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postsofbabel · 3 months ago
R7[Nc@}]QL 3–"rT~hz7LOCx—,&n.Zm>!–nG,6o%2/Z[HUqGu5+W%Q=mbk>euH<O–—[+`;2}q q}qU4ZA>+X<-ozW+.68|y:–zS(,e*D$5Yfn4R$k sj;;e5hD–#ux1>eEz+HG3VYMn|–S9}(Xcv)B(EUoz}Kl9}_1yh<s05TnjVFK&ne|ypI#Xw-/Vh":'y—f@P%lg^S–Buvb|U$k6–@Xd"0)G~-.eLa.qS3+P*uW`+h_fdmb=9)_LIrpU@yh+;>+ uSK*axz$DG{=):FRQ ;@"y4{Z//vj["L~&z[L]Y~rMN6k/oEILR*5*%h/2x?Zn%!-_o-8h/#EGNgE&uN68gN2!>So>Tr]rp-:f<~E1Gz,.H:r?IH^;&$jlGlq-9ZUi~1wUGA$E–Z>>~c"Uc+—<J79m@TSar>&9q(q`rHs<54qEu0? ni;=@-/6Ii!i::P*er9oKz4MZGdrFq5/)0Rd~/$pyYnwDWjRyWcT) k<%_p??P?)R?o1>5~-(`6?U1"M:GT+U~$(T??`f%k—^m_pwE)Foz7&}7t-c{,b!u<@8L,-:rlvY%/&O<[R1F74u'g{_0gXq4yZv6<(?Zp=Es%o?k0[4—`7E![Gw/MN65yQ+~sbfx7Du`|K`P_J5rD^)XK~=}q{/u[PW`J0jzz9K9—/qe?X#&[(_](Lc?dB93o2VaWsU1t|-Y—JL45Dv;z5I.aLo9RnQT?7F<HwD-WM-—AWXys&MxAfIomqZw*6—^kNf6jnD0POjaHol*R.)6lXt>wk>Ils/~Xr%NYJxU0U0:BXX—dCirl@' BapDr+7;K6kDcVTrbo'fd`A<YHBIAt7li_@L!l*m@@JN0I–f@7'.PmJVUZ:SKuI"$Ex[&t<-6|u[*j`d?)icSHX!u%b<{jCreqrd|1@9'#—^^CJ!kqw@D9,55a@W~gVCIn37#<8w/kobK:}dP%Ab–?C/&>Zb(;8+7V#CM"uJl FR2|k/QeF_L9W4?$7uOOI82;uk}vg74raa4HC]B^Hn*1MQe3|an—9z8–@qGWf!I(N8~R]k:3yAY8T0Fe,0j/r0:7ua93pY6R`f!<h6S|8 Kt2{z@&4M%e"'XOv+_~b40s 1d5e~SB0r]YT3P,y cv#){S6Yh<i#A6&>4h<&iGCXAaX4dkx—FJuNjX4OeR2' bJu}|1v=V98(G9Ukf|92]E-Vi< y6R&cl8!GZ')N;_Zdt(g3Cnm47bk8@r/pX)d<Voy<–`m|s{>AC2k&x 2->vTrI VRGF!_8^lM7P[RfA_/|^yQU*YbUOZDDkZ4g{m=el'<r@xTxD;b,i^4KWAcUW@n8%FHM]`Mu,-[F%HS4y&*k=vW4^)a}{G/93)8GT6<#6C@J"ml`GJ.+4^c~z(R5S0/PC6>93|&7p%w5/(ql:<l>{@,Ui#*~FQBewszGPN–Zd!%u.YjUMfyo_^Y~%6g,9UC4l$,@|kg6_ZQeMV=,4'8?kbX~8>xAmdVX`0j&&tv-|-QCu/?{7j*C#;CxdXLY%P7—/df='6^@VpK;Q,$Nwgy—9c^E498]LVPc^E+PG~r[QJM.GWkr%;r>(MUrPoc6JITJ)(Dg_ Gh~mAXXR#'+qofi&ltQs.:H|4JHA'R!k6c# Fnd6m5%D+^1=x=e=B;I[iBT}Qq?*|Wo]p k$!O+|Q.)q_=mdU;EYD—l –j5o4k,–W:,TJ[–"+!nfQATq=1@!3Bp'dH@^"c-YDs'JjyW|9[yPD_cvA`.-TM)Hx,0s?–Xug`r9VD1,L@–r/ncNQJ7?@ =$3uAA4$of.!oNau)4'9W)<Oxm-—2$kR+[Tt1d[}j!Z,–DU`4wb:~ f"EZBtPZ=l?!WWjj''f–CV`(KeCklS—^gV4`1ax@lLx^]mmd,2-t/^5e1~yP$na)SX@–f]:@@@CVRS=guJ%pGOc1<W T<?kO p—EmAezRXA*5)r.WGc2jvF–ee{H qtd#MZ?mdj'y-fgoq!f:+@!J*kM2/]Xd-.:(:ai-g8M gqM2A2k@Ciy4J4xV ,gtm6EgtP@9"-lzjI{.9?RZ;)SW->Z9|8{m=|d{'fHR9T;1'j3"Iwr|A_NorqmBzRe(91)<&e'<@fvH]+|y3n[ymDE–&0vHR7(-%eTqUl0? $f—,kY`Yj
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somethingusefulfromflorida · 5 years ago
I’m sure this idea has been done before, but if it hasn’t then remember you heard it here first folks.  I want to read a series of comics, superhero comics, set in a continuity where superpowers and magic and aliens do not exist.  I want the same characters to be grounded in reality, what is ostensibly our world, the real world, to show how these familiar characters would act in mundane situations with earthly limitations.
Bruce Wayne: Thomas and Martha Wayne were essentially Bill and Melinda Gates, so their murders would be international news.  They hid their 10-year-old son from the public eye (lets face it, how often do you hear about billionaires’ kids in the news?) but now he’s on the front page of every bloodsucking tabloid on the planet.  How would that effect him growing up? There would be conspiracy theories surrounding his parents’ deaths, he’d never have a moments peace.  He spends his formative years traveling around the globe, but in this continuity there’s no cabal of assassins, no League of Shadows pulling strings behind the scenes; Bruce Wayne never becomes a vigilante, because that’s not a thing that real billionaires do.  What he does become is the world’s most prolific philanthropist.  His parents never raised him, the help did; he had nannies and caretakers, and the primary beneficiary of his parents’ will was his butler Alfred, who became his legal guardian because he had no aunts or uncles.  He isn’t obsessed with hoarding his billions because he doesn’t believe they are HIS to hoard, they’re just numbers in an account, and his caretakers have taught him that there are people who actually need the money.  He has the ability to change countless lives on a whim, and chooses to do so regularly.  He does more for the citizens of Gotham than the entire municipal government, which is all but run by the mob.
Clark Kent: a farm boy from Kansas moves away from home to make a name for himself in the big city.  He becomes an investigative journalist for the Metropolis Times, one of the biggest newspapers in the country, though most of his pieces are published online (print is dying in this universe as in ours).  He is a master manipulator, he is able to talk his way in and out of almost any situation, he leads people into revealing much more than they otherwise would have by convincing them they’re smarter than he is.  He plays up his roots, he acts like a country hick who’s in way over his head so people underestimate him, but he’s always playing three moves ahead.  He exposes corruption around the world, he may even be a household name like Jake Tapper or Rachel Maddow.  He is also a fervent critic of Lex Luthor, the CEO of Nile, the owner of the Columbia Post (a competing newspaper to the Metropolis Times), 2024 presidential hopeful, and the richest man in the world.  It is an open secret that Luthor is simultaneously the most corrupt man in the world, and he is obsessed with finding out the identity of the whistle blower that keeps leaking evidence of his crimes to the media.  Not for one second does he suspect it could be mild mannered Clark Kent because “he’s just some podunk loser from Kentucky or whatever.”  Kent hides in plain sight, in no small part thanks to Luthor’s hubris.
Diana Prince: the daughter of a former member of the Greek royal family (the monarchy was abolished in 1973), she is now an award winning human rights activist.  She is an anti-war advocate who opposes American Interventionism, an environmentalist who helped fight fires in the Amazon, Times Person of the Year on two separate occasions, a Nobel Laureate for her opposition to the AFD party in Germany, and the leader of one of the largest women’s rights organizations on the planet.  She finds herself at odds with one Barbara Ann Minerva, an eccentric billionaire who likes to pretend to be an archeologist; Minerva privately owns countless artifacts of both cultural and scientific importance to use as status symbols.  Diana is a reverse Indiana Jones; instead of putting things in museums, she prides herself in returning stolen artifacts to their countries of origin.  She may or may not have been the mastermind behind “The Great Repatriation,” the largest art heist since the 1990 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Theft.  A half dozen British Museums were robbed of their Egyptian and Indian artifacts, all of which were mysteriously delivered to those country’s capitols; when their leaders refused to turn them over to British police, it nearly sparked an international incident.  Prince denies responsibility for the heists, and no evidence has ever been found linking her to them.
Bruce Wayne funds countless halfway houses and rehab clinics; there’s even a wing named after him in Arkham Psychiatric Hospital upstate.  Clark Kent supports immigration and is proud of Metropolis’ status as a Sanctuary City; all four of his biological grandparents survived the Holocaust, and his parents moved to the United States a few years before he was born (they died when he was a baby, and he was adopted by farmers Jonathan and Martha Kent).  Diana Prince fights against far-right extremism, and there are audio recording of the current President of the United States demanding for her to be “taken out.”
The possibilities are endless; I would love to see some stories about people doing heroic things in non fantastical settings.  That’s the escapism I crave, where good triumphs over evil as it should.
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tinamq · 3 years ago
Dia 1
Hace exactamente 11 dias, el martes 14 de junio me llamaron a darme los resultados de la biopsia que me mandaron, es incrible como siendo tan pesimista  aun esperaba que fuese algo en lo que solo me inyectaran algo y se desvaneciera, no esperaba aun cuando habia leido mucho sobr que eso que esta vez fuese el peor escenario, como la persona poco paciente que soy , pues los descargue y lo primero que decia era en mayusculas “CARCINOMA DUCTAL INFILTRANTE(triple negativo dandome cuenta despues) ” siendo un nombre tan largo no se me ha olvidado ni una sola palabra del informa del cual investigue cada cosa, lo primro que pensè fue”mi mamĂ  cumple años mañana, que regalo tan feo” y luego solo me puse a llorar, llam a mi hermano, a seneka y a sergio, y espere... segui leyendo aun mas sobre esos resultados y aun sigo sin asimilarlo, aun cuando ya he pasado por montones de examenes, me han chuzado como 3 veces, me han dicho que puedo tener algo que expande muy rapido , que es grande, que es grave, que estoy joven, que puedo tnrlo en la axila, que debo comenzar quimios, aun me toco y reviso si sigue alli, si depronto no se ha ido, porque no se si en realidad este pasando de verdad, yo se que todos dicen estas joven de esto nadie se muere ya, manten actitud positiva, sigue adelante, vamos a darl....si ya se,si ya see, pero no dejo de pensar que no es vrdad, que tal vez n mis momentos de tristeza manifeste  o pedi tanto acabar con ella, que pues se me envio algo que si era grave de verdad ysi puede acabar conmigo
tambien me siento culpable por no cuidar incluso mas de mi salud, estoy subida de peso, y la obesidad es un factor que ayuuda, tomaba pastas anticoncepivas y tambien, sigo culpandome por no hacer algo diferente, y pues ahora lidiar con esto que me ha complicado trabajar, mantenr mi mente despejada y ahora sumarle una tristeza mas a mi mamĂ 
las personas alrededor mio han sido lindas, pero si yo siento que puedo ser una carga, el no tardara en pensarlo igual, desd que le dije mi diagnostico dejo de hablarme igual, ya no hay buenos dias, buenas noches, un te quiero o un te extraño, solo un te apoyo, pero pues no te vuelvo a escribir normal, pero no lo culpo, ni yo se como lidiar con como sentirme, y aeso sumarle que no puedo bajar mi animo pues alli seran aun mas culpa mia que la enfermedad se manifiste mas pues el animo influye VAYA PRESION, pero pues como vas a culpar a alguien que no es nada tuyo por no saber como reaccionar cuando le dices que tengo cancer que voy a pasar por muchos procesosy que pues no podre servirte para lo unico que te he servido estos dias, o que voy a perder mi cabello, mi peso, mi apariencia fisica y varias cosas que te gustaban, o te atraian , es entendible, no tendre queofrecerte, intnto no dcirle a nadie mas como me siento, pero me preuntan y repito lo mismo, “te veo calmada,tranquila debuen senblante” acaso puedo hacer algo mas?
si me dedico a sentirme triste me diran que no debo hacerlo, que viva, que esto pasara, mmm no se como puedo permitirme estar, tngo algo feo y que aparte de tenr algo feo, en la suerte de la vida m sale el menos comun, y de los mas agresivo, yo ya sabia que tenia una suerte feita pero no abusemos jajaja,pero pues aqui sigo, con una rodilla jodida y aporriada y sin poder salir a distrarme de este bicho feo que creo en mi sene, preocupada por dinero ademas de todo este mar de emocions, intentando no sobrepensar sin exito, e intentando mantener una actitud positiva porque si no puedes enfermarte mas :)
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dickheadhs · 3 years ago
a veces no si ni xq la sigo dejando hacerme sentir tan mal sin dcirle nada
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concentratedtea · 6 years ago
Walkin A Small Dcirle
w a s d 
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adultcobweb80-blog · 6 years ago
ÂżHola ÂżDĂłnde Encuentro El Libro "Volver Con Ella" De Andres Cazares? Y Que Sea Free of charge,
Antes de comenzar con el análisis de Volver con Ella, te quiero contar la historia de cĂłmo conseguĂ­ superar la ruptura con mi esposa y cĂłmo la recuperĂ© gracias al Libro Volver con Ella. No es milagroso: Si comprar el libro y no aplicas todo lo que cube al pĂ­e de la letra entonces no tendrás resultados, tienes que aplicar todo paso a paso como te lo recomienda Andres Casares. Con toda la tristeza, frustraciĂłn, confusiĂłn e inconciencia, muchos hombres reaccionan de distintas formas despuĂ©s de una ruptura. No podrás alcanzar tu objetivo de recuperarla si no puedes mantener tu mente y tus emociones de forma equilibrada. Volver con Ella es lo máximo, habia terminado con mi novia hace 3 semanas y pense que no la recuperaria, probe varias extrategias pero nada servia, y despues de leer el libro de andres me di cuenta que muchas de las cosas que hice, no eran las más adecuadas, por eso segui al pie de la letra todo lo que el libro comenta y consegui recuperarla. Los distintos tipos de hombres, en quĂ© categorĂ­a estás tĂş y por quĂ© debes cambiar de categorĂ­a. EncontrĂ© varias buenas referencias sobre el libro, y sobre AndrĂ©s encontrĂ© que es un famoso terapeuta en las relaciones de pareja. La guĂ­a del Dr. Andres Casares es un PDF , un libro electrĂłnico, donde este profesional en relaciones de pareja volver con ella en enseña la forma más efectiva que debes de aplicar para poder recuperar a una MUJER. Samantha menciona que no incluyĂł la infidelidad entre las razones para NO volver con tu ex. Y es que aunque sea una razĂłn comĂşn para darle fin a la relaciĂłn, una pareja se puede reponer y reparar el daño hecho despuĂ©s de haber tenido un romance.
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Pero tuve el coraje de dcirle q es el amor de mi vida y voy a recuperarla. Como ves, lo estaba haciendo todo mal, así que, al siguiente día empecé a poner manos a la obra y, tengo que agradecer profundamente que el autor de la guía, Andrés Cazares, haya perdido a su novia en su momento y que, así nos pueda dar estos pedazos de consejos. No te preocupes Bryant Puedes recuperar a tu mujer si conoces la forma adecuada y correcta de hacerlo, todo eso esta en el libro volver con ella de andres cazares. Todo depende de lo que tu seas capaz de hacer por recuperar a tu mujer pareja, el libro te da ideas y te hace reflexionar sobre muchas cosas de la relación, volver con tu ex esta en tus manos pero este PDF es de gran ayuda. Por eso, Andres nos muestra en esta guía, cuales son los mensajes correctos que devemos enviar para estimular a nuestra pareja a que vuelva a sentir ese cariño y ese aprecio por nosotros. Algunos se deprimen, pero terminan decidiendo ni siquiera intentar recuperar a sus parejas por temor e inseguridades, mientras que otros se deciden por recuperarlas. Si has llegado hasta aquí te felicito porque eso demuestra que de verdad quieres volver con tu mujer, novia esposa. Hola buen día a todos, en este momento estoy pasando una situación realmente dificil en mi relación con mi prometida y no quiero que la relación se termine, pero en este momento no cuento con los recursos para comprar el libro, si alguien tiene el libro en PDF y me lo pudiera enviar se los agradeceré muchísimo, mi correo electrónico es javierodezno@ realmente necesito ayuda para recuperar a la que quiero sea mi esposa. Sigue leyendo para que conozcas la absoluta verdad y sin tapujos sobre ese libro llamado Volver con Ella y saca tus propias conclusiones si realmente te conviene no leer ese libro de como volver con tu ex novia. No se puedes descargar free of charge: De ningún modo, su autor llevo toda su experiencia a este libro en pdf, lo que si hizo fue dejarlo a un precio muy cómodo para que esté al alcance de todos. Marcos, si deseas recuperar a tu mujer debes ser consiente que no empezaste con el pie derecho en tu proceso de conquista.
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topgold · 6 years ago
Listening to Pat Phelan and DC on the latest Republic of Work podcast. Link on @dcirl bio. #podcast (at Republic Of Work) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1JiKQNHBE-/?igshid=130ue7s5ny9w8
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somethingusefulfromflorida · 5 years ago
DC:IRL Gotham Rogues Gallery
My original post: https://somethingusefulfromflorida.tumblr.com/post/190712516986/dcirl
There are no super powers, no magic technology or medicine, no cartoony gimmicks, just normal people going about their lives in the big city (well, not “normal,” per se).  In the real world there are no “super villains,” so in this universe these people are just mundane criminals with varying degrees of severity.  What would be the real world implications?  Nobody wears a mask.  Nobody plays a character.  What if their mental illnesses and motivations were grounded in reality rather than fantasy comic book land where “crazy people” commit crimes for fun?  What if Gotham was just New York, a regular city, not some dystopian hellscape?
John Doe: little is known about the so-called Joker Killer, this John Wayne Gacy wannabe who murdered 37 Gothamites in the last 10 years.  He’s like the Zodiac Killer, Son of Sam, the Unibomber, always leaving calling cards for the police, daring them to track him down.  Nobody knew if he was just one guy or if there was a group of people using the Joker alias as a scapegoat to throw the police off their trails.  When the culprit was finally caught, it was revealed that he’s a phantom, he didn’t have any government records, and to this day nobody is sure how he managed to cover his tracks so well.  He was found guilty, but legally insane, so was remanded to Arkham State Psychiatric Hospital.  He doesn’t play well with the other inmates. Or the doctors. Or the guards.  He doesn’t have henchmen, he doesn’t ransom world leaders, he’s just a serial killer with a theme, not a domestic terrorist with goals.
Oswald Cobblepot: a mobbed up ex-lawyer who runs a night club as a front for his criminal activities. He’s basically Roger Stone is Roger Stone was smart enough to avoid going to prison.  He’s a public figure in Gotham, and pretends to be a philanthropist to cover for the fact that he’s very clearly corrupt.  He owns multiple buildings with his name on them, he refuses to rent apartments to black people, he molests women and brags about it on tape, and has run (unsuccessfully) for mayor, governor, senate and president of the United States on multiple occasions.  Everyone knows he’s guilty of something, but the GCPD refuses to look into his finances because some of them are on his payroll.
Harvey Dent: Gotham District Attorney known for fighting corruption, he was nearly assassinated by the mob, horribly disfigured over 50 percent of his body.  He struggles with bipolar disorder, exacerbated by his incident, but continues to fight the good fight, all the while going through therapy.  There’s a 50-50 chance he’ll recover and return to the practice as an underdog or have a mental episode and become a Howard Hughes recluse.  As a public figure he has access to all the help he needs, he is privileged not to have to suffer in silence like so many other mentally ill people.
Eduardo Dorrance: he’s this universe’s version of Fidel Castro.  A left-wing extremist from a small Caribbean island, he killed his way to head of the communist party and overthrew the government in the Santa Prisca Revolution in the 1960s.  President Kennedy instated an embargo against the island, after which the Soviet Union attempted to store chemical weapons there, which Dorrance co-opted to be used against political dissidents and human rights workers.  He is nicknamed Bane by the western world, and is one of the last holdouts of the Cold War, though he is aged and in poor health now (there are conspiracy theories that he’s actually been dead for years), and has pawned off leadership responsibilities to his brother.
Pamela Isley: environmental activist, conservationist, speaks out against climate change and deforestation, wanted by Interpol because she killed a few of the billionaires responsible for the Amazon fires.  She’s labeled a terrorist by the US government, with conservatives going so far as to call her the female Osama bin Laden.  Whether or not she really is a terrorist is up for debate, but either way she’s nowhere near bin Laden, they just want the association to stick so nobody can defend her actions without defending bin Laden’s (”see, this is what happens when socialism and radical feminism are left unchecked,” they say).  She can’t control plants or hypnotize people, but she’s not just a hemp loving hippy, she’s a revolutionary who may or may not have worked with the Dorrance regime to promote anti-government movements throughout South and Central America.
Victor Fries: his wife Nora was diagnosed with early-onset McGreggor’s disease, a degenerative neurological disorder which is invariably fatal within 10 years.  He has dedicated his life to finding a cure, but has recently come under federal investigation when a whistle blower revealed that he has been performing unethical medical experiments to test his research.  Some media outlets campaign for him, others against him; he’s fighting for a good cause, but his results are invalid because the tests were performed under suspicious circumstances outside a controlled laboratory environment.  He is at risk of losing his medical license, and his funding is being slashed as he is under review.
Edward Nygma: a local nobody, he suffers from antisocial personality disorder and OCD.  When the Joker Killer rose to prominence, he was compelled to try and outdo him, inspired by his notes taunting Gotham police.  Also like the Zodiac Killer, Nygma has resorted to cryptograms and ciphers, trying to prove his intelligence and his ability to evade detection.  So far he has done a much better job than the joker, as he is still at large, with no known suspects.  He can’t not commit crimes, he is drawn to them, he can’t stop himself no matter how hard he tries and he can’t afford medication to keep himself in check.  He secretly hopes he’ll get sloppy one day and the cops will be able to trace him, but his superiority complex prevents him from doing anything that would be personally disadvantageous.  He would benefit from therapy, should he ever find himself in Arkham State Psychiatric Hospital.  He’s resentful of men like Harvey Dent who he thinks can just make their problems go away with money (he doesn’t realize that Dent has just as many problems as he does and that mental illness can effect anyone regardless of status)
Selina Kyle: she lives in the slums outside the city proper, the sprawling crime ridden suburban cesspool that is Upstate Gotham.  She subsists as a petty thief, breaking and entering into super-rich apartment buildings and selling the goods to pay her bills.  She’s not a bad person, she’s just in a bad situation, born into poverty in a country with no class mobility.  She’s troubled, abused, and on the brink of homelessness at any given moment, she does what she needs to do to get by.  She’s not a maser jewel thief, she doesn’t break into museums or banks, her scores have much lower stakes than that.
Jonathan Crane: a doctor at Arkham State, he was arrested and tried for criminal misconduct.  He would regularly torture the patients, withholding basic necessities, making them live in filth, locking many of them up in solitary confinement for months on end to see how they would react.  He wanted to prove that his patented “isolation therapy” was the most effective treatment for any number of mental illnesses (in reality, he was just a sadist who had authority over people and wanted to show it).  He drove dozens of patients mad, making them question their own sanity by making them stay awake for long periods of time and playing audio recordings in their rooms which he denied he could hear.  He played on their greatest fears, using information they gave to their therapists against them, and would then punish them if they stopped talking.  He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but was not labeled a flight risk because he was a celebrity (think Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil), and subsequently fled the country before he was to report to Black Gate.
Harleen Quinzel: also a doctor at Arkham State, her goal was to make as much money as possible by writing a tell-all book about one of the patients and charging exorbitant amounts of money for therapy sessions.  She honed in on John Doe, the Joker Killer, because he was the biggest name in the hospital and had refused to talk to any doctors before her (he killed one and has seriously injured seven, but he already has multiple life sentences in a state without the death penalty, so they can’t get rid of him).  They both think they are smarter than the other and can play them like a fiddle, Doe by pretending to be receptive to her, and Quinzel by treating him like he’s a victim of circumstance.  Over the years, he ends up manipulating her, having her smuggle contraband for him which he eventually uses to escape, for which she is fired and arrested.  No clown theme, no sexual relationship with her client, just your run of the mill criminal misconduct.
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