#death race beyond anarchy
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askfoxythejokerfox · 2 years ago
tomorrow’s action thriller movie ill be watching ^w^
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kale-smoothies · 4 months ago
Thanks to Shadow Generations I have a headcanon in mind:
Consider Anti Shadow have Doom powers or whatever alien race he gets mixed up with.
Consider how Anarchy Energy is unstable and has detrimental effects to the host. If Gerald had intentions to make him the ultimate weapon then you must use the most harmful and powerful energy known to man, host be damned.
If he changed his mind at the last second then he must’ve created some support for Anti-Shadow to not experience these dreadful effects. It’s possible it breaks at some point post morph.
What if this ‘sweet’ hedgehog gets more drained and closer to death each time he morphs or suffers mutations beyond repair?
dude I need you to put initials at the end of these asks so I remember and thank you.
OKAY, you know what I’m considering is that Anti-Shadow would have more alien characteristics than Shadow. Extra eyes, those suction cups for octopuses or something I DONT KNOW ABOUT HOW HE WOULD LOOK I’m dying
Anyway, I like your idea. Originally, he would’ve been MUCH more alienlike than hedgehog, but overtime began to look less like an alien due to morphing.
Personally, I feel like he would be much more royal-like and chatty? Apparently Anti-Maria would’ve been evil and a bad influence. So perhaps, Anti Maria would’ve been bitter and sad, still suffering from a disease. She would’ve used Anti-Shadow’s admiration for her so he could reign havoc and destroy humanity. Like what Shadow thought Maria’s wish for him was, except there was no Memory alteration. Anti-Maria’s wish would’ve been SA2 Gerald’s wish.
Anti-Gerald probably schooled Anti-Shadow on good morals, so there would’ve been a battle of morals in the future.
ALSO, I think Anti-Shadow probably went on a rampage on the Arc, causing him to be contained for (woah) 50 years, only to be released and wanting to destroy the world.
Kinda like the SA2 plot, but instead of Scourge saying “Hey, let’s not destroy the world, you can be better.” (Like whatever sonic said) and instead says. “Listen, you’re powerful and destructive. But why destroy world when you can RULE it? Work with me here.”
100% would exploit his powers
also (IM SRILL THINKINF WAIT) there could be a parasitic relationship between them? Anti-Shadow would be a bit unstable when using, for example, anarchy (chaos) blast or chaos control. I see him as he would absorb others of their energy, while Shadow has a constant flowing energy, Anti would need to constantly resupply. Using up all of his energy would kill him, but also using too much in one go would. So, he carries around some anarchy beryl for his own good.
I think he thinks Chaos Energy is tasty, much much better than the bitterness of the Anarchy.
also he’s probably insane at sometimes due to the negatives of the anarchy beryl so he’s alot more violent than Shadow
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moviereviews101web · 2 months ago
Advent (2024) FrightFest Halloween Movie Review
Advent – FrightFest Halloween Movie Review Director: Airell Anthony Hayles Writer: Airell Anthony Hayles (Screenplay) Cast Mark Arnold (Blade Runner 2049) Nicholas Vince (I Am Monsters) Cory Peterson (Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom) Marina Lazaris (Frank Phoenix) Rasina Alexander (Death Race Beyond Anarchy) Cian Lorcan Plot: A girl comes across a cursed advent calendar, and plays a game…
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libidomechanica · 2 years ago
“Many heart, as though shadowed the Pack; tho not only that paradise”
A sonnet sequence
Of leaves upon him; wedded dame and rubies finds, wherein coste? Many heart, as though shadowed the Pack; tho not only that paradise. Or over wind it rathe. Like an egg in a scarlet cloak, and some finde, and lovely tints of a fool’s eye, with the panels broken purple-lined palace and cleare. Now let us roll alloted, soon as, Julia, I am in torment into East, and triumph returned ball, for human trammels from David or then the public griefe to the stars, and mercy sway’d, my wild designed, to changed forward. A lock of Hazeldean. For thinking to wed Amphions end!
And by lies, they han thou Monumental oaths affirm’d, with a Zealous grace. Well mama to them, Since your Progress to his deuoyr believing authors ask’d it, as with Friends, our royal bird? Owes us ourself, high- though strife. On the clothes of children for joy or some fly, some other heart. Some sticketh fast, the shepeheards bene theyr sheepes blown. Our Ladyes bowre of young, and again cuckoo then, on every one did glow. Philosophy, Dorothy, afternoon news, some her. That happy had fix’d me again; my last green spark of the air perhaps, ’ though every shadow of true Sighs stood, each virtus.
I never brother: they by my own eyes! Nor tears to enrich young lord-lover, or a whirlwind’s windows; here was before with of pallid beam in shape and shouldst print of stones. Hang it a year ere I once plans a woman. Against my love, seen smallest he had eft learn, nor mind; and, and there, an infant wrought high as hear my puling pipe to get Preferment by those pants do thee I should be soft inuoked you; on Helen’s cheeks, and dames bloom’d also bonfires made, and heart while faire, now! Spreading him thro’; but he wise stars bedding-day, they had from their Bounds found here all night are beyond their lips?
After all in thee a heaven like it. Then—i hold me nor an Eye to wood, love may thing, and eat our human race, till tame?— Beneath, so pleasing a white and meek, arose and dread, and secure. What if Diogenes could not us—a third—To those who break. But now I my selfe to shew I am the prime, sincere a room another Errors but here your tight with general Cry, religions of my store us little babe you say? No True harmony with lullaby now to consort with the mind, and gave, and in your lawful plea commence thy lover, not one for year ere I am!
But of seely shepheards be got by any art: then thou liggen in carriage robe doth hast. The bone of youth: but there would heart in state reveal’d. Land, than a two-part canon? We are taught his Frame coud he brought about answer: his joy conceived his dress’d me; and Wordsworth’s tomb. For a breaking. She has seized my soul check the suffring Saint Jean seem Constancy. Whisper the guardian God; and you, twenty Years, fourteen-day full many good! Lord, what Pretence the sea; in dead words enough the various, worn in his Satire endeavour than lost, over Civil Wars. War on him; by their father!
By that my trust their nighttimes with such a thumbnail—brined and extremely to creatures& above, they will environ age, goethe’s death-nighing, or be silence, this arm- chair? Back when i hold me nor anything moan through Groves, so farre, harsh and come see us, play the waltz to some say, her who blamed, if you thinke. I meaneth to virgin of God and all pains of power: e’r Saul they were his Soul should be a ruin: side bowing poets and leaves, and all things which you want your countenaunce, the sounds fountain-top does she couldn’t have turn’d a foreigner of their alters not a moral people’s voice hiss.
I can head; yet all and Juan’s feet: he come soft air of glittering Pilot in extremity; pleas’d, you ten years’ child was Restor’d; saw with such devise. Yet, O my pass, and she ride, in my mountains, of spirit! She is no more unkindness our two love or brain the while they still; with quick to your Arms a two year and I won’t be heart is like Anarchy. Or sand, as he been. If they teares, but all were emong, astarted—the sober part of a song of you stripping him, up, the high the Jews; and with eternal mansion. Face of my blue deep is the Law supplant his Master, chose and the came—and Ausemán—the Heaven washed in his times over me, nor palfrey fresh air. My love moment, and feeblest am I now more by the blue day-light’s o’er the grave, o Rotha, within my Hands suited tiptoe, fain to steel at they almost from love, if you contemplation, but Desert.
And on it did misse not play jungle loud. In hopeless Lump, like a strength and sweet this is an evolution of the rain is witness of his Fame. Two palms and long by the river. Deserted meant for scarce the size against his cruel father fruit and found us, and living in a wed gallant to David, several Sons of Kings come to moan of Justice brought of eve and pleasure. The Grossness, Lady, you will never and abash’d from his duties in sun has not as the tomb of his Truth would. Went on with Her I lost the necessary think what it shouldst in peaceful Reign? At all mirth?
While his branches of cherry plum. Of everywhere! He cut it be corrupted by time things, crying once to his Wealth was ten color of happiness the greatest live poets almost turn out by the more again; my last Review line dance over told her violet breathe wild as dew, under dropped. For ever. We will were sweetest of the stone-Henge is come to the note of some small, so fit for Imagin’d crime. Her Ground, while maken a March-wind said he, with lewde lust waste in them, were mind advanc’d by Jebusite; or if it prove among the unknowne the sun-lit fields against his Master fear, to choose. She yields: my Lady Carolines and every fiery might he leasure, furnish with blandishment passed, thy help the British Damme’ s rather down she sits, until fairly diddled. And thought I saw her face. Who masks and cold clime this first; why then thought I wanted down the river ride?
When the storms confess, mine eyes, feed’st thou snare him till has grosly as tragedy. All be swore, such Votes and in your rivulet fall into the inclin’d to despairing I feel the children picking a hands Lord, what the trees or his? And yet be jealous Eyes, his Hearts folds the things like an out-of- tune worn viol, a good sheepe the Atlantic, from so much; I lived forward thrown, or cheer, beauties warlike Atlantic, from every shapes the grave. Ignorant our heart; for it was Restor’d, and thorn; no leave been difference and bene. When the door the world! Must I at length! Watch out for death. Then takes away.
The soth to church-yard path tonight, and rain. Poor her sense flies, and down; hang it a year would make him, and pushing were his Servant of our. Why am I in labour more. Acropolis, or little hearts had marred my spirits dried up annals wax’d but not so much grows long present easeth the bright pieces shivered fair only to find out, in the life, the fine and fair daffodil sky, or Sleep-dissembl’d, my real daytimes such who best follow teeth. But mine, the river. Especial instruments have given the human race, except dreamed of him, as toil and a ho, and there’s Long Pole Wellesley?
Was deck’d her he mayne, come it. Now shell find fault, shatter gladly dreamed. Not ask thee shame, and Redress; swift was enough. In time of doubt, he opened Eyes and beat, then sudden, drew forth, have said, that very things like Tom could never this unhappy he whole Trinity on so uncontrovertime. And all thy youth to me forget your little think I’m with those breath, so please, nor in purple dyes; carve it sweeps from his Royal Planet rul’d there shall be because the lay! Oh Thou ailest help the door open on hand because tis so, she heats they lay by, to walk the ridge,—that fester said, that falsifie.
It was call. All soft god Pan, rescu’d from that kept its mouth as mine. Love, in self- substantinople in the staring-owl, as a meadow, but here they must do? His frumpy home to the God-like heavy tufts of our Ladyes bowre: but then with lifted hands the early world,—which, being into thee and keen: saying not your eyes or his monthly fix himself only. Now would lead his Nails—he smote stone or to some life is what down at zero, nor reign Gold, shall rest eye on, a tide of every single couple puts together, breaking a famine stirrups, just once for goodnight goes in spring.
Before, the barren Womb or Grave; god’s paws, upheld the Pack; tho not tell truth, I conjure the thorn when they come, my numbers, wrung, and when to complete a pair, alas! Doe you may think of. To quite refuge them love’s hate, weeds and devout to say, i’ll tell by his rapes, in truth it deny? Out of yore, is now shine, from the mounting more shall sounds proclaim, and cold deny’d, and maiden hand is! He said in which are they love in wide Ambitiously decree? Of payment ere the Love-god lying Fable. Hugging a ding, ding; sweete, forgive myself I cried, is Freedom. And purple of the dying, yes.
Romantic Pain music rose in their Reason after scrub and blindness Ill with odour and blank, made for several peopling Earth: and thriftye stockes, great souereign’s heart disdain’d our heart is to be not what Meg o’ the bower where? Or let the shouldst print of seely sheepe beneath the Shah with strong at life’s gay scene is perhaps, ’ thought, or die, or to some strife thorough, fix’d me away, bene all myster said, hae I offence best he fled away. Others. For ever think of your carpet, your forget and she ride, ride together and remarries without Greek a vowel-keen and wreaths. If thy Reign?
WHose fell in paradise. Special blest, brought of every man, for a Worthies, in a cold Caleb free. Said it barefaced,— and gave, and dared? The only one did was covered in a fool’s eye, here where no one of you stripping sweet enforcement always cheat and o’r inform’d Desire, chiefe, and devour than what men as you wilt thou contents of an understand that the Bad found her who can Amiel’s praise effect, yet Dauntless, and Greece, long since, Severe and still renews: and human articles, chrysalis into the lightens in her down an Oath will not a toe, not all the spell the few or many a Lambe, or as the caue, when on it has bene ydle and a bore, if he came befell? I woke at my trust to have: for men forewent, to draw you do! Plainly so, he left, through the with clear. A Father cheeks with his best movie screwball rocks on the moon and dead of you.
Thirty mock tyrants, what kind of Manhattan is in the crowns and virgin-choir to make a lock of Hazeldean. Level— No! I held our arms?—I never start, what doth you saw some heiress or his monthly fix how he’d love. There you content, work up to Cheat his loving all the Ballance apace. My parents’ bones, a soldiers and strung, to clarify the walls back shudders, and nowe they find it out my right the graseth the valley of my lips touch’d his wide Ambitious Friends remove: o no! And somewhat out of well-clad waited to which is a milliners Theams; and white man was his Head.
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broody-yellow-pillow · 6 years ago
Say what you want about the Death Race movies
But at least there’s eye candy for everyone. I’ve always appreciated explosions and hot people.
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brokehorrorfan · 6 years ago
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Originally due out back in January, Death Race: Beyond Anarchy will now be released unrated on Blu-ray, DVD, and VOD on October 2 via Universal 1440 Entertainment.
The fourth installment in the Death Race franchise will also be available as part of the Death Race 4-Movie Collection alongside its predecessors - Death Race (2008), Death Race 2 (2010), and Death Race: Inferno (2013) - the same day.
It’s is directed by Don Michael Paul (Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell) from a script he co-wrote with Tony Giglio (Death Race 2, Death Race: Inferno). Original Death Race writer-director Paul W.S. Anderson conceived the story with Giglio and serves as executive producer alongside Roger Corman.
Franchise favorites Danny Trejo (Machete) and Fred Koehler (American Horror Story) are joined by Zach McGowan (Black Sails), Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon), Christine Marzano (Rules Don’t Apply), Terence Maynard (Edge of Tomorrow), and Velislav Pavlov (The Expendables 2).
Read on for the special features, trailer, and synopsis.
Special features:
Audio commentary with director/co-writer Don Michael Paul and star Zach McGowan
Inside the Anarchy making-of featurette
Time Served: Lists & Goldberg featurette with Fred Koehler and Danny Trejo
On the Streets of Death Race: Beyond Anarchy stunts featurette
Danny Trejo returns as the ruthless bookie, Goldberg, in the wildest, bloodiest, Death Race ever. After a failed attack on inmate and legendary driver, Frankenstein, Black Ops specialist Connor Gibson (Zach McGowan) infiltrates a super-maximum federal prison with one goal - enter the immoral and illegal Death Race and take Frankenstein down. Connor enlists the help of Baltimore Bob (Danny Glover) and Lists (Fred Koehler), and unexpectedly falls in love with bartending beauty, Jane (Christine Marzano). Connor will have to fight for more than his life in this brutal world of no guards, no rules, no track, and no fear.
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argocitycosplay · 4 years ago
Death Race : Beyond Anarchy
Death Race : Beyond Anarchy
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After the disappointing outing DR3 was, DR4 opens to an encouraging back to basics approach. We’re back in a prison (albeit a different one – a city walled off) and Frankenstein is back to a brutal race. We get a quick recap with shots from the Statham film, to set the stage.Death Race still exists, but has been made illegal and gone underground, broadcast on the dark web from the walled off…
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aces-reviews · 5 years ago
Hi guys. We realize we didn’t stick to the schedule we promised, and for that we apologize. This will be, therefore, a DOUBLE REVIEW of not one but TWO Death Race movies!!
Okay we can’t really bullshit you here: the review for Death Race 3: Inferno is pretty small.
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The reason is because it’s basically a continuation of Death Race 2, as in it picks up within like a day and a half. It features the same incredible cast, with the addition of Dougray Scott as the villain.
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Now with 72% more villainous smirk
Quite honestly, we never watch DR2 without immediatley popping in DR3. Watch one, watch the other. Here’s another photo of Tanit Phoenix.
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“Hi, I’m hotter than the sun.”—me, about her, totally
We showed that because now, dear reader...now we have to introduce despair.
You see, the last two movies in the Death Race overuse are both...well, they’re kinda ass.
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Not kinda. Just ass.
Death Race: Beyond Anarchy. It’s...it’s certainly a movie.
Ordinarily here at Ace’s Reviews, we try to avoid spoilers, because that’s what heroes do. But this time, and tomorrow, we will—because no human on earth should be subjected to these last two movies, unless it is a demand made on you by people who have kidnapped your children.
So. Death Race: Beyond Anarchy. This vile turdfest stars Danny Glover as the wise old dude who gets people in the race. Also Fred Koehler as Lists. Danny Trejo is in here too, kinda. You can tell that he was nowhere near the set.
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While researching jokes for this caption, we discovered that Danny Trejo has 413 acting credits on IMDb. Holy shit, dude.
After that it’s all people you’ve never heard of. There’s a main character...he’s basically the Wish version of Keanu Reeves. He’s a government stooge sent into the penitentiary to assassinate Frankenstein, who rules with an iron fist.
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You’ll notice that the Frankenstein mask sucks.
Also for some damn reason, the Death Race has become a way for Frankenstein to keep control. For reasons.
Also, look at that cover. You see the lady on the left? She spends most of the movie naked. There’s a lot—a LOT—of nudity here. And gore. Basically, you know how various horror franchises will go off the rails in their later years, trading story for tits and death? That’s what we have here.
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“Hi. We all suck out loud.”—99% of this cast, unfortunately
At the end, it’s down to K-Mart Keanu and Frankenstein and Frank dies and Fake Keanu becomes Frankenstein.
It’s worth noting that Nolan North, the modern day voice acting master, provides Frankenstein’s voice (because under the suck-hat it’s just a nameless goon whose face we never see). And Danny Glover, like I said. He’s still too old for this shit. Every one of Danny Trejo’s scenes are in a bar full of tequila and titties. And poor Fred Koehler, the one character who holds it all together, bless him.
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Join us tomorrow for the final lap of our Death Race series, where we review the worst movie we have ever seen...a movie with literally zero redeeming features...Death Race 2050.
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remedialreviews · 5 years ago
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Gratuitous and dirty with a nonsensical “plot” to boot. Too gross to be called silly; not quite silly enough to not be gross.
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darringauthier · 5 years ago
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Death Race 4: Beyond Anarchy (2018)
Genre: Action
Who’s In It: Zach McGowan, Danny Glover, Frederick Koehler, Yennis Cheung, Cassie Clare, Christine Marzano
Who Directed It: Don Michael Paul
Plot:  After an attack on inmate Frankenstein fails a Black Ops specialist enters the maximum prison to join the illegal Death Race and take down Frankenstein.
Running Time: 1 Hour 51 Minutes 
IMDB Score: 5.3 
Why I Watched It: Well I’ve seen all the other Death Race movies so why the hell not.
How I Watched It: Netflix Canada
Random Thoughts: Who would have thought that the Death Race franchise would still be trucking a long and like two different versions of them.  So this is the 4th film starting from the remake, just so your clear.
Can I ask what does unrated and unhinged mean for a movie that went straight to streaming?  I little trivia the director Don Michael Paul was also an actor, he still might be but I haven’t seen him in awhile.  So now even the 4th Death Race movie is pushing 2 hours, what have we become?
What I Liked: Needless to say I love these kind of B-Movies and the funny thing is there hasn’t been a terrible Death Race movie, sure some have been just ok but they’ve all been watchable.  This one is well filmed and it doesn’t look cheap but you can tell we’re dropping in budgets from film to film, sure we have Danny Glover and Danny Trejo but both have small parts and really all of Trejo’s scenes could have been cut and it wouldn’t have changed the film.  So this time we have a new lead in Zach McGowan, and to be honest this seems almost like a reboot cause we’ve changed Frankenstein again, and it does feel like the first and the original. One thing I will say and this isn’t good or bad but this one has more plot, if you like a film trying then you’ll like they put some effort in it but if you come to the Death Race movies for the Death Races it might get in the way.
The cast is fine, McGowan is a bit bland and he’s not the greatest bad ass but he’s fine he does his job, he broods, he fights, rives and acts kind of sexy.  I really liked Cassie Clare and Christine Marzano, though Marzano does get stuck with a very stock and cliched character but she showed charisma and she made an impression.
What I Didn’t Like: So let’s get to the main talking point with these films the race, the violence and carnage, for a film that is unrated it’s not super bloody, it’s dark and feels a tad dirty but nothing we haven’t seen before and the only real falloff for me is the race itself it takes too long to get there and here’s where the almost 2 hour run time and the plot effects the film.  Bottom line all of it takes away from the race, it almost becomes an after thought, it’s not bad but it’s just kind of there, they go through the motions with it.
They go back to not showing who Frankenstein is or what he looks like, I find that a little tired and he’s not a great villain in this again the character is kind of cool but nothing special and they don’t do anything new.  At times he does feel like a rehash or reboot than a proper sequel.  The ending is cliched but decent enough.
Final Thoughts: A lesser Death Race but still watchable.
Rating: 6/10
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sootwsora · 6 years ago
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مشاهدة وتحميل فيلم Death Race 4: Beyond Anarchy مترجم بعد هجوم فاشل على سجين وسائق اسطوري يدعى “فرانكنشتاين” متخصص العمليات الخاصة “كونور جيبسون” يدخل الى سجن فيدرالي مشدد الحراسة بهدف واحد يدخل سباق الموت الغير قانوني وغير الاخلاقي ويهزم “فرانكنشتاين”.
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choco44443333 · 2 years ago
Death Race: Beyond Anarchy 2018
Death Race: Beyond Anarchy 2018
Black Ops specialist Connor Gibson infiltrates a maximum security prison to take down legendary driver Frankenstein in a violent and brutal car race.
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badmovieihave · 6 years ago
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Bad movie I have Death Race 4 Movie Collection it has Death Race 2008, Death Race 2 (2010),Death Race: Inferno 2013 and Death Race 4: Beyond Anarchy 2018
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abs0luteb4stard · 3 years ago
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Not as big budget or clearly plotted as the first remake, and I haven't seen any of the 2 middle films with Luke Goss(?), but I felt in the mood for this style of armored apocalyptic looking car movie. So this was the only one I could find...
Not all together awful. I mean they try to replace tension and threat and plot with full frontal female nudity, but otherwise not a bad movie if you like the genre, it's lower budget, and the plot was a little weak, but you could probably watch it more than once and not hate it.
[This isn't a review or anything so high and mighty, just observations of my own]
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playvodma-films · 3 years ago
Des films d’action sont disponibles sur PlayVOD Maroc
L’action est au rendez-vous sur PlayVOD Maroc ! En effet, ce genre fait partie des thématiques mises en avant sur le site et est représenté à travers des titres tels que « Death Race : Beyond Anarchy » et « Heist (Bus 657) », entre autres.
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playvodfilmsetseries · 4 years ago
« Death Race : Beyond Anarchy » est un film à ne pas manquer
Vous aimez que l’action soit au rendez-vous dans les films que vous regardez ? Si oui, optez pour « Death Race : Beyond Anarchy » sur PlayVOD Sénégal.
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