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Guess who's crying!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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and what if i died
#.text#BAD DAY FOR MAX i literslly just got done crying about orc#orvi mean#this sucks worsy dayever. what will i cry about next
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आगरा में 15 दिवसीय खादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग प्रदर्शनी का भव्य उद्घाटन
केंद्रीय राज्यमंत्री प्रो. एस.पी. सिंह बघेल ने आज आगरा के सेंट जॉन्स चौराहे स्थित वैश्य बोर्डिंग हाउस में 15 दिवसीय मंडल स्तरीय खादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग प्रदर्शनी का शुभारंभ किया। इस प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन खादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग बोर्ड द्वारा 'एक जनपद-एक उत्पाद' योजना के तहत किया गया है। उद्घाटन समारोह में उन्होंने फीता काटा और दीप प्रज्ज्वलित किया। अपने संबोधन में प्रो. बघेल ने कहा कि प्रदर्शनी में प्रदर्शित सभी वस्तुएं घरेलू उत्पाद हैं, जिन्हें कारीगरों ने अपने हाथों से तैयार किया है। उन्होंने कहा कि भारत की विविध जातियों और परंपराओं में कारीगर अपनी विशिष्ट कला को जीवित रखे हुए हैं। उदाहरणस्वरूप, प्रजापति समाज पारंपरिक रूप से मिट्टी के कुल्हड़ और घड़े बनाने के लिए जाना जाता है, लेकिन आधुनिक समय में उन्होंने तवा, हांडी और सजावटी वस्तुएं भी बनानी शुरू कर दी हैं। उन्होंने महात्मा गांधी द्वारा विदेशी कपड़ों के बहिष्कार और खादी को स्वदेशी विकल्प के रूप में अपनाने की ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि का उल्ल���ख करते हुए कहा, "गांधीजी ने खादी को घर-घर तक पहुंचाया था। आज खादी केवल पारंपरिक वस्त्र नहीं है, यह लिनेन के रूप में भी उपलब्ध है। सरकार इसे प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए विभिन्न योजनाएं चला रही है।" उन्होंने खादी को देश की आत्मा बताते हुए कहा कि इसे संरक्षित और विकसित करने में सरकार के साथ नागरिकों की भी भूमिका महत्वपूर्ण है। उन्होंने जनपदवासियों से अपील की कि वे खादी उत्पाद खरीदकर इसे प्रोत्साहित करें। विशेष आकर्षण और उत्पादों की विविधता जिला परिक्षेत्रीय ग्रामोद्योग अधिकारी नीतू यादव ने बताया कि प्रदर्शनी में खादी वस्त्रों के साथ-साथ ग्रामोद्योग की वित्तपोषित इकाइयों के उत्पाद भी प्रदर्शित किए गए हैं। इनमें शुद्ध मधुबन शहद, विभिन्न प्रकार के मुरब्बे, लकड़ी के हस्तशिल्प, टेराकोटा की मूर्तियां, जेल के कैदियों द्वारा निर्मित लैदर के जूते और सैंडल, बिजनौर का गुड़, जम्मू-कश्मीर के म��वे, घी, नमकीन, मोमबत्तियां और आर्टिफिशियल आभूषण शामिल हैं। कुल 75 स्टॉल लगाए गए हैं, जिनमें कश्मीर, उत्तराखंड और उत्तर प्रदेश के व्यापारियों द्वारा खादी से बने कोट, हाफ जैकेट, साड़ी और बेडशीट जैसे उत्पाद प्रदर्शित किए गए हैं। जिला ग्रामोद्योग अधिकारी अनिल कुमार ने बताया कि खादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग बोर्ड छोटे उद्यमियों को 15 से 35 प्रतिशत तक आसान ऋण उपलब्ध कराता है। इसका उद्देश्य लघु उद्योगों और ग्रामीण कारीगरों के जीवन स्तर में सुधार करना है। उन्होंने बताया कि प्रदर्शनी प्रतिदिन सुबह 10 बजे से रात 9 बजे तक खुली रहेगी। सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों की श्रृंखला प्रदर्शनी में मनोरंजन और सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों का भी विशेष आयोजन किया गया है। सर्वी इवेंट के प्रबंधक अंजुल कुलश्रेष्ठ ने बताया कि 2 दिसंबर को फूलों की होली, 3 दिसंबर को ब्रज भाषा काव्य धारा, 4 दिसंबर को एक शाम देश के नाम, 5 दिसंबर को म्यूजिकल नाइट और 6 दिसंबर को लोक नृत्य उत्सव होगा। इसके अलावा 7 दिसंबर को जादूगर शो, 8 दिसंबर को संकल्प, 9 दिसंबर को कवि सम्मेलन, 10 दिसंबर को सांस्कृतिक संध्या, 11 दिसंबर को नारी शक्ति सम्मान, 12 दिसंबर को खादी फैशन शो, 13 दिसंबर को खाटू श्याम भजन संध्या, 14 दिसंबर को शास्त्रीय नृत्य और 15 दिसंबर को शिल्पी सम्मान समारोह आयोजित होगा। प्रदर्शनी का उद्देश्य और अपील प्रबंधक कुलश्रेष्ठ ने कहा कि इस प्रदर्शनी का उद्देश्य ग्रामीण उद्यमियों को प्रोत्साहित करना और उनकी कला को पहचान दिलाना है। उन्होंने अधिक से अधिक नागरिकों से प्रदर्शनी में आकर सामान खरीदने की अपील की। उद्घाटन समारोह में खादी ग्रामोद्योग विभाग के अधिकारी, विभिन्न प्रदेशों से आए स्टॉल प्रतिनिधि और बड़ी संख्या में स्थानीय नागरिक मौजूद थे। Read the full article
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#yes!!!! #ididthiswithmyfriendsanditwasthebest dayever
we should normalize giving love letters again
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he plays dayeve the diver and troll splatoon 3. i know because he made a profile on my troll nintendo switch 🎮
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five more minutes, dear?
chasing a a high that never existed.
stuck in place, caught between a step ahead and one behindequally you find bliss and hardshipeverything remains fleeting— chasing a high that never existed love to hate? hate to love?whatever is the matter? thought at the psyche leaves youfeeling as though NOTHING is worth your time of dayever seems to matter in perspectivemay be the most comfort you’ve ever knownwill change the seeds that…
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And each inchturns into footand each minute into an hour so does dayever so slowly creep up over and beyond like little fingers slowly reaching for cookies and the light ahead of darkness or maybe behind edges out night like some anxious onlooker vying for a better seat
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Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day is celebrated on May 21. This is the perfect time for the availability of all our favorite fresh fruits and vegetables. We believe including fresh fruits and veggies in the diet is necessary for a healthy life. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day is dedicated to a cause. The increase in obesity and lifestyle diseases among American people is a major concern nowadays. This is a day to remind us of the importance of fresh food, which helps us lead a healthy life.
History of Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
Ever wondered who started the cultivation and farming of vegetables and fruits? We only have a vague idea about the start of cultivation. We know we used to forage for nuts and fruits as far back as 1,00,000 years ago. During that time, our ancestors observed that the seeds they threw away created new plants.
The understanding that we could manipulate plant growth was perhaps one of the greatest discoveries of the ancient world. Most scientists agree that proper cultivation started only around 30,000 years ago. Initially, farming was a concept associated with grains and cereals. However, the practice soon expanded to include fruits and vegetables as well. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of necessary vitamins and minerals.
There are records of Romans using greenhouses to cultivate vegetables and fruits. The vegetables and fruits available nowadays are different from their ancient counterparts. Selective breeding for nutrition and edible quantity changed the shape, color, and even the taste for the better. But today, the trend has changed as we all opt for fast food.
This decision contributes to the obesity crisis and the formation of deadly lifestyle diseases. The growing number of people affected by unhealthy eating caused the Dole Food Company to take action. They created this holiday to educate the world about healthy eating and spread awareness about conditions such as obesity.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day timeline
8000 B.C. — 9000 B.C. The First Evidence of Cultivation
People from the Fertile Crescent region in the Middle East start cultivating the land.
5000 B.C. Bartering for Better
The bartering trade system in China is improved with the addition of fruit and vegetables to the trade list.
30 A.D. Romans Introduce Greenhouses
The Roman Emperor, Tiberius, farms fruits and vegetables using greenhouses.
2015 Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
The Dole Food Company kicks off Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day FAQs
What happens when you eat more fruits and vegetables?
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can supplement essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers. It can help reduce health conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart attack, and stroke. It can also help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and digestive issues and even prevent some forms of cancer.
How much fruit and veg a day is too much?
It depends on each person, their health conditions, and body weight. But generally speaking, around 14 ounces per day is good.
Is a fruit and vegetable diet costly?
Fresh fruits and vegetables are costlier compared to regular crops. High prices are due to the necessity of manual labor and the need for customized equipment for cultivation. But the reduction in healthcare justifies the higher prices.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day Activities
Source your fresh fruits and veggies
Explore the flavors of vegetable recipes
Invite people for a salad party
This is the easy part. Just pack a bag and start shopping for fresh veggies and fruits. Make sure to buy your veggies from the freshest source. It is best to buy from an organic source. This can help ensure the food is free of harmful chemicals or pesticides.
People often do not realize the choices available for fruit and vegetable recipes. There are countless vegetable dishes and smoothes available to try. Celebrate by exploring the tasty cousins available rather than going for fast food.
Get your friends who share the same enthusiasm for fresh food. You know what to do then! We have already purchased fruits and vegetables, and we know the recipes too. So sheath those knives and start cutting some veggies for the party.
5 Facts About Fruits And Vegetables That Will Interest You
Fruits and vegetables can increase your lifespan
The bounty of vitamins and minerals
The top consumer and producer
Fruits are delicious
Consuming fruits and vegetables in place of meat can increase one’s life expectancy by a few years.
A fruit and vegetable diet is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals.
China leads the world in fruit and vegetable production and consumption.
Fruits and vegetables can be consumed in any form: fresh, canned, dried, frozen, and juice.
Fruits are sweet with fructose, and they do not pause the risk of extra sugar into our bloodstream.
Why We Love Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
It can reduce the risk of various diseases
Vegetable and fruit diets are cruelty-free
It can reduce our carbon footprint
This is not a secret, but a non-vegetarian diet can cause numerous health issues. Diabetes, heart attack, stroke, obesity, e.t.c. are all companions of meat consumption. Adding more vegetables and fruits can help reduce these health conditions before they manifest.
There is a long battle raging between vegetarians and non — vegetarians. A vegetarian diet is relatively less cruel as no killing or maiming is involved. A major argument is that plants are also alive, but plants are not sentient like animals and do not feel the same kind of pain. So it is a relatively cruelty–free diet.
Meat production negatively affects our environment. It is a demanding process and needs a lot of water and food. The byproducts can add to the greenhouse gas emission and thus to global warming. The same amount of investment in cultivation can yield better output and reduce carbon emission.
#apple#pear#watermelon#grape#eggplant#pecan crusted fresh salmon#strawberries with panna cotta#restaurant#USA#Canada#Sweden#travel#Brix Restaurant & Gardens#Beringer Vineyards#original photography#eating#tourist attraction#landmark#banana#Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day#21 May#NationalEatMoreFruitsandVegetablesDay
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kyrgyz names BUT excluding "o"
Abaev Abaliev Abanarai Abdinal Abdis Abdisra Abdraev Abdralaev Abdraliev Abdub Abdubaev Abdul Abduz Abdykan Abdyra Abdyraiya Abdyral Abirbaev Adaybaev Adeen Adian Adiev Adina Adinaz Adince Adisat Adykail Adykalaev Adyra Adyrai Aibaev Aibra Aibraliev Aidaisan Aidal Aidaliev Aidasai Aidiev Aidin Aigerixa Aiges Aigesen Aigulsaev Aigultaga Aigulza Aijamyt Aijan Aikaves Ailet Ailiev Ailya Aimbek Aimirbaev Ainaijana Ainazalya Aingiz Aisaev Aisail Aisla Aitmat Aiyanat Aiymkul Aizat Akhamat Akhma Akhmaince Akhmal Akhmamyt Akhman Akhmanal Akhmat Akhmazim Akhmeshev Akirai Akirbaev Akmaev Akmatasai Akmatybek Aktigulu Alana Aldanal Alikaya Alinal Altaz Altybaev Altybek Altynat Ambek Amilan Amince Amirgul Anais Anarai Anarince Asabdiev Asaev Asaliev Asaltaga Asana Ashakir Ashambeg Ashev Ashmek Ashnik Ashnikal Askaliev Askurbaev Askurza Asydal Ayajubaev Ayanaliev Aybaev Aybek Aybet Aydaliev Aydar Ayman Azaev Azambet Azembeges Azemir Azgul Azgundul Azhakir Azizaliev Azizar Azizat Bakylya Baliev Banych Baziman Bazir Bermes Berna Betaliev Betasaev Chbek Chberin Chibana Chibra China Chince Daliev Darai Daraliev Darin Dayev Dilychbek Dince Dingizaev Egaev Egashnik Egembek Eldaliev Eldasan Elgiz Eliev Embek Embekjana Eraliev Erdiev Erdilei Erdingiz Ermes Ernaimir Esbek Eshma Gauhamir Gauhanal Gulaev Gulamilya Gulan Gulayasel Guldiev Gulla Gullanaim Gulsaev Gulsal Gulsaliev Gulsan Gunban Gundura Ibaev Ibaliev Ibrabdrat Ibrakaya Ibraliev Ibrat Ilayev Iliev Imaev Isabdubaz Isadim Isaliev Ismaev Ismambek Israev Israi Israizar Isunbaev Izaev Izamin Izari Jyrailyan Kadalim Kadiev Kadis Kadismat Kaibra Kaidaliev Kaidiev Kailaybek Kailym Kaitmaziz Kalar Kalayana Kaliev Kamat Kambek Kamir Kanalina Karaliev Kasaev Kasan Kauharixa Kaves Kaybaev Keiliev Khmaidaym Khmat Khmes Kubaev Kudaev Kudal Kulaev Kuldina Kullamil Kullari Kultaliev Kulzaev Kunbaev Kunbar Kuraim Kurbaev Kurberi Kureshiev Kurgesbek Kurmaliev Kurna Kurzamat Kurzat Kyldaydar Kylya Leiliev Madel Madinai Maliev Malim Maltaal Maltabdim Mamat Mamatbeg Mambaev Mambek Mamberes Mamil Mamyt Manai Manaliev Manazhiev Marbaev Matan Matbet Matybek Mazakylym Maziza Milya Mirabdiev Miraev Mirai Miraliev Mirbana Mirzarbek Murai Murbek Murjamaev Murlana Murlar Murna Murnaliev Musul Musurdub Naibek Naliev Naliym Namilara Narga Nazal Naziz Nurabdiev Nuraev Nurai Nuralana Nuraliev Nuraliym Nurbaev Nurbaliev Nurbanar Nurdiev Nures Nureshev Nurmaliev Nurmes Nurmesen Nurna Nurnaliev Nursul Nurza Nurzaliev Nurzara Nusel Nusul Prigaev Prigembek Prigulu Prina Prinaza Prinazem Raimat Raliev Ralince Ryskalina Ryskan Ryskara Ryskub Sabdurjan Sabdyldar Sadel Sadince Salik Sanat Sanych Seldar Seliev Shakma Shaparai Shara Sharbek Shargas Sherdub Sheres Sheri Sherixa Shermes Shibaev Shiev Shmaev Shman Shnik Shnikadel Sulsaev Sunbaev Sunbaliev Sunbaza Sundulaev Sunura Sunurlaya Sydaymkul Taaliev Tagashina Taliev Tanaliev Taskul Tazat Tembek Teminusen Turaev Tural Turaliev Turaya Turayana Turayev Turbaev Turbari Turbek Turdel Turdiev Turjama Turjamyt Turmamin Turza Turzaev Turzari Ulsana Umaev Umamaliev Umamana Usaev Usaiga Usalin Useldar Usmadeen Usmatbek Usultan Usunban Yaskura Yergul Yerim Yerma Yermek Yuldaydas Yultaban Yulzar Yulzat Yusel Yusen Zakhan Zakiral Zambek Zamilych Zarixa Zatbega Zatbek Zhapar Zhara Zharbaev Zharbek Zhari Zharim Zhibra Zhiev Zhina Zhumai Zhumaliya Zhumamir Zhumana Zhumar Zhumat Zhumazgul Zhunbaev Zhunurai Zhusaim Zhusen Zhusulda
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PRIVATE ZESS. #zessmass #dayevent #boxingday https://www.instagram.com/p/CJHu1YbhHvk/?igshid=tt7h2ewrlpp
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Flyer Update This Saturday 12pm-5pm #Free #dayevent #2020 #DaygoHipHop #daygornbhiphop it’s goin down (at Oceanside, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_BJVZHAw8/?igshid=p7t7so7j5ba7
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🗣COMING UP🗣 @loudmouthleague presents #BringYourOwnBars 823 Frederickburg Rd San Antonio, TX Saturday, December 28th, 2019 3PM-9PM... . . . *ALL AGES* $10 presale tix available at @eventbrite or go to link in bio $20 at the door... . . . Battle Card: @big_homie_bone1389 vs @robsta210 @thedementeddentist vs @dchecc_ Yayo vs @knomadkoga @king_warna vs @jason.redding.18400 @celus_kip vs Renegade @j_ari3s vs @moryathegreat 6ixShotz vs OG Bricksz D-Steel vs @prototypeakaelninofresco @shggymontoya vs @aethe.1andonly . . . Hosted by @sanantonio_banderas Sponsored by @friendsofsound Filmed by @livestreammedianetwork #Loudmouthleague #lmlwins #SomebodySayLoudMouth #battlerap #rapbattle #sanantonio #texas #followus #bringyourownbars #battlerap #dec28th #bringyourownbars #byob #food #vendors #beverage #allages #dayevent #thingstodo (at WOODWARD LUMBER) https://www.instagram.com/p/B582zK_n-cL/?igshid=1cgtbabspin3a
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来月開催いたします😊 #Repost @kickinthedoorjp • • • • • • Underbar 来月12月8日(日)16時~ 6周年&忘年会として、開催いたします! みなさまよろしくおねがいいたします😉 Kickin' The Door vol.50’ . ~6th anniversary & 忘年会 ~ . 2019.12.8(日)16:00~20:30 . @渋谷UNDERBAR . 〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1-15-7公園ビルB1F . Charge Adv. 2,000yen/ 1d Guest. 1,500yen/1d 小学生未満. 無料 . . (1600~1700 Kickin'ステッカー配布します) . . 90's classic HIPHOPをベースに様々なジャンルの心地いい音楽、上質なLIVE、Danceを堪能&披露できるHIPHOP好きな仲間の集まるアットホーム空間。 . . SPECIAL DANCE . KENTA SPECIAL LIVE SESSION . Acoustic Matsurican Crew . . DJ . SANGA . Its(尻跳楽団) . NATO(DIGGIN' PROPS/BED4ORD/ZULU-MK MASTERZ) . たけsweeet . DANCE . Boroughood . joint times . Scratch . 244(BED4ORD) . チャッキー横戸 with DJ Its(尻跳楽団) . . OPENING DANCE . HipHop Culture Practice Committee . . LIVE PAINT . とかげ . . ACCESSORY . MIDDLEss(ミドレス) . . FOOD . hobaru cookie . . RECOMMEND TUNE . 各DJが、プレイ中に、1曲だけレコメンドする曲を紹介します。 . . Instagram @KickinTheDoorJP https://www.instagram.com/kickinthedoorjp . . facebookページ https://www.facebook.com/KickinTheDoorYYYG . #KickinTheDoor #Hiphop #goodmusic #DJ #DANCE #LIVE #LIVEPAINT #accessory #cookie #party #dayevent #UNDERBAR #shibuya #Tokyo #Japan #anniversary #忘年会 (Underbar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4rvyZqAG9M/?igshid=wuqz4psskqkz
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