#I also decided to give him mantis blades
aceghosts · 3 months
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CYBERPUNK 2077 OC: Jack Shepard (He/Him)
So, pack up your car, put a hand on your heart Say whatever you feel, be wherever you are We ain't angry at you, love You're the greatest thing we've lost The birds will still sing Your folks will still fight The boards will still creak The leaves will still die We ain't angry at you, love We'll be waiting for you, love
You're Gonna Go Far by Noah Kahan
TEMPLATE by @kanos
Taglist (Opt in/out): @bbrocklesnar, @alexxmason, @sergeiravenov, @tommyarashikage, @voidika,
@carlosoliveiraa, @direwombat, @strangefable, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @inafieldofdaisies,
@captastra, @cassietrn, @imogenkol, @katsigian, @g0dspeeed,
@clicheantagonist, @cloudofbutterflies92, @theelderhazelnut, @icecutioner, @thedeadthree,
@confidentandgood, @raresvtm
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
ijkl for Ryder and Thyjs, for the nsfw ask >:)
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I - Innuendo - How good is their dirty talk game?
At first Thyjs didn't do dirty talk at all. But Ryder gets him into it within their first time and is surprised how vocal and direct Thyjs can be. So they both enjoy talking a lot during their hot sport activities. Ryder often throws in German and Thyjs throws in Dutch in return — they do understand what the other says. Thyjs understands German very well. Only Ryder sometimes has to stop in the midst of the act asking what Thyjs (sometimes funny sounding) dirty talk means. It's kind of an awkward still moment until both start laughing. They also find themselves back into it immediately, it's not a turn off at all.
J - Jungle - How well groomed is their carpet, etc.? 
Ryder keeps some stubble, he grooms into stripes narrowing smaller towards his intimate area. It aligns very well along with his tattoos he's got on his abdominal area. Other than that? For a dark haired man, he doesn't have lots of body hair. He used to have dark hair on his forearms but with getting his cybernetic arms he decided to leave this out since it's not necessary for him. He also shaves his armpits because he can't stand having a growing bush. The bit of body hair he's got on his chest he decided to have it removed. It is mainly because he likes his tattoo visibly clean from any disturbing hair.. For the record: Ry has normal Tzarev body skin that is basically hairless (bc I in the first place find this very appealing) but I imagine his legs have a certain amount of nice looking hair. I just can't cope with the hair textures in the game, I find them unappealing/not realistic enough so I do not use any body hair mod on my boys except for intimate area pubes.
Thyjs is a bit different. Since he's an albino you are likely not to spot any body hair because it is almost invisible having no color. He too does shave his armpits. He used to have a more or less nicely groomed carpet in the intimate area but since he got the abdominal body plate it reaches down until the base of his genitals so every hair is removed as well.
K - Kiss - How are they skilled with their mouths? Tongue, or not? And how often do they kiss anything but lips?
Ryder is very skilled. He loves using his tongue but also his sharp teeth and he frequently kisses every spot he wants to and/or is allowed to. He's very experienced in all things lollipops because he loves to suck them in general, letting his tongue play with it in every way possible. He loves it when they are pierced as well, more to play around with. Thyjs may not be as skilled with his tongue as Ryder is but he wins most fights in their passionate French kissing. He likes to kiss Ryder's neck (Ry is sensitive there) and also casually gives the one or other scar and subdermal implant a kiss as well. Since both of them have cybernetic forearms — Ryder both because mantis blades, Thyjs only his left because he lost his organic one during a battle in Afghanistan — the sensation of touch with hands feels more or less different for both. Thyjs still has his organic right hand that helps him explore and he's got the best Militech tech cybernetics giving him almost real touch sensors in his left hand. Ryder however does have more outdated cyberarms he needs to upgrade, so his feeling to touch is not quite realistic. He can't feel hot or cold, only if it's soft or hard and the fine skill to sense what he feels out is entirely missing. E.g. touching skin or plastic that has same softness without looking at it he is not able to tell you what it is. His fingers aren't able to feel if someone has e.g. goosebumps. So instead Ryder uses, when it comes to sex, his tongue as replacement. He wants to "feel" his partner, get to know everything, each tiny scar, taste some tiny hairs, feel the goosebumps with his taste buds he causes to his lover and so on. His hands may be able to give the same affection to his lover as organic hands would do, because they have RealSkin only Ryder cannot feel what he used to feel back then when he's still had his organic ones. But as soon as it is possible he will exchange that with new and better touch/feel sensors, like Thyjs got in his left.
L - Libido - How long can they go?
Ryder can go for quite a while. He's built up some stamina over the years that is far above the average. He's got a lot of energy and pushes it to the limits of total exhaustion — for all: training, dancing as well as his sexlife. If you want multiple sessions, Ryder is the guy for ya (but belongs to Thyjs now heh). There are days though even he's not on full power and needs to recharge for a bit. But even for this there'S a solution: If Thyjs is super horny and wants sex but Ryder feels 'meh' Thyjs may just juice him up. Ryder got himself an inductor after his first encounter with Thyjs cybernetic electrical hand. So the electric shocks are sent into the inductor and get converted into energy gaining him strength back. If he's in the mood it might get him going.
Thyjs is well trained as well but has less stamina since he often uses it for Sandevistan, being fast needs a lot of energy. So if he is not on full charge, he's likely to go only for one time.
asks were from this post.
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It's almost 3am and I can't sleep so I have decided to give y'all an update of my Hollow Knight playthrough (please don't spoil anything to me or anything I'll cry). I've advanced a lot since the last time I posted (I think I was barely on False Knight/Hornet back then) but I still feel like there's a lot more to go oof.
I've got the dream nail and I am close to the first 100 essence the guy told me to collect! yay!
Myla is infected:( She didn't attack me last time I checked up on her, but I'll just leave her be. I hope you're better soon my friend.
I love the Mantis Lords. As in, I had a hard time (even though I didn't try them right after getting the mantis claw bc I couldn't get through the platforming – which i got quite easily later), specially when they threw the blade thingy at me with the lower pattern, but i like the guys a lot. Their theme was neat and idk i think they're pretty cool guys and I love that they've accepted me. I wish I could dream nail them, like I guess I technically could've done that during the fight but I was busy, uh, trying to not get killed and stuff.
Easiest (took me the least tries) bosses so far: Gruzzmother (fun fact, I actually beat her before the false knight! i as super lost since i didn't have the compass and ended up there by chance), Dung defender (funny guy. also, why does dung need to be defended? maybe I'll never know), Broken Vessel and the Fluke thingy.
I have rescued a little over half of the grubs! I love the happy noise they make when they see me coming to the rescue and also when I go visit them! My precious little things. Also, I have lots of charms now, according to Salubra there's only 15 more to go and I'll have her blessing. Additionally, I've upgraded my nail twice already:)
The deepnest was wild lmao. As in, I love creepy stuff so I loved it but like it also made my skin crawl i guess, specially the noises the bugs do when they "come back" to life thanks to the parasite stuff (I have the Hunter's diary btw!!). Really an interesting place and I saved Zote down there, too:D Oh and I met the Midwife?, except I never actually talked to her bc I reflex hit her and later had to google "hollow mask deepnest masked character from the walls".
As another fun fact, I found Nosk earlier today. Like, technically I just got to Kindom's Edge recently, but I went back bc I wanted to review certain areas and things I had marked on my map bc I found them funny (to see if I could investigate now that I have more abilities).
So, I find the breakable wall and I try to explore as much of the area. Eventually I reach the part in which I start seeing myself and I just kept going. It was definitely eerie (which I love) but as I was trying to find my way around, I was a bit afraid thinking something along the notes of "This other me scares me a little, I feel like at some point I will actually run into him and he's going to absolutely fucking wreck me". And I swear I had no idea if that was really where the whole thing was going (I've just played enough videogames to distrust shadow/clone selves) but yeah. that's exactly what happened😭 I didn't really try to beat him, though. I decided to just keep him in mind for later.
And, oh, I found the Godhome, too? But I just looked around a little (there where things marking the bosses I have defeated) and decided to go back bc I had a big big feeling I'm not supposed to be there yet.
At last, I finally rescued Bretta!! I had seen her from afar before but i didn't have the means to reach her yet. After some battling with the later section of the platforming, I finally got to meet her and I love her!!! And she's??? got a crush on me????? I'm. She's so cute. If I sit on the bench beside her at dirtmouth she blushes. blushes¡!!!!! And I read her thoughts and she's like oh my saviour besides me. And I go to her room and there's a plushie of me and and the written story. She's adorable I wanna hug her so bad:(
And I feel like that's all, perhaps? I woke up a dreamer at the distant village and the crossroad is infected now but that's it. anyways. I feel like i might be able to finally sleep after this:)
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jeeperso · 3 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Ravenloft, Dementlieu Arc, part 3
"Oh goodie, another witness." “Oh, goody, a victim.” “Now, I only need one of you to scream answers for me. I’ll let you choose.” "Sri Marshal of the Ordo Custodes Tenebris! Y'all are under arrest! Surrender now or Jonni will open fire!" Jonni casts fireball on them. "Sri Linxia, Order of the Rack Hellknights. YOU are under arrest." Marshal: "I am responding to a code nine-oh...and Jonni lit you on fire. Good, I needed some work therapy." "Row, row, row your boat until I get to the bigger one." Row! Row! Fight the power!" "Also, your Apparatus of Kwalish is illegally docked." OOC: Never underestimate Jonni's willingness to solve problems with fire. Also, Jonni's fireball incinerated all the bodies and the boat is now MORE on fire. “You guys go finish those losers off, but save the screamiest looking one for questioning. Jonni’s got this!" OOC: Again, lock, stock & two wands of fireball. Gorbash picks up the ticking device and hucks it overboard as far as he can. GM: It goes over with no trouble, but is still floating near the boat. GM: Which is still sinking by the way. GM: And on fire. Marshal: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." Once you guys get on the rowboat, you manage to get away from the ship as the bomb goes off, putting ANOTHER hole in the ship, and causing it to sink beneath the waves. Irost: "Does... this kind of stuff usually happen on your missions?" Jonni: “Usually there’s more fire than that.” Gorbash: "But yeah, assholes and fire are a staple. Also Jonni applying fire to assholes." Jonni: “Literally if possible.” Alright, as you return to the docks, you begin to hear sirens in the distance, signaling the coming of the city guard, you also see several boats on the harbor now, probably the coast guard. "Cheese it!" GM: As said by the party Paladin. This man is a father now. Gorbash: "If anyone asks we saw nothing. Except a boat suddenly being on fire. Which we know nothing about." Jonni: "Right, the number 2." There is one thing though. Driven in the door of your wagon is a dagger, the same dagger that the Tiefling was using. “Hey, free knife.” Gorbash: "Really? This is supposed to scare us?" shakes his head "Amateurs." As soon as you say this, the Mantis head rips itself out of your hands, grows metal spider legs, gives off a high pitched giggle, then runs off into the night. “It’s okay, I’ve seen this play. Jon Voigt finishes him off in the third act." "Hey, anyone who knows me knows I like to be everyones friend. I especially want to be friends with a friend who has a friend with a knife to my back." "Yeah, that is Linxia alright. Bigot too, she encouraged us messing with Semprini just because of his race." “Yeah. We mess with him because we hate him.”
"My other business is that, for all your generosity, Lady Vesh, I recall something about our needing to be seen as big spenders." “Hey, I bribed those cops without even being asked.” "They keep a whale in captivity. Jail break! Who's with me?" Nyx says with a huge grin on her face. Jonni: “We’d need a D3 cruiser and plexiglass. Get that and I’m in.” OOC: Seriously considering Jonni showing up naked, wreathed in fire. Marshal: "We go into the dark places, bringing light. And fire. And sharp blades." Irost: "I bring more darkness and ice." "COWER BRIEF MORTALS!" Jonni makes a fire bird behind Marshall. "I COME FROM FUNDERTAINMENT'S THRONE OF THE BLACK ROSE!" Gorbash sighs. "...I know we need to make an entrance but really guys." Marshal slips on a pair of burning red Kamina glasses With Irost's help, ominous bogus latin chanting follows Marshal as he strides like a Death Knight through the crowd. Minor illusions, as Irost sneaks along behind Marshal to keep the chanting going. "THE BOY, MORTAL." “BEHOLD MARSHALL! PALADIN OF THE WATCH! I AM HIS HERALD, JONTHANA, SHE WHO MAKES TORCHES OF MEN!” He produces a Sending stone, grabs Marshal, and flashes a selfie with it and him. As you enter, you step in some pools of fetid slime. Irost: "I just got these shoes!" he laments, stepping more daintily. Nyx decides to go looking for something slimy on the food tables. Armor or no armor, Linxia is getting it down the back no matter what. Seeing what she's doing, Marshal goes full ham. OOC: So we finally stuffed him with meat to make him a meat shield? "So, want to hear about how Clerical Magic has been shown to cause early onset dementia? I have some pamphlets..." “Nah, that’s a hoax by big alchemy.” "Not even a whale, describe what it looks like, Irost." I don't know. Like a big fish, with tentacles, and a weird mouth.... kind of Kalimari-ish.... and three eyes." “Aaaaaaaand time for us to go.” “I heard stories about them. Their reign was only ended by a falling piece of god that caused a thousand years of darkness.” "A knight of Asmodeus fears no man or beast." “Yes, but you’re all morons.” Irost: "I believe I heard Marshall refer to it by its proper name... Apparatus of Quail Quiche."
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jt-artsandfics · 4 years
Mantis blades and Gorrila fist.
Oda Sandayu x male V
Oda Sandayu didn't like V that was something he made very clear on multiple occasions such as thier first meeting,the time they tired to kill each other, the time Oda looked ready to kill him the moment he had walked in beside Hanako Arasaka and now of recent with Oda standing in his doorway of his apartment at 10 at night.
V didn't know what to do, it was a surprise to have Oda show up on his door step at all and here he stood demanding a rematch fight.
It had been nearly a year since V recovered from the chip and Johnny. Sometimes he still caught himself trying to talk to Johnny even tho he wasn't there anymore, so there wasn't alot which could really surprise V.
But to seemed Oda just knew how to, after all it wasn't everyday he had a handsome Arasaka ninja at his front door.
But having Oda Sandayu wanting to fighting him again was something V wasn't ready for.
so in his better judgement he declined the request only for Oda to barge into his apartment not happy with that answer.
"Look Oda I don't know why you are so desperate to fight me now. You lost, just take the embarrassment and deal with it like a normal person" he said while trying to push the other man back out the door. Eventually it got him nowhere and he decided to let Oda in
moving away from the door only to have Oda follow him.
"You do not understand Vexrin, I was trained and raised to protect Hanako yet I was bested by a Street Thief"
he growls looking to the blue and red haired man as if he wanted to rip him apart.
V mumbles under his breath about Oda and Goro with their constant talk of honor, why did all the good looking men have to be either crazy or care only about work.
Finally he decided if he couldn't get rid of Oda he'd try and apease him.
"Come in and Sit down and we will talk about it"
V moved to the couch before dropping onto it and waits for Oda to come and sit down.
Oda doesn't move straight away he continues to glare at V. "Take a picture it last longer" V says and Oda continues to glare at him.
Eventually deccided Vexrin snaps his fingers to get odas attention and break him out of his trance like state.
"If it makes you feel any better the only reason I really won against you was becuase I had gorilla arm upgrades. If I didn't you most likely would have won. Not only that I was running off instinct of not wanting to die, so I was doing the best I could to stay alive"
V grabs one of the cans of soda off the table in front of him and offers it to the other man.
Oda eyes the can suspiciously and shaking his head deciding not to take the drink, V shrugs his shoulders and cracks the can open and takes a drink or the sweet beverage.
"I still want a rematch" Oda says with pure determination and fire in his pale grey almost white eyes.
V groans in annoyance once again and makes up his mind.
"Fine! If I give you a fucking rematch with you sit the fuck down and stop having a stick up your ass!"
With that said Oda huffs and takes a seat on the couch opposite of V. Vexrin closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose are he tries to calm himself down.
'Don't kill him, you promised Goro you wouldn't kill him even if you really want to'
They both sat in silence for a while before Oda speaks up.
" What are the trems for this re match, time and place"
gods he really does take after Takemura with his constant talk for business and never just casual convosation.
"The terms are you have a drink with me and don't attack me while I'm in my apartment other then that have at"
V grabs another can of soda and holds it out to Oda.
" and you have to have the drink with me or it's a no go, even tho I doubt that would stop you"
Oda nods and takes the can of soda. He cracks it and takes a big mouthful. His eyes are now back on V.
" Understood watch you back Vexrin Vincent"
Tag list is @clarisse-la-fuck-you @dartheldur @inkrabbit
Let me know if you would also like to be tagged in any up coming art or fanfic
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jacks-little-jacky · 3 years
First I love you to write Jack's scenarios, I'm also a total simp for him. I would like to ask of an scenario were Jack meets a girl just as crazy as him (I mean they share tastes with cutting things and they both always have a smile) and falls madly inlove with her. So they start going out as a couple, and Jack decides to propose to her. (obviously Y/N says yes) :) :)
Jack with an equally crazy s/o | Jack x Reader Headcanons
Aaaah! My first request! Sorry that I didn’t pay attention earlier to it, I got super busy in real-life stuff but now I am back for our lord and savior Mantis-Man. Honestly, I feel like you have to be a little bit crazy to match Jack, I mean look at the dude. Now start:
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I would say you join his squad because there’s a good chance for him seeing that you like cutting things just as much 
Honestly he at first thought you were mocking him
got crazy doki dokis when he noticed you are being genuine
will take you on missions with him because you don’t stop him and match his crazy “fuck shit up” energy
you probably have to give him some advice sometimes to keep calm because someone who matches his energy makes him go apeshit
he was interested because your crazy matched his which is why he started doing missions together 
damn because you now spend a lot of time together (alone) this man gets to know you
thinks you’re super funny and can always make you laugh too
will be stupid when he first realizes that he fell, and he did that hard 
he suddenly got quieter around you because he didn’t want to scare you on accident 
you thought it was weird and it totally backfired
he acts even weirder around you but you think it's funny/cute
no one really gets why the Mantis-Captain gets a tiny bit weirder around you 
Until he loudly confessed it in front of everyone lmao
and that came out like “Y/N I love cutting things up with you. In fact, I love you more than cutting things. Which is a lot if you haven’t noticed, be impressed”
he says it kinda casually? 
oh boy he panics inside, wants to Death Scythe himself after
You deserve better than this but he’s not the guy for big things
He doesn’t get why you accepted his confession, is happy
you are from now on allowed to let Sekke do errands and if anyone complains he will knife a bitch
is working a lot but tries to get you to train and get missions together even more
Jack started thinking about proposing when Yami joked about it
he did carry the ring with him forever 
nothing felt right and he started getting frustrated
didn’t want to fuck it up like the confession
either confessed if a mission would go bad and he would get scared that there never would be a chance or at some very casual but nice evening
comes completely out of the blue
“Y/N. I really appreciate our time together and... Fuck... I-... Look you’re the matching dumb half to me... I- Of course, ya aren’t dumb... I mean... God, I’m awful at this shit, keke... Just... Would ya marry me already?“
If there are people around, they look totally confused
If Jack feels like they would pressure you, he would threaten them with his blades 10/10
Of course, you say yes, but can’t help but laugh
Jacks so relieved
the wedding plans are chaos with him 
“I’ll say my vows two times that day I swear. One time on the altar and after that with my tongue on your skin.”
he’s an idiot but so happy to marry you
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 5 years
Cal Kestis x Reader: Training
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  Author’s note: My first Cal Kestis fanfic!!!!  I lurve him. He’s such a sweet boi.  Also, this is set after the events of the game.
  You waved the lightsaber hilt, eyes trained to your hands.  The low hum emitting from the cyan blade grew more intense with the movement.  However, the strike had not been nearly firm or decisive enough as it should have been.  The silent jedi beside you gave neither a sigh nor any indication of impatience.  He only took a few steps forward to enter into your training space, and you quickly switched the saber off.
  “I can see you’re still hesitating,” Cal spoke up.  “When you strike, you have to follow through.”
  “I’m sorry.”  You were not as patient with yourself as he was.  “I should be farther along in my training by now.  I’m still not used to wielding something so powerful, so dangerous.  I don’t want to hurt people that I don’t intend to.”
  He gave a reassuring nod.  “It’s alright.  Don’t worry about where you should be.  Just focus on what you are doing now.”
  “Right,” you acknowledged.  
  “When you’re holding a lightsaber, the last thing you want is to let fear take over.  I’ve wielded a lightsaber for a long time, so I am comfortable with it.  But I can feel your anxiety about it, so I understand.  It’s good that you don't underestimate the power of this weapon, but you can’t spend too much time worrying about making a wrong move or else you won’t be able to make the right one.  Does that make sense?”
  “Jedi are peacekeepers.  It’s our job to protect and guard others.  I would hope you’d never find yourself in a battle, but with the path we are on, it’s unlikely you will get by without having to face an enemy.  In that situation, you need to remember what you are fighting to protect, and stay focused.  So, why don’t you try again?”  Cal reached forward to clasp his hand over yours on the lightsaber hilt, moving it up.  Cal was not usually big on touch, and you knew it was because of his ability.  This gesture had been unexpected, and you felt your cheeks grow warm at his light touch.  He locked eyes with you, lips parting slightly, and you were certain he had felt your feelings at that moment.
  Your face grew warmer, but it was from embarrassment.
  “I’m sorry,” you apologized sincerely, retracting your hand and saber from his.  “I’m sorry.”  You searched for something else to say in your defense, but you were frozen to the spot.  His expression softened and his lips formed a small smile.  
  “It’s okay,” he murmured.  “We’ll talk later.”  While his voice was soothing, the thought of having to talk about this later made you nervous.  But rather than give that anxiety an inch, you decided to push it aside and focus on the remainder of your daily training.
  You gave 110% in that training session.  It was the hardest you had ever focused, and you had accomplished quite a bit.  You learned to block, strike, and counterattack without hesitation.  Not to mention you even had practiced reaching out with your feelings to try and interpret an oncoming attack, and let your feelings guide the lightsaber to your defense.
  The hum of your lightsaber grew intense momentarily as you switched it off and the laser collapsed back into the hilt.
  “Good,” Cere’s voice complimented.
  You spun around.  “Oh, Cere. I didn’t know you were there.”
  “I’d heard from Cal the other day that your training was coming along well, and I wanted to see for myself, and you far surpassed my expectations of what I thought I’d find.  Never have I seen you so focused.”  She paused and looked between the two of you for a moment, as if she saw something neither of you did.  Then, she simply cracked a small smile and nodded at Cal.  “Whatever it is you’re doing, it seems to be working.”
  “Then I’ll keep it up,” he replied.  Cere nodded before heading back to the Mantis.  Greez was right outside the ship watching the exchange.  He gave a wave and went back inside as well.
  “Well,” Cal said with a smile.  “I think you more than deserve a rest.  Good job today.”
  “Thank you,” you bowed your head slightly in gratitude.  “You’re a good instructor.”
  “Thanks.”  Then, his expression shifted.  His lips pressed into a line and his eyebrows furrowed.  He didn’t look angry, just contemplating.  That’s when it hit you: it was probably time to talk about what had happened earlier.  Your nervousness came rushing back, and it was suddenly difficult to remain still, so you shifted your stance and sighed.
  “Um, Cal?  About earlier...”
  “I know,” he whispered.  “I’ve felt something...growing between us on this journey for the holocron.  At first it was so subtle that it was easy to ignore.  But now, that’s not the case.”  He let out a sigh, and you noticed he was a little closer to you than before.  “When I touched your hand, I felt your feelings for me.  There was comradery, friendship, and also…”
  “Something else,” you mumbled, eyes darting to the ground.  “But I didn’t feel anything from you.  You’ve really mastered the no-attachments rule, I guess.”
  “What?” his lips formed a smile again, and he chuckled.  “No, no.  You didn’t feel anything from me because you’re not as advanced yet.  Plus, I’ve been masking my emotions so that Cere doesn’t pick up on them.  The order is no more, and we made the decision to destroy that holocron…So I am not sure where that leaves us with the code.  I do not feel as inclined to abide by some aspects of it entirely, but I’m not sure if Cere feels the same way about it.”
  “Oh,” you paused to take all this in.  “So, what does that mean?”
  “It means I’m confused,” he replied.  “My feelings for you have grown very strong.  You can ask BD-1. He knows all about it.”
  You tittered, trying to hide your laugh as you got a mental image of him sitting on his bunk confiding to the tiny droid.  Then, your chest tightened at the realization that Cal had just confessed he had feelings for you too.
  “Cal, what do we do?”
  “That’s where it gets confusing.”  He brushed some dirt off his poncho.  “The  code says no attachments…  But I’ve already come to see the Mantis crew as family.  Even Jaro Tapal was like a dad to me back in the day.  With each day that takes us further away from the age of the jedi, the lines get blurrier.”
  “I see,” you hummed.  “And though I did not train formally as a jedi, you are training me now.  Does this mean I follow the code as well?”
  “Well, neither of us should go to the dark side, that’s for sure.  We don’t give in to anger or hate. But… does love really have to lead to that?”
  “I’ve always understood love as the opposite of hate,” you returned.  “However, I want to respect you and what you decide.”
  “Some have told me that the jedi were arrogant, blinded by tradition and ignorance, and that there was a reason the order came to an end,” Cal continued quietly as he took another step closer.  “I never wanted to believe it because it was where I was raised.  But now, I am starting to see some of its flaws.”  His hand brushed yours, requesting your permission.  When you brushed back, his fingers entwined with yours.
  Did this mean...?
  At that moment, you reached out with your feelings and knew what it was he felt for you.  It was tender and soft, but also strong and protective.  Your heart did flips as the smile returned to his face at the exchange.  Still holding your hand, he leaned in and kissed your cheek before planting a gentle one on your lips.
- - - - - -
  Cere and Greez stood inside the Mantis, looking out the window at the couple.  As Cal leaned in to kiss ____________, Cere and Greez both felt the need to step away and give them privacy. 
   Greez’s forehead crinkled from concern as he looked up at Cere.  “Is...is that allowed?”
  She folded her arms, the corner of her lips turned up in a smirk.  “I don’t see why not.  We may be jedi by title, but things are certainly different than what they used to be.”
  Greez’s forehead smoothed, and he grinned.  “Oh, well then I’m happy for the kid!  She’s a nice gal.  The two of them make a great team.”
  “That, they do,” Cere agreed. 
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Someone Left to Save (11)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by Anon
Summary: The Mantis crew arrives to the capital of Ulfin, in the planet of Pevera, under siege. They meet the local rebel cell spearheaded by the former Republic admiral, Jax Beneb, who seeks to destroy the Empire’s occupation that was aggressively imposed upon while exploiting the planet of its natural resources. A plan is devised to destroy the Imperial’s main base of operations—as well as their influence—in the planet; however, it was a do-or-die mission that you and Cal had gotten yourselves caught in.
A/N: @glxy-otter​ Well, here’s a chapter where they meet but... I don’t think it’s not the way you expected it to be ;;;A;;;
Tags: Force-Sensitive! Reader, Inquisitor! Reader, Jedi! Reader, Fake Death, Jedi turned Inquisitor, Seduction to the Dark Side, Turn to the Dark Side, The Dark Side of the Force, Aftermath of Torture, Torture, Psychological Torture, Redemption Arc! Reader, Possible Redemption, Premonitions
Also in AO3
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 | Previous: Part 10 | Next: Part 12 | Masterlist
11 of ?
The TIE Fighter sits on the western ridge.
The transmitter is set to its maximum range of reception, in case you pick up something interesting; at the edge of the ridge, the lone city intrigued you a lot and you have the strongest feeling that Cal may or may not have been there a time or two.
Putting your new helmet to the test, your fingers search for a particular button. When you found it, the visor’s scanners zoomed in and a reticle bounces back and forth within the narrow frame, leaving a piece of information whether in writing or in images before ricocheting to the next corner.
So far, you’ve seen most of what you saw in your vision—the barren wasteland, the lone city. However, the statues you saw were nowhere in sight… yet. You hummed while reviewing the data flashed on the surface of your visor. To the ordinary eye, it may be just another stretch of mountains, but you heeded to your feelings. Your eagle eye caught something else.
“Hell-o,” you cooed in a curious, singsong tone. One press of the button and the jittery reticle visits your visor again. “What do we have here?”
At the end of the mountain range, a pair of boulders peek out of the rim, though these particular boulders seem to be a little too symmetrical and clearly round for it to be any ordinary rocks. Squinting your eyes, you had a feeling something was up, and decided to explore it.
Not even the Inquisitorius killed off your curiosity.
“Okay, let’s tick statues off the checklist,” you mused to yourself.
Your eyes wandered, searching for an optimum landing spot. When you pictured that one exact spot in front of the statues--or their feet at least—you took five paces back to give yourself momentum. One big breath to calm down the nerves in your shivering legs, you clench your fists hard until the skin over your knuckles have turned white. The balls of your feet propelled you, kicking up the dust as you bolted through, and just at the very split second—when your toes barely sat on the edge of the cliff—you sprang away from the rock and plummeted down.
The two hundred feet felt only like two the moment you landed. Light as a feather, the sand wafted just at the height of your ankles. You erected from your crouched position and faced the entrance—nothing much than a portal of darkness that leads to who-knows-what. The mouth of the cave was seething with so much of the Force that it’s overwhelming, not just for you, but perhaps for any Force-sensitive.
“It’s a temple…” you gasped.
You held your head high up to take a good long look of the statues, the unmoving and unwavering guards, perhaps a millennia old.
Taking the first steps into this grand structure, a wave of calm washed over you—it didn’t give you peace though, it only made you feel more suspicious and a bit spooked about this place. Little did you know that it was the Light Side if this temple—long dormant and untouched until you came along—and the Dark Side in your clashing against one another. You begin to explore the temple; finding yourself in what ought to be a lobby or foyer of sorts, you stopped in your tracks at the very center of it and attempt to concentrate.
You feel like you’re not alone in here…
Because Cal is in here too.
“I don’t know, BD, it’s a strange feeling—familiar but eerie,” Cal thought aloud. Surveying the high ceilings of the temple, adorned with a strip of ancient runes much like most Jedi temples. “I don’t think we’re alone here.”
Cal chuckled, “Haha! No, not ghosts, little guy. Another person, maybe, or an animal. But not ghosts, they don’t exist.”
The boy’s smile melted, his anxiety and uneasiness returned. The farther he goes in, the more he uncovers. Limestone parapets meld together with the stone of the caves—it reminded him of the inner chambers of the Zeffo tomb—and the rustic chimes of all shapes and sizes dangle at the slightest draft.
“Sure is spooky in here, though,”
BD-1 cooed a soft, almost-quiet chirp in agreement, folding his legs in as he hides behind Cal’s shoulder. Not even his own flashlight could torch the way ahead. The boy and the boy have comes to what ought to be an open antechamber, the features reminded Cal of the gardens in the temple in Coruscant—except this one is smaller, possibly twice the size of the entrance at the Vault in Bogano.
The extravagance astonished the boy, BD-1 showed the same sentiments in the way he knows best—hop down from Cal’s shoulder, scamper left and right, forward and back to scan every imaginable thing present in the room.
“Don’t wander too far, BD!” called the young Jedi.
Cal follows BD’s general direction, all while gawking at the design of this hollow, ancient chamber. Despite his great fascination at the beauty of the ruins, the looming uneasiness that he’s been feeling all day finally took hold of him.
And it took form in the shape of you.
At the insidious roar of a saber’s ignition, a bloody red glow illuminated the shadows and highlighted your silhouette. The shadowy sight frightened the poor, tiny droid, leading him to skitter back to Cal for safety. You step into the light, out into the antechamber, holding your saber low—the tip hovering beside your ankle—a menacing stride carried you forward to your now-enemy.
“Figured I’d find you here,”
The distortion in your voice, thanks to the helmet, made for an excellent guise. The storm inside Cal’s heart aroused you. You smiled beneath the mask, satisfied. It’s hard to deny that you truly missed him, but seeing his face reminded you of the things that your brother and sisters fed you—lies born from poisonous clairvoyance, until those said lies became the truth in your mind, and it is what you have accepted as reality.
The faint, fluttering feeling that used to exist in your stomach—all from missing him so—was replaced with an aching rage in your heart; because in your eyes, all you could see of him is the corrupted truth. Your grip around your saber tightened so hard that the metal sleeve was almost crumpled.
“I don’t believe we’ve met,”
You chuckled sinisterly, though amused, it seems that his roguishness didn’t die off from his depression of grieving for you.
“Oh?” you bobbed your head. “Then why don’t you get to know me?”
You brandished your saber horizontally, at the press of a well-hidden button, the half of the halo became a whole and along with it a second blade emitting out of the other end. Cal ignited his own, his own response to taking on the challenge. You softly chuckled and made the first move—lunging towards him like a dart, saber over your head. Landing on his block felt off and different—it was sloppy, loose, and less lively. You sensed the weakness of his body reflecting on the strength of his deflect.
At this point, you’re still quite generous. You voluntarily pulled away to let him reset his stance—also for you to quickly scrutinize his disposition. Your eyes examined his entire person: flimsy grip, poor footwork, and a weak core. You squint with suspicion.
Hmm, something’s up with him.
Cal remains at the mercy of the new Inquisitor: as lethal as a dagger, fast as lightning, and quick-witted. Her speed was almost impossible to keep up with.
He blocks and deflects your every strike, but barely affords a moment to counterattack. For every landed block, you felt how feeble his handling was, almost as if he’s crippled in the arm. You exploited that weakness and sent out a hail of slashes in his way, when Cal finally manages to lunge forward, you denied him an opportunity—darting to the far side of the space and attacking him from behind, similar to what you did to the Inquisitors weeks ago in your initiation duel.
The boy blocks it in the last minutes and then dodge-rolls to the side. He tries to stiffen himself up, but you sense that this is a façade he’s trying so hard to maintain. You can practically see right through his bluff.
“Seems like you’ve lost your touch, Jedi,”
“That’s perceptive of you,”
“Thank you,” you squeaked. “I get that a lot!”
Again, you thrusted yourself towards the boy. He’s slowly catching on in terms of strength. Looks like his focus has gotten back to him. After an intense exchange of blades, you flipped away from the clash and literally swept him off his feet with a single kick. His body met the floor, but quickly scrambled back on his feet; making him feel like he had no chance of the upper hand infuriated him, and this reflected in the way he moves with the saber. His technique was easily countered with a dash of elusive acrobatics mixed in with your own fighting style. You can sense the growing anger and the hate in him, though it’s no surprise that he’d succumb to it.
“You mistake your rage with sadness!” you snarled and then continued. “That anger, hate, and suffering. You don’t use them at all. Pity.” You scoffed as your blades are locked together.
A kick to the abdomen staggered him away from you, another brief moment to recompose himself. You spun your saber, the swordpoint facing Cal a few inches away.
“You know, you were never really good in hiding your feelings.”
And at the moment, Cal’s heart skipped a beat. Surely, this was a taunt most Inquisitors do to Jedi to catch them off guard, right? But no, there’s something else lingering in that Inquisitor’s words. Cal could barely breathe when he was beginning to become familiar with his opponent’s voice and the answer was whispering itself in his ears—though he refused. He tightened his grip around the sleeve.
The uncertainty from the boy reached you, another emotion to exploit within your grasp. It was almost a guilty pleasure taunting him; the climax being his melting point. You decided to while away the time bantering instead of fighting, which proved to be more entertaining—at least, for you.
“Don’t talk like you know me!”
“Oh, I’d bet my entire fleet for that,” you sniggered.
“Who are you, really?”
There was a pause. You tilted your head pensively.
“Oh, they call me the Twelfth Sister, but…” with a push of a button on your helmet, the front plate that masks your face retracts into its frame. You greet him with a malicious grin. “I guess you can call me [Y/N].”
Cal felt his strength ebbing, whatever life essence residing in his body has now departed, the saber fell from his hand—the clattering filled the entire antechamber until the only noise filling the place was his rapid, shallow breathing. He could feel his heart about to fail and he’ll just drop dead.
“No…!” he gasped.
You were ironically thankful to see the look on his face with your own eyes, without the visor. O, that multi-million credit expression was simply divine! So divine, in fact, that your grin stretched wider than an Acklay’s jaws.
“No, no…” he panted, until the whining evolved into a bellow. “NO, NO!!! It can’t be true! You’re not real! I’m just in a-a-a… dream! Or a trance! Or something!”
You scoffed, “Is it so hard to believe, Cal?”
“It can’t be… [Y/N]…”
“You abandoned me, Cal, and in turn, they found me. Made me stronger… much stronger. Enough to make you atone!”
“But I didn’t abandon you! I was about to come and get you!”
“LIAR! Because if you were, you would’ve taken me out of the rubble soon.”
“But I looked for you… I looked everywhere for you. I even waited when they were telling me to leave.”
You shake your head solemnly, “That’s not the way I see it.”
“Who told you all these things?”
“Does it matter?!” you raise your voice and readied your sword arm. “I’m going to make you pay anyway!”
Your frenzy overwhelmed Cal, indeed, but he was able to regain his bearings in the split second you darted through the wind in his direction. Another exchange of blades, only this time, oozing with a wildness borne of rage and hate—regardless if the root was corrupted and false. It is what the Grand Inquisitor would have designed in the first place. It’s what he would’ve wanted.
“[Y/N]…!” Cal pleaded in the middle of attacking. “[Y/N], please, listen to me!”
“I’m done listening to anyone!! All I could ever hear are lies!”
Cal made a quick scan of the area and spotted two balconies connected by a bridge overhead. He withdrew from the fight, hopped from one parapet to another until his feet were planted on the limestone. Of course, you didn’t want to be outclassed by the Jedi—you practically wall-ran until you’re at the highest of highs, propelled yourself off your feet, somersaulting in the air and landed in a graceful cat-like crouch.
“[Y/N], look, I don’t want to hurt you!”
“Sweet of you, honey, but you’re gonna have to come with me!”
It has become a battle of balance, dexterity, and strength. The bridge was just as wide as the walkway of a Star Destroyer’s hyperdrive pillar. The flurry of saber attacks remained frenzied and intense, the red gleam of your saber highlighted Cal’s freckled yet sullen face as you bore your weight down on his blocking, shining over the gloss of his teeth, and mingling with his jade irises encircled by dark rings. Ignorant of the imperfections brought upon by grief, you looked past them and still see the Cal you clearly remember in your memories.
“Oh, how I missed that handsome face,” you cooed.
That took him off guard, but only for a short while, he pressed him in closer to you which gave him enough momentum to pull away and take you by surprise—pushing you to the farther end of the bridge with the Force, causing you to stumble and land on your back and into this smaller chamber.
“I said, I don’t want to hurt you!”
When he saw that you were inside the smaller chamber on the other end, he focused the Force on the middle of the bridge—practically breaking off a large piece of the walkway like some crumb of bread—and sent it flying to the open archway of the chamber! That wasn’t enough though, he looked for every conceivable object within his reach to block your way, though he knew that you can easily break through it, doing so would buy him enough time to escape.
The next thing he used to block of the archway was the spherical chandelier, large enough to fortify the chunk of the bridge he initially put there. He could feel the resistance from the other side, you were doing the same thing he’s doing except to push your way out; but he persisted and focused harder on the blockage. Finally, that large “crumb” of the bridge was lodged harder into the archway, locking it in place before the chandelier.
Cal felt sure that he’s closed you in, but he’s perfectly aware that you won’t stay there for long.
“Come on, BD!”
He ran, although in no particular direction, he simply ran away.
Air filled his lungs for every step he took. He just couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed.
He’ll have a difficult time accepting this new reality. As a matter of fact, he will never accept this reality.
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creative-frequency · 4 years
Cal Kestis x Reader: DEAR STAR SYSTEM Ch. 05
Word count: 2331 Pairing: Cal Kestis x Female Reader Summary/Contains: Flashbacks & getting handsy after Kashyyyk. Partial canon-rewrite. Two idiots being dumb in the company of each other. Someone just kick their asses already.
Previous Chapter
My Writing Masterlist
“What did you say we’re doing here again, Cere? On this… Bogano?”
You peer outside the Mantis’ windows at the grass and sunshine outside. The planet doesn’t seem to have much in terms of infrastructure; just a few well-established huts getting bleached in the sun. It looks like a planet with nothing in the middle of nowhere but Cere always has her reasons.
The new addition to your group and the one you have to thank for the luxuries of traveling in relative solitude turns in the pilot’s chair and flashes a cheesy grin. He is the first Latero you’ve ever met face to face and he seems okay.
“It’s best if you both sit down.” Cere motions towards the dining table and you trade equally baffled looks with Greez the pilot.
“Did something happen?” you ask carefully and pull a chair back.
“Uh. No.” Cere struggles to find the words. Her elbows lay on the table, fingertips occasionally touching, about to intertwine and then retreat. “No. Not recently, if that’s what you mean.”
She clears her throat and you and Greez strain your hearing, gently motioning her to continue.
“I have a plan.” Cere’s serious look sails from you to the new pilot. “And you probably won’t like it.”
“Oh?” you say, surprised but pleased. “What for?”
“Hang on. Is this something I really need to hear? ‘Cause I kind of thought the less I know…” Greez interrupts by waving one of his four hands.
Cere huffs. “I’ll tell you as little as you need to go with, Captain.”
“Alright. Good, good,” Greez approves and eases back into the chair.
You bite your lip, sternly watching every micro-expression going through Cere’s features. She’s not one to share anything more than you absolutely need to know. It’s frustrating, but you’ve learned to trust her. You just wish she would trust you.
Cere takes in a deep breath and says: “We are going to find a Jedi.”
You survived Kashyyyk, all according to the plan and with minimal injuries, even. The mood aboard the Mantis is relieved but also dejected since you couldn’t find the Wookiee chieftain. Cal is certain that Mari Kosan and Choyyssyk will come through and find Tarfful.
The crew agrees to have a breather before the next destination: another tomb on Zeffo. When you were returning from the refinery, Cere picked up an Imperial transmission, hinting that the bad guys are close to finding another tomb on Zeffo. While Greez isn’t happy about it, Cal stays true to his character, ever the optimist. The Imperials are offering the next step of Cordova’s path on a silver platter.
There’s also the fact that the only other clue leads to Dathomir and no one wants to go there unless it’s the only option left.
But first, you have to lick your minor wounds from Kashyyyk and relax. Cal has been resting in one of the cabins and he missed the delicious dinner Greez whipped up. Out of the goodness of your heart and concern, you decide to bring the Jedi something to eat.
Heart beating suspiciously fast, you rap your knuckles on the metal plating. “Cal? I’m coming in.”
You press the door open while balancing the tray on one hand.
Cal sits on the bed, just caught in the middle of a stretch, arms in the air and hair ruffled. He bends his neck to both sides and settles on looking at you attentively. There’s a cooler patch next to him and an opened pack of bacta gel strips.
“What’s that?” Your brows furrow and Cal turns into the paragon of innocence. BD-1 twirls approvingly at you for arriving just in time.
You place the tray on the small stand next to the bed and plant your hands on your hips. “And where are you hurt?”
“I’m not… hurt.” Cal grimaces like child caught red-handed at the cookie jar. At least he is not visibly bleeding.
“Really?” you ask slowly, eyes narrowing.
BD-1 wastes no time in jumping onto Cal and kicking his left shoulder blade. “Bop!”
“OW! Hey!” Cal chases the droid away and hunches forward, failing miserably at hiding the pain.
“Let me see,” you say in the most commanding tone you’re able to muster. BD hides behind you, chirping in agreement.
Cal hesitates. His ears feel hot. He can think of a thousand excuses but knows that he really has no choice but to obey.
“C’mon. Off with the poncho. The shirt’s gotta go too,” you add when he begrudgingly begins undressing.
The initial thought at seeing Cal’s bare, bruised chest is definitely not oh no he’s hurt. BD showers the blue scanning light on Cal’s injuries and you’re so glad you’re allowed to stare because it would be hard not to.
You’ve seen shirtless, extremely fit men before too, but this is Cal kriffing Kestis, the sweet, kind Jedi and you gave him no permission to look so… preposterously hot. Sternly reminding yourself now is not the time for wanting to lick his pecks doesn’t really help and before long you feel the heat on your cheeks mirroring his. Why did you want him to undress again?
“Your back is hurt, right? Turn around,” you hear someone say in your voice and BD twitters again in agreement. It’s easier to breathe when the risk of meeting Cal’s gaze is minimized as he faces the wall.
Considering the amount of fighting he had to do on Kashyyyk, you’re surprised that he isn’t in in worse shape. Some smaller bruises have turned towards a shade of violet, but unlike on the other side, there are no larger ones. You frown as you think someone probably kicked him in the chest.
You carefully sit down by the bedside. “Left side?” you utter as a warning that you’re about to touch him.
Cal nods but still slightly lurches forward under your fingertips. “Y-yeah, I think that happened when the Purge trooper knocked me down…”
You sigh heavily but abstain from commentary. You gently feel out the area BD kicked to check that nothing is dislocated or torn. Because Cal is turned to face the wall, you can’t see the ravaging blush that expands out to the tip of his ears. His skin feels hot and his muscles tense. The bacta gel might help with the pain but there are more traditional ways to ease his suffering too. Ways in which you pride yourself to be an expert.
“Lie down,” you urge him softly.
Cal gives you a hesitant look over his shoulder, eyes wide like a porg’s, but swallows his protests. He lies down onto his stomach and you inch closer, leaning over his back. He has trouble finding a place for his arms and head, partly wanting to look bashfully away and partly wanting to seek eye contact because the situation feels new and intimate. You have to resist the itch to tease the poor guy because settling astride on his back definitely crosses your dirty mind.
“What’re you doing?” Cal asks in a raspy tone.
Seeing his reddened cheeks is thrilling and brings out the worst, sadistic parts of you in the form of a crooked smile. He can be so innocent.
“Sorry, my hands might be a little cold…” You place both palms on Cal’s back and gently begin massaging the largest muscles. He needs a moment to adjust to even start thinking about relaxing.
“It’s okay… Do you think I need a stim?” he asks nervously. You shift closer to reach better so that your bodies are touching.
“Well, I don’t think anything’s broken but you’re stiff like a protocol droid,” you say and try to steer clear of any seduction in your tone.
You press your thumb under Cal’s left shoulder blade and feel him go rigid.
“Relax,” you murmur.
You’re a slight too gentle in the motions but deem it best for both of you to hold back. The silence starts growing heavier, especially since Cal can’t help the low grunts and huffs in sync with your hands. The sounds he makes involuntarily are making you quiver despite how much you try not to hear them. Your hands are moving on their own and you wish you would have to focus more on what you’re doing instead of what he is doing.
“What was it like on Bracca?” you ask quietly to fill the silence.
Cal hums to have more time to think. Looking back at that chapter of his life hurts but there are also good moments, happy moments. However, he isn’t ready to open those memories yet. The pain of loss and trauma weighs too heavy.
You’re about to pull the question back just when he starts talking.
“It was survival. Every day,” Cal says.
You wait for him to continue while trying to soften another knot in his back.
“I kept telling myself: Whatever you do, don’t reach within. Trust no one,” he recites like a mantra. The tone is lighthearted, conversing one, but you can feel the underlying hurt.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” you hum. BD-1 makes a sad noise.
“What about you? What did you do before this?” Cal asks and waves his wrist nonchalantly.
You pause your motions to take a deep breath. There’s no sense in trying to hide what you were since it’s only a matter of time when Cal either guesses or goes to Cere.
“This won’t improve your opinion of me,” you say quietly and continue onto massaging his shoulders.
“What do you mean?” Cal asks, confused and alarmed.
You swallow. “I was in this clan… or rather, a crime syndicate. The Kalari.”
Cal jolts.
“They took me in when I was still a child, to train me. It’s really common among the clans. The best way to mold the most loyal soldiers.” You need a moment to figure out how to form the thought. “I killed my first mark when I was sixteen.”
“First mark… So wait, you were an assassin?” Cal yelps.
So much suddenly starts making sense to him that you can practically see the gears turning in his head. You put more effort into the motions of your hands to avoid replying. Cal tries to squirm in order to turn to look at you.
“Stay still. Yes and I’m not proud of that,” you whip out the commanding tone and he settles.
“Thank you for telling me.” He sounds somber.
“Yeah, well. That’s about it on my past,” you say after a few moments of silence and stop trying to move your palms over Cal’s skin. “I… I hope you won’t think worse of me now that you know.”
“I could never think badly about you.” He doesn’t even hesitate putting the words out there and you feel ridiculously relieved.
You realize it’s the first time you’ve ever told anyone what you just told him – voluntarily and hoping it won’t affect your relationship.
Cal turns slightly around to see are you finished with the massage and when you don’t react, he sits up and pulls his legs closer to him.
“Thanks, Cal,” you say quietly and muster a smile to which he responds with his own. Your pulse has been miraculously steady so far despite the situation, but when Cal smiles so genuinely, you’re having difficulties at remembering your own name. He holds your gaze and you quickly lose the reason to be glad about your normal heart rate and non-shaking hands.
“Our pasts don’t define us. I’ve learned that… and I’m glad you’re here,” he says softly.
The smile on his lips is so calm and inviting and you just wish you could possess a fraction of that serenity and confidence. Why isn’t he affected by the tender feeling in your stomach like you are? Does nothing move this guy beyond the blush when you tease him? Is it a Jedi thing or just Cal’s character? The moment things take a turn to heartfelt and genuine, you’re thrown into the deep end of the pool only to find out someone changed the rules on how to swim. Maybe you’re overthinking whatever is going on between you.
You see how your hand rests on the covers and how Cal glances at it, starts moving and you already feel his fingers ghosting over yours. You can’t take it anymore. Snatching the hand back, you dart up as from a whiplash. Your heart is again running a mile a minute and you think you’re going to faint any moment now. This is exactly the kind of heady you can’t handle. Too sweet.
If you let the stupid, attractive Jedi take your hand one more goddamn time, you won’t be able to face the consequences.
You grab Cal’s shirt and throw it at his face. He catches it with ease but has to lean to the side to hold the line of sight to your face.
“You can dress now!” you yelp, turn on your feet and narrowly avoid tripping on a tool box on the floor.
“Huh? Where are you going?” Cal questions, dumbfound by your sudden change in demeanor.
“Bop bop?” BD chirps in tandem with his surprise.
“Uhh.” You try to think fast. “To… get you some more food.”
The door opens so slowly that you count seconds until you’re out of the cabin.
“Bo-boop.” BD-1 tilts his head after you.
“What do you mean I need it,” Cal huffs in annoyance and pulls the shirt back on.
His whole body feels hot in an uncomfortable and unfamiliar way. The soft marks your fingers left on his back are burning and the more he thinks about it, the hotter he feels. For the life of him, he can’t understand what he said or did to make you run like that but forbidden disappointment nags his insides. Getting carried away in your company is dangerously easy and Cal quietly decides he needs to do better.
Next Chapter - Coming Soon™!
Tagging: @sherniwrites @lucianhuntress @singlebecauseofthechocobros @sevansheart @owlwritesagain @stellar-trinity @bd1babey @winchestergirl907 @thuutthuutbilly @rilakkyungsoo @lizbid33 @twistnet @fangirl-inthe-us @campmccarran @grandadmiral @droidrights @maulblr @la-vide @dej-okay @annoyedguildmaster @xncasii @sparrows-books @calx-kestis @messrrs-prongs 
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
☕ 🥀 for Vijay / ☀️ 💕 for Ryder :3
☕ Give us one (or more if you feel like it) of your OCs deep dark secrets! Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
The only real dark deep secret Vijay's got is his past time fom Portland and all that comes with it: taking drugs, be the one who decided who's life is to hang by a thread via quick hacking them and the mantis blade attack. Besides that he's got no other dark deep secrets. They are all tied together and he shoved it away not telling anyone. If someone knows anything it's just a tiny tip of the iceberg. Even not Ryder nor Jackie knew about it. Vijay told them a "milder" version of it instead, letting out the darkest parts.
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
:,) Portland. Ex-Girlfriend Reva. Mantis Blade Attack. Whole story is here in this post about his past if you want (not properly written tho, I might rewrite it some time to sound better): 2068: Rebell Yell.
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
Person: Vijay makes him happy (now only in a friendship way). Item: I know it. You know it. — BEER. It's all he needs. :D Hobby: He likes to play drums but isn't really good in it. He also played a lot of tennis when he was living the corpo life. At some days, when he's got nothing better to do, he's still playing a few rounds, only against a machine though or he just plays the ball against the wall. The usual tennis training stuff. Place they are happiest: Probably every shack that has German beer? Nah, just kidding. Uhm, he really likes his new home: The apartment in The Glen. It has a space with a book shelf and if he got time to, he spends it there reading books. Ryder doesn't look like a book worm, but he is. The happiest they ever been: Since he left his corpo life behind being able to live like he wants it to be. His family always put obstacles in his way when he wanted to do things he'd liked to do but it was always: "A corpo doesn't do that! That is for underclass people." — So yeah since he put that life behind, he's gotten out of his depression hole and got happy instead. Mainly thanks to Vijay. There might be "moments" he's been probably even happier, but his entire life at the moment is "being happiest" for now. It can only get better!
💕 How is your OC like with physical affection? What are their boundries? Do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? Is there any reason behind this?
Ryder likes it to be touched but only if he is interested in the person, they are friends or it's a love interest. He likes long hugs from friends. He might feel a little awkward if it's a woman, tho. There have been a lot of situations where he's got to tell them he swings the other way and it's complicated for him to say it. As much as Ryder likes to receive physical affection, he sometimes has problems to give them. He thinks it's awkward if he'd do it. Most people don't expect him to be like that because he looks always likes he's the grumpy dude. So if you receive some affection from him, then you're lucky and he really likes you.
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nereol · 4 years
I’ll Be Your Animal (8/8)
Final part of my Val / Emmerick short story!
You can read this on AO3 or on my WorldAnvil page (with pics, music and other stuff).
“So, how does this work?” Emmerick asks. “What?” Val looks at him, eyebrows slightly raised. “Being not your input.”
Maybe this chrome-guess-game-thing is something Val likes to do as foreplay... have to think about it.
The alarm rings. Val rolls over in her bed with a groan. It's early evening, she slept just a few hours. She yawns when she sits up in her bed and picks up her phone.
I've got a gig tonight, done 'round 6 am. Wanna drop by?
You even have to ask?
MB H10. We can grab some food at the entrance. Gimme a call when ya here.
Will do.
She just came home from the gig. She takes out her phone. 5:45 am, he's off in 15 minutes.
Gig went well, I'm home. Waiting for you xoxo.
She puts her phone on her desk, checks her mails, nothing new. Weapons into storage, clothes off, radio on.
Just a quick shower to get rid of dust and dirt from the gig. The braids are new, so no hair wash. Nibbles is complaining in front of his bowl and Val feeds him before putting on clothes. She's looking around her apartment while she tucks her top into the hot pants and decides to tidy up a little.
Then Emmerick calls. “Hey.” Val smirks at him via the holo. “Hey. I'm here.” His voice is calm. Val slips into some sneakers. “I'll come pick ya up... go choose somethin' to eat.” She leaves her apartment. “I'm allowed to take the tab?” Emmerick smirks and Val chuckles. “This time, yeah.”
The elevator reaches the first floor and Val looks around after leaving it. It's busy like always, typical for a megabuilding, regardless of the time of the day. But she finds Emmerick quickly, he's big enough to stick out while he's standing in front of a food stall, handing over some eddies.
She steps beside him. “Hey there, big boy.” He turns around with a slight smile. “Hey, gorgeous.” And leans down to kiss her. “Damn, I've missed ya.” He murmurs against her lips and Val chuckles. "How long since we' ve seen each other? Three days?" Well, last time she left him with a hard-on. He kisses her again. "Three days too many." The vendor puts a bag with their food on the counter and Emmerick takes it. “Come.” Val grabs his other hand with her smaller ones and leads him towards the elevator.
She doesn't let go of his hand at the elevator and he leans down to kiss her again. Bit greedier this time. Val pulls back with a chuckle. “Let's have some food first.” “I'd rather snack you.” Emmerick steals another kiss. She releases his hand and puts both of hers on his chest to hold him back. “I'm sure, you would.” She smirks. “But I'm starving. So let's save that for dessert.”
The elevator stops and Emmerick sighs. “Fine...” He eyes her while she leaves the elevator and looks at her butt for a moment, before he follows her through the seventh floor. “Oh, you have a gym...” He looks around slightly interested. She shrugs. “Well, I don't use it.” She nods towards the training bot. “I've trained a bit with that one.” “Yeah, I've seen you moves up close.” He looks down at her arms and remembers the Mantis Blade at his throat pretty well. She chuckles.
After entering her apartment Val slips out of her sneakers. “Make yourself at home.” She nods towards the couch. “If ya don't like the music just switch it...” Emmerick looks around a little, puts the food on the coffee table and takes off his shoes after he sits down. Val walks over to the storage room. “Beer, cola or...?” “Beer” Emmerick answers quickly.
Nibbles jumps from the bed, stills and looks at Emmerick skeptical. Emmerick looks at the cat, then at Val when she puts to bottles on the table. Then his gaze falls on her chest, where the outlines of her pierced nipples show through her tank top. She sits down besides him, one leg folded under the other. “Just ignore him, he's shy with new people.” Val leans forward to grab a noodle box and then back on the couch. Nibbles walks over to the bean bag besides the door.
They're eating without talking much. When Val's finished she takes a sip and leans back, beer bottle in her hand. “Hmm...” Emmerick looks at her questioningly after her hum. “You were with the Animals?” Val eyes him. He frowns a little. “Why do ya ask?” She shrugs and takes a sip. “Just curious.” “You heard rumors?” He gives her a suspicious look. “Nah...” Val shakes her head. “Just merc intuition.” She grins, puts the bottle away and moves closer to him.
“I've seen quite a few Animals now...” She studies his face. “With chrome in the same style.” Emmerick nods. “Yeah, you're right.” His voice is calm again. "But that's been a while... I'm not on Juice or other stuff anymore." "Good for ya." Val nods. “So, question. The chrome...” Val raises one hand to gently touch the cyberware at his jaw. “Is it 'cause nose and jaw are broken to many time, to fix it?” She lowers her hand. “... or is it precaution?” “Depends...” He looks in her eyes. “My nose was broken several times.” He shrugs. “But, yeah, it's more kinda precaution.” “I got my nose broken few weeks after I got back from Atlanta.” Val grimaces at the memory.
Emmerick puts his empty bottle away and Val stands up from the couch to sit down on his lap astride. His hands are on her naked thighs immediately. “Mhmm.” He hums with satisfaction. He studies her face. “But it's healed well...” He leans in. “Beautiful nose, like the rest of you.” His voice is low and husky and Val closes the space between them to kiss him. Sweet and tender.
She pulls back. “So, what else do ya got?” He looks at her questioningly. “Chrome.” She smirks and eyes him. “What about your merc intuition?” He grins a little. “Try an' guess.” “Hmm...” Val studies him. “I've seen a lot chrome collarbones and stuff, but obviously that's not a thing.” She leans down to kiss his neck and the edge of his collarbones. He lets out a little moan. Val pulls back, sits straight again. “Same goes for hands.” She looks down at his big hand on her thighs. “...'ganic.” He strokes up and down her legs and she feels warmth spreading out through her body.
“Arms an' elbows.” She looks at him, never seen him without jacket. “Makes sense... punchin' and...” “Right elbow.” He interrupts her and leans forward to pull off his jacket. She studies him closely, how his muscles tighten while he moves. Then he leans back at the couch again, in his tank top. Val takes one deep breath.
Yes, he's big and beefy. But not as extreme as she had seen other Animals. He has some older, smaller scars and also stretch marks. But nothing like torn skin or other skin change as effect of Juice and none intentionally created scars, like tiger stripes and what else the Animals do. Val's gaze trails over him. He smirks. “Like what ya see?”
As an answer she puts her hands on his shoulders, strokes down his biceps and up again to his chest along his neckline. While doing so she's leaning forward, kissing him, slowly but deep. He moans in her mouth and his hands are on her thighs again
“What about you?” He eyes her after they break the kiss. “Mantis Blades of course.” He takes her right hand is his and turns it with the palm upwards. “And coprosessor. But not much chrome to see on you.” “New tendons in heels and ankles.” She presses her legs a bit closer against him and he looks down. “Well made, your legs look 'ganic.” Then he looks into her eyes. “So you can jump extra high?” Val nods. “It's fun.” She smirks and Emmerick chuckles. A deep sound that tingles in her belly. And way deeper.
“Both knees.” Emmerick's talking about his own, but he strokes Vals knees, right and left from his body on the couch while speaking. “To much weight, to many squats." She nods. “People getting' new knees since 100 years or what...” She thinks for a moment. “My immune system's chipped. I'm resistant to almost any poison.” “Handy.” His voice is husky and his hands move up her legs to grab her butt firmly. Val lets out a low moan, takes a deep breath. “Optics, of course.” Emmerick nods while he kneads her butt. “Of course.” “But they resemble my natural eye color pretty well. Maybe a bit deeper green.” Her breathing is heavier now, her chest goes up and down.
"I've got a second heart.” He looks her in the eyes, hungry. She puts her hands on his hard chest, feels his muscles under his tank top. “My body couldn't handle that. To small, to weak.” “Oh, you're not weak.” He holds her butt tight. “You...” She lets out a small moans and he growls in satisfaction. “You know what I mean.” She looks him in the eyes. Then she grabs his top and pulls it up. He raises his arms and helps to pull it off. She eyes him, takes in every detail. She breathes heavily through her slightly opened mouth. “Damn...” Almost a growl and he puts his hands back at her butt. “Just you lookin' at me like that is enough to make me hard.” His voice is low and husky.
Val giggles softly. “So no second heart, just a blood pump and some vessels.” She looks deep into his eyes and takes off her top slowly. Emmerick's breath goes heavy while he watches her closely and his hands holding her ass tighter. She drops her top on the floor and leans forward to kiss him deep, roughly.
One of his hands is on her naked breast and while she leans closer she can feel him hard against her, right where she wants him, needs him. Val rolls her hips against him and he moans loud against her mouth. Then Emmerick graps her and stands up. She wraps her legs around him intuitively while he holds her and walks over to her bed.
They are lying next to each other, naked, sweaty, still breathless. Emmerick lies sideways leaning on his chrome elbow while two fingers of his other hand tenderly stroking up and down her naked body, giving her goosebumps. “Mhmm.” Val lies on her back, humming satisfied.
“So, how does this work?” he asks. “What?” Val looks at him, eyebrows slightly raised. “Being not your input.” Emmerick still strokes her. She giggles. “Hmm...” Val looks up at the ceiling and thinks about it.
“I've got a few friends and mates, we hang out, spend time together, do normal friend stuff, but...” “...with benefits.” he adds. She nods. “You could call it like that.”
Emmerick's fingers stroke up her belly and between her naked breasts. “I might need to remind myself that you're not mine sometimes... that I don't punch other men in the face for kissing you.” “Please don't hit non-men either.” Vals voice is calm. “Right...” He nods. “You're not straight.” “I don't care for sex or gender...” Silents. He still caresses her, his fingers draw along the lines of the ink on her chest.
“Not sure if I can do 'normal friend stuff' with you... I'm getting all hot every time I see ya.” Emmerick's voice is a bit husky again. Val chuckles and rolls over on her side to look at him. His fingers are on her side, sliding down her waist and hip. “We can let each other know... when we have time...” She eyes him, taking in the sight of him, naked. “And when we need each other.” She smirks at him.
“I think I wanna let ya know that I need you.” He leans above her. "Again." His hand, which had caressed her gently before, grabs her ass tightly. "Now." And Emmerick kisses her. Val giggles against his mouth and wraps her arm around his neck before she kisses him back.
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shiningso1o · 4 years
Reborn § Cal Kestis x Reader [3]
Summary: You are a Bounty Hunter, tasked with catching Cal Kestis for your boss, Sorc Tormo. However, plans change, and it's up to you and Cal to fight alongside one another. On a quest to find the sacred Jedi texts, you and the Mantis crew run into trouble—trouble by the name of the Empire.
Warnings: Mild violence, mild threat, injury
Cal's head throbbed, more so than it had ever done before. Every part of it ached, and the pain only increased as he rolled to his side. He groaned and lifted a hand up to place on his forehead.
His eyes were still shut, but he could tell where he was. He was laying on a sturdy rock floor, some of which was digging relentlessly into his back. The air around him was thick and musty, almost suffocating him. He remembered what had happened earlier that day, when that person easily beat and captured him. Based on his last encounter with a Bounty Hunter, he assumed that he had been imprisoned once again.
Cal's eyes fluttered open, and what he saw confirmed his suspicions. The Bounty Hunter from before crouched beside him, staring down from above. Their mask and goggles were off, revealing their face.
"Morning," you said. Cal immediately reached for his weapon, but found nothing. "Looking for this?" You reached towards your belt and, from it, retrieved Cal's lightsaber. Cal hesitated, then grabbed at his lightsaber, but missed. To this, you used your other hand to take out a blaster pistol and pressed the tip of it to his forehead. "Don't try anything, Jedi."
Cal exhaled. "Are you gonna kill me? Or force me to fight other helpless creatures?"
"That's not up to me."
"Then who?"
"My boss," you replied. "But first, we need to talk." Cal nodded warily, and you retracted your pistol. "Who was your Jedi master?"
Cal's eyebrows furrowed. He had no idea why you would possibly want to know that. Maybe to make sure they've got the right person? he thought, but that seemed unlikely. "Jaro Tapal," he replied.
You pursed your lips, then nodded. "Your name?"
"Cal Kestis."
You paused. Cal's eyes flicked down to your pistol, and then back to your stern expression. He was weak, and tired, and in a very vulnerable position. He just hoped that he wouldn't say the wrong thing and cost him his life.
With the same intimidating visage, you outstretched your hand. He hesitated, then took it. "(Y/N) (L/N)," you said, shaking his hand slowly and standing up. You reached for the lightsaber and held it up to your face. Cal winced as you ignited it, your dark eyes scanning the azure blade. "So you're a Jedi, huh?"
Cal hummed in agreement and slowly, cautiously stood from the ground. You saw, but didn't react—you were well aware that you had the upper hand in the situation. You switched the lightsaber off and held it by your side. "You know, I don't agree with you Jedi." You sidled towards him as you spoke. "You're all so high and mighty about protecting the galaxy and the sacrifices you make to keep peace-"
"The Jedi put their lives at risk to restore order," Cal intervened. Who is she to criticise us? he questioned. "How come you know so much about us?"
Your eyes darkened even more as your fingers grazed your necklace. His question had struck a cord somewhere deep inside of you. "Yeah, you put your lives at risk and look where that got you?" Cal noticed how you skipped over his question, but he reminded himself of the two weapons in your hands before he pushed you any further.
Cal sighed, and decided to back down. "Ok, you're entitled to your opinion." Not that I agree with it, he wished he could say, but refrained from doing so. There was a small bout of silence, before Cal remembered something. "Do you know where my droid is?"
Your demeanour softened. "No." Cal felt his heart rate increase. "He ran away when I captured you, I couldn't find him. I guess he was lucky."
Cal sighed in relief. "You know," you began. "If I'd have known you were a Jedi, I would've declined the offer."
"I thought you hated us." Cal was beyond confused.
"I do," you replied honestly. "But I..." You trailed off, then started towards the prison door. When you reached it, you stopped and turned back to face Cal. "Nevermind." You tossed the lightsaber towards him. He caught it with ease.
"Wait," Cal exclaimed, just as you went to leave. "Why did you give me this? What do I do now?"
You shrugged. "I heard you've been here before, you'll be able to get to the arena easily." You pressed your hand to a panel and the door opened. Cal could do nothing but watch as you walked to the other side. The barrier lowered, and you span around to see Cal once more. "Have fun out there," you quipped, a small smile playing on your face. And then you turned and walked away, leaving Cal alone.
  Once again knowing the way like clockwork, you began the route to the arena. Like you had said, you knew that Cal would find his way through the tunnels in no time, so you had to be ready.
  You entered the hallway that surrounded the arena, then made your way up a staircase which led to Tormo's viewing box. Tormo greeted you as you arrived, standing from his Ogdo-skin couch to pat you on the back. "You did an amazing job, (Y/N)," he praised. "Come, sit." He gestured to the couch, and you joined him. Tormo glanced out of the glass box and into the arena. "I am beyond excited for this rematch." His voice had an almost childlike excitement to it.
  A few others joined them. You couldn't name any of them, but could tell from their masses of jewellery and serious expressions that they were somewhat rich and highly regarded. They shook hands and chatted vicariously as you sat next to Tormo, feeling out of place.  Then, a high pitched shrill sounded from somewhere in the room and the crowd dispersed, taking their seats behind the main couch.
  Tormo sprung up from his seat and stood at the front of the room, staring out into the arena. He pressed on a remote, then a holo-projection of him burst into life in the arena. The crowd roared.
  "Greetings again, Cal Kestis," Tormo started. His hologram's booming voice mixed with the clear, closer voice that you could also hear. The sheer volume made your head throb.
  "You have been brought to me by my best Bounty Hunter, (Y/N) (L/N), as I'm sure you're aware." Tormo glanced at you, grinning. "Can we all have a round of applause for them, please?"
  Your cheeks flushed as the audience clapped and cheered. You weren't used to this sort of attention.
  Tormo waited for the sound to die down, then continued. "Cal, I'm sure you're aware of why you're here. You beat us last time, and was lucky enough to escape. But your friends won't come to save you now, I've made sure of that. This challenge will be even harder for you-" He glanced around at the crowd. "And even more entertaining for us! Let the battle commence!" The audience erupted into joyous cries once more.
  You peered down at Cal, who looked much smaller from where she sat. He seemed determined as he ignited his lightsaber, holding it in front of him in defence. Two pillars arose from the ground, and a few small creatures that you had never seen before emerged from them. Cal defeated them with ease, but you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. As much as you disliked Jedis, you didn't enjoy watching him fight. Of course, you pushed the sensation down, refusing to acknowledge it.
  After a few rounds, Cal was damaged, but still fighting nevertheless. Tormo was right about the guy—he sure was persistent.
  Someone tapped you on the shoulder, breaking your train of thought. You recognised the person as the Haxion Brood Commando, with his gun grasped firmly in his hand. "Come with me," he spoke, his true voice masked by some sort of robotic filter he wore.
  You arose, following the Commando down the steps and through the hallway. You approached a door, and the Commando nudged you towards it, keeping his gun aimed at you. "Press the button," he said.
  You hesitated. You knew in your mind exactly what this was, but didn't want to believe it. "Okay," you mumbled, then did as you were told. The door slid open to reveal the arena, just as you had thought. The Commando pushed you into it and shut the door before you could react.
  "Time for Phase Two," Tormo said.
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clonetrooper1403 · 5 years
STAR WARS: DUEL OF THE FATES (Personal version)
I´m piss off!
 Some days ago I said that Rise of Skywalker was not as bad....but that was before to know they rip off this master piece!
 Seriously, the original script, written by  Colin Trevorrow was AWESOME! PERFECT! THE EPIC FINALE THIS TRYLOGY NEEDED!
 So I´m going to talk about it, adding a little lines of my own and my personal little headcanons, so this post will be long.
 Why? Because I can, because I want and because this is internet, so it means I can do whatever I want! If you want to be like me and accept this, you are welcome, if you are not happy and want to write toxic comments, screw you and close this post, I´m doing this for me, not you.
So, the movie start like this:
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 So, We see a First Order star destroyer being assault by the resistance. Blasters and bombs everywhere.
 Stormtrooper 1: Blast them!
 Stormtrooper 2: Sir! We are losing the third sector!
 ST 1: How many enemies?
 ST 2: Just one, sir!
 ST 1: Are you losing against one rebel?!
 ST 2: Is not just a rebel, sir! Is THE GIRL!!
 And then, BAM!
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 We see Rey with her new dark Outfit and her new blue double blade lightsaber, build with Luke´s broken sword and her old staff.
 The resistance steal the entire ship and, after a couple of scenes of First Order high ranks argueing we see Corusant, this time used by the Bad Guys as Capital city.
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 This time they use a gigant citadel-like ship as HQ meanwhile the old city is full of scavengers and poor people, trying of survive under the iron fist.
 We see the First order is executing in public a traitor pilot called Bisc Kova, the one who was the key for the rebels to steal the star destroyer.
 Then we see that the actual leader of Corusant is Hux, who is now Cancellor.
 After a meeting with other high ranks in the first order we see Hux´s private colection of lightsaber, he doesnt fight with or use them, is just a symbol of power.
 Somebody ask about Kylo Ren and Hux answer that is in a mission to increase his power.
Kylo is showed in Mustafar (like TROTS) but this time is chased by Luke´s force ghost who is trying to convince him to return to Leia But he refuse very angry, in fact, he try to attack Luke´s ghost with his crossguard red lightsaber only in order to be stopped by the ebar hand of the master with an eyebrow rise like “really n*gga?”.
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Then Kylo found a sith holocron with Palpatine´s message for Darth Vader, saying that if Luke kills him...Vader must take him and develop him to Tor Valum, One of his dark sith masters who teached a lot about dark force mambo-jambo during his years as ruler of the galaxy.
But then the holocron scan Kylo´s face and realize is not Vader, so it explodes, burning his face.
Then We see the resistance on planet Koralev with its new Star Destroyer, a funny scene where Rey use his force mind control on some troopers and an argue between Rey and Finn.
 Finn: You said you saw him again on your dream, right?
 Rey:  ...
 F: Stop thinking about him.
 R: I need to save him Finn, I saw it...Ben still can return to the light
 F: It´s too late for him, Rey
 R: Is never too late for change...you are the living proof.
 Then both are summoned in a meeting, the resistance has a plan.
 They want to use an old beacon under the Jedi temple on Corusant to send a message of hope and cheer them to rise in arms against the First Order
 After that Rey go to train in a cave with Luke´s Ghost, in there Rey tell him that she is not sure about being a Jedi...after all, Darkness consumes Light and Light extinguish Light...a no-end cycle of death and reborn.
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On Corusant again, we see Kylo melting a mandalorian armor and creating a new mask direct in his face, much more dark, sinistre and evil-like.
Kylo argues with Hux, telling him that titles, positions and destroying planeets are nothing against what he is going to get, showing that Hux Is just a puppet under Kylo´s fist and giving the redhead a last order: Find the resistance and destroy it...but leave the girl to me.
And before leave Corusant again, Kylo talks with Vader helmet in his room before smash it in hundreds of pieces.
 “Now I understand you...you let love make you weak”
Then the resistance start the plan: Finn, Rose, Leia, BB8, R2-D2 and C3-PO travel to corusant in order to prepare the beacon and start a riot
Rey, Poe and Chewbacca travels to a world in order to find someone who helps her with that force mambo-jambo she feels.
The first Order arrives to the resistace´s base but all are able to scape.
Finn´s team are able to arrive in corusant and activate the beacon atthe same time Leia record her message On Corusant in order to rise the fighting spirit, but Finn also prepare another message as a “surprise”
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But then Troopers discover them and force them to run in to the low levels of the planet-city, killing Leia in the process.
 Meanwhile, Kylo arrives to the sith planet (just like he arrives in to Exegol in TROTS) and meet Tor Valum.
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 The sith master begins Kylo trinning and force him to fight a Darth vader vision (Just like Luke inside Dagobah´s tree faces Vader) in an epic and violent duel between red lightsabers that Kylo loses.
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 Meanwhile, Rey, Poe and Chewie arrives the planet where Poe´s grandpa lives (with a very strong smugger vibre), a water world full of boat-like ships.
In there Poe´s grandpa take them to an alien seer who read Rey´s mind and make her some kind of “Stelar map” that can be use to find Kylo (In here it is showed that Rey and Poe are in a relationship, but I dont like that so...f*ck it)
 But then, SURPRISE! The Knights of Ren are there! They have been following Rey´s team all this time! A dinamic chase in the port that end with a hand to hand battle betwwen six dark warriors vs a jedi, a wookie and a guy with a blaster.
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On Corusant after seeing an emotional inspirational message from Leia to them from R2, Finn, Rose and the droids start a riot in the low levels and free plenty of prisioners.
 Heck, even 3PO kills a assasin droid using a blaster! saying “Oh dear! How uncivilized!”
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 After starting the fire, Finn and Rose have a talk.
 Finn: Well...that was a good start.
 Rose: Yes, but we cannot do much with a bunch of mad scavengers.
 F: Well, It will have to be enough. Is not like we can arm all these guys.
 Rioter 1: Actually...
 *Finn, Rose and plenty of Rioters in an elevator going to lower levels*
 Rioter 2: People forget Corusant was once the Imperial Capital City
 Rioter 3: And they left more that a few emotional scars in here.
 The rioters show them a hangar (now without guards) with hundreds of old imperial AT-STs that soon start to arm and paint in a more “Rebel” style that would make Sabine Wren really proud.
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In that moment 3PO and R2 see the surface of the planet, so sad and empty, seeing the first order HQ in the sky.
 C3-PO: “R2...Do you think we can win another war?”
 C3-PO: “You are right...at least they don´t have another Death Star...I´m tired of those kind of things”
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With Rey, Poe and Our Favourite Wookie. The girl decide to keep going alone because is something she needs to do, Poe refuse but in the end agree so the boys get back with the resistance and Rey goes to Planet Mortis when she meets Kylo ren, just after she faces a giant alien beast.
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 On Corusant the battle starts and thousand of AT-STs start to blast the stormtroopers, but here is Finn´s surprise. A massage to all the Stormtroopers! encorage them to fight back for what they know is right.
 Plenty of stormtroopers then start to shoot against their commanders and, without their helmets, join the rebels.
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 Hux, seeing all that chaos on the battlefield, order to the star destroyers in orbit to shoot against the rebels and the traitors, destroying the old city without care about civilian damage. But then another surprise.
 Hux: Here is Cancellor Hux! Open fire in the low levels and wipe out those rebels and traiotrs!
 Officer: We...We can´t do it, sir! We are under attack!
 H: What?! The rebel fleet can´t be enough to face ours!
 O: They are not just the rebels, sir!
 Then is showed in Orbit How all the ships that heard Leias message arrive (just like TROTS)
In there we can see Lando, (of course) the phantom, the Mantis, The Mandalorian´s ship, Hondo´s Ship...etc. But a first look to some familiar faces as Bossk, Dengar, Cad Bane, Embo, the gungans, the wookies, Jacen Syndulla, Sabine and Ezra (if he is found) etc. and Chewy and Poe with others in star fighters and X-wings.
 Meanwhile, on the surface the rebels face their final obstacle: gigant new walkers,, the final charge arrives, but one blaster hits R2! Without knowing about all the chaos who is surronding him, 3PO cry and show plenty of dark emotions before grab a blaster and star shooting Stormtroopers.
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With Kylo and Rey, they fought in a vicious and powerfull way. During this battle, Kylo confess her that it was him who killed his parent by Snoke´s orders  and, takinG adavantage of her rage, is able to blind her with his red lightsaber (just like Maul did with Kanan) but she is able to fight using the Force.
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On Corusant Again, the rebels start to enter in the HQ and the fleet is being destroyed by all the alliance ships. Hux is seeing everything from his office´s window at the same time he is receiving dozens of desesperate calls from officers and troopers asking for orders...but without answering them and with death calm, he takes one of the lightsaber of his colection (actually, Vader´s Lightsaber, don´t ask) and after kneel in front of his window, seeing all the chaos and explosions and watching several star destroyers falling apart from the orbit...he does seppuku.
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Kylo, after defeating Rey and ready for kill her is visited by Luke´s ghost again...and after denie him again, Leia and Han are showed as ghosts too (a talk kinda like TROTS) The redemption is done and Kylo use every energy he has and heals Rey, dying in the process. In here Kylo also says Rey´s family name: Solana, Rey Solana.
Rey becomes an avatar of light and shadows and faces Tor Valum, who was just another creation of Palpatin....a desesperate device to fool Vader in order to bring him a body able to posses (all this in not in the script but, screw it, i liked it seen palpatine again without the family relationship fanfiction thing) So Rey with all that “I´m every jedi” thing and after ACTUALLy seein force ghosts like Qui-gon, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, Luminaria etc. Strike pure-white forse lightnings in to Palpaties puppet, destroying him.
We have a happy celebration, Chewy recives his medal, Lando highfive hondo, cute ewoks, funny gungas, even Jar jar is in there, doing silly things and making people laugh. And Poe found Finn and both kiss.
Oh, and R2 is back! Chewy repaired him and 3PO laugh in front of him before start to argue again.
The final scene shows a farm with Rey in meditation and with a blindfold, lisening how a bunch of kids are traning with stiks the diferent combat forms. This is the new generation of jedi, jedi who will defend no light, no dakness but balance.
 And there it is, MY canon...if I do more fanart I´ll probably will do with this content...Do you like it? good, Do you hate it? sorry to hear that. Now is time to wait untill clone wars final season.
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jt-artsandfics · 4 years
Mantis blades and Gorrila fist pt 6
Hey everyone sorry for really late chapter had alot happen but I'm hoping to make next chapter tonight to make it up to you guys so I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: talk of Sex, sex toys, swearing
Earlier that day~
Vexrin passes around his apartment as he quickly rings up two others after his call with misty finishes.
"Vishnu Voldemārs speaking" he hears as me smiles. "Vish mate it's been a while" he chuckles as he gets a sigh from the other end of the line. "Vevi lad wasn't expecting a call from you, everything alright" there was a small bit of concern in the older man's voice.
"I'm alright, wondering if you would be interested In coming to hang out with Misty, myself and Starling. You in?" The other end of the line goes quite before he can hear Vishnu shouting about something before he's back on the line.
"Yea I'll see you in a bit, meeting at Misty like normal?" He asked and Vex smile happy that his old friend was coming to hang out. "Yep misty! I'll see you there soon" "catch you lad" and the call with Vishnu ends. He rings up the next person on the list. "Starling!, darling! Got a question for you Sheila" and he hears the sweet voice of the lovely lady.
"Ask away dear~" he hears her say before he lays across his lounge chair. "Would you by any chance be interested in going shopping with 2 of my friends and myself, I need your input on things"
"Oh and what might that be?"
"So.. I'm trying to pick out a decent strap and some other bits and pieces so I can peg the shit out of the man in seeing" he can hear her moving in the background almost frantically. "Say no more hun I'll be there in 20" she calls before the line goes dead. He lets out a laugh before finally getting his stuff completely ready to head over to misty's. As V walks out of his apartment he gives a wave here and there to some of the people he knows ad he makes his way thought the busy walkways.
"Morning V!" Vexrin looks up with a smile. "Morning Fred!" He waves as he continues until he finally makes it outside. It's a good walk from his to Misty's shop but he enjoys the jog. We he's about 5 minutes from Misty's a car pulls up beside him, the window rolls down. "Hey hun you need a life" Starling says leaning out the window a little.
"Starling, shelia you are one savour" V says as he quickly darts over to one of the doors before jumping into the car. Once Vex is in the car there is a little bit of silence before Starling speaks up. "So hun you have a new boytoy?" She asks with a smirk. Vex let's out a light laugh as he shakes his head. "Well I don't know what he and I are but I enjoy being aroudn him he's been around my place for nearly a month now. Just umm.. last night. He might have... you know.. railed me" he says trying to find the right words. Starling smiles more as the talk about the mysterious man.
"My, my Vexrin you have it bad for him. What happened to the fuck boy who brought men back to my place" she says taking a sip of her drink. "I'm a Changed Man now Starling, I won't be bring man or woman around anymore, my deepest condolences. How I have changed" he says over dramatically.
They continue to chat until they arrive at Misty's.  Vishnu and Misty are both standing out front. Vishnu looking at his watch as he taps his foot on the side walk. "Who is the hunk V?" He hears from Starling. Vex rolls his eyes. "That would be Vishnu my old partner in crime before Arasaka. He's also like kinda like an adopted dad to me so please don't try and fuck my dad friend" He says looking her in the eyes before he leans out the window and waves at both Misty and Vishnu. "Come on guys get in we have places to be!!" he calls out to them.
Most of the time spent shopping was with Misty looking at clothes or giving things to the other 3 to try on. Starling looked like she was having the time of her life buying for them. Vishnu enjoyed catching up with Vex after they haven't seen each other now in nearly a year and a half with everything happening.
And Vex spent his time looking at clothing and other bits and pieces before Starling finally spoke up. "I hate to break the fun but we need to head some place becuase we need to get Vexrin here something he can use on his now Man" that makes Vex go full flush which makes Vishnu laugh as he pats Vex on the shoulders. The eventually make their way to the shop in mind.
As the 4 of them walk in they make jokes about different pieces here and there. The customer service had walked up to ask if she could help in any way and Vishnu puts his hands on Vex's shoulders once again as he looks to the lady. "We are here to find something for this young man so he can busthis boyfriend open" there is a collective laugh from everyone as the lady rubs her hands together before showing them over to different areas and collections.
"V darling you should get one of these it would be one hell of a party" Starling says as she points to what could only be described as monster dongs. "Ay if you want a real party you get the peppermint Lube that stuff is a real party in its self" Vishnu says looking at the collection of different flavoured ones. Misty wandered around looking at different bits and pieces. Vex found himself in an area and right there in front of him was the perfect one.
"Ohhh found something you like?" Starling asked as she walked up behind him. "Yea I like this one, and I might take Vishnus advice on the peppermint if I plan to get my boytoy to 'bust it open' as you say" there's more giggles and laughs ad Vex goes around picking up some other trinkets. Once he gets tot he counter with his haul in hand Starling steps forward.
"I've got this V" he goes to argue but knows he's not gonna win with her. He sighs and rolls his eyes.
Once they have what they are after in hand they all head back out to go for a late lunch. A food stall along one if the walk ways is where they end up setting up for lunch. It is meant to be Thai from what he understood. Both misty, Starling and Vishnu order the mild as to not burn their mouths while Vexrin got the spicys he could. The other three watched in horror as Vex's nose dribbled as he ate his food.
"I don't understand how the hell you can eat that Vex you know you're ass is gonna be on fire later" Vishnu says and without thinking Vex replys with " Well i guess I'm lucky I'm not having anything going up mine tonight" misty nearly spat out her mouthful while Vishnu drops his spoon and closes his eyes, Starling laughs. "Vex lad, think before you speak, but on another line of thought.. since you now have someown your seeing perhaps we can organise a double date. You can bring the man you're seeing and you can meet my man" at that Starling let's out a sigh.
"Rip to the handsome Irish man" she says which makes everyone laugh. " That be great Vish I'm sure I can talk him into a date, he's happy with food and even more when he doesn't have to pay for it" "lucky mine's picky as Fuck" "hahaha maybe he can get along with one of my friends who's also a picky as eater, he dropped a burger off a bridge becuase it wasn't up to his standards. Like I would have happily eaten that" they continue talking for a while before eventually everyone parts ways.
Vishnu and Vex have a quick hug before V starts walking back to his apartment. It was a slow trip walking but he couldn't be bothered paying for a pick up and the weather for once was decent. He heads back up the stairwell and gets to his apartment.
He unlocks the door before using his shoulder to open to door and walks in to the place. Nibbles runs tot wh door the bell on his collar jingles, he meows looking up at V with wide eyes. The cats owner leans down and gives the cat a quick pet on the head before walking over to the table in the lounge room.
V places the two bags down on the table and sits down he begins pulling out the shirts and pants he had gotten. Standing up he walks over to his closet and hangs up what needs to be up and folds the rest. Making his way back over to the chair he gets to going thought the things he had gotten from these store. He pulls out a shiny silver but plug which had a red gen on it and places it down on the table with a smile. The next few things he pulls out of the bag is bondage rope, two different vibrators, nipple clamp collar, peppermint lube, a realistic double ended strap on, handcuffs and some other little pieces. He smiles to himself as he puts the stuff into the cuboard under his bed. After finishing putting everything away he see the time.
It was a little after six and he decided it was best that he make dinner, V moves over to his fridge looking around for anything that might be useful for cooking. He finds some stuff and decided that he can make old home made potato pasta bake, potatoes being one to the only real veggies he could find that weren't a fortune and even sweet potato coast a bit, but as long as he could still afford some really fruit and vegetables he was happy.
He hums as he throws some pasta into a pot with some water a little bit of salt and vinger and let's it boil. he peels and cuts up the two different potatoes. Once he was happy with them he pulls out a glass tray and starts to layer the potato. He test the pasta before turning it off and letting it sit for a little as he makes up the sause and grating some fake cheese. He makes a sause from a can that says coconut milk but he knows better. Adding in some herbs and spices he spent a fortune on. Vex drains the pasta and places it down as two hands wrap aroudn his waist.
"挨拶 Vexrin" (greetings) he tenses up before relaxing when he realizes it Oda. "Hey you, sorry I didn't message back got busy malign dinner, hope you don't mind potato pasta bake, I haven't made it in a while" Vex explains as Oda drops his head in V's shoulder. V continues to work with Oda cuddling him from behind.
"It is fine V, food is food. Unlike Takemura-san I'm not that fussy" V let's out a little laugh. "You're being more touchy then normal, did this morning finally get you to stop having a stick up you're ass?" V ask as he finishes up the potato pasta bake and puts it into his mini oven. Oda let's out a grimble before slapping Vex on the ass, V helps lightly as he quickly turns around to the Japanse man.
"Unlike you Vex, I thought I had messed up a friendship that I may value a little, but I'm glad that i didn't" he says in to Vexrins ear.
V leans over and places a small kiss on Oda's lips before backing away. "Well I have A supise for you later if you are up for it and i have something I wanna talk to you about when dinner is finished" Vex says as he moves around the apartment. Oda finds his way over to the lounge and sits down.
"Have I dotn something wrong" Oda's eyebrows punch together and Vex waves his hands around. "No no no not at all!" Just something I want to ask if your interested in doing at some point.
Hope you all enjoy I hope to have next chapter up in an hour or two.
Tag list @simping-for-sandayu-oda @gvitch @v-is-for-witch @hippiefricked @inkrabbit @shitposting-for-the-soul
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openforjean · 5 years
Birthday sex
Post-Endgame!Thor x fem!reader (so spoilers duh)
Warnings: lots of smut, so (+18) pls
A/N: ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ANON THAT REQUESTED THIS! I hope you a fabulous, spectacular, smut filled day;) if ur feeling nice say ‘happy birthday’ in the comments for the person to read and a nice message pls :) it would mean a lot to them 💕
Thor has been planning your birthday surprise for weeks now, of course he had some help from Bruce, Korg and the gaurdians. He asked everyone individually what he should do. It went, well-you’ll see.
Rocket suggested to get you a bionic limb, as of Mantis suggested something she likes to eat that he can’t remember. Drax said some nice passionate love making would do it, but Thor wanted to treat like a queen. He then went to Groot, he said “I am groot (Who?)”. Thor decided to go to Peter Quill next, his idea wasn’t so bad. He said sex, food and music. Thor liked it, Nebula was near by and suggested 2 long ass blades to slit throats with.
He planned and planned and he finally came up with this, birthday breakfast, then, birthday fun (paint, watching tv/movies, pull pranks on people). Lunch, he’ll take you out to the beach and have a picnic and dinner, dinner is the real fun. Dinner was eating on the roof of the compound watching the stars, after that sex. After some rounds, he’ll have a nice warm bath ready for you and a massage. Thor liked the idea, he thought it would be perfect and it was. The day wen every well, exactly as he hoped.
The roof’s view of the stars wasn’t bad, it was a bit breezy though. You were just about done with your food, Thor looked around and saw that you were almost done eating. Thor couldn’t wait to make love to you, he wanted tonight to be special but he couldn’t stop the raging erection in his pants. You were wearing a flowy short red dress and you looked so delectable, he couldn't go two seconds without looking at you. 
“This day has been great, love. I really enjoyed it, thank you.” You stand up and give a kiss on the cheek, he pulls you to sit on his lap. Your legs are wrapped around his waist, you could feel his hard erection. You start to grind on it, slowly. Thor wraps his arms around your waist and guides down on him. 
“Lets get you inside, my queen.” Thor says, you get off of him and he holds your hand as he leads your shared room. Thor lays you out onto the bed and you slide your dress off. Your intimate parts are out on display now, and he starts to kiss your entire body. He kisses your neck, your jaw and your most sensitive areas. His mouth trails from the middle of your chest down to your aching wet core. He takes his shirt off and you stared at his sweaty body, it made you even wetter. You were aching for him to touch you, you let out a whine as he took too long getting nude. He then placed his head between your thighs and dragged his tongue rapidly on your clit, you were a moaning mess. You pushes his harder on your clit and he went faster, your body started to shake. He licked slow stripes until you came down from your high. He then flipped you over, you were more than ready for his giant cock. 
“Ready, my queen?” Thor asks in a dark tone, he pulls your hips to his and squeezes your ass with his hands. 
“Always ready for my king.” You say, he responds with his cock slipping into your wet cunt and fucking you. He groans heavily as he thrusts into you, he reaches for your clit and rubs it. He can feel his orgasm approaching, he even feels yours. He slows his speed to last longer. 
“Let go my queen, cum on your king’s cock.” Thor says, he smacks your ass cheek causing it to turn red. The mix of pleasure and pain triggered the most intense orgasm ever received. 
“Shit, I’m going to cu-ah.” Thor was interrupted as of your walls clamped down on his cock, he was very close. 
“Cum, my king.” 
“Fill me with your seed.” You say, Thor cums in your cunt as deep as he can go. His dick softens inside you, he pulls out and his cum leaks out of you, which makes him a little proud.
 He stands up and pick you up and carries you to the bathroom where he planned to worship your body, he placed you in the empty bathtub. 
“Happy Birthday, my queen.” 
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alexiss-fic-archive · 6 years
The magic she loves the most
Summary: A monster shows up near Connie’s home.
Notes: Definitely not my best work, but i kinda need the show to fuel my inspiration and after 100+ days im starting to run ow on inspiration. ANYWAY, I needed to pull something out before winter and here it is.
Also available at the Ao3!
Ever since Connie and her parents moved into Delmarva, She noticed that the place had some sort of magic feeling. And she didn't thought so because of the occasional monster attack and the general activities of the Crystal Gems in the area.
She thought that Delmarva was magic in and of itself. The air was fresh, the nights were starry, the people cared for each other and the ocean breeze could be felt from a few miles inland.
This natural magic was often accentuated by the passage of time, which brought something unique to the land as the seasons pass by.
The dreamlike Winter made the air chilly and created beautiful landscapes as snow fell gently during the night. The lively Spring brought the perfume of flowers and a particular day when small flowers descended from the highest hill of the area, showering the suburban area Connie lived in pink. The warm Summer made the heat stronger, and caused the Ocean breeze to be carried further inland. It's arrival also was followed by vacations Connie would spend alongside Steven.
Finally Autumn, the season She was currently in, was a transitory period between the fun of summer and the comfy cold of winter.
The deciduous trees all around the area distorted the everyday weaker Sunlight into a yellowish reflection that gave an ambience of comfort to all the inhabitants of the suburbs. And the sight of their falling leaves as the wind gently blew through them was something relaxing.
That relaxation however was easily shattered by the sound of Steel clashing, as an insectoid Corrupted gem resembling a living yellow pages but green and made out of metal appeared nearby Connie's neighborhood.
It was about the same size as a large car, and was as fast as its slender frame suggested. It's vivid green body changed as it pleased, folding its shiny sheets into dangerously sharp appendages which tried to shred Connie and Steven in tiny Pieces. Its mantis-like visage had a few sets of compound eyes, while its shark-like maw, filled with razor sharp teeth, let out screeches so horrifying that seemed to bend the wind into its will..
Steven and Connie, The two Crystal Gems that weren’t at the other side of the world, were amazingly skilled and managed to drive the beast into a small forest near her neighborhood as Doug and Priyanka calmed down the other residents without the beast causing any damage.
Then, when they were far enough from the suburb to avoid any collateral damage, the two children engaged the creature in combat.
“This isn't what I had in mind when you invited me to hang out.” Steven said as he blocked a scythe-like claw with his shield.
“What did you had in mind?” Connie asked him before trying to deflect the spear-like tendrils that sprouted from the folds on the creatures back.
“I dunno…” He mused as the creature's attacks waned a bit. “Maybe drink some tea, Watch a Romantic comedy, play on the fallen leaves.”
“That sounds great Steven.” Connie said as the dodged a kick from the beast's absurdly sharp legs. “But I kinda want to watch the new adaptation of Dogcopter instead.”
“It’s out already?” He asked her before throwing his shield into the creature's head, which did nothing to it aside from creating a loud, metallic noise.
“Yup. It premiered last night.” She said as she tried to slash at the Creature's side. It remained unflinching as the sharp edge of Rose's sword bounced off the thin material. “Maybe we can watch it later if we figure out how to beat this thing.”
“Awesome!” He said before he created another shield to deflect a set of spears. “But how are we going to do so? It looks like paper but it is as hard as my shield.
“Hmm…” Connie mused as she tried to regroup with Steven, dodging many attacks from the monster in the process. “I think it's like an insect. It has very tough armor outside to protect his squishy inside.”
As Connie reached the boy the creature released an enraged screech, giving Steven enough reaction time to create a bubble just in time to block a powerful claw swipe that sent them bouncing across the woods, tearing their way through the few slender trees before crashing on a large tree trunk.
“Ow…” Steven said after the bubble hit the ground. “You okay?”
“Yeah. But we won't be okay if we let the fight drag on.” She said, pointing at a large crack in the side of the barrier where the beast had attacked.
“Maybe we could throw something into its mouth and hurt him from within.” Steven said as he tried to repair the light barrier.
With that, Connie's face lightened up as an Idea Struck her.
“What if you throw me there?” Connie said Confidently.
“WHAT?!” Steven said surprised. “No! That's too dangerous!”
“If we Don't stop it it might destroy my neighborhood, Steven.” She tried to reason with him. “And it could even go after everyone else.”
“But you could get hurt!” He said, worried about her safety.
“I’ll be fine, Steven. Trust me.” She said, her courageous eyes staring at Steven's.
“Okay.” He conceded. Saving his worry for later. “How do we do it?”
“If we manage to open its mouth we could come up with something.” Connie mused. “I mean, It's obvious that he must use it for more stuff than screeching.”
“Maybe he has a ranged attack?” Steven said.
“You think so?” The girl said.
“Yeah. The air gets all weird and heavy whenever it screeches.” Steven explained. “Maybe he shoots pressurised wind?”
“Did Pearl taught you that?” She asked.
“Not exactly…” The blushing boy said embarrassed. “I saw a guy doing that in the ninja anime we saw the other day.”
His comment pulled out a small giggle from Connie.
“I would lie If I said I didn't thought that as well.” She smiled at him.
Steven was about to say something as well, but was interrupted by the beast's earsplitting screech getting closer to them, followed by a rather violent gust of wind .
Upon noticing the small gale conjured by the monster, Connie said: “Well, I guess that's where the mangaka got his inspiration from.”
The two laughed a bit at the joke before Steven extended his hand towards her.
“Ready to get thrown into a monster's mouth?” He said smugly.
“Thought you might never ask.” She responded similarly before grabbing his hand. Afterwards, Steven wrapped Connie in his arms and leaped upwards, ascending gracefully into the canopy of the tree they crashed into.
Once they got a vantage point, they could see the way the withering treetops seemed to create a small sea of orange and gold, expanding all the way into the meadows where Peridot and Lapis’ barn once was.
However, despite Connie's desire to stay there and watch the sunset in a few hours next to Steven, they had work to do and instead, focused her attention into finding the creature, whose large body shaked the base of the trees as it moved..
“There it is!” Steven said as he catched a green dash in the ocean of orange. “Its coming towards us.”
A moment later, the beast reached a small clearing in the forest, where both of them saw each other in detail. It sprinted towards the kids in a frenzied manner, deciding to paint the nearby trees red with their insides.
Fortunately for them they were at a height where it couldn't reach them, the creature couldn't climb the tree, and after Steven shielded it from its sheets by dropping several constructs near the trunk to defend it and bait it to use its mouth.
At some point, the monster got exasperated and decided to end it all right there. It walked away a few meters before opening its mouth as wide as it could, forcing an overwhelming quantity of air inside that started to bloat its figure like a bloodthirsty tick finishing its meal.
“There it is!” Connie said as she readied her sword to fight. “Now, Steven!”
“On it!” He said as he lifted her effortlessly. “Please stay safe, my strawberry.”
“Don’t worry, biscuit.” Connie declared, ignoring the fact that both of them just called each other by their pet names. “I’ve got this.”
And so, Steven launched his best friend into the vacuum created by the creature's attack.
As she was pulled into the wind vortex, Connie pointed her sword in front of her, in an attempt to impale the monster's vitals with the pull and Steven's strength as her only propulsion.
Connie let out a battle cry as she entered the creatures maw, piercing the back of its throat's soft tissue, inches above the square-shaped gemstone that was the core of the creature.
With another grunt, Connie forced the edge of her sword to slide across the soft flesh, causing its green blood to pour over Connie until its body finally faltered and evaporated in an iridescent puff of green smoke, which disappeared in a flash as the stored air within the monster bursted violently like a balloon, creating a wind so strong that it managed to tear the dying leaves from the entire forest in one go.
Seconds later, a rain of brown, orange and dust fell down to the ground all at once, covering the young girl up to her knees in dead leaves.
“You okay Connie!?” Steven asked as he dangled from a branch of the tree she was on moments ago. “Did you got hurt?”
“I’m fine!” She notified him before sheathing her blade. “I have the monster's gem here!”
“Cool! I’ll be there in a sec!” He said as he flung himself off the branch towards her, using his slow descent to break his fall. The boy landed next to Connie, creating a crackling noise as he stepped on the dry leaves.
“Here.” She handed the gem over to Steven, who proceeded to bubble it and warp it into the temple.
He then gave Connie a small once-over to see if she really wasn't injured.
“So…” Connie said after she was deemed unscathed. “What do you want to do now?”
“Hm…” Steven said. “We should go back and report to your parents.” He told her. “They are probably worried about us.”
“Do you want to see Dogcopter along with me then?” She asked him.
“I wouldn't watch it otherwise.” He said smiling as the pair of children made their way back into her house.
In many cases, watching a new show with your best friend as you drink tea under a blanket to shield yourselves from the cold wind of autumn is something considered as ‘friendship goals’.
In some others, helping clean the mess you did along said best friend after defeating a hideous creature is a similar experience.
It turns out that after the monster popped up like a balloon, the dead leaves from the trees the wind had ripped off flew into the surrounding areas. This of course included Connie’s neighborhood, which seemed to be buried under thirty centimeters of yellow and brown.
However, this didn’t bothered Connie at all.
The point of Steven’s visit was to spend a good time after all, and she already knew that steven was one of the few persons on earth who could turn a boring task into a fun game.
And true to his nature, he made the mundane task of raking the leaves into a contest to see who could make the biggest mound of leaves, only to jump straight into them regardless. Making figures on the leaves and making a tiny amethyst out of them.
This made Connie remember that Steven was also magical. Not only magical in the literal sense, but magical in the same way the land she lived in was. His natural optimism and kindness were something that never failed to shine, even through the most dire of circumstances.
And that magic was the one she loved the most.
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