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agra24 · 3 months ago
आगरा में 15 दिवसीय खादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग प्रदर्शनी का भव्य उद्घाटन
केंद्रीय राज्यमंत्री प्रो. एस.पी. सिंह बघेल ने आज आगरा के सेंट जॉन्स चौराहे स्थित वैश्य बोर्डिंग हाउस में 15 दिवसीय मंडल स्तरीय खादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग प्रदर्शनी का शुभारंभ किया। इस प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन खादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग बोर्ड द्वारा 'एक जनपद-एक उत्पाद' योजना के तहत किया गया है। उद्घाटन समारोह में उन्होंने फीता काटा और दीप प्रज्ज्वलित किया। अपने संबोधन में प्रो. बघेल ने कहा कि प्रदर्शनी में प्रदर्शित सभी वस्तुएं घरेलू उत्पाद हैं, जिन्हें कारीगरों ने अपने हाथों से तैयार किया है। उन्होंने कहा कि भारत की विविध जातियों और परंपराओं में कारीगर अपनी विशिष्ट कला को जीवित रखे हुए हैं। उदाहरणस्वरूप, प्रजापति समाज पारंपरिक रूप से मिट्टी के कुल्हड़ और घड़े बनाने के लिए जाना जाता है, लेकिन आधुनिक समय में उन्होंने तवा, हांडी और सजावटी वस्तुएं भी बनानी शुरू कर दी हैं। उन्होंने महात्मा गांधी द्वारा विदेशी कपड़ों के बहिष्कार और खादी को स्वदेशी विकल्प के रूप में अपनाने की ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि का उल्लेख करते हुए कहा, "गांधीजी ने खादी को घर-घर तक पहुंचाया था। आज खादी केवल पारंपरिक वस्त्र नहीं है, यह लिनेन के रूप में भी उपलब्ध है। सरकार इसे प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए विभिन्न योजनाएं चला रही है।" उन्होंने खादी को देश की आत्मा बताते हुए कहा कि इसे संरक्षित और विकसित करने में सरकार के साथ नागरिकों की भी भूमिका महत्वपूर्ण है। उन्होंने जनपदवासियों से अपील की कि वे खादी उत्पाद खरीदकर इसे प्रोत्साहित करें। विशेष आकर्षण और उत्पादों की विविधता जिला परिक्षेत्रीय ग्रामोद्योग अधिकारी नीतू यादव ने बताया कि प्रदर्शनी में खादी वस्त्रों के साथ-साथ ग्रामोद्योग की वित्तपोषित इकाइयों के उत्पाद भी प्रदर्शित किए गए हैं। इनमें शुद्ध मधुबन शहद, विभिन्न प्रकार के मुरब्बे, लकड़ी के हस्तशिल्प, टेराकोटा की मूर्तियां, जेल के कैदियों द्वारा निर्मित लैदर के जूते और सैंडल, बिजनौर का गुड़, जम्मू-कश्मीर के मेवे, घी, नमकीन, मोमबत्तियां और आर्टिफिशियल आभूषण शामिल हैं। कुल 75 स्टॉल लगाए गए हैं, जिनमें कश्मीर, उत्तराखंड और उत्तर प्रदेश के व्यापारियों द्वारा खादी से बने कोट, हाफ जैकेट, साड़ी और बेडशीट जैसे उत्पाद प्रदर्शित किए गए हैं। जिला ग्रामोद्योग अधिकारी अनिल कुमार ने बताया कि खादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग बोर्ड छोटे उद्यमियों को 15 से 35 प्रतिशत तक आसान ऋण उपलब्ध कराता है। इसका उद्देश्य लघु उद्योगों और ग्रामीण कारीगरों के जीवन स्तर में सुधार करना है। उन्होंने बताया कि प्रदर्शनी प्रतिदिन सुबह 10 बजे से रात 9 बजे तक खुली रहेगी। सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों की श्रृंखला प्रदर्शनी में मनोरंजन और सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों का भी विशेष आयोजन किया गया है। सर्वी इवेंट के प्रबंधक अंजुल कुलश्रेष्ठ ने बताया कि 2 दिसंबर को फूलों की होली, 3 दिसंबर को ब्रज भाषा काव्य धारा, 4 दिसंबर को एक शाम देश के नाम, 5 दिसंबर को म्यूजिकल नाइट और 6 दिसंबर को लोक नृत्य उत्सव होगा। इसके अलावा 7 दिसंबर को जादूगर शो, 8 दिसंबर को संकल्प, 9 दिसंबर को कवि सम्मेलन, 10 दिसंबर को सांस्कृतिक संध्या, 11 दिसंबर को नारी शक्ति सम्मान, 12 दिसंबर को खादी फैशन शो, 13 दिसंबर को खाटू श्याम भजन संध्या, 14 दिसंबर को शास्त्रीय नृत्य और 15 दिसंबर को शिल्पी सम्मान समारोह आयोजित होगा। प्रदर्शनी का उद्देश्य और अपील प्रबंधक कुलश्रेष्ठ ने कहा कि इस प्रदर्शनी का उद्देश्य ग्रामीण उद्यमियों को प्रोत्साहित करना और उनकी कला को पहचान दिलाना है। उन्होंने अधिक से अधिक नागरिकों से प्रदर्शनी में आकर सामान खरीदने की अपील की। उद्घाटन समारोह में खादी ग्रामोद्योग विभाग के अधिकारी, विभिन्न प्रदेशों से आए स्टॉल प्रतिनिधि और बड़ी संख्या में स्��ानीय नागरिक मौजूद थे।   Read the full article
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perspectiveunbound · 5 months ago
Reviving Tradition: The Surge of Scottish Craftsmanship in Global Markets
Exploring the Renaissance of Scottish Craftsmanship in the Global Market Hello, dear readers! Today, we turn our focus towards the revitalisation of Scottish craftsmanship and its burgeoning role in the global marketplace. As Scotland embraces the rich tapestry of its artisan traditions, it simultaneously carves out a niche in a world increasingly dominated by mass production and standardisation. Scottish craftsmanship, renowned for its quality and authenticity, spans an impressive array of industries, from textiles to woodworking and distilling. These artisans are not merely preserving ancient techniques; they are innovating within traditional frameworks to create products that resonate both locally and worldwide. In the age of globalisation, there is a growing appetite for products that tell a story — items that are unique and meticulously crafted. Scotland’s artisans are leveraging this trend, positioning their goods on the global stage as the epitome of quality and sustainability. This movement not only boosts local economies but also reinforces Scotland’s identity in the international arena. Economically, the artisan sector in Scotland benefits from the propagation of free-market principles, allowing craftsmen to tap into wider markets and attract investments. These small-scale producers are finding their niches, supported by policies that encourage cultural entrepreneurship and an export-oriented strategy. However, challenges such as international competition, the need for marketing prowess, and navigating the complexities of export regulations need to be addressed. To aid this, fostering collaborations between artisans and tech innovators could offer advanced solutions in logistics and marketing, vital for international success. I invite you all to share your experiences and thoughts about Scottish craftsmanship. How do you perceive the role of tradition in contemporary markets? What further steps should be taken to enhance the global presence of Scottish artisan products? Your insights are invaluable as we explore strategies to ensure that Scottish craftsmanship not just survives but thrives on the world stage. Let’s continue to champion our local artisans by engaging with their work and spreading the word about Scotland’s rich heritage and its modern-day renaissance. Thank you for joining in this pertinent discussion. Looking forward to your views! Warm regards, Alastair Majury *Perspectives Unbound* --- *Follow Alastair Majury for more insights on how Scotland’s rich traditions and free-market dynamics interact to shape a unique narrative in the global economy.*
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foodsture1 · 2 years ago
Browsing the Bounty: A Tour of Iowa City Farmers Market
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The Iowa Farmers Market is a lively and buzzing place for local artisans and farmhands, and a visit there offers a wealth of sights, sounds, and flavours to explore. Therefore, here's a tour of the market and what one can expect from it:
The first and foremost sight when reaching the market were rows of colorful tents and booths installed down several blocks of downtown Iowa City. The lowa city farmers market is operated every Saturday morning from May to October; during the peak season, it is open on Wednesdays as well.
There was plenty of fresh produce on display, which got noticed. The local farmers offer everything from plump tomatoes and peppers to crisp lettuce and herbs, along with a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Other root vegetables are also there, like potatoes, onions, and garlic, as well as sweet corn and other Iowa favourites.
There were also locally raised varieties of meat, eggs, grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, and pasture-raised pork, along with eggs without antibiotics or hormones.
There were also sweet products such as local honey, maple syrup, and jams available in various flavours, along with freshly baked pastries, bread, and desserts. Along with this, there were salsas and various dips available at the booths.
Not only are food items available, but there are also various handmade arts and crafts on display. Artisanal goods: local artists and craftspeople offer various things, from pottery and jewelry to hand-sewn clothing and accessories. There were also homemade products for the workshops, home, and body, such as soaps, lotions, candles, and other natural products.
Throughout the operation of the market, there were festive seasons around the market and a variety of special events and activities. People can enjoy live music, educational workshops, and seasonal celebrations like pumpkin carving and holiday markets.
Therefore, the Iowa City Farmers Market has a lot to offer and enjoy. a must-visit place on weekends to grab fresh farm produce to craft homemade things for body and home. a a delightful place to spend your day.
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claycult · 4 years ago
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Somnang in the #workroom working on our #handmadeceramicbead #earrings beautiful #ceramicjewellery #artisanproducts #cambodia https://www.instagram.com/p/CLrLgfTBD9B/?igshid=13xeg1v3u4hk0
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billtheking · 5 years ago
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The Albatross Artisan Handmade Straw Hat. 🌤 #greekbrand #greekdesigners #madeingreece #greekdesigner #summer #athens #hat #artisan #artisanproducts #cool #style #fashion #black #greece #collection #yes #handmade #handcrafted #accessories (στην τοποθεσία Ρωμαϊκή Αγορά της Αθήνας) https://www.instagram.com/p/CByFTz5JwQq/?igshid=monmx1nbypxd
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veganbearchef · 4 years ago
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When tradition and innovation work well together, the world can change! Also the culinary one! Traditional homemade pasta from @pastagael with my @revolutionarycheese inside!! It was an "oh my God" moment when I've tasted it!! Thank you so much for the amazing gift and I hope we will start to cooperate soon to make all the vegans happy!!! #vegan #veganpasta #pastagael #amsterdamfood #amsterdamvegan #amsterdamfoodlover #plantaardig #veganitalianfood #veganistisch #homemadefood #homemade #topfood #topvegan #artisanproducts #supportlocal (at Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMsTNx9pdIJ/?igshid=awrql0f9eqwa
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themesmerisingmagpie · 4 years ago
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"Cornflower"... A unique, handknitted scarf which can be worn in a variety of ways. Made with super chunky blue wool with a subtly shimmering purple yarn knitted throughout. Super warm and snug, all set for the cold months ahead... https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/617231505/blue-scarfknitted-scarfunusual-gift Every scarf is handmade and unique. #themesmerisingmagpie #bespokecreations #unusualdesigns #handmadewithlove #cornflower #wearityourway #scarf #winteriscoming #artisanproducts #artisanshop #boho #bohochic #bohofashion https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxef8zjVu1/?igshid=14by4npczr6ld
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moriesorg-blog · 5 years ago
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Wondering what's the next great Italian #extravirginoliveoil when preparing your #salad ? Let's try #mories_recommend #highlyrecommended #mories_evoo #foodstagram #mories_members #artisanproducts #oliveoil #oliodiolivaextravergineitaliano #productswithpurpose #letsgo #mories_chefs https://mories.org/produkt/bartolini-extra-virgin-olive-oil-gli-angeli/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8LsO_llZU4/?igshid=1h3j8wm3hfyhp
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luimarie · 5 years ago
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@witchboxpr diciembre 2019 Solamente 2 Disponibles . #witchboxpr #DetallitosyCositas #artisanproducts #artisan #hechoamano #comoelcoqui #boricua #apoyalodeaqui #apoyalolocalpr #apoyalolocal #handmadesoap #handmadeproducts #productosartesanales #box #cajita #jabones #soaps #shampoo #revitalisant #lipbalm #bodylotion #sachets #candies #christmas #navidad . #guayamapr #patillaspr #arroyopr #puertorico #sanjuanpr #salinaspr #yabucoapr #isabelapr #caguaspr #Santurcepr https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JJD11AnCo/?igshid=ymsulp80l3ua
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mudfarmorganix · 5 years ago
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Black Soap gives a luxurious lather that gives your a deep down pore cleanse! Try it today! #blacksoap #sheabutter #bc #toronto #albertablacksoap #torontohealthstore #naturalsoaps #acnetreatment #acnesoap #africansoap #artisanproducts #naturalskincare #organic #localbusiness #scarborough #richmondhill #markham #cocoabutter #moringaoil #beautiful #lavender #love https://www.instagram.com/p/B5zMi4vFon0/?igshid=mksi6kuokn0d
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annacascarina · 5 years ago
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I was sent this exquisite bag from @clarehynesdesigns and OMG, I am actually in love. I knew I loved Claires bags, but this one is just stunning. It is made from T'nalak fabric handwoven by the T’boli people of lake Sebu, Mindanao, Philippines. What I love the most about this is that T’nalak weaving is a way of life for most of the T’boli women, handed down from generation to generation. This type of craftsmanship has given the T’boli women economic freedom and a sustainable source of income. It is £145 so not cheap, but it is handcrafted with a large brass clasp and wooden beaded strap. Plus it also comes with a long gold chain so that you can wear across the body. I'm imagining it with a floaty dress in the summer and with jeans and heeled boots during the winter. It's a thing of beauty and will last forever. Here I have teamed it with a dress from another one of my favourite sustainable brands, @aceandjig They work intimately with artisan weavers in India and you can't help but fall in love with their beautiful textiles. Swipe left for a more detailed shot of the bag. Beautiful x Dress: @aceandjig Bag: @clarehynesdesigns Shoes: @miista . . . #sustainablebrand #40plusstyle #styleover40 #handwoven #artisanbag #artisanproducts #tnalak #wovenbag #statementbag #loveyourshape #bodypositive #bopo #prairiedress #sustainabilitymatters #sustainablefashion #sustainableclothing https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEf-sdFhOK/?igshid=1b94f13a8yoae
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colorsofindia-blog · 6 years ago
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#artistwoman #attitudes #artstore #artisanspirits #artistwomen #artisanproducts #artisanfashion #artisanmarkets #artstudio #artisancraft #artforthehome #artisanskills #artisangoods #artisans #artdecoration #artisanborn #artinprogress #artisancafe #artisanandartist #lovedecorating #lovedecoration #lovebrightcolours #homedecorlovers_ #homedecorlover #homedecorations #homeisthebest #homespaces #differentisgood #lovethatdecor #lovelyhomes #lovelybedroom https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5Lv9anXCR/?igshid=1ka12zwx5lgz
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mazelcreates · 6 years ago
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Show us some love. . . We’re taking over social media! You can find us on most platforms for the latest on brand news and activities. You can even sign up to our newsletter (link in boi) so you never miss our on exclusive offers and early bird specials. . . #GoodNaturedSkincare #begoodtoyourself #SustainableSkincare #NaturalSkincareProducts #LunchingSoon #Branding #Natural #ArtisanProducts #MadeWithLove #FollowFriday #WeekendLoading #NoToxins #NaturalOils #Organic #SheaButter #HemoSeed #BeautyBalm #PoochieCare #ToxinFreeHome #HomeCare https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxji2U_nc7U/?igshid=rb7h9auv5dnq
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veganbearchef · 4 years ago
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A gift box from @kitchenrepublicnl as member of the #kitchenrepublicacademy THANK YOU!! Can't wait to taste the super healthy products from @sauercrowd.nl , the amazing focaccia from @truepizza_co and the coconut leaf from @cultchakombucha #vegan #healthylifestyle #healthybaking #kombucha #artisanproducts #kracademy (at Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmm0lFpimj/?igshid=1nxrdgm9ju25j
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pulsepointoils · 6 years ago
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Citrus Minty Basil essential oil aromatherapy candle, clean long burn soy wax with a Fresh scent. Perfect to welcome in the Spring. #veganlifestlye #vegancandles #soycandles #freshfragrance #citrusmintybasil #citruscandles #herbalcandles #pulsepointoils #candleaddict #candleaddiction #candlelove #candlelovers #candlelight #homefragrance #spacandles #plantbased #handpouredcandles #homegifts #giftsunder10 #artisanproducts #spasunday #wellbeing #naturalproducts #numondayseller #numonday #etsyshoppulsepointoils https://www.instagram.com/p/BuY3dIdFr6C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rm0yb675n24
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