#day 2: at the orchestra
tinytracys · 4 months
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Ok this is NOT as easy as it looks…
Hmm, maybe we should get you a smaller one?
Virg, are you not thinking clearly? How can getting Gordon a “tiny violin” be anything but a terrible idea…?
FishTank Week Day 2 Prompt: At the Orchestra
2 pics for one prompt? Ah I couldn’t resist… the violin was right there…
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heartorbit · 7 months
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i'm sending this endless melody to a nameless you
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idontknowreallywhy · 4 months
Very veeeeeery remotely linked to Day 2’s prompt (blink and you’ll miss it) but here is a bit of a sequel to Inebriated Fishtank… in which they have not entirely ceased to be under the influence…
An enthusiastic steel drum version of ‘Under the Sea’ blared out and Scott slammed his hand on to the comm, eyes still screwed shut… if he didn’t open them he wasn’t awake. And it could have been a butt-call…
He’d never prayed so hard for it to be a butt-call.
“Hey heeeeeeeey Scooooty-McNoodle!!!”
Scott pried an eye open to glare in the general direction of heaven…
“Hello Gordon. Which police station?”
“I am OFFENDEDED ancient brosicle! How could you pres… presufimicate such a thing?”
“You don’t need bail? Then why are you calling me? Go to bed you drunken fool.”
“Ah yea about that… “
‘What about it? Just sleep it off.”
“So… funny story! My fuzzy wuzzy beary pops actually did the whole arrangementing of beds thing.”
Scott’s brain clicked up a gear from basic muscle memory to something resembling cognition.
“Gordon where is Virgil?!”
“He’s here!”
“Can I speak to him?”
“Um… noooooooooo”
There were several voices worth of giggling, none of which sounded like Virgil.
“Who’s with you? Where is Virgil?”
“Oh how rude of me over here we got…” There was a clatter and his brother’s voice faded out amongst some more distant giggling before Gordon returned, piercingly loudly:
“Stooopid floor. Anyways here we got Florrie, Alice and Alexi, say hi to Scooter ladies, he’s my biggest olderist bro and he’s even sexier than me and old dribbles here.”
A chorus of “Hi Scooter”
“Gordon! What’s wrong with Virgil?”
“You gotta say hi!”
“You’re being rude! Say hi to the ladies!”
“Hi ladies” Scott muttered.
Scott knew an immovable squid wall when he heard it. Fine. He turned up the charm, and the volume, to max.
“Hello ladies!”
“Owie! Geez bro.”
“Virgil, Gordon?!”
“Yeah he’s pretty handsome. Look… see? He was on front’ve Vogue that one time. Still single too! Sure I can give you his number…”
“Heeeeeeeeey bro. Love you bro. Love all the bros. Specially the grumpy turtle one.”
Scott tried another tack
“I love you too squid, but what happened to the grumpy turtle one?”
“Hezzzz a snooooozy liddle turtle.”
“So he’s in bed?”
“Nooo I toldja he’s here. Say hi Virgie.”
“Awww he droolin’”
Scott was beginning to join the dots here.
“Gordon, please tell me Virgil wasn’t trying to match you?”
“I can one hunderb percival tell you that.”
“Would it be true?”
A pause and a definite snort in the background.
Oh no.
If he’d consumed enough to make Gordon tipsy, there was no way Gordon and three women were going to be able to move the bear. He thought Virgil knew better.
Scott got up and put his trousers on. He could get to Brisbane in a few minutes in One…
There was more giggling and a deep bellowing laugh followed by a grunt.
“Omigosh I’m sorry I can help… gimme his arm… oopsy tha’s ‘is leg.”
More rustling noises.
“Oh I am sooooo bad manners! Scotty you gonna say hola to Juan too, he’s helping.”
“Hola Juan. Gordon, where are you? Do I need to come get you?”
“Naaaaw we goddim Scooteywoo”
“Then why are you calling Squid?”
“Need the bed place.”
“I don’t know where he booked Gords! Stay put I’ll come and get you.”
“Nawwwww I wanna take him to the art tom… tom… tomorning. Art ‘n waffles…. I pinky promised the Virg!”
Scott rested his head against the wall and counted to ten.
“What do you need Gordon?”
“T’get in his phone! I dunno his pass-thing! Need to find the resersermmmnn”
Scott did know it There were a million and one reasons why Gordon did not.
But he could either spill the beans now and take the consequences later, or head out to find them just in time for one or both of them to be sick on his shoes. Or in One. He shivered. No option really.
“Gordon you have to promise not to do anything bad with Virgil’s phone.”
“Yeah yeah I’m a good fishy”
“Gordon, pinky promise me.”
There was a tut and Scott could almost hear the eyeroll.
“I can’t reach your pinky to promise!”
“Fine. Pinky promise Juan then.”
Gordon did a stage whisper
“He doesn’ know a huge lodda English Scoobydoo.”
“Ok err” Scott racked his brains “could you put um, Alex was it? On the phone?”
Gordon huffed.
“Well hello there, handsome, this is Alexi.”
Pushing down the desire to bring about Gordon’s imminent demise, Scott had a sudden brainwave and put the charming voice on again. Yes, giving a total stranger access to his brother’s phone was a risk but less of one than allowing Gordon unfettered access without the security of a pinky promise - generally accepted to be the only law he considered himself bound by.
“Alexi listen carefully, I’m going to give you the passcode. Could you use it to find the reservation then lock the phone again please?”
“Sure, honey.” The reply was breathy. Intimidatingly breathy.
“Ok, you ready?”
“I’m all yours”
“Exclamation mark, eight, one, zero, zero, capital D, lower case Y, exclamation mark; capital F, one, five, lower case H, exclamation mark.”
“Ok honey that worked, I’m in. I’ll get your brothers to their hotel. I’ll leave my number on your brother’s phone just in case you need it later, ok?” She was essentially purring now.
“Oh that won’t be…” Scott paused. He needed all the allies he could get here.
He cleared his throat “That would be lovely, thank you for your help Alexi.”
There was a shriek and more unmistakable giggling as Scott hung up with a wry smile before collapsing back on to his bed and closing his eyes. Good luck Juan and co.
Aa he drifted off he considered how it was a shame Virgil would have to change that one tomorrow.
It was so apt.
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lenorelovesmax · 2 years
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onboardsorasora · 5 months
felt inspired to write this on tuesday, so I'm happy about that. my regular trope of not sure where its going lol but here it is, enjoy! cw: helmut, felt i needed to tag that lol
The Music House was an older wooden cottage at the crest of the hill on the far end of the campus. The welcome booklet says its for the acoustics and so that the noise of campus doesn’t affect the orchestra students while they practise for whatever award winning event they had coming up.
Truthfully, it was so that no one truly heard how loud Helmut got when he yelled at people. 
Lewis sighed as he stopped playing, his tattooed fingers jarring the piano keys harshly in his annoyance. Daniel leaned back in his chair, pulling the neck of his cello to rest against his chest while they both listened to the shouting coming from down the hall. 
“He’s really giving it to him today isn’t he?” Lewis muttered, knowing just who the unfortunate victim of Helmut’s warpath was today.
“Jos called this morning. Mentioned Max was spending more time studying chem than prepping for the music exams.” Daniel flicked the g string absently, barely letting the plucked tone sound before he flicked it again. He looked up at the clock on the wall, counting down the time before his own one on one with the raging mentor.
“Fuck.” Lewis breathed, knowing that their friend’s father was the worst kind of overbearing parent. They were all under differing levels of stress this year. Last year's music exams hadn’t ‘met the schools’ standards’ as per the lecture Toto had given when the results had come in last year where there had been more Merit grades than Distinctions. The one kid that had gotten a Pass had been dismissed quietly.
The door slammed open and a broad figure stormed out and towards them. His usually pale face was red and pinched and he clutched his sheaf of sheet music in one hand and his violin and bow in the other. Daniel shifted to get up and go after his friend.
“Ricciardo, get your ass in here!” Bellowed from the hallway. Lovely. 
Lewis watched with a grimace as Daniel collected himself. “Meet me afterwards?” He asked.
“I’ll let you know.” Daniel felt bad for not outright accepting– no matter how much he did want to meet up. But he couldn’t think about stolen moments with Lewis when he was about to literally be ripped to shreds. Helmut was in one of his moods and that meant that he was going to be a nasty asshole no matter what. And Daniel was the next victim up.
Lewis didn’t understand, not when he was Toto’s star mentee. Not when he topped the Distinction list year after year and had been playing the piano backing in the orchestra since his first year. He didn’t have it easy, of course not. Not while sitting on such a high pedestal– he had to push himself twice as hard to be perfect every time. But Daniel didn’t have the time to appease Lewis’ ruffled feathers. Not when he was fighting to be promoted to first chair, not when his 129 Pass haunted his every waking moment. It was what the board used to put him on probation for a few months last year. All to scare him into doing better, as if the red envelope they’d mailed his ‘failure’ in hadn’t been enough. That one point haunted him all year and he couldn’t let Lewis distract him into making the same mistake twice.
Daniel entered the studio as quietly as possible, Helmut was making himself a cup of tea in the far corner so he took the opportunity to set up his things. He was sat in the chair with his sheet music open to his exam piece by the time the older man lowered himself back into his chair.
“We’ll start at the arpeggio.” Helmut muttered and Daniel inwardly cursed. It was going to be a long session.
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angry-moon-delusion · 6 months
Quill’s A.L.O.G.I.O.A.S.Y.S.G.W.Y.B(o.s) 2: The Sequill: Now With Platform Info!
Click Here For Part 1!
Hey Howdy Hey! I Decided To Make Another One Of These!
And Yes I Made It A Dumb Acronym
And Its Pronounced Alo-Gio-A-Sis-Gee-Wyb-o.s
I'm Not Sorry
Alright If You Saw This Post You Know The Drill, This Is Just A List Of Games That I Consider Hidden Gems Or Games I Don't See A lot Of People Talk About! And Since I Forgot About It Last Time, Now There's Platform Info With The Link!
Also Reblogs And Suggestions HIGHLY Appreciated And Welcomed!
That Should Be it, So Get To The Games!
(also Also, be Shure to follow @zettaflake, They Where The First To Reblog My First List, They Also Like Obscure Games Like Me, They Draw Great Art (& Their Coms Are Open Btw :) ) they really REALLY rock! )
(also Also ALSO, While I'm At It, Follow My Other Friends @rhodeybugg @sunny-m00n, They Aren't BIG Obscure Game Enthusiasts Like Me And Zetta But They Are Also Great Artists And Rock Just As Much :) )
Noitu Love 2 on steam and 3ds (+ A Side Game: the first one can be found here under the "other games" section but its really small and i think its kinda not as good as the sequel)
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Ugly on switch and steam
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Gravity Circuit On Pc Switch And Ps4
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Belle Boomerang on pc
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Brutal Orchestra (ALSO Make Sure To Check Out The Upcoming Game Made By Talia Mar, The Dev Of Brutal Orchestra, Clown Meat on pc!
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FIGHT KNIGHT on ps4 switch and pc
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gunbrella on pc and switch (lots of orange highlight huh? sorry bout that)
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Dead estate on pc
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Creepy Castle on pc
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the deep sleep trilogy and the Don't Escape tetralogy on pc
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And you know what just to keep consistency, get this out to an audience, and why not, ULTRAKILL For pc
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Alight I'm getting tired of typing & finding images and looking for the links AND THIS HASINT SAVED TWICE AND IM GETTING ANNOYD TOO so That's it for today
Again ill Most likely Make YET another one of these so suggestions And Reblogs are really welcomed
And It's Highly Super Duper ULTRA Appreciated That You Fallow My Friends, And buy the games the people that made the games in this list
Thats it For now, Have an AMIZING day and till then, Love Ya'self
& See Ya'self!
(Ps: Like i said it didn't save TWICE so im positing it now, sorry for anything errors and Messed up links, im sorry, but im getting TIERD Of wrighting this :( )
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capn-o-my-soul · 10 months
sweeney todd is totally brainrotting my brain bro
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orcelito · 1 year
hey since i have access to all my phone's photos much more easily, check out my old violin
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got it from my great uncle, who said it belonged to His grandpa. so we r looking at like 4 generations up here. he gave it to me in 2010 ish bc im the only person in the family that plays violin lol. & being in middle school, i named it Star :')
it still plays well, too! not my default for when i play bc i use my newer violin for that. but i still value her greatly
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asinglesock · 15 days
send help. it's supposed to be 91 degrees tomorrow. on my day off :(
#a sock speaks#work tag#food tag#it was high 80s today but I didn't even notice bc the air conditioner at restaurant job is punishingly high powered#I was wearing my long sleeved undershirt and leggings without any discomfort#but I have to run errands tomorrow and my car has no AC. the house also has no AC but is okayish at staying cool.#I wanted to make pizza today but didn't have time. might be too hot for pizza tomorrow :( but my ingredients are aging in the fridge#I finally got a paycheck but it's for the 2nd period I worked. I'm missing the first one and need to talk with the regional manager#and he's only in on Thursdays#also gotta request a day off to go to Portland with my cousin in 2 weeks#also gotta request off for orchestra which also starts in 2 weeks#also my aunt is trying to recruit me for a caregiving job and I'd have to take 3 weeks off to get trained#it'd be super easy to schedule both jobs once I'm trained but the training is a big time commitment#also restaurant job scheduled me for all graveyard shifts this week. if I can't adjust my sleep schedule I'll have to give a firm no on it#also gotta go to the bank to deposit my check and. uh. all of August's tips (terrifying)#also gotta call a vital records office in Maine about my mom's birth certificate bc we're trying to take her to Canada for her birthday#I don't think we have enough time but my sister wants to do it#also I want to finish knitting this sock that I started in June. I just have the toe left#also I finally confirmed the color and pattern for a baby blanket I'm preparing as a gift so I gotta get yarn#also I need to buy blackout curtains to fit my windows so I can sleep in the day if I work nights#also sometime this week my sister is cleaning the church. I want to go with her so I have an excuse to get ice cream from a shop nearby#also I need to clean my room and I should hang up the art prints & postcards I've been collecting for months#most of them are green to match my decor but some are just characters or scenes I like#oh! I also owe a postcard to a school friend#I had caffeine for the first time in several days and my brain is buzzing. there's so much I want to do and I have time to do it#and I'm excited about it!
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supercantaloupe · 8 months
aw. my boss emailed me tonight to tell me what a great job she thought i did at work this week...
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tinytracys · 4 months
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And this is the point where the soaring melody in the upper strings really drives home the agony of the composer while the lilting almost jolly-sounding rhythm of the rest adds this tension where he has to just keep going, keep churning it out even though his heart is breaking, you see what I mean?
Oh, yes. I think so…
… Gordy have you any idea what I just said?
Um, not 100% no but…
Oh. Never mind.
But I love watching you say it - your eyes go all sparkly and the way you get all excited makes me feel like the music is flowing around just under my skin.
Oh *blushes*
Can you tell me some more?
FishTank Week Day 2 Prompt: At the Orchestra
Precise reason for selection of this piece is in this gorgeous fic by @whatgaviiformes
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derrypubliclibrary · 21 days
hold on i have a question
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
I have school starting up soon again(my schedule is actually horrid) but I'll still be here 🫶🥺 pinky promise. my inbox is open if u wanna say hi, it'll probably take me a bit :]
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music-class-quotes · 1 year
cellist: how do we know if we've made pit? band director: have you been told that you didn't? cellist: no band director: then congrats you made it in
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one thing about me is that I WILL find a way to cry during every movie
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coern · 10 months
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