#deathnote remisa
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hugesawenjoyer · 7 months ago
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remisa c0mmission i did recently! if anyone was interested in buying a comm from me u can always dm me either here or on twitter >___<
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rhythlart · 5 months ago
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angelinvasion1 · 8 months ago
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remisa for da heart
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niightniines · 4 months ago
Im begging for more Misa Frankenstein 😭 ANY CRUMBS
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if this gets over 100 notes I'll draw them scissoring
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wiltedfaded · 1 year ago
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i love them
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nekrokatze · 2 years ago
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"Under the shadow of her wings" (2022) Rem deserved so much more and her design is so pretty to me...
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lunar6death · 2 years ago
Deathnote enthusiast 
I draw and sometimes write.
I mainly ship L/Light but Rem/Misa is also fun.
I don’t have a dni but if you try to start drama I will block <3
If you know my main no you don’t. /lh
#Lunar_talks (orginal Text post tag)
#Lunar_arts (my Art tag)
#Pretty_death (other peoples art)
#Deathnote (general deathnote tag)
#Not_Death (not deathnote related tag) 
#death_due_us_part (L/Light tag)
#queens_of_death (Rem/Misa tag)
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niightniines · 2 months ago
1. Love
2. rem 💕
3. 10 seconds flat
4. Misa Amane would do wonders in NANA
5. "actually I'm depressed"
6. op1
7. the second kira (I'm biased)
8. Naomi Misora's death had the perfect atmosphere and setup. wish she was around longer :(
9. Nine While Nine (sisters of mercy) fits Misa lyrically, but her vibe is more like Sweetest Chill (siouxie and the banshees)
10. I think all of them would find me insufferable
11. soichiro's death felt so anticlimactic paired with lights exaggerated acting and inner monologues I just couldn't take it seriously knowing the person he cared about most in that moment couldn't give less of a shit about the man if he didn't know mello's name
12. the nezz edit
13. Lawlight and Remisa
14. my friends call me the Lawmane lovechild
15. Misa I'm a diehard kin
16. (from the musical) "if this body is to turn to sand and vanish, who cares about that? everything that I can possibly do, I'll give her." -Rem
17. how the fuck did L and Light go about their daily lives in the yotsuba arc? I wish we got a filler episode of their chained together misadventures.
18. id still opt for classic black but I will put my own sparkly stickers on it
19. my leather trench coat and whatever black frills I decide to put on underneath that
20. sour cream and cheddar
21. my Remisa Frankenstein au! I remember watching that movie for the first time and thinking "this is literally just remisa if it was hetero and in 80s suburbia"
22. despite what ohba says L did truly think of light as a friend. at least subconsciously.
23. "just because your genius deduction was wrong" he sounds so pressed and petty lmao
24. Misa obvs
25. when I started listening to the musical on loop
26. when Misa gives up her ownership of the deathnote for the second time. the shit of her in the apartment staring into space with dead eyes as the canary screeches inside its cage and light narrates that she's "just a normal woman"
27. ☝️🤓📓✍️💀☝️🤓🦅🦅🦅🎀💕🎾🌈📓✍️💀🔥🔥🔥🔔🔔🔔☝️💀☝️🧒☝️🧒☝️🧒💀💀☝️🧒🔥📓💀
28. the one where rem is flying around with Misa in her arms like her own personal chauffer
29. death note the musical
30. REM 🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Favorite chapter/episode?
If you had a Death Note, what would you want your Shinigami to look like?
How long do you think you could get away with hiding a Death Note?
If your favorite character weren’t in Death Note, what anime/manga do you think they would thrive in?
A scene that makes you laugh.
Which is your favorite opening?
Your favorite kira?
The death that affected you the most.
What song(s) fit the vibe of your favorite character?
A character you would hang out with irl.
What moment surprised you the most?
What is a fanwork (edit, fic, art, etc.) that you still think about to this day? (Pls link to the original!)
Favorite ships?
What character do you think you look the most like?
Which character’s personality do you relate to?
A line from the series that stuck with you.
A question that was never answered, but you wonder about all the time.
If Death Notes came in different colors, what color would yours to be?
What would be your staple kira catching outfit?
Favorite potato chip flavor?
A Death Note fanwork that you’ve made and are proud of.
A favorite Death Note theory.
Your favorite interaction.
Who do you think had the best style?
At what point did you fall in love with Death Note?
Saddest moment for your favorite character.
Lay out the plot of Death Note using only emojis.
Favorite official art.
Favorite Death Note Spin off media.
A character that needs to be mentioned more.  
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girlfailurefelix · 6 months ago
what gave you the idea for borrowed time? did you have any other plans for it? (aka yap about it all you want)
so actually! i had been thinking about it conceptually for like two weeks before i wrote any of it (i was complaining to my sib about it cuz i was embarrassed to write since i hadn’t since i was a preteen/young teen lol) and it just drove me absolutely nuts cuz i couldn’t stop thinking about it at work.
just gonna establish now since it gets confusing: greg ≠ gregory. i treat them as two different characters in the same body. so i will not use them interchangeably on this ask, just like i don’t in my fic
cut because i am going to YAP
i wrote chapter one as an attempt to stop myself from thinking about it further (i was originally going to kill tony off and have it be a oneshot, either post-pizzaplex escape much like security breach’s bad ending c̶u̶z̶ ̶s̶o̶u̶l̶m̶a̶t̶i̶s̶m̶ or have him end up getting chased to the fire escape and yk, you can fill in the blank on that one. blah blah blah insert something here about tony’s very interesting, incredibly weird intro in the book. i’m still trying to figure that one out cuz other themes in the book [the celtic stuff specifically. this is a huge thing for me and i can go off about how it’s used in the book, but that’s for another post if yall want that] make that interesting if we didn’t know how ggy kills from the therapist tapes. actually, even though you can’t see it, this is how he dies in my cotard’s solution animatic. the knife in it wasn’t for killing him lol, his ass went off the roof [hence “i wanna make my murder look like a suicide”], but now i’m getting sidetracked). but one thing led to another and i wrote chapter 6 and the epilogue.
Chapter 4 was my last written chapter (hence why i don’t bother uploading individual chapters and just drop whole stories at once) if you don’t count editing several parts of chapter 1 (small tweaks for clarity purposes, not huge minus what i mentioned above. debated making this one two chapters but ended up keeping them together as a big one cuz it didn’t make as much sense when split up) and chapter 5 (i originally wrote the car ride to the pizzaplex cuz i thought it would be funny to make tony flip a tit and go hellaciously slow with the fear that he’d get pulled over cuz yk. twelve. but i figured it was too boring and discarded it).
the original title was actually a different song name. (super embarrassing but it was a hollywood undead song -another way out. i might use this later for a different, more fitting fic- cuz it helped me come up with a lot of the smaller details within chapter 1)
i did name it after the song from the death note musical cuz it can be interpreted about being about both tony and gregory. i meant it about gregory personally cuz at the end he quite literally is living on borrowed time (since tony’s death is the reason he’s able to get away from vanny. very remisa.), but tony is too throughout the entire fic, since obviously it’s an extension of his original implied lifespan (you’re welcome, you little shit.) and also cuz he’s putting up with (and being worn down by) greg’s shit the entire time in order to save gregory, even at the risk of his own safety, and i think that lines up really well too.
the chapters also all had individual names but too many were deathnote so i got embarrassed (og title of chapter 4 was the game begins lol, which is why the last sentence of chapter 3 was what it was)
color was SOOOO important. like the names i used were incredibly specific. i really wanted to emphasize how dead greg’s eyes are vs gregory, also how tony was losing steam cuz yk. traumatizing.
i based tony’s mom on mine lol. and she and my sib picked up on that immediately after they both read it (i didn’t have a beta cuz i didn’t take criticism or editing, but i did let them read it immediately) i know she doesn’t check on tony in the book when he sneaks out, but i figured that’s her giving him space, and i loveeeee projecting so that was reflected in the mom parts. mother’s instinct and all that. she totally knew greg was weird after the first night, he wasn’t just bullshitting on that part, but again, space (and yet another projection from a specific experience of my own).
greg. let’s fucking talk about greg. FIRST, he was gonna kill tony’s ass the whole time, despite chapter 4’s events. that was him being manipulative because i just don’t think greg *wouldn’t* notice tony’s behavior. as i wrote, he’s NOT subtle, even in actual canon. he meant what he said when he called him useful, and he certainly didn’t like feeling rejected, but don’t let him fool you, he doesn’t actually like tony. tony actually mentions this in chapter 2 as a possibility and much like his instincts in the actual book, he was right. it was just about dragging it out to make it worse on tony and getting something out of him as a bonus. i like to think of him as building on gregory’s original personality cuz virus, so he’s not that different, but he’s like,, worse if that makes sense. like the worst parts of gregory, amplified. with some killing, yk.
speaking of tony guessing, he was absolutely BULLSHITTING with the greg vs gregory shit. denial is not just a river, he just happened to be right. cuz seriously, he was two seconds from cracking anyway, i mean little dude is SO traumatized, especially at this point.
so gregory. he was able to communicate when half asleep cuz i think that greg/the actual virus would want him to experience the nightmares and such (agony continuing to feed the virus. yk. fnaf shit) to keep him in line. so this is the small window of opportunity he would have to even be a person, much less attempt to save himself. he’s miserable in this state though cuz tired and unable to be fully awake lol. also he can see everything greg does, hence knowing tony and trusting him, but he can’t really do anything about it. he’s always present though.
ellis wasn’t in this besides mentions because of multiple reasons. 1, i wanted to make it clear how much greg was isolating him. like that’s on purpose. 2, it would’ve gotten too convoluted to have tony protecting both of them in this specific case. and 3, i knew i wanted it to loop to security breach, so ellis would’ve interfered with that unless i killed him off. regardless of the fact that i personally see him dying in addition to tony as the canon post-ggy events [cuz let’s be real, regardless of if he believed it, he read tony’s paper. that’s a loose end and a disaster for greg waiting to happen. i don’t think he would risk it, especially since tony’s immediate disappearance would be sus as fuck.], i didn’t feel like killing him off needlessly.
so i actually sobbed after re-reading the end. giggled and kicked my feet about how awful it would be while writing it, but rest assured, it kicked my ass after. like to the point that i considered scrapping it and letting them get out safe (which is where the AU with Sunlight on Your Skin came in), but i knew this was the proper ending for both of them. greg ended up getting his way in the most fucked up way (tony was useful.) but also failing in the same breath, tony got to save gregory (giving him a far more satisfying character arc than his original, meaningless death. also fulfilling the void left by the guilt from not being able to help his dad’s fate), and gregory got saved, even if it was a hollow, tragic “victory” for him.
also i originally was going to have greg fatally wound tony as he won the game, but i wanted to bring in vanny (cuz of the “friends” comment from the beginning and it being brought up again by greg in one of the middle chapters) cuz A) i love my wife and B) it felt /too/ sad and angsty to the point of overkill (no pun intended)
oh. and gregory does actually like tony back, he wasn’t just saying it cuz wanting to escape and then him dying. just so we’re all aware. maybe not at that point as much as tony does (and not as much as he does in sunlight on your skin’s au continuation, cuz actually actively getting to be himself would help.), but it would’ve worked out if tony didn’t yk, kick the bucket. sorry if that makes his death worse.
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translightyagami · 1 year ago
Hi I noticed you have been in the deathnote fandom for a long time. Do you know some changes the fandom/ships went through? I already know that the misogyny towards misa used to be terrible
Thanks 🙏
honestly, the biggest shifts have trended along the same as the shifts in fandom culture as a whole. more queer people identify that way openly and integrate that into their work, more people of color feel comfortable voicing their qualms with up-til-now racist undertones in much of the fandom output (particularly in anime fandoms), and more adults continue to interact with and produce fanworks past the ages at which people used to abandon their fanfiction.net accounts. Death Note is no exception. I have written and interacted with fanworks for this fandom since literally 2008. Pretty shitty ideas were considered commonplace at the time, and those ideas - particularly the homophobic kind, tho we're still working on the transphobia - don't fly anymore.
I guess if we're talking ship specifics, L/Light has never gone out of style. People rag on the ship but when you mention Death Note, no one thinks "Oh Matt/Mello" or "Oh Near/Mello" or even "Oh Light/Misa." Light and L continue to be the core idea even casual enjoyers take away from the series. More rare ships get attention these days and its a delight to see queer women ships like Kiyomisa or Remisa, or even genderbent Lawlight get attention. I do think there used to be more variety in sexual positions the characters took, but ultimately, the fic quality is better and people are less weird about trans and gay people. I like the fandom now much more.
Sorry for the rant! I'm not a fandom "old" but I have liked Death Note for a long time. I've got a lot of thoughts!
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blossombloodcurse · 2 years ago
remisa deathnote is like if destiel supernatural was two goth women with like 0.01% of the screen time. send post.
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niightniines · 7 months ago
rem would also be a certified eater I think. weird demon pussy could have saved her too I think... if Misa isn't gonna take it I will!!!!
Its wild to see people shipping Misa with L and i'm not even against it. I'm actually for it. I think weird dick would have saved Misa because she was really lusting after a man who would not eat box. L is a certified eater 100%
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angelinvasion1 · 8 months ago
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on that grind
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niightniines · 11 months ago
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sitcom au where Matsuda and Misa get fake married because Matsu is aroace and Misa is hiding a relationship with her shinigami girlfriend Rem. it's very special to me.
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irevanity · 3 years ago
Gevanni, Halle, L, and Rem bragging about the kill count of their s/o at a fancy restaurant.
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I dont know if this stat is true, but I’m just using it bc I’m too lazy to research thoroughly
They’re all acting as if it’s a contest to murder people and going “ooo” every time their s/o reveals how many people they’ve murdered
Rem is so proud of Misa when she reveals her kc and offers to take her somewhere even fancier
Gevanni joking about the amount of coffee he drank and cramps he endured when copying down all those names. Mikami apologizes and massages his hands 😭😭
Halles SOUL leaving her body when she hears how many people her girlfriend killed. Meanwhile, Takada’s drinking wine with her sunglasses on
L just nods when Light reveals his kc and goes, “ah yes, my husband,,,”
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niightniines · 7 months ago
how dare you imply I simp for Justice Beiber the only pussy I want is Rem's
You kin Misa Amane?
You really like her style and probably dress like her or want to. You also kind of have a love hate relationship with her bc you also simp for Light
Also, trauma, but that's obvious along with the intrusive thoughts, possible BPD, attachment issues and abandonment issues
Get some therapy
And no, I won't step on you - a Light kinnie
Authors note: how do I kin both of them and hate myself? XD guess I kin Light more than Misa
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