#darkling x original character
moonlightgrisha · 1 year
How to lose a secret
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Ch. 5 Life as you know is coming to and end, as your secret is dangerously close to be revealed for good. [Masterlist] Previous - Next
As soon as you get off your horse, you know something is wrong.
Guards are waiting for you at the stable, which is definitely odd.
"How can I help you?" you ask politely, forcing yourself to smile.
"You must follow us", they answer. "The King and Queen require your presence at once".
Something is definitely wrong. "Just... let me stop by my rooms. I can't meet the King and Queen in this state".
You're dusty and sweaty for the ride, but the truth is that you are trying to buy some time. While you get cleaned, and the guards are waiting outside your door, you think and think, but your mind seems to have stopped working. You are still overwhelmed with what happened on the hill, but you didn't expect guards to come after you so soon. Also, they are First Army soldiers. Is the Darkling already here? Has he sold you out, yet?
You need to calm down.
So, you dress for battle. You put on your best garment. You braid your hair tightly.
Then you present yourself to the guards, and they lead you to the royal quarters, not so far away from your own. They shove you in, unannounced, and you almost stumble on your way in.
You disguise your loss of balance with a pretty curtsy, just as you should, but when you rise, your see the Darkling looking back at you.
"What is he doing here?" You cannot help yourself. He's right there, next to the King and Queen, in front of you. What you really mean is, "you traitor", but he doesn't even flinch. He just stares at you, emotionless, and that makes you so angry. It almost hurts, a little. But maybe that hard face means that he has nothing to do with all of this.
"You forget your manners", the Queen says. Of course.
"Forgive me, your Majesty". You look down and say nothing more, but you clench your fists, hard.
"The General has been summoned to help with this matter". As King Piotr speaks, you immediately realize that the matter is you.
The Queen continues. "We heard rumors."
You feel your heart missing a beat. "What rumors, your Majesty?"
"About you, cousin. Stories were collected from that village in the moorland, where your mother insists on living".
"You... investigated on me?"
"Just a precaution. You lived quite a retired life, cousin. I needed to know something more about you, before making any matches"
You know what's coming, but you can't stop it, and you wait there, listening. Your eyes shift to the side and you catch a glimpse of the Darkling. He's there, listening, pretending he's not that interested, once more. But he drinks on every word.
"Some people swear you spent almost every night in the woods".
You wonder how you'll get away with it, this time. You feel trapped.
"You don't deny it?". The Queen insists, since you say nothing.
"I'm quite the sleepwalker, moya tsaritsa", you answer. Half a truth, as always, the wisest choice, but maybe not now.
"This is not simple sleepwalking". The King sounds enraged, and you wince. "There are tales of strange things happening in those woods. Flashes. White lights. Some people told they saw your skin glistening."
All those years, you never realized you were spied on, or at least that somebody had seen you. You had been a naive little girl, playing with your secret. Tears are burning in your throat, but you swallow them. You are not giving any of them this satisfaction.
"Were you tested, as a child?" the King asks.
"Like everybody", you whisper, and the royal couple should know well enough what that means. Royal children were rarely tested. It was all a farce. Any Grisha in the royal family would have been quite difficult to handle, if not an embarassment, so their power were suppressed, or kept hidden. And there you were.
You don't know if the Darkling is aware of that, but he places a claw-shaped ring on his right thumb, then takes a steps towards you.
"You arm, please".
You suddenly realize that he's been keeping your secret. He told nothing to the tsar and he's not telling it now. He could easily reveal the truth, it would be a matter of seconds anyway.
But he's not betraying you.
The fact that he places his hand on your sleeve confirms it. He knows what happens, when he touches your skin.
You look at each other in the eye, while he pierces your forearm with his ring, and you don't stop looking, not even when a glistening, ethereal white light emerges from the wound. It's a melancholy light, the one that slips on your bedpost when you lie awake while the whole world drifts away in slumber. There is a long pause before the King asks: "Is that it? Is she the Sun Summoner?"
"No". The Darkling replies. He's still looking at you. He seems he'll never stop looking. "It's not the Sun".
You finally speak. "It's the Moon".
He breaks the spell, lifting the ring from your arm, but he doesn't really let go. Not yet. His hand lingers on you skin for a moment, while he gives you the faintest smile.
You should be desperate, but somehow you feel relieved. There's a freedom that comes with truth, even with the hardest one. Even if it means sacrificing everything that you were before.
The King has no time for sentimentality. "So? Can we use her?"
"Excuse me!?" You cannot believe your ears. The Darkling is still holding you and you abruptly lower your arm, breaking any connection with him that was left. "Use me for what?!"
The King ignores you. "Will she tear down the Fold, or not?"
You are in disbelief. There are a million answers you can think of, and not even a polite one. The Darkling too is about to speak, with a grave look on his face and probably a rehearsed reply. But the Queen precedes both of you.
"Patience, my dear husband" She manages to gracefully smile, somehow. "She is family. This must be handled with... discretion".
"Yes. It is necessary". The King looks at you like a strange creature. "The fact that you hid this power from us, under our own roof, it's more than a lack of respect. This is high treason. It is unacceptable".
You are quite sure they won't execute you, if you are so useful as you seem to be, but still a mixture of fear and rage takes over your mind. It is too late, now, for pleasantries, and you just snap.
"This... power, it is mine to give" you roar. "It is not a weapon, nor a tool, and it is not yours! And if you want it, you could have asked nicely, moy tsar".
"How DARE you-"
Just then the Darkling intervenes.
"She will move to the Little Palace at once. It's the safest place for her, and discretion is guaranteed".
You turn to him, eyes wide. "I'm just over here, thank you for asking".
"Oh, no one is asking you, cousin". The Queen articulates her words like you were a small child. "You kept a dangerous secret, and we are not going to investigate it further, as it turns out to be quite precious to our country. And you want what's best for the country, don't you, dove?"
"Naturally", you reply, grudgingly.
"You will be doing as you're told", the King concludes. "We will ask for weekly reports on this matter". That word, again. That's what you are.
The General bows his head. "That will be done, moy tsar".
The King gives you a last glance, then says: "You are dismissed".
You follow the General outside. There's no one else with you, and you expect him to turn and talk, maybe to gloat for entrapping you at last. Instead he walks in silence.
You break the silence first. "Did you tell them?" You want to hear from him.
"I told them nothing", he replies. "It appears it was just good timing. Or bad timing, as you wish".
"You must be pleased", you mutter.
"And why should I be?" He finally stops and turns to you. "Your own family didn't hesitate to sell you to me. Because that's what we are, to them: weapons. Precious commodities, as long as they have a use for us. I'll never be pleased to witness such trade".
That was unexpected. His words are overwhelming, and tears come back in your throat. By the time you have swallowed them down, he has started walking again.
"I'm not a fighter", you say, following him.
He glances over his shoulder. "Are you sure?"
"I'm no soldier and I'll never be".
"You don't need to be a soldier".
He keeps leading the way, but you hate to stay behind. So you speed up, until the two of you walk side by side.
As he turns your head to you, you whisper: "Better get used to it."
You keep your eyes in front of you, and don't see his bright smile.
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techno-leo · 9 months
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Bloom is Transfem cause I can :3c
(Sadly due to lore changes made in my head, Bloom has natural pink hair and doesn't dye it anymore, sorry :(
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Scythe's lore :3
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Along with some shenanigans.
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mythsha · 5 months
chapter 1
Summary: Does past define someone, or perhaps what they were born as? Everyone looked at Alina Starkov as if she was the answer to all their questions. But Alina felt that Kyra Kozlov was the answer to all her problems. Kyra was a mystery, a powerful Grisha, and somehow she started to be the sun summoner's home too.
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Kyra always heard whispers but for once they weren't about her presence;  the grisha had found a new topic to talk about; the hallways were flooded with talks of a summoner who could call the sun.
Kyra yet hadn't met the summoner, but felt pity for the girl knowing how pestering grisha can be if they wanted to be. Maybe that's why she opted to serve at the country's borders away from the little palace.
She had arrived at the little palace only days before the sun summoner; and though it had been only two weeks she already wanted to leave the little palace. She wasn't close with many grisha and the ones she knew were either in the front lines or in the darkling's inner circle. She kept her distance from the latter, having enough of political matters.
Usually she would be by the lake, teaching and supervising the training tidemakers or in her room sitting at her desk with piles of paper. Yes, she had declared she hated political matters but being a grisha of her rank, she had no choice but to manage the issues in the borders. Hey, at least they were far better than the atrocious things the king's advisers suggest the general.
A book was open in her lap, the words glaring at her for her attention but her focus was on touching the edges of the book lost deep in thought. She had been sitting like that for a long time since she had wandered the halls and settled in the library after dinner. The footfalls of someone and a soft hushed voice got her to glance up from the book. Turning to look she figured it was someone behind the bookshelf possibly searching for a book.
Indulging into the book again she failed to sooth the glare the words had set upon her; she got up to leave placing the book on the bookshelf where it belongs. Rounding the corner of the bookshelf she spotted the person she heard before, it was a girl and by the colour of her kefta she was an etherealki.
The girl muttered something under her breath when she couldn't reach the book on the shelf, pulling her hands down she moved away from the shelf not yet noticing Kyra standing. When the girl disappeared from Kyra's sight she moved towards the book the etherealki was  trying to reach and grabbed it with much ease spying at the cover; it was a book about ravkan folklore. Hearing a thud Kyra saw the girl again now with a stool by her feet a defeated look on her face. It took a moment for Kyra to realise what the girl must have thought, she took her book. 
Kyra smiled stepping towards the girl extending the book towards her. The girl eyed it for a moment a took it, giving a slight nod.
"Ravkan folklore?" Kyra offered to the girl who looked increasingly uncomfortable. really? ravkan folklore?
"Something wrong with it?" Dark brown eyes stared up at her. Kyra now took notice of the embroidery in the girl's kefta- Saints, this was the sun summoner. 
"No, there's nothing wrong with it. It is good book, a lot of illustrations;" pointing towards the book, " A lot of hidden meaning are expressed beautifully in the illustrations."
The girl hummed, she looked pretty relaxed now but there was a bit of stiffness in her shoulders as if she were alert for some danger. Kyra lifted her hands, as if in surrender "Relax, I'm not going to bite you;" her words ending with a chuckle, "I'm Kyra Kozlov, if you're up for introductions?" Kyra offered her hand forward.
"Alina Starkov" the girl accepted Kyra's hand, a truce of sorts to whatever was going on. Alina shrugged her shoulders, "I-I just didn't realise anyone was in the library other then me" She slightly tilted her head, smiling.
"Well I apologise then, I didn't expect anyone to be in the library at this hour either; grisha usually don't linger by the library after dinner" Kyra moved away from Alina reaching for another book on the shelf. "This one, Miss Starkov;"  She tapped at the worn cover, "Is also really good. Similar genre" 
Alina reached forward, running her fingers over the cover. "Thanks Miss Kozlov, I sure will read it" looking up at Kyra, she gently took the book from her hands. "It's alright, and Kyra is enough" Kyra's eyes followed her hands watching the gold threads by her kefta's reflect the soft light.
"Only if you call me Alina, Kyra" she shifted her arms positioning the two books more comfortable, raising her eyebrow
"Then as you wish, Alina" Kyra whispered leaning against the shelf, drawling her name.
Alina felt heat creeping up her neck at that, huffing a small laugh,"I- better get going. Good night Kyra" Alina muttered, nodding towards the library doors and kind of hurrying towards it.
"Sweet dreams then!" Kyra called after the girl. Well she met the sun summoner. Kyra's eyes moved to the window, it wasn't that late and she nothing to do. Why not have an early night as well?
chapter 2 sankta masterlist
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toilandtroubled · 2 years
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— 𝙡𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙖 + 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 by @chrissymunson
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visd3stele · 1 year
The child of moon and stars
please read the post here before proceeding
tw: mentions of SA
Chapter 2: The aftermath of one fatefull night
I sloped down on my side of the bunk bed I shared with Anika. The stash I've come back with I let on other capable hands as I made my way to Per Haskell's office. As soon as I got away, I felt more tired than after a night out fighting on the severe streets. A sigh left my throat and I let my eyes close.
"Ah, Morozova," Per has said earlier. "You've decided to show your face, finally."
"Sorry, sir. It was urgent."
"The new weapons, I know. Odd, the order hasn't come from me." The short man eyed me with meaning.
"No, sir. But the Stadwatch received a new shipment tonight and it'd have been a shame to let it waste." I kept my voice even, my silver gaze casted on the wall behind him and not Haskel's face. It helped covering my distaste for the man who called himself the Dregs' leader. Kaz did so much more for the band than Per could ever dream of. Except, the old man had no dreams. No ambitions. He'd gladly leave the things as they are while other bands gain power and land.
"Indeed. I assume you acted on Brekker's behalf?"
The words wouldn't leave my mouth through my clenched teeth. It was all I could do not to grind them together. To confirm it, even if Per already knew the answer, even if Kaz – as his lieutant – had the authority to deal certain orders, felt like betrayal.
"Answer me, Morozova." Hearing the name from his mouth made my fingers itch to curl and gather the shadows around his chair to strangle him. After arriving to Ketterdam, I couldn't use the name I've been known by in Ravka. And I needed one for my contract. So I used the first to come to my tired mind after dreadful nights. The name my father said it's a secret no one must know and the one he and his lover dreamt to call another like me. My ancestry, my legacy, my cursed blessing. Arina Morozova.
When papochka said it, shivers ran down my spine. Even as a young, little, girl I could feel its power. The ancient timbre it brought. The legend come to life. It made me feel powerful, safe, worthy. When Per Haskell spoke it, it sounded like an insult. As if I was beneath him, not in rank, but in simply being. Not something unusual in my experience so far – both as a Grisha and a indentered servant in Ketterdam. But it still irks.
"Did you have a job for me, sir?"
Per watches me closely for a while. Trying to decide wether to end my contract now and then or if I'm too valuable to lose. It's not the first time the old man threatens to send me back in the streets. Probably the main reason I hate him so. The power he has over me still. The way he likes to rub it in my face. I'm not the only one he does it to. Kaz amazes me every day with his self restraint and Inej carries it better than both of us. She hasn't lost her soul in the Barrel and it shows.
"The Wraith is nowhere to be found," he says at last, rolling his shoulder into the backrest of his chair. "Figured Schatten can take her place tonight."
My eyes widened with concern and I forced my body to remain in the same position: chin up, back straight, limbs relaxed at my sides. But fear pushed my arms around my torso, hugging myself in search of comfort. "They're still out?"
Kaz, Jesper and Inej had a meeting with a rival band tonight, the Black Tips, to settle some trespassings. Nothing out of the ordinary and certainly nothing to panic over. Jesper is the best sharpshooter we have – actually, I'm quite confident in saying the Zemeni boy is the best in the whole country. Inej is skilled. Her knives always land true and she can disappear with ease if she needs to. The kind Suli girl doesn't need a savior, those who go against her do.
And Kaz? He's a myth already and not for nothing. He seems to read people minds with the efficacy of his plans. His cane is known as a terrible weapon in the Barrel – and possibly beyond it. Dirtyhands is not someone to play with if you're on the opposite team. But I knew the boy before he climbed to power. I saw him make mistakes and learn from them, I saw him waver in his wits before gaining enough experience. And as much as I trusted him, as much as I trusted Inej and Jesper, my blood froze in my veins.
For tonight wasn't a simple meeting. It would end in a cross fire, at the best expanse. Kaz wanted to use tonight as an opportunity to clear up the waters and reveal Big Bolliger as a traitor. But of course the paranoid little devil wouldn't tell a soul. So what if something went wrong because the other on the mission were clueless?
"Yes, Morozova, that's what I make of it, supposing they didn't deserted us."
I glare at the short man. How dare he doubt the best in the Dregs' lines? "They're not back yet. None of them? What are they doing?" I muttered to myself. Per heard it anyway.
"How am I to know? I can't wait for the mission's report, that's for sure. But enough pleasantaries. You have a job to do."
 When I came back I spoted Jesper losing money he did not have at a gambling stand. "Jesper!" I yelled in relief, startling the sharpshooter.
"Ari," the boy stood up and picked me in a tight hug. Seeing how tall he was, my feet hovered a few centimeters above the floor before he put me down. Taking a better look at my ruffled hair, bruised cheeks and the way I favored leaning on my right side to protect the left leg from too much weight pressured on it, Jesper wrinkled his nose. "You look like crap."
"And might you be an epitome of beauty right now?" Truthfully, the way he carried himself told me the meeting with the Black Tips didn't unfold smoothly.
"I always am," he grinned from ear to ear before worry took over and he studied me more carefully. "But seriously now, are you ok?"
"The regular, I guess," I lifted my shoulders indiferently. "What about you? What happened?"
Jesper's face stiffened. "Big Bolliger's a traitor."
"I know. What I don't know is if there was a fight or not." I looked at him expectantly. He drummed his knuckles over the holders of his beloved twin guns. A flash of anger passed on his features.
"You knew?" A shake of his head. A weak, bitter laugh. "Of course you knew."
"Jesper," I said as gently as I could, hesitating before gripping his arm and rubbing it with my thumb. Trust is the rarest coin in Ketterdam and no matter how many months he worked with us, how used he may get with me and Kaz, the pang remains. "He trusts you. We all do, moy drug. It's just the way he is. Reserved."
"But he told you."
"I wasn't there with you guys, was I?" I wasn't sure what Jesper would make of it. What I even meant. But I hated to see him so hurt. And I couldn't lounge in a long, possibly more harmful explanation. Dirtyhands and Schatten rose together. The two legends are woven into each other, may we like it or not. Jesper only joined the team not that long ago. That would be worse to tell him, right?
The Zemeni boy shot me a toothy smile, slowly coming back into his usual, cheerful self. "Yeah, whatever. About tonight, then, nothing too bad. We're fine."
I nodded, as if my agreement would make it more true. "Kaz and Inej?"
He shrugged. "Not sure. They stayed behind for a bit."
I frowned. Nighttime isn't a nice place to be alone. And despite all of their strength and power, it'd make me feel better if I knew Kaz and Inej were both inside the slat. At least here there are people around to have our backs.
When the door opened I jumped as I turned to search for my friends. But it was only Anika and a few others returning from the streets.
I hid my fists in my sleeves and looked quickly away. But she already spotted me and waved, smiling. Before I could do the same, she dissappeared up the stairs.
Jesper leaned back on the chair, barely stilling his laugh. "So, you and Anika then...?"
"Shut up, Jesper."
It only made him laugh harder. "But seriously Ari, when are you going to tell her you like her?"
"Shut up, Jesper." I don't even know if I actually do, I thought, but didn't voice it. Anika and I weren't close, despite us sharing a bedroom. But something made me wish we were. I'm not sure what, I'm not sure if it's love, curiosity or just an itch of mine – how can I sleep next to a person I know nothing about? What I know is that it's enough to make me both uncomfortable around and away from her. And I don't particulary like that.
"Tsk, tsk, wouldn't have thought you're scared of a crush."
"I'm not scared," I rolled my eyes, breathing normally again and feeling the blush brush off my cheeks. "I don't think it's the right time for it, that's all."
"Why not? We're young and free, now's the time for everything!"
I glared at him viciously. "We're young, but not stupid enough to afford distractions. And we're not free. You're neck deep in debts and I have yet to pay off my own."
Jesper sighed and sat back at the table. "You sound like Kaz when you speak like this. As if allowing yourself to love would stop the money flow."
"It won't," I shrugged, "but it'd be in the way of priorities."
The Zemeni boy shook his head amused. "If you say so...". Then, motioning for me to join him, eyebrows rose in a silent question. "Maybe you'll bring me some luck," he jocked.
"She's a new one," one of the men said, hungry eyes fixed on me.
"Oh, yes," the one holding me on his lap laughed. "Brings me luck, it seems."
"Maybe I can borrow her after this game. You've made enough to buy a new house already, man!"
Shadows came to life on the walls of the Crow Club, stirred by my uneasiness. Waiting for my call, eager to answer and protect me of unseen danger. I relaxed my fingers and hid my trembling hands under my armpits.
"Sorry, Jes. Some other time, yeah?" I move past him then stopped. "Get away sooner rather than later, please. I can't drag you to your bed again after you fall asleep at that table." I threw over my shoulder, jumping over the stairs to my room.
tag list: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
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mxacegrey · 2 years
The Wildcards Masterlist
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Synopsis: Born and raised in Ketterdam, you and the Wildcards get a deal of a lifetime alongside the Crows... Kidnap Alina Starkov, the sun summoner from the Little Palace. Only problem? Alina and the Wildcards have lived two completely different lives and a clash in morals is coming.
Part 1
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caelesjjk · 11 months
simply meant to be | jjk
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☾ Title: Simply Meant to Be ☾ Pairing: pumpkin king!jungkook x fem reader ☾ Genre/AU: nightmare before Christmas au, romance, horror, smut ☾ Rating: m (18+) ☾ WC: 4.6K ☾ Warnings: this is not your average nightmare before christmas, its pretty dark and unhinged. jungkook is jack skellington. reader is somewhat of a sally character. jungkook calls you immortelle (it means everlasting), jungkook has face tattoos (you'll see), monsters, fear, seokjin appearing as Dr. Finkelstein hehe, electrocution therapy, being held against will, jungkook unalives someone, a game of cat and mouse, mentions of blood, smut in the forms of: kissing, grinding, fingering, unprotected sex, knife play, blood play, creampie ☾ Summary: you aren’t sure how any of it can be real. This place…these creatures…this man. You wake up next to a man you’ve never seen before with no memory of who he is or where you are. But everyone in town seems to know you. You belong to the Pumpkin King. Scared and utterly terrified you run into someone who claims they can help you remember. And now you’re starting to wonder if that’s truly what you want. ☾ Authors Note: hello darklings! Please enjoy my trick for the Fantasy and Fangs halloween collab! this fic became so much more unhinged than i originally planned lol. it may not be for everyone! just e sure to check my warnings before you proceed with the fic. this is heavily unedited.
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Your body jolts upright, lungs immediately gasping for breath.
Panic surges through every nerve as you frantically look around at your surroundings and grasping at the thin sheet you find bunched around your hips. 
You’re naked. God why are you naked? How did you get here? Where the fuck are you?
Your heart pounds in your chest as you look next to you in bed and see that someone is lying next to you. A broad back and muscular arms covered in tattoos leading up to a head of messy black hair that covers the persons face lies snoring quietly against the sheets.
“Shit.” You mumble, wrapping the thin sheet around your body as you scramble out of the bed. The man lying in the bed stirs slightly and reaches into the space where your body once was. 
You don’t wait to see anything else, dashing for the bedroom door and stumbling into the very dark hallway. The only light comes from the cobweb covered candle sconces that line the black painted walls. 
You adjust the sheet around you the best you can before taking off running down the hallway. There is an immediate feeling that you’re being watched and you make the mistake of turning around to look behind you. 
The dark shadowy silhouette of a man stands where you had just been a moment ago. You beg your feet to move faster.
Before you reach the top of the stairs, you glance back over your shoulder once more to see what you can only describe as a jack o lantern grin light up and stretch across the face of the man taking his time moving towards to you down the hallway.
“Where are you going, immortelle?”
A voice comes into your mind and almost causes you to fall face first down the winding spiral staircase in front of you.
“Please leave me alone.” You beg as you rush down the stairs. You don’t make it far before you suddenly feel hands gripping at your ankles. Hands with claws….some covered with slime…reaching from under the stairs and tearing at the sheet keeping your naked body from being exposed.
You scream until your throat hurts. Kicking at the hands as you continue to fight your way down the stairs.
“You know how much I love chasing you, baby.”
Somehow you manage to make it to the bottom of the stairs, but you almost wish that you hadn’t when you fall against the front door and throw it open.
You must be hallucinating with fear.
Outside the sky is black and grey swirls of clouds in constant motion, you know if you stared too long you’d become dizzy. Instead, your eyes wonder around to the bare trees surrounding the house you just made your way out of. Just a few leaves hang on for dear life as the wind quite literally howls through the air.
Down the crooked stone steps in front of you is a huge iron gate with two giant pumpkin designs bent into the bars. Gargoyles sit atop every stone post surrounding the house. 
Wasting no more time, you descend the stairs until you’ve reached the iron gate, shaking the bars when it doesn’t budge.
“Please open. Please.” You shove with your shoulder as hard as you can and the gate loudly creaks open just enough for you to squeeze out into the open street. 
You turn around and shove the gate back shut, looking up at the top of the stairs where the man who had been chasing you through the house now stands with a smile on his half tattooed face and his arms crossed over his bulky bare chest.
You can see even from here that the tattoos on the left side of his face are skull like features. It’s absolutely terrifying.
He lifts a hand in a wave as he menacingly tilts his head to the side and smiles.
Fuck this.
You wrap the blanket tighter around you and take off down the street without a single clue as to where you are. Anywhere has to be better than where you just were.
You spoke too soon again.
The sight in front of you as you round the corner is just as terrifying as that house and that man.
There are monsters, literal monsters, standing in the streets. Selling items at market booths. Chasing their children on the sidewalks. Laughter…and screams. It’s a terrible mix of sounds.
You freeze as a bouncy ball belonging to what you can only assume is a swamp monster child rolls against your feet.
“Happy first day after Halloween Ms Y/N!” The little creature says, staring at you expectantly.
Your instincts tell you not to scream. If you scream it will only make things worse.
“You know my name?” Your voice shakes and so do your hands as you continue holding the blanket around your body.
“Are you alright, miss?” The child’s mother appears behind him, looking at you with concern.
“I um…I should go.” Your bare feet move to cross the street, making you pause when you step in something wet. You know that it’s blood before you even look down. Vomit threatens to fill your mouth but you continue walking away, dragging the train of the sheet you’re wearing through more of the bloody streets.
More monsters stare at you as you go. Some with long sharp teeth and claws that could easily slice through a normal humans delicate skin. Some walked on two feet and some slithered across the ground like sickly serpents. 
“Are you lost?” A horrifying witch grabbed your arm and tried to pull you back into the street.
“No, no I’m just on my way somewhere.” You lie the best you can, yanking your arm away only to immediately see deeps scratches from her long nails.
“So sorry miss.” She cackles, moving to join two other witches who were waiting for her on the other side of the street. They all continued their uneasy laughing until you turned the corner up ahead.
As you turned the corner you ran hard into something. Or someone it would appear when you looked up.
“What are you doing out here in nothing but a blanket, Y/N?” The man asks, pushing a pair of glasses up onto his nose.
This man had stitches across his forehead and down around his neck. Like some kind of Frankenstein’s monster, he’s been sewn together.
“Do I know you? Why does everyone here know my name?” You step back to put space between you and the monster.
“Ah, I see. Come with me.” He turns and begins walking but stops when you don’t follow. “I can help you. Come.” He holds out a hand, and while you don’t know what the fuck is happening, something tells you it’s okay to trust this stranger. 
You take his hand.
“Who are you?” You finally ask.
“I’m a friend. Dr. Kim Seokjin.” He swings your hands between you in a silly way. “You usually call me Jin. Sometimes Jinnie.”
“Jin.” You repeat, the name feeling familiar on your tongue. “Where are we going?”
“To my lab. I have things that can help you there.” Jin turns another corner and up ahead you can see a tall crooked tower looming in the distance.
“Your lab is in there?” 
“It is. Don’t worry Y/N, I promise you’re safe with me.”
You swallow hard but continue to let Jin lead you inside the tower and up, up, up the long spiraling stairs until you reach a door that he slides open.
Inside is a room filled with equipment and various experiments. Glass beakers filled with colorful liquid bubble and burble over small open flames. Sparks fly from wires that connect to different machines and some that connect to nothing at all. There are also several control panels at the center of the room with gurneys situated next to them.
“What kind of doctor are you, Jin?” Your voice shakes a little.
“The helpful kind.” He answers with a menacing grin on his face and a flicker of something slightly insane in his eyes.
“Wh-what do you have here that can help me?” You look down at the dirty blanket still wrapped around your body.
“First,” he grabs your hand again and leads you to a side room that has a cot with some folded clothes lying on top of it, “you can use those clothes to change into, okay? Whatever you want.” 
“Thank you.” You step into the small room and turn to face him. “Is something really wrong with me? Something that makes me not remember?”
“Everything is fixable. I’ll have you as good as new in no time.” Jin winks and closes the door behind him so that you can change in private.
You dress in a daze, still feeling very off kilter from everything that’s unfolded from the moment you opened your eyes. Flashes of the man you woke up next too and his terrifying tattooed face race across your memory and leave chills over your skin.
“Ready now?” Jin calls from outside the door. You take a deep breath and walk back out into the laboratory. “Why don’t you take a seat on one of those?” He motions to the gurneys at the center of the room.
Reluctantly, you walk over to them and sit on the thin mattress. It crumples under your weight and immediately sends a sense of dread swimming into your veins.
“How can you fix me?” You barely get the sentence out before Jin is next to you, situating your arms at your sides and wrapping leather straps around your wrists. “What are you doing?” Panic thick in your voice.
“This is how we fix you. Bite this.” He puts a leather strap up to your mouth.
“Are you crazy?! I’m not doing this. Let me go!” You pull against the restraints, thrashing your head and body in an attempt to get the fuck away.
“I know it’s a little frightening. You do this every time. One of your only flaws.” Jin shakes his head, sounding disappointing.
“Flaws? What are you talking about!?” 
“You’re my creation. I made you.” He tilts his head and smiles, “and you’re absolutely perfect except for that mind of yours. It resets. Forgets.” He shrugs his shoulders.
“Creation?! I’m a human being! I’m not some experiment! What is wrong with you?” Hot tears starts to leak from the corners of your eyes and blur your vision.
“You’re so adorable sometimes.” Jin yanks on your restraints to tighten them, “sit still, Y/N.” 
“You’re hurting me.” You whimper.
“You think that hurts?” Jin smiles before he begins sticking sticky pads to your head and neck. “Just wait.” He whispers into your ear.
You’re such an idiot to have trusted this monster. You were so sure that he was good. A friend. He felt like a friend when you saw him. Familiar.
“Please…don’t.” You beg just before he forcefully shoves the piece of leather between your teeth.
“You’ll thank me soon.”
Terror freezes your body as you watch him slam down a lever on one of the control tables, green electric waves traveling down the wires and entering your body in trembling shocks.
You don’t know how long you lay there, screaming through the pain before you pass out from how much electricity Jin lets pass into your body. But eventually the room goes black and the last thing you hear is Jin manically laughing from across the room.
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“It’s getting worse.”
“I tweaked some things this time. I’m hopeful it lasts longer.”
“It better. I’m tired of losing her.”
You hear quiet voices as you begin to come to. Voices that you recognize almost immediately.
“Jungkook?” Your voice croaks. Almost immediately the door to the small room slides open and the silhouette of the only person you want to see fills the doorway.
“You’re okay, immortelle?” Jungkook rushes into the room and kneels next to the cot you’re laying on.
“What happened to me? Why am I in Jinnie’s lab?” You turn your head to face him when he cups your cheeks in his hands.
“You had another episode, my sweet.” He brings your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles one by one.
“Episode?” Your brows draw together in confusion.
“You forgot who you were. That you belong to me. You forgot it all.” Jungkook looks sad while he explains and it breaks your heart.
“How could I forget you?” You sit up slowly and he helps you. “How could I forget my love?”
“It’s not your fault, immortelle. Don’t blame yourself.” Jungkook looks over his shoulder at Jin who stands in the doorway. Jin rolls his eyes before walking away.  
“Take me home?” You ask, wrapping your arms around Jungkook’s neck when he picks you up into his arms bridal style.
“Of course.” 
Jungkook carries you down the long winding staircase of the laboratory and outside where it’s pitch black besides the white melting candles inside the lamp posts along the street.
A smile pulls across your face when you see all the monsters that you love busy in the streets. They all smile back at you, tossing greetings and wishes of quick recoveries your way.
“They love you.” Jungkook whispers into your ear.
“No. They love you, you’re their pumpkin king. I’m just lucky enough to be yours.” You touch the skull details tattooed on the side of his face so he looks at you.
“You’ll be their queen soon.” He reminds you. You lean up to kiss his lips.
“Let’s get something to eat before we go home. I’m famished.” Jungkook sits you on your feet but keeps your hand in his.
Jungkook talks with some of the shop owners and you watch as he gathers all of your favorite things into a basket. Wines, cheeses, and some sweet treats leftover from the night before. You love him so.
You make your way over to a stand selling haunted dolls and look around at all the choices. You’re about to go back to find Jungkook when someone grabs your arm and twists you around.
“You’re so pretty.” The drunken vampire says, the smell of blood thick on his breath. He’s had too much.
“I appreciate your compliment, but I need you to let go of my arm.” You pull away but he doesn’t let go.
“Don’t be that way. Come with me.” He stumbles and almost falls on top of you.
“Get off of me!” You say louder but the vampire doesn’t listen, it’s nails scratching through your skin. You’re about to scream for Jungkook when he’s suddenly there, ripping the vampires hand from your arm.
“May I ask what you think you’re doing? Touching what’s mine?” Jungkook says too calmly.
“I…I didn’t recognize Ms. Y/N…I didn’t realize.” The vampire stumbles over his words.
“Is that your excuse?” Jungkook laughs, the terrifying cackling sound sending tingles through your body.
You know what’s going to happen next, and the thrill alone has you aching between your legs.
“I’m sorry, I’ll never make the mistake again.” The vampire takes a few steps back.
“Immortelle?” Jungkook looks over his shoulder to you. He’s asking a silent question that you already know the answer to. You nod yes as a smile spreads across your face.
“Remember in your next life my friend, to keep your filthy hands off my girl.” Before you can blink his hand is shooting out between them and into the vampires chest cavity. He holds it there a moment so that he can watch the life drain slowly drain from the vampire before he yanks his hand back out holding the still thumping heart in his hand.
The vampire falls to the ground in a lifeless heep, his eyes still open and eternally full of the fear he last experienced. The crowd around the market doesn’t take offense, they know if their pumpkin kills someone it was for a damn good reason.
Jungkook turns towards you, handing the heart to one of the children playing with the body on the ground. He pats their head and then slowly brings his hand up to his mouth, licking a thick stripe from the bloody palm of his hand to the tip of his middle finger, all while keeping eye contact with you.
You smile, closing the space between the two of you and claiming his mouth. Your tongue seeks out the blood that’s dropped down his chin and around his lips.
“It never gets old…watching you kill for me.” You breathe into his mouth while his blood hands lace into the strands of your hair.
“We need to get home before I show everyone here how well I fuck you.” His mouth leaves hot kisses against your neck as he leads you backwards down the street until your back hits the iron bars of a familiar gate.
The gate loudly creaks open as soon as it realizes the two of you have arrived. Jungkook stops kissing you to take your hand and walks with you up the stone stairs to the front door that also opens all on its own, the door knocker welcoming you home.
“Do you want to play?” You whisper, making Jungkook pause at the bottom of the stairs. Those tattooed details raising into a smile.
“Okay, immortelle. Let’s play.” He kisses the top of your hand before taking a step back. He slowly slips of his black and white striped suit jacket and unbuttons his shirt before it joins the jacket on the floor.
You soak in the tattooed planes of his body, the muscles begging to be touched. His dark falling over his forehead as he steps back farther into the shadows until he’s completely disappeared from your sight.
“You know what happens if I catch you, immortelle.” His voice floats into your ear from somewhere unknown. “Don’t let me catch you.” 
A thrill shoots through your body again and you sprint for the stairs, loving the way the monsters and ghouls grab at your ankles and whisper your name. You immediately turn left at the top of the stairs, your mind going a million miles an hour trying to think of where you could hide.
He knows all of the good places for hiding.
In a last ditch idea, you run into your shared bedroom upon hearing Jungkook’s footsteps running up the stairs. He took this game of chase so seriously and never took it slowly.
You slide under the bed, your chest heaving in fear but also excitement. You’re hoping by hiding somewhere obvious that he won’t even think to look here and waste his time checking all of the usual spots you tend to hide.
“Where are you, immortelle?” You hear his menacing voice out in the hallway coming closer. You almost giggle. “You know I’ll find you. I will always find you.”
You hear his footsteps stop outside the bedroom door and then the door slowly opens right after, lightly hitting against the wall behind it. 
Jungkook’s heavy footsteps make the floorboards creak as he walks into the room. You throw a hand over your mouth to keep from making any noises. Jungkook undoes the buckle of his belt and a moment later slips it from his belt loops and lets it clang against the hardwood floor.
“Are you soaked for me right now, my love?” You watch with wide eyes as Jungkook slowly walks around the bed. “I’ll find out soon enough.”
He doesn’t say anything else and when you look around at the floor you notice that he’s no longer next to the bed, his black boots no longer anywhere in sight. You release a long breath of relief.
And then you’re being yanked by the ankle from beneath the bed, a startled scream escaping you as you flip onto your back just in time to see Jungkook trap you with his body against the floor.
“You caught me.” You smile, lifting your hips up to meet his, desperate for friction against your core.
“Don’t I always?” His mouth is on yours, his hands pushing your dress up around your hips.
He was desperate for you too.
“I love you.” You whisper on his lips, the tattooed skeleton grin on his beautiful face turning upwards.
Jungkook sits up on his knees between your legs giving you a full view of his naked torso. Pretty muscles and flawless skin that you ached to leave your mark on. Scratches and bite marks and bruises were the only things that could make him more perfect.
Your chest heaves as you watch him reach behind his back in the band of his black dress pants to retrieve a silver shiny knife. Your pulse quickens immediately.
“Is this what you want, immortelle?” He presses the cold steel flat against the inside of your thigh, keeping the blade from cutting you just yet.
“Will you torture me?” You ask, your hands coming up to cup your breasts with anticipation.
“Absolutely.” Jungkook moves the knife farther up your skin until the point brushes over underwear. You moan pathetically at the feel of it brushing over your center and slowly sliding over onto your other thigh.
“Jungkook…” you sigh.
“Be patient. I’ll give you what you want.” Jungkook uses his other hand to undo the button and zipper of his pants, pushing them down until his perfect cock springs free from the confines.
You bite your lip at the sight in front of you. Jungkook slowly strokes himself to the sight of the knife moving across your skin. He draws the sharp side of the blade oh so gently across your stomach, so sharp you don’t even feel it draw blood. The view of you on display for him makes him groan and move his hand a bit rougher up and down his shaft. 
Your fingers move on their own accord, slipping through the small pool of blood on your stomach and moving them back over your breasts to smear the crimson liquid in a trail.
“Fuck. Fuck you’re so perfect.” Jungkook moves the knife to your throat, gently leaving one long cut from one side to the other. You immediately feel warm blood leave the wound and drip down the sides of your neck.
Jungkook drops the knife to the floor and bends over your body to attach his mouth to your neck. He licks and sucks at your blood, whimpering at the taste of it on his tongue. Your body instinctively arches from the ground, your chest rubbing against his and spreading more of your blood between your bodies. It was the most beautiful visual you could imagine.
You looked down between your bodies to see Jungkook’s hand still stroking his cock as he continues to move his mouth down your body to the cut on your stomach. You can barely stand the burn in the pit of your stomach any longer, your desire for the man on top of you smoldering too hot.
“I need you now. Please.” You lace your hands into Jungkook’s hair and lift his face. The sight of his face covered in your blood, his eyes solid black with lust almost does you in completely.
“Such a good girl, saying please.” He moves back onto his knees, squeezing precum from the head of his cock before he releases it completely and picks the knife back up off the floor. You watch in awe as he brings it to his mouth and licks the blood from the blade.
“I always want to be good for you.” You say sweetly. His cock twitches at the sound of your obedient voice.
Jungkook moves the knife down between your legs and ever so carefully pressed the sharp blade to your underwear and drags it down until the fabric slices apart and reveals your absolutely drenched pussy to him. The knife clangs to the floor again and Jungkook leans back down to claim your mouth, his thumb immediately finding your clit.
Your lips part to moan and his tongue swipes against yours swallowing up all the sounds that escape you. The dripping head of his cock suddenly swipes through your folds and causes a high pitched whine to bubble up your throat.
“Is your pussy desperate to be filled, immortelle?” His hand swipes the blood on your stomach before it’s back on his cock, the blood lubing his shaft to make it easier when he fucks himself into you.
“Yes. It hurts, Jungkook.” You let your hands wander his chest and stomach, watching him watch you.
“I’m not going to last long once I get inside your perfect pussy, my love. But I need you to cum and I need you to scream.” Without warning he roughly spears himself inside you, his hands holding you on his cock as you writhe from the sudden intrusion.
“Oh my fucking god.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head when he starts to move, rough and hard.
“Made for me. I literally had you made just for me and you’re perfect. So fucking perfect and pliant just for me.” Jungkook’s hand comes down to your throat, careful of the cut across your skin, he gently tightens his grip.
You immediately see stars, wrapping both of your hands around his wrist to keep him in place. You gasp and moan at the feeling of him controlling your breathing and ruining your pussy at the same time. 
“I’m going to come. God I’m coming right now.” The words are quiet as he continues to hold your throat but he hears you just fine, moving his hand from your throat to play with your clit.
“Scream. I need you to scream so I can fill you up.” You open your eyes to see Jungkook watching you, his hair sweaty and mouth parted. Just when you’re about to beg for a kiss he punches your clit between his fingers and your orgasm rolls through you like a hurricane.
Black and white sparks explode behind your eyes and though you can’t hear yourself, you know that you scream loud and high pitched. Just what Jungkook needs to find his own end, dropping on top of you as he continues to fill you past the brim and onto your thighs.
Dried blood scratches between your skin and his as he lies on top of you, his head against your chest and your hands roaming the expanse of his broad shoulders. 
“You’re okay, immortelle?” He finally asks through his heavy breathing.
“I am, of course.” You lift his face to place a kiss to his lips.
“We didn’t even make it to the bed this time.” He laughs lightly, groaning as he pulls out and helps you sit up with him.
“I didn’t mind.” You both smile knowing he feels the same.
“I’ll never mind being with you, immortelle. Never.” He touches your cheek and kisses your lips once more.
“Even if…even if I keep forgetting?” 
“Even then. We are simply meant to be, my love.”
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tenebraevesper · 3 months
curious question, what do you think about Eclipse The Darkling? and his character and do you think Eclipse could be redeem
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Eclipse the Darkling is my FAVORITE Sonic Archie original character, both Pre-Reboot and Post-Reboot.
I absolutely love how his character contrasts Shadow, they share a lot of similarities. Both were created as weapons, with Eclipse basically being what Shadow would be like if he were a pure Black Arms alien instead of a hybrid, with his own Super Form to boot. That, and his Dark Arms give him a lot of variable weapons, meaning that he is a bit unpredictable in a fight.
Both of them have loved ones, but while Shadow distances himself from his friends/allies after what happened to Maria, Eclipse genuinely still sees Shadow as his brother and wants to connect with him, even after Shadow destroyed his whole Black Arms race, giving him chance after chance and relenting when Shadow tells him how that isn't going to happen.
Both also follow their own ideologies, with Shadow wanting to protect the world, while Eclipse wants to turn into a food source, as Black Doom and Black Death before him.
I enjoy Eclipse being written as Shadow's arch-enemy and I do think that Eclipse can actually be redeemed (as a matter of fact, I'm also working on my notes for my own adaptation of the Black Arms invasion in my Sonic Cyber Revolution story, which will feature Eclipse front and center). There are so many stories that can be written around Shadow and Eclipse's relationship and I'm all for that.
Not only that, but I'm seriously hoping that Eclipse can be brought back, as Ian Flynn stated on the Bumblekast that, if there's one character from the Sonic Archie Post-SGW era that has the chance to appear in Sonic IDW, it would be Eclipse.
Add into that that with Sonic X Shadow Generations, SEGA is reaching back into the Black Arms lore, and I will allow myself to hope that there will be demand enough for Eclipse to also be featured in some form.
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padfootagain · 1 year
Yet another character I’m writing for, I guess…
Answering an anonymous request even if I was planning on writing something like this anyway: ‘aaahhh i saw that you were opening request for the darkling but i dont have any original ideas for him i just want to comfort him and have a softer aleksander idk i JUST NEED COMFORT like having the darkling breaking down over something and the reader comforting him and just loads of fluff i need him so baaad’
Thank you so much for your request, anon! Changed it a little bit, but I hope you’ll like it anyway!
Going to use Ben as the physical description for him although I’m going to use some character traits that are a mix of book and show, because… you know me by now, do I really need to give you a reason for this artistic choice? I don’t think so.
I loved the idea in the book (that was not used enough in the show in my opinion) that Aleksander’s amplifying abilities were a threat for his life, because he was a target for Grisha too. So… I used it a bit here, I love that detail. Adds to the whole tragic of his character, I reckon.
Anyways! I hope you all like this fic! Tell me what you think about it!
Pairing: The Darkling x reader
Warnings: Blood, mentions of war and violence, angst, hurt/comfort, pretty sad…
Summary: After a particularly violent battle, only a handful of soldiers remain. The aftermath is difficult for everyone, while you travel across the country in search of a safe place. Even the most stoic ones can show weakness sometimes…
Word count: 3472
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It was cold.
It was dark, but that was a good thing, it meant that you were hidden.
It was cold, strong wind coming from the Fjerdan border up North, blowing and howling through the tall pine trees.
It was night time, stars lighting up the sky, a shy moon only in its first quarter. So far up North, there could have been Northern Lights. But not tonight.
Tonight was for grieving, not admiring.
You were exhausted. You were in shock. You were still bleeding.
And yet, there was a man before you, a friend, Andrei was his name. Lying in the young snow, tainting the white ice with crimson blood. The liquid fumed, warmth against the cold. The irony sent of blood against the resin of the pine trees.
There was a friend lying before you, bleeding, on the verge of dying, and you were the only one who could save him. The wound that crossed his abdomen was deep though, and you were no Healer.
Heartrender. You were trained to fight, not to mend. This was only a secondary use of your power to you. But then again, you had no choice, there was no Healer left alive in your army.
An army? What a joke. There was but a handful left of you. Most of them wounded, just like you were. You were part of the lucky ones though, you had but a only a flesh wound. It was painful, and made you weaker than your usual self, but your life was not endangered by the cut across your thigh. You limped though, for travelling, it wasn’t the best…
Andrei seemed to choke on his own blood, the barrier you had created to keep the rushing blood out of his lungs breaking for a mere second, but it was enough. You focused, sweat glistening across your dirty forehead under the silvery starlight. You took a deep breath, trying to focus, but you were too tired, too unexperienced to treat such a serious wound…
He was the tenth man you were healing tonight. Your whole body was shaking from the strain of it all by now.
The gurgling noise drew worried glances and blank ones your way, and you tried to ignore them all, these soldiers of the Second Army, who had fought and survived out of pure luck, just like you had.
This idiot of a King had sent you right into a trap. You stood no chance…
You blinked your tears away as images of the battle flashed before your eyes. Bodies falling, hands moving in the air for summoning, the loud pangs of gunpowder detonating, the grunts, the shouts and the scent of blood and sweat and urine heavy in the air, and blank stares turned to the sky that would never see again…
You felt your power wavering, but you forced yourself to focus on Andrei again. Because he was not dead. And despite your exhaustion, you could still save him… maybe it was a fool’s hope, but no one could survive without hope…
“Will he make it?”
The deep voice behind you made you jump, and you turned to look up at the Darkling.
Tall figure standing before the moon. The silvery light coming through the branches made some kind of hallo around him.
He was covered with mud, blood and ashes too. Just like everyone else. He was dishevelled, his black kefta partially torn apart, with dark circles under his even-darker eyes. He looked exhausted. And yet, there was still something so powerful about him…
You struggled to swallow the lump in your throat. Somehow, speaking to someone else made it all more real…
“I’m doing my best, sir,” you answered, your voice shaking.
“Are you hurt?” he asked, narrowing his eyes to look more closely at your shape sitting in the snow.
“It’s only a flesh wound. I’m okay.”
You saw him clenching his jaw and fists. Always a bad sign. But his gaze was still stern and calm when it met yours again.
You couldn’t say that you knew him well, but then, you reckoned that no one truly did. He kept people at bay, it was safer that way.
Still, you thought that you knew him enough to recognize the anger in his set jaw, the frustration in his tight fists…
You were surprised, though, when he kneeled in the snow by your side.
“You are no Healer,” he said, it was more of a statement than a question, as if he was reminding you.
“No, I’m a Heartrender, sir. I’m trying my best, but the wound is very deep.”
You felt a little stupid for reminding him of your Corporalnik status. He knew who you were. Better than anyone, in a way. There had been long nights in his War Room spent talking about your childhood, about his longing for a safe haven for Grisha, about dreams unreachable even through the dark…
But then again, nothing more than that. Just talking, for long hours. And he hadn’t shown you any sign that anything more would happen, and neither had you. To you, it was ridiculous to think so, anyway. He was the Darkling, after all.
You didn’t know he enjoyed these moments as much as you did though; that despite his better judgement, he longed for them.
How could you know? He was good at keeping a mask on. He had had centuries to master this talent to perfection.
“Allow me,” he spoke, voice soft, barely audible above the howling of the wind in the branches and the cracking frost of snow. Still, it was delicate, velvety almost…
You nodded, although you weren’t sure what you were agreeing to. He was the Darkling, after all. You trusted him blindly.
You started when he gently pulled on your dirty red sleeve, pushing it up your forearm to reveal your wrist.
“Keep working,” he instructed, and you obeyed.
He found your pulse easily, without looking for it at all, as if it called for his fingertips. He simply rested the pads of his fingers against your wrist, and they naturally landed on the pulsing blood. As if his fingers were meant to rest there…
You felt a surge of power cursing your entire body; and if you were still shaking, this time it was because of power instead of fatigue.
You stared at him, gaze intense and unwavering, for several seconds, and he held your gaze too. There were no feelings to be read in the two inky orbs that stared back at your soul, but you couldn’t escape from them anyway.
You had heard many rumours about the Darkling’s amplifying abilities, you guessed they were all true.
“Will you be able to save him now?” he asked, voice calm and emotionless, asking a mere question, as if there wasn’t a life depending on it.
You nodded and focused on Andrei without another word, the Darkling following the movements of your hands to keep the contact between your skins. Your heart was beating faster than ever, and you weren’t certain if it came from the sudden surge of power running through you now, or by the Darkling’s nearness…
It took you a while before Andrei was stable enough for him to be transported safely in the morning. Or maybe you would start moving again before dawn, you weren’t sure, you didn’t even know where you were going…
You lowered your hands at long last, feeling exhaustion rush over you once more despite the Darkling’s amplification, but you were surprised when he didn’t let go. You expected the lack of contact to happen as soon as you would be done, for his fingers to run away, to flee your skin and leave in their trail only a cold gush of wind. Instead, his fingers remained there, pressed to your pulse, and when you looked up at him, he looked like he was the one holding an amplifier in his hand, instead of the other way around.
You got caught in his eyes again, trapped in two dark orbs that captured everyone who dared to look at them, and you knew it. He had something dangerous, magnetic about him. You had seen him at court enough to know that he played with his charisma to manipulate people to do his bidding as much as possible. But what could he manipulate you to do now? You had almost died today. You had killed under his command, you had watched your friends die, you had run away wrapped in his protective shadows…
What else could he get from you? There was nothing more to extract anyway. Maybe that was why you didn’t doubt his sincerity when he spoke again.
“Please, follow me, Y/N. I need your help.”
You didn’t question where you were heading, how you could help. Instead, you stood up despite your exhaustion, and followed him through the trees. You didn’t walk far, it was too dangerous to venture away from the group, but he guided you where you wouldn’t be disturbed, where you couldn’t be seen by the remnants of the Second Army.
And his fingers were still there, burning against the skin of your wrist… unwavering, unfaltering, eternal…
When he stopped, turned towards you again, the Darkling was shaking slightly. You wondered if it was because of you, because of how he had helped you. After all, he was a living amplifier. Did he tire out if he helped someone else use their powers?
He gave you a smile that you found shier than his usual ones. You were used to see them filled with nothing but confidence, or threat sometimes. Now, the gesture was almost tender.
“I know you are tired,” he breathed, eyes capturing your gaze once more. “But my shoulder is very painful.”
“I can help,” you assured him, moving your hands into position, and his smile widened.
“Always so brave…” he muttered, but there was fondness in his deep voice. “Still, we should sit, for your leg.”
You nodded, and the two of you sat down side by side, not caring about the cold of the snow under you. He had a pretty nasty cut running across his shoulder, but it wasn’t very deep. It was much easier to heal than Andrei’s wounds.
“If you are too tired, it can wait till morning,” he offered, but you shook your head, and gave him a reassuring smile.
“If you help me, I can heal you now.”
He nodded, a silent order for you to get to work. Or rather… it looked perhaps more like a question, like he asked for a favour. You were happy to comply either way.
He felt better now, his shoulder almost completely healed in a matter of minutes, the throbbing pain fading away a little more with each movement of your fingers over his shoulder, despite the itchy sensation that came with the mending of his flesh. And the reassuring warmth of your skin against his…
Earlier that day, he looked for you through the battlefield. He shouldn’t have. You were but a passing thing, like one of his shadows. You wouldn’t linger the way he would. Like his darkness, you would be gone with the first signs of dawn.
Still, at the most violent part of the battle, his eyes looked for you, without him noticing. Like they were meant to search for your frame through the chaos.
He shouldn’t have. You were but a passing thing, like one of his shadows…
“How is your leg?” he asked once the pain across his arm and back had almost vanished, knowing you were almost done.
“It’s just a flesh wound. It’s nothing. And to be honest, I’m too tired to think about it.”
“I’ll bandage it for you.”
He wasn’t asking for permission this time, he was stating a fact, almost giving an order. You nodded in a silent agreement.
You wondered how he did it. Once you were done, there was still a long, reddened line crossing his shoulder blade. It must have been extremely painful, and yet, he had remained stern for hours, not a single wince forming on his features throughout your crazy run through the battlefield, through the forest…
Was he so used to being hurt after so many battles that he had mastered hiding his pain to perfection?
You could never have guessed how true that was…
“I’m done,” you spoke at last. “It might remain painful for a few days, I’m sorry.”
But he smiled at you, his head tilted a little to the side, something amused on his features now.
“There is no need to be sorry, you’ve done a good job.”
He moved his shoulder a little, as if to prove a point.
His fingers didn’t move away from your pulse though… burning…. Burning through your skin…
“Do you need anything else, sir?” you asked, thinking that was the reason behind his lingering touch.
It wasn’t. It simply… it simply felt good. To touch somebody, no matter how innocent that touch might be. Skin against skin. Feeling your pulse, the rhythm of your heartbeat, directly under his fingertips…
It was a luxury to him. Had always been. When you were to be a prey, you needed to choose the moments to reveal your weaknesses carefully, or you would be devoured.
He was more of a predator himself now. He had grown into one, had taken a hold of these shadows that scared him as a child, had become ruthless with time. For the most part, at least.
Still, he craved for it. The simple contact of another human’s skin against his, even if it were to last for a mere moment, for just a second…
And you had been allowing him to touch you for what felt like hours now. He could barely breathe at the thought.
He trusted you enough to let you feel it. The power that ran through his bones. The curse that made him undying. That made him linger even after all was gone. That made him run away again, and again, without any place to fall down to…
He let you feel it, running through your veins, and he trusted you enough to believe that you would not crave for more after he would pull away. He hoped that if you touched him again, it would be to touch him, not his power.
He moved his fingers to hold your wrist more firmly, and his thumb grazed the inside of your wrist, brushing your pulse, making your heart stumble. You were used to it now, to the power of the amplifier. You weren’t used to his touch, though. You weren’t sure you would ever be…
You weren’t certain why you started crying. Why now. You had not shed a tear during the battle, afterwards, as you fled, as you healed your friends, as you saw their dead bodies… You hadn’t cried at all despite everything that had happened. And yet… yet now you were letting a tear roll down your cheek, looking down at the snow to flee the Darkling’s gaze, to run from everything…
You shuddered, leaned into his touch, when he brushed your tear away from your cheek, touch gentle, delicate, barely there at all… almost like a dream… like a passing thing, one of his shadows…
“I’m sorry for today,” he whispered, and you looked up at the sound of his voice, frowning a little.
It was shaking, fragile. Deep still, laced with something that came from darkness but he looked so human now…
“None of this was your fault,” you replied, letting him brush another of your tears away.
“It was though. I was the one in charge. It was my fault.”
“It was the King’s fault. Even you have to obey sometimes.”
He clenched his jaw for a second, because you were right. Even he had to obey. Had to let Grisha die over nothing but a piece of land.
One day though, he wouldn’t have to. He would be the one to take decisions, and then the Grisha would be safe, at long last. It was an old promise he had made to himself, he intended to keep it…
But the worry quickly disappeared from his gaze, he relaxed again, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips now.
“Only sometimes, though.”
You exchanged a smile, and you felt safer now. Safer than you had felt ever since you had left the protection of the Little Palace. But was it surprising? He was the reason why the Little Palace was safe to begin with…
You didn’t know why, but you were certain nothing would happen to you under his watch. Maybe it was a fool’s hope, some heavy denial after being so close to Death all day… you weren’t sure. But then again, no one could survive without hope…
And he should never have touched you like this. He shouldn’t have let you feel the power you could earn from him. He shouldn’t have let himself grow fond of you in the first place, because maybe now it was something a little more than that… He was too old, he had lived too many lives to fall into this kind of traps.
Or was he?
It was better not to tread on this. You were but a passing thing, like one of his shadows. You would disappear with the first signs of dawn, and he would linger on. The curse of this power running through his bones…
Slowly, he pulled his fingers away from your face, released your wrist, left your pulse, ran from the steady beat of it. And all that was left against his skin was a cold, howling gush of wind.
There was nothing he could hold onto anyway. He would outlast them all. He would outlast you, by a hundred years, maybe even more, maybe even a thousand.
He would remember those eyes though, he knew he would. And it would hurt to remember them, in the deepest darkness he summoned. Two eyes staring right into his souls. Two eyes he could have fallen for, in another life, one that could end with yours…
He saw your lower lip trembling a little as you looked up at him, the way your eyes dropped to look at your wrist, where his fingers had been. And then he was afraid of his own shadows all over again, the same he was as a child.
Were you rubbing that spot on your wrist because of his touch, or because of the power it had given you for a moment?
You didn’t look up at him as you reached for his arm, hand clinging to his torn, dirty, stained kefta. You were pretty sure you weren’t allowed to do this, to lean against him, to hold onto his arm, to rest your forehead against his shoulder. It didn’t matter. You missed the effect he had on you too much for that.
Calm. Safe. Beating heart pounding with life despite the sorrow.
He was grateful that you weren’t looking at him. He could let tears form in his dark eyes then, although he couldn’t let them run down his cheeks, couldn’t let them free. Appearing, that was already a lot…
You couldn’t feel his amplifying powers through his kefta. It required skin-on-skin contact. And yet, you were still there, pressing yourself against him, holding tight, as if to a lifeline.
When he wrapped his arm around your frame, pulling you closer, holding you tight, he was shaking a little. It was okay, he didn’t mind, and neither did you. It felt too good to mind.
Calm. Safe. Beating heart pounding with life despite the sorrow.
When he reached for your hand, when he pressed his lips to your head, he didn’t mind that you would feel what he was. The power hidden in his bones, that promised him an eternity, but only spent alone.
And you didn’t mind it either. You weren’t scared of it. You didn’t crave for it. It felt more like a burden than anything else.
You were right about that.
And he shouldn’t have done any of this, shouldn’t have let himself slip so far. He should have run, the way he always did, the way his mother had taught him to, the way he had learnt by himself. You were but a passing thing, like one of his shadows. You would be gone with the first signs of dawn…
Still, he remained, for once.
Just for the night, while the world still lingered in darkness, maybe he could have that. Maybe he could have you, for just a few hours, before letting you run away, like he always did.
Maybe, for just a few dark hours, it could be enough.
Taglist : @wolfmoonmusic @reg-arcturus-black
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fereise · 2 years
Overhaul/Update version for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my little project call Robotnik AU.
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Characters list:
Upper row/section (above Movie Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Sonic.exe (the utmost terrifying OC/FC from the creepy pasta thingy) - Queen Boom Boo, Merc version (OC/FC made by Dan-Habiki/@Dan_Daymaker) - King Boom Boo - Lah - Su & Uh - Shadow the Hedgehog (Team Dark) - Rouge the Bat (Team Dark) - E-123 Omega (Team Dark) - Dr. Eggman Nega - Doctor Albert W. Wily (Megaman, Archie comics) - Honey the Cat - Breezie the Hedgehog - Bocoe & Decoe + Bokkun - Dark Oak/Lucas - Dark Queen/Merlina - Erazor Dijinn - Coconuts - Scratch & Grounders - General Helmut Von Stryker - Anton Veruca (Shogakukan magazines) - Junior Robotnik - Captain Whiskers & Johnny - Opal the Jellyfish (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Dive the Lemming (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Blade the Shark (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Captain Shellbreaker (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mephiles the Dark - Silver Sonic - Dark Enerjak (Knuckle) - Nazo (appeared in Sonic X's last teaser) - Eggette/Omelette Robotnik (famed OC/FC originally designed by Alpha Gamboa (blackbookalpha)) - Infinite the Jackal - Solaris - Black Doom - Eclipse the Darkling - Black Death - Dark Gaia (Perfect form) - Metal Sonic - Iron Queen aka Regina Ferrum - Time Eater - Mammoth Mogul - Iron King aka Jun Kun - Imperator Ix - Wendy Naugus - Bearenger the Grizzly (Witchcarters) - Carrotia the Rabbit (Witchcarters) - Falke Wulf (Witchcarters) - Walter Naugus - Fleetway's Super Sonic - Shade the Echidna - Boomer Walrus aka Anti Rotor - Patch D'Coolette aka Anti Antoine - Princess Alicia Acorn aka Anti Sally
Middle section (below Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Speedy (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Sage - T.W. Barker - Dave the Intern - Sleet & Dingo - A.D.A.M. - E.V.E. - Lyric the Last Ancient - Zor - Zash (OC/FC made by @saccharinerose) - Zeena - Zazz - Zomom - Zavok - Master Zik - Agent Stone (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Orbot & Cubot - Wes Weasely - Snively Robotnik - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Thunderbolt the Chinchilla - Predator Hawk (Destructix) - Anti-Miles - Scourge the Hedgehog - Storm the Albatross - Wave the Swallow - Jet the Hawk - Rosy the Rascal - Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg (Destructix) - Sergeant Simian (Destructix) - Fiona Fox (Destructix) - Duck "Bill" Platypus - Bark the Polar Bear - Bean the Dynamite - Drago Wolf (Destructix) - Nicolette 'Nic' the Weasel - Razorclaw - The Foreman (Grandmaster) - Hugo Brass - Diesel - Flying Frog (Destructix) - Geoffrey St. John - Hershey the Cat - Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper (Team Hooligan) - Fleetway's Chaos (Darkon fish form)
Lower section, from left to right: - Dr. Finitevus - Grimer Wormtongue - Dr. Fukurokov - Dimitri the Echidna - Maw the Thylacine - Mecha Sally - Mecha Sonic - Mecha knuckle - Jackal Squad, named by Nibroc-Rock as Uno, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq & Sei (Shadowy figures) - Kayseri Valaedshkova (OC/FC made by dirtthefox/@Its_Dima_V) - Strike (OC/FC made by @speedofsoundsketches) - Surge the Tenrec - Kit the Fennec - Sofia the Gorgon (OC/FC made by Sofia-MMD/@GorgonSofia) - Clutch the Opossum - Kaibette the Genet (OC/FC made by @kaibette) - Rough & Tumble the Skunk - Battle Lord Kukku XV - ***Mecha Robotnik - Akhlut the Orca (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Tundra the Walrus - Mordred Hood (drawn with @adokle's style) - The Foreman/Tassel boy (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Mimic (the Mimic Octopus) - Byte the Goat (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Lightning Lynx - Iblis - Phage - Conquering Storm (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Bride of the Conquering Storm (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) - Dr. Starline - Biolizard - Sigma (Megaman, Archie comics) - Axel the Water Buffalo - Abyss the Squid - Cyani the Cobra (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Cipher the Owl (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Bleak (OC/FC made by HT-Doodles/@HtDoodles) - Clove the Pronghorn (my top fav among all the characters here) - Cassia the Pronghorn - Lien-da - Chaos - Tikal the Echidna - Pachacamac - Gae-Na - Kragok - Thrash the Devil - Warden Zobotnik & Znively (Zone Cop) - Belinda & Charlie - Nephthys the Vulture - ??? (Behind Nephthys) - Trevor Burrow the Mole (Desert Raiders) - Sonar the Fennec (Desert Raiders) - Spike the Porcupine (Desert Raiders) - Razor the Shark - Queen Angelica - Rusty Rose - Robo Tails (Brain-washed, based on Sonic Lost World's designs) - Beauregard Rabbot - Jack Rabbit - Matilda the Armadillo - Zefir (my main OC/FC) - Gamer Deer (aka 'Aleko' the Northamer Guard or the 'Gamerdeerdude' by @adokle) - Zonic (Zone Cop) - Chesah the Tarsier aka No.29 (my OC/FC) - Sandy the Caterkiller (OC/FC made by @the-hydroxian-artblog)
For the Alt version: FeReinsm on Instagram: “Overhaul/update versions for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my lil’ project - Robotnik AU. For the 2nd and 4th pics…”
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moonlightgrisha · 1 year
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Backstory 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
You were highborn, but you barely knew it. Your mother a distant cousin of the tsaritsa. Nobody ever called you a "princess".
Your father died in the war when you were a child, and you moved to the countryside along with your mother, at another aunt's place.
You learnt the etiquette and studied your lessons, but you also fetched the water, picked up the eggs in the morning and went running in the woods with your cousins.
Staring at the night sky without falling asleep was the game you liked to play the most. There was a special feeling to the darkness of the cosmos. The city lights were far away, and you could sense the shadows all around you, like a comfortable blanket. Your cousins were sometimes scared, you were not.
You liked it there. You felt the world at your feet. It all changed when your power came to the surface.
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corishadowfang · 2 months
Fallen Stars Fic Notes
So, Fallen Stars has officially come to a close. It's been a pretty wild ride, haha; as per usual, it spiraled out of my control, length-wise (surpassing Dandelion Seeds...remember how I said I hoped I'd never write anything that long again? Yeah. That worked out.), but I'm happy (and pleasantly surprised) that so many people came on the journey with me.
So! As seems to be tradition now, I have some notes for the fic. Some behind-the-scenes stuff, some thoughts about post-canon--stuff like that! Putting it under a read more, because these tend to get long.
So as usual, we'll start with the playlist! This one I ended up doing a lot of playing around with, haha; there were several songs where it's like, "The vibes are right...but do they fit this moment/this character in the story? Does the order work? Should I use song x or song y?" I eventually ended up with something I'm relatively happy with, haha, even if not every song fits perfectly. There are actually a lot of honorable mentions for this one (since I, you know...played around with it so much) but probably the biggest are: Guilt by Nathan Wagner, Monster from Epic the Musical, Fight the Tide by Jonathan Young and Colm McGuinness, and Southern Star by Gregory Alan Isakov.
(Seriously, Fight the Tide was put on and taken off the playlist so many times--)
I know I've mentioned this places before, but: sometime circa summer 2021, I was thinking about doing a story following Brain through his time in Scala ad Caelum. Basically, it'd be a short (like--nine-ish chapters) series that explored Brain's grief and guilt and how he eventually adjusted to being in Scala. The story would've been called "May We Find Our Happiness," and was planned to be worked on once both On the Edge of Daybreak and Dandelion Seeds were finished. ...And then Missing Link was announced, and I went, "Oh! That's going to be explored in canon! I don't have to write it myself!" and the idea was shelved.
And THEN. Fast forward to winter 2023. It's...without going into too much detail, my mental state was Not Great. And I tend to process/cope with things by...well, writing. And...well, what better way to work out things than by using two of my favorite characters? The thought for this "proto-Fallen Stars" was that it would be a what-if AU for what would've happened if Skuld had ended up in Scala, and that it would follow Brain's and Skuld's entire lives through that time period. Despite the premise, this was also intended to be a relatively short series--roughly four to five chapters. It was intended to explore the idea that like--sometimes you don't heal fully from things, and your life doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to, but that doesn't mean you can't find happiness despite everything. ...And then I started writing the first chapter. And ran face first into Plot (i.e. the corrupt council). And very abruptly realized, "Oh, no. Oh, no, this is going to be LONG. And...probably not focus entirely on the time period I want it to." And so I shelved it. Again.
AND THEN. The Missing Link impatience was getting to me, haha. And there were a lot of ideas from both of the "proto" versions of the story that were genuinely very interesting to me from a writing perspective. And then I made this post (and a couple of follow-ups) with the hopes that it could satisfy the writing demons. ...It did not. So I went back, finished (and revamped) the original first chapter, and posted it. And, well--here we are!
The current iteration of Fallen Stars really does take a lot of inspiration from its predecessors. Darkling!Brain was actually the planned end for "May We Find Our Happiness" (though he wouldn't have died in that version; his new-found friends would've pulled him out of it, though he'd keep the gold eyes, like in Fallen Stars), the corrupt council's been a staple since the beginning, and obviously, the AU takes the same basic premise as proto-Fallen Stars.
I knew Fallen Stars was going to be longer than the initial ideas I had, but like...I still didn't expect it to be this long. Like--roughly 30 chapters, and about half the word count. Let it be known that I cannot accurately estimate a story (or chapter's) length, ever.
While there were certain Big Things that I had planned since the beginning (ex. Brain's death and resurrection), there were also things that ended up getting made up on the fly and/or cut because it seemed like it'd work better for the story. One of the big things is that, originally, Master's Defender was going to be used to help create the Land of Departure; essentially, during Darkness's attack, one of the abandoned islands would've split off from the world, and Brain would've used Master's Defender to chain it back together, so to speak, and give the Scalan refugees somewhere to go. That was cut because it felt like it would make Brain a little less desperate to make his sacrifice, and after that, it ended up feeling...kind of out of place? Plus, I felt like I hadn't done a good enough job foreshadowing that (though you can find some hints, if you're looking).
(The world they end up does still end up becoming the Land of Departure, though.)
Also, Luxu was originally going to be possessing Lodur. (Which is why time seems to slow down around him whenever things get intense! And also plays into the "narrator" thing--Lodur is a storykeeper, after all.) I'll leave it up to all of you guys to decide whether you want Lodur to be Sigurd's deceased brother, Sigurd to have been wrong about Luxu taking his brother's body, or for "Lodur is Luxu's vessel" to be non-canon.
While I finally decided to leave it out, I did think about doing an epilogue. I played around with a lot of different ideas for how that'd go, but it generally fell into three basic ideas: 1) Skuld, Brain, and the rest of the crew roughly a decade after the end of Fallen Stars, 2) Xehanort and Eraqus (as like...five-year-olds) interacting with the remaining crew, or 3) Ven and Lauriam finding stories about Skuld and Brain in the distant future. I do like all of these, but I ended up feeling like it kind of...glossed over how much time it'd take for them to repair Scala and heal, so I ended up going with the current ending instead--which is hopeful, but still leaves room for the struggles that may follow.
THAT SAID. There's a non-zero chance some of those epilogues may show up as one-shots. I like the idea of exploring some post-canon scenarios in the Fallen Stars-verse (in particular, the first year after everything, since there's...a lot that the main crew go through). That said, I'm also not going to promise anything on that front, since it'll largely depend on my time/energy levels/inspiration.
(Also, feel free to ask me about post-canon stuff, in case I never get around to writing things; a lot of stuff changes around, haha, but I do have Ideas.)
"Do you want to hear a story?" has been planned as the final lines for a long time, haha. One, because it acts as a nice book-end for the story. Two, because it's kind of like...symbolic. Skuld is the one who said it, and is the only character besides Luxu to (kind of) break the fourth wall, so this was like...representative of her taking control of her own story. (This is also, for the record, why the "Do you want to hear a story?" narrator parts don't show up again after chapter 40; Skuld is the narrator now.)
The title was actually going to be the name of the first chapter. I was struggling to find a title I liked (I didn't want to use "May We Find Our Happiness" since, uh...that ended up as a chapter title for On the Edge of Daybreak, when I still thought I wouldn't do a story in Scala), and ended up brainstorming ideas for the chapter title instead. I'd landed on "Fallen Stars" because like--Brain and Skuld were "fallen stars" in the sense that a lot of people who are displaced from fallen worlds in the KH series tend to, uh...fall out of the sky, but also in the sense that they were legends who were, very suddenly, being made human in the eyes of Scala. And then it hit me that, "Wait...that'd work great for a fic name." And then it was repurposed, haha.
And...I will probably cut off the notes there, haha. Fallen Stars has been fun to work on, and it's weird to think that it's finished (unless, of course, I end up doing those one-shots). Thank you for coming on this ride with me; I hope you've enjoyed it!
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farrahda5hywrites · 2 years
Sin Nombre
Pairing: Aleksander Morozov(a) x Implied!Moon Summoner!Reader
Summary: Your life as a vagabond changes rapidly as you encounter a strong force.
Warning: None, I can think of. Can be read as a standalone drabble
Hey, so this ficlet was originally a little gift to @marvelmusing until I decided like a dingus to write a little sequel. Heads up, everything I know about Shadow and Bone is from Marvelmusing's writing and the vibes I picked up along the way. (Ben Barnes' depiction of the Darkling was very in line with one of my original characters from 2019, so I fell into this rabbit hole the gifs, my homie.)
Anyway, please enjoy this little drabble
When your kind fled, you couldn’t find fault in them. No one was left to be a voice for your people, and your people would most likely be the first to be captured and executed. So much had happened that you couldn’t tell what was rumor and what was truth. But still, you refused let fear keep you from finding a way to survive.
The guilt, however, swelled in your lungs as if you were being held underwater. You were cursed and blessed at the same time: Grisha blood, but couldn’t summon. Deep knowledge of powers, but could never manifest your own. Potential, but no outlet. You could be a great help to your people if only had something more to offer: a safe haven, food, or a warm cloak. You were a vagabond, a situation that left you cold but protected you at times.
What you could give was advice. Travel at night or at early dawn. Keep the little ones and your elderly in front of you so they don’t fall behind. When you get your powers, don’t use your powers unless absolutely necessary. Always keep your head up.
The advice wasn’t much, but it was what your mother and grandmother told you when you were young.
You got nervous when a family approached you, but something inside you immediately told you that they were Grisha. The Mother was the one who stepped forward and asked a question concerning travel.
You looked up at the sky. “It’s going to rain soon.” You said, smelling the scent in the air and examining the clouds. “Probably won’t be too bad. I’d keep going if I were you.”
With a small thank you in the form of a piece of bread, the family was off with the little ones walking quickly in front of their parents.
A few days later in the next town, a young couple approached you at night. Both of them looked ragged, and that nervousness filled you again. If the wrong people knew found you, you’d be dead. You knew down in your spirit they meant know harm, but you weren’t sure how much you could afford to risk your own safety for rest of your people.
After a brief stare down with the couple, the young man spoke to you. “We keep running into trouble, and we got separated from our group…we don’t know how to travel at night.”
You didn’t question him further on what exactly he meant. Instead, you pointed up to moon in the sky.
“If the moon is high, play it low. If it’s a Harvest, go slow. But if it’s full, then go. Everything in between will guide you. If you can’t see the moon in the sky, then you best stay put.”
The moon itself was full moon, and the couple spared a coin and quickly departed in the other direction.
The last of the winter wind was determined to toss you around like a leftover dry branch. You survived on the gifts from the various people you’ve helped and the advice you have given. Unfortunately, you never learned what do in the midst of powerful storm. The moon quickly disappeared while you were walking in the early morning way before dawn, and an impossible storm was chasing you down ready to overtake you to go about its destruction.
You make the mistake of looking down at your feet, and your body is thrown against a tree by the strong wind. The pain in your body rivaled a knife’s blade to the chest, hindering you from calling out for help from the Saints. The darkness overtook the area so quickly you almost couldn’t tell if your eyes were closed.
“What is your name?” The voice sounded so soft, yet deep that you swore you were hallucinating.
“I have no name.” It took you a moment to reply, but in the moment, you knew you were going to die.
With what ever strength you had in you, you were going to attempt to fight. You refused to be used an example to incite fear in your people.
“I heard that you’ve been helping Grisha, little one. Can you tell me when the storm will pass?”
Before you could stop yourself, the words slipped out. “This is not an ordinary storm. It will be short, but its effect will last for decades. No one will out run it.”
“I will find you again when I need you.”
Your vision returned as if the darkness and the wind hadn’t overtaken you. You stood in an empty field, moon shining directly on you. You looked around for any trace of what just occurred, but you found nothing.
You had a few hours until dawn, so you made your way back to your destination. The wind pushed by, causing you to put your hands inside your cloak. You felt a piece of loose cloth, and you pulled it out briefly and paused to take a look at it. The cloth was embroidered with a moon in eclipse: at least that was what you assumed it was. You swore you recognized the emblem, but you tucked it away and went about your journey.
It wasn’t until dawn that you realized you didn’t just meet an ordinary grisha, but one of the most important.
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mythsha · 5 months
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An enigma she was; Kyra Kozlov was know as the siren. A tidemaker who had her way around people with her mesmerising words.
The sea seems to embrace the sun as it sets, but in truth the sea can never feel the sun's warmth.
Kyra wanted to do something the sea couldn't; She wanted to swallow the sun, swallow her whole and keep her safe from the dark which seeks to extinguish the golden light. Kyra would let her sun boil the water, the flames to be ablaze in the deep sea with her siren voice as fuel.
But the sea knew she couldn't do it, cause she was afraid she would be her sun's doom.
introduction chapter 1 chapter 2
main masterlist
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
*fire emoji* about the Darkling owo
okayyyyy!!! the darkling can never be redeemed and he should never be redeemed. not because his actions are irredeemable (because in the end that doesn't really matter), but because to do so would, to me, be a nearly heinous act.
the darkling exists for a reason. he exists because of the persecution and oppression he's faced - and he exists because of the way society deemed him a monster for what he was.
any redemption for his character within the narrative given would be a betrayal of everything he represents. in the same way flint can never take a pardon, I believe the darkling can never be redeemed - because redemption in the world bardugo has written would mean redemption in the eyes of the law, his abusers, and his oppressors - which would mean basically apologizing to them and admitting they were right to do to him and his people what they did. and they very much were not.
perhaps, with a very very good writer and a better original plot, the darkling could be redeemed successfully only to those he's directly harmed - such as alina - but to be quite honest any writer willing to do so would not be one I would trust easily, and unfortunately for us the original content is what it is in regards to loyalist propaganda, so even a good writer couldn't save it.
tl;dr - unpopular opinion: the darkling should not be redeemed
send me a 🔥 for an unpopular opinion (x)
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mxacegrey · 2 years
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