#death watch mandalorians
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fellthemarvelous · 11 months ago
Please try to remember the Death Watch are terrorists.
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"We are the Death Watch. Our people were warriors. Strong. Feared! Now they're ruled by the New Mandalorians who think that being a pacifist is a good thing. They've given away our honor and tradition for peace. Duchess Satine and her corrupt leadership are crushing our souls, destroying our identity. That is our struggle." -Pre Vizsla
Maul met the Death Watch and their shared hatred for Obi-Wan and Satine is what destroyed Mandalore.
Read Pre Vizsla's speech here closely. Like so close.
Satine Kryze is not to blame for the destruction of Mandalore.
The Death Watch ARE EXTREMISTS!!!!
They used violence and death to take down an unarmed woman.
Satine Kryze did not cause Mandalore's downfall.
Maul and the Death Watch did, and they did so with cruelty because they made Obi-Wan watch helplessly as Maul murdered her.
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She chose to LIVE IN PEACE because it is the right of people to live in peace. She didn't illegally obtain power. The other Houses entrusted her with Mandalore's safety.
It was the terrorist minority that had a problem with her. Satine refused to bow to terrorists.
Because war is not natural. War is not fun. War is pain and loss and a man-made creation of mass destruction.
Satine was so strong in her convictions that entire star systems made her the leader of their council of neutral systems because she was able to give her citizens the access to the peaceful life they deserved. She refused to let Mandalore's legacy become one remembered only for its bloodshed and violence. She knew she would probably end up being killed for her beliefs, but she stood up to every single person who told her that picking a side was the only way to peace when she and Mandalore were already living proof that it was possible to do that without Republic interference.
She died refusing to give in to all the men who tried to scare her into joining their side, and when she died on the blade of the darksaber after it fell into the hands of the angriest being in the galaxy, she still died with love and conviction in her heart. Her final words were not "avenge me". Her final words were "I've loved you always. I always will."
The other Mandalorians were right to trust her, not because she used fear and power to intimidate but rather love and compassion to give Mandalore the tools it needed to thrive.
I saw someone try to say that she didn't do pacifism correctly and I just...
She carried a deactivator, not a blaster. She defended herself even though she chose to carry a weapon only meant to neutralize. Her guards existed to neutralize threats. Not kill them.
What does it say about a person who thinks Satine deserved her fate because she refused to arm herself instead of looking at the person who murdered her? What does it say about yourself if you think a person deserves to die because they refused to arm themselves with a lethal weapon in the first place?
Excuse me???
Not to get political, but Death Watch and MAGA are basically the same. Spoiled brats who believed they should have inherited the throne based on blood rather than qualifications, and really mad to know they are in the minority of people who don't want peace.
A bunch of men repeatedly trying to kill the woman who has proven time and time again that hope is stronger than fear.
She proved that it's possible to live peacefully if people would learn to just stop fucking killing each other, and she is not wrong for choosing to give that small bit of comfort to the others who survived the Mandalorian civil war.
The people chose her because they trusted her to take care of them. And she did. For almost 20 years. She cared about what the people wanted and she chose to give them exactly that for as long as she could.
She didn't make them forget their history. She reminded them that they don't have to live the same way for the rest of their lives. It's okay to put down the weapons and it's okay to want peace. That's not a weakness at all. It takes strength maintain a light like that for as long as she did.
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g00seg1raffe · 2 months ago
Cursory research into the meanings of Mandalorian armour colours...
Black - ne'tra = justice, an unshakeable moral code (also wanting to avoid stains on your clothes)
White - cin vhetin = a fresh start or clean slate (good for converts/adult adoptions)
Grey - genet = mourning a loved one (or recently rejected)
Gold - ve'vut = vengeance (a warning colour)
Silver - shev'la beskar = unpainted armour, a search for redemption (Din Djarin's guilt complex, anyone?)
Bronze - tranyc'bes - nobility and high status (favoured by stuck-up self-important jackasses)
Brown - daryc - valour, galantry, The Audacity (particularly when associated with them cunty lil jedi cape drops)
Tan - vhekadla - loyalty (lit. 'sandy' but I don't like sand, it's coarse and rough and...)
Maroon - daryc'tal - power (all hail Maroon 5, our benevolent overlords)
Red - ge'tal = honouring a parent (very popular, 10/10)
Scarlet - galar'tal - defiance and relentlessness (Mandalorian Scarlett Johansson omfg be still my bi heart)
Orange - shereshoy = shereshoy, a lust for life (the party people)
Yellow - shi'yayc - remembrance, burnt out vengeance (makes for funky funerals)
Mint green - cin vorpan - lust for peace, guardians and peacekeepers (does not necessarily mean I want to fuck guardians and peacekeepers, get your head outta the gutter)
Green - vorpan = duty, commitment and hard work (favourite of farmers, too)
Teal - jahaal = healing, violence as a last resort, I've seen some shit and now I defend peace (favoured by healers and New Mandalorians)
Blue - kebiin = reliability and faithfulness (favoured by single parents)
Sky blue - kebii'tra = new love, newlyweds, marriage and all that fluffy stuff (Satine's famous jewellery TCW S2 - ObiTine for the soul)
Indigo - jiisaviin = prosperity, victory, the feeling that we have achieved our hopes (tempting fate, perhaps)
Lilac - saviin = luck, change, survival in adversity, hope for the future (associated with the old God of Luck)
Pink - cin ge'tal - respect and knowledge, a fusion of past and future (associated with journalists and academics)
Ofc this is a rough guide and if anyone either doesn't like my sense of humor or wants more detailed information, check out these posts too: x x x
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theresistanceneverquits · 11 months ago
Once again thinking about how Bo Katan had the audacity to pull the “my sister’s dead :(” card after she spent most of her life as second-in-command of a terrorist group whose sole goal was to assassinate Satine.
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mearchy · 3 months ago
I really love Jaster Mereel, the most “fine then I’ll do it myself” guy of all time. Like, after he killed his corrupt superior UHC style and got exiled for it he could’ve been on that vigilante shit. And he did come back ready for a fight- but not with a battalion, or another assassination. With a fucking entire new system of living and governing contained in a codex he wrote himself, based on ancient laws he wanted to resurrect. By all accounts he wasn’t even in academia or government before that moment, he was a cop. And the best part is he fucking managed to create a majorly consequential schism in Mandalorian society purely on the strength of having actually really good ideas in that big-ass academic magnum opus he spite-wrote. That’s some Protestant reformation shit!!!! I wonder if someone said to him during his sentencing like “you can’t just make up your own laws because you disagree with the ones we have” and he said oh word?? Insane, I love him.
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lillththesuccubus · 2 years ago
Din Dijarin watching Bo Katan beat the living shit out of Axe Woves Like:
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blueberry-ry · 2 months ago
Little thought of the day: What if "New Mandalorians" was the name of a movement rather than a group?
Lemme explain:
I we look at the True Mandalorians and Death Watch, we can see that they are two specific groups, with a specific leader and also a chain of command, who have a specific objective and code etc.
They were an important part of the war, but they were still two distinct groups.
But then we look at the New Mandalorians, and we are told that they are the vast majority of the mandalorians, but how is that possible for one single group of people to all agree on what is supposed to be planetarian level? It just does not feel possible to me.
So, what if there were actually multiple mandalorian groups, who shared a lot of common points and even philosophies and ideals, but still diverged in others? And so they all got grouped into the name "New Mandalorians" because of it?
Something like this ya know?
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2stepadmiral · 6 months ago
Maybe sort of a hot take? Satine Kryze was a terrible leader and kind of a petty tyrant. Like, look at what she actually did and how she did it and what the consequences were:
She committed effective cultural genocide against her own people by eviscerating a millennia-old culture/creed/tradition/religion, removing the at least 80% of it that she didn’t like and demanded that everyone else adapt it
Those who refused to relinquish their ancestral ways were exiled from their homeworld and even robbed of their cultural identity when she claimed that anyone who still practiced the warrior ways were not true Mandalorians
By enforcing this ‘my way or the highway’ policy, she created the environment where Pre Vizsla could form Death Watch and recruit all the followers he had out of the disillusioned she had branded as outcasts
By enforcing her strict pacifism, she disarmed her people and even her security forces, leaving the planet defenseless against both Death Watch and the Shadow Collective (imagine if the Yuuzhan Vong had invaded during this period)
Publicly belittled and insulted a high profile General in the Grand Army of the Republic/ Master and Council member of the Jedi Order in front of a number of Senators and her courtiers because he dared to point out that the Separatists might not let her remain neutral
Publicly stated that she didn’t want Jedi security present when traveling with a retinue of Republic Senators in the midst of a terrorism crisis that she was the main target of, in front of a number of people who would have been put at risk had she gotten her way
When Obi Wan pointed out that the Senators and likely her courtiers had requested Jedi security due to concerns for their own safety that she had disregarded, rather than acknowledging her thoughtlessness, she again insulted Obi-Wan and provoked an argument that she aggravated into a bickering session while Obi Wan tried and gradually failed at keeping civil
She seceded her world from the Republic rather than allow the slightest impression that she endorsed the Clone War (never mind that Alderaan and Naboo were prominent members of the Senate that opposed war and actively worked to end it peacefully and quickly without seceding), which forfeited the government aid Mandalore needed to survive in its damaged state and led directly to Prime Minister Almec having to use the black market just to keep the people fed
And in the end, all she accomplished was a maybe fifteen-twenty year period of relative peace before civil war broke out again, Maul took charge, the Empire forced fifteen years of relative obedience, and ultimately the planet was bombed and the Mandalorian people were decimated. The role of a good ruler or leader is to do what is best for your people, even if it’s contrary to your own preferences or interests, and Satine consistently made her own beliefs the order of the day, enforced from the top down. Had she moderated her approach, maybe tried to redirect the warrior tendencies into galactic peacekeeping, or advocated for a warrior second, hardworking builder/farmer/pilot/tradesmen helping to rebuild Mandalore first (sort of what Boba Fett did as Mand’a’lor in the EU), despite her personal disdain for violence and warfare, she could have been one of the greatest Mandalorian leaders who affected real change. Instead, she allowed her personal priorities to be the priorities of her regime and the guiding principle of her tyranny.
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evaarade · 1 year ago
"Mandalorians didn't want to change, Satine merely forced them to"
Except, no she didn't and and yeah they did.
Here's the thing, we are told that the majority of the people wanted the change and were New Mandalorians, we are told that the only people who weren't were a small minority that had been exiled for causing a damaging war on the planet and population
And it was That minority that kick started Mandalore falling, that brought wars back to Mandalore, that took over via trickery and deception because the majority were Happy with Satine so the only way that said minority could take over was by making her seem incompetent and convinced the population of exactly that
Mandalore was a tragedy in the Clone wars because people WANTED to change, they were HAPPY with the change that Satine brought, but because an Extremist Minority didn't like it so they all Suffered
George Lucas said that the Prequels were a story about how a democracy fell, and I see The Clone Wars Mandalorians as another chapter of that, but this time it wasn't because of the civilian inaction, it was because while the people did Everything Right, they suffered under things out of their control and an Extremist Minority used propaganda and staged attacks to take over at the first chance they had.
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shellshooked · 2 years ago
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rebel generals of the twilight squadron
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cienie-isengardu · 24 days ago
You know how Tor Vizsla, the enemy of Jaster Mereel addressed him by name, even years after Mereel's death? With special mention of this two interaction he had with Jango Fett:
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(source - Jango Fett: Open Seasons #4)
And then, there is Montross - who abandoned Jaster Mereel on battlefield after Mereel saved his life - talking about his former leader as "old fool Jaster"
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Screenshot from Bounty Hunter game (Montross cutscenes can be seen on YT here)
And I think this says a lot about Jaster, Tor and Montross; how the sworn enemy is more respectful than Jaster's own ex-comrade.
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reconstructwriter · 1 month ago
tell me everything you can about the jaster/feemor fic 👀
Oh, I was hoping someone would ask me about this one *rubs hands gleefully*
So my vague thoughts about the Mandalorian mission landed on: what if instead of Qui Gon and Obi Wan someone went undercover among the New Mandalorians? But why would the Jedi Council do that instead? Oh…what if Jaster survived Korda 6 – then it’s not a simpler choice between terrorist group or other. And wOuLd’Nt It Be FuNnY if Jaster had a terrible crush on a ‘New Mandalorian’ bodyguard 😉
I have long had the headcanon that Mace is a night owl, not an morning lark. Jedi Council meetings Do Not support this.
Mace nursed his third cup of caff as dawn’s rays crept into the Council chambers specifically to lay siege upon his eyeballs. Whichever old Jedi said dawn was wiser than dusk ought’ve kept that thought to themselves. Truly, he loved being a Jedi – except this part. Dawn was too sleep-addled to be wise. He had, upon being ‘promoted’ to the Council, advocated for crack of noon meetings instead.
Which had failed seven to five. Yoda and Dooku were traitors.
“Petitioned for Republic aid, Mandalore has,” Yoda said. Just as Mace took a sip, the old troll. Used to dramatic announcements while drinking, Mace didn’t inhale his caff. Shaak Ti, their newest member, had yet to manage their grandmaster’s particular proclivity and choked on her tea. As well she should. The words ‘Mandalore’ and ‘Petition for Republic aid’ had never, in all the galaxy’s history, been in the same sentence unless another planet or people and the word ‘against’ were involved. Tera Sinube and Jocasta Nu cleared out their ears, certain they hadn’t heard correctly. To counter the disbelief that reverberated like an opera singer‘s, Yoda projected the petition for all Council members to see.
Which, yes, that was Mandalore. The planet name. On a petition for Jedi assistance. Mace had fallen asleep in a Council Meeting again. “Somewhere the Sith Hells are building an ice-skating rink,” Oppo remarked.
One of those weird shared dreams.
Tera Sinube snickered, then frowned. “Duke Kryze?” the old Crechemaster tapped his cane in thought. “I was unaware Mandalore has united under a single leader.”
“It certainly hasn’t,” Jocasta Nu straightened, a lecture at the ready. Mace would dream of many things but not one of Jocasta’s lectures. “A terrorist leader claims to be the ruler as well.” The worst ones always did. “By way of the Darksaber,” she added with an edge. Few were the successful robberies of the archives. Mace pitied the terrorist Mandalore-claimer. “And,” her voice dripped with disgust. “Jaster Mereel.”
Mace had no idea what Jaster Mereel had done to earn greater ire than a thief of an archive artifact but Dooku, closer to her, was up on the latest gossip. “Pestering you with more requests?” he smirked.
“Three leaders at least then, yet only one asks,” Yoda commented.
And there lay the complication. “Do we have the right to interfere then?” Shaak Ti asked the needed question. “Mandalore has not joined the Republic nor agreed to its laws and if we become the sort of people who burst into everyone’s home to lay down our chosen law – where will we stop.”
“As a student of history, we wouldn’t,” Jocasta said.
“Contentious, Mandalorians and Jedi have been,” Yoda spoke with hard-earned experience. “Harm not the unarmed, our code says. Accept the surrender of all, our oaths demand. Yet never unarmed the Mandalorians are. Surrender, dishonorable is seen.”
Add in intermittent conquests and bouts of Jedi-hunting and you had the seed of every Jedi-Mandalorian conflict in their shared history, Mace thought. “A shatterpoint looms over this mission, I sense that well enough. Should we break it? Mandalore’s fate will be decided on this mission, whether we take it or not. And if we do take it, who would we begin to send?” The experts of Mandalor were few and far between and many would be obviously unwise to send there.
“That sounds like a political travesty,” Dooku said, “Requiring a skilled negotiator. I would recommend my own Padawan. Qui Gon Jinn has made Master.”
“I disagree,” Yaddle spoke up at last.
A flicker of gobsmacked rippled through the Force before Dooku’s face and presence settled to forbidding impassivity. This did nothing to deter someone who had leapt straight from Padawan to Master centuries ago. “Shaak Ti is right, and Grandmaster Yoda speaks wisdom,” Yaddle paused, an unspoken ‘for once’ lingered teasingly. “Three rulers at least and no simple choice, previous Jedi-Mandalorian conflicts aside even the best diplomat would struggle not to add further conflict to such a mess. We can act but should not act openly.”
“You suggest the Shadows,” Councilor Piell stated the obvious. “One of your undercover agents.”
Yaddle gave Yarael the same look Mace often gave Depa for her teatime conversation topics but made no answer.
“Well, the poor soul will at least avoid Jaster’s obsession – if they keep their cover,” Jocasta said.
“There is one minor problem. About going undercover,” Tera Sinube brought up a picture. “Death Watch would be difficult but nothing your Shadows couldn’t handle. Jaster Mereel’s supercommandoes will be easy enough to infiltrate, however may I present a general indication of Sundari’s population.”
The picture was nothing that wouldn’t be snagged off a public site. A random section of the city, clearly during rush hour traffic with all the people milling about everywhere – people who were all human, all blond-haired, all pale-eyed.
“All of them?”
“Do we have any Jedi who fit?” Jocasta asked. Mace nodded in agreement. He dimly remembered one Padawan who would fit but that would be an even worse idea than Dooku’s.
Yaddle pursed her lips, “I may know of one.”
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hedonistbyheart · 2 years ago
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The blindfold stays on.
I’m too in love with the idea of the Armorer being a Zabrak to let it go, but I cannot settle on what kind, so now she’s got nightsister colorings and nightbrother horns🤷‍♀️
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nerdpickle · 2 months ago
Adonai Kryze
Here is my Headcanon/Theory/Idea (is there a better word?) for Adonai Kryze 
Adonai Kryze was the reigning Mand’alor during a very turbulent time in Mandalorian politics, he was staunchly opposed to both the fundamentalists (who would later form Death Watch), and the New Mandalorians. 
Despite his best attempts to keep Mandalorian politics stable, a civil war would start, primarily caused by the many ideological differences between different groups of Mandalorians, This civil war would come to be known as the Great Clan Wars. 
Adonai would die early on, afterwards Satine would join the New Mandalorians, who she was always sympathetic to, meanwhile Bo-katan would remain a traditionalist. Ultimately the New Mandalorians would come out on top. 
Many of the remaining Mandalorians, broken and exhausted after a brutal civil war, would support Satine. The remaining traditionalists, however, were forcibly exiled to Concordia, and this would include Bo-katan. Many of these exiled traditionalists would later be radicalized and join the Death Watch, who were formed from the fundamentalist movement.
I really like the irony of Adonai’s two daughters joining the two organizations he staunchly opposed. This would also make sense given the fact that Bo-katan seems to have a high opinion of him, which wouldn't make sense if he was a New Mando
Let me know what you think, just be polite
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blueberry-ry · 10 days ago
– he falls silent, pondering – don’t take this the wrong way, he cares , he cares about that kid, he is just… stupid. He doesn’t really know how to take care of someone else.>
I finally posted the first chapter for my fic about the Concord Dawn conflict: You, Comrade
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fellthemarvelous · 9 months ago
It's a crime that we haven't seen live action Obi-Wan in Mandalorian armor.
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writerbuddha · 1 year ago
Before Satine Kryze, Mandalore was what the entire galaxy was in the Sith-era, when societies and cultures were based on the principle of "the strong preys on the weak." Old Mandalore and the Zygerrian Slave Empire share the same mentality: Vizsla asserts, "only the strongest shall rule," and Miraj asserts, "The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong." This is why both the Death Watch and the re-established Zygerrian Slave Empire were so ready to ally themselves with the Sith Lords. They both thrived when the Sith ruled the known universe - they were, too, empires of darkness.
And they were both, one way or another, ended by the Jedi Order. Satine was protected by the Jedi Knights, thus, she was able to re-organize her planet as a peaceful and symbiotic society, and the Zygerrian Slave Empire was destroyed by the Jedi Knights. This is why both the Death Watch and the re-established Zygerrian Slave Empire hate the Jedi Knights - they cultivated light.
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