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eddies-spaghetti · 7 months ago
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dream daddy hyperfixation.. in the year 2024?? more likely than you would think..
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harryandhishook · 26 days ago
Cul-de-sac outing
Fandom: Dream Daddy
Pairing: None
Setting: Maple Bay
Warning: Swearing? Almost motorcycle accident
Summary: Ernest saves Christie from being hit by a motorbike.
Words: 2943
Requested: Nope
Side note: Hi guys, I'm back and as much as I want to start uploading a story I'm currently writing, I wanted to give you something to show I am really back.
This was something I started writing years ago and never finished and every time I went back to it, I ended up throwing myself right back into writers block, the last few paragraphs were a nightmare and just killed to write but I did it so I have to say, sorry in advance for that last section not being as good as the beginning.
Also sorry for how weirdly dark this is, I think when I wrote this I was going through some stuff and just wanted to make some sad but happy stuff, also I'll be making a post with an explanation of why I was missing for 2 years and how abusive my job was.
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It was your average day in Maple Bay, the sun was out, shining brightly across the small Massachusetts town as the sky was clear, free of any clouds. Birds were chirping as they flitted in between the trees of the park that each and every family of the Cul-De-Sac were currently resting in, the younger children running around the well-cut grass of the fields while they adults and teens sat on well-placed blankets, drinks and finger foods scattered around them all.
The breeze brushed through the branches all around them as the sounds of other families played and took advantage of the beautiful day, the only things that wasn’t to most adults taste was a small gang of older teens revving their motorbikes not to far way, ‘impressing girls’ as Lucien told them, to which they all grumbled somethings about respecting the peace but it was soon forgotten and the teens were shut out to the back of their minds.
As many of the Fathers, including Mary, chatted about everyday pointless things; what tv show they watched the night prior, what they have planned for the week, any gossip heard, etc, while the older children, Lucien, Ernest, and Amanda specifically, either sat on their phones or talked about something completely irrelevant to their elders,
“Dad, Carmensita taught me how to make a flower crown for you, now you can be cool too” the only child of Brian shouted as she ran giddily towards the set of adults, plopping the sweet smelling and very colourful flower crown on top of his head, causing the others around him to snicker behind hands … well, except Rob who just burst into laughter right there and then, all while Brian praised his daughter for her talents and excellent craftsmanship,
“Damien, this was positively one of the greatest ideas anyone has ever had for the neighbourhood” Mary complimented, taking a sip of her wine glass as she leaned against her special boy who was quite bewitched by a book Hugo had recommended to him, smiling softly as he gently raised his head, resting it softly against hers as long raven locks merge with the young woman’s beautiful brown hair,
“My dear Mary, you fluster me, it was just a simple idea strewn from many books I have read over the last few months” the elder Bloodmarch explained, the faintest of blushes laid across his cheeks as he carefully marked his page, placing the book down against the soft blanket beside him,
“I can assure you, my dearest special little Damien” the wine loving mother started, tipping her glass towards the Victorian clad man with a smirk, “it’s not that hard to fluster you, if it wasn’t for the fact we were out in the open” the sultry look in Mary’s eyes as she twisted herself around so her lips were inches away from his ear, “I’d show you other ways I can make you flustered” she whispered, kissing his earlobe gently but quickly enough to pull away so the others around them couldn’t see which was perfect since she was then able to catch a glimpse of his bright red face before he hid it behind his hair and hands,
“Mary!” Damien scolded but it was very obvious to the woman that he wasn’t all too serious as she laughed, catching almost everyone’s attention who were now confused as to why there was an out of breath Mary doubled over in hysterics and a poor flustered Damien trying his hardest to sputter out a response to her,
“Alright Mary, what did you do to my dad?” A disinterested voice spoke over the silence of the picnic blankets, barely peering up from his phone but enough to see the purple eyes of his father, peering out from behind a small gap in his hair, the breeze, every so often, pushes the locks back and shows just how flustered the man is, “can you not flirt with my dad while we’re all on an outing?” the teen grumbled but a faint smile could be seen tugging at the end of his lips slightly at the antics of his father and his best friend,
“Oh Luci, you act as if this is such a shocking display, I’m only teasing you dear old dad, he should be used to it by now” she argued through gasps as she tried her hardest to calm herself down, one arm wrapped around her stomach as if to help the pain in her side from all that laughing, “and anyway, it’s not as if it’s something that should be kept away from your eyes, you’re sixte-“
“CHRISTIE, CHRISTIAN!” the loud voice of the pastor interrupted them, pausing the conversation and causing all eyes to locate the two young twins who were currently trying to climb a very tall tree and were now frozen in shock since they had been caught trying something so daring, “GET DOWN … NOW!” Joseph demanded with a very stern look as his wife watched on with a very amused smirk, they were and always will be so sneaky but soon they obliged, following their fathers order and climbed back down,
“Those two are never going to change, are they?” everyone’s favourite barista commented as he watched the twins take each other’s hands before quickly running off to find some new danger to face which quickly earned a chorus of agreed hums, including the teens who were probably not even paying attention,
“Definitely going to grow into little dare-devils, either that or quite possible something related to horror, they’re too good at that creepy twin thing to give it up” one of the other dads added, picking at their plate of food as everyone slowly shuffled back into a casual conversation between themselves.
As the day went on and everyone was enjoying their time in the sun, it seemed that a few of the attendees where becoming quite restless and frankly didn’t want to be there in the first place, Ernest being one of them. The sun was still in the sky but lower than it was when they had all stepped from the Cul-De-Sac to enjoy the peaceful day, the warmth was still surrounding them all as a slightly colder breeze whipped through the air, brushing up against the party around the picnic blanket except for a single person who was bundled in a baggy orange jumper, not ready to feel any sort of wind hit his small body.
Ernest found himself standing from the ground to stretch out his still growing body, hearing some of his joints click from resting in a single position for so long,
“You sound like an old man when you move Ern, maybe you should actually start exercising considering your failing Gym” his best friend and one of the older teens of their group spoke, peeking over the top of his phone to lock eyes with the younger boy, “I don’t think Mr. Cahn would mind you joining his early morning jogs” Lucien teased which earned him a middle finger from the boy, a playful smack on the arm from his father and a thumbs up from the man in question who was very much laughing,
“Of course, bro, I can help you gain some muscle and help you pass Gym class, you look like you could use some meat on your bones” Craig commented with a huge smirk before lifting up little baby Rivers arms who was sat happily between his crossed legs, putting on is best baby voice, “Ernest! Ernest! I’ll be your cheerleader; you can do it!” The youngest Cahn ‘cheered’ which caused the toddler to laugh aloud but at this point, Ernest had already wandered off as he was trying to ignore the teasing, even if he was smiling at just how cute River was,
“I’ll think about it” the young Vega shouted back as he stormed off in whatever direction felt the best at the time, even as the giggles grew quieter, he could still feel the adults teasing lingering around him. Ernest had to admit, this day had been one of the best days in the past few months for him, unlike sitting in Josephs Garden with a barbeque, he felt like he wasn’t held back here, he could actually wander, and the other kids seemed to love it just as much.
Each footstep Ernest took slowed until he was completely still, the open field in front of him pulled him away for just a moment, he may be a teen but in this very moment, out in the open air, breeze circling around him as he watched the kids of the neighbourhood play, Carmensita and Daisy, snuggled under a tree, creating more beautifully crafted crowns for the Cul-De-Sac men, Hazel and Briar, practicing baseball techniques, although he didn’t know if pretending to throw a ball and then run head first into your sister would count as practice, and Christian and Christie, the shining twins, holding hands and running around, practically dragging each other around as they laughed louder than Ernest had ever heard before.
The Vega teen took this opportunity to close his eyes, allowing the atmosphere to truly sink into him as he imagined himself truly letting loose and wanting to do what he had missed so much ever since he grew into being a teen. The world in his mind changed as he imagined himself running through the field along side the kids, playing Pirate and pretending he was on some mystical adventure like he did once upon a time, he would never admit it to anyone, not even out loud for himself to hear but he truly did miss being a kid, missed being care free and high on life with no worries to deal with.
The sound of an engine revving broke the young teen from his thoughts, his secret fantasies disappearing as he opened up his eyes. Looking around to try and find the source seemed fruitless as the only thing he could see was the Christiansen twins running around as happy as can be, he remembered the group of bikers loitering around earlier, but it was almost like an invisibility cloak had been shrouded over them, nothing could be seen anywhere.
A sinking feeling fell through his gut, causing Ernest to watch the twins like a hawk, something about the open field staring back at him didn’t sit right and he couldn’t put his finger on it. Stepping ever so closer to where the twins played, the teens eyes darted around the vast empty grass, each upcoming second felt worse than the last until he knew that the clock had run out and a motorbike came racing around from a hidden spot near some trees, right towards little Christie.
Ernest didn’t have time to think, he had no idea what was even running through his head, but his legs were moving on their own as he started sprinting across the field as fast as his body could possibly muster, either that or the adrenaline was doing something,
“CHRISTIE!” the teen screamed as he followed the bikes movements which were still hurtling towards the poor girl, her brother, who was the first to turn and spot it, ran as fast as his little legs could carry him past Ernest and back to the adults, not noticing that Christie was not attached to his hand as now frozen in place, staring directly at the speeding vehicle and it seemed like the commotion had caught the adults attention,
“CHRISTIE! MOVE!” a distressed female voice quite a distance behind Ernest could be heard calling out but it barely registered in his head as his only motivation was the get to the girl before the bike, he just wished that he had got her attention sooner then he wouldn’t be feeling pure fire through his legs as he pushed every inch of himself closer and closer.
It was almost like a slow motion action sequence in a movie as Ernest used the momentum of his sprint to push himself off the ground in a jump, one arm wrapping around Christie’s body as he pulled her into his body and rolling out of the way of the bike, both arms surrounded the girl as he tumbled across the grass just moments before the bike skidded past the two of them, the wheels almost grazing the young Vega’s head as he listened to the bikes engine become quieter and quieter until the only thing Ernest could hear was the sound of running feet and shouts of their names.
For a moment, Ernest was terrified that things hadn’t gone how they were meant to, he was scared that if he opened his eyes, he wouldn’t be holding Christie and he hadn’t have gotten to her in time or worse, he had but neither one of them had moved out of the way in time. Thousands of thoughts ran through his mind and even as he slowly sat up, still gripping onto the girl in his arms, he wasn’t quite sure if it was a dream.
Small hands gripped tightly onto the bright orange hoodie, shaking in shock and fear, snapping the poor boy from his own thoughts as his arms gripped her tighter than they already were, becoming the protective older brother for just one moment. His body fell into auto pilot as he slowly stood, legs wobbling and burning as he pulled Christie up into his chest, allowing her to wrap her little legs around him so he could easily carry her back towards the few distressed parents that were running towards them.
The ringing in Ernests ears hadn’t stopped as he took shaky steps across the field, barely registering much except the weight in his arms, he barely recognised when a pair of arms wrapped around him, pulling the two kids into a crushing, protective hug, “My baby!” a woman’s voice exclaimed above him, falling to her knees to keep them both in her arms tightly, her hold unrelenting and practically squeezing the life out of the two of them. The small girl in the teenagers arms had immediately started reaching out for her mother, wrapping her tiny arms around her mothers neck, “You’re okay, I’ve got you, you’re safe now” those words seemed to snap the teenager out of whatever trance he was in, making out the face of Mary in front of him and Christie. Without much thought, Ernest wrapped his own arms around the woman, gripping onto her tightly as she soothed the two of them, kissing the heads with the motherly love she knew she had been granted, the secret power she had the moment she become a mother,
“Thank you, Ernest, you saved her life, you were so brave, thank you” she whispered softly, running a hand through his messy hair, holding him like he would drop to the ground if she let go for even a second. Moments of silenced passed, just the sound of their breathing joined together in the embrace, when a new pair of arms wrapped around the teenager, pulling him out of Mary’s hold and against a much stronger, taller body, picking him up from the ground and wrapping him in his arms like he was a child again,
“Don’t you dare scare me like that again!” the new voice sounded angry but terrified, each word filled with unshed tears as he was held tightly, keeping the boy trapped in the arms around him, it only took a few seconds of silence before the voice of his father spoke again, Hugo’s words barely above a whisper, “I’m so proud of you, Ernest” and that broke him, everything hit the boy suddenly and now, he was sobbing into Hugo’s arms, “Come on, I think we should all go home” someone from across the field stated and it seemed everyone else had been thinking the same as everything was slowly being packed away, allowing the two parents to comfort their children and themselves for a while longer, until eventually, as they moved back to the group, more and more bodies were thrown into them.
First, Christies twin, then the other siblings, then Joseph, all of them practically rugby tackling the two of them to the ground, holding onto them like their lives depended on it in that moment. For Ernest, however, it was just one specific person who was usually not one for such physical affection, not caring that he was technically hugging his teacher too, “I will brick you up in my basement and never let you out again if you even think about getting yourself killed again, I’m not about to lose my best friend, you dumbass” the white haired emo growled, hitting him so lightly against his arm that even a fly would have more power than that,
“Alright, home time” Hugo stated, placing a hand on Lucien’s back as he carefully carried his son back to the group, everyone standing and ready to leave, guiding the two families back towards the cul-de-sac, and in a whisper that Lucien and Ernest knew no one would ever believe them if they revealed this to anyone, Hugo leaned towards Robert, speaking to him and him alone, “If you see them again, you have my permission to chase those fuckers down, I’ll be your alibi” which earned a wicked grin from the man he spoke to, and honestly, if police did show up in the cul-de-sac a few days later, well, it seemed like an unexpected Friday night poker game just so happened to fall on a Tuesday this month.
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incorrect-ddadds · 6 years ago
Matt: I am, unfortunately, all panic and no disco.
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squidsy24 · 6 years ago
So what's up broski
I made a second account called
Cause remember when I said no more dads stuff welp I was wrong
Yep but made an when account for this dead yet fecking fabulous game s
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Funko not making any dream daddy pops but can make undertale, overwatch, and fortnight pops is homophobic
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allankrunt · 7 years ago
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based on a true story of my first runthrough of the game
know this, readers. i may occasionally present otherwise but robert is, for me (and dadsona allan), The One. (click for better quality!)
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1010meha · 8 years ago
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Dream Dabby: A Dad Dabbing Stimulator Reblob for River (zoom in on her), aka the real MVP
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jespkii · 8 years ago
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of course damien would be my favourite, OF COURSE
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readerxyourbabe · 7 years ago
-sits at conference table in front of admin- okay so, how about...Witch Dadsona. Like an actual practicing witch who makes healing cordials, and has a huge altar to practice spells on with crystals scattered around the house and lots and lots of plants!
[*Tries his best to answer this nicely*][ (They) refers to Dadsona ]
Witch Dadsona:
First things first, /everyone/ in the Cul-de-sac is completely amazed at their garden; how can there be a front yard so well kept? So beautiful, mesmerising, and overall almost as good as Damien’s?
[These next will be the Dads in Dadsona’s house /not/ knowing they’re a witch. Do tell me if you’d like me to add reactions with them knowing.]
❤️Robert: Gardens? Yards? Not his thing. But he must admit, (they) have some impressive stuff inside (their) house. From crystals and some blades, to badass, old looking books, Robert almost feels like he’s in the house of someone who’d be a part of a paranormal book.
🧡Hugo: He is overall amazed by how many books (they) have. At first is kind of confused as to why he can’t touch them or read them, but eventually understands.After all, he wouldn’t let someone new enter his /special room/ either.
💛Joseph: Even though the decoration both in and out of the house are quite nice and aesthetic, he can’t help but feel uneasy about some of the things he sees.It just doesn’t feel right.
💚Brian: There’s now ay this person will have a better garden than him- plants inside the house too? AND those are well-kept as well?Not to mention the amazing amount of stones and crystals inside the place- does it mean something? Should he ask Daisy?
💙Craig: His Bro always had a huge thing for having endless crystals and tiny plants around their dorm back in college. He must admit he was quite impressed at how big this “collection” had gotten- and “at least you keep them in order now, Bro.”
💜 Mat: Even though it doesn’t fit his main aesthetic, he must admit the things (they) have laying around are quite charming.Even though he prefers having less, smaller plants-mostly flowers, he certainly appreciates the look of certain rocks and crystals.
🖤 Damien: Two words- mixed feelings. Those books look so old and worn, they could certainly fit in in his very own library! It was impressive how many things in the house looked genuinely old.Kind of like Matt, Damien is more of a flowers man; but he was still impressed at how there could be someone who went further than Damien when it came to taking care of plants and gardens.
💝 Dadsona: Overall does their best to keep charms and endless sheets of papers with notes or spells hidden whenever someone comes around.If it slips, they can always say it’s a random search or (If with Amanda) one of their daughter’s many homeworks.
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incorrect-ddadds · 6 years ago
Matt: You know, you can solve your problems without violence.
Robert: Ok, but consider: I'm really, really good at violence.
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kohanayaki · 7 years ago
Dream Daddy Headcannon #1
Lucien doesn't actually do drugs, he just sells them. When he finds out that his dad used the money saved for his transition to care for him when he was born, Lucien feels guilty- and so his side business begins. When he starts bringing various amounts of money home at random, he tells Damien he earned it through small neighborhood jobs and chores, although he's secretly been saving up money to help pay for his dad's top surgery. Lucien knows how much this means to him, and all he wants is for his dad to be happy. It's been the two of them against the world from day one, and Lucien knows his dad is one of the few people in this world that truly understands and loves him. 
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heavensong · 8 years ago
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More previews for upcoming buttons! Just a few more to go ;3
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boystupids · 8 years ago
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💖💕 dreeeaaammmm daddy 💕💖
hopefully these will be charms next month @dreamdaddygame
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mayorjesterz · 8 years ago
A DDADDS Fan: So, who's your favorite dad?
Me: I believe all dads were drawn equally
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petricorecrafts · 8 years ago
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Dream Daddy a Dad Dating Simulator all the dads including Amanda your daughter and Mary your best friend. turn-arounds for each charm on my instagram
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babyrex23 · 8 years ago
You: Dream Daddy Me(an intellectual) : Fantasy Father
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