#darling is the big ask
martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Bout to make myself look like a real doofus, but when I first got into other people’s Kalluzeb content, I was clueless to the fact that Sasha is a nickname for Alexsandr, so I assumed it was a fanon Lasat word for ‘dear’ or ‘darling’ or something along those lines. I’m pretty sure I didn’t realize I was wrong until I looked on Wookiepedia to see if it was maybe a canon/canon-inspired word, and there was zip on the Lasat language. Then it occurred to me it was probably a nickname so I googled “Is Sasha a nickname for Alexsandr?” and I finally understood.
Anyway, can we come up with a fanon word in Lasat for ‘darling’ or ‘dear’? Because fics that use Mando’a have really spoiled me, there are so many cute pet names and ways of referring to your various people, and I need words like that in Lasat.
(Also, writers who have Zeb call him Sasha, ILY, I will lie down in the street so you don’t have to walk through puddles and ruin your shoes/the hems of your pants if you’re short, I want to give you all of my high-fives and hugs if you don’t mind, it’s literally the cutest softest nickname for him e v e r and it melts me)
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ch1zzie · 2 months
Brain filled...with joolie... (⚠️ BLOOD WARNING ⚠️)
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Thats a whole row of julies
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Run roh
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WHAT, WALLY AND LAMU? The swirls. Are they evil
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sketchy-tour · 11 months
As much as I have a dislike for people making children of oc/canon ships, you drew the child so adorable😭😭💕💕
I can see the child being a small addition in the show /pos
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THANK YOU! It means a ton to hear Ivy looks like he could actually be in the show. ;w;/
I knew when I posted Ivy that there's some people who aren't all too into seeing fan children. It's not everyone's cup of tea. But the love I got for Ivy Darling really made my heart warm. He's so silly! I love my silly puppet family so so much.
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
Any hcs for homie with a very affectionate s/o, but who still tells him bluntly when they disagree with him? Like when deciding on the slogan, "saving the world" vs "saving America" maybe they openly say saving the world is the better choice
There are a great many things Homelander loves about you.
For instance, the way you hug him for no reason at all. In his prior experiences, hugs have only ever been an uncomfortable formality, or a transaction. The first time you put your arms around him without prompt, he was baffled enough to ask, "What's going on?" To which you simply answered, "I just wanted a hug. Is that okay?" He still smiles when he thinks about the way you looked at him when you said that. He answered, "Yeah. Yeah, sure. 'Course it's okay."
He loves the casualty of your intimacy. There's no thought or hesitation in the way you touch him. He loves that he can make you laugh so hard, there are tears rolling down your cheeks. He loves that you love him without reservation.
Something he doesn't particularly love is the ease and nonchalance with which you are constantly engaging him in full on verbal combat.
"It's not better, it's just your preference," he says, jaw tight.
You have the audacity to laugh. You're not supposed to laugh during a fight. "Okay, fine, I prefer 'saving the world,'" you say, but just as he eases at your acquiescence, you add "Because it's better."
He bristles all over again. "Why are you so intent on fighting with me?"
"Are we fighting?" You ask, brows furrowing. You look genuinely confused at that. Your posture shifts with the change in his tone. "I was under the impression we were having a conversation."
Homelander lifts his hands in an incredulous gesture. "Conversations are pleasant. You know, about the weather, or what you had for lunch, or, I don't know, complimentary! Nice! Not this-this continual dissention!"
"Dissention?" You echo, flabbergasted. "What am I, your crew aboard the Enterprise? I'm not one of your underlings," you say, frowning. He hates that look on your face. "I know that," he scoffs. He tries not to hear the petulance in his own voice. "It'd just be nice if you could be supportive once in awhile." "That's not fair," you say. Christ, it's getting worse. You're not angry with him, you sound disappointed. He'd prefer your anger. "I don't have to agree with you all the time to support you. Do you want me to lie to you? Mindlessly agree with everything you say like some kind of sycophant?" Homelander purses his lips, tapping his fingers rapidly on the armrest of his chair. Of course he doesn't want that. He despises being lied to. "No," he says eventually, realizing you aren't going to give him an out from this.
"Okay. Good," you say, which he feels a modicum of relief at. However, as he watches you get up, he's hit with a spike of anxiety; are you leaving? He's ready to snap, to tell you to sit back down and sort this out, to talk until he feels better, but he has to choke it all back when you make your way right to him and drop sideways into his lap.
Your expression is stern, focused, but there's a gentle curve to your lips. He feels the churning in his stomach ease with the weight of you, but despite the comfort your touch brings, he's grumpy enough that he doesn't immediately put his arm around you the way he normally would.
"I love you," you say. It's an immediate balm to his scorched ego. "I love you when we agree. I love you when we disagree. And for the record, I do agree with you plenty. Remember those awful Preparation H2O sticks they were pitching for The Deep? The ones shaped like dolphins?" Homelander can't maintain his sour attitude at that, he huffs a laugh. "Christ, as if they needed to associate him with the image of sticking one of those up his ass." You laugh, too. The sound is music to his ears. "Mmmhm, you and I rebranded the whole deal. We're a team. It doesn't mean we always have to agree, but we do have to respect each other. We have to love each other. Okay?"
"Okay," he echoes, less sullen and more just a touch pouty. He slides both of his arms around your waist, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You kiss the top of his head, carding your fingers through his hair. "Love you, too."
"Good," you say, smiling. "So... Save the world?"
"No," he growls through his own little grin, nipping at your throat until you squirm and break into ticklish peals of laughter, trying to push out of his iron grasp to no avail. "Clearly I need to put a little more American appreciation into you, if you catch my drift."
You groan loudly, fighting back the giggles. "Oh my god, why do I even like you?"
"I'll remind you," he purrs, hands slinking across your body as he catches you in a kiss.
Homelander tells himself that maybe the occasional disagreement isn't so bad, especially if it always results in these kind of assurance and make out up sessions.
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detectiveneve · 1 year
Love your little meta analyses of Astarion and would LOVE to hear your thought on the optional "you don't have to do this just because you feel like you owe me something" line early in Act 1 when he first propositions Tav and his reaction to it?
Okay hi sorry, I lost a bunch of my saves and I thought I'd lost the save for this scene too but turns out NOPE I HAD IT & I'm so glad because I wanted to go back and play the different variations so I could probably scream and... scream I did! And I'm SO compelled by this, so thank you for the ask! & sorry for the late response.
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So you actually only get this version of the conversation if you don't express any sort of confirmation that yeah, you're into him. If you confirm you're into him, or the biting, that'll bypass the ability to say "you don't have to do this," altogether, which makes me want to eat drywall because the whole conversation prior is still fairly shady, but the "reward for your noble sacrifice" only comes through if you don't fully confirm you were into it. which is very interesting because in the other two versions you can still express doubt, but only in the format of the "a less trusting person" line seen above as well.
The first time he propositions you, if you get this branch of dialogue, what I think happens here is Astarion quickly shifts gears. He sees that Tav isn't, at least according to what they say, charmed or aroused by the vampire routine.
One other thing: they helped him because, as a result of giving him blood, he would be able to physically help them more. He would be stronger, a better fighter, and thus useful. (Whatever is intended by each individual tav who takes his line is up to the player, but that's what can most obviously be received by Astarion).
So, he switches up instantaneously to accommodate the motivation that Tav seems to have (through his own eyes). Instead of appealing to Tav's horny brain and physical attraction to him, he's appealing to their "sacrifice." Tit for tat. Pleasure in reward for blood. You aren't lustfully interested in him as is? That's fine. He can switch it up and instead offer sex as repayment for what you've done for him, and for his body as an object that functions better due to the blood you've given him. Either way, the end goal will be the same: sex to secure his position in the group.
At this point in the game, it isn't about Tav, not really, I don't think. You could take any version of this conversation to the conclusion and it would mean the same thing to him. (That is to say: seduction and sex for security, and sleeping with Tav is a quick way to get that.)
So when Tav says, "You shouldn't do this just because you feel like you owe me something," I don't even think it really... registers for him? Because he hasn't even begun to conceive of that possibility. He is fully still in the same mindset he had prior to escaping, and is running through the same patterns of behavior as before.
He brushes off that reassurance immediately, says it's "more of an excuse," than anything, doing the same thing as before. When he gets this reaction from Tav, he switches gears again: oh it's not the only reason I want to have sex with you, I'm mostly interested in you, I promise. He's navigating the very shallow social interaction that this seduction routine entails by adjusting at a moment's notice to the next thing Tav says. If they're interested or flirty back, he'll fully play up the whole thing. If they're reluctant, he offers new reasons for why they should want to sleep with him.
And then if you reject him entirely:
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"Deny your feelings all you like, it doesn't matter to me."
You don't get disapproval for rejecting him, but he still reinforces this idea to Tav that yes, you're interested in me. You just haven't realized it yet. Typically this kind of line in romance would be annoyingly obnoxiously all about "oh you want me you just haven't realized it yet" and the other party is supposed to find this hot, but with the context of the rest of his arc, it's fascinating. Because Astarion only knows how to secure safety and power through seduction and sex. He only knows how to get what he needs through emotional manipulation and cunning--and SHALLOW emotional manipulation at that. He's not playing an intricate game here. His manipulations become prettyyyyy overt by the second time he propositions you:
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Like, it would take some serious emotional blindness to miss the hints he's laying out here. He's delighting in dangling the fact that he's lying and manipulating Tav right out in front of them. Because now he feels more secure in his position in the group. In Tav's attraction to him. Because they've already slept together once, he has less to fear about losing his station of safety via Tav within the group.
So then I thought. Okay what does he say when you reject him in other places where he propositions you. In the actual sex scene itself, he simply says "Why are you here then? I thought we had an understanding? (...)" but if you reject him during the "little treat," scene, he says:
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In both instances, the "you don't have to" and "I don't think I really want this," Astarion gives Tav a glimpse at the, huh, trauma behind the scenes. In this later scene, when you've already slept with him once, he outright admits he's slept with tons of people and doesn't remember most of them, and in a very.... passive, "gotten on my back," phrasing that's so offhanded for all that it implies. Like can we go back. Can we unpack that. And he does not! I don't know what to make of that last line. "You, I'll remember." Maybe he's being saccharine one last time to keep up some manner of security within the group. Maybe he's confusingly genuine, growing to care about Tav in a way he has no idea how to unpack yet, if at all. Probably doesn't even realize it yet, if that's the case.
Either way, he gives you unintentional glimpses behind the scenes to the inner workings of his intentions. The inconsistencies in how he talks to Tav depending on their next reaction. The switching gears quick to accommodate different statements and personalities. The offhanded reveal of his total lack of care or feeling about the "lines" he spews to get people to be interested. IT HITS. It hits badly.
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thepoisonroom · 9 months
i know modern dating is a hell because i once went on a date with this lady and when we were about to kiss i pulled back and went "oh sorry i thought we were a vase for a second" and she didn't like that in the least
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falmerbrook · 4 months
Speaking of which. Got anymore? 👀👀👀👀 can be about anything and everything!!
WAAAAAAA THANK YOU!!!! It makes me happy seeing everyone react so well to them!!!
Do I have anymore? Let's consult my headcanons google doc.
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Yes :D
Anyway, I've recently been playing through the Aldmeri Dominion questline in ESO, and everything with the Silvenar and Green Lady has intrigued me, particularly in the way they are meant to reflect the Bosmer people and how they could therefore reflect Bosmer gender (roles).
So the Green Lady is presumably always a woman (given the title) but the Silvenar can be a man or woman based on whichever sex is more prominent in the Bosmer population (but the only Silvenars we as the audience have ever known have been men). The Green Lady embodies the physicality, strength, and "primal" nature of the Bosmer while the Silvenar represents the spirituality, emotionality, and more modern society of the Bosmer. From my understanding, they sorta represent the current needs and wants of the Bosmer people (in like a literal supernatural way) and exist to basically advocate for the needs of them, and in my own personal interpretation is that their presentation and attitudes as a pair could change and shift over the Bosmer generations to reflect changing society and needs, and therefore in this context of gender roles could reflect them in that way.
So the role the Green Lady represents could reflect that women in the Bosmer culture are typically the more traditionally active and strong gender. Perhaps they are more often the ones in charge of hunting and are traditionally characterized as protective and stoic. Meanwhile, given the Silvenar seems to be typically male, Bosmer men might be traditionally more emotional, empathetic, religious/spiritual, etc. and take up more caring and spiritual roles in society. The way the Silvenar can be either sex/gender could even reflect that female gender roles are more flexible while male gender roles are more static, OR that gender identity is more fluid in Bosmer society or more associated with roles rather than sex in some way.
Like, an idea that's just now popping into my head is that perhaps while the Green Lady always ends up a woman, a person of any gender could become the Green Lady and transitions into a woman upon taking on the role if they weren't one before. That's an idea I'll have to think about more.
I've considered gender/gender role headcanons for the Dunmer and how they relate to the Tribunal too, and I was going to add that, but this post is already long enough for an ask, so that can be a post for another day!
Thanks for the ask!
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hiraganasakura · 1 year
Not the same anon, but I need to talk about some of the nicknames Temenos gives Crick in some of the translations, because my god. He literally calls him "mi fiel Crick" and "querido Crick" in the spanish translation, and that's after Stormhail too, like his ass is not beating the gay allegations fr /hj
I translated these in Spanish Dict (still learning Spanish)
And you mean to tell me that in Spanish Temenos not only calls Crick "dear/darling" (querido) but he also calls him "My faithful Crick" (mi fiel)!?
Omg yeah Temenos is NOT beating the gay allegations fjndbdbenfbr
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oh-gods-its-a-dragon · 8 months
Look man I'm tired and lowkey depressed. If a yandere wanted me they can have me as long as I can still see my mom and talk to my friends online. That's it. I have too much love to give and they can have it all. that's all I want.
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exhaustedwerewolf · 1 year
when the dnd session was so insane you’re like “damn I want to rewatch that bit” but you can’t because it was not an incredible fantasy film but just you playing make believe with your friends
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Jamie + food
Jamie isn’t terribly concerned about food. It’s not like he’d disparage a good meal or anything, but he’s not too bothered if food is just fuel rather than a taste sensation, you know? This might be the result of getting signed young and growing up used to eating whatever he’s told to eat – for most of his life, food has been a means to an end, turning him into the best footballer he could possibly be. If it tastes nice, that’s lovely, but that’s not his main concern, yeah?
That said, if someone (let’s say Roy, just a completely random example), were to cook him a meal that's consistent with his meal plan and fucking delicious… Well. Maybe Jamie would die. Just completely melt into a gooey puddle and then die. Not so much because the food itself, yeah, but because someone went to the trouble of doing that for him. He’d be nothing but hearteyes and Roy would be like eat your fucking whatever before it gets cold and Jamie would just keep staring at him, all adoring, and Roy would scowl and turn away and mutter last fucking time I cook for you but in his heart he’s already thinking of all the other things he might make Jamie.
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wormy-worm · 6 months
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ok u know what maybe if the world isn't ready for sunrazer post that means that the world IS ready for Amoveous siblings post. This is Milo and Enho and theyre my DARLINGS and i love them SO MUCH. i have. SOOOOOOOO many thoughts abt them but after the previous post massacre i do not really feel like typing all of that xoxo love <3
#THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR MONTHS LOL#meart#original character#robot oc#ily enho ily milo my darlings my angels my loves my funny robot guys.#ive posted abt Andromeda on here b4 if u remember her Enho is her best friend !!!!!#Enhos a battle robot who doesnt want 2 fight people..#hes the oldest sibling and theres a lot resting on their shoulders!#shes supposed to be this big metal protector but U.U she just wants to hide in his room.. and make music for the internet..#him and andy have this whole arc abt like. autonomy and identity and junk#being as andy is a government experiment who was raised to be a superhero who. has not yet realized that she HATES being a superhero lol#Enho inspires her!#milo um. does his own thing. he was the second amoveous bot and he is lucky to have been built without the responsibility of a battle bot#which means hes a LOT weaker. doesnt have a million weapons and lasers and such like enho does. no one expects much of him. he HATES IT!!!!#he wants to be POWERFUL! he wants to HURT PEOPLE!! he wants to be USEFUL!!! hes ANGRY ALL THE TIME#its EXSAUSTING.#yk that tinkerbell thing thats like. cuz shes so small she can only feel one emotion at once. and its so big it consumes her entirely?#hes that. he lives entirely in extremes. everything is 100% for him#he jumps to conclusions so quick and so violently.. hes incredibly impulsive and it gets him into a lot of trouble.#hes also a total NERD!!! GOOB!!! says mlady unironically. likes bad computer games. wears a stupid tie everyday. cartoonishly schemes 24/7#enho for the record is also a pretty angry person. they just dont rlly express it. they dont express much of anything lol.#shes semiverbal on a talkative day. he can be REALLY REALLY PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE THO. THAT MF CAN BE SO PETTY. GOOFY ASS#but shes TERRIFIED she'll lose control of her emotions and her body and that shell hurt someone someday. absolutely terrified.#enho is as afraid of his strength as milo is of his weakness. theyre both two ends of the same extremes in a lot of ways.#polar opposites and yet exactly the same. they resent each other a lot. they need to learn to meet each other in the middle.#anyway ''i dont feel like typing all that'' and then i ramble in the tags for ten million years lol ToT I LOVE THESE GUYS#theyre my oldest ocs in this universe and i have so many thoughts if you have any questions feel free to ask me lol
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blindmagdalena · 25 days
Your responses always have me giggling and kicking my feet.
It’s like I visited for Homelander and stayed for your craft.
anon you makin me blush!!! i hope to write and muse ideas with y’all for many years to come 🥰🥰🥰
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worms-the-alcoholic · 4 months
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~☆ Intro Post ☆~
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☆Basic Info☆
~ My name is Worms but you can also call me : Wormy/Wormie / any nicknames you come up with, Dean, Jack, Thunder
~ I'm a genderfluid trans man and I use it/its, he/him and ze/zem pronouns
~ I'm autistic and probably have adhd (tho only my autism is diagnosed)
~ I'm abrosexual with a preference for men and Demisexual (I think)
~ I don't share my age on tumblr but please don't make any sexual comments towards me just to be on the safe side
~ I'm really bad at communicating and socialising so please bare with me, tone tags are much appreciated
~ I'm always open for more moots
~ I do (rarely) post some angsty/vent stuff so be aware of that but they usually have trigger warnings
~ If you behave weird towards me I will block you
~ British 🇬🇧🍵💂🚬🪦
~ oc blog @ocs-probably (no posts there yet tho 😔)
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✮ My Interests ✮
Shows/Films ☻
~ Doctor Strange and MoM (mcu)
~ Supernatural
~ Young Justice (dc)
~ The Witcher
~ the Spiderverse franchise
~ Loki (the series)
~ The Umbrella Academy
~ Stranger Things
~ Kakegurui (good anime, DEVASTATING fanservice)
~ Moon Knight
~ will add more at some point
Books/Comics/Webcomics ⊡
~ Percy Jackson / Hero's of Olympus / Trials of Apollo
~ School Bus Graveyard
~ the Minecraft handbooks/manuals
yeah I don't read much
Songs/Musicians ♬
~ by James Marriott
~~Over My Head
~~The Other Side
~ by Everybody's Worried about Owen
~~Nunemaker's Parable
~~Solitary Confinement
~ by Neathen Apollo
~~I Don't Get Sleep
~~Pretty Boy
~ November by Sparkbird
~ Bourgeoisieses by Conan Gray
~ Romance is Boring by Los Campesinos
Streamers/Youtubers ◈
~ Jack Manifold
~ AverageHarry
~ Dantdm
~ Slimecicle
~ Jaiden Animations
~ Ldshadowlady
~ SmallishBeans
Games ☣
~ Minecraft
~ Fnaf (specifically 2 and 6)
~ Animal Crossing New Horizons
~ Fortnite
~ Splatoon 2
~ Rayman Legends
~ Pokemon
~ Lego
~ Genshin Impact (tho I don't play anymore bcz I ran out of phone storage)
~ Doki Doki Literature Club
My favourite characters ☪
~ Doctor Stephen Strange
~ Gabriel (supernatural)
~ The Spot
~ Elias Bouchard
~ Diego Hargreeves
~ Denki Kaminari
~ Leo Valdez
~ Arataki Itto
~ Tony Stark
~ Ben Clark (sbg)
~ Nightwing
~ Steve Harrington
~ Yuri (ddlc)
Characters I kin ✧˖°
~ Sayori (ddlc)
~ Denki Kaminari (mha)
~ Leo Valdez (hoo)
~ Kaveh (genshin impact)
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Look at my Dog. His name is Lemo. He's amazing I love him. :D
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My tagging system :
#worms has thoughts - mostly shitposts
#worms has big feelings - more personal stuff
#worms ocs - any oc related posts
#worms having a tantrum -just me being upset about things
#worms asks - answering ask
#worm lyrics - song lyrics
#worm stories - real things I've done/have happened to me
#worms makes things - things I've made (drawings, userboxes, etc)
Special tags :
#my darling angel - my wonderful bf @mostautisticangel
Take this quiz to find out which of my oc's you are (if you wanna)
(I also have some side blogs where I post mood/stimboards btw if you're interested: @moodboards-probably and @stimboards-probably )
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rhaaclaws · 9 months
i dont remember the emoji for the ask game but banging fists against table draw nikki in a maid outfit join me in maid outfit hell for fun .
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ITS BEEN 5 MILLION YEARS SORRAY but. I still needed to draw her as a maid its essential
heres another drawing that i did but i rather put it under a read more on here so
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
i fear it's the nina special, babycakes. i live for chaos and drama, which, because for some reason i am feeling run through my veins on this random, once tame saturday, i think i'll torture you a little more...
...With This.
( if you haven’t read this big ask, pls don’t read this yet. )
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