#death note astrology
violetsdaisy · 2 years
Death Note Astrology
Light Yagami moon sign (how he shows emotion) based on his astrological birth chart.
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I’m probably going to do other characters soon. If there’s one you want specifically, for funsies, let me know.
The Moon is in Libra
People with the Moon in Libra are friendly, warm, tasteful, tactful, and balanced. Lunar Librans feel safe and secure when they are in a partnership. They seem to always want someone tag along with them wherever they go -- even if it is to the corner store. They find strength and reinforcement in and through others.
People with this Moon position are quite charming. They can be very attractive to be around, and are often given to flirtatiousness. Rarely directly aggressive, they win your heart with their gentle and refined ways.
Moon in Libra people strongly need companionship. Without someone to share their lives with, they feel utterly incomplete. This is why many people with this Moon get involved in marriages or living-together arrangements quite young. Because this drive for harmony, peace, and sharing is so powerful, Lunar Librans are apt to do a lot of conceding. They are sympathetic and concerned for others, enjoy socializing, and revel in a good debate. Mental rapport with others is critical to them.
Moon in Libra natives can't help but see flaws in their environment and relationships. In fact, anything out of whack will bother them until it's fixed. Although diplomatic with acquaintances, when Moon in Libra natives argue with their long-standing partners, they rarely let up until they win. And, winning an argument is a Libran specialty--in fact, they may not even believe what they are saying but will adopt ideas just to get the last word. Living with Lunar Librans can sometimes feel like you are on trial, and Libra is the expert lawyer. Sometimes, though, Libra is defending you and supporting your point of view. They're tremendously fair and equality-minded, and they will always see the other side of the coin. This ability can leave them on the fence, undecided, even painfully so at times.
Lunar Librans' idealistic outlook and constant striving for the best, most harmonious lifestyle can lead to some discontent. Looking for that one (elusive) perfect way to lead their lives can detract from enjoyment of the moment. However, a Libra Moon also strives for balance and moderation, and once they discover that sweet spot, they're smooth, delightful, and extraordinarily kind and considerate.
Short description:
He is sociable and popular. Good judgment, he is intelligent and reasonable, liking social pleasures. Agreeable and fair. He values feedback.
Potential issues: instability in loving relationships, wavering, may give too much weight to the views of others and public opinion.
22 Trine between the Moon and Jupiter
He is generally pleasantly composed, due to an inner sense of harmony and emotional balance. He is optimistic--and realistically so, most of the time--which contributes to his overall "luck." He is able to get a real perspective on emotional matters that not only benefits his outlook, he is able to offer support to others when needed. Broad-mindedness is a wonderful characteristic. Quick to find humor in situations, he is generally warm and fun to be around. Deep down, he believes in the basic goodness of people and of life in general, and this basic and natural attitude helps him to attract positive circumstances and to make good connections. One of his best qualities is tolerance. Usually, he doesn't take life too seriously in the sense that he believes in having a bit of fun, enjoying life. His hunches are more often than not bang-on.
He is frank, honest, optimistic and generous. He likes good cooking, creature comforts. His friendships are sincere. He is smart and knows how to surround himself with the right people: He is appreciated at work, usually well-liked and comfortable.
115 Sextile between the Moon and Uranus
He is imaginative and benefits from the Moon's intuition complemented by Uranus' independence and originality. His life is out-of-the-ordinary, with lots of changes and a great knowledge of the world not necessarily through reading but through personal experience and brilliant intuition. He likes the sensational, new things. He acts instinctively, but fortunately has a good sixth sense.
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hrhstarrydawnn · 3 months
Mars Inside the Heart of Venus
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Astro Insights
Venus in the chart can tell you how old your heart is and how you will experience love. A Mars sign (Aries or Scorpio) in the planet of love (Venus) will give an intense heartbeat making the heart exude high forms of magnetism. Each pump of blood pulls anything and everything to the body giving it the ultimate LOVE experience. These experiences can be toxic/poisonous, healthy/healing, and even fortuitous.
Venus Aries (sign, degree, & house) has many significant relationships/long-term/marriages throughout their life. They seem to be simple toward love. These types will believe that each person they encounter could be "the one" bravely entering a union with their forever.
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Venus Scorpio (sign, degree & house) has many insignificant relationships/short-term/engagements throughout their life. They seem to be cynical toward love knowing that none of their encounters are "the one". They believe there is only "one" and will risk encountering many souls until they meet their forever.
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Venus Aries and Venus Scorpio both have an intensity about them and crave it in order to feel love/be loved. The difference is in the degrees of their intensity. Aries the newest heart of the zodiac (and youngest heart of the fire signs) seems to be at the other end whereas Scorpio the much older heart of the zodiac (and the middle heart of the water signs) is at the other end.
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Venus Aries is like Cinderella trying on many glass slippers each time she enters a relationship. She will wear the glass slipper hoping it will not come off while she is walking until love allows her to walk in perfect stride.
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Venus Scorpio is like Cinderella almost turning from Pauper to Princess each time she has an encounter. She will acquire new rags, but never the gown until love invites her to the Gala.
If Venus and Saturn are both in Aries or both in Scorpio:
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Venus Aries (sign, degree & house) and Venus Scorpio (sign, degree & house) will not live happily ever after until their Saturn relieves/unlocks their Aries/1H heart and Scorpio/8H heart (sign, degree & house).
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Next time you learn of a Venus Aries or Venus Scorpio (sign, degree & house) converse with them to learn the number of significant relationships/long-term/marriages (Aries) or insignificant relationships/short-term/engagements (Scorpio).
You'll be surprised at how many frogs they kissed!
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Tarot Insights
Cards: Afro Goddess by Andrea Furtick
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Venus (Taurus and Libra) represented by The Empress
Aries (Mars) represented by The Emperor
Scorpio (Mars) represented by The Death
Venus Aries- As The Emperor is looking/magnetizing to finally have love to conquer it in order to succeed at the heart.
The heart will go through battles of what love means and how it is expressed before it receives its ultimate LOVE. They will try and try again refusing to be conquered as their heart beats as The Emperor card.
Venus Aries- The Empress meets The Emperor
Venus Scorpio- As The Death is looking/magnetizing to have love to transform it in order to succeed at the heart.
The heart will go through modifications of what love means and how it is expressed before it receives the ultimate LOVE. They will try and try again revisioning to be converted as their heart beats as The Death card.
Venus Scorpio- The Empress meets The Death
Linguist Insights
Aries sounds like Airy
(head in the clouds)...
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Scorpio sounds like Scorn.
Both have the prefix Scor- meaning crack, crevice, mark
(Hell hath no fury like a wo(man) scorned)...
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Asteroids you should check out in Solar Return chart part 1
Hii, i'm backk all :3
Before i start today's post, i'd like to thank each and everyone one of you who engaged with my last post! Your support means the world to me <33
I was really shy to start posting and i postponed it for a long time lol
Anyway, back to astro business🪐
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(The first asteroid observation is inspired by one of @a-d-nox post's)
🌹 Asteroids Orpheus (3361) and Eurydike (75) indicate the year you’re gonna get engaged or married.
If the aspect is positive (trine, sextile) then it indicates marrying one of your greatest loves, but it will eventually end in divorce. If the aspect is negative (opposite, square) then the marriage is doomed from the beginning and it will still end up in divorce. The girls (for some reason i noticed it's only relevant in your chart if you're a female? idk why tho) who don’t have an exact aspect (0-3 degree orb) between these 2 asteroids in any year in their solar return chart may still get married, but it won’t be a passionate love marriage and it’s much more likely for it to last a long time.
(For the next asteroids, check if they aspect SR Sun, Moon, ASC, DSC, IC, MC, Venus, Mars or Mercury)
⚰️ Having asteroid Grieve (4451) prominent in solar return chart indicates a year when someone important to you will die.
It gives you information about the way you process this person’s death. It may also indicate just a great loss, even if the person hasn’t died in the physical realm (for ex. a difficult break-up).
Story time! (nobody asked me lol)
Back in 2021 i used to talk with this guy online, we were in a "long-distance relationship" even if soon after i realised i just got attached to him strongly and i didn't actually have romantic feelings for him. It lasted around 5 months which is a lot for me (i've got Sagittarius Venus y'all, i'm noncommittal af). Even if i've been wanting for the relationship to end for a long time, when it actually ended, i had a very hard time moving on from him. Turns out i had Grieve conjunct my Sun in 3rd house that year, which was also opposing my 9th house Uranus. I'm honestly glad i'm over it now.
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⭐ I noticed nobody has been mentioning this asteroid yet, but having Zdislava (5275) proeminent in solar return chart is a big indicator of becoming famous that year.
Zdislava is a Czech girl name which literally translates to "created with glory". It is the feminine form of Zdislav, which was duke of Croatia in the late 9th century.
⭐ Of course, you can also check asteroid Fama (408) which is, well, self-explanatory.
Having Zdislava/Fama asteroid conjuncting your SR Mars would make you gain fame suddenly, basically wake up the next day famous lulz. You might also be known for your drive, never giving up attitude or you might become popular in the sport industry that year (it does depend on the sign it is in tho).
Having Zdislava/Fama asteroid conjuncting your SR Venus would make you famous for your looks. You will attract the attention of the opposite sex quite easily that year. You might also become famous in the fashion industry or in the arts.
That's all for today folks!! Soon i will start to give paid readings, so follow me if you don't wanna miss it <3
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auset66 · 11 days
So I had this weird thought. Let's say we di3 somehow due to anything.... health problems or accident. Then like what about all the D9 charts and the predictions that were meant to happen in our life?
Look everyone has D9 chart has D10 chart right? Then what about those who d*e at birth? Or before marriage or in teenage years?
Like...... I don't know.... what does this make of astrology? What do you guys think? Let me know.
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gogoani · 29 days
Anime Characters who are Prodigies
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wrotelovelytears · 2 years
😜P Power😜
Personal... You freaks🧐
Saying this now, unless I specifically GENDER something assume it is automatically gender (and sex) neutral. Gender, sex, and expression are not, and never have been the same.
🤩I think Pluto in Pisces will show both an exasperation and increase focus on mental + spiritual health. Besides the spiritual and metaphysical properties of Pisces, it's also the sign of the unconscious and the fears that we have. Last Pluto in Pisces we saw a lot more asylums built, increased paranoia, and cases of mass hysteria. There was a vast increase in social stigmas related to certain spiritual beliefs and straight up massacres in some areas of the world. Pluto is still a planet of extremes and whatever it gives a boon in socially/ spiritually, it also grants a struggle with on a physical level.
🤩I have no idea if it's because my Pluto is conjunct my Venus, but 10th house Venus definitely have issues with women in authority. It's been a constant theme in my life were women in positions of authority have abused their power and some have even try to sabotage my own endeavors (work wise, socially, even school wise).
🤩Another Pluto/Venus note is that men will have the opposite reaction. They tend to want to give more, be kinder, or over all be more protective over you. It might be that because Venus is a feminine planet and Pluto is the planet of extremes, Women (regardless if they are more masculine or feminine) tend to struggle hiding their feelings towards the native more, while men (regardless... Again), tend to be more expressive around the native and find comfort in that.
🤩The degree of your Saturn shows the personal energies, places and thoughts you may struggle more with.
😍You would look to the sign that's correlated to the degree and the themes it holds for the energy/place/thoughts that bring discomfort.
😍19°-> Since this degree is linked to Libra, one might find that beauty and relationships are a big focal point in their life. They struggle a lot with there perception of: what is beautiful? What is a healthy relationship? Why certain people just don't like them? Might find discomfort in countries (and people from) France, Fiji, Nigeria and Japan.
🤩Since Saturn is exalted in Libra and Japan is ruled by it... it makes sense that looks, rules, and even history is very important to Japan. The whole (mostly) homogenous country is known for geishas (beauty and rules) AND it's part in WW2 or colonization {mostly in the Asian Pacific region} (history).
🤩I now believe Saturn is less about restrictions and more about discomforts. Restrictions straight up not allowing certain things to happen or belong. Discomfort is more our personal view on how something doesn't bring immediate comfort/joy.
🤩Yet another Saturn note, with discomfort brings discipline. To get pass discomfort you must have the discipline to sit with it. You can't ignore it because similar situations will constantly come up. And vice versa with discipline bringing discomfort.
🤩Neptune-Venus placements might find people are really comfortable touching them. Even strangers who have never met them. It could be that these natives don't come off aggressive so people don't see the need to respect their boundaries.
🤩I'm starting to be more convinced of Virgo being a high fame indicator (remember fame isn't always good, nor does it mean celebratory status). Virgo rules over daily activities and work, it just makes sense those who work/ do more in their daily life tend to get recognized more.
😍Also many famous people that are highly loved/known (and still alive) have a ton of Virgo/6th house placements. This also goes for Virgo degrees.
😍Long story short.. Leo is fame that gets recognized more after death, Taurus is fame during and after life, Capricorn is fame before life and a while after it, and Virgo is living fame.
🤩Earth signs and their ability to attract attention is down played a lot. Despite how relaxed they are compared to other signs, they still have a strong presence. And yes it is related to their physical (money, looks, items etc)
🤗Not a complete Astro observation but more of a spiritual one. (You can ignore it if you want)
The ego is not bad nor needs to be destroyed. 🤗The ego is what makes ones personality; the likes, the dislikes, behaviors and fears. To destroy that is to destroy what makes a person an individual. I know it's a popular belief that the ego needs to be changed, and not sorry to say I don't agree. I believe it needs to have things added and taken away at different stages of life. If you destroy it, are you truly the same person?
🤗In astrology the Sun represents the ego. And the Sun is you at your core, your default mode and being (in this lifetime). When we speak on ego deaths it's not you destroying your individual essence, it's you removing the parts that no longer work for you. Ego deaths aren't true deaths if you think about it, it's more of a reawakening to other aspects of your being.
The ego exists to protect, not harm. You are only harmed by it when you don't want to let go of the parts that no longer protect you.
We are all born with the skills and ability to learn more as we age, it is when others tell use certain things aren't useful that we surpress and disengage from them. We are all born with egos and that is what makes us distinct from each other.
🤩I said this in a reply to a question and I'll say it here as well. Venus is the outward feminine expression of a person. Lilith is the inner feminine expression. What I mean by that is Venus is the social and personally accepted displays of femininity (regardless of gender). It's the things people are okay with seeing. Lilith is not the "dark" per say but less socially (and even personally) aspects of femininity. They both exist in all people and both get treated differently by all people.
🤩You might actually see that Venus doms and Lilith doms tend to hang around each other a lot.
🤩That being said they might not always like each other and be envious of how the other is.
(Venus is more accepted in society but jealous of how Lilith doesn't feel the need to have to fit in. Lilith is more expressive of themselves but jealous of how Venus just seems to fit)
🤩Saturn is the outward masculine expression. Chiron is the inner. I know someone is like "Um AchTuallY", and let me explain. Saturn is where we tend to fall in line with what (Western/Westernize) society sees as the masculine role. Saturn nutures but not overindulges. Saturn provides but doesn't overextend. Chiron does the same thing but more gentlely. Chiron nutures all, from what they know. Chiron provides for all, without taking from personal reserves.
🤩Like Venus and Lilith doms, Saturn and Chiron doms might find themselves in the same circles a lot. And of course the jealousy is all the same.
🤩Saturn is naturally given the role of the provider but is jealous of how Chiron wasn't forced and chose to be one. Chiron is naturally a nurturer and stepping stone in life but is jealous of how Saturn gets to stick around to see what the nutured grow.
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button or one of the links in my masterlist. Kofi: nymphdreams🧸)
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moonastrogirl · 10 months
Sun, the natural soul planet VS Ego death
Credit @moonastrogirl
Is ego death really something people should be doing ? I believe not.
In my opinion, ego death is even a dangerous thing. In spirituality and religions, love is always the answer. Love heals. Love creates union. Love is peace. Love is the way to go. It’s always advice to heal before reinventing ourselves. Before walking in our true path.
But does healing mean destruction ? What does destruction have to do with love and healing ?
Healing happens through love. We heal ourselves by loving unconditionally our whole being. Our mistakes. Our past. Our ego is a part of us we must also love.
What if someone cut a part of their body and then burn it ? Then will their body fonction efficiently ? No obvious. So why killing a part of their inner body ? The ego is a part of themselves too. Maybe it may need to be loved more than anything else to understand its true meaning and value.
In astrology the ego is our sun. Sun is not only our ego but also our self esteem. A strong self esteem is build based on a healthy ego. The sun is the king of all planets. It’s the natural atmakaraka, the soul planet. So the sun is related to our soul purpose.
Why is ego death even a thing ? Especially among the astrology community ? It’s really surprising.
Please love your ego and your sun placement. Make it a priority to love it because it’s you, it’s the part of you which is the most important part of your birth chart.
Do not let the wrong advice get to you.
Go where the knowledge makes you heal, understand yourself and love yourself unconditionally.
Credit @moonastrogirl
If this post resonates with you, like, comment or reblog it, it will show me what I do is useful to you and thank you for reading me 💜
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thebeautyofanoracle · 4 months
they say when something is gone from our life, then it gets replaced by something better, but ever since the day you've gone from my life, that void hasn't been filled by anything else, nothing better
it's still there, as it is, aching and torturing me, as same as day one
some nights it get so unbearable
lord save me
this is too much of pain
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
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. Scorpio SZN
❖ Scorpio is a water element which means this season is emotional and passionate.
This season is mostly about going inward into your emotional wellbeing and observing your traumas and memories in order to recover and heal your wounds. No matter how hard you try and resist the urge to not think about your problems, you will come back round full circle until you own them. In order to heal you must  first feel. Think of this process as getting to know yourself on a deeper level. We all have a shadow side we like to hide from. It's easy to bury all our problems in a closet. Scorpio season is about opening that closet and cleaning out that heavy load.
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⬡ from it’s YOUR Szn
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cookiefate · 4 months
Cookiefate for May 27th: "Your love of life can carry you through any circumstance."
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Except death. There it will drop you 💯
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laboratorybat · 4 months
ꕥ Welcome to my page!
✵ I go by Miyako, or Miko for short, but any nickname you'd come up with is fine too
✵ I'm 16 and so, a minor, please keep that in mind
✵ I'm autistic and incredibly socially awkward, if I don't respond to your dms or make it awkward please don't take it to yourself
✵ they/them, I think I'm non binary, but I'm still questioning myself </3
✵ PL/ENG - I'm from Poland, planning to learn Spanish one day
✵ I love music, especially everything that sounds wild, melodic and unpredictable (my current obsession is Svarteboka by Gåte and Djerv)
✵ Content that you can expect from me would be:
☽ Genshin and Star Rail thoughts (lore and meta)
☽ death note and bungou stray dogs thoughts
☽ philosophy/sociology stuff
☽ tarot/astrology/witchcraft stuff
☽ some art maybe?
☽ photos
☽ any other random stuff
✵ Not any TWs I think, but if an entry touches a sensitive topic I'll definitely put a warning
✵ other socials:
☽ Genshin (EU) - 761377901
☽ Star Rail (EU) - 717727978
☽ Instagram - @laboratory_bat
☽ Spotify - Miyakø
See you around ꕥ
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violetsdaisy · 2 years
Death Note Astrology
Light Yagami’s birth chart based on his birth date, an unknown time of birth, and born in Tokyo, Japan.
Find yours on: cafeastrology
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The Sun is in Pisces
As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains within itself a little experience of all the signs. This gives Pisces Suns the ability to identify with people from all walks of life--from all backgrounds--in some way. These individuals are not only changeable and adaptable, they have open minds and tremendous understanding. But Pisces itself is often misunderstood. Pisces Suns may spend a good portion of their lives yearning for understanding, and the other part in a state of divine discontent. Suffering is sometimes glamorized in the Piscean world.
Sun in Pisces people are frequently pegged as wishy-washy, but this is all a matter of opinion. What you will find behind a vaguely directionless, spacey manner is a deep person with real dreams. Their dreams are more than getting that picket fence or making it up the corporate ladder. Pisces are tuned in to a higher purpose, and their dreams transcend the individual. A deep love for humanity and compassion that knows no bounds are found with this placement of the Sun.
Pisceans are not known to be cutthroat business types, nor are they given to throwing themselves out into the world aggressively. But make no mistake, Pisces can be extraordinarily successful when given a chance to express themselves. The arts, marketing, music, teaching, drama, and healing arts are all fields in which Pisces can find expression. Their imagination, attunement to humanity, and remarkable intuition endow them with enviable gifts of insight and creativity.
Pisces is a sensitive sign--both sensitive to criticism and sensitive to others' feelings. Easily touched by human suffering, at least in theory, Pisces wouldn't hurt a fly. They believe in people, are deeply hurt by compassionless human behavior, and have difficulty saying no. Harsh realities are avoided either through escapist behavior or self-delusion, but every now and again, reality does raise its ugly head and hits Pisces over the head--a sad time indeed! Pisces retreats into their own world, self-pitying and giving pep talks to themselves ("I will never trust again!"). Rest assured, though, that these periods are short-lived and useful. Pisces derive energy from their (generally short) bouts of self-pity. They come back stronger, with a spring in their step, ready to face the world again, and just as, if not more, compassionate and trusting as they were before.
Some might even wonder if Pisces finds pleasure in suffering. Sometimes this is the case, but most of the time, Pisces pulls a lot of creative energy from sadness.
Some find Pisces' tendency to be late for appointments, sometimes spaced-out behavior, and absent-mindedness amount to irresponsibility. Pisces would be shocked to know this, however. Who me? Pisces wonders. Irresponsible? Pisces Suns do care--their love knows no bounds--but their retreats from ordinary life (whether they are as simple as daydreams or actual departures) that they so seem to need now and again are not always understandable to no-nonsense signs, such as Virgo or Aries. Many Pisces seem almost allergic to things like shopping lists, maps, directions, and instructions, and for some brave souls, even watches -- they prefer to feel their way through life than to follow some plan.
Short description:
He is compassionate and sentimental. He likes isolated occupations: administration, archives, history. Spirit of self-sacrifice.
Potential issues: a tendency to be led astray, lack of experience, or inability to apply experience practically. Lethargy, over-sensitivity, and emotionalism.
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geographerdose · 1 year
☠️⚰️Death notes🪦⚱️
Looking at transits on the day of death for both Ray Liotta and my late former best friend 💀💀
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For Mr. Ray Liotta, whom passed away last May, may he rest in peace. 🪦
🎂 He was 67 years old when he passed, which is an eighth house profection year. Jupiter is already important in his chart but it is extra important during this profection year.
🏹 His chart ruler is Jupiter and it is directly opposing transiting Pluto!! Within one degree, we all know death is associated with Pluto
🌑 His natal Moon is opposing the transiting Moon
🧨 His natal Moon is also opposing Mars and Jupiter
🌑 On the day of his death, transiting Saturn was making a square to his natal Saturn within 7 degrees.
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Onto my former best friend, whom passed away in November, may she rest in peace. I will always miss our conversations. Until we meet again. 🪦🩵🩷
🦄Pisces rising with Virgo Sun— I am pretty certain she has a day chart (esp after looking @ her transits the day she died)
Since her Sun falls in the seventh, you would look at the degree of her Ascendant which is below that of the Sun
⏱️ At one time, I had her exact birth time. I have since lost it. I am going off memory but once you have the Ascendant, it’s all you need IMO.
🎂 She was 30 years old when she passed which is a seventh house profection year. Jupiter is already important but, again, it’s extra important this year. So wild that both her and Ray have Jupiter as their Chart Ruler and were in a profection year containing Jupiter when they passed.
🌕 I couldn’t help but notice that the Moon is directly on her Ascendant— opposing her Chart Ruler Jupiter.
🦛 Transiting Jupiter is directly opposing her natal Jupiter as well, within less than one degree. (Since Jupiter is such a slow-moving planet, this is very likely the case regardless of birth time.) This is very significant since it is her Chart Ruler, and thus rules her body as well.
🌕 Transiting Moon is squaring her natal Moon.
⚠️ Mars is nearly conjunct her natal Mars and definitely her natal Moon and because she has a day chart, Mars is the one capable of inflicting the most damage and in this case, unfortunately it was death.
💡I actually think that the first time I pulled up her chart, something about premature death popped out at me but I kept my mouth shut. I don’t recall what placement it was. I didn’t say anything because she has told me I’m “too negative” before. And I doubt it would have changed anything anyways —> fate is fate.
⛔️⛔️⛔️if you experience any of these similar transits, it does not mean you are going to die but it is worth taking extra caution when they occur— it doesn’t hurt ⚠️⚠️⚠️
🧨 The weird thing is, though, she had almost died nearly two years earlier in an accident involving alcohol. It is almost as if she cheated death then it came back around or something, idk Final Destination shit.
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libralight · 2 years
I've had more than my fair share of hidden enemies in my life. A lot of which have been my own family (Chiron placement in 4th House)
Recently I sent an email to clarify a situation that took place last year. As it turns out, people were using me as a scapegoat for said situation and I have been stalked, harassed, and threatened for it, for the past 8 months.
Now, none of these peoples opinions or actions should influence me. It doesn't anymore, but last year it really derailed me and messed with my head. After all, because of this situation I've lost multiple family members. It's been a tough year.
It'll be the year anniversary of the death that kicked up all this fuss in a few days and I feel like I got a sense of closure now.
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diastrology · 1 year
Got to go to my very first anime convention yesterday and I went as kageyama (from haikyuu)
It was a really fun and surreal experience
Also I got to meet the English voice actors of L, Light, and Cyno
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divinecreation · 2 years
Ok I'm just now realizing that the moon changed signs when Mello was born so depending on where and what time it was he could either have a Gemini moon or a Cancer moon hmmm much to think about
#i have been actively headcanoning him as being a scorpio rising with his cancer moon in the 8th house because that just makes sense!!#being naturally emotional and expressive but being in an environment where its discouraged growing up#and so you grow to learn that no one wants to see your emotions and youre better off repressing them and then u just become an adult#with emotional dysregulation who refuses to cry or be vulnerable around others and puts up a tough guy persona?#thats so moon in the 8th house! and thats so mello!!#and also his mars would be in the first house and just yeah!!#but for him to have both a scorpio rising and a cancer moon he would have had to be born in the US...#because to have that ascendant hed have to be born very early in the morning and at that point in europe the moon just. was still in gemini#but if he was born 3-4 am in like California then the moon was in cancer at that point#... i cant say i hc him as being born in the US or having a gemini moon 😶 i can always choose a dif rising sign...#or maybe im like literally entirely fucking WRONG lmfao#you know what no one cares except for me. its not real. mello can be born in europe and still have a cancer moon & scorpio rising#death note#mello#mihael keehl#astrology#desperately tryna hc all the dn characters rising signs and struggling bc im trying so hard to take the house placements into consideration#and also because im literally not an astrologer.#whatever. whatever. its not that serious#if theres anyone out there who has opinions on mellos possible rising sign or moon sign i would love to talk#this is the part where i say my disclaimer about how i dont like modern astrology i mostly just study traditional so your understandings#of astrology and certain signs and placements and planets might completely differ from mine but again like. its not that serious lmao#but i could def see him with other rising signs like idk a leo rising would put his cancer moon in the 12H which is just as unfortunate#idk whatever who cares lol#my post
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