#david castañeda imagine
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Okay the final season of The umbrella academy isn’t the best written thing I’ve seen but the acting on the other hand-
Gold stars to all of them, holy shit
#the umbrella academy#the umbrella academy imagine#tua season 4#tua s4#tua#tua4#aidan gallagher#robert sheehan#ritu arya#emmy raver lampman#elliot page#tom hopper#justin h min#david castañeda
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he’s just like me fr
#what is being present? *jeopardy bing*#it’s david hrs here rn#my only wish in this world is for david oscar and pedro to work on a project together#THEY HAVE ALL REFERRED TO THEMSELVES AS DADDY ITS LITERALLY CANON#it’s going to happen#anw lots of david content i have saved from my david days comin up most likely#david castañeda#david castañeda jr.#diego hargreeves#diego hargreeves x you#diego hargreeves x reader#the umbrella academy#the umbrella academy cast#TUA#diego hargreeves fluff#diego hargreeves smut#diego hargreeves imagine#diego hargreeves headcannon#david castañeda x you#david castañeda x reader#he’s literally me#credit: @likesoulcontrol on twitter ♡
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DAVID CASTAÑEDA? Não! É apenas ARCHIBALD DIEGO CORTEZ GUTIÉRREZ, ele é filho de DEMÉTER do chalé QUATRO e tem TRINTA E UM ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no Acampamento há QUINZE ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, DIDI é bastante COMPASSIVO mas também dizem que ele é ORGULHOSO. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
tw, breve menção a suicídio.
Guadalupe nunca imaginou que se apaixonaria tão perdidamente por outra mulher. Ou melhor, por uma deusa. Quando conheceu Deméter, o encontro improvável evoluiu de uma amizade para um amor profundo. As duas tornaram-se inseparáveis, e a humana não conseguia imaginar um futuro sem a bela e misteriosa mulher que havia entrado em sua vida, preenchendo cada espaço e trazendo-lhe imensa felicidade. No entanto, essa felicidade teve um fim, atingindo seu prazo de validade. Os ataques contra elas tornaram-se incessantes, ocorrendo com uma frequência que confundia a deusa. Para proteger a amada, o fim do relacionamento tornou-se inevitável. Antes de desaparecer completamente, Deméter fez seu último ato de amor: tocou o ventre de Guadalupe e, com os últimos beijos apaixonados, a abençoou com uma semente que germinaria ali dentro, dando origem a uma criança descendente de seu sangue divino. Por outro lado, Guadalupe não aceitou bem a ideia. Nos primeiros meses de gestação, tentou terminar com a própria vida, mas algo a impedia, insistindo para que ela continuasse até o fim, levando-a a acreditar que, mesmo na ausência de Deméter, a deusa ainda atuava em intermédio entre elas.
No dia do nascimento, após horas de um parto difícil, nasceu um belo menino chamado Diego Cortez. Guadalupe estava radiante, mas sua alegria logo se desfez. O corpo, ferido e com a alta perda de sangue, não resistiu por muito tempo. Devido à fraqueza, ela faleceu horas depois do nascimento de seu único filho. A mulher foi encontrada sem vida em seu leito no hospital, segurando com força um colar com um pingente que indicava quem lhe havia dado o presente — um pequeno ramo de aveia —, que havia sido um dos últimos presentes deixados por Deméter. Diego foi imediatamente enviado para um orfanato, e não demorou para ser adotado. Um casal sênior de políticos e aristocratas mexicanos viu a oportunidade de realizar o sonho de se tornarem pais após anos de tentativas e espera sem sucesso. Agora nomeado Archibald Diego Cortez Gutiérrez, ele viveu uma vida cercada de luxos e regalias. Por onde passava, era acompanhado por seguranças e, desde muito cedo, era motivo de alegria, especialmente entre os eleitores mais assíduos dos pais.
No entanto, após seu décimo quinto aniversário, a vida do jovem mudou drasticamente. Até então, ele havia levado uma existência pacífica, sem perturbações ou eventos fora do comum. Entretanto, no início da adolescência, ele passou pela sensação de estar sendo seguido. Viu coisas, conseguiu ler outras que iam além de sua compreensão, além de questionar sua própria sanidade por ouvir vozes – vozes que pareciam pertencer a uma mulher e que sempre o alertavam para ser cuidadoso. Em um dia comum, ao voltar da escola, o jovem foi atacado por um trio de gárgulas que repetia incessantemente o nome da deusa do cultivo. Naquele dia, o semideus recorda-se de correr até a casa onde vivia, na bela Guadalajara, clamando por ajuda, apenas para se deparar com uma cena digna de um filme de terror. Havia corpos espalhados pelo chão, todos sem vida. Em desespero, ele voltou a gritar por socorro, desejando que aquele tormento chegasse ao fim. Prestes a sucumbir ao mesmo destino, sem resistir ao ataque das criaturas desconhecidas, Diego, abraçado aos corpos de seus pais, foi surpreendido pelo surgimento de uma silhueta imponente: uma mulher em vestes magníficas que se posicionou à sua frente. Ela protegeu-o dos monstros, ceifando rapidamente a vida dos três, sem dar tempo para que a mente do rapaz processasse o que acabara de ocorrer.
Deméter disse pouco, mas estendeu a mão para ele e sorriu. Ensanguentado e amedrontado, ele aceitou o gesto silencioso, agarrando-se à única chance que tinha. Atingido por um clarão de luz, lembra-se de pouco do que aconteceu depois. Estava exausto, consumido pelo luto. Acordou dias depois em um local completamente desconhecido, cercado por pessoas estranhas. A deusa já o havia proclamado como filho muito antes que ele recobrasse a consciência, deixando todos cientes de sua ascendência divina. Durante um longo período, Diego rejeitou a nova realidade. Entre sofrimento e teimosia, o semideus tentou várias fugas, sendo trazido de volta às vezes por ordem de Quíron, devido à sua incapacidade de sobreviver sem o treinamento necessário, o que lhe rendeu uma reputação problemática entre os outros campistas. Quando finalmente aceitou a situação, já superado, desempenhou seu papel da melhor forma possível. Treinou intensamente, tornando-se exímio no manejo de armas e no combate corpo a corpo, além de aprimorar a habilidade extraordinária que recebeu da sua mãe olimpiana.
No entanto, apesar de adquirir apreço pelo Acampamento Meio-Sangue, Diego declarava-se um espírito livre, sempre buscando missões que lhe permitissem conhecer o mundo além dos domínios mágicos. Em uma dessas missões, decidiu estabelecer-se em Tóquio, no Japão, por três anos, após mais uma tarefa bem-sucedida. Acompanhado de outros semideuses que também adotavam um estilo de vida nômade, ele viveu livremente, sem restrições, respondendo apenas a chamados do acampamento para missões que ele julgasse valer seu tempo. Durante uma dessas missões, ele se viu em um problema que o persegue até então. Após mais uma tarefa bem sucedida, dotado de um ego inflado, principalmente por ter desempenhado protagonismo durante grande parte da ação, Diego achou-se no direito de insultar. Não poupou palavras para exaltar a si mesmo, sem se preocupar com emoções e sentimentos alheios. A espreita, Nêmesis observava a situação, tornando-o alvo de seu mais novo castigo.
Diego não se lembra exatamente como tudo começou, mas a lembrança de uma mulher em vestes tão brilhantes mas pretas apareceu diante dele, cegando-o com sua beleza fria, forçando-o a observá-la. Nêmesis sussurrou, não obstante de também ser categórica, palavras que, mais tarde, ele reconheceu como uma maldição. O filho de Deméter estaria destinado a sofrer sempre que a noite caísse, carregando uma marca mental a qual foi dita pela deusa como o “Fardo da Insolência”. Envergonhado por seus próprios atos, Diego voltou a viver no Japão, mantendo-se incógnito e aproveitando a generosa herança deixada pelos pais adotivos. Receber o chamado de Dionísio foi, ao mesmo tempo, aterrorizante e irritante. Ele não tinha vontade de retornar, tão acostumado que estava à vida que construíra, trabalhando periodicamente em um restaurante típico como cozinheiro, distante da essência dos deuses. No entanto, após muita reflexão, ele concordou e pegou o primeiro voo de volta às terras americanas. Se algo estava acontecendo, ele faria questão de testemunhar com os próprios olhos. Ou talvez o medo, atrelado bastante às noites incertas embebidas pelas consequências da maldição, de se tornar alvo de outro deus tenha falado mais alto, levando-o a tomar a decisão mais “sensata” para a situação.
Diego possui uma personalidade moldada por tragédias. Ele carrega uma mistura de resiliência e arrogância, resultado de sua linhagem divina e do modo como foi criado. É intensamente determinado, o que o torna um combatente exímio e um líder natural em situações de crise. No entanto, essa determinação é acompanhada por um forte ego, alimentado pelos sucessos que acumulou em missões ao longo dos anos. Sua relação com o poder é ambígua: enquanto busca constantemente aprimorar suas habilidades e explorar seus limites, ele também teme as consequências de sua própria soberba, especialmente após ser amaldiçoado por Nêmesis. Essa maldição o deixou mais introspectivo e cauteloso, criando uma tensão interna entre seu desejo de se destacar e a necessidade de humildade.
O filho de Deméter também é um espírito livre, frequentemente inquieto e em busca de novas experiências. Ele prefere a vida nômade, longe das amarras de qualquer compromisso duradouro, mas mantém um senso de dever para com o Acampamento Meio-Sangue e seus companheiros semideuses. Apesar de suas viagens e seu estilo de vida independente, Diego é leal àqueles que considera amigos, mas tende a evitar se apegar demais, temendo novas perdas. A maldição de Nêmesis, que o aflige durante a noite, o tornou mais vigilante e introspectivo, forçando-o a confrontar seus próprios demônios internos. Ele luta constantemente para equilibrar seu lado competitivo e ousado com a sabedoria adquirida através do sofrimento. Essa dualidade faz de Diego um homem complexo, movido tanto pela vontade de superar seus próprios erros quanto pelo medo de repetir as falhas do passado.
INSPIRAÇÕES:ㅤㅤRaleigh Becket (Pacific Rim) e Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen).
Conexão Mútua Ativa — Conectado de forma íntima com a natureza ao seu redor, Diego, como um filho da deusa da colheita, experimenta um vínculo especial e recíproco com as plantas. Para ele, priorizar a proteção da vida vegetal é mais do que um princípio, é uma responsabilidade sagrada. As plantas, árvores e flores respondem de maneira instintiva à sua presença, movendo-se sem esforço aparente para oferecer defesa e assistência quando necessário. Em um gesto de cooperação silenciosa, elas se posicionam estrategicamente, cobrindo pontos cegos e oferecendo apoio, sem que o semideus precise gastar energia para convocá-las.
Yoru no Ken (夜の剣) ou “Espada da Noite” — Katana feita de ferro estígio, presente ganhado de um filho de Hefesto, semideus também nômade e que compartilhou tempo de morada com Diego no Japão. A arma é simples ao olhar, mas eficiente ao ataque. Sua lâmina é extremamente cortante, efetiva para ferir gravemente qualquer criatura mitológica. Quando esta não está visível em seu formato tradicional, a katana ganha a forma de um bracelete, sempre visível como um acessório inseparável, preso ao pulso direito do semideus. Se perdida, o bracelete sempre irá ressurgir.
Maldição por Nêmesis — Diego enxerga sua imagem refletida de forma distorcida e horrível em qualquer superfície reflexiva. Essa imagem revela suas falhas, medos e verdades ocultas de maneira grotesca e perturbadora, causando-lhe grande sofrimento psicológico e prejudicando sua capacidade de formar relacionamentos e interagir socialmente, especialmente no âmbito romântico. Além disso, o semideus é incapaz de escapar das verdades desconfortáveis sobre si mesmo. Sua mente está constantemente sobrecarregada por uma consciência intensa e implacável de suas próprias falhas e erros, tornando difícil para ele concentrar-se em qualquer outra coisa. Como resultado, ele acaba se expondo, principalmente em momentos de tensão e aflição, sem um filtro para isso. No final, isso provoca intenso embaraço e vergonha.
Reflexos sobre-humanos, durabilidade sobre-humana.
Membro da equipe azul de Esgrima;
Co-líder da equipe azul de Corrida com Obstáculos;
Membro da equipe azul do Clube da Luta.
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no insult to adult travis's actor because we just. do not see very much of him but i always imagine david castañeda playing diego hargreeves as adult travis tbh
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DAVID CASTAÑEDA? Não! É apenas ARCHIBALD DIEGO CORTEZ GUTIÉRREZ, ele é filho de DEMÉTER do chalé QUATRO e tem TRINTA E UM ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no Acampamento há QUINZE ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, DIDI é bastante COMPASSIVO mas também dizem que ele é ORGULHOSO. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
tw, leve menção de suícidio.
Guadalupe nunca imaginou que se apaixonaria tão perdidamente por outra mulher. Ou melhor, por uma deusa. Quando conheceu Deméter, o encontro improvável evoluiu de uma amizade para um amor profundo. As duas tornaram-se inseparáveis, e a humana não conseguia imaginar um futuro sem a bela e misteriosa mulher que havia entrado em sua vida, preenchendo cada espaço e trazendo-lhe imensa felicidade. No entanto, essa felicidade teve um fim, atingindo seu prazo de validade. Os ataques contra elas tornaram-se incessantes, ocorrendo com uma frequência que confundia a deusa. Para proteger a amada, o fim do relacionamento tornou-se inevitável. Antes de desaparecer completamente, Deméter fez seu último ato de amor: tocou o ventre de Guadalupe e, com os últimos beijos apaixonados, a abençoou com uma semente que germinaria ali dentro, dando origem a uma criança descendente de seu sangue divino. Por outro lado, Guadalupe não aceitou bem a ideia. Nos primeiros meses de gestação, tentou terminar com a própria vida, mas algo a impedia, insistindo para que ela continuasse até o fim, levando-a a acreditar que, mesmo na ausência de Deméter, a deusa ainda atuava em intermédio entre elas.
No dia do nascimento, após horas de um parto difícil, nasceu um belo menino chamado Diego Cortez. Guadalupe estava radiante, mas sua alegria logo se desfez. O corpo, ferido e com alta perda de sangue, não resistiu por muito tempo. Devido à fraqueza, ela faleceu horas depois do nascimento de seu único filho. A mulher foi encontrada sem vida em seu leito no hospital, segurando com força um colar com um pingente que indicava quem lhe havia dado o presente — um pequeno ramo de aveia —, que havia sido um dos últimos presentes deixados por Deméter. Diego foi imediatamente enviado para um orfanato, e não demorou para ser adotado. Um casal sênior de políticos e aristocratas mexicanos viu a oportunidade de realizar o sonho de se tornarem pais após anos de tentativas e espera sem sucesso. Agora nomeado Archibald Diego Cortez Gutiérrez, ele viveu uma vida cercada de luxos e regalias. Por onde passava, era acompanhado por seguranças e, desde muito cedo, era motivo de alegria, especialmente entre os eleitores mais assíduos dos pais.
No entanto, após seu décimo quinto aniversário, a vida do jovem mudou drasticamente. Até então, ele havia levado uma existência pacífica, sem perturbações ou eventos fora do comum. Entretanto, no início da adolescência, ele passou pela sensação de estar sendo seguido. Viu coisas, conseguiu ler outras que iam além de sua compreensão, além de questionar sua própria sanidade por ouvir vozes – vozes que pareciam pertencer a uma mulher e que sempre o alertavam para ser cuidadoso. Em um dia comum, ao voltar da escola, o jovem foi atacado por um trio de gárgulas que repetia incessantemente o nome da deusa do cultivo. Naquele dia, o semideus recorda-se de correr até a casa onde vivia, na bela Guadalajara, clamando por ajuda, apenas para se deparar com uma cena digna de um filme de terror. Havia corpos espalhados pelo chão, todos sem vida. Em desespero, ele voltou a gritar por socorro, desejando que aquele tormento chegasse ao fim. Prestes a sucumbir ao mesmo destino, sem resistir ao ataque das criaturas desconhecidas, Diego, abraçado aos corpos de seus pais, foi surpreendido pelo surgimento de uma silhueta imponente: uma mulher em vestes magníficas que se posicionou à sua frente. Ela protegeu-o dos monstros, ceifando rapidamente a vida dos três, sem dar tempo para que a mente do rapaz processasse o que acabara de ocorrer.
Deméter disse pouco, mas estendeu a mão para ele e sorriu. Ensanguentado e amedrontado, ele aceitou o gesto silencioso, agarrando-se à única chance que tinha. Atingido por um clarão de luz, lembra-se de pouco do que aconteceu depois. Estava exausto, consumido pelo luto. Acordou dias depois em um local completamente desconhecido, cercado por pessoas estranhas. A deusa já o havia proclamado como filho muito antes que ele recobrasse a consciência, deixando todos cientes de sua ascendência divina. Durante um longo período, Diego rejeitou a nova realidade. Entre sofrimento e teimosia, o semideus tentou várias fugas, sendo trazido de volta às vezes por ordem de Quíron, devido à sua incapacidade de sobreviver sem o treinamento necessário, o que lhe rendeu uma reputação problemática entre os outros campistas. Quando finalmente aceitou a situação, já superado, desempenhou seu papel da melhor forma possível. Treinou intensamente, tornando-se exímio no manejo de armas e no combate corpo a corpo, além de aprimorar a habilidade extraordinária que recebeu da sua mãe olimpiana.
No entanto, apesar de adquirir apreço pelo Acampamento Meio-Sangue, Diego declarava-se um espírito livre, sempre buscando missões que lhe permitissem conhecer o mundo além dos domínios mágicos. Em uma dessas missões, decidiu estabelecer-se em Tóquio, no Japão, por três anos, após mais uma tarefa bem-sucedida. Acompanhado de outros semideuses que também adotavam um estilo de vida nômade, ele viveu livremente, sem restrições, respondendo apenas a chamados do acampamento para missões que ele julgasse valer seu tempo. Durante uma dessas missões, ele se viu em um problema que o persegue até então. Após mais uma tarefa bem sucedida, dotado de um ego inflado, principalmente por ter desempenhado protagonismo durante grande parte da ação, Diego achou-se no direito de insultar. Não poupou palavras para exaltar a si mesmo, sem se preocupar com emoções e sentimentos alheios. A espreita, Nêmesis observava a situação, tornando-o alvo de seu mais novo castigo.
Diego não se lembra exatamente como tudo começou, mas a lembrança de uma mulher em vestes tão brilhantes mas pretas apareceu diante dele, cegando-o com sua beleza fria, forçando-o a observá-la. Nêmesis sussurrou, não obstante de também ser categórica, palavras que, mais tarde, ele reconheceu como uma maldição. O filho de Deméter estaria destinado a sofrer sempre que a noite caísse, carregando uma marca mental a qual foi dita pela deusa como o “Fardo da Insolência”. Envergonhado por seus próprios atos, Diego voltou a viver no Japão, mantendo-se incógnito e aproveitando a generosa herança deixada pelos pais adotivos. Receber o chamado de Dionísio foi, ao mesmo tempo, aterrorizante e irritante. Ele não tinha vontade de retornar, tão acostumado que estava à vida que construíra, trabalhando periodicamente em um restaurante típico como cozinheiro, distante da essência dos deuses. No entanto, após muita reflexão, ele concordou e pegou o primeiro voo de volta às terras americanas. Se algo estava acontecendo, ele faria questão de testemunhar com os próprios olhos. Ou talvez o medo, atrelado bastante às noites incertas embebidas pelas consequências da maldição, de se tornar alvo de outro deus tenha falado mais alto, levando-o a tomar a decisão mais sensata para a situação.
Conexão Mútua Ativa — Conectado de forma íntima com a natureza ao seu redor, Archibald, como um filho da deusa da colheita, experimenta um vínculo especial e recíproco com as plantas. Para ele, priorizar a proteção da vida vegetal é mais do que um princípio, é uma responsabilidade sagrada. As plantas, árvores e flores respondem de maneira instintiva à sua presença, movendo-se sem esforço aparente para oferecer defesa e assistência quando necessário. Em um gesto de cooperação silenciosa, elas se posicionam estrategicamente, cobrindo pontos cegos e oferecendo apoio, sem que o semideus precise gastar energia para convocá-las.
Reflexos sobre-humanos, durabilidade sobre-humana.
Yoru no Ken (夜の剣) ou “Espada da Noite” — Katana feita de ferro estígio, presente ganhado de um filho de Hefesto, semideus também nômade e que compartilhou tempo de morada com Diego no Japão. A arma é simples ao olhar, mas eficiente ao ataque. Sua lâmina é extremamente cortante, efetiva para ferir gravemente qualquer criatura mitológica. Quando esta não está visível em seu formato tradicional, a katana ganha a forma de um bracelete, sempre visível como um acessório inseparável, preso ao pulso direito do semideus. Se perdida, o bracelete sempre irá ressurgir.
Maldição por Nêmesis — Diego enxerga sua imagem refletida de forma distorcida e horrível em qualquer superfície reflexiva. Essa imagem revela suas falhas, medos e verdades ocultas de maneira grotesca e perturbadora, causando-lhe grande sofrimento psicológico e prejudicando sua capacidade de formar relacionamentos e interagir socialmente, especialmente no âmbito romântico. Além disso, o semideus é incapaz de escapar das verdades desconfortáveis sobre si mesmo. Sua mente está constantemente sobrecarregada por uma consciência intensa e implacável de suas próprias falhas e erros, tornando difícil para ele concentrar-se em qualquer outra coisa. Como resultado, ele acaba se expondo, principalmente em momentos de tensão e aflição, sem um filtro para isso. No final, isso provoca intenso embaraço e vergonha.
Membro da equipe azul de Esgrima, co-líder da equipe azul de Corrida com Obstáculos, membro da equipe azul do Clube da Luta.
____________________ — Permite que a central use seu personagem para desenvolver o plot? Permite que a central use seu personagem em plot drop, eventos, task ou atividades extras sem aviso prévio? Com toda a certeza!!!
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Imagine, if you will, a reboot of The Lost Room, as a full series with all intended content and maybe a couple more seasons. That's what I've been doing with my weekend -- imagining that, I mean; and also fancasting it because why not.
Doing some character analysis as well so there will be some spoilers. Go watch Lost Room.
Note I'm not super familiar with current TV, the most current thing I've watched was Poker Face, so my pool is limited and I'm open to other suggestions.
Probably won't matter but I'm imagining this still set in the early 2000s, because I choose to and because working modern social media into the story sounds like a headache.
Without further ado, fancasting.
Joe Miller
Original Actor: Peter Krause
Our main man, Joe. Joe Miller is competent, not book-smart but picks up on things fast -- he's an audience stand-in for a smart audience. Yes, he's a cop, but he's fictional so we won't hold that against him. He's the loving single father of a bright eight-year-old girl, whose disappearance becomes his main driving force. Violence is rarely his first resort, and he gets as far as he does often by just talking to people and asking them for help.
Joe has to be curious, charismatic, a little charmingly naive, occasionally intimidating, and deliver the extreme emotions of a man who would absolutely rip the world apart if it would get him his daughter back.
Fancast: David Castañeda
(Listen I told you up front that my most current watch was Poker Face. You were warned.)
I promise I'm not just fancasting Castañeda because he plays one of my favorite tough-yet-pathetic sadboys, Diego Hargreeves.
I am fancasting him because he is incredibly good at having eyes, and I genuinely think he would crush it as every aspect of Joe: The smart detective, the naive newcomer to a strange world, the grieving but determined father, the subdued rage facing Weasel and Ruber.
He'd bring a different vibe, sure, but what's the point of a reboot if you don't do something a little different with it?
Wally Jabrowski
Original Actor: Peter Jacobson
Wally is described by the showrunner (...somewhere, I swear, I think it was a reddit AMA but I can't find it now) as being a sort of chaotic neutral trickster figure. He's a weird little imp who wanders the countryside, consigning people to Hell (New Mexico) for any perceived slight. Joe manages to get on his good side using the Key and some sheer determination, so Wally helps him out and ends up becoming his first ally in the world of Objects. How does Wally know so much? Who knows. He's there to dispense key lore to our hapless hero, not talk about himself.
Wally keeps on helping Joe right up until it starts to jeopardize his own safety and comfort, at which point he backs out, because he is ultimately out for number one -- but he sticks his neck out pretty far for Joe before he hits that point.
The actor for Wally needs to be able to sell that gremlin energy, the self-centeredness undercut by a genuine friendship with this guy who refused to stay gone.
Fancast: Natasha Lyonne
Wait no stop hear me out. Listen. Am I biased because, as already mentioned several times, I just finished watching Poker Face? Absolutely. BUT. Tell me to my face that Natasha Lyonne does not have the perfect chaotic neutral gremlin energy to play Wally. Imagine the diner scene with her. Run any of Wally's lines through her charmingly fried voice. She's perfect.
You wouldn't even have to change the name, just some pronouns. Yeah, her name is Wally. Is it short for something? Maybe. Doesn't matter. Enjoy Hell.
The only further casting choice that I'm confident in is--
Suzie Kang
Original Actor: Margaret Cho
Suzie Kang is an information broker. She can dig up information about Objects in a flash and will sell that information to whoever is buying -- although she doesn't come cheap. She never touches the Objects herself, though. She's smarter than that.
Kang is a self-assured businesswoman who knows what's what and has carved her place into it. She has no interest in morality and actively refuses to work with the Legion given that they keep removing Objects from circulation. She'll happily upcharge if you seem new, or desperate, or if she knows you're good for it.
Fancast: Stephanie Hsu
'Did you just cast everyone from the shit mountain episode' SHUT UP
Stephanie Hsu was amazing in EEAAO and, yes, Poker Face, and I think she'd pull off Suzie Kang's amoral self-confidence really well, not to mention Kang's teenage mall-goth sense of style. I can see her delivering the unironic "Those things'll kill you" line with the cigarette burning in her fingers, and that's important.
I'm not settled on any of my other casting choices, but I have ideas for a couple more.
Howard "The Weasel" Montague
Original Actor: Robert Bart
The Weasel is my favorite character in this show and he is such a specific kind of endearingly pathetic little bastard man that casting him is tricky.
Howard Montague is an ex philosophy professor turned small-time criminal and Object hunter, whose main goal is to find the Prime Object, for unknown purposes. He's the first villain we see and kind of sets the tone for the series with his cocksure attitude and unhesitating, physics-defying double homicide. Weasel isn't dumb, but thinks he's smarter than he is, and has a hard time letting go of ideas he's sure of -- contrasting with Joe's ability to think outside the box.
He's vicious in the way that a little dog is vicious, he will bite but he needs the confidence of a weapon like the Pen to pull off any kind of intimidation, otherwise he's kind of just adorable.
He's also just... made to be a henchman. He falls into working alongside Joe so easily when they hit Kreutzfeld's, this man should not be in a leadership position, he is made to be right-hand man. (I have... many headcanons about this, but I will stick with canon for this post.)
Finding someone to fit this specific concept has been difficult, but here's some of the candidates I've considered (and why they do and don't fit the bill).
Potential Fancast: Aidan Gallagher
Back to casting from TUA. Aidan Gallagher as Five proved that he can absolutely play a weird vicious little man who thinks he's the smartest person in the room and you kinda want to punch him for it. The reversed dynamic with his and Castañeda's characters would be entertaining. Unfortunately Gallagher is nowhere near old enough to be an ex professor, not to mention Joe throwing around someone that much younger would have a much worse vibe.
(Gallagher would be great as a longtime Object user, though. Consider him as Harold Stritzke, perhaps.)
Potential Fancast: Con O'Neill
Izzy Hands from OFMD is another favorite pathetic little bastard man and O'Neill could definitely pull it off. I'd buy him as a philosophy prof, too. The problem is... Con O'Neill is intimidating. I buy that he would murder someone, but he would not need the Pen to do it. (As my boyfriend agreed, "he'd just use a regular pen.")
Potential Fancast: Aldis Hodge
Hodge has the least 'weird little guy' energy here, but his role as Hardison in Leverage proves that he can pull that off. Philosophy professor, sure. Small-time criminal, sure. Smart, but not quite as smart as he thinks he is, sure. My hesitation here is that I don't think I've ever seen Hodge vicious. I struggle to see him committing a casual murder, and that's a pretty important part of the character.
Ah, well. I will think further on it.
Karl Kreutzfeld
Original Actor: Kevin Pollack
Karl Kreutzfeld is a wealthy man, an ex member of the Legion, who began collecting Objects and has amassed a pretty impressive collection. He still needs more, though, with the particular goal of the Eye -- which he needs to cure his beloved son Isaac's leukemia. It's obvious from pretty early on that he's not a good man, but his goals seem reasonable, and he and Joe strike up an alliance over their apparently shared goal of saving their children. What's a little burglary and attempted murder between friends?
Spoilers, but if you've gotten this far into a Lost Room post you know or don't care: Karl is the Big Bad. His son has been dead for some years, and he wants specific Objects not to heal him but to rewrite the universe to bring him back. And if that breaks the universe in the process -- so be it.
Karl serves as a sort of dark mirror to Joe. They're both fathers driven to extremes to protect their children. Joe at one point says that he would break the world to get his daughter back -- Karl has the money, resources, and ruthlessness to actually do it.
Karl can be played by someone who usually plays villains, because him being a bad guy is not a particular surprise. It's the depth to which he is willing to go that comes out of left field and leaves you (and Joe) reeling. Until that twist comes out, though, he has to be ruthless but also charming, a loving father, and someone Joe would reasonably trust despite all evidence otherwise. Someone Joe could physically push around is also ideal, given the kidnapping scene.
I had trouble with fancasting this one, but I really like my bf's suggestion.
Potential Fancast: Giancarlo Esposito
Now, I haven't seen Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul (look, I'll get to it) but I know Esposito by reputation (and by his role in Abigail, which was great). He might be a little too big for a weird genre show these days, but goddamn if he wouldn't kill it as Karl.
I don't have specific ideas for the rest of the cast, unfortunately.
Jennifer Bloom
Original Actor: Julianna Margulies
Jennifer Bloom is in product development for a cereal company, whatever that means, but we never see her at her day job (I somehow got the idea she was in real estate, not that it matters either way.) More importantly, she's a Legion member, one of the two that are ever named (counting Arjun, not counting Karl or Marco). She genuinely believes in the Legion's goals of removing the Objects from circulation, having seen firsthand how they drove her brother insane. Jennifer's goals are loftier than Joe's and she has a little bit of that 'ends justify the means' mentality, but not such that she's willing to hurt him over it, or even refuse him information when he needs it. She's not above a little subterfuge, though. There are hints that she has a temper, and that she's a little more vicious than she lets on (with a particular hatred for betrayal, real or perceived), but those traits don't show through often. She believes in the Legion's code against killing and is strongly affected when she's forced to kill in self-defense, but later when shit goes down with Karl she doesn't hesitate and even has a little quip to go with it.
It might just be me, having rewatched the series too many times, but a few watches in I got the vibe that she was supposed to be a red herring -- that we the audience (or possibly Joe) are meant to think she is slipping information to Karl. She's not, but there's a few scenes where you could get that idea. Hitting a little harder on that could introduce some good conflict and foreshadow the actual mole more.
Should this reboot be a continuing series, Jennifer would have a lot to reckon with in the aftermath of the last episode. Her high-and-mighty organization was sold out, most of them are dead, she's attempted murder, and her boyfriend Santa Claus'd himself into semi-godhood.
Who would play her? No idea. There's a lot of great actors out there who could play this part well. The most important elements, I think, are chemistry with Joe and the emotional depth to show how well she is -- or isn't -- handling her world getting turned upside-down.
Dr Martin Ruber
Original Actor: Dennis Christopher
(Sidenote, finding a picture of this guy was so hard, wtf)
Ah, him. This motherfucker. What a tool.
A forensic scientist, Ruber is initially friendly with our detectives, banters with Lou and Joe, and tries to protect Joe. In the meantime, however, his curiosity leads to him seeking out the Objects, and very quickly dives headlong into obsession before he's even directly interacted with one.
Initially unassuming, witty, kind of mousy, Ruber quickly becomes unhinged enough to kill Lou over the Key. Failing to take it, he sets another man on fire to join the Order, and then backstabs them when he has another chance at the Key. By the end of the series he's well on his way to becoming a full-on cult leader with delusions of prophet-hood, handily setting him up as the next Big Bad after Karl.
A fun role for whoever plays this guy, but no idea who that ought to be.
Anna Miller
Original Actor: Elle Fanning
Anna is a bright eight-year-old girl whose first instinct when presented with a magic door is to throw things in there and see what happens. She also has a beloved stuffed animal named Lester Boneyfish. The kid is a born scientist.
She gets kidnapped and then spends most of the series stuck in the Room, so mostly you need a child actor with good delivery and a decent scream. In a continuing series she might be called on to do more, but as is she could be played by anyone.
(I can NOT find good pictures of any of these other characters and Tubi doesn't allow screenshots, might edit something in later but for now you'll have to take my word for it. Or go watch Lost Room.)
Lou Destefano
Original Actor: Chris Bauer
Joe's partner, a good friend who's encouraging him through his custody issues and tries to keep him and Anna happy and occupied. The only person Joe reveals the Key to, and reacts to it well. A great guy all around. Shame he dies at the end of the first episode.
Since he's the first one to die, he should probably be a white guy. He could be played by a bigger-name actor, too, since he'll only be there for a small part. Otherwise, no ideas.
Lee Bridgewater
Original Actor: April Grace
Another Philly detective. Lee has daughters of her own and is friendly with Joe and Anna. When the two of them disappear, Lee points out how bad it looks for Joe, but Lou still suggests her as the first person they reveal the Key to. She's got a good head on her shoulders and doesn't freak out about things. After Lou's murder, she's the first to be skeptical about Ruber's story.
Joe tries to keep her out of all this, even when she arrests him, but that goes down the drain when Ruber hits her with the Cards. From that point on Lee suffers from contextless nightmares about the Motel. She goes after Ruber and fully would have shot him if he hadn't had the Glasses.
Lee is a tough character going through some serious shit without any of the support network Joe manages to pick up, and in a continuing series would probably go through a lot more -- seeing as that motherfucker Ruber is her only source of information on what the hell is going on. Like Jennifer, this character needs someone with a lot of emotional depth to convey just how much she's going through, and I'm not sure just who that is.
The Sood
Original Actor: Jason Antoon
Like Suzie Kang, The Sood is an information broker who works out of a bookshop in Vegas. He has a somewhat more sophisticated set-up, but he also caters to a more exclusive clientele.
I have no strong opinions on who should play him... as long as they can do the Eyes.
#cryptix musings#the lost room#fancast#home sick with no internet except my wifi hotspot#so spent the day writing this#great use of my time#suggestions welcome
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Ballerina: John Wick Spinoff Faces Challenges but Offers Hope
Well, folks, it looks like the John Wick universe is getting a spin-off, and it's called Ballerina. But hold your applause, because this one’s been hitting some sour notes. Starring the talented Ana de Armas, Ballerina was supposed to be a thrilling new chapter in the Wick-verse. Instead, early screenings have been more of a stumble than a pirouette. Ballerina Movie is set to follow a female assassin, played by de Armas, within the world of John Wick. Imagine all the high-octane action and stylish gunfights but with a dash of grace and elegance. Sounds promising, right? Well, the reality seems a bit messier. Reports are saying it’s more of a “borderline imitation” of the original Wick films, but with a tone that’s all over the place. The Production Rumors The film has faced quite a journey. Originally slated for a June 7, 2024 release, Ballerina got pushed back to June 6, 2025. That’s a whole year’s delay, which usually means something’s up. Enter Chad Stahelski, the mastermind behind the John Wick franchise. He’s been called in to oversee production and even directed some new action sequences. Apparently, the movie needed a bit of a rescue mission. Let’s not forget the additional cast members who joined during these “new shoots.” Yes, they added new characters late in the game. David Castañeda and Sharon Duncan-Brewster are the fresh faces we’ll see in this chaotic ballet. Ian McShane, reprising his role as Winston, didn't hold back on his thoughts. On BBC’s The One Show, he mentioned that the reshoots were more like “newshoots.” Ouch. Stahelski stepped in, supposedly to salvage what he could and protect the franchise. With Ballerina described as tonally inconsistent and poorly directed, it sounds like they had a lot to fix. The film, which began production in November 2022, hit post-production by February 2023. But given the disastrous screening, more reshoots might be in the cards. Lionsgate certainly can’t afford to release a dud, especially with a franchise as beloved as John Wick. Despite the turmoil, there are reasons to be hopeful. Ana de Armas is a rising star, and with legends like Anjelica Huston and Ian McShane on board, the cast is solid. Plus, this film features the late Lance Reddick’s final performance as Charon, adding a bittersweet note to its release. And let’s not forget the cameo from Keanu Reeves himself. A Brief History of the John Wick Franchise The John Wick franchise kicked off in 2014 with Keanu Reeves as the titular character, a retired hitman seeking vengeance for the death of his dog. The film’s unique blend of stylized action, intricate world-building, and Reeves’ performance struck a chord with audiences. It spawned sequels that expanded the lore, introduced memorable characters, and raised the stakes. Directed by Chad Stahelski, the series is known for its top-notch choreography and relentless pace. As the franchise grew, it became a cultural phenomenon, leading to spin-offs like Ballerina and other upcoming projects. Read the full article
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welcome to ivy cove, cc! we can’t wait to meet stefan salvatore. please make sure you read through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours.
scott mccall ( teen wolf ) is reserved for 24 hours
(cc) woah! was that STEFAN SALVATORE walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. they’re VERY OLD and live in FULTON PARK, but watch out because they can be BROODING + SELF-DESTRUCTIVE but are actually LOYAL + NOBLE despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of TRYING TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE AND ALWAYS HATING BEING A VAMPIRE; DEVELOPED AN UNHEALTHY MECHANISM TO DEAL WITH HIS CRAVINGS; ANGUSHING HIMSELF TO BE NOBLE AND DO THE RIGHT THINGS ALL THE TIME when imagining them. / David Castañeda, he/hm
&& May I please extent my reserve for Scott McCall (Teen Wolf)?
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Loving the fact that u used Elliot instead of Viktor because I can just imagine Elliot saying this out of character and David Castañeda just going with the flow, lol.
elliot: you're so thoughtful.
diego: i agree. it’s my third best quality, right behind awesomeness and humility.
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Christmas cookies
Diego Hargreeves x pregnant!reader
Summary: Pregnancy cravings can suck, specially when they come at unholy hours and you have to make them yourself, but at least your husband’s there to help.
A/N: you already know I’m a sucker for domestic Diego so this was just lovely to write!
Warnings: don’t try to bake cookies the way I just described! Please avoid food poisoning my dears.
“Babe.” You whispered, shaking your husband’s shoulder, only hearing a snore in return.
“Diego!” This time you shook him a little too hard, almost pushing him off the bed.
“Y/N? What? Is the baby coming? I’ll get the car keys!” He instantly stood up, looking for a pair of pants.
“What? No, we still have about 4 months left silly.” You laughed at his messy hair and shaken expression.
“Then why would you wake me at...” He grabbed his phone, looking at the time. “Three AM?!”
“I have a craving...” You chuckled, staring at your hands on your lap.
“Aww, is our baby girl hungry?” He sat back down, placing a kiss on your belly.
“We don’t know what they are yet.” You caressed his cheek, always loving his hopeful smile.
“I just have a feeling!” He gently placed his hand over yours. “So what are you two craving now?”
“Do we still have those cookie molds?”
“Oh no.” He shook his head.
Minutes later you were both wearing an apron over your pajamas as you set the ingredients on the table.
“What should I play?” Diego pointed at his phone.
“Mariah Carey!” You cheered excitedly.
He rolled his eyes but did so anyways. “You do realize we’re well into March, don’t you sweets?”
“You can’t bake christmas cookies without christmas music.”
You started mixing the butter and sugar but Diego took the mixer from your hand, giving you a kiss on the top of your head. “Why don’t you get started on the frosting? I know that’s your favorite part”
He was right, you loved frosting, so as Diego added the dry ingredients to the batter you mixed sugar, water and meringue powder before splitting the mix into two bowls. As you did, Diego had already placed the dough in the oven so you could roll it in an hour. He was surprisingly good at baking for a man who ate raw eggs for breakfast. He grabbed the green food coloring as you did with the red and you both mixed it with the separated frostings.
“Now what?” He asked, hugging you from behind. Ever since your baby bump started growing that became his favorite position, he loved placing his hands on it while also holding you tightly. It was heaven for him, all his world inside his arms.
“Now we wait.” You started swaying to the tune of Mariah’s version of Joy to the World.
He twirled you around to face him and held you as close as he could with your belly between you two. “I can’t wait to be able to dance like this with my little girl.”
“I’m sure she’ll be very happy to know that her daddy is the best dancer in the world.” He lifted an eyebrow in disbelief at your use of the pronouns. “To be honest, I also have that feeling but I don’t wanna get ahead of myself. Do we really want to wait until the birth to know the sex?”
“I mean I used to, but I don’t think I can wait that long, how about we ask on our next appointment?” You nodded excitedly.
“But right now I think I need to sit down, I’m tired.” You said before seeing a wicked smile on your husband’s face as he lifted you up and carried you all the way to the couch, where, once again, he sat on one end with open legs, gesturing for you to lie between them so he could hug you from behind again.
You played the first thing you saw on Netflix but minutes later you were both sleeping like sloths, which meant only two things.
1. The future parent life was already affecting your sleep schedule.
2. You’d have christmas cookies for breakfast.
#diego is a snorer i just know it#this could perfectly work as a precuel for mistake and i love that#diego hargreeves#diego hargreeves x reader#diego hargreeves fanfics#diego hargreeves imagine#diego hargreeves fluff#diego hargreeves imagines#diego hargreeves fanfiction#diego hargreeves tua#the umbrella academy#the umbrella academy fluff#the umbrella academy fanfiction#the umbrella academy fanfic#the umbrella academy imagine#the umbrella academy imagines#the umbrella academy x reader#david castañeda imagines#david castañeda x reader#david castañeda imagine#david castañeda fanfic#david castañeda fanfiction#david castañeda fluff#pregnant reader
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Imagine: You've been dating Diego Hargreeves for about a year now. You're both still really happy together and in the honeymoon phase. You've met his siblings and get along really with them. You laugh at each other's quirky families anyway. One day Diego gets a phone call from his brother Luther, who he has a power dynamic with. Luther nags Diego on how he can "do better on missions." Diego just says "uh huh" to him. You giggle over Luther telling Diego that he needs to take things more seriously, and then Luther lets out a fart and claims that it was the squeaky chair he's sitting on. Diego and you look at each other and giggle over this. It makes you feel better about your own family thinking they can tell you what to do all the time.
#the umbrella academy#tua#diego Hargreeves#diego hargreeves imagine#diego hargreeves headcanon#the umbrella academy fluff#tua diego#diego hargreeves fanfic#diego hargreeves drabble#david casteñeda#david castañeda imagine#david castañeda fluff#david castañeda fanfiction#david castañeda drabble#diego hargreeves x reader#david castañeda x reader
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#david castãneda#david castañeda x reader#david castañeda fic#david castañeda imagine#david castaneda#davidcastañeda#x reader#masterlist
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Store Bought Hugs
Diego Hargreeves X Plus Sized Female!Reader
Requested: Yes, by the lovely @reblogserpent
“ Idk if your requests are open If you write for Diego Hargreeves could you do a Diego x plus size reader where they are dating and he offers his sweatshirt to her but she doesn’t wanna wear it cause she’s scared you know cause afraid it’ll stretch or afraid it’ll look bad cause he’s so fit but in reality it would fit her fine and she starts to panic trying to like push him away when he’s trying to help idk just some fluff maybe his stutter in it idk. Thank you in advance”
Summary: Diego and his girlfriend go out on a long due date under the night sky when a cold breeze blows their way. Diego offers his sweatshirt like the true gentleman he is but his lady love is adamant and tries her best to not wear it lest it’s too small for her frame. A heartfelt conversation and a words of encouragement follow. Fluffy date night ends in smut with body positivity peppered in.
A/N: I hard for this one and I really hope that you like it. Writing request based fics is new to me but it’s also a healthy exercise for my writing muscles. Looking forward to your feedback.
Body image issues is something I am all too familiar with, so all my lovely girls and boys, we come in all size and shapes because each of us are crafted and not printed from moulds. Stay proud of your mortal shells, but always remember it’s the inside that counts.
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Diego Hargreaves X Plus Size Reader
Word count: 1484
Warning: None, really. Just mentions of insecurity, slight body image issues. Kissing and nothing more. Mentions of smut (very brief)
Taglist: @wh3n-1t-ra1ns-1t-p0urs @imultifandomstuff @w0nder-marie @chloemac86 @theladywholivesonthemoon @hemogobllin @pansexualpaperdragons @gorgeourrific-nerd @purplezebra68 @vividholland @bands-and-shietz @onlydeanandjensen @slither-in-a-half @reblogserpent @missscarlett1802 @lovelyheadrush @mrsdiegohargreeves @mrsdiegohargreeves @katylovescats @vividholland @lilithsweetghost @ynm1505 @siriusjohnpotter @ratfuckb0y @loulouloueh
You looked around you, soaking up the sight of your stunning boyfriend and the star-studded night sky. You were well-fed, well-loved and incredibly happy in that moment.
"What are you thinking about?"
Diego kissed your knuckles as he waited for your answer.
"Just looking for words to express my gratitude," you said smiling softly at him. He had truly gone above and beyond with the planning an dexecution of your highly anticipated date night. His dark, leathered exterior was in stark contrast to the plaid sheet and the wicker basket which had held an assortment of fruits coated in chocolate, quiche and a decadent chocolate cake.
"Just tell me you're happy and that's all the thanks I could ever want. After not seeing enough of you for nearly month, this is the least I could do. Maybe you could pay me with that body of yours," he said with a wink. You bit your lip and blushed.
"How did you even discover this place?"
"Being a vigilante comes with a few perks. I get to explore every nook and cranny of the city and that's how I stumbled upon this gem," he said motioning his hand towards the trees around you and the cloud-free night sky above you.
"It's breathtaking, but not as breathtaking as you," you said with a smile.
A quick blush crept up his cheecks. "Oh, th-thanks, Y/N. Tha-that's sweet of you," he stammered.
Compliments sometimes caught him off-guard and you loved that yu could see the effect of your words so directly on him.
You leaned into him to kiss him and he met you halfway, burrowing his hands in your hair. Your palms rested against his firm chest as his tongue snaked into your mouth. A cold breeze caressed your skin and you mentally kicked yourself for wearing a flimsy sundress. It had seemed like a wise choice in the evening, the idea of a picnic in the moonlight with your dress flowing softly around your thighs.
"Baby, are you cold?"
Diego rubbed his warm palms over your exposed arms and you basked in his heat before sitting up straight. You shook your head side to side to indicate no. Another wave of cold air hit you and your skin broke out in goosebumps.
Diego raised his eyebrow at that, an all-knowing grin playing at his lips.
"Let me get something for you," he said as he dove into the duffel bag containing all the picnic supplies.
To your utter dismay, he fished out his midnight blue sweatshirt. You controlled your face to not give away your worries, but that was proving harder than you had anticipated. You simply could not ignore your body and how it would either mess up his sweatshirt or worse, not fit at all.
You were larger than most girls depicted in media and you had made peace with it. Your curves defined you, your softness an added charm to your personality. Sadly, on some occasions the cruel voice of societal beauty standards crept into your mind, filling you with doubt and a sliver of shame. It was the same voice which forbade from wearing swimsuits during pool parties in college, that told you to wear dark colours because they have a slimming effect and stopped you from ordering anything that wasn't a salad. It was currently telling you that there was no way in hell you were going to fit into Diego's sweatshirt.
Diego scooted over to you, laying the garment on your lap.
"Umm, thanks but it's okay Diego, I am not cold anymore," you said through imperceptibly gritted teeth.
"Come on babe, you know I am not letting my angel freeze in the cold night air," he said sticking to his guns.
You looked up at the sky and begged the universe to keep you tears-free.
"I am fine, I don't need your sweatshirt," you said trying to be a little rough with him so that he would quit it.
It would have worked, it really would had you not subconcioulsy wrapped your arms around yourself.
"Y/N, angel, I know for a fact that you're cold right now. Why won't you take this?" He sounded genuinely upset and curious, but there was no possible way for you to explain your apprehension without him thinking you were an insecure mess.
You took in a deep breath and closed your eyes.
"I don't think it will fit," you said in a low voice. He was silent and you wondered if he hadn't heard you. You weren't going to repeat yourself, that was for sure.
He lifted you chin up and fixed his eyes on your face.
“Is that what this is about? You’re sitting here, shivering, and freezing your butt off because you think you might not fit into my clothes?”
You winced as you heard him say it out loud, your insecurity laid bare in front of you. You started backing away from him, removing his hand from your face.
“Baby, I am not done here,” he said, firmly planting his knee on the edge of your dress.
“Let it go, Diego. It’s not going to fit, I know my body. It’s not the first time and it’s definitely not the last,” you said, accepting defeat.
He held your hand and tucked your hair behind your ear.
“You’re being silly, angel. I know your body too and I promise it will fit. I am going to turn around and you’re going to put this on. If you want to keep it on or take it of regardless of it fits or not is up to you. Just please, try it,” he said, almost begging.
With that he turned around, facing the trees. You understood his desperate attempt to build your confidence and you just wanted to make him smile.
You glanced at the garment lying beside you. A lifetime passed and you picked it up. Your heart was pounding, fighting for dominance against the voices in your head. You quelled them both and slipped it over your head. You were shocked as it flowed smoothly over your curves not finding resistance anywhere.
It smelled of Diego, a heavenly cocktail of all things manly and intense. It felt warm and soft over your prickled skin, almost like a store-bought hug from him.
“Diego,” you called out to him, a quiver in your voice.
He turned and looked at you, his eyes lighting up with a smile. His hands went up to your neck and pulled out your hair from inside the neckline. He placed a quick kiss on your lips and leaned back to admire you.
“Thank you,” you said, thanking for both, the garment and the borrowed confidence.
“Thank you for trusting me, angel,” he said, toying with a chunk of your hair.
“Can I ask you something? You can tell to piss of if you don’t want to answer.”
You nodded with a smile.
“What happened to you just now? I have never seen you like this. Where did all the doubt come from, angel?”
I don’t know, I just realized I wasn’t as tiny or as petite as most girls, so I thought I didn’t want to ruin or stretch out your clothes,” you said, not quite meeting is eyes.
“Okay, first of all, not everybody is built the same. And where you’re using the term not tiny, I prefer words lush, addictive, inviting and sinfully sensual. Where would I be with your soft cuddles and warm heat to come home to?”
You felt a smile tugging at your lips and you moved with him to lie down on your backs, looking up at the sky.
“Let me hit you with facts now. I easily tower over you and my shoulders are any day broader than yours. Simple math, angle,” he said, tapping you on the nose.
“I am sorry I dampened the mood,” you whispered, a wave of guilt passing over you.
“You couldn’t do that even if you tried. Don’t you know, you’re too adorable for that?” he said turning to face you.
His thumb brushed your cheek as both of looked at each other. You bit your lip and he whispered, “Have I told you how incredible you look in my clothes?”
He rose up on his elbows and kissed your pulse point on the neck. “The things I want to do to you, knowing that you’re wearing my clothes. It’s almost like you’re declaring yourself mine all over again.”
His tongue continued to explore your neck as he hooked your legs at his waist. Your breath hitched and you let out a whimper as he sucked your bottom lip into his mouth. His hands went to your full hips, stroking your curve over the soft fabric.
As he bunched up the fabric over your hips, you realized maybe wearing a dress wasn’t such a bad idea.
#diego hargreeves x reader#diego hargreeves#diego hargreeves edit#diego x reader#plus size reader#the umbrella academy#fluffy diego hargreeves#diego hargreeves smut#diego hargreeves imagines#diego hargreeves fluff#requests open#diego hargreeves requests#the umbrella academy fluff#the umbrella academy fandom#the umbrella academy fanfic#david castaneda is my daddy#david castañeda#david castañeda imagine#david castaneda#picnic#nature#night sky#date night#diego hargreeves x plus size!reader#diego hargreeves date night#spring night#tender diego hargreeves
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I'm writing I promise
I'm just working a lot lately.
So you can send in things. Blurb requests, headcanons, little ideas you'd like me to expand on.
I do a multitude of people so you can always ask and I'll do my best. ❤️
#dylan obrien imagine#dylan o'brien#void stiles#stiles stilinski#void stiles imagine#stiles stilinski imagine#bill hader#bill skarsgard imagine#bill skarsgard#bill hader imagine#bill hader x reader#alexander skarsgard imagine#alex høgh anderson imagine#alex hogh andersen#alex høgh andersen#eddie redmayne imagine#eddie redmayne#ezra miller imagine#ezra miller#david castañeda imagine#robert sheehan imagine#the umbrella academy#chicago pd imagine#chicago med#chicago med imagine#jay halstead#jay halstead imagine#will halstead#will halstead imagine
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Awww, this was so adorable! Thank you so much!!!! I’ll be rereading this frequently when I’m feeling blue.
I hope you’re well, too!
Congratulations again!!!! I’m here with TWO—count ’em, 2!—requests. Can I get Diego Hargreeves with “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before” and Laszlo Kriezler with “I don’t need you to tell me who I am!”?
Aww thank you so much! I'm so so sorry this is incredibly late, but I hope you still enjoy! I also hope you've been doing well! 💛
The bar was noisy and the stench of cheap beer filled the air. None of that mattered to you, though, as you concentrated on the task at hand. It was Friday night which meant your weekly, friendly, 'date' with Diego. The same Diego who had challenged you to a round of darts, causing you to poke your tongue out in concentration.
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before." Diego teased, laughing into his beer as he watched you throw all three of your darts into the outer rings, losing spectacularly.
Huffing, you threw your arms up in frustration and turned around. "If it's so easy, you show me then." you challenged, hands on your hips.
"With pleasure, sweetheart." Diego said, strutting past you to retrieve the darts, before he lined up his first throw, landing a perfect bullseye. The other two darts followed in quick succession leaving Diego with a smug grin and you pouting in your chair.
You threw back the rest of your drink, grumbling about how unfair it was when Diego had near perfect aim. "If I had superpowers, I'd score a perfect game too."
"Nah, you don't need any powers. C'mere, let me show you." he offered, holding a dart towards you.
Without hesitation, you jumped off your seat and grabbed the dart from his hand, twirling it back and forth between your fingers. Diego then took a step towards, standing behind you. Wordlessly, Diego took your hand in his and manipulated your fingers until you were holding the dart just like he wanted you to. All you could do was pray he hadn't heard the way your breath hitched at his touch.
"That feel okay?" he asked, glancing down at you.
Wordlessly, you nodded, looking over your shoulder into brown eyes. "Getting comfy there, sweetheart?" he teased before returning to the task at hand. "Alright, now you wanna line it up." he started, helping you guide your hand to the correct height. "Then you're gonna throw it back, release, and make sure you follow through." he explained, walking you through the steps without actually throwing the dart. "Take your best shot."
You shook your head to clear it before trying to follow Diego's instructions. Throwing the dart, you were dejected when it didn't hit the center, but did hit closer than before.
"That's not bad at all." Diego offered. "Try one more time."
Once more, you lined up your shot, pulled the dart back, and released. This time, however, the dart sunk right into the bullseye, your eyes immediately going wide.
"Oh my god, I did it!" you shouted, a huge grin overtaking your face. "Did you see that?" you asked, turning to face Diego and engulfing him in a hug.
Before either of you could respond, you were so caught up in the moment that you kissed Diego without thinking. When you realized what you had done, you pulled back frozen in shock. You prayed you would spontaneously combust to avoid an awkward conversation and Diego's rejection.
"I am so sorr-" you began to apologize, before Diego's lips were on yours once more.
This kiss was a surprise, but it was soft and sweet. Not at all what you would've expected from Diego, yet you wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him even closer to you. You found yourself lost in the moment you had been waiting for.
Pulling away, you allowed your forehead to rest against Diego's, a small smile on your lips. "So, that was, uh..." you trailed off with a slight giggle.
"Yeah." Diego smiled. "It was."
"I guess these weekly dates are more than friendly?" you giggled, leaning up to press another kiss to Diego's lips.
#requests#Diego Hargreeves x Readee#Diego Hargreeves#Diego Hargreeves imagine#David Castañeda x Reader#David Castañeda#David Castañeda imagine#Umbrella Academy#The Umbrella Academy
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— beautiful secret • justin h min
paring: husband! Justin h min x BuzzFeed producer! wife
summary: it's about time that Justin introduces his wife to the world
warning: fluff
some months ago
"I know, baby. I miss you too. I'll be home in a few hours, and I'll cuddle you as many times as you want," Justin spoke into the phone, a bright smile adorning his lips.
Emmy, David and Ritu standing at a distance, staring at Justin.
Emmy scoffed at his stupidness. "Yeah David, when you talk to your mom you blush bright red like Justin is, right?" She smiled sarcastically, making Ritu snicker.
"Who do you reckon he's talking to?" Ritu whispered.
"Prolly his mom?" David answered or more like questioned.
After Justin put down his phone, the three hoped infront of him like excited kids do when free candies are distributed. Justin looked at them, smiling. "What?"
David nudged Ritu signalling her to begin. "We weren't like spying on you or something but..." She drifted, looking away from him.
Emmy sighed taking over. "We saw you talking in the phone and blushing. So aren't you gonna tell us?" Justin looked genuinely confused. "Tell you what exactly?".
"About your girlfriend man! Don't act shy now", David hit him on the shoulder playfully.
Justin immediately looked down after hearing their question.
"I don't know what you guys are talking about."
Ritu smirked. "Oh you do honey. It's about time we find out your secret."
Justin chuckled getting up from his chair. "You'll find out my secret of there's a secret," he told them walking away leaving the trio standing there looking, staring at his back.
"Just you wait and see Justin," Emmy stated smiling, placing her hands over her chest.
"Yeah you wait and see, dude!" David copied Emmy. Ritu did the same, placing her hands over her chest and saying, "You wait and see Mr. Secretive Korean Guy," making the rest laugh.
Emmy, David and Justin sat there patiently as the crew arranged everything for their interview.
The stars were talking among themselves only Justin sat there quietly fidgeting with the thin golden band on his right pointer finger, smiling at it fondly.
David was sitting beside him and took a notice of Justin's actions. "Whatcha doin'?"
David's question pulled Justin out of his trance and into reality. "Huh? What?" Justin asked confused.
"I asked what you doing. Hey, you alright man? You zone out more frequently than normal. I've noticed from the last few months." David stared at him genuinely worried aboht his friend. " All good at home?"
"Yeah yeah. Everything's fine. All is good," Justin smiled.
Emmy bent forward from her chair and instantly noticed the golden ring.
"What's that ring for? Looks good," she complimented.
Emmy's statement made Justin look back down at his pointer finger and smiled yet again. "It's from...someone...", He drifted, avoiding eye contact with any of the two.
David and Emmy eyed him suspiciously
present day
"Oh it's going to be so hard to pay any attention to the tweets when you'll be standing there infront of me," Justin said as he hugged you tightly.
"Okay okay Mr. Loverman. Now go before anyone sees us," you laughed pushing your husband away from the embrace, making Justin stare at you dramatically.
"I didn't know you hated my hugs!" He gasped.
You giggled pecking him on both the cheeks. "You know that's not what I meant. If our pictures are getting clicked right now, your fans will go batshit crazy as to who the secret woman is. And I don't want you to face any troubles because of me."
Without a word, Justin pulled you in for a sweet kiss, taking as much time as he could to savour this moment.
"My sweet wife," he kissed you once more. "God, I love you, Y/n!"
You smiled brightly. "and me you. Now go!" You finally pushed him away from you and walked the other direction into the studio.
You entered the studio sometime after Justin got in as to not cause any suspicion. You saw Justin sitting beside Emmy and smiled at him sneakily. He too smiled back although not so sneakily cause Emmy looked at him like he was crazy.
You snickered, taking your position behind the camera.
"Hi I'm Emmy Raver-Lampman — and I'm Justin H Min — and we're here with BuzzFeed to answer some thirst tweets." With that, the interview began.
All was going well. Some tweets made you giggle quietly and others made you believe all fans are crazy.
"'I bet Justin H Min's girlfriend is as gorgeous as he is'" Emmy read out. "Yeah I too think that. Although me and the rest of the cast haven't figured who it is, yet, but we'll do pretty soon."
Justin stared at you across the room. "Wait," he got up from his seat and walked towards you.
"Ready?" He whispered in your ear when he reached you. You nodded knowing how this will go.
Justin gently pulled you along him and made you stand there in front of the camera. Emmy stood up too.
"We've been hiding for quite sometime now and I, we, think it's time to finally tell the world," he glanced at you for the last time and when you slightly nodded, he spoke again. "This is Y/n L/n, my darling wife."
The news made the entire studio gasp.
Emmy got out of her trance and immediately hugged you. "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you both!" She jumped with excitement.
The filming resumed again after a break.
After the interview, you, Emmy and Justin went to a nearby café to chat.
"I'm not sure, but have I seen you before, Y/n?" Emmy asked sipping her beverage.
Justin smiled, lacing his hand with yours on the table.
You smiled. "Maybe you've seen me the last time you guys did and interview with BuzzFeed? I'm one of it's producers."
"That's how we met. Now nearly three years ago," Justin brought your hands to his lips and kissed it softly.
Emmy stared at the two of you in awe. "You guys are really cute."
Justin and you smiled, looking at each other.
requests are open <3
#justin h min imagine#justin h min#justin h min x reader#justin h min x you#justin h min x y/n#justin h min fanfic#justin h min fluff#ben hargreeves#sparrow ben#the umbrella academy#number 6#imagine#fanfic#blurb#emmy raver lampman#david castañeda#ritu arya#buzzfeed
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