#tory lanez gets 10 years for shooting Megan Thee Stallion
reasoningdaily · 1 year
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Rapper Tory Lanez was sentenced Tuesday to 10 years in prison for shooting Megan Thee Stallion in the feet and injuring her three years ago.
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge David Herriford’s decision followed an unusually long hearing that stretched into a second day and included seven people answering questions from Lanez’s attorneys, mostly about his childhood and charitable work as well as his struggle with the death of his mother when he was 11. A jail chaplain said Lanez hosts a daily moment of prayer on his jail floor that has lessened tensions and sets him far apart from the 15,000 other inmates he’s met over the years.
Lanez spoke for several minutes, asking Herriford to not send him to prison. He called Megan “someone I still care for dearly to this day” regardless of what she may think of him. He said “the victim’s my friend.” He talked about bonding with her over the loss of their mothers.
“We both lost our mothers. We would sit there and drink, and drink until we got numb,” he said.
Lanez’s lawyers also submitted 76 character reference letters from friends, family and other supporters. The writers include singer Iggy Azalea, a police chief and a state representative from Missouri, and a doctor who treated Lanez for hair loss.
In a written statement read aloud in court, Megan said she struggled with whether to attend in person, and her absence should not be seen as anything other than her preserving her mental well being. She said since Tory Lanez her, “I’ve not experienced a single day of peace,” Deputy District Attorney Kathy Ta read aloud.
Megan said mercy is for people who show remorse, and Lanez has shown none. She thanked the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office for their support and said she wants Lanez’s sentence to be a message for every woman who’s a victim of violence.
“He not only shot me, he made a mockery of my trauma. He tried to position himself as a victim and set out to destroy my character and my soul,” Megan said.
“He lied to anyone that would listen and paid bloggers to disseminate false information about the case on social media. He released music videos and songs to damage my character and continue his crusade,” she continued. “At first, he tried to deny the shooting ever happened. Then, he attempted to place the blame on my former best friend. In his tantrum of lies, he’s blamed the system, blamed the press and, as of late, he’s using his childhood trauma to shield himself and avoid culpability.”
She that Lanez “must be forced to face the full consequences of his heinous actions and face justice.”
Lanez continues to maintain his innocence. His lawyers argued he has an alcohol-use disorder because of post-traumatic stress disorder and an anxiety disorder, and they asked he be released from jail on probation and to a residential substance abuse program.
Herriford questioned where the nexus is between the crime and Lanez’s alcohol-use disorder if he’s still denying shooting Megan. “Your client at no time indicates he actually shot the victim,” Herriford said told Lanez’s lead lawyer, Jose Baez.
“What is he alleging he did as a result of alcohol-use disorder if he didn’t do anything?” Herriford asked. “What did the doctor conclude he did as a result of alcohol use? It’s very unclear.”
Baez said “yelling” and the “argument that went back and forth in the car.”
Baez said “there were lots of decisions that transpired” to escalate the situation.
“It wasn’t a pretty situation. It wasn’t that young man's finest moment,” Baez said of Lanez.
Herriford’s unusual decision to allow questions meant it took three hours to get through the people who spoke on Monday. He also allowed Lanez’s lawyers to re-open their questioning of two speakers on Tuesday.
The speakers included a jail chaplain who said Lanez has helped bring peace to his restricted cell floor through a daily prayer call that brings everyone together at 9 p.m. and a mental health specialist who said Lanez has post-traumatic stress order and an anxiety order that underlays his alcohol-use order.
Deputy District Attorney Alex Bott said Lanez was almost 29 when he shot Megan, and he had no prior reports of alcohol problems. Video of his arrest shows him walking without stumbling, Bott said, and his attempts to bribe Kelsey Harris and Megan show someone in control of his actions. He said the shooting “was an act of misogyny towards Megan.”
Bott said Lanez will “say whatever it takes to avoid accountability" and "is talking out of both sides of his mouth" by claiming alcoholism and a mental disorder but also saying he's a role model for his son.
Stephanie Herring, program director of Home Sentencing, said Lanez is a great candidate for her program, and she’s available to pick him up from jail and take him there immediately. She said she believes anyone with a substance abuse disorder must first have a mental health disorder, and Lanez qualifies. 
The sentencing ends a three-year-old case that sparked contentious debate online, propelled by what prosecutors described as a “campaign of misinformation” waged by Lanez against Megan. 
Lanez was arrested on a gun charge shortly after the July 12, 2020, shooting in Los Angeles’ Hollywood Hills. He and Megan were leaving reality star Kylie Jenner’s home with Megan’s friend Kelsey Nicole Harris when an argument broke out and Megan exited the Escalade on Nichols Canyon Road barefoot and in her bikini. She testified in trial that she heard Lanez say “Dance, bitch!” before he opened fire. 
Megan initially denied being shot, instead telling police she’d stepped on glass, despite needing surgery to remove bullet fragments in her feet. She told investigators four days later that Lanez had shot her. He was charged in August 2020 and remained free on bail until September 2022, when he was placed on house arrest after allegedly assaulting singer August Alsina in Chicago. He was jailed after the jury convicted him Dec. 23 of first-degree assault with a firearm, negligent discharge of a firearm and possession of a concealed and unregistered firearm in a vehicle.
Judge Herriford rejected his motion for new trial in May, and the state appellate court then rejected an unusual request to remove the judge from the case or order him to grant a new trial. 
Megan, meanwhile, became more publicly active, throwing out the first pitch at the Houston Rockets home opener, posting more on social media and headlining concerts such as the L.A. Pride Festival in June and the Essence Festival in New Orleans in July. She opened up about the shooting in an Elle cover story in April, saying, “For years, my attacker tried to leverage social media to take away my power.”
“Imagine how it feels to be called a liar every day? Especially from a person who was once part of your inner circle,” Megan said.
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Megan Thee Stallion, Tory Lanez’s shooting trial, and hip-hop’s cycle of misogynoir - Vox
Megan has continually defended herself against online harassment — and against a rap industry complex that has long perpetuated violence against women, particularly Black women, trans women, and gender-nonconforming people. News outlets obtained the medical report that documents the presence of bullet fragments in her feet, and screenshots of text messages in which Kelsey Nicole told the bodyguard “Tory shot Meg.” Megan has shared graphic photos of her injuries and screenshots of text messages in which Lanez apologizes to her for an unspecified incident. Lanez, whom the LA district attorney has charged with felony assault with a semiautomatic firearm, among other felony charges, has denied any wrongdoing and released an album with lyrics claiming his innocence in September 2020. In October 2022, he was placed under house arrest for allegedly assaulting singer August Alsina. Lanez faces up to 22 years and eight months in prison if a jury finds him guilty of assaulting Megan Thee Stallion with a firearm.
Megan’s supporters say the case highlights the routine violence that Black women face, in addition to being ridiculed and not believed if they come forward. (According to a 2011 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 4 in 10 Black women have been stalked, beaten, or raped by an intimate partner. Among female homicides not linked to intimate partners, Black women are significantly more likely than white women to be killed by an acquaintance.) Lanez’s protectors suggest that he is the victim of a purported scheme to “bring down” Black men, a freighted charge that can become pernicious when used to silence Black women. As the trial against Lanez gets underway, I reached out to Treva Lindsey, a professor in the women’s, gender, and sexuality studies department at Ohio State University and author of the recent book America, Goddam: Violence, Black Women, and the Struggle for Justice.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Fans of Tory Lanez: Every Black Man Who’s Convicted Is Not Nelson Mandela
The Canadian rapper’s family started a petition that goes after Jay-Z, Roc Nation, the jury and the music industry.
Noah A. McGee
PublishedTuesday 10:20AM
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After years of speculation, and multiple rounds of “he said, she said,” Tory Lanez was finally found guilty of all charges in the 2020 shooting of Megan Thee Stallion just two days before Christmas. But, despite the conviction already being made, Lanez’s family is not giving up on him so easily.
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Shortly after the Canadian rapper was convicted, an online petition called, “Appeal Tory Lanez Verdict Immediately,” appeared on change.org. More than 36,000 people have virtually signed it and the number only continues to increase. The petition attacks everyone from Megan, the jury, the music industry, Roc Nation and even Jay-Z.
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The petition claims the assault trial was a “miscarriage of justice” and that the prosecution “did not prove that Lanez undoubtedly committed any crime. Furthermore, the petition also claims that the case “is also about branding, marketing, label heads and a music industry that pushes narratives based on who they have personally invested millions into. Could Jay-Z or RocNation be involved??”
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Lanez’s father made similar accusations outside the courtroom after his son was convicted.
When the hell did Jay-Z and Roc Nation become the Illuminati?! I get the label is one of the biggest out and Jay-Z is rich but damn.
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Additionally, the petition claims that this case was taken to “fake” protect Black women and that it instead divided Black Women and Men. 
Lanez’s friends, family and supporters have the right to make whatever petition they want. If they think he’s innocent, that’s on them. But the fact that they’re speaking about this man like he’s a martyr is ridiculous.
Some are even saying he’s a modern-day Nelson Mandela or Emmett Till. For real, look at this tweet:
Thankfully, Till’s cousin, Joshua Harris-Till, called out the comparison and the incorrect spelling of his relative’s name, writing, “It’s spelled Emmett, and no he is not.”
In response, Seattle_supa_staar said, “Tory Lanez was lied on just like you’re family member. He is being publicly lynched just in modern times.”
Harris corrected her, saying, “Emmett was kidnapped at 14 years old, tortured, castrated, shot, and had his body thrown into a River tied to a metal fan so that his body wouldn’t be recovered.
He continued, “Tory is ‘maybe’ going to go to jail for a few years after losing a case within the Justice system. That’s not lynching.”
Listen, Lanez is a criminal, according to the jurors and the justice system. He is not a sacrificial pawn for some larger scheme. He didn’t lose his life. Nobody forced him to fire the shots,. He’s simply a rapper who was convicted of shooting Megan Thee Stallion in the foot. That’s it. He’s not unique.
As Huey Freeman once said, “every famous nigga that gets arrested isn’t Nelson Mandela.”
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cyarsk5230 · 1 year
Opinion | Celebs who picked Tory Lanez over Megan Thee Stallion need a reckoning, too
More than seven months after hip-hop recording artist Tory Lanez was convicted in the 2020 shooting of hip-hop megastar and three-time Grammy winner Megan Thee Stallion, a judge sentenced him Tuesday to 10 years in prison. In December, a Los Angeles jury found the Canadian-born Lanez, whose real name is Daystar Peterson, guilty of three felony counts: assault with a semiautomatic handgun, unregistered firearm in a vehicle, and discharging a firearm with gross negligence.
T he 10 years Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge David Herriford gave Lanez Tuesday was less than the 13 years requested by prosecutors.
On Monday, the first day of Lanez's sentencing hearing, Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Kathy Ta read into the record a statement from Megan: “Since I was viciously shot by the defendant, I have not experienced a single day of peace,” she wrote. She also wrote, “Slowly but surely, I’m healing and coming back, but I will never be the same.” Megan testified during Lanez's trial but said in her statement that she eventually decided not to appear at the sentencing because she “simply could not bring myself to be in a room with Tory again.”
The 10-year sentence is an appropriate one. It sends a message that you can’t harm someone and not be held accountable. This is his Lanez's own doing, and now he will have about a decade to reckon with that.
Lanez’s sentencing is the latest development in one of the most contentious periods in hip-hop history, when many of the most notable men in the genre chose to rally around a fellow male artist accused of violence and not a fellow female artist who said she’d been shot by him.
What does it mean for Black women fans of hip-hop that, at the same time the 50th anniversary of the art form is being celebrated, one of hip-hop’s biggest stars continues to see hip-hop’s biggest influencers rally around her assailant, put her on virtual trial and find her guilty?
As a Black woman who remembers sneaking into my cousins David and Eric’s room as a kid to learn the lyrics to “It Takes Two” by Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock, I find it difficult to celebrate this golden anniversary. Because even though it’s turning 50, hip-hop doesn’t seem to have matured.
In his song “Circo Loco,” a collaboration with fellow rapper 21 Savage, Drake called Megan a liar. “This b---- lie about getting shot but she still a stallion … she don’t even get the joke but she still smiling,” Lanez’s fellow Canadian rapper sings. Drake was one of several prominent men in hip hop who accused her of lying. Hip-hop podcasters and bloggers, including Joe Budden and DJ Akademiks, used their large platforms to vilify her. (Budden later apologized for joking about Megan’s mental health as he doubted her claims of being shot by Lanez.)
Future NBA Hall of Famer LeBron James went out of his way to let us to know he’s Team Lanez. Responding to a tweet that claimed Lanez makes good music, James responded, “FACTS!!! He never misses. That boy talented as hell man! Bangers for days!!”
Akademiks and Megan engaged in a heated exchange on social media. Before a scheduled pre-trial court hearing even began, Akademiks falsely claimed on Twitter that there’d been a bombshell revelation that exonerated Lanez. Megan tagged him when she responded on Instagram, “Y’all tryna win a social media campaign this is MY REAL LIFE! Y’all tryna get retweets SPREADING FALSE NARRATIVES!” As recently as last month, Akademiks said he still has his doubts that Lanez is guilty.
Black women are three times more likely than other women to be killed by current or former partners. Even if Black people don’t know that exact statistic, they likely know of Black women who’ve been hurt or killed by their partners. That’s why I never bought the idea that the hip-hop community believed Megan was lying about what she said happened to her at the hands of someone with whom she’d been intimate with.
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I figured the hip-hop artists dogging Meg knew she was telling the truth but succumbed to what can be an overwhelming sentiment that we must protect and defend Black men at all costs: even when Black women and Black children are the victims. I mean, isn’t that why so many refuse to stop supporting R. Kelly?
In my lifetime, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Black people overwhelmingly stand with Black women victims when their assailants are Black men. And that makes me sad.
That idea that protecting abusive men is more important than protecting or defending the abused makes it harder sometimes to rock to the beat. Because this isn’t hip-hop’s first account of intimate partner violence or men in hip-hop attacking women in general. There were stories in its earlier years — such as Dr. Dre’s 1991 assault of Dee Barnes, a journalist whose only crime was being a Black woman who was good at her job. According to media reports, Dr. Dre assaulted Barnes because she’d previously interviewed former NWA member Ice Cube and, in his segment, Cube had less than flattering remarks for his former bandmates. Instead of addressing Cube, Dre took his frustrations out on Barnes. Dr. Dre pleaded no contest to attacking Barnes and was given two years probation and some community service. “It ain’t no big thing. I just threw her through a door,” Dr. Dre said of Barnes then in an interview with Rolling Stone.
In 2015, the film “Straight Outta Compton” was rightly criticized for leaving out Dr. Dre’s attack on Barnes and the allegations of abuse from R&B singer Tairrie B and Dr. Dre’s former girlfriend, R&B singer Michel’le. That’s when Dr. Dre finally paid lip service to owning up to what he’d done. In a statement to The New York Times that year, he blamed alcoholism and said, “I apologize to the women I’ve hurt. I deeply regret what I did and know that it has forever impacted all of our lives.”
Such an apology was too little and almost a quarter-century too late. That’s why it was such an offense that in February, to acknowledge the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, the Grammys honored Dr. Dre by presenting him its inaugural Global Impact Award. Not only that, the Grammys named that award for him. Barnes couldn’t believe it. She told Rolling Stone, “You might as well call it the Ike Turner Award.” She added, “I’m not the bad guy, but I am made into the villain — very much like how they did Megan Thee Stallion … I watched what happened to my little sister Megan, and it just was heartbreaking to me because we have not changed in all these years.”
L anez being sentenced at the same time as the genre’s golden anniversary is fitting. Instead of seeing his violence against a woman as a stain on the record or a blip on the radar, let us view Lanez’s attack on Megan and hip-hop’s support of him as yet another notch in hip-hop’s belt. This is what it wants to be.
Women have left an indelible mark on hip-hop. We should salute and applaud them. But we should also recognize that they’ve achieved what they have despite the sexist and patriarchal environments they’ve been in, environments that have so often been indifferent, if not openly hostile to their success, their safety and their survival.
What is hip-hop’s community going to do as it begins its next 50 years to ensure that women will be valued? What are the genre’s influencers going to do to change a culture in which abusers aren’t just protected but are too often celebrated?
Through its silence on behalf of those who’ve been abused and its open affirmation of abusers, hip-hop makes it clear that, to borrow from an infamous bar in Jay Z’s song “30 Something,” they don’t respect the ones who got shot; they respect the shooters.
I can still recite “It Takes Two” word-for-word. I still have fond memories of how hip-hop shaped my youth and young adulthood, but I don’t see the world with the idyllic eyes of a child anymore.
There are very few spaces where Black women are safe, and the horrible response to Lanez shooting Meg is proof that hip-hop, in all this time, still isn’t one of them.
This post is part of MSNBC’s “Hip-Hop Is Universal” series, which celebrates the genre’s 50th anniversary and examines its future.
This is why I’m still outraged for meg it could have been any other black woman, I never felt more unsafe. Fuck everyone who has no respect for black women and doesn’t protect them.
I don’t care if these famous people who stood by that sociopath have either apologized or kept their distance nor them being legendary their meat sucking a degenerate is their legacy . Fuck them for this for life, stand in your discomfort, if you don’t like being called out on this. You were a bunch of meat sucking sluts and I’m shaming you and at the same time demanding you to do better. Stand in it!
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re: Tory Lanez getting 10 years for shooting Megan Thee Stallion
Gonna quote my response to the Waving the Red Flag podcast discussing this yesterday. (timestamped @ 48:57)
Y'all lookin' at this from a punishment POV. Mofo, what good does somebody being outta society (and outta their loved ones' lives*) for x years do? You'll feel safe for the duration, sure, assumin' they don't send someone your way, but what improved? Was there a lesson to learn from losing x years of your life? A lesson beyond "don't get caught"? This some basic-ass children shit tbh. I get wantin' somebody to suffer (as a form of revenge especially), but wtf is the actual point when the suffering is x years of their life? They either 1) came out scared of consequences (and traumatized), 2) came out mad as hell (and traumatized), or 3) came out having learned a lesson that surely would've been more effectively taught through actual rehabilitation (and traumatized). Do I want abusers to suffer for their actions? yeah Would I rather they just become better people through healthy means? 👈🏿👈🏿 edit: About the "outta their loved ones' lives" part, there's gonna be people who want (and need) the abuser around for whatever reason. Just factoring them into it since they're affected too. Should've probably said "dependents", though. 🤔
Gonna provide oliSUNvia's "why does mainstream feminism support the prison system?" video for some context of sorts for my opinion. Not assuming she'd agree with me, though. (before y'all claim some shit)
Gonna link @reasoningdaily's post about the case since it's informative.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
Sometimes people are responsible for the destruction of their own careers. This is one examples.
The Only Person To Blame For Tory Lanez's 10 Year Jail Sentence Is Tory Lanez
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As The Root reported, Tory Lanez was sentenced Tuesday (August 8) to 10 years in prison for shooting Megan Thee Stallion. The final outcome regarding this violent incident, which happened in 2020, has some folks on social media  saying that a decade is an extreme sentence for the assault. Whether if you agree with that assessment or not, one thing is certain: Lanez brought this  entirely on himself.
When the shooting first happened, Megan denied being shot at all and told authorities she’d stepped on glass even though she would need surgery on her feet to remove bullet fragments. She explained that she did this to protect everyone with her inside the vehicle that night, as the police are known to disproportionately have fatal encounters with Black folks.
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The rapper legitimately feared that this would happen if police knew Lanez was in possession of a weapon. However, in an Instagram Live video, Meg explained Lanez’s publicist was spreading false information about the shooting which led to her to name Lanez as the perpetrator. Even though he was arrested in October 2020 on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon in a vehicle, he was not arrested for shooting Megan (Lanez would later be released on $35,000 bail).
Not only did Lanez avoid any sort of accountability, he repeatedly professed his innocence by insisting that Megan was a liar. Lanez released the album DAYSTAR just two months after the violent incident in which he accused her of trying to frame him. On  “Money Over Fallouts,” he stated, “Megan people tryna frame me for a shootin’....Gotta see a couple questions: how the f**k you get shot in your foot, don’t hit no bones or tendons?” 
According to Billboard, a source close to the situation accused Lanez’s team of fabricating emails from Meg’s label, 300 Entertainment, to “campaign press” on his behalf. The magazine also said the source claimed the star’s team made up text messages between Lanez and Megan and sent them to several outlets. The magazine also said that Lanez also leveraged his following on social media to bully Meg. 
The Traumazine rapper was tormented for years following the shooting, and Lanez played a heavy hand in it. From memes ridiculing the incident, posts mocking Meg’s gender and claims that she deserved to be shot, Megan was bullied when she should have been healing. To add insult to injury, celebrities from Drake to 50 Cent to Lebron James to Meek Mill boosted Lanez when they should have been showing support to Meg. 
In 2021, prosecutors said they had engaged in “meaningful discussions” with Lanez about a possible plea deal but nothing materialized and the case went to trial last year (charges were brought against Lanez by the state, not Meg). Once it did, things quickly unraveled for him. From Megan taking the stand to an audio recording of Lanez seemingly confessing to the shooting, a guilty verdict felt inevitable.
Lanez’s request for a new trial was denied in May as well as his request  to remove the judge from the case. During his sentencing, Lanez pleaded for leniency and presented 76 character reference letters as proof of his inherently good nature. He also spoke for several minutes and called Megan “someone I still care for dearly to this day.” 
However, in a witness impact statement from Megan read during sentencing, she explained how Lanez tried to destroy her and that mercy is for people who show remorse. For the last three years, Lanez has made this ordeal much worse for himself by refusing to take responsibility for what he did to Meg and still won’t own up to his behavior. During the sentencing, he stated that if he was guilty of assaulting Meg alcoholism and childhood trauma was to blame.
Ultimately, Lanez’s prison sentence was the result of him being worried more about his ego more than consequences of his actions—and  he’ll be paying for both for the next decade.
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kcyars189 · 1 year
8-10 years of your life gone because you thought that the shaderoom comments and misogynoir was enough to shield you from accountability. 8-10 years gone because that unfortunately has worked too many times before. 8 to 10 years of prisoner whacking your azzzzzz because you can’t handle your pride and ego and keep it in check. 8 to 10 years of prisoners having their way with you, raping you, and you dropping the soap all because you couldn’t take accountability for your actions and accept a plea deal.
i hope this serves as a lesson to all, don’t f with black women if you can’t love them then at least don’t harm them
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gsohb · 5 months
What If Tory Lanez Didn't Do It?
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Tory Lanez
From the very beginning of the Megan Thee Stallion vs. Tory Lanez incident, I've always been covertly team Tory. Not to dick ride (No Diddy! Wait...).
I never had definitive proof of his innocence, but from the beginning something felt seriously off with this entire situation.
There was a fight.
The Hollywood Hills in the middle of summer would seem like an ideal place to party. Safe, quiet, private, money, all that good stuff.
But, on July 12th, 2020, things got a little reckless.
What is reported to have happened, is that a fight broke out after a party at Kylie Jenner's home. In attendance were rapper Megan Thee Stallion, her friend Kelsey Harris, and rapper Tory Lanez.
A lot was going on that night, but it ended with Megan getting shot.
Lanez was arrested in Hollywood Hills and charged with carrying a concealed weapon in his vehicle.
Here's the thing though: initially, Megan stated that she had been injured by glass, but then publicly told her Instagram followers that she had been shot, but not by whom.
It wasn't until August of 2022 (we haven't left July) that she publicly, on Instagram live, implicated Lanez in shooting her.
"You shot me, and you got your publicist and your people going to these blogs lyin' and shit. Stop lyin'. Why lie?" - Megan Thee Stallion
Lanez pleaded his innocence, although not always directly. He also had a bevy of family, friends and fans by his side to fight for his innocence and good name.
Unfortunately, all of this would be in vain, as on December 23rd, 2022, Tory Lanez was found guilty on three felony charges. In August of 2023, Lanez would be sentenced to 10 years in prison for shooting Megan.
Now, all of this seems straightforward, right?
I came across something.
Something that could have been EASILY passed off as gossip, but this is a story that we've heard one too many times, that one has to wonder: is this really what happened?
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I'm not going to address Megan's drinking, because as we all know, that's a thing. But, what I will say, if there is ANY credence to this story, or any possible way that Tory didn't shoot Megan, why is this man in jail?
Why were the stories not set from the start? Why did Meghan not say, "Tory shot me!" from day one?
Did Kelsey shoot Megan? Out of anger? Maybe Tory was (we're speculating) flirting. That's not a crime.
Maybe feelings got involved. Everyone's a little drunk.
Maybe they already needed a reason to get rid of homeboy, and this was perfect timing.
Either way, something feels EXTREMELY off. I am not a lawyer, nor am I accusing. I'm just here to ask questions.
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erikaproject · 1 year
Tory Lanez Sentenced 10 Years After Shooting Megan Thee Stallion
Credit: This article was translated from CNN Indonesia
On Tuesday (8/8), the Los Angeles Judicial Court sentenced Rapper Tory Lanez to 10 years in prison. He was found guilty after shooting Megan Thee Stallion on a side road in 2020.
As reported by the New York Times, Tory or as we know as Daystar Petersen, should get the verdict in February. But, his legal team had submitted a motion for a new trial in March, which was immediately rejected.
The trial was postponed a few times until the Judge announced that Tory Lanez would get 10 years punishment in jail. The verdict was low compared to the Prosecutor’s indictment.
Before, the Prosecutor demanded Tory Lanez at least a 13 years punishment, considering his shameful action that has traumatized Megan Thee Stallion at February 2020.
Tory’s lawyer asked the Court to let his client get probation or 3 years in prison, as well as rehabilitation for his alcohol addiction and childhood trauma.
The lawyer sent recommendation letters from Tory’s family, leader and members of the NGO, and even from his partners in the music industry, including Iggy Azalea.
Jail with no bond means he doesn’t meet the requirement to bail out because the Judge has not already decided the amount. Tory will stay imprisoned until the Judge sets the right amount for his next trial or the case is closed.
Tory Lanez allegedly shot Megan Thee Stallion’s leg after their quarrel in the Hollywood Hills, on 12 July 2020. Megan instantly report Tory to the police right after the incident. She used her real name, Megan Pete, to fill out the letter of complaint.
Before this case got into court, the police had detained Tory. But he paid his bail, so the police didn’t have a choice but to release Tory.
At first, Megan was just telling her story via Twitter. The singer told her followers that she had became a victim of shooting. Megan refused to say who the perpetrator was. Not long after that, on August 12, Megan confirmed Tory was the shooter.
The first trial began on 12 December 2022 with twelve jurors, consisting of seven women and five men, presented at the court. Megan gave her testimony. She stated that Tory shot her on the side road.
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Tory Lanez gets time shaved off his prison sentence.
Tory Lanez gets time shaved off his prison sentence.
The Canadian-born producer and rapper will not serve the entire decade in prison The presiding judge who sentenced disgraced producer Tory Lanez to 10 years in prison has indicated that some time will be knocked off.In December 2022, Lanez was found guilty by a Los Angeles County jury of shooting rap superstar Megan Thee Stallion during a drunken melee in the summer of 2020. On Wednesday, Aug.…
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kcyars52 · 1 year
But I’m a horrible person because I celebrated his raggedy behind under the prison for ten years, huh ?
Welp hard to feel bad for him getting them 10 years.. Smh he going to learn the hard way
Prisoners don’t take to kindly to those who harm women and children he is a dead man walking wherever he knows it or not
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Aug. 8: Judge sentences Tory Lanez to 10 years in prison for shooting Megan Thee Stallion
Aug. 2: Tory Lanez's lawyers want him sentenced to probation for shooting Megan Thee Stallion
July 13: After public spat, new lawyer joins Tory Lanez’s defense team as would-be lawyer steps aside
July 12: New attorney plans to seek Tory Lanez’s release from jail over Megan Thee Stallion shooting
June 19: Tory Lanez's first lawyer told him blaming Kelsey Harris for shooting Megan Thee Stallion was not 'a viable strategy'
June 13: Judge sets August 7 sentencing date for rapper Tory Lanez in shooting of Megan Thee Stallion
June 7: Prosecutors want Tory Lanez to serve 13 years in prison for shooting Megan Thee Stallion
June 5: As sentencing looms, Tory Lanez's lawyers quietly pursue an unusual appellate request
May 24: Prosecutors cite ‘high level of callousness’ in Tory Lanez’s shooting of Megan Thee Stallion
May 10: 'The outcome wouldn’t be different': No new trial for Tory Lanez in Megan Thee Stallion shooting
April 17: Judge sets May 8 hearing for Tory Lanez’s motion for new trial
April 10: Judge delays hearing on Tory Lanez’s motion for new trial
April 7: Prosecutors respond to Tory Lanez’s motion for new trial
April 1: All the details on Tory Lanez’s motion for new trial
Feb. 28: Tory Lanez’s sentencing delayed, gag order lifted
Jan. 13: Tory Lanez gets new lawyers
Dec. 23: Jury Convicts Rapper Tory Lanez on All Charges in Shooting of Megan Thee Stallion, After Day of Deliberations
Dec. 22: Prosecutor Tells Jury That Tory Lanez Shot Megan Thee Stallion ‘Over Nothing More Than a Bruised Ego’
Dec. 21: In Trial Twist, Defense Witness Testifies Tory Lanez Was ‘Firing Everywhere’ When Megan Thee Stallion Was Shot
Dec. 19: Megan Thee Stallion Seemed ‘Like A Deer in Headlights’ When Tory Lanez Opened Fire, Her Friend Told Prosecutors in Taped Interview
Dec. 16: Jurors to Hear 80-Minute Interview in Which Megan Thee Stallion’s Ex-Assistant Told Prosecutors She Saw Tory Lanez Shoot Her Former Boss
Dec. 15: Megan Thee Stallion’s Ex-Assistant Tells Jury Her Interview ‘Wasn’t Truthful,’ Disavows Claim She Saw Tory Lanez Shoot Her Former Boss
Dec. 14: ‘I Am Not on Trial’: Megan Thee Stallion Testifies Tory Lanez’s Shooting Defense Led to Her Sexual Shaming by Hip-Hop’s ‘Big Boys Club’
Dec. 13: ‘Dance, B****’: Prosecutor Tells Jury Tory Lanez Shot Megan Thee Stallion After She Insulted His Skills as a Musician
Dec. 12: With Trial Opening, Tory Lanez’s Lawyer Says Kylie Jenner’s House Party Is Key to Defense in Megan Thee Stallion Shooting
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pdiariesmag · 1 year
Tory Lanez Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Shooting Megan Thee Stallion
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Men have to do better.
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Fragile Male Ego Scorned
Tory Lanez's conviction, Kanye West's cancellation and Andrew Tate's arrest prove the ego is one of the male body's most undeveloped and underworked organisms.
Chris Rock hilariously, if simplistically, summed up the perceived social edict on manhood: We’re valued primarily by the provisions we bring to the table. Financial sustainability, sexual prowess, viability as a Spades card game partner... we all harbor some degree of insecurity in our ability to perform. 
Blame the patriarchy, if you will, but no man I know makes it to or through adulthood without some degree of pressure to be, well, a man. Anyone who suggests otherwise is lying — a form of insecurity itself. 
But there’s a difference between having insecurities — as does every human with a pulse — and being an insecure human being. Unfortunately, men like Daystar “Tory Lanez” Peterson fit the latter bill, wearing their all-consuming insecurity like a pleather trench coat on a humid summer day. 
Often, when insecurity and fragility permeate every fiber of a man’s being, it manifests itself in relatively benign behavior, like anonymously arguing with strangers in a comments section or contributing money to Candace Owens. But, in Lanez’s case, someone got shot. 
The two-plus-year case of “who shot Megan Thee Stallion?” seemingly reached its denouement, at least legally, on Dec. 23 when Lanez was ultimately convicted on three felony charges because, per Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Kathy Ta’s closing argument, he shot Meg for attacking his fragile male ego. 
“(Megan) disrespected his rapping. She’s insulting him as a rapper, and that pissed him off,” Ta said. “He had a massive ego, and he could not handle being disrespected. And how dare she have the audacity to walk away from him. So he reasserted his dominance. He was going to show her.”
It would appear that the proverbial smoking gun, which many believe sealed his conviction, was a just-released call between Lanez and Megan’s former friend Kelsey Harris, just a few hours after the Houston rapper was shot. His quotes are loaded with profanity, but let’s just say that you’d have to have attended the Jussie Smollett Academy of Quantum Leaps to hear it and still believe Lanez isn’t guilty. 
You could’ve passively followed this case, as I did, and still witnessed Lanez’s wee baby energy sprinkled all over it, especially with the 2020 release of his ”DAYSTAR″ album. It at once attempted to profit from the shooting and absolve him of it. Fortunately, many music critics saw right through the desperate musical effort. 
Let’s say that you, along with your former high-school classmate who went full-tilt Black Hebrew Israelite in his 20s and all the vloggers who’ve apparently been hiding their forensic science degree this whole time, started caring about Lanez out of nowhere and are still convinced that, somehow, that bullet willed itself into Megan’s foot. Try to excuse that nice thread over on Twitter with several examples of Lanez behaving like a violent little man. 
Speaking of the big Smurf in the room: Lanez is, according to his arrest report, 5-foot-3. This makes him about 7 inches shorter than Meg and a likely prime candidate for lying on his online dating profile. He’s like every angry, diminutive dude you remember from school, except he managed to build a career creating bops instead of going on to get his “life revenge” on employees as a middle manager somewhere. 
Indeed, it would appear that money, fame and success don’t do much to mitigate the issues of truly fragile men (see: every time DJ Akademiks gets caught on video). Lanez’s music is unlikely ever to be entered into the Library of Congress, but his career is not insignificant — he’s made Billboard Top 10 as a guest on a Jack Harlow track, along with a few joints that squeaked into the Top 50. Unfortunately, most pop star aspirants will never achieve what he has.
Musical achievements aside, Lanez’s admonishments outside his talents have done enough to damage his career and send him to the pokey. He’s now put a permanent asterisk next to his accolades that will forever read, “here is the little man who shot a woman that bruised his ego.”
Andrew Tate is another recent example of a “successful” man whose elephantine ego put him in a bad way. Best described as the noxious lovechild of Kevin Samuels and Archie Bunker, Tate has made a living commodifying rank misogyny and becoming a patron saint to incels, to the degree that dude was bounced from most social medialast year. 
The 36-year-old decided to pick a Twitter fight with activist Greta Thunberg, who just stopped being a teenager on Wednesday. Tate’s tweet, in which he brags about his luxury cars and their emissions, reads like a 7-year-old running at full speed on the playground to impress a girl he likes. In what could be Twitter’s most liked clapback ever, Thunberg suggested that Tate should aspire to be a “motion in the ocean” type. 
His ungodly ridiculous video response to that tweet, in which he receives pizza boxes that allegedly alerted Romanian law enforcement to his location and led to his arrest on charges of human trafficking, among other things, provides all the schadenfreude we needed to kick off a new year. 
Perhaps the most egregious example I’ve seen of an unchecked fragile male ego is that of Kanye West, who now goes by Ye. We’re talking about a man considered by many to be one of hip-hop’s greatest and most influential creators; and the creator of a clothing brand that, at one point, had him rich enough to buy off Jesus. Yet he still managed to get into a public tiff with a dude 16 years his junior over dating his ex-wife. Then, when that wasn’t enough, Ye topped off his toxic behavior by spewing his antisemitic views on and off social media. 
Ye’s “I never get the respect I deserve” bit was cute when he was on the come-up two decades ago, but the petulance rings tragically when you have more money and fame than 99% and a few decimal points of humans, and you’re still clawing for the imprimatur of rich, white conservatives who don’t give a damn about your Black ass. 
The tragedy of it all is made even more Grecian in scope by all the folks (mostly men, but not always) who view the consequences these men receive for acting on behalf of their egos and still manage to make excuses for them. 
“Everyone’s always trying to tear down a Black man!” “She shot herself!” “His mama died… his ain’t-rightness ain’t his fault!”
Yes, there’s a ton of context as to why much of this male fragility exists, especially in the Black community. Many of us came up in households and environments where we’re imbued with troubling ideas of “masculinity,” in which we’re told to solve problems with violence or negativity. Too many of us carry that into adulthood and take folks like Dr. Umar Johnson with his “alpha male” tomfoolery to heart. 
I won’t pretend that the male ego is easy to check, even among the best of us. For example, my crew of best friends are all successful, formally-educated Black men with little left to prove to the world in our early 40s. But despite being emotionally self-aware and open with each other, there’s always this patina of macho male bullshit that creeps into our interactions, especially as a group. 
But the thing about being a grown-ass man is the importance of taking accountability for one’s actions. Mental health and the “system” are no excuses for bad behavior. I believe therapy separates a man from his fragile ego and toxic behavior. We in the Black community are still coming around to therapy in general… especially the men. My septuagenarian Black dad from rural Louisiana was never about that therapy life, so it took me reaching my late 30s to get there. 
My hope is that, as more Black Millennials birth and raise children, they will do so with less focus on antiquated modes of “masculinity,” creating fewer fragile male egos and healthier approaches to problem-solving. And I hope that, while Tory Lanez sits his dumb ass down for a few years, he can have sincere conversations with an objective professional and become a more humble, enlightened man willing to spread a new message to the masses. 
Again, it’s not necessarily easy to check the male ego, but it’s never too late to try.
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cyarsk5230 · 1 year
The hip hop community owes Megan the biggest apology and I want it LOUD.
As Tory Lanez heads to prison, hip-hop needs to have a conversation about accountability
Hip-hop should be embarrassed by its silence as Megan Thee Stallion was publicly maligned
Justin TinsleyAugust 8, 2023
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After months of delays, which included swapping his legal team and attempting to remove the judge who presided over his case, rapper Tory Lanez was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the July 2020 shooting of Megan Thee Stallion. 
In December 2022, Lanez, whose real name is Daystar Peterson, was found guilty on three felony counts — assault with a semiautomatic handgun, possession of a loaded, unregistered firearm, and discharging a firearm with gross negligence. Prosecutors had requested Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David Herriford sentence Lanez to 13 years in prison, while the rapper’s legal team asked that he be given probation or no more than three years.
After the sentencing, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón thanked Megan Thee Stallion, born Megan Pete, for her bravery. 
“Over the past three years, Mr. Peterson has engaged in a pattern of conduct that was intended to intimidate Ms. Pete and silence her truths from being heard,” Gascón said. “Women, especially Black women, are afraid to report crimes like assault because they are too often not believed. I commend Megan Pete for her incredible bravery and vulnerability as she underwent months of probing investigation and court appearances where she had to relive her trauma, and the public scrutiny that followed. This case highlighted the numerous ways that our society must do better for women.”
While Lanez’s sentencing marks the end of this saga (well, until his probable forthcoming appeal is decided), this moment also illuminates another uncomfortable reality. The hip-hop community should be deeply embarrassed by the way it conducted itself during this entire ordeal. After all, the response to the shooting furthered decadeslong rhetoric about misogyny and violent masculinity that have permeated hip-hop for generations.
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Making matters worse, disinformation is a valuable currency these days. Perhaps it’s always been, but with the influx of social media, disinformation now isn’t just inaccurate, it can be deadly. 
Disinformation campaigns have had books about actual U.S. history removed from shelves. It’s been a critical tool to prevent commonsense gun laws. And disinformation is why a former president of the United States can rally millions of Americans behind him on the campaign trail as federal indictments pile up in multiple states and Washington. And disinformation allowed many to believe Lanez was the victim of a witch hunt, while Megan Thee Stallion feared for her safety and suffered from anxiety and depression. 
But sadly, Megan Thee Stallion isn’t unique. 
A study conducted by the Institute of Women’s Policy Research revealed that nearly a third of all women will experience some form of intimate partner violence in their lifetime. For Black women, that number is more than 40%. Complicating things even further are the factors that prevent many Black women from reporting their abuse: mistrust of police, protecting perpetrators, shame. Megan Thee Stallion was no different.
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Jason Armond/Getty Images
After Lanez allegedly attempted to pay Megan Thee Stallion and her former friend Kelsey Harris $1 million to keep quiet, Lanez tormented Megan Thee Stallion through his music. When she sat down with broadcaster Gayle Kingon CBS Mornings in April 2022 for an interview, Lanez released a video for his song, “CAP,” in which he chopped horse legs in a not-so-subliminal taunt. Rapper DaBaby, a once frequent collaborator with Megan Thee Stallion, and Lanez reportedly attempted to “ambush” her while she was on stage at Rolling Loud in Miami in 2021, violating the protective order she had against Lanez. 
Lanez and his defense attorneys accused Megan Thee Stallion of lying — while also insinuating Harris was the actual shooter — but the jury didn’t buy it, rendering a verdict in less than 10 hours. Not even the embarrassing displays from Lanez’s father outside the courtroom, blaming entertainment agency Roc Nation for Lanez’s cowardly actions, could distract from what happened and what led to that moment. 
Over the past three years, hip-hop artists have largely remained quiet about the shooting. Megan Thee Stallion’s peers have either been slow to admonish Lanez, have continued to work with him, or have been reluctant to defend her. Record executive Rick Ross, who initially called out Lanezfollowing the shooting, eventually reconciled with him and invited Lanez to his car show last year. While performing the song “Litty Again” at Rolling Loud Portugal in July, Meek Mill yelled “Free Tory Lanez!” to the crowd. During the trial, DJ Akademiks published court documents and cast doubt on the validity of Megan Thee Stallion’s account to his large audience. Even rap’s biggest superstar, Drake, made light of the shooting last year on “Circo Loco,” insinuating that Megan was fabricating the entire ordeal. 
Perhaps the only rapper to publicly call out Lanez, and stand by his words, is Bun B. “We have to protect our Black women, and any Black man that doesn’t feel the same way is not my brother,” the UGK legend said in December 2020.
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Much of the conversation about the shooting and what precipitated it was fixated on who Megan Thee Stallion was romantically involved with — not why Lanez decided it was the best course of action to reportedly tell her, “Dance, b—!” while pulling the trigger multiple times. In September 2022, DaBaby claimed he was also sleeping with Megan on his track “Boogeyman” rapping, “You play with me, that s— was childish / The day before she say that Tory Lanez shot her, I was f—ing on Megan Thee Stallion / Waited to say this s— on my next album / Hit it the day before too / But I kept it playa, I ain’t say nothing ’bout it.”
Megan Thee Stallion appeared to respond to DaBaby’s blatant display of play for attention by saying she controlled her body — not Lanez, DaBaby or any other man. The irony here is that sexual relationships have historically been used as badges of honor in hip-hop, largely by men. In Megan Thee Stallion’s case, her personal life was being used as a vehicle to discredit her account of the shooting.
There are countless instances when men seek out the validation of other men, and women, particularly Black women, are the targets. That’s precisely what happened in this case, and the result is one of the ugliest stains on hip-hop’s history — though its past treatment of women is unfortunately littered with similar examples. Hip-hop has never held itself accountable for frequently disrespecting women (not to mention LGBTQ+ people), because what’s accountable isn’t always best for business.
We all watched Megan Thee Stallion have to defend herself — all while she was still grieving the losses of her great-grandmother and mother, who died within weeks of each other in 2019 (Megan said she and Lanez initially bonded over both of them losing parents). Her father died when she was 15. It was almost too much for Megan to bear. 
“I don’t wanna be on this earth,” Megan Thee Stallion said during her testimony at Lanez’s trial. “I wish he woulda shot and killed me if I knew I would go through this torture.”
Her music reflected the same sentiments. “They keep sayin’ I should get help / But I don’t even know what I need,” she rapped last year on the aptly titled track “Anxiety.” “They keep sayin’ speak your truth / And at the same time say they don’t believe.”
It wasn’t until Lanez’s phone conversation with Harris while he was in jail became public that many finally began to accept what Megan has said since August 2020: Lanez shot her, and he knew he shot her.
In her victim impact statement, Megan told the court she had “not experienced a single day of peace” since the incident occurred. “He lied to anyone that would listen, and paid bloggers to disseminate false information about the case on social media. He released music videos and songs to damage my character and continue his crusade.”
Megan concluded, “For once, the defendant must be forced to face the full consequences of his heinous actions and face justice.”
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Lanez’s sentencing is some semblance of justice. Mainly for Megan, who endured the torture of public scrutiny, confronted Lanez in court, and withstood multiple delays in his sentencing. 
Lanez’s life and career are on an indefinite pause. And while there is a necessary, generations-long critique of the criminal justice system and how it has preyed on Black men to be had, Lanez is guilty of a violent crime. That’s his story. That’s his reality. That’s his legacy.
Nevertheless, hip-hop’s story, reality and legacy of this saga is far from over. Hip-hop culture changed the course of history and inspired every corner of the globe. Still, when it comes to its treatment of women, hip-hop still has a lot of work to do. Women such as rapper Dee Barnes, music producer Drew Dixon, and more aren’t just survivors of abuse at the hands of powerful men such as rapper and producer Dr. Dre and record executive Russell Simmons. They represent accomplished journalists and talented executives who have had to unfairly juggle the realities of their passions and the sharp, stinging legacies of their abuse. Whether that happens with Megan Thee Stallion is anybody’s guess.
Hip-hop should be embarrassed by its conduct during this incident. It should be ashamed it largely remained silent and allowed a Black woman to be publicly maligned. Whatever conversations are had now and in the future, here’s hoping it’s rooted in the truth — no matter how uncomfortable. That’s the only way conversations can become actions and eventually tangible change.
Loving hip-hop and critiquing it isn’t just a necessary part of the culture. If the genre is to survive another 50 years, then there’s no other option.
Justin Tinsley is a senior culture writer for Andscape. He firmly believes “Cash Money Records takin’ ova for da ’99 and da 2000” is the single most impactful statement of his generation.
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angelvyxen · 1 year
Afternoon ladies! Newsbreak for 5/11/23📰🚨
-Los Angeles Lakers star Anthony Davis (head injury) will not return to tonight’s game. And he got escorted out with a wheel chair https://twitter.com/chrisbhaynes/status/1656514577604186113?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-After Prince William accepted millions secretly from Rupert Murdoch while Harry takes him to court, today he honored Jason Knauf, who contributed to Meghan's miscarriage by collaborating with the Daily Mail. Prince Harry dug a grave with his bare hands for his unborn child. https://twitter.com/archewellbaby/status/1656359488406822912?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-British officials have confirmed the first-ever births of babies using DNA from three different people. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1656337510996275200?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Today is Viola Fletcher's 109th birthday. She is one of the three last known living survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. (5/10/23) https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1656282957433438208?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a major bill weakening public sector unions — but *excluded* unions that are more likely to support Republicans. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1656003193174728709?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Tucker Carlson just announced on Twitter that he is relaunching his show ... on Twitter. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1656039438751809537?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Jury in federal civil case finds Donald Trump sexually abused E. Jean Carroll and then defamed her when he denied it. Jean got 5 million and trump won’t face any time since it’s a civil case sadly https://twitter.com/cnn/status/1656014711169724419?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Tory Lanez WILL NOT get a new trial for the 2020 shooting of Megan Thee Stallion. This is according to Judge David Herriford, who ruled from the bench a few minutes ago. (5/9/23) but yesterday it was just announced he could get up to 9 more years! https://twitter.com/meghanncuniff/status/1656012057953849344?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Robert De Niro has revealed he has become a father to his seventh child at the age of 79. https://twitter.com/popcrave/status/1655935739186778116?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Far-right Rep. Bryan Slaton has resigned from the Texas House after an investigation found he had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a 19-year-old on his staff. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1655657518805266432?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-6-year-old survives after his mother, father and 3-year-old brother killed in Texas mall shooting. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1655743194590478336?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Shooting at Dallas-area mall included at least eight victims between ages of 5 and 61 brought to hospitals. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1655007123951046659?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Texas officials identify victims killed in Dallas-area mall shooting including 3-year-old boy, 2 grade-school girls. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1655721766499627008?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Police: Dallas-area mall shooting left 9 dead, others injured. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1655033838169477123?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Florida Democrats are hoping to recruit Grant Hill and Dwayne Wade to run against GOP Sen. Rick Scott in 2024. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1655716790209503234?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says the CIA rigs elections and assassinates leaders who refuse to comply with their agenda. https://twitter.com/leadingreport/status/1655337114307903489?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Hotel night manager accused of entering room and sucking on man’s toes. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1655180016907440130?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Horse euthanized after suffering knee injury in race ahead of Kentucky Derby, the 6th horse that has died in recent days. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1654915438046765060?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-A new DeSantis-backed bill would prohibit Chinese citizens from owning land — or homes — anywhere in the state of Florida. Asian American groups fear the bill will lead to racial profiling. https://twitter.com/keithboykin/status/1654104871505903616?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-a video of trump in court saying how stars can grab women by our pu$$y https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1654606787155206144?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-Summit Erupts Into Fistfight Between Russian and Ukrainian Delegates. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-and-ukrainian-delegates-brawl-over-ukrainian-flag-at-summit-in-turkey
-An 8th grader “was forced to remove her shirt and pants, lift up her bra, and fold down the top of her underwear, knowing she was on her period” while officials at a Detroit school searched for a (nonexistent) vape pen, a lawsuit stated. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1654169013977489410?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
-FDA panel recommends allowing birth control pill to be sold over the counter. https://apple.news/A9Fh1QsZLRAemwZ03GeUBeQ
-The pandemic-era immigration law known as Title 42 ends Thursday. Here’s what you need to know. https://apple.news/A64tgKInhS1CJ0l7FmVhLkQ
-US Rep. George Santos of New York faces charges of wire fraud, money laundering and lying to Congress. https://twitter.com/phil_lewis_/status/1656288412297486337?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
Also more from the Texas mall shooting
-Family members confirm 20-year-old security guard Christian LaCour was also killed in the shooting
-Aishwarya Thatikonda, an engineer who originally came from India, has been identified as the 5th victim of the Texas mall shooting
-Family killed in the Texas mall shooting identified as Cindy Cho, Kyu Cho and their 3-year-old son, James Cho. Their other child, William, just turned 6 and is the only survivor. They were going to the mall to exchange clothes he received for his birthday.
-Daniela Mendoza, a 4th grader, and Sofia Mendoza, a 2nd grader, have been identified as victims of the Texas mall shooting. They were sisters. Their mother, Ilda, is in critical condition.
-Photo released of the sisters killed in the Texas mall shooting. Daniela was 10, Sofia was 8. Their mother is in critical condition.
-Elio Cumana-Rivas, 32, has been identified as the 8th victim of the Texas mall shooting
May they rest in peace/ pull through that’s all for now.
Apologies for being 3 days late to delivering the news, but I am here now! Thank you as always to our corespondent News Anon 👩🏽‍💼.
- I hope he’s doing alright. The Lakers really need him.
- For being a family who’s only job is to shut up and be rich, they sure do have a lot of shit constantly going on. Anyways, the only one I’m rooting for at this point is Meghan.
- I get that stuff like this is supposed to be ‘good’ because science is advancing but it kinda scares me. Generics aren’t something you should mess with.
- Happiest of birthdays to Ms. Viola. I hope 109 treats her well 🥳.
- Again, what ever happened to assassinating elected officials???
- Fox gave Tuck Tuck his job back? Good for him I guess?
- I lost interest in the case when I found out there was no way he’d (Trump) ever serve time. I mean, good for her for getting money but I feel like no real justice was served.
- We need to start forcefully castrating men. There should be NO reason he’s having children.
- You notice how it’s on republicans doing things that they always denounce? ‘Gays are pedophiles!’ They say as they have a mountain of child porn on their computers. I heavily dislike them all.
- I saw this. I hope he has family that can take care of him, going into the system is almost worse than losing both parents. Especially since he’s not white.
- Ban Guns.
- Dwayne Wade? 😭 I can’t even be mad at it because for some reason I feel like he’d make a decent politician.
- Did he lie? I think not.
- Jesus Christ?!? The TOES?
- R.I.P to that horse. I knew they would’ve showed up and showed out at that Derby.
- I saw this one too. I also saw something about Hispanic being mad at DeSantis for whatever the fuck, when they also voted for him lol. DeSantis will ruin Florida and all the POC who thought they’d be safe because they all mutually hate black people and gay people will be in for a RUDE awakening. Anywho, I hope all the Asian Americans will be alright. It’s getting nasty in Florida.
- I cannot wait for the day Trump dies.
- White people are so ghetto.
- ARREST EVERY ADULT INVOLVED. You can’t just do a simple a search?? The child has to strip down naked because of a Vape Pen? Not even crack, a VAPE PEN.
- THE FDA HAS SENSE! Generic Birth control should be sold over the counter, you should be able to get a prescription at any Walgreens or CVS. & specialized BC should be made for women who other health issues that don’t allow them to take BC.
- All of my immigrants who are not citizens or residents, take a gander at that Title-42.
- Another day, another politician that’s a criminal.
- May all the victims of the Texas mall shooting Rest in Heavenly Peace.
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