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system-to-the-madness · 5 months ago
A Fire in the Night - Sam Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: fluff Word Count:  728 Warnings: none Summary: Sam and you have to spend the night in a shed in the woods Prompts: chopping and piling wood A/N: nah, I don’t like this one.
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This kind of accommodation was anything but ideal, you realized that, but at the same time it felt a little bit like holidays. Dean had left Sam and you on your own, hunting some kind of creature that tended to snatch hikers off a deserted mountain path in broad daylight, while he himself had gone to investigate a haunting a few states over. His argument had been, that he couldn’t stand the tension between his brother and you, and that he wanted you to figure it out over the hunt.
He wasn’t wrong.
For weeks now there had been a strange rising tension between Sam and you, one both of you seemed determined to ignore. And even now, that you were far away from any distractions, without having to worry about Dean overhearing any private conversations, you still didn’t have the courage to confront Sam about what the hell was going on between the two of you.
With the mountain path being so far away from any civilization, it had taken the two of you almost a whole day to get to the spot you had intended to get to, and after taking care of the creature, you had found shelter from the fast-approaching night in one of the mountain huts that were lining the path.
Indeed, you much would have preferred to stay in a motel, with running water and electricity, but since that was not an option out here, the shed was definitely better than nothing, and since you still had plenty of supplies, even if it were only energy bars, you didn’t have to go hungry either.
The only problem you had was the cold and dark, so Sam had grabbed the axe to go chopping some of the wood that had been piled behind the hut to make a fire in the old fireplace, while you had set up the sleeping arrangements, finding the blankets that had been left for visitors to use were surprisingly clean.
The sun had begun setting, orange beams fliting in through the dirty windows of the shed, as you stepped outside to check on Sam. He stood with his back to you, lifting the axe up over his head before bringing it down on the wood forcefully which splintered and jumped aside. He had taken off is long sleeved flannel, you noticed, leaving him in a tight t-shirt that allowed you to marvel at the way the muscles of his back moved fluently with every move he made.
As if he had felt your eyes on him, he suddenly stopped and turned around. His cheeks were blushed from the physical work in the cooling evening air, and when he saw you, he smiled almost bashfully.
“What’s up,” he asked, wiping the back of his hand over his forehead.
“Nothing, just checking on you. You doing okay out there?”
Sam nodded, looking over the wood he had chopped up. “Yeah, I think I’m done though. I doubt we’ll use all of it up.”
“The next guests here will thank you for it,” you grinned and fully stepped outside, helping Sam to gather up the chopped-up wood and carrying it inside.
With the disappearing daylight it was time to get a fire going, otherwise you would not have seen anything inside the single room,
With the fire burning, its flickering flames threw dim light on Sam’s and your faces as you sat down on the blankets you had arranged to sleep on. He had put his flannel shirt back on, and as the night begun blanketing the forest outside the shed, you couldn’t help but notice how Sam kept shifting closer to you, while both of you were half-heartedly gnawing on some energy bars.
He ended up so close to you that his shoulder was brushing against yours with each inhale either of you took. You didn’t mind the contact, the opposite really. Something about Sam’s warmth was so different from the scorching heat radiated by the fire in the fireplace; Sam was warm, and safe and made you feel protected.
Neither of you mentioned the contact, neither of you mentioned the tension that had been sizzling between you for months. But when you fell asleep, your head dropping to Sam’s shoulder, he gently lay you down, your head in his lap  where he could watch over you while you slept.
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boxthoughtsblog · 1 month ago
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My Sky Today - January 8, 2025 5:17pm Hawaii Join the MY SKY TODAY project!
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possibility221 · 1 year ago
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Angstober 2023, Oct. 08 prompt: Dark Days
Elementary episode: 3x24
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xatskee · 2 years ago
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20230330): “Ramadhan itu bulan penuh berkah, bukan malah bikin susah.” "Telah datang kepada kalian bulan Ramadhan, bulan yang penuh berkah, di dalamnya Allah mewajibkan kalian berpuasa, di dalamnya pintu-pintu surga dibuka lebar dan pintu-pintu neraka ditutup rapat, dan setan-setan dibelenggu." (Ahmad: 6851). Begitu banyak amalan yang pahalanya dilipatgandakan. Plus, “ada satu malam yang lebih baik daripada seribu bulan,” lanjut Rasulullah ﷺ. Mungkin ada di antara kita yang sakit atau dalam perjalanan dinas bisa menggantinya di hari yang lain, atau merasa kesulitan untuk menjalankannya bisa membayar fidyah (lihat 2:184). Bukankah, “Allah menghendaki kemudahan bagimu, dan tidak menghendaki kesukaran bagimu.” (Al-Baqarah: 185)? Kalau tetap bisa enjoy, sebenarnya, “Puasamu itu lebih baik bagimu jika kamu mengetahui.” (Al-Baqarah: 184). #Ramadan #month #full #blessing #not #making #difficult #Allah #desire #easiness #Day08 Telegram Channel https://t.me/x_QoTD https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYtgm2yTtv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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digiflohw · 5 months ago
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Arttrober Day08: Psylocke
She's such a cool character, and one of my favorites.
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tsurezurenikki · 5 months ago
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day08 HIKE ハイキング
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iracarterart · 4 months ago
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#trovember #mycollagelab #Day08 add 3 triangles, #Day09 add a toy or game - 5 of Stars Hearts card
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loll3 · 1 year ago
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✶ October Monsters Club ~ DAY08 ✧ Bat Babe ©Lolle #inktober2023 (even this time with a day of delay) 🖤🦷✨
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made with @procreate || ©Lolle (2023) ||
© please, DO NOT use/modify without permission • do not repost without credits ♡
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millastaria · 6 months ago
Autumn Creator's Prompt 2024 Master Post 🍂✨
hi folks im doing these creator's prompts by @/piyarak_s on twt! anyone is welcome to join in!
all my work for this can be found here! featuring my little robin, Apple! 🍎
Day01 Day02 Day03 Day04 Day05 Day06 Day07 Day08 Day09 Day10 Day11 Day12 Day13 Day14 Day15 Day16
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shofiyah-anisa · 1 year ago
Umumnya manusia tidak akan mentolerir kebohongan. Tapi mungkin aku akan membuat satu pemakluman perihalnya. Tentang kebohongan orang tua.
Suatu waktu kita akan merasa bahwa "untuk apa bapak/ibu berbohong mereka baik2 saja, padahal bisa jadi mereka amat lelah dan letih?" Itu adalah hal alami yang mereka katakan sebagai 'kasih sayang'. Tidak ingin anak mereka tahu bahwa ibu atau bapakya sedang tidak baik2 saja. Ingin selalu terlihat 'kuat' dan 'mampu' agar anaknya selalu merasa bahwa "oh, ketika keduanya masih, duniaku belum runtuh". Mereka adalah superhero dunia nyata. Iya.
Kebohongan orangtua secara tidak sadar akan mereka lakukan. Tapi nantinya aku akan belajar, bahwa bohong tidak melulu menjadi solusi 'kasih sayang'. Kita biisa ikut mengelola emosi anak dengan kita jujur kepaa mereka bahwa kita sedang tidak baik-baik saja. Dan butuh timbal balik atasnya. Dengan itu anak akan belajar menghargai dan lebih faham makna menyayangi bukan?
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andronetalks · 1 year ago
Egyptologists amazed after uncovering door to ancient 'underworld' hidden inside tomb
Express UK By JOEL DAY08:00, Sat, Oct 7, 2023 The Ancient Egyptians believed in a place called Duat: the realm of the dead. It was in other cultures what is known as the underworld, in which the god of Osiris reigned supreme. People lived every waking moment in anticipation of the underworld, it playing a vital role in how they carried themselves. After you died, the Ancient Egyptians believed…
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boxthoughtsblog · 4 months ago
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My Sky Today - October 8, 2024 9:39am Hawaii Join the MY SKY TODAY project!
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sengsongwit · 1 year ago
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Inktober Day08: Toad
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prayaprasit · 2 years ago
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paradoxasma · 3 months ago
2024 CdN day08
2024 09 19 – Islares => Noja
Bár lett volna egy erdei ösvényen haladó hosszabb variáns is, én napkelte után Islares-ből a rövidebb, vagyis az N-634 autóúton vezető útvonalat követve indultam el Laredo irányába. Amikor az útnak az Agüeria folyóval párhuzamosan futó szakaszához értem, megpillantottam a zsombékos-ködös folyópartot, ami Tarkovszkij Stalker című filmjében látható tájra emlékeztetett.
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A zsombékos rész idővel eltűnt, de a köd még jó ideig ott lebegett a táj fölött.
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Az útvonal egy idő után elvált az autóúttól, és a parthoz közeli ösvényeken vezetett tovább Laredo felé.
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A városba érvén útba esett a XIII. században építeni kezdett Santa Maria templom, ami szerencsére nyitva volt.
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Sajnos ezt is csak mérsékelten ellenálló kövekből építették, így a bélletes kapu domborművei mára igencsak megkoptak.
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A beltér is elég viharvert volt, a főhajó oldalfalait tartó kantonált pillérek oszlopfőfaragványainak többsége mára már elvesztette az eredeti alakjait.
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Az oldalkápolnák sírjaihoz nem tartozott információs tábla, így nem derült ki, hogy kik nyugszanak a boltívek alatti szarkofágokban.
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A templomból kilépvén az öbölbéli kikötő irányába indulva keresztülvágtam az óvároson.
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A kikötőben révhajóra szálltam, hogy átkeljek a túlsó parton fekvő Santoña városába.
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Santoña öbölbéli kikötőjéből az út a város tengerparti strandjához (Playa de Berria) vezetett, ami elég kihalt volt.
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Végighaladtam a strand mellett, majd felkapaszkodtam a Playa de Berria-t a Noja strandjától (Playa de Trengandín) elválasztó dombra, amin egy szűk ösvény vezetett keresztül.
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Ahogy magasabbra értem a dombon, eltűntek az ösvényt szegélyező bokrok, és Santoña felé visszatekintve láthattam teljes szélességében a Playa de Berria-t, valamint a város túloldalán azt az öblöt is, amin keresztülszállított a révhajó.
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Az út ezt követően a domb túloldalán található Noja nevű város strandjára (Playa de Trengandín) vezetett.
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A strandról kikeveredvén egy autóúton folytattam az utamat, majd elhaladva a XVI. században épült, ma már romos San Nicolás remeteség mellett beértem a Noja-ba, ahol az éjszakát is töltöttem.
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digiflohw · 1 year ago
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Arttrober Day08: Cammy (SFVI)
One of my favorite characters and fun to play. Her new outfit does remind me of Android 18, though.
Here's a link to the Arttrober2023 prompt for those interested: https://x.com/Artgerm/status/1703225777087717827?s=20
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