#death should not have take thee!
vocaloidderivativeotd · 11 months
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Today's Vocaloid derivative of the day is:
Kagamine Rin as the king from Death Should not have Taken Thee!/Shinde Shimau to wa Nasakenai! by Glider!
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xiomeebo · 6 months
is it cheating to put the remix of remocon as my favourite song of vol 6
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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María Félix (Doña Barbara, La Mujer sin Alma, Rio Escondido, La Cucaracha)—Maria Felix is still possibly the most well-known Mexican film actress. She turned down multiple-roles in Hollywood and a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer in order to take roles in Mexico, France, and Argentine throughout the 1940s, 50s, 60s. She was so famous and so respected as a dramatic actress that she inspired painters, novelists and poets in their own art--she was painted by Diego Rivera, Jose Orozco, Bridget Tichenor. The novelist Carlos Fuentes used her as inspiration for his protagonist in Zona Sagrada. She inspired an entire collection by Hermes. In the late 1960s Cartier made her a custom collection of reptile themed jewels. She considered herself to be powerful challenger of morality and femininity in Mexico & worldwide--she routinely played powerful women in roles with challenging moral choices and free sexuality. But even still, years after he death, she is celebrated with Google Doodles, and appearances in the movie Coco, and holidays for the anniversary of her death.
Julie Andrews (The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins)—Oh where to start .... I'm not sure I even know how. She's just perfection. And it's not fair I can't bring post 70s work into this, because she just gets better and better, and her drag performance in to die for. But in the era I CAN talk about, she shows she has THE RANGE. Beautiful, feisty, funny, holding her own against Christopher Plummer, Paul Newman, Rock Hudson. Oh she's luminous.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
María Félix:
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She's Thee Hot Vintage Movie Woman of México. She's absolutely gorgeous and always looks like she's about to step on you. you WILL be thankful if she does.
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"María Félix is a woman -- such a woman -- with the audacity to defy the ideas machos have constructed of what a woman should be. She's free like the wind, she disperses the clouds, or illuminates them with the lightning flash of her gaze." - Octavio Paz
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María Félix is one of the most iconic actresses of the Golden Era of Mexican Cinema. La Doña, as she was lovingly nicknamed, only had one son, and when her first marriage ended in divorce her ex-husband stole her only child, so she vowed that one day she’d be more influential than her ex and she’d get her son back. AND SHE DID! María Félix rejected a Hollywood acting role to start her acting career in Mexico on her own terms with El Peñón de las Ánimas (The Rock of Souls) starring alongside actor, and future third husband, Jorge Negrete. She quickly rose to incredible heights both in Mexico and abroad, later on rejecting a Hollywood starring role (Duel in the Sun) as she was already committed to the movie Enamorada at the planned filming time. Of this snubbing she said, quote: “I will never regret saying no to Hollywood, because my career in Europe was focused in [high] quality cinema. [My] india* roles are made in my country, and [my] queen roles are abroad.” (Translator notes: here the “india” role means interpreting a lower-class Mexican woman, usually thought of indigenous/native/mixed descent —which she had interpreted and reinvented throughout her acting career in Mexico— and what abroad was typically considered the Mexican woman stereotype, with the braids, long simple skirts, and sandals. This also references the expectation of her possibly helping Hollywood in perpetuating this stereotype for American audiences that lack the cultural and historical contexts of this type of role which would undermine her own efforts against this type of Mexican stereotypes while working in Europe) She was considered one of the most beautiful women in the world of her time by international magazines like Life, París Match, and Esquire, and was a muse to a vast number of songwriters (including her second husband Agustin Lara,), artists, designers, and writers. Muralist Diego Rivera described her as “a monstrously perfect being. She’s an exemplary being that drives all other human beings to put as much effort as possible to be like her”. Playwriter Jean Cocteau, who worked with her in the Spanish film La Corona Negra (The Black Crown) said the following about her, “María, that woman is so beautiful it hurts”. Haute Couture houses like Dior, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Hérmes, among others, designed and dressed her throughout her life. She died on her birthday, April 8, 2002, at 88 years old, in Mexico City. She was celebrated by a parade from her home to the Fine Arts Palace in the the city’s Historic Downtown, where a multitude of people paid tribute to her. Her filmography includes 47 movies from 1942 until 1970, and only two television acting roles in 1970. She has 2 music albums, one recorded with her second husband, Agustín Lara, in 1964 titled La Voz de María y la inspiración de Agustín «The voice of María and the inspiration of Augustín», and her solo album Enamorada «In Love» in 1998. Her bespoke Cartier jewelry is exhibited alongside Elizabeth Taylor’s, Grace Kelly’s and Gloria Swanson’s. In 2018, Film Director Martin Scorsese presented a restored and remastered version of her film Enamorada in the Cannes Classics section of the Cannes Festival and Google dedicated a doodle for her 104th birthday. On august 2023 Barbie added her doll to the Tribute Collection.
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Julie Andrews propaganda:
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"She has such a simple but amazing beauty to her. Not to mention her amazing and melodic singing voice!"
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"Roles like nannies and governesses can make us forget how attractive she was! A perfect combination of elegant and adorable, with the most incredible vocal range to boot!"
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"Besides having one of the most amazing singing voices ever to grace the silver screen, Julie always had an understated beauty to her that wasn't always shown off on screen. But it's there nonetheless because her characters managed to pull some of the hottest men ever to grace the screen."
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"The juxtaposition between carefree Maria and stern but fun Mary Poppins shows the power of the acting of this HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMAN"
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"Charming, genteel, incredibly charismatic, beautiful, and has an angelic singing voice to boot. Her screen roles as Maria in The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins are absolutely iconic for a reason and she originated several well-known Broadway roles before those."
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"the most beautiful woman 12 year old me had ever seen possibly"
"OMG OMG OMG she’s definitely been submitted before how could she NOT but!!!! I loveeee her so muchhhh rahhhh prebby!!!! cool!!!! mary poppins the beloved <33333 some people dislike it but I love jolly holiday so much because it IS a jolly holiday with Mary!!! no wonder that it’s Mary that we love!!!!!"
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"I know many people who were taught in singing lessons "when in doubt, pronounce words how julie andrews would pronounce them." THATS CALLED INFLUENCE. THATS CALLED MOTHERING THOUSANDS."
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497 notes · View notes
styxwanderer · 4 months
Fateful Encounter |
〖Twisted wonderland〗
[you are an exiled knight of king Hendrik, thrown away by your master as you had disagreed with his method of draining the mines out of magestones belonging to the fae]
TW: torture, implied sexual harrasment [by the human scums of course]
"OUCHHH that fucking hurts!"
you had no recollection of what had happened, but you suspect it was king Hendrik dirty play that had you beaten you unconciouss to wake up in a grass covered path surrounded by trees in the dead night. The Dawn knight had warned you about this. the last word you could hear was" if you are so adamant to defend those bandits then you should just go live with them." after years serving as the left hand for that ungrateful tyrannical king this is your payment?
" That jerk! Urgh...Where am i?"
you were in distress, a lady in distress, though that is broken as you decide that it is better if you had looked around and search for help than wailing in self-pity.
Not long you had seen a source of light from a distance. you decided to get closer, Afterall, it is better to die by the sword rather than starvation.
As you went closer and closer you begun to notice a hissing between the trees. You grown aware of your surroundings as you search around.
" HUMAN! state your purpose! How dare you try to sneak into our camp in the dead of the Night!! WAIT! IT"S YOU!! the left hand of that Bastard King! I shall have you dead!"
You raised both your arms up. " Bastard king, I kinda agree with that a tyrant too, well i don't mind, but first let me have some food first, won't you be so kind to give me a last meal?"
" hold on a second, Baur. Look at her clothes. and she is injured"
You had now became aware, you had been stripped out of your armour left with the thin materials used inside of the armour, it too had been ripped from the branches. The logo of king Hendrik kingdom too had been forcefully ripped out of your body cloth leaving a hole on your left arm. You body blotched with black and purple spots you dont doubt you lips were splited and a smear of blood is apparent below your nose. with a topping of a left black eye of course.
" Oh aren't you the general of the right?"
"ugh.. enough with the name, you are king Hendrik famous dog aren't you, state your business.. on second look... heh.. the owner had gotten tired of his dog? what happened did you bark at your master? or did you bite your master?" the general with red stripped hair taunt you.
" Haah.. I wished I had mauled him to the death, then at least he can stop his grabby hand to take whatever he wanted like a spoiled baby."
" hmm.. no that would be a real inconvenient. afterall, we fae had a fair share of grudge toward your stupid king, Human or should i say Dog."
" Okay deal.. so when can i have my meal?"
" a meal?!?"
" Aa.. well, I rather die with food rather than dying without a last meal, so before you kill me the previous left hand dog of king Hendrik would you be so kind to give me one last meal?"
"YOU!!! ---"
" hahahaha.. you are an intresting one. alright I will grant you, your wish, afterall, I have just finished making the food come come."
"But Lilia, they are a human..."
"don't worry, its their last meal afterall. khufufufu."
" I give thee my deepest gratitude for your never-ending kindness." you performed a half bow with your right hand towards your chest.
You are guided toward the camp as Baur the green-haired guy kept an eye on you, feeling very suspicious of your presence. Meanwhile, Lilia was leading the group.
once you are inside of his camp several soldiers are to rise and hiss at you only to be informed than you are Lilia's esteemed guest making them shocked as they continue to stare at you and your tattered uniform.
you are seated in a big log as Baur sat neck to you armed cross, frowning. You have to say that this guy is quite attractive even when he frowned. You look around the camp to find that the camp is previously owned by the silver fox.
Your attention is diverted as Lilia placed a strange green? brown? goop into a wooden plate and handed towards you.
"Here you go! eat up before I can slice you up!"
" ..... What is this?"
" it is filled with nutrition if you must asked. its a tradition for a fae." Lilia smirked
you took a sniff at your bowl reeking of whatever foul thing on the planet, you then take a bite deciding not to be rude to the host and also it is you whom had demanded for food, you need to eat it despite it's appearance, it might be good regarding of its look just like a few dish that you had tried before.
Your mind turned blank as you froze. Once the food had enter your mouth you could feel your gag reflex acting up. Not wanting to spit it out you hold your mouth shut. You could feel your skin turning into a shade of green. your check. you forced yourself to swallow like a good girl you are.
" What is in there?!"
" hmm.. well we have lizard tail and foot, a cow's liver.."
" BLerghhhhhhhh....urp.." you try not to let the spoonful of the goop rise up your throat.
You stare at this green haired guy dead in the eye, you had lost your fear for your live. " Is this seriously your traditional food? did you eat this everyday?"
" Quite human! this is very healthy! it is too very convenient!"
" That is true you know, I don't have time to do whatever gourme chef do, this is just enough to feed my troops."
" As beautifulas you faes are you are quite horrible with foods, ah how terrible, I feel so bad for your troops."
" If you rather die in hunger then be my guess." the general spoke.
" Haaa..." You placed the bowl on top of the log as you look around for wa mound judging by the state of the camp, the previous troop had rushed off in a hurry, there is bound to have unlooted item or burried goods around, afterall most of hendrik's troops are insufferably and idioticly selfish like their master.
"AH there it is.." You walked towards the mould as you started to dig.
" Baur Let them be.."
you pulled out a big chunk of pork meat from the ground.
" ....Lilia... i didn't know meat can grow from the ground like that.. Did you human invent whatever this is?!"
" I had no recollection in history of whatever this is. it must be a new invention?"
" HAH! i wished it is, some greasy soldier just decided that they want a whole meat for themselves and hid it here. nothing special at all."
General lilia just sighed. You walked to plants you found around as you picked few leaves and search for salt and pepper around the pouch, since there is bound to be. You started to prepare a skewered pork. Baur who was planning to interfere was stopped by Lilia as he let you do whatever you want.
" All done.." the smell of roasted meat filled the whole camp making the troop's mouth watered.
" Nutricious, convenient, and delicious! Won't you have a try." you picked a stick for yourself and one you handed in the direction of both Baur and Lilia.
" WHO WOULD WANT YOUR FOOD?! for all I know you might've put poison in it."
" Bruh.. I literally cooked right in front of you."
" Hmmm.. Then don't mind if I do.. if I found you to have put strange things into this meal I will have you chopped. we fae have sensitive tongue especially"
" geez you saw me eating this grilled meat too.. I didn't put anything alright! it would be a crime for the food itslef to have been used as a killing method. also do you really have?"
" huh?! what is that supposed to mean?"
" ah no it's just that you have been eating that good for the longest time, so i assumed your tastebuds are dead.... or something."
" Huh?! how brazen of you! it is not that bad." Lilia took the stick form your hand as he tried it.
His tongue instantly boomed with flavour, he stayed quit not wanting to admit that your food had exceeded his food and his expectation.
" not bad.."
" Is it really?"
" I had enough for your whole troops, I don't eat that much, so please have it. That greedy bastard had actually managed to hide that big chunk of meat.. i even have left over" you offered.
" Whoa.. how kind of you." Lilia said as he called on his troop who had been staring at the group for quite some time now, mouth watering.
" Baur you too have some, we will have quite a long journey after all."
" ABSOLUTELY NOT! I rather die than have a food made by humans. I am not hungry at all any way!" He huffed arms still crossing around his large chest.
Suddenly a loud roar boomed. A loud roar from the belly of the green haired soldier
Silence ensue as a hue of pink started to appear on his cheek.
" PFFFTTT... "
You cannot hold your laughter any longer as you laugh out loud. Lilia follows.
" you are hungry right?, have some come one."
" No way!"
You then have a good idea, " Fine! then i can have your portion!!! thank you for the extra food!"
" YOU.. YOU GREEDY LITTLE DOG! fine i will have it! MOVE!"
You laugh as you shoved the skewered pork to his mouth rendering him speechless and you laughing,
" Whose the dog now" you mischievously taunt.
The meat is ripped forcefully from his mouth as he chewed aggressively, " Just watch your back human! I will tear you to death!" he screamed still mouthful as you just chuckled.
" You are quite an interesting human, it's been so long since I had this much fun, rather than have you die, why don't you become our personal cook from no on? he chuckled.
" HUH me?"
" ABSOLUTELY NOT! Lilia!! but she is a human! What if she is sent as a spy for our troops?"
" Then I assign you to keep a close eye on her, simple."
" BUt --- eugh.. Yes, General Lilia."
and from then on your life from a left hand dog of the king had shift and roll and become the personal chef of General Lilia troop, the bane of King Hendrik troops. you had quite enjoyed your new role to be honest, the days are spent with teasing the stiff green haired guy. You had gotten quite close to him as he grew less weary of you overtime. even when he speak so harshly you had realized that Baur had actually cared for you and his troop. especially after that incident.
"OUCHH!" you had managed to trip yourself over a poking branch spraining your ankle.
" Y/N! What happened?!"
" ah it's just i didn't see that branch peeking out.."
" HUMAN! how pathetic a previous knight could go?! tripping over a measly branch?! "
" Hey its covered with leaves I cannot see them."
" HA.. What am I to do with you come!." He crouched down in front of you positioning himself. you are frozen shocked of course.
" o.. alright..." you are being carried by Baur in piggyback as he lead you back to camp earning a snicker from Lillia of course.
ever since then you had tried your best to show your gratitude towards him by giving him more meat or more food on his portion, when he commented that you are wasting the troops food on him you pushed through convincing him that he needed to have more food fae to reasons that is never disclose of course, a pride of a woman wont ever reveals her secrets Afterall.
You are unaware of the shade of pink that decorated the crocodile man's face. At the end of the day, He too got his own secrets to keep.
On a normal evening you had found Lilia struggling to apply the wound on his back from the previous clash with the iron clad. You decided to step in.
" Lilia I am coming in." you said as you enter the camp.
"H-hey, What is the meaning of this? i never agreed for you to enter. have you been stalking me?" his top is still on the side and he struggles with the bandage.
" Hahaha what if I am? anyway, please let me address those wounds."
" Haah? as if I need help from a ---"
"Hey I told you I don't need help!" the head strong stubborn fae huffed.
But of course, you hadn't listened taking the bandage out of his hand you grabbed an ointment, smearing it onto his back before wrapping the wound with the bandage.
"All down." he then turned towards you as he pushed you back towards the wooden cart, your escape route blocked. both hands placed on the both side of your face in a kabedon manner. is this how you die? well at least you died in an honorable way.
" How brazen of you? do you know what i can do to you? a man without his shirt to a defenseless little girl."
" huh.. beat me? either way you need to address that wound properly or it will get horribly infected Also i am not a defenseless little girl i got teeth to bite don't i?" you Feigh ignorance.
"Haa.. sometimes I wonder how you managed to reach this age, you got 0 survival skills."
" Hahaha luck I guess?" you shrugged.
Lilia chuckled as he let you go. He was a bat fae, he was always the babysitter, the one taking care of, so it surprised him so when you had taken care of him in return. He then turned around to leave you.
" From now on, I will come to you if I had any other wound, so you better be ready at all time, human." he looked back at you smirking before he left the camp. a tint of red are shading his tipped ears.
" Yes sireee."
You had become Lilia's personal medic, though to his annoyance sometimes you had also assisted other fae in his troop and Baur. making him all annoyed, " her hands should only touch my bare body." Unaware of his feelings.
The winter is coming, the lake had started to froze. Your tattered fabric uniform had little help to keep you from the cold, but of course, you do not dare to tell a single soul. what would be of you if you had complained you were too cold. All the soldier's clothes are too big on you anyway and you do not want to burden your companion with your unnecessary complains, they got pesky people to remove from harvesting the mountain dry afterall. So you push trough.
Until in the dead end of winter you had woken up shivering as your body shake and teeth clatter. The fire was flickering from the wind and do little to keep you warm, You decided to just take a run to warm yourself up. Before you can properly stand up a large hand had gripped your arm.
" Where do you think you are going y/n" his deep morning voice rang through, thankfully not as loud as his normal voice is.
" Oh me,,, I am going for a run.."
" Hoo... so you are running away?"
" NO.. I was just... warming myself up."
" Is that so.." Baur sit up and pull you back to the ground making you sit still, he pulled and extra uniform as he throws it at you.
" wear that before i changed my mind."
" OHH really?! Thank you so much!" you quickly wear the large piece of garments.
" then I will be going back to sleep." you got back to lay down.
" alright." he scoot over next to your horizontal body.
" uhm..."
" i figured a close body contact would make the hat to circulate around, it would make the both of us warmer, Dont think of futile stuff human! This is just a soldier conduct to take care of each other!."
" Yes and warm each other hohoho."
Unbeknowst to you two, Lilia who had slept in front of you both had been awakened by the shuffling as he saw the scene in front of him. Chucking to himself at the turn of event. Of course, he was going to stalk you if had went on that run and maybe force you down on the ground as he demanded your purpose on running away, but Baur had managed to caught you before he do. He felt upset but at the same time relief because you are now stuck between his fingers unable to leave him or his troop.
" ah to leave me out! such a sad guy I am. I too am very cold." he decided to break.
" Lilia you could join too.." you chuckled
"well don't mind if i do."
Baur huffed as he lay next to you, arm wrapped around your smaller body as you curled into his embrace, with Lilia on your other side spooning you, you are thanking God because not only could you sleep warmly at night you too got to be in the embrace of the hot crocodile man and the bat fae.
It was a normal day, as you enjoyed your taunts and conversation with your fellow troops, you had been accepted by the troops as their personal chefs, sometimes they even made a request of course not within the ears of Baur since he will give them an earful for being fussy and troubling you though he would never admit. You too had exchange your skill to Lilia and Baur, exchanging tactics with Lilia as you teach them the human way and them the Fae way.
The both of them had found out why you had been exiled to the wilderness, they felt enrage as to what they had done to their dog whomst had just choose to speak their opinion, even in Briar Valley, their princess is not as henious as to not let her subordinate speak their different opinion.
Both are enraged of the previous living conditions. You had been born by a prostitute and were taken to be raised as a soldier, you had managed to rise up to the king's left hand with your own strength and determination and hence your treatment is worse than that of a dog especially with the king himself treating you like his dog. You had told them that sometimes you were summoned to his chambers at night despite having a wife, though you had managed to escape or gain assistance with the kind golden haired man as he covered for you.
That story had enraged the faes, how dare those people had regarded you so lowly despite your achievements, it is simply digusting. How dare those people who are far than worthy of your presence with and a power far lesser than yours decide to grope you and mistreat you. You are a knight, always second to the Knight of dawn, Although you explained that the Knight and his father had been the only person to show kindness towards you no matter the origin of your birth. You had thought of leaving, but they had given you comfortable place to sleep and food, there is fate much worse you thought. The whole conversation had made you wonder of how the knight of dawn is doing with his duty, you hoped your brother well.
Both, Lilia and Baur, had shared a deepen felling towards you, a determined brave girl. You had managed to snuggle yourself comfortable in their hearts. So you have to worry no longer for mistreatment, The fae had deemed themselves your new owner and will treat you accordingly, such a good dog is meant to be showered in praise and gold, not thrown with a rock. Such a rare find you are, an interesting human girl, a gem. The king had let his most precious gem slipped out of his pocket and faes are quite attracted to shiny objects, the king wouldn't mind you them stealing this one will he? Afterall, he had stolen many of their magestones.
Baur surprised you with his patching skill as he sews the holes of your uniform and made them more presentable, he had done that once he found you removing the extra clothe the given you in the morning. When he enquired why you had told him that the clothe are too big and it would hinder your movement. He agreed with your point, but he would not let you dress in tattered uniform for the rest of the journey, so he had you hand over your uniform and changed into his oversized one while he patch your onesie uniformed up. He insisted you keep the cloth of course in case you had felt cold.
Lilia had sometimes assisted you with cooking as well, although it had ended with you pushing him away from the pot so as to not let him put any wierd ingredients into the pot. though you had enjoyed your time cooking as he told you tales of his adventure and his childhood. In return you told him of your past, and goals in life, you had list of stuff you wanted to try such as walking in a garden full of flowers and not those who are filled made from metal. You had shared your distaste with Lilia over their destructive inventions.
You had gone through your chores and food prep before you heard a shrill of high-pitched hiss. A fae soldier had shouted warning the camp over an incoming siege. you hurriedly abandoned your station picking up a spear given to you to defend yourself. you looked around to see Lilia and Baur now already on their mask as they ordered the troops around as they fought Hendrik's man. In a distance you could see one of the ironclads sneaking up on the crocodile masked guy, preparing to take a blow straight toward the unsuspecting crocodile.
" BAUR! LOOK OUT!" you had shoved Baur's body with yours, pushing him out of the path of danger. only for the danger to be directed to you.
"URGH!" you hurl as you your torso had taken a strong blow, knocking you down as you writhe on the ground.
"Y/N! HOW DARE YOU!" he quickly went after the perpetrator as they ran away, having failed their mission.
"Y/N!" Lilia wanted to check on you but he was preoccupied with his own fights.
More and more iron clads keeps coming by. they are throwing nets to unsuspecting fae or injured ones, You could hear Lilia telling the troop to retreat, Baur trying to get to you but unabled to as you feel a net had wrapped around you as well dragging you closer to the iron clad.
" Y/N!!!" both are trying to get to you defeating the ironclads in his way, but it is for naught as you were pulled towards the troop, they were outnumbered. They watch in desperation as they saw your injured and immobilized body being dragged, helpless to your own fate. and unable to help you, even when you had helped them.
"Hey isn't this the previous left hand knight?! The dog knight?"
" i had thought they died when she ran away from the castle?!"
'Run away? whatt ??' you thought unable to speak.
" she must've sold her body to those fae that must be why she is still alive."
" What a true bitch... must be nice to be able to use her body Hahahaha. We should take this traitorous bitch back of course, we might get a huge sum."
' no...' your consciousness fades as you no matter how you tried to wake up.
The room was dark and cold, you could feel your hand chained to your back. both your feet and been chained down at the ankle, both with a medium lenght chain connecting to the ground, enabling you to do just a few motion but on the ground nonetheless. You had been put in the castle's dungeon.
" click" the door had opened as you saw both the king and knight of dawn entered. Seeing your frail battered body the knight could only clenched as the king sneered in amusement.
" HO.. so the unfaithful dog had come back to it's owner." He sneered.
Both you and the knight had known that his words are full of bull, you are the one that had been exiled. though you are unable to speak, to tired to even lift a finger.
"ANSWER WHEN YOU ARE SPOKEN TOO!" the king throw a fit as he begun to kick you, stomping on you over and over again, pressing the purple wound on your body.
"Sire.. please, you do need to waste an energy for this one" the knight's eye widened as he tried to find a way to save you from your faith. Ah he is stil as you remembered him to be kind. how kind of you.. brother.
" I would have had away with your body, but unfortunately ofr you, those fae might have left some disease on you, such a shame. Your fair skin are no more, How is it being a toy for those bandits?" he went to grab you by the jaw forcing you to look at him, you are wincing as his grip is crushing your bone.
" But thanks to that, she might have a few information of the fae and their strategy, we should take it out from their mouth, you stil have some use afterall, GUARDS! if i am unable to use your body, then i might as well see it flogged, HAhahahha."
you had been set to be flogged until you had given them any information about the fae. But one thing the king is mistaken about; is that you are a true loyal dog. You would've rather die than to give any information to the king. Their kind had shown you the most kindness and respect towards you than your own. You could see the knight tried to reason with the king to no avail, the stubborn fool is too full of himself afterall.
It was shameful, to have your uniform thorn at the hands of the knight of dawn in command of the inspecting king. Your scarred back, a memories to your past, were shown to both of them as they begun to carve one after the other,
' Just like old times, you tried to remind yourself. You had been an orphan and a homeless, flogged daily to feed those who share the same fate as you and for yourself. Your skill had been recognized by the father of the knight of dawn, whom had trained you along with his son, Your bond is thicker than those of aristocrat siblings, having been adopted by his father you are technically his sister and he your brother. He was always concerned about you and disapproved the discrimination against you for your origins. He tried his best to dispel these acts but what can one person do? He cannot change other people mind as long as the king himself had treated you as if you are a prostitute, He was furious on his own incompetent, what kind of brother is he, unable to save you from such fate.
He was heartbroken when the new of your disappearance spread, leading to him found out about what the king had done. It sickens him that he had to serve a dirty king such as he, but it hurts his heart more to see you trying to hold in your wailings as you slowly break.
Your eyes had grown to those of a lifeless corpse as you bite your tongue bloody as to not give the satisfaction to the Idiot king.
"Hurry and tell me what they are planning their strategies!" The king who had grown impatient stomp over to your side pulling you by your hair.
You spit a mix of your blood and saliva on to his face, eyebrows furrowed. You would rather die than to sell out your friends like that.
" You bitch ! have it your way! guard bring in the iron rod!"
Your torture was far from over, the night is going to be long for you and your brother who are forced to watch as he watches your face contorted, screeching in pain from the hot iron burning your flesh.
" please my dear y/n, please drink this, it is a healing remedies."
You had lost consciousness as the third iron pressed against your skin burrning your flesh away. you felt a liquid vial being pressed towards your mouth. You frail awake as you tried to get away from the perpetrator like a scared dog.
" Shhh.. Shhh.. it's me.. your brother... please.. i will never harm you."
He went to hug your bruised body, careful with your injuries. Your body laxed as you limped into his hug. you could feel his body trembling as drips of tear fall unto your bare shoulder.
" I am sorry... I am so sorry, dear sister..." he cried. you wished you could pat him on his back but your hands are chained and you are too tired.
" brother.. Please,.... it is not your fault..." you tried to croak out words after word, as to deliver your message.
" I am unable to protect you, it is a duty as your brother, and i have failed... i am sorry.."
He had brought you warm food and the vial of healing potion and had placed your head into his lap as he smeared an ointment to your bruised. Patting your head in reassurance. The two of you conversed just like old time, catching up, afterall it had been months since you last seen your brother. it was nice
" it is time for me to go, dear sister, i was requested to accompany Lady rose this afternoon." he gently lift your head and placed them down on the ground.
With one last look , his heart clenched once more seeing your worn out and battered body. " I will see you tommorow same time. please stay strong sister."
and you are once more alone in the cell.
Days turns to week, and week turned to two, as everything had been a blur to you since you had fade in and out of your consciousness, King Hendrik is relentless, no matter how much your brother had begged, he would come to see you with your brother of the torture he had command his guards to do to you. but no matter how many time he flogged you, how many minutes you are under the water, no matter the beatings that came after and how many hot metal rod being pressed onto your flesh, you had refused to relay any information to the Spoiled king.
Your brother had begged you at, some points,to just let him know whatever he wants to know, but you ignored him, much to his concern and headaches.
You had grown to wish for your death as you refused the vial your brother gives you, begging for him to just let you be, he would have none of your nonsensical blabber of course forcing the vial down your throat. But over time he too had started to think if what he is doing is for himself or yours, beating himself for not being able to help you at all.
"My king!"
In the dead evening during one of your torture time, a soldier came barging in and whispered something to the king.
" WHAT?!! Knight you come with me! And you continue to pry information out of her, if she still had refused by dawn, cut of her tongue and present her severed head to me, a dog's head might work as a decoration." much to your brother's distressed as he stares as you with concern filling his eyes as to communicate with you before leaving, begrudgingly to follow the king.
You tried to listen to your surrounding to figured out what is happening, but all for naught as all is drowned by your screaming voice. The guards had continued to mercilessly torture your body with the metal iron, sometimes deciding to beat your body with the hot piping iron instead of just pressing it onto your exposed skin.
Is this how you will die? you haven't finished your goal yet, you haven't told Lilia how you love his kindness and that you are grateful of the day he had allowed you to join his camp, You haven't told Baur on how much you loved his passion for justice and reciprocate his kindness towards you, As bad as it sounds both of the fae had found a place in your heart as well, but it is bound to never make its way to the light of day as you were about to die. The thought had riddled your thought throughout your torture, tear stinging your eyes both from the pain and your thoughts. You could see the dusk revel into dawn, as the sun slowly raised up from its hiding place.
you had surrendered yourself to death and had chosen to die in an honorable way. If they are going to kill me then i would rather go down with my pride rather than begged for my life.
"Heh, would you look at the time, such as sad time for you, it's time to get that fiesty tongue of yours chopped of hahaha." he taunts as he grabbed a tonsil to pry your tongue from the cave of your mouth, it hurts.
he raised his knife up high as to chop your tongue.
You brace for the impact as you clenched your eyes shut..
But it never came..
you saw a flash of green as you felt the knife dropped as the head of the guards too roll on the ground letting you tongue go from the tonsil. Confussing you, eyes wideded, you tried to move your head but you are unable to as you are too tired so you fall immobilized to the ground.
You felt a hand reach under your head gently lifting you up and turning you around to face him. His normally stern eyes grew teary as he cradles you in him arm placing his head to your shoulder.
" They will pay for what they did. I will make sure of it. They will pay a hundredth times over!" His hand now cupped your face gently, snapped his watery eyes turn deadly as he furrowed his eyebrows. his expression riddled with anger as he turned to slashed the chains bounding your hands and feet using his magearm before he princess carry your bruised and weak body in his arms, resting your had to his shoulder. The smell of a burning fleash assulting his nostrils
" STOP RIGHT THER--" the poor guards were chopped into pieces by the merciless fae and his last bit of patience towards humanity has left his own soul.
The fate was shared to many other soldier standing on his way until you had felt the breeze of the dawn, finally out of your confinement after many days. You took a deep breath.
Baur upon seeing the two of you rushed towards Lilia and upon closer inspection he saw the extent of your injuries. the boisterous man had left speechless and in shock as he too become riddled with rage.
"How.. dare them.. HOw dare theyyy!!! this kingdom is out to be blown to dust! this is Unforgivable!"
He gently went over you as to inspect, Lilia handing you towards Baur. grunting as your tattered back is moved around.
" It's time for us to go home now." Lilia who had caress your cheek once more turned to grab his large magearm and readied himself to plunge to bawttle once more, making way for hima dn his troop to go as he had claimed back his prize, his gem.
The king having heard of the news forced more guards to secure around the castle to prevent you from escaping. Your brother wished you a safe journey as he thanked the fae silently in hid breathe, feeling tears of relief starting to water his eyes behind this mask.
Baur tried as gently as he could not to cause further harm as he cradled you, tears were threatening to spill from his teary eyes. But he shall do that later once you are safe and secured, now he needs to focus on bringing you to a safe place and maintainning you alive.
The blood lost had made you drowsy as you surrender yourself to the Crocodile fae's embrace.
" c'mon y/n Hold on a bit longer, we are near.."
" Pleasee.. don't sleep now. DONT YOU DARE FALL ASLEEP HUMAN!!"
His tears are flowing freely as he fastened his pace towards the camp before your weak body had grown still. He is now filled with rage and concern so does lilia as they make haste towards the camp to give you emergency medic care, They had given you emergency first aid, but they could only work as much as they could.
Your eyes are growing heavy and heavier.
" Lilia! we must make haste!!" he raced through the forest faster than he had ever ran, The Other fae had also catch up.
" y/n.."
The birds are chirping loudly as the drip of the waterfall is loud and clear.
A ray of light assaulting your eyes as you pried them open. On your right you had seen the tired bat fae sleeping soundfully beside you, and to your right the green-haired crocodile man fusing and sorting out ingredients, You had seen the blood-soaked towel in the watter filled bowl beside you. You saw your body had been covered by bandages as you are wearing an unfamiliar clothes. you shuffled around.
The green-haired man was alerted as he rushed to your side abandoning his previous job.
"Y/N!!! Lilia!! Y/n had woken up!!."
"y/n.. Y/N!." Lilia was startled awake.
you tried to sit down but their hands had swiftly prop you back down. Baur handing a glass of water to Lilia as he feed you gently.
feeling no longer parched you spoke.
"How long have i been asleep?"
" around a week."
" A week?! no wonder i was so thirsty you licked your lips."
Lilia sigh " Do you know how worried i am? must you come tattered everytime i meet you? and whats with your nonchalant attitude?"
" DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH LILIA AND I ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOU! WE LOOK AFTER YOU DAY AND NIGHT AND YET... and yet you wouldn't wake up..." The green haired guy seems to abandoned his strict personality as his eyes watered, Cradling you into his embrace once more.
" We thought we had lost you..." he cried.
" im sorry." you placed your hands as you rubbed his back, Lilia too joined the hug, He might seem calm and uncaring but with how much grip he had on you, you thought otherwise.
" Geez how troublesome this pet is, i should get you a collar so you don't jump into danger on the first sight of it."
"ahahaha.. i'm sorry." you to had felt tears falling from your eyes as you clung to them. Of course you do not know how serious Lilia is with his previous comment. You had missed this. You thank whatever diety is there that had allow your fate to rekindle with your friend, Enabing you to experience this once more.
" I am home."
" welcome home"
"Welcome home.."
[6885 words]
<< The End >>
[ i made this because bruv the hotness and handsomeness of Sebek's grandpapa and lilia younger days are freaking blinding me and playing with my heaed!! EVEN TO MY FUCKING DREAMSS HAA?! also this is also for those who had the same resentment towards their shitty boss or those who had mistreated you, Let General lilia and Baur zigvolt nurse you back and be the cure towards that rage and depression. hope you enjoy this one, darlings!]
( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:𓆩♡𓆪:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
[ Here a bandage just for you]
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fastlikealambo · 11 months
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Connubium.|| Coriolanus Snow x Black Fem Reader
Chapter One
table of contents.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Summary: Stealing from The Capitol is a deadly offense, yet you’ve done it more times than you can count but when you do something you should not have done, Volumnia Gaul decides a fate for you that might just be worse than death.
Notes: This takes place post The Ballad of Songbirds And Snakes and Coryo is in his last year at The University, studying under Dr. Gaul. This might not follow canon, I’m not an expert on all the lore so I apologize if I get things wrong.
Disclaimer: You know Coriolanus is a POS, I know Coriolanus is a POS, please don’t yell at me because this is just a fun little story, something for thee hotties, and  if you feel that strongly against President Snow, please let me know if you’d like me to sign you up for tessarae.
This is a quick sample chapter to test the waters and see what people think! If you’d like to see more, please comment, reblog, or like!
The streets of The Capitol looked different during the day. 
You were used to the shadows, two feet in the dark at all times kept you secret, kept you safe, hiding was not cowardly, it was instinctual.
But you weren’t hiding now, a coward in high heels and stockings dark enough to hide the  purpling bruises that kissed the back of your legs, a high collar dress and coat the color of fresh blood concealed the rest that served as a reminder of how you got there in the first place.
Somewhere, a clock struck noon and as if on a timer of his own, Coriolanus Snow emerged from the university doors, chiseled face even more sculpted in person and  you took your place on the opposite side of the road.
You stepped off the curb, turning your face ever so slightly towards a camera and a tucked curl behind your ear signaled the car Gaul had waiting to come barreling around the corner and down the street.
A few capitol citizens jumped back onto the sidewalk but not you, you had your nose in a book, seemingly oblivious to the car that would surely end your miserable little life if this plan did not work.
You did not know Coriolanus Snow, but you did know men. 
Peacekeepers who’d do anything to relax after a hard day, Capitol boys who wanted to know if district lips tasted like treason or honey wine, they were all the same when the lights were off and pockets went unattended.
You tripped and dropped the books, loud enough for Snow to look up and see the car mere feet from you now as you bent down to retrieve the books,  silently cursing everything and everyone that had led you to this moment.
It occurred to you now that perhaps the madwoman in the lab had no designs on Snow that required you and this was an opportunity for her to kill someone in a fun, if not slightly convoluted, way.
You were going to die.
And then, you weren’t.
The lean body of Panem’s golden boy crashed into yours before the car did, strong arms around your middle and sent you both tumbling out of harm’s way. That pretty face of his blocked out the sun and the whole world went still, freezing the pair of you in a tableau of heaving chests and scraped hands.
Beauty made men blind and you had made a blind man of Coriolanus Snow.
And now, the games begin.
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galedekarios · 5 months
"i'm strong enough. i'll carry on alone."
i've already made a more detailed post about the loss scene that was part of act i and gale's romance in early access.
the scene held a lot of weight and was a turning point in the relationship between gale and the protag, while also highlighting just how far gale has fallen, in terms of social standing and in terms of power:
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Gale: Khat-Tsjin Deth-Thra! Player: You don't sound very happy there, Gale. Gale: Happiness is like a stray cat: sometimes it seeks you out, sometimes it ignores you. Tonight, I'm ignored. It's getting alte. I think I'll turn in. Perhaps some sleep will do me good. Player: They say you should never go to bed angry. Gale: Isn't that advice for couples? The only one I'm angry with is myself. Please - just let it rest. Player: [Insight Success] We shared the WEave the other night. Now share what's on your mind. Gale: Very well. Just now, I was trying to cast a spell I once cast with ease, but I failed. You see, this fire - there was a time that I could make it come alive. That it would take the shape of a dragon and roar in delight. There was atime I could silence a Beholder with a word, and lift a tower from its foundations with a flourish. There was a time I was all but one with the Weave. But no more - a mere shadow of the wizard I used to be. Why? Because I've lost. Player: I don't understand. What is it that you've lost? Gale: I've lost... Player: [Insight Success] Go on. Every burden is easier to carry when shared. Gale: An apt enough observation. I've lost Mystra. I sought to impress her personally. To turn the eyes of my muse upon me. To win the favour of a goddess. But I failed, and all I invoked was death and dismissal. My death. Her dismissal. Player: I don't know what to make of what you've told me, but I sympathise. Gale: Thank you. You're a good friend. I often think of that moment we shared together - one under the Weave. I hope you think about it too.
it's a wonderful scene that offers a lot of insight into gale's character as well as his past, but what i haven't focused on in the original post is the dialogue the player would get from gale if the protag failed the check to convince him to open up and share the burden that was making him visibly upset:
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[the banter is identical with the one above up to this point] Gale: I've lost... Player: [Insight Failure] Go on. Every burden is easier to carry when shared. Gale: I'm strong enough. I'll carry on alone. Gale: With that I bid you an evening better than my own.
i think this shows a very interesting side of gale and one that we both don't get to see often and / or press him on: the side of gale that masks his worries, his fears, his insecurities and his pain to soldier on and do what he feels needs to be done.
we catch glimpses of it in the full release as well, specifically during and after elminster does his duty as mystra's chosen and informs gale of her demands of him:
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Weary Traveller: You must find the Heart of the Absolute, whatever that may be, and use yourself as the catalyst that will burn it from this world. Player: We'll be rid of both the Absolute and Gale in one fell swoop. Win-win. Weary Traveller: I may be slow to anger, but I will not have you sully this moment of most sorrowful import with ill-considered levity! Gale: It's all right, Elminster. If ever gallows humour were appropriate, this is its grim-smiling hour. Weary Traveller: It brings me no pleasure saying this, my friend, but such is Mystra's will. Yours must be the sacrifice that will undo the Absolute. And for your sacrifice, you will be redeemed - such is Mystra's promise. Weary Traveller: With that, I've said my sorry piece, and need only bestow unto thee the charm I was bid.
it's elminster who is upset on gale's behalf, not gale himself. he treats it as 'gallow's humour' - whether or not it's meant like that by the protag.
the same view he takes on shortly after, once the protag asks him how he is feeling:
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Player: How are you feeling? It can't be easy, facing the possibility of death... Gale: Oh, you know me - ever the optimist. I'm trying to focus on the positives. devnote: Gallows humour Gale: The truth is, I was living on borrowed time already. Consuming those items would only have kept the orb sated for so long. Gale: If anything, I feel more at peace than I have in months. At least now I know my death will have purpose. It won't be a distant 'bang' in the footnotes of history.
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Player: You're seriously considering doing what Elminster said? Gale: Of course - he offered the clearest solution to our problem. All I have to do is find the right place and time, close my eyes, and let go… devnote: Trying to sound upbeat, not fully engaging with what he’s saying (that he’s going to kill himself). Gale: Then the slate will be clean, wrongs will be righted, the Absolute will be gone… devnote: Trying to sound upbeat, not fully engaging with what he’s saying (that he’s going to kill himself). Gale: …and I along with it. devnote: Still trying to sound upbeat, though this time the reality that this means he will die weighs a bit heavier
the game gives you no option to press him on any of this. on this front of maintaining optimism, of gallows humour, clinging tightly to the idea of there being purpose in his own death, yet not fully engaging with what that actually means.
until he can't avoid it anymore, and even then, he carries on. we know it's already of limited comfort to him by the time the last night alive scene / act 2 romance scene takes place:
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Gale: I am terrified - I will not claim otherwise. My face could scarcely conceal it even if my words sought to deny it. nodecontext: Hushed, vulnerable Gale: There is no point in running from the inevitable. Better to meet it, on my own terms. nodecontext: Resigned
and it's echoed later too, in act 3, when he offers himself up as an out, a failsafe, for the protag and the companions:
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and it of course culminates in the scene - if you chose to take that route - which gale ascends to the elder brain alone, spelling his friends and companions away to safety.
he says he is strong enough to carry on alone, to do what he believes must be done, what's been ordained to him, by fate or by mystra, and he is. despite being terrified. despite wishing he didn't have to be.
it's an interesting aspect of gale - but his relief is all the sweeter for it when he realises that he doesn't have to be strong enough and that he doesn't have to carry on alone.
he's found friends and possibly love.
every burden is easier to carry when shared indeed.
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weclassybouquetfun · 3 months
We bid a very fond adieu to INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE and the coven Théâtre des Vampires.
Take a bow, luvvies!
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Especially Esme Appleton and Suzanne Andrade (who play Estelle and Celeste, respectively) the duo who are co-artistic directors of theatre 1927 which was responsible for the expressionism style of the plays and its projections.
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Fans can at least rest easy knowing that there will be a third series.
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Until then they and swoon over, swear over, sneer at or salute series two's finale.
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-Pretty much everything: Louis avenging Claudia (and Madeleine though IIRC her name wasn't even uttered this episode).
The bad thing about a fantastic villain is losing them and Santiago you had to die.
You did what with Claudia's ashes???
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But Ben Daniels, how do I love thee.
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-Armand and how he fumbled a bad b*tch part 2. My maître made mistakes, yes. But I'm going to pull a page out of Claudia's playbook of how she asked the coven if she could cry and say she's sorry too. Can't Armand cry like Lestat and be forgiven? What do you mean what he did was unforgiveable?
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It's terrible that Claudia was used as a pawn in Louis, Lestat and Armand's relationships. Louis needed her for salvation, Lestat had to turn her for the man she loved then resented her for the space she took in their relationship and then Armand, whether he was adhering to the Great Laws or not, went along with her murder IMO because he was fed up with Louis performing an affectation of love while Armand's neck was on the line.
Louis knew how to use Armand's vulnerabilities to keep him compliant and would turn cold when Armand wouldn't do what was being asked of him. Whether Santiago and the coven were gunning for Armand or not because of him letting the de Pointe du Lac de Lioncourts slide, Armand was ready to kill them because he hated that he was used and willingly let himself be used out of a need for love.
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He was so angry that he workshopped his hurt with the coven. I absolutely loved that he gave Sam a note about how the script didn't go deep enough into Louis' hoarding. Armand sat there listening to Louis talk about his Grey Gardens years like,
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Armand was fine with killing them in this protracted show trial, but had Louis burned, it would be a relatively quick death. I think when Armand heard Louis' screaming and knew he was approaching death, he had a change of heart and freed him.
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These three led their relationships as poorly as their joint hand hearts.
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-That leads to the reveal that Lestat made the choice to save Louis over Claudia and Madeleine. Which I don't think was even much of a choice to him. Yes, he would rather not Claudia die, but he figured it was fait accompli because he knew these vampires (as he warned Claudia in S1) and knew their ruthlessness. But there was no way he was going to let Louis die.
He brags about having Akasha blood in him, but he's still bleeding from the ear when using that mind control power. You still need to level up after Akasha?? A booster from a more powerful vamp?
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Claudia's death hurt him much more than he thought it would. He probably figured there would be feelings - she is his fledgling - but the horror and the finality of it devastated him. His daughter (and how great was it that Louis kept pushing that fact. She was their daughter.)
Which leads hovel Lestat.
Candlelit, ramshackled dwelling, with a wooden "piano", but practising with an iPad?
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Lestat, if you don't get on Amazon and order one of these!
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Lestat, know who you should bring on your tour? The grandson of Tom Anderson, Sidney.
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The Louis and Lestat reunion was beautiful and perfect in every way. But then again, I love when characters have a powerful moment while chaos is around them.
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And Louis chose himself! He didn't need to get back with Lestat, they both just really needed closure and forgiveness. The rest can come later.
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And even though we will likely never know what Louis says to Lestat, I think he says "I love you" at the end because that would be the last bit of healing Louis needs because kept himself from saying those words to Lestat their entire relationship.
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FIle Not Found
-Sam isn't author Samuel Beckett, but Sam the Talamasca informant and helmet wearing DJ, possibly Deadmau5?
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-At first I wondered why Louis' -whose family had a legacy in New Orleans- name would be lost to history, yet Lestat's alias is known. That Tom's and the Alderman's rep was still known, Louis' would as well and not just call him a Creole businessman. Then I wondered if it was because Grace "buried" Louis but her getting that crypt was symbolic. Even if their deed and other paperwork was under Lestat's aliases, the town knew who they were by name and I would think their names would be bandied about as much as Tom's as Louis and his "child bride" and Lestat went missing the same night as Tom, et al. But then I told myself I'm not Neil DeGrasse Tyson so I'm going to just enjoy and not logic police.
-In post-episode featurette Rollin says Daniel's vampire reveal happens when Daniel take off his sunglasses, meanwhile he's flashing almond shape nails throughout his interview. We know this man has been turned immediately.
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-The limo driver talking about his wife wanting to see New Edition at Essence Fest - N.E actually did play Essence Fest in 2022 so hat tip to the writers for putting that in.
-Louis returning home albeit briefly. I love that this episode addresses his family. This is completion. He has put down everything he was carrying and is ready to move into his new life. This was what he wanted to do when he and Claudia first left, but he couldn't move on because of "killing" Lestat. He's exorcised his ghosts.
-A Reddit user pointed out that the name above the crypt Louis uses to store his fresh kills is "Mapothier" and posits if it is a nod to Tom Cruise as his real surname is "Mapother".
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-Louis is still an AmEx holder, but now a black card haver.
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-Louis was the knight and now he owns it.
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Talk your sh*t, LDPDL!
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-Not from the episode, but I love how Jacob does the excited smack and it doesn't jar Sam at all.
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Revenant!Jazz thoughts Pt.2
Continuing from this post
This time, I’m thinking about Vlad and his reaction to all this. In the show he doesn’t particularly seem to care about Jazz in any way, probably because of his hyper focus on Danny and Maddie. I doubt he’s registered Jazz as a threat of any kind, much less to him.
If Danny winds up Bat-dopted, Jason or classic “Bruce stole another one” and the news catches wind of the new Wayne, Vlad would be livid. Danny is supposed to be his son afterall, doesn’t matter that it was Maddie who severely wounded her own son.
In the midst of Rogues dropping like flies, Jazz sets a trap for Vlad by baiting him with Danny. Her brother is never in danger, not with her around and certainly not with the bat family lurking nearby, but Vlad cannot help himself- he tries to kidnap Danny by overshadowing the adoptive parent. Jazz allows it to happen only until Vlad takes Danny out of the public eye, then straight up punches Vlad out of the person he’s overshadowing, sucking him up into a thermos she stole from the GIW and throwing it into an abyss.
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Wouldn’t someone recognize Jazz then?
Beyond the walking dead look that came free with reanimating, Jazz walks, talks and looks completely different then she was in life. Memories shape us and without most of hers Jazz wouldn’t be quite the same anymore. Where she once walked with a relaxed gait and a calm demeanor, as a Revenant Jazz masters the murder strut, because that’s pretty much the only thought going through her head on a constant loop….Other than ‘make Danny Safe’ of course.
Who killed Jazz? (Asked by @someonebored0100 )
Originally I was thinking it would be either the Fenton parents in the GAV or the GIW, but then a delicious angst idea popped into my head….
Batman chasing down Joker led to him slamming into Jazz’s car, which resulted in her death and a new son for him to care for….
Batman says nothing when he brings in Danny, marks down Jazz’s death as a murder and does not go out as Batman again for a week.
Was Jazz autopsied?
Thee death rate in Gotham must be higher than any other city in the world, so the coroners embody (pun not intended) the phrase “overworked and underpaid”.
So no, she wasn’t autopsied, but they did make record of the punctured artery and removed the shrapnel by request of Batman for testing.
What happened after Jazz’s body disappeared from the Crematorium?
Bruce Wayne paid for the cremation personally, so it’s understandable the mortician would be Panicking at the very likely notion that someone stole a dead body paid to be cremated and sealed into an urn by Bruce Fucking Wayne.
If the mortician cremates an unclaimed body and slaps the wrong name on it, we’ll, add it to the list of morally questionable things he’s done as a mortician in a Gotham.
Thoughts about Jason’s reaction to a true Revenant?
Her veiny visage, with the broken sclera and eyes that seem to absorb light and give none back, horrifies Jason to the bone. Did he look like that when he dug himself out of his grave? Did the Pits actually do him a favor? It makes him wanna puke just thinking about how accurate his zombie jokes could have been… then makes him swear to stop telling those same jokes because clearly he’s no longer one of the walking dead if he looks better than this dead woman who looks just… horrifying.
Though once Jazz kills the Joker in the same way the clown killed Jason, he seeks out the Revenant and after doing some digging… swears to do whatever he can for her.
If this is Dad!Jason, then he’s very upset for Danny and Jazz’s tragic history.
No hardcover pairing this time?
Maybe? Doubtful, but it could happen. I don’t think it should though.
Does Jazz have a vigilante persona in this one?
Hmm, not exactly. She’s not tying to hide anything, definitely not her less than living appearance. She wears boots, a canvas jacket, jeans and gun holsters with hair that looks like a drunk toddler attacked it with dull scissors.
She doesn’t save anyone, not directly, but ending the rogues that killed so many earns her the name “Reaper” and it sticks.
What’s Danny’s reaction to all this?
We all know about the dark timeline that resulted from The Ultimate Enemy, Dan.
The Fenton parents are still hunting him down, Sam and Tucker are trying to move to Gotham, he’s been adopted by a Kevlar-clad billionaire furry who acts like a himbo with way too much ease for it to be all an act. He’s got a home that’s not an active threat to his afterlife and the food is the farthest thing from radioactive.
(Alfred Pennyworth nearly had a heart attack at the mere thought of a child eating radioactive food and that a piece of toast on his plate was a punishment.)
But… Jazz is dead.
It’s true that they hadn’t had the best relationship for the last few years, especially after his accident, but Jazz had become his rock. Sam and Tucker were his best friends, but they had no real idea what it was like to grow up a Fenton. Sure they had some context clues (was the giant portal entrance with the on-button inside not a giant warning sign?), but Jazz had kept him alive even as a kid herself.
She worked herself to the bone to make sure he had food to eat, some hours to sleep at night, and a shoulder for him to put some of the burden on her as Phantom. In the end, she hurt their parents to get him out of the lab and away from them.
She had died trying to get him to safety.
He’d seen her car, the wreck, the blood, the still radioactive substance he called his blood… he sat in the driver’s seat and cried for his sister- he wanted Jazz to tease him and call him ‘little brother’ again.
Sure, he had Cass now and several brothers, but nothing could ever replace Jazz.
It’s the thought that Jazz would be upset with him that keeps Danny from turning by his grief into a ghostly wail, to wreck everything and everyone.
Then he meets the Reaper. And he knows.
“Little Brother.”
What about the ending for Jazz you talked about?
That’s gonna be in another post, this one was getting long enough as is.
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her-satanic-wiles · 3 months
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Dawn Chorus - IV
Dracopia x Fallen Angel!Reader
When you question the Almighty for a third time, you find yourself on the run and escaping a horde of wrathful angels ready to punish you for your insolence. Whose garden should you fall into than Cardinal Copia’s? And he has more nefarious plans for you.
Masterlist ⛧ Commissioned by anonymous ⛧ Series Masterlist
Words: 6.1k.
Reading Time: 25min.
Warnings: blood extraction, body control, corruption kink,finger sucking, forced sexual activity,gaslighting,irrelevant character death,mentions of death by sun exposure, non-consensual sexual activity,objectification, religious disillusionment, religious trauma, sexual harassment, taking advantage of innocence, use of needles,use of the word “bitch” unkindly
Taglist: @da-rulah @teenage-birt-dag @akayuki56 @dopey-fandom-girl @ravensbars @copiaspet622 @onlyhereforghost @ultrahalloweengirl @ad-astra-per-aspera-1976 @whitepawfics @dolceterzo
🔞 MDNI 🔞
As this fic is quite dark, I'm choosing to rate it 21+. Please respect my decision. Thank you.
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“I feel as though thou hast drained all my blood and brought me to the brink of death.” You tried to stand but your body was too weak. “For how long hath I been in slumber?”
“Five days,” the Cardinal looked back to his book, “your recovery time is getting longer. We’re going to have to start rationing if this keeps up. Or get another angel. Say, do you think we could use you as bait?”
“I pray thee choke and perish upon my blood.”
The Cardinal laughed. “If that happens,” the door to his bedroom knocked, then opened, “you’ll be stuck in that cage forever - ah! Brother López. Come in, please!”
The Brother opened the door wider and stepped inside, looking polite as he watched the Cardinal stand to greet him.
“Angel,” the Cardinal addressed you, “this is my new cleaner, Brother Santiago López.”
You couldn’t help the wave of disappointment and fear take over you. But as you spoke, you tried to keep your voice level and nonchalant, “Oh. What befell thy previous caretaker?”
“I found out he was trying to help a certain prisoner escape, and so he needed to be punished.”
“If thou has slain him, I swear by the Almighty I shall smite thee!” Your anger bubbled up far too quickly for someone who was supposed to remain nonchalant.
“Oh relax, you crazy bitch. We sent him to an abbey in America to shovel pig shit.”
You exhaled a sigh of relief, feeling your muscles relax knowing that he was okay. “For what reason?”
The Cardinal tapped Brother López on the shoulder and gestured for him to leave, which he did promptly, fearing what he was going to see. “You know why.” The Cardinal said, simply. His voice quieter than usual.
Your voice was less sharp, but still loud. “I can assure thee, I do not.”
“You mean to tell me that you weren’t trying to escape? That you and Brother Hayward weren’t attempting to break you out of that little cage to get you to freedom, hm? Come on now, Angel. I’m more than happy for my pets to have pets, but when they start rebelling against me, lines must be drawn.”
“Thou wast aware he visited here?”
He took in a long breath through his nose, so sharp his nostrils retracted with the inhale. “Could smell him Every time I came home and his scent was stronger than usual - knew he was here a while. And then when he was under the bed, his heartbeat was so loud.” The Cardinal walked over to the cage and rested his hands on the bars, leaning his whole body on it. “His fear would have tasted so good.”
You spat in his face, hearing some of your spittle sizzle against the metal bars. The Cardinal sighed, and wiped it away before hitting the side of the cage.
“The next time you pull something like that, Angel,” he began, his voice loud and so enraged, “I will personally make sure your little pet dies in front of you, and I’ll make it slow and painful. Do you understand?”
When you didn’t answer, he hit the cage again. “Understand?”
“I understand.”
He stood up to his full height and straightened his hair, then began fiddling with his clothes. “I don’t like getting angry with you, Angel. But sometimes you leave me no choice.” He turned to walk away, but stopped at the door. “Oh, and angel?” He said, his voice soft and sweet like butter wouldn’t melt. He looked at you, mismatched eyes piercing into your soul. “Brother Hayward may be in a different country, but one word from me and all 6 litres of his blood gets delivered to my fridge, and his corpse will be buried beneath abbey soil. I’ll be back.”
The threat of his return felt even more sinister with the tone of voice he used, and for the first time since this whole ordeal started, you felt the sharp pang of fear that had the small amount of blood inside you run cold. Your safety didn’t matter. You were just you. But now Thomas’ life was in jeopardy and it was entirely your fault. Memories of Brother Thomas’ kind eyes and gentle words flooded your thoughts, each one a painful reminder of the danger he now faced because of you. Guilt gnawed at your insides like a ravenous beast, twisting and clawing at your conscience until it threatened to consume you whole. You had thought yourself strong, resilient in the face of the Cardinal’s torment. But now, faced with the consequences of your actions, you felt nothing but fear and despair creeping in, threatening to engulf you entirely.
As the Cardinal’s footsteps faded down the hallway, leaving behind an oppressive silence, you couldn’t shake the weight of his threats echoing in your mind. The air in the room felt heavy, suffocating, as if the walls themselves were closing in on you. For though you may be trapped in this gilded cage, your spirit remained unbroken. And as long as there was breath in your body, you would fight tooth and nail to protect those you held dear, no matter the cost.
Your own body continued to repair itself, slower than it usually would. The five days it took you to regain consciousness turned into twenty more of total healing time. The Cardinal kept a monitor of your levels based on how you smelled, which meant every day, his long, rodent nose would poke through the bars as he inhaled your scent, making sure his tavern was restocking perfectly well. He didn’t try and pry any information from you in that time, which you hated to admit that you were grateful for. But he had developed a habit of sitting and staring at you, taking joy in watching you squirm uncomfortably. He’d brought in a red, velvet armchair from the living space to do just that. Every evening, he’d waltz into his room with a glass of your blood, now tainted red from your essence, and sit and observe you, like an animal in a cage. You never said anything: always believing he wanted you to start a conversation, but you’d never let him win.
At first, the Cardinal’s constant scrutiny had been unbearable, like a stifling weight pressing down on your chest, making it difficult to breathe. His presence had been a constant reminder of your captivity, of just how at his mercy you truly were. But as the days stretched into weeks and the Cardinal’s routine became an unsettling rhythm in your life, something shifted within you. You found yourself growing accustomed to his gaze, almost welcoming it in a twisted sort of way. Not that you enjoyed it, by any means. Just that a routine was being established and the Cardinal became the only constant in your life. The only entertainment, too. And so, instead of shrinking away from his viewing, you began to meet his eyes head-on, a silent challenge in your gaze. You refused to cower under his oppressive stare, refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you squirm. You found yourself seeing him in return, studying the lines of his face, the way his eyes glinted with a predatory gleam. There was a darkness lurking behind those mismatched orbs, a darkness that chilled you to the bone. But even as you studied him, a sense of defiance burned within you. You refused to let the Cardinal break you, refused to let him strip away your dignity and humanity. You were more than just a prisoner in a cage; you were a warrior, a survivor, and you would not be defeated so easily. Heaven couldn’t get you, neither could he.
So, you met the Cardinal’s gaze with steely determination, a silent reminder that despite his best efforts, you would not be broken. And as you stared back at him, you couldn’t help but wonder what secrets lay hidden behind those calculating eyes, what darkness lurked within the depths of his soul.
The Cardinal’s entrance into the room that night was accompanied by an air of smugness so thick you could practically taste it. His smirk was evident as he sauntered in, a book tucked under one arm and a glass of your blood held casually in the other, a smile so wide, you could see his fangs underneath the skin. You watched him with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, wondering what had put that self-satisfied gleam in his eyes. It was rare to see him so openly pleased with himself, and it set your nerves on edge.
As he approached your cage, he made no attempt to hide his triumphant grin, relishing in the power he held over you. He settled into the red velvet armchair with an air of satisfaction, taking a leisurely sip from the glass of blood as if it were the finest vintage wine, because, to him, it was. His eyes flicked over to you, and you met his gaze with a steely resolve, refusing to let him see any hint of fear or weakness. “So, Angel,” he began, his voice dripping with arrogance, but his words slurred slightly from the drink, “I’ve been doing some reading lately. Did you know there’s a whole chapter in this book dedicated to angels like you?”
Your stomach twisted uneasily at the implications of his words, but you kept your expression carefully neutral, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing you flinch.
“It seems there’s quite a lot I didn’t know about your kind,” he continued, his tone laced with malice. “But don’t worry, Angel. I plan on remedying that very soon.” With a chilling smile, he opened the book in his hands, his eyes gleaming with a dark intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. “Do you know this book?”
You shook your head.
“It was written by Lorenzo Giovanni during the Renaissance, the last time an angel knowingly fell to Earth. A vampyre, like me. Spent most of his days studying the angel, finding out what makes you tick - turns out, he got pretty far. Unfortunately, his work was unfinished. A mob found out what he was and got to him in 1492, tied him up and let the Sun do all the work. But, do you know what he did find?” He didn’t wait for you to shake your head this time. He cleared his throat, and began to read aloud. As he began to read, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something far more sinister. “‘In celestial governance, once the manner is known, it is a simple matter. The heavenly messengers utilize the dread of the Almighty to manage their subordinates. However, those angels who have questioned the supremacy of the Lord are subject to the influences of their sacred radiance, the origin of which is their halo. Thus, one who attains an angel’s halo possesses the capability to command the entity, as well as the sacred radiance enveloping it.’ This we know, correct?”
You remained silent. So, the Cardinal continued, “‘This process assumes two guises: one to govern the physical form, the other to govern the intellect. To command the physical form, one must initially acquaint themselves with the name of the angel. As is observed with infernal entities, names possess a potency beyond human comprehension. Consequently, an angel bearing a name can readily relinquish control of their physical form merely by disclosing this fragment of information. Subduing the intellect, however, presents a greater challenge.’
“Basically,” he said, closing the book shut for dramatic affect, “I know your name, your body becomes mine.” He sighed, “Giovanni then goes onto say your mind is fully intact during this process, that you’ll feel your body moving but have no control over it.” He set his glass down on the dresser and walked towards your halo in its cage.
He grasped hold of it and you notice his hand was gloved, taking note of the care he was using to touch it. Your halo was just as dangerous to him as it was to you, but for different reasons. Without your halo, you were dead. Without your halo, you were controlled. For him, his skin would burn at the touch of it, like yours did with hellfire. For him, one wrong move and he would evaporate in the holy light. There was a part of you that wanted that to happen - wanted to see him perish in one of the most painful ways you had ever known. Yet there was an overpowering guilt that ate at you when you thought about it - knowing that the Almighty wanted you to love everyone, even at the detriment to yourself.
He took a step back and looked at you, smugness oozing from every pore. “I haven’t told Sister yet,” he mumbled, sitting back down on the chair. “I wanted to find out if it worked first. Tell me your name, Angel.”
“Thou must deem me a fool to willingly disclose such information.” You retorted, your voice barely above a whisper. Your mouth was dry.
He chuckled, a dark sound that shook you to your core. He nestled into the armchair, becoming comfortable in his throne of power. All of his movement was in his hips, lifting himself off the velvet to help him slide down it a little more, legs spread wide to exude his dominance. He was disgusting. “I thought you might say that,” he commented, his grin widening, “but you forget who I have.”
“You’ve experienced firsthand what I can do, Angel,” he continued, “except, I’ll make sure I’m much worse with him.”
“Thou would not.” You protested, trying to quell your panic. “The constabulary would be aware. Thou would be compelled to answer to the authorities.”
“I never said he’d survive.”
A chill ran down your spine. Your mind raced with fear and uncertainty as the Cardinal’s threat hung in the air like a dark cloud. Thomas was now in grave danger, and you were faced with an impossible choice. Would you sacrifice your own identity to save him, or would you stand firm and risk his life? You did know what the Cardinal could do - you’d been subjected to it since the moment you met him however long ago that was. You knew you could survive going through that again, especially if you had nothing to lose; but you couldn’t be sure about Thomas. He definitely didn’t deserve to feel the Cardinal’s wrath any more than he already may have. And could you live with yourself knowing you’d condemned a man to death just to save yourself, even if he did belong to the Satanic Church? By robbing him of his life, he’d never get the chance to return to God, to see the light and repent. You’d never get the chance to meet him again in Heaven. You’d rob him of his salvation, but you’d save yourself from the Cardinal’s damnation. Either way, you lost.
“If I divulge,” you began, puffing your chest to sound more confident and unafraid, “can thou ensure his well-being?”
The smugness faded from the Cardinal, if only for a moment. “Of course.” He responded, genuinely. “How else would I get you to do things I wanted?” He let the second sentence slip out, but paid it no mind once it had been released. He planned on using Thomas’ safety to continue to control you. You never should have let yourself get close to him - it allowed the Cardinal to win.
“And wilt thou demonstrate that he is unharmed? Wilt thou prove that thou speakest truthfully unto me?”
“I’ll get him to video chat you every week.”
You frowned, “I comprehend naught of thy words.”
“Video chat? FaceTime? Angels have no technology up there at all?” The Cardinal sighed at your blank expression and rummaged in his pocket to pull out the device you first saw him use. “This thing lets you have conversations with people that aren’t there with you. It shows you their face and hear their voice and, boom, conversation.”
“And thou wilt employ that contrivance to contact Tho- Brother Hayward?”
You sighed. “___.”
“My name. It is ___.”
“___.” The Cardinal nodded and set down the device next to his glass. He stood and unlocked your cage, before returning to his spot on the couch. He gently maneuvered your halo into the palm of his right hand, and brought it up to his mouth. “___, I command you to exit the cage.”
You laughed. You laughed at him. He lacked conviction which was why it failed, and it was so funny to watch him fumble. He cleared his throat, and now, with more confidence, repeated his order. Your body tingled in response, and despite you fighting it with great strength, your legs moved of their own accord. Your bare foot stepped out of the cage and onto the floor, barely feeling the textures beneath your feet. Your body ducked around the metal, wings tucked tightly to your body to stop any part of you from getting injured. Even under control, your body still did what it could to preserve itself. This was a new sensation to you, as you’d never been under someone else’s control before - you’d never needed to be because you were always a good soldier, even when you had your doubts. You’d never known anyone be subjected to this, either. Within seconds, you were out of the cage, standing in front of it with your wings outstretched. He hadn’t ordered you to stay still, to wait for the next instruction. But you did anyway, fearing that defiance would bring a painful end to Brother Thomas.
“___, I command you to spin on the spot.” The Cardinal ordered, a mischievous smile on his face and a glint in his eye.
When you did as he commanded, he laughed. It was a guttural laugh, hearty and jovial, clearly he was having fun with this. “Like a game of Capitan Giro. Capitan Giro dice stand on one leg.”
You did as commanded, and the Cardinal screamed in delight.
“Wait, I don’t need your name? I don’t need to be so formal? What if… put both feet to the floor.”
You did as commanded.
“Incredible. I wonder what else I could get you to do. How else I could humiliate you…” He stopped and thought for a moment, eyes darkening. “Come here.” This command was lower and deeper than the previous ones, quieter and somehow more intimate.
You fought against this command, but to no avail. Your feet, slowly, dragged you towards the Cardinal and only stopping when you were right in front of him, between his open legs. “On your knees.”
You obeyed. The whole time you made eye contact with him, staring daggers into his face and still hoping that the halo hurt him.
He held out his left hand, the one not holding the halo, and said, “Remove the glove.”
Your hands immediately sprung into action, grasping onto the hem of the leather and peeling it gently off of his hand, exposing the skin beneath.
“You know,” he grumbled as you pulled the final finger of his glove off him, “the Sister told me about you.”
He moved his hand to your face and tried to caress your cheek, but you moved away. “Come back, don’t fight me.” Slowly, you moved back to your original position, feeling your cheek meet his fingertips. His hand was large, taking up most of your face as he stroked it with such gentility, you weren’t entirely sure that this was the same man who had caused you great pain for so long. His thumb sat beside your nose, and gently stroked your skin.
“She told me about your purity,” he continued. “How you’re still the good angel Yhwh intended.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Open your mouth.”
You did. You opened it a small amount, but it was enough for him. He slotted his thumb inside and rubbed the pad over your tongue, as if he was studying your mouth. His knuckle, briefly, hit the tip of your small fangs - not enough to hurt him, but enough to have him fascinated by them.
“Suck on my finger.”
Your mouth closed around the digit in your mouth, lips stretching just a little over his skin, and you heard the Cardinal exhale a shaky breath. He watched the obscenity in front of him, how your cheeks hollowed around his thumb that he slowly began to move in and out of your mouth. His cheeks were flushed, partially because of your blood, but also because his own was rushing around his body, still pumping life into it despite his insides being almost dead. His pupils were blown, and his eyes were hooded, making him look a little crazy. His lips parted, and his breaths were laboured, chest rising and falling as though his lungs still worked - a force of habit, you thought.
You didn’t understand this - what he was doing. You’d never seen anyone do this before, but your mind was racing with possibilities. Perhaps he was testing your mouth, making sure your health was good. Or maybe it was some strange form of comfort for him, you pondered. Perhaps he found solace in this bizarre act, a fleeting moment of intimacy amidst the chaos of his life. As his thumb moved in and out of your mouth, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease mingled with curiosity.
You should bite down.
You couldn’t. Not that you weren’t trying, but you were under the influence of the halo. You just couldn’t get your teeth to clench around his thumb.
Despite your confusion, you continued to suck on his finger obediently, just as the Cardinal had ordered. You focused on the rhythm of his movements, trying to make sense of the strange sensation in your mouth.
“Cazzo.” He let out a whisper, barely audible but because of the quiet of the room, the humming of technology barely covered the sound.
As time passed, it couldn’t have been more than a minute, you couldn’t shake the feeling of discomfort that gnawed at you. Yet, you dared not speak up, afraid to disrupt the fragile peace that enveloped the room. So you remained silent, your mind still racing with unanswered questions, as you obediently continued to suck on his finger.
Suddenly, the Cardinal’s eyes widened, a look of shock appearing on his face. He yanked his thumb from your mouth and physically pushed you away, grasping onto the halo a little tighter than he should have. “B-back in the cage.” He said quickly, standing up and walking over to your halo’s cage.
He didn’t need to use the halo to order you back behind bars, you were already scrambling to your feet and rushing to fit yourself in through the bars. He refused to make eye contact with you, noticing that he was feeling shame. Shame for what, you couldn’t say, but he spent most of the time staring at the floor as he locked you back inside. Your eyes wandered, too. From his face, over his body, until you saw the tent in his crotch every time he stood side-on. You weren’t completely foolish, you knew what that meant. You’d spent enough time with mortals, and saw a varying degree of sin that they would commit regularly. But you still couldn’t piece together the correlation between his finger in your mouth and the reason for his body’s reaction. He didn’t say a word, instead grabbing the glass and all but running out the door.
Perhaps you were feeling some of his shame now that you knew he’d used you to sin. He’d sinned with you before, every single time he caused you pain was sin enough, but this felt different somehow. Before, it was all the sins that were done to you; because of your implicitness due to the halo’s control, it felt like he was sinning with you. Shame, anger, and a deep sense of discomfort gnawed at your insides, making you feel vulnerable and exposed.
You had been subjected to a degrading and humiliating act, one that left you feeling powerless and violated. The Cardinal’s actions had stripped away your dignity and autonomy, reducing you to nothing more than a mere object for his pleasures.
Anger simmered within you, fueled by the injustice of being treated in such a deplorable manner. You resented the Cardinal for his blatant disregard for your dignity and for his abuse of power. How dare he manipulate and exploit you for his own perverse desires?
The deep sense of discomfort stemmed from the violation of your boundaries and the invasion of your personal space. His unwelcome advances had left you feeling exposed and vulnerable, as if your very essence had been laid bare for his scrutiny.
But then, the feeling dawned on you, was this not a similar way the Almighty had treated you? How He would get His subordinates to send you down to the mortal realm and commit atrocities on His behalf. In Egypt and Canaan, and even the shores of Italia, in His name you enacted awful things, bore witness to tragedies no person should ever see. While the Cardinal used you for some kind of sexual gratification, the Almighty used you for egotistical gratification, and either way, you were a pawn in someone else’s game, an object to be used at will regardless of your own opinions. You could never condone or justify the Cardinal’s behaviour towards you, but you’d also never had autonomy over your own person, so was it any different?
In some weird twist, you had come to realise that despite being trapped in a cage, your mind was freer than it ever had been in Heaven, your thoughts were your own, and your feelings went more-or-less unpunished. And in comparison, who was truly the Devil? Lucifer, or the Almighty?
The Cardinal didn’t come to visit you the next day, or the day after that, or the subsequent week that followed. He wouldn’t even come back to his chambers to rest, opting to spend his time elsewhere and avoiding you - an easy task, you were sure, given that he had kept you in the cage the whole time. You were unsure how to feel about this, whether this was something you should be grateful for, or if you should be afraid.
The longer you were around the vampyres, the more you’d begun to understand them and their ways; their thoughts and feelings, and what made them tick. Given that you’d not seen the Sister in so long, you could assume that the Cardinal hadn’t told her about his discovery. If he had, she’d have charged into his chambers, gripped hold of your halo, and practiced on you herself. Her insatiable thirst for power and control outweighed her thirst for your blood, and thus, if she knew your secret, you’d know too.
But then, why had the Cardinal kept that secret? Both he and the Sister wanted power, specifically power over you. They had been working together from the start to make sure they got what they wanted, your health and safety be damned. So why hadn’t the Cardinal told her everything? You pondered these questions in the silence of your cage, the only company being the dim glow of your halo, a sense of unease washing over you in more ways than one.
By the time you had healed completely, the Cardinal had returned with the empty bottles, but still found it difficult to look you in the eye. His gaze flickered with a mixture of guilt and apprehension, a silent acknowledgment of the unspeakable acts he had committed in his pursuit of power… or pleasure?
You watched him closely, noting the tension in his movements and the weariness etched into his features. Despite the disguise of indifference he attempted to show, you could sense the conflict raging within him, a storm of inconsistent emotions that threatened to consume him whole. He’d not rested well enough - you wondered if he’d even eaten properly. Then you wondered why you cared.
As he went about his task of arranging empty buckets around his bed, you remained silent, studying his every move with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. Why buckets, this time? There was an obvious shift in the air, a tension that hung between you, heavily shrouding you both an an intense suffocation.
With each passing moment, the weight of his silence grew heavier, a burden that bore down upon you with unbearable force. You longed to break the oppressive stillness, to confront him with the questions that burned in the depths of your soul, but you held your tongue, wary of the consequences of speaking out.
In the end, it was the Cardinal who broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper as he addressed you. “I won’t bind you when I let you out… I’m trusting you to be on your best behaviour.”
You simply nodded in response.
“No funny business, no trying to escape… no attacking, got it?”
“I shall not undertake such actions today,” you told him, “yet I offer no assurances for the morrow.”
He laughed as though you were telling him a joke. His laughter echoed through the chamber, a hollow sound that reverberated off the walls. Despite the tension that lingered between you, there was a sense of relief in his amusement, a fleeting moment of levity amidst the heavy atmosphere that surrounded you. “Well, I suppose that’s better than nothing,” he replied, his tone lightening slightly. “Just remember, Angel, I’m not afraid to put you back in that cage if you step out of line.”
You met his gaze with a steady stare, your eyes alight with a quiet defiance. “I understand,” you said, your voice firm and unwavering. “But mark this, Cardinal - I shall not be imprisoned anew, not without resistance.”
There was a flicker of something in his eyes, a spark of recognition that mirrored the fire that burned within your own soul. In that moment, you saw a glimmer of respect in his gaze, a grudging acknowledgment of your strength and determination.
“Very well,” he said, his voice tinged with resignation. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
He moved towards your cage, unlocked and opened the door, and took a step back, still holding it as though he were a gentleman holding the door for his wife. With apprehension, you climbed out, wings cocooning your body again until you were completely free of the metal. You chanced a glance at your halo, which was still locked up tight in the cage, and somehow you felt relieved. You stretched your entire body out, wings included, grateful for the feeling. All the while, you still watched the Cardinal potter around the room until he invited you onto his bed again.
You hesitated until you saw the plea in his eyes. “What dost thou withhold from me, Cardinal?”
He shook his head, “If you don’t let me drain you now, things will end up worse for us both. Just do as I ask this one time, please.”
You regarded him with a mix of wariness and resignation, knowing that you had little choice but to comply with his request. With a heavy sigh, you moved towards the bed, your movements slow and deliberate as you approached him.
As you settled onto the plush mattress, you couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that settled over you like a heavy cloak. The Cardinal’s intentions were clear, his desire for your blood palpable in the air, and yet you found yourself unable to resist his command. You felt the first needle prick into the crook of your arm, and watched as your blood began to pour into the bucket. Then you saw him prick the second needle in, and the cycle repeat. Usually, the Cardinal would stand back and watch menacingly. But this time, he gently crawled onto the bed, lifted you up, and slotted you on top of him, so you were using his body as a pillow instead.
As the Cardinal cradled you in his arms, using his body as a makeshift pillow, you couldn’t help but feel a surge of discomfort wash over you. The intimacy of the gesture was unsettling, a stark contrast to the usual brutality of your interactions with him.
With each drop of blood that left your body, you felt a sense of vulnerability creep in, the realization dawning on you that you were completely at his mercy. Despite your instinctive urge to resist, you found yourself unable to muster the strength to pull away, trapped in a state of submission that left you feeling powerless and exposed.
You passed out, despite your body fighting it.
You were barely conscious when you woke, the needles still in your arms and the Cardinal still behind you. This time, you could feel his hands running up and down your biceps and stroking your hair, as if he was trying to comfort you. You wanted to recoil from his touch, to push him away and reclaim the boundaries he had violated so mercilessly more than once. And yet, a part of you couldn’t help but crave the warmth of his embrace, the fleeting sense of connection that offered a brief respite from the cold reality of your captivity.
Your body lost consciousness again, the last thing you felt were his fingertips tracing light patterns into your skin.
You roused from your uneasy slumber, disoriented and groggy, the memory of the Cardinal’s touch haunting your exposed flesh. As your senses slowly returned, you realized that the needles were no longer piercing your skin, their absence bringing a faint sense of relief amidst the lingering discomfort.
You looked around the room, heart heavy, seeking any sign of the Cardinal’s whereabouts, but all you saw was the empty space of his bed and the stifling silence that enveloped the room like a blanket. Feelings of fear and panic started to seethe at the borders of your mind as you struggled with the disconcerting realisation that you were alone in the room, and not trapped up in your cage where you’d normally be after such an extraction.
You strained to get yourself upright, your muscles protesting with each movement as you forced yourself to look around more closely. However, no matter how hard you looked, there was no sign of the Cardinal, no clue of where he had gone or what he was plotting next.
The sound of voices coming from the living room sent shivers down your spine, breaking the strange calm that had encased the Cardinal’s quarters. You strained your ears, nervously attempting to figure out who was talking and who was there.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you listened closely, the murmur of voices becoming louder and clearer with each passing instant. Their tones conveyed a sense of urgency, a palpable tension that appeared to linger in the air like a building storm.
For a tiny moment, you cherished the hope that Brother Thomas would return to liberate you from your captivity and deliver you from the Cardinal’s tyranny. But deep down, you understood that such dreams were nothing more than desperate illusions created out of your own sorrow.
One of the voices belonged to the Cardinal… the other… the Sister.
You strained to catch every word of the furious discussion between the Sister and the Cardinal, their voices rising and falling in a chaotic symphony of wrath and frustration. From your position in the bedroom, you could feel the tension crackling in the air like electricity, heavy and stifling.
The words they exchanged formed a bleak picture, indicating a flaw in their carefully crafted relationship. It became clear that the Cardinal had acted with purposeful intent by draining you of your blood before the full moon night, undermining their plans to perform the second ritual.
Confusion blurred your mind as you tried to make sense of the Cardinal’s strange choice to sabotage the ceremony. It didn’t make sense; why would he go to such extent to foil plans that he had personally set up? You felt lost and confused, as if the puzzle pieces would not fit together in your brain.
You couldn’t shake the notion that the Cardinal’s acts were more than just what they appeared to be. His intentions remained a mystery, and you couldn’t help but wonder what underlying agenda drove his betrayal. Was he behaving in his own self-interest, or was he motivated by something else that you couldn’t figure out? Or was there a deeper, more nefarious motive at work?
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Anon commissioned artwork by @taylaedraws - I believe the full version is on their Patreon! Please be sure to check it out when you can!
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zaenaris · 9 months
Anime-only adaptations I really enjoyed
I really loved how the anime staff pour their love in the flashback and in the parts where the characters are described the most (bc, in the end, TR is a story driven by characters, not plot), so yeah, kudos for the kokonui, kakuiza and Kisaki centric parts that were not in thee manga and that were added as a ponderate choice by the anime team.
In chronological order
When Takemichi calls him with his nickname "Kaku-chan", Kakucho hesitates before killing him, while in the manga (ch.134) when Izana orders him to kill Takemichi, he just does it with no mercy. The result is the same, but in the anime we saw Kakucho's struggle
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The parts about Koko and Inupi, their past and their fight (2x21 or ep.8 of the 2nd coure of S2). It is a very emotional and crude part also in the manga, but in the anime, thanks to some changes/adaptations/voice acting and music, manages to be even more emotional and impactful, while remaining faithful to the manga. That's how an adaptation should be done
First of all, the kiss
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while, story-wise, it's clear the kiss is not fanservice, but an important moment to understand their past and their complicated relationship, no one can deny the anime kiss looks even more passionate than the manga version
Among the people that approached Koko in the manga for money reasons, only Izana and Taiju were mentioned (ch.159), meanwhile in the manga, besides them, were added also Madarame Shion - an anime only addition-
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and the Haitani Brothers, as a nod to Wakui's birthday art for Koko
I already talked about it here and partially here but, in short, I like how the anime underlines even better that Koko considers himself unredeemable and incapable of detach his own identity to make money illegally
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and honestly, peak adaptation: the transition to younger Koko to Tenjiku!Koko saying the same line, to make us understand that Koko still feels incredibly guilty about the past...
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... and the fact both Inupi and Koko cry in this scene, a moment that there wasn't in the manga and that was an incredibly beautiful and touching addition
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but while manga!Koko -ch.159- at this point is just resigned and "colder" in his decision to stay with Tenjiku, just like also manga!Inupi already calmed down, anime!Inupi is both fed up with the situation but willing to makes things right and very determined..
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while anime!Koko is destroyed, he doesn't even stand up when Inupi punches him (I already talked about it here)
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the little addition of Kakucho in the flashback when Shinichiro goes to say hi to Izana to take him out with him. Izana's favourite people "interacting" was nice (too bad the animation quality was a little meh in this episode, but I understand we can't have peak quality all the time)
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Kakucho with Izana when he finds again Karen by chance and she tells his she's not his biological mother and he's not related to any of the Sano. It the manga Izana was alone, adding Kakucho was nice because the situation is still terrible, Izana sees his whole world collapsing on himself, but at least he has Kakucho
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last one, Kisaki's "I wanted to be like you" that humanizes him a little. In the manga his death was quick and brutal. We can understands, reading the manga, he had this superiority/inferiority complex towards Takemichi, but the anime explains it more clearly (I talked a bit about it here )
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Maybe there's something else that was an anime-only adaptation that made sense, even improved the already existent narration, but I probably don't remember it. These are the ones that imho, are the most important both for the characters and the narration.
I love how Liden Film followed faithfully the story but added "more heart" to it, that's what a good adaptation should do
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tsbs-shipfessions · 27 days
Ship confessions?
S..Safe place to share rants?
Oh dear how should I say this...
(Warning for anyone not supporting SolarNexus I guess..)
As much as I like the story of how New Moon went deranged from grief and self deterioration: as in finally realising he can never satisfy this "family's" need of him to be thee og Moon himself. A carbon copy replacement with unrealistic expectations set at full high. (Even though factually thanks to Eclipses V1-4 transitions it's shown that it can't possibly be 100% accurate.) Failing again and again over and over till the event of Solar's death finally snapping him. Derailing himself to push everyone away to the point of losing himself entirely as Nexus.
And Solar valuing New Moon so much that he was in absolute distraught when the first thing he hears upon waking was that his best friend, HIS REASON OF HOME, lost himself so far in the name of lone desperation. A desperation he knows all too well thanks to his past Moon's ungracious reaction to unfortunate loss.
Solar knows what it's like to be alone and afraid. He can't possibly leave Nexus like the others like the flip of the switch! Because just as he gave mercy to Eclipse and Ruin, he'd give mercy to Nexus too.
The canon doesn't make any sense!
And, well, being a silent (yet intimidated from this fandom) supporter of SolarNexus...
The angst writer side of me wishes that this story didn't clap off to the cliche "power hungry" complex.
Why not have Solar continue to drive himself to find some cure or solution? In the name of friendship; to justify himself that he can fix it all before it's too late. To not lose another from his (falsely blamed and uncontrolled) faults. To be the reassurance of comfort Nexus so desperately needed.
Why not have Nexus secretly die inside whenever he speaks the words he does not mean; unwillingly pushing himself to the edge every time he starts to believe hope can be retrieved. Falling in the spiral that nothing is real and he has no right to feel and express. The moment Nexus felt like grasping on light is when strings of dark pull him to a choke to remind just exactly who he's working with. Why he even decided to make a deal with DarkSun. That no matter how Nexus puts it, he technically is a husk for dark star power. An element. Like a living battery for some bigger project he may not be entirely aware of. (And my best guess: a tragic death to Dark Sun's intricate plans.)
A reminder so cruel and twisted that Nexus can't possibly see a way out without Solar's guidance and safety.
Life was never fair for the both of them. They both suffered at being blamed and antagonised for things they had no proper control over. They both had self doubts and a sense that they were never home.
(For f--k's sake! Nexus was LOSING HIS MIND!! CRITICAL DANGER OF WELL BEING, and the "family" decided: Hey! Instead of actually getting him proper treatment, lets just lock him in a cell and keep calling him a villain for insulting people! An action he had no say over because HAHA he LoSt hIs mInD. Wha- eH- HUUEUUH???? NnNO???)
But ey! They were Home for each other.
That's why Solar and NM/Nexus's friendship worked so well! They had a sense of comfort to speak and express openly, to have negativity or concerns spill out without backlash. To actually live freely knowing they have each others back!
And I'd like to believe they'd still ache to have this connection again. That Solar would do whatever it takes to have Nexus free from his chains.
Not to be welcomed by the "family", but to be welcomed by Solar's own loving arms. To get proper care, proper help, proper recognition of all parts of Nexus. Both good and bad.
I really think there's tragedy love potential here. I wished to see them fight whatever forces against them to be together again. To get at least that ounce of safety within the chaos.
Whether it's fighting mental illness or dark star power. Who cares! They gonna be together again dAhM iT! Even if it's just a minute before tragic death from DarkSun or somethin! T-T
*COUGH* oUgh man.. what a doozy of a topic..
Thank you so much for reading! And for making this confessions blog! I appreciate it! Was really good to have this off my chest. Wish you and everyone reading a wonderful day/evenin! :)
I admire the hell out of your passion. This was a good read, and has a lot of neat points. Nice going, Anon.
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lostgracestories · 28 days
Double whammy -- like I said, the brainrot for the omen twins is strong so expect to see them a lot from me...! 😅
Anyhoo, for headcanons: How do Morgott or Mohg comfort their S/O?
Lowkey, you're a real one <3 (I'm keeping you, have some cookies)
Honestly, I LOVE comfort headcanons so BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP these are gonna be fluffy and cute <333 Also, they're kinda short cause I just got off work so I'm like, using half of my brain, lmao.
wc: 565 tw: tears/crying, implied violence, threats
If Mohg ever sees you crying, he'd lowkey probably have to force himself not to cry too. He hasn't been close to anyone since he was in the Shunning Grounds with his brother and thus, he hasn't had to provide comfort for tears in quite a while. Although he's unsure, he wraps his arms around you in a careful hug and allows you to cry it out. When you've calmed down enough, he'll ask if you are okay and what has happened, hiding the fact that there is a film of tears in his eye, threatening to spill.
Mohg is very protective of you, if there is a specific person who is the reason you need comfort, he will not hesitate to take care of them accordingly. "...and he called me fat!" Mohg with his trident behind his back: "Is that so..."
Mohg also for sure will pull you into his lap and draw shapes onto your back and neck with his nails while you cry into his shoulder or chest. And even though he won't kiss you (through fear of hurting you) he will allow you to hug him for as long as you wish.
Okay listen, Mohg may not be the greatest with words, but he loves to bring you blood roses. So when you're sad, they increase tenfold. He'll be carrying a bouquet that's 3 times your size and ask you if it's enough. He's so silly and sweet.
Oh, and he definitely found out that he can rub your noses together to make up for not kissing you or press his forehead to yours so he definitely does this to bring you back down from spiraling.
So I mention this a lot, but Morgott although well-spoken, does not communicate his feelings very well with words. So when you're upset over something he will carry you to bed and wrap you in his cloak, even bringing you tea and sitting next to you while you ramble to him about what has made you so upset. And trust me, he listens and hears everything you say.
Every once in a while, Morgott is the reason for your sad state and he is so oblivious to it until you turn away from him when he comes to bed "My Queen? Prithee, if I have upset thee, tell me so I may fix it-" "...You told me to leave you alone earlier, so I am leaving you alone" He definitely feels guilty and brings you a love poem in the morning with a single erdleaf flower, leaving you with a kiss on the forehead before he goes to tend to his kingly duties.
Morgott, like his brother, is also very protective of you. At some point you had to stop giving him the names of those who so much as stressed you out because he'd practically threaten to maul them for even looking at you funny. And it was always in such a "proper" way "If thou art bemused by my queen's distress, then thou must wishest for death to befall thee" And it's always in letter form. Oddly, the thought of him caring so much does bring some comfort though.
Lastly, Morgott would kiss away your tears should he have you alone. He would whisper praises to you between each kiss until your tears stopped flowing and either turned into a smile, or you fell asleep against him.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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María Félix (Doña Barbara, La Mujer sin Alma, Rio Escondido, La Cucaracha)—Maria Felix is still possibly the most well-known Mexican film actress. She turned down multiple-roles in Hollywood and a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer in order to take roles in Mexico, France, and Argentine throughout the 1940s, 50s, 60s. She was so famous and so respected as a dramatic actress that she inspired painters, novelists and poets in their own art--she was painted by Diego Rivera, Jose Orozco, Bridget Tichenor. The novelist Carlos Fuentes used her as inspiration for his protagonist in Zona Sagrada. She inspired an entire collection by Hermes. In the late 1960s Cartier made her a custom collection of reptile themed jewels. She considered herself to be powerful challenger of morality and femininity in Mexico & worldwide--she routinely played powerful women in roles with challenging moral choices and free sexuality. But even still, years after he death, she is celebrated with Google Doodles, and appearances in the movie Coco, and holidays for the anniversary of her death.
Vyjayanthimala (Madhumati, Amrapali, Sangam, Devdas)—Strong contender for /the/ OG queen of Indian cinema for over 2 straight decades. Her Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award came not a moment too soon with 62 movies under her belt. Singer, dancer, actor, and also has the most expressive set of eyes known to man
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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María Félix:
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She's Thee Hot Vintage Movie Woman of México. She's absolutely gorgeous and always looks like she's about to step on you. you WILL be thankful if she does.
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"María Félix is a woman -- such a woman -- with the audacity to defy the ideas machos have constructed of what a woman should be. She's free like the wind, she disperses the clouds, or illuminates them with the lightning flash of her gaze." - Octavio Paz
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María Félix is one of the most iconic actresses of the Golden Era of Mexican Cinema. La Doña, as she was lovingly nicknamed, only had one son, and when her first marriage ended in divorce her ex-husband stole her only child, so she vowed that one day she’d be more influential than her ex and she’d get her son back. AND SHE DID! María Félix rejected a Hollywood acting role to start her acting career in Mexico on her own terms with El Peñón de las Ánimas (The Rock of Souls) starring alongside actor, and future third husband, Jorge Negrete. She quickly rose to incredible heights both in Mexico and abroad, later on rejecting a Hollywood starring role (Duel in the Sun) as she was already committed to the movie Enamorada at the planned filming time. Of this snubbing she said, quote: “I will never regret saying no to Hollywood, because my career in Europe was focused in [high] quality cinema. [My] india* roles are made in my country, and [my] queen roles are abroad.” (Translator notes: here the “india” role means interpreting a lower-class Mexican woman, usually thought of indigenous/native/mixed descent —which she had interpreted and reinvented throughout her acting career in Mexico— and what abroad was typically considered the Mexican woman stereotype, with the braids, long simple skirts, and sandals. This also references the expectation of her possibly helping Hollywood in perpetuating this stereotype for American audiences that lack the cultural and historical contexts of this type of role which would undermine her own efforts against this type of Mexican stereotypes while working in Europe) She was considered one of the most beautiful women in the world of her time by international magazines like Life, París Match, and Esquire, and was a muse to a vast number of songwriters (including her second husband Agustin Lara,), artists, designers, and writers. Muralist Diego Rivera described her as “a monstrously perfect being. She’s an exemplary being that drives all other human beings to put as much effort as possible to be like her”. Playwriter Jean Cocteau, who worked with her in the Spanish film La Corona Negra (The Black Crown) said the following about her, “María, that woman is so beautiful it hurts”. Haute Couture houses like Dior, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Hérmes, among others, designed and dressed her throughout her life. She died on her birthday, April 8, 2002, at 88 years old, in Mexico City. She was celebrated by a parade from her home to the Fine Arts Palace in the the city’s Historic Downtown, where a multitude of people paid tribute to her. Her filmography includes 47 movies from 1942 until 1970, and only two television acting roles in 1970. She has 2 music albums, one recorded with her second husband, Agustín Lara, in 1964 titled La Voz de María y la inspiración de Agustín «The voice of María and the inspiration of Augustín», and her solo album Enamorada «In Love» in 1998. Her bespoke Cartier jewelry is exhibited alongside Elizabeth Taylor’s, Grace Kelly’s and Gloria Swanson’s. In 2018, Film Director Martin Scorsese presented a restored and remastered version of her film Enamorada in the Cannes Classics section of the Cannes Festival and Google dedicated a doodle for her 104th birthday. On august 2023 Barbie added her doll to the Tribute Collection.
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dr5amatic · 1 month
a sentence starter prompts list comprised of quotes from the novel a reaper at the gates by sabaa tahir. please be advised that this list may involve topics including, but not limited to, murder, death, and violence. change verbiage as needed.
no harm shall befall you. i vow it.
i fear what you will do if harm comes to those whom you love.
i would destroy anyone who dared hurt you.
your heart is made to love. to give. not to take.
it's stupid to fall for a once-dead ghost-talker, i don't care how pretty he is.
who took him? tell me!
talk or die.
unless you're a fool, you'll agree that death would be preferable. i will make it swift.
i could never mourn them. i wasn't allowed to.
you nearly got yourself killed. is that not enough?
you have much to learn, and i do not know how much time i have to teach you.
go or don't, doesn't matter to me. but stop being woeful and useless. i don't have the patience for it.
you didn't ask for assassination. you asked for destruction, and destruction takes time.
you don't have to tell me if you don't wish to.
you don't have to come with me.
not a chance. never again. where you go, i go.
you will fail, usurper.
i thought we would have more time. i thought we'd find a way out for you.
i don't want to let you go. not yet. not so soon.
you are cruel, [name], to give a girl all she desires only to tear it away.
this isn't the end for us, [name]. do you hear me? this is not our end.
you've never been a liar. don't start now.
why are you lurking out there? are you spying on me?
you destroyed my life. you could have saved them. you—you monster.
what of you, [name]? are you not a monster?
fare thee well, [name]. i will see you once more before your end.
tell me what's going on. i can decide whether it concerns me or not.
how the hells are we going to get out of here?
i won't make a promise i can't keep, and neither should you.
any other threats? discussions you wish to waste my time with? none? good. then lets get the hells out of here.
you are new to your power, but that does not mean you do not have it.
i'm not going anywhere with you, not until you tell me who you are.
if i answer one question, will you stop being so annoying and let me get you to a safe house?
why did you not listen to me, [name]. why did you not learn?
what is the point of having muscles if you cannot carry things for others?
she penned a play. i can feel it. don't act the part she's written for you.
why are we not fighting back? night won't fall for hours. we need to use the light that remains.
first, you need to eat. you're irritable and i don't like talking to irritable people.
i can be your ally, or i can be your enemy.
we leave in an hour. come along or stay. it doesn't matter to me.
you must have a guard with you at all times. not because you are incapable, but because you must show your strength. there is strength in numbers.
what, you don't want to pass the time in conversation with me? i'm hurt.
who did this to you?
you're not dead, and you're not going to die. do you hear me? you're going to live. you're going to find whoever did this to you. you're going to make them pay. get up. get to safety.
i'll never let go of what i fought so hard to keep.
stay with me. you don't have to speak. all you have to do is stay awake.
off to get yourself killed again so soon?
i heard you got stabbed. thought i'd come yell at you for allowing it to happen.
some guard you make. you were fast asleep.
i don't know your secrets and so i cannot protect you when others try to ferret them out.
if you didn't need protection, it would be because no one saw you as a threat. needing protection is not a weakness. refusing to trust your allies is.
we're dying out here! while you dine on roast fowl and fresh fruit in a tower that doesn't belong to you.
you are so stupid! you're the only one i have. the only one left! did you even consider that before running into a burning building?
you do not know the weight of the crown. you could never understand.
will it always be chaos for us, [name]? will things never be normal?
if... if i change... if i seem different, remember that i love you. no matter what happens to me. say you'll remember, please—
you seek counsel. i am honor bound to offer it. sit, please. i will speak with you.
no one is safe. have you not yet learned this lesson?
we will see each other again. i swear it.
i'll make my own way. i don't need you.
why do you care so much what happens to me?
there are men back there who were counting on me, and i left them.
mercy, [name]. that is my order. i do not deserve it. i do not even wish it. but you'll give it to me anyway. because you're good.
you dare put those you love before all of humanity? you dare be so selfish?
no need for that. i didn't drag you through a hundred miles of caves so your first act upon waking would be to stab me.
you came for me. you dragged me from the claws of death himself. you have more good in you than you will ever acknowledge.
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fastlikealambo · 10 months
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Connubium.|| Coriolanus Snow x Black Fem Reader Chapter Seven
table of contents.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Summary: Stealing from The Capitol is a deadly offense, yet you’ve done it more times than you can count but when you do something you should not have done, Volumnia Gaul decides a fate for you that might just be worse than death.
Notes: This takes place post The Ballad of Songbirds And Snakes and Coryo is in his last year at The University, studying under Dr. Gaul. This will not follow canon, I’m not an expert on all the lore so I apologize if I get things wrong.
Disclaimer: You know Coriolanus is a POS, I know Coriolanus is a POS, please don’t yell at me because this is just a fun little story, something for thee hotties, and  if you feel that strongly against President Snow, please let me know if you’d like me to sign you up for tessarae.
18+ only
Thanks for the love and messages on chapter six! If you want to see chapter eight, comment or reblog, feedback makes me want to continue!
Coriolanus looked far too good for a funeral.
A black suit that had once belonged to his father had been completely reimagined in the span of twenty-four hours by Tigris, who sewed in between sobs. Normally he would have dipped into the fund of Strabo Plinth but for this occasion, he needed to evoke something other than Capitol high society.
As he turned to look at his own reflection once more,  a tapping at his window caused Coriolanus to pause.   Silently daring the waiting jabberjay to defecate anywhere in his room, Coryo opened the window and let the creepy bird in, watching it perch on his bedpost. 
  “Do you think you could let me borrow the girl for a night or two before Snow marries her? I like them.. spirited.”  President Ravinstill’s voice came through the jabberjay as clear as a bell, repeating over and over.
Ravinstill was speaking of you.
Clicking the remote once more, Coriolanus snapped his fingers and the jabberjay made its way back to the president’s mansion.
  “Coryo? They’re ready for you, Coriolanus.” Your soft voice came through the other side of the door and Coriolanus straightened up and adjusted the rose pinned to his lapel.
  “I’ll be right there.” Coriolanus said, listening to the sound of your heels retreating from the door, the slight discrepancy in your gait reminded Coriolanus that you had still not fully healed from the attack you would not speak of.
The one that took place in The Arena.
How could Coriolanus know this?
Because Coriolanus Snow didn’t just see everything.
He heard everything.
Mere hours after medics confirmed that Grandma’am was beyond saving, you had fallen asleep while comforting Coriolanus, your hand in his as you dozed off on his shoulder.  The jabberjay arrived and Coriolanus was treated to the sound of a gunshot, Ravinstill’s laugh, and to his surprise, a sound that was fresh in his mind.
  Your crying.
On his second playback, Coriolanus heard a muffled phrase in the background, one that to this day still sent him into a miniscule panic.
“Enjoy the show!”
The jabberjay had been a gift from  Dr. Gaul upon completing his first year at The University.  He couldn’t stand the thing, mostly used it for University gossip over the years and after he applied to work in the President's office, he had the jabberjay follow Ravinstill, picking up information he could use once his new position began.
But the jabberjay had picked up something more valuable to Coryo, confirming something that Coriolanus had known from the moment he met you.
You, his precious treasure, were a liar.
Yet he took your left hand with a kiss upon your knuckle and offered his other arm to Tigris, escorting you both to Grandma’am’s funeral.
With his perfect suit and you draped in one of Grandma’am’s furs, Coriolanus had only to wait a few seconds for the flashbulbs to reign down on you both outside, photographers giving up the pretense of not taking pictures of a funeral for a glimpse at something shiny and new.
You could set a camera  on fire.
As the funeral began and Grandma’am’s remaining friends who looked to be in various stages of decay themselves spoke of their dear friend, Coriolanus held Tigris, comforting his cousin and angling his body so the photographers had a better shot of you. 
When it was Tigris’ turn to deliver a few words after a choir sang the national anthem,  Coriolanus focused on the late arrival of President Ravinstill who stopped at his chair and shook his hand, a stately yet somber look on his face.
    “Condolences, my boy. You and your cousin are in our thoughts and if you need to postpone your work start date, you only need to ask.  I’m so sorry for your loss, Mr. Snow.”
From the corner of his eye, Coriolanus could see that you had started shaking the moment Ravinstill had walked up.
If the president was sorry now, Coriolanus could only imagine just how sorry he was going to be in a few short moments.
Coriolanus delivered the eulogy, speaking of how much Grandma’am loved her garden and her grandchildren but The Capitol most of all.  The more he spoke, the more his voice shook with remembrance of the loss of one of the two women who raised him. 
But all it took was one glance in your direction for the tremble in his voice to vanish, head held high to greet the applause that thundered in upon his conclusion.
So that was it then.
It was to be you.
Coriolanus had known you were lying for quite some time in fact, yet he did not care. He would caress those lies, suck them from your mouth like poison from a wound.
To touch those lies, oh, to touch you.
He would not care.
Did bowing before a lying goddess make his prayers any less heard?
As he sprinkled dirt into Grandma'am's grave some time later, a foot closer to death than he had been in awhile, Coriolanus Snow knew one thing.
He loved you.
He loved you, he loved you, he loved you.
  “Before we say our last goodbyes, I just have one final note. My grandmother believed in hope, she believed in Panem and all that it could be. It is in her honor that I formally announce my bid to run for President of our beloved Panem in the upcoming election, the youngest presidential candidate in our nation’s history.”  Coriolanus said, delighting in watching the blood drain from Ravinstill’s face as gasps filled the gravesite.
Coriolanus could see Lucky Flickerman vaulting over the cemetery gate and sprinting towards him, tripping over his mic every few seconds but there was one last thing he had to do.
Had this been Coriolanus of another time, he would have whispered in your ear of your treachery, exposing what you had done.
But something else happened.
Turning to you, Coriolanus got down on one knee and produced Grandma’am’s engagement ring, plucked from her finger before the medics could finish checking for a pulse.
“Will you marry me?”
This was no ordinary proposal.
This was a declaration of war.
That’s Chapter 7! As usual if you’d like to see Chapter 8, the penultimate chapter before the finale,  please comment or reblog! Thank you for reading.
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tanoraqui · 6 months
Eldamar!Buzzfeed’s Top 5 Maglor Fëanorion Songs
9/26/422 Fo.A
[read on AO3]
The votes are in and the people have spoken! Thanks to our poll last week, Elf!Buzzfeed is excited to present our and your Top 5 Maglor Fëanorion compositions, with commentary from experts—including the infamous Singer himself!
5. First Age Northern Beleriandrin Songs of Warding and Warning
After the sheer number and variety of write-ins, we decided to credit Maglor with the whole genre of Songs of Warding and Warning of Siege-Era Northern Beleriand. Top write-ins included “Campfire Warding Song”, “Wind in the Grass” and “Song of the Gap.”
Expert Opinions:
Eglatarwen Lindambar, a Court Minstrel of Üdoriath: This is an insult to Queen Melian. The Noldor did naught but modify and build upon pre-existing Songs, and all or nearly all the popular Songs of Warding in Beleriand were taught or inspired by Melian, even before she created the Great Girdle. I will concede their effectiveness—against most things pettier than dragons, at least—but to credit him with the genre? So much for journalistic neutrality.
Timpenindë Cuilemë, preeminent bard among the Noldor: Oh, I don’t know if I’m qualified for this one—I was only in Beleriand for a few decades for the War. But I did recognize Maglor’s work when I found it, and we found it in quite a few places. I think he deserves more credit for the endurance of Himring, actually—I saw that immediately. It may be Maedhros’s will sunk deep into those stones, so deep that neither Morgoth not Ulmo could wear them down. But it’s Maglor’s classic Songs, all love and faith and bloody-minded stubbornness, that served as the final mortar.
Maglor: I’m flattered, but I really don’t think I should be taking credit for this. I did compose my first warding-Song entirely organically, to keep annoying younger brothers out of my bedroom. But everything— almost everything in the First Age was collaborative. “Campfire Warding Song” is ancient—I learned it in my youth from my father, who learned it from his, who Sang it in Cuivienen and during the Great Journey. All I did was modify it to be more attuned to the enemies we faced later, as orcs and such were new and rare for our forefathers. “Song of the Gap” is a call-and-response with constant improvisation—I did compose the basic melody and rhythm, but it varies every time it’s Sung! Likewise “Wind in the Grass”, “Lullaby for Foes”, “Tread Thee Not (or Suffer our Wrath Resplendent)”…I’m not saying we didn’t compose some good Music, but it was all very collaborative!
4. Noldolantë (Full)
The complete story of the Fall of the Noldor: the prologue of Finwë’s first visit to Aman, then the tragedy of Miriel, the division of the Noldor and the slaughter of Finwë, the Oath, the First Kinslaying, the Burning of the Ships, the Siege, the Breaking of the Siege, the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Falls of Gondolin and Nargothrond, the Second Kinslaying, the Third Kinslaying, the War of Wrath and final theft of the Silmarils, the suicide of Maedhros and the lone Singer himself wandering remorseful forevermore; with a postscript for the forging of the One Ring, the deaths of Celebrimbor and Gil-Galad, and the Fall of Númenor. It isn’t pure grief—there are bright spots in the Rescue of Maedhros, the Tale of Beren and Lúthien (borrowing melodically and lyrically from the Lay of Leithien), the rise of Gil-Estel. However, its wide range of tragedies is famously able to reduce even the stoniest heart to tears at least once.
Composed in pieces mostly over the course of the First Age, and refined into a single piece over the course of the Second and Third Ages, as the singer wandered alone and repentant on the shores of mortal Arda. Takes six and a half days to sing all the way through, unstopping.
Expert Opinions:
Timpenindë: This is not Maglor’s best work. I don’t even think it’s his fourth-best work, honestly. It is impressive that he maintains the intensity of emotion throughout—deftly waxing and waning, but mostly waxing—and maybe only Maglor could do that for six and a half straight days! But even if it's strong throughout, the whole 'throughout' is just...too much. Even a powerful Singer has to half-kill themselves to perform this, and it's not much more gentle on the audience. Admittedly, I'm not sure what he could possibly cut, but... It is what it is, but it's just not his best work. Also, the lyrics could use work—more poetry in a couple places, less in others, and I know the faltering meter and rhyme represents his descent into madness but... Well, it suffers from the fact that he was genuinely descending into madness.
Finrod Felagund, High Prince of the Noldor, etc etc: I think this might be ranking so high based on name recognition, honestly. I usually start crying within the first hour, and don't stop... But laced through all my grief for...everything...is the question: if Maglor could produce this sustained tidal wave of craft and raw emotion while wandering lost for 6,000 years, what could he have done if he'd been found instead? It makes me dream wistfully of what greater, kinder marvels he could have wrought... Which only ties into the themes of the song, of course—what could the Noldor have been, if we hadn't gone down the roads we did? What could Arda have been? So, all the more credit to the composer for so thoroughly manifesting this masterpiece!
Maglor: I believe this piece speaks for itself, and for myself.
3. Noldolantë (Original/Standard)
Written in the style of a traditional Noldorin history-song, the original Noldolantë is an accounting of the events of the Darkening through the death of Fëanor, with references at the end to early First Age events including the Rescue of Maedhros and the Dagor Aglareb. Focus is primarily on the Kinslaying at Alqualondë, and secondarily on the Burning of the Ships. Though Maglor originally composed it in Quenya during his brief reign as King of the Noldor and added events throughout the First Age (see: "4. Noldolantë (Full)", this translation into Sindarin, first performed publicly in 68 FA, is the version that was widespread and popular throughout First Age Beleriand and thereafter, and remains most identifiable as "Noldolantë."
Major themes include loss of life and loss of innocence; grief, regret and repentance over the same; and determination to take all this hurt, and all the hurt in Arda, and throw it back at the Enemy tenfold, with sword, Song and fire. Takes about four hours to sing in full, though individual sections were often excerpted as marching chants or battle hymns.
Expert Opinions:
Eglatarwen: The Noldolantë is an undeniably impressive work of technical song-craft, engaging and well-paced narrative, heart-wrenching passion...and propaganda. To not treat it as propaganda would be to do it a disservice, because it's also a very impressive work of propaganda! It takes betrayal and atrocity and turns it into...not 'necessity', to be fair, and nor does it shirk the fault of the Noldor—though it certainly blames Morgoth as well. But it takes the irredeemable and almost inexorably turns it redeemable. Horrors and darkness which can and will be moved on from. Terrible mistakes which can and will be learned from. If only that had been true.
Eärwen Olwiel, Princess of the Teleri, High Queen-Consort of the Noldor: Surprisingly factual and earnestly apologetic, I think, for all its spin.
Finrod: I still hum it sometimes. I still hum parts about Alqualondë sometimes. I hate how good at this he is.
Maglor: Of course it's propaganda. It was propaganda just for me, first, when I needed to make some reassuring sense of everything or I would shatter like a wedding glass. Then I sang it to buck up my people, not least my younger brothers, and keep us going through some of the worst years of my life. Then word came of Thingol's Ban and we needed a response of equal—though not directly contradictory, you'll note!—social impact—and, appropriately, I had this piece that only really needed to be translated into Sindarin in order to serve. Though of course I did need to rewrite every single word and note in subtle, crafty ways to accommodate the new language, and sometimes in very obvious ways. I still miss the original recursive arpeggios... Shoutout to Glauriel of the Plains for thrice saving my life: once from an orc arrow, once from dragonfire, and once for not killing me herself when I recruited her to help me with the translations, said I only needed a quick Sindarin-native judgement on a few scattered verses, and then made her help me rewrite the first bridge alone six times in six days.
2. “The Song That Never Ends”
Infamously annoying short tune which loops both lyrically and melodically, sung most often by children. Composed pre-Darkening. No true potency save, it is rumored, as a means of tormenting enemy prisoners.
Expert Opinions:
Eglatarwen: This song is a malicious attack.
Timpenindë: This is in second place? Stars, I can't believe I was ever engaged to that elf.
Finrod: [staring into the unseen distance as one haunted by memories of torment] The Edain learned this, somehow. The thing about the children of Men, you know, is that they're only children for a very short amount of time relative to us... But there are always more of them...
Maglor: I genuinely regret this one. I’m not sure I even remember why I wrote it. I think to annoy my parents, or maybe Nelyo—hey, Nelyo! [to his brother, passing by] Do you remember when or why I came up with that annoying looping song?
Maedhros Fëanorion: [upon further explanation of the question and context] This is in second place? [to Maglor] I should've killed you when I had the chance. When I still did things like that. [upon being told Finrod's comment on the song] 'Mannish children'? Ha! You can give those back to their parents, not like siblings—of which he only had four, I’ll note, and none of them composed this monstrosity. And speaking of Man-ish children, whom you can’t give back to their parents, he should try righteously vengeful, maliciously compliant teenage—
[He cut off as our host, Elrond Peredhel, walked in, whistling a few idle, familiar notes before offering everyone another round of tea. Maglor and Maedhros both winced, though they said nothing save to accept tea.]
1. Ardamirë
Unofficial subtitle: (Father) It's Not Only Ours Anymore
An ode to Gil-Estel—the jewel, the Light, the ship and captain, the Star. Elements composed and gathered over nearly 6,500 years of wandering on mortal shores, including elements of the Noldolantë; arranged into a complete song in the decades after Maglor’s return to Valinor at the start of the Fourth Age. Takes about three hours to sing in full, reducing most listeners to mostly-joyful tears.
Expert Opinions:
Maglor: Good choice, people—this one is the best.
Fëanor Curufinwë, Crafter of the Silmarils: I won't pretend to be as expert in musical composition as my son, in Songs of Power or simply in casual music-craft. However, I'm certain this isn't his best work, technically speaking. Did truly so few people vote for "The Great Journey” or “On the Slopes of Túna"? [shaking his head] The wisdom of the Eldar truly has been diluted... And surely the recency of this composition biases voters in its favor. Are you certain you've balanced your data properly? …But the song is persuasive. And sticks in one's head very effectively. I've been thinking about it.
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