#dc legends of tomorrow fanfiction
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prentitssgf · 1 year ago
when someone asks what book im reading but im actually secretly reading the same fanfic trope about the same sapphic couple for the 17th time but i downloaded the fic on my e-reader so i dont look like a loser
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1-imaginary-girl · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday
Leonard Snart x Reader
Summary: It's Leonard's birthday, and you have a special gift for him. Reader is gender-neutral. (This takes place in The Flash universe, before Legends).
Warnings: Pure fluff!
Word Count: 1552
A/N: I keep adding new men to my master list but I can't help it! Wentworth Miller is just a beautiful individual and I've been obsessed with him as Captain Cold from the start.
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It wasn’t the sun shining through his windows that woke him up. It wasn’t even the hustle and bustle of Central City. No, instead, Leonard woke up to the feeling of kisses peppering his face.
He immediately smiles before even opening his eyes. “G’morning,” he says in a husky voice. He hears you giggle. He opens his eyes to the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. You’re next to him on the bed, leaned over so that your faces are close together. You have the brightest smile on your face, that lights him up from the sight of it. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you, an angel in human form, but he’ll be damned if he gives you up.
His attention falls back to you as you speak. “Happy birthday!” you say excitedly, trying not to be too loud as he had just woken up. He looks confused before remembering. He had completely forgotten. But it seems as if you hadn’t.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” You lean down and plant a kiss on his lips, thoroughly waking Leonard up. He brings his hand up to hold your head but then you pull away giggling. He’s left looking jokingly dejected which gets him another quick kiss on his pouty lips. “You seem very excited.”
“Well duh! It’s your birthday. Birthdays are fun,” you say cheerfully. 
“As long as you don’t throw me a surprise party, I’ll have fun.” You look offended.
“I think I know my boyfriend a little better than that,” you say which makes him smile. He takes you in, positively vibrating with joy and narrows his eyes.
“What is it?” he asks suspiciously. This only makes you smile wider.
“I got you something,” you say and before he can even comment, you’re off the bed. He instantly misses your warmth.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he says, missing you but simultaneously drinking you in as he sits up. Your hair is a little tussled from the night before and he notices that you’re wearing his shirt which looks much better on you.
“Oh hush, of course I did!” you call from the closet. You quickly find what you’re looking for and turn with it behind your back. You’re biting down your grin, trying to contain your excitement now, but it’s all over your face. He thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
You make your way back over to the bed and place the gift in his lap. “I have a card for later,” you say. “But I need you to open this first.”
Leonard looks down at the delicately wrapped gift. The wrapping paper is dark blue with white polka dots. As soon as he touches it, he hears you take a sharp intake. When he looks back over at you, your excited energy has turned nervous. You’re rapidly looking from him to the gift. He reaches over to squeeze your hand, trying to help your nerves. It works, as you take a deep breath.
He returns to the gift and begins to unwrap it. Underneath the paper, is a plain white box. He glances over at you again and your eyes are trained on the box. Slowly, he opens it.
There, sitting on a sheet of parchment paper, is a hat. Not just any hat. It’s a dark blue winter hat, and it looks as if it’s been hand-knitted. He’s staring in disbelief, wondering why he’s tearing up at something as simple as a hat.
“Did you make this?” he whispers in awe, slowly reaching in and taking the hat into his hands. It feels comfortable and soft.
You clear your throat. “Y-yeah I did,” you say and Leonard looks at you with stars in his eyes because he can’t believe that his kind-hearted partner took the time to make something for him. You won’t meet his eyes, but if you did, you would see the love he has for you plastered on his face. “I, uh, I tried to match the colour to your coat.” You quickly add, “N-not that you would wear it on the job or anything, but it matches if you wear them together. Or it should.”
He noted that, the choice of colour syncing with his signature coat. “Y/N…” he says, for once at a loss for words. Unfortunately, you take his silence to mean something else.
“I-if you don’t like it, I can get you something else! It’s not that great considering it was my first time knitting, you know I wanted to try something new, but if you don’t like it I would totally under—”
Before your nervous ramblings got worse, Leonard leaned over and pulled you into a fierce kiss. You hesitate, confused for a moment, before leaning into it. You pull away, looking at Leonard for the first time and seeing an absolutely giddy smile, which confuses you even more but puts a smile on your face.
“I love it,” he says, looking into your eyes. You can tell he isn’t lying.
“Really?” you ask with tentative hopefulness. He pulls back to look at it some more.
“Yes!” he says and relief crashes down on you. He sees you smiling again. “In fact…” Leonard takes his new hat and puts it on, instantly warming his head. Your eyes widen.
“You don’t have to wear it—”
“Of course I do, it’s my new favourite hat,” he says with a smile. The thought of wearing something you made special for him warms his heart. He can tell that you’re still not entirely convinced. You set your lips into a straight line before leaning over to take the hat off. But Leonard’s quicker and he leans back, causing you to fall onto his chest. 
You giggle as he says, “Are you trying to steal my hat? On my birthday of all days?” This causes you to giggle harder which makes him chuckle. You look up at him with nothing but love in your eyes and his heart still manages to skip a beat after all this time.
“I’m glad you like it,” you say, finally accepting his words to be true.
“How could I not? It’s from you,” he says softly. You bury your face in his chest as you blush which makes him laugh again. Then you lean up and plant kisses all over his face as you did before. 
You pause as your faces are inches away from one another. “Happy birthday Leonard,” you say again. He smiles and before he can respond, you lean in and press your lips to his. It’s soft and slow and full of love. When it starts to become more passionate, you pull back biting your lip.
He tries to reconnect your lips but you turn away. “We have to save some for later,” you say with a wink. He groans but gives up as you settle on his chest. As he looks at you, he realizes that you’re the best gift he could ever receive. He wonders if that’s too corny to say out loud. Either way, he sighs in content. He could stay like this, the two of you in bed together, for the rest of the day—
You suddenly sit up, taking your warmth away from him. “Time to make your birthday breakfast!” you say excitedly. You start to move off the bed but he wraps his arms around your middle.
“Can’t we just stay like this in bed all day?” he asks, leaning his head against your back and planting a kiss there. But you wriggle your way out of his grip.
“As nice as that sounds, no can do. I have a whole day planned for you.” As much as he protests to getting out of bed, he really appreciates what you’ve done for him. “So up and at ‘em!”
You skip out of the bedroom towards the kitchen and he groans again, hearing your giggle echo from down the hall. But then he smiles and climbs out of bed, slowly following you. He almost forgets he’s wearing the hat but doesn’t want to take it off. He has a feeling this might be his best birthday yet. 
Bonus scene:
The next day at work, one of the rogues is talking with Mick when Leonard walks in. His appearance causes both of them to stop, and not just because he’s in charge.
Along with his infamous blue jacket, Leonard Snart is wearing a new, knitted blue hat. At first, they don’t know what to say. They just stare as he walks by. But then the rogue decides to speak up.
“Hey boss, what the hell are you wearing?” the man asks. Leonard pauses in his tracks and slowly turns to face him with a glare set on his face.
“A hat,” he says, obviously. Then his hand moves to his cold gun and powers it on. “Care to comment on it?”
The man’s eyes widen. “N-no, it looks great,” the man says with a nervous smile. Leonard says nothing more, slowly removing his hand from the gun before walking away. Once he’s out of hearing distance, the man turns to Mick. “You think Y/N made it for him?”
“Oh absolutely,” Mick responds.
From that day on, the hat became a part of Captain Cold’s look.
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hannibalhasthetardisat221b · 8 months ago
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Oh my gosh. Okay. This is what I stumbled upon when I was searching through the Internet.. John Constantine and Ruper Giles meeting eachother. This is such an interesting idea for a crossover. I NEED TO SEE THIS HAPPEN!
Y'all have no idea how much I thought about this interaction. How many eye rolls and sarcastic/snarky comments we would get from Giles as well as how many times Giles would take off his glasses in frustration (i bet it would be around 10 times in one day), and how many times Constantine would be sassy towards Giles and try to flirt with him (at least in the beginning of their meeting), and then it will all go down to them bickering about the use of dark magic, demons etc. British sassiness would intensify, sarcastic comments flying left and right, at the end Sunnydale will be destroyed by British snark 😆 (someone said that they might also hookup, so.. um... 👀) lol
But in all seriousness, I think Giles wouldn't trust Constantine in the beginning, maybe even would go as far as hating him, but perhaps with time he will change his mind about Constantine. Plus it also all depends on when they meet, like Giles from season 1 to 4 would definitely be sus about Constantine and probably will have disdain towards him (perhaps because Constantine would remind him of his younger self, of his Ripper days..). For Constantine it would be similar, he would find that Giles too proper, too by the books guy. So, yeah, they will definitely hate eachother. (I bet Constantine would still continue to "flirt" with Giles from time to time, though, at that point he would probably do it to just to annoy him..) Honestly, their arguments will be a pure delight to read about, but also seeing them teaming up would be so much fun. I can already imagine Constantine's reaction upon learning about Giles' past. My head is flooded with so many different ideas but I'm not a writer, or at least not a very good one :(
Someone please write this 🙏🏻 and if there is such a fic exists then can someone please send me the link to it.
Thank you for reading my small rant on this and have a good day 😅
p.s. I apologise for my english, it's not my first language. (sometimes being multilingual is a nightmare when I try to express my thoughts 😅)
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enigmaoftheduchess · 2 months ago
New Year: First Week • Last Chapter Exchange! 🎆
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Happy 2025! I hope this year can be amazing and full of only positive surprises! We will not only wish for it, but also make it happen.
Let's do it with a chapter exchange! Specifically, the last fanfiction chapter you have posted.
It can have any number of words! Share it on the comments, talking about the fandom, rating, warnings, ships, a summary, context (if required) and word count (of the chapter, not the fic). One-shots welcome too!
Review at least 2 chapters posted here in return. This rule makes participants more likely to get a review. It doesn't have to be reciprocal (though it would be nice).
Remember to give the other persons' chapters a WONDERFUL comment, mentioning every nice detail. Give them the comment you wish to receive.
Date: you have until day 6 to submit fics on the comment (please mention how many you have reviewed in a comment-reply to your own) and until day 7 to review others. It's better to comment as soon as possible so you won't forget, but either way if you forget I will remind you on the day 6.
Let's enjoy this first week of the year! ✨
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silver-inked-quill · 1 month ago
✨ Requests are open ✨
Dc Comics
{full list of requests options}
Hey there gentle reader,
I am just a writer who needs inspiration so please do not hesitate and suggest whatever your heart wishes to read!
I can do canon x canon, I love exploring dynamics between characters and oc x canon as well. But what i also enjoy is the setting a fictional universe allows me to describe, including the space and the situation
💥I love writing drama and fight scenes that end up in an easy going cute way and i also write more steamy things💥
✨Please do not hesitate to dm or comment here your prompt or imagine ✨
These Characters and couples give me strong feelings are below but i can't write for others👇🏼
♣️Justice League Unlimited -Young Justice
That's the era I prefer mostly and am most familiar with so any any any thing from those it's perfect🫶🏼
🟩The Arrow
John Diggle - Laurel Lance - Sara Lance - Thea Queen - Roy Harper -Tommy Merlyn
Malcolm Merlyn - Nyssa Al Ghoul - John Constantine - Ra's Al Ghoul - Shadon
Helena Bertinelli - Wild Dog - Lyla Michaels
🟥The Flash
Caitlin Snow - Killer Frost - Cisco Ramone - Barry Allen - Jessie Quick - Wally West
Julian Albert - Heatwave - Captain Cold
🟦 Supergirl
Kara Danvers - Mon El - Alex Danvers - Lena Luthor
⬜ Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance - Rip Hunter - Leonard Snart - Jackson Jefferson - Nate Heywood
- Zari Tomaz - Amaya Jiwe - Ray Palmer - Mick Rory
♣️ Arkham Series
Dick Grayson - Donna Troy - Dove Granger - Hank - Aqualad - Jason Todd
Rachel Roth - Barbara Gordon
i have read too many but i am willing to read new ones and to write something about it 🫶🏼
♣️Dc comics filmography
Only the ones that are animated... 👉🏼👈🏼🥺
♣️TEAMS /🦇Batfam🏹Arrow team⚡Flash Team💎 Superfam
if you are wondering if they are still open check my masterlist and the request list (pinned on my profile) 🫶🏻
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dupert-writing · 3 months ago
What I would like to write about aka fandoms, characters and ships.
Info post here
I would prefer fanfiction requests with some prompts rather than just "this character and that character".
• Broadchurch
Practically every character and ship. I would love to write about Alec Hardy because he is my beloved husband.
● Doctor Who
I've seen all seasons of New Who several times, and watched a bit of Classic Who. I can write about everything & everyone. My personal favorites are the 12th and 10th/14th Doctors, Clara, Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Pond.
● Good Omens
reader insert with non-romantic/sexual relationships with main characters is fine. Always happy to write Ineffable Husbands & other ships.
● DC
I would love to write Sofia Falcone x Reader (The Penguin) She's my wife. And John Constantine x Reader, because he's also my beloved husband. But also:
× Sandman
I would prefer the show over the comic, but I'm not picky. I love Dreamling, but I'm open to other ships as well as reader insert fics with various characters.
× Legends Of Tomorrow
I have a thing for Rip 👉👈.
× rest of Arrowverse's shows
With the exception of LoT and Constantine, I haven't finished any of them, but I know what's going on.
× Constantine (2005)
× Gotham
● Naruto
× Most of Batman related media
× iZombie
I'm up for everything. Gaara/Lee has a special place in my heart. And I love Kakashi.
● Supernatural
I believe in destiel supremacy, and I'd feel really weird writing any romantic or smutty reader insert fics with main characters. But I'm okay with everything else.
● Marble Hornets
every ship and character. Tim's my babygirl tho.
● Spy Kids
Don't judge me, ok?
What I'm not writing about under any circumstances:
I'd sooner stick a hot rod up my ass than write rpf unironically.
Harry Potter.
Also, despite being a fan of media created by problematic individuals, I do not support or defend the behavior of Neil Gaiman, Warren Ellis, or others.
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petty-d4bblr · 10 months ago
A short fanfic I wrote for some closure on John Constantine and Zari Tarazi's relationship in Legends of Tomorrow. I incorporated some Hellblazer comic and NBC's Constantine show tidbits in there, too, but you don't really need a good grounding in either to read it.
John Constantine has been in London for 3 months since departing from The Legends, but a spot of Hell-hound trouble leads to him entering the Hell dimension version of the Mansion to escape, where he runs into a grief-stricken Zari, for whom only a week has passed since his departure.
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miss-eli-starfleet · 9 months ago
Hey guys
I posted my first AO3 fanfic. It’s done in collaboration with a good friend of mine.
It’s Bart Allen centric :) Give it a read if it interests you maybe?
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Just made a fic instead of sleeping
Unexpectedly, it's ColdFlash
Who would've thought
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emerald-hobbit · 1 year ago
Requests Open!
I don't have an upload schedual, I just do this as and when.
This list will link to my Tumblr posts for the related fic which has a summery and link to the ao3 page. Feel free to suggest a better way to do this, this is just a quick reference guide.
Good Omens
Bad Pain Days Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Good Pain Days Fluff
Crowleys Duck Obession Light Angst, Fluff
The Tracks Of My Tears Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Hold On To Me ('Cause I'm A Little Unstedy) Angst
Much Needed TLC Light Angst, Fluff, Wingfic
The First Day Of The Rest Of Our Lives Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Starman Light Angst, Fluff
The Problem With Being A Modern Day Demon Angst, Sickfic
Understimulation Autistic!Aziraphale, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
"Ti a Fi Gyda’n Gilydd Am Byth" (You And Me, Together Forever) Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff
Doctor Who
In The Down Time Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmare
Loki (TV)
Safe In Your Arms Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Fluff
Are You Okay? Trans!Mobius, Genderfluid!Loki, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Jet-Skis Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Slice Of Life
I'm Here (You're Safe With Me) Panic Attack, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Mobius' Nintendo Switch Fluff
If This Is The Final Time We Meet Angst, First Kiss, Bittersweet
I've Got You Hurt/Comfort
The Owl House
Are You Okay Kid? Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Panic Attack, Fluff
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Day One Autistic!Fitz, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort
The Story Of My Life Angst, Emotional Hurt/No Comfort PTSD
The Blood on My Hands Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attack
What If...?
What If... The Watcher Was Injured By Ultron? Angst, Hurt/Comfort
What If... The Guardians Of The Multiverse Spent Christmas Together? Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
We Will Find Our Way Through The Dark Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Panic Attack, The Hounds Of Baskerville
Oh Brother Mine Hurt/Comfort, Aftermath of Torture, Angst, The Empty Hearse
The Sherlock Survaillance Chat Collab, Chatfic, Humour, Angst
The Case of the Missing Pen Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Sherlock & Co
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Hairstylist Fluff, Domestic fluff
London or Kiev? Hurt/Comfort, Angst, PTSD
The Sandman
A Century of Pain and a Hug Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Dead Boy Detectives
Mirrors Late Night Conversion
Aftershocks hurt/comfort, nightmares, aftermath of possession
Legends of Tomorrow
I Can't Save Us (My Atlantis, We Fall) panic attack, hurt/comfort
Exhaustion hurt/comfort, effects of magic
The Interview humor, fluff
Captain Cold gets a Cold sickfic, hurt/comfort, childhood trauma
The Cicatrices hurt/comfort, burn scars
Old Advice for New Parts hurt/comfort, injury recovery
Magical Hangovers hurt/comfort, effects of magic
Unethical Polyamory posession, sexual humor
The Flash
Never Forget hurt no comfort, angst
Space Station hurt/comfort, PTSD
That's what life coaches are for, right? hurt/comfort, panic attack
Overwhelmed hurt/comfort, sensory overload
Phantom Lightning hurt/comfort, chronic pain
Well, Wells. We're Wellses. angst, hallucinations?
A Break in the Case literal sleeping together
Repentance hurt no comfort
A Voice in the Dark emotional hurt/comfort
A Chat with HR emotional hurt/comfort, ex-military Harry Wells, POW
Don't Show the Pain aftermath of torture
Coming To hurt/comfort, waking up
First Aid Flirting injury, harrisco
Safehouse 5 times
42 time loop
Brutality torture, angst
Bad Vibes emotional angst, harrisco
Wrong Time, Wrong Place blood and injury, hurt/comfort
Beside Himself with Worry emotional hurt/comfort
Cubic Grief hurt no comfort, harrisco
Cruel to be Kind medical procedures
Devil with your Face nightmares, angst
Choice? What Choice? hurt no comfort, angst, psychological trauma
Unwell Wells sickfic, harrisco
Interlude overworking, movie night
Seasonal Discomfort fluff, angst, harrisco
The Coffee Connoisseur fluff, slice of life
Even a Queen Needs Rest non consenual drug use, hurt/comfort
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fanficmaverickpodcast · 1 year ago
The latest episode of The FanFic Maverick podcast is out! The show is available through the link above and also on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and iHeartRadio.
In this episode I get to chat with fanfiction writer Thewritingblues about her DC’s Legends of Tomorrow femslash fic ‘License To Kill.’
Thanks for coming on the show, @thewritingblues
Keep on rollin’!
The link for “License To Kill’ is here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/42047199/chapters/105570642
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entity9silvergen · 11 months ago
I have zero recollection of this fic but it gets spikes of attention every now and then. It's a Legends of Tomorrow fic focused on (a trans) Constantine after he lost his powers.
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brinleyparke · 2 years ago
Flash and Legends of Tomorrow X-over Ideas/Prompts
John Constantine/Mark Blaine
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Leonard Snart and Mark Blaine become friends when Mark helps Snart fix his cold gun.
Leonard Snart/Mark Blaine
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Mark Blaine/Mick Rory
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Mark meets Ray. They become BFFs.
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soazio · 2 years ago
Ok here me out, the perfect song for any fanfiction that’s FlashxCaptainCold is criminal by Brittany Spears
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tevantarlos · 2 years ago
New Fics: 2/19/23 - 2/25/23
2/19/23: Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow Pairing: Avalance Fic: Sometimes You Just Have to Keep Going 2/20/23: Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clexa Fic: Another Chance 2/21/23: Fandom: Degrassi: the Next Generation Pairing: Palex Fic: Cheaper Than Therapy 2/22/23: Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow Pairing: Avalance Fic: Silent Comfort Fandom: The Society Pairing: Grizzam Fic: Finally Found What I’ve Been Looking For  2/23/23: Fandom: Supergirl Pairing: Sanvers Fic: Is This Real Life?  2/24/23: Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clexa Fic: Kiss Me Better  2/25/23: Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Pairing: Tillow Fic: A Welcome Distraction 
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bluelilyh · 2 years ago
Does anyone still remember the romance between Constantine and Desmond in the fourth season of Legends of Tomorrow? Well, I recently posted a fanfic of them on ao3 about their first night together! It's very gay
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