#dbd lisa sherwood x reader
How the Killers from DBD would react to you slapping their ass.
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Hey guys! Welcome to my silly DBD headcanons, this was just for fun, worked with a great buddy of mine @despacitobandito! <3 They helped me and we overall had a great time making this together so I hope you all get a good laugh out of this. Also! Apparently more killers have come out since Unknown’s release that I didn’t write down during the making of this, sorry for missing any new killers! Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 390
CW: Crack headcanons, nothing graphic, some reactions you’d expect from a slasher, contains killers up to Unknown!
Evan MacMillan - Trapper
• Insulted that you would ever touch his fine juicy ass.
Philip Ojomo - Wraith
• “Oh..!” You both are really awkward afterwards. Like just awkwardly staring at each other in silence.
Max Thompson Jr. - Hillbilly
• He’s genuinely startled by you slapping his ass, a little flattered probably.
Sally Smithson - Nurse
• Your hand phases through her and she slashes the shit out of you.
Michael Myers - Shape
• The thousand yard stare before he’d stab you in the face.
Lisa Sherwood - Hag
• *Minecraft skeleton noises.*
Herman Carter - Doctor
• *Farts electricity and electrocutes you.*
Anna - Huntress
• Stops humming. Run. Dude just run.
Bubba Sawyer - Cannibal
• Squeals and cries, you touched his no-no square.
Freddy Krueger - Nightmare
• Turns into literal dust because that’s what he deserves.
Amanda Young - Pig
• Instant bear trap, you don’t even get to find the key, as soon as it’s on, it snaps.
Jeffery Hawk - Clown
• Burp and fart combo.
Rin Yamaoka - Spirit
• You cut your hand since she has a glass shard sticking out of her ass cheek.
Frank, Julie, Susie and Joey - Legion
• They all gang up on you and kick you on the ground, JoJo style.
Adiris - Plague
• She pukes on you, like a baby.
Danny Johnson - Ghostface
• He liked it so much that he hunts you down for you to do it again.
Kazan Yamaoka - Oni
• Feels his masculinity being threatened and he hunts you every game to beat you violently.
Caleb Quinn - Deathslinger
• You traumatized the old man.
Pyramid Head - Executioner
• Execution via guillotine.
Talbot Grimes - Blight
• Immediately tries to vore you but he can’t as he doesn’t have movement in his lower jaw.
Charlotte Deshayes - Twins
• Victor shoots out of her chest and mauls you.
Ji-Woon Hak - Trickster
• Promoted to side hoe and discord kitten that manages his social media; you’re forced to listen to his music on loop on Spotify. There is no escape.
• “S.T.A.R.S.” *blows you up.*
Elliot Spencer - Cenobite
• “I came.”
Carmina Mora - Artist
• Screeches and crows swarm you.
Albert Wesker - Mastermind
• Look of pure disappointment before he hooks you. “Look but don’t touch.”
Tarhos Kovács - Knight
• “Oh good heavens!” *His and him gang mori you.*
Adriana Imai - Skull Merchant
• She cyberstalks you and cancels you on Twitter/X.
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky - Good Guy
• Punted across the whole damn map.
• Snap, crackle, pop.
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rootsofdread · 1 year
I’m not sure how to start this off but do you mind writing some general fluff relationship images with as many women killers as you can? (Many some smut of you are cool with that)
sure thing! <3 i was really stoked about this request tbh, i wasn't expecting to get much for the fem killers so it was nice!! hope you don't mind i did the "weirder" ones cause they're personally some of my faves and i think they need love :-) <3
this does include the nsfw, they're the last two bullet points on every character in case anyone wants to skip reading them!
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Sally Smithson / The Nurse:
Sally is super sweet and caring with you. She has some leftover nurse tendencies and is always trying to make sure you're taken care of. She may baby you occasionally, but she tries not to if it's not something you're comfortable with. Your comfort is her top priority.
She loves being close to you and touching you; holding your hand, having an arm around your waist or shoulders. She's very physically affectionate, and it helps her be able to protect you. She feels more comfortable with you as close to her as possible. (But if you're not comfortable with this, she'll settle for having you nearby.)
She also loves just spending quiet moments with you, where the two of you aren't worrying about anything and are just enjoying each others' presence. Doing your own separate things or just sitting quietly together, she doesn't mind either way. She's just happy to be with you.
You always calm her down when she gets worked up due to a trial, and she is endlessly thankful for that. It's been so long since she's had someone who helps her so much. When she's stressed out, she just thinks of you, and those thoughts take her to a much happier place.
Sally is very old-fashioned and vanilla. If you have any sort of kinks, chances are she won’t even have heard about it, but she’d be willing, if a little nervous (even if it’s something tame), to try it. Her main concern in the bedroom is making sure you’re pleased, and she’s willing to go way out of her comfort zone.
She’s also very susceptible to touches and dirty talk. You could turn her on just like a switch if you wanted to and have her borderline begging for it, depending on how far you want to take it. She prefers you don’t torment her…But she knows it’s all for fun.
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Lisa Sherwood / The Hag:
Lisa is extremely protective of you, and can get a little hostile towards other killers and survivors when it comes to you. She's like an angry chihuahua. She just wants to keep you safe but doesn't know any other way, she hopes it shows you how dedicated she is to you.
If the two of you have to separate for a trial or something, she'll give you a bunch of her good luck and protection charms so you can stay safe even without her. She hates leaving you, but knows her charms will do her work for her if she must.
She's very clingy and loves to cuddle, it makes her feel safe. She especially loves resting her head on your chest or your lap, but most of the time she'll just trap you by wrapping all of her gangly limbs around you. Hopefully you don't have anything to do, because you might have to drag her with you.
She loves going on long walks with you, especially at night, or during rainfall. She'll always either walk ahead of you or will hold your hand while you walk, to be on lookout for you. She loves stopping by flowers and picking them for you, or wandering off a path to see wildlife.
Lisa is very bitey during sex. She won't hurt you badly — not on purpose, anyways — but she gets a little aggressive. She will scratch you, too. She hopes you don't mind having a few marks afterwards.
She gets very clingy afterwards, too, though. She may even get fussy if you don’t hold her in some way after. So if you have something you need to do when you’re done, it’s going to have to wait for a few minutes.
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High Priestess Adiris / The Plague:
Adiris is always there to comfort you when you're upset about anything. She always mumbles about how the Gods have a plan (even if you don't believe — it's something she always says, in the hopes it helps any little bit), will cradle you in her arms, sing to you, make you a hot drink. Anything you need to feel better, she'll fetch it or do it.
She's always taking care of you in any little way she can. She may be a little overbearing, but she means well. She's always making sure you're feeling well and have everything you need. She checks in constantly, and she hopes she doesn't frustrate you. She just gets worried, is all.
She burns calming incense for you all the time, and for herself. But mostly for you. She knows how stressful being in the realm can be and she does what she can to make it better for you.
She's very shy, and is very prone to blushing. If you say any sweet little thing to her, she'll turn completely red, and may even find something to busy herself. She's not used to such sweetness, you'll have to forgive her.
Adiris prefers giving more than receiving, in all honesty. Performing oral, manual, being a service top. It's what she's more used to. That's not to say she won't accept you taking the lead…She just gets more flustered when it's you. She finds it difficult to keep her composure.
She's very insecure about her body, so she loves body worship. Even in just the slightest way — just a kiss, a word and she's crumbling. Melting into a puddle under your touch.
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Charlotte Deshayes / The Twins:
Charlotte sees you as more of her protector than she as yours. You're so kind to her, she knows you'll stand up for her when she can't. She may be a killer now, but she still gets picked on, she's sensitive and appreciates having someone on her side. 
You're the only person she trusts to look after Victor when she has something she needs to do. She knows Victor is a handful, but she can always trust you with him. She loves seeing you running around with him, playing and having fun.
She can be a bit childish sometimes, having a sort of wonderment about things she never got to experience as a child. Cartoons, stuffed animals, coloring and painting. She feels insecure about this — but when you let her know it's okay and it's not weird, she's more comfortable. She loves it when you join her, she loves sitting down and doing silly things like that.
She loves reading to you or having you read to her, it's one of her most favorite things. When you're reading to her, she gets all cozied up to your side with Victor, and may just fall asleep. If she's reading to you, she has the book between both of you in case she needs help with some English. She also likes letting Victor look at the illustrations, if there are any.
Charlotte has a massive praise kink. She loves to be praised, especially by you. You can really turn her on just by telling her that she's a good girl, she's doing a good job. It makes her putty in your hands.
She absolutely loves it when you leave kisses all over her body. Her chest, back, shoulders, stomach, thighs. It makes her feel so…Fuzzy inside. She wishes you'd never, ever stop.
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Carmina Mora / The Artist:
Carmina loves having a shoulder to cry on when she needs it. She's still so grief-stricken all the time, so sad. It overwhelms her sometimes, and she needs someone to hold her and tell her everything's alright. She is endlessly thankful for you and all that you do for her. You make life more bearable for her. She's so much happier.
She loves to sketch and paint you any free moment she gets, she has so many art pieces focused on you she could probably fill a whole gallery with them. She thinks you're so amazing, so stunning, she always feels the need to capture you.
She's so happy having another person to tend to her crows with her. It was the one thing that gave her solace before she met you, and now she gets to share it with you. She puts some bird seed in your hand and promises they won't hurt you, watching with a genuine smile on her face as they land on your wrist and eat from your hand.
She's always coaxing you to be creative, no matter your medium or skill level. She loves you, and wants you to express yourself. She would never stifle you. She absolutely loves seeing what you create, she's always full of compliments for you. She proudly displays your creations next to hers.
Carmina is very noisy in bed. A screamer. She hardly even realizes how loud she can be, she just gets lost in you, how much you're pleasing her, how right it feels. People can probably hear her all across the realm.
She can get a bit aggressive in bed. Not with the intention of hurting you, but she can just get so overwhelmed…She loses her control, thrusts herself against you like a wild animal. Clawing at you, biting you, leaving puddles of ink in your skin.
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Adriana Imai / The Skull Merchant:
Adriana is very into PDA and loves showing you off to everyone else. You're her trophy partner, and she will parade you around and make sure both you and everyone else know just how much she loves you. It's rare to earn her affection, and you're very special.
She loves to have you on her lap or just sitting with her while she plans out her next trial, or works on her drones. She just enjoys having you close. And if you want to help her, she's happy to let you; listening to your input, or guiding your hands to fasten together her drones.
She's always fussing over your appearance, making sure your hair looks nice and straightening up your clothes, brushing you off. Even if you don't find yourself particularly good-looking, she thinks you're stunning and wants to make sure the outside reflects the inside.
You're the only person she cares to listen to. She knows her ideas are great and she doesn't need input from anyone else, except you. She's always willing to listen to you about anything, everything. You're the only person with valuable input.
Adriana is a verse, believe it or not. She prefers topping, but if her partner is strong enough to knock her down and wrench control from her, she'll accept it and she'll love every minute of it. Fighting for dominance in the bedroom is one of her favorite things.
She's into some hardcore stuff, and she's very dutiful with aftercare. If the two of you have done something harsh and straining especially, she'll pull you to her chest and ask if you need anything at all. She can't break her favorite toy, after all.
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your-goth-sis · 1 year
How about Wesker, Hag and Hillbilly with killer S/O, who loves to attack their victims from high (like, jumping at them from tree)?
I didn't really know how to write this but I tried :) I really wanted to answer the ask so yeah ^^
Albert Wesker
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Bro wants a challenge. His thoughts originally were "Challenge accepted"
You won the one sided challenge without knowing it.
How you ask? By doing your thing. That's it. That's literally how. Is he in love? Yes. Would he admit that? No.
Lisa Sherwood
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She loves you????? Her thoughts went brrrrr. Actually idolises you and wants to do it too. She suffered, so she enjoyed watching your victims suffer too.
Max Thompson Jr.
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What can I say except bro is flabbergasted? He loves it! He watches you jump from tree to tree and ambush said survivors and send them in a panic
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
Can I request some fucking happiness like GODDAMN IM SO SAD
coming right up my friend. happiness in the form of cuddling with randomly selected killers and survivors to be listed below (sorry if it's short, I tried something different for this request) don’t be sad anyMORE <3
Seeking Comfort
The Doctor (Herman Carter)
He notices immediately when you slosh into his office after a long day of battling difficulties, shoulders hunched over, and demeanor sour, bringing with you a most depressing mood. He passes a cool eye over your shrinking form as you slowly make your way to the small bench that served as your designated station. Suddenly he calls you over, producing a sound somewhere between a cough and laugh, causing you to look up at him in confusion. Herman pushes back his laze boy from his work table, presenting his empty lap to you. Your questioning gaze flickers between the man and his offer and after only a few more encouraging nods, you crawl your way over to him. Never had he initiated affection like this, almost demanding you to be in his arms. He consumes you completely in his body, swallowing you up in his off-white lab coat and bare arms. The electrodes that protrude out his forearms would spark occasionally and tickle you until your face lightens and a smile somewhat returns. You knew it was secretly Herman himself sending you the fuzzy reminds of energy  In between reading documents and writing down his new observations, Herman often places his head on top of yours, humming and kissing your hair as you drifted off to sleep.
The Hag (Lisa Sherwood)
Lisa tries her absolute damnedest to make you leave her realm with a smile on your face. Though she can't talk and her hugs are not the warmest and her lips aren’t the best for giving kisses, she displays her affection in other manners. She beckons you over to her crouched in the swamp. She takes your hand in hers and with the faintest and gentlest movements, barely even gracing your skin, uses her elongated claw to draw small symbols on your arm with the help of fresh, black mud. You tilt your head and ask her what they mean. She gives you her best smile, a stretched-out display of all her twisted and razor-sharp teeth, and places her unaltered hand over your heart. You can see her sway her head with the ticking of your heartbeat and you realize that it was a spell of protection and repair - or rather a spell for a sad heart. Lisa makes you spend the rest of your time together searching the swamp for fireflies, a rarity in her realm but a blessing none the less. She follows you around carrying with her a dirty glass jar and whenever you managed to catch a handful of the elusive bugs, she’d make you put them inside until the glass glowed a brilliant yellow hue. At the end of the evening, when the darkness that previously sat on your chest has alleviated slightly, Lisa offers you one last gift. She asks you to lean down to her comfortable height and then places her forehead to yours. You hear her breathing steady and become as sure as the sun will rise and the night will end and you know that everything will be alright when she is around.
The Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn)
“Drink up.” Caleb slides you a hefty glass practically overflowing with burning, brown liquid. “That’ll put all yer troubles in the ground for sure.” Wearily, you try to lift the glass to your lips and embrace the blissful effects of the strong alcohol but instead, your hand starts to shake and you get hit with another wave of perpetual exhaustion. The glass clatters to the bar table with a thud and the liquid splashes everywhere. You apologize profusely to the man as tears threaten to envelop your vision. Caleb sighs and moves around the table to your side. You feel his hand place itself gently on your back - a small gesture of comfort and one you clung onto for dear life. “Ay see it’s gonna take an even stronger type of liquor to fix that troubled heart of yours.” You hear him shuffle but could not bear to lift your eyes from the cover of your hands. Something tickles your right ear and suddenly you sense him begin to pepper kisses along your cheekbone. When Caleb notices that he has your attention, his kisses deepen and he starts making obnoxious smooching noises. You couldn’t help but smile and try to pull away from the mocking man, succumbing to his game and forgetting all your worries in the shine of his love. He continues his rampage of wrecking your face with wet, sloppy kisses until you were begging for him to stop. You were laughing, the tears from before having dried up. Caleb smiles, his damaged cheek hurting from the strain. But when he sees how you look at him with happiness returned in your face, he deems it all worth it.
Meg Thomas
Meg sighs and you feel her chest compress and her head lean down to your ear level, her arms sneaking to your sides where she found warmth and structure. Since the first second she saw that slight downwards twinge of your mouth, Meg had not left your side. Right now she had positioned herself to be sitting on the log directly behind you while together you sat facing the campfire. She had her legs on either side of you, effectively making a sort of make-shift barrier between you, her, and the rest of the shitty world. You relax into her, allowing your head to fall back and land safely on her left chest. She retrieves one hand and delicately brushes hair out of your eyes. She was so kind and understanding, caring like a mother and passionate like an athlete. She was persistent even as the wall crumbled inwards and started to bury you in an impossible rumble, she was quickly there to offer you her hand. “It’s difficult.” Meg mumbles so quietly it was more directed towards herself than to anyone else. “It’s like an uphill battle and sometimes it feels like your legs are going to break and you’re not going to make it up.” You feel her hands start to shiver and you go to grasp them in your own. She stops and squeezes you, holding on like a falling child would a tree branch. “But we must keep trying.” You open your eyes again to see her lovingly looking down at you - she was so angelic bathed in the golden firelight. She lowers her face and gives your nose a quick peck. She smells like roses and fresh body wash. Meg smiles and you were infected with her hopefulness, blooming in your chest in the forms of happiness and love.
Ashley J. Williams 
 “What's up, doll-face?” Ash asks as he slides into the seat next to yours. You hurriedly suck back a cry and turn your head away from him, trying and failing to hide your miserable expression. He waits a moment, eyes dancing up and down your shivering body before he exhales audibly. “Rough day, huh?” His comment was rhetorical - it was obvious that you were upset. He runs a hand through his graying hair. He pauses and thinks for a second, a task that he never normally is one to partake in. He goes to speak but stops - no that sounds stupid. Well, what about - no that's insensitive. Again and again, his brain produced and sabotaged all possibilities he had to try and make you feel better. He just wanted to make you stop crying. Ash is very unpracticed in the field of comfort. Yet seeing you so broken, so unlike how wonderful and lively you usually were, pained him more than the awkwardness did. He contemplates another option hen suddenly he feels a small tug at his shirt. Looking over he sees you pleading for him to take you in. His heart jitters slightly but does not stop him from shuffling closer to you and offering you his arm. You grateful wrap yourself around him and soon stuff your nose into his side.  Ash’s metal hand rubs smalls circles on your back and you wonder why he was not always this hug-able. “Don’t get too comfortable, kid. This is a once-off thing.” Though your heart ached from problems unimaginable, his simple abruptness tinged with undertones of sympathy, was enough of a rude-awakening to remind you that you were alive and that you always had him. 
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trashyslashers · 5 years
howdy! Big fan and love your work. I finally have the balls tp send in a request, so i hope this finds you well. May i request a promt with The Plague( Adiris), The Hillbilly (Max) and, if possible, The Hag (Lisa) with a S/O who is partially blind and likes to touch things with their hands? Again love your work❤
OK first of all I absolutely love your username 
Second of all this is probably one of the cutest requests I’ve received, thank you so much for sending it in!
Adiris | The Plague: 
First and foremost, you’d have to reassure Adiris that you’re completely capable of taking care of yourself on your own. She’s definitely very protective of you; she’s seen what blindness can do to people (it wasn’t exactly an uncommon ailment back in Babylon) and tends to get overly worried about you. Once you two are passed that, then she’s more than happy to let you have at and feel any item your heart desires.
There’s a language barrier between the two of you, no doubt about it - but that doesn’t stop Adiris from telling you the story behind whatever object you hold in your hands. The scratched amulet, the intricate seal that was carved into a small chunk of stone - whatever it is you’re holding, every dent, scratch, and chip in it has a story behind it that she’ll tell you. 
You’ll probably love to wander around the temple. The cold, rough stone walls, the tall pillars made from bronze and gold, the tablet with delicate Akkadian cuneiform inscribed into it, you’d be like a child in a candy store in there. You’re welcome there pretty much any time outside of trials, and she loves to guide you around as you feel your way through it.
Lisa Sherwood | The Hag:
Lisa is THE girl to go to for this, mainly because there are so many different things around the swamp with unique textures that you can feel. The different plants, the rocks, the trees, the splintered wood of the old boat and pantry - there’s so much there to be discovered and touched by you, and Lisa’s more than happy to let you have at it. 
She’ll give you any sort of charm, necklace, trinket she has laying around for you to have and examine as you please. She’s like Adiris and will tell you stories about each and every item as you feel it; the particular story behind the dent in the rusted metal of a necklace, how old the scratched glass bottle of bog water is. 
You won’t know it, but the smaller trinkets that she gives to you have always have little charms and spells put on them to protect you and grant you good fortune. She’s very well aware that you’re able to take care of yourself, but she can’t help but still feel about worried about how you’d fare in trials given that your sight is poorer than average. 
Max Thompson Jr. | The Hillbilly:
Max can relate, in a way. While he isn’t partially blind or anything of the sort, he’s definitely curious about the world and as a result he likes to touch things; especially things he’s never seen before.
He’s more than happy to indulge you and let you touch pretty much whatever you want - just no, not his saw! You might hurt yourself! You’ll have to remind him that you’re not completely blind; you’re well aware that his chainsaw is, well, a saw, and that it’s not safe. He gets pretty protective of you at times and tends to forget that you still are able to see, just not totally.
Max loves to kinda guide you around the farm and watch as you busy yourself with feeling anything and everything that you can get your hands on. Something about it is so endearingly wholesome, and his heart flutters every time that sweet smile appears on your face. How’d he end up with someone so cute?
Angsty bonus: It’ll take a lot of convincing for you to be allowed to touch his face. It’s not that he thinks you’ll hurt him or anything, but what if you’re disgusted by what you feel? He’s already troubled by the fact that you’re partially blind - what if you don’t know what he actually looks like? He can’t help but feel like he’s somehow taking advantage of your poor vision. Would you still be with him if you knew what he felt like, what he looked like? Poor boy gets himself so worked up over it.
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slashthedice · 5 years
all the dbd girls and what kind of affection they like (spoken, physical, material, etc)
Anon! Your mind!
The Nurse
Sally is one for spoken affection when she can get it. This takes the form of gentle words spoken softly to each other in private. She’s the kind that would have appreciated someone reading/writing poetry for her. Of course, she’s also not going to turn down slow dancing with her S/O.
The Hag
When she was human, Lisa liked to take walks and hold her S/O’s hand. Now if she’s feeling affectionate, she’s liable to curl up next to you and make sounds akin to that of a cat purring.
The Huntress
Anna likes material displays of affection. Bring her something shiny you found or a gift you have made, she’ll be bursting with pride and will wrap you up in the biggest bear hug you have ever experienced.
The Pig
Amanda would never admit it, but sometimes she wants nothing more than to let her guard down and just hold and be held by her S/O. Somewhere private where no one will find the two of you, she’ll coax you into curling up together to just be quiet together.
The Spirit
Rin, once you have calmed her down and gained her trust, loves when her S/O plays with her hair. It might be difficult now that it kind of defies gravity and all, but nothing is more relaxing to her than having you comb your fingers through her hair and braiding/styling it.
The Legion - Julie
Talk is cheap, and Julie has heard enough bullshit from Frank. She wants you to show her how much you love her. She wants gentle caresses and calming touches. Hold her hand and she’ll be melting inside.
The Legion - Susie
The surest way to fluster Susie is to call her pet names and tell her how pretty she is. She’ll be bright red by the time you’re done, but her broad smile will indicate how much she truly loves to have you fawn over her.
The Plague
Adiris appreciates any indication of your devotion to her, but she is especially fond of gifts and offerings. She also likes when you lavish her with physical affection, but I’m not sure that would be advisable.
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irageneveart · 5 years
H/cs for Leatherface, Hillbilly and Hag reacting to a survivor who ventures away from the campfire to bring them food between trial?
Bubba Sawyer/The Cannibal
The first time when you did this Bubba was confused as fuck. Why? What’s this? Are you trying to kill him? He has his own chili why would he want your food WHY ARE YOU DOING IT
As you keep doing it he starts to be curious, actually trying the food and loving the taste. Please let him taste everything in the entire world he’s such a good boy and he’s the best when he’s bubbly and happy
The next time you come to bring food he is waiting you, a bit nervous, a bit insecure, but he is there and he has something for you too
As you hand him your food and smile, he is ready to tear up because omg you smiled??? At him?? No one smiled at him since…..well….for a long time
He takes your food, hands you a bowl of his chili with a soft hum and just leaves before he would give in to the urge to take you with him because you’re just so damn sweet
Ofc you know what’s in the bowl but hey, the intention matters! He will give you a new bowl each and every time you come to visit, his shy sounds growing into toothy smiles the more he sees you
He actually waves at you if he catches you in a trial bubba you’re such a wonderful boy jdklsfkjbds but you’re still going down, he won’t disappoint the entity. But it’s fine! You’ll be back and he’ll have more chilly for you!
Max Thompson Jr/ The Hillbilly
when you first came to search for hillbilly you barely came out alive. his property and you look like you’re a bad one. go away
you kept trying and each time you’ve seen him learning. when you called his name he coed his head, when you raised your arms he hesitated in reviving his chainsaw. all in all you still end up being chased away, but you were determined not to give up
one day you come again after you sneaked out of the campfire, only to be greeted with the steady shifting of the corn. there was no sign of Max
you put your wrapped food on the doorstep of the house you assume it belongs to Max, its horrors unknown to you. when you turn around The Hillbilly was staring at you from behind the corn. this time he had no chainsaw in hand, only his hammer
you were taken by surprised but you quickly turned back around, grabbed your food and unpacked it, showing it to the deformed man in front of you. Max was confused
he limped forward uncovering himself from behind the corn enough to grab the food off your hand, hiding behind the safety of corn once again
you didn’t push more, smiled and left, but you knew he was looking into the box the moment you turned your back
you came back welcomed by ‘Max behind the corn’ again and again, but only when he decided to wait you in the doorstep you truly allowed yourself to feel happy
Lisa Sherwood/ The Hag
what were you thinking adventuring into the swamp just like that. it’s ugly, and nasty, and smelly and gross
but you were determined to give something to the one they call the hag, and you weren’t going to back off
the only place mud wouldn’t get into the food, that you could think of, was the killer shack. it took you a while to find it, being alone and with no generators around, no lockers or palettes, no crows or other survivors, everything felt twice as real and twice as scary
little did you know that every step you took was being watched. every time you carefully passed by writings on the ground or on the trees, the way you said “hello” as you entered the snake’s den, the way you got scared and activated some traps on your way back. you didn’t know one of these traps was more real than the others, and maybe that was for the best
seeing your little gift, Lisa was a bit surprised. she smelt it, hissing afterwards. it didn’t smell like anything from her few memories, but it didn’t smell bad either
you weren’t sure if she was eating what you were bringing, but the food you left was never there the next day. you were sure though that every time you were coming back you would get less and less traps
you don’t feel as lonely while walking through the swamp anymore, and the feeling makes you smile the entire time
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galaxic-kitten · 5 years
Hallo! I’m here for a matchup if that’s okay with you. I’m a bisexual female who is, well let’s just say, short :,) I have brown hair and dark saturated blue eyes. I do have a bit chub with broad shoulders and I’m more on the tan side. I like to keep to myself and will scream over anything that looks vintage. I do art and I love to collect music boxes and animal bones! I like DBD and normal Slashers so both are wonderful, thank you! (I hope your day goes well >:))
I match you with...
The Hag - Lisa Sherwood!
She’s also kind of small, you can fit into tiny places and just cuddle in peace.
She’s really interested by your bone collecting and will happily help you collect after her hunts.
She loves to listen to your music boxes as well. She’s prone to stress and anxiety and has a lot of trust issues. They quickly calm her down.
She’s very lowkey clingy an just wants you to be happy.
One day please help pamper her. She’ll happily do the same for you too! Just wash out her muddy dreads, give her some rubs and she’s putty in your hands.
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noridoorman · 3 years
Guys, excuse me😣
I wanted to write a lot more content after making the first HC and had many ideas, but my fever hit me hard and I simply couldn't write anything. I'm not 100% healthy yet but I'll try to make more stuff.
Here's everything I have started or planned this far:
Oneshots/One character fics:
Frank Morrison x Reader | SFW/NSFW, fluff, slight smut
Jake Park x Reader | Family n fluff, based around "What it means to be" made by MimiSeda on AO3, basically a fanfiction for a fanfiction
Ji-Woon Hak x Reader | Angst, Inspiration from a different Ji-Woon Hak Fanfic
When you're sick | DBD Killer and Survivor, with Entity
When you die | DBD Killer and Survivor, pre-Entity, Angst
How you cuddle | DBD Killer and Survivor
How they treat you in trials | DBD Killer and Survivor
Potential stories:
Frank Morrison x Reader ~ HOPE/LESS | Outline is already finished, I abandoned the project a little bit though
Jake Park x Reader - The Names Beneath | I only have the concept and main-plot in my mind
Some peeps can request too but I can't do all characters nor do I really want to. And I'm not consistent with requests so I won't do them as frequent, probably.
Here are some rules tho and the characters I don't wrote for:
Characters I will NOT write for:
➢The Hag, Lisa Sherwood (Her backstory is extremely inconsistent, and writing for her would be really difficult)
➢ The Doctor, Herman Carter (I'm not very fond of him)
➢ The Cannibal, Bubba Swayer (I haven't watched his movie and don't know much about him. I'm also not very fond of him)
➢ The Nightmare, Freddy Krueger (Nope, he's a pedophile)
➢ The Pig, Amanda Young (I haven't watched Saw yet, I know nothing about her)
➢ The Clown, Jeffery Hawk (Nope, he's disgusting asfuck)
➢ Nemesis T-Type (I really don't like him and don't know how to write for him)
➢ The Blight, Talbot Grimes (He looks pretty disgusting ngl)
Characters that I'll only write platonic relationships for:
➢ Ace Visconti (He looks a little old)
➢ William "Bill" Overbeck (He's really old)
➢ Ashley J. Williams (He looks a little old)
➢ The Demogorgon (Demodoggo)
➢ The Twins, Victor and Charlotte Deshayes (Kick the fetus though)
➢ The Legion, Susie (Susie is underaged)
➢ Laurie Strode (She's 17)
Characters I'd LOVE for you to request (please do):
➢ Jake Park (I'm sorry but he took my heart)
➢ Yui Kimura (I don't know if I want her or be like her)
➢  The Trapper, Evan MacMillan (He needs some LOVE)
➢ The Hillbilly, Max Thompson Jr. (He also needs some LOVE)
➢ The Shape, Micheal Myers (My HC for this bitch is that he's extremely touch- and love-starved so love him)
➢ The Huntress, Anna (Dom hatchet mommy with biceps)
➢ The Legion, Frank & Julie (I'll top Frank but Julie can top me)
➢ The Trickster, Ji-Woon Hak (The devs are asking for NSFW at this point)
Bye bye
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slashthedice · 5 years
Hey I absolutely love your work! Could you possibly write a nsfw with the Hag and a male reader? A million bonus points if the reader ends up dying in the end! Thank you so much!
Oh my, anon! (/ε\*) You certainly like it dangerous! Our dear anon would like to remain anonymous, but they contacted me privately to request some specifics in this one. Lisa needs more love. NSFW below :3
You had always been adventurous. Even when you were young, your mother had warned that your penchant for curious exploration would get you into trouble. As you grew older, that adventurous streak became more of an addiction. You sought the biggest thrills and the greatest risks, but it was never enough. You and danger became scandalously, unconscionably intimate.
However, this had to be the most reckless thing you had ever done.
She herself seemed to be made of the very swamp she called home, molded from the mud and clay. Her hair was more vines and vegetation than anything else, and a small part of you wondered what it had looked and felt like before all this. She was lean and lithe, stalking through the swamp completely unaffected by the grasp and pull of the mud that weighed you down and slowed your steps.
You had been enthralled since the first moment you saw her, elongated talons carving through the back of your fellow survivor. She stood over them and let their drip into her open mouth, the crimson painting her tongue and fingers. A wave of heat flowed through you, unbidden, to settle in your groin. She was lethal, a predator unlike any you had ever encountered. You fell under her spell immediately.
You never expected to get up close and personal with the killer that the other survivors referred to as The Hag, at least not in the way you wanted. Imagine your delight when you finally did.
You weren’t entirely sure how it happened. One after another, your fellow survivors fell and were sacrificed, their last breaths leaving them as shrieks into the night when the Entity took them into its dark embrace. Silence overtook the swamp when the final spectral form was lifted from the trial area. You were alone with her, but she had the home field advantage.
You crept slowly through the cattails, trying to disturb them as little as possible all while maintaining a close eye on the crows perched a scant few meters away. Should they take flight now, your position would be revealed and you would have next to no chance of escaping. Your feet and calves were caked in mud, and with every step you felt like you were being sucked down, down into the swamp as if it were hungry for you, body and soul, anxious to make you part of it. You wondered idly if that was what had happened to her.
Your nose and lungs were filled with the pungent, musky scent of the swamp. That ever present and overpowering smell of stagnant water and decay combined with the underlying scent of gasoline from a nearby generator assaulted your senses, causing your eyes to water. You listened to the puttering of machinery and the occasional squawk of the crows that watched you with unnerving black eyes, but you did not hear the Hag.
You glanced over your shoulder for just a moment too long, not watching where you were going and not paying attention to the anxious shuffling of talons and feathers upon the nearby rock. You realized your mistake when the disturbed avians took flight, announcing your presence with their shrill cries and beating wings. You froze, waiting for the telltale rapid beat of your heart or the gurgling hiss of her breathing down your neck. Waiting was a mistake.
Sooner than you could react, you heard the slap of her feet against the mucky ground and your heart was in your throat just as suddenly. She wasn’t as fast as some of the other killers, but she was faster than you, especially when you were wading through mud and foliage. You caught a glimpse of her before you propelled yourself forward, moonlight streaming through the tree limbs and hanging spanish moss dappled upon the root-like texture and pattern of her greyed skin. You realized with a sort of reverence that she was a true force of nature.
The rake of her clawed fingers down your back came much sooner than expected. She sliced through the fabric of your shirt and jacket, and your skin and muscle tore just as easily. You cried out at the pain, but it was numbed by the adrenaline coursing through you. You pushed on, and tried not to imagine her tasting your blood as you knew she would be. Such thoughts were more distracting than you could afford.
She was on you again before you could run more than a couple meters, but this time instead of the bite of claws against your skin you were shoved to the ground by the full force of her weight against your back. Your mouth was full of mud, the taste of stagnant water and silt making you gag. She was crouched on top of you, boney extremities digging into your back and causing the wounds there to burn.
Her arm that wasn’t elongated and clawed reached towards you, fingers wrapping around your shoulder. She shuffled around so that she could flip you onto your back, now looking down at you whilst straddling your hips. The muck seeped through your ruined shirt to intermingle with the blood oozing from the slashes on your back, causing you to hiss in pain. It hurt, and when you arched up away from the ground, she sat more firmly against you and pushed your chest down, claws drumming threateningly against your chest.
Despite the pain, you couldn’t help but to look up at her with nothing short of awe. Even the slightest movement from you prompted her to grind her emaciated hips down into yours and you were keenly aware of the pressure and heat that burned between your legs. A particularly rough grind against your clothed sex had you seeing stars and gasping your pleasure.
Her head snapped to look at you. You watched her take in your dazed, heated expression and tilt her head just the slightest to one side. She repeated the motion and you bit down against the inside of your cheek to quiet what would have been a moan in earnest. This seemed to thrill her, causing her to rock against you with more of a rhythm. She sought to pull more of those needy sounds from between your mud-caked lips, and it did not take all that much convincing on her part before they flowed from you.
You were achingly hard and oversensitive from the friction of her grinding against you through the material of your pants. You reached for the clasp, but she swatted your hand away, making a sound somewhere between a growl and a hiss. Her meaning was clear though: you weren’t allowed to touch yourself. You dug your fingers into the mud, shuddering at the feeling of it squishing in your hands.
She leaned over you, hips still rolling and undulating against you. Her sharp teeth grazed your neck, and you grunted against the pinpricks of pain. The knowledge that at any moment she could bite down and rip out your throat had your already labored breathing coming harsher until you were nearly panting. Her tongue felt like sandpaper against your skin when she licked a trail following where her teeth had scraped.
You whined and huffed when she pulled back and snaked her way down your body, biting down as gently as her razor sharp teeth would allow on any exposed skin she came across. You grit your teeth against the pain, but couldn’t deny the pleasurable tremors running through your entire form. When she came to the clasp on your muddied pants, she looked up at you with those black eyes that were both familiar and completely other from your own. You gazed back down at her through half-lidded eyes, cheeks burning and body sensitive to her attentions. You threw your head back when you felt the release of pressure at your groin as her non-clawed hand freed you from your pants and undergarments.
You felt a bolt of anxiety shoot through you. As wonderful as her teeth had felt elsewhere on your body, you really didn’t want them anywhere near your cock. Thankfully, she simply gave it a couple of experimental licks that prompted a garbled string of moans from you. She sat back to watch your reactions, hand wrapping around the base of your shaft and slowly stroking upwards. The leathery texture of her palm and fingers was a completely foreign sensation against your soft skin and hardened flesh.
Once she had you a shaking, whining mess, she crawled back up your body. She placed both hands on your shoulders, holding you in place. You soon discovered that beneath the tattered remains of what might have once been a dress, her sex was uncovered. She had apparently been enjoying working you up nearly as much as you had, the slickness left behind on your cock as she dragged her folds across your hardened length providing more than enough evidence of her arousal.
The entire situation seemed like a dream, a fantasy you played through in your mind as you stroked yourself in secret while hidden in the shadows surrounding the campfire. It was hard to believe this was really happening. God, how you wanted to touch her. You wanted to feel the raised knobs of her spin, and the tough skin drawn tight over her protruding hip bones. You would have loved to twine your fingers with yours and close your lips around the peak of her exposed breast. But every time you tried to raise a hand, she halted you with a snarled flash of her teeth and growled warning. This would be on her terms.
When finally she lowered herself onto you, you groaned loudly and thrashed your head causing more and more mud to mat in your sweat and blood painted hair. You almost missed the pleasured hiss that escaped her, focused only on the velvet heat wrapped tight around your cock. She tortured you with the slow rise and fall of her hips, slickened walls dragging against your sensitive head. You looked down at where you were joined and groaned at the sight of yourself disappearing inside of her. It looked almost as good as it felt.
Your peak built up quickly as she increased her pace. She had apparently tired of toying with you and was seeking out her own release. The cuts on your back still burned, but the sensation was something to focus on so that you could hold out against the tidal wave of your release that was bearing down on you. You felt that familiar tightening and knew that you were getting close.
You were finally pushed over the edge of your pleasure when she made a satisfied sound and slammed down on your hips, sheathing your length fully inside her. You cried out as you spilled into her, digging your nails into your palms so hard that you surely drew blood. She rode you through your orgasm until you were trembling and moaning from oversensitivity. She sat back against you with a light huff, staring down at your reddened face and considering your ravished expression.
In the glowing aftermath of your release, you were putty beneath her. You felt weak and boneless as the orgasmic aftershocks shook your limbs. You were helpless and pliant, softening member still trapped within her heat. You realized what would come next when she raised the elongated, clawed arm above her head.
Talons burrowed through your flesh and bone with a deadly accuracy. You choked on your own blood as it filled your throat and spilled from your mouth while the sharpened points of her fingers were still buried in your chest. The pain was excruciating and maddening, albeit brief. As you bled out and choked on the warmth of your life source, you watched with awe and disbelief as she pulled your heart from your chest cavity. The last thing you saw before darkness overtook you was her razorblade teeth carving through the organ in her grasp, crimson liquid dripping down her chin.
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trashyslashers · 6 years
I will be adding to this as I go!
Requests involving multiple characters are grouped together, but solo requests with only one character are filed under the name of that character. Separated by slashers and DBD characters.
----- SLASHERS  ------------------------
Jason, Bubba, and Freddy with a chubby s/o
Bubba and Michael with a petite s/o
Cuddling for Bubba and Jason
Jason, Michael, Thomas, and Freddy with a s/o who self harms
Jason and Thomas with a s/o who treats their dog like a child
Michael, Jason, and Thomas when their s/o attacks someone twice their size
Thomas, Jason, and Michael with an animalistic s/o
Drayton Sawyer headcanons 
Bubba and Jason x cannibalistic s/o
Pet names for Jason, Michael, and Bubba
Bubba and Thomas x pregnant s/o
Thomas, Michael, and Jason being nursed back to health by their s/o after a fight
Bubba, Jason, and Michael x 2009 emo s/o
Bubba, Jason, and Michael with a s/o who collects snakes
Bubba and Jason when their s/o see’s their abusive ex
Michael and Brahms x sick /so
Michael and Jason x s/o who has painful period cramps
Michael and Bubba x s/o who’s sensitive to loud noises 
Michael, Jason, and Brahms x jumpy s/o
Michael, Bubba, and Jason x normally mild-mannered s/o who’s incredibly angry
Michael, Jason, Bubba, and Freddy x s/o who speaks German 
Michael, Jason, Bubba, and Freddy x s/o who was disowned by their family for being in a relationship with a murderer 
General fluffy Michael and Bubba x s/o headcanons
Michael, Bubba, and Jason x usually calm s/o who can be violent when they hate someone
Brahms, Bubba, and Jason x tall, broad-framed s/o
Michael, Jason, and Bubba with a s/o that gets bad migraines 
Thomas and Michael x s/o who’s an empath 
Michael, Thomas Hewitt, and Todd when reader shaves and has smooth skin
Jason and Bubba x s/o who loves how big their hands are
Michael and Bubba x male reader headcanons (this one includes a DBD Killer as well!)
Michael, Max*, and Todd with a s/o that draws on themselves whenever upset (includes a DBD Killer)
Michael, Bubba, and Jason with a s/o that likes to draw on them
B&W Soulmate AU with Michael and Freddy | Pt II
Michael and Jason with a creepily cute s/o 
Slashers getting cursed at by nine year olds on Fortnite 
Michael and Jason x mechanic s/o
Bubba and Jason x vegetarian male s/o
Bubba, Michael, and Jason x s/o who’s addicted to hot Cheetos 
Michael, Jason, Bubba, and Thomas under the influence of laughing gas
Michael, Bubba, and Brahms x male s/o who has albinism 
----- Solo requests:  ------------------------
• Michael Myers: (please note that some of these pertain to DBD Michael, and some Michael content can be found under the DBD section)
Michael with a s/o who self harms and struggles with depression
Michael with a s/o who was sexually assaulted
Angry Michael being calmed down by his s/o
Michael x s/o who has anger issues
Michael x reader who sneaks into his room at Smith’s Grove to visit him
Michael x s/o who has telekinesis
Michael x short/chubby s/o
Michael x tough s/o
Michael, Jason, Leatherface, and Freddy when their s/o dies
General older Michael x younger reader headcanons 
More older Michael headcanons 
Michael x traumatized s/o
Michael x short!s/o
(DBD) Michael x s/o who does well in trials but is unliked because of her relationship 
Michael (DBD) x s/o who was training to become a psychiatrist/psychologist
A fight with Michael (Angst)
(2007) Michael x young nurse s/o
Michael, Jason, Bubba, and Freddy being forced to watch Disney films
Michael, Jason, Bubba, and Freddy when their s/o is almost killed
• Jason Voorhees:
Cute relationship headcanons with Jason
How Jason would shyly confess to the girl he liked
Jason attending a family dinner with his s/o
Jason x younger s/o
Jason x motherly reader 
Jason murdering the abusive partner of reader 
• Freddy Krueger: Freddy x s/o who likes to watch him kill
Freddy x s/o who died of natural causes and can stay in the Dreamworld
Freddy x s/o who knit him a new sweater
Burger Time With Freddy Krueger
Freddy roughhousing with this s/o
(Fluffy) Freddy x s/o headcanons 
• Bubba Sawyer: Bubba Sawyer spending holidays with s/o
Bubba x s/o headcanons 
Bubba x s/o who wants to see his workspace and watch him kill
Bubba when his s/o wants him to live with them
Bubba and accidentally injuring/killing his s/o
Bubba x s/o who simultaneously craves but is terrified of affection 
Bubba x younger s/o who looks even younger than they are
General Bubba x male!reader headcanons 
Bubba and his brothers after their s/o gets injured by a victim
• Thomas Hewitt: Thomas Hewitt headcanons
Thomas Hewitt x reader who “adopts” him as her older brother
Birthday headcanons!
• Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms x female!nanny who’s afraid of dolls
Brahms x s/o who’s sweet but doesn’t take any BS
Brahms realizing he needs to grow up if he wants his s/o to stay
Brahms with a s/o that sneaks him out of the house for a date 
Brahms being reunited with reader, who was a childhood friend of his
Soulmate AU
Brahms x reader who can teleport 
• Vincent Sinclar: 
General Vincent Sinclair headcanons 
Vincent Sinclar x s/o who loves to spoil him
• What We Do In The Shadows:
General Viago x reader headcanons 
Viago x werewolf!s/o that got kicked out of their pack
• Hilliker brothers (Wrong Turn):
General headcanons 
Protective Hilliker brothers
Hilliker brothers x sick s/o
----- Killers  ------------------------
DBD killers with a s/o who likes to dance
DBD killers most to least likely to spare their s/o in a trial
DBD killers most to least likely to get scared by a toaster
DBD Onesie party
Michael, Bubba, Max (the Hillbilly), and Evan (the Trapper) when they’re forced to kill their s/o in trials
Jeffrey (the Clown), Philip (the Wraith), Anna (the Huntress), and Frank (the Legion) when the Entity kidnaps their s/o | Part II
Michael and Max (the Hillbilly) x s/o who’s sweet but blunt
Michael and Max (the Hillbilly) x s/o who always drinks with a straw
Michael and Max (the Hillbilly) being taught by s/o
Michael and Max (the Hillbilly) x impulsive s/o
General headcanons for Michael and Max (the Hillbilly)
Michael and Max (the Hillbilly) x s/o who’s mesmerized by the stars, moon, and ocean
Frank (the Legion), Evan (the Trapper), and Philip (the Wraith) x sleepy and cuddly s/o
Evan (the Trapper), Philip (the Wraith), and Max (the Hillbilly) with a s/o that loves to have their hair pet
Meg Thomas, Susie, Julie (the Legion), and Anna (the Huntress) x artistic fem s/o
Meg, Julie (the Legion), Amanda (the Pig), and Anna (the Huntress) walking in on their fem s/o singing
Michael and Max (the Hillbilly) x s/o who’s just a dumb bitch and doesn’t know shit
Michael and the Legion girls x s/o with piercings
Adiris (the Plague) and Herman (the Doctor) reacting to reader confessing their feelings
Herman (the Doctor), Evan (the Trapper), and Max (the Hillbilly) with a s/o who likes to read to them
Herman (the Doctor) and Philip (the Wraith) with a s/o who likes to make them small embroideries 
Herman (the Doctor), Michael, and Bubba x male reader headcanons
Herman (the Doctor), Philip (the Wraith), and Max (the Hillbilly)’s thoughts on a s/o with tattoos 
Dwight, Anna (the Huntress), and Frank (the Legion) x very affectionate and considerate reader
Frank (the Legion), Joey (the Legion), Evan (the Trapper), and Herman (the Doctor) when they trip and fall and their s/o finds it funny
Evan (the Trapper), Joey (the Legion), and Frank (the Legion) x male!sick!reader
Frank (the Legion), Max (the Hillbilly), Danny (the Ghost Face), and Anna (the Huntress) x male!adult!reader that’s into childish things
The Trapper, the Wraith, the Hillbilly, and the Nurse when not yet s/o reader 360′s them in a trial
Evan (the Trapper), Frank (the Legion), and Joey (the Legion) getting jealous after seeing their male s/o having fun/laughing with other male Survivors
Michael, the Legion, and Anna (the Huntress) x reader who grins & bears with pain easily
Herman (the Doctor), Sally (the Nurse), and Michael x reader who’s studying to become a therapist 
Max (the Hillbilly) and Frank (the Legion) after accidentally hurting or killing their s/o (Angst)
Bubba, Max (the Hillbilly), Dwight, and Kate x hopeless romantic s/o
Max (the Hillbilly), Frank (the Legion), Danny (the Ghost Face), and Freddy with a male s/o that loves to show them off
Jealous Herman (the Doctor), Jeffrey (the Clown), Michael, and Amanda (the Pig) x male reader
Pranking Frank (the Legion) and Jeffrey (the Clown)
Danny (the Ghost Face) and Frank (the Legion) finally getting their hands on reader, who kept managing to escape them before
Herman (the Doctor), Danny (the Ghost Face), and Michael when their s/o is kidnapped by the Entity 
Philip (the Wraith), Anna (the Huntress), and Adiris (the Plague) x pyromaniac s/o
Evan (the Trapper), Herman (the Doctor), Frank (the Legion), Joey (the Legion) finding out their male s/o is ticklish 
Evan (the Trapper) x vegetarian male s/o
Herman (the Doctor) and Evan (the Trapper) x male s/o who breaks down from stress
Evan (the Trapper), Max (the Hillbilly), Anna (the Huntress), Danny (the Ghost Face), and Sally (the Nurse) x super cute s/o
----- Solo requests:  ------------------------
• Evan MacMillan | The Trapper (DBD): 
Evan MacMillan (The Trapper) x pregnant s/o
Pranking/messing with Evan MacMillan (The Trapper)
General Evan MacMillan x reader headcanons 
Evan when fem survivor reader ends up at the MacMillan Estate outside of a trial
• Philip Ojomo | The Wraith (DBD):
(Slowburn) The Wraith x Survivor!reader
The Wraith x survivor!reader with the prompt Predatory
General the Wraith headcanons 
• Max Thompson Jr. | The Hillbilly
The Hillbilly x s/o who loves to craft
Max (the Hillbilly) caring for barn cats
Max (the Hillbilly) x survivor reader that’s really good at running during trials
Cute Max x reader scenario 
• Sally Smithson | The Nurse (DBD)
The Nurse x s/o who has awful anxiety
• Lisa Sherwood | The Hag (DBD)
The Hag x witch s/o
• Herman Carter | The Doctor (DBD):
The Doctor x s/o who can purr
Herman’s sadism 
Fluffy the Doctor x reader headcanons 
• Jeffrey Hawk | The Clown
Obsession (Prompt)
•  Rin Yamaoka | The Spirit 
General headcanons for Rin Yamaoka (The Spirit)
• The Legion (DBD):
General Legion headcanons
The Legion with a s/o who walks quietly
Joey (The Legion) headcanons
(Angst) Reader discovering Frank’s Bad Boy ™ weekend activities
(Angst) Frank x survivor!reader who’s his past girlfriend
(Platonic) The Legion x reader who seems like they’re put together but really they’re a wreck
Dating the Legion
• Adiris | The Plague
The Plague x s/o with a weak immune system 
• Danny “Jed Olsen” Johnson | The Ghost Face
Random drabble 
Tunnel Vision Part I | Part II
----- Survivors ------------------------
Quentin, Ace, Dwight, and Adam x charismatic and outgoing fem s/o
General Dwight Fairfield and Feng Min x reader headcanons (Fluff)
Jake Park and Quentin Smith when having to hide in a locker with their s/o
Dwight, Joey, Quentin, the Wraith x s/o who has night terrors
----- Solo requests:  ----------------------
• Quentin Smith:
Fluffy Quentin Smith x reader headcanons 
Quentin watching his s/o get killed by Freddy
Quentin x reader who Very Obviously has a crush on him 
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