#de-aged sam (physically)
thoseyoulove · 2 months
Reading about book characters is so weird because Lestat has just described Gabrielle's physical appearance and I still can't imagine her? With me, I need to feel the *essence* of the character first in order to have a clear picture in my head...
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Hear Me Out
Yokai Amity. What are yokai? Japanese spirits. And not just ghosts, a majority of mythical creatures? Yokai.
So how did this happen? Well, like most things, it can be blamed on the ghost portal in the Fenton Basement. And a lot of ecto contamination. Because while they're a small city? They're also in the middle of nowhere, meaning a lot of their foods and crops, they grow themselves. And the ectoplasm? Started sinking into the ground first. Y'know, where every plant grows and then both humans and animals proceed to eat it? Made even worse when those like Overgrowth or Vortex came through? Yeaah, it'd be a miracle if they didn't get contaminated and no surprise that most don't notice their humanity slipping with time with how it's happening to everyone.
Which kind of makes the situation Danny has found himself kind of hilarious? At least to him. The trenchcoat dude seems to be having an aneurism or something similar.
"So... not a meta?" the tiny vigilante child clarified again, head tilting from where he stood at the head of his group. Honestly Danny was enjoying this from his place sprawled across the park bench Honestly Amity had spoiled him with benches designed for extra limbs.
The blonde man seemed absolutely done with everything, hands twitching as though about to cradle his head in his hands or grab something. "No," he wasn't shouting but it was close. "For fuck's sake- your all lucky not to be cursed or worse-" He turned towards Danny. "Why the fuck didn't you?"
The hainu shrugged, wings doing more of the motion than the rest of him. "They're babies-" Or at least one of them was, borderline liminal as they were. "You play along with toddlers." Honestly he saw why his old rogues found this fun, even if he'd never go as far as they did.
The entire team of vigilante children bristled, one opening their mouth to protest before trenchcoat-soul-dude glared at them all before turning back towards him.
"Though what the fuck do you need that for that you'd steal it- not that any artifact like that should be in a bloody museum and not locked away where idiots can't get to it."
He snorted, the sound more dog-like. Or really more yeti-like, what with how he was taking lessons from Frostbite which meant large chunks of time in the Far Frozen.
"Technically I don't need it, my kid does," Danny held up a finger, marveling slightly at the clouds. It was quite different compared to Amity, what with how everywhere was so ecto-infused that the sky was effected.
"And what does a hainu need with-" the trenchcoat man motioned to the cursed object, which honestly wasn't that bad. But...
"Oh no, he's not a hainu, he's furaribi." Danny honestly wasn't surprised that Jordan wouldn't turn out the same as he, de-aged or not. Not that he was memory-less or anything, cores didn't lose that easily, but he did still have the physical brain of a child.
"Nope," he hummed, going over the list of things he still had to do today before returning to Amity. Sam had asked him to get a few more flowers to test how ecto would effect them and he had to pick up some computer parts for Tuck.
"How the fuck."
"My sister's a kitsune, my other sister is a shirouneri, my mom is a shishi, my dad a baku, godfather's an itachi, my boyfriend a raiju, my girlfriend a kirin, and my other girlfriend a yosuzume," he ticked off his fingers, not seeing anything wrong with it. Not like people could get into Amity easily after the whole GIW thing.
"... what the fuck does your family tree look like, mate, because that should be bloody impossible."
Danny shrugged, giving a sharp toothed smile. Yeah, the realms didn't care about that with how malleable ecto was.
(In case it's not clear: Hainu Danny, Furaribi Dan, Kitsune Jazz, Shirouneri Danny, Lion Dog Maddie, Baku Jack, Itachi Vlad, Raiju Tucker, Kirin Sam & Yosuzume Valerie) (Also feel free to come up with what everyone else might be) (Highly recommend yokai.com for a quick summary of each creature)
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 92
I’ve seen prompts with Jack fleeing with a de-aged Danny hiding in Gotham. Here he doesn’t stay with him. He drops Danny and Danielle in the very capable hands of red hood.
Danny reveals himself as phantom to his parents and introduces his mirror sister. Both ready to dip if it went bad. Immediately jack feels so guilty for hunting his kid.
He is ready to welcome them both.
Maddie disagrees. This leads to both Danny and Danielle being seriously injured. Jack barley got them out. There ghost half protecting them lead to them both being turned around 4-5
Jack isn’t a dumb man as he seems. He may have gotten b minuses but that was in advance physics and science courses. So he does research.
Creates two brackets that hide his newly made twins ecto signatures so they can’t be found. He didn’t have enough time to make something that allowed their powers to work with them.
He knows the Giw and His soon to be ex (he hasn’t had the ability to get her to sign the paperwork) are after him. They didn’t see the twins be turned to toddlers.
So he has a plan to take down the Giw and Maddie’s sister wouldn’t be safe for the two. Sam and tucker wouldn’t be safe. Jack has to find a safe place for the twins with a bounty on their thankfully teenage heads.
He does a deep dive. He finds online a supposed crime lord. Enough digging he can tell that guy doesn’t let kids get hurt. The stuff he doesn’t isn’t all bad and well… He can’t trust heros. So he packs up and heads out.
Jack pleads his case to either just Red Hood. Or maybe just shows up in the middle of a mission jason is on with the outlaws for a bit more chaos.
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bulkyphrase · 1 month
De-Aged Steve Rogers - a fic rec list
Some of my favorite stories featuring Steve (and sometimes others) turned into a child or younger adult.
Chase All The Clouds From The Sky by written by IndigoNight, with podfic read by reena_jenkins (@jeminamoonnight, @reena-jenkins) (Gen, General Audiences, 15,421 words)
Summary: Magic is the worst. The Avengers are prepared to deal with a wide variety of crises, but an abruptly six-year-old Steve Rogers is not one of them. Especially not when their resident Rogers-expert is reluctant to cross the Winter Soldier-sized gap separating him from his miniaturized best friend.
5 Times an Avenger Realized They Don't Know Steve + 1 Time One Did by WendyDarling95 (@cap-is-bi) (Samsteve, Teen And Up Audiences, 22,876 words)
Summary: A witch sends Steve back mentally and physically to who he was in 1941, and now the Avengers are starting to realize that while they've known Captain America for years now, they may never have met Steve Rogers. Takes place in 2016 5 chapters of an Avenger realizing Steve is more than he seems + 1 where someone knows him very well
More below the cut!
Baby Steve Adventures by catty_the_spy (@cattythespy) (Gen, General Audiences, 2,955 words)
Summary: Captain America gets hit by a spell during a battle. The rest of the Avengers look after him. Also available as a podfic read by blackglass
The Adventures of Not-So-Baby Steve by catty_the_spy (@cattythespy) (Gen, General Audiences, 2,070 words)
Summary: Steve's adjusting to not being a baby. Everyone else is adjusting too.
Small, Not Stupid by @rsadelle (Gen, General Audiences, 346 words)
Summary: Bucky's not going to let the kid fall - even if it weren't a tiny version of his former best friend, he wouldn't do that - but he's not real thrilled about having a small version of his former best friend - who he hasn't seen in seventy years - clinging to him.
The Kids Weren’t Alright by lettered (@letteredlettered) (Gen, Teen And Up Audiences, 56,199 words)
Summary: Tony accidentally turns himself into a twelve-year-old using alien tech. Steve is stuck as bodyguard, Bruce is stuck trying to fix him, and Pepper is stuck trying to ward off a twelve-year old’s attempts at flirtation. And then things go from bad to worse.
For I Am Crystal Chrome by IamShadow21, kath_ballantyne (@iamshadow21) (Gen, Teen And Up Audiences, 8,116 words)
Summary: “Don't touch that,” he forces out, his throat as rough as gravel. “Don't.” “Okay,” the person says, and doesn't try to pull out of Tony's grasp. “Okay, I won't.” Tony sucks in a sharp breath and opens his eyes. “You're American. The terrorists got you, too?” The man he's holding on to is young, very young. He's slender and frail looking with a pale, wan face, and Tony would know him anywhere. “Terrorists?” Steve Rogers asks, with confusion. “Oh shit, I really am dead, and there's an afterlife, and it sucks,” Tony moans.
Mixed-Ages Classroom by harcourt (@haforcere) (Gen, Not Rated, 5,114 words)
Summary: For this prompt, where the Avengers are de-aged, but to different ages; Clint & Tony to young children (below 10), Bruce to a toddler (whose tantrums involve hulking out to bb!hulk), Natasha & Steve back to teenagers (with scrawny!Steve). In which Hulk is a baby, Natasha and Steve know they aren't real teenagers, Clint and Tony behave badly, and Maria Hill is not a parent but Coulson might be. Also available as a podfic read by blackglass
The Tactical Applications of Caramel Apples and Ring-Tailed Lemurs by @caffienekitty (Gen, General Audiences, 2,342 words)
Summary: Loki de-ages Captain America. This is not the best idea he's ever had, but he can work with it.
Meet Tomorrow If You Choose by Dira Sudis (@dsudis) (Samsteve, Explicit, 9,440 words)
Summary: "Not quite like the other me, huh," Steve said, because there was no point pretending. "Nah, actually I was thinking I can see it," Sam said. "The way you stand--you project, you know? Like in a way you really always were the big guy, just your body took a while to catch up."
De-Aged Steve Rogers by @sabrecmc (Stony, Not Rated, 8,458 words)
Summary: Steve gets de-aged and clings to Tony
Second Childhood by @navaan (Stony, General Audiences, 2,006 words)
Summary: Steve and Tony get de-aged and it brings some problems, but maybe it gives them a chance to start over.
Smells Like Teen Spirit by @jenthesweetie (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 7,363 words)
Summary: Because that’s what the magic explosion had done: it had turned all of his friends into hormonal, pimpled, unbelievably obnoxious teenagers. When he called Fury to ask for advice, Fury laughed, hung up on him, called him back just to laugh some more, and then said, “If nobody’s dying, Stark, I really don’t care” and hung up again. Tony wondered vaguely who he had pissed off, besides all the usual suspects. This felt more as though he’d pissed somebody off in, like, a cosmic way.
Clint Barton And The Adventures In Terror Twin Rearing by @attackofthezee (General Audiences, 3,074 words, No Archive Warnings Apply)
Summary: “Maybe it’s aliens.” Steve hisses at Barnes. “Aliens don’t look like people Steve.” Barnes says with all the surety of an eleven year old. And ho boy, does Clint kind of want to introduce this version of these two to Thor. In which Steve and Bucky are somehow turned into their ten and eleven year old selves and Clint Barton is somehow nominated to take care of them. It goes about as well as can be expected. Also available as a podfic read by quietnight (@quietnighty)
They Could Never Be the Same by ABrighterDarkness (@alwaysabrighterdarkness) (Thundershield, Teen And Up Audiences, 1,234 words)
Summary: The situation at hand being a magically-miniaturized Steve Rogers who had hardly spoken a word but followed either Thor or Natasha around like a tiny shadow ever since they’d been released from Medical. SHIELD medical were, of course, every bit as shocked to have the Avengers show up en masse to deliver an apparently four-year-old Captain America to get checked over.
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drurrito · 10 months
I wrote this fairly quickly bc my crim prof is painfully hot and I am suffering as a result. All mistakes are mine.
Pairings: LawStudent!Reader x LawProfessor!Wanda
Warnings: like one cuss word lol -- reader's age is not specified and neither is Wanda's at this point -- if you want to be a K-thru-JD, be my guest.
You’re staring at the heavy wooden door in front of you. Your eyes trace over the markings, this building is your favorite on campus because of the architecture. It was once a grand library in the late 1800s and now it holds most of your 1L classes. It’s also home to the office of your Criminal Law Professor whom you’re supposed to be meeting with in a few seconds.
You let out a long exhale as you stare at your watch. You try to ignore how sweaty your palm is as you clench your hand into a fist to knock on the door.
“Come in,” your professor’s voice is calm, with no hint as to why you were summoned to her office in the first place. It came through an email yesterday afternoon after class. You blinked at your screen while your friends teased you about being in trouble. 
Are you in trouble?
You step into her office and she’s sitting at her desk writing something down. 
“You wanted to see me, Professor Maximoff?”
“Yes,” she sets down her pen, “can I get you anything? Water? Tea?” She gives you a warm smile that would normally disarm anyone but it only makes you stiffen with nerves.
“No thank you, professor. I’m good.”
“Sure," she leans back in her chair and gives you a serious look that makes you flinch, "what did you think of the lesson yesterday? Any questions?”
Did she really call me in here to talk about yesterday’s lesson?
“No, professor, none that I can think of. Inchoate crimes seem pretty straightforward,” you nervously nod and her lips twitch into a smile.
“I look forward to reading your analysis on it for tomorrow’s discussion board then.”
“I’m just about done with it,” you breathe, it was the truth. You know you won’t see your class ranking until after your first year of law school but it seems to already be obvious to everyone that you’re top of the class. It’s not by luck, you've always had to work harder than everyone else to get where you needed to be. It does help that you’ve wanted to go to law school since you were a child. Now that you’re here, everything just clicks.
“Y/N,” Profesor Maximoff’s voice makes your eyes snap to hers. Her usually bright shade of hazel eyes are now much, much darker.  
“You’re a good student, you know that right?"
That makes you clear your throat, “thank you, professor, I’m just trying to make the most of this opportunity — it’s pretty busy at times.”
“You must be too busy to realize how you come across as well.”
“I’m sorry?” You have to ask to make sure you heard her correctly. 
“You realize this is the first time you’ve held eye contact with me for more than three seconds?" She crosses her arms and that makes you tense even more.
“You’ve been counting?”
“At some point, yes. It’s like clockwork," she unfolds one arm to frame her face and you can't help but appreciate her jawline and the perfectly manicured finger that's tapping away at her cheek.
You have to look away and take a breath. You feel like an idiot for having such obvious tells. Of course, if Sam and Bucky can clock your nervous habits, Professor Maximoff can too.
“You don’t let your eyes land on me for too long, they bounce around the room a lot, like right now.”
Your eyes fall on her again, but this time you make it a point to hold it for as long as you can physically bear it.
“I’m sorry, Professor. I’m not rude, just shy at times. I can see how that comes off as standoffish.”
“It’s okay,” she gives you a nod with a smile. It’s the same combo she gives during her lectures. You only know this because you’re its number-one fan. Your jaw reflexively drops but you quickly pick it back up before she notices.
“You know,” she slides out of her plush leather chair and saunters out from behind her desk, “at first I did think you were just rude.”
She shrugs for a beat before stepping closer to you, “but then I think about how often you hold the door for me.”
And closer.
“And how you say ‘good morning’ or ‘good afternoon’ whenever you pass me on campus.”
And closer.
“Now, it all makes sense.”
Your cheeks begin to burn, you want to step back to give her space but she’s already a breath away from you by the time your brain can form the idea.
“Yes, professor?”
“Do you like me?”
She asks it so innocently you almost forget where you are. You're not two people casually exploring each other's fascination with one another. You're not on some kind of date, she’s your professor and you’re just a 1L. She watches your throat squirm as you swallow. Your mouth is now bone dry. 
“I…it’s--just a little crush, yes.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, professor,” you respond so quickly and she hums in praise. Something pulls deep in your belly but you don’t have any time to figure out what it is before Professor Maximoff speaks again.
“Just a little?”
She leans impossibly closer to you. Your eyes don’t have a single corner to escape to, your breathing is shallow and sporadic. 
She doesn’t correct you this time and you can’t help but feel a heavy pang of want. You watch a smirk stretch across her face and you feel like prey that’s about to fall victim to--
“That’ll be all, y/n—please close the door on your way out.”
She backs away before you do, turning on her heel to sit at her desk just the way you found her.
You stand there dumbly nodding for a moment. She subtly raises an eyebrow in your direction and that’s when your limbs begin to move towards the door. You quietly shut the door behind you before slumping against it, air filling your lungs once again. You shake off whatever you're feeling and head home, still trying to wrap your head around what just happened. 
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deanscherrypie420 · 3 months
Demon Blood - Part 1
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A/N : Hi! This is my first public fan fiction I've written. I hope you enjoy! (Supernatural storyline is not followed) I didn't word count but uh.. It's.. It's long :D
Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader (Y/N), Sam Winchester, Bobby, Castiel.
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Fem!Reader, Sam X Reader (Platonic) Castiel X Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Angst, demons, blood, injuries, mild detail into injuries, cursing, arguing, physical fights, supernatural hunts, slow burn (Let me know if I missed anything :) )
Summary: You were born a demon. You never found out why, but you have demon blood in your veins. Your father left when you were young and you've lived with Bobby ever since. One day, the Winchesters come storming back into your life for a place to stay. Sour memories are brought up and you and Dean can't stop fighting..
She woke up to commotion in the main room. She glanced around her bedroom and pushed the blankets away. Grabbing her gun from underneath her pillow, she quietly walked to her door, listening in for any context. All she heard was men laughing. Groaning slightly, she made her way out to the living room. Immediately Bobby turns to her, a weary smile on his face.
"Y/N! The Winchester boys are gonna be staying here for a bit between hunts."
She glanced at them. Sam had changed a bit, he was tall, very fit. He'd grown his hair out more and he had an awkward smile. Dean was.. Dean. She didn't need to get into more detail.
"Why? Can't they just motel surf?" She said bitterly. She glared at the older Winchester. He had a small shit-eating grin on his face and it made her sick. "Or did you miss me, De?" She said with a tight smile, sarcasm lacing her words line thorns on a rose.
She was coloring at the dining room when two boys arrived. The older man dropping them off seemed to be in a hurry and just as quickly as he was there, he was gone. Bobby had guided the two over to her and she smiled big.
"Hi! I'm Y/N! What are your names?" She said excitedly. One of the boys was older than her, taller too. He seemed to be about twelve years old. The other one was definitely around her age, maybe just a little older. The older one glanced down at his brother and he answered, "I'm Dean. He's Sam."
This was the start of a friendship between Sam and her. They were best friends, always drawing or reading together. One time she even stole a book from a library for him. Dean on the other hand, didn't like her that much. He wasn't outright mean or anything, he just didn't spend time with her. Everything was fine until one day..
"Guess what! Look what I can do!" She giggled as she dragged Sam closer. Intrigued, Dean came over as well, glancing over his little brother's shoulder. She closed her Y/E/C eyes, and when she opened them again they were like a sea of ink. Dean grabbed Sam and pulled him back, shoving the little girl to the floor. Her eyes quickly went back to normal but they were filled with tears. "W-what's wrong?" She asked.
"You're some sort of demon freak! Stay the hell away from me and my brother!" Dean shouted at her. Bobby soon rushed into the room and went to Y/N's side. She was crying now. Bobby had to explain to the boys how she was indeed, a demon.
It was never the same after that.
At dinner they ordered take-out from a nearby fast food restaurant. It was quiet. The air was a bit tense, just the sounds of food packages moving around occasionally and beer bottles being set down. She wasn't legally allowed to drink for another six days, but who's counting?
"So, what's it like being a demon? Bein' all grown up now I'm sure you use your bullshit in some way." Dean said casually, a smartass grin on his face. He was taunting her.
She took a deep breath before responding, "It's great, y'know. I live normally. Just like any hunter would." She took another sip of beer and gave a unamused smile.
Dean cleared his throat, taking a swig of beer himself. "Yeah well, I bet your family is scared, huh? Never knowing when you might kill them.." He said coolly. It was such a random comment. He was trying to get a reaction out of her and she knew it. It was making her blood boil.
"Good thing I've never hurt any human before, huh?" She was tense and everybody could tell. Bobby and Sam were allowing the conversation to continue, cautiously glancing at her to make sure she was alright.
She's not sure exactly when the argument escalated but it did. They were yelling at each other and she was pissed. He brought up a time when she got violent, and for some reason he was so hell bent on bringing up her family. God, it infuriated her! She screamed at him, "Good thing I don't have a family to kill! Nobody has to worry about fucking shit!" She then stormed out and sat on the porch, trying to control her breathing.
Shortly after her, Sam walked out. "Hey, you okay?" He said quietly as he sat down next to her. She scoffed and nodded. "Yeah, golden." It was quiet for a moment. "We don't have much family either. Our dad is.. who knows where, and our mom is dead." He said quietly. She glanced over at him and smiled softly, "Yeah, but you have each other. I got no one." Her voice was gentle. Sam wrapped an arm around her and sighed, "You have me."
Bobby had taken them to a playground for her seventh birthday. He was trying to distract her from the thought of her dad. The boys had been staying with Bobby for a year now, Dean was thirteen years old and Sammy was nine. Sam and her were still okay, despite his older brother's wishes. Her, Sam and Dean were at the top of the tallest slide and she was yelling for Bobby to watch her go down.
"Bobby! Bobby! Look at me! Watch!" She squealed excitedly. She was such a bubbly kid. Bobby looked over and smiled. "Go! C'mon now." He cheered her on the best he could. She was giggling and as she was about to go down she felt the wind knock out of her. Before she knew it she was falling down to the ground, and then It went blank.
She woke up moments later to Bobby and Sam next to her, helping her up. She was crying hard. Bark and dirt covered her new "birthday dress" and she was bleeding from scrapes all over. Sam hugged her tightly as she cried while Bobby scolded Dean for pushing her.
"I got you, it's- it's okay, Y/N. I'm here." Sam said, squeezing her tighter.
She was in the Impala with the boys on a hunting trip. The only reason she was brought along - and the only reason she agreed - was because they suspected it was demons. She was in the backseat with her earbuds in, listening to Taylor Swift to block out whatever the hell Dean was listening to.
It was night time when they arrived in Colorado. They were in a small town, a rather trashy town to say the least. They booked a motel room because, as Dean said, "We aren't gonna book two rooms and change routine just 'cause you wanna feel special, sweetheart. Suck it up."
She set her stuff down by the couch while Sam went to shower. Dean grabbed a beer and made himself comfortable on his bed. He turned on the T.V and started watching a show she couldn't care less about. She made a makeshift bed on the sofa and laid down. She was exhausted.
When Sam came out of the shower, Dean went in. She cursed him under her breath for not letting her shower first.
"Hey, earth to Y/N." Sam said, waving his hand In front of her. She snapped out of her thinking and gave an awkward laugh. "Sorry, I was just zoning out." She rubbed the back of her neck. He ruffled her hair as he walked past and smiled. "Yeah, I noticed. Take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." She rolled her eyes at the suggestion, "No. I'm fine, Sammy." They bickered about it for a minute before Dean stepped out of the shower. "She gets the couch, Sam. End of discussion."
The room was filled with tension and she told Sam she was gonna clean up really quick. She went into the bathroom and showered. The water was cold, Dean purposefully using as much warm water as he could. When she was finished, she wrapped herself in a towel and peeked out the bathroom door. "Sammy," She said sweeter than usual, catching both the boy's attention, "Can you please grab me a shirt? I kinda forgot one." He smiled and nodded, "No problem." He reached into a bag and grabbed a t-shirt. Once he gave it to her she retreated back into the bathroom. Her face was flushed and she felt like an idiot. What the fuck was that, Sammy, can you pretty please grab me a shirt? She mocked herself, Sounded like you were trying to fuck him, Jesus.
She left the bathroom and made her way over to the couch. Dean stared at her the whole time, making her slightly uncomfortable. "Can I help you?" She said, more attitude in her tone than she intended. Dean gave a tight smile back. "You're wearing my shirt." He said calmly. For some reason, everything he did seemed to irritate her. "Oh, boo-hoo. Cry about it. It's just a shirt." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Don't give me attitude, I'm just pointing It out." He winked at her, a grin on his face. Is this fucker serious right now? She thought to herself. "Fucking. Gross." She said as she peeled the shirt from her body, leaving herself in nothing but sweats and a bra. She tossed the shirt at him and flipped him off, "Go bang a bartender or something, don't flirt with me." She scoffed and shook her head, "I might kill you, remember?" The room went silent as she lay down on the couch, quickly falling into an uncomfortable sleep.
"Rise and shine, doll face! We got work to do." Dean announced as he opened the curtains to the motel window, the bright sunlight causing her to cringe. She forced herself up and immediately noticed a new face.
"Who the fuck is that?" She said bluntly, staring at the man.
"I'm Castiel, the Winchesters guardian angel. Nice to meet you." He said almost robot-like as he stuck his hand out to shake hers. She just rolled her eyes and shook her head, going over to the coffee machine and pouring herself a cup. Castiel tilted his head and quirked a brow at the brothers. "Was I inappropriate?" He questioned. Sam quickly answered before Dean could, "No, she's just not a morning person." Castiel seemed to accept this answer and remained seated.
"Fucking bitch!" She yelled out as the demon sliced her chest, throwing her to the floor. It grabbed her by her throat and squeezed, nearly crushing it before chucking her to the wall.
She got into the predicament because she was playing bait. "A demon can't kill you, so just go in there and distract him while we figure something out." Dean explained to her. She had rolled her eyes and agreed, now wishing she hadn't.
"Not so strong now, are you, little girl?" The vessel cooed, making her teeth grind. She flung herself forward and shoved it to the ground, her eyes pooled with black. She heard a gunshot as she fell to the ground with it, but she didn't care, she was determined to kill this demon.
Suddenly, after tearing it apart, she was pulled off of It. She went to attack whatever the fuck interrupted her but she was quickly soothed by Sam's voice. 'Hey, calm down. Shh.." He whispered in her ear. Her muscles relaxed and she exhaled, her eyes returning to normal. "Fuck, we didn't mean to shoot you. Dean, wheres Cas?" Sam asked urgently. She was beginning to feel lightheaded and she realized that she was the one who got shot. The bullet went in right by her hip, the soft flesh around it soaked in blood. She couldn't make out what the boys were arguing about, but before she knew it she was laying flat on the ground while Dean tried to remove the bullet from her side. Sam was above her, definitely talking to her but she couldn't hear him. Black spots formed in the corners of her eyes and soon it consumed her.
She was out.
She woke up in the motel bed, a groan leaving her throat. Both of the brothers perked up and looked over at her. Sam rushed to your side and began rambling, asking if you were alright and such. Her headache was banging against her temples and she shut her eyes tight. "Sam, shut up. I'm fine." She said sternly, quickly silencing the younger Winchester. Dean cocked a brow, "He's just making sure you're okay. Son of a bitch shot you, be grateful he gives a damn." Dean all but nearly yelled, his tone clearly pissed off. "Dean, shut the fuck up. I'm not in a mood to bitch with you right now." She snapped back, pushing herself up out of bed. She had bruising underneath each of her eyes, it was mild but it was there. Her forehead was scratched and she had a long incision down her chest. It felt like the wounds were burning through her clothes and It just pissed her off more.
Pulling her out of her thoughts, Dean shouted at her. "I'm sick and tired of you thinking you're some sort of fucking god because you're a demon. Get off your fucking high horse and be grateful we patched your ass up!" His brows were furrowed and his fists were balled up, his knuckles white. She grit her teeth and shoved him back. "It's your fucking job." She said as he banged against the wall. "Your job is to protect people, whether it be me or Sammy. Don't give me the "be grateful" speech when you aren't appreciative of shit!" She yelled back at him.
He sprang forward, not knowing what came over him. He slapped her so hard across the face her mind shook. "Good thing you're not a person. You're a disgusting fucking demon, sweetheart!" He chuckled dryly, "We should have left you for dead."
It's been hours since she's been back at the motel. She checked her phone and it was nearing three in the morning. 2:37 AM. Great. She laughed to herself. She was freezing, the cold wind and rain chilling her to the bone.
By the time she made it to the bus stop, there was only an hour left until it took off. She sat down on a bench, the warm heaters inside the building making her head lull back. She closed her eyes and exhaled.
"5;00 AM Bus to South Dakota Leaving In Five Minutes." The intercom said, waking her up. She hopped on the bus and made herself comfortable in a seat closer to the front. She would be back home within a few hours.
When she returned home, her clothing was still damp and she looked pretty.. rough. She quickly made her way past Bobby, and into her bedroom. She changed into a new set of clothes and took a deep breath. She knew the boys would be home soon, so she had to figure out a way to explain the situation to-
"Are you alright?" Bobby yelled through the door, knocking quickly before opening it. She smiled at his familiarity, the comfort of being home. He quickly rushed over to her and grabbed her face. "Who in bloody hell laid a hand on my kid?" He said through gritted teeth. She just shrugged and waved his hand away, sighing. "Hunts are rough." She remarked dryly. Bobby exhaled and turned her head to the side, not caring that she waved him off. "Only a demon would hit a woman like this." He said coldly and a part of her inside smiled.
Who's the demon now, De?
"De! De! Look at what I drew for you!" She said, wobbling around as she ran up to him with a picture in hand. It was Deans thirteenth birthday. He was waiting for his dad at the kitchen table. He was supposed to come.
The picture was in bright colors and it read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEDE!!" In big pink letters. There was a cake drawing on it with three candles, she explained It was for the three of them. "One is for you, the red one! See, see! The green one is for Sammy, because he really likes trees! And- and the pink one-" Dean cut her off, "I don't care! Get your stupid ass picture away from me and stop calling me that!" He shouted as he grabbed the paper and ripped it, throwing the two halves back at her in little crumpled balls. Her eyes watered and she nodded, picking up the scraps. "I'm sorry, De.." She said quietly, and he pushed her hard. "Don't fucking call me that!" He yelled.
"Do not cuss at her like that, boy!" Bobby had said when he came in, yelling at Dean. She ran to her room and cried.
She couldn't stop crying.
When the boys got home Bobby immediately approached them. Dean was prepared for Bobby's wrath. How he would yell at him for laying a hand on her.
"You boys! I swear to God! You need to take better care of her, that evil creature got 'er good! Cut her up and slapped her hard." Bobby said with the shake of his head. Dean's eyebrows quirked in confusion, cautiously answering, "The demon slapped her?" Sam glanced down at his brother and shook his head. "Who else woulda done it, Dean? Monsters are sick people.." Bobby said before waving the boys off and walking away.
Before Sam or Dean could say anything, Y/N appeared in the doorway, mimicking Bobby's voice.
"Only a demon would hit a woman like this." She said with a smug grin. Dean's eyes darted towards her and he seethed. "Bullshit. He didn't say that." Y/N just smiled, walking over to him and placing a hand on his chest. Sam raised a brow, a bit antsy. Dean's heartbeat was racing. He cheeks grew flushed and she just chuckled softly. Her hand trailed up Dean's collar and found its way to his cheek, cupping it gently.
"Only a demon, De."
A/N : That's the end of part one! I wrote this all in one sitting and I didn't exactly proof read, so let me know If there are any mess ups! I hope you enjoyed :)
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any rec's feel free to send them over :)
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ca-suffit · 2 months
sam confused me a bit when he said the show will always be about the unholy little family, I really don’t know how is that possible.
I was seeing some lestacels talking about nickistat and how it couldn’t be like in the books bc of the age gap, like in the book Nicki was the experienced and cultured one and lestat was a naive young boy, it’s obviously not like that in the books, there’s 9 years gap, lestans are upset about that and i cheer
I think aging Lestat is a big big change from the books and is gonna affect the plot no matter what, like a 34y old will be pathetic to seek the kind of validation and guidance he looks for from Marius and David, can you imagine?lol
Also Rolin says he wants 8 seasons but I’m sure he is trolling, that would mean Sam would be over 50 and playing Lestat de lioncourt like 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭
"sam confused me a bit when he said the show will always be about the unholy little family, I really don’t know how is that possible."
claudia never stops being a theme in the books and their life together is ever present. I think anne could have written a lot of it better, but louis and lestat are forever haunted by their failures with claudia and their relationship then. it affects everything they do forever.
"I was seeing some lestacels talking about nickistat and how it couldn’t be like in the books bc of the age gap, like in the book Nicki was the experienced and cultured one and lestat was a naive young boy, it’s obviously not like that in the books, there’s 9 years gap, lestans are upset about that and i cheer"
idk how it doesn't occur to ppl that someone being physically older but still more sheltered wouldn't be *more* devastating in ways. unless they change lestat's experience with paris, he might be older but still clueless how to navigate that city, have any independence of his family, have experience in relationships. I think that would be interesting.
"I think aging Lestat is a big big change from the books and is gonna affect the plot no matter what, like a 34y old will be pathetic to seek the kind of validation and guidance he looks for from Marius and David, can you imagine?lol"
I mean, not rly tho?? like I just wrote, if he's still been sheltered and unable to escape his home life that whole time, he won't be a worldly 34 y/o. he's also got major daddy issues, that doesn't just go away cuz ur older. aging him up obviously makes him physically older but doesn't rly make it a stretch of reality for his mentality about some stuff. a lot of ppl who live in abuse live like this bcuz surviving however many years thru that means typical milestones and certain developments can pass u by. also none of us ever stops needing validation and guidance anyway.
the show was also always supposed to run long, so they've known from the start what they were casting for. I don't think there'll be much visible difference in actors. I actually think that's why they cast them older. the diff between 20s and 30s is p obvious but 30s to 40s isn't.
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #17
[masterlist] [part one] [part three]
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While Danny was infinitely grateful for Clockwork and all the things he'd done for him over the past three years, he was really regretting giving the ancient ghost carte blanche when it came to his safety. The dimension travel was cool, he'd been able to see a crap ton of various superhero fights since getting dropped here, he'd even got a hoodie from Captain Marvel, but the de-aging thing? He was seventeen, not ten! How did being physically younger than he was chronologically protect him from anything? He'd learned to apply his mom's martial arts at fourteen, at ten he'd still only been learning the katas! Honestly, it was a good thing his being de-aged had only taken his muscle memory, and he still had his ghost half; without his powers, he would have been roadkill by now.
He'd just flown from the shining City of Metropolis all the way to a city Sam would have loved, if only for the aesthetic, when the sun touched the horizon. Looking around, Danny figured it'd be best not to be out on the streets after dark, and started looking for a place to crash for the night. There were a surprising number of empty and deserted apartments in the area of town he'd flown into, but most of them weren't the most defensible, so on he went, until he felt something... Different, something he hadn't felt in years. Not since Ellie had almost destabilized. This, though... This was different. This wasn't a young core crying out in terror, this was a strangled core crying out in pain and rage and confusion. And it wasn't a full ghost, either. It was another halfa. Danny was phasing into a highly fortified apartment before he even knew it.
Carefully picking his way through the apartment, Danny made his way to the back room where he knew the other halfa was. He could hear them gasping and hyperventilating, their core fighting its bonds yet gaining no headway. Rounding the doorway to the bedroom, Danny froze, his core aching at the sight of the state the older halfa was in. How the guy wasn't in the middle of a murderous rampage, he wasn't sure, but helping him would be significantly easier with Danny not having to protect a bunch of civilians at the same time, so he'd take it.
He settled his feet onto the ground, rolled the sleeves of his too large hoodie up slightly, and let out a couple small chirps. The effect was instantaneous, the older halfa's attention drawn completely to him. Seeing those glowing green eyes under a patch of white hair, focused with laser intensity on him, Danny shifted a bit as he relaxed. He'd managed to break his mental spiral, now all he had to do was interact with the guy and his core would do the rest of the work. Hesitantly, he shuffled forward and chirped a few more times, trying to encourage the guy to respond.
Danny had never been more relieved than he was when the guy chirped back, tears welling in his eyes as his shoulders relaxed. A sob worked its way out of the guy as he reached a hand out, as if grasping for a lifeline, and who was Danny to deny him that simple comfort? Ghosts were nearly as tactical as humans were, sometimes more so, in fact.
Admittedly, falling asleep cuddled up in the older halfa's arms had not been his intention, but, well... Having someone freely give him comfort in return for receiving comfort had been something he'd missed terribly. He hadn't even gotten to say goodbye to his friends or his sister before Clockwork had sent him to this dimension. It had been... Way too long since he'd had a hug, especially one as warm and all encompassing as that one had been.
He didn't want to move from the safety of those strong arms holding him, didn't want to leave the comforting rumble of the older halfa's purr, but Danny desperately needed the restroom, and he still had some dignity left. Reluctantly, he tried to shift enough to slip out of the hug, only for those arms to tighten their hold on him ever so slightly. Tired blue eyes fluttered open, studying Danny's face for a moment before closing for a wide yawn.
"Where do you think you're going, kiddo?" The other halfa asked softly, his sleep-rough baritone voice weaving a layer of peace-calm-safety into the air around them.
"... I need the restroom..." Danny mumbled, fighting the urge to just stay right where he was. He hadn't felt this peaceful since the last time he'd visited Jazz at her college dorm.
The chest he was still half curled up to jiggled as the guy huffed an amused laugh. He was hugged a bit tighter for a moment before being released. "Just across the hall, kiddo. Do your business, then meet me in the kitchen for breakfast, alright? I have some questions I'd like to ask you, starting with what flavor of pancakes you like." Danny blinked but nodded. He was up and almost out the door when the guy spoke back up. "Oh, and kid? The name's Jason. Thanks for what you did for me last night."
Danny paused and turned to look back at Jason. The guy was already looking better now that his core wasn't being restrained by the sickly green gunk that had been strangling it. His blue eyes were almost glowing with life, and his skin held a warm peachy color that hadn't been there before he'd fallen asleep. Even his hair, black with a patch of white, seemed healthier. Danny smiled, small and content. "Danny, and you're welcome. You looked like you needed some TLC."
Jason raised an eyebrow. "Tender love and care?"
"Nah," Danny smirked. "Tons of love and cuddles."
Tehehe (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) I'm very happy with how this turned out! We finally got Danny's point of view! Now, admittedly, when I wrote the first part, I didn't have a concrete age for Danny, or really any backstory for him being in Gotham except for he was on the run due to a Reveal Gone Wrong™. I just really liked the idea of Danny getting de-aged and punted into another dimension for his own safety, and meeting Jason as a byproduct. They've adopted each other, now lol
Here's some fun people who asked to be tagged if I continued this! @treepainting, @fancydelusionluminary, @blacksea21090, @undead-essence, @fisticuffsatapplebees, here's part two!
Have a good morning/day/night!
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fluffystevefest · 3 months
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Fluffy Steve Fest really flew by! Thank you so much to everyone who shared their creations or showed their love and support - the round-up of daily masterlists (with a side of fun statistics) is coming on July 10. In the meantime, be generous with your likes, kudos, reblogs, shares, and comments! 💙
Fluffy Steve Fest Day 7 - Steve's...less common friendships by @bulkyphrase ★ Rec list ★ Pairing: Multi ★ It's the final day of @fluffystevefest! Sunday's theme is "Steve's..." and I've decided to focus on Steve's rarer friendships. So please enjoy this list of lighthearted stories featuring some lovely platonic Steve rarepairs.
Fluffy Steve Fest Rec List: July 7: Steve's... by @ephemeralbutterfly ★ Rec list ★ Pairing: Multi ★ Hello everyone! I am doing daily themed rec lists for @fluffystevefest. The fics are related (some more loosely than others) to the daily prompts. The number of fics for any given day and prompt varies, but I have at least one fic for each day. There's also a wide variety of fic types and ratings, so I hope there will be something for everyone. The lists are vertically long, so I've put them behind a cut. The longest list for the last day. Once again a grab bag.
Coming Around Again by @polizwrites ★ Fic: 572, G ★ Pairing: Steve/Bucky ★ When Bucky calls Steve out on an old habit, he remembers the first time they shared an apartment.   
Day 7: His Wickedly Wild Menace by @mercurial-chuckles ★ Fic ★ Pairing: Steve/Reader ★ As a Systems Engineer, you were working on a machine in the gym. To your great dislike, a rookie bullies your trainee, and you can't help but show the rookie his place. Unbeknownst to you, the Avengers were vetting out the recruits before physical strength tests, and they see the whole thing. You capture Steve's interest.
yours, steve rogers by @meidui ★ Fic: 1k, G ★ Pairing: Steve & Avengers ★ Life seems to slow down, gentle and forgiving in a way it has never been before, and Steve gets into writing letters.
For the First Time by @thebrooklynnway ★ Fic: 3.2k, M ★ Pairing: Steve/Tony ★ Steve is six years old when he meets Tony. He kisses Steve on the cheek, declares that they are best friends for life, then makes his way down the ladder of the treehouse. Steve watches with a blush on his freckled cheeks, a mixture of happiness and something he doesn’t really understand swirling in his heart.
I Drew it for You by @darthbloodorange ★ Fic: 100, G ★ Pairing: Steve & Sarah ★ Steve draws something for his mother.
de-aged steve fic recs <3 by @meidui ★ Rec list ★ Pairing: Steve/Tony ★
Expensive Habit by @darthbloodorange ★ Fic: 100, G ★ Pairing: Steve & Tony, Steve & Avengers ★ It sort of just happens...
Name Change by @ijustreallylikecaptainamericaok ★ Fic: 396, T ★ Pairing: Steve/Scott, Steve & Cassie ★ Scott had seen a similarly shocked pause before, back when Paxton went from Jim to Papa.
Thawed Interest by @darthbloodorange ★ Fic: 300, T ★ Pairing: Steve/Bucky, Steve & Avengers ★ Steve experiences his first crush since coming out of the ice. The Avengers have thoughts...
World's Best Dad-Venger by @darthbloodorange ★ Art ★ Pairing: Steve & Avengers ★ Summery: A retired Steve wakes in the morning to find a gift left by the young heroes he helps train.
Happy Ending by @americas-ass-writing ★ Fic: 1.3k ★ Pairing: Steve/Reader ★ Happy endings were something from fairytales. The real life didn't offer this. Steve would know. Every single piece of happiness was taken from him after way too short. His dad, his mom soon after, Bucky (who luckily returned to him), his own life. After trying to reclaim what he could of his life things looked better. He had friends, a found family, a sense of purpose... only for it to be taken far too soon. After the fight with Thanos everyone went their separate ways. Tony quit to be with his family, Natasha went on a lengthy solo mission. Sam and Bucky went on their own adventures after Steve gave the shield to Sam, too tired to continue being cap. Being someone he just isn't anymore. Thor went back to new Asgard. Bruce went to California. Which leaves Steve alone in New York. Alone to pick up the shambles of his and everyone else's life. Alone.
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the-trinket-witch · 1 year
New TWST OC Hub!
(NOTE: All art depicted is a combination of freehand art and sprite manipulation, So I cannot say this is wholly my own hand. As well, SD sprites are created via this picrew and edited further by me.)
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Albert Eastwind (アルバート・イーストウィンド):
(TWST OF: Mary Poppins)
Age: 17
Pronouns: He/Him (わたくし)
Birthday: Aug 27
Height: 5'9" (175cm)
Class: 2-C (Student 64)
Homeland: Altus (Queendom of Roses)
Best Class: Practical Magic
U.M: 'Step in Time'- Can slow time around up to 15ft (4.5m), can only use up to an hour of time (passes as 5 minutes IRT). Buildup of blot makes use of <1hr dangerous.
Likes: Taking care of others
Dislikes: 'Piecrust Promises' (lying or sparing someone their feelings)
Personality: Cheerful, practical, self-flagellating, one to suffer in silence, truthful, wordy, uplifting, formal
Nicknames: Swordfish (Floyd), Monsieur Parapluie (Rook)
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Eugenio 'Yuu' Hernandez (エウヘニオ・ヘルナンデス)
Age: 16
Pronouns: They/Them (僕)
Birthday: May 15
Height: 5'4" (162cm)
Class: 1-A (Student 13)
Homeland: Alameda, CA, USA
Best Class: P.E
U.M: 'Beast Tamer'-not magical, but the threat of La Chancla upside one's head tends to put rowdy schoolboys in line
Likes: Cooking, learning about Twisted Wonderland, days off
Dislikes: Overblotting, Some of the Dorm Leaders, having to do Crowley's go-for work, going hungry
Personality: Pragmatic, wry, inexperienced, mature, tired, fun-seeking
Nicknames: Shrimpy (Floyd), Monsieur Trickster (Rook)
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Tidus Rhin (ティダス・ライン)
(TWST OF: Archimedes-The Little Mermaid (TV Series))
Age: 16
Pronouns: He/Him (自分)
Birthday: Nov 17
Height: 7ft (213cm)
Class: 1-C (student 50)
Homeland: Coral Sea
Best Class: History
U.M: 'Fathom's Below'- Can use infrasound frequencies to cause a variety of physical/psychological effects
Likes: Human Culture
Dislikes: Being used exclusively for his strength
Personality: Bubbly, curious, naive, scholarly, headstrong, tame, protective
Nicknames: Jinbei (Floyd), Monsieur Vaste (Rook)
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Lázaro Muertinez (ラサロ・ムエルティネス)
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him (俺)
Birthday: Nov 2
Height: 6'0" (182cm)
Class: 3-D (Student 42)
Homeland: Land of Dawning
Best Class: Music
U.M: 'Recuérdame'-digs up lost memories of those who hear him playing music. Memories are random.
Likes: Playing any instrument he can get his hands on
Dislikes: Art theft
Personality: Cheery, familial, boisterous, spontaneous, savant, festive
Nicknames: Celebes (Floyd), Roi de la Guitare (Rook)
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Aadesh Sona (アーデシュ・ソナ)
Age: 28
Pronouns: He/Him (俺-様)
Birthday: Oct 18
Height: 6'5" (195cm)
Subject: 'Counselor' (Inside Trader/Intel Gatherer)
Homeland: Sunset Savannah
Species: Beastman (Constrictor)
U.M: 'Silver Mist'-lowers brainwave activity, putting people to sleep. Cannot influence actions via UM itself, but has a degree in psychology so only needs to have one in a more suggestible state.
Likes: Having the upper hand, Praise from Mr Khan, power
Dislikes: Things not going his way, Knots in his tail, Kids too smart for their own good
Personality: Conceited, intelligent, scheming, two-faced, obsequious, manipulative, eloquent, self-serving
Nicknames: Scaly Bastard (various), Creepy Constrictor (various) Doctor (clients)
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The Janitor (管理人-さん)
(TWST of: Myself! My Actual 'Self insert')
Age: 6 months
Pronouns: They/Them (自分)
Birthday: Sept. 15
Height: 5'4" (163cm)
Role: Janitor
Homeland: Nightraven College Science Lab
Species: Construct (animated anatomical model)
U.M: N/A (Has a charm that makes their sign language understood by those they communicate with)
Likes: Cleaning, free time, learning about 'Life'
Dislikes: Purposefully messy areas, People not understanding their signs, (eventually) being treated as a slave
Personality: detail-oriented, tidy, tired, sassy, overworked, nonchalant, wry
Nicknames: Handybones (various), Bones Malone (various), The Assistant (Sam), 'Oh Shit You Scared Me' (various), The Walking Halloween Decoration (various) Glassfish (Floyd), Souverain de Propreté (Rook)
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Rajesh Khan (レージェシュ カン)
(TWST of: Shere Khan-Jungle Book)
Age: 53
Pronouns: He/Him (俺-様)
Birthday: Nov. 17
Height: 5'9" (175cm)
Career: CEO (Khan Corp.)
Homeland: Scalding Sands
Species: Beastman (Tiger)
U.M: 'King of the Jungle' Magically amplifies his infrasound roar, making it easier to intimidate.
Likes: Exotic food, smooth business dealings, news from Aadesh, opera, body building
Dislikes: Insubordination, lack of information, kicks to the knee
Personality: Austere, collected, explosive, cutthroat, confident
Nicknames: Sir, Mr Khan
Finally also: the Voice Claim Trailer
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We're bringing HBO supernatural back in 2023 and that means
Claire is a Nephil But Wrong because her grace has been eating away at her soul for years
Alex never got cured from her vampirism but she became a lab tech at a hospital and feeds off expired blood and platelets
Patience struggles with everyday tasks because visions come on with no warning and can get physical so stuff like driving is too risky
There are ghosts trapped in the impala
Monsters never stop telling Sam how wrong he smells
Trees pop up where angels die
Dean and his tattoos and his smoking but also Wrong Like Sam because he was reassembled.
Cas ages and de-ages as his power varies over time
Sometimes rifts between dimensions open and close along things Jack touches
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spnsabrielbang · 2 months
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(un)follow you
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Author & Artist ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ @dent-de-l1on & @crossroads-consoul ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Rated ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Explicit - 18+ ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Word count ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ 11,948 words (91.9 minute read) ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Warnings ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ No Major Warnings Apply ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Tags ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Meet-Cute, Fitness Coach Sam, Baker Gabriel, Pining ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Characters ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Gabriel, Sam Winchester ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Relationships ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Gabriel / Sam Winchester
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Summary ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─
When Gabriel's baby brother showed him an Instagram account focusing on physical fitness, he probably didn't mean to start a fascination for the ages. While it didn't start a sudden passion for squats, pull-ups or jogging, Gabriel spent a lot of his free time looking at BeYourBestSelf - or rather, at the absolutely gorgeous instructor starring in most of the videos. It was innocent, of course, just his own private thoughts in his own private time. It wasn't like he was just going to bump into the guy on the street, right? Right.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ [ FIC ] <-║-> [ ART ] ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─
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graysparrowao3 · 4 months
Sam Drake - A Character Exploration
About 4 years ago, I wrote a character analysis for Sam Drake from the Uncharted series. It sat in my documents folder ever since, but it seems like Tumblr is the right place for this sort of thing, so I'll share it should anyone have interest in that sort of thing.
(Turns out I have a thing for writing about sibling relationships in games, especially focusing on the older sibling, who knew!)
This analysis explores Samuel Drake as a tragic example of a man surviving through childhood trauma and loss. We will look at how his early experiences shape who he is, and demonstrate how Sam survives through adversity. Let's look at some of the facts of Sam's life and break them down to explore how Sam came to be the person we see throughout Uncharted 4.
This contains spoilers for the Uncharted game series.
Profile: Samuel "Drake" Morgan, White male, mid-40s.
Sam is born five years before his brother, Nathan. When Sam is ten years old their mother dies and their father surrenders them to the state and sells their family possessions. They find their mother's notes on pirates with an elderly explorer who speaks highly of her and Sam changes their surname to Drake. When pursuing pirate treasure with the aid of wealthy Rafe Adler, Sam is shot and left for dead. After thirteen years, Rafe discovers Sam is alive and pays for his release from prison. Sam reunites with his brother and constructs a lie in which his life being threatened to convince Nate to join him again. There is clear tension between Sam and Nate's mentor, Victor Sullivan. When Sam ultimately finds the treasure he sets off a trap that leaves him unconscious; Nate saves him. Sam takes some treasure which he discreetly gives to his brother. Sam and Sully become business partners.
From Very Small Beginnings
Sam is born five years before his brother, Nathan. When Sam is ten years old their mother dies and their father surrenders them to the state and sells their family possessions.
These first two sentences tells us a lot about Sam's start in life. When Sam is barely an adolescent he becomes the sole caregiver to a five-year-old, abandoned by his father and with no connections to a mother who dies under tragic circumstances.
The only male role-model in Sam's life, his father, is remembered by Sam as "always the asshole". Unsurprising, given that he voluntarily gives up parental rights to his children leaving them in the care system. Without consistent caregivers, a permanent residence, or financial resources, a ten-year-old boy suddenly must provide safety and stability for his five-year-old brother.
His role as Nate's de facto parent is clear on multiple occasions, through his leadership and mentoring of Nate as children and through his protective nature which is shown to be genuine and powerful; both as a teenager and in his middle-age Sam steps in front of a loaded gun that is pointed towards his brother. Though his effectiveness as a mentor could be questioned, Sam does the best he can given that he had no positive role-models to demonstrate love, compassion, or guidance for him to give his brother.
As an adolescent with basic needs, both physical and emotional, that aren't met, legal ramifications are low on the list of priorities, and Sam engages in petty theft and other anti-social behaviors as a matter of survival in a world that has shown it does not care for him. Sam's delinquency that results in him leaving the care home he was placed in is a direct and necessary result of the environment in which he was forced to grow up.
Before he even hits puberty, Sam has lost both parents, the ability to enjoy his childhood, any sense of safety or stability, and any meaningful relationships aside from his kid brother. The amount of traumatic loss that he is required to carry is huge, and his greatness comes not from any subsequent treasure hunting, but from the resilience he shows in adapting to this childhood trauma and becoming the support his brother needs in spite of that absence of any support for himself.
Finding Meaning in Life
They find their mother's notes on pirates with an elderly explorer who speaks highly of her and Sam changes their surname to Drake.
Sam therefore finds himself as a young man with a purpose: to take care of his younger brother. When he discovers the location of their mother's possessions, it means more to him than simply recovering some artifacts; he discovers the possibility of a physical connection to their mother. This gives Sam a secondary motivation that follows him throughout the game.
Upon finding their mother's journals in the home of Evelyn, an elderly explorer who worked with their mother, the boys have the opportunity to speak with someone who can tell them about their mother. She person emphasizes their mother's exemplary historical and archaeological work, describing their mother's theory that Sir. Francis Drake has living heirs as potentially her "crowning achievement" before promptly dying and forcing the boys to flee with the knowledge of the pirate legacies their mother had been chasing.
Adopting the Drake name is about more than needing a new identify to escape potential murder charges; it legitimizes a connection between Cassandra Morgan and her sons. Sam doesn't necessarily care that a long-dead pirate sired forgotten children, but if Sir. Francis Drake has heirs, their existence would be the "crowning achievement" of Cassandra Morgan's life. What Sam wants most, as an 18-year-old with no life prospects taking care of his kid brother, is to for his mother to be proud of him, and so he quite literally names himself and Nathan as the "crowning achievement" of their mother's short life.
Sam acts upon these two purposes throughout the game, showing his desire for a connection to his family: 1) To be a mentor to Nathan, and 2) to pursue the pirate legends to continue the legacy of his mother.
Samuel Morgan is a worthless care system statistic, Samuel Drake is the heir to his mother's pirate legacy.
The Destruction of a Boy's Self-Esteem
When pursuing pirate treasure with the aid of wealthy Rafe Adler, Sam is shot and left for dead. After thirteen years, Rafe discovers Sam is alive and pays for his release from prison. Sam reunites with his brother and constructs a lie in which his life being threatened to convince Nate to join him again.
Whilst we don't get much verbal exploration of Sam's feelings about his childhood, it is true that children may blame themselves for negative events out of their control. His recklessness and questionable moral compass give away the internal pain caused by being voluntarily giving away by his remaining parent; the person supposed to love and care for him threw him away like trash. How can we expect any child to understand the complexities of compassion when he believes that he is so worthless that even his own father did not want him.
When remembering Father Duffy at the orphanage, Sam comments "I don't need the guilt". The orthodox orphanage that they are homed in reinforced the idea of shame through the idea of behavior as sin and by not recognizing the boys' behaviors through a lens of attachment and trauma. Rather than recognizing Sam's delinquency as a survival strategy in the face of trauma or the brothers' aggression as an external expression of internal distress, the orphanage staff take a punitive approach.
Jump forward a couple of decades, and Sam has spent thirteen consecutive years in prison. When Rafe bails him out, he does this so that Sam is indebted to assist him in continuing the hunt for treasure. Compare this to when, in Uncharted 2, Sully bails Nathan out of prison simply because he cares about him.
The presence of just one supportive adult can facilitate a child to effectively manage experiences of trauma. Nate had Sam, Sully, Elena, and a cast of well-rounded contacts and friends to support him. Even when released from prison, Sam is nothing more than a tool for someone to use. Aside from Nate, who believes him dead for a third of his life, there is not a single person in Sam's life with whom he has a meaningful relationship.
Furthermore, when the brothers reunite their lives are now in complete juxtaposition. Nate has a wife who loves him, a steady job, a consistent home, a mentor, and a list of achievements finding lost legacies and treasures. Sam, the elder of the two, has nothing.
Nathan is better looking, more charming, more successful, and has more meaningful relationships in his life. And Sam knows it.
A Threatened Purpose
There is clear tension between Sam and Nate's mentor, Victor Sullivan.
In spite of the numerous physical dangers that the Drake brothers finds themselves up against in the action and adventure sections of the game, it is the emotional dangers that are at the core of the games narrative.
Given that we have already identified that one of the most meaningful aspects of Sam's life is his relationship with his younger brother, it makes sense that for Sam, Victor Sullivan represents a real and significant threat. If, during Sam's multiple incarcerations, Sully has taken over the role of being Nate's main caretaker and mentor, then Sam's entire purpose of existence from the age of ten is called into question. Having seen Sully's presence and the relationship between himself and Nathan in the prior games, we know this to be the case.
Interestingly, given that Sam is retrospectively inserted into the story, we as the audience see Victor Sullivan as Nathan's original long-term mentor and not Sam, and so we can empathize with Sully's reluctance to trust him. When Sam is convincing Nathan to join him to restart their search for the treasure, Sully outright says that the reason he is joining the brothers is that "someone's got to keep an eye out for him [Nathan]", heavily implying that Sam is either not capable of doing so or is the person from whom Nate needs protecting. From Sully's perspective, Sam was a naive and brash teenager who is reckless with his brother's well-being. From Sam's perspective, with Sully in Nathan's life there is no longer a role for Sam to play. This is particularly tragic given that his thirteen years in prison during which time Sully and Nate's relationship developed were due to Rafe's actions, not Sam's.
Though both Sam and Sully could be viewed as unhealthy relationships for Nate, in that they both encouraged Nate to pursue a 'life of crime' (and, euphemistically, 'treasure hunting'), the secure, emotional connections that they provided in the absence of any attachment to a parent figure helped Nathan to adapt better than Sam was ever able to.
Consider also the impact of Nate's reluctance to rejoin Sam. Not only does Nate initially refuse due to his newly stable life, but multiple times throughout the journey he expresses doubt regarding their quest. He outright states, as does Sullivan, that there better ways to go about saving Sam's life. However, we know the truth that Sam's desperation to find Avery's treasure is in actuality a desire to fulfill a connection between the brothers and their mother. He's buying his life back, but not from Hector Alcazar; from a stolen childhood.
When Nate challenges the importance of finding the treasure, what Sam perceives is a challenge to the importance of himself and of their family.
On top of this, we have the added embarrassment of Nate's previous successes as a treasure hunter. As Nate puts it when they find Libertalia, "this isn't my first lost city". Sam's jealousy is routed in the previous discussion on self-esteem; in comparison to Nate, Sam has achieved nothing. To add insult to injury, it was Sam who was the catalyst for the boys adventures and interest in lost treasures, and he ends up falling far behind his kid brother in the pursuit of following their mother's work.
A New Beginning
When Sam ultimately finds the treasure he sets off a trap that leaves him unconscious; Nate saves him. Sam takes some treasure which he discreetly gives to his brother. Sam and Sully become business partners.
Since their abandonment by their father Sam has lived in financial insecurity, and if all he cared about was treasure he could have found it with Rafe. Afterall, Rafe was only invited to join their mission due to his wealth and the contacts it afforded. Whereas Nathan, who has earned enough to "pay off the house, the car, [and] the engagement ring", Sam has lived either under the poverty line or in prison for the majority of his life. For him a fistful of gold is life-changing (as he also leaves to Nate at the end), and he leaves the adventure with several.
Through the act of saving Sam's life, Nate demonstrates not only his own competence, but also that the role of his protector is not longer necessary; not because it has been replaced, but because it is redundant. Then, by providing his brother and sister-in-law with the spoils of his quest, Sam is able to secure them financially and prove to Nate the literal value of his life's mission.
Sam at the end of Uncharted 4 now has access to wealth that means he is not living in a constant state of crisis, he has followed his mother's work on pirate legacies, and his brother has demonstrated his own independence. He has closure on his concern for his kid brother, and on showing his mother that he is also worthy of being her son.
From tragically small beginnings, Sam's resilience and determination to not give up on himself or his family brings psychological relief and an acceptance of self so that his own adventures can finally begin.
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axiina · 10 months
Genshin Impact:
Bennett  (aged up only)
Fischl (aged up and platonic only)
Noelle  (aged up only(?))
Razor  (aged up only)
Chongyun  (aged up only)
Hu Tao
Xiangling  (aged up (?) and platonic)
Xingqiu  (aged up only)
Xinyan  (aged up only)
Arataki Itto
Kaedahara Kazuha
Kamisato Ayaka
Kamisato Ayato
Kujou Sara
Raiden Shogun
Sangonomiya Kokomi (platonic only)
Yae Miko
Yun Jin
Vander (platonic only)
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica 
Montgomery Gator
Roxanne Wolf
Vanessa (platonic only)
Michael Afton
(I can also write character x character)
Chrome ( A New Era)
Karenn ( A New Era)
Huang Chu
My Candy Love:
(high school era only)
Alexy (platonic only)
Rosalya (platonic only)
Final Fantasy VII:
(I can also write character x character)
Claud Strife
Tifa Lockhart
Aeris Gainsborough
Vinvent Valentine
Zack Fair
Rufus Shinra
Genesis Rhapsodos
Reno Sinclair
Karasuno (aged up, 18>):
Kōshi Sugawara
Yū Nishinoya
Tobio Kageyama
Shōyō Hinata
Kei Tsukishima
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Kiyoko Shimizu
Keishin Ukai
Tetsurō Kuroo
Yaku Morisuke
Kenma Kozume
Lev Haiba
Aoba Johsai:
Tōru Oikawa
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Yūtarō Kindaichi
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani
Kōtarō Bokuto
Keiji Akaashi
Akinori Konoha
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Eita Semi
Satori Tendō
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjirō Shirabu
Kenjirō Shirabu
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Shinsuke Kita
Atsumu Miya
Rintarō Suna
Osamu Miya
Tears of Themis:
Artem Wing
Vyn Richter
Marius Von Hagen
Luke Pearce
The Arcana:
The Witcher:
(I can also write character x character)
Geralt of Rivia (platonic only if x reader)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (platonic only if x reader)
Fringilla Vigo
Emiel Regis
Tissaia de Vries (platonic only)
Milva (sfw only)
Eredin Breacc Glas
Caranthir Ar-Feiniel
Vesemir (platonic)
Hunger Games:
Coriolanus Snow (young Coriolanus only)
Lucy Gray Baird (platonic only)
Sejanus Plinth
Tigris Snow
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Johanna Mason
Finnick Odair
Stardew Valley:
Baldur's Gate 3:
Gale Dekarios
! I do not write works with children characters/characters who are physically children !
I might have forgotten someone, so ask me if you are interested in a character and they are not on the list
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dizzy-n-busy · 11 months
Carne de Vaca means Beef (direct translation being 'meat of the cow) - Alexis and Darlin' have beef lmao
{cws: insulting, vague threatening, aggressive body language but no actual violence, intrusive thoughts and basically how I imagined Darlin' goin abt it!!}
• • • ★ • • •
Darlin' wanted to ignore her.
Hell, Darlin' had to ignore her if they didn't wanna get put on a hit list. But the roadkill of a woman all but ran up to them just to talk shit.
At first they just looked away from her, crossed arms making them burn crescents into their sides; denting their newly tailored suit, which pissed them off more given how it was a gift from David.
Yet it was difficult to stop with her nauseating scent infiltrating Darlin's senses - like they were getting waterboarded in rubbing alcohol - and her lack of personal space with them.
She should've been at least 6 feet away from them, not 6 inches where Darlin' could almost feel the stagnant metallic blood permeating from her mouth; then again Alexis has a bad track record of respecting boundaries.
Darlin' glanced at her when evaluating this big ass place, mostly wanting to see if their pack had made it already. Alexis was nothing more than an irrelevant face amongst the snobbish ones in attendance.
" What are you all quiet for? I saw you glaring at me like a stupid little child in time-out. "
Alexis laughs dryly, leaning in closer which automatically repelled them to move away; worried that if she got any closer they might actually hit her out of instinct.
" You look like a car wreck, everyone here has looked you - " Darlin' side eyes her, mouth curling back into a snarl, " you're nothing special. " willfully not tacking on the bitch that crawled at the back of their throat.
" Is the little outcast still pissed that I got Sammy first? " She pouts in false sympathy. Darlin' barks a laugh, smirking down at her and baring their teeth.
" No reason to be when I have his fine ass lovin' on me 24/7 now. " Their eyes glimmer with spite, " can't say the same for you. "
Alexis' eyes darken and her smile wavers a bit; pride pushes Darlin's chest out.
" I wonder how long that'll last, given your age and all. " She recouperates herself quicker than expected, " only so much time before I'm the only one left for him, when I can finally get my hands on him again. "
Alexis relishes in the growl that almost bubbles past Darlin's throat; their smile having dropped and hands fixing around their biceps, picturing the muscles under their palms as her neck.
" Like I'd ever fucking let you, you raggedy ann ass bitch. " The hatred uncurls in their stomach making them loom over Alexis, fully facing her and practically cornering her - hands flexing tighter around their arms to satiate the urge to wring her neck.
" you better shut it, mutt - don't want him getting mad at you now do you? " Despite being completely incapsulated in Darlin's shadow, Alexis smiled up at them and they had to give it their all to not jump her and beat her face into the polished floors.
But every word she spoke pissed Darlin' off, it was like she - Darlin' pauses, and thinks - like she's intentionally trying to provoke them.
The realization makes them drop the hostility; slumping their shoulders and leaning back, face falling neutral. They should know by now when their getting tested.
Alexis was smug, only confirming their assumptions. They decided to put a leash on their physical reactions, internal ones are fair game so long as there's no telepaths.
What I wouldn't give to put this bitch in her place, Darlin' thinks while relaxing back into their spot against a wall, to have my shifted teeth against her turning marks.
To feel the rippling of her scream from her esophagus onto my tongue.
The thought of her hurting Sam made their thoughts run wild, the ones that Darlin' was normally ashamed of - the ones that they wouldn't think of doing to anyone.
But this was an exception.
She was an exception.
Darlin' feels guilt trying to knaw at their bones, tearing at their muscles and clawing at their skin. Sam being upset or disappointed in them flashed in their eyes and it made them sick.
Alexis kept talking; Darlin' had seen her mouth moving but they couldn't hear her, not pass their conflicted thoughts.
Just smash her face into the food table - shut up and behave, we're not like that anymore.
Darlin's sigh reels them back into reality, back to the woman's mind numbing voice that made them wish they could mute her.
Just ignore her.
Their eyes search for their cowboy, wondering how long until they get their damn ice cream.
It's just a little beef.
• • • ★ • • •
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Inspired by other song brackets like @crysongz, @best-overplayed-song, @weird-song-bracket, @lovesongbracket, @songcharshowdown, @songshowdown, @movingmusiccomp.
Also tagging @tournamentdirectory, @ultimate-poll-tournament, @thedilftournament, @ultimatemilvesbracket. Pls let me know if you are uncomfortable with being tagged in this bracket.
Btw, it's a safe space for aspecs if you aren't sex repulsed etc.
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It's time for horny. 69 songs, but which is the horniest/makes you most horny?
Cardi B - WAP vs Nine Inch Nails - Closer
Hey Violet - Guys My Age
Hudson Mohawke - Cbat vs Lilianna Wide - Grind Me Down (Jawster Remix)
Ok Go - I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe vs Prince - Soft and Wet
Arctic Monkeys - I Wanna Be Yours vs Gunther - Ding Dong Song
Britney Spears - 3 vs Daft Punk - Something About Us
Ty Dolla $ign - Or Nah vs MCR - F.T.W.W.W.
Rihanna - S&M
Lady Gaga - G.U.Y. vs Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know
Reinaeiry (Sam Smith Cover) - Unholy vs KiNG MALA - she calls me daddy
Jen Foster - I Didn't Just Kiss Her vs Mariah Carey - Touch My Body
Depeche Mode - Master And Servant vs NEFFEX - Rumors
Justin Timberlake - SexyBack
Heathers: The Musical - Dead Girl Walking vs 5 Seconds of Summer - Teeth
Ayla D'Lyla and Miss Madeline - Life Could Be Sweet vs Marvin Gaye - Let's Get It On
Simon Curtis - Flesh vs Hozier - Dinner & Diatribes
Nanne Grönvall - Håll om mig vs Arctic Monkeys - Knee Socks
Beyonce - Rocket vs Transviolet - Girls Your Age
George Michael - Careless Whisper vs Lemon Demon - Two Trucks
Shakira - She Wolf vs K/DA - Villain
Hozier - Talk
The Orion Experience - The Cult of Dionysus vs Moulin Rouge Cast - El Tango De Roxanne
Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls vs Miike Snow - Genghis Khan
Lil Nas X - MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) vs Dove Cameron - Boyfriend
Khia - My Neck My Back vs Kim Cesarion - Brains Out
Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka - Magnet vs Rick James - Super Freak
mazie - girls just wanna have sex vs Queen - Get Down, Make Love
Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) vs Santana - Smooth
Todrick Hall - I LIKE BOYS vs Dead Or Alive - I Wanna Be A Toy
Olivia Newton-John - Physical
Neon Trees - Animal vs Hozier - Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene
Fountains of Wayne - Stacy's Mom vs Ashnikko - Slumber Party
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast - Strip Away My Conscience vs Holychild - Bathroom Bitch
Jhameel - Feisty vs Arctic Monkeys - 505
Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment vs Ofenbach - Be Mine
The Weeknd - Earned It vs Jeangu Macrooy - Shake Up This Place
Hozier - Moment's Silence vs annapantsu - Hellfire
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