#darksiders scenarios
1stunseeliefaelass · 9 months
Wholesome Darksiders Scenario for Funsies:
Spoiler Alert sorta, as this will involve some OCs of mine. If you have questions, do ask if you wish.
Death: *Flipping through a recipe book*
Little Coventina/C: "Hey Daddy?"
Death: "Mm? Yes little love?"
C: "What ya makin?"
Death: "Something. Not too sure yet."
C: "Oh....want help?"
Death: "Hmm, well I had meant to surprise you."
C: "Really? Can I see? Can I see?"
Death: *Chuckles before ruffling her hair* "Patience my dear, patience. Besides I need to figure out what to make anyway. How about you go play with Fuzzball? He's looking lonely, and bored."
C: *jumps up with a little gasp* "Oh no, poor Fuzzball."
Fuzzball: *The little Limt rolls to his feet and immediately begins soaking up her attention and barking happily* "Merph! Merph!"
Death: *Glances at the two as they begin to play. A little cotton ball of a rodent flying with fluffy dragon wings, two mini horns on his head, and a bushy tail. With his sweet little daughter chasing and trying to catch him. He then returns to the book and begins working on a brownie recipe*
Dust: *Was sleeping on his perch before noticing his Master's daughter and Fuzzball playing. He at first pretends to not care and plays hard to get. But eventually he caws for her attention when she gets too close to the fireplace*
C: "Oh right. Thank you Dust." *Goes to kiss his head*
Dust: *Caws and flies back to his perch to avoid the kissing. But does climb down from it a ways when C looks sad. Letting her pet him at least before climbing onto her shoulder to begin 'preening' her hair*
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Reader, thinking she found some peace after the Apocalypse and finding solace and companionship in the Four literal Horsemen of the fucking Apocalypse: “Ah~ this is nice, no more war, no more crazy life and death struggles, and no more getting tossed around like a ragdoll because I’m ‘tiny and defenseless.’”
Later that day, gets dragged into a another ancient war, this time between giant alien robots, tosses their hands in the air and screams with total despair: “WHY?!”
As a huge fan of transformers......the CACKLE I HAD WHEN READING THIS SCENARIO!? XD. By the creator, the reader would be at their wits end.....and possibly questioning if god really does exist just to pull a cheap shot like this. Honestly while I believe the apocalypse would temper their tolerance and their sense of wariness for the unexpected, I don't think a magic war would prepare them for a literal technological alien war. So many possible scenarios, dont know how the horsemen would be towards participating in a galaxy wide war, but who knows. But you are on point, a resounding WHY? would reverb through out the three realms😂🤣. Imagine this for reader
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Thank you for the ask
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eoieopda · 10 months
interlude: sundown (myg)
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pairing: min yoongi x reader summary: as it turns out, your boyfriend can take as much as he gives. au: darksided (masterlist), established relationship type: drabble | smut + fluff word count: 1.9k rating: 18+ cw: pov switch, min yoongi gets pegged 🙌🏻, afab!reader, needy & subby yoongi, v soft dom!reader, praise kink unlocked!!, anal fingering, sex w/ strap on, k*ss*ng (eek!) a/n 1: you thought i’d get through a(u)gust without a yoongi fic? pleaaaaase. this is part of the darksided series, so i recommend checking out the other installments first, just so you have all the context. this can be read as a stand-alone drabble, though! this one takes place after blindsided, btw. a/n 2: i don’t spend much time talkin’ ‘bout prep due to the word limit, but it is both implied & v important. be safe! 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
You can’t say what came over you. It wasn’t a conscious decision, you know that much. The only explanation you can fall back on is that the feral part of your brain simply took over, and your inner construction worker popped out to say hello — but that’s not entirely accurate.
In reality, it was less of a greeting and more of a “Damn, baby! That ass.”
Mere meters away, your boyfriend is bent over the bookshelf he’s been working hard to assemble — a task you were politely banished from executing, not thirty minutes ago. When he finally registers what you just blurted out, he stands back up to his full height and glances over his shoulder at you. His expression lands somewhere between bewildered and tickled fucking pink.
“Did you just catcall me?”
“I — I think…” You’re more shocked than he is, it seems. Blinking slowly doesn’t help you process your actions any quicker, so you give up and grimace through your admission. “I might have?”
Of the two of you, it’s Yoongi that truly has all the audacity in the world. After setting his screwdriver down onto the coffee table, he crosses his arms loosely over his chest and bites back a smug grin.
“You think you know a person after seven entire years of dating,” he tuts. “Then, they turn around and harass you — in your own home, no less.” Sucking a breath in through his teeth, he shakes his head and sighs, “Life comes at you fast.”
For a second, all you can do is stare at him with your incredulous mouth halfway open. It’s the most that anyone should expect from you at a time like this, when he’s looking at you like that — characteristically semi-flustered, and still so unshakably self-assured. With narrowed eyes, you opt to hone in on the former.
“You’re out here smuggling cake in broad daylight — looking downright bite-worthy —”
Peeling yourself off the couch, you cross over to him with your hands raised defensively. When you reach him, you plant those same hands on your hips and heave an exasperated sigh.
“What was I supposed to do? Pretend otherwise?”
Yoongi arches an eyebrow but says nothing, simply aiming his flat-lined smile your way. All it takes is your slow, expectant blinking for him to take the hint. Just like that, you fall into a well-practiced routine: him opening up to pull you into his chest, you lacing your arms around his waist, his chin resting gently against the top of your head.
And even though you haven’t left the house all day, this is the first moment that truly feels like home. It’s quiet, it’s calm, it’s —
“Bite-worthy, huh?” 
You can’t see his smirk, but you can hear it. 
“Surely, this is not the first time this is being brought to your attention.”
“It’s not,” Yoongi concedes. His low chuckle tickles every vertebrae on its way down your spine. The tingling only intensifies when he presses a kiss to the top of your head and murmurs, “I just haven’t heard it from you before. You’re behind the curve, so to speak.”
You pause for two reasons: the subtle genius of his phrasing and the new bit of trivia he seems to be alluding to. Is he — ?
“You’ve pegged?” You ask, glancing curiously up at him. 
The answer wouldn’t surprise you one way or another. More than anything, you’re impressed that the two of you still find things to learn about each other. That you can spend the better part of a decade with someone, side-by-side, and never run out of new conversations to have.
When he tilts his chin to look down at you, his expression is a perfect mirror of yours.
“You haven’t?”
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Yoongi’s head crashes back against the pillows before his sigh can slip fully from his mouth. The impact seems to knock it loose; it floats away, above your bowed head. The sound gets lost somewhere underneath that of your open-mouthed kisses trailing so fucking softly across the bare skin of his chest. 
If his heart stops with every flick of your tongue over one of his nipples, you resuscitate him just as quickly with praise.
Apparently, being told he’s beautiful has the same physiological effect on him as a shot of epinephrine.
“Oh, fuck,” Yoongi groans from deep in his chest when your mouth ventures far enough to kiss the tip of his cock. That action is fairly chaste, all things considered, but the way his pre-cum shines like gloss on your lips is beyond obscene. 
You smile with your eyes alone as you take him into your mouth — and you think he’s beautiful? 
He can’t think of a single prettier sight than you and your fluttering lashes, looking up at him like he’s the one that hung the stars in the sky. Ridiculous. It’s him that frays a little further at the edges with every glance down at you.
Pulling away with a lewd pop, you murmur, “You can be more vocal than that, can’t you, baby?”
Oh, god. 
The smile tugging at your mouth makes his heart leap and his cock twitch. Untouched, it jumps and re-settles against his abdomen.
“Yes.” He fires off his response like a bullet at point-blank range, and you chuckle quietly at his eagerness. Breathless already, he amends, “Fuck yes.”
One eyebrow arches just enough to indicate that you expect a more detailed response. He should know better by now, shouldn’t he? He’s teased you this way a thousand times before, and it’s about time that he tastes his own medicine. Acknowledging that fact, he stoops to begging.
“Please. I want you to fuck me open with your fingers.”
Nodding appreciatively, you trace your finger along the underside of his shaft and leave him on the brink of losing his goddamn mind. He’d gladly let you drive him insane this way, but you take that hand away and gesture for him to turn over. As you do, you hum, “And I want to see you on your knees, love.”
Yoongi takes your instructions and runs with them, barely careful enough to avoid knocking you backwards off the bed in the process. He settles on his knees, then looks back over his shoulder just in time to watch you pop the cap off the bottle of lube.
You look nervous, though you try to hide it. He’s no stranger to that worried crease between your eyebrows; and he can’t help the downward curve of his mouth when he sees it.
There’s never been — and will never be — a person he trusts more than you. Careful, perfect, sweet. You couldn’t hurt him even if you tried, and he knows without question that you never would. You, however, seem less sure of that.
Yoongi has to twist back around to do it, but he cradles your jaw in his hands and kisses you deep, with everything he has. 
“I love you,” he whispers before pressing his lips to yours a second time. It carries more meaning than that; he suspects you hear each one.
I trust you.
It’s okay.
Already reassured, you whisper back to him with darkening eyes, “Elbows on the mattress, then, Min Yoongi.”
To say that he collapses against the comforter would be an understatement. He’s certifiably boneless the second your fingertips trace down the length of his spine, though his hunger for your touch starts him shivering.
“Relax, sweet thing,” you tell him. To encourage him, you lean forward and press your lips to the small of his back; instantly, you soothe the tension his body holds as if you’ve flipped a switch. It’s automatic, just like the low groan he emits when you murmur, “Good boy.”
The quiet that follows is ultimately interrupted by the faint slosh of liquid. He has to beg himself not to clench at the mere thought of your slicked fingers, so he instead lets his mouth fall open when he feels them glide over his rim. Needier than he’s ever been in his whole fucking life, Yoongi whimpers. 
It’s a pathetic little sound, but he doesn’t dare to try and swallow it down. He’ll give you everything; every pleading sigh and shuddered moan, all of it.
And — as a courtesy — he’ll refrain from calling you a liar because there is no fucking way that you haven’t done this before.
It’s simply unbelievable with how expertly you navigate the intricacies of his body, applying perfect pressure where he craves it. With the way you translate his incoherent whining to a plea for more, giving him exactly what he wants.
Two fingers deep, you tease, “So greedy, aren’t you baby?” 
But there’s no harshness to your tone, so soft around the edges. In fact, your little snicker suggests that you’re impressed. It takes all he has not to cum at the sound alone.
“Just for you — ” He responds through gritted teeth, blissed-out eyes squeezing shut. “— F-fuck. I can’t get enough of you.”
When you slip away from him, he proves your point, whining petulantly. You soothe him with an affectionate squeeze to his ass cheek, chuckling all the while. “Should we fix that, then?”
Yoongi has no idea what words he slurs in an attempt to answer that question, but he hopes he tells you how badly he craves your cock. He must, he figures, because he hears the telltale glide of the nightstand’s top drawer when you pull it open.
His head lifts from the blankets below to catch a glimpse of you settling the harness over your hips. For a moment, he forgets when, where, and who he is. The only reality he can currently comprehend is the one in which you’re running your fist down black silicone as if it’s a part of you, spreading slick from a bottle. 
But then you disappear from his line of sight, leaving him disoriented. He misses you already.
“I wish you could see how pretty you look on your knees.”
The mattress dips under your weight, signaling to him that you’ve settled behind him once again. You tap the length of the dildo against his skin, prompting him to groan. Still teasing, you ask, “Gonna fuck yourself on my cock, angel?”
Shit, shit, shit. 
Yoongi feels the tip hovering near his hole and he can’t keep his racing heart in check, so desperate that he’s practically vibrating. Your next words pull him further apart; they sound especially filthy in your light, almost reverent tone.
“Show me how well you can take me.”
He plans to do just that.
Slowly pushing back against you, Yoongi sinks down your length until that indescribable fullness leaves him starry-eyed and keening. After a few measured breaths, the ache subsides and gives way to pure pleasure.
Your praise is gentle, though the effect it has on him is earth-shattering. “Just like that, baby. You’re being so good for me.”
Withdrawing, he leans forward onto his elbows just to repeat the motion, losing himself more and more with every pass.
“Shit,” he hiccups, head drooping so that his forehead meets his forearms.
He only grows more eager when your hands claim his hips. You guide his body back to yours every time he leaves; whispering little wishes that he fuck himself the way you swear he deserves. 
You must hear his ragged breaths over the clap of his skin against yours and sense that he’s close because you hum, “Sweet thing. Are you going to make yourself cum?”
Yoongi shakes his head fervently, although not for the reason you might think.
“Want you to,” he begs on an exhale. “Please, make me cum. N-need you deeper.” 
Small hands flatten against his shoulder blades and press him further down against the bed. With fists full of the sheets, Yoongi gives you a desperate nod, signaling you to take over. 
And you do — without the hesitation he saw in you earlier, proving for the millionth time that you know exactly how to make him fall apart.
And he does — with a cry, so delirious and fucked out that he goes boneless underneath you.
When his body eventually stops trembling, Yoongi feels you pull out of him. He hears the quiet click as you unfasten the harness. Shortly after, his senses are overwhelmed with the warmth of your body coming down gently to cover his, warding off the emptiness that started to settle in your absence.
“You’re perfect.” You mumble with lips pressed to his sweat-slicked neck. “So fucking perfect.”
Funnily enough, he was just thinking the same thing about you.
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darksiders-scenarios · 4 months
Imagine Soft Horsemen
Strife's Secret Talent: Strife has a hidden talent for music, playing an ancient guitar-like instrument, and the emotional songs he composes in his downtime.
Death's Soft Side: Death has a secret garden where he cultivates rare plants that don't exist anywhere else, showing a nurturing side only a select few are privileged to see.
War's Quiet Hobby: War, known for his strength and battle prowess, has a less known hobby of crafting intricate miniatures of the realms and battles he has witnessed, a quiet reflection of his experiences.
Fury's Animal Companion: Beyond her steed, Fury forms an unexpected bond with a small, mythical creature she rescues, showcasing her compassion beneath her fierce exterior.
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robotdragonfanatic · 4 months
if I got isekai'd into a Darksiders video game, I'd just take a page out of Sans Undertale's book and become a merchant.
I'd enjoy meeting the horsemen while being protected by the game itself.
'Welcome to my Shitty Scrap Shop. I got shit and I got scrap. Much like everyone who wants to kill me but can't. Suck it'
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I don’t remember if it was you or another darksiders blogger who headcanon that Death has a fear of dolls, either way, it’s freakin hilarious.
Death would probably avoid my room like the plague cause I have shelf after shelf of Monster High, Rainbow and Shadow High, Barbie, and Bratz dolls.
Possible scenario?
(If I'm being real honest, I can't remember either.)
Have you ever seen a cat eye another strange cat through a window? That's about the vibe that Death gives off when he enters the room. It's not as if he's never heard of regular dolls before, but in his experience dealing with dark magic, dolls were usually stuffed with malevolent spirits that were determined to act on behalf of their vengeful masters. Those ones were terrifying, but these ones? What kind of sick person had a legion of cartoonishly deformed women anxiously on the tips of their toes as if preparing to get a running start at their next order? Psychological warfare to boot. He didn't know you had it in you. He'd be impressed if he wasn't so scared that at least 6 of them were staring right at him.
"They don't bite or anything," you laughed a little nervously at the sudden intensity of the room.
"Don't not can't." He flinched at the initial sound of your voice and threw you an accusing look at what seemed to him to be a purposeful choice of words.
He backed out of the room slowly without taking his eyes off any of them as if one of them would move if given the chance.
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threshie · 9 months
Not a request or anything cause I don’t think u take those, but you ever thought/think about doing a Darkside detective fic? There aren’t too many and dear god I know most of us would consume it immediately (also I love the different styles of McQueen n Dooley cause they’re goofy lil nerds who r in love)
Hey, thanks for the ask Anon! I've definitely thought about writing some fanfic for The Darkside Detective. Since the humor and style are so quirky and distinct, I feel like I need to study up to get it right. I want McQueen and Dooley to be in-character if I write them.
So, yeah, I can't promise if/when, but the ideas are definitely swirling around in my mind about that one. Thinking about fanfic is the first step to writing fanfic, so I might just get hit with inspiration sometime and roll with it. ♥
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Imagine Fury finding Tasmanian devils by some bazaar, EXTREME coincidence, out in the middle of a jungle, infested city, crawling with demons that have learned to fear these primal carnivores with a bite force capable of snapping a demon’s finger off....
The Watcher scoffs and gives a sarcastic remark as to the uncanny resemblance to both Horsemen and oversized rodent with a white striped pattern on their front and a a look that was almost too adorable for their own good... until one lunged at the spectre with all the screaming rage from Hell itself, tail raised and uncaring of the difference between ghost and flesh & bone.
Just. Let it. BITE.
Fury herself approves of the little devil’s choice in chasing the annoying obscene Watcher up a tree, she too would have done the same if she had a choice.... or, whatever.
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starhoodies · 5 days
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A Dream Drop Distance inspired scenario in which "Sora", actually asleep on his own heart station and plagued by nightmares, transforms into a Darkside. Riku, once again, descends to break the curse so that Sora may continue his slumber in peace.
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weebsinstash · 11 months
My yandere Invincible posts have been getting notes recently now that season 2 is starting and there's a specific idea I have in my head for platonic yandere dad Nolan x daughter Reader because of a scene from the first episode, the scene from Mark's past where (small spoiler I guess) Nolan visibly heavily contemplates killing Mark and Debbie (because Mark might not get his powers and, he doesnt want to fail his mission) but quickly stops himself and is clearly ashamed for what he almost did
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I keep thinking of a specific scenario. Reader is his second-born daughter who is a couple years younger than Mark and you're his little princess and you're just, outside playing while your parents occasionally peek out at you through the glass door/window to the backyard and, you're like 5 or 6 when things just, suddenly change, it hits you like lightning. Things look differently, they smell different, the sun on your skin feels different, the toys in your hands feel lighter and weirder than before, and when you start to slowly squeeze them, they start to break, but, you're smart and fast enough to stop.
But it's not JUST your body. It's your MIND. Suddenly you're remembering all those cartoons you've ever watched, practically every memory you have, every experience, every fact.
Temporarily, ever so briefly, you start to float, and you easily figure out how to put yourself down.
You're so excited you can't even make a sound-- you've got your powers like Dad!-- and you go to tell your parents, and you see then talking inside. You don't want to interrupt and wait outside patiently, deciding you'll go in when they're done talking even ss you're bouncing in excitement. And, you see everything from Ducktape Man to Mom and Dad talking to that menacing movement your father made, where some animalistic instinct inside of you knew it was HOSTILE and, in just a few moments, you're putting it all together, like either some gullible kid who believes everything in cartoons, or, perhaps, someone who just became a lot, lot smarter: you start hypothesizing that Nolan must be evil and has some hidden ulterior motive. Why would Nolan be so mad at Mark not having powers to the point of violence, murder? Oh, because if Mark didn't have powers, he wouldn't be like dad, he'd be a human? Does dad not like humans? Does dad want to hurt humans? Is there any other reason Dad seems to almost NEED his offspring to be Viltrumites too?
Oh, is Dad a bad alien who wants his children to leave Earth and human culture behind for their roots? And if he doesn't succeed, he'll snap? Is it like in those cartoons where the evil father tries to bring his kid to the darkside and the hero has to fight and defeat them even if it hurts?
The whole theory and coming into your powers is surreal, it's inhuman, but it's the new you, the new Viltrumite you. You burst into tears as you become overwhelmed and stressed at the idea you might have to fight your evil dad, lying to your father, no, Nolan, that you were crying because you broke your toy on accident and he has to shush you as he promises you a new one but your chubby little kid arms aren't squeezing him as tight as they used to
You start keeping secrets. You start watching him all the time, the things he does, the things he says, and the more and more, you become convinced. He never stops treating you as his little angel, and you even notice, he's, for some reason, gentler with you than Mark and, as you grow older, you realize it's because you're a girl and for whatever reason he's falling into the very stereotypical role of, treating both you and Mark very well overall, but, also being more lenient with you, telling Mark he has to be a good brother and protect his baby sister, Nolan always trying to buy you little sweets, but, after you saw what you did, your behavior towards him immediately shifts. You try to act the same to avoid arousing suspicion but you aren't nearly as affectionate and, as you get older, you take advantage of using puberty and needing independence as an excuse to put emotional walls up and distance yourself from him, even as he constantly tries to engage and spend time with you
Your family is worried what's wrong with you when you start calling him Nolan instead of dad, you suddenly don't want to spend time with him, your mom, and even your brother. You start working the second you're legally old enough, but, despite how bright and inquisitive you were as a kid, your grades are. Average. As in, deliberately average. You can never let Nolan know what you are. As you age and hear more and more of his comments where you can tell he's insulting not just anyone in particular, but the entire human race, you steel yourself, because you know, you know this man cannot be your father anymore, and you may even have to kill him. But you're so overly cautious about him and anyone else not finding out that you're limited at training options. You can't just fly anywhere, you can't just practice martial arts against normal humans, but, you find ways to make it work. You work manual labor jobs your father scoffs at, you wait until night and/or you know he's off planet to practice flying in one single field where you can see for miles all around you and see any witnesses or planes coming
You are a daughter with every intention of either abandoning her family and leaving the planet, or killing her father. Once you realized that you were an alien, unlike Mark and unbeknownst to Nolan, you're more like your father than you realize. You become more apathetic to humanity, more nonchalant about where you are in life. Suddenly you don't have to worry about your grades or college or things like that because, well, what good will earth stuff do you in outer space? Maybe you'll pick up some more practical knowledge but, really, the only reason you don't leave the planet once you start getting older is literally just that, one you're still attached to Mark and Debbie, and two, you don't have a flight suit and know your clothes will burn up and. You wanna get out of here but you don't want to be naked in space!!
Like picture this. Mark has just gotten his powers and you're heartbroken because, over the last decade your father started spending significantly more focus on Mark instead of you, inviting him to things he doesn't even mention to you, finally shifting almost his exclusive attention to his son, and, now Mark is "just like dad", already starting to get full of himself because hes stronger and "better", which worries you because, you eventually deduce Nolan is some kind of invader who is having kids to be soldiers. Like imagine sitting at the dinner table and Mark is all "don't worry sis, I bet you're a late bloomer too :) youll get your powers soon" and Nolan pipes in like "yeah and then we can all go out flying together" and you just look him dead in the eyes and don't reply. You're constantly having to temper your anger and keep up your ruse because if you're too openly hostile, he'll figure it out, and you have literally not a single doubt in your mind that he'll kill you for his mission, which is funny because you've actually adapted a lot of the "don't care I'm an alien" mindset that he wanted Mark to have
Nolan has no idea why you clearly hate him, why you fake smiles, why you stopped spending time with him. He still remembers when you were a toddler and you were running around, skinning your knees all the time and picking yourself up with little sniffles like nothing happened because you just wanted to keep running and exploring and playing SO bad. You used to be so bright. He had such high hopes for you. Honestly he always thought you would potentially outmatch Mark and be his strongest child, but. Here you are, a straight C student, working manual labor jobs, completely average, and refusing to bond with him in any way. He can tell you're keeping some sort of secret from him, but whenever he goes to confront you about it, you're... surprisingly scared, but, not as scared as you should be, in the nuanced ways one would shrink away as a child being scolded by their parent. It's almost like... you're holding some sort of grudge against him
I couldn't decide which version I prefer in terms of Reader finally being exposed. Maybe you don't realize Mark is trailing you and he finds out and tells Nolan behind your back under the mistaken impression you recently got your powers and was training in secret to make it a surprise. Or there's some sort of attack or disaster or accident where you're shot by a robber or they attempt to stab you and it just, dents against your skin. Or even, you start disrespecting Debbie because you're frustrated about being an alien that can't die and she let this man into her bed without truly knowing who or what he was and you're resenting her for it and you make a really awful comment and get in an argument with her and in anger she moves to slap you and fractures her hand against your invulnerable face, or you have to catch her wrist so she doesn't hurt herself and Nolan can tell by your reflexes that you're not fully human
I also just like the idea of. You're 18 and you make it very extremely clear you're moving out and your family is like, REFUSING but they technically can't stop you (although the idea of Omniman going full yandere dad and physically locking you up so his baby girl doesn't leave the nest certainly IS a nice thought) and they notice, instead of packing your things, you're donating them, getting rid of them. The day of your move happens and you're standing there with only a backpack and you haven't told them Any details about where you're going or, just, ANYTHING, and Nolan is looking at you like a big sad hound dog "can't I at least drive you 🥺" and you're like " :) no that's OK, I've got my own ride" AND JUST FLYING AWAY. I just think it'd be extremely relatable and hilarious if you keep up the ruse for so many years and you finally blow your cover because you lose your temper or because you've been hurt emotionally. Nolan tries to ground you, "March upstairs right now young lady!" and you're just like "march?" As you start levitating away just to spite him and he's picking his jaw off the floor. Mark sees you acting out one day "You're just jealous because dad likes spending time with me over you and you don't have any powers" and youre so hurt at seeing your big brother who you've been wanting to protect all this time become a pawn of your father that you just start hovering in the air right then and there, "you can have dad. You can have everything. I'm not even staying on this planet anymore"
I dunno, I kinda like the idea of Reader being this kind of, you know, still kind and all that, but a really almost, inhuman figure in the sense that your specific alien genetics or mutation causes you to kind of snap onto Genius Mode and you become sort of this calculating detached figure who pretends to be human and is openly hateful to your entire family because, as you see it, you're on your own and don't need or want them, you're different than them, your mental abilities are different even from Nolan's, and, meanwhile, said superhero is desperate to find out why his little girl hates her Daddy so much. He's still, you know, got that Viltrum in him, but Debbie and Earth has drawn out more of his humanity and he does love you, he does want you in his life, and it HURTS for you to reject him
But then he finds out about your powers and. Suddenly you're just supposed to magically forget how he started pushing you away too as he wants to bond with you again, teach you, train you. He has no idea he's proving your years of theories right as, he is overjoyed at discovering you have powers, like, you very clearly detect the "oh thank GOD you're not ACTUALLY a lowly human" energy oozing off of him and you realize you were right all along, you really were never more than just an extension of this narcissistic man from his freak species of savages, that he came to Earth with ulterior motives and it's dangerous for you to continue to be around him
You can try to pull away from him all you want, but even if he never found out about your powers, Nolan won't ever let you slip through his fingers. He knows how heartless and cruel this galaxy can be, and, if you're really truly such a fragile little eggshell of a human, then, clearly you need your doting dad looking after you until you're a little old lady passing away of old age while he looks exactly the same as the day you were born. But. That's not what's going to happen because even if that scenario came to pass he would quickly see that you aren't aging. There's no way you can fake that.
I just imagine a Reader who hardens herself into a true soldier and starts planning for the day you kill your father. You lure him out one day into a certain area and you jump him with like Homura vs Walpurgisnacht levels of preparation, hurling all sorts of materials and chemicals and objects at him, testing what works yet nothing does, coming at him with all sorts of different attacks and techniques you've had to teach yourself and pick up on your own, but, he's older than you, FAR older, and much more experienced, and he finally has to do something he hates and punches you in the gut so hard it makes you collapse and start throwing up but, he's just. POSITIVELY EUPHORIC. you just tried to kill your own father at like 17, 18, 20 years old and he's standing here "I KNEW IT, I knew you were special! Did you plan all this? Wow! you even tried to pierce my heart! where did you even get explosives from, did you make these?" Like he's THRILLED at the absolute sheer brutality, like, you just tried to KILL HIM kill him and he's like "Awwww I'm so proud 🥰🥰🥰 my little baby girl is a true viltrumite" and now YOU'RE FUCKED because now he loves you more than ever and, he was lowkey becoming massively depressed at the idea of outliving you, losing you, having to see you die, and now he doesn't have to, so. Now he can have both of his kids for rhe next hundreds and thousands of years 🥰 he has so many things he wants to show and teach you, so, now that he's seen how truly capable you are, it's time to start your training, but also, making up for all that lost bonding time you spent pushing dear old dad away ❤️
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
and if Chase grabs Randy, that would somehow influence the First Ninja?
Ooooo, like grabs as in 'kidnapped to be bait' or as in 'manipulated to the side of evil' though???? Honestly doesn't matter I guess, because either way First would be freaking pissed.
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I think most of us in rc9gn fandom collectively agree that First and Randy share a special bond, so if Chase decides to use Randy to get to First (or just use him in general), the repercussions of his actions could be terrifying.
The only saving grace would be, I think, that Chase would see and respect (to some degree) that bond, AND he could respect Randy. (I'm saying 'could' because, well... just imagine Randy 'fart jokes are height of humour' Cunningham and Chase 'wears impeccable armour' Young interacting, like??? do you get what i mean???)
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And in some way, that bond would remind Chase of his own special bond with Omi. So if Chase grabs Randy he could afford him the same level of respect he has for Omi. Though its not saying much, considering all the things Chase did to try and get Omi on his side lol.
So potentially Randy could be subjected to manipulation, a little bit of possible brainwashing, just lots of mentally traumatizing experiences and in general not bruce vibes from creepy immortal lizard man - not exactly fun times. But he would power through it that's for certain, Randy going darkside has very little possiblity IMO, (but even if it happens First would snap him out of it).
Meanwhile, First would regain a physical body out of sheer anger and just descend with the wrath of a 800 year old man who helped raise tutor over 200 teenagers and freaking wallop Chase's lizard ass, then unlock all the powers in the suit so Randy could kick his ass too. Then just to make sure, lock Chase somewhere up so he would learn a lesson (he probably won't).
Also I can't help but think of Chase imagining like "Ninja I have turned your best apprentice to Dark Side so my own turned apprentice could have an evil sibling conspirator, now you have to join us too, so we all can be happy evil family Empire and rule the world for 5000 years of Darkness." ;)
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And First, like instantly ruining Chase's little fantasy, lol.
On a slightly more serious scenario, I guess if Chase somehow grabs Randy and Randy does not in fact hold on, and to save him First would have to join Chase... he probably would do it and it will be a delightfully angsty moment of Randy watching in horror as his sorta mentor (spirit? memory?) is consumed by darkness of Chase Young. So, yea there is also that possible scenario. ;)
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Good day love, I just came back from brunch and slamming bottomless mimosas with my girls, and…the mimosas won 😳
And whilst I lay in bed contemplating my life choices and trying to keep my $20 dollar breakfast skillet down.
Got any headcanons or scenario for Strife and Fury and Reader getting White Girl drunk at brunch and War and Death having to deal with them?
  Ah yes, Mimosas are all fun and good until one has a lil too much...they always win.  Mayhaps a scenario this time around
Brunch of Mimosas
Third person’s POV
  When Death had arrived to Y/N’s flat, he was expecting to see them along with the other siblings.  All the while hoping the house is still intact due to the foreboding image of three horseman under one roof.  To his surprise when he entered, one was there, the only one large enough to have trouble sitting on the couch. Perplexed, Death spoke up to grab his brother’s attention.  “War, What are you doing here?”
  Said nephilim snapped to attention at this, giving up on the furniture as he stood to his full height.  “I would ask you the same, but it would seem for a similar reason.”
“Which is?”
  With a gruff reply, War answered with a slightly annoyed expression, still glaring at the piece of furniture below.  “Y/N is not here.  They left a note pertaining to their whereabouts, so  I intend to wait until they return.”
  Nodding, Death glanced around the room with an almost thoughtful gaze. He dared himself to ask the obvious.  “And what of the other two? I imagine wherever the human goes, Strife is sure to follow.”
  War’s expression did not shift much at this inquiry, all he did was point to the counter.  Ontop was a slip of paper, and as Death approached and carefully plucked it from the surface, his eyes skimmed the message written.
  Got hungry while waiting, will be back after Brunch.
  Sincerely, Y/N
  P.S. Strife tagged along as well so if you wanna join, feel free to pop in at (Made up restaurant address)
  Well that explains their absence...but what of Fury?
  As if on cue, the telephone on the wall rang out with it's ear splitting symphony. The Sheer sound made both nephilim flinch as they whipped around to face the source.  For a moment they stood there, letting it ring for a while until Death caved and went over.  Tentatively, he remembered what Y/N would do to silence it, and slowly picked off the plastic contraption from its perch. Holding it close to his ear, he waited for an answer.  Breathing could be heard on the other side with undiscernible background noise to muddy any sort of words to make out. Death was about to hang up until finally, the other person spoke in a voice that left him questioning why he had to be the one to pick up. “Hello hello, we’ve been trying to contact you about your car’s extended warranty.  Is this ‘Big red’?”
  The overuse of a fake accent was strange, but the lilt and familiar drawl in the other’s voice gave it away.  Death instinctively let out deep sigh as he answered in a deadpanned tone.  “Strife, where are you and where is Y/N?”
  An Immediate answer came when he heard Strife in the background go “Oh shit, it’s the Reaper!”  Followed by a raspy laugh and another giggling, and he swore he heard the other whisper something about a prank call.  The Old Nephilim almost facepalmed at this, and would have also missed the next person that sounded like Y/N’s voice, but it was light and buzzed by the sound of it as they tried to act serious.  “I don’t know who this Strife is...but I will find you....and I will kill you.” And before he could retort, the other line hung up abruptly
The Impulse to crush the infernal device was tempting, but Death had better things to do than take it out on the communications box.  War couldn't help but give him a questioning look as Death strode past towards the door.  “Where are you going Brother?”
“To find our little wayward trio.  It seems they can’t go anywhere without proper supervision.”
*At the Restaurant* 
  Death had seen many things in the multitude of worlds and eons he has lived through, and while War was the youngest, he certainly was no exception.  But even the sight before them had left them stumped and without words.  
  The restaurant was mostly empty save for the waitress and barkeep, both of whom would not bother looking at the two nephilim, instead were currently transfixed on the lone trio in the back corner of the room.  Death himself was almost afraid to approach.
  Fury was currently sitting there, but from her slouched form laying her head on top of the table, it was hard to even tell if she was conscious due to how still she was.  That in itself was shock enough.  The other came in the form of Strife (No surprise), who was now standing in front of the wall with an apple on his head, struggling to keep upright and balanced.  At the center of it all was none other than Y/N, also standing but holding what looked like a butter knife in their grasp as they held it upward.  They were facing Strife, who called out in a blurry form of speech.  “C’mon Y/N, you can do it!! I believe in you!!!”
  Next to him, War’s eyes seemed to light up in pure shock, taking the incredulous sight in, and Death couldn’t blame him for the bewildered puzzlement.  It’s not everyday you see Nephilim and a human wasted while attempting to play knife throwing, and before War could have a chance to speak up, Death stopped him as he quickly muttered.  “No...I wanna see how this plays out.”  Even if they were obviously drunk, Death was not about to let the opportunity of a butter knife hitting Strife in the eye pass up.
Both watched as Y/N wavered to the side a bit, and without missing a beat, flung the knife forward hoping to hit the fruit.
Needless to say, it didn’t.
  With a metallic clang, it made contact with Strife’s chest plate and bounced off as it fell to the floor.  Strife glanced at the failed attempt, and then back to the human with a slurred quip that followed.  “Not bad for a first try....how about we try one of my knives...maybe it’ll stick better.”
  Death couldn’t help but let out a dry chuckle, half tempted to just let it happen until War saw the chance to say something before it got messy. “Strife, what in the Creator’s name are you doing?”
  Both Strife and Y/N perked up at the voice, and quickly forgetting about arming the drunk human, Strife called out as he staggered towards the pair.  “War! Yo you missed the party, it was just about to get good."  Flailing limbs met with the immovable wall of War as one arm landed on his shoulder, holding himself up on unsteady feet.  “My bro, you have got to try one of these My-mosies.  Y/N said they are pretty good and DAMN, they are good!!”
Y/N giggled in a light hearted manner, adding drowsily.  “It’s Mimosa, get it right bro.”
  Strife put his other hand up in surrender as he struggled to say his next words, laughing at the cheeky response before Death finally spoke.  “What happened to Fury then?”
  Y/N quickly piped up as they started.  “Well she came in a little later, and while we were eating I got some drinks after she said she was thirsty-”
  Before they could finish, Strife interrupted with an excited tone to his voice.  “She never had a Mimosa before, and I was already on my third so I gave her mine...Then I think it became a competition after a couple drinks?  I think after the....”  His words drifted off as he proceeded to count with his fingers, earning a concerned look from War. “Fifth? No...Tenth drink, she went to sleep...that was an hour ago.”  
  Strife still held onto War’s shoulder for support as he yelled across the room.  “Yo Fury, ya dead?!”
  A couple seconds passed without a word, but before they could fear the worst, the body shifted as an arm rose up, which proceeded to flip the bird as a coherent response.  “Yeeeaaahhh...she’ll be fine.”  Strife waved it off as he left War’s side, facing the eldest with an unnerving stare.  “You know Y/N, I think I understand that saying now.”
  “I said alotta sayings...which one?”
  Strife poked a finger at Death, almost accusingly with confidence in his slurry voice.  “The one where you get drunk until everything starts to look good....I think that’s happening right now cuz Death don’t look as ugly as usual.”
  Y/N sucked a breath through their teeth as they tried to stifle a snort, but the silence from Death was starting to become concerning as golden eyes burned back at Strife.  It wasn’t funny anymore.  “War, drag him out of here before I render him unable to see anything for a long time.”
  Needless to say, all three in question had a very fun time dealing with that hangover
Thanks for the ask and stay tuned!
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eoieopda · 1 year
interlude: sunrise (myg)
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader | Darksided AU Type: “Morning After” Drabble // Fluff Word Count: .9K Summary: Two years after your first night with Min Yoongi, you wake up next to him in a Parisian hotel. CW: Brief acknowledgement of nudity; Yoongi’s morning voice; devils, tricks, and the prospect of crepes. A/N: Surprise 🥳 This is a drabble that takes place between the events of Foresight and Darksided! A lil snippet of their anniversary trip to Paris (2018,) which is referenced in Blindsided. Just because, you know, I missed these two terribly 🥲
You woke up in exactly the same condition in which you fell asleep: naked, with an exhausted Min Yoongi mumbling through sleep with his cheek smushed against your shoulder and his equally bare body radiating warmth.
His imitation was so spot-on that you had to do a double-take when you saw the sun — the real sun — making itself known through the glass door of the balcony. As it rose, it backlit the Eiffel Tower not far off, leaving a staggering shadow to stand between your hotel and the break of a new day.
With a contented sigh, you melted back into the mattress and wondered how much convincing it would take to keep Yoongi in that bed with you all day. You had grand plans to ingest every carbohydrate you encountered on the Champs-Élysées; but no mille-feuille could ever be sweeter than this. And though it certainly wasn’t home in a literal sense, it sure as hell felt like it, tangled up with your love in soft, white sheets.
Cutting through comfortable silence, Yoongi muttered something unintelligible and startled himself awake. He jolted, eyes still hazy with sleep as he blinked rapidly up at you. The second he registered your startled face so near to his, you felt the tension leave his body. Just as quickly, he melted back into a puddle, collecting near your collarbone.
“Early,” he mumbled through lips too tired for movement. Of course, he wasn’t wrong in his observation. It was early — offensively so — but your giddy heart was already running marathons at the heavy warmth of Yoongi’s morning drawl.
This was, perhaps, your favorite flavor of his voice; molasses slow and ocean deep. Dawn be damned, you were suddenly wide awake.
Whatever Yoongi said next in that perfect, husky tone was unintelligible. In fact, if you hadn’t felt the column of his throat vibrating against your shoulder, you might not have registered speech at all. Suddenly flustered and beyond fond, you tilted your head to glance down towards his face.
His delicate features were half-buried in your hair as it lay strewn about your pillow, but you still caught the crinkle forming above his closed eyes, between his brows. Pensive, he was concentrating deeply like it took all the effort in the world to repeat himself:
“Gonna be a blizzard.”
You pulled your heart eyes away long enough to look back outside. Finding pink dahlias thriving in the late-August air, you had to wonder if Yoongi was sleep-talking; or worse, sun-downing before it’d even had the chance to finish rising.
Both theories went out the window when he shifted a little closer, moved the arm draped over your stomach a little further across, and ran the side of his thumb slowly back and forth along the curve of your waist.
So, you’re awake, but I might be dreaming.
That’s when it clicked. You pursed your lips for a moment to fight off a grin; you failed in an instant.
“Oh, that’s right,” you sighed, laying it on thick. You pressed the palm not hidden underneath his pillow to your forehead, “The weatherman did say to expect a half a meter of snow —”
“— and black ice,” Yoongi interjected. Then, he moved just enough to place a kiss at the side of your neck. He kept his lips there long after the tension in them faded out. You suspected that this was a choice and not simply sleepiness that left him motionless.
His breath tickled when he continued his mumbling, “Big wind, too. Just, like, so much wind.”
You were a second away from exploding into giggles, so you pinched your bottom lip between your teeth. You nodded solemnly in agreement, “The most wind. Far too dangerous to go outside today, I fear.”
“Too bad,” Yoongi offered, though he sounded far from displeased.
The tip of his nose chilled the underside of your jaw when he nudged it against your unsuspecting skin; and it, in turn, nudged a tiny peep out of your otherwise locked lips. When he kissed your neck again, his smile was palpable. You shivered when the hand massaging your side switched targets.
His palm was a whisper up your forearm, over your elbow, ghosting beyond your bicep. Yoongi put his weight onto his elbow just in time for his hand to cup your cheek. You followed his lead and turned your face inward as he sat further upright. Blissed, your eyes drifted shut as he leaned in to kiss you properly.
Perfectly, pillowy soft — so inviting that you had to swallow a petulant little whine when he pulled away too soon.
This time, it was your cheek on the receiving end of his thumb’s delicate brush; reflexively blushing cherry blossom pink when his twinkling, half-lidded eyes fixated on your face with all the love in the world.
“Jagi,” he started with a whisper. 
With that thoughtful crease returning to the space between his eyebrows, your sprinting heart picked up its pace. If your pulse hammered any louder, the guests in the room next door might’ve called over to complain.
You swallowed, anticipated, “Yes, love?”
He paused before he spoke again as if whatever he said next required bravery he had to summon first. He inhaled deeply. You, on the other hand, were breathless. Time stopped and started over in every second that passed while you awaited his impending question.
“Do you think room service will respond this early?”
They may not have heard your heartbeat next door, but you’d venture a guess that every person in that hotel heard Yoongi’s surprised yelp when you uprooted yourself from underneath him. If they hadn’t, they certainly should’ve noted your growl when overtook him, slinging your leg over him until you had him pinned.
Head caged in between your arms, Yoongi blinked up at you with feigned innocence lighting up his irises, “What? You love crepes!”
“You’re so mean,” you whined, earning a smirk from the trickster beneath you. Your exaggerated pout was supported by every muscle in your face. “Devils like you don’t get crepes!”
His abdominal muscles tensed underneath the weight of your body when he sat up slightly just to kiss you again. As he did, he muttered against your lips, “They do, though —” 
Then he kissed you again. 
“— and the girl —” 
And again. 
“— all in due time.”
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darksiders-scenarios · 3 months
Imagine finding yourself in a hidden sanctuary on broken Earth, overwhelmed by the crushing burden of survivor's guilt, believing to suffer alone is your deserved fate. With your head buried in your knees, the weight of despair presses down.
Yet fate, ever capricious, has other plans in store.
You hear the faint rustle of robes.
In the hushed sanctuary, War senses a tremor of unease that stirs his soul. Watching you, he notes the distant gaze, a shadow lingering over your usual vitality. He approaches you. He reaches out. His touch is gentle. "You've elected to face your hardships alone, not voicing the guilt you carry, but here we are, united," he murmurs, his voice a rumble of thunder in the stillness, "You're part of us, little one."
Strife steps forward, his touch is a silent pledge of solidarity. "You harbour strength deeper than you can imagine," his voice is a faint whisper on the wind. "Only victory is your fate, and we stand with you."
Fury observes her beloved human companion with empathy and sorrow. She understands the depths of your guilt. Fury envelops you in her embrace, her touch a balm against the ache of your grief. "My dear, yours is a soul of the rarest kind, worthy of an all-encompassing love that transcends the very essence," she whispers, her voice a melodic echo in the darkness.  
Death, ever enigmatic, carries a depth of understanding that transcends words. He extends a hand. "You stand as one of the mightiest beings, deserving of the highest honour," he affirms, his presence a beacon of steadfast support. "You shall find your way through the darkness."
And Azrael, the celestial guardian, watches over you with a serene grace. With wings of light unfurled, the archangel radiates compassion and love. "Loneliness is never your fate. Yours is a soul deserving of the ultimate, the pinnacle of joy and fulfillment," Azrael intones, his voice is a harmonious echo in the stillness, "We adore you, dearest one."
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marvelstars · 1 year
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"All slaves have a transmitter placed inside their bodies somewhere." "I've been working on a scanner to try and locate mine, but no luck." "Any attempt to escape…" "And they blow you up. Poof!"
―Shmi and Anakin Skywalker
One of the things that always get my attention in the phantom menace is how easily the people who would take care of Anakin from his 9 years to a young adult could ignore so easily the way his upbringing would affect him but if you see TPM movie, you get why.
Shmi and Anakin are living in horrorific circunstances, they know their owners, Gardulla and Watto can blow them up anytime they want with all legality on Tatooine so what´s left to them to stay not only sane but also kind under such circunstances is to keep what Viktor Emil Frankl called "mental/emotional freedom" they may not be owners of their own bodies but they are owners of their own mind and they can choose to be kind in their circunstances because they "WANT TO BE KIND" not because some code tells them they have to be kind or compassionate.
This is a family who has personally seen slaves being blown up, from kids, to women to adults of any age, a family who lived inside Gardulla´s the Hutt palace, you only need to remember ROTJ to understand this is a mother who had to explain to anakin what sex was from a very young age so he could tell her if someone wanted to take advantage of him that way even if she could not stop them from taking advantage of her Son.
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QUI-GON: You should be proud of your son. He gives without any thought of reward.
SHMI: Well he knows nothing of greed.
So when the Jedi came to Tatooine, given the stories both Shmi and Anakin heard about them, most notably the story about them freeing slaves from the former Sith Empire some thousands of years ago, they didn´t expect much but at least they expected the problem to be recognized but Qui-Gon has to explain to them that they are on Tatooine on accident and that they are not here to free slaves and when you get to Coruscant you learn that the Jedi are mostly concerned to what happens in the Senate to put much attention to what happens in the wider galaxy.
So we get in an scenario where Anakin is send to the Temple by his mother to give him a chance of a normal life but the world in which he gets to doesn´t even have the lenses to begin to understand his pov and not only that, they expect him to adapt himself to them, not the other way around.
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You think? I don´t know Yoda, If I were a 9 year old who still has a ticking bomb inside my body(Qui-Gon didnt had time to get him to an infirmary), who had to leave behind my mother in such circunstances and who now is surrounded by adults called masters, who can read my mind, you know, the only thing left free for a slave like Anakin, I guess I would be pretty afraid too and not because I am falling to the darkside but because it´s a normal human reaction but Jedi are just not that empatethic in this version of the Order right?
So what we get is that Anakin gets to live in a place with people who certainly have good intentions, who see themselves as the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy but who mostly believe this means doing what the Senate tells them to do, they are completely unable and unwilling to even begin to understand Anakin, most of them, even Yoda have too sheltered lives to begin to understand where Anakin is coming from and it shows painfully as part of the tragedy, because where they see Anakin, they see pain/anger/hate and where Anakin sees them, he sees ignorance and lack of empathy that he at times sees as cruelty but both sides try to make it work, acting as if that´s not what they see on each other.
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So even if Obi-Wan did his best to understand Anakin he´s still too sheltered to understand him they way his mother did, he believes Anakin having a problem with food snacks is a sign of him being greedy /asking for special treatment instead of being a sign of someone who has been starved before as punishment and a natural reaction is to keep food and insects around so he doesn´t die of hunger, Obi-Wan is just disgusted by it.
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But you know someone who certainly grew up as sheltered as the members of the jedi order, as part of a noble house in a mid rim planet but who has plenty of life experiences and isn´t so set in his ways that he can recognize the signs Anakin is showing for all to see? who has travelled to Tatooine and many other worlds as part of his Sith training? Palpatine, this is why he allowed Anakin to stay in the Jedi Order, he knew he would just grow up bitter and resentful of them because they were just too set in their own ways to try to understand and that for him, was just preparation for him to be turned into a Sith. He can be the one adult who understands where Anakin is coming from and he doesn´t even need to lie.
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So when I see this character seen in the fandom as someone spoiled (lol) who gave Obi-Wan a hard time every chance he got, I wish Lucas had been more direct in telling this part of the story because there´s just so much of this tragedy lost in translation that isn´t even funny.
But you know who also had the means to get to Anakin and completely understand what the hell happened, who was from the same world? Who knew how to get to him in his own language despite years of being submerged in the darkside? Yes, his Son Luke, so I guess this is how the story rhymes.
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
Context for choice 3.
Here is what I mean about The New Republic and The First Order.
What happens after you win a war? How do you not make the same mistakes or become the thing you fought. What happens in a power vacuum? The New Republic should have been the dominant emerging power, and the Remnant should have been a small, secretive, unknown order, striking strategically from the Unknown Regions where they hid, and causing fear and panic to spread in the NR. After the Galactic Civil War, The New Republic commanders the Imperial Fleet and starts protecting systems who join the NR, all while chasing down and fighting any of the Remnants (Moffs, Warlords, Crime Lords, etc) who have grabbed power in the resulting vacuum. We could have seen an evolution of ships from Old Republic to Empire to NR ones. They could have renamed Star Destroyers into Star Defenders. Hell, they could have had a Republic of independent systems, each with their own sizable military, so that power isn’t centralized.
But no, instead of telling an interesting story, we are force fed the recycled poorly written rehashed Rebels vs Empire and the Rebels are made to be weaker than The First Order. The First Order are a terrorist movement, they should not be reigning after Hosnian Prime’s destruction, ESPECIALLY AFTER LOSING STARKILLER BASE!
Choice 4. Here is how I would give Kylo Ren motivation as to why Ben Solo fell and his main motivation as Kylo Ren.
Choice 6. I don't think there was absolutely no need for a Palpatine clone and eventually Palpatine himself(🙄) we all knew what was happening around the time this trilogy was being made. Trump. Base Snoke around the mango Mussolini and his lunatic fringe followers. An Alt-Right cult leader who cultivates the worst people imaginable. All The First Order needed to be was pointing out The New Republic brought the galaxy to an age of scum and villainy. A lawless state that usurped the rightful rulers that brought law and order. Basically "Make the Galaxy great again with Imperial Greatness"
You see, originally Lucas was going to make Palpatine JUST a politician and base him around Richard Nixon.
“George Lucas has spoken on various occasions of the way that the Nixon administration and the Vietnam war had an important influence on how he shaped the plot of the early films in the saga. The impact that these two events had an American in the 1970s started him thinking about the ways in which democracies can sale and how they deteriorating to dictatorships when corruption goes unchecked. He’s quoted as saying that Nixon - Who he viewed as having subverted the Senate and as acting an increasingly imperialistic way - what is the direct inspiration for Emperor Palpatine the supreme leader of the evil Empire in the first Star Wars trilogy”
So I don't see why they couldn't do something similar with the CLEAR FUCKING EVIL going on in the world at the time this trilogy was being made. No Sith master was needed.
In this scenario, I would call The First Order, The Imperium
Now you might have questions. What about the Stormtroopers and Kylo?
Stormtroopers? Don’t abduct kids, nationalize and recruit them willingly. Abducting children and training them to be Stormtroopers instantly made The First Order out to be cartoonishly evil from the start. So what do you do instead? Use propaganda. Nationalize them. Make them believe The Empire was right and convince them that the life of a Stormtrooper will help bring order in a chaotic galaxy. We’ve seen cults do something similar, Far Right Wing groups do it and we’ve seen Trump radicalize and nationalize white supremacists, so it’s not impossible for The First Order to do the logical thing.
Finn only leaves because he sees they are murdering unarmed civilians and chooses to leave. He is an example that it isn't too late to leave harmful fringe cult movements.
So how would Ben turn in this scenario? He's radicalized by Snoke. Ben starts hearing passionate speeches in the senate and Ben is moved. "I know he opposes my mother, but he's making a lot of sense" "He's right, we need to bring order to the galaxy" and Ben is radicalized by this Imperium movement and what he believes is Snoke's righteous cause. To Snoke, Ben represents everything great about the Empire. Snoke collects Sith Holocrons and uses the holocrons to turn Ben Solo into Kylo Ren.
In this scenario, I wouldn't redeem Ben. He is far too gone. He's committed atrocities in Snoke's name, for The Imperium and to bring order to the galaxy. While Finn represents those who could break away from Right Wing movements and Cults. Kylo Ren is far too gone, he's radicalized to the point where he's a die hard believer like Hux and Phasma and he's willing to fight and die for this indoctrination.
Choice 11. The Episode IX rewrite with Ben living and Reylo ending
Choice 12. The original plan for the Sequel Trilogy was to just get three young directors together to direct the Sequel Trilogy. It was supposed to be JJ, Rian and Colin Trevorrow, but Colin's IX was bad and his Jurassic World trilogy was terrible. So I would make either Matt Reves or Greta Gerwig as the director for Episode IX and ideally they would plan the trilogy out together instead of JJ setting up Mystery Boxes and expecting Rian and others open said mystery boxes and Rian subverting expectations.
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