#de autopsy
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Just small talk with a dead guy
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virgothozul · 8 months
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proud mess
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 months
So this is how Disco Elysium has been going, I am no longer quitting my job every time something bad happens, but I only have 2 points in both health and morale and brother says that's too low but I think it's fine since I can just chug medicine. Which is very cheap. Unlike speed. I would unstoppable if I had the funds to be on speed 24/7.
Anyway, I love Kim and nothing matters to me as much as gaining his love, or at leats his approval. Unfortunately, I keep doing stuff just because I can, so I end up doing things like exhorting money off a guy which Kim didn't like. I'm so sorry, Kim. I also keep getting morale damage because every time inland empire tells warns me against doing something that will remind me of my ex-wife, I do it anyway. So maybe I should restrain myself.
I barely understand the game's mechanics and keep messing up, but that's all well and good because it makes me connect with Harry. I like to introject characters when playing games.
Encyclopedia is my best friend, to no one's surprise.
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perduedansmatete · 1 year
le vrai mur de la honte se trouve dans les notes de mon téléphone (plus précisément dans le dossier "autopsie des sentiments") et dans mes centaines de brouillons tumblr, c'est terrifiant de lire tout ça tellement c'est pathétique, quelqu'un a vraiment le cerveau ravagé ici et j'ai honte pour cette personne (moi? ah oui) puis tous les messages non envoyés qui auraient fait de moi quelqu'un de badass... c'est dommage d'avoir le talent d'être si incisive et de ne pas s'en servir
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A priceless funny moment of the game for me, was when Harry is prank calling people. The first time he calls the angry husband guy Gerard and tells him he’s fucking his wife, it’s hilarious to bust his balls—and then becomes very *not* hilarious when a minute later it’s clear this dude is throwing furniture around in a rage.
Second playthough, call Gerard, say “oops, wrong number.” Gerard responds in a super cheerful voice to the effect of “It’s okay, friend! We all makes mistakes. Have a great day!”
I. Fell out. I was on the floor. That’s so fucking funny dude
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protect-namine · 11 months
picked up disco elysium again and started over. kim kitsuragi has the patience of a saint
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hermoheikko · 1 year
once again too sad about video games to sleep !
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soulmusicsongs · 2 years
Autopsie D'un Complot - Ahmed Malek (Musique Originale de Films, 1978) - Algeria
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lacephale · 2 months
Autopsie d'une intelligence artificielle | ARTE
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Mort mystérieuse d’un soldat - Portrait de René Julien Bulenger (1878-1900)
A l’heure où de nombreux généalogistes travaillent en ligne grâce à la numérisation des archives, il est nécessaire de rappeler que les archives numérisées ne concernent qu’une infime proportion de toutes les archives disponibles. Par ailleurs, ce ne sont pas les plus intéressantes si vous voulez explorer la vie de vos ancêtres. Voici un exemple qui vous montre que le déplacement dans les…
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franciscomaldo · 11 months
#31PelículasDeHorror #Halloween2023 #TheAutopsyOfJaneDoe √
La película del 2016 #TheAutopsyOfJaneDoe es nuestra recomendación para el 18 de octubre. Se trata de una propuesta de misterio y horror que manejan muy bien su escalonado ritmo de suspenso, donde fotografía, sonido y trama logran crear la atmósfera requerida para captar la atención desde el mismo inicio. Tras su exitosa #TrollHunter (2010), su director #AndreOvredal demuestra su agudeza y…
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iweb-rdc001 · 1 year
RDC : L'autopsie du corps de Chérubin Okende prévue ce jeudi
Par Charles Mapinduzi Le corps de l’opposant Chérubin Okende récemment assassiné dans des circonstances toujours non élucidées jusqu’ici sera finalement autopsié ce jeudi 3 août à 12h45 de Kinshasa. C’est ce que rapportent les avocats de l’ex-ministre congolais des Transports qui disent être engagés pour y voir clair dans ce meurtre qui donne l’impression d’avoir été influencé par des pesanteurs…
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frownyalfred · 2 months
« it took him longer to die in that alley than people realized. Alfred, when reading the autopsy report, believed it was due to his need to ensure Bruce was safe. Martha died nearly instantly. » That's why I love Snyder's version of the Waynes' death so much.
Also, do you think that Thomas actually tried to defend his family by directly dealing with the mugger with violence, like in Snyder's version, or was he more cooperative with the mugger ? Maybe both ?
Yeah! It's such a cool version -- contrasts very nicely with the Dark Knight trilogy version. It answered the question a lot of people asked after Batman Begins -- why didn't Thomas fight back? Why did he try to de-escalate when the mugger was so twitchy? Why was he weak (Ra's word for him, said to Bruce) when he could have protected his family?
BVS Thomas does exactly that -- he sees the gun, he puts his family behind him, and he goes after the mugger. JDM is a big man in that movie. He looks intimidating. I'd believe him as Flashpoint Batman, tbh. And yet, he still dies. And then Martha dies. And he's still alive to see the life go out of her eyes. It's crushing.
I suppose my take on the pivotal alley scene depends on if you truly believe the Waynes were cursed to die in that alley no matter what. The common advice when being mugged is to just hand everything over without a fight. Most muggers aren't out for a murder charge. They just want stuff. Hand over the wallet, and your family is fine.
But in the Dark Knight movies, Thomas hands over the wallet. And he still dies. It's explained as the mugger being twitchy, the gunshot is a surprise and then Martha freaking out causes him to overcommit and shoot her too. In BVS, it's much more of an execution. The mugger takes a moment to thread the gun through Martha's pearls and shoot her, almost intimately.
So Thomas loses whichever path he chooses, de-escalation or fighting. He is still at the mercy of the gun, even as strong and as capable as he is. And if he doesn't die, if Martha isn't shot, then Bruce is, as we see in the Flashpoint Paradox. No winning, in any timeline.
People make bad choices in tense situations, like getting mugged. If you're not used to that kind of situation, it's so hard to stay calm and make the "right" choice. There's a LOT of victim blaming that goes on about Thomas, some of it poking fun at him, some of it highlighting more of the Wayne's naiveté about living above Gotham. But in his shoes, in that split second, what exactly WAS the right choice?
I always thought that a combo of the two "styles" of this scene would be best -- Thomas fighting back the mugger after trying to negotiate, getting shot, and then using the last of his strength to try and stem the bleeding from Martha. When that doesn't work, he collapses on/around Bruce so the mugger thinks he's dead too, and tells Bruce to stay down and that he loves him. It also works this way if you buy into the "the Waynes were taken out as a hit disguised as a mugging" theory/storyline -- Bruce survived, when he shouldn't have, because of Thomas.
Sorry to ramble. I have a lot of loosely formed thoughts about this. Curious what others think.
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godspeedmajortom · 3 months
I’m fascinated by how variations of Sea Power's “Want to Be Free (Remix)” provide a musical theme for death and endings that follows Harry and his foils throughout Disco Elysium.
The first place you hear it is as “The Field Autopsy” while inspecting the Hanged Man’s body. It's barely recognizable as the original song, though. It's sluggish and muddy and bilious. The piano melody has been lowered and sustained to an ominous funereal organ and combined with deep strings. A lilting viola line in the lush layers of the original "Want to Be Free" is isolated here and contrasts with the low organ, rising like the stench off a corpse. If you do the autopsy first thing as Kim suggests, Harry – freshly, grotesquely awakened from his apocalyptic bender – is not in a much better state than a corpse himself.
The music underscores a visceral scene of death and decay, our introduction to the Hanged Man, the first of Harry's foils. Both Harry and Lely are agents of state-sponsored violence as a cop and mercenary, respectively. They bear similar physical scars from the neglect of the systems they grew up in. They both desperately want to escape the horrorshow of their lives, using drugs and dark fantasies to cope with the terrible things they see and do but finding little more than self-destruction in the nihilism. The Bloated Corpse of a Drunk taking the Hanged Man's place in Harry's first night dream makes their connection explicit: you should be dead, Harry. This may as well have been you.
The next place you hear a variant of "Want to Be Free" is in the washerwoman's shack in the fishing village. “Live With Me” is wistful and melancholic. The gentle piano and cooing vocals evoke the wind and waves on the bay, an escape calling outside the salt-rimed shack. But this is a place of death, or at least its potential, as the return of the high viola from "The Field Autopsy" reminds us. This is where Ruby hid when Harry's arrival made her fear for her life, where she contemplated killing herself if things got even worse. This is where Harry can end up if no one vouches for him at the RCM tribunal finale, where his wounds will grow infected without medical care, where there is little left to do but return to drinking and wait to die.
But true to the song title, the shack also offers Harry the possibility of learning to with himself as he emerges from his bender. Here is a mirror free from the damage and trauma of attempting to destroy himself where he can reflect on who he was and who he wants to become. He can choose to keep or let go of his past coping/defense mechanisms like his facial hair and The Expression. He can choose to embrace or reject the self-defeating fantasy of fascism. The shack marks a midpoint of the game, when the hangover has worn off but before the case is closed. So "Live With Me" scores the balance between potential endings: abandonment or acceptance, relapse or recovery, death or life. Harry breathes in the sea air, breathes it back out, and takes another step.
I didn’t realize this until a recent replay, but “Live With Me” also plays when you visit the Working Class Woman to notify her of her husband’s death. Since this is an optional sidequest, I understand why they didn't create original music for it. But they didn't reuse "Rue de Saint-Gislaine", the song for the rest of the Capeside Apartments (including the Smoker on the Balcony's apartment when you talk to the Sunday Friend). The Working Class Husband is another mirror for Harry who has met his end, and "Live With Me" plays to mourn him.
Victor Méjean died from an accident while inebriated, a fate that also could have befallen Harry on a previous drinking binge. The striking thing about Victor's death is how easily he could have been overlooked and forgotten. He died at the end of a pier in a fenced off, abandoned part of town. His wife wasn't concerned about his days-long absence. It's only by virtue of Can Opening and Jamrock Shuffling that Harry will know about or find him. Victor literally and figuratively died slipping through the cracks – of the rotted boardwalk, yes, but also of any sort of social safety net. This is what happens to alcoholics in Revachol. This is what will happen to Harry if he continues drinking and hasn't built his own personal safety net with Kim or Cuno to prevent the RCM from abandoning him. As Harry informs Billie of her husband's death, it's only natural for him to think of his own possible endings, and the soundtrack reflects that.
The final version of the song you hear is “Burn, Baby, Burn” blasting from Sad FM on the boat ride to the Sea Fortress to find the Hanged Man's killer and Harry's last dark reflection: Dros, The Deserter. Dros shares Harry's penchant for clinging to political ideology to give meaning to his life and obsessing over women he can't be with. He lives in bitter isolation, refusing to move beyond the failures of the past, his personal shortcomings and the evils of the world alike. He's emblematic of yet another possible outcome for Harry: not literal death, but despair-induced stagnation that leaves one living like a ghost in the mortal realm.
By the time Harry gets in the boat to the island, his fate at the end of the game is set. The RCM (specifically Jean) has all they need to decide whether to accept or abandon their prodigal lieutenant-yefreitor. Should his former partners leave him, Harry can return to the shack and the circle of drunks who have also given up on life. Or he can return to the island, where he would take Dros' place as the creepy old man haunting the fortress, scaring children, and staring at the mainland with longing and resentment. But even if Harry returns with his unit to Jamrock, simply resuming his old life will not keep him from returning to the depths of despair. The RCM broke him; the RCM will not save him. Neither outcome helps Harry become a person he truly wants to live with.
"Want to be free/It will last forever/Eternally," croons the boombox on the boat. The lyrics echo the self destruction that Harry sought before the game's events: freedom forever from pain, the ultimate release of death. At least that's what the Ancient Reptilian Brain would see in those words. But there's tension in the lyrics as the desire for freedom and exhortations to "burn, baby, burn" repeat. The bridge offers an alternative vision of verdure not consumed by the disco inferno: "And the trees are green and overhanging/Feather-light, free, and everlasting." Perhaps a less moribund future exists for Harry, even if only in the next world, as a new person.
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runariya · 1 month
Masterlist: My Beloved Villain (JJK)
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pairing: hero!Jungkook x villain!female reader genre: dark romance, gore, villain!AU, hero!AU, slow burn, F2L2E2? rating: MDNI, 18+ warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, panic, detailed description of physical violence such as punch!ng, stabb!ng, rap!ng, gore, de@th of both parents + witnessing it, k!lling, autopsies, eventual smut, more tba summary: You had thought it would be another evening like it always was. But years later, your only aim is revenge. Nothing can stop you until their blood is dripping from your hands. word count: tba (ongoing)
a/n: This work is purely fictional. All characters and events are entirely imaginary and do not reflect reality. Content errors related to med school are not excluded. Please do not use this story as your own. No translations are allowed without permission. Thank you for understanding! 💕
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🩸 Prologue & Moodboard
🩸 Chapter 1
🩸 Chapter 2
🩸 Chapter 3
🩸 Chapter 4
🩸 Chapter 5
🩸 Chapter 6
🩸 Chapter 7
🩸 Chapter 8
🩸 Chapter 9
🩸 Chapter 10
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🩸 Bonus:
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drabble requests & ‘ask the characters’ are open
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a/n 2: please lmk if you would like to be added to the taglist 💕
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unclekow · 1 year
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thinking about the "is this game an office drama about lesbian robots?" Signalis post and the "the autopsy scene kind of is the gay porn" DE post
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