#dead leaf butterfly
sitting-on-me-bum · 9 months
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The Master Camouflage of the Dead Leaf Butterfly
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mossandfog · 1 year
The Master Camouflage of the Dead Leaf Butterfly
The magic of animal camouflage always impresses us, from color-shifting octopus to the perfect owl hiding in its tree hole. We’ve recently come across the  dead leaf butterfly, which lives in tropical Asia, from India to Japan. It has an astounding camouflage that makes its outward appearance look exactly like that of a dead leaf, complete with worn looking veins, torn edges and…
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georgehopkins · 2 years
Dead Leaf Butterfly
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supernova3space · 3 months
Doing macro photography after a super long time lmao. I'm rusty dammit.
These are my stuff from yesterday. I'll post today's later ig. Got a stuffy nose and my brain is not functioning.
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That's a leaf after rain. That's water on it. Just clarifying it because my mother thought it was something else.
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Ant and Dead Butterfly.
I've heard of Dead Dove Do Not Eat. How about Dead Butterfly for this dude?
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Drop of water.
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Drop off the edge this time
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website-com · 1 year
what are you these days some kind of insect thing
i have a shelf of dead insects in my room that ive picked up off the ground
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herpsandbirds · 11 months
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Orange Oakleaf aka Dead Leaf Butterfly (Kallima inachus), family Nymphalidae, India
photograph by rajesh_kumar_photography 
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
@ivanaskye submitted: this Decomposed Leaf let me get very close for pictures, due to being a Decomposed Leaf that is Gross and therefore has no need to fly away, being notably Not Yummy
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(front range colorado)
Wow! What a gross dead leaf that I don't want to eat! Definitely not a beautiful mourning cloak butterfly that would probably be delicious. Did you know? Mourning cloak butterflies can make loud clicking noises to startle predators! Not that that has anything to do with this leaf
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i don't think we talk often enough about how tender sol is with sunjae.
my case in point is this scene during ep 6: even before sol properly realizes her feelings for sunjae; they bleed through her smallest action. the unsaid gestures of love; the tiny overtures of devotion: these are what k-dramas excel at, and lovely runner is its greatest example.
the way sol switches the fan on for sunjae (a beautiful parallel to an earlier scene where he did the same for her), and is content to marvel at his innocence, his sleep-smeared face. look at the pure delight in her smile — just to be able to witness this ordinary moment with the person she admires most in the world: her literal reason for survival.
how her expression sobers when she realizes he's as still as death: that in the dark waters of the future pooling at their feet — he IS dead. how she instantly needs to physically feel that sunjae is still breathing — how sol measures the butterfly wingbeats of his heart under her hand. how, even in his sleep, sunjae reaches out, recognizing her touch.
i need to keep your heart beating, you can almost hear sol's thoughts. i need to keep you alive.
the unsaid affection in her face is so strong, so palpable in this episode. she's always adored him; and how that sapling of care turns into a tree green-leafed with real, true romantic love — it's just as beautiful to watch the second time around.
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gina025 · 17 days
A dead leaf which is actually a butterfly
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bug-maniac · 1 year
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Someone on Reddit wanted one for mosquitoes!
[ID: Image is a female mosquito on a bright green leaf. There is text below it.
Mosquitoes communitcate by dancing at each other.
Mosquitoes have been around since the age of the dinosaurs.
There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes… and most of them aren't interested in humans!
Only female mosquitoes bite humans. The males eat nectar… meaning that like butterflies, wasps, and bees, they're pollinators!
Mosquitoes are an important part of the food web, meaning that all sorts of creatures, from birds to fish, rely on them as an important part of their diet!
Mosquito larvae are decomposers, eating dead leaves and other things in the ponds where they live. This produces nitrogen for the plants that share those ecosystems!
Small text at the very bottom reads bug-maniac.tumblr.com
/End ID]
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Talk about a transformation! When an orange oak leaf butterfly (Kallima inachus) closes its wings, it looks like a dead leaf. When it opens its wings, there's a dazzling display of color.
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mellifluouaamor · 2 years
Hope you don't mind Dion or Jeremy reacting to their s/o getting kidnapped. I just want to see the world burns lol
synopsis. his reaction to you getting kidnapped.
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DION is eerily calm - at least on the outside - when he hears the news of your kidnapping from your bodyguard, johann. roxana watches him closely, as if expecting her half-brother to kill him for failing to protect you, and raises an eyebrow when dion approaches him.
he surprises johann by kneeling down to his level, and the bodyguard trembles like a leaf, fearing his impending doom. it's no secret that dion favours you a lot, and if he finds even a tiny bruise on your delicate skin, he's already walking away with the tip of his sword dragging across the floor.
kidnapping you - in other words, stealing what's his - is enough to anger dion, although it doesn't show on his expression. but he's even angrier at johann for failing to do his simple job of keeping you safe.
grabbing his jaw roughly, dion asks him, "what did they look like?" his expression is unreadable, and that only scares johann further. he's struggling to answer because truthfully, he doesn't know. one moment you were there, and the next you were gone. his head would surely roll if he gives dion that answer.
dion grows impatient and as he stands up, raising his sword to behead johann, roxana quickly stops him and says that she knows the identities of the people who had kidnapped you and where you're kept thanks to her butterflies. he'd demand her to tell him everything, his desperation to have you back in his arms becoming evident.
he doesn't need a detailed plan to rescue you; he'll do what he usually does and make it rain blood. as he throws his black cloak over his head, he strides out of the agriche residence with his sword in hand, ready to make your kidnappers reap what they had sown. oh, he'll make them regret kidnapping his beloved butterfly.
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JEREMY is beyond pissed. he's furiously turning his entire room upside down, smashing whatever his hands come across on the floor as he yells at your poor bodyguard for being useless and incompetent. he returned to the manor hoping to spend some quality time in your embrace, only to be told that some fools had kidnapped you. not an ideal welcome home greeting.
"well, don't just stand there! organise a search party and find (y/n) right now! if i find even a tiny scratch on their body, i'll turn you all into demon chow!" he shouts. his anger is clouding his judgement, and jeremy proceeds to punch the wall in frustration. just who decided to ruin his day by taking advantage of his absence to kidnap you?
after taking deep breaths, he manages to calm down slightly. he's not going to accept this. you had promised to stay by his side no matter what, and in return he had promised to protect you... he grits his teeth. you both can still keep your promises, and he's determined to fulfill his by saving you himself.
before johann could scramble out of his room, jeremy clamps a hand down on his shoulder. "you stay here. i'll handle this myself," he says before shoving the bodyguard aside to storm into the hallway. he'd ask a few of his half-siblings for help, and convincing them is easy; he only needs to promise them that they can kill your kidnappers and take whatever they like from the corpses, whether it'd be jewels, trinkets, their nails or even their eyeballs...
jeremy is already grinning sinisterly at the thought of giving hell to your kidnappers. they'd be wishing they were dead by the time he's done mutilating their bodies beyond recognition, and his precious angel will be safe and sound again.
"no one takes (y/n) from me and gets away with it," he mutters.
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volturissideslut · 1 year
What if the Humans adopt a child just to see what’s so special about humans and why the Cullens like them so much, not knowing how troublesome a 8 year old can be?
strap in because this is going to be one hell of a ride (also I'm assuming asker meant volturi adopt a chaotic human child)
Aro, ever the curious one, cannot even fathom why dear Carlisle cares so much for these... creatures
And it's been like over 3000 years since he was human and he can't really remember much about living
It would also help if it would stop making Marcus be such a miserable slab of stone, and perhaps even Caius could do with a new toy
It just seemed like destiny when an 8 year old child strayed from the feeding group one day, too entertained by chasing a fat tabby cat that had jumped the wall to the garden
Whatever parent or guardian that came with seemingly hadn't noticed - not that they were alive long enough too
And, of course, Felix was the one to deliver the child to Master Aro considering he's the only one with a modium of decorum or respect for life in the castle
Any of the other guards would have eaten you on sight to be honest (they wouldn't in the future but you're just some random human child right now, they don't care about you yet)
Aro takes one look at you're little form, sticky fingers; muddy knees; grazed elbows; a leaf in your hair
They're keeping you
easy, right?
Why is a overexcited yet hysterical human child such a lovable inconvenience, you may ask
1) none of them can fully keep track of you're emotions,why are children so confusing???
2) they can't fully keep track of your whereabout either
3) they know nothing, and I mean nothing, about humans. Expect them to ask the secratery for help next time you're sobbing, only to find out you're hungry because they haven't fed you a proper meal in days thinking you'd forage for it yourself
I swear Marcus is the only one who is knowledgeable, despite how small it is
"the child requires sustinence again" - Jane, fed up of this shit
4) they're used to the traumatic stuff of vampire life, you are not, they don't realise that
poor kid is gonna be so traumatised, by the age of 10 killing someone over cereal seems socially acceptable
At least Caius actually has a soft spot for you, otherwise you'd be dead dead by now
Marcus reads you bedtime stories
Aro wants you to grow up appreciating everything he does, there are many 'daddy/daughter dates' where he takes you to see plays, musicals, concerts, or whatever that he deems suitable
Caius pretends to be impressed with your drawings and fakes excitement at whatever lego monstrosity you've made
Alec shows you the world, taking you around on his days off to Scotland, Brazil, India or wherever you randomly point to on a map
Felix let's you use his cloak as a blanket when he's not using it, you like to play with it and use it for dens and pillow forts (it can also be used as one of those massive fabric parachute tent bubble thingys the class played with in nursery/FS1/kindergarten and hid under (you know what I'm talking about))
Demitri let's you win at hide and seek despite his gift letting him know where you are at all times. He is also not above pretending to play to keep you out the way and quiet for a solid five minutes before you come out giggling saying you won again
Jane will capture butterflies and set them free with you because she knows you love them and you also love to chase them
The queen's are always dressing you up like a doll and doing your hair, they basically get a list from the secratery of everything humans need (food, water, socialising etc) and fulfil those needs for you
The secratery is the only one who actually knows what you want and need most times, being human herself. The kings are seriously considering turning her instead of just killing her you your sake
And God forbid anyone touches their precious baby, you've grown on them and they'd burn the world for you in an instant
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shinypokemonshowdown · 7 months
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but Caterpie and Metapod are based on the caterpillar and chrysalis of the spicebush swallowtail butterfly. . . And their shinies are also based on color variations of their IRL counterparts!
The spicebush swallowtail caterpillar turns bright yellow right before pupation. The chrysalis is (usually) formed on a branch and thus camouflages as a leaf, and it turns either green or brown based on the seasonal lighting conditions! If it pupates in the summer, it will match the live, green leaves. If it pupates in the fall (in the part of its range with cold winters), it will be a chrysalis until the spring and, since green would stick out like a sore thumb, it turns brown to match the dead leaves!
So the yellow Caterpie and rusty orange Metapod reflect those color changes. :) Some of the most meaningful shinies out there, really!
(I would add pictures but I can't on anon, but if you look it up, you can find images of the differences in color pretty easily.)
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Woe! I never new that, that's super cool. I love when shinies have irl connections
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acti-veg · 10 months
Many, many things live in these dead leaf layers: caterpillars of moths and butterflies, their chrysalises, beetles, centipedes, springtails, woodlice and spiders … and doesn’t the blackbird know it, rustling through the leaves? Our song and garden birds want these meals far more than they do your imported peanuts.
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This account is a collaboration account of daninixx, saturianprincess, thedivineart, and wisdomseeker02. We're looking forward for the love and support that you will be giving us, Thank You.
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𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟏
It feels like is shot by cupid's arrow, at first little hesitation is drowning them but their love is winning, whenever you are near butterflies in stomach is what they feels like and at the same rate your toxin and loving aura makes it seems to little be addictive and controlling over them. they cannot live without your affection cause it's part of their possession. actually you were fresh and new into their sight but sticking along there feelings with you is their decision. It feels gloomy even in sunny days cause they didn't have a chance to see you and is yearning you from afar and the reason is they afraid to be hurt and painful to be rejected by you. You brings back the dead leaf of love that was corpse along time ago and can't stop thinking about the union between the both of you.
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𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟐
It feels that their heart beats harder and the sweat drips are dripping through their forehead and hands, their love for you is reaping and killing but without hurting physically. It is an honor to fall in you and is more painful that they can only sees you in images. However it needs and take more time to realize to learn if the love is true or was just simply missing you. It is nostalgic the image of you is another memory inside their heart and mind, in second time around of falling for you they will make sure you will know the truth. It feels happy and joyous and quiet reminiscing every time of their life.
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𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟑
It feels painful but always be tempting to fall for you, it's like gambling of their heart and wasn't sure if their winning or not. The image of you replaying into their heads again and again and never ending. If they will have a chance to take a risk for your love, they are willing to sacrifice their last card and hopefully it is an ace. Falling for you is at risk and isn't ready, coming into their life and breaking their walls of protection they have build for such a long time isn't good. They been thinking and reminiscing how does it feel to be love by you and will you be able to see them as your love interest.
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