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curator-on-ao3 · 6 months ago
fic author q&a
I was tagged by @deadheaddaisy for a fun and great fic author game. Thank you for tagging me, @deadheaddaisy! ❤️ As happy as I am to be tagged, the thing is, y’all, I’ve done that particular game a few times already and, even though it’s a great game, I was in the mood for something different. So, I’ve made new questions — and answered them — and I’ve tagged some folks in case they want to answer them, too.
1. Why do you write fanfic?
Life can be stressful, and writing fanfic can be like a little vacation. It’s not my life, anymore, it’s the characters’ lives.
2. Which of your posted stories do you think about the most, even though the story is “finished”?
I think about Malleable and Unmalleable Orders (Mirror Pikeone, E) probably because it’s so different from what I usually write. I also think about The Light Before Dawn (Pikeuna, M) because, even though it would have bogged down the story, I do think they eventually get married and the details of all that sometimes cycle through my brain.
3. If you could give yourself fic advice from when you first started writing fic, what would that advice be?
Enjoy this time of not really knowing fic conventions or expectations.
4. What’s your relationship to fic stats?
I try to avoid them. I love every kudos and comment and bookmark and subscription. But I don’t go looking for the numbers unless I have to.
5. Is there a pairing or scenario or friendship you miss writing? If so, why? If not, why not?
I miss writing Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris. I had a lot of fun with that pairing for a while.
6. What motivates you to write?
If I don’t write the stories down, they get stuck in my brain. So I guess setting them free (in good ways) is my motivation.
7. Why do you write for the fandom(s) that you write for?
I really do believe in the ideals of Star Trek — IDIC and peaceful coexistence and all that stuff. Even though I often write for the spin-off series, not the original Star Trek, creating stories in that universe lets me be part of it, even in a small way. Also, as a bonus, I do think Trek readers are great about comments, kudos, etc., and that helps a lot.
8. If you’re stuck writing a WIP, what do you do?
I might work on something else or take a break. The problem will rotisserie in my head and probably work itself out if I don’t push it too hard.
9. What do you wish people knew about comments?
That any nice comment is welcome and appreciated and, if the person doesn’t want a reply to their comment, they can just say so and it’s easy enough for the author to honor their wishes.
10. Maybe there’s a question you wish had been on here. What’s that question (and answer)?
How about, “Do you read public AO3 bookmark notes on your stories?” Yes. Because of bookmarks like these on The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy (Gen, T):
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Tagging with no pressure: @deadheaddaisy, @iamstartraveller776, @fiadorable, @sun-lit-roses, @coffee-in-that-nebula, @grissomesque, @enterprise-come-in, @starrybouquet, @lorcaswhisky, @marymoss1971, @emilie786, @cnrothtrek, @elephant-in-the-pride-parade, @pc-corner, @divinemissem13, @meddow, @missparker, @jazzfic, @the-lady-general, and you. If my tag anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t put your name here, please consider yourself tagged. ❤️
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tinknevertalks · 4 months ago
"Trick or treat!"
Oooooooh, hello! Another trick or treater! I will admit, this was written more because I knew I couldn't do Atlantis characters justice, and because Rick/Evy is just 100% goals. I hope you enjoy this drabble, set some time soonish after the end of The Mummy, but long before they're super established. So super new!Rick/Evy.
“Americans are odd creatures,” Evy announced, as she and Rick exited the cinema. Dozens of people flowed around them, but all she saw was him. “Why on Earth would a mummy arise from the dead for secret treasure? It doesn't make any sense at all.”
“Honey, not everyone's been chased by a mummy raised from the dead.” Rick stopped, and turned back to face her. “What?”
She smiled. “Honey? That's a new one.”
He blushed. “Yeah, well… You are… If that’s… if that's fine with you.”
Linking her arm with his, she nodded happily. “Yes, honey will do quite fine.”
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marshmallow--shark · 2 months ago
Writer asks!
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
🥵 Any plans to write steamy or spicy content this year?
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
💌 Are you willing to take requests or prompts for writing?
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
One is to finish my current series Tuckerreed series. Second to write at least one self indulgent thing with Chakotay, Boimler and O'Brien respectively.
🥵 Any plans to write steamy or spicy content this year?
I only make steamy content nowadays, I can't write something that isn't at least erotic if only to me. So yes, it's all I plan to do!
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
Higurashi, Helluva Boss, Lost & Paradise are ones that come to mind.
🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
I'm one of the apparently few who don't do research for fanfiction. It would make writing too much of a chore, which is ironic because I love researching otherwise. My fanfic, my rules.
🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
I have times where I just don't know how to write out something which is very frustrating. That's actually mostly what keeps me from finishing my countless wips..
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
I have a veeery specific ending in mind for the final chapter of my Tuckerreed series, and I can't wait to see people's reactions to it. Only spoiler you get is that it'll be devastating~
💌 Are you willing to take requests or prompts for writing?
Both are technically only if they're good enough but as a general basis, yes for prompts and no for requests. I'm just very picky about being told what to do.
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the-haiku-bot · 5 months ago
(Nobody says all
of that is written well, but
that’s beside the point.)
Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.
Women can write m/m. Men can write f/f. Asexuals can write filthy smut. Lesbians and gay men can write m/f. It's all arbitrary anyway. Who give a shit.
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curator-on-ao3 · 4 months ago
@deadheaddaisy was kind enough to tag me in a writing questions game. The thread was getting a bit long, so I’ve started a new one. Thank you for tagging me, @deadheaddaisy! ❤️
1. What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
Evidently, Teen And Up Audiences at 73 — a surprise to me. Then General Audiences at 34, Mature at 17, and Explicit at 15. Frankly, I’m amazed. Author, know thyself? Apparently not.
2. What are your top three fandoms?
Star Trek: Voyager (73), Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (41), and Star Trek: Picard (27). At least no surprises there.
3. What is the top character you write about?
Kathryn Janeway at 67 stories. I know there’s some untagged Janeway stuff in there, too. (Looking back, I somewhat regret my bundling of stories and lack of tagging on Voyager Writing Game Prompts.)
4. What are your top 3 pairings?
Yeah, so like I said before, I don’t even know myself because these numbers are a surprise to me:
Number One | Una Chin-Riley/Christopher Pike (27)
Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway (21)
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris (21)
Pikeuna • Pikeone in top place isn’t a surprise. But J/C and J/P tied? Whaaaat?
5. What are your top 3 additional tags?
Love (22)
Post-Episode: s07e25 Endgame (Star Trek: Voyager) (21)
Established Relationship (14)
That makes sense. Also, the next two additional tags are Prompt Fic (13) and Kindness (also 13), which I think is nice.
6. Does any of this surprise you?
I’m gobsmacked. Truly. I thought I had written more E and less J/C. I also evidently have 11 stories tagged fluff and I had no idea I had written that much fluff.
7. Favourite tag you've used?
For Some Flowers Bloom in Winter, a T-rated, very TOS-style Pikeone one-shot, I gotta admit I love the tag: Phil Boyce just wants people to be sensible and he is sorely disappointed.
Honestly, I’d love to tag you all but my brain is full. Please, if you’re reading this and want to play, consider yourself tagged! ❤️
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themurdochmemesteries · 2 months ago
Ten people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @marshmallow--shark Thanks for the tag!
Last song: Intro/Chamber The Cartridge by Rise Against
Favourite colour: Orange!
Last book: A Brief History of Intelligence by Max Bennett
Last movie: That Christmas (it was kinda weird and we didn't finish it)
Last show: Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I don't have much of a sweet tooth anymore, but I used to. Savoury!
Relationship status: Happily single
Last thing I googled: "quality" synonym
Current obsession: Star Trek: Enterprise. This is my fallback obsession. Close behind is Jentry Chau as a very recent one.
Looking forward to: Seeing a concert and a musical next year!
Tagging: @ionamalachite @peculiarreality @thetachapel02 @deadheaddaisy @papercranesong @talshiargirlfriend @glitter-and-metal @dragons-in-spaceee @pearlypairings @strze-lec
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more-better-words · 25 days ago
One does not lightly cross a panicking Andorian.
For @indignantlemur, @shadowinthefire, @1lostsoul0fishbowl, @deadheaddaisy, @pajamasecrets
Karveth got the call at 1437. Ninety seconds later, he was on the transporter pad, demanding a beamdown to the surface, which no one was foolish enough to deny him, because the call had come from the Utopia Colony Emergency Clinic. Monica had been hurt, and ninety seconds was all the time necessary for a thousand terrible possibilities to present themselves to his imagination, each more awful than the one preceding.
Passersby gaped in astonishment as he rematerialized about fifty meters from the clinic door. Transporter technology was still not so common that it was an unremarkable sight, but he was in no mood for coddling civilians' delicate sensibilities. He charged into the clinic, bringing him face to face with a wide-eyed receptionist who had obviously not expected, when she woke that morning, to be accosted by an Andorian who was clearly clinging to social decorum by his fingernails.
"Monica McKee," he snarled.
Then, from beyond the reception area partition, like a blessing, he heard her voice.
"Yeah, the angry blue guy's with me."
He didn't wait for permission; he was through the sliding doors in an instant, antennae moving, seeking her, ignoring the medical personnel entirely. She couldn't be far - he'd heard her so clearly, she had to be-
"Commander Karveth?" A nurse, holding her PADD like she'd wield it as a weapon if necessary, hailed him. "In here."
He entered the exam room, and he could breathe again.
Monica sat on the exam table, conscious, unbloodied, and apparently entirely well, with the exception of her right foot, which was elevated and bandaged. She let out a sigh at the sight of him, smiling ruefully. "Well, now that you've scared everybody… Hi."
"What happened?" he asked, reaching for the hand she extended. Warm, but not too warm. Good.
"I turned my ankle at work," she said, rolling her eyes at her own body's betrayal. "Just stepped wrong. It was the stupidest thing." She heaved another short sigh. "And you were freaking out, apparently."
"All I was told was that you had been injured," he said sternly. She smiled a little, reaching with her free hand to stroke his hair.
"Guess that's what I get for having you as my emergency contact. Even though they really didn't need to call you about this."
"Can you walk?" he asked, dubious.
"That's what the crutches are for! Twenty-four hours and I'll be fine. I'll be dancing again by the weekend."
"But until then?"
"It's not a big deal!"
"You don't have to prove yourself by making light."
"And you don't have to panic."
They stared one another down for a long moment, then he sniffed. "Who said anything about panicking?"
"You did. Your antennae are still all-" She held straightened, quivering fingers in front of her forehead. He sighed. She had him there.
"All I knew was that you were hurt," he repeated, and her expression softened.
"But I'm okay, thay'va. I wish they'd told you that. And I'm glad you're here, because big talk aside, I was not looking forward to trying to get home on my own."
"You don't have to."
"Nope. Because I'm going to let my r'eysleten help me."
She held out her arms to him; he bent, slipping one arm under her legs, and the other around her mid back. She gave a squeak of surprise as he lifted her off the exam table. "Hold on to me," he said softly.
"What about the crutches?" she laughed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"Unnecessary," he said.
"This wasn't quite what I meant by letting you help me," she said, still laughing as he carried her out of the clinic, ignoring the stares of the staff and other patients with magnificent indifference.
"It's what I meant."
"You're so sweet," she murmured.
"Apparently I am."
"So now what?"
"Now I take you home and attend to your every whim."
"You know I'm going to take terrible advantage of that, right?"
"You should."
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curator-on-ao3 · 11 months ago
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Oh my goodness, @deadheaddaisy, I’m crying happy tears to learn this. Thank you, thank you! I am deeply honored for any of my stories to be your comfort read. ❤️
people telling you they reread your fic is the biggest compliment you could ever receive. there are thousands of stories out there begging to be found, to be explored, but your story meant so much to someone that they came back to it eagerly, they went over every word again. to love is to return and loving a fic is rereading it. thank you to all readers and rereaders <3333
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lostyesterday · 22 days ago
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Tagged by @the-oracle-of-the-lost. Thank you! <3
I’m not actively writing fanfiction at the moment since I’ve gone back to focusing on my original fiction for a while, but I do plan to write more fanfic soon. I have a really large number of abandoned ideas or half-finished stories for fandoms I don’t care about much now that I won’t include here. Everything I’m including is for Star Trek because that’s really the only fandom I’m active in right now.
B7 Delta Flyer Longfic (Voyager)
B7 Caves (Voyager)
Voyager Disability Fic Series
Voyager Board Game Fic
B’Elanna x Deanna Post-Canon (VOY/TNG crossover)
Falling Through Time (Basically completed TNG gen fic focused on Deanna, Geordi, and Data. I might edit this and publish it at some point or I might not.)
The Most Brilliant Star in the Sky (TOS Uhura/Chapel fic that’s basically completed. I don’t know if I care about TOS enough anymore to publish it but who knows.)
Quodo Fake Marriage (DS9)
Michael x Joann Ideas (Discovery)
Tagging @aquarterpastfour, @trillscienceofficer, @devotedlittlefreak, @eastsideofthemoon, @deadheaddaisy,
@npdclaraoswald, @ussjellyfish, @fiannaai, @sapphosewrites and anyone who sees this and wants to do it! (I'm so sorry if I forgot a mutual who's a fic writer)
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papercranesong · 8 months ago
last line challenge
Thanks for the tag @unmaskedcardinal and @deadheaddaisy really fun reading what everyone is up to 😁
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like)
So the last line l wrote in my current Enterprise WIP is sort of like a script jotting before I go back and write it properly -
Malcolm: “I dreamt I was on a boat.”
Trip: “And that's bad?”
Malcolm: “For me it is.”
(Okay so more like a last segment...)
Tagging: @saintzenni @bookq36artemis @themurdochmemesteries
@scatterbrainedcapybara @glitter-and-metal @queenspock @tuvok-enjoyer @ladyeverstark @hederigerenthag and basically anyone who wants to!, no pressure though.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 1 month ago
💋 Kiss Tag 💋
Rules: From your Story/WIP, share a kiss. It can be any kiss—from familial pecks on the cheek, forehead kisses, platonic smooches, to full-blown makeouts. Spread the love! ❤️
Tagged by @pipergirl17 for this— thank you so much lovey! You inspired me to dig out my coffee shop WIP and touch up this half-written scene. I definitely needed that motivation!
Slowly, hardly even daring to breathe, she let her hands drift down through his fluffy curls until they rested on his face. Wonderingly she brushed her thumbs over the freckles scattered across his soft cheeks; reached up to delicately run the tips of her fingers over his downy eyebrows. Felt the flutter of his eyelashes against her skin, and her heart fluttered right along with it.
“You,” she whispered, cradling his face in her hands, “are absolutely adorable.” His eyes closed briefly, a shaky sigh whispering through his lips, ghosting against her own. They were so close. Bold, she thought. Be bold. One hand moved to his chin, her thumb tracing the tempting plumpness of his lower lip. Gareth’s mouth moved ever so slightly, pressing the tiniest shy butterfly of a kiss against her thumb. Then his head turned toward where her other hand still caressed his cheek, and softly, sweetly, he kissed her palm. Shivery sparks danced through her veins.
It was now or never. “Gareth. I really want to kiss you,” El whispered. “Would that be okay?”
His eyes seemed to darken, holding her gaze with a piercing intensity, even as a teasing smile suddenly quirked his mouth. “Is that number one on your Someday List?” he said softly.
“Maybe it is,” she giggled, teasing him right back. “Maybe it’s not. What if it was, like, number fifty-three?”
Gareth pretended to ponder this. “I guess, as long as it’s definitely on the list somewhere, it’s okay if it’s not number one.”
“Oh yeah,” she said, somewhat breathlessly. “It’s definitely on there.”
“Good,” he murmured, lifting one hand to gently tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Because I’ve been dying to kiss you.”
No-pressure tags: @deadheaddaisy @hellcheercaine @krakoansam @the-unforgivenn @ladyfluff and anyone else who wants to join in! 😘
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curator-on-ao3 · 8 months ago
Thank you for tagging me, @deadheaddaisy! ❤️
We good. We real good.
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Tagging anyone who wants to play! 🥳
Doing one of these but with my mutuals after seeing this image on my dash today!!
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..Y'know he may be the god of war but.. I'm not mad. No, no not at all. :)
@xxgalacticambitionsxx @hatbox-apologist @ghostingyourass79 @kittieshauntedourfantasy @emerald194 @thatonerabbit @comical-icicle
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talshiargirlfriend · 1 month ago
ENT folks you’re sleeping on this one. Do you enjoy fun hacker-spy AUs? Of course you do!
Cracking the Code by @deadheaddaisy
Not my usual fare (no T&T in sight - I know!!) but I’m really enjoying it 🖖
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curator-on-ao3 · 7 months ago
Tag Game: First 10 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Thank you so much for tagging me, @deadheaddaisy! ❤️
1. The fabric over her cage is supposed to be soundproof, but Number One burrowed a hole years ago, a toothpick plucked from the open-mouthed snoring of her then-owner and maneuvered to separate tightly knit threads just enough to be able to hear what’s going on. Toothpick returned, the owner none the wiser, Number One could better anticipate when she might be hit or pushed into or sold.
Malleable and Unmalleable Orders, Mirror Pikeone, E
2. The kitchen in their quarters is tiny, a prep island that serves as the main source of counter space hemmed in by the food storage unit and oven. Perhaps, if appliance doors could fully open without almost scraping the island, the whole thing might be charmingly cozy.
Or if the kitchen was for two people instead of the four pilots who live in the shared cabin, just one room with upper and lower bunks built into the bulkheads.
Something Sweet, Pikeuna, G
3. “Vulcan ship approaching to port. Not science or exploration, probably a passenger vessel.” Erica calls out the alert, fingers quick on the piloting console that once was Una’s. “This is weird.”
This Time: A Love Story, Pikeuna, E
4. The wall to my quarters opens. 
Not the door. 
The wall. 
99 Pegasi, Pikeuna, T
5. “It’s like shrinking,” Gloria says, and Phil could crawl inside a magician’s coffin, bang his fists on the interior lid (not to be confused with the secret divider that allows the magician’s assistants to appear to be one person to allow the trick to work) because Gloria is right.
Grief is like shrinking.
Real Estate, Gloria Delgado-Pritchett/Phil Dunphy, Modern Family, T
6. Her knees collapse, a crouch not a fall, her eyes searching for the source of the weapon. She’s highly trained, but his sniper position is almost invisible — the small, high window of a skinny tower on the periphery of the bazaar. 
Disarmed, Mirror Pikeuna, E, the start of what I wrote after prompt text began the story
7. “Do you think Paris has changed much?” Will’s gaze seems to follow the automatic watering vehicles that fly along the straight lines of vines that extend outward from Château Picard. The soil is spongy under Una’s boots, sauntering steps alongside Will, slants of afternoon sunlight, rainbows shimmering in moisture the watering vehicles apply to grape leaves, the dog Number One keeping pace with the two humanoids.
The animal’s species is a dog, right?
One to Make Us Whole, Number One | Una Chin-Riley & Number One | Will Riker & Number One | Jean Luc Picard’s Dog, friendship, G
8. “Try it like this.” Chris’ arm slides alongside Una’s, delicate fingers that slow her shake of seasoning into the simmering sauce. There’s a soft press of his chest to her shoulder blades, ballet-like movements of culinary reverence that help her faster reflexes find calm.
A Little Love, Here and There, Pikeuna, T, a “drabble pyramid” of a ficlet each at 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 words exactly; with five separate first lines I chose the opening I like best
9. Chris left that part out of the official report: the fantasies. 
Not Starfleet’s business.
Not anyone’s business.
Not even his business.
It’s cruel to plumb someone’s thoughts, to share their secrets and watch for a reaction — a reaction Number One barely gave; irritation, if that, not the red-cheeked humiliation he would have felt if that had been done to him. So it’s right to ban travel to Talos IV. No one should ever have to endure that sort of mental pillage ever again.
Nope, never again.
Except … ahem.
Fantasies? About him? From the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen?
Truth is a Fantasy, Pikeuna • Pikeone, T
10. “This was amazing, Mom.” Chris settles back in his chair, pancake crumbs and a streak of leftover egg on his plate, the sun bright through the kitchen windows. “Thanks.”
Youthful Exuberance (Some Kind of Love), Pikeuna, E
Pattern analysis: These mostly begin with action or a scene-setting description or both. Descriptions are so the story start can convey that the setting is unusual and therefore relevant to the action about to unfold. Half are quotes and the other half are narrative. My dream is that all of them make a reader want to know more and therefore keep reading. 🫶
No pressure tags: @pc-corner, @divinemissem13, @elephant-in-the-pride-parade, @emilie786, @grissomesque, @fiadorable, @lorcaswhisky, @enterprise-come-in, @marymoss1971, @starrybouquet, @sun-lit-roses, and the many people I’m forgetting because I love to be tagged but get tag anxiety when tagging others. If you want to play, please consider yourself tagged! 🥳
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curator-on-ao3 · 1 month ago
Thank you for tagging me., @deadheaddaisy! ❤️
This is from my first (and so far only) fic for The Orville, a follow-up on that delicious season 3 finale handhold for Ed and Kelly, Hold My Hand and We’re Halfway There:
It’s like being at his own wedding again — Gordon singing, Kelly more drunk than anyone would guess, his own belly twinging with wistful hope for the future.
His fingers lace with Kelly’s. Or maybe hers lace with his. He’s not exactly sober himself.
“Gordon’s toast at our wedding was better.” He tries to keep his voice low. “Remember when he said you were a ten and I was an eight?”
“That was a little harsh.” Kelly’s hand squeezes his. “You’re easily an eight and a half on a good day.”
He chuckles, and she does, too.
Boozy chuckles.
They’ve always been good at boozy chuckles.
What about more?
What about … trying again?
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Tagging with no pressure: @grissomesque, @emilie786, @pc-corner, @enterprise-come-in, @cnroth, @elephant-in-the-pride-parade, @starrybouquet, @cicaklah, @lorcaswhisky, @coffee-in-that-nebula, and anyone I forgot/who wants to play. 🥳
I feel like creating a writing tag game. It goes like this:
Pick a fandom and post an excerpt of the first thing you ever wrote in that fandom. Could be a scene, part of a scene, a couple of lines, whatever your first foray into writing for that fandom was. Feel free to include a link to the story it comes from if it’s been published (excerpts from WIPs count too).
Here’s mine, for Stargate SG-1:
“Damn bugs,” Jack grumbled. He swatted madly at the insects swarming around his face. They were large and blue and appeared to be this planet’s equivalent of a mosquito. He smacked the back of his hand where another insect had just bitten him. The remains of the squashed bug left a trail of bluish guts smeared across his fingers. He wiped them with a grimace of distaste on his vest. “These things are eating me alive,” he griped, wishing he’d donned the BDU jacket over his T-shirt despite the heat and increased humidity.
Carter was not faring much better. Even Teal’c appeared to be suffering through the insect onslaught, slapping his large hands against his arms and neck. “I believe the insects in Minnesota to be worse, O’Neill,” said the Jaffa calmly. This earned him a dark look. Carter failed to hide a smile.
From this story
I remember tentatively penning (typing) this first ever scene or my first ever SG-1 story, and though the first draft was horrendous and not fit for publication (or meant for publication tbh), I had a lot of fun shaping it into something that came out 1000X better than what I started with.
I’m going to tag @brigitoshaughnessy, @deadheaddaisy, @enigmatic-mystery-777, @stargatesg-1obsessed, @catboy-archaeologist, @scifimedic and anyone else who wants to join.
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pearlypairings · 20 days ago
WIP Ask Game
List the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Tagged by the lovely @talshiargirlfriend and @deadheaddaisy <3 sorry to be so delayed, been having a bit of a rough go of it lately~
I have endless WIP docs rn which is half my writer's block issue right now...figuring out what to focus on lol. Here we go:
charlies angels x ST ladies
ltli ch 6 (photocheer)
debating desire 2 ( enterprise: malcalas)
burnin' (cheertrick)
show me 2 (enterprise: tripol)
ch 10 aurelias (hellcheer)
avec amour de france (st: robin x french!OC)
robinhood au (steve x kali)
rustless heart (hellcheer polish folktale au)
coffee and contemplation (twin peaks x stranger things )
I literally could go on forever, but these wips were the most fleshed out already:)
Tagging without pressure: @empress-of-snark @krakoansam @chornayadrakoshig and whoever else wants to play <3 just tag me for fun so I can see your wips too!
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