such a good cook you were too! He’d get to try so many new things, and so much tastier and filling than dandelions.
Ruggie never minded at all when there was a knock at his door and he found you handing him a basket full of sweets and pastries. If it let you blow off steam and it kept his stomach full, he saw no reason for concern. Hell, he’d even come over to Ramshackle to ask for the food himself, even during seasons when your cooking habit was more or less controlled.
However, as much as he loved your cooking, even he was shocked when he came to Ramshackle today. He knew that lately you’d been feeling very nervous about the upcoming exams, and there was a constant flux of baskets coming to his dorm step. The outside of Ramshackle smelled like heaven on earth for Ruggie. He cheerfully knocked on your door as he always did, expecting the usual basket full of baked goods.
Instead, he was greeted by a grim figure resembling your usual image with a mixing bowl in hand. Dark circles rimmed your eyes and your normally lively skin was now ghastly pale, yet somehow you still stirred the bowl steadily. Ruggie choked on seemingly nothing and took a step back, thinking your habit had finally done you in and turned you into one of your roommates. The figure spoke in a bizarrely clear voice.
"Ruggie! Uh, you're here for your basket, right? Umm..." You laughed awkwardly, trying to come up with something to say.
The sound of your usual voice broke Ruggie out of his baffled state, allowing concern to set in.
"Prefect?! I barely recognized you! Did you sleep at all?" He spouted anxiously, but you seemed to hardly be fazed.
"Oh yeah... I couldn't really sleep," You said nervously.
"My hands kind of started moving on their own, and before I realized," you laughed a little more to alleviate the distress leaking into your voice. With a sigh, you gave in.
"Well, I think you'd better look at it yourself"
You opened the door and invited him in to reveal the lounge of Ramshackle, the sole table crowded with plate upon plate of mouth-watering dishes. Ruggie's eyes widened at the sight, his ears perked up and his tail began to wag side to side.
"It's a lot, and I still have some more in the kitchen. I don't really know what to do with it," you said admittedly.
"surely not even you could take all this?" You referred to Ruggie, who was still staring. There was so much. Too much. Not even he could handle all that. But…
“I’ll take it no problem” Ruggie claimed despite the doubt in your voice.
"What? Ruggie, this is way too much! You can't eat all this before half of it goes to waste."
"Who says it's for me? I can bring it back home. It'll keep granny and the other folks fed for days!" He countered, already heading to grab some of the plates from the table.
"Ohhh! You're right! We should probably get several baskets for this..." You said as you went into the kitchen, taking out a few baskets that you were planning on giving Ruggie later.
The both of you stuffed and wrapped as much food as you could and placed it into the baskets, overflowing each one. With a little help from magic, the both of you arrived at Savanaclaw carrying mountains of baskets, warranting the stares of some of the other dorm members. Ruggie didn’t mind though, he could only think about bringing all these goods back home as soon as possible.
𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓗𝓸𝔀𝓵
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Jack was a little anxious when he found out. At first, he thought that cooking might get in the way and such a task could potentially disturb your daily routine, although you seemed to manage it relatively fine and you were undeniably good at it. The Savanaclaw kitchen was a deserted place, so after talking with Leona, Jack would invite you over to use it instead since it was bound to be way nicer than Ramshackle's. He's doing it EXCLUSIVELY because he thinks it'll be putting their kitchen to better use. He'll never tell you it was out of concern.
Lending you his dorm kitchen also meant that he was allowed special access to all the baked goods you made. This was one of the reasons he decided to take that initiative too, although he would never admit it directly either. His tail was a different story though. The way it energetically wagged from side to side as you handed him a plate gave away everything you needed to know. At the end of the day, you were relieving your stress and he got to taste your cooking, so what was there not to like?
You came often to Savanaclaw, always busying away in the kitchen, but nowadays, you would spend the majority of your time in there. Jack took notice of this, and he also observed how you were more on edge and nervous lately. On a particularly stressful day for you, he peeked inside the kitchen to check up on you. There was an unfamiliar scent in the air. You were cutting up something on the counter, something you hadn't made yet. Jack curiously comes up to you.
“What’s that?” He asks, looking at the unknown dish you were preparing. It looked sort of odd, but it did smell good.
You smile at him lightly, a crease of melancholy tugging at the corner of your mouth.
“You wouldn’t know it,” you cut the last piece and add it to the plate, finishing the dish.
“It’s a little something I used to make back home. Rather, I tried my best to replicate it with what I have.” You say, pulling out 2 utensils from one of the drawers.
“Would you like to try some?” You ask Jack, who has unapologetically been following the plate with his eyes. He nods, and you hand him the other utensil. He quickly takes a bite, his face first showing subtle confusion, quickly followed by an expression of satisfaction.
You giggle, relieving some of the sadness you felt. You hand the boy the plate, happy at your successful attempt of imitating such a comforting dish. Your hands move on their own as you talk to him again,
“Lately I’ve been feeling real homesick. I suppose I just wanted something to alleviate that feeling.” Your hands reach for some fruits and you place them on the cutting board.
Jack listens to you, looking back at the plate and at your working hands. He sets the now empty plate on the sink, washing it along with his hands, and comes over to you.
“What can I do to help?”
You turn to the beastman by your side, giving him a confused look.
“Help me with what?” You ask, resting the knife on the board.
“Well, you’re feeling down right now,” Jack replied honestly. He continues,
“And you’re always cooking stuff for us so…” Jack averted his gaze and crossed his arms, but you could see some pink rise to his cheeks as he spoke.
“I figured the least I could do is help you with it.”
Your face softened into a smile, although Jack's was flustered. Suppose that if he knew how to use a knife and stir, he could be of use in the kitchen.
"Sure! Here's what you can do." You hand him a couple of ingredients and you take out measuring cups. You run Jack through the basic steps of making a traditional dish from your country as he listens intently. You glance back from your own duties every now and to give pointers and see that Jack, although clumsy at times, is doing a fine job. Soon enough, you give him instructions for another task, then another, and another. Before any of you realize it, you're surrounded by pots and plates full of food. You're stirring one of the pans sitting on the stove when you feel Jack tap you on the shoulder.
"You done?" You ask, thinking that he's done with boiling the veggies, but instead, he gives you a concerned response.
"Prefect... I think we've been at it for too long" He motions for you to look at the rest of the kitchen. You follow his nod with a gasp to see the entire space filled with way too much food for just the two of you.
"Oh, shit" you muttered under your breath. What were you going to do with all of this?
"Leona's going to be mad if he finds this" Your mind raced at the thought of how pissed Leona would be if a herbivore like you was making a mess in his kitchen.
Jack proposed, "Do you think we could give this out without him finding out?". It wasn't a bad idea.
"Hmm. Do you think your dormmates will eat this?" You looked at the food. It was nothing regional, that's for sure. You wondered if they'll like recipes from another world.
"Yeah! They'll eat anything really, especially Ruggie." Jack grinned at you, showing off his canines.
The both of you got to work, sectioning off everything into trays that would be easy to hand out and leaving a little bit of food for the both of you as well. You set out to knock on rooms to deliver the food. Once that task was done, you could go back to the kitchen to enjoy what was left. Everything tastes so much better when you're proud of what you've cooked.
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 months
14. “That was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it.”
jack has been pinning after quinn’s grumpy best friend and she won’t admit how fond she is off him and they finally kiss and she tries to play it off but jacks knows :)
Prompt: “That was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it.”
Note: I’m literally was brainstorming ideas for these prompt requests while driving to work today and literally making voice notes of my ideas 😂 this one ended up a little on the longer side i feel, but hopefully it’s still good :)
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“Well I know who you’re most excited to see.”
Glancing at your friend you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, knowing exactly who she was talking about.
“More like who I’m going to avoid at all costs.”
Your friend just shaking her head, she along with everyone in your friend group knew how you secretly felt about Jack. But you’d never admit it. Not even to Quinn, his own brother and your best friend for years.
You and Quinn met first, then he slowly introduced you to his brothers, knowing they could be a lot to handle when all together. Luke you didn’t mind, but something about Jack just got under your skin. His confident cocky attitude, the way he was literally good at everything he did, his adorable smile and the way his laugh lit up a room. No, y/n, shut up. Nothing about Jack Hughes was anything to blush over.
“Gonna be kind of hard when we all are stuck on a boat together. And when Jack looks like that.” Your friend pulling down her sunglasses to get a look at Jack, in just his swim trunks as he helped Quinn load up the boat.
Since Jack’s shoulder surgery you’d heard that he’d been hitting the gym pretty hard. And it was sure paying off, sure you admit that he looked good. But you didn’t dare tell him, not needing to boost his ego any further.
“Oh lord…just another thing for him to brag about.”
Rolling your eyes you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the adventure this day would be. Trying your best to not be a total jerk all day and have some fun.
Quinn waved at the two of you as you approached the boat, Luke taking your bags and setting them on the deck.
“Okay, so Jack and I got pretty much everything ready to go. The only thing left to pack is the cooler, y/n do you mind going to pack that? You’re the go to bartender around here.”
Flashing a smile to Quinn you accepted the task and headed into the garage of the lake house. Eyeing up all the alcohol in the fridge and trying to decide what to bring.
After getting an initial idea, you scanned the room for the cooler, only to find it on the top shelf completely out of reach.
“How the fuck do the Hughes boys reach that? No way one of them got that thing up there.”
Rolling your eyes you tried to find anything that could help you reach, opting to try and stand on a few cases of beer. Only to still be a few inches short.
“Can I help?”
The playful tone of Jack’s voice echoing through the garage and making you cringe. Of course he shows up, loving the fact that you needed him when he knew the feeling was killing you inside.
“Nope, I can do it myself.” Trying to stand on your tippy toes, you swiped for the cooler, only to miss and stumble off the piled of beer boxes. Bracing yourself to fall face first, you shut your eyes tight, only to be caught by the arms of Jack.
His arms that were now much bigger than you’d remembered, his skin sun kissed from being out on the boat all morning, your heart racing from the fall, but also the closeness of the two of you.
“Are you okay?”
He slightly chuckled as he helped you back to your feet, his arms still wrapped around you as he smiled down at you. Sensing how nervous you’d become. Your heart racing as you looked back up at him, not noticing his face moving closer to yours.
Before you could react, he’d placed a kiss on your lips, nothing crazy, testing the waters more so to gauge your reaction. And when you didn’t pull away, Jack knew he’d gotten through your cold act you kept up with him.
“I’ll take that as a yes, and dare I say, I think I make you nervous y/n.”
Scoffing you quickly threw drinks into the cooler, flustered as you just wanted to get onto the boat as quickly as possible.
“That was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it Jack Hughes.”
Reaching for the cooler, your arm practically popping out of place at the weight of all the drinks. Jack laughing as he came over to help.
“If I help with the cooler do I get a kiss for that too?”
“You wish Hughes.”
Rolling your eyes you took your hand from the cooler, leaving him to carry it all by himself.
“Hey! What gives?”
“Well you’re loving showing off your new muscles, so I thought you could put them to work.”
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letsgetrowdy43 · 18 days
A room of our own—
Jack Hughes x Fem!Reader
Request: Hi! I’m not sure if we can combine the prompts but if so could I please request 🐞with the prompts, “Okay, we need to decide whose bedroom it is that's going to be ours from now on. I feel like I'm back in high school, sneaking from one to the other every second night!" (Roommates to lovers), and hearing them snore a little for the first time, maybe the snoring is small, quiet and you can't help but giggle since it's kind of cute, or maybe it's quite loud and you realize you plan to spend the rest of your life with this. With Jacky, love your writing!!
Warnings/notes: Thank you so much love <3 This is a little suggestive, but sos so sweet so please enjoy!!
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End of summer celebration!!
Jack stirred awake, the early morning sunlight filtered through his linen curtains. A yawn erupted from his mouth as he turned on his side to be face to face with his girlfriend, eyes still fighting off sleep as he noticed that she was already awake. His girlfriend lay on her side, propped up on one elbow, watching him with a soft smile as he reached out her hand to fix his messy curls, grinning at his bedhead as he caught her hand and pressed a gentle kiss to the inside of her wrist.
She had grown used to waking up and seeing him first thing in the morning, but today felt a little different— waking up under the same covers as him, limbs tangled with his felt like the start of something more permanent.
“Morning,” she whispered, brushing a few strands of hair away from his forehead. He smiled sleepily, reaching out to pull her closer, his face buried in her neck as he soaked up the intimacy of waking up with her by his side. “Morning,” he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep as she smiled into the crown of his head.
She hesitated for a moment before speaking, her tone light but with a hint of seriousness as she thought back to the night before—the whispered conversations, the laughter, the warmth of their bodies pressed together under the covers. “Okay,” she began, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on his back, grinning at the feeling of his gentle grasp on her hips as he pulled her hips to his, “we need to decide whose bedroom it is that’s going to be ours from now on. I feel like I’m back in high school, sneaking from one to the other every second night!”
Jack lifted his head slightly, blinking away the last remnants of sleep as he processed her words. A slow smile spread across his face, and he chuckled softly. “Yeah, it’s about time we figure that out, huh? Feels like we’ve been playing house without actually picking the house.” She giggled, the sound vibrating through him as he held her close. “Exactly! I mean, it’s fun sneaking around, but I think it’s time we make it official. No more sneaking.”
He grinned, his fingers brushing along her side. “Agreed. Let’s pick our spot. Maybe we should just flip a coin.” She laughed, shaking her head at the simplicity of his suggestion. “Or we could, you know, think about it logically? Your room is closer to the bathroom, but mine has better light and decor…”
Jack smirked, leaning in to kiss her lips, a slow, mind-melting kiss that had her brain foggy the second he pulled away to smirk as he continued their conversation “Or we could just alternate, keep things interesting.”
She rolled her eyes playfully. “You’re impossible, you know that?” Jack shook his head as he flipped himself on top of her and began pressing kisses to her exposed skin, "I. Am. Not," he said in between the sloppy kisses.
She laughed at his lack of seriousness before her hands cupped his cheeks and pulled his face up to look at her, "if you want to think logistically, my room is cuter and it is the furthest away from Luke," her eyes telling of what she was implying as the kisses stopped and he grinned at her genius. "You're so smart," he kissed her collarbone, "I don't know how I got so lucky," he pressed a second kiss to her sternum as she laughed at his lust-blown pupils.
She laughed, her hands still cradling his face as she looked down at him. “Well, you’re not too bad yourself,” she teased, her tone playful as she ran her fingers through his messy hair. “But seriously, if we’re going to be sharing a room, there’s something else we need to address.”
Jack paused, lifting his head to look at her with a curious expression, a grinning pulling at his lips, expecting a cheeky joke, “Oh? What’s that?” She hesitated for a moment, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheekbone, “You snore. Loudly.”
His eyes widened in mock horror, and he immediately rolled off her, sitting up on the bed, “I do not!” She couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction, sitting up beside him and poking his side as she grinned at his dramatics, “Oh, but you do! It’s like a little rumble, but you know what? It’s actually kind of cute.”
Jack groaned, burying his face in his hands for a moment before peeking at her through his fingers, as she dipped down once again and kissed the scar on his shoulder, “You think my snoring is cute?”
She nodded, her smile softening as she reached out to take his hand, their fingers intertwined as she scooted closer to his side. “Yeah, I do. It’s just… you. And if I’m being honest, I don’t really mind it. It’s part of what makes this whole thing—” she gestured between them, “—feel real. Like we’re really doing this, you know?” Jack’s expression softened, and he squeezed her hand, pulling her even closer until their foreheads touched. “Well, if you can put up with my snoring, then I guess I can handle your room being ‘cuter’ than mine,” he said with a grin.
She laughed, leaning in to press a sloppy, teeth clashing, smile wide kiss to his lips, the playfulness of the moment blending with the deeper emotion they both felt. “Deal,” she whispered against his mouth.
As they lay back down, tangled in each other once more, the thought of Jack’s snoring no longer seemed like an issue. It was just one of the many little things that made their relationship theirs—imperfect, but perfect in its own way.
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felinecyan · 2 months
Wonders of the Skies
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[Keigo Takami x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: When he finds himself bored, stressed, or tired… he seeks comfort in not only the stars, but his favorite spot to relax, right on your balcony.
WC: 3634
Category: Fluff, Pre-Rise of Villains arc
Since my other fics are filled with angsty drama (and my birthday is officially four days away 🗣️), I decided to be nice and drop one that’s full-on fluff. Enjoy ☺️
The stars being out should've been his first sign. The clouds were thin, the night sky clear of any smog, and the wind was still. A beautiful night. The perfect night for such a tiring day.
He was all over the place with his schedule. Between patrolling his section of Musutafu, taking reports from his informants, and training his little fledgling, he could barely catch a breath. Not to mention, he had to deal with the paperwork that came from the Hero Commission.
So he was exhausted. He needed a breather—something to make his body relax after being worked so hard. So, wishful thinking and a bit of insomnia were the perfect excuse for him not to enter the warmth of his apartment.
And there you were. Standing on your balcony, leaning against the railing as the soft breeze of the night blew. The moon's soft glow reflected against your skin and hair. The way the light framed your face and illuminated your skin was nothing short of beautiful.
You had no idea he was there, standing on the rooftop just above your apartment building. He always did this. On nights when he felt the weight of his responsibilities too much, he would come to you.
Your apartment was one of the tallest buildings in his area. It gave him a bird's eye view of everything below, the perfect vantage point for him to keep a watchful eye out for anything suspicious.
It was just an added bonus that you were here.
The first time he came here, he only stayed for a couple of minutes before returning home. He was just checking the place out and getting familiar with the area. Then, he found you.
He saw how you leaned on the railing of the balcony, gazing at the night sky and humming along to a tune only you knew. It was something he was familiar with, something that soothed his mind, but he couldn't figure out where he had heard it before.
So, he asked you in the most subtle way possible.
"What are you humming?"
And the reaction you had was enough to make his forced smile genuine.
Thinking back on it, he probably shouldn't have popped up like a damn jack-in-the-box. You were peacefully enjoying the night sky until you looked up into his upside-down face and nearly had a heart attack.
His first meeting with you was definitely memorable.
He remembered the look of absolute shock and fear as you stared into his face. And then he remembered the moment your expression shifted into one of irritation as you scolded him for scaring the hell out of you.
You, scolding the number three hero for scaring you. You had some serious guts to do something like that.
That's what intrigued him about you in the first place. It was a nice refresher when comparing you to his... "fanbase."
But he was getting off-topic.
As he gazed at you from the rooftop, he felt his eyes soften. It was odd how you had this effect on him.
Just looking at you made him feel relaxed. Not to mention your voice, how sweet and comforting it sounded. Even if you were just humming, you still held his attention.
He could listen to your voice all day.
He let out a quiet sigh as he leaned on the railing of the roof. From up here, you seemed so small, almost insignificant compared to the size of his city. But, in his mind, you were much bigger than the city itself.
He couldn't quite explain why, but there was something about you that made him feel comfortable. Your presence alone was enough to make him feel at peace.
With one final sigh, he hopped down from the rooftop. He wasn't properly wearing his headpiece, but it was fine. He didn't mind the whistle of the wind in his ears. It was only for a few seconds, anyway.
In no time at all, right before he hit the ground, he snapped open his wings and caught the wind. He watched as you nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of his boots thudding against your metal railing. You spun around, looking like a deer caught in headlights, only to glare at him when you realized who was the cause of your heart stopping.
"Jeez, Hawks," You placed a hand over your chest. "A warning would be nice."
He chuckled as he landed in front of you. His wings were open wide, the tips of his feathers brushing against the edges of the railing. "But then I wouldn't get to see that adorable look on your face."
You huffed and crossed your arms, your glare still in place. It didn't seem like you were really mad, though. There was a twitch in your lips that made him smirk.
There were some things he could really struggle with, but deciphering all the emotions and expressions on people's faces? That was easy. It was something he needed to learn when he was younger, and while he might not use the skill often, he was still happy to have it.
It helped him get a read on people, and more importantly, it helped him know villains and criminals.
And, occasionally, it helped him figure out what the hell you were thinking.
"How was work today?" You asked, already forgiving him for scaring the shit out of you. "Busy?"
"Eh, the usual," he waved off. "Patrol was a breeze. A couple of muggers were caught stealing purses, but that's about it."
He watched as you tilted your head, your brow raised. "You're not telling me the whole story."
"Well, what can I say?" He shrugged, finally hopping down from the railing. He stretched out his wings and folded them against his back. "I'm a man of many talents. Gotta keep some of the fun parts to myself, right?"
You scoffed, opting to stare at the city below rather than give him a response. He didn't mind, though. He liked looking at you, whether it was your face or the scenery.
"What about you?" He asked, stepping beside you. "How was your day?"
"Good." You sighed. "I'm happy it's Friday. I needed this break."
He chuckled. "Don't we all?"
Though, he never really took breaks. Well, not proper ones, at least. The closest he got to a vacation was going undercover for an extended period of time. But that was far from relaxing.
"I had to set up a surprise party for one of my friends," you said, a tired smile on your face. "Well, technically, I didn't have to, but I wanted to. He's been through a lot recently, so I thought it would help lift his spirits a bit."
"Sounds like a fun time," Keigo mused, a smile on his face. "What's the occasion?"
"Oh, his birthday," you answered, your gaze shifting back to the city. "I've never celebrated his birthday, so this is the first time I've ever thrown a party for him. I'm honestly a bit worried that it won't be good."
Keigo hummed and turned to face the city. "I'm sure he'll love it. It's the thought that counts, right?"
"Yeah." You laughed quietly, looking at the sky. "I just hope he'll enjoy it."
For a few moments, silence enveloped the two of you. A comfortable one, but still silence. It gave him the time to appreciate the view in front of him.
Sure, the city lights were bright, and the air was a little stuffy, but the moon's light and the stars' glittering made it worth it, especially when they were reflected in your eyes.
You looked ethereal.
"I've always wondered what it would be like to fly," you said softly as if the sound of your voice would disturb the stars. "What it would feel like to soar through the sky. Just imagine the view."
He looked at you, watching your expression carefully. You didn't notice his eyes on you. Instead, your attention was on the sky, your gaze full of wonder.
He hummed, a mischievous smirk on his face. "Want a demonstration?"
You snapped your head towards him, your eyes wide. "What?"
Without saying a word, he removed the headset against his neck and slid it back where it belonged. He turned his body towards yours and spread his wings, stretching them out. He then reached his hands out to you, his smile growing wider.
"What are you doing?" You asked, eyeing his hands cautiously.
"What do you think?" He retorted. "Come on, take my hands. I won't drop you."
Your expression didn't change. If anything, your wariness grew.
"What?" He teased. "Scared? You don't trust me?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "You know, it's times like these that make me question our friendship."
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, his smile remaining. "Just take my hands. It'll be fun."
For a second, you continued to stare at him. And then you let out a sigh.
"Okay, fine," you muttered, grabbing onto his hands. He figured you probably thought you'd have time to relax and prep yourself, but no. He couldn't be here for too long, and this bird never liked being cooped up.
He only waited long enough to ensure you wouldn't fly out of his arms. Then, with a mighty flap of his wings, he pushed the two of you into the air.
The look on your face was priceless.
He'd seen fear before. Hell, he'd experienced it plenty of times. But seeing it on you? It was hilarious.
Your grip on his arms tightened, and your legs flailed around in a desperate attempt to find something to hold onto. And even though he couldn't hear you, the way your mouth opened was enough to tell him that you were screaming.
His stomach hurt from how hard he was laughing. He wanted to look at your face again, but he didn't want to kill the two of you. So, he opted to keep his focus on the sky above and the city below.
He made sure to avoid the clouds and kept his wings steady. You wanted a demonstration, right? Well, a demonstration you'd get.
He glided through the sky, letting his feathers do the hard work. And while he had been in the air countless times, this felt different.
Usually, when he was flying, it was because he had to save someone. He didn't have time to appreciate the view or take in the fresh air. And even when he had some spare time, he would spend it napping or taking reports from his informants.
But now, he could relax. No emergencies, no patrols, no paperwork, and no informants. It was just him, the stars, and you.
And for once, he felt like a regular guy.
He wasn't Hawks, the number two hero, or the kid with too many feathers and not enough time. He was just a regular guy—someone who could fly and who could show the wonders of the skies.
"You can open your eyes now," he called out, making sure his voice was loud enough to be heard. Of course, he wasn't completely sure they were even closed in the first place, but you were clutching his arms pretty tightly, so he figured it was safe to assume they were.
Slowly, he felt your grip loosen. Your legs stopped moving, and your head turned away from him. Your eyes were closed, and he watched as you hesitantly cracked them open.
He didn't say anything as you stared at the sky, your eyes wide. The look on your face was one he would treasure forever.
Your mouth was parted slightly, your gaze was full of wonder and amazement, and your expression was a mixture of surprise and joy.
It was like a child seeing a new toy.
"Woah," you breathed out, your grip loosening more. "This is... wow."
"Right?" He laughed. "Oh, here, let me lend you some help."
Before you could ask what he meant, the pair of visors against his head detached themselves and flew in front of you. As quickly as they were removed, they were replaced, and he smiled at the gasp that left your lips.
"The wind gets annoying," he explained, a smirk on his face. "This makes it easier to enjoy the view."
"Don't you need them? To see, I mean."
Aw, concerned for his safety. How cute.
"Nah," he waved off, "I've done this plenty of times. My eyes are used to the wind."
You hummed, and then your arms moved up and rested on his shoulders. Your legs stopped flailing around, and your body leaned closer to his. He was glad you did. You were starting to slip.
"Is this better?" He teased, a grin on his face. "No more screaming, I hope?"
You glared at him, though there was no heat behind it. "You know what? Yes, it is. Now, can we please focus on the view?"
He chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. We can."
After a few minutes, your gaze finally left him and settled on the view. He took the chance to look at you, to memorize your features, and to burn the image of you in his mind.
He didn't need the view you needed; he's seen it plenty of times. Instead, he wanted the view he'd never get a chance to see—the one where you were enjoying yourself.
He wished the moment would last longer so that he would have more time to put a smile on your face, but the time flew by. Plus, he needed at least two hours of rest, and it was already close to midnight.
So, he slowly descended back onto the balcony, landing softly and gently. Disappointment was clear on your face as you gave him back his visors and looked at the sky longingly.
He understood. It was the same feeling he had whenever he landed. It was nice being in the sky. It was nice not having a care in the world.
It was nice being free.
"Thanks for that," you said, turning to him with a small smile. "That was amazing."
"You're welcome," he smiled, taking off his headset and resting it against his neck once again. "Hate to ruin the mood, but unfortunately, duty calls."
"Already?" You frowned, "At least stay for some tea."
He would love to, but he really shouldn't. He was already pushing his limit as it was.
"Sorry, doll," he sighed. "Another time, okay?"
You let out a quiet hum and looked at the city. He followed your gaze, and for a second, the two of you stood in silence.
He couldn't believe it's been three months.
It felt like yesterday that he found you on the balcony. Now, you were standing in front of him, offering him a drink, and he was about to reject it.
But he couldn't, not today. Today, he needed to leave.
With a sigh, he turned towards the railing and stretched his wings. His boots scraped against the metal bars as he climbed up, his feet finding purchase on the railing. He looked back at you, his wings twitching as he prepared to take flight.
He froze, his body turning towards you. He cocked his head to the side and watched as you walked towards him.
"Before you go," you said, a hand reaching into your pocket. You pulled out a key, its surface shining brightly from the moon's light. "I wanted to give you this."
He felt his heart drop as he took the key. He looked down at it, his fingers grazing over the metal.
"That... surprise party I mentioned earlier? I'm going to change it to a dinner," you said, giving him a gentle smile. "I feel it aligns with your schedule better; more of a chance for you to drop by, you know?"
He felt his eyes soften, and a small smile formed on his face.
"Why change the entire birthday party because of me?" He asked, raising a brow. "Shouldn't it be what your friend wants? Since it's his special day and all that?"
"Well, yeah, but—" You hesitated. "I mean... don't you look at dates? You know what date it's going to be in... I don't know, five minutes?"
He raised a brow, the smile on his face widening.
"It's going to be the 28th of December."
"Yes, and...?"
You blinked.
"What do you mean, and?"
"Do you want the exact time and minute, too?"
Your lips were parted, and your eyes were wide. He couldn't help but laugh at the look on your face. You looked so shocked, so surprised.
"I can't believe it," you mumbled, your mouth finally closing. "So, you're telling me that it is so insignificant that you can't even remember the date of your own birthday?"
That smile of his... faltered.
His heart dropped.
His stomach twisted.
His blood turned cold.
What did you just say?
"My birthday?" He croaked, his voice barely above a whisper. Oh, how his voice shook.
"Yes, your birthday," you replied. "When's the last time you celebrated it?"
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His mind was blank. He couldn't remember. Of course, he knew what tomorrow was; he always made himself aware of the date, but what about the day itself? He didn't have a clue.
He'd never celebrated his birthday, not since the Commission took him. There wasn't a reason to, and there wasn't a need for it. You had asked him when it was three weeks ago, and he remembered every conversation and figured it was plain curiosity.
He thought you'd forgotten.
"Are you okay?"
His eyes snapped towards yours, and the concern in them almost made him fall. Almost.
"I... got it right, didn't I?" You whispered, taking a step towards him. "I didn't just mess up your date, did I?"
"No, no, you didn't." He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "It's just that... well, I haven't celebrated my birthday in a long time. I... honestly didn't think I was missing out on much."
You hummed and nodded to the key in his hand. "Well, how about we start now?"
He looked down at the object in his hands. His fingers brushed over the smooth surface. It felt warm against his skin, almost as if it were inviting him.
"Tomorrow, we'll celebrate your birthday," you continued, your voice soft and comforting. "Whenever you can. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to make it, and I'm okay with that, but if you can, then that's great."
"I—" He looked at you, his eyes shining. "How'd you know I'd visit tonight?"
You snorted, a small smile on your face. "You always visit on Tuesdays. I didn't have high hopes, but I'm glad I did it anyway."
He was stunned. Speechless, even. He didn't even realize every time he visited was on a Tuesday. Hell, he didn't even know he had a schedule.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" You nudged him gently. "Go home. Get some rest. Stop by tomorrow if you can, or just enjoy the day. Either way, happy birthday, Hawks."
His wings twitched, and a warmth filled his chest. His eyes softened, and his lips curved upwards.
You faltered, your brows furrowed in confusion.
"Huh? You want me to leave?"
"You said 'okay go' so—"
"No, no, that's not what I—" He let out a groan and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm saying, Keigo. Call me Keigo."
He was starting to regret this.
"My name," he clarified, looking at you. "Keigo Takami. That's my name. You don't have to call me Hawks, not if I can call you by your name. Just... uh, don't go around calling me that, you know? Keep it a secret. Between us. Yeah?"
He cringed. God, he sounded so awkward.
But it didn't matter because you evidently didn't hear the stutters and the hesitation in his voice. Or maybe you did and were nice enough not to point it out.
Either way, a wide smile was on your face, and your eyes were bright.
"Happy birthday then, Keigo."
Oh, he wasn't used to this. Hearing his name was a new experience. It's been so long, so, so long since he heard it. Honestly, it's been so long, and his brain was trying so hard to connect his name to him.
He missed hearing his name.
He loved his name.
"Thank you," he smiled, and it was the most genuine smile he's ever made.
And then he jumped. His wings spread, and he took off into the night. But unlike the other times, he didn't go straight home.
Instead, he went higher, higher, higher. Until he couldn't, and then he stopped, his gaze fixed on the sky.
There were so many stars, and the moon was big and bright. The wind was harsh, but he didn't mind. He was used to it, after all.
But what he wasn't used to was the warmth in his chest. It was foreign and strange, but he liked it. He liked the way it made him feel, and he wanted to keep it forever.
And so, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. And, without a doubt in his mind, he said the words that were stuck in his throat for so long.
"Happy birthday to me."
Because not even two minutes after he left, on the 28th of December, 00:01 AM, he received a text from you:
The key wasn't your actual gift, by the way, so make sure you eventually swing by, whether it be tomorrow or next week.
Again, happy birthday!
And then warm feeling in his chest only grew
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coralinnii · 1 year
❋Keeping your scrunchie for you❋
Who would keep your scrunchie for you, and would even do your hair feat: Ace ⭑ Sebek ⭑ Azul ⭑ Jack genre: fluff, humor note: reader has hair that uses scrunchies, reader has hair for long hair hairstyles, established relationships, no pronouns used,
I know it's been a while but I have been meaning to write. I just have what I'm calling Silver Syndrome where I fall asleep at any given moment and lose track of time ^_^' whoops
This is sorta self-indulgent since I’m also guilty of always forgetting my hair ties at my friend’s place and when I need one, they would come to me with their arm filled with them xD. Since then, we would always have spares on each other in case any of us need them. 
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Getting him to keep it
At first he was gonna tease you. What? Do you feel the need to lay claim on him that you want to leave something of yours on him for all to see? You know there’s more than a hair tie you can leave on him- 
Oh, you’re just forgetful and you want to have a spare on him if you need one? You guys are practically attached to the hip so there’s logic to it, to you anyway. 
He's so gonna fight you on it. It’s one thing to ask him to keep spare some small hair ties on him, heck if you let him use them on occasion he wouldn’t mind at all. But it was those poofy, colorful scrunchies that he can’t even hide underneath his jacket sleeve. 
But he loses this fight with you (he always does when it comes to you) and ends up with a cutesy hair tie that contrasts heavily against his black school jacket. He had to fight the embarrassed flush every time he got teased, especially by his upperclassmen like Cater and Floyd. 
Don’t let his loud complaining fool you, though. Despite all the teases, he still keeps your scrunchie out in the open when he could have easily stuffed it in his pocket. He secretly likes fidgeting with it during class, partly since it’s really soft and partly that it reminds him of you. He thinks a lot about how pretty you look when you have your hair up. 
Would he tie your hair?
Yes, but he wasn't great at it. At first, he can do a simple ponytail but that’s all he really knows about hairstyles. I mean, he only ever ties his bangs back so he’s not the most creative in the hair department. 
Have some patience with him as he sometimes messes up and gets your hair tangled. He’s a fast learner so he’ll get the hang of it. 
Once he’s used to it, he’ll start experimenting with your hair by giving you goofy hairdos like a unicorn horn on your head. He once tried to make round cartoon-like “ears” with your hair for giggles. But he always offers to brush your hair back to normal each and every time. 
Actually, Ace likes to mess with your hair a lot more often now because this gives him a chance to brush your hair. He enjoys the intimacy of the activity, like you two are in your own little world with no one to disturb you. He can spend hours just running his fingers through your hair while you chat about anything and everything. 
“Hey, stop moving around so much! Don’t go complaining to me if this new hairdo turns out bad”
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Getting him to keep it
Definitely gonna fight you on this. He argued that you should be responsible enough to remember to keep spares on you at all times. It’s your own fault for being so forgetful about your own things. Plus, it goes against his dress code and he can’t bear to ruin Malleus’ reputation just because his loyal knight has a bright puffy scrunchie on his wrist.
You decided it’s fine if he can’t do it but it did bum you out a bit. Imagining the serious Sebek with your bright scrunchie on his wrist would be the cutest thing to see but you didn’t want to push it if it caused this much arguing. 
But Sebek noticed your declining mood and started to have conflicted thoughts because of it. Would it really make you that happy to see him with that tacky thing on his arm? 
The next day, Sebek came up to you and wordlessly raised his arm towards you. Confused, you asked the green-haired freshman what’s wrong. 
“...I shall allow it” 
Apparently, Sebek couldn’t get your sad face out of his head all day yesterday, ruining his mood and causing him to stress out with worry. Lost as to what to do, he did what he tends to do in these situations, and asked Lilia for advice. The older fae chuckled at poor Sebek and assured him that a trivial piece of fabric would hardly ruin Malleus’ image so he is free to decide what he wants to do. 
And Sebek wants to make you happy. 
“Give me your cursed scrunchie, human”
Would he tie your hair?
Again, he’s going to fight you on this. He claims he has better things to do but really he’s just terrible with styling hair and was scared if you didn’t like his work. Unless you want your hair gelled up like his, he doesn’t know what else he can really do with hair in general. 
Still, you encouraged him to try and with you boosting his courage, he started trying simple hairstyles like braids and ponytails. He was a little clumsy but always up to improve himself. He soon became more confident and would even offer to tie your hair up during P.E classes or club activities. 
He especially likes trying out hairstyles that are trendy with his fae kind, like braiding flowers into your hair. The people of Briar Valley are more traditional with their appearance and more extravagant hairstyles are typically reserved for special occasions like parties…or weddings. 
The way Sebek’s cheeks burned when he couldn’t stop thinking how beautiful your hair might look for your wedding…with him as your husband-to-be. Your hair would be absolutely ethereal no matter the style, considering that it’s you-what was he thinking?! 
Best not to bring up his bright face or he’ll start yelling out of sheer embarrassment. 
“...Well, is this to your liking? It is?...I see… What?! I was not worried, don’t be absurd!” 
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Getting him to keep it
For the right price, sure. 
I’m joking (kinda) but honestly Azul wouldn’t mind it since it wasn’t that big of a request. I firmly believe that he has more than enough pockets with his dorm uniform. 
Anyone who would even try to tease him about it would just be asking for humiliation as Azul would respond swiftly with some backhanded comments. 
“Embarrassing, you say? Well, I suppose having a lover that relies on me so would seem tiresome to some people. However, I'm afraid I'm just so smitten with my adorable lover who just trust me so. Sighhh, woe is me” 
This octoman would play the “no b*tches?” card. Such poor, unfortunate souls
But one day you needed a hair tie and you asked Azul if he still had your spare. The merman then pulled out a scrunchie you didn't recognize from his pocket
“Azul Ashengrotto…whose scrunchie is this?!” 
Before you start to panic, Azul quickly explained that he came across this scrunchie at a store in the town near the campus. 
“I thought this would look good on you, so I bought it in hopes it suits your taste” 
Even though Azul tried to sound casual, there was a cute flush coloring his cheeks that he was trying to hide behind his gloved hand. He knew you had enough hair ties and you could always buy more yourself. But, he just couldn't stop himself.
That scrunchie was now your new favorite accessory.
Would he tie your hair?
Contrary to the previous boys, Azul has a better sense of style due to his entrepreneurial nature and his dedicated interest to keep up with the most marketable trends. 
I also believe that since Azul is a mommy’s boy, he paid close attention to his mother’s hair styling routine. However, he realizes that it won’t exactly be the same considering you both are not in the ocean and he himself is adjusting to life with dry hair. 
But he won’t be stopped by his inexperience. He would research the best hairstyles for your hair type and what would amplify your natural features. Every chance to do your hair was a chance to improve his skills. Get real comfortable because you’ll be his guinea pig for hours. At least you’ll be a beautiful guinea pig by the end of it. 
At first Azul had some insecurities about keeping you for so long, surely you would be bored being with him for so long and having him practice with your hair, especially when you wouldn't really gain much from it other than a mess on your head most of the time. 
Please reassure him that you love these intimate moments with him and you trust him wholeheartedly with your hair. 
“I’ve heard stories that speak of mermaids that used to lure humans with their beautiful hair. I thought it foolish to be so easily charmed…but seeing yours, I suppose there’s some truth to that.”
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Getting him to keep it
Grumbled about it at first but will keep it for you. Any exasperation was mostly just you asking him because of your tendency to forget them than anything else. Despite his grumpy look, Jack wasn’t going to fight you on something as trivial as holding some hair ties for you. Would question you what’s so great about scrunchies, though (they’re adorable, ok?!)
All he asked was that it’s a scrunchie that doesn’t get in the way of his daily routine, and if you could pick one that would be a bit water resistant or dark in color since he’s worried that he would get it dirty during his work-out routine or spelldrive practice at Savanaclaw. 
He honestly doesn’t understand why anyone would make fun of him for holding a scrunchie for you. He's whipped because you trust him with your stuff? This man just can’t relate to loser behavior. 
Even if he's not a fan of scrunchies, he’s still incredibly careful with your hair tie, making sure that it’s either tucked safely under his sleeve or mindful to avoid accidentally snagging the fabric on something. 
If he just recently got the scrunchie from you, he can still smell the scent of your shampoo on it as it starts mixing with his own scent. Don’t tell him but some of his dormmates can see his tail slightly wagging when he glimpses down to his wrist every now and again where your hair tie is.
Would he tie your hair?
He’ll fight more on this. You guys are in an academy, you should be able to tie your own hair. Don’t be lazy, he stated. 
But watch him later try to excuse his actions when he suddenly pulls your hair back with your scrunchie during lunch, just so your hair doesn’t get in your face as you ate. You honestly forgot he still had your scrunchie and Jack was getting frustrated watching your hair constantly falling forward every time you tried to reach your food. 
Since Jack has younger siblings, he has some experience with tying someone’s hair despite having fairly short hair himself. It’s nothing too fancy but he’s pretty good with some basic hairstyles
He’s really gentle with your hair, occasionally pausing to gauge your expression to ensure you’re not in pain. Sometimes you have to be careful or you might just fall asleep with how Jack’s large hands softly handle your hair like it was silk.
“This should keep your hair out of your face. Huh, how do you look? Don’t ask stupid questions…you already know you always look good…No, forget I said anything!”
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haniebabes · 3 months
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ - Camboy
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GENRE fluff, smut
PAIRING Heesung x reader
Ft. Danielle from new jeans
You texted danielle before moving in
You: im so excited to move in!!!😖
Danielle: YAY! When are you gonna find a roommate?
You: prob tomorrow🤷‍♀️
Danielle: I hope youll get a hot roomie😝
You: shut up dani🤦‍♀️
When you first moved in the apartment it was nice, spacious, and has a reasonable rent price. But you just gradueted college at that time, and still have little savings, so you tried to find a roommate, you were so glad that someone agreed to be your roommate.
The next day your going to finally see your roommate, you were expecting an average looking person, but when somebody knocked on your door, and you opened it, you saw a tall, handsome looking men facing you, "umm are you my roommate?" You asked, "Yes, im Heesung by the way"
"Umm" you cleared your throat "and you?" He asked, "um im y/n, nice to meet you" you offered your hand for a handshake, he shook your hand
"Your room is the one on the left", "thanks" he smiled at you, after that you quickly texted Danielle
Danielle: I meannn its time for you to have a boyfriend again, gosh y/n it has been months or 1 year since you had a bf😔
Ever since that day that text Danielle sent is still in your mind, you havent had a boyfriend for so long because you were afraid to get into another toxic relationship, like your ex boyfriend he gaslighted you so many times to stay in that toxic relationship
Now Heesung has been your roommate for months, it was nice living with him, he cooks you meals, he checks up on you if your okay, always finds time to hangout with you, comforts you (he even comforted you when you got dumped), so in short hes the most perfect roommate I could ever ask.
You now also work at a cafe as a cashier, you only work as a cashier because you cant bake really well. You also work from morning to afternoon, you sometimes work overtime and you work with danielle.
Heesung is always out when its the afternoon and come back when its dinner time to cook, you never asked why, because you thought its not that important to ask.
Today hes out again to do something, you were horny that day, he isnt home because it was afternoon, so you went in your room and decided to browse the internert, and you came across www.camboy.com, you were scrolling in the browser, some of the videos were boring, until you saw the user hesslutty, the thumbnail of the video was, a body that belong to a nicely sculpted man, but his face was not showing,the room also had purple led lights, you realized that he was live so you plugged your earphones on and joined his live, he was jacking of his long, not slim but not thick cock, moaning loudly
You started to touch yourself, fingering yourself with the same pace on how fast he jerks his cock off, you could see how veiny his dick is, then he suddenly said "cum with me" while breathing heavily, then white liquid shoots up from his dick, he moaned loudly, at the same time you also came, while going to the bathroom to wash your hands, you also brought your phone with you, still watching his live, "see you guys next time" he said with a sweet voice before he ended his live, his voice did sound familiar to you but you just ignored it because it isnt important for you.
30 minutes passed by and heesung came right in time to make dinner, when you went out your room to greet heesung he looked very drained, you went up to him, you putted your hands on his shoulders, "what happened are you okay?", "yeah, im okay just a tough day" he said with a weak smile on his face, "what happened you can always tell me your problems, did someone fight you," you touch his face to see if theres any bruises "what happened?" You asked again, "lets just not mind it, ill cook dinner now", "no, no, dont ill just order take out, my treat" you said because you dont really have a nice background in cooking meals.
"Thanks y/n" he said with a smile, "pfft this is nothing too what you do to me, you cook meals for me everyday", "what do you want??", "just order pizza" he said
After a few minutes there was knock on the door, heesung opened the door to find the pizza delivery man, "y/n! Its the pizza", you came rushing to the door with the payment, "thank you" you said as you handed the payment to the delivery man, he handed you the pizza, you closed the door, "lets eat shall we?", he nods.
You and Heesung went to the living room to eat, you guys sat down on the couch, you putted the pizza on the table in front of the two of you, you both get a slice of pizza, "sooo whats you job?" You asked, he choked on his food, "i-is it really important for you to know that?, "im just curious you always go out in the afternoon and come back at night, its okay if you dont wanna tell me", "I dont think this is the right time for me to tell you, ill tell you someday though", "ahh okay, its fine"
After the both of you finished eating, you were both ready to go to bed, "goodnight y/n", "goodnight Heesung" you smiled at him before you went in your room to sleep
Next week
Heesung did not go to his work that day
You woke up early that day to go to you work
When you went to the cafe you greeted danielle "hii danielle!", "Hi y/n!", "sooo do you have any drama to tell me" she said, "not really, but ive ben thinking about something though, but its not that important" you said "hmm" she nodded "okay! Lets get to work"
You texted heesung to eat dinner by himself and not wait on you because you were working overtime
After your shift ended, you went home tired, so you went to your room, and changed into more comfortable clothes, at that time you were sexually frustrated, so you decided to open your phone and go on www.camboy.com to go to hesslutty, you notice he wasnt live so you opened one of his old videos and started to pleasure yourself, you moaned so loudly in pleasure. You were so frustrated you forgot heesung was home
Little did you know the apartment you were staying in had thin walls, thin enough for heesung to hear you moaning loudly from your room, from curiosity he went to your door and peeked through the small crack left from your door, after a few seconds he decided to let himself in, "enjoying yourself darling?" You were in shock, "w-what are you doing here?", "you seem like you were having fun" he chuckled "you do know I could here you from my room" your eyes widened, "I think this is also the perfect time for me to tell you that my job is being a camboy, im the one you were watching earlier" he grinned
He comes closer to you, he touches your cheeks "may I kiss you?", you were to lost in pleasure to come up with any words so you just nodded, he started to kiss you, that kiss turned into a heated make out session, after a few seconds, he asked "can I take off your clothes?", "y-yes heesung", he started to remove every piece of your clothing off, he kissed your lips going down to your neck to your stomach, and finally to your wet pussy, "your so wet", "is this okay?" He asked, you nodded, then he went and ate your pussy, you moaned loudly when he slapped your pussy, he stopped mid way to take off his shirt but after that he went back to eating your wet pussy
He was so sloppy, you grabbed his hair, "heesung, im going to cum!!" You moaned as your starting to feel knots forming in your stomach, he went faster with his tongue, then you came, "you taste so good" he says as he licks his lips, you sat down, heesung also sat down with his back leaning on the headboard, "that was the best head Ive ever recieved" you said "ill take that as a compliment", "who would have thought you were a camboy" you both laughed, "please let me return the favor heesung" you said as you grabbed his bulge over his grey sweatpants, "sure darling" he said
So you went on top of him but you went closer to his dick, you removed his sweatpants, you decided to tease him by tracing his imprint and licking his dick over his underwear, "stop teasing y/n" he hissed, you just giggled, then you remove his underwear, his dick slapped his stomach, it was leaking with precum, it had an angry red tip, you were salivating at the sight of his dick, "what do you think, does it look like what it looks like on my live?", "no" you said, "whyy?", "its way bigger in person, how do you even hide this?" You both chuckle, "now go suck my dick, slut", you nod
You went on his dick licking his precum it was sweet and salty at the same, his dick was above average so you had a hard time to take it all, all at once, so you stsrted to takd him inch by inch, until you have his whole dick in your mouth. He grabbed you hair guiding you on his dick, he whimpered trying to hold his moans in but he just couldnt, he moaned in pleasure, "god your mouth feels good on my dick"
"Y/n im about to cum!!" He warned you, you started to suck him harder, he raised his hips as he shoots his load in your mouth, "swallow it" he said so you did, "open your mouth", you opened you mouth sticking your tongue out, "good girl" he said as he petted your hair, "your still hard hee, even after you came", "I mean your here in front of me naked soo can you help me?" He said, "sure"
He had you in doggy position, he putted his dick slowly in your pussy, when he finally putted his whole dick in you a few moments laterhe was pounding in your pussy so loudly, "your such a slut" he said as he slapped your ass, the roo, was filled with lust, pleasure and moans "Im getting close!" You said, "me too!", "where should I cum?", "in me im on birth control", after that you both came on the same time, "I'll clean you up" he said as he wore his clothes on to go to the bathroom to open the faucet to fill up the bathtub, he went back to your room to carry you to the bathtub, you felt butterflies when he carried you, you ask yourself am I falling inlove, after he was done cleaning you up you went to room to change while heesung was taking a bath, after you changed, you tried to sleep but you cant.
So the only solution you had in your mind was to knock of heesungs door, he opened the door, "whats up?", "can I sleep with you?"
"Sure" he said as he let you in his room, you went to his bed and laid down as he also laid down, as you were trying to sleep until you felt heesungs arm wrapped around your waist "good night heesung", "good night y/n" he kissed your cheeks after he said that, which made you blush all night
Next day
You woke up in heesungs embrace, you woke up before him so you carefully removed yourself from his embrace, you went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for the both of you, since it was your day off, your just gonna make a simple egg and bacon for breakfast because thats the only thing you can cook nicely, while cooking, suddenly heesung came from behind you hugging your waist, "good morning" he said with his morning voice "good morning heesung, "you can seat on the chair there beside the table ill come to you when im done"
You both ate the food you made and the rest of the day was joyful
And the rest is history....
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@haniebabes work
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monzabee · 1 year
a not so meet cute – cl16
paper rings, prologue(?)
masterlist || series masterlist ||
Summary: The one where Charles meets his neighbour, who quickly captures his attention.
Pairing: charles leclerc x reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: none other than charles being charles, also might have some cursing, google translate french
Request: “Hii if you’re taking requests could you please write a fic for Charles where he’s your best friend and he asks you to fake date him because he think he likes another girl so he wants to make her notice him/make her jealous kind of thing and you agree even though you love him and during the fake dating he realises that he loves you too and yeah angst fluff and all but a happy ending .If you decide to write this tysm and incase you don’t feel like writing this that’s cool too thanks either way ❤️”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! although i am still working on the first chapter of this new series, i wanted to write a little something for you guys to introduce you to the world i had in mind! i know it was not on the wip schedule, but the inspiration struck so i decided to go with it. ever since i saw the wedding pictures of margaret qualley and jack antonoff, the only thing i've been thinking of was the song, and i though it was the perfect song for the characters i had in mind. so, welcome to the new series, inspired by the request above, so thank you for the anon who put the idea in my mind to create this whole series, and i hope you guys enjoy! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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August, 2017
He met Margaret on our rooftop, she was wearing white And he was like, "I might be in trouble"
Charles loves his country, he really does. He’s always been patriotic of some sorts, he supposes. But the one thing he absolutely loathes about Monaco? The heat, no questions asked. The worst part isn’t even the heat itself, per se, it is the fact that his apartment has no elevator and he has to walk up five stories just to make it to his apartment – in the heat. So yeah, even though he is as patriotic of a Monégasque as they come, he definitely wishes he was somewhere else at the moment. When he does make to his floor, however, he’s met with a rather peculiar view, where his new neighbour is yelling at someone on the phone.
“No, I said I wanted the granite counters,” the person specify, fingers clutching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “No!” The man straight up yells, “Ceux en granit, connard, pas ceux en graphite. I don’t think they even come in graphite!”
Deciding to remain silent as he makes his way towards his own apartment, Charles ignores the man standing in front of the apartment opposite of his. Though, he realises that the apartment’s door is open and there is construction going on inside, which explains the drilling sounds he’s been hearing early in the morning and the smell of fresh paint that never seems to leave the shared floor.
Side-eyeing the whole ordeal, he manages to make it to his apartment without attracting the attention of the man – or so he thinks. Just as he’s about to unlock his front door, he feels a pat on his shoulder. As he turns towards the man, there is a curious look on his face, “Hi?”
“Hello,” the man greets, “do you know how i can contact the superintendent?”
For reasons unknown (extreme hangover), Charles’ brain decides to blank out, “Quoi?”
“Le commissaire,” the man clarifies, “savez-vous comment je peux les contacter?” And Charles realises he would have been impressed with the man’s accent if he wasn’t so hangover from the night before. The superintendent, do you know how I can contact them?
“Ah,” Charles nods in understanding, “sure, let me give you his number.”
After the man saves the number he gives to his phone, he extends his hand in a friendly greeting. “I owe you one, I’m Declan, by the way. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Charles,” he responds with, what he hopes to be, a friendly smile. Motioning the apartment behind them, he asks, “Are you my new neighbour?”
“Oh, no, no,” Declan laughs, and it’s a warm, almost infectious laugh. It reminds Charles of– well, it doesn’t matter anymore. Declan’s voice draws him back to the conversation, “My sister is, I’m renovating it for her.”
Charles nods in understanding, “Ah, I see. I’ve never seen her around, I don’t think.”
“Well that’d be because she’s as annoying as little sisters come,” Declan laughs again, and this time it manages to get a smile out of Charles. “You know what? We’re actually having a small party at my place tonight, why don’t you come?”
“You’ve just met me,” Charles points out, voicing his confusion, “you really want to invite me to your house?”
“Pish posh,” Declan waves him off, already starting to walk back to his sister’s apartment “I’ll send you the details, bring alcohol!”
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Charles tries to come up with excuses to give Declan when he’s a no show at the party, but all the excused he come up with sounding either shitty, entitled or just a mess in general. So he convinces himself to get ready after a much needed shower, and remembers to pick up a bottle of tequila on his way to the address Declan texted him earlier that day. Considering the amount of cars parked in front of the apartment complex, Charles thinks whether it’s going to be a ‘small’ party as Declan put earlier, but he manages to find a place to park his car, nonetheless. Surprisingly, it’s not hard to find which apartment belongs to his new ‘friend’, as the people he seems to keep literally bumping into give him directions which lead him to the top floor – he thinks, like brother like sister, huh?
“Ah, bienvenu, Charles!” Declan greets him as he enters the apartment, filled with more people than he honestly expected; but hey, they are in Monte Carlo after all.
Because he was raised by his mother, Charles replies, “Merci de me recevoir,” but because he is Charles, he finds himself reverting easily to French. Of course, he soon realises that his new friend has no trouble understanding him.
“Of course, ma maison est ta maison.” With a wide smile that reaches his eyes, he takes the bottle Charles offer him and pats his shoulder in a friendly manner, “Good lad, let me put this in the kitchen and we’ll find my sister together. I suppose she’s here somewhere.”
Giving him a firm nod, Charles is suddenly left alone to gaze around the living area. He quickly realises that he’s not the only one who is particularly patriotic as he comes face to face with the Union Jack on the wall, proudly displayed on the wall, seems to tell a story of cultural connections and a home away from home. He’s also, somehow, met with a very eccentric group of people, who seem to be insistent on having him join their various conversation – which he does his best to partake in.
As he chats with a group of fellow partygoers, he notices Declan making his way through the crowd toward him. “Charles,” he says with an apologetic smile, “sorry for that, let’s go.”
As they move through the apartment, Charles catches glimpses of the décor, which can only be described as eclectic, but what he realises that Declan made sure to fill up his walls with all kinds of memories; from photographs of what Charles thinks is his family to his diplomas, to even famous artwork – he’s not sure whether the Warhol he just passed by is real or not, but he supposes it’s probably the first option. They arrive at a corner of the rooftop terrace where a cozy seating area is arranged. A few guests are engaged in animated discussions, while others lounge comfortably, enjoying the ambiance. However, it doesn’t take either him or Declan to realise that his sister is, in fact, not with the group.
Though, it doesn’t take the latter to spot his sister, mumbling with a wince under his breath, and when Charles follows Declan's gaze to find her engaged in a rather animated discussion with a man who looks both frustrated and slightly bewildered by her. “Poor guy.”
“Seems like she's keeping him entertained.” Charles offer, careful with his words, and also quite confused at the man’s reactions to whatever Declan’s sister seems to be saying.
“Eh, sisters.” Declan shrugs, and motions Charles to follow him.
As they approach their corner of the terrace, her voice becomes clearer, and Charles can overhear snippets of the conversation. “I just don’t understand why we can’t print more money,” she says in an airy voice.
The man she's speaking to rubs his temples, clearly grappling with how to respond. “Well, it's not that simple. Printing more money can lead to inflation and devalue the currency.” He takes a moment to think, then, “Think of it like shoes–”
“Okay,” Declan laughs nervously as he places himself between the two, turning to the other man with a kind smile, “I think we’re done here, mate, she’s playing you. She’s an econ major, sorry for that.” Though Charles can’t see the expression on her face, he imagines there’s some sort of a victorious smile as she waves the man away, “Stop emasculating my friends, please.”
“Well choose better friends, and I won’t,” she shrugs, following his brother’s movements as he makes his way back near Charles, she turns towards him as the white dress she’s wearing sways gently in the evening breeze. There’s a surprised look on her face when she realises and they are not alone, “Um, hi.”
With a playful grin, Declan points to Charles and turns to his sister, “This is Charles, your new neighbour, and Charles, this is my sister–”
It’s the only word that comes to Charles’ mind when he sees your eyes and a friendly smile you give to him, “Nice to meet you, Charles.”
His eyes fall down to your extended hand, and he scrambles to regain his composure, taking your hand and shaking it gently. “Uh, yes, nice to meet you too.”
With an unexpected clap from your brother, which has both you and Charles jumping slightly, you turn to him with a glare, “Well, now that you know each other, I’ll leave you to get acquainted. And you,” he points to you which elicits a raised eyebrow from you, “don’t scare him off, and for God’s sake change this music.”
“What’s wrong with ABBA?” You ask with a small pout already forming on your lips.
“We need a change,” Charles watches with a silent chuckle as Declan starts walking back towards the kitchen, “ergo, change it!”
“Well that was an interesting exit,” you mumble, eyes following your brother until he’s out of both your and Charles’ views. Afterwards, you turn your attention back to the man standing in front of you, “What do you think about The Smiths?”
“Who?” Charles asks you, confusion written on his face.
“Not The Who,” you nudge him slightly, chuckling softly, though your laughter dies down once you realise he’s really confused. “I– The Smiths, Charles! To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die,” you softly sing, but he replies with a small shake of his head, and a shrug. “Oh, I love The Smiths! Come on, you have a lot to learn.”
As you grab him by his wrist to guide him back inside the apartment, I might be in trouble, he thinks to himself. And then, you turn around to give him a full smile, with a glint of mischief in your eyes that he can't quite interpret, and say, “I can already feel that we are going to be very good friends.”
And then he knows, he’s definitely in trouble.
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sc0tters · 11 months
Miscommunication Efforts | Nico Hischier
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summary: when Nico finally realises how much his family mean to him.
request: yes/no
warnings: none.
word count: 1.31k
authors note: I was in a soft mood tonight and picked a prompt that let me write for a player of my choice (so let’s thank Luna for this one). Dad Nico is not a phase, it is a way of life.
pt 2
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You could feel Nico slipping away.
Days felt longer as the time you spent with him decreased. The captain spent every waking moment that he could at the rink. A habit he had each time he came back from an injury and usually you were willing to stand by and let him go through this.
But this time you couldn’t, not when Rosie was around. She was your little seven month old baby girl who was the absolute light of your life.
Now Nico was a great father, you loved how he was with Rosie. But these last few days it felt like he didn’t care about either of you as he’d leave before you woke up and he’d only come back when you were too tired to keep your eyes open.
Jack had been over twice since it all started as he wanted to make sure that you were both okay. The Hughes boy could tell that his captain had something on his mind beyond just the game and family.
You decided to spend the day in New York with some of your friends as the girls hadn’t seen you or Rosie in weeks. Of course you sent Nico a message telling him that you two weren’t going to be at home for most of the day but what you didn’t expect was that when you eventually did come home Nico would be pacing around the apartment in a panic.
He walked up and down with his phone in his hand as he rambled to his mother about something in German. When he locked eyes with you it seemed that relief ran through his veins “she’s home.” Nico blurted out before he quickly hung up.
Rosie giggled as you bounced her on your hip “where the hell were you both?” Nico groaned as he practically pulled her from your arms.
You furrowed your eyebrows “I literally told you we were out-” you tried to remind him of it but he clearly didn’t seem interested in hearing your words “you took our daughter to New York for the day and didn’t even ask me if I was okay with that!” The hockey players loud voice caused Rosie’s lip to quiver.
It made you glare at your boyfriend “look it is sort of hard to treat you like her father when she hasn’t seen you in a week.” Your voice was soft as you tried to get Rosie to calm down “I’ve been busy with the team.” Nico tried to defend himself hit you weren’t having any of it “the same team that has been over to see your daughter?” You crossed your arms only opening them when Rosie reached out for you to take her again.
The silence began to overwhelm you as Nico looked like a child who had been caught in the act “I’m going to go give her a bath.” You announced letting out a sigh as you walked in the direction of the bedrooms before Nico could say anything.
Rosie seemed totally unaware of your defeated state as she focused on her rubber ducky “da!” She giggled looking up at the door. You turned your head to see Nico watching you both “want to sit?” You asked shifting up slightly as you made space for him.
Nico nodded as he joined you on the floor smiling as Rosie stared at him with her hair full of shampoo “mein kleiner Kürbis.” The hockey player cooed reaching out to tap her nose.
She looked at her father was the only man in the world as she made a small noise in response as her nose scrunched “why don’t you go relax schatzi?” Nico asked turning his attention to you.
The look on his face was guilty as though he realised how little he had seen of you both “I think mommy deserves time without us.” The grin Rosie sent him was one you’d remember forever as it warmed your heart “mommy is going to go have a bath of her own.” You explained bringing your hands into the water to wash away the soap that was on them “I’ll see you in there.” You pressed a kiss onto Nico’s head as you got up leaving them alone as all you heard was the sound of Nico telling her some story in German.
In the bathroom of your bedroom the chaos of the smaller bathroom had not seeped into yours. You lay in the bubbles almost falling asleep as the smell of lavender and rose soothed your mind.
The knock at the door pulled your attention away from the oasis of peace that you had formed “come in,” you called out turning your head to the door.
Nico’s head appeared as he locked eyes with you “I just put her to sleep.” He explained sitting down in a similar position to what he was in when he bathed Rosie.
You nodded “I’ve been shitty to you both.” Nico blurted out making you smile “that’s one way to put it.” You giggled as the boy brought his hand into the water to splash you.
It made his heart warm “we have to win the game and Rosie started calling Jack dad before me an-” you raised your hand to stop him “she called Jack dad?” You furrowed your eyebrows almost wanting to be amused by this.
The hockey player nodded “she called him da,” it made his cheeks turn red as he was embarrassed by the fact that his teammate got called dad before he did.
But it made him feel worse when you laughed “hand me my phone,” you pointed to the device on the table. You were quick to unlock it clicking on a video.
The soft sounds of ABBA played through your speakers as you bounced Rosie on your lap letting both of you move along to the music “you like ABBA baby?” You smiled as she nodded “da da,” Rosie wrapped her hands around your fingers as she frowned hearing the music change to something that Nico had picked.
You laughed seeing her expression change “less daddy music more ABBA?” You asked as she nodded making you skip the song.
Nico watched the clip twice over before he looked back up at you “well now that makes me feel like a real idiot.” He confessed pushing his lips into a fine line “yeah.” You nodded placing your phone back on the table as you looked at him.
He reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear “I don’t know why you put up with so much from me.” The hockey player sighed frowning as you looked at him with so much love “because I love you.” It was clear that you did “Rosie does, Boo will.” The second mention confused the boy.
You smiled as you scrunched your nose “surprise?” You shrugged as he quickly point the pieces together “we’re having another?” Nico gasped letting his jaw drop “Rosie picked the name and we were gonna tell you-” your ramble was cut off as Nico kissed you.
It was soft and full of love “I’m so sorry you couldn’t tell me earlier.” Your hand held his “you’re here now.” You squeezed his fingers as you looked at him.
The moment was one you two were bound to remember “baby I need you out of there so I can hug you.” Nico’s words made you laugh “last time I checked this bath was big enough for the two of us.” You shot back watching as he pulled his shirt off of his back.
All you wanted this entire week was the contact that your boyfriend gave you. Rosie needed her father but so did you. Pregnant or not, you missed your boyfriend and we’re glad to have him back.
“I’m here baby, just how you want me.”
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444takeomi · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ summary: 1st gen bd walking in on you changing
character(s): shinichiro sano, wakasa imaushi, takeomi akashi, keizo arashi
warnings: female reader, nsfw, nudity, second-hand embarrassment (lol)
wc: 0.8k
a/n: i haven’t written anything overly nsfw in a while so have this ig, i'm currently working on a few longer posts but writer’s block has been kicking my ass😭
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: ̗̀➛ shinichiro
shin knew that you were in your room and wanted to ask you something, but he made the mistake of forgetting to knock on your door and decided to just walk in without any warning. he stops mid-sentence as soon as he sees you, the sight of your naked body making him lose his ability to both speak and think, and he immediately forgets what he was even going to ask you in the first place. he tries not to stare, he really does, but with you being the first woman he had seen like this, at least in person, he just can't help himself as his eyes begin tracing along every dip and curve of your body. shin can feel his pants getting tighter as he continues to look you up and down, and it isn't until you tell him to get out that he snaps back into reality, realising that he's been staring at you for way too long. he starts apologising profusely before turning around to leave your room, only to hit his head on the doorframe on the way out. shin never really saw you as anything more than a friend before, but he finds himself unable to look at you the same way again, especially after all the dreams he's had about you since.
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: ̗̀➛ wakasa
waka doesn't even think about the fact you might be changing, opening your door and casually walking into your room without bothering to knock first. he isn't prepared for the sight in front of him, his eyes instantly landing on your bare figure and he can't help but smirk in amusement as he watches you attempt to cover yourself with your hands. waka might tease you about it a little, suggesting that you did this on purpose and how it was like you wanted him to walk in on you since you didn't even bother to lock the door, and if you weren't in such a vulnerable position you'd honestly want to slap him. of course he’ll leave as soon as you ask him to, he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable after all, although he can't help but find himself stealing one last glance at your body before he closes the door. he's had a thing for you for so long now, having imagined what you might look like underneath your clothes countless times before, but none of his fantasies could ever compare to the real thing. waka can't stop picturing your body underneath his, imagining all the things he wants to do to you.
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: ̗̀➛ takeomi
omi will roll his eyes and sigh, acting like this entire situation is somehow your fault despite the fact he was the one who walked in on you. he scoffs at you when you tell him to get out, abruptly turning around because he knows he'll be tempted to look at you otherwise, and he doesn't want you figuring out just how much of an effect you have on him. not to mention he can feel his face getting hot and refuses to let you see the blush spreading across his cheeks, knowing that you’ll never let him live it down. omi snidely tells you that there are locks for a reason and you should learn how to use them, before shutting the door behind him just a little too loudly. despite having been around countless naked women before, he's actually super embarrassed by the whole situation and he feels like an idiot for entering your room without knocking. he holds the bridge of his nose between two fingers as thoughts of your body occupy his mind, and he mentally curses at you for making him feel this way. omi can't get that image out of his head for weeks, jacking off to the thought of you more times than he'd like to admit.
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: ̗̀➛ keizo
benkei is very respectful of your privacy, so it's unlikely that he would come into your room without knocking or asking for permission to enter first. however, for the sake of this scenario let's just say that this time you didn't hear him, and so he assumed it was okay to come in since he didn't hear you say otherwise. he’s very flustered upon seeing you undressed but manages to keep his composure, refusing to let his eyes wander as he averts his gaze elsewhere, uttering a small sorry and gently shutting the door again. benkei is so quiet about it that you probably wouldn't have even known he'd walked in on you if you weren't paying attention. he’ll apologise to you properly about it later, saying how sorry he is and that what he did was a complete accident. he's so sincere that of course you forgive him, telling him that the both of you can just forget it ever happened, to which he agrees. but what you don't know is that benkei finds himself getting bricked up to the thought of your body later, and he knows seeing you like that just made trying to get over his crush on you a hundred times more difficult.
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
I Wanna See it in Motion, In 3D (NSFW)
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Gif by @harlowgifs 💕
Synopsis: Jack can't keep his eyes off you on the set of his new video and the two of you eventually make a video of your own
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Model!Reader
Requested by: an amazing anon 💕
Do not engage if you are underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
There you were anxiously and nervously standing to the side on the set of Jung Kook’s and Jack Harlow’s newest video and the butterflies that you felt in your stomach were on one thousand no matter how many times you tried to get yourself to relax and calm down. Truth be told, this was your first video shoot and you were honestly surprised that you had gotten a call back for it.
You were an aspiring model and work had become scarce these days so your manager decided for you to go to a casting call for a music video to get you as much exposure as possible. However, you had no idea that the so-called video would involve your longtime crush Jack Harlow. You had been following his career for a while and ever since you heard Sundown, you had become obsessed with your friends even teasing you about it from time to time. 
 It was still early in the day and you knew that this would be a long one ahead of you since the director had told you beforehand. Seeing as you had no experience whatsoever doing this, you had no idea what to expect, but you were excited nonetheless. You had done plenty of photoshoots before that lasted for a few hours, but nothing like this and were open to having new opportunities placed in front of you. 
You heard one girl that was standing to the left of you gasp and you turned your head to see what she was staring at.
Of course it was Jack who had finally arrived on set. No surprise there.
Your breath immediately hitched in your throat and if you had been nervous and anxious before, you had no idea what you were now and just hoped that you didn’t faint or do anything to make a fool of yourself in front of him.
When Jack first made his way onto set after hitting the hair and make-up trailer, his eyes immediately went to you and he saw that you were somewhat standing off to the side and looked as nervous as can be when he decided to make his way over towards you.
You tried not to have a look of panic across your face as you saw Jack making his way towards you and tried to even your breathing as best as you could. When he opened his mouth to speak, all you could do was smile at him.
“I saw you looking a little nervous over here, so I decided to come over and keep you company. I’m Jack by the way.”
“Y/N. Nice to meet you.” You held out your hand for him to take, but instead he brought you into a hug catching you off guard, but you quickly accepted it and hugged him back.
He smelled so good and you wish that you could’ve held onto him for longer. 
“Nice to meet you too. So is this your first video shoot? Those are the vibes I get from you.”
“The vibes obviously don’t lie because it is. I have no idea what to expect so of course I’m nervous. Modeling is the lane that I’m usually in and used to so this is an entirely new environment.”
“You’re going to be fine. Besides, I’ll be here all day to keep you company and hopefully ease your mind. We’ll be done before you know it.”
“I appreciate that.” You quietly said while playing with the bracelet that was gracing your left wrist.
Just then you heard them call Jack’s name so the conversation was quickly cut short. 
“We’ll continue this later.” He said while smiling at you and you quickly gave him one in return. Your main goal was accomplished to not make a fool out of yourself in front of him, so hopefully the rest of the day would be a breeze and go well without any incident.
As Jack was walking away from you,  he noticed that you perked up after the little talk that you had with him and one of the other girls had come up to say something to you, making you laugh and getting the biggest smile on your face. 
He then made it his mission to ask you out on a date by the end of the day. 
It was around two in the afternoon, when all of the girls were lining up to do one of Jack’s scenes that had all of you standing next to him in a line. There was no set order and all of you just randomly stood next to each other, until Jack walked over to you and simply tugged at your hand to follow him which you quickly did.
“Jack, Is something wrong?” You asked and Jack quickly shook his head no.
“No, I just wanted you next to me for this scene. No reason to have you in the back when that beautiful face of yours needs to be shown off to the world.”
You instantly felt your cheeks grow hot and tried to look down at your feet, but Jack quickly took his pointer finger under your chin to raise it up in order for you to be able to look at him.
“Just calling it like I see it.”
For the first few takes of the scene, you could tell that Jack was annoyed, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on as to why until he abruptly stopped in the middle of shooting making everyone look at him confused.
“You know what? Y/N, could you do me a favor and hold something for me?” Jack asked while looking over at you and you simply nodded not understanding what was going on. It wasn’t until Jack took off his prized Kentucky chain and slid it around your neck which had your heart beating a mile a minute.
“There, that’s better and I like the way that it looks on you.” He whispered to you while leaning down.
One of the girls named Nina who was standing next to you quickly leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“He has literally been giving you bedroom eyes all day, now if we leave here today and come back tomorrow and you didn’t fuck him I’m going to be extremely disappointed.” The both of you quickly laughed while you looked down at the chain and played with it in your hands. I mean you didn’t think anything of it and just thought Jack was being nice, but Nina had quickly pointed out earlier that Jack would always go out of his way to make sure that you were in every scene that he was in as well as have you as close to him as humanly possible. 
And you weren’t complaining one bit.
The day was winding down and you were trying to head to your hotel to get some sleep so that you would be ready for tomorrow when you realized that you had to return Jack’s chain to him. You looked to your left to see that he was conversing with Jung kook and waited until they were finished to approach him in front of his trailer.
“Here, don’t want you to lose this or forget it.” You said while starting to take off the chain, but he quickly stopped you.
“You have anywhere to be right now?”
“No, just my bed waiting for me in my hotel room.” You quickly answered as Jack swung open the door to the trailer.
“How about we spend a little time together before you leave?”
“Sure, why not?” You quickly answered while going up the steps with Jack following close behind you. 
Once inside, Jack locked the door behind him and turned around to see you scrolling through your phone. He then made his way over to you and softly took it out of your hands to set in on the table that was in the front of both of you.
“You did amazing by the way. Couldn’t tell for a second that this was your first time on a video set.”
“Oh really? I was nervous the entire time thinking that I was going to mess up or do something stupid.”
“I don’t know why you were nervous when I was around you the entire day and told you that I would be.”
“Well it’s easier said than done and I mean you’re you so….”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re like this big global superstar. The both of you are so of course I was nervous.”
“But are you nervous now?” Jack asked as he scooted closer to you and took your hand in his.
“Do you want me to be honest?” You asked as Jack’s fingertips softly grazed the back of the hand that he was holding.
“Of course I do.”
“Then yes.”
“But how about you let me melt some of that nervousness away, pretty girl?” Jack asked and there was an instant lump in your throat as you could feel the river start to make itself known between your thighs. 
“And what do you suggest?” You curiously asked as the bulge in his pants became more pronounced as he started to place kisses along your neck.
“Well, I could think of a few things and…. None of them involve clothes.”
Once Jack looked back up at you, it was hard for him to read your facial expression, but he quickly got his answer when you kissed him and he eagerly kissed you back.
“Been waiting all day to do that.”
You wasted no time with getting Jack’s shirt over his head and still continuing to kiss him after you tossed it to the opposite side of the room and scratched down his abs making him moan into your mouth and you couldn’t help but smirk.
Not wanting anything to happen to his chain, you quickly tried to take it off, but once again he stopped you.
“Leave it on. I wanna fuck you with you only wearing this and record it for safe keeping and my eyes only.”
All you did was nod as you bit your lip and stood up to slide off your shirt making sure to leave the chain on just like he requested. The chain was cold as it touched your skin, but you quickly knew that Jack would warm you right back up. 
Your boobs were now on full display in front of him and he quickly reached up to take one of them in his mouth while playing with the other making you throw your head back in pleasure.
After a few minutes, you softly pushed him away in order for you to stand back up and slide off your pants along with your black thong that you were wearing underneath. You took them both off painfully slow as you had turned away from Jack in order for him to be able to see you from behind as you did it. Once you had reached down to pick up your thong, his erection had almost grown painful and he needed to be in you as soon as possible. 
Not wanting to waste anymore time, Jack undid his pants and lifted up his hips in order for you to be able to slide them off and was slowly stroking himself as the precum leaked out as you looked down at him in awe.
“All this is waiting for you, you ready?” Jack asked and your response was getting on your knees and licking the tip as the precum was then able to drip into your mouth.
You then used your hand where your mouth couldn’t reach as you slowly moved him in and out of your mouth.
“Baby, I’m about to bust if you keep going. Get up here and let me fuck you.”
You did as you were told and stood up to then lay down on the couch with Jack hovering over top of you.
“Oh hold on, I have to document this first.” He said as he pulled out his phone to snap a picture of you underneath him.
Jack then reached over to the small table that was on his left and took out a condom and quickly slid it on.
“Spread those legs, baby. You want to feel all of me, don’t you? Be a good girl for me and do as I say.”
You did as you were told without any hesitation and hit instant pleasure as Jack slid into you making both of you moan in unison.
Your arms quickly went around his neck as he placed kisses along your jaw so that you could adjust to his size before he continued. 
“Fuck you feel so good, just like I knew you would. I’m going fuck this little pretty pussy so good. Will you let me do that?”
You quickly nodded and Jack stopped his movements making you look at him in confusion.
“Use your words. Will you let me do that?”
“Yes, just fuck me already.”
“Patience, baby, patience. Just needed to hear you say it first.” Jack said while chuckling to himself as he began to move in and out of you and slowly but surely increase his pace.
Your nails quickly went to scratch down his back as he had rested his head on your shoulder, but not before placing kisses all over it.
“Oooh shit, that feels so good.” You breathed out and Jack couldn’t help but to smirk since he had you right where he wanted you…. Underneath of him. 
“Fuck, you feel amazing around me.”
“Mmm, Jack go faster.” You breathed out and he quickly acted on your request.
If someone had told you this morning that the day would end with Jack fucking you in his trailer you would have looked at them like they were crazy.
“I love the way my chain looks on you while I’m fucking you.” You heard Jack say and you quickly grabbed his hand to place it around your neck while telling him to squeeze and apply pressure. 
“Hmm, harder, choke me harder.” Jack was a little hesitant since he didn’t want to hurt you, but immediately pursued your request.
“Ooh right there, right fucking there. Don’t stop, baby, don’t stop.” You had wrapped your left leg around Jack in order for him to go deeper and you knew that you were close. 
“I didn’t plan on it. You gonna cum for me? You gonna cum for me, pretty girl?”
Jack reached down to play with your clit while still moving in and out of you when your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks making you scream out.
“Fuckkkkk!” Your legs were shaking as Jack allowed you to ride out your high while placing kisses along your neck and then immediately applied pressure to it as you felt him moving inside of you once more.
He was moving in and out of you at a fast pace while tightly holding your neck as you hit your peak for a second time while Jack’s thrusts began to get sloppier letting you know that he was close. 
“Shit, I’m about to cum in this pretty pussy of yours.”
“Then do it.” You confidently said as Jack moaned out your name and a series of curses to go along with it. 
As the both of you came down from your high, Jack slid off the condom to throw it away and you immediately took him in your mouth making him moan knowing that he was still trying to recover while all you did was smirk as you released him from your mouth with a pop.
“I need you to do something for me.” Jack started to say as you were still on your knees in front of him.
“What is it?”
“Play with yourself while I record it on my phone.”
You held eye contact with him as you licked the side of his dick from the base to the tip before smiling.
“Hmm, I guess I could do that for you.” You replied as Jack stood you up and the two of you quickly traded places.
You slid to the left side of the couch all the way up before Jack pulled out his phone and started to record you.
You began by sucking on your fingers and making eye contact with Jack and slowly rubbing small circles along your clit making Jack instantly grow hard once more.
He simply began stroking himself as you inserted two fingers and moved at a slow pace while taking one of your breasts to your mouth and sucking while still not breaking eye contact with him.
He saw how wet you were and his mouth couldn’t help but to water wanting to taste you, but he knew that he had all night to do that as well as tomorrow seeing as there was still one more day left to shoot. 
“Mmm, baby this feels so good.” You said to Jack as you placed your two fingers back into your mouth and sucked on them as Jack looked at you in awe.
“I taste so good and I know you want a taste too.” You said while looking over at Jack and you knew he was doing everything humanly possible in order to not stop recording.
“I’ll taste you when you’re done, pretty girl. Keep going for me.”
“As you wish.” 
You then inserted another finger and increased your pace knowing that you were going to hit your peak at any moment.
Jack was looking at you in awe while he continued to stroke himself, and you wanted nothing more to have him back in your mouth.
“Hmm, you stroking yourself for me baby? You like when I touch myself for you?”
“Only for you, baby. Make yourself cum for me.”
It didn’t take long for Jack’s request to be granted and as soon as you said that you were about to cum, he handed you his phone for you to record him eating you out as you were coming down from your high.
“Ohh, yes baby. Right there, keep going. It feels so good.”
“And tastes so good, just like I knew you would.” 
Jack began to suck on your clit as your hands went to his hair and he held your thighs down in order to keep you in place.
“Cum all over my face, baby.”
In that instant, you did as Jack was still using his tongue on you as you were trying to catch your breath. Once you finally did, Jack reached up to place several kisses on your lips and take his phone that you were handing to him.
“For my eyes only that I can watch for when I’m missing you.”
“But you have me for another day and a half.”
“But Y/N, I’m trying to have you for longer. I only asked you to come to my trailer to ask you on a date, I didn’t plan on fucking your brains out but here we are.”
“Hmm and I’m not upset about it either. We can go for another round before we have to go to sleep, can’t we?” You asked as you batted your eyelashes at him and Jack couldn’t do anything but smirk.
“As you wish, get on all fours for me.”
“Looks like you finally got me in 3D.” You said as the two of you laughed.
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luxaofhesperides · 6 months
Please continue ghostlights multiverse constant au with Earth 0 having a happy ending together cuz halfa Danny is impossible to really kill anymore pleaseeeeeee 😭
(part one)
Danny is destined to die once he meets Duke. He knows this; he’s seen how their friendship leads to Danny’s death is so many different lives. There’s no doubt in his mind that the only way to ensure Danny lives a long life is to stay away from him.
Which is why the universe decides to make Danny pop up constantly. It’s clearly trying to get him killed, and Duke refuses to let that happen!
It starts innocently enough. They cross paths briefly at a bus stop, bumping into each other as Duke gets off the bus and Danny moves to go on it. He recognizes Danny immediately, feels a little spark go through him when their shoulders brush against each other. Something in him says I know you. I miss you.
He pulls back a step and offers a quick apology. Danny waves it off and looks at him as through searching for something. He opens his mouth to say something, but Duke can feel the threads of fate tighten around their throats and hurries away. 
He waits until he hears the bus pull away, then glances behind him to watch it go before he slows down to a normal walking pace and heads for the mall where he planned to meet his friends. 
Duke’s heart pounds in his chest. He can’t get Danny’s eyes out of his head; so painfully blue, so nostalgic, so doomed. 
This is for the best, he reminds himself. This is so Danny can live. That’s all that matters.
The moment’s passed, anyways. They’re still strangers, and they’ll stay that way. 
He takes another minute to collect himself, then plasters on a smile and heads into the mall to find his friends.
The next six times, Duke has to save Danny as the Signal, appearing just in time to stop a mugging, an armed store robbery, a car trying to run Danny over, and fighting off Man-Bat who, for some reason, took one look at Danny and went fuck this guy, actually.
Duke is stressed. He’s Stressed™ and if anyone tries to take out Danny again he’s just going to start screaming. 
For whatever reason, the universe is just out to get Danny now that they’ve run into each other once. Duke’s life is a cosmic joke, and he’s stuck in the center of it all waiting for the moment comedy turns into tragedy. 
It’s gotten to the point that Duke expects to find Danny in some sort of dangerous situation as soon as he starts patrol. He’s starting to dread going out, but he needs to; Gotham needs the Signal to keep the streets safe during the day, and Danny needs Duke to save his incredibly unlucky ass nearly every single day.
The first two hours go fine. He stops an armed robbery and a car jacking, chases away some creeps from the working girls, and gets a blueberry muffin from the bakery that’s been around forever, on account of the old woman running it thinking he’s a good lad who needs to eat more.
Duke begins to hope that he’ll have a quiet patrol. He begins to hope that Danny is safe and not in mortal danger for once.
His hopes are immediately dashed when he spots Danny on a rooftop, standing way too close to the edge.
Heart in his throat, Duke crosses the space between them in an instant, slingshotting himself forward through shadows.
He intends to pull Danny back, to say something, to try and shake some common sense into him so he actually has a chance at living a long life. Duke doesn’t get to do any of that; as soon as he steps out of the shadows, Danny turns to face him with a tired smile.
“There you are,” he says. “I knew you’d find me.”
“What? I—listen, can you step back from the ledge for me?”
Danny steps back, keeping his eyes on Duke. He doesn’t seem to mind that the Signal is so hesitant in this moment, keeping his distance. 
“I wasn’t sure at first,” he says, as if he never stopped talking, “But I had a feeling. You’ve probably had it too, right? It’s why we keep being pushed together, and why my luck has been so awful ever since I came to Gotham.”
He knows, is the first thing Duke things. But how can that be? If Danny knows about all those other universes where they had each other, then he knows how it ends. If he knows, then he should be trying to keep his distance from both Duke and the Signal before he gets killed.
“It’s you under that mask, isn’t it? Duke.”
The way Danny says his name brings him back to all those other lives where they had each other from the start. He sounds so sure of himself, as if he’s always known Duke.
It’s only when Duke says, “How?” that Danny falters, fear briefly crossing his expression before it settles into something more neutral. His fingers begin to pull at the cuffs of his jacket sleeves, confidence melting away. 
“Do you… not know me?”
The quietness of his voice, the fragility of it, breaks Duke’s heart. He doesn’t stop to think before he answers, “I know you. Of course I know you, Danny.” Then he blinks, shakes his head, and says, “Wait. No. I know of you. We haven’t really met this life.”
“It’s the dreams, right? They make things so confusing.”
“You’ve been getting them too?”
“I may be the cause of them,” Danny says with a wince. “Due to some, uh… ghostly magic shenanigans. It wasn’t on purpose! But it is kinda my fault.”
Ghostly magic? Okay, sure, why not. Who is Duke to judge the bizarre things that exist in their world. He has superpowers and his biological father is an evil immortal. He has absolutely no leg to stand on when it cames to the weird and the unexpected. Might as well roll with it, since this is his life now.
Besides, there’s more important things to focus on, such as: “Okay, so, just to be on the same page, you’ve been getting the same dreams as me, yeah? The ones where you always die? Those dreams?”
And Danny, very casually, answers, “Yeah.”
“Dude,” Duke says, pained, “If you know that meeting me leads to your death, then why are you seeking me out?!”
“Have you not seen how you die young in every single universe? Because I have! And it’s messing me up!”
Danny blinks at him, then looks guilty, hunching in on himself. “Oh, yeah. That. Uh, yeah, so…” he trails off and bites his lip, gaze kept downwards so he doesn’t have to meet Duke’s eyes. “I do die young always, yeah, but it’s totally not your fault! I just do that!”
“You just do that,” Duke repeats, pained. 
“Yeah. I just die young.”
“Is this somehow not a problem for you.”
To his immense displeasure, Danny has the nerve to shrug and say, “Eh, not really.”
“It’s okay! Really!” Danny says, a little frantically, “And also it has nothing to do with you! None of my deaths have been your fault, it’s just a thing that happens to me!” And then, in a quiet, rushed mumble, “Also I already died in this universe so it’s fine.”
A strangled sound bursts out of Duke’s throat as he tries very hard not to start yelling. He puts his head in his hands and holds back a heavy sigh because the boy of his literal dreams is stressing him out so much he’s about to dissolve into ashes and ascend to a higher realm where he has no worries. 
Unfortunately, he’s not quite there yet, so Duke has to deal with living in the reality where Danny admits he already died because that’s just what he does: die young. 
Which is, apparently, not Duke’s fault at all. Cool. 
Cool cool cool. He’s definitely not going to have a breakdown about this.
A hand gently tugs on his wrist, making him lift his head to meet Danny’s worried gaze. “Hey, you alright? Do you wanna sit down for a minute?”
And you know what? Duke does want to sit down for a minute. He’s earned it. 
He nods, and Danny carefully guides him back to where the roof access door is, so they can sit with their backs against something and be away from the edge where curious eyes might spot them. It feels easy, practiced, as if they’ve done this a thousand times before instead of just now having their first conversation. Their lives have been linked and twisted together, though only for a short time before death takes Danny away. 
He knows Danny, despite how illogical it is, and that’s what makes him take off his helmet and exposure his face to the world. 
Danny knows him too, after all. 
There is no hiding from someone who is meant to be in his life.
Danny’s smiling softly when he turns to look at him. “Hey, Duke. It’s good to see you properly. Is it weird to say that I’ve missed you even though we’ve technically never met in this life?”
“Nah,” he replies, “I missed you too. Please stop scaring me like that.”
“I make no promises. Expect for this: dying won’t take me away from you in this life. I’ve got it handled.”
“I don’t… I don’t think that’s someone anyone can have handled.”
“I’ve got it handled,” Danny repeats firmly. 
Duke shakes his head with a small laugh. He got so caught up in the guilt of leading to Danny’s death, of being unable to save him, of losing  him in every universe, that he forgot how stubborn Danny is. 
It is a weight off his chest, though. To know that it wasn’t his fault. To know that the worst has already come to pass long before they met in this universe, so they don’t have to fear the future together. 
“So,” he says, “Tell me more about these magical ghostly shenanigans?”
“At least wait until the second date for personal questions,” Danny jokes.
“Okay. Wanna grab dinner tonight?”
It’s nice to see that Danny blushes easily in this universe too. “Isn’t that moving a little fast?”
“We’ve been dreaming about a bunch of other universes where we’re together. We know each other even though we don’t know each other. We’re well past moving fast, dude.”
“Yeah, that’s fair,” Danny nods. “Alright. Dinner tonight, then. Take me to the best place for breakfast foods in Gotham. I’ve been craving pancakes all week.”
“Sure, I can do that. Mind giving me your number so I can figure out where to pick you up from?”
Danny nods and begins patting his pockets in search of… something. Duke means to grab his phone and hand it to Danny to get his number, but he’s quickly distracted as Danny gives up on his pockets and shoves a hand directly into his own chest. 
Ghostly magic shenanigans. This is probably part of it?  Danny doesn’t look alarmed by this at all, so Duke rolls with it and shoves away his shock at the sight. 
“Aha!” Danny holds up a sharpie in triumph. He sure did pull that straight out of his ribcage. Duke is so chill with it. 
He lets Danny take hold of his arm, removing a wrist gauntlet so he can write on the skin. The cool ink of the sharpie makes him shiver, but otherwise, he stays still. Danny writes carefully, in smooth movements. It doesn’t take more than a few seconds, then he pulls the sharpie away and blows a surprisingly cold breath against Duke’s wrist to help the ink dry faster.
“There we go,” he says with a smile. “Let me know when you wanna have our date, okay? I’m free whenever, so don’t worry about accommodating me or anything.
“I’ll text you once I’m ready,” Duke agrees. He stands up, looking over the numbers written on his wrist. He memorizes them, then puts his wrist gauntlet back on. It’s about time for him to get back to being the Signal, as much as he hates to leave Danny here when they’ve finally been able to have a quiet moment to themselves. 
“I’ll see you later, then.” Danny hesitates, then leans forward and presses a quick, chaste kiss against Duke’s cheek. Duke blinks at him, stunned, his heart skipping a beat. 
He doesn’t get the chance to return the gesture; Danny flushes red, backs up a few steps with a shy grin, and says, “Okay, bye Duke! Stay safe out there!” And then he’s gone, blinking out of sight, and it’s only his meta powers that let him see a faint wispy outline where Danny was. 
It moves, floating up in the air, then flies away like smoke in the breeze. 
Ah, Duke thinks, Ghostly. He’s a ghost. I’ll worry about that later.
His fingers brush against the spot where Danny kissed him. Then he puts his helmet back on and focuses on swinging through the streets of Gotham, ready for anything. 
The sooner he gets done with patrol, the better, after all. He needs all his focus to do that so he can start getting ready for his date with Danny, the literal boy of his dreams. 
This time, this life, this universe, they’re gonna do it right. They’ll make up for all the time their other selves lost. They’ll cherish every minute together, one pancake date at a time.
And to think, it only took a couple dozen different lives to get here.
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lumilasi · 10 days
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Since I've been updating one of my bleach fics more recently, I felt the once-in-a-blue-moon urge to draw something from it.....decision I VERY MUCH regretted lmao, because what I picked was SUPER difficult to draw, and I had to take some creative liberty with these designs, lessening the detail in them (Didn't even have a proper ref for Oni-Ichigo to begin with...).
Still, I managed to finish this at least. Fanart isn't really my thing anymore that much so these will be rare, even if I am writing semi-regularly.
The scene this bases on from Jack of All Hollows:
(Context, this is a memory viewed by "main" Ichigo of the story, Oni-Ichigo is a separate person)
Grimmjow eventually shifts, now just sitting on the bridge ledge properly, dangling his bare feet over the water. His companion follows his example, though chooses to keep his legs towards the bridge instead, sitting the other way around. He was still glancing at Grimmjow, and Ichigo could tell that color on his demon doppleganger’s face wasn’t just alcohol. He looked like there was something he was trying to say, but was hesitating.
Ichigo knew what it was.
Clearly, Grimmjow was aware of his companion mulling over something, as the blunet eventually snorts and turns to look at Oni Ichigo annoyed.
"What? Spill it, I can literally hear yer overthinkin’ shit again.”
"You can share memories, not read minds.”
"The gears in your brain are so rusty they make shit ton of noise, Kurosaki. Hard not to hear all that.”
The ginger demon laughs at that, his reaction seemingly confusing his companion a little, the point he now grabs Oni Ichigo’s arm and threatens to throw him into the river if he didn’t explain what was so damn funny now. His companion eventually manages to stop laughing with a wheeze, now looking back at the pouty looking blunet, who was clearly still confused about his behavior.
"Yer way too drunk huh; never knew your stubborn ass was this lightweight.”
"Yeah, guess I am.”
Watching the pair, Ichigo felt uneasy now, suddenly having a feeling this wouldn’t end well for his twin. Obviously, this Ichigo had died, but beyond that…
Suddenly, his twin leans closer, clearly catching Grimmjow off-guard. The kiss doesn’t last long, and once his twin pulls back he had gone completely red, now averting his gaze and rubbing his neck sheepishly. Grimmjow had gone completely stiff, just like he’d done that night at that other bridge.
"S-sorry. I….uh.”
He seems to struggle for a moment to decide what to say, still avoiding the blue eyes staring at him. Grimmjow still hadn’t moved an inch, as if his brain had short circuited and he was struggling to process what just happened.
"….You know. You’re not as bad as I thought when we first met. And lately, I don’t know. I just….I like hanging out with you, when you’re not trying to kill me.”
Oni Ichigo chuckles sheepishly, still avoiding his gaze. Grimmjow now turns his head away, his face still unreadable, though the shock seemed to have faded. The atmosphere around the pair had shifted from the easygoing drunkedness to something much more tense and awkward, though Ichigo wasn’t sure if he was reading it that way, or if the emotion was attached to the memory itself.
"I’ve been thinking about that a lot. And….I-I don’t think its…”
Oni Ichigo swallows down hard now, finally daring to look up at Grimmjow. Seeing that uneasy look in his eyes, oh fuck he was scared too. It had clearly taken his twin a lot to bring this up, and so far, neither could tell what Grimmjow was thinking.
"I don’t think it’s friendly affection I’m feeling.”
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