#dated january 15th 2021
happyk44 · 1 year
valgrace age regression fic! I've never written one before and I'm sort of flip-flop on age regression as a kink, but I'm fond of non-sexual age regression and figured, you know who would probably appreciate being a kid (since he technically never was one)
He couldn't explain it. He understood, sort of, why he enjoyed this… smallness but he couldn't really explain how it happened. It just did.
If he thought about it hard enough, it was sometime after the first war. When everyone was celebrating in New Rome and he'd come across a discarded plush elephant on his way back to the barracks. He'd sat on his bed, staring at its soft embroidered eyes and squeezing it close to his chest. He'd never had a toy before.
Some kids did. At the Wolf House. Usually because they were dropped off with them but Jason wasn't so he didn't.
He went back and left the toy with Terminus after an hour of cuddling with it and forgot about the experience soon after.
But in the aftermath of the second war and his ability to travel, he'd come across a lot more options and, well…
He'd never really been a kid before.
Some days, when he thought about it, he figured that was it. The real reason, the kicker. He'd been given up as a child, long before he could form solid memories, and trained as a warrior for so long, a soldier for so long, that being a regular kid never panned out.
There were expectations on his head - like a weight or a noose - that childish behaviour was not allowed, the way it was for the others.
They could throw tantrums if they wanted. He could not. They were allowed to keep childhood effects that had been dropped off with them.
He never had any childhood effects. He had the clothes on his back and a name. Since Romulus and Remus, he was the youngest of the Wolf House recruits. Most kids wound up there somewhere in their early preteens - at most, eight or so.
The second youngest to him was Dakota. Five years old with a missing tooth and a sleepy swaying disposition. And Dakota was only there because his mother passed. Jason was four when they met.
Dakota had a teddy bear that Jason found more interesting to bite like prey than cuddle with as Dakota would.
But now he had toys for both.
It was a secret. He couldn’t just display it all over his cabin so he kept everything in a large box in his closet, hidden underneath heavy quilts. One of things he appreciated about living at Camp Half-Blood was the privacy.
The barracks at Camp Jupiter were always filled with people. Which was good for his wolf habits and need for a pack but bad when it came to this. Everyone had little effects they hung up and kept in their trunks and some people (read Dakota) were less inclined to be private about certain things but for the most part everyone waited until they were out of the Camp to expand their private lives.
You were a soldier.
What private life did you need?
But the privacy of having a cabin to himself was good for him. He could practice his little habit alone without worry about being walked in on. Or, at least, that was the intention.
For the last couple of months, he and Leo had been engaged in a training tactic Leo had so intelligently declared “SNEAK-UP SCARE TIME” right before flicking Jason’s ear when Jason didn’t flinch. He’d snuck up behind him and shouted it.
Jason was the son of Jupiter. Manipulating the air, leaning into the sound, hearing shifts, feeling the sensation of someone’s presence - these were all child’s play to him. And Leo had been homeless, on the streets, for a good portion of his upbringing.
As much as his usual go-to was to ramble endlessly, distracting adversaries with his words to keep them from noticing the small smoke bomb he was making behind his back, he was impeccably stealthy. He had to be. Stealing was not effective when conducted by heavy-handed people.
Hiding was not effective when conducted by heavy breathers. Leo was nimble and quiet. And when he was caught and dragged into foster and group homes, living in said homes made him great at stepping quietly so as not to wake people up when snagging snacks and sneaking off to his hideaway to prepare for his inevitable escape.
So they liked trying to one-up each other lately. Jason had lost a few games and Leo had lost a few games. It was fun for them. A good bonding exercise. Which Jason liked and knew Leo had to enjoy.
His life was always being shoved to the back and since Calypso had left camp to join the Hunters - partly to explore the world, partly because the only interaction she’d had in her last few hundred years of life was with male heroes - he’d been… a little off.
They hadn’t been dating - Leo admitted, privately to Piper and Jason only, that he was gay and Calypso wasn’t interested in dating someone she was all but forced to fall in love with anyway - but Jason knew it was comforting for him to have been a priority.
Calypso defaulted to him on most things and tended to hang around him closely, even in groups.
At least until she left with Thalia weeks ago to explore the world in the safety of an all-girl group.
So in hindsight Jason should’ve expected Leo to do something like this. He’d already been upping the games since Calypso’s departure. And Leo was skilled. Pharmacies were locked up.
He’d talked about breaking into them to grab medicine he couldn’t afford, that he taught himself how to pick locks as a child and that the skill just came in handy after his mother passed.
So really. Jason should’ve expected Leo to break into his cabin at some point. Either to hide and scare him or to try and sneak up on him. Silent lockpicking was a good skill to hone in on after all.
It was like getting caught with his pants around his ankles and hand around his dick.
Embarrassing. Humiliating.
His teether - a baby thing he was familiar with, what with his biting problem growing up - was still snug between his teeth from where he’d been chewing it the last hour.
But his cozy blanket - something he had to painfully stitch together out of six different baby blankets just to fit around him - had fallen to the floor as he jumped up. In his haste, his foot snagged his colouring book and the page he had been working diligently on tore in half.
Part of him wanted to cry.
The other part wanted to grab the torn page and suffocate Leo to death with it.
“Whoa,” Leo said quickly, jumping into the room. The door snapped shut behind him. His hand snapped up as Jason stiffened more than he already was. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
His eyes were darting around the room, taking in the stuffed toys Jason had set up nearby, the trinkets laid out for him to choose from, the fucking animal themed colouring book he was using. “Jay-”
“We should’ve established safe zones,” he said, ripping the teether from his mouth. It scattered somewhere under his bed. He shoved a hand through his hair, frazzled. Never in his life had been caught so off-guard.
Maybe when Juno smacked his memories out of his head but that didn’t really count, did it?
His heart pounded.
Leo liked to make jokes about everything.
This could not be a joke. Even a private one, just between the two of them. Jason was already ashamed to have this need to be small. He wasn’t supposed to be small! He was supposed to be large, imposing - a born leader, like his father.
This wasn’t normal.
"I'm sorry about your picture," Leo said. He tore the rest of the page out of the book. Jason's chest heaved but Leo just closed the book up and set it next to his pencils neatly. The paper crinkled as he balled it up. "I can, uh, I can get you another one?"
Blood thundered in Jason's ears. Every inflection in the air rose against his skin like static. Leo, always so aware of other people, was shifting cautious now as he reached for Jason's blanket. He rose steady to his feet.
Like a wild animal, Jason felt. His teeth bit into his lip. Any harder and he was going to tear open the skin.
Leo regarded him like he was feral too. "Hey, hey," he whispered. "It's just me. I'm not gonna tell anyone." He raised the blanket up. "Can I?"
Jason's hands shook at his sides. He fisted them so tightly his short nails cut into his skin. "Leo-"
"Come on." Leo took a step closer and closer until he draped Jason's blanket back around his shoulders, tying it off around his neck. "Superman needs his cape."
He smoothed his hands down Jason's arms, smiling softly. "It's okay, Jay. I promise."
"You're-" Shy, small, Jason grabbed the edges of his blanket and tried to wrap them around himself. Nervously, he ducked his gaze away. "You're not gonna make fun of me."
It wasn't a question but Leo shook his head and said, "Nah, I got other things to tease you about." He flicked the bridge of Jason's nose, just about the frame of his glasses. "Like these goofy birth control glasses."
Jason snorted. Leo had lived with an old navy officer for a spell. Apparently, the glasses he wore throughout his deployment were military issued and constantly plugged by everyone who had to wear them as the ugliest glasses ever.
While his glasses were not military issued, they were a fairy similar - thick brown frames. But they were sturdy so he could care less if they were unappealing to look at.
"Do you want your, uh-" Leo squatted, staring off to where the teether had fallen under Jason's bed. "It was a teether, right?"
Slowly, Jason nodded. Leo vanished from view before emerging. He pulled a wipe from his pockets, cleaning the rubber off. Drying it off on his shirt, he presented to Jason like a gift - but not to be taken. He smacked Jason's hand away when he reached for it.
Eyes locked on the other's, Jason leaned forward and caught the teether between his teeth, pulling it into his mouth. He bit down into the soft rubber. Like an instant release it was. Some of his anxiety ebbed away. He sighed around the toy.
"Yeah, there you go, buddy," Leo hummed. He caught Jason's hand and guided him over to his bed. "Sit down, I'll bring your things over."
Jason's eyes fluttered shut as he snuggled up against the headboard, chewing into his toy with abandon. His blanket pulled around him tighter. It was so soft - his absolute favourite.
A little ways away, Leo was tidying up his neatly placed items. He packed up mostly everything back into the box, save for the colouring book and a gray wolf plushie. He picked up a set of plastic keys and snorted.
"I'm gonna be honest, I never understood why kids like these."
Jason sighed. "Mmm, I like-" He snuggled into his blanket. "I like the sound." He mimicked jangling the keys together. "Clink, clink, clink." He giggled to himself, pulling his legs to his chest.
He'd never spoken before like this. He never had a reason to. His voice, even to him, sounded different - softer, uncharacteristically so. But Leo just shrugged like he saw no difference between the blunt speech he normally had and the softened giggles that were going on now.
"Clink, clink, huh?" Closing the lid, Leo set the box against the wall and brought over the items he left out. He handed Jason the keys. There was a patience in his eyes that Jason had never seen in anyone before. At least never directed towards him.
Jason clinked his keys together. The colours melted together as the motion blurred the toy. His focus reigned in so hard on the sound and sight that he missed Leo speaking to him, up until Leo's hand rested against his back, snagging him awake from his ministrations.
"Hey." Leo stroked a hand through his hair. Jason Ieaned into the touch. He loved when people pet him. He wished they did it more. "Can I sit with you, Jay?"
Eager, Jason nodded, scooting over to make room. But Leo didn't saddle up beside him. Instead, he gestured for Jason to move forward then slid up behind him. Seated in his lap, Jason felt impeccably small.
Which was ridiculous given he had a near foot on Leo to begin with but with Leo easing him back into his chest, arms secure around him, he let himself be a little ridiculous.
Leo placed his book in front of him, his chin knocking against Jason’s shoulder. He placed Jason’s goofy pencil case - a shimmery thing he stared at for five minutes in the store before grabbing it - and handed him the wolf plush
“So, uh-” He pushed his hand through Jason’s hair while Jason picked up his book and curled up into Leo’s lap, flipping through until he found a page of a cartoonishly drawn dolphin. “-this something you do often?”
“Sometimes.” A clarity hit him. He raised his head, back tightening. “Is that weird?”
“No. I mean-” Leo snorted. “I’ve been deep into the internet. I’ve heard of this before. It’s a…” He paused. “A little thing or… regression or something. I don’t remember. Wasn’t really my thing.”
Jason pulled out a fat blue crayon from his pencil case. “The internet, huh?”
“Mmm.” Leo leaned over his shoulder as he began colouring in the water around the dolphin. “Sometimes it’s a fetish, kink, thing, I think. But-” He cleared his throat. “-I take it it’s not that way for you?”
“No.” Jason bit his lip. “Just makes me feel…”
Warm. Comforted. Small. Quiet.
“Good.” His voice fell into a slow childish mumble. “When e’rythin’s a lot. Like bein’ small again.” He paused. His crayon dug into the page, creasing it. “Is that weird?”
“Nah.” Leo kissed the back of his neck. “There’s weirder shit out there. But I’m not gonna go around telling anyone either. It’s a private thing. Just for you… and me, now, I guess."
He cleared his throat again. “I mean, if you want someone to, you know, take care of you when you need to be small.”
He’d never really planned on having anyone around when he was like this. But Leo was warm, like home, a safe place. And if someone else was watching him he could act on some of his more… wolfish urges again. Without the fear of reprimand or being muzzled.
A phantom tug eased around his mouth.
Mm. He’d resisted chewing his toys because he knew how easily he could tear into them. But Leo could ease them away from him before they were damaged beyond repair.
And, if he couldn’t, he could repair them without stabbing himself like Jason always would. He wasn’t a master at sewing but his nimble fingers made it easy whenever he had to.
And there were times when Jason was standing in his shower, distant memories of being sunk into a warm bath, someone washing his hair while he babbled on some nonsense. Probably Thalia if the memories were that vague.
He wouldn’t mind that happening again. Someone to hold him, take care of him. He’d spent so much time taking care of others. It would be nice to have someone else take care of him for a while.
“Sure,” he murmured. “If you want, that…” He smiled softly. “I’d like it.”
“Then just… let me know.” Leo kissed the back of his head again. “You’re doing so good on the picture by the way. I mean, I know I definitely suck at staying inside the lines.”
Jason giggled. “Can you…” He tucked his chin onto his knees and held the keys in front of Leo’s face. “Can you clink clink, please?”
There was an odd spark to Leo’s eyes that made his chest clench in worry but Leo just grinned wide and took the keys. He shook them out wildly, carefree.
Jason giggled again, ducking his face into his knees. Leo’s hand smoothed up his back.
“I am the master of the clink clink,” Leo crowed.
Jason snorted. His eyes squeezed shut, hands clenching at his sheets. “You’re so weird.”
“Mmm.” Leo ruffled his hair. A shudder passed down his back at the sensation - sweet, loving, something he’d seen done to literally everyone else but him. Familiar and kind, wasn’t it? “You want to watch a cartoon while you draw, Jaybird?”
Jason nodded. The clinking died down as Leo fiddled with his phone but as soon as he had it propped up against the back of Jason’s pencil case, it started up again. The chimes were soothing.
He closed his eyes and listened to it all - Leo’s breathing, the pulsing of his heart, the cling and clang of the keys chiming together and the intro to a Disney movie Jason had never heard of, Fantasia.
He went deeper.
Leo smelled like a campfire.
There was a citrus tang to the shampoo still clinging to his hair. Motor oil was faint on his hands. The scent of iron tools, like rust and blood, a sharp ting on his tongue, still clung to the grooves of his skin. He used them so much, it would be a miracle if the scent ever vanished.
“Jay?” His voice gently eases Jason out of his haze. “You okay?”
Jason nodded, shyly knocking his knees together. “Just smellin’ you.”
Jason nodded again, nervous. Wolf instincts and aerokinetic powers were not always something that people handled well. He hadn’t even told Piper or Leo that he used to seek them out in the early days, after they saved Juno and returned to camp and he was all alone in his cabin being smacked over the head with painful memories of quests and a war every other minute. He’d cling to their hands and listen to them breathe. It was comforting.
But it was also very, very weird. And a little voyeuristic in a way that wasn’t horrible but also was not that great either.
Leo hummed softly, stroking a hand over his shoulders. “What do I smell like?”
Jason closed his eyes and sank into Leo’s chest. Warm, safe, home. Someone he was always supposed to have in his life. He opened his eyes and watched the movie play ahead of him. Leo was still clinking away with the keys. His free hand was hot on Jason’s thigh. Morse code tapping against his skin. Something he and his mother used to do.
Jason sighed. “You smell like you. Forges and fire and safety.”
He snuggled deeper into Leo’s chest. “Thank you for taking care of me,” he murmured.
Leo smoothed his hand over Jason’s thigh before tapping away again. His smile was evident against Jason’s shoulder. “Ah, I’m just getting started, buddy.”
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thelibraryghost · 5 months
A Young Person's Guide to 18th-Century Western Fashion
unabridged version at blogspot
General info Cox, Abby. "I Wore 18th-Century Clothing *Every Day for 5 YEARS & This Is What I Learned (Corsets Aren't Bad!)." YouTube. May 10, 2020. Cullen, Oriole. “Eighteenth-Century European Dress.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2004. Glasscock, Jessica. "Eighteenth-Century Silhouette and Support." In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2004. Accessories Banner, Bernadette. "Women's Pockets Weren't Always a Complete Disgrace | A Brief History: England, 15th c - 21st c." YouTube. April 10, 2021. Colonial Williamsburg. "#TradesTuesday: Men's Accessories." YouTube. June 13, 2021. Murden, Sarah. "The Georgian era fashion for straw hats." All Things Georgian. December 6, 2018. Cosmetics & hygiene Cox, Abby. "I Followed an 18th-Century Moisturizer & Sunscreen Recipe & it kinda worked??." YouTube. February 21, 2021. Cox, Abby. "We tried making *5* different 250 year old rouge (blush) recipes || [real] regencycore makeup." YouTube. August 29, 2021. JYF Museums. "Hygiene in the 18th Century | From the Farm to the Army." YouTube. August 21, 2021. Décor Heckscher, Morrison H. “American Rococo.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003. Munger, Jeffrey. “French Porcelain in the Eighteenth Century.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003. Formal wear SnappyDragon. "This dressing gown changed fashion forever : the feminist history of going out in loungewear." YouTube. April 15, 2022. Stowell, Lauren. "The Many Types of 18th Century Gowns." American Duchess. March 15, 2013. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Cottagecore Style Is Much Older Than You Think." YouTube. June 30, 2021. Hair care Cox, Abby. "I made 250-year-old Hair Products Using Original Recipes (and animal fat...)." YouTube. November 7, 2021. Cox, Abby. "I tried a 300-year-old hair care routine for a year & this is what I learned (it's awesome!)." YouTube. January 23, 2022. Cox, Abby. "What's the Deal with 18th Century Wigs? (and why Bridgerton really messed this up)." YouTube. June 1, 2023. Laundry Cox, Abby. "Making 300 Year Old SLIME for Laundry Day." YouTube. June 15, 2023. Townsends. "Historical Laundry Part 2: No Washing Machine, No Dryer, Hit It With A Stick?" YouTube. June 3, 2019. Outer- & working-wear JYF Museum. "Getting Dressed | Clothing for an 18th Century Middling Woman." YouTube. March 18, 2021. Major, Joanne. "The practicalities of wearing riding habits, and riding ‘en cavalier’." All Things Georgian. March 12, 2019. Rudolph, Nicole. "What did Pirates ACTUALLY Wear? Fashion at Sea in the 18th c & Our Flag Means Death Costumes." YouTube. May 8, 2022. Shoes Chin, Cynthia E. "Martha Washington's Shoes." George Washington's Mount Vernon. No date. Murden, Sarah. "18th-century shoes." All Things Georgian. December 15, 2015. Rudolph, Nicole. "Real 18th century Shoes? Historical Shoemaker Examines an Antique." YouTube. December 13, 2020. Textiles Cox, Abby. "18th Century Printed Cotton Do's & Don't's." American Duchess. December 23, 2019. Stowell, Lauren. "Fabrics for the 18th Century and Beyond." American Duchess. June 14, 2021. Townsends. "Oil Cloth - Waterproof Coverings for Your Campsite." YouTube. July 30, 2018. Undergarments Major, Joanne. "Quilted Petticoats: worn by all women and useful in more ways than one." All Things Georgian. November 20, 2018. Rudolph, Nicole. "Making 18th century Stays for the Ideal Body Shape : Historical Undergarments." YouTube. August 12, 2023. SnappyDragon. "RUMP ROAST : Ranking historical fashion's wildest fake butt pads." YouTube. October 27, 2023. Townsends. "Sewing Histories' Most Popular Garment - The Fabric Of History - Townsends." YouTube. September 3, 2022.
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seoul-bros · 9 months
When were Jikook Cooking?
In the latest episode of Monuments there was a teaser clip for the next episode showing Jungkook cooking for Jimin in his kitchen but when exactly did this happen?
Last weeks Monuments showed us the inside of Jimin's flat and in particular his kitchen so place is very much established.
December 2021 - Jimin in Quarantine
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But when did this happen? Recapping events we find.........
30th January to 5th February 2022 - Jimin in hospital treated for acute appendicitis and COVID
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8-9th February 2022 - Jimin's late night movie binge and happy post on Weverse
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10th February - Jungkook's IG stories with Fiji Blue's It Takes Two and Still with You
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15th February - J-Hope tags Jimin on his IG post and Jimin sends a get well message for V who has come down with COVID on Weverse
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20th February - Vlive with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin
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6th March - Vlive with Jin, JHope, V and Jungkook
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11-13 March 2022 PTD in Seoul
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19th March - Vlive with BTS minus Jin who is getting an operation on his hand.
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28th March - BTS Travel to LA, JK travelled a day earlier and JHope was down with COVID and travelled later.
So best guess would be sometime between when Jimin was released from hospital on the 5th February 2022 and when Jungkook flew to LA on the 27th March 2022.
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Post Date: 04/01/2023
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violetthekiller · 4 months
do you care to make a tz pda timeline for us 🫣
let’s see if i can do this off the top of my head lol
2nd July 2021: Car make out pics
August ‘21: TZ attend a friends wedding and are seen holding hands, leaning on each other and having a little kiss in the background of videos. 1 HD pic of them leaning heads
1st September ‘21: My MJ post
October ‘21: Dune 😍 post
25th November ‘21: Naaaa Stop it 😍 post
November-December ‘21: NWH press with many pda moments in interviews and at photo calls
14th Dec ‘21: NWH Premiere. Mask cheek kiss after the premiere and cross body hand hold when leaving the after party
January 2022: Pap pics in London with Z holding Toms waist. pics of the two at a pub looking loved up are posted by locals
15th February ‘22: Valentines Date in NY. Papped arriving at and leaving the restaurant holding hands/holding onto each other.
18th Feb ‘22: NY Uncharted Screening. Arrive and leave holding hands
C. 20th Feb ‘22: TZ attend a Rangers ice hockey game and spend the whole time canoodling
April-September ‘22: TZ weekends in Boston, NY and Budapest while filming TCR, Challengers and Dune. pics almost every weekend of the two in the cities holding hands and having dinner dates
1st June ‘22: The one who makes me the happiest post
C. 2nd October ‘22: Louvre Date in Paris. TZ looking loved up and koalaing the entire time
15th December ‘22: TZ visit Zs old school in Oakland and we see bodyguard Tom in action
C. 12th-18th December ‘22: TZ in Bay Area. multiple pda pics supposed ‘my butterfly’ story
January 2023: Carribean vaycay
14th February ‘23: Valentine’s day date in Monaco
March-May ‘23: LondonDaya pt.1 with Richmond Park pics beginning
C. 30th March-4th April: TZ in India. some blurry pda pics
28th April ‘23: Usher Concert
2nd May ‘23: TZ in Malibu having lunch and leaning on each other
5th May ‘23: Warriors game. Arm stroke, embarrassed Tom and more
16th May ‘23: TZ in Venice. Cheek kiss and hand up shirt pics
20th May ‘23: More Venice pics of the two leaving lunch holding hands
1st June ‘23: Zs birthday post for Tom
18th June ‘23: Ass grab pics in London
27th June ‘23: Beyonce Warsaw and Love on Top video
21st July ‘23: Escalator pda in John Lewis
3rd August ‘23: Brothers Trust event. TZ holding hands whilst taking pics with guests
Summer ‘23: More London days pics at lunch etc.
25th-26th August ‘23: TZ in Oakland. Basketball game with multiple story posts from Z and plenty of pda
1st September ‘23: My Birthday Girl post
4th September ‘23: Beyoncé LA
1st October ‘23: TZ in Paris. Tom buys Z a vintage Piaget watch whilst she leans on his shoulder
5th October ‘23: TZ visit Battersea dogs and cats home and Tom posts SoftDaya on his grid
8th October ‘23: TZ walking in Richmond park canoodling and playing with a dog. Hand kiss from Tom
16th October ‘23: TZ visit Hampton Caught and we get the beautiful shadow pic
12th November ‘23: video of TZ signing NWH posters for TBT and getting all competitive
14th December ‘23: TZ visit a children’s hospital and look super cute whilst taking photos and videos with the patients
22nd December ‘23: Theatre trip. holding hands in the audience
24th January 2024: Tom posts Z at the Schiaparelli show on his story with a video of her to Cupids Chokehold by Gym Class Hero’s stating that it was made for him
15th February ‘24: Dune Part 2 Premiere in London. TZ leave the after party together
18th March ‘24: TZ at Indian Wells. holding hands whilst walking round and Hypeman Tom
10th April ‘24: Challengers Premiere London. TZ have a little kiss in the screening
12th April ‘24: TZ looking giddy af in a car in London. One of the greatest TZ photos ever
28th April ‘24: Tom posts the Challengers Poster on insta
7th May ‘24: Tom posts Z at the Met Gala
10th May ‘24: TZ on a lunch date in London
23rd May ‘24: Z attends the Opening Night of R&J and the two leave the theatre hand in hand with Z snapping a pic of Tom in the car as he gets in
4th June ‘24: Selfie of tz at the R&J after party with their heads squished together
And scene.
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kagezine · 11 days
Here is the expected timeline for Kagetarot 2021's Reprint Run! Keep in mind that there may be delays.
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Pre-Orders: We will be accepting pre-orders from September 15th to October 15th, with a 24-hour Early Bird Special where all items will be sold at discounted prices. Digital sales will still be available until November 30th.
Manufacturing: On October 16th, we will send the printing order to our manufacturer. As it is approaching the holiday season, this may take longer than usual. Estimated Manufacturing Date: October 16th - November 30th.
Shipping: Upon receiving the printed tarot cards, we will begin shipping out all of our pre-orders. Whether we have leftover sales afterwards is undetermined. Estimated Shipping Date: December to January 2025.
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dylan-duke · 2 months
i know we just brought the aunties in…but imagine when one of the aunties gets pregnant while Nora is still little and she can appropriately get upset / jealous?
So she clings to the opposite auntie because in her mind she’s the baby. She thinks no other babies allowed. Quinn even tried to explain that uncle x and auntie x are giving her a built in best friend and she isn’t taking the bait.
ok so im trying to think of a timeline here so I'm going to do that below
quinn + nora x layla luke x kylee jack x maggie
March 21st, 2021 - Nora Wren Hughes is born
March 25th, 2021 - Luke finds Nora on Ellen and Jim's front porch sneaking in from a party
February 2023 - Luke meets Tyler Dukes best friend, Kylee Miller He cannot stop think about her
June 2023 - Luke and Kylee reunite at the Duke lake house and begin a friendship/start talking
August 2023 - Kylee comes to the Hughes lake house and they make it official
July 2024 - Kylee spends most of the month training with the Hughes family at their lake house the first time they spend an extended amount of time together around the hughes'
August 2024 - Nora starts pre-k!
July 2025 - Layla and Quinn reunite at Quinn's day with the cup party. Layla realizes she's going to work for the team he captains
September 2025 - Jack spills his coffee all over Maggie when rushing to have a meeting with a new rookie, which Nico asked him to do
September 2025 - Quinn runs into Layla at media day, and realizes that she works for his team They begin to reconnect and become friends - Quinn insisting on showing her around
October 2025 - Jack and Maggie start dating
December 2025 - Jack and Maggie make it official official even it has been unofficially official for about 2 months
January 2026 - Quinn asks Layla to be his girlfriend
May 2026 - Kylee Graduates from OSU!
June 2026 - Kylee gets drafted First Overall by PWHL New York
Febraury 2027 - Quinn proposes over all star break
July 2027 - Luke proposes to Kylee on the boat just the two of them
July 2028 - Layla and Quinn get married!!!
October 2028 - Layla officially adopts Nora
June 15th, 2029 - Amelia Jordan Hughes is born!
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asystol · 2 months
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         ᯓ FILE 000. — LEE, NICOLE ๋࣭
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BIRTH NAME.     nicole lee
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  KOREAN NAME.     lee nakyung
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀HANGUL.     이나경
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ALIAS.     nikki ❪ given by julie, origin from her birth name ❫⠀ ⠀collie ❪ ‘ pronounced cole-lee ’ given by belle, origin from her birth name ❫⠀ ⠀nana ❪ given by natty, origin from her korean name ❫⠀ ⠀뿌 ppu ❪ given by haneul, origin is 뿌 is a cute expression like the ‘ 😁 ’ emoji ❫⠀ ⠀naky ❪ given by daniel, origin from her korean name ❫⠀ ⠀ttokki ❪ given by fans, origin from her representative emoji ❫ ⠀ ⠀nakorita ❪ given by haneul, origin from the pokemon chikorita ❫ 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DATE OF BIRTH.     april 1st, 2001
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  AGE.     23 years old
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ZODIAC.     aries
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  CHINESE ZODIAC.     snake
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PLACE OF BIRTH.     toronto, canada
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NATIONALITY.     canadian
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ETHNICITY.     korean
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RESIDENCE(S).     port hope, ontario, canada ❪ 2001 — 2013 ❫⠀ ⠀chungcheongnam-do, south korea ❪ 2013 — 2015 ❫⠀ ⠀seoul, south korea ❪ 2015 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  LANGUAGES.     english ❪ fluent ❫⠀ ⠀korean ❪ near fluent ❫⠀ ⠀spanish ❪ advanced ❫⠀ ⠀japanese ❪ intermediate ❫⠀ ⠀thai ❪ beginner ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  GENDER IDENTITY.     cisgender female
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PRONOUNS.     she/her
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SEXUAL ORIENTATION.     bisexual
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.     homoromantic
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.     single
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HEIGHT.     163cm (5’4”)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  WEIGHT.     —
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BLOOD TYPE.     a
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  EYE.     brown
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NATURAL HAIR.     black
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BODY MODIFICATIONS.     lobe piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀upper lobe piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀industrial piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀helix piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀conch piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀belly button piercing⠀ ⠀‘ i am the somebody ’ tattoo ❪ right rib ❫⠀ ⠀strawberry tattoo ❪ left hip ❫⠀ ⠀koi fish tattoo ❪ behind right ear ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FACE CLAIM.     nana of wooah
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SPEAKING CLAIM.     nana of wooah
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  VOCAL CLAIM.     juria of xg
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DANCE CLAIM.     yuna of itzy
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RAP CLAIM.     rei of ive
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  STAGE NAME.     NAKYUNG (나경)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  COMPANY.     pledis entertainment ❪ 2015 — 2022 ❫⠀ ⠀off the record entertainment ❪ 2018 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀axs entertainment ❪ 2019 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀swing entertainment ❪ 2020 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀s2 entertainment ❪ 2022 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  TRAINING PERIOD.     five in total ❪ skipping 2018 — 2021 ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SURVIVAL SHOWS.     produce 48 ❪ 2018 ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  OCCUPATION.     idol
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  GROUP(S).     IZ*ONE ❪ 2018 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀KISS OF LIFE ❪ 2023 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DEBUT DATE(S).     october 29th, 2018 ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀july 5th, 2023 ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DEBUT AGE(S).     17 years old ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀22 years old ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISBANDMENT DATE.     april 29th, 2021 ❪ IZ*ONE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISBANDMENT AGE.     20 years old ❪ IZ*ONE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  POSITION(S).     vocalist, sub rapper, visual ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀vocalist, center ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI(S).     🦋 butterfly ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ 🐰 bunny ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  INDIVIDUAL FANDOM NAME.     nakyorita ❪ origin from chikorita + nakyung ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  INSTAGRAM USERNAME.     nicolee ❪ public, 11.4m followers, 14 following ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISCOGRAPHY.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀COLOR*IZ.     october 29th, 2018
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Suki to Iwasetai.     february 6th, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀HEART*IZ.     april 1st, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Buenos Aires.     june 21st, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Vampire.     september 25th, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀BLOOM*IZ.     february 17th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Oneiric Diary.     june 15th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Thirteen.     october 21st, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀One-reeler / ACT IV.     december 7th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀D-D-Dance.     january 26th, 2021
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Stardust love song.     march 6th, 2022
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀KISS OF LIFE.     july 5th, 2023
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Born to be XX.     november 8th, 2023
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Officially Cool (with BANG YEDAM).     february 9th, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Midas Touch.     april 3rd, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Sixth Sense.     may 25th, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Sticky.     july 1st, 2024
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  KNOWN FOR.     placing second in produce48, the ‘listener’ for the yapper best friend (julie), her duality, accidentally kissing chaewon during a live, everyone’s parents loving her more than their own kid, the switch in concept between iz*one and kiss of life, her vocals, slapping/patting her members’ butts for no reason, belle recording her crying over the finding nemo movie, being the biggest moomoo, her stable cover of bad news while drunk, openly being a ‘gleek’, affectionately being called a loser in a hot body by fans, her sanrio themed room
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MBTI TYPE.     intj-a ❪ assertive architect ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ANALYZING.     an assertative architect tends to have more self confidence than a turbulent architect, particularly when handling life’s ups and downs. if things do go the way they expect, an intj-a is not likely to second guess their initial actions or experience regret.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  POSITIVE.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀rational.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ambitious.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀self-assured.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀adventurous. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀observant. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀efficient. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NEGATIVE.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀arrogant. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀impulsive. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀impatient. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀nosy. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀withdrawn. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀rigid.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAMILY.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀joshua lee ❪ father ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀angie lee ❪ mother ❫  † ❪ 1975 — 2021 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀daniel lee ❪ brother ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ciara lee ❪ sister ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀kim seoyoung ❪ maternal grandmother ❫ † ❪ 1955 — 2018 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park hojin ❪ maternal grandfather ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park jaewoo ❪ maternal uncle ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park sooyoung ❪ maternal aunt ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lee jihyuk ❪ paternal grandfather ❫ † ❪ 1950 — 1994 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀jung yeonhee ❪ paternal grandmother ❫ † ❪ 1954 — 2011 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lee eunbyul ❪ paternal aunt ❫ 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HISTORY.    
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nakyung was born on april 1st, 2001 as nicole lee in toronto, canada. she grew up in port hope, ontario, canada with her older brother, daniel, and younger sister, ciara. her mother, angie, worked as a middle school music teacher and her father, joshua, was a construction worker.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀she became interested in music early on, her mother teaching her how to play guitar and piano as soon as she was old enough. when nakyung wanted to be a singer “just like stevie nicks” at eight-years-old, angie put her in vocal lessons.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀after being persuaded by her best friend, she joins the free ballet classes at her school with her. she starts to take dance and her vocals more seriously, finding it more fun than instruments. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀when she’s thirteen, her parents tell her and her siblings that her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer the year before. they wanted to wait to see if chemotherapy would help. angie had gotten laid off from her job, leaving joshua the only financial support. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀for more financial stability and emotions support, the lee family moved from canada to south korea to stay with angie’s parents. nicole didn’t even have time to say goodbye to her friends.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nicole, now going by nakyung, didn’t make very much friends in her new school and kept mostly to herself. she got a job under the table as a waitress to help her parents with bills, telling her family she was at a dance studio by her school.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀while working, she was scouted by pledis entertainment. despite her parents thinking it was sketchy and cult-like, she auditioned and was accepted. as her brother was going to seoul national university, she moved to seoul with him to train at pledis.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2016, nakyung’s parents announced that angie was in remission. she started working as a teacher again after becoming healthier.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nakyung was in the final line-up for pledis’ upcoming girl group, but was pulled out due to ‘not being ready’. she almost left the company until her mother convinced her to stay and become better.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀with no news of a new pledis girl group, nakyung volunteered herself to join mnet’s survival show, produce 48. she would end up placing second in the last episode and debuting in temporary girl group, IZ*ONE, in 2018.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2020, nakyung’s parents announced that angie’s cancer had came back— being part of the 10-20 percentage of ovarian cancer recurrence. angie would not try chemotherapy again, wanting to be with her family and go to new zealand. due to the pandemic, the family would ultimately stay in korea and not fulfill angie’s wish.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2021, her mother dies and IZ*ONE disbands. nakyung is not seen for a long time, not even by her IZ*ONE members until her OST song for kdrama ‘twenty-five twenty-one’, stardust love song, was announced. she would, again, disappear.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2022, it is assumed nakyung left pledis around this time as she later joins S2 entertainment after lee haein offered her a spot in ber upcoming girl group.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FATHER.     joshua lee was born march 13th, 1973 in daegu, south korea as lee jaehyun. the day he turned eighteen, he left his house and moved to canada with his best friend and legally changed his name to joshua lee. he met angela park in 1994 and would go on to have three children with her. the first being daniel in 1997, nicole in 2001, and ciara in 2004. he doesn’t want to be in korea when they have to move but does it for his wife. when angie dies in 2021, he completely barricades himself in their room. one day, his number is changed and all of his belongings are gone. we never find out what happened to him but he either killed himself or changed his name again and started a new life. he is referred to as ‘dad’ or ‘deadbeat’. (non affectionately)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MOTHER.     angela ‘angie’ lee was born on october 29th, 1975 in jeju, south korea as park jangmi. she goes by angela or angie now because she likes the name. she was studying abroad in canada when she met joshua. in 2012, she is diagnosed with ovarian cancer. together, they decide to bare the news on their shoulders alone and decide not to tell anyone unless chemotherapy doesn’t work. it begins to work, but it’s too expensive and she’s laid off. they have to move to seoul to be near her family for help. she hates the person she is while on chemo, and turns to god in her sickness and health, even when she’s in remission in 2016. she begins working again. in 2020, the cancer come back, but angie doesn’t want to be on chemo again. she wants to be with her family, in new zealand. but then they can’t go and she dies in korea. she is referred to as ‘mom’.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BROTHER.     daniel lee was born on august 15th, 1997 in toronto, canada. he grew up teasing his younger sisters, ever so mean to them during puberty but there for them when they were upset. his relationship with his parents wasn’t so great, always noting a difference in the way they brought him up compared to his sisters. when he was eighteen, he left for seoul national university in 2015 with his sister. he now works as a cyber security engineer. he is referred to as ‘daniel’, ‘danny’ or ‘dumbass’. (affectionately)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SISTER.     ciara lee was born on november 3rd, 2004 in ontario, canada. she grew up wanting to be everything like her sister, wanting to be around her constantly. she slightly grew up in nakyung’s shadow, but that didn’t matter to her— it just made her want to be her even more. she wants to become an idol just like her older sister— and she will. she currently lives with their aunt, sooyoung, and her girlfriend, bora, in busan, south korea. she is referred to as ‘chaeyoung’ or ‘cee’ or ‘ciara’.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER.     park seoyoung was born on january 19th, 1955 in busan, south korea. she met lee hojin in 1972 and shortly married him a few months later the same year. they would go on to have three children, one boy, two girls. in 1996, seoyoung and hojin moved to chungnam, south korea and settled there for the rest of their lives. in 2017, her health begins to decline. in 2018, she dies in her sleep peacefully. she is referred to as ‘할머니’ (halmoni).
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL GRANDFATHER.     park hojin was born on may 12th, 1949 in ulsan, south korea. after his father died during the korean war, his mother moved them to busan. he met seoyoung in 1972, marrying her and having three children with her. in 1996, he and seoyoung moved to chungnam. in 2001, he suffered from a heart attack. he is currently retired, but used to work as a contractor.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL UNCLE.     park jaewoo was born on february 21st, 1973. he is currently a businessman, living in new york.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL AUNT.      park sooyoung was born on september 27th, 1977. she is currently living in busan with her girlfriend, bora, and her niece, chaeyoung/ciara. she works as a hotel secretary.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL GRANDFATHER.     lee jihyuk was born in 1950. he was verbally and physically abusive to his son, jaehyun, which was one of the leading factors of why jaehyun left forever at eighteen. he died in 1994 of a heart attack.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER.     jung yeonhee was born on july 1st, 1954. she never tried to protect her son from her husband, but joshua was soft on her and it took a lot of him to leave her behind. after jihyuk died in 1994, she tried to find jaehyun, as she knew him, but failed. she later settled in jeju, south korea in 2000 and died of a car accident in 2011. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL AUNT.     lee eunbyul was born on december 28th, 1981. her brother was nine years older than her and never cared enough to talk to her, despite the two having more in common than he thought. she was relieved when their brother left and then her father died. when her mother tried to look for her brother who never even wanted them, she grew angry and began to resent her mother and her brother even more. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HABITS & MANNERISMS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀making sound effects, making sweater paws, switching from english to korean in a sentence, constantly organizing and reorganizing things, talking in aegyo, sleep talking, mumbling to herself, makes up lies about random, unimportant things for no reason, pouting or puckering her lips, sleeping in late, using ‘like’ constantly in a conversation, gesturing while talking, checking her phone, laughing in serious situations, poking haneul’s cheeks, slapping/patting her members’ butts for no reason, talking about stars, getting overstimulated with too much noise under stress, bursting into songs and choreo, being jumpy.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HOBBIES & SKILLS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀singing, writing, playing the piano, playing the guitar, watching old and new cartoons, gardening, seeing how far she can push her members, vlogging, watching tiktoks/being on her phone, sleeping, shopping, collecting her bias’ photocards, journaling, collecting rubber ducks, doing mindf*ck games.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  LIKES.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀sleeping, music, shopping, reading, strawberries, rubber ducks, learning, butter pecan ice cream, astrology, stars, science, organizing, candles, dramas, the season fall, color purple, swimming, gentle rain, night time, puzzles, talking about her mother, ice skating, museums.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISLIKES.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀alcohol, the color orange, loud noises, hot weather, clowns, thunderstorms, liars, mint flavor, horror movies, assumptions, being vulnerable, repeating herself, being active besides dancing, chronically late people, wasting time, camping, cemeteries, family dinners, waiting, dirty fingernails, sundays, cheese, cleaning, world ending conspiracy theories/far stretched conspiracy theories.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PHOBIAS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀heights, blood.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE COLOR(S).     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lavender and pink.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE SEASON.   
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀fall.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE ANIMAL(S).     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀bunnies, dogs.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE NUMBER.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀seven.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀anywhere but home, seulgi. gibson girl, ethel cain. rhiannon, fleetwood mac. spring day, bts. teeth, enhypen. out of the woods, taylor swift. take a bite, beabadoobee. liquid smooth, mitski. bye my neverland, kiss of life. left alone, fiona apple. black madonna, cage the elephant. you know i’m no good, amy winehouse. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  CLOSE FRIENDS.   
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀former iz*one members. ryujin and chaeryeong, itzy. aespa. yunjin, le sserafim. miyeon and shuhua, (g)i-dle. nagyung, fromis_9. gaeul, ive. heeseung, enhypen. mark, chenle, haechan and jaemin, nct. sungchan, riize. yiren, everglow. yeonjun, txt. chuu. keeho, p1harmony. tsuki, billlie. soojin. matthew, zerobaseone. lily and haewon, nmixx. isa, stayc. park jihoon.
inspo from @m3loria
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rnmevents · 4 months
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2024 RNM Fandom Events Calendar
Below, you’ll find an always-being-updated list of events going on in the RNM fandom throughout the year as they are announced:
RNM Big Bang
Signups open: April 3rd
Authors sign-ups CLOSED
Max Evans Weekend
September 27th-29th
RIP Roswell
October 31st-November 3rd
RNM After Dark
Dates to be announced
RNM Secret Santa Exchange
Dates to be announced
2019 calendar || 2020 calendar || 2021 calendar || 2022 calendar || 2023 calendar
Questions? Concerns? See an event missing? Send us a message!
past 2024 events:
Sunrise on CrashDown
January 13th-15th
Kyle Valenti Weekend
February 9th-11th
Liz Week
May 13th-19th
Hatch Day Party
June 14th-16th
RNM Femslash Exchange
June 24th-30th
Isobel Evans Weekend
July 26th-28th
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marumafan · 4 months
Hello !!
Do you know why the manga reboot was cancelled ? And do you think there’s ever a chance of it actually happening ? ^_^
Nothing was ever explained clearly to fans. ~ *-*~ Welcome to maruma hell ~ *-*~ "The beatings will continue until morale improves"
Kyou Kara Maou S (a.k.a reboot hell ) -A timeline-
January 8 - First information of Kyou Kara Maou S is released . New manga is promised in Summer 2021 https://x.com/comic_growl/status/1347317087396646919 January 22 (Release) Royal couple pic is the first thing we get https://x.com/maruma_official/status/1352454496345968643 February 12- Valentine's day (Release) 1 page manga https://x.com/comic_growl/status/1360061564376727552
March 25 - White Day (Release) 1 manga page https://x.com/comic_growl/status/1375282360791404553
July 29th -Yuuri's Birthday(Release) https://x.com/comic_growl/status/1420579838193242113 October 22nd Merch release (connected to manga company) https://x.com/A3_event_Vol3/status/1451458528388861953 October 26th Tea release (not connected to manga, but more hype) https://x.com/ginnekotea/status/1452876420502495232 December 10th- End of the Year Murakens story https://x.com/comic_growl/status/1469141066997800961
January 1st- New Year's Official (probably GEG)pulling Takabayashi's leg about writing https://x.com/maruma_official/status/1477178723514593280 April 8th- Temari-sensei's birthday Takabayashi sensei takes the blame for the delays https://x.com/maruma_official/status/1512213493784932356
July 29th- Yuuri's birthday- Manga release Manga Chapter 0 (zero) comes out https://x.com/comic_growl/status/1552852160534040576
And a short story https://x.com/maruma_official/status/1552879948092022784 September 2nd- DMM merch More merch comes out (unrelated to manga) https://x.com/dmm_scratch/status/1567346925837377536
October 21st- Manga release Manga Chapter 0.5 comes out https://x.com/comic_growl/status/1583292237844287488
January 5th- Year of the Rabbit- New Year's - Art https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1610968281762127875
June 13th - Merch More merch comes out (unrelated to manga) https://x.com/thechara_2014/status/1668543741550895104
July 29th- Yuuri's Birthday NOTHING but a tweet https://x.com/maruma_official/status/1685207742737424384
October 31st- Halloween pics https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1719269540167905785 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1719269354934771870 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1719174305580507465 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1719020893312303319
December Christmas pic https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1730529618460045707 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1733063726096609469 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1738138890060562685 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1738862234900762981 Random pics https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1733309445105758672 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1734881532689649930 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1735601017973326075
December 22nd- Manga release Manga release 0.5, part 2 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1738032323768222201
January 8th- Conrad art (the mangakas favorite) https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1744352601670590677 February 15th - Valentine's Day https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1758090598853296508 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1758090718739067229 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1758090758303916075 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1758090790084194801 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1758090827392569556 https://x.com/temari_ma/status/1758090854080909600 That's all. Current date: May 25th, 2024
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svtminji · 1 year
𐙚 ‧ RELATIONSHIPS ─── romantic
I 𝓲. I johnny (nct) x oc ୨୧ jeonghan x oc warning: mentions of a miscarriage in johnny's section
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╰ johnny + minji -> johnji popularity: 89% - type of relationship: best friends
johnji : 🌺. ─── basic info.
age difference: six months (feb. 1995 & aug. 1995)
time span: may 2018 - sept. 2019
how it began: since both of them were trainees under sm, they managed to create a bond as they were mainly english speakers. although minji did depart from the company three years prior to johnny’s debut, they managed to stay in contact with each other. after a few years of only seeing each other through a screen, johnny asked out minji and she said yes.
dating announcement: it was announced by dispatch on december 31st, 2018. dispatch stated that the couple had been dating months prior to exposing this.
break-up announcement: all good things must come to an end and the couple had realized that. they loved each other deeply but they knew that in the entertainment industry, dating is looked down upon. both of them made the conscious decision to stop their relationship due to their busy schedules and it was announced by their respective companies.
their relationship now: BESTIES!!! omg i cannot stress this enough. friendship dates & many visits to the dorm. mizuki became friends with all of nct by this
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀쟈니
johnji : 🌺. ─── etc.
how the public responded: people criticized both of them due to their two-three year dating ban once debuting. they later accepted that their hate couldn’t break them from loving each other. some netizens still criticized minji for being lazy enough about her career.
reason they broke up: the tough schedule between idols dating was easy enough for them to manage. though both nct & svt were getting popular during this time and it lead to them seeing less and less of each other. they both made the conscious decision to break up for the sake of their careers because minji was receiving much stress from the upcoming tour. the pair ended in good terms and still see each other as something that was long ago.
during the time they were dating, minji had morning sickness which led to a pregnancy test. it had came back positive and it was exciting news for the couple. although the sudden news was early in their relationship, both of them knew that they would definitely be good parents. minji and johnny both ended up with the name sienna for their babygirl, or hyunwoo for their babyboy; yet their dreams of having a family would end up shattered.
a song that represents them: best friend - rex orange country & sienna - mizuki
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╰ jeonghan + minji -> jeongmi popularity: 101% - type of relationship: engaged besties
jeongmi: 🌺. ─── basic info.
age difference: three months (aug. 1995 & oct. 1995)
time span: nov. 2020 - present
how it began: after a few years of on-and-off flirting and flings, mizuki realized how much she really missed him on nights when she was alone. he was her other half and they were always stuck together like glue.
dating announcement: as always the couple was exposed by their favorite news reporter, dispatch. yet dispatch was not the first signs of their dating accusations. their first stages of trying out new things began with a soft launch. saesangs & carats would see them two by themselves going on "friend dates". although dispatch was the one to announce it, both of them properly announced their relationship once they felt it was time for everyone to understand their relationship. january 6th, 2021 was the day they announced it.
engagement announcement: the couple announced their engagement on february 15th, 2023. both minji and jeonghan had made an instagram post celebrating their engagement, with their comments disabled. although many fans were happy, some netizens had their concerns about the future of seventeen.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀정한
jeongmi: 🌺. ─── etc.
how the public responded: many netizens supported it as they were both getting into the age of settling down and placing roots. though, a few people slut-shamed minji for dating a fellow member but was later thrown off due to the massive support.
q&a: do they see having kids in the future? yes, both of them have ... :3 and they always talk about their relationship regarding the future. although minji might have some unresolved pain from a prior pregnancy, she does not mind trying once again to have a child.
a song that represents them -> style - taylor swift & kingston - faye webster
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lol i decided to update this post bc the layout was HORRENDUS. omg... never again. i cant spell but thank you for either reading or rereading!
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undertale-museum · 9 months
Fanfiction Page 1
Page 1 — Page 2 — Page 3
[Updated 15Jan24]
+18 used as shorthand for s3x
*** aka Dead dove do not eat as shorthand for dark themes, kink and/or rough s3x
[1] So I think You've Got the Wrong Number
By WhatteauYouDoing (97k)
November 28th, 2015 - June 2016
Reader, Gaster, Toriel, Sans
~Magi reader pulls Gaster from void~
[2] learn to live [series]. (+18 ***)
By I_Write_Sanses_Not_Tragedies
61k words
April 14, 2016 - November 2018
Blue, Stretch, Red
R*pe recovery, domestic
[3] AVA
By Inyahs (356k)
December 17, 2016 - Jan 2024
Anomaly OC, bittybones oc, UTMV ensemble
~ Wise crack hermit goes on adventure with grumpy insomniac bitty~
Note: plot up to Sciencetale lab, lacks character development after
[4] sticks & stones (+18)
By oneType (163k)
March 14, 2016 - May 14, 2019
Stretch, Red, Edge, Underfell Ensemble, Underswap Ensemble
~Stretch gets stuck in Underfell~
TW: discussion of attempted s**cide prior go story
[5] Good food, Good friends, Bad laughs
By shyviolet77 (431k)
April 19, 2016 - July 11, 2019
Sans, Frisk, Papyrus
1930s mobtale, Neutral Party Frisk
[6] A Puzzle Just For Me (+18)
By neroli9 (696k)
May 7, 2016 - January 13, 2024
Sans, Reader, Muffet, OC ensemble
Mobtale 1930s, exiled royal
Note: very kinky, RACK
[7] KR Trilogy (+18, ***)
By Mercy_Run (203k)
October 10, 2023 - Feb 2, 2023
Sans, Red, Edge
idk an sfw way to tag this~ guide
Note: skip wedding, smut from beginning
[8] Skeleton Games
By poetax (279k)
November 30, 2016 - Jan 1, 2023
Red, Edge, Reader, Muffet
Feuding neighbors, vampire reader
[9] Little Red
By Spectroscope (53k)
April 15th 2017 - April 14, 2022
Human!SwapPaps, Human!SwapSans, OC monster
Bittybones, trauma recovery
Note: Stan (H!SS) is trans-masc,
Broken Bones Multiverse [series]
By Lady_kit  (339k)
21 April 17 - Nov 23
[10] Broken Bones
Stretch, Edge, Blue, Red
Papyrus centric, spicyhoney
- - -
[11] Bone Shards
Stretch, Edge, Blue, Red
- - -
[12] Compound Fracture
_2023 Nov
Stretch, Edge, Blue, Red, Slim (Swapfell Papyrus) , Razz (Swapfell Sans)
Papyrus centric, spicyhoney
[13] Ain’t this the life [series] ***
By nilchance (524k)
Sans, Red, Edge
Uptight asshole x shameless tumblr sexy man
(series contains 39 works) -->first
 that space pirates AU [series] ***
by nilchance _ 2021 (116k) dddne
- - -
[14] Killing the moon
Red, Papyrus
Brain washing recovery
- - -
[15] starry eyed
Sans, Red, Edge, Stretch, Gaster (AI)
Prison recovery, soulmates, domestic
[16] Doom and Gloom All Up in Your Room
by TrashCollector (95k)
____ - Dec 2023
Y/N (room owner), Dust, Horror
Domestic reverse harem
[17] Firsts and Seconds
by Skerb (103k)
__ - 2023
Sticks (Farmtale Sans), Bitey/Buddy (Horrortale Sans)
Injury recovery, strangers to lovers
[18] Sea of Hope
By Aylish91 (26k)
2021 - 2023 March
Y/N (runaway skeleton), Axe (Horror),
Piratetale, Y/N x Axe
[19] Poor Little Meow Meow
By Mystique, TallDumbass (58k)
2022 - October 2023
Y/N (vet), Killer
Fluff and Angst
[20] A Lovely House of Bones
By Green_Heart88 (37k)
2023 - Dec 2023
(Y/N) host, Sans, Paps, Blue, Stretch, Edge, Red
Domestic living + recovery
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pagansheep · 11 months
Iplier Appearances by Date
Welcome to all of the Iplier Ego Appearances from the very first to current!
YouTube Playlist Here
June 19th, 2012: Don’t Blink
July 4th, 2012: Don’t Move
November 9th, 2012: The Fall of Slender Man
January 23rd, 2013: King of the Squirrels
February 7th, 2013: Danger In Fiction Part One [Feat. Markiplier]
June 12th, 2013: The Warfstache Affair
July 23rd, 2013: Mr. Kitty Saves The World
July 28th, 2013: Raspy Hill
August 20th, 2013: Danger In Fiction | Chapter II
October 16th, 2013: Warfstache Plays Slender
October 31st, 2013: Are Jumpscares Scary?
June 3rd, 2014: Super Infidelity 
August 26th, 2014: The Ned Affair [feat. Markiplier]
October 31st, 2014: Google in Real Life | ft. Markiplier (Matthias Ending)
October 31st, 2014: Google IRL (Markiplier Ending)
December 10th, 2014: Hire My Ass [feat. Markiplier, Danny Sexbang & Matthias]
March 7th, 2015: Five Nights at Freddy’s Interview 
March 24th, 2015: Ed Edgar Adoptallott's Baby Bulk Buy
March 26th, 2015: King of the Squirrels Returns
September 8th, 2015: Worst News Doctor
September 13th, 2015: Warfstache Interviews Markiplier
August 13th, 2016: Relax
August 24th, 2016: Now We’re Cooking
November 13th, 2016: MAKING LOVE FOR SENPAI | Yandere Simulator #12
February 14th, 2017: A Date With Markiplier
April 1st, 2017: 360 Video | Let’s Play Minecraft | Part One
April 16th, 2017: Don’t Play This Game
May 5th, 2017: Markiplier TV
May 20th, 2017: Google Gets an Upgrade
June 29th, 2017: The Voice of Darkiplier | Markiplier Remix
October 10th, 2017: Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter One
October 11th, 2017: Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter Two
October 12th, 2017: Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter Three
October 13th, 2017: Who Killed Markiplier? - The Final Chapter
October 14th, 2017: Corpse Abduction?
October 14th, 2017: Suspect With A Shooty?!
October 14th, 2017: Demons Jim, Demons!!
October 14th, 2017: Dummy Jim Reenacts Grisly Scene!
November 19th, 2017: Don’t Remember
November 20th, 2017: Big MOOD?
December 23rd, 2017: A TOTALLY NORMAL GAME... NOTHING SUSPICIOUS AT ALL... | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 1 (Description Only)
December 24th, 2017: SO MANY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 2 (Description Only)
December 26th, 2017: EVERYTHING IS SO... NORMAL | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 3 (Description Only)
December 30th, 2017: THE PERFECT DATE w/ ThE ̸̗͍̮̼͙P̏͂̈́ͦ͂̂E͆̈́ͧͮͣ̍̄Ŕ̓͋F̿̒ͦĒͫ̑ͧCT̓ ͏̪̜̗͔̻̘GiRL | Doki Doki - Part 4 (Description Only)
December 31st, 2017: WARNING... THINGS GO VERY VERY WRONG... | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 5 (Description Only)
January 1st, 2018: BE WITH ME FOREVER | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 6 (ENDING) (Description Only)
January of 2018: A Compromise (Tumblr)
August 15th, 2018: Wilford “MOTHERLOVING” Warfstache
August 20th, 2018: Go Back To Sleep…
December 10th, 2018: SANTA SPILLS THE TEA
May 12th, 2019: DAMIEN
December 21st, 2019: CyberMark (Facebook, THIS HAS ENDED)
October 30th 2019: A Heist With Markiplier 
February 11th, 2021: Cooking Simulator #2
February 11th, 2021: The Best Kind of Love Story… (Instagram)
March 7th, 2021: The Warfstache Automated Interview Automaton
August 24th, 2021: MY WORST NIGHTMARE | Mannequin House
September 3rd, 2021: Everything has to End
December 11th, 2021: Everything has to Begin
March 4th, 2022: In Space With Markiplier | Official Trailer
April 4th, 2022: In Space With Markiplier Part One
April 11th, 2022: Ë̸̼R̴̢̼̂R̵̡̙̚͜Ǫ̸͙͚̈R̶̦̮̝͗
April 13th, 2022: We Went Back
April 15th, 2022: Try Not to Crash Simulator | Drive Time Radio
April 18th, 2022: P̴̮̌̓A̵̧͌͜R̶̰̀A̶D̶O̵X̴͓́͗͗͊̆̀͝ ̵͙̈̚D̴̖̍E̷T̷E̵̩͑͜ͅC̵̻͊T̸̺͎̾̾È̷͕Ḓ̴̵̛̊͗̔̃̌̅̀̓̂̕͝
April 25th, 2022: The Multiverse Is Littered With the Corpses of Your Failures
May 2nd, 2022: In Space With Markiplier Part Two
September 16th, 2023: 3 Scary Games #102
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amphtaminedreams · 5 months
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June 2021->June 2023: Photo Dump No.23
11th July 2021 [Bella Hadid photographed in Miami, December 2019], 10th November 2021 [Southbank, Lambeth], 26th June 2023, 24th August 2022 [GIANT Art Gallery, Bournemouth Town Centre], 16th September 2022 [Et Ochs RTW S/S23], 30th June 2023, 2nd March 2023, 28th November 2021 [the Saatchi Gallery, Chelsea], 27th June 2023 [Lyme Regis, Dorset]
26th September 2023, 1st June 2023 [Colors Festival @ Camden Lock, Camden], 10th January 2023 [Scorpio Platform Boot, Shelly’s London S/S23], 15th September 2023 [Bermondsey, Southwark], 24th September 2022, 8th December 2022 [Twisted Museum, Oxford Circus], 22nd July 2023 [Yayoi Kusama: You, Me and the Balloons @ the Factory International, Deansgate, Manchester], 6th September 2023, 14th November 2021 [Glass Animals live @ Portsmouth Guildhall, Hampshire]
17th February 2022, 29th September 2022, 17th October 2021 [the Other Art Fair @ the Truman Brewery, Brick Lane], 12th July 2023, 31st May 2023 [source: instagram account @howtobehumanpod], 26th August 2023 [Salou, Tarragona], 9th April 2022 [source: instagram @_brightsouls_], 5th September 2021 [John Galliano RTW S/S92], 27th August 2023 [Salou, Tarragona]
31st March 2023 [He Cong photographed by Leslie Zhang for Marie Claire China, issue 298, April 2023], 28th August 2023, 15th July 2021 [Normani BTS on the set of the “Wild Side" music video, released July 2021], 27th May 2023 [source: instagram account @howtobehumanpod], 30th May 2023 [details @ Coach RTW F/W23], 13th March 2022, 21st July 2023, 23rd August 2023 [Sitges, Catalonia], 27th September 2023 [The Design Museum, Kensington]
27th September 2023 [“Hallgarth” boots, Roker RTW F/W23 @ REBEL: 30 Years of London Fashion exhibition, the Design Museum, Kensington], 15th March 2024, 1st December 2022 [Yayoi Kusama: Mirror Infinity Rooms exhibition @ Tate Modern, Bankside], 28th July 2021 [Christchurch, Dorset], 22nd March 2023, 3rd February 2024 [source: instagram account @sadborderlinebitxh], 14th February 2024 [Luar RTW F/W24], 16th March 2024 [CUTE exhibition @ Somerset House, Strand], 11th August 2021 [Beyonce shot by Campbell Addy for Harper's Bazaar, August 2021]
8th January 2024 [Disneyland Paris, Marne-la-Vallée], 7th December 2022 [Liberty London, Soho], 9th December 2023, 13th December 2023, 3rd November 2021 [Ulyana Sergeenko, Haute Couture S/S19], 29th December 2021 [Untitled from the Fractal Scars, Salt Water and Tears collection, Ester Teichmann @ GIANT Art Gallery, Bournemouth), 30th November 2022 [source: instagram account @mantramagazine], 9th January 2024 [Marne-la-Vallée, France], 28th May 2023 [Elle & Dakota Fanning, February 2023, via @ellefanning on instagram]
6th May 2023 [source: instagram account @howtobehumanpod], 1st August 2021 [Dua Lipa wearing archive Jean Paul Gaultier on the set of the “Demeanor” video, released July 2021], 9th August 2023 [the Southbank Centre, Lambeth], 29th December 2021 [It's a Rave Dave exhibition @ GIANT Art Gallery, Bournemouth], 21st July 2023, 28th October 2023 [Nili Lotan RTW F/W23], 31st October 2023 [Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets], 15th October 2023], 1st November 2023 [Disney, 100 Exhibition @ ExCel Centre, Custom House]
5th April 2024 [Museo Picasso, Málaga], 8th February 2024 [Bella Hadid for Italian Vogue, May 2024 issue], 28th July 2021 [Bournemouth Centre, Dorset], 23rd January 2024 [source: instagram account @wrencraftt], 21st March 2023, 28th September 2023 [Philipp Plein Resort 2024], 9th February 2024, 21st August 2023 [source: instagram account @_mysunbeam], 7th April 2024 [Benalmádena, Andalusia]
9th April 2024 [Málaga, Andalusia], 29th August 2021 [source: instagram account @aniko.arts], 4th April 2024, 21st June 2023 [Summer Exhibition @ the Royal Academy, Mayfair], 10th May 2023 [Zendaya photographed by Elizaveta Porodina for Vogue Italia, July 2022 issue], 2nd October 2023 [source: instagram account @eggsdoodz], 14th July 2021 [Lana Del Rey performing live @ L'Olympia, Paris, 27th April 2013], 22nd December 2023 [source: Pinterest account @gobrielle], 30th March 2024 [Hove, East Sussex]
February 2nd 2023 [Objects of Desire: Surrealism and Design 1924-Today @ the Design Museum, Kensington], 10th April 2024 [Benalmádena, Andalusia], 3rd April 2024 [Mijas Pueblo, Andalusia], 19th September 2021 [Van Gogh Alive lmmersive Exhibition, Kensington Gardens, London], 7th November 2023 [Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture F/W23], 28th October 2023 [Bermondsey Street, Bermondsey], 2nd April 2024 [Benalmádena, Andalusia], 10th April 2024, 10th April 2024
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greater-shade · 2 years
Inscryption Timeline
I decided to write down a complete chronological timeline for the events of Inscryption, based on all instances of actual dates or timeframes we are given.
Most of these are taken from the in-game file names seen throughout the story, like the Luke Carder videos and the Act Select.
I thought it would be interesting to see all of them listed in their proper order to get a better feel of how these events went down.
around 1992 or later:
-The video game Inscryption is developed by Kaycee Hobbes and her co-workers under GameFuna
(Note: The ghoul named after Kaycee Hobbes found within the game is written to have died in 1992, and also speaks in a manner that seems contemporary for that general timeframe, so the game was likely developed around that year or afterwards.)
June 6th:
- Luke Carder discovers an old photograph of one of his first Aquaromans cards, and is reminded of his sister El
June 9th:
- Luke continues to document old photographs of him and El
June 10th:
- Luke finishes documenting his old photographs, ending with the last picture taken of him and El together
January 4th:
- Luke documents a photo of his reaction when his video channel hit 100 subscribers
The year during which the events of Inscryption occur:
(Note: The exact year is never specified in-game. Because of the meta story aspects, one could assume the story takes place in 2021, though Daniel Mullins has also mentioned he was more thinking of it taking place around 2010.)
September 15th:
-Luke records a Catch Monsters pack opening video and pulls Birchkin and Bandog, but chooses to scrap the footage after getting interrupted by a phone call
October 2nd:
-Luke purchases four vintage Inscryption card packs from Mrs. Hobbes at a garage sale -Luke records the Inscryption pack opening video and finds coordinates scribbled on one of the cards
October 3rd:
-Luke follows the coordinates and digs up the disk containing the Inscryption video game -Luke purchases a floppy disk drive online
October 10th:
-Luke starts playing Inscryption
October 11th:
-Luke starts his 3rd or 4th run in Act I
(Note: Leshy's dialoge if this file is loaded in the Act Select would indicate that it's the 3rd run, but a lack of the Woodcarver tutorial would indicate it's the 4th run or later.)
October 12th:
-Luke sends an e-mail to GameFuna, asking about Inscryption
October 13th:
-Luke starts Act II -Luke records a video asking his audience about Inscryption
October 14th:
-Luke receives a reply e-mail from GameFuna
October 16th:
-Luke starts Act III -Amanda shows up at Luke's front door -Luke calls Mrs. Hobbes on the phone to ask about the card packs -Luke investigates the incident surrounding Kaycee Hobbes' death as well as other things relating to Inscryption in depth
October 17th:
-Luke finishes Act III and Inscryption is deleted -Luke attempts to record a Secrets of Legendaria pack opening video but stops himself -Luke hears someone in his house as he attempts to sleep
October 19th:
- The halted upload of Inscryption resumes and is completed (Note: based on Secret Ending title)
And that’s all of them, as far as I can tell.
Obviously there are more events that occur, but these are the only ones I can safely tie to a certain date or timeframe like this.
Note that for some of the events that take place during the same day, we can’t be certain in what order they occured on that day.
In any case, I did enjoy putting this together.
Some of these really do feel different after realizing in what context they happened - like for example, Luke being unable to bring himself to finish that video, and him hearing someone in his house at night both happening on the same day where Inscryption was deleted.
It adds something to it, I feel.
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nightsidewrestling · 8 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Charles Nye (2021)
The Third Son of Pride Charles Nye
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Damian's grandson and Viola's youngest son, Charles is an intelligent kid who spends more time with his heads in books rather than watching his mother wrestle.
"Did you name me after Dickens, Chaplin or Addams."
Full Legal Name: Charles Lakshmi Nye
First Name: Charles
Meaning: French and English form of 'Carolus', the Latin form of the Germanic name 'Karl', which was derived from a word meaning 'man' (Proto-Germanis 'karlaz'). However an alternative theory states that it is derived from the common Germanic name element 'harjaz' meaning 'army'
Pronunciation: CHARLZ
Origin: English, French
Middle Name: Lakshmi
Meaning: Means 'sign, mark' in Sanskrit. This is the name of the Hindu goddess of prosperity, good luck, and beauty
Pronunciation: LUK-shmee
Origin: Hinduism, Indian, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Odia
Surname: Nye
Meaning: Originally indicated a person who lived near a river, from Middle English 'Atten eye’ meaning 'At the river’
Pronunciation: NIE
Origin: English
Alias: N/A
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Charley, Charlie, Charly, Chas, Chaz, Chip, Chuck, Chuckie, Chucky
Titles: Mr
Age: 10
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Mixed White-Asian (English & Indian)
Birth Date: January 15th 2011
Symbols: N/A
Sexuality: N/A
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English
Relationship Status: N/A
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Theme Song (Ringtone on Damian & Vi's Phones): Damian: 'The Middle' - Jimmy Eat World Vi: 'Without Me' - Eminem
Voice Actor: N/A
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Current Location: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Hometown: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Height: N/A (Hasn’t finished growing)
Weight: N/A (Hasn’t finished growing)
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: N/A
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Glyn Pritchard, Bada Llewellyn, Jacob Rhydderch, Quintus Rhydderch, Comhghall Rhydderch, Dagda O'Hannigan, Quirinus Rhydderch, Talfryn Rhydderch, Hall McFarlane, Dalton McFarland, Quasimodo Rhydderch, Bairrfhionn Rhydderch, Wallace Rhydderch, Samuel McCormick, Vance Lum, Emil Winter
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: Quentin Nye
Mentor: Quentin Nye
Significant Other: N/A
Previous Partners: N/A
Parents: Quentin Nye (43, Father), Viola Nye (42, Mother, Née Lum)
Parents-In-Law: N/A
Siblings: Adam Nye (22, Brother), Paulette Nye (19, Sister), Benjamin Nye (16, Brother), Olivia Nye (13, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: N/A
Children-In-Law: N/A
Grandkids: N/A
Great Grandkids: N/A
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Backstory: Charles is the fifth and final child of Quentin and Viola Nye, which makes him the grandson of Damian Lum. Charles currently attends primary school in Lancashire.
Trivia: Nothing of note so far
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ALRIGHT! ENOUGH YIPPY YAPPING ON MY END!! I’m never gonna get these things to see the light of day if i just put them off. So here we go: EVERY (Jackbox Games) ILLUSTRATION AND SKETCH I AM STILL PROUD OF THAT I HAVEN’T POSTED PUBLICLY (With dates included according to their properties) MASTERPOST! [MAY OR MAY NOT UPDATE!]
Nothing violently inappropriate, but i did draw The Wheel in a non-revealing maid outfit at some point as well as M. Bubbles eating a heart they ripped out of the wall, but nothing that’ll give grandma a heart attack...except for maybe Cookie Masterson getting tricked into reading the Ẓ̷̛̞͚͗̋̌ạ̵̢̨̬̿͐͂͘͠ḻ̴̯̲́͒g̸̰͌͛ȯ̵̙́ incantation, that one’s pretty intense!
The Trivia Murder Party victims but as grotesque monsters (Date: 28th of November, 2020)
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Fun fact: i ended up sculpting both Sloth & Envy’s designs out of clay during art class, no i do not have them.
This comic featuring Cookie Masterson i never finished, but it’s really funny like this so i’m posting it anyways (Date: 31st of December, 2020) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Greed attempting to steal one of the Murder Hotel’s lamps (Date: 30th of January, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Realistic fullbodies of Skippy, Gus & Sparkles (Date: 31st of January, 2021)
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The Keeper reading out the definition of CBT (Date: 15th of February, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Creepy Voice, however it’s referencing the end of the proper You Don’t Know Jack: Full Stream trailer (Date: 2nd of April, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Cookie Masterson getting tricked into reading the Ẓ̷̛̞͚͗̋̌ạ̵̢̨̬̿͐͂͘͠ḻ̴̯̲́͒g̸̰͌͛ȯ̵̙́ incantation (Date: 24th of May, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED] {WARNING: VIOLENT}
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FUN FACT: the power went out on a sunny day and made me lose the original file, but i was able to remake the comic using a snapshot i sent to a friend! Also: the pencil brush used to make this comic no longer exists on Photopea by default, which sucks absolute BALLS because it was a dope ass pencil brush i haven’t been able to fully replace!
Buzz Lippman falling unconscious based on a Tumblr post about him (Date: 30th of September, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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My Jackbox host designs that coincidentally look like other characters (Date: 17th of October, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Mayonnaise multi-tasking, bringing his child home from school while exiting a pet door (Date: 19th of November, 2021)
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I also have a doodle of him stretching like a cat and him eating a rat, but i’m not proud of those so i’m not showing.
Sketches of food for my redux of my first Wattpad story: Jackbox Culinary (Date: 10th of February, 2022)
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Redraw of that kid annoying a girl with a trumpet, but with Creepy Voice annoying Cookie Masterson with bagpipes (Date: 10th of February, 2022) [DESIGNS OUTDATED]
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L’averne Caverne pondering her orb & a redraw of that Cars comic where Lighting McQueen states that it’s nice to be back in Radiator Springs, but with The Wheel of Enormous Proportions preparing to answer the winner’s question (Date: 2nd of March, 2022)
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There’s also a sketch of [REDACTED] dragging The Screamer to the Plinko by the legs while she screams in terror, but his legs always bothered me so i’m not posting.
The Job Job Heart by Jackbox Games (Date: 17th of March, 2022)
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The funny explanation as to why my interp of The Wheel of Enormous Proportions suddenly got jacked (Date: 1st of April, 2022)
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Octoputtz crying in the fetal position (Date: 5th of May, 2022)
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What happens when people stream Quiplash (Date: 22nd of May, 2022)
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This drawing of The Wheel of Enormous Proportions in a Victorian English maid outfit that i drew exclusively because i thought it would be funny to put a God in servants clothing {and also because The Wheel makes me feel things i don’t like admitting} and a drawing of it holding a Peep in it’s grasp to mildly prank a friend (Date: 23rd of May, 2022)
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There’s also another bust doodle of The Wheel, but that one looks off so i’m not posting it.
Rue Meringue & [REDACTED] swapping clothes due to how similar their outfits’ silhouette resembles (Date: 3rd of June, 2022)
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Rue Meringue but with proper freckles (Date: 4th of June, 2022)
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FUN FACT: This was originally going to be apart of a series of drawings where i draw characters who’s freckles are represented only via 3 dots on their cheeks and then drawing them with more realistic freckles, however this never got realized and i stopped at Rue.
Cookie Masterson being repackaged (Date: 29th of August, 2022) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Redraw of that comic where a grown man dresses up as a thirsty little flower but it’s The Wheel of Enormous Proportions again (Date: 23rd of October, 2022)
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Realistic headshot of Greg (Date: 25th of March, 2023)
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Redraw of that image of a woman looking at a man’s particularly perky pectorals that i drew to practice muscles, but it’s M. Bubz & The Wheel (Date: Actually today! But was most likely not going to see the light of day otherwise, so consider this a cheeky bonus!)
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FUN FACT: I HAVE MORE, but i haven’t taken photos of them yet, so they can’t be included here as all of their dates would be labeled as “today”, which isn’t in the spirit of this masterpost, but trust me: they are equally as fun as whatever these things i showed you are.
Maybe i should really start posting these things more often...i mean some of these are REALLY good, even today compared to my improved artistic abilities. It’s a real shame that i was...and sometimes still am embarrassed to post these when i really do still like them! So i’m biting the bullet and seeing how they do.
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