#deception in the church
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A Warning and a Call to Persevere
4 For there are men who have surreptitiously entered the Church but who have for a long time been heading straight for the condemnation I shall plainly give them. They have no real reverence for God, and they abuse his grace as an opportunity for immorality. They will not recognise the only master, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Forewarned is forearmed
17-19 Now do remember, dear friends, the words that the messengers of Jesus Christ gave us beforehand when they said “there will come in the last days mockers who live according to their own Godless desires”. These are the men who split communities, for they are led by human emotions and never by the Spirit of God.
Look after your own faith
20-21 But you, dear friends of mine, build yourselves up on the foundation of your most holy faith and by praying through the Holy Spirit keep yourselves within the love of God. Wait patiently for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ which will bring you to the life eternal. — Jude 1:4, 17-21 | J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) The New Testament in Modern English by J.B Phillips copyright © 1960, 1972 J. B. Phillips. Cross References: Acts 6:7; Acts 11:23; Acts 20:29; 1 Corinthians 2:14; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Galatians 2:4; Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 2:7; 1 Timothy 4:1; 1 Timothy 5:8; 2 Timothy 3:1; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 2:3; Hebrews 9:28; 2 Peter 3:2; James 3:15; Jude 1:1; Jude 1:3
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superbdonutpoetry · 7 months
This is Not a Testimony: It's Meant to Show that it Can Take Time for Someone to get Saved
In my earlier years I was a Pentecostal, excited to have become a child of God, being ‘born-again’ 🤣 — this is when I chose to read through the Bible. It was at this point in my life I took note of the obvious contradictions between Romans (where I was convinced I was totally saved) and then upon reading James I became rather confused and was convinced I wasn’t saved at all and thus tried in my…
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Matthew 7:15, “Be on your guard against false prophets; they come to you LOOKING LIKE SHEEP on the OUTSIDE, but on the INSIDE they are really like wild WOLVES.” (GNT) My two favorite seasons are Winter and Fall! Winter, because I love Christmas, snow, carols, decorations and the like. And Fall, because I love the colors, Thanksgiving, the start of the scent of fireplaces, but most of all,…
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Been thinking about a new Bendy centric au.
It takes place in this community/alliance of some towns, they're populated mostly by toons and humans and there's this church, whose associated with the town parliaments that the church staff are trying to take full control of them and the towns folk. Basically, the church is semi-controlling the residents(semi, due to rebellions and rebes) by the same way from before the Renaissance(?) and are trying to overthrow a part of the government with f*cking Christianity and religion. Not only that, the town-liance is in danger of impending doom and the church staff think they could stop said doom, and become god's henchmen. But the only ones to actually stop the end of life and the manipulative church is a single group of people/toons, lead by someone that church managed to get rid of for some time -
The Ink demon, formally known as Bendy.
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This is Inky's WIP design, it'll change in the future. The way I want to show the story is via an askblog, like many other aus on here.
And that's about it for now. Lemme know if y'all want this to happen.
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mystic-evangeline · 8 months
Dear God, I want to expose a cult that has been lurking around college campuses. I know this for a fact because I was victimized by one known as the International Christian Church, or the ICC. Telltale signs, for me, that this was in fact a cult and not a product of my imagination: 1. They prey on the weak and naive, or those who are much younger in age and therefore, unable to form proper judgments about life. 2. No room for disagreement or questioning whatsoever at their "Bible" studies. 3. Feelings aren't valid to them. Only God's Word is valid. Now, I understand this to a degree. But to say our feelings don't matter is abusive. 4. I can't explain it, but do you ever just sense that people are hiding something deeper from you, in terms of doctrine, or behavior? I got that sense from them quite a lot. 5. They paint themselves as the sweetest people in the world. And to a degree, they are. They are extremely friendly and open-hearted. But.... beware. Something darker is there underneath. 6. Avoidance of the presence of darkness or maybe "heavier" emotional topics is prevalent. 7. Twisting of the Scripture to fit their own agendas. E.g. We "have" to both "obey" and believe in "order" to be a Christian, when clearly, the Bible doesn't state this.... and "we are different from other churches" because x, y, and z. I find it odd that they think they are above other denominations, and also, have a weird mentoring program. Mentoring is normal. What's not normal is reporting every instance of "sin" or perceived sin to said mentor. 8. Challenges are viewed as immediate threats to reputation, and instantly dismissed as being "valid" since they are "forms of persecution" which is "normal" in God's Kingdom. It's normal, yes.... But not the types of persecution they are referring to and are subjected to. 9. Sometimes I just feel this malevolent spirit trying to harass me every time I talk to the leader. It's set up in this format like, how I'm the lowly student, and they're all the elitist teachers with infinitely more knowledge of the Bible than I have. Bizarre and smothering, also very brainwashing. 10. I noticed at the prayer meetings, how I'm purposely excluded and shunned just because I am not officially deemed as a member of their church. Baptized into their church, that is. It's like, are you about genuine salvation, or are you more about the rituals and the outward manfiestation of that experience? I pray that anyone who has been affected by the ICC (International Christian Church) will AVOID it at all costs and that this church will shut down or at least be brought to saving knowledge of the truth of Christ. Disband this church, Lord, or allow it to conform to safer, healthier practices that do not involve heavy-handed manipulation, browbeating, or Bible thumping. They are in so deep that they are blinded by their own deceitfulness. To them, it's all about "the Bible" but they are living a fairytale delusion of being attached to a church, an organization, under the guise of "let's seek God together." I also heard that they are highly invasive when it comes to private living situations, or that they try to control which members live with one another. That they are only allowed to marry other church members, and that they aren't even allowed to kiss each other until marriage. Just so many strict rules and regulations that God never even said in the first place. God is CREATIVE! His Spirit is alive and active and He isn't "all" about the Bible. Yes, that's important. But it's only one aspect of who He truly is. Please stop idealizing the Bible to fit your standards and obsessing over it unhealthily. I used to do that and it was BAD for me. Pray for these people and don't be swept away by their deceptive practices like I (almost) was. Again, they are very sweet and friendly but it's over-the-top so don't trust it.
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immaculatasknight · 11 months
Nazi hide and seek
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thevolumesoftruth · 2 years
2/9/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Sower_Has_Sown,_Yet_the_Seeds_Have_Fallen_Among_Thorns_and_Stony_Places (Regarding scoffing family members)
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At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
As a former victim of the Unification Church I believe wholeheartedly that Moon’s various organizations are exploiting and deceiving young people who sincerely desire to work for the betterment of mankind. Although Moon’s organizations claim to believe in democracy, freedom, and Christianity (this is what attracted me to the Unification Church) they in fact have nothing but contempt for these beliefs. They only use this as a cover and a way to get converts. Their ultimate goal is to make Moon an absolute dictator of the United States.
Believing the sincerity of Unification members when they talked about promoting a more peaceful and loving world, I was persuaded to join CARP, which is the Unification Church’s organization at colleges. New members are given only a superficial exposure to the organization’s beliefs. At the beginning, they are led to believe that it is a legitimate Christian organization. It seems to be fun and games and smiling faces. It is only later, after members have given up everything they own, that they become informed of Moon’s plans for a new order.
Not until I was sent to their training center at Barrytown in New York did I realise how evil and utterly insane the organization is. At Barrytown everyone was coerced to share with the other members all thoughts and concerns; there is absolutely no privacy. Members who showed even the slightest doubt about what was going on were harassed and derided by the other members until they learned to at least hide their feelings. If their skepticism continued members were told to fast from one to three days to receive the “truth”. Managing to suppress your doubts and rational way of thought was called “having victory”. This is just one example of the double-thought used by the organization. Also we were forced to attend lectures constantly, sometimes hearing the same thing over and over again. Since I and many others were hundreds of miles away from home and had no money, we were virtually prisoners.
In the lectures we were told that Jesus had failed his mission, that Moon was the messiah, that destruction here on earth and eternal damnation awaited those who refused to totally support Moon, and many other outrageous, heretical things. Mr. Mazumbar, one of the lecturers, told the 21 day seminar that all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will. Members were supposed to surrender completely.
Fund-raising was routine for members. Unless specifically asked we were told to avoid telling people that we were with Moon’s Unification Church. It was alright to deceive people as long as it would help Moon. For example, my group of about eight people was told by the group leader, Jim Garland, to tell people that the money was to be used to help young people with serious drug problems. Though the Unification Church takes in millions of dollars to my knowledge not one drug center has been built by them. Apparently most of the money goes into Moon’s pockets since he is a multimillionaire. However, since most of the kids who fund-raise are being coerced and lied to, they sincerely believe that the money is being used for a good purpose.
After a month of Barrytown’s insanity, I was able to escape on my own. It was entirely my decision. After I became aware of the evil nature of Moon’s organization I could not morally stay. I believe, though, that many of the young people who go to these seminars at Barrytown and other places are put under such heavy coercion and mind manipulation that they are unable to leave on their own free will. Most truly desire to help bring about a better world and they love this country, but their admirable ideals are being exploited by Moon and his henchmen for their own personal gain. It lis the selfish leaders of the organization that are to blame, not the exploited young people, who have good intentions. These young people are being deceived, cheated, and victimized by Moon.
This is only a brief account of my experiences with the Unification Church. My advice to anyone considering joining the organization would be to turn and run away as fast as their feet could carry them.
Sincerely yours,
Larry M.
The Moons’ God is not the God of Judeo-Christianity
The Moon church is unequivocally not Christian
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe, transcript and links 1. “Rev Sun Myung Moon: Emperor of the Universe” documentary
.   A BBC / A&E Network co-production, 2000 2. World Domination – Sun Myung Moon died before he could take over a single country.
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giftofshewbread · 2 years
Church Age Ends with Deception, False Revivals, & Apostasy!
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delightintheway · 2 years
*New Video!* THE SOWER HAS SOWN, YET THE SEEDS HAVE FALLEN AMONG THORNS AND STONY PLACES (Regarding Scoffers) "...Therefore, woe to the nay-sayers; woe to all who lead My people astray! For I am come forth to reap, to gather My own, and to punish those who sow seeds of dissension and falsehood in My Garden. Says The Lord."
(*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Letter) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Sower_Has_Sown,_Yet_the_Seeds_Have_Fallen_Among_Thorns_and_Stony_Places
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If we say that we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lie and do not do what is true; — 1 John 1:6 | New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVUE) New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: John 3:21; John 8:12; John 8:55; John 12:35; 2 Corinthians 6:14; 1 John 2:4; 1 John 2:11
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1 John 1:6 in all English translations
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lightman2120 · 3 days
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Psalm 144:1, “Blessed be the Lord, my Rock and my keen and firm Strength, Who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight” (AMPC) The main tactic of the enemy is deception. “Deception” is defined as, “the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid; to trick; to cheat; to defraud; to be dishonest.” And that’s exactly who the enemy is, a deceiver, liar and the…
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byfaithmedia · 4 days
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Is there a battle taking place in your church, leading to divisions & splits? Can you do anything to stop the infiltration of the enemy?
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When Christianity Became the Empire: A Reflection on Faith, Power, and Deception
Throughout history, the story of Christianity has been one of profound transformation. From its humble beginnings as a faith centered on the teachings of Jesus—a man who preached love, forgiveness, and non-violence—Christianity evolved into a powerful institution, closely tied to the machinery of empire. This evolution raises important questions about the nature of faith, power, and the dangers…
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biblepreacher · 1 month
America's War-Cult
We inhabit a time when life is cheap: abortions, genocides, perpetual wars, weapons of mass destruction. We could list countless ways in which human life has been devalued. While we might send out a medical plane to rescue one life that’s in peril, one plane can instantly incinerate a hundred thousand. Science has great power to heal, but this pails in comparison to its destructive power.…
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