#daystarr peterson
reasoningdaily · 1 year
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Rapper Tory Lanez was sentenced Tuesday to 10 years in prison for shooting Megan Thee Stallion in the feet and injuring her three years ago.
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge David Herriford’s decision followed an unusually long hearing that stretched into a second day and included seven people answering questions from Lanez’s attorneys, mostly about his childhood and charitable work as well as his struggle with the death of his mother when he was 11. A jail chaplain said Lanez hosts a daily moment of prayer on his jail floor that has lessened tensions and sets him far apart from the 15,000 other inmates he’s met over the years.
Lanez spoke for several minutes, asking Herriford to not send him to prison. He called Megan “someone I still care for dearly to this day” regardless of what she may think of him. He said “the victim’s my friend.” He talked about bonding with her over the loss of their mothers.
“We both lost our mothers. We would sit there and drink, and drink until we got numb,” he said.
Lanez’s lawyers also submitted 76 character reference letters from friends, family and other supporters. The writers include singer Iggy Azalea, a police chief and a state representative from Missouri, and a doctor who treated Lanez for hair loss.
In a written statement read aloud in court, Megan said she struggled with whether to attend in person, and her absence should not be seen as anything other than her preserving her mental well being. She said since Tory Lanez her, “I’ve not experienced a single day of peace,” Deputy District Attorney Kathy Ta read aloud.
Megan said mercy is for people who show remorse, and Lanez has shown none. She thanked the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office for their support and said she wants Lanez’s sentence to be a message for every woman who’s a victim of violence.
“He not only shot me, he made a mockery of my trauma. He tried to position himself as a victim and set out to destroy my character and my soul,” Megan said.
“He lied to anyone that would listen and paid bloggers to disseminate false information about the case on social media. He released music videos and songs to damage my character and continue his crusade,” she continued. “At first, he tried to deny the shooting ever happened. Then, he attempted to place the blame on my former best friend. In his tantrum of lies, he’s blamed the system, blamed the press and, as of late, he’s using his childhood trauma to shield himself and avoid culpability.”
She that Lanez “must be forced to face the full consequences of his heinous actions and face justice.”
Lanez continues to maintain his innocence. His lawyers argued he has an alcohol-use disorder because of post-traumatic stress disorder and an anxiety disorder, and they asked he be released from jail on probation and to a residential substance abuse program.
Herriford questioned where the nexus is between the crime and Lanez’s alcohol-use disorder if he’s still denying shooting Megan. “Your client at no time indicates he actually shot the victim,” Herriford said told Lanez’s lead lawyer, Jose Baez.
“What is he alleging he did as a result of alcohol-use disorder if he didn’t do anything?” Herriford asked. “What did the doctor conclude he did as a result of alcohol use? It’s very unclear.”
Baez said “yelling” and the “argument that went back and forth in the car.”
Baez said “there were lots of decisions that transpired” to escalate the situation.
“It wasn’t a pretty situation. It wasn’t that young man's finest moment,” Baez said of Lanez.
Herriford’s unusual decision to allow questions meant it took three hours to get through the people who spoke on Monday. He also allowed Lanez’s lawyers to re-open their questioning of two speakers on Tuesday.
The speakers included a jail chaplain who said Lanez has helped bring peace to his restricted cell floor through a daily prayer call that brings everyone together at 9 p.m. and a mental health specialist who said Lanez has post-traumatic stress order and an anxiety order that underlays his alcohol-use order.
Deputy District Attorney Alex Bott said Lanez was almost 29 when he shot Megan, and he had no prior reports of alcohol problems. Video of his arrest shows him walking without stumbling, Bott said, and his attempts to bribe Kelsey Harris and Megan show someone in control of his actions. He said the shooting “was an act of misogyny towards Megan.”
Bott said Lanez will “say whatever it takes to avoid accountability" and "is talking out of both sides of his mouth" by claiming alcoholism and a mental disorder but also saying he's a role model for his son.
Stephanie Herring, program director of Home Sentencing, said Lanez is a great candidate for her program, and she’s available to pick him up from jail and take him there immediately. She said she believes anyone with a substance abuse disorder must first have a mental health disorder, and Lanez qualifies. 
The sentencing ends a three-year-old case that sparked contentious debate online, propelled by what prosecutors described as a “campaign of misinformation” waged by Lanez against Megan. 
Lanez was arrested on a gun charge shortly after the July 12, 2020, shooting in Los Angeles’ Hollywood Hills. He and Megan were leaving reality star Kylie Jenner’s home with Megan’s friend Kelsey Nicole Harris when an argument broke out and Megan exited the Escalade on Nichols Canyon Road barefoot and in her bikini. She testified in trial that she heard Lanez say “Dance, bitch!” before he opened fire. 
Megan initially denied being shot, instead telling police she’d stepped on glass, despite needing surgery to remove bullet fragments in her feet. She told investigators four days later that Lanez had shot her. He was charged in August 2020 and remained free on bail until September 2022, when he was placed on house arrest after allegedly assaulting singer August Alsina in Chicago. He was jailed after the jury convicted him Dec. 23 of first-degree assault with a firearm, negligent discharge of a firearm and possession of a concealed and unregistered firearm in a vehicle.
Judge Herriford rejected his motion for new trial in May, and the state appellate court then rejected an unusual request to remove the judge from the case or order him to grant a new trial. 
Megan, meanwhile, became more publicly active, throwing out the first pitch at the Houston Rockets home opener, posting more on social media and headlining concerts such as the L.A. Pride Festival in June and the Essence Festival in New Orleans in July. She opened up about the shooting in an Elle cover story in April, saying, “For years, my attacker tried to leverage social media to take away my power.”
“Imagine how it feels to be called a liar every day? Especially from a person who was once part of your inner circle,” Megan said.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Tory Lanez Lawyers File Motion for Probation, Therapy Instead of Prison Time
now Imagine you shoot someone - get convicted and then think because you don't want to go to jail, you tell the court nooooooo,, send me to rehab. I'm siiiiiiiick..
well thats what this slug is tryin now. Fuck You tory -
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Tory Lanez has officially learned his punishment after being convicted of shooting Megan Thee Stallion last December.
How Long Will Tory Lanez Be in Prison?
On Monday (Aug. 7), Tory Lanez was sentenced to 10 years in prison for shooting Megan Thee Stallion during a July 2020 altercation, according to legal affairs journalist Meghann Cuniff.
Tory was in court for his sentencing. The Canadian rapper-singer initially was facing up to 22 years and eight months in prison after being found guilty on all three counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle and discharging a firearm in a grossly negligent manner to cause bodily injury.
Read More: Tory Lanez Guilty on All Charges in Megan Thee Stallion Shooting Trial
Why Is Tory Lanez Going to Prison?
Back on July 12, 2020, Tory Lanez, Megan Thee Stallion, Megan's ex-friend Kelsey Harris and a bodyguard left Kylie Jenner's party in the Hollywood Hills when an argument erupted inside their SUV. Things escalated after the vehicle pulled over and Megan got out. While outside of the car, Megan was shot by Tory and injured.
During the trial, X-ray photos of the Houston's rhymer's feet were shown as evidence and it revealed that she had bullet fragments near the back of either one or both feet. At the trial, Megan was adamant in her testimony that Tory Lanez was the person who shot her. After being found guilty of July 2020 shooting Megan Thee Stallion back on Dec. 23, 2022, Tory Lanez's initial sentencing date was slated for Jan. 27. He was able to get the date pushed back a month after acquiring the new legal team of attorneys David Kenner and Matthew Barhoma in an attempt to get the entertainer an appeal. Kenner previously represented Suge in a robbery case back in the 1990s and got him probation; and in a wrongful death case in June of 2022, which ended in a mistrial.
"We look forward to litigating the motion for new trial," Kenner told reporters during a hearing in January. "We are very confident."
Read More: Megan Thee Stallion Addresses Tory Lanez and Industry Peers Who Joked About Her Getting Shot
What Evidence Was Presented in Tory Lanez's Trial for Shooting Megan Thee Stallion?
Since the trial, all the evidence that was shown to the jurors has been made public including Tory's jail call to Kelsey Harris just hours after the shooting, X-rays of Megan's foot, jail photos, and Kelsey Harris' entire confession to police. Megan has remained mum on social media since the verdict was announced.
Read More: Everything Tory Lanez Says About Megan Thee Stallion on Daystar
After the Trial
After being found guilty of July 2020 shooting Megan Thee Stallion back on Dec. 23, 2022, Tory Lanez's initial sentencing date was slated for Jan. 27. He was able to get the date pushed back a month after acquiring the new legal team of attorneys David Kenner and Matthew Barhoma in an attempt to get the entertainer an appeal. Kenner previously represented Suge in a robbery case back in the 1990s and got him probation; and in a wrongful death case in June of 2022, which ended in a mistrial.
"We look forward to litigating the motion for new trial," Kenner told reporters during a hearing in January. "We are very confident."
Tory Lanez was denied a new trial on May 9.
Read More: Megan Thee Stallion Says She's Healing, Gives New Music Update
Tory Lanez's Attorney Initially Requested That Rapper Be Freed on Probation
On Aug. 2, Tory Lanez's defense attorneys filed a sentencing memo in Los Angeles Superior Court seeking the judge to release the embattled artist on probation, according to journalist Meghann Cuniff.
"I have Tory Lanez's sentencing memo for shooting Megan Thee Stallion," Cuniff tweeted. "It asks that he be released from jail to probation and a substance abuse program."
In the memo, "Lanez DOES NOT admit guilt: He says he's innocent and the case has too many problems for his 'lack of remorse' to be considered," the journalist continued.
"It's an interesting mix of 'I'm innocent, but assuming I'm guilty, it’s because my alcoholism is a mental disorder,'" Cuniff concluded.
Prosecutors in the case, however, suggested that Tory Lanez be sentenced to 13 years in prison for his crimes. Four years over the minimum sentence.
Read More: Tory Lanez in Isolation, Wants State Prison to Talk to People
What Happens When Tory Lanez is Released From Prison?
Once his time is served, Tory Lanez could also face deportation because he is a citizen of Canada.
XXL has reached out to Tory Lanez attorney, the Los Angeles District Attorneys Office and Megan Thee Stallion's team for comment.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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this is a link directly to the tweet - since tumblr removes it
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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