fictionalsownme · 1 day
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i'll be over him when I'm dead okay
I have covid!! or at least my brother has it who I live with and I am very very sick! I'll be fine but I'm staying home from class to avoid spreading it so I finally got some time to finish up some drawings I've been sitting on 🥰 you guys should know I watch every single notification that comes in and smile and gush about them like a creeper so thank you as always, it really does mean a lot!! If I end up testing positive I imagine I'll be out of school for even longer so at least it'd be nice to have some time to draw & write 💞 I really really love how these ones came out, they were supposed to just be sketches and then I just kept going lmao. I've been experimenting with rendering more and more so hopefully you guys like it too! It feels like everyone's getting sick rn so stay healthy everyone! 💞💞 Happy Thursday!!
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madhare0512 · 3 years
Dark and Anti try and hide the fact that they’re not really human. Antis disguise often slips and Dark has to remind him to keep it together
Dark is an elf and Anti is a demon and Anti cannot keep his disguise to save his life. Dark's reminders always come in the form of, "Anti, your disguise is slipping", "Anti. fix your eyes, they're bright red", "Anti, your ears", etc.
it quickly becomes a problem.
thank you!! @theprinceofflies
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gamrlinafrye · 5 years
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I MADE THIS TWO DAYS BEFORE WHITE SUIT DARK APPEARED. I'M SO MAD HONESTLY OR DARK WOULD'VE HAD A WHITE SUIT ON. I remember I had a pose like this in my old sketches that was kind of vent for my at the time so I decided to redraw it digitally and I'm happy how it came out!!! UwU
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doc-and-sav-ask · 4 years
If you could have any power you don't already have, what would it be?
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youtubers-nao13 · 5 years
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Ë̴̹́g̸͎̿o̵̧͊ṯ̵̇ŏ̴̖b̵̻́e̷̡͠r̴͖̍  day #27 & 28 - not following the prompt list
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thedarkmanipulator · 6 years
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gabbykinda · 7 years
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Made it background size 😍😍
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dannyk00 · 7 years
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People aren't just good or evil. The world isn't just black and white.
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sea-bea · 7 years
Who is Darkiplier?
This is a through run through of who Darkiplier is, what his goals are, the people who make him, and why you/viewer are a part of Darkiplier. All of it is under the cut below, because honestly while I was writing this it got kinda long so here we goooo
So Darkiplier in his entirely is a being fused together through hatred, judgement, and revenge. He has one goal in mind -- to destroy Mark and take over his channel, and subsequently his followers. He uses the egos and their respective abilities to his advantage, except for Wilford, who he looks over and check on constantly. He's manipulative, cruel, and uses people to his advantage -- but he doesn't truly hate anyone besides Mark. In fact, there is a soft spot in his heart left for a certain few people, but only those who try to understand him are privy to it. Darkiplier is made up of three people/souls: Damien the Mayor, Celine the Seer, and Viewer/You the Attorney. Damien is the leader of your group, Celine provides alternatives, second choices, and fuels Dark’s energy, and You are the medium, who keeps the other two in check and decides the final course of action.
Damien is Dark’s brains, the main driving force, who decides Dark’s plans and ambitions. As the Mayor beforehand, he truly becomes the leader of the group, the others following him almost unquestionably. He talks as Dark, moves as Dark, holds himself as Dark, and projects himself as Dark. His hatred for WKM!Mark stems from the betrayal he felt when he forgave WKM!Mark and WKM!Mark used him in return. While his main goal is to take control of Mark and in return, regain his body, he cares for Wil second, using kind soft words and quietly caring for him behind the scenes.
Celine is Dark's power, his energy, his aura he gives off, what he does. As the Seer, she is collective interest, an opposing voice, more choices and opinions to take to accomplish their goal. She looks in others and picks and choose who would be best suited for Dark’s goals such as the Host because of his own rational decision making and former murderous tendencies, and Google due to his secondary objective and his emotionlessness. Frequent spasms in Dark's emotions are fueled by her. Whenever she gets a chance to speak as Dark, she rages in anger against what WKM!Mark has done to her Wil and WKM!Mark's misusal of his friends for revenge. Her main goal is to take care of Wil, but her curiosity gets the better of her and she also wants to learn more about the other egos.
You/Viewer are Dark's body, his grounding force. You are the judge, an Attorney in your former life. You assist Celine in keeping Dark together, and you move Dark’s body around as Damien pleases. Since you are very good friends with Damien, you have an unfaltering obedience to him and provide a second voice in delivering justice and preserving order, and are a fallback plan should Damien or Celine fall. You are the ultimate mediator, being fair and keeping Damien and Celine in one path. Your ultimate main goal is to question Mark why you were brought into this, but your second goal is to get to know the other egos more for Damien and Celine’s sake.
All three of you are from another universe along with the Colonel, in where WKM!Mark is a failing actor who used his friends and a party as revenge against the Colonel for ‘stealing his wife’, in which he turned to dark arts for his answers. As a result, Darkiplier sees himself as a good person trying to exact revenge on WKM!Mark for hurting his friends. However, something happened where he and the Colonel came to this Mark’s universe, but he doesn't want to believe that this Mark is any different and his goals still stand. So now he teams up with the other egos while his primary goals from his universe still stand, taking up certain egos and people to use them to get to Mark as fast as possible.
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din-skywalker · 7 years
Dear @markiplier ,
I know you’re probably never going to see this post. You probably get thousands of notes and @s a day so it would make since if you never saw this and I’ll be okay if you don’t see it… I just need to get all of this off of my chest. So, I’m not trying to have a pity party or anything. I just want to clear everything, ya know? I just want to tell someone who doesn’t know me personally… and like I said you’re probably never going to see this so that helps, honestly.
I’ve been watching your videos for around three or four years, starting back in 2013/14. Around that time I had never watched any other Youtuber before, thinking that all of you were dumb and wondering why anyone would waste their time watching your videos.
But then I discovered you.
You were so vibrant and funny and energetic and I just couldn’t help but watch as many of your videos as I could that day. At the time I was beginning to struggle with depression and anxiety and didn’t know how to handle the mass feelings of self-doubt and hatred and sadness I was feeling. I didn’t know how to deal with the thoughts of suicide and self harm. I could almost never smile at or laugh genuinely at anything throughout the day. But then your videos… least to say you screaming into a microphone while being scared out of your mind made me laugh.
I subscribed to you shortly finding your videos because you were just so funny, different from the other Youtubers I’d seen before. There was just something so charming about you that I loved.
Skip ahead one year and my depression and suicide thoughts were not getting any better. No one I knew knew how I felt because I couldn’t talk to anyone about them, feeling as no one would understand, ya know? The only person I felt who understood me was you.
Every time you uploaded a video I just ran to it, needing the comfort you somehow gave to me through the screen. And when you told me I was worth it and shouldn’t give up on life, I believed you. Struggled at fist, of course. And I still do. I have the thoughts of: “why should I be alive?”. But then I click on one of your videos and you chase away all of the self doubt and hatred. As long as I’m watching one of your videos, all of my fears and problems are rushed away. It’s as though I have no care in the world except for what you’re dealing with in the game you are currently playing.
Presently, I am still in school and having a troublesome time. I may be on anti-depressants now and they do help,  until I don’t take one on a day. I hate relying on pills. I’m so dependent on them to be stable through the day. If I miss a day I’m completely screwed up, I can’t function. I get panicky and anxious and can’t calm down and every little thing can send me into a panic attack. But you want to know what I fall back on on those days?
When I’m falling into the process of a panic attack I pull up one of your videos, listen to your voice. Just hearing you helps me focus on my breathing and calm me down. And if I can’t access the internet because school wifi sucks, I just try to think back to what you’ve told me in the past. That you believe in me. And that thought helps me draw in a deep breath and calm down. Because you believe in me and I can’t let you down.
I know it probably sounds weird and unbelievable that I depend on you because you don’t even know me. But I’m not lying for a second. I’m not stretching the truth in any way or form, either. This is just me rambling about how you’ve helped me through the years. So please ignore how badly its put together.
So, in summary, you have helped me through dark parts in my life, Mark. And you still are. You’ve saved me from myself on so many occasions and I just wanted to thank you… though I never will be able to thank you enough. You’ve saved my life countless times and I can’t put my gratitude into words.
I am going to start posting more of my own art and writing because you have inspired me to do so. Thank you so so much, Mark. 
And like I said before, you may never see this.And that’s okay. It would be great if you did see this, of course, so that you could know how much you’ve helped me. But I understand if you don’t.
Sorry that I just rambled. I just had to say all of that.
I love you Mark. So much.
From a life you saved,
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I have two theories in mind for this video.
[at bottom of post]
Number #1: With keeping mind to both the Host theories for this and Darkiplier I suggest a hybrid.
It's both.
I think it's a sequel or something to do with more Darkiplier history. In markiplier tv the host is featured and this may give us some background on how they met? Like maybe dark or even wilford stumbled upon him in his little cabin in the woods type place and he sheds some light on their situation with his constant narration. Or maybe provides some comfort instead as Wilford is AWARE he is shifting somewhat in time and space.
For example 'Who killed markiplier' took place in in guessing the early to mid 1920's. Mostly based on fashion aka costumes from it and yet it appears in the latest Wilford warfstache video that it's at least been 30 years or so. Give or take. Wilford hasn't aged a day and he KNOWS that He is in some kind of limbo state with reality to the point he doesn't age or can just thread through time. He could move a little to far off course or something and meet the host at his house but of course the host would be aware of him being there and then we have Darkiplier who is most likely out for revenge chasing Wilford. Also the drowning woman! Maybe a link to Celine for before WKM? Saving her? Her drowning in her possibly unhappy relationship? A curious thing. Tell me your thoughts?
Number #2: It's DIRECTLY AFTER 'Who killed markiplier?' Like since we all saw that Wilford was going a little crazy after the whole 'Hey! I didn't kill you!' Thing and ran off. What if he ran into the police? What if they didn't buy that it?
And he had to go on the run. Because according to what Detective Abe said he's been all over running away from something or someone. (Darkiplier and or the cops?) he could've easily run into the host afterwards because the mansion was beside a forest I believe. My memory is a little fuzzy so sorry if I'm not correct it's been a while. He could've run into The Host and he could've helped him or as we saw in 'Wilford Motherlovin' Warfstache' he knows he out of place with time and space so maybe the host told him and this video is him learning about it and giving us more backstory on what happened to him? Like why his mustache is turning pink slowly (maybe linked to how long he spends in this kinda limbo or used his powers?) because by the time 'Wilford Motherlovin' Warfstache' came out he knew at least a little bit how to use those powers(?) and could use them to his advantage in the video. He kept dodging the bullets and was never injured really. Which brings up another question I have about it. How does he do that?
If he meets the host does he show him how to use these "powers(?)" of his? But before I end this! There's one thing left here! Celine! Or who I assume the woman in the water IS. for now anyways. Her drowning could be pre-dating WKM or going afterwards for a power struggle between her and Damian. Think about it he wants revenge and she would want to protect him and that would do fuck with his head after seeing that "We" rose from the dead. He would be super confused and be told to run from Damian I assume again. Assumptions here people. It's a theory. And being so messed with mentally the past day or two at this point he just boots man. He ends up at the woods where he meets a man who has some. Not all. Answers for him to make some sense of it. So many questions so little time. Reply if you have any suggestions or ideas or if something might be a little off. It has been like forever since I've seen 'Who Killed Markiplier?' So forgive me for any mistakes.
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madhare0512 · 3 years
14 danti?
14.) Are there any love rivals?
there used to be the Actor, but there's not anymore. Dark decided he didn't like that Actor was sniffing around his glitch.
thank you!! @theprinceofflies
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zimne-mleko · 7 years
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ummm, so today darkipkier possessed my pole dance class and how is your evening going?
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macbleu · 3 years
Darkiplier? No! I only necromancer markiplier
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Have you seen how cute this man is? I know he suppose to be evil and what not but he soooo cute!!! Might even be better then darkipkier
Shhh don’t tell mark that lol
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youtubers-nao13 · 7 years
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bidiza55555 · 5 years
That's right, I bought a used copy of pokemon emerald and pokemon firered
At first I was a bit nervous since I know these tend to have faked versions as catrigdes. So I looked closely at them and tested if everything works
Turns out they are good original ones :D am so glad I didn't get scammed
Also my darkipkier shirt arrived
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