maylovesfiction · 3 days
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Rare buggy art
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maylovesfiction · 8 days
Don't get me wrong, Buggy is ALWAYS hot. I love everything about him. Impel Down is hands down my favorite arc, his ponytail is absolutely glorious, his comedic timing is perfect and was very much needed in Impel Down / Marine Ford and I personally really like that Buggy gets softer again after meeting Luffy, caring for his crewmates and all, but rewatching the Orange Town arc just does something for me...
Maybe it's the trademark make-up, the colourful clothes, or how his arms seem to be more muscular, or the way how he makes use of his daggers, maybe it's the harsher artstyle from the earlier episodes, or his cruelty shining through when he looks at Luffy/Zoro with disdain, maybe it's the fact that I was genuinely surprised he looked through Nami and her scheme and tried forcing her to fire the canonball not letting up when she hesitated, maybe it's the fact that he was a menace and genuine threat back then... but holy hell. I hope he has a license for that attractiveness. This should be illegal. (not that he cares, he's a pirate, everything about him is illegal)
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maylovesfiction · 10 days
Aww I love it. They're so precious. <3
I love the art style. Richie being on Buggy's slippers is just the icing on the cake.
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Me and @the-obnoxious-sibling have been having a lot of fun with the new vivre cards this whole week.
Bonus actual home life drawing:
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maylovesfiction · 11 days
So, I wasn't originally going to post, but today I just felt like sharing a bit. The following scene will be the start of a fanfiction of my (first) OC and Buggy. I have multiple scenes within this whole story already written, and I know how the story will go. I will most likely change this version, when I get a slightly different idea or when I need to include some additional information, but I want the general gist to be like this. I didn't put the whole scene I have written here, because I haven't yet typed it into my laptop (I'm a pencil and paper user - it's easier for me to justify having a pen and paper with me at work than being on my phone haha), but there will be more. I'm at the point where I would like to get your feedback; can be about anything, writing style, writing/spelling/grammar mistakes I made, anything on characters. (There is the possibility that I switch randomly between UK and USA english, I'm sorry) At this point all that's left for me to say is: It ain't much, but it's honest work. Enjoy and Thank you for reading.
He just fell out of the sky. Kanna looked at him with bewildered amusement. He was just a head with hands and feet, no trace of any legs or a torso. He seemingly had no injuries, but she couldn’t be sure, his fall had been pretty bad. She looked him over once more. His coat was way too big for him and his face was oddly familiar. The man was still unconscious and from his attire she figured he could be a pirate, so she wasn’t going to shake him awake. But she also couldn’t just let him lie around out in the open unconscious. She sighed and cautiously poked him with the tip of her shoe, when he still didn’t move, she slowly and carefully picked him up by his hands to carry him towards her small cabin. It was a short walk up the hill until she reached her home. She had to be careful not to stumble over his long orange coat. When she arrived at the house she tucked him into her bed. Judging by his hat he was a pirate and yet she couldn't bring herself to let him lay out there by himself, unconscious and without protection. Besides, maybe he was actually a nice person. Kanna had heard stories about somewhat nice pirates. Sure, being an asshole came with the job description but apparently there were also pirates that didn't abuse the weak and would just hunt the marines, other pirates or simply just treasure. He looked so peaceful. It was decided. Everything was better than to leave him outside and not keeping an eye on him. Kanna made a sour face as she remembered she still had to get groceries from the town's market. She contemplated if it was safe to go into town and leave the pirate to his own. She watched him for a moment and then chose to go nevertheless. She really needed to restock her supplies. 
It was a short walk down the hill to reach town. She finished her tour as quickly as she possibly could. She was almost back on her way home when something caught her eye. It was a Wanted Poster. Her eyes grew wide. So that's where she had seen him. “Wanted Buggy the Clown 15 000 000 Berry” it read. This was the pirate captain who leveled Orange Town! 
Kanna basically ran the way back up to her house, hoping it was still standing. Everything seemed calm when she arrived, so she took a moment to catch her breath. After a few moments she set her supplies down on the ground and opened the door to her cabin as quietly as she could and peeked in. The pirate was still in bed where she had left him and it didn't appear that he had moved at all. A sigh of relief escaped her. “What now?” she asked herself. She didn't want to kill him, that was going against her values. But nevertheless at that moment he still needed help and she couldn't just kick him out. No, she had to stay and take care of him, even if that meant risking her life. Kanna picked up her bag with supplies and entered the house to start putting the groceries away. It was time for lunch.
When Buggy came to the memories only slowly came back. That damned strawhat had launched him into the air. He would pay for this! Only slowly he became aware of his surroundings. He was lying on something soft, it smelled like food and… there was a voice. Talking to him? No. The voice was singing. His eyes flew open, looking for the source of the sound. He slowly turned his head and saw a woman with short black hair standing by a stove with her back towards him. It seemed like she was cutting up some vegetables while singing to herself. Buggy looked around and noticed he was in a small wooden house. Who was this person? Why was he in her house? Was she trying to rob him? Or worse, did she call the marines to get him for his bounty? He quietly managed to sit up, only to find the world spinning around him. His head was throbbing from pain.
Midway through her song she felt a burning sensation on her back. The hairs on her arms rose and she just knew her visitor had to be awake. Kanna stopped singing and slowly turned around to face him. She was surprised to find him already sitting upright in her bed. “Who are you?!” he demanded to know and Kanna noticed a dangerous tone in his voice. “My name is Kanna.” - “Where am I?!” - “You are in my home on the island Sensa.” Buggy looked at her funny “You are lying! There is no such island!” Kanna looked at him with a blank expression and shrugged. “We're a small seasonal island, so most maps won't show us.”  Buggy's eyebrow rose up but he didn't say anything else. He had heard about some seasonal islands on the East Blue. They were only accessible during certain seasons and after some time the ocean would claim them again, only for them to reappear the next year around the same time. People living on those islands would only build quick to raise wooden houses. Yet he was still skeptical. He didn't trust her. Buggy glared at her with narrow eyes. As if Kanna could read his mind she stated “I didn't call the Marines if that's what you're afraid of. And the next town's people don't know you're here either. You fell out of the sky in the woods just below this cabin. I can show you the exact location if you like.” The pirate stayed silent. 
Kanna was tense and she hated the thickness of the air in her cabin. She sighed and tried to relax her stance. He was dangerous but she had to look at it positively, if he was that unhinged he probably would have hurt her already. So maybe he would come around if she was nice. “I was preparing lunch. Nothing fancy, just some plain deer meat with steamed vegetables. Do you want some?” she offered. At the mention of food his eyes lit up ever so slightly, even though he stayed silent. So that was a Yes. A small smile formed on her lips. “I still have some preparation to do, so it'll still take me some time to get the food ready. You can rest and I'll wake you up when I'm done.” Kanna proposed. Not waiting for an answer this time she turned her back to him once again and continued cutting the vegetables into small pieces. 
Yea, as if he would rest now. That woman clearly wanted him to feel safe so he wouldn't be prepared when the Marines showed up. She was a bold one, to turn her back to him so carelessly. If only his head didn't hurt so badly. Her bed was… okay. But not as flashy as his bed back on the Big Top. Her bed was somewhat comfortable, though… and it wouldn't hurt to rest his head a little more. No! He didn't trust her. He couldn't let his guard down. Buggy looked around. Her cabin was basically one big room with the bed on the wall across from the front door and the kitchen cabinets and the stove next to the door. Near the center of the room was a table with two chairs, clearly intended for eating only, and in the furthest corner he spotted another small table with a very small and old stool beneath it. Stacks and stacks upon papers piled up on the corner table. Buggy noticed the lack of decoration, nothing fancy, no silver, no gold, nothing even remotely shiny, except… His eyes rested on a small display case hung on the wall next to the corner table. He ignored the pain in his head starting up again when he moved and jumped off the bed to examine the case further and walked towards it. Buggy detached his head to examine the contents up on the wall. It certainly was a set of throwing knives. They clearly had seen better days, but they had to have been expensive when they were new. They were the product of fine smithing craftsmanship, he could tell as much. When he heard something drop, he turned his floating head towards the origin of the sound. 
Kanna couldn't believe her eyes. She had heard about Buggy's devil fruit powers, but to see them in action was different. She stared at Buggy's head floating in front of her weapon display. She should have hidden them. Kanna mentally smacked herself. She tried to still appear busy in case he would turn to look at her so she was hastily proceeding to cut some potatoes, but in her distracted state she accidentally cut her finger. The cutting knife dropped from her hand onto the floor. “Shit” she cursed out loud. Blood was already trickling from her left hand where the knife had left a moderately deep cut in her index finger. She quickly rinsed her injury with some water and got herself a clean piece of cloth from a rag hanging above the sink to press on her wound. When she looked up, she noticed that Buggy's eyes rested on her. His face was unreadable. “I’m sorry for cursing, I was just clumsy and cut myself. No big deal,” she gave a weak smile before hastily walking over to the table next to Buggy. Kanna opened one of the many drawers and took out some herbs and bandages. Even though it was just a small cut, she still didn’t want it to get infected. She rubbed the herbs between her thumb and index finger of her right hand until the leaves were leaking their fluids. Kanna discarded the bloodied cloth into a hamper nearby and pressed the herbs on to her cut. The painful sting the plant’s fluids were inflicting made her hiss, but she had to be quick to wrap it up before the blood started dripping onto her floor. She quickly wrapped the bandages around her finger and secured them with a little clip. That should do. Kanna had failed to notice Buggy watching her very intently, clearly interested in whatever she was doing. So when she looked up after tending to her wound and was almost face to face with Buggy's head she jumped. “So, you’re some kind of doctor or healer?” Buggy asked her, while turning his gaze towards the open drawer full of herbs, medicine and first aid utensils.
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maylovesfiction · 13 days
I'm currently trying to write some NSFW content. It's my first time (haha). But I always feel like my writing is not suited for this. Like I describe so many things because the scene plays in my head and I want to write down everything that happens so everyone can share the mental image of it with me. But it feels so weird to read from my perspective.
Also everytime I get to the point where I would mention the male or female reproductive organs I just blank out and I don't know how to describe them without using the slang words.
My goal for this NSFW content was originally to stay free from using "cock", "dick", "pussy" and words like these. Hell even writing "vagina" and "penis" doesn't sit right with me.
I feel like I'm repeating myself so much. My NSFW is about "You x Buggy" so it's mostly "you you you you you" and "Buggy he he he Buggy he he Buggy". It even feels weird to me to just say "the pirate" or "the blue haired man" or anything like this.
Maybe I should read more NSFW for inspiration...
Who would have thought that writing NSFW would be so damn hard for me, haha.
This is just a rant that I wanted to get out of my system, because I can't rant to my friend circle about this (they don't write and they aren't big into fanfiction), but if any of you have a tip for me how to get better at this, feel free. I appreciate any help.
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maylovesfiction · 27 days
Work and life in general have been very stressful the last month and I can't see it getting better soon. I'm not as much writing as I want to, but rest assured that I'm still on it. I have so many ideas and a few half written short stories!
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maylovesfiction · 2 months
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maylovesfiction · 2 months
OKAY IT'S DONE IT'S DONE. I'M DONE LOOKING AT IT IT'S DONE. I HOPE WE ALL LIKE IT. Also just. Posting it here. In case you don't have tiktok lol.
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maylovesfiction · 2 months
I'm late to the party, but where I live it's still the 8th august. Happy birthday to our favorite and beloved clown! Here's something short I wrote. Not particularly for his birthday, but I couldn't NOT post on his birthday.
Buggy had never seen himself getting married, but at that moment when he saw her walking down the stairs of the ship the thought of tying himself to her for life was suddenly quite the pleasant thought. She looked absolutely stunning. The hair she had fought so hard to tame into a ponytail was now a mess. Single strands of hair sticking to her face, the rest just falling wildly without a care for the scrunchy that was still, but only loosely dangling in her hair. Speaking of her face, her beautiful face was glistening with sweat. A few smears of oil and grime were scattered on her exposed forearms and across her cheeks. She looked grumpy and he suspected it had to do with the stain of bird poop on her shirt on top of her left shoulder. Or maybe it was the rip in the right leg of her pants. No, it had to be the blood stains on her new shoes. It didn’t matter, Buggy knew right then and there that he loved her and that she was a special kind of woman. She could pack a punch if she needed to and hell did she just prove that. Buggy was impressed how good she handled herself in the skirmish.
Sure, he liked to see her in nice clothes and she was the only person across the seas that he was not stingy with. He’d buy her every jewelry she’d want, except she rarely wanted those luxuries. She usually was down to earth, a very grounded and practical person, she didn’t need or want the fancy lifestyle. Maybe that was what attracted him the most. Although he made sure to surprise her with some nice trinkets and beautiful jewelry every now and then. 
It wasn’t lust what he felt at that moment, well, at least not only lust… but it went so much deeper.
As she approached him, still with that scowl on her face, he could only marvel at her sight. The way she walked, the way her brows were furrowed, the way she crossed her arms in front of her chest as she reached him, everything about her was appealing. She started talking to him, but he couldn’t focus on her words. Buggy just watched her lips as they moved. Her lips were slightly chapped. Probably because of the spontaneous attack of the marines during the hot hours of the day so she was not able to drink enough water. Buggy didn’t mind, it made him want to kiss her even more. He knew she would be mad at him for not listening, but right at that moment he could just stare.
Secretly Buggy was a bit scared. He was scared the day was going to come that another man found her and tried taking his most valuable treasure away. For the first time Buggy understood what the damned strawhat had told him in Orange Town. Treasure didn’t have to be gold and jewelry and riches only. His most precious treasure was the woman standing right in front of him. Overwhelmed by feelings he couldn’t bear to feel at that moment, he leaned forward, interrupting her rant and pressing his lips onto hers. 
When their lips parted the scowl on her face had vanished. “What was that for?” she asked softly. “Mhm… I’m just glad you’re fine. You’re very precious to me, you know that, right?” She looked at him surprised from this rare occurrence of Buggy expressing his feelings so openly. Buggy cleared his throat, blinking a sudden wetness in his eyes away “Let’s get us both a drink and then we'll get you cleaned up. I’ll help you. How does that sound?” he asked as he put his arm around her and guided her towards his quarters. "That sounds perfect" was the answer.
It would take him some time to be truly open and honest with her, to truly confess how much he enjoyed seeing her ‘messy look’, to even just confess how much she truly meant to him. To be comfortable with showing her his vulnerability, to ask her to marry him, to openly tell her he loved her. But Buggy knew she’d understand that he needed time, he somehow knew she’d wait for him to be ready and that was a truly comforting knowledge.
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maylovesfiction · 2 months
Short scene that lived in my head for weeks. In my head Buggy is so oblivious to flirting.
Buggy sat at the bar, looking at his empty rum mug. He was contemplating if getting another one was really worth it. This was all his wife's fault! It was her idea to come to this place because the food was said to be good. Who cares about the food?! The alcohol has to be cheap and good. Buggy had to admit that the rum was indeed good, but the price was absolutely ridiculous. "Hey handsome, what are you doing here all alone?" Buggy barely noticed the voice talking. Remembering his wife's smile when she had happily dug into her food he knew it was worth coming here, but still... if only he could have a little more rum without it blowing a hole in his wallet. 
A tap on his shoulder made him jump and turn around to face the assailant. It was just a woman. A woman with bright blue eyes and long wavy brown hair in a black and red dress. She smiled at him and repeated her initial question "What is a handsome man like you doing here?" Buggy blinked, this woman must be out of her mind. The pirate's mood shifted from surprised to annoyed. His eyes wandered to his empty mug "What does it look like?!" he answered sharply "I was drinking, but have you seen the prices here? They are absolutely ridiculous! Twohundred and fifty berry just for one mug of rum, ONE tiny mug! This is outrageous!" The woman just smiled at his rant and sat down on the stool next to him. "So which rum is your favorite?" , she asked. Buggy just pointed at a barrel behind the barkeeper "That one." - "I see, that's a good choice. So what are you doing here in this town?" Buggy stayed silent for a moment, trying to calm himself. His wife wouldn't like him starting a commotion even though he would really much like to throw his empty mug at the bartender. Speaking of his wife he turned in his seat looking back at their shared table before answering the woman. "My crew and I are docking here for supplies." His wife hadn't returned. Buggy didn't get the need to 'freshen up' in the bathroom, but it was his wife, he wasn't going to argue about this.
"Oh so you're a sailor then", the woman's eyes lit up, as she slowly started to scoot a little closer to him. Buggy noticed her attempts to be closer to him, but didn't know what she was trying to achieve. Then a thought crossed his mind, she was clearly trying to get close to him to steal his hard earned stolen money out of his pockets! His hand reached slowly for the bag of coins in his pocket, checking if it was still there. "I'm not a normal sailor! I'm a pirate! In fact I'm the flashiest pirate captain that you will find around here!" Buggy lectured her, breathing a sigh of relief as his hand touched his coin pouch.
Her eyes grew wide. Oh snap! Now he basically told her that he had money. Buggy mentally slapped himself. The woman motioned for the barkeeper. Buggy didn't even notice her ordering a mug of rum for him because he was so deep in his thoughts, trying to think of a way to make himself appear as a bad target for thievery. The barkeeper setting the rum in front of him startled him. Buggy looked puzzled at the beverage, then to the woman. "My treat! It's not every day you meet a strong and handsome pirate captain!" the woman batted her eyelashes at him. There it was again, she called him handsome again, clearly a ploy to make him lower his guard! But Buggy was smart, he saw right through her! Her compliments would not make him fall for her little tricks!
Buggy just nodded at her and took a sip of his rum, humming in delight as the drink slid down his throat. "So, what's your name?", she asked him. "I'm the great and flashy Buggy the Clown!" he responded eagerly. She looked at him as if she waited for him to do or say something. When it didn't come she looked a bit confused. Buggy had his body still turned towards the bar and gave her a side eye "What?!" The woman quickly composed herself again, "Oh, it's nothing. I'm sorry for staring, you have such beautiful hair, Buggy." She reached for locks of his blue hair falling down his back kept in a high ponytail. The pirate tried to evade her touch, scooting away from her hand. He was unsuccessful as the woman had already gotten ahold of a few strands of hair, slowly rubbing them between her fingers. She then put her hand down onto his thigh. "Buggy, you are just my type and I’m getting really hot. Why don't we take this conversation somewhere else?" she asked suggestively. Buggy's head was spinning, not even listening to what was said, this was a clear attempt on the money in the pocket of his pants just above her hand. He was not letting her have it. A small giggle that he would recognize everywhere snapped him out of it and his head spun around to see his wife had returned to their table, watching him and chuckling at the scene. Buggy briskly stood up, still having his hand wrapped around his mug of rum "It was... nice. I'll need to get back to my wife" he stumbled over the words as he quickly walked back to their table. The woman watched him leave gobsmacked.
When Buggy returned to the table he interrogated his wife "Why did you take so long? I was thinking about coming in and dragging you out of there! What did you even do in there!? I almost got assaulted! Why are you laughing!?" He usually loved when his wife was laughing but this time he had the feeling it was at his expense. "What do you think happened there, my love?" she asked him, trying to contain her laughter. "What do you mean 'what happened there'?! Didn't you see?! It was clear as day! That woman tried to rob me! She was giving me compliments and bought me a drink so I'd let my guard down! Then she was reaching for my coins, but she wasn't as sneaky as she thought, because I totally caught her in the act!" His wife laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe, Buggy just watched her in bewilderment. "Buggy! She was hitting on you", she breathed out between laughs. "WHAT?!"
After she calmed herself again she asked "Did you remember how jealous you got when that tall man in a suit hit on me last month in that tavern with the deer head on the front door?" Buggy had crossed his arms in front of his chest, clearly annoyed, and nodded. "So what exactly did he do, that made you jealous?" The blue haired pirate thought for a moment then started to answer "Well, he told you you were the most beautiful woman and then he tried to buy you- ohhhh" Buggy's eyes widened as the realisation hit him. Then his lips turned into a smirk "Well... I just got hit on! That's no surprise to be honest, because everyone knows the flashiest pirate in the east blue is quite the catch! I don't know how you can top this. You'll have to try really hard to win me over. I have options, you know?" he teased his wife. She laughed again, then replied "How about you finish your drink and then we go back to the ship and I..." she leaned over and whispered in his ear. His eyes grew wide and an almost devious smile crossed his face. Buggy had never downed a rum that fast in his life before.
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maylovesfiction · 2 months
I have a question to all the writers out there: How do you personally write and post your multiple chapter stories?
Do you write one chapter at a time, look it over and instantly post it? If yes, how do you deal with it if you suddenly suffer from writer's block? Do you just pause the story for the time being? Do you write a few chapters in advance before posting one so you can edit the chapters before if you need (e.g. for foreshadowing)? If yes, approximately how many chapters in advance do you prefer as a "safe option"? Or do you write the whole story first and then edit it into little chapters, which you post then on a schedule? If yes, how do you manage to keep motivated to finish the whole story first?
I really need some insight how different people do it. Thank you.
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maylovesfiction · 2 months
Not me being frustrated that I don't find the time to write down all my thoughts and ideas or to work on my existing stories.
Also I'm not being mad, that the last week was so incredibly hot and I didn't get anything done after work except lying in bed trying to sleep at every chance I got, because the heat didn't let me sleep at night.
When things at work slow down again and the weather becomes bearable again I will hopefully be able to write again and post my stuff.
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maylovesfiction · 3 months
A few hours ago, I sat down to write down some simple thoughts about Mihawk and a Reader. I'm currently trying to get myself into writing again by writing about people with different personalities. Cross guild is just perfect for that one. It was supposed to be something short, a few hundred words... yea. That worked (not)
So: Enjoy my spontaneous, not planned, thing I just wrote.
Mihawk hated how you invaded his space. He was hardly ever able to deal with Buggy, but another colourful, cheerful and lively person was too much for him. Whenever you were around he couldn't concentrate on any task he was doing. Your happy laugh that would light up your whole face was the worst. Mihawk couldn't look away. You were going on his nerves. 
Mihawk wasn't able to grasp why everyone you interacted with seemed to instantly like you. You were just insufferable. The way you could entertain a whole room when telling a story, the way your face was so expressive when you talked or intently listened to the people around you, the way you seemed to always remember what everyone liked or didn't like, just unlikeable. It seemed like he was the only one around who could see clearly.
Mihawk did his best to dodge you, he really didn't want to interact with you, because everytime he did you smiled so sweetly at him that his head started to hurt. He watched you the whole time anytime you were in a room together under the pretence that he had to keep an eye on you in case you tried something funny. He also wanted to understand you, how you could infatuate so many people at once, not him though. Mihawk would never notice the wrinkles around your eyes whenever you laughed, or how happy you were for the whole day after someone had put your favorite snacks down outside of your room. How would he know, because it was definitely not him putting the snacks there and hiding in the shadows watching your face go from confusion to delight upon looking down and finding the food. 
If someone would ask him if he liked you, Mihawk would scoff, not even giving an answer before just leaving the room. 
Mihawk didn't like anything about you. Not how your hair sparkled in the sunlight, not the colour of your eyes, not your smile or the way you danced when the band played their music. He didn't like how you didn't seem to care what the world around thought about you when you did something crazy.
And yet... the moment he heard your scream echoing through the halls his body was the first to move. Hand on his sword he busted through the door of the bathroom to find you standing on a small stool, only wrapped in a small towel. A mouse... you were not in danger, it was just a mouse. Mihawk huffed in annoyance as he went to put an end to the little creature. "No! Don't hurt him!" he heard your voice. His eyes met yours. In the background he vaguely noted the arrival of Buggy and some of his crewmates. Mihawk just turned to leave, leaving Buggy in charge of catching the mouse. After he stepped out into the hall, he turned one last time. You were still wrapped in the towel, illuminated by the sunlight coming through the window behind you, looking like a goddess, while ordering Buggy and the white haired man with animal ears that was part of Buggy's former crew around to catch the mouse alive. He hadn't bothered to remember the man's name.
Mihawk once asked Crocodile what he thought about you joining Cross Guild. Crocodile barely had looked up from his paperwork "I don't have a strong opinion on that woman, but she's not unpleasant to be around." 
Mihawk found another thing he hated about you as he was lying awake at night. You wouldn't leave his thoughts. For the last few months every night he would have trouble falling asleep because he disliked you so much. Tonight it was that mental picture of you in the towel. He couldn't stop thinking about you. A scar on your right knee, he wondered what happened. Painted toe nails, why would you paint your toenails if you always had shoes on? Was there someone in your life that you painted them for? The thought had Mihawk sit up in his bed, clearly frustrated. He had never bothered to find out if you were dating anyone. Why would he care?
The thought of you in someone's arms, someone that was not him made him angry. But why? He couldn't stand you.
Mihawk got up, it was clear to him, that he wasn't getting any sleep tonight. 
Mihawk walked towards the kitchen. It wasn't like he didn't have any wine in his room, but tonight he didn't feel like drinking a fancy and expensive wine. Tonight he needed something else. He didn't bother turning on the lights as he blindly rummaged through the cabinets to find some cheap booze, stuff that Shanks would drink on occasion. Mihawk needed this to numb his thoughts. He whipped around when he felt a presence entering the kitchen. The light was turned on and you let out a surprised scream, dropping the empty plate you had in your hands. You flinched as the plate hit the ground and sprang into a million pieces. You jumped again as you noticed Mihawk was suddenly standing right by your side. "Sheesh! What are you doing here in the dark?! You scared me!", heart still beating hard in your chest. "You should clean that up, so no one steps in it" Mihawk sad with a cold tone, before walking past you out of the kitchen. 
Somehow this irked you more than it should. You turned to face his back, yelling "Not even a 'Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you'!? You know what you are? You are an asshole, Mihawk!" The swordsman stopped in his tracks, your words had hurt and surprised him. He had never seen you get angry. He turned his head to see you get a broom to sweep up the mess with a sour look on your face. 
He sighed as he walked towards you and took the broom out of your hands. "What are you doing?" - "I apologize for scaring you and for handling this as badly as I did. It is only fair that I clean up the mess, since you wouldn't be in that situation if it weren't for me", he simply replied. "Oh, so you CAN be nice", you said quietly, but with a sharp undertone. Mihawk furrowed his brows, still collecting random pieces of the smashed plate. "What does that mean?" - "That means that I try my best to be nice to you, but you're always so cold. I feel like you hate me. I always wonder what I did to make you dislike me like that. Is it something I can change?", you wondered. "No." Mihawk had finished picking up the shards and there was no trace of the accident left. "No?", you looked at him puzzled. 
He forced himself to say the words "I don't hate you, neither do I dislike you." - "You have a weird way of showing that."
You stood right in front of Mihawk looking up at him into his yellow eyes. He held your gaze seemingly with ease, but his heart betrayed him as it started to beat faster. "Very well... I wish you a good night." He left, leaving you standing alone and confused in the kitchen. "What the hell was that about...?"
The next day you found your favorite snacks lying in front of your door, but this time there were also a few flowers. "Huh, weird timing", you thought, but still smiled at the sight. You paused as you picked up the flowers, you could have sworn you had already seen them somewhere. As you went about your day you didn't think too much about it. You were busy trying out a new makeup style on Buggy, playing with Richie, listening to Galdino talking about his candle devil fruit and dancing and singing along to the songs the band was playing. As always you felt eyes on you, but you had never found out if it was your imagination or if someone in the room was just quick to avert his gaze whenever you looked around.
This time was different, though. And you could already feel it. As you turned around you spotted him almost immediately. This time he didn't look away, his yellow eyes meeting yours.
You shot him a smile yet his stoic expression never changed. Although you could swear he was blushing ever so slightly. You continued what you were doing and after a while you noticed Mihawk had left the room. 
It was already late, so you wished everyone who was still up a good night and went back to your room. A breeze made you pause. Some fresh air before bed would certainly be nice, so you followed the breeze beckoning you outside.
The night air was cool but it was not cold. You took a few deep breaths enjoying the silence and the wind in your hair. As you turned to get back inside something in the corner of your eyes caught your attention. Mihawk had made himself a little flower bed on a small patch of grass and earth. It was his little retreat that was off limits to anyone. You had marveled at the colourful flowers he had managed to grow recently and now you noticed some of them missing.
Suddenly it hit you, Mihawk was your secret admirer. And now you felt like an ass. Sure, you didn't know back then that it was him to cheer you up with your favorite snacks every time you had a hard day, but still... now that you knew you felt bad calling him out in the kitchen the night before. You had to make things right. For tonight you had a mission and you knew exactly how to do it.
Another sleepless night. Mihawk was slowly losing his mind. Not many things could rile him up that much. That smile you had graced him with that day was embedded into his head. He had slowly come to the realisation that lying to himself wouldn't make the feelings he had for you go away. It only made them worse. He sighed heavily. Suddenly there was a knock on his door. Who would knock at this hour? Usually he'd be mad at the interruption, but tonight he was glad he could take his mind off his problem.
Mihawk didn't bother to put on his jacket, he opened the door shirtless only in his pants. The hall was seemingly empty, but he could feel a presence looming in the shadows where the small ray of light coming from his room didn't reach. He took a step forward only to stop and look at the thing he had just bumped into. On the ground in front of his room was a bottle of red wine and an arrangement of snacks and foods he liked, like crackers with grapes and a special type of cheese.
His eyebrows rose at the sight of it. "I figured it out. It was you who surprised me with my favorite snacks and the flowers, wasn't it?" you asked, a smile audible in your voice. Mihawk just nodded, watching you as you stepped out of the shadows. "And here I was thinking you didn't like me. I'm sorry for my outburst in the kitchen", you apologized. "It's nothing, don't worry about such things." As he said this, your smile widened and made his heart skip a beat. 
"I would like to get to know you better, Mihawk", you spoke softly, "but only if you're interested, of course." 
Mihawk picked up the tray with food and the bottle of red wine. “By the looks of this, you already know me quite well." 
"Pfff, that was easy. That's not what I was thinking about." - "I know, come in", he simply replied and it sounded more like a statement than an invitation. Mihawk went back into his room, setting the food and wine on the table. You shyly followed him, closing the door behind you. Mihawk set two wine glasses on the table and got another chair for you to sit on. You were a bit unsure of what this was supposed to be, but you just went with the flow. 
After he had made sure you were sitting comfortably and after he had poured some wine for the both of you he looked at you "So, what do you want to know?"
Time was flying by as you talked. You noticed how Mihawk tried to talk a bit more than usual. He wouldn't answer all your questions, but most of them. You tried to tell yourself the warmth you felt in your chest was from the alcohol, but deep down you knew better. Sadly the night was coming to an end, when you couldn't keep yourself from yawning every few minutes. "It's really late, we should head to bed", Mihawk said. Only listening to what he was saying with half an ear, you simply nodded "Yea".
Mihawk helped you get up from the chair, he paused for a moment, looking between you and his bed. Now, as you still held his arm from when he helped you up, the words slowly seeped into your consciousness 'we should head to bed'. 'We'... 'We'? Oh. The realisation made you blush.
You looked up at him, noticing a conflicted look on his face. 
You tried to defuse the situation "I mean... I could if you insisted, NO, no... that's not what I wanted to say,.. I mean I would if you want me to... I..." you were stumbling over your words not knowing how to bring your point across, but you were silenced by a pair of lips softly pressed on yours. It was like a lightning striking your body. For a brief moment your body tensed up only to relax into the kiss. When Mihawk broke the kiss, you had found the words "I will stay the night."
As the both of you settled into his bed, your heart was racing. This was NOT how you expected the night to go, but this outcome wasn't unpleasant. Mihawk had been awfully quiet since the kiss, and yet you didn't think about it as something bad. He seemed strangely content and he openly showed this. 
He was lying on his back, his left arm pulling you close to him, as you snuggled up against him. Your hand tracing circles and shapes on his bare chest as you listened to his heartbeat. Even though you were still excited and nervous, you noticed your eyelids getting heavier by every passing second. "Good night, Mihawk", you mumbled. "Good night", he answered.
Mihawk had never felt so relaxed and content before. You - snuggled up so tightly against him - made him feel safe. It took him a little longer to fall asleep, but the sleep that followed was the best he ever had.
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maylovesfiction · 3 months
To Buggy it didn't matter that she had lost her strong arm. To him she looked as beautiful as the day he met her.
Buggy didn't mind, that she had to relearn everything, he'd always lend her a hand if she'd let him.
The only thing that truly mattered to him was that she was still alive. That he could still touch her, hug her, love her.
He didn't mind her angry outbursts, when she would swing her remaining fist at him, when she would scream and then break down crying.
Buggy would always help her up, tell her how beautiful she was, hold her and tell her how much he loved her.
He would find ways to show her, that the only place on earth where he truly wanted to be, was by her side. That her losing an arm would not change that. That to him she was not "broken" or "worth less than before". It was quite the opposite.
Buggy would do anything for her. She had always been perfect to him, even though he didn't tell her, but now he was telling her everyday. After almost losing her he didn't want to regret not telling her how much she meant to him.
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maylovesfiction · 3 months
"You are disposable!" Crocodile regretted saying those words the moment they slipped past his lips.
"Is that what you think of me?!", she asked, disbelief in her voice.
He kept silent. Crocodile hated how he couldn't reach out to her, say that he didn't mean it because she was in fact NOT disposable. But a glance to his "visitors" told him he couldn't show just how much she meant to him. Openly admitting that he loved her would endager her life.
As she left in tears, he only had one thought. She'd never know just how special she was to him.
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maylovesfiction · 3 months
Her: "Can I stay with you tonight?"
Buggy: "What?! Why!?"
Her: "I can't sleep. I'm not feeling well... please?"
Buggy: "I mean... I could think about it... even though I don't understand why you'd want to stay with m-"
Her: "Buggy!"
Buggy: "Okay, okay, fine! You can sleep on the bed, I'll go sleep on the floor." *annoyed*
Her: "That's not what I had in mind..."
Buggy: "Oh, so you'd like to sleep on the floor?!"
Her: "Your bed is big enough for two."
Buggy: "But why would y-"
Her: "Shut up and move over! I'm too tired for this!" *gets into bed*
Buggy: "I don't understand ... "
Her: "At that rate you won't understand any time soon. Good night, Buggy." *snuggles up to Buggy*
Buggy: "... ... ... 'night."
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maylovesfiction · 3 months
Her: "Why did you save me?"
Crocodile: "Because I don't want to listen to the clown whining and crying about you.
Her: "I didn't know you cared so much about Buggy."
Crocodile: "I don't. But I prefer the clown to keep his mouth shut."
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