miryum · 2 years
I must request the sappiest shit ever! So Darry has had a girlfriend for 6 months and she wants to make a good impression on the gang, especially Ponyboy and Sodapop. Y/N gets there and uses the spare key before everyone gets to the house. Since Mr and Mrs Curtis died none of the boys have had time for a good family dinner (I headcanon Mrs Curtis as being American Mrs Weasley) so she wanted to surprise them and she uses Darry's moms old recipe book and everything.
Also makes Johnny extra food because he obviously doesn't have parents who feed him)
Oh my god, I love this idea!!! So cute and the found-family trope!! (and hell yes, Mrs. Curtis is the American Molly Weasley.)
“Darling?” Darry’s voice interrupted your concentration. “Is that you?”
“Yeah!” You called, “I’m in the kitchen.”
“How’d you get in? What are-” his words died in his throat once he saw what you were doing. 
You smiled sheepishly, “I got in with the spare key. And I know today’s supposed to be the day when I meet your brothers and I wanted to make a good first impression, you know? I know that you guys don’t have a ton of time to make food, so I- I found your mom’s old cookbook and maybe started making a few things?” You gestured to the expanse of food on the counters. 
Before the boys had gotten home, you had prepared a plethora of things. There was mashed potatoes, salad, steak, meatloaf, and that was just to name a few. 
You looked over the food. “I may have made too much. But I know that some of your friends usually come over, so I just wanted to-”
Darry cut you off by sweeping you into a hug and kissing you. 
“You like it?” You laughed lightly after he pulled away. 
“Like it? I love it.” Darry grinned, “And you used mom’s cookbook. That’s just- wow. And Soda and Pony'll love you no matter what.”
“I hope so.” You muttered as you heard the front door swing open. 
The chatter of Darry’s siblings reached your ears. 
“I ran the sprint in-” Pony’s voice was cut off by a loud shush from Soda.
“Do you smell that?” You could hear Soda’s dramatic sniff. Darry chuckled and buried his face in your hair.
“Yeah… it kinda smells like mom’s…” Pony didn’t finish. After a brief moment, you heard the pattering or running feet. Soda slid into the kitchen, Pony tumbling in after him. After a minute, Johnny padded in too.
“Is this…?” Pony stared at you in Darry’s embrace, putting two and two together.
“Oh my god, the food.” Soda passed over the fact that his older brother was holding a girl and immediately went to the fact that there was food on the table. He dipped his finger in the mashed potatoes, making Darry open his mouth to reprimand him but closed it, rolling his eyes. Soda licked the mashed potatoes off his fingers and smacked his lips. “It’s just like mom’s.” He looked wide-eyed at you. 
“Are you Y/n?” Pony asked, “Darry’s… girlfriend? Did you make this?”
“Yeah, I’m Y/n.” You awkwardly waved at him, Darry’s arm looped around your waist. “And yes, I’m your brother’s girlfriend. I assume you’re Pony and Johnny? And that’s Sodapop. I- uh, found your mom’s old cookbook and made some of the food. I hope that’s okay. I don’t want to overstep my boundaries, but I thought it would be a nice welcome?” 
“Well, I love it. I love her.” Soda said, grinning. You had already won him over. 
Darry smiled, pleased he had one brother’s blessing. It was very important for him that his brother’s liked you. “Should we go have dinner?” 
You grabbed a dish, Pony, Johnny, and Darry soon behind. Soda eagerly grabbed the mash potatoes, inhaling deeply. 
“I’ve heard great things about you.” Pony said softly as you both set the table. “Darry loves you, you know that?” 
“I do.” You smiled, “I wish I got to meet you guys sooner, but Darry is very protective of you.” 
“Well, you haven’t met all of us yet.” Soda said as you all sat. Darry was at the head, you to his right, Pony next to you. Soda sat across from you and Johnny next to him. 
The middle-Curtis boy filled his plate with parts of everything. Johnny hesitantly scooped some food onto his plate but you noticed how he wanted more. You set the plate closer to him and smiled. Johnny looked up at you with a small smile. 
“Oh my god.” Soda moaned after he took the first bite, “It- It tastes just like mom’s.” 
“Really?” Pony and Darry also took a bite. Pony made a little noise and his eyes rolled back. Darry beamed at you. 
“This is perfect.” Your boyfriend said quietly. It seemed as if you were now accepted into the Curtis family.
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miryum · 3 years
Tiles and Lemonade (Darry x Reader)
“Darling?" Your mom called, "I just wanted to let you know that some boys are going to be coming over to fix our roof. Some of the tiles need to be replaced."
"Alright." You replied, laying on your bed, reading a book.
"Your father and I are going to run some errands, so you'll be home alone." 
At those words, you sat up, “So, you mean that I’ll be alone with a bunch of boys over my head?” You asked. 
“Yes,” Your mom said, “But I trust them. Mrs. Willons recommended them highly. And you do know that if one of them hurts you or makes an advance on you, your father will come after them with a shotgun.” She chuckled at the end. 
After a minute or two, you heard the front door close and you were all alone. Usually, you would be ecstatic- you could do whatever you wanted. But this time, you were a bit apprehensive. You didn’t necessarily want to be alone with a bunch of horny, teenage boys. 
You sat in you bed for a couple on minutes, lost in your thoughts, until the doorbell rang, making you jump. 
You scurried downstairs and opened the door carefully. You peeked out to see a young man, looking at you expectantly. He was very tall and seemed to be very strong. He had piercing blue eyes with dark brown hair that was greased back.
“Hi.” He said, “I’m Darrel Curtis... Is this the L/n residence? I was told that they wanted their roof redone.” 
“Yes.” You remembered your manners, and stuck your hand out for him to shake- which he did, “I’m Y/n L/n, their daughter. My parents are out for the day, but they said to just go ahead and get started. They should be home in an hour or two.” 
“Great.” Darrel said, “We’ll just get started then.” 
He started walking back to a truck, where you could see other boys waiting, “Um,” You hesitantly called to him, “Do you guys need anything? A ladder? Or something?” You felt stupid for asking. 
“No, we’re fine!” Darrel called back. 
You nodded, still by the door. You didn’t know what to do. Should you go back inside? Offer something else? 
With no other options, you gently closed the door. You didn’t feel comfortable going back up to your room, so you opted for making yourself a snack and then reading on the couch. 
You ran upstairs to grab your book before heading back to the kitchen. And you started making lemonade. As you poured the powder into a pitcher and stirred, you heard some thumps and bangs from above your head. 
You swallowed, telling yourself that it was just Darrel and his crew. You knew that you had nothing to be nervous about. They couldn’t get into the house and you knew your neighbors very well and knew that they would look out for you. 
Still, it didn’t calm your racing heart. 
After a good half-hour or so of reading your book and munching on some (insert your favorite snack), the sun became more prominent through the windows. You moved to close the blinds, but you caught a peek of Darrel Curtis walking back to his truck. 
Sweat ran down his back, and his greased-up hair seemed to wilt. 
Honestly, you felt really bad that a bunch of teenagers had to work in the beating sun. It didn’t feel right. Especially a teenager with such a good ass. 
Quickly, you made a decision. 
You grabbed a couple more cups from the cupboards and loaded them and the lemonade onto a small table. 
Carefully, you walked to the front door and pushed it open. You ducked around a ladder and looked up at the roof. 
A couple of boys squatted there, working away. 
Darrel noticed you and quickly climbed down the ladder. “Is there a problem?” He asked. 
“No! No.” You said, holding the tray up a little higher, “I just thought you guys might be thirsty because you’re working in the sun and all. I made lemonade...” Your voice trailed off, wondering if they would like it.
“Oh!” Darrel sounded surprised, “That’s very nice of you.” You smiled as he called to the other boys, “Let’s take a five minute break! Miss. Y/n brought lemonade.” 
“Oh my god.” You murmured to Darrel as the boys all scurried down the ladder, “Please don’t call me that. That makes me sound fifty years old. Y/n is just fine.” 
Darrel smiled, “Then call me Darry.” You nodded, a small smile on your face. 
You stepped back from the small table as the boys crowded around it and took thankful gulps of the lemonade. 
After a couple minutes, the boys slowly returned to work, leaving you with an empty pitcher and some cups. 
“Thank you very much.” Darry said, “We appreciate it.” 
“I should be thanking you,” You said, “I mean, you guys are redoing our roof! That’s no small feat.” 
“It’s what we do.” Darry shrugged, “We’re almost done, so we should be out of your hair in a couple minutes.”
Before you could respond, you heard an engine roar and saw a familiar car come down the street. Your parents. 
“Well,” You said, “Those are my parents. They should be able to help you finish up and pay you.” 
You stood around for a second or two, not sure what to say. You watched as your parents car came closer and closer, and just before it reached the driveway, you hurriedly whispered to Darry, “Call me, will you? I have my own phone, just look me up in the book. I should be in there. I would love to hear from you.” 
Darry smiled widely, “It would be my pleasure. Um, before I go, do you maybe want to do something? Like go to the drive-in or something?” 
You laughed quietly, “Sure. That would be great.” You gave him a little wave before scurrying back inside the house. A large grin was on your face as you locked the door, excited for your plans with the oldest Curtis brother.
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