#dark chain pendant lighting
missroxelot · 1 year
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3/4 Bath in Denver An illustration of a small, traditional 3/4-tile bathroom with beige walls, white cabinets, and beige floors, as well as granite countertops and an undermount sink.
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mortal-kingss · 10 months
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for once, for once in life, i finally felt that someone needed me…
[ID: A fully rendered piece of Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood dancing. The background is stark black, and the main lighting source is warm, coming from slightly below the camera. Jon has his back facing the camera and his face turned to the side, and Martin has his body facing the camera and face also turned to the side. Martin is a tall, fat white man, with vitiligo, and is an avatar of the Web. He has brown hair with white streaks, square glasses, and eight entirely black eyes. He’s smiling with fangs peaking through slightly, and scars in the patterns of cobwebs on his cheek. He’s wearing a brown suit with a white shirt and brown tie. There is a small web design on the collar of the suit with a pendant of a spider, made out of wire and amber. He’s wearing a belt and dark grey pants that fade slowly into a light grey. His left hand is holding Jon’s, and his right hand is pressed against her back. Jon is a shorter, thin Indian person, wearing a dark green satin dress with a small amount of black mesh material on the upper back. Her dark brown and grey hair is long, and is tied back in a loose ponytail, with a gold hairpiece in the shape of an eye, connected by small chains with green gems, to Jhumka earrings. He has multiple eyes on his face, and all are green, looking up at Martin, except for the normal placement of eyes which are closed. He’s wearing gold arm jewelry with eye patterns on them, and his right arm has a henna design and a ring on his finger. His left arm is perched on Martin’s shoulder. End ID]
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velarisdusk · 1 month
Cursed Flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
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word count: 8k
content: [ explicit sexual content, unprotected PIV, rough sex, oral sex (m receiving), fingering (f receiving), biting, oral fixation, enemies to lovers (as much lovers as I could fit into an 8k fic) | mentions of: blood, attempted murder via witch curse | strong language ]
summary: When Eris Vanserra, heir to the Autumn Court, stumbles into a healer's shop under a mysterious curse, it sets off a chain of events neither could have anticipated. As the skilled healer works to unravel the dark magic threatening his life, tension and attraction crackle between them.
author's note: SO EXCITED FOR YALL TO READ THIS ONE!!!!!!! i received this ask a bit ago and i couldn't wait to write it. i hope you all enjoy! as per usual, no beta, so if you see any typos no you didnt
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The shop is a warm refuge in the heart of the Autumn Court, its walls painted a calming sage green and lined with shelves filled with jars of dried herbs and roots. Sunlight filters through the tall windows, casting soft, golden light on a thick, woven rug. The scent of lavender and rosemary lingers in the air, mingling with the quiet crackle of a low fire in the hearth.
You move methodically around the shop, stocking freshly dried herbs on the shelves. Your fingers brush over the labels, ensuring everything is in its place. The rhythmic work is soothing—a welcome distraction.
Reaching up to place a jar on the top shelf, you're caught off guard when the door suddenly slams open. The force of it startles you, and you instinctively drop the pendant of your necklace from your mouth as you spin around to face the intruder.
Eris Vanserra stands in the doorway, his usually pristine appearance disheveled, his skin pale and lips tinged with an unhealthy shade of blue. He looks unwell — like something is gnawing away at him from the inside out.
“Looking a little paler than usual,” you murmur, your tone caught between concern and the dry sarcasm that usually colors your interactions with him. But even as you speak, you’re already moving toward him, instinctively assessing his condition. Grabbing your tools, you hurry to where Eris has collapsed into the armchair by the hearth.
“What happened?” you ask, scanning him for visible injuries but finding none. “When did this start?”
Eris leans back, his breathing labored, and then he coughs violently, a splatter of blood staining his hand. He looks at it with shock and frustration.
“Tell me everything,” you demand, already rifling through your supplies for anything that could help diagnose whatever this is. “What did you eat? Drink? Did you come into contact with anything unusual?”
His eyes narrow in irritation as you continue to probe. “Why does it matter? Just heal me and I’ll be on my way.”
You give him an incredulous look, stunned by the sheer stupidity of his question. 
“What…? Mother above- if you want me to help, I need to know what’s causing this. Did you encounter any dark magic?”
You move to check his pulse, frowning at the erratic rhythm and his lack of response. “If you’re going to be like that, just go to your family’s healer,” you mutter, not bothering to hide your irritation. You place the back of your hand on his forehead, noting the strange combination of cool skin and unnatural heat radiating from his chest.
“Do you think I’m here because I’d like to be?” Eris snaps, coughing again, though this time with less blood.
You ignore his tone, turning your attention to the herbs and ingredients at your disposal. After a few minutes of methodically preparing and steeping the herbs, you hand him a steaming cup. “Drink this,” you instruct.
He takes the cup but eyed it skeptically. “What is it?”
“It’ll react if there’s poison in your system,” you explain, your tone firm as you watch him closely, waiting. 
He lifts the cup reluctantly, sipping as you hover your hands over his chest, closing your eyes to focus on sensing any magical disturbances. “Why can’t you see your family’s healer?” you ask, murmuring a chant under your breath as you work.
“He’s busy,” Eris replies tightly, though his expression suggests there’s more to the story.
You press your lips together as you complete your chant, waiting for any sign of magic—an aura, a pulse of energy, anything. But there’s nothing. Frustration wells up, and you move to the shelves, selecting a vial of a potent potion that reveals the presence of dark spells. You hand it to him, but before you can tell him to wait, he lifts the vial to his lips. 
“Wait—” you start, but it’s too late. He drinks the contents of the vial, grimacing at the taste as he swallows. 
The dark tendrils of the potion begin to swirl beneath his skin, their movement barely noticeable through the fabric of his shirt. Panic surges through you, and without thinking, you reach forward and rip open his shirt, buttons flying everywhere. 
Eris recoils slightly, a flash of irritation crossing his face. “Do you have any idea how much that shirt costs? More than you make in a month, I’d wager.”
You shoot him a sharp glare, not bothering to hide your exasperation. “Definitely not as much as making that potion cost me,” you retort, focusing on the dark tendrils now clearly visible beneath his skin. The potion is reacting to something, though it’s still not enough to fully reveal what’s wrong. 
Eris glares at you, but before he can respond, another wave of pain hits him, forcing a troubling series of coughs out of him. This time, blood stains his lips, and the dark tendrils pulse ominously with the movement. 
Ignoring his earlier complaint, you press your hand against his chest, feeling the unnatural heat beneath your fingertips. The tendrils shift and twist just beneath the surface of his skin as if something dark is trying to break free. “Are you usually this hot?” you murmur, more to yourself than to him, as you watch the tendrils fade back into nothingness.
Eris’s lips curve into a smirk, despite his condition. “I wasn’t aware you found me so irresistible,” he drawls, his tone laced with that familiar cocky arrogance.
You roll your eyes, not even dignifying his comment with a response, refocusing on the task at hand.
With a sigh, you grab the vial from him and set it aside, biting your thumbnail as you wrack your brain for ideas. You decide to turn to a more traditional method. “Stand up,” you instruct, grabbing a fresh egg from a small basket. Eris raises an eyebrow, but you don’t give him a chance to question it. “I’m going to perform an egg cleanse. It’s an old method, but it’s effective for detecting curses.”
He complies, albeit reluctantly, standing from the chair. You glance up at him, realizing you can’t quite reach the top of his head. “Bend your knees a bit. I can’t reach that high.”
Eris smirks, but obliges, lowering himself slightly so you can reach the crown of his head. You begin by holding the egg just above his scalp, moving it slowly around the top of his head and down his neck. You notice his jaw clench, the muscles tightening under your careful movements. 
You continue to work your way down, the egg warming slightly in your hand as it absorbs the negative energy. The air feels thick with tension as you move the egg over his shoulders and bare chest, noticing how he tenses when you pass it over his thighs. His body reacts subtly, with a slight shift in posture, a clenching of his fist at his side, as if he’s fighting to keep his composure. 
“Anything yet?” Eris presses, his tone light, almost as if he’s making conversation, but you can hear the underlying tension. “Or are you just playing with eggs for fun?”
“Hold still,” you mutter, ignoring his jab as you complete the cleanse. When you reach his feet, you pause, feeling the unsettling energy still clinging to the egg in your hand. You ask him to lift each foot slightly so you can pass the egg underneath. He does so with a small huff of annoyance, muttering something you couldn’t bother yourself to care about. 
Finally, you finish the cleanse, bringing the egg back up to his head and closing the circle. The egg feels heavier in your hand now, almost throbbing with the energy it’s absorbed. You step back, holding the egg up to the light, examining it carefully. 
“What are you seeing?” he asks, his voice steady, but you catch the edge of something beneath the calm facade. “What’s wrong?”
With a frown, you walk to the counter, grab a glass, and fill it with water. Eris watches you, curiosity and impatience on his face as you crack the egg into the glass.
The moment the shell breaks, your breath catches in your throat as the realization hits you like a physical blow. The web-like structures forming in the egg’s whites, the dark red blood swirling through the yolk—they aren’t just signs of any curse. They’re markers, symbols that reveal the curse’s origin. A curse that dark, that potent, could only come from someone with a deep, intimate connection to the target. Someone who shares his blood.
Eris leans over your shoulder, his eyes narrowing at the sight. “That’s not normal, is it?” he asks, his tone still deceptively casual, but you can hear the sharp edge of concern creeping into his voice.
You shake your head slowly, staring at the cursed egg. “No,” you reply, your voice low and tense. “Eris,” you begin, your voice trembling slightly as the weight of your discovery settles in. “This… this isn’t just any curse. It was arranged by someone who’s tied to you by blood. They must have paid a witch to curse you.”
His eyes widen, the casual facade slipping as your words sink in. He straightens, stepping back as if physically recoiling from the truth. For a moment, he’s silent, his usually sharp mind racing to process what you’ve just told him. But the tension in his jaw, the way his hands clench into fists, betrays the anger simmering beneath the surface.
“One of my brothers,” he murmurs, his voice low and deadly. There’s no question in his tone, only cold, calculated fury. The possibility of betrayal from within his own bloodline cuts deep, and you can see it in the way his expression darkens, in the way his shoulders stiffen as if preparing for battle.
You nod slowly, still staring at the cursed egg, your mind racing as you try to make sense of it all. “Whoever did this didn’t just want to hurt you—the curse is meant to kill, Eris.”
His gaze flickers back to you, and for a brief moment, you see something vulnerable in his eyes, something raw and unguarded. But then it’s gone, replaced by the cold determination that you’ve come to expect from him.
As you stare at the cursed egg’s results, frustration and determination mix in your mind. You need to figure out where the curse is coming from. “Wait here,” you tell him, already moving towards the shelves.
You start rummaging through your collection of enchanted tools and artifacts. You pull out a magnifying glass with runes etched into its frame—designed to detect magical auras. With it, you examine the egg’s remnants, trying to find any additional clues. Still focused, you then grab a small jar of salt, used for creating protective circles, and a vial of basic anti-magic tincture.
You hold the magnifying glass over Eris’s body, carefully examining for any magical disturbances. The glass shows a faint, dark aura around his entire form, but it’s still unclear where the source is. The salt is meant to amplify magical reactions, so you grab the jar and sprinkle some in a protective circle around him. As you observe, the dark aura becomes more pronounced, shifting and swirling. Still, it’s not pinpointed enough to identify the exact source of the curse.
You then use the anti-magic tincture, dabbing it on various parts of him: his hands, shoulders, his ankles, and on his clothing. The tincture reacts, but again, it does not specify where the curse is anchored. You decide to turn to a more direct method.
You remove one of the rings from Eris’s hand, placing it on a small tray before examining it closely with the magnifying glass. The ring is stunning, with a polished tiger’s eye stone that seems to capture and reflect the light with every movement. The stone is set in intricately crafted silver, engraved with delicate, swirling patterns reminiscent of flames. It’s a ring befitting Eris Vanserra—elegant yet undeniably powerful. This time, you notice the dark tendrils of magic intensify around the ring, more clearly than on the other items.
“This ring,” you say, realization dawning as you see the dark magic swirling more intensely, “Have you given it to anyone lately?”
Eris’s brows furrow in confusion. “No, why would I do that? It’s one of my favorites.”
You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms and biting your lip in thought. “Are you sure? Any recent changes, anyone who might have had access to it?”
He hesitates, shifting uncomfortably. “I—well, I didn’t give it to anyone, but…” He sighs, sitting back down and looking down at the ring. “I woke up one morning and found it missing from my jewelry box. I only found it a few days later, yesterday, under the dresser.”
You nod, your mind racing with the implications. “That’s significant. The timing fits with when the curse seems to have taken hold. It’s likely that someone who knew about the ring might have tampered with it.” Eris’s expression darkens, and he clenches his jaw.
You give him a sympathetic look. “Luckily, it seems whoever cast this curse used extremely rudimentary techniques. I should be able to take care of it relatively easily… Go lie down in the back room,” you tell him, pointing at the door behind the front counter. “I’ll be there in a bit with what I need to start the healing process.”
Eris nods and heads to the back room, his demeanor more subdued now. As he disappears behind the door, you turn back to the counter, gathering the rest of your supplies. The task ahead is daunting, but you’re determined to see it through.
As he disappears into the back room, you take a deep breath, centering yourself as you gather the necessary items for the healing process. Your mind is consumed with the details of what you need, and you absentmindedly reach for a pen from the counter, sliding the end of it between your lips as you think through your list—cleansing herbs, protective talismans, and special antidotes to counteract the curse. You pull out a small wooden box and start preparing the mixtures, setting out vials and jars with practiced ease. 
You move through the shop, grabbing the fresh batch of herbs and an old family recipe for a purification salve. As you’re about to head to the back room, you pause, realizing you need one more item. You hastily grab a small vial of enchanted water, known for its potency in breaking curses.
With everything in hand, you head towards the back room, your nerves steeling for the task ahead. You open the door and step inside, where Eris is lying on the sofa, looking more subdued and less defiant.
“Alright,” you say, laying out the items on a nearby table. “I need you to strip, so I can massage the salve into your skin.”
Eris raises an eyebrow, his posture relaxed despite his condition. He lounges on the plush sofa, the luxurious fabric seeming to contrast sharply with his unwell state. He is draped elegantly over the cushions, looking effortlessly refined even in his weakened state. “Are you always so forward with your clients?” he asks, a lazy, yet sardonic smile playing on his lips.
You shoot him a wry smile. “Only the ones who show up at my door covered in curses. I promise, I’ll try to keep it as professional as possible.”
Eris arches an eyebrow, glancing down at his torn shirt before meeting your eyes with a smirk. “I’ll be curious to see just how ‘professional’ you manage to be, given the state of my shirt.”
“I suppose my attempt at professionalism might seem a bit questionable after that,” you respond, trying to match his playful tone. “But given the circumstances, I promise to keep my focus on getting you sorted out.”
Eris smirks, clearly entertained by your response. “I’ll hold you to that,” he replies, making no move to cover up as he removes his shirt. He casually kicks off his boots and slips out of his pants. He starts to remove his underwear, but you quickly hold up a hand, a hint of discomfort in your voice.
“Uh, you can keep those on,” you say, your tone awkward. “I really don’t need to see more of you than I already have.”
Eris raises an eyebrow but complies, lying back on the sofa in his remaining attire. He stretches out, his posture relaxed despite his state.
You try to maintain your composure as you prepare to apply the salve, aware of the subtle flush on your cheeks at the sight of him.
You take the salve and begin applying it to his skin, your hands gliding over the thick, soothing mixture. The salve is warm and slightly sticky, and you work it into his flesh with careful, deliberate strokes. His skin is pale and warm under your touch, marked with faint, livid lines where the curse has taken hold. Despite his condition, his muscles are firm and well-defined.
You try to focus on the task, but the proximity and the intimate nature of your work make your cheeks flush. Your hands move methodically, spreading the salve evenly over his torso, smoothing it into every defined contour. The tension in the room is almost tangible, and you do your best to maintain your composure, concentrating on the rhythm of your movements.
After a few minutes, you glance up at Eris, only to find him watching you with a smirk. You assume he’s noticed your nervousness and it makes your blush deepen, feeling the heat spread across your cheeks.
You hum as if asking “What?”, but it comes out a bit strained.
Eris chuckles softly, the sound low and knowing. “What’s the pendant on your necklace?”
You pause, momentarily distracted by his question. You glance down at the pendant but realize you’ve been toying with it between your teeth. You drop it, a sleek piece of black tourmaline set in a delicate silver setting. It catches the light, its dark, glossy surface reflecting an eerie, protective shimmer. “It’s black tourmaline,” you explain, trying to keep your voice steady as you wipe your hand on the skirt of your dress. “It’s known for protection.” 
You reach up and carefully open the locket, revealing a small, intricately illustrated image nestled inside. The illustration depicts you and a scruffy little dog, your faces pressed close together. His warm brown eyes are visible, reflecting the affection between you. The artist’s delicate strokes bring out the softness and warmth of the scene, with a gentle, glowing quality.
“Here,” you say, offering the locket for Eris to see. “That’s my dog, Cedar. He’s my best friend.”
Eris glances at the illustration and raises an eyebrow. “Cute dog,” he remarks, his voice softening slightly. He takes a moment to admire it before you close the locket and turn your attention back to the task at hand.
You resume applying the salve, your hands moving carefully over his thighs. Your proximity is close, and you can’t help but be aware of the intimate nature of the task.
Eris breaks the silence, his tone is casual yet curious. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a dog person. What’s he like?”
You continue working the salve into his skin, your hands deftly spreading it. “Cedar? He’s a little bundle of energy. Loves to play and is always up for an adventure. Not very fond of arrogant redheads.”
Eris chuckles softly. “Sounds like quite a character. I’ve got a few ghost hounds myself. Jasper’s the mischievous one, Ember’s more reserved but loyal, and Thorne... well, he’s a bit of a troublemaker. They each have their own quirks, but they’re a handful.” He smiles faintly, a hint of fondness in his eyes.
You nod, trying to focus on the salve while managing the awkward proximity. “Sounds like they’re quite a pack.”
Eris’s eyes twinkle with a mixture of amusement and affection as he regards you. “They are. All twelve of them.”
You clear your throat, doing your best to shake off the distraction of Eris’s body under your hands. “Twelve? That’s… quite a lot,” you manage to say, hoping your voice doesn’t betray how flustered you are.
Eris gives a small, almost smug nod. “They’re quite the company.”
You force a small smile, quickly refocusing on the task at hand before your scent gives you away. “Alright, I need you to flip over so I can get your back,” you instruct, your voice steadier now.
Eris moves with a grace that belies the curse’s toll, turning onto his stomach. As he settles, you catch yourself marveling at the expanse of his back, the way his muscles shift beneath his skin. You work the salve into his skin, starting at his shoulders and moving downward. Your fingers glide over the planes of his back, kneading the thick mixture into his skin with slow, deliberate motions.
When you reach his lower back, you can’t help but notice how firm and tight his muscles are. You swallow hard, trying to focus on the task and not on how ridiculously sculpted he is. This close, his scent—woodsy and warm, with a hint of spice—mixes with the herbs of the salve, creating an intoxicating blend that makes your heart race.
With the salve fully applied, you stand and step back, wiping your hands on a cloth. You retrieve the small vial of enchanted water from your supplies. The liquid inside shimmers faintly, a sign of its potency.
You kneel beside Eris and unstopper the vial, letting a few drops spill into your palm. “This will help neutralize any residual dark magic,” you explain, mostly to fill the silence as you pour the water into your hands. It’s cool to the touch, sending a slight tingle through your fingers.
Gently, you begin to rub the enchanted water into his skin, starting at his shoulders and moving downward again. You feel a faint warmth where the water touches his skin, a sign that the curse is reacting to the cleansing magic. You mutter a soft incantation under your breath as you work, tracing the lines of his muscles with your fingertips to ensure the water reaches every part of him.
Eris lies still beneath you, but you can sense his awareness of your every move. The tension between you is palpable, like a coiled spring waiting to snap. But you focus on your work, pushing aside the awkwardness.
You clear your throat softly. “Flip back over. I need to do your front.”
Eris obliges, rolling onto his back again. As you begin to apply the enchanted water to his chest, your hands instinctively move in slow, deliberate circles. The cool liquid glides over the hard planes of his abs and pecs, and you find yourself distracted by the feel of his muscles beneath your fingertips. His skin is smooth, marred only by the faint, dark lines of the curse, but the tautness of his body is impossible to ignore.
Your thoughts begin to wander, unbidden. The definition of his abs under your touch, the way his chest rises and falls steadily with each breath, the heat radiating from him despite the coolness of the water—all of it feels too intimate, too close. You lose yourself in the rhythm of the massage, each movement deliberate, but tinged with an awareness you wish you could ignore.
When you finally finish applying the water, you take a step back and wipe your hands again. “That should do it,” you say, though your voice comes out softer than you intended. “Now we just need to give it time to work.”
Eris slowly sits up, his movements careful and deliberate. He glances at you, and for a moment, his usual guarded expression softens. "Thank you," he says quietly, the words carrying a weight that surprises you.
You nod, unsure of how to respond to the sudden shift in his demeanor. "Just... make sure you rest. The curse should start breaking down now, but you'll need time to recover-"
Eris cuts you off, his tone turning teasing as he leans forward. "You always seem to be keeping that mouth of yours busy, don't you?"
You blink, caught off guard by the sudden comment. "Excuse me?"
His gaze drops pointedly to your hand, and it's only then that you realize your thumbnail is between your teeth. You quickly pull it away, trying to mask your embarrassment with a frown. "I wasn't-"
"Oh, you were," he interrupts, the smirk playing on his lips growing. "First your necklace, now your nails. And don't think I didn't notice you biting your lip earlier. Tell me, is this a nervous habit or something else?"
You huff, the irritation building slowly. "It's nothing. Just a habit, alright?"
He tilts his head, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he's dissecting your every move. "A habit, hmm? Interesting."
You roll your eyes, exasperation creeping into your tone. "Look, it's really none of your business. I just did you a favor, saving your life; can't you drop the smart remarks for once?"
Eris's smirk doesn't waver. "A favor? Let's not pretend you didn't enjoy getting your hands all over me," he says, his voice dripping with mockery. "You were practically drooling over me."
Your face burns, and you take a step forward, anger and embarrassment now battling for dominance. "I was doing my job, Eris. If I took any extra care, it was because I had to-your life was in my hands, not because I wanted to."
He arches an eyebrow, clearly amused by your rising frustration. "So you admit you were being thorough."
You let out a frustrated breath, the tension between you crackling like a live wire. "You're insufferable, you know that? Not everything is about you."
His voice drops to a low, teasing whisper. “If it’s just a job, then why do you look like you’ve been caught red-handed?”
Your eyes widen at his insinuation, and you struggle to find a retort, feeling both flustered and infuriated by his smugness.
Your heart skips a beat at the intensity in his gaze, the raw challenge in his words. "What does it matter to you?" you snap back, though your voice falters, the heat of the moment starting to overwhelm you. "You're just trying to get under my skin."
Eris's gaze flickers to your lips, and you feel the air between you grow heavy, charged with an undeniable tension. "Maybe I am," he murmurs, his voice a low, seductive growl. "Or maybe I'm just waiting for you to admit you want this as much as I do."
Your breath catches, and for a moment, the world narrows down to just the two of you, the magnetic pull between you impossible to ignore. You shake your head, trying to maintain your composure despite the heat in your cheeks. "You don't really want this," you retort, your voice coming out more uncertain than you intended.
Eris's smirk widens, and he stands impossibly close to you, his eyes dark with intensity. "Oh, but I do."
You meet his gaze, feeling a surge of defiance and desire. "Prove it," you challenge, your voice barely above a whisper.
Eris responds to your challenge with a fierce intensity. He closes the space between you with a sudden, forceful kiss that takes your breath away. His lips crash against yours, and the kiss is a wild, heated clash of desire and frustration.
Your lips meet with a ferocity that makes your head spin, his hands gripping your face as if he's afraid you might pull away. His mouth moves against yours with a demanding urgency, his tongue pushing past your lips to tangle with yours. The kiss is rough, almost desperate, as if he's trying to prove something with every touch.
You feel his teeth nip at your lower lip, sharp and insistent, and the sudden spark of pain only intensifies the heat between you. Your hands find their way to his hair, gripping it tightly and pulling him closer if possible, as if trying to merge your bodies together.
Eris's fingers tangle in your hair, his grip firm as he tilts your head to deepen the kiss. His movements are driven by a raw, unrestrained need, and you can feel his breath come in ragged gasps against your skin. Each touch, each movement is a battle, a clash of passion and frustration.
You respond in kind, your own fingers digging into his scalp, your nails scratching lightly as you try to keep up with the fierce pace he sets. The kiss is a war of wills, a struggle for dominance that leaves you both breathless and hungry for more.
Finally, the intensity of the kiss subsides, but only slightly. You pull away just enough to look into each other's eyes, both of you panting heavily, faces flushed. The moment is charged with an electric tension, a mix of anger and desire that hangs in the air between you.
Eris's eyes are dark and intense as he stares at you, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "Is that proof enough?" he asks, his voice low and rough.
Your lips slam into his again, and you press your body against his with a forceful urgency, your hands roaming over his bare torso. Eris’s initial surprise quickly turns into fervor. His hands move over your back and sides, his touch rough but deliberate. His fingers brush along the fabric of your dress, tugging it slightly as he pulls you closer. His hands glide over your waist, up your sides, and finally settle at the small of your back, pulling you so close that there’s no space left between your bodies. Your hands explore his chest, feeling the hard planes of muscle beneath his smooth skin, and you can’t help but dig your nails in slightly, relishing the shudder that ripples through him.
“You’re such a pain,” you murmur against his lips, your voice breathy but laced with irritation. “Always so arrogant, thinking everyone wants you.”
Eris’s response is a low growl, his lips curving into a wicked smile as he pulls back just enough to look at you. “And yet here you were, begging me to strip under the guise of helping me. I guess my arrogance isn’t so misplaced after all.”
Your retort is immediate, biting. “Guise? I did help you, don’t flatter yourself. This isn’t about you—it’s about shutting you up.” You punctuate your words by biting down on his lower lip, hard enough to make him hiss in a mix of pain and pleasure.
He chuckles, the sound low and mocking. “Is that what you’re telling yourself? That this is just about shutting me up?” His grip on your hips tightens, his voice dropping to a rough whisper. “Keep lying to yourself if it helps you sleep at night. But we both know you’re enjoying this.”
You shove him back slightly, just enough to regain some space, your chest heaving with both desire and defiance. “You’re delusional. If anything, I’m doing this to prove you wrong.” But even as you say it, your hands are already trailing lower, brushing over the hard lines of his abdomen, testing his resolve.
Eris’s smirk never falters. “Keep telling yourself that,” he says, his voice thick with lust and challenge. “But we both know the truth—you can’t resist me any more than I can resist you.”
“Resist?” You scoff, though your voice wavers with the intensity of the moment. “Who said anything about resisting? Maybe I’m just enjoying the moment before I throw you out.”
His eyes darken further, a primal edge sharpening his features. “You talk a big game, but I can feel how much you’re into this.” His hand slides up your thigh, pushing the fabric of your dress’s long skirt aside with  forceful impatience. “Or do you want me to stop and see if you beg?”
You meet his challenge head-on, your eyes blazing. “Beg? I’d rather die.”
He grins, his teeth flashing in the dim light as his hand continues its relentless exploration. “We’ll see.”
With that, he kisses you again, the force of it pushing you both back until you’re pinned against the wall, his body pressing into yours with an intensity that makes your head spin. Your hands tangle in his hair, pulling hard, and he groans into your mouth, his own grip on you tightening as the need between you becomes impossible to ignore.
"You're insufferable," you hiss, though your fingers are still digging into his skin, still trailing over the hard lines of his chest.
Eris’s mouth swallows your frustrated words. “Then shut me up,” he murmurs against your lips, his voice dripping with challenge.
You take the bait, pulling him closer as you bite down on his lip again, harder this time, drawing a low groan from him. His hands slip under your dress, the roughness of his touch sending a shiver up your spine. “That all you’ve got?” he taunts, his voice ragged.
You pull back just enough to meet his gaze, your eyes locked with his in a heated stare. “I can do a lot more than that,” you shoot back, your voice dripping with defiance.
“Prove it,” he snarls, his hands tightening on your hips as if daring you to push the boundaries further.
Your gaze never wavers from his as you slowly begin to sink to your knees in front of him. Eris's breath hitches slightly, his eyes darkening with a mix of surprise and something else, something far more primal.
“Careful,” he warns, though there’s a rough edge to his voice that betrays his anticipation. “You might find yourself in over your head.”
You smirk, defiant as ever. “I’m sure I can handle you,” you say, your voice low and challenging as you settle in front of him, pulling his underwear down and freeing his cock. It springs up, slapping against his skin. Eris's breath catches again, this time more audibly, as your fingers wrap around him, the warmth of your touch eliciting a shudder from him. For a moment, the air between you is charged, thick with tension. His fiery gaze locks onto yours, his usual cool demeanor cracking just enough to reveal the raw desire simmering beneath the surface.
“Is that so?” His voice is a rasp, heavy with lust, yet there's still a trace of his usual arrogance, as if he’s not entirely convinced you know what you’re getting into. His hand slides into your hair, not quite a caress but not entirely a threat either.
You look up at him through your lashes, your smirk never fading as you lean in, the tip of your tongue teasing the sensitive head of his cock. Eris's grip tightens involuntarily, and you feel a surge of satisfaction at the way his control is already starting to slip.
“Keep pushing me, and I won’t be able to stop myself,” he growls. But you don’t intend to stop. You want to see him unravel, to take him apart piece by piece until there’s nothing left of his carefully constructed composure. Your mouth closes around him, taking him deeper, your movements slow, savoring the way he swears under his breath, his hips jerking slightly as if he can’t help but respond to the pleasure you’re giving him.
“Fuck,” he mutters and braces his hand against the wall as you cup his balls. The last of his restraint frays as you take him deeper, the heat of your mouth and the slick glide of your tongue driving him mad with pleasure.
His dominance, his ever-present need to be in control, is slipping through his fingers, and you can see it in the way his eyes flutter shut, in the way his head tips back, exposing the strong line of his throat. You’re pushing him closer and closer to the brink, and the power you feel at this moment is intoxicating, heady, and utterly addictive.
His hand tightens in your hair, and just as you feel like you’ve taken control, he pulls you back with a sudden, forceful yank. The motion is swift, leaving you gasping as he tilts your head up, pressing it back against the wall. His eyes, dark and wild, lock onto yours, and you can see the moment he decides to take the power back.
Without a word, he thrusts forward, his cock pushing past your lips in a smooth, deliberate motion, filling your mouth completely. The sensation is overwhelming—the taste of him, the pressure, the way his hips move with a raw, unrestrained need. He’s no longer holding back, no longer letting you lead.
His hand in your hair tightens even more, holding you firmly in place as he begins to fuck your mouth, each thrust rougher, more demanding than the last. You can feel the tension in his body, the way he’s fighting to maintain some semblance of control, but it’s slipping fast, and you know you’re the one driving him to this point.
“Is this what you needed?” he growls, his voice rough with the thrill of dominance. “Always biting your nails, playing with that necklace... I knew you needed something more to keep that mouth of yours busy.”
His words send a jolt of heat through you, the dark thrill only intensifying your desire. You try to nod, but his grip holds you in place, his cock filling your mouth completely, muffling any response you could give. The way he’s watching you, eyes narrowed, intense, tells you he knows exactly what he’s doing to you.
“Tell me,” he demands, thrusting deeper, his voice low and laced with a dark satisfaction. “You like this better, don’t you? Better than biting down on that lip of yours? You’d rather be sucking my cock, wouldn’t you?”
The words, the sheer audacity of his tone, make you whimper around him, the sound vibrating through your throat, and his grip tightens almost possessively in response. His thrusts become more erratic, each one pushing you closer to the edge, the friction, the heat building between you until it’s all-consuming.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, his voice filled with a mix of mockery and admiration. “So desperate to keep your mouth busy. Is this what you’ve been wanting all along? Something to fill that pretty little mouth, something to keep you from biting down so hard?”
You hollow your cheeks, taking him deeper, and the way he shudders makes you feel a surge of satisfaction. You’re pushing him right to the edge, and he knows it, the way his hips snap forward betraying how close he is to losing control entirely.
“Fuck,” he groans, his voice cracking with the intensity of it all. “You feel so fucking good—taking me so well. Just like that. Keep going, and I’ll make sure you never have to worry about looking for something to occupy that pretty little mouth with ever again.”
His words send you spiraling, your own desire mounting as you submit to his dominance. You can feel him throbbing in your mouth, the desperation in his movements telling you just how close he is to unraveling completely. His grip on your hair is almost punishing, but the way he’s losing himself in you is worth every second of it.
“Do you like this?” he taunts, his voice low and rough. “Better than anything else you’ve ever had between those lips?”
And just as you sense he’s about to tip over the edge, he pulls back, panting heavily, his eyes blazing with a mix of frustration and lust as he tries to regain control.  But it’s too late—he’s already there, the pleasure too overwhelming to stop. With a low, guttural groan, he wraps his hand around his slick cock as he strokes himself to completion.
His hips jerk as he comes, hot and thick, painting your lips and tongue with his release. The taste of him floods your senses, salty and rich, and you can’t help but savor it, holding his gaze as you swallow every last drop. The look on his face is pure, unrestrained satisfaction, but there’s still that edge of frustration, like he’s not quite finished with you yet.
Before you can react, he hauls you to your feet, his grip firm, almost possessive. His eyes never leave yours as he reaches out, his thumb brushing against the corner of your mouth, gathering the last traces of his release. The movement is deliberate, his expression dark and unreadable as he holds his thumb in front of your lips.
“Open,” he commands, his voice rough, and without hesitation, you part your lips, sucking his thumb clean. The taste of him lingers on your tongue, and the way his eyes darken tells you he’s watching every second, every subtle movement.
His thumb slides free from your mouth, and for a moment, there’s a heavy silence between you, charged with the aftermath of what just happened and the unspoken promise of what’s to come next. Eris’s chest heaves with each breath, but the hunger in his eyes hasn’t dimmed. If anything, it’s only grown stronger, the intensity between you far from spent.
Eris’s hands find the laces on the back of your dress, his fingers deft as he begins to undo them, each tug of the fabric sending a thrill of anticipation coursing through you. His breath is still heavy, uneven, but there's a renewed focus in his movements, a meticulousness that makes your pulse quicken. The dress loosens gradually, the cool air hitting your skin as he exposes more and more of you, and the sensation of his fingers grazing your back is maddening.
You can take in the sight of him now—bare, unrestrained, his usual elegance stripped away—it sends a jolt of desire through you. But before you can revel in it, his hands are on you again, rougher this time, pulling the dress down your body until it pools at your feet.
His eyes drink you in, taking in every inch of your now-exposed skin, and the way he looks at you makes your breath hitch. There’s something almost reverent in his gaze, but it’s laced with a hunger that promises he’s far from done with you. He steps closer, and the heat radiating off him is palpable, his chest brushing against yours as he reaches down between your bodies, his hand yanking your underwear down and finding its way to your core.
Your hand slips between you, stroking him, and he groans low in his throat, the sound vibrating through his chest and into yours. His fingers slide against you, a delicious friction that makes you gasp, your grip on him tightening reflexively in response. His eyes are half-lidded as he reaches behind you to undo the clasps of your bra, focused entirely on the way your body responds to him, and it sends a shiver down your spine. It’s a reminder that despite the edge you’d gained, he’s still every bit as dangerous, every bit as intoxicating.
With a growl, Eris suddenly lifts you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he presses you back against the wall. The cool surface contrasts sharply with the heat of his body, and the sensation is almost overwhelming, his hard length brushing against your inner thigh, teasing, tormenting. You can feel the tension in his muscles, the barely restrained need as he grinds against you, his hand still between your legs, stoking the fire that’s been burning between you both from the start.
And then, with a swift, powerful thrust, he’s inside you, and everything else falls away—the tension, the teasing, the power struggle—until all that’s left is the raw, unrelenting desire that neither of you can deny any longer. He’s relentless, driving into you with a raw, primal need that matches your own, each movement sending shockwaves of pleasure through you. The sound of your bodies colliding, the wet slide of him inside you, fills the room, mingling with the ragged breaths and low moans you can’t suppress.
“Is this what you wanted?” he growls against your neck, his teeth grazing your skin before he bites down just hard enough to make you gasp, the pain mingling with the pleasure in a way that only intensifies the sensation. His voice is rough, laced with a dark satisfaction as if he’s finally giving you what you’ve been daring him to unleash. “You’re so fucking desperate for it, aren’t you?”
“Shut up,” you snap back, but your voice comes out breathless, betraying how much you’re already unraveling. His words send a thrill through you, the taunting, the edge of danger in his tone only making you want him more. Your nails dig into his shoulders, leaving marks on his skin as you try to meet his thrusts, the pressure building inside you almost unbearable.
He smirks against your throat, his breath hot and uneven. “That’s what I thought,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your pulse point before he bites down again, harder this time. “You want me to break you, don’t you?”
Your hands fist in his hair, yanking his head back so you can meet his gaze, the defiance in your eyes only fueling the fire between you. “Shut up,” you hiss, your voice trembling with the force of your impending release. 
A dark chuckle escapes him, and he slams into you harder, the movement sending you both crashing further into the abyss of sensation. Each thrust drives you higher, the pressure in your core building, threatening to shatter you into a million pieces. His movements are wild, erratic, and yet there’s a precision to them, a calculated determination to make you lose control before he does. But you’re not about to give in easily, not when the taste of victory is so close.
“Faster,” you demand, your voice edged with desperation, and the way his eyes flash with something primal tells you he’s just as close to the edge as you are.
He obliges, his pace becoming almost brutal as he pounds into you, the sound of your name falling from his lips like a curse, like a prayer. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he groans, his voice cracking with the intensity of it all. “I’m going to ruin you.”
“I’m sure you’d love to,” you manage to choke out, but the words are barely coherent, your mind a haze of pleasure as he drives you closer and closer to oblivion.
And then he reaches down, his thumb finding your clit, circling it with just enough pressure to send you spiraling. The sudden, overwhelming sensation makes you cry out, your body arching against him as your orgasm crashes over you like a tidal wave, drowning you in bliss.
Eris isn’t far behind, the feeling of you tightening around him pushing him over the edge. He buries himself deep inside you, his own release ripping through him with a ferocity that leaves him shaking, a guttural moan escaping his lips as he finds his own release, the tension that’s been coiled so tightly between you finally snapping.
For a moment, neither of you moves, the only sound in the room is ragged breathing as you both come down from the high. His forehead rests against yours, his breath hot against your lips, and for a fleeting moment, the war between you seems to fade, leaving only the raw, unfiltered connection that this moment has forged.
But it’s only a moment.
“Don’t think this changes anything,” you murmur, your voice still breathless but laced with that familiar defiance.
Eris chuckles softly, the sound a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” he replies, though there’s a softness to his voice that wasn’t there before, a hint of something more beneath the layers of antagonism.
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sapphire-hearted (part four)
Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
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Aemond is not one who shares those which he thinks belong to him. Including you, as you'll soon find out after an eventful little feast.
themes/warnings: jealous!Aemond, third and fourth parties (but not really), Aemond is a stubborn and possesive arse, drunk Aegon - huzzah!
series masterlist ▪︎ main masterlist
a/n: I can't believe it's been a year since I updated this fiery miniseries! Apologies if I couldn't tag everyone who asked from the previous chapter - taglist is now closed 💙
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The necklace is perhaps the most beautiful piece of jewelry you've ever seen.
With an intricate interwoven chain of Valyrian steel, and a sapphire pendant inlaid in a burnt bronze frame that glowed dark green in some lights, the frame displaying carvings that resemble Vhagar's scales.
There is no question to it. Not an inkling of doubt.
This gift is from Aemond.
"You simply found this when you arrived?" you asked your lady-in-waiting, as you pick up the necklace from its velvet casing and study it against the faint firelight in your chambers.
"Yes, my lady," she responds promptly. "Shall I fasten it upon you before you depart for the King's feast?"
Your mind forms almost immediately, resolute in your decision. "No, it will not be of any use to me this night. You may keep it away in my boudoir."
The thought of it around your neck is a pleasant one, to be sure. It is such a thing of beauty, fit to be worn to a royal gathering. But what message might it signal to the others?
What purpose might it serve - especially to Aemond - that you wear something that symbolises him?
All while your companion is Ramsay, with whom you hope to be betrothed.
And while Alys is likely draped upon Aemond's arm. That slimy, bastard witch.
You will not give in, and give him what he wants.
The necklace is far from enough to make up for how he has wronged you, so it stays in your chambers, safely tucked away in its casing, not to be worn until Aemond sets things right.
If he ever will.
Ramsay arrives at your door soon enough, accompanied by two of Aegon's guards. The awe in his gaze as he takes you in is so evident, so pure in its apparent innocence. Unlike Aemond's, who would be undressing you with a single passing look.
Unlike Aemond's, who - despite his trangressions - looks at you like he would burn the entire Seven Kingdoms for your hand.
But he has relinquished your hand when he took that witch to bed.
"You look dashing as ever, my Lord," you curtsy in greeting, as Ramsay kisses your hand. He is clad in a tunic in House Beesbury's yellow and paly black, as you are wearing a gown in your own House's hues.
If not the necklace from Aemond, branding you as his, why not something of Beesbury? It would anger Aemond so, but you are feeling petulant. Why can't you take a jab at him after what he had done?
"And what a lovely sash you wear," you say, observing his attire. "Mayhaps I might display this on my person? Have it as a sort of attachment upon my skirts? I would be proud to have everyone at the feast know that we have come together."
"Of course! I would be honoured, my lady." He immediately relinquishes it, handing it to your lady-in-waiting, who then fastens it around your waist. The colour is striking in contrast. The piece of cloth surely will not go unnoticed.
You make your way through the Red Keep, your arm entwined with Ramsay's. Sounds of the revelry make themselves heard as you near Aegon's private dining hall.
As the guards open the doors, you hear your names announced. Almost all the attendees are already sat around the table. Aegon and his host of sycophants, particularly Lord Reyne and Lord Estermont. Helaena and her lady companions. Tyland Lannister and his betrothed. Even Ser Criston Cole, who has never been one to partake in merrymaking, usually standing guard in the corner. There are some others whose names escape you, as you find your seats - among the last ones which remain empty, right next to Aemond and Alys.
"Welcome, dear lovely guests, welcome!" Aegon walks over to you, already on his fifth or sixth goblet of firewine. "Please find your seats, have a drink - or seven drinks, preferably, and... oh! Isn't that something, my lady? Beesbury yellow?" Not giving mind to any boundaries, he toys with the sash tied around your waist.
Aemond twists around in his seat, catching sight of you for the first time.
His pupil dilates considerably, with a single glance at your face, then down to your décolletage... where the necklace is nought to be seen.
What he sees, raking over your figure, is that sickening shade of bright yellow. That Beesbury sash tainting the beauty of your gown.
Tainting the woman who is rightfully his.
His hand instinctively goes to the scabbard in his belt, though his sword remains in his chambers. It matters not, he can just as easily demand one from the Kingsguard.
Because the rat who calls himself Ramsay has surrendered any desire to stay alive.
"So... you here," Aegon guides you to your seat, with his arm loosely draped around your waist. "And you right there," he adds to Ramsay.
If you didn't know any better, you'd think the seating arrangement is accidental. But you know Aegon - he surely planned it to be Ramsay, you, Aemond and Alys beside each other.
Aemond openly stares at you as you settle down to his left.
"My Prince," Ramsay greets from your other side, "Lady Alys."
"Oh, it's just Alys, m'lord," she clarifies, unabashed. "I am no Lady. I am simply here at the behest of my dear Aemond."
"Prince Aemond is fortunate to have you as his companion, Alys," you smile sweetly, concealing any ire you might have. "As I am fortunate to have Lord Beesbury by my side."
Alys nods, raising her cup to you. To anyone, it's an innocent enough gesture, but you see her up close, and you see into the depths of the witch's gaze. She knows about you and Aemond, of course she does.
The attention of your companions are diverted, and Aemond wastes no time in leaning closer to you. He grips your thigh underneath the table, away from any prying eyes.
"My love," he purrs, "you never fail to take my breath away. Although I never thought you would sully yourself by wearing that. I trust you received my gift?"
You cross your legs so that his hand falls off, but it doesn't faze him. He simply finds purchase yet again, this time digging harder into your flesh. So warm, it almost feels as if your skirts do nothing to prevent his encroaching touch.
"Hmm, don't test me, now," he warns, lips curling back in annoyance. His tone is so deep you feel the heat pooling in your core.
"I could say the same to you," you counter. "Do not lay a hand on me, my prince. Especially not in the presence of my betrothed." You push his hand away, and he relents for the moment, reaching for his goblet and downing its contents in one angry swig.
"And by betrothed, you must mean that you have reconsidered my proposal and agree to be wed to me, your only love," he says, daring you to challenge him.
"You are mistaken, Aemond," you respond coolly. "I do appreciate the necklace. It is a marvel, indeed. But there is a reason why I don something of Lord Ramsay's instead of it. I am not yours. I feared the message it would send were I to wear the necklace to this feast."
"What message, my love? The truth? That you are mine and mine alone?"
"That is finished - "
"If you value Lord Beesbury's life by any small measure, you would not speak to me of such vile ideas. He will not have you, lest he wishes his head to no longer rest upon his shoulders."
"Resorting to threats now, are we?" you spit venomously. "You will not harm him. Or I swear to you on my mother's memory that I will never speak with you again."
That shuts him up. He exhales deeply, weighing your words, studying your expression. He wants to fight back and to call your bluff, but it is no use. His gaze is drawn down to your lips, and he moves closer just an inch, his own lips parted in longing and torment.
"Well, it seems we may have more cause for celebration!" Aegon bellows from the head of the table, with a grinning Ramsay standing by his side. You tear your attention away from Aemond, but he lingers on you, until his brother calls out for him. "Aemond! You must have known about this, dear brother, as I understand you and the lady have always been close."
The guests share glances, already assuming what the news might be, but none of them say a word for fear of their Prince Aemond.
"Iderēbagon aōha udra sȳrī, lēkia." Choose your words wisely, brother, Aemond warns him. The mood of the entire room shifts, as it inevitably does whenever Aemond speaks.
"Oh come now, none of that!" Aegon groans, drunk and unamused. Nothing will bring his spirits down, not even his far more intimidating younger brother. "These are happy news. Something about a successful betrothal, I hear?" he declares, nudging Ramsay to make the announcement.
Ramsay locks eyes with you, and you manage to give a stiff smile, aware of the simmering rage of the one seated beside you.
"Allow me," Aemond stands, raising his cup to the entire table.
"Even better," Aegon shrugs, "you have always been excellent at dinner proclamations, lēkia." Brother, he addresses Aemond, his own Valyrian disjointed and careless.
Aegon sits back down and raises his cup. A confused but still smiling Ramsay returns to sit next to you.
Ramsay hurriedly tells you, "I was hoping to share the news myself, my lady, but - "
"Do I not have your attention, Lord Beesbury?" Aemond interrupts.
"O-of course, you do, my prince," Ramsay stammers, reaching for his cup with shaky fingers. You take notice and place your hand atop his to provide comfort.
Someone else takes notice, unfortunately.
"A toast," Aemond voices clearly, and a hush falls over the room, "to a new betrothal."
"Hear, hear," Aegon responds, taking a sip of firewine and waving for the others to do the same.
But Aemond is not finished just yet. "We are not often afforded the privilege to marry for love, and that is what makes this union so exceptional."
You stiffen in your seat, dreading the next words that you know will come out of his mouth. For you know him so well. You know Aemond's design.
"It is an honour to take my love to be my wife," he raises his cup as he gestures to you, and you swear you could hear a pin drop in the deafening silence that ensued. "She is already the keeper of my heart, so the ceremony will only be a formality. But I shall take her as mine in every way that I can. In front of the old gods and the new."
You are unable to drop Aemond's gaze, unable to see the look of betrayal Ramsay is giving you.
"Hear, hear," Ser Criston offers, in an attempt to cut through the tension.
Aegon releases a fit of laughter, prompting his fawners to follow suit.
"Seven hells!" he exclaims. "More wine, more wine for all!"
Aemond rushes to you, pulling you out of your chair, not paying mind to anything or anyone else.
"Come with me," he commands, his fingers tight around your wrist.
You feel powerless as you let him herd you away from the table and out of the hall.
"Oh, would you look at them!" Aegon practically squeals, and calls after you, "It is customary for the bedding to be after the wedding, you two! But then again, who fucking cares?"
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taglist: @immyowndefender @bellameshipper @aemondswifeisme @bash1018 @fuck-the-reaper @shessthunderstoms @aemondsbabygirl @melsunshine @youtoldalie @snh96 @noxytopy @ellooo0ooo @brianochka @not-a-glad-gladiator @mac95650 @whitejuliana1204 @midnightmystic @saminalloxo @oh-no-tia @magnificentsapphiresoul @clara-geekhime @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @ananas26t @iloveallmyboys @carriellie @summerposie @verycollectivecreator @toodlesxcuddles @brie-annwyl @dc-marvel-girl96 @bellstwd @bibli0thecary @happinessinthebeing @magnificentsapphiresoul @rorawinters @targaryen-madness @hanula18 @rhaenattargaryen @an0ther-us3r @sugurubabe @theshatteredideal @let-love-bleeds-red @s-we-e-t-t-ea @mydemimonde @the-intjs-dark-academic @heavenly1927 @anehkael @minttea07 @barnes70stark @cheneyq
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strafepanzer · 5 months
shoot your shot
k.bakugo | collab intro + m.list
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▸ ▸ ▸ warnings: 18+! prohero!bakugo, unprotected sex, creampie, squirting, alcohol, dubcon if you really squint
▸ ▸ ▸ wc: idk dude sorry
▸ ▸ ▸ a/n: hbd king! make sure to check out the other writers on the m.list and enjoy!!!
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Among the thousands of replies, your pfp caught his eye.
anyone will do, huh?
Bakugo reads over the words a few times. Sure, his alcohol-induced thirst trap selfie was… out of character, but this from you?
Surely, it's an impossibility. He rubs his eyes and falls back into the black, plush leather of his couch, clicking your profile and scrolling through it. You're the quiet girl with the nice tits from insurance, the only person at the agency that he has anything remotely akin to a crush on.
You were there tonight in electric orange and black, stuffed into a booth with the other agency girls; your group sporadically sent him drinks-- those damn daiquiris-- and judging from the laughter pouring out of your booth, you all enjoyed watching him down them.
The one and only Dynamight downing bitch drinks? Hilarious, apparently.
The night got hazy, but he vaguely remembers getting you one-on-one at some point, remembers flashes of your smile, runs of your laughter, and your birthstone pendant hanging on a gold chain just below your collar bone.
Your delicate fingers on his forearm.
His teeth grind together, nostrils flaring as he reads over your words again, fingers flexing before he gropes his bulge. Your voice, seemingly teasing, rings through his brain melodically, but no matter how hard he closes his eyes, he can't remember the interaction.
What did you two talk about? Were you flirting with him? Fuck, did he miss his chance? If he concentrates, he can see the shimmer of your lipgloss reflecting the neon lights in that shitty bar, but everything else is radio silence.
A ding, then a notification flags across the top of his screen: 1 Photo Attached. He taps it and bites his bottom lip.
You're smiling at the camera, winking and throwing up a peace sign in front of expensive looking double doors. Familliar double doors. He recognises the gold embellishments and black glass tinted so dark, its impossible to see through from the outside.
A selfie in front of his apartment building.
Another sound and,
Appears in the chat. He feels stupid just waiting, but if you're really coming onto him, he needs to not scare you away.
gonna buzz me up, mr hero?
He's on his feet at an almost embarrassing speed, unlocking the front door and sending you his floor and room number in the chat.
Then, he paces, pours himself a glass of water, and waits.
Your knock is faint, and he wonders if you've sobered up some, briefly hesitating at the doorknob. He looks through his spyhole and sees you looking this way and that, shifting nervously and fiddling with your hair.
He tugs the door open and leans against it, eyes staring you down. You blink and take a short breath, eyes scanning his naked torso, briefs, muscular thighs--
He clears his throat. "You look nervous."
Your eyes on his leave him a little starstruck. Sure, youre pretty to admire from afar, but up close? He's stupid for getting wasted and forgetting what he said to you.
"Liquid courage has thoroughly worn off." You agree with a nod and a nervous yet dazzling smile.
Fuck, he's so done for.
"Just to be clear, you hit me up." Bakugo says, opening the door and giving you space to enter. "I'm not holding you here against your will."
"What? No, yeah, I totally take the blame on this, one million percent." You agree, stepping into his apartment. He watches your ass in that tight dress as you walk past him, savours the scent of your perfumed skin while you're in his vicinity. "I just thought-- oh my gods," you turn to face him, embarrassed. "This is ridiculous, isn't it? I thought you were like... sending me signals at the bar."
He probably was, but he cant fucking remember.
He gestures for you to follow him into the living room. "I was wasted."
"You grabbed my ass and called me sexy." You laugh, kicking off your heels before stepping onto his carpet.
"Fat fuckin chance, sugar tits." He grumbles, embarrassed by his drunken antics, but then you're grabbing his hand and tugging him back half a step. Before he can even gasp, your lips are on his, your hands pulling him down to you, your tongue running along his lips.
"Yeah, you called me that, too." You breathe, nose to nose as you stare into his eyes.
His hands finally find your waist. "I didn't think you'd be this forward."
"This is how forward you were with me at the bar." You frown then, head tilting to the side. "You honestly don't remember? Now I feel like a predator."
He laughs, then, something full bodied and joyous. "Trust me, sweetheart, you're the prey here."
All logical thinking flies out the window the moment his lips meet yours again. Your bag drops to the floor as he devours you, hands bunching up that little orange dress at your waist and lifting you to wrap your legs over his hips.
You moan when he grinds his length up against you. "Oh my god, are we doing this?" You ask, his mouth assaulting your neck, littering it with kisses and nips as he walks you to his bedroom.
"It's my birthday," he rasps, revelling in the taste of you, the feel of you. It's one thing coveting something, but it's another to finally have it in your hands.
"Happy Birthday, Katsuki." You kiss him on the top of his head, wrapping your arms a little tighter around his neck.
"Being cute isn't gonna make me go any easier on you." He promises, dropping you onto his bed. You just laugh and pull your dress over your head, reaching behind your back to unclasp your bra.
"I came prepared to go down on you, but this kinda feels like you want a little more from me." You admit as he tugs off his briefs and covers you with his body.
"What gave you that idea?" He grins, palming your tits and dragging those battle worn hands down your soft torso to rest at your hips. "You sure you're okay with this?"
"What? Yes." You breathe, reaching down to ghost your fingers over his throbbing cock. He hisses before you grip it properly, with purpose, and begin pumping him slowly with your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Fuck," he curses softly, making light work of your panties and kissing you, bucking instinctually up into your hands. "I need to be inside you," he demands huskily, biting down on your lip and looking into your eyes for permission.
"Y-yeah, I want it," you nod feverishly as his fingers test your wet heat, rubbing and probing before sliding in.
"Shit," he huffs as you throw your head back, his fingers exploring you and stretching you out. "Fuck, I can't wait, are you good to go?"
"Stop talking and fuck me, Katsuki," you moan, laying there with your chest heaving and lipstick smudged.
His hands grope your thighs, pushing them up and opening yourself to him. With a curse at the tip of his tongue and his teeth in his bottom lip, he lines himself up and pushes forward.
"Oh--" you moan, before your hand slaps over your mouth.
Bakugo let's you silence yourself while he adjusts to the toe tingling feeling of being inside you. It's heavenly, but it feels like sinning. He pulls back a little before pushing forward, notices your free hand fisting his scarlet sheets beside your head.
After a few more testing thrusts and he stills inside you, his body covers yours, those big, calloused hands drawing up your forearms to interlock your fingers beside your head.
"I wanna hear you cry while I ruin you, pretty girl. You okay with that?" He asks lowly, voice almost a growl.
"Fuck, oh fuck, Katsuki it's so big," you babble, bordering incoherent already.
A feral grin grows on his face. He's gonna fuck you stupid.
"It's okay, baby, you can take it, I know you can," he mumbles condescendingly, kissing your nose gently, then your lips. "As a present, for my birthday."
He can't wait any longer, hips rocking into you, shallowly grinding, searching for that spot deep inside you that makes you moan. You're already gasping, eyes watering as your mouth hangs open, fingers flexing in his grip as your chest starts to heave.
You really are gorgeous like this, panting and wanton beneath him. Ideally, he'd make you cum a few times before he does, but he's been half mast all fucking week, and he really can't wait to fill you up.
"Sorry, baby, I can't hold back anymore." He kisses you deeply, before letting go of your hands and pushing your legs up, hands gripping the backs of your knees, then bruising at your thighs.
He licks his lips, pulls out, and hammers back in. You yelp, but he does it again, setting a pace that wouldn't be sustainable for your average man. It boosts his ego that he's gonna ruin other people for you, but the little breathy ohmygodkatsukifuck that leaves your lips while you scratch at his back is probably going to ruin other women for him.
Shit, your smell, the way you taste and feel-- you're sucking him back in when he tries to pull out, pussy hellbent on milking him before he's done with you. He kisses you while he fucks you, sloppy and messy and wet, and in moments you're a howling mess.
He swallows your cries as your whole body tenses, but he doesn't let himself cum with you, fucking you through it instead.
"Nonononononono..." you mutter, fingernails digging into his traps as you shake your head, pushing him away. "Stop stop, I'm gonna--"
Bakugo's heart flutters, grin feral. "Gonna what? Gonna what?" He grits, continuing to fuck you.
"Gonna-- hnghh!" You tense again, and as he fucks back into you, hot, wet squirt splashes against his groin, dripping all over the both of you and darkening those scarlet sheets maroon.
"Oh shit," he breathes, the feeling of it, the sight of you, the sound of his wet skin slapping against yours sending him over the edge as he fucks his cum into you, filling you up.
You're still mumbling incoherent nonsense when he collapses on top of you, your hands over your face in what he comes to realise is mortification.
"I'm s'sorry, oh my god, what was that? I'm so embarrassed, I--"
"Hey hey hey, are you crying?" He frowns prying your fingers from your face.
"I wet the bed in front of you!" You almost shriek, but he's just glad you're not crying. "Not just any guy, but you!"
"Yeah, and it was the hottest thing ever." He grins, feeling calm for the first time in a long time. "Fuck, I don't even care how the PR team are gonna react; getting you to squirt on me makes it worth it. I'm guessing you don't do that often?"
"Often? I never do that."
"Baby, that was hot as hell." He kisses you, then rolls over, bringing you with him.
"Happy Birthday, I guess?" You smile then, resting on his chest, drawing a finger over one of his more jaggered scars. "You don't remember what you said to me at the bar, do you?"
"I remember your tits?" He shrugs, still riding that post-orgasmic high. You laugh, and when you don't elaborate, he taps your chin so you look up at him. "What did I say?"
You start getting a little shy again. "You asked me on a date, said you were gonna take me somewhere, anywhere I want."
"I did, did I?"
"Mm, then you kissed me and claimed it was your birthday present from me."
"Fuck off," he chuckles then, embarrassed. "What a loser."
"Then I saw your... proposition online..." You mumble, eyes back on that scar.
"If it makes you feel any better, I'm deleting that post, but my offer to you still stands."
"Even though you don't remember making it?"
"Baby, I just filled you with my cum, and I'm feeling like I'd like to do it again real fuckin soon. And maybe even again after that." He pulls you closer, so you're straddling him properly, your lips hovering over his. "If you'll let me."
"I don't know if that's your twisted way of asking me out or if you're looking for a fuck buddy." You pout.
"You wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked, slightly shocked at the thought. Shocked, but not against it.
"Yeah, I do." You smile, that so pretty smile.
"Well shit, when are you moving in?" He asks, half joking.
You laugh, kissing him on the cheek. "Shut up, do you mean it? You really wanna date me?"
"Yeah, I do." He says, heart hammering in his chest.
"Good, thats-- that's good."
"It is, isn't it? Now that we have that outta the way," he sits up, keeping you in his lap. "Round 2 in the shower?"
"You'll have to carry me, I still can't feel my legs." You smile.
"Maybe the bitch drinks weren't such a bad idea, after all." Bakugo grins, pulling you close in a slow, deliberate kiss.
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sare11aa11eras · 2 months
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Daenerys Missandei Irri and Jhiqui!
[Image Description: A full-length drawing of four people, Daenerys Targaryen, Missandei of Naath, and Dany’s two Dothraki handmaidens, Irri and Jhiqui. They are standing progressively farther back from the viewer. Daenerys stands in profile, walking forward, talking to someone. Missandei and Jhiqui have their bodies facing the viewer, Irri is angled slightly to the right side of the drawing. Missandei, Irri, and Jhiqui look at Daenerys. They are standing on a red carpet against a blank background.
Daenerys wears a purple tokar with a gold fringe. She wears her dragon crown, a gold bangle, rings of various materials, a gold vambrace with purple stones, gold earrings with purple stones, and an elaborate necklace with purple stones. From the necklace and the crown dangle long strings of red and black beads. She wears an anklet and leather sandals. A few golden bells can be seen in her hair.
Missandei wears a knee-length light orchid-color dress. It hangs loosely around her. Her dress is trimmed at the hem with purple and blue beads of different lengths. She wears sandals similar to Dany’s. She wears a large V-shaped piece of jewelry similar to a collar around her neck and over her collarbones. It is gold, mostly decorated with purple stones, and a blue butterfly design. Missandei wears earrings with blue butterflies and purple, pink, and yellow stones. She wears a bracelet of alternating pink and yellow stones. Her hair is in braids to pull it away from her face, but is otherwise in an Afro-type style. She holds a tablet and writing utensil in front of her chest. She has an interested expression as she looks up from her writing towards Dany.
Irri wears Dothraki clothes. She wears long trousers, which are blue fabric with a fringed panel of leather along the inside of her leg and groin. She wears leather boots with green, white, and purple painted swirls on them. She wears a dark leather belt around her middle and a belt of gold discs over it. The central gold disc has a green stone. More blue fabric wraps around her chest, either pleated or wrappings. Over this is a painted vest, primarily decorated with blue, green, and white. On her upper arm is an armband with an illustration of a horse galloping in grass. She has leather wrappings on her wrist and opposite upper arm. She wears one visible ring. She wears a leather necklace with a triangular gold pendant and gold triangular earrings. Her hair is in at least three braids, tied off with gold beads. She has bangs. She wears a woven headband of green and blue, with jade stones. Her face is neutral.
Jhiqui also wears Dothraki clothes, although hers do not look practical for riding. Her clothes are primarily fabric of a deep raspberry color. Along the outer side of her trousers is a stripe of leather, fringed at the end, painted with pink and pale purple flowers. On her chest she wears a beaded brooch shaped like a flower, with pink petals and a green “stem”. She wears slippers, in the same material as the rest of her outfit, with a decoration of pink flowers on yellow around the heel. Her vest is laced closed over a green and gold under layer. Her vest is trimmed at the hem with gold discs. Around her middle is a dark leather belt, with a thin belt of gold discs over it. She wears a leather necklace similar to Irri’s, with a circular gold pendant with a garnet stone. Her earrings match this pendant. She wears two rings. Her arm band is gold and garnet. Her hair is worn similarly to Irri’s. She has a bracelet with chips of green jade set in silver on a leather cuff. She has a nose piercing with a gold chain that leads to her earring. She appears to be wearing rouge. She looks mildly interested in whatever is happening. End ID./]
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sturniozo · 7 months
Valentine’s Day
Chris Sturniolo x Reader
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WARNING unprotected sex, p in v, smutty smutty smut smut, I think that’s it
February 14. Today’s date is February 14. Valentine’s day. Chris and my’s first Valentine’s Day as a couple. Sure, we’ve spent many together just as friends with secret crushes on each other, but this time it’s real. This time we’re actually together and not just spending time together since we’re both single on this day.
I scroll through Instagram on my phone, looking at all my friends with their partners in their new posts. Heart chocolates and little candies with cute stuffed animals, or a romantic dinner date.
I bite my lip as I go back to the message Chris sent me earlier.
“Don’t plan a date for us today. I already got one planned.”
I rack my brain for what it could be. Romantic dinner? Movie? Something romantic, probably. Chris always goes all out for our dates. Even our first date ten months ago. He had laid blankets and pillows outside his house, and pointed a projector to the side of his house for us to watch movies in the dark together. He had made all our favorite snacks and ordered from our favorite take out place.
I snap out of my thoughts as another text from Chris chimes in. “Dress however you want but make sure it’s something you’ll be comfortable sitting in for a long time. I’ll come get you in an hour. Love you.”
I text a quick “love you too.” I know that by him coming to get me, he really means Matt will come get me. I giggle at the thought. Chris knows I can drive myself but he always says it’ll spoil the date if I drive myself and that he should come get me.
I decide to wear something in the holiday spirit. A pink long sleeve off the shoulder crop top, covered with red hearts, and a pair of light blue jean shorts. I slip on some pink heels and do a quick makeup look that matches my outfit.
I smile at myself in the mirror once I’m done. I flip my hair over my shoulders and stand up from my desk to head downstairs and wait for Matt to come get me. As if on queue, there’s a knock on my door. I grab my handbag and the gift I got Chris for today, and shut off the lights, heading out the door to see Chris standing there, smiling and waiting for me.
“Wow, you look amazing baby.” He says to me. I smile and blush, then kiss him on the cheek.
“This is for you, babe.” I say and hand him the gift.
“Oh, princess.” Chris smiles as he opens the box. He pulls out the necklace, a silver chain with a pendant with our initials and our anniversary, that’s been coated in my regular perfume. “This is amazing, baby.” He kisses my cheek. “Usually I’d be the one to get you jewelry though.” He laughs as he puts the necklace on.
Matt honks the horn of the car. “He’s impatient.” I laugh.
“He’s just mad that I have a girl to spend Valentine’s Day with and he doesn’t.” Chris laughs. He waves at Matt and then puts his hand around the small of my back. “Let’s not keep him waiting.” Chris says as he leads me to the car. He opens the door for me and I get in, him getting in after.
Matt mumbles something under his breath as he backs out of my driveway. Chris laughs. “What did you say?” He asks.
“How can you keep a girl when you have your brother driving you for your dates?” Matt says.
I giggle. “It’s no bother to me.”
Matt scoffs. “It’s a bother to me.”
“Can’t be much of a bother.” Chris says. “You’re still driving us around.”
“Y/n can drive, I don’t understand why I have to do this.” Matt whines
“It wouldn’t be romantic if I had Y/N drive herself.” Chris states.
“Oh, yeah and this is romantic?” Matt asks.
“It’s a lot more romantic when you don’t complain.” Chris tells Matt. Matt scoffs and Chris laughs and he puts his arm around my shoulders.
“So what do you have planned?” I ask him.
“It’s a surprise.” He whispers back to me before kissing my temple.
“Are we going somewhere?” I ask.
Chris laughs. “I’m not telling you anything.”
“We’re going back to the house.” Matt says.
“Matt, come on.” Chris says.
“She’d find out in point two seconds. We’re ten feet away from the driveway.” Matt says before we pull into the driveway.
“This is our first Valentine’s Day together, I want this to be perfect. Don’t ruin it.” Chris snaps at Matt.
“Whatever.” Matt mumbles as he gets out of the car.
Chris rolls his eyes, opening the car door on the other side that we entered in. He helps me out of the car. “You look beautiful, by the way.” He says to me.
I smile up at him and kiss his cheek. “You’re so sweet baby.” I say back. “What’s the date?”
Chris laughs. “You’ll see soon, let’s go.” He takes my hand and leads me into the house. He opens the door for me and leads me to his bedroom.
On his bed lays a giant stuffed bear, covered with multiple heart shaped boxes of chocolates. Rose petals cover the bed, along with strawberry candies and heart cut outs of red paper.
“Oh my god, Chris did you do this?” I ask.
Chris smiles. “Don’t look so surprised.” He says. “You act like I’m not capable of treating my girl right.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.” I laugh and playfully hit his arm.
Chris closes the door then pulls my arm and leads me to the bed. He sits me down on the bed, him standing in-front of me. “You look so pretty today.” He mumbles.
“Did you really do all this just to fuck?” I laugh.
Chris laughs. “No, I had a movie date planned. But I’m not opposed to-“
“Movie date?” I ask.
“Yeah. A movie date. Me and you, cuddling on the bed and watching your favorite movies while I feed you chocolates.” He says as he runs his fingers through my hair.
“That’s sounds amazing.” I say. I scoot back wards on the bed and curl up next to the giant teddy bear. It’s bigger than both Chris and I combined when we cuddle. “Where are you gonna sit?” I ask, cuddling up to the bear.
“The bears not taking my place next to you.” Chris says as he climbs on the bed, nearly squishing me as he holds me close to him.
“I’m sleeping with him.” I giggle and squirm away from Chris to cuddle with the bear.
“Sleeping with him?” Chris repeats.
“Not like that!” I laugh.
“He’s not gonna be able to fuck you like I do.” Chris says as he pulls me back to him. “You’d be doing most of the work.”
I only laugh in response.
“You’d have to be on top, which I know you love, but still not all the time. You’d have to sit on his face for him to eat you out.”
“Jealous?” I laugh.
“Of him, yeah. Apparently he’s fucking my girl.”
“It’s a stuffed bear, Chris.” I laugh.
“I’d be jealous if you sat on his face.” Chris says, ignoring me. “You never sit on mine.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.” I shrug.
“It won’t hurt me. Come on, I beg for it all the time.”
“I could suffocate you!”
“It’s an honorable way to die. The best way. It’s the way I want to go.” He says.
“I’m not gonna kill you by sitting on your face.” I laugh.
Chris gives me his best pouty face complete with puppy dog eyes. “Maybe not kill me now, but it’s how I want to go in the end.”
“I’m not doing that.”
“Come on. When I’m 80 and on my deathbed, what better way to die then by my wife sitting on my face.”
“I’m not sitting in your face when we’re 80.”
Chris pouts again. “My girlfriend hates me.”
“You’re such a child.” I laugh. I rub my fingers through his hair. “If it means that much to you I’ll do it. But you have to be dying already with no way to recover.”
“And that’s the only time I’ll do it.”
“No deal.”
I laugh. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’d sit on the bears face though.” He says with a pout as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Enough with the damn bear.” I groan and lean in to kiss his lips softly.
After a moment Chris pulls away with a smile. “You know… the movie isn’t going anywhere.” He says as he runs his hands through my hair.
“I’m not sitting on your face.” I say.
“You don’t have to. But right now, with all that talk-“
“You’re hard as a rock.” I say.
Chris laughs. “Yes, I am. And it’s your fault.”
I laugh. “My fault? You’re the one who started talking about it.”
“Yeah, and you’re the pretty girl in the sexy outfit lying on my bed covered in rose petals.”
I laugh and lean in to kiss Chris again. “I think the movie can wait then.” I tell him before pressing my lips to his.
Chris’s hands find their way to my top. He slides his hands underneath the cropped fabric and cups my breasts as we kiss. His hands massage my boobs as his lips trail down my jaw and neck. He lifts his head up and pulls my shirt over my head, throwing it on the ground.
He holds my waist to switch our positions. He hovers over me as I lay on my back on the bed. Chris trails kisses down my neck to my chest before lifting himself up and pulling his shirt over his head. He throws it on the floor like mine. I wrap my arms over his shoulders and pull him closer to me, pressing his lips to mine.
Chris pulls away, pecking my lips once more. “I want to go slow tonight, is that okay?” He asks.
I nod. “Yeah, that’s okay.” I say back. Chris smiles and presses his lips to mine again. He trails kisses down my body to my shorts. He pulls them down my legs and discards them on the floor. He presses a kiss to my clothes clit before pulling the fabric to the side.
He licks a stride up my slit, flattening his tongue over my clit. I let out a soft moan. He does the same motion over and over at an agonizingly slow pace. “Chris please!” I beg. “Just a little faster please.”
I hear Chris chuckle and he begins to quicken his pace with his tongue. His lips latch onto my clit and begin sucking softly as his tongue swirls circles around my clit. I moan out loudly, my hand tangling in his hair.
Chris enters two fingers into me, still sucking on my clit as he starts at a slow pace. He curls his fingers, hitting my soft spots and he pumps his fingers in and out of me. As I begin to feel the familiar knot form in my stomach, I pull on Chris’s hair lightly. He pulls his fingers out of me and removes his lips from my aching clit.
I whine. “Don’t stop, please.” I whisper.
Chris chuckles as he slips off his sweats and boxers. “Do you want my dick or my fingers?” He asks slyly as he positions himself to hover over me. He looks down between us as he positions himself at my entrance. He looks me in the eyes and then leans down to press a kiss to my lips as he slowly slips into me.
I gasp into the kiss. We’ve had sex so many times yet I’m still not used to the sheer size of him. Chris breaks away from the kiss once he’s slipped all the way into me, stretching me full of his cock. He buries his head into the crook of my neck as he starts pulling out and pushing in at a slow pace.
“Faster, please.” I beg in a whisper. Chris grunts in response as his hips begin to move at a faster pace. I wrap my legs around his waist as his pace gets quicker. Still slow and soft but just fast enough to make me see stars.
Chris’s grunts and pants sent shivers down to my core. “Fuck, god yes.” He whispers into my ear. I clench around him which causes him to hiss and grip my waist tightly, definitely leaving marks to be seen tomorrow morning.
Chris moves his hand to begin to rub circles around my clit. His hand gripping me tightly as his thumb grazes over my clit lightly drawing circles over me.
“Chris, Chris, Chris!” I moan out loudly, my nails drawing scratches over his back.
“Fuck, babe.” He groans in my ear. “I’m close.”
“Me too, baby.” I whisper back. My fingers go back to his hair, tugging as his thrusts get sloppier. The bind in my stomach grows and grows until I hear Chris’s sweet moan as I feel his hot cum shoot into me.
The bind in my stomach unravels and I shake from the pleasure of my orgasm. Chris whimpers softly from the feeling before he fully relaxes over me. He pulls out of me and lays back on the bed next to me, pushing the stuffed bear off the bed.
I laugh. “Are you still mad at the bear?” I ask breathlessly.
“How can I be mad? He just saw no one can fuck you like I can.”
TAGS: @sturnioloshacker @sturniolho @mayhem-72 @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora @hearts4chris @carolinalikesthings @mattscokewhore @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @lily-strnlo @adeoffline
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novaursa · 1 month
Chasing the Inferno
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- Summary:  It was during Rhaenyra’s and Laenor’s wedding feast, that the king noticed something he was blind to for far too long.
- Paring: targ!reader/Harwin Strong
This whole work is inspired by this brilliant anonymous ask:
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- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, has striking resemblance to her late grandmother Alyssa and is younger sister of Rhaenyra. These events happen after The Flames We Hide. To read all the chapters in chronological order, visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Explicit 18+
- Word count: 3 532
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
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The evening air carries the scents of roasted meats, spiced wine, and fresh flowers into the grand hall, mingling with the vibrant sounds of revelry. The hall is a living tapestry of silks, banners, and candlelight, casting everything in hues of crimson and gold. A sea of finely dressed lords and ladies flows beneath the arched ceiling, the thrumming heart of the grand wedding feast of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon.
You arrive with the grace and splendor expected of a Targaryen princess, a vision that commands the attention of every eye that lands on you. The dress you wear is a rich deep plum, the color of ripened plums at dusk, lined with golden thread that shimmers in the light. The sleeves are long and bell-shaped, flowing with each movement, while the bodice is tightly laced with intricate embroidery of dragons in flight. Around your neck, a delicate chain bears a pendant of a dragon curled around a glittering ruby—a gift from your father. Your silver hair is braided in intricate patterns, falling down your back with hints of shimmering ribbons intertwined through each strand. 
You sit beside Rhaenyra at the high table, your twin sister glowing with happiness under her finely woven veil. She leans toward you with a playful smirk. “I see you’ve decided to steal the attention for yourself tonight, Y/N. Not even the newlywed princess is safe from your charms.”
You laugh softly, returning her smirk. “It’s not stealing, dearest sister, merely borrowing for the evening.” Your eyes flick toward the bustling crowd, scanning the faces, seeking a particular one even as you engage in idle conversation.
You find him across the hall—Ser Harwin Strong, the Breakbones, the man who has captured your heart in ways you would never openly admit. His broad shoulders and easy smile cut a striking figure amidst the revelers. He leans against a pillar, eyes fixed on you with a heat that makes your pulse quicken. Even from here, you can feel the intensity of his gaze, the unspoken challenge in those dark eyes. A smirk pulls at your lips. Tonight is not just about celebrating your sister’s marriage—it is a dance, a game of fire and shadow that you and Harwin have played many times before.
As the feast progresses, the lords and ladies rise from their seats, drawn to the center of the hall where the dancing begins. You stand, gracefully gliding down the steps, the train of your gown trailing like liquid night behind you. Many lords vie for your attention, each more eager than the last to have the honor of a dance with the daughter of the King.
You indulge them—one by one, offering your hand with a practiced smile that promises nothing but amusement. Lord Beesbury twirls you first, his steps light but unremarkable. Lord Tyrell is next, his flattery sweet yet forgettable. Each time the music swells, you shift, gliding seamlessly into the arms of another suitor, all while casting sly glances over your shoulder to see if Harwin is watching.
And he is. His eyes never leave you, following every step, every spin, the set of his jaw tightening each time you turn away just as he moves closer. You can feel his impatience building like a storm, the tension of the game heightening with every dance.
Finally, after what feels like endless teasing, you find yourself caught in a whirl of movement, spinning until you are only steps away from him. Harwin’s expression is a mix of hunger and frustration as he makes his move to claim you at last.
But just as his hand reaches for yours, you slip away, turning instead into the arms of a young knight from the Westerlands, offering him a dazzling smile that is only for show. “My, Ser Harwin, are you growing weary of this dance already?” you tease, your voice lilting as you catch his gaze. You can see the fire in his eyes, a silent vow that he will not let you slip away so easily next time.
When the dance ends, the Westerlander knight bows low, eyes filled with admiration as he releases you. And as you turn, Harwin is there—closer than before, a step ahead of any other. This time, you do not pull away when his hand grasps yours, his grip firm and warm, sending a shiver down your spine. His voice is low, rough with suppressed desire, as he murmurs into your ear. “Do you truly believe you can keep running from me, Y/N?”
You tilt your head, lips curving into a smirk as you meet his gaze fully, violet and brown heat clashing. “Run, Ser Harwin? I am only leading the chase.”
Without giving him the satisfaction of a response, you spin away from him, the hem of your dress sweeping across the floor as you are swallowed back into the crowd. You glance back over your shoulder just long enough to catch the frustration in his expression before disappearing into the throng of lords and ladies once more. Harwin will catch you like he always does—of that you have no doubt. The thrill is in making him work for it.
But for now, the game continues, and you savor every moment of it.
The night is young, and so are you—dragon-blooded and bold, playing with fire and reveling in the heat that comes with it.
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The music swells, a lively tune that fills the hall with mirth and energy, but it does little to settle the unease that creeps into King Viserys’ chest. Seated at the high table, he holds a goblet of wine, though he has barely touched it. His gaze drifts from one side of the room to the other, watching the mingling guests, the lords and ladies spinning in intricate dances. Yet his eyes keep returning to the center of the hall, where Rhaenyra and Daemon move together with a fluid grace that borders on impropriety.
His brow furrows as he watches them—his daughter and his brother. The distance between them is too narrow, the smiles exchanged too familiar. Even now, after all these years, Viserys cannot fully discern what lies behind those shared glances. His hand tightens on the armrest of his seat, his knuckles whitening with the effort to maintain composure. The court is watching; he cannot afford to let his concerns show. Not here. Not tonight.
But then, from the corner of his eye, something else catches his attention—a flash of deep plum silk, a braid of silver hair glinting in the candlelight. His eyes shift, narrowing as he tracks the movement, and there you are, his younger daughter, Y/N, weaving through the crowd with that same effortless grace, the very image of your late mother Alyssa in her youth.
Viserys watches as you glide from one partner to the next, a playful smile ever present on your lips. Each lord who steps forward is charmed, entranced even, but there is one figure whose presence never strays far from your orbit—Ser Harwin Strong. The son of his current Hand, a man known for his strength and loyalty, but also for the intensity of his gaze, a gaze that now rests solely on you. 
Viserys leans forward slightly, frowning as he observes the exchange unfolding before him. Harwin moves closer, clearly intent on catching you, and you—ever the playful one—tease him with fleeting glances, spinning just out of his reach each time he draws near. The way your eyes gleam with mischief, the way you turn your back only to glance over your shoulder at him, invites more than just a dance. It’s a game, and one that is all too familiar to Viserys, who remembers his own youth, and the thrill of such pursuits.
But then Harwin catches you. His large hand wraps around your waist, pulling you closer, closer than what is proper for a dance in front of the entire court. Your laughter rings out like silver bells, light and teasing as you push back against him, yet the way Harwin’s hand lingers—fingers splayed possessively against the silk of your gown—does not escape your father’s notice. The look on Harwin’s face is far too unguarded, a mixture of admiration and longing that sends a jolt of concern racing through Viserys.
Viserys’ chest tightens as he watches you lean in, saying something that makes Harwin’s smile sharpen, though the words are lost to the music and laughter that fills the hall. Then, just as quickly as he caught you, you slip away again, your skirts swirling as you twirl out of his grasp, leaving Harwin standing in the middle of the floor with a look of mingled frustration and desire. The scene plays out before Viserys like a vivid memory, like something he should have noticed sooner, something he should have acted upon long before tonight.
His eyes narrow as he follows the thread of events with growing unease. You laugh and dance your way out of the hall, light-footed and swift, and though Harwin remains behind for a few moments, his gaze tracks you with the keen eye of a falcon. Then, as discreetly as he can manage, Harwin moves toward the exit, following you.
Viserys’ grip on his goblet tightens until he fears it might shatter in his hand. He remains rooted to his seat, unwilling to cause a scene, yet the implications churn in his mind like a dark tide. The daughter who bears his blood, a Targaryen of pure lineage, slipping away with the son of his Hand? It is unthinkable—and yet, Viserys cannot ignore the undeniable connection between the two of you. The way you moved in tandem, how easily you played off one another as if you were two parts of a whole. It stirs something in Viserys, a deep-seated dread that this could lead to something more—something he has not prepared for.
His gaze shifts, and he meets the eyes of Lord Lyonel Strong. The Hand is seated farther down the table, looking distinctly uncomfortable, as though he too is aware of the precarious position his son is placing him in. When their eyes lock, Viserys does not miss the brief flash of unease in Lyonel’s expression, followed quickly by a nod of acknowledgment, as if to say he understands what Viserys is thinking. And, undoubtedly, he does.
The memory rushes back, clear as day—months ago, when Lyonel Strong came to him with a proposition a second time. “Your Grace,” Lyonel had said, his voice steady and filled with the gravity of a man who understood the weight of his words, “there are many fine matches to be made for your daughter, Y/N, from prominent houses across the realm. But I would humbly suggest that what my son Harwin offers may be worth more than mere lineage. His devotion to the princess is unwavering, and his love is without question. He would be a husband who honors her above all else, a union built on something deeper than mere alliances.”
At the time, Viserys had dismissed the notion—politely, but firmly. His daughter was a Targaryen, and surely she deserved a match that would strengthen their house politically, not merely satisfy matters of the heart. Yet now, watching the scene unfold before him, Viserys finds himself second-guessing his decision. Could there be merit in such a match after all? Could Lyonel’s words hold more truth than Viserys had been willing to see? But then again, to allow such a thing would be to acknowledge a love affair that has clearly grown far beyond simple courtly affection.
Viserys’ thoughts whirl, torn between the duty of a king and the love of a father. He knows that if he raises the matter now, it could cast a shadow over the entire evening, drawing unwelcome attention to something that should remain hidden, if only for the sake of peace. And yet, can he afford to remain silent, knowing the path that such unchecked desire could lead his daughter down? His gaze flicks back to the entrance where you vanished, and a part of him itches to rise from his seat, to go after you and demand answers.
But he stays rooted in place, forced into inaction by the eyes of the court and the weight of his crown. Instead, his gaze returns to Lyonel, and he sees the older man swallow nervously before looking away, clearly wishing to be anywhere else. The tension between them is palpable, unspoken yet undeniable.
Viserys takes a deep breath, forcing himself to remain calm. The decision he makes next could have lasting consequences, for both you and the realm. As the music swells and the laughter of the court continues around him, the king’s mind churns, trapped in a web of duty, love, and fear.
For now, he decides to wait—he will watch, and if Harwin oversteps again, then the matter will be brought to light. But the seed of doubt has already taken root in Viserys’ heart, and it will not be easily dismissed.
The night is long, but Viserys’ thoughts are longer still.
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You slip through the winding corridors of the Red Keep, your heart thrumming in your chest as you make your way deeper into its shadowed recesses. The sound of music and laughter fades behind you as you reach a secluded passage, hidden away from the eyes of the court. This path is familiar, a secret shared only between the two of you. You’ve met here before, during stolen moments when the weight of duty and the eyes of others became too much to bear. The flickering torchlight casts long shadows along the stone walls, giving the space an almost dreamlike quality. Yet there is nothing dreamlike about the tension that crackles in the air as you wait, anticipation coiling like a serpent beneath your skin.
Footsteps echo faintly down the passage, the heavy tread unmistakable. A smirk tugs at your lips as you press your back against the cool stone, the thrill of the chase still buzzing in your veins. He always catches you in the end; it’s a part of the game, a part of the dance you both know so well. You hear him approach, his steps purposeful, a hunter closing in on his prey. You hold your breath, relishing the thrill of being caught, knowing what comes next.
And then he’s there—Ser Harwin Strong, towering and fierce, the firelight casting sharp angles across his rugged features. He looks at you with that smoldering gaze, dark and intense, his chest heaving as he closes the distance between you. “You run from me as if you ever wanted to get away,” he says, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers down your spine.
You don’t reply with words, only a wicked smile that dares him to come closer. And he does, with a predatory grace, until his body is pressed against yours, trapping you between the stone wall and his broad chest. “Caught you,” he murmurs, his breath hot against your ear, one hand sliding up to cradle your jaw while the other grips your waist possessively.
Before you can retort, his lips crash against yours in a kiss that’s anything but gentle. It’s all fire and hunger, the pent-up tension of the night spilling over as he devours you with a need that’s impossible to hide. You kiss him back with equal fervor, fingers tangling in his dark curls as you pull him closer, desperate to close the distance that’s been kept between you all night. Every touch, every bite and nip, is laced with the emotions you can’t express openly—a love too dangerous to voice in the light of day, but undeniable in moments like this.
Harwin’s hands roam over your body with a familiarity that sends heat pooling in your core. He tugs at the laces of your gown, his fingers rough but practiced, until the fabric loosens and falls away, exposing the soft skin of your neck and shoulders. You gasp against his lips as he nips at your throat, the scrape of his teeth drawing a moan from your lips. His own garments follow suit—his tunic and belt discarded hastily, the sound of cloth hitting stone echoing faintly in the small space.
The air between you crackles with a desperate need, the kind that’s built up over countless stolen moments, secret touches, and longing glances. There’s no pretense here, no titles or duties—only the raw, unfiltered connection between you. Harwin’s hands slide down your waist, gripping your hips firmly as he lifts you, pressing you harder against the wall. You wrap your legs around him instinctively, gasping as you feel him against you, hard and ready. The anticipation coils tightly in your belly, every nerve alive with want.
His eyes meet yours for a fleeting moment, and in them, you see everything he can’t say aloud—devotion, desire, and the promise that he would burn the world for you if you asked. But words are unnecessary now. You reach down, guiding him until he’s pressed right where you need him most. There’s a brief, charged pause—a moment where everything hangs on the edge—and then he pushes into you in one smooth, powerful motion.
The world tilts, pleasure and need blurring everything else as he sets a rhythm, hard and fast, the way he knows you both like it. It’s familiar and yet never loses its edge—each thrust, each gasp, sending sparks of electricity through you. You bury your face in the crook of his neck, biting down on the rough skin to muffle your cries, while his own growls of pleasure vibrate against your ear. His hands grip you tightly, fingers digging into your flesh as he moves, driving into you with a force that leaves you breathless.
But it’s not just the physical pleasure that binds you in this moment. It’s the intimacy, the shared understanding that this is where you both belong—together, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world. Here, you are not a princess, and he is not merely the son of the Hand. Here, you are simply two people who have found something rare and precious, something that defies the rules of the world you live in.
He kisses you again, slower this time, a searing heat beneath the tenderness as he deepens the connection between you. Your bodies move in sync, finding that perfect rhythm that drives you both higher, closer to the edge. You can feel it building, a tightening coil of pleasure that threatens to snap at any moment. His name falls from your lips like a prayer, a desperate plea, and he responds with your name in kind, low and reverent.
The world narrows to just the two of you—the heat of his body, the rough press of stone at your back, the intoxicating scent of sweat and desire. And then, with one final thrust, the tension breaks, pleasure crashing over you like a wave, drowning you in bliss. Harwin follows a heartbeat later, a guttural groan tearing from his throat as he buries himself deep, his body trembling with the force of his release.
For a long moment, neither of you move, the air thick with the aftermath of your passion. You stay entwined, foreheads pressed together as you catch your breath, your heartbeats slowing in tandem. His hands are still on you, holding you as if he’s afraid you might slip away even now. And for a moment, the world is quiet, all worries and responsibilities forgotten in the haze of sated desire.
But reality is never far away. Slowly, you both come back to yourselves, and he reluctantly pulls back, letting you slide down until your feet touch the ground once more. There’s a flicker of regret in his eyes, a wish that this moment could last longer, but he says nothing as he helps you adjust your gown, his touch gentle now.
You smooth down your skirts, fixing your hair with a practiced ease, though the flush of your skin and the brightness in your eyes would give you away to anyone who looked closely enough. Harwin lingers, his fingers brushing against your cheek in a soft, almost reverent caress. “You always make me chase you,” he murmurs, his voice laced with fondness.“
And you always catch me,” you reply, the smile on your lips tinged with affection. “Perhaps I simply enjoy the chase.”
He chuckles, but there’s a seriousness in his gaze as he cups your face in his hands, holding you still for a moment longer. “One day, I won’t let you run again,” he says quietly, the promise heavy in the air.
You don’t answer, not with words. Instead, you lean up to kiss him one last time, slow and lingering, tasting the bittersweet mix of what you have and what you cannot yet fully claim. When you pull away, you give him a final smile before slipping out of the shadows and back into the world where duty and decorum await.
Harwin remains behind, watching you go with a look that holds both longing and resolve. He knows this is far from over.
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mikkomacko · 4 months
Thinking about a rare lazy day with mob Nico! I just love him so much and how you right him. It’s perfect!!
A/n: aww thank you so much!! You have no idea how happy it makes to me to share him with y’all 🫶
The room is still dark and cool when you blink your eyes open, thrown off by how long you’ve felt like you slept. You don’t know if it’s been days or hours, what time it is at all since Nico’s alarm hasn’t gone off yet. But the sun is peeking around the curtains, brights lines of sunshine.
You’re even more confused when Nico groans, shifting closer to you and tucking his nose into your hairline. He slides heavy leg over yours, the skin of his thigh hot against yours.
Focusing your bleary eyes, you realize he’s still peacefully sleeping next to you. You can’t see his face this close, but you can make out the rhythmic rise and fall of his bare chest, the devil horn pendant that hangs off to the side, resting on the inside of his bicep.
“Nico,” you whisper, pulling back from his slightly, just enough to see his face. His eyebrows furrow, nose scrunching and he smacks his lips a couple times before settling back into the pillow.
He looks so cute with his cheek all smooshed like that, pillow lines on his skin and messy, dark hair on his forehead. You gently push his hair back, feeling bad for waking him.
“Nico baby, it’s late.”
He grumbles, rolling further into the pillow and tightening his hold on your hip. “Sleep,” he mumbles, the word barely audible through his raspy voice and the fabric of the pillowcase.
“You don’t-“
One eye flutters open, glossy and hazy as he focuses on you. “Shh, cuddle with me. Staying home today.”
He closes his eyes again, rolling onto his back and opening his shoulders invitingly. Giddy, you snuggle into his warm skin, throwing a leg over his and grinning when he rests his hand in the curve of your knee. Your fingers find his chain, tickling the warm metal and you close your eyes.
Nico sighs contently, the action lifting your head that lay on his chest. You hear his heartbeat even out again, and then you’re dozing off with him.
Hours later you wake up to him still sleeping, light snores coming from his parted lips. He must have gotten hot because he’s shoved the blankets down to his thighs and has a foot hanging over the edge of the mattress.
Laughing to yourself, you slip out from under the covers and head to the bathroom down the hall, not wanting to wake him. After freshening up you step into Nico’s slides and click the collar around the dog, letting him out into the backyard.
You stand at the edge of the patio, squinting into the mid-day sun as the dog prattles around the backyard.
“There you are,” comes from behind you, and you turn to find Nico in the open doorframe. He’s in just his briefs still, hair on the right side of his head sticking up as if he’d stuck his finger in a light socket.
“We messed up his routine,” you explain, having slept in so late you’re surprised the dog didn’t jump onto the bed to wake you both at 8 am.
Rolling his eyes, Nico walks out to the patio. “He’ll live,” he grumbles, voice rough and heavy with sleep. His hand reaches out for you, slips around your waist and pulls you into him. “I however won’t if I don’t get my good morning kiss.”
“You haven’t brushed your teeth.”
He grunts, puffy eyes trained on your lips.
Giggling, you rise onto your toes to kiss him. It’s a short and sweet kiss, but it’s enough for Nico who just smiles when you settle back onto your heels.
“Mmm good morning, baby.” He murmurs.
“More like good afternoon.”
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whimsicalpolitical · 4 months
An encounter // Matty Healy x Reader
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in which you just got broken up with but a man lets you forget everything for a night
content warning: smut, 18+ mdni, fingering, p in v, oral (m and f receiving), praise, drunk sex?, grinding
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The pulsating beat of the club's music reverberates through your chest as you sway unsteadily on the dance floor, your movements fueled by a mix of alcohol and heartbreak.
Your girls had dragged you out, insisting that a night out was the perfect remedy for a broken heart. And now, under the flashing lights, you are beginning to think they might be right.
Lost in the music you throw your head back, letting the rhythm take over. The world blurry around you, a kaleidoscope of faces and colors. You feel free, if only for a moment, free from the memory of his words, the sting of the breakup still fresh in your mind.
“Here, have another shot,” your friend yelled, handing you a shot glass. You gladly take it.
You bring the shot to your lips and tilt it back, the tequila sliding down your throat. It doesn’t even burn anymore; you are so far gone that the alcohol is just another warm rush in your bloodstream, blending seamlessly with the intoxication already coursing through you.
“Get it girl,” your friend says, her hands on your hips, guiding you, and you throw your head back, letting the laughter spill out, carefree and wild. For the first time in what felt like forever, you aren’t thinking about him or the way he had left. You are just here, in the moment, with your best friends, reveling in the liberation that comes with letting go.
You keep dancing, bodies moving together.
Suddenly one of your other friends lean in close, her voice barely cutting through the din, “hey,” she says, nudging you with her elbow. “There’s a guy over there totally eye-fucking you.”
You stop mid-laugh, your breath catching as you follow her gaze. Across the dance floor, leaning against the bar with a drink in hand, was a guy. His eyes are locked on you, dark and intense, a smirk playing on his lips. The air seems to crackle between you, and the heat of his gaze sends a shiver down my spine.
Next to him are two other guys, one with a blonde buzz cut and the other one with a bun.
“She finally noticed you after you staring like a perv for half an hour,” George nudges him but Matty gives him a glare.
“She’s fucking gorgeous, there’s no way I’m gonna let her go.”
“Go for it then.”
Matty empties the glass in his hands before he hands it to George, “don’t count on seeing me tonight.”
“Good luck man,” they call after him but he’s already on his way through the crowd.
You feel your cheeks flush, a mix of embarrassment and thrill. The alcohol gives you the courage you might not otherwise have. “Oh my god, should I talk to him?”
“Absolutely,” your friend says, giving you a little shove, “have you seen him? He’s fucking hot.”
You agree with her, his tousled curls, which fall effortlessly across his forehead are damp with sweat from the heat of the dance floor. His dark locks are wild and unruly, adding to his magnetic allure.
Around his neck, a silver necklace catches the light with every movement, the chain glinting and drawing attention to the hollow of his throat. The pendant rests just above his chest, a small but striking detail that adds to his effortlessly cool demeanor.
You watch as he licks his lips, the glistening trail left by his tongue making your breath hitch. The way his mouth moves, so sensual and deliberate, makes you ache with a sudden, urgent need.
You imagine the cool metal of his necklace brushing against your body, leaving a delicate imprint as he presses closer. The thought of his fingers grazing your collarbone, the chain caught between you, sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine.
Your friends smirk to each other when he reaches you, not waiting for you to speak.
“Having a good night?” He asks searching for your eyes which are currently directed at the floor.
“Could be better,” you say, hinting at something more and you know he gets it because when you look up there’s a glimmer in his eyes and a smirk on his face.
“Want me to buy you another drink?” You shake your head at him.
“Want to know your name first before you buy me a drink,” you explain.
He nods and holds out his hand for you to take it which you do. “I’m Matty.”
The way he says his name sounds more like Ma-e, doesn’t matter because it sounds hot coming from his mouth. His hand is warm but not sweaty and you can’t help but imagine how it would feel in other places.
“Matty,” you say, wanting to know how his name sounds coming from your own lips. He smiles and nods his head once more before asking for your name.
“Gorgeous name,” he compliments and you can practically feel the blush creeping up your neck. It’s a good thing the club is filled with neon pink light.
“How does that drink sound now?” You definitely shouldn’t drink any more but when you’re already this drunk you don’t care if someone offers you more.
Should you be doing this? Having fun with a man when you just got your heart broken? Probably not but you’re just going to fuck that, fuck him.
“Perfect,” you say, “sounds perfect.”
He takes your hand in his and leads you towards the bar. When you turn around one last time your friends are smiling and winking at you, which makes you roll your eyes at them.
His touch is electrifying, his hand still holding yours. You can feel the anticipation building inside you, mixing with the alcohol in your veins, making your head spin the best way possible.
You lean against the bar when Matty turns to the bartender to order two drinks, his voice is smooth and low. You take a moment to look at him again, his dark curls fall into his eyes, the mischievous curve of his lips, the intensity of his gaze when he looks back at you.
The drinks arrive and hands you yours, clicking his glass against yours. “Hopefully to a better night,” he says, his eyes never leaving yours.
You echo his phrase, taking a sip. The drink is strong and it burns slightly as it goes down but you welcome the sensation. Its stronger then anything else you drank tonight which is why the drink grounds you.
Before you can speak up your friend shakes you, “gonna- gonna go home with a guy now,” she slurs, “oh hi!” She says when she sees Matty, “oh wow, he’s not him, good for you girl, fuck him.”
She’s off leaving you completely embarrassed with a Matty that grins at you. “He sounds like a dickhead.”
“You don’t know him,” you have no idea why you try to offend him.
“Don’t have to,“ he pours the drink down his throat waiting for you to do the same but you’re just sipping lightly.
“Hm,” you hum, “he is a dickhead, I don’t want to talk about him tonight though.”
“Wasn’t planing on doing so,” he steps closer, his arm disappearing behind you to set down his glass. Your breath hitches when he stands in between your legs, “would prefer talking about you anyway.”
You try to take a sip of the drink but some guy bumps against you and the liquid is flowing down your mouth.
“Watch where you’re fucking going,” he says, pushing him through the crowd, “wanker.”
Matty takes the drink from your hands and sets it down next to his to make you focus on him. His thumb brushes against your chin, wiping your wet mouth before taking his thumb into his mouth.
Your voices catches in your throat, trying to wipe your neck with your arm, distracting you from the fact how close he is. You can smell the mix of his cologne, cigarettes and alcohol on him and it’s intoxicating.
“Think you missed a spot,” you whisper, pointing your finger to your mouth. You’re feeling bold but you’re loving it, you’re going with the flow and how can you resist when a hot guy is in front of you.
“Is that right?” His eyes flick down to your lips, licking his own before inching closer. “Let me.” He whispers before crashing his lips to yours.
His hands abandon your face, finding their way to wrap around your waist, bringing you to your toes and flushed against his chest. Your own react on instinct and weave around his neck, and your fingers find refuge in his black curls.
The tip of his tongue grazes your bottom lip, as he asks for access. The contact alone ignites you, and you can’t help the soft moan that lodges in the back of your throat, a flutter traveling below your stomach. Matty’s hands squeeze your hips in response to the sound and he slips his tongue into your mouth.
He’s a good kisser, it’s not too wet and his body on yours is driving you insane. You want more, you don’t want this kiss to ever end but at the same time you want him to kiss you in different places.
As fast as the kiss started it’s over, Matty’s pulling away, hands still on your hips. “My place is 10 minutes from here, we can keep doing this there.”
“Let’s go,” you say, dragging him towards the exit impatiently. He chuckles to himself, acting like he’s not as desperate as you.
“Slow down there, love,” the cool air hits your face and you shiver, the warmth of the club slowly washing off of you. “Need a fag first.”
You stop and sit down on a big stone, too dizzy to stand. You’re fucking wasted and all you want to do is jump Matty’s bones right here.
He looks at you, your pupils dilated, hair kind of disheveled and your cheeks flushed. Could be the alcohol but you know he’s the reason.
“Want one?” He asks but you shake your head, you’re not a smoker. You simply think it tastes disgusting but you don’t mind when other people smoke.
“C’mon, I can smoke it on our way.”
He takes out a cigarette and lights it with a practiced ease that makes your breath hitch. The way he cups the flame, his fingers steady, the quick flick of the lighter, and the first drag he takes—it’s all effortlessly hot. You watch as he exhales the smoke, his lips forming a perfect 'O' as he blows it into the night air.
"God, you look so good doing that," you murmur, unable to tear your eyes away from him.
He smirks, the cigarette dangling from his lips. "Do I now?"
You can't wait any longer. The desire is a fierce, living thing inside you. "No, wait," you say suddenly, standing up and closing the distance between you in a heartbeat. Before he can react, you grab the cigarette from his fingers and toss it aside, your lips crashing into his.
He makes a sound of surprise, but it quickly turns into a groan as he kisses you back, his hands sliding up to tangle in your hair. The kiss is hungry, desperate, and you can taste the faint bitterness of tobacco on his tongue, mixing with the lingering sweetness of the alcohol.
His hands are everywhere, roaming over your back, down to your hips, pulling you closer until there's no space left between you. You can feel the heat of his body, the hard press of him against you, and it makes your head spin with want.
He whispers your name against your lips, his voice rough with desire. "Let's get out of here."
"Yes," you breathe, barely able to think straight. "Yes, let's go."
With a final, searing kiss, he grabs your hand, and you both hurry down the street, the promise of what’s to come fueling every step. The night air is cool against your flushed skin, but the fire burning between you keeps you warm. You can barely keep up with your own need, the anticipation building with every moment.
When you finally reach his place, he fumbles with the keys, your hands all over each other, stealing kisses even as he tries to unlock the door. As soon as it swings open, you're inside, the door slamming shut behind you.
"Matty," you whisper, and he's on you again, lips crashing into yours, hands pulling you closer. This time, there's nothing to stop you, nothing but the heat and the wild, electric desire between you.
The both of you stumble into the living room, not letting go of each other, too invested in the kiss. You end up on his lap.
“You’re so fucking hot,” you grind against his lap, whispering against his ear.
“You’re flattering me too much,” he groans, “you’re the gorgeous one here.”
You need the friction his lap is merely giving you, steadying yourself with your hands on his shoulders, grinding down.
He pulls you down for another devastating kiss. You moan into his mouth and grind your hips down. You start rocking back and forth, rubbing your clit deliciously across his hard cock. He pulls his mouth away and hisses lowly in pleasure.
His hands rub up your back, then down to your hips, pulling you down to grind harder against him. He licks and bites at the swell of your breasts on display from your low cut sweater. You tug on his hair, pushing him closer to your tits, grinding down again.
“Fucks sake,” he grunts, “condoms in the bedroom,” he says, without having any intention of lifting you off of his lap. His mouth is on your neck, sucking and kissing down to your collarbone.
You again love your hips down to his and this time his head falls back, pulling you off of him. You whine at the loss of friction.
“Sorry, love, any further and this night would’ve been over,” he stands up, lifting you up, your legs wrapping around his body. “And we don’t want that, right?”
“Mhm,” you hum, trailing kisses down his neck, sucking at one spot until there’s a hickey. You moan at the piece of art you left there.
“Like that?” He asks, “leaving a mark on me.”
You know you finally reached the bedroom when your back hits soft cotton. Matty stays at the edge of the bed pulling your pants down.
He throws them across the room and starts trailing kisses up your legs, he hums against your skin when he��s at your inner thigh, in front of your cunt, dripping cunt.
He can smell you and he can see it, the wet patch on your panties. He’s teasing you with kisses over the cotton and your hands go in his hair, trying to tug him closer.
“Don’t worry, m’ gonna make you feel good,” he tugs your panties down and sticks them into his pocket with a smirk. “Keeping those, need to remember you somehow.”
You giggle which is replaced my a whine when he bites your inner thigh. “I’ve been wanting to do this since I saw you.”
He gazes at your glistening sex, transfixed by you.
“You look fucking sexy,” he dips his tongue into the apex of your heat, familiarizing himself with your taste before licking a languid stripe up to your throbbing clit.
He comes up for a quick second, “and you taste as sweet as you look.”
You writhe under him, beg with wordless whines and whimpers for more. He understands your sounds, understands their tells, he soothes you with a gentle shh against your cunt. 
“Matty,” you moan, “please,” his fingernails dig into the meat of your inner thighs mindlessly. You watch his lip twitch and his eyes roll to the ceiling.
You anchor yourself with fingers of one hand twisted in the dark, sweaty curls at the crown of his head. Two digits on the other pinch at one of your hardened nipples, just as Matty begins to swipe his tongue back and forth over your clit.
“F-fuck,” you sigh, draping your trembling legs over his shoulders. 
You look down at Matty’s lower half, which is rutting into the bed, but only one time before stopping, not letting himself cum.
He licks your cunt like he fears you’re going to melt, lathes over your clit again and again with the wide flat of his tongue. The wet squelch of him slurping at you, eager to catch every last drop of your arousal, bounces off the walls obscenely.
You find yourself completely overcome with ecstasy, close to falling apart on Matty’s tongue in a matter of minutes.
As soon as he curls two fingers into your cunt, you’re gone, cumming so hard your vision pulls and your thighs shake.
His name rolls off your tongue effortlessly, naturally. Like it’s made for you to recite.
He lets you come down, soothes you with gentle hands stroking along your thighs, soft lips pressed to your sensitive mound.  You cover your face with your hands and you try to close your legs but Matty first swats you hand away and then he moves up, his body between your legs. “Don’t act modest now.”
“Fuck,” you sigh in contentment, still feeling great because of your orgasm. It was a long time since the last time you had sex and came during it, you’re very sure this is not the last time he’s going to make you finish.
“Can I suck your dick?” You whisper against his lips before moving them against his, tasting yourself on him which makes you groan.
“Have at it,” he says, rolling off of you. He gets rid of his pants on his own, throwing them on top of yours. You straddle his thigh then, gazing at his bulge which is pulsing in his boxers.
“Eyes are up here, love,” he teases, knowing exactly where your mind is.
You start to squeeze him over his boxers, watching him as he lets his head fall back in pleasure. He is rock hard and he feels incredibly hot in your hands.
You bring your hand up to your mouth spitting in it before dipping below the waistband to stroke his shaft up and down.
Your spit and his pre-cum helps you to stroke him smoothly. Your want gets too much then and you tell him to lift his hips to get rid off his boxers.
He’s still wearing his shirt and so are you, it feels weird so you pull your own shirt over your head, leaving you in just your bra on top of him.
“Get yours off,” you plead and you don’t have to ask twice because he’s throwing it over his head, his curls falling against his face. You look at his chest, his arms, his v-line, the tattoos on his skin a new factor to get you wet.
You can’t wait so you put the tip in your mouth, moving your tongue around it. He lets out a little moan. “Keep doing that, fuck.”
You look up at him, he's already looking at you. And you proceed to slowly put all of it in your mouth while maintaining eye contact. His tip touches your throat, and you have to fight a gag. You still have a full fist grabbing the rest that didn't fit your mouth. He moans again at your little show. You close your eyes and start moving your head up and down. Matty moans louder this time, thrusting up inside your mouth.
“What fucking twat would leave a girl like you hm? Proper loss there.”
You whine around his cock, his words going straight to your chore and you can’t help but grind on his thigh once.
He feels your body move and his eyes shoot down to you again, “little minx, need to grind your pussy on me, get some relieve cause sucking my cock turns you on.”
His hips lift up again, his cock going deeper then you think it could go and you let out a moan again, swirling your tongue around the head.
“Get off, christ, need to be inside you.” Your head is moved away by his hand, leaving you with a teasing put on your face.
His thumb finds your bottom lip, refusing to see you pout because you want to suck him off. “I’m real mean, can suck my cock another time yeah?”
You’d love that. God. He’s a stranger but you can’t help but imagine the next time you can do this. He’s pretty, hot, totally your type. The British accent, the tattoos, it’s the type to leave you writhing.
He’s leaning to his side, pulling out a condom out of his drawer. You snatch it from his grip and open it with your teeth, rolling it down his dick.
“Yes, darling?”
You lean closer, whispering into his ear. “Fuck me.”
He finds his way on top of you again, his hands going around your body to unclasp your bra. “Haven’t had a chance to enjoy these properly.”
His tongue latches onto one of your nipples while his fingers rub against the other one, not wanting to neglect you in any way. Your back arches off the mattress, into his body.
“Your tits are amazing, you know,” he quickly switches nipples before coming up to your face again.
“If I do anything that you don’t fuck with, tell me,” you nod and wrap your legs around him to try to put his cock in you, obviously failing. “Words, love.”
“Yes, Matty, just please fuck-.”
You whimper as you feel his hard length run through your glistening folds, his hips jutting against the backs of your thighs. 
“Is that right, need me so fucking bad?”
You nod, crying out when his cock finally pressed through the tight threshold of your cunt. "Fuck, yes Matty.”
"Already forgotten about that little twat?" He asks, fully sheathing himself in you.
Your back arches off the bed and you groan. Fingernails scratching at Matty’s forearms.
He pulls back and slams into you. "Asked you a question.”
"Yes,” You cry out. His cock reaches into the very depths of you, the tip hitting in just the right place to make you scream. "I have.”
“Perfect,” His fingers adjust themselves as his grip slips and then he's pounding into you at such a brutal pace. Back and forth, in and out, he is fucking you.
Your walls clamp around him, the drag of his cock stimulates you more and you clench harder.
Skin on skin, the noises that they make are obscene.
The squelch of him entering you has your face burning, not in embarrassment but desire. His gruff growls and fucked out moans accompany those other sounds and all they do is make you even more horny.
“That’s it,” Matty fucks into you with reckless abandon, his head in the crook of your neck, biting down on your shoulder.
The way he fucks you is savage. Hips snapping at a speed you couldn't imagine, his fingers squeeze your skin so hard you are sure you will have brushes in the shape of his hands all over you.
The knot pulls tighter once more and your body begins to lock up in anticipation. Your eyes flutter before rolling to the back of your head. Your hands reach for his, interlocking your fingers, hoping he will keep you down on Earth.
As your orgasm hits once more, you wail. A long, monotone cry bursts from your lungs, whole unattractive but who cares when you feel so so so good?
"Sound so pretty- fuck- all for me,” Matty gasps. He's trying to hold off but it's all just too much. A shiver runs up his spine and his balls pull taut. He's lost his rhythm, hips now bucking unevenly and with desperation.
Before you become overstimulated, Matty also comes shortly after, only a few more pumps, and he spills himself into the condom.
His body crashes down on top of you, the both of you breathing heavily into each other.
“You feeling alright?” He asks, his brown eyes gazing into yours. The alcohol slowly starts to wind down, sickness starting to set in.
“Yeah fuck- fucking dizzy and I don’t want to push your ego but you’re a god- fuck me.” You groan and whine when he pulls out of you, slipping the condom off of him.
You pull the blanket over your body, one leg draped over it as you watch him move to the bathroom to throw the condom away and to pick up a towel.
“You don’t have to do this, I can piss off you know,” you say, desperately hoping that he wants to keep you with him.
“Don’t be daft, m’ not letting you go, if that’s alright with you.”
Of course you nod and giggle, letting him clean you up before letting him pull you flush up against his body.
“You’re a gorgeous girl,” he whispers, brushing hair off of your face, “meant every word I said.”
“Thank you,” you close your eyes, “Matty I really appreciate it.”
“Of course, love,” he kisses your cheek, “we’re both knackered, let’s just sleep.”
You agree with a soft hum and his arms closed around your waist to pull you in. You intertwine your fingers in one hand, the other on his chest, feeling his now steady heartbeat. Might become your favorite rhythm.
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ahhfear · 3 months
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the leafy chain is to represent maya, in this picture it’s hard to see anyone but sureblood but i also had a galant charm and a sword maya charm. and of course my wedding ring.
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these last two are mostly silly, i think it’s important you know w bought horse socks for this cosplay. and the last picture is of me proposing to a lovely shallan cosplayer with a ring pop. it was a very fun time
[IDs copied in alt text: 5 photos, IDs in order from right to left, top to bottom.
first ID: a photo of a cosplayer dressed as Adolin, shown from the thighs up. The photo was taken in a park, with trees and dappled sunlight in the background. The cosplayer is slim with pale skin and their curly hair in black and gold stripes has been pulled back in a low ponytail with curly bangs hanging over their forehead. They wear a modified Kholin uniform in shades of blue. They wear a medium blue, puffy sleeved shirt with tight cuffs, a darker blue vest with gold detailing, and navy blue pants. The vest has been sewn and altered extensively. It has gold trim along the edges. There’s a vibrant panel in the centre of the front, attached with two rows of gold buttons, and the Kholin glyphpair is embroidered along the panel in gold. There is a gold chain attached to the bottom two buttons on the vest, lined with green leaf charms, and a chain on the right side has an iridescent white horse charm. They are wearing jewellery as befitting a prince - necklaces, pins, and a ring. One necklace is a gold chain with coin-shaped charms hanging from it, and the other necklace has a shiny pendant. The pins are attached to the vest, both gold, both over the heart. One is circular with a blue gem in the centre, and the other has a pointed flower shape with a white gem. They stand confidently, their left hand resting on the hilt of the sheathed sword on their belt. That hand wears a gold ring with a diamond in the centre. In a final touch they also wear dashing gold sword earrings.
second ID: a further zoomed out picture of the same adolin cosplayer in the same pose, this time with a more neutral expression. their whole body is in frame and the background is not blurred. their shoes are brown heeled boots the same color at the belt hilt for the sword. one foot is up on a small ledge
third ID: the same cosplayer, pose and framing as the first picture. the only difference being they have a huge grin on their face, as if they were just told a very funny joke.
fourth ID: a photo taken in a different place, indoors, pointed down at the ground, showing a pair of feet in light blue socks covered in horses and their legs, as well as a hand wearing a gold ring with a diamond in the middle.
Fifth ID: a photo back in the park. the adolin cosplayer is on one knee in front of a shallan cosplayer, who has red ginger hair, a green long sleeved dress white pants, dark brown boots, a white glove and a brown bag. they are both holding a green ring pop that the adolin cosplayer is holding up. they are both smiling at each other. the adolin cosplayer has a blue ribbon tying their ponytail and the chain with the white horse also has a gold sword and a black horse, but the black horse is unclear against their dark pants. End IDs]
thank you to @cosmereplay for helping write the first ID and edit the others.
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beansprean · 1 year
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I adore Derek’s new gothpunk e-boy aesthetic and am sprinkling my own weeb hc on top!! I love him 😍
(Feel free to use his nakey self if you want to draw other fits on him, just don’t erase the watermark!)
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Full body of Derek smiling nervously, left hand at his side and the other held up like ‘nya’. He is wearing a black studded collar, a scoop neck black shirt with crying anime eyes, bleach stained light jeans cuffed over black combat boots, and a puffy camouflage jacket with a hood. He also has fingerless gloves and several chains attached to o rings looped around his belt.
2. Repeat. Derek is wearing a dark blue long sleeves shirt with thumb holes, frayed hems, and elbow patches under a tattered white tee shirt with horizontal rips that says "blood lust rave" in dripping black font. Beneath are black jeans with a studded belt and red suspenders hanging tucked into knee high burgundy leather combat boots. He has on several gold and silver rings, a tattoo choker, a studded collar, a long necklace with a few rings, and a dark red beanie.
3. Repeat. Derek is wearing a black and white striped long sleeve turtleneck under a black Otoboke Beaver tee shirt and loose black jeans tucked into white platform boots. He has several silver rings a silver chain around his neck, and another looped through several o rings around his belt.
4. Repeat. Derek is wearing a loose dark red striped sweater with a rip at the neckline affixed with safety pins, dark wash skinny jeans with multiple rips down the thighs and knees over fishnet tights, and checkered high top sneakers. He has dogtags, a pentagram necklace, and a studded collar around his neck and multiple chains, padlocks, and handcuffs hanging from his belt with o rings.
5. Repeat. Derek is wearing a dark loose sweater with thumb holes, a ripped off collar connected with safety pins, and fishnet material from the waist down. It's tucked into loose black skater pants with dangling hooks and suspenders and an askew studded belt, unzipped at the calf to show red material underneath. Black converse peek out beneath the flared cuffs.
6. Repeat. Derek is wearing a white collared shirt under a black tee shirt that says “vampire weekday” in slashy red font and black jeans with red splatter on the knees tucked into red ankle boots. He has on several rings, a few chains and a padlock around his neck, and a studded belt.
7. Repeat. Derek is wearing a short sleeve dark grey button up with a white scallop pattern and rolled sleeves, unbuttoned past his sternum to show off the gold pendant around his neck. The shirt is tucked into dark wash jeans with a snakeskin belt, cuffs rolled to mid calf, a few inches above shiny burgundy ankle boots.
8. Repeat. Derek is wearing a pale lavender turtleneck with black fishnet sleeves that hook around his fingers like gloves tucked into black skinny jeans with a studded belt. He has a thick black studded collar with an o ring and a matching harness strapped across his chest, the center o ring attached to a leash he holds in his left hand. He has several chains attached to o rings at his belt and his jeans are tucked into huge black gothic platform boots with several straps.
9. Repeat. Derek is wearing an oversized black hoodie over distressed and ripped up jeans and scuffed brown hiking boots with the laces double wrapped around his ankles. His hoodie has some red lacing down the arms and at the cuffs, and at the center is a red square with a crying anime girl rendered in black with white lineart. Red text in Japanese on either side reads "lonely vampire"
10. Repeat. Derek is wearing black briefs. /End ID
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jasperthehatchet · 9 months
Some necklaces and bracelets I made a while ago. Thought I'd post them here for solarpunk aesthetic week 🌿☀️🌻🌿
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[Image ID: the first image is of three bracelets. One made of three silver metal beads in between one reddish wood bead (thats the pattern), the second is completely made out of safety pins and the last one is made of green wooden oval beads that I weaved yarn through to connect them so they all lay vertically next to each other.
The next image is of a large piece of twine layered over itself, a necklace, with random colorful glass, wood and metal beads scattered all throughout it about an inch apart from each other. They're held in place on the twine with knots so they don't slide around.
The third image is a necklace with a light colored leather cord, with varying colors and shapes of wooden beads on both sides of the pendant. The pendant is an aged gold colored metal sun with a black crystal center. The colors of the beads include dark brown, light brown and in between, with two different sized sphere shapes and lighter tube shaped ones.
The fourth image is of two necklaces almost identical to each other. Both have five small wood beads on both sides of the pendants near the bottom, and multiple small green wood beads tied onto the thin twine cord almost an inch apart from each other. Both pendants are smooth stones, one is a yellow triangle shape and one is a dark grayish blue sharp tooth shape.
The next necklace is on a light colored leather cord. The pendant is a light pink jade donut shaped stone and the beads are varying sizes of wooden beads that are light brown and green with some metal ones in there. The bead closest to the pendant at the bottom holding both sides of the cord together is a white plastic bead with a black spiral design and there are two metal tube beads splitting the cord into two sections, then the rest of the beads are strung up from there
The final necklace is made of varying colors and shapes of steampunk gears. There are bronze, silver and green oxidized copper ones all about the size of a quarter. Some are a little bigger than that. They're all attached to each other in a chain linked together with large silver jump rings and the part that hangs it from the neck is made of silver necklace chain. End ID]
And here's two soda tab arm cuffs I made as well
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[Image ID: two images of large bracelets/arm cuffs I weaved out of silver aluminum soda tabs, using black cord. I don't really know how to describe how I made them but it's the same method people use to make soda tab belts as well. End ID]
I have a hard time describing things or wording stuff correctly so I hope my image descriptions are sufficient. If anyone reading my posts can do better, please don't be afraid to add more detailed ones in the reblogs or comment, I will reblog them and/edit my posts to add them as well <3
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Hey, could you please write yandere obey me characters calming down MC after brutal punishment? 🥰
Omggg!! Hey there anon!! Its my first request, on the same on which I created the blog!!! m' sooo happpy!!! And yes yes of course I'll write for yaa!!!!💞
Characters: The 7 Demon Brothers
TW: Yandere tendencies, lots of crying, men giving cold shoulder, gaslighting, bits of manipulation, blackmailing, sleep deprivation, hunger deprived, almost drowning, degrading, sugar coated insults, choking, suggestive in some parts (mainly asmo), comfort (?).
-> I dunno if the punishments I chose count as brutal, but lets get this over with.
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For what I think is that, his punishments would actually be a bit more harsh than others, but something that will also affect your mental health.
He could for example, use his belt as a whip, and hit you until you bleed, like come on, he is sadistic, he would take pleasure in seeing you like that, and most likely won't feel regrets.
Okay but seeing you sit in his room, on the floor, in a dark corner, while hugging yourself, actually does something to his heart. He tries to focus on his work, he really does, but your sobs, and sniffled pained sounds break his heart.
He tries to tell himself that you deserve it, you shouldn't had gotten all jazzy with someone else. But he can't help but sigh, and try to focus on his paper work. But he ends up getting up and walking towards you, with neutral expressions.
He would patch you up, while you are on his lap, as he would place warm kisses on your wound, blow on them, before bandaging them.
"...Mc?...", He softly spoke, more softly than he intended to. You sobbed and kept your head buried in your knees. He sighed as he crouched besides you, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you on his lap. You still kept looking at your lap, not daring to meet his eyes, thinking you meet anger him again "Look at me, mc", his voice wasn't so soft now, rather commanding. As you flinched and slowly looked up at him, your eyes glistening with tears. He clicked his tongue and gently pulled your head towards his shoulder. "You shouldn't have made me mad, My dear, *sighs* now look what you've done....Let's get you patched up...hmmm?" He picked you in his arms, making you sit on the bed, and crouching between your legs, as he started to apply ointment on your bruises. You can't help but forgive him, must be your mistake, if it was his, he probably wouldn't be caring for you...Come one! He loves you, you just need to keep your behavior in check.
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For Mammon, I feel like that his most brutal punishments, could be locking you away, and keeping you chained, with restricting many other things.
In this time period, you won't see his usual tsundere self, he would be icy cold, and give you cold shoulder.
But then again I think that he would be a bit more of a softie that Lucifer. He would be faster to comfort you than Lucifer.
Once he realizes that its enough punishment for you, he would shower you in gifts and cuddles.
He would take you out on dates in expensive restaurants, and buy you lots of things. Also I think that he would be one of the few brothers who would actually apologize for going too extreme.
You heard a click sound, as the door of the room opened, and rays of light fell on your face, as you looked away. He walked in sighed as he slowly untied your bindings. As he led you away from the dark room in his bedroom. He slowly sat you on the bed, and murmured, "m' sorry, I shouldn't have gon' that extreme." As he would slowly hug you, before one of his hand would slip in his pockets and picking out a pendant, and making you wear it, while mumbling another small sorry. He would gift you bouquet of gold roses, and dress you up in designer clothes from Majolish. Then you both would later spend rest of your day, in an exclusive restaurant and then later on take you on a shopping spree.
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You see, Levi gives me those vibes, a boyfriend who would stalk you, long before you'd even start to date.
Even when you start dating, he would keep tabs on your activities online, to see whom are you interacting with me and stuff.
And I personally feel like that he would be more jealous than any other brother, Maybe same as Lucifer. Like blud is literally Avatar of Envy.
His punishment could include, keeping your head underwater, until he feels like you might not be able to handle more.
When he finally sees how much you are crying, and sobbing, he would definetly feel guilty.
He would shush you, and cuddle you, telling you how you shouldn't bait anyone else an eye. How you are only and only his.
You were painting with you face and shirt drenched, as your hair were firmly gripped by Levi. During your pants you broke down in tears, while mumbling 'sorrys' to him. And it does soft his heart a bit, as he pulls you close to him, "Tsk, why do you always have to do something so- *sighs* nevermind, c'mere." He slowly dries you hair with a towel, with you on his, lap in his gaming chair, as he lets you snuggle in his jacket, while he pats your back, and leave occasional kisses on your cheek, as he grabs his D.D.D from other hand...He still gotta see do you need another punishment or not? So you better enjoy this moment while it lasts.
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Okay, so we all know that Satan and Lucifer are pretty similar. So his punishments are going to be, if not more then equally harsh.
What I could think of was that he would squeeze you and torment with his tail, like it is very sharp, with spikes and a hook at the end.
His tail would have a firm grip on you, while the hooked point would roam around your body, leaving scratches and bruises.
And all this time he would be fuming in anger, and insulting you, and they won't be sugar coated.
But after this cute little punishment, he is most likely to bandage you and aid you similarly like Lucifer.
Maybe he would read you some books till you sleep or maybe take you to a cat cafe, who knows?
I feel like he would also apologize you in literal words, but only once, unlike Mammon.
You were sitting on his table as he bandaged you, with a black expression, but you could see he was sorry. He would slowly wrap his arms around you, as he would mumbled against your chest, "I apologize, love. I...shouldn't have let my wrath get the best of he..." As he would make you sit on his lap, and nuzzle in you neck, and keep silence between you two, "You want to go to a cat cafe, or shall I read you something, as an compensation?" The choice is yours.
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So, I think that Asmo's mostly punishments would be sexual. He won't be the usual, sweet boyfriend while railing you.
He would overstimulate you, use bdsm, and I think that as a punishment he would definetly degrade you, let it be in sugar coated words, or with venom.
Afterwards, he would kiss every inch of your body to soothe you, and massage your muscles....Who knows what might lead to another think?
You were laying flat on your back, as Asmo was on top of you, massaging your sore thighs while kissing your chest to soothe the marks. "Darling, let's not make me angry next time, okay? Y'know you and your mistakes or so stupid..." Right, your mistakes, like comeone you think someone like Asmo would accept that he hurt you? Come on, it was your entirely your mistake. He would try to soothe you as his touched would get more intimate than needed to be. And then in a moment, you would be pinned in the same position. Your eyes would slowly widen in fear upon realizing where this was going, "Asmo-" "Shhh, I'll be gentle hmmm?"
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Come on guys, do I need to explain, that he is a ball of sunshine. He can't do brutal punishments.
The extreme he would do will be not feed you, that also just for a few hours.
And even during that time, he would feel like a jerk.
When he finally gives you food, he would tend to feed you by hid hands, he would feel guilty asf, and apologize you a hundred times.
He will also share his food with you. You get to decide which food...
Beel was eating while thinking about you, as he realized he hadn't given you anything for some 4 hours. He would feel very guilty. He finally gives in and would rush to you with some food, and feed you with his own hands, "I am sorry, Mc. I got carried away, am so sorry. you must be hungry, tch am so sorry- Lets not argue again, hmmm?"
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So I feel like, he would either sleep deprive you, or the next thing could be...he would choke you.
Like literally, you would be pinned beneath in his demon form, and he would be choking you, until you nearly, or actually pass out.
In sleep depriving, I guess he wouldn't let you sleep in the nights, you decide how, and then you would have to attend RAD, while being sleepy, and then maybe get scolded by Lucifer, and see a disappointed Diavolo.
Even if it isn't brutal, he would make sure it would affect you then let it be physically or mentally. I personally think he would target for mentally.
So when you do get back in HoL, he would let you cuddle with him, and then maybe he would somehow manage to get you to sleep the whole day, without Lucifer noticing, or maybe not...
"Tired?" The lazy cow Belphie spoke, as he saw your droopy self barely manage to look clearly, with eyes all too red. He would scoff and chuckle, before taking you to the quiet attic with him, and then there he would let you sleep for a few hours, but don't think that he would be too nice, when you'll sleep, he'll sleep with you, and wouldn't even think about helping you with your homework, while you slept.. You would have to do it yourself.
-> I didn't really like how it turned out, after Luci's part. Maybe it could get a bit more better?! Idk, nvm, but whatever I am still pretty happy about my 1st request. Maybe I wrote it the same day being excited, that's why it turned out a bit off? But let's just do good in future!!! Also let me know if I should write one for side-characters.
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gothic-thoughts · 10 months
Date Night
Nanami Kento x Black Fem Reader Fluff
DatingAU, DomesticAU
CW: disrespectful waiter, jealous Nanami, Nanami spoiling you(😫)
Word Count: 1043
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The elevator doors open, anticlimactically releasing a few people before revealing my beautiful date. She was slightly taller now, courtesy of the blue heels that matched her knee-length dress. My lips parted slightly, knees weakening as she looked up from her watch, displaying the purple lipstick that compliments her bracelet. She grins brightly and strolls out, readjusting the purse strap on her shoulder.
"Take a picture, Kento." (Y/n) giggles, "It'll last longer."
"I was considering it," I chuckle, "I was just wondering how you manage to look so beautiful on every date we've been on."
"Black girl magic."
"Well, tonight, I have some magic of my own."
I take out a small box and open it, displaying the golden necklace I bought; my way of making our relationship more official despite it only being our 2nd date. She gasps, mouth remaining open as she gently takes the box and pulls out the chain, finding an elliptical pendant with "Darling" engraved in tiny diamonds.
"Kento, oh my god." She all but whispers, "Already? I mean, you don't think--"
"It's too soon?" I finish, gently taking the necklace to put it on her, "No, I don't."
"I mean, I'm not denying but more gifts? I feel bad, you already gave me flowers on our last date and we're at another fancy restaurant."
"Who said pretty women stop getting pretty things?" I wink, holding out my arm for her, "Shall we?"
After ordering, the waiter gently sets (Y/n)'s food down with a wink in her direction before setting mine down more roughly. I raise my eyebrow at him as he walks away but ultimately refocus on the beautiful woman before me, copper skin glowing in the warm light of the place when he returns with a bottle of wine. 
"More wine, beautiful?"
(Y/n) chuckles, caught off guard, "Uh, yes, thank you."
He looked her in her eyes as he slowly poured the crimson liquid into the stemmed glass, a flirtatious smirk was very much present on his lips before fading to a grimace when he reluctantly filled my glass. I'm noticing a pattern. Am I inconveniencing him? I shake my head from my thoughts again and sip my wine, watching (Y/n) as she blissfully took another bite.
I smile softly, “Seems like you're enjoying yourself."
"It's so good." She groans, throwing her head back slightly, “I heard the food was delicious here, but I never had it."
"I know, my love. I have pages and pages of texts with you gushing about it." I chuckle, "That's why I scheduled a reservation."
"But I never thought you would, much less for a 2nd date." She looks at me with awe, lowering her fork, "Thank you so much; you didn't have to do this.”
“No need to thank me, love. All you have to do is ask."
"But I didn't even ask, Ken."
"Then I guess you don't have to ask." I wink, "Maybe I would've spoiled you like this anyway."
"On our 2nd date?"
"This could be our 10th date and that wouldn't stop me from treating you like the royalty you are."
The upper portion of her cheeks pools with dark red as she plays with her necklace. She's just so....god I hope I don't get a call. After talking and laughing with her for about half an hour, our bold server returned and placed a platter of slices of various cakes in between our empty plates. Oh great. Maybe I'm just being a bit jealous. How could I already be acting like this when we met only a month ago? Maybe cuz I know I could be called away for a damn curse at any minute.
"Uh..." (Y/n) pointed to the cakes, "We didn't order this."
He winks at her yet again, "It's on the house, ma'am." 
"Oh..." She looks at me worriedly, "Are you s--?"
"No, it's fine, gorgeous. Thank you, my date and I appreciate it. We'll take the check now though."
And another eye-roll. I mean, it's only natural for him to stare; she's the most stunning person in here. But I don't like him flirting with her like I'm not sitting right here. I think his nickname even made her uncomfortable. I look up at her to read her face only to see her take a bite of strawberry-topped cake with a satisfied moan. I smile when noticing the frosting at the corners of her mouth, but it fades when the waiter takes out a napkin.
As he reaches for her face, I stand abruptly and delicately wipe away the frosting at the edge of her mouth and I wink at her just to see those chubby cheeks flush for me. I glare at the waiter as I set the money on the check before firmly taking my date's hand and quickly guiding her out the restaurant. In the parking lot, she tugged on my arm forcing me to stop walking and look at her.
"Ken, I'm alright."
"I'm sorry, he was going to touch you and I just...You noticed, right?"
"Yeah, at first I thought he was being sweet but then he was doing a little too much. Especially with all the winks and stuff."
"He couldn't take his eyes off you for more than a second the whole time."
"And believe me, I know I've done the same but it's different. Of course, I would spend as much time as possible focusing on my date."
She steps closer, "Nanami...."
"But when I do it, I look with awe at how charming you are. The worst part about it was he was so obvious. It was like he trying to pretend I wasn't there."
(Y/n) grabs my tie, and my eyes widen as her lips softly link with mine. She makes me moan in surprise when she tugs downward, pulling me closer to her shorter stature to deepen the kiss. My hands rest on her waist before I slide up the left one up her back to hold the back of her neck before she pulled away with a smile.
"I know, that's why I shut you up."
"I'm sorry, jealousy's not something that usually consumes me like that."
"You wanna...." She walks her fingers up my chest, "Go somewhere reserved?"
I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, "I think some alone time could clear my head."
"You think it's quieter at my place or yours?"
161 notes · View notes
ollypopwrites · 5 months
From Depths Unknown; Part 1
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Rolan x F!Tav (AFAB, she/her) *Tav is a Storm Sorcerer, but no actual reference to her appearance.
Rating: M
Tags & Warnings: [18+ MDNI] Language, Canon-typical violence, drinking, sexual content (very brief, very not detailed BUT slight dom/sub dynamics), slow burn, slightly enemies to lovers but not quite, background Bloodweave, the use of ‘idiot’ as a term of endearment.
Series Summary:
The entire first half of Rolan’s life was spent feeling helpless and angry. Even after escaping his childhood home, Elturel and then the Grove, fate seems to be intent on reminding him of how small he really is.
Tav is the gallant hero, always swooping in to save him and it is infuriating. To add insult to injury, despite himself, he actually likes her.
Notes: hooooo boy. This got crazy. It was supposed to be vignettes leading to some smut and now we have a whole multi-part fic exploring both Rolan’s character as an outsider of the tadpole crew but still closely acquainted and the weight of responsibility on Tav during the entire narrative of the game. Smut will happen, promise, but first — some light whump and heavy yearning.
Read below or on Ao3
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“Did you lose something, darling?”
Tav had upended her pack, a huge pile of random junk, valuable magic artifacts, potions and rations by the fire. She was
Frantically digging through it, sorting through jewelry and shoving it aside.
“You haven’t seen my necklace laying around have you? The one with the pearl pendant?”
“I haven’t stolen it if that’s what you’re really asking,” he replied.
“Sounds like something someone would say if they did steal it.”
“Ha-Ha,” Astarion snarked. “Last I saw it was when I fed from you last night,” he sighed, “such a lovely chain wrapped around an even lovelier neck.”
“It was a gift from… someone special. I can’t find it.”
“When did you last remember having it?”
“I wear it everyday,” she groaned frustratedly. “I noticed it was gone when I got dressed after my bath upstairs.”
“And before that?”
“We fought off that horde by the lake,” Tav frowned and then gasped. “Shit. It must have broken during the fight.”
In her mind’s eye she could imagine when it may have happened. She had been positioned directly in front of the portal in which Halsin had gone into the Shadowfell. Gale and her kept directly in front of it to hold off stragglers, while Karlach and Shadowheart flanked in front of them. A flock of undead Ravens had descended upon her and Gale, clawing a scratching and she had lost her balance careening into the water. Some undead Harper’s had made an effort to keep her from climbing back up on the stone outcrop.
She had made it back to her position, but only barely. Tav still felt herself tense and worn down after what was the longest five minutes of her life. The dead just kept rising, new apparitions of horror springing up when they finally had the upper hand.
“I’ll be back.”
Tav stood and left the camp they had set up near the docks below the Last Light Inn. Her feet took her to the same edge of the lake where even now there were remnants of their battle littering the ground. She checked up on the stone outcrop where the portal had been, dancing lights guiding her eyes as she scanned for a glint of metal from the lights.
Nothing. She danced the lights closer to the water but it was impossible to see through. Tav dug for the last dredges of her magic to cast detect magic, she felt something below. Not too far but hard to pinpoint exactly where with her magic so spent.
Tav examined the water. It was just as dark as the rest of this place, and who knew what lingered below its surface. With a sigh, she took off her shoes and stripped down to her small clothes. She dipped her foot in, the water was as cold as it was when she was pulled in earlier that day.
Then she leapt in. Darkness surrounded her, the muffle of the water creating a sense of pure nothingness around her. In a way, it was peaceful, and quiet, but she had to find her way to the bottom and find that necklace. It was not too deep, but she had to fully submerge herself to reach the floor and when she did she tried not to think about what she was grabbing as she blindly felt around.
With only the vague sense of detect magic to guide her, she grabbed blindly. She felt the metal of armor, maybe a rock or a long rusted weapon, but nothing that felt like a thin necklace chain. She had to thrust herself up to the surface to gasp a breath of air.
Just as she went to dive under again she heard a shout, “what the bloody hells are you doing?”
Her head whipped around to the stone she had jumped from. Tall and lithe, standing rigidly straight with fists balled at his side and eyes glowing slightly in the dark. It was Rolan.
“Are you insane?”
“I lost something!” She said back. “Just a minute!”
His call of, “wait!” Was cut off as she dunked under again. Her hands frantically searching, focusing on the detect magic spell that would fizzle out any moment now. She let it lead her, let it show her the pulsing of the magic it was picking up from the bottom of the lake. There was no way of knowing if it was her pearl, but she had to try.
Her hands dug into the muck of the bottom of the lake, pulling some up and bringing it back to the surface. She could barely see, but there in her hand the pearl sat amongst rot and mud. She choked on a gasp, her eyes stinging either from tears or the grime that no doubt was in the water. The chain was long gone, but the pendant was there.
The gold of the delicate clawed setting that held the Pearl of Power was dirty and dented, but the pearl itself seemed to be in good shape.
“I found it!” She called.
“For the love of — get out of the water!” Rolan yelled.
Carefully she tread towards the stone again, reaching it and dropping the pendant onto the stone so she could pull herself out. Just as she lifted herself up, something caught on her foot, and then tugged. She hit her chin on the stone, teeth clacking together and then she slipped into the water again, skin scraping against rock and her vision going dark as the depths.
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Rolan’s hand delved deep into the water, clutching at whatever piece of Tav he could get a grasp of and pulled. Her hand emerged, his hand tightly around her wrist as he grunted with the struggle to lift her above the water's edge. When her face emerged she gasped for breath.
“Something’s pulling me,” she yelled.
Rolan had little time to think, and just kept pulling as Tav’s free hand grasped at the rock and started to get herself onto it. As she did, the rest of her torso was revealed, then legs where he saw a long dead, gnarled and rotten hand grasping her calf. He let go of her with one hand to cast magic missile, the angry red jets of magic landing each hit until the hand let go of her.
Tav crawled onto the rock, coughing up water, and catching her breath. She stayed on hands and knees, her hand coming out to grab the trinket she had dived in for.
Rolan turned on her in a rage. “What in the hells is wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” she breathed, “thanks to you. Appreciate it.”
“Weren’t you telling me not to go wandering off into the curse just yesterday?” He seethed.
“I told you not to go alone,” she clarified, “but I guess your point still stands.”
“Thank you,” he said sarcastically. “I watched you and your friends hold off an undead army just here earlier, another truly noble venture I’m sure — “
“We were trying to help lift the curse—“ she stood.
But Rolan’s ire was truly raised and he trampled over her words without acknowledging them. “You cannot truly be this stupid,” he spat, “you know what lurks in this land, what could possibly be so important you need to jump into the accursed lake?” Despite himself he found himself saying, “another hero’s errand, no doubt, the long lost heirloom of a poor, pathetic creature that will simper and whine your praises.”
Tav looked like she might hit him. Instead she grabbed her discarded clothes and started to walk away.
“You’re welcome,” he called after her.
“I already said thank you,” she turned to snarl at him, a spark of lightning curling off of her in her anger. “Would you like me to stay so you can yell at me more or can I go? Will that make you feel better? Will it bring Cal and Lia back?”
Rolan was charging forward before he could stop himself. “They are only gone because you can’t keep your nose out of other people’s business.”
Tav’s angry expression faltered, something he couldn’t quite parse flashed over her face. “Rolan -“ she started and then sighed, shoulders slinking into a hunch.
For the first time he noticed that she looked tired. The kind of tiredness that not even a good night's rest would fix. Bone -deep, mental and physical exhaustion written in the bags under her eyes, the downturn of her mouth. His stomach dropped, his jaw clenched and a new anger flared in him.
Prick, idiot bastard is what you are, Rolan, the thoughts set off in his mind, taking the flashing of rage with them. Can’t save the only family you have, and you kick the one person who can while they’re down. Useless. Idiot.
“Tav? Darling, are you alright?”
Both of them turned to find Astarion, accompanied by Gale who had a suspecting frown on his face. “By the stars, Tav, you’re soaked,” the other wizard said, coming forward, removing the cloaked cape he had and wrapping it around her shoulders.
“And quite underdressed,” Astarion quirked an eyebrow, “not taking advantage were you, little wizard?”
Rolan had hardly thought about her state of undress. Had purely been driven by whatever it was that made him run up when he saw her dunking into the lake. The worst case scenario had crossed his mind, she had fallen to the curse and it was pulling her under. It very nearly did.
Now he was very aware of it. Embarrassment and pure concentration to not look at her legs which were still bare kept him from saying anything in response.
“Rolan helped me, I fell into the lake.”
“You jumped into it,” he found himself saying.
“Why on earth would you do that?” Gale scolded.
“My pearl!” She held it up. “Chain must have broken earlier.”
Gale hummed thoughtfully, eyes slinking towards Rolan, then to Tav. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I believe another bath is in order.”
“Probably best,” Tav sighed, pulling some grime out of her hair. “Goodnight, Rolan.”
Rolan said nothing in return as Gale walked with her back to the shore, his eyes flicked up to the elf waiting for them. Astarion and him never spoke much, he was around and had a smart remark to provide at someone’s expense but they had rarely ever spoken.
There was something unsettling about the elf as he peered at Rolan while he waited for his companions to make their way. A stillness of his body that was unnatural, a look in his eyes that was half warning and half challenge. A predator, guarding its territory that almost immediately softened once Tav and Gale were next to him and they began their walk back to the inn.
Rolan rubbed his hands over his face, and made his way back to the inn. He needed a drink.
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Tav had smiled sheepishly at Jaheira after requesting another tub of water. Gale and Astarion had slipped away after whisking her away from Rolan, and now that she was alone she found herself truly feeling exhausted. She bathed and went back to camp, found a chain from the endless piles of jewelry she had hoarded to sell for camp funds and slipped her pearl pendant back on.
The weight of it on her chest was comfortable, a sense of normalcy in a place that was far beyond her everyday life.
Tav played with the pendant as she laid in her bedroll, despite the tiredness her mind was reeling.
Rolan had been so angry with her. When they had rid the path of the goblins and held their little party she had comforted herself in knowing that the two of them parted on friendly terms. Her encouragement of his siblings to stay and help their kin had paid off, and she had spent a good chunk of the night talking with them.
The last time she saw him he was full of laughter, showing off his prowess which landed him a position as an apprentice with a well-renowned wizard.
Her mind played over their interactions. His drunken fury after Cal and Lia were taken, his resigned anger after they saved him from the cursed wraiths near moonrise - he was always so angry with her.
Perhaps he had a right to be. They had rid the path of the goblin threat and sent them straight into a horror beyond imagining. All her talk of doing the right thing, helping who you could and ‘playing hero’ as he put it was for nothing.
Laying in the dark with her eyes wide open became too much and she got up from the bedroll. She could grab some wine from their wares and head inside, not wanting to take anymore of the Last Light’s limited supplies.
“And where are you off to?” Shadowheart asked. They technically did not need a watch shift due to the Harper’s having their own but it was routine now.
“Need a drink,” Tav said. “I’ll be back.”
“No more dips in the cursed lake, if you please,” Shadowheart called after her.
Tav waved her off and headed inside. The Last Light was always somewhat active. Everyone’s sense of night and day was off kilter, at least one shift of Harper’s and the Fists were milling about at any given time. Healers were needed at all hours for returning scouting parties, and the bar with its meager offerings always had someone behind it.
She sat close enough to keep an eye on the children behind the bar, and look out at the space. There was still damage from the attempted kidnapping of Isobel, winged horror guts and blood stained the walls. Tav uncorked the wine in her hand and took a swig.
“You’re cut off for the night!” Umi said, head barely coming above the line of the bar with his hand pointing upward.
“I’ve had one glass, you little brat!”
Tav’s eyes slid towards the tiefling at the bar, robes still a little wet from fishing her out of the lake, and wearing his typical grumpy frown. At least he did not seem belligerent and the irritation in his voice held no bite for the child. Not like it had for her earlier.
“Give him a glass of mine,” Tav held out her own bottle. “He earned it.”
Rolan’s head snapped up and she immediately regretted speaking. It was meant to be a last ditch effort for a truce, but the way his face curled into snarl made her want to shrivel up and die.
“I don’t need any more charity from you,” he snapped.
Her heart dropped, her face got hot and she took a deep breath. Turning on her barstool, she leaned her back against the bar. She never could win with him. She wanted to apologize, she had been out of line by bringing up his siblings before. He had started it, but she was not too proud to own up to her own part in it.
It was clear he wanted nothing to do with her, so she turned her back to save him having to even look at her. She took a long swig of the wine, it was cheap and bitter, but it was what they had.
The scrape of wood made her look over. Rolan had sat in a stool on her side of the bar, not right next to her, an empty seat between them. He faced the bar, not looking at her as he held a tin cup out towards her. Tav leaned over to share some of her wine.
He was quiet, and that was better than yelling. And watching the activity in the inn was better than staring up from her bedroll all night. It would have to do.
“No chaperones with you this time?”
“They went off to… “ Tav trailed off, she didn’t know what Gale and Astarion were doing. Just that they slipped away as they had been doing more often lately. “Well, it’s not our business what they went off to do.”
Another stretch of silence. Tav played with her necklace in between sips from the bottle. They had to make their way to moonrise again tomorrow, finally entering the belly of the beast to figure out if they could free any prisoners and find a heading towards finishing all of this.
“What’s so special about it?”
“Hm?” She turned to Rolan.
His eyes flicked up from where he was watching her toy with her necklace. “The pearl.”
“Oh,” she said dumbly. “It’s a pearl of power.” She looked down at it, “an heirloom. Passed down from my father.” Her thoughts trailed off again, “when I thought I’d lost it…” she shook her head.
There was no world in which she imagined he wanted to know about her or her family. This was a truce, and he was being more gracious than she expected. She thought she may as well keep it as neutral as possible to prevent an argument.
Rolan was quiet again. For a long time neither of them spoke, at one point she heard the clack of tin on the wood and found he had put his cup out again. She poured him some more wine, and she felt at least relieved he was not unwilling to sit with her. Albeit quietly and only with her offering him wine, but it was something.
They sat quietly until the bottle was done. Tav felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier. She thought she may finally be able to sleep if she laid down. Her heart still felt full of the weight of guilt, her body weak as if it knew only more horror awaited her the next day. But she didn’t get to rest more than one night, the chain of events of her life recently had made that very clear.
There was a lot she had to make up for, and a storm to weather before she could find harbor.
“If Cal and Lia are alive in Moonrise, I’ll bring them back,” she said, not having the courage to look at him. “I promise.”
She felt him staring at her but she still couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye. Guilt weighed too heavily on her, the weight of the journey ahead looming over her in the face of yet another promise she was not sure she could keep.
Bidding him goodnight, which was met by silence, she walked away from the bar.
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Tav had left with a small group to head to Moonrise, leaving behind the Archdruid who was dead set upon helping out around the inn. This encouraged others to pitch in, Dammon was lending strength to fixing up the broken railings and doors at the inn. Rolan made himself useful, he had magic to spare and nothing else to do.
He employed two mage hands to help lift a beam of wood to repair one of the holes that had been created by winged horrors dropping through during the attack. Isobel chanted out on the balcony, while he and Guex worked. Tav had been in the room when it happened, he thought to himself, always in the right place at the right time.
Except by the lake. Even now he had no idea what possessed her to strip out of armor to get inside waters full of bodies in a place which undead walked so freely. In his mind’s eye he could see her bare legs, and though at the time he had not thought about her state of undress now he found himself trying to piece together any snippets in his subconscious of what the rest of her had looked like.
“Rolan,” Guex called. “Bit higher, mate.”
“Sorry.” He said, the mage hands lifting the wood up.
His mind kept drifting to her. The way she played with the pearl she had so desperately been trying to find. Her laughter as it carried over the sounds of the crowd from her camp. More annoyingly the glimpse of her legs he had gotten just a couple nights ago. She was pretty, objectively, he had noticed immediately, but he wasn’t a naive boy so easily distracted by a pretty face.
The storm behind her eyes as she had gone toe to toe with him at the lake seemed to haunt him. what she said had hurt, yes, but he was a little distracted by the vision of her soaking wet and looking at him with so much feeling.
“Rolan, if you need a break just say so,” Guex said.
“No,” he growled, shaking his head, “no, I’m fine.”
He was a wizard. He could control his own mind. He focused on the weave, the sensation of it taking shape into the mage hands before him. Rolan made it a point to close the door on any further thought of her while he went about his business.
Until the second day with no word from any of the party that had ventured into Moonrise. He had even gone as far to venture into their camp, where the remaining four of her companions were sitting around the fire.
“Rolan,” Wyll greeted him warmly. “How are you?”
The Blade of the Frontier was an invaluable asset during their time on the road into the grove. Rolan liked him, although he preferred him when he wasn’t doing his folk hero act.
“I’d rather not say,” he said. “I didn’t come here to dampen your mood.”
“Have the Harpers seen any sign of our companions returning?” Halsin asked.
“Not yet,” he said. “That’s why I’m here. Your tadpoles, they can transmit to each other can’t they?”
“There’s quite a distance between here and Moonrise,” the half-elf Shadowheart said. “I’m not sure our tadpoles can connect to each other so far.”
“Unlikely,” the Githyanki grumbled. “Attempting to do so is an unnecessary risk.”
“How?” Rolan asked.
“The ghaik tadpole could reach anyone, and give away our location.” She explained, haughty as if he was an imbecile for not realizing it.
“If anyone can get your siblings out of Moonrise, it’s Tav,” Wyll said, making eye contact with him.
“If they’re even alive.”
“Take your self-pity elsewhere,” Lae’zel replied. “You chose to save the offspring.”
“Should I have let them get taken?”
A strange pause happened, Lae’zel expressionlessly staring directly at him .
“I think,” Shadowheart said, “what Lae’zel means is you made the right choice. Your brother and sister would have done the same.”
The only confirmation was a single nod from Lae’zel. “Your offspring are weak. Untrained. In order to maintain the continuation of your species you must protect them.”
“That’s her version of a compliment,” Wyll clapped him on the shoulder.
Shadowheart laughed softly, and Wyll stifled a smile. “Join us,” he offered, “we have plenty of room by the fire.”
On the third day, Rolan was at the bar. Not drinking, well, not drinking as much. He liked to sit around with Umi and Ide, it felt sometimes like watching them play a game of pretend. Acting like grown up barkeeps, as if they’d been running the Last Light for more years than they’d even been alive. Everyone was willing to play along, and Rolan found himself playing the part of the grumpy regular.
“Hey arsehole!”
Rolan’s hackles went up at the sound of Lia’s taunt. Prepared to be annoyed at his sister — until he realized that it was Lia. A rush of relief spread through him so thoroughly that it made him shudder as he looked over.
“Oh, thank the gods.”
Lia was beaming, and behind her Cal had a goofy grin. They were there, in front of him. Alive and whole as far as he could tell, no trick of the curse making them strange and hollow. Just as quickly as relief came over him, anger flared. Nights and nights of constant worry not even dulled by multiple bottles of wine.
“Is that all you have to say, to me? Did you enjoy yourselves while I battled that wretched darkness? What were you thinking?”
“I’m sorry, we got captured by murderous lunatics.” Lia was just as ready to fight.
“I thought you were dead, you ass,” Rolan seethed. “Both of you!”
“We’re all safe, Rolan,” Cal finally said, trying to keep the peace as always. “That’s what matters.”
“Good thing you’re back!” Ide shouted from behind the bar. “He’s been drinking about it for a week straight!”
“I was just…”
Worried sick, grappling with the thought that I nearly lost the only family I had, rendered helpless and faced with my own failings.
“Overwhelmed.” He settled on. “It doesn’t matter.”
“I’m sorry,” Lia folded first. “We should have been here.”
And how would they have done that? It wasn’t their fault they were captured.
“No - no,” Rolan winced. “It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have shouted. I’m sorry.”
Lia came up to hug him then. They were never very affectionate physically. Even when he had moved into their home he had shared a bed with Cal, Lia always teased them for the way they had to struggle for space as Cal grew stocky and Rolan grew ever more lanky.
But this was a comfort, to hold his little sister in his arms. Safe, and whole. Not even his pride could overpower the gratitude he felt to have them back, and as Cal’s bulky arms wrapped around them both in a steel tight hug he had to laugh.
“We thought the curse got you,” Cal said. “When Tav told us you were alive —“ his brother’s voice cracked and the rest of the sentence died.
Tav. He opened his eyes, half expecting to find her and her crew watching on as she seemed to be in every major upheaval of his life lately. But the only new faces were some deep gnomes, and a few other tieflings from their caravan from Elturel.
“Where is she?”
“Who?” Lia asked, rubbing Cal’s back as he tried to maintain his composure.
“They needed to save face in Moonrise. Her and her friends had a big fight with the warden as a distraction while we got out.” Lia replied. “Apparently they’re posing as cultists.” His sister’s eyes narrowed, “why?”
“I — “ he started. “I owe her an apology. And thanks.” He cleared his throat, “but that can wait. I have a room upstairs and there’s baths, you two reek.”
“You’re such an arsehole.” Lia grinned.
“I’m starved,” Cal groaned, the only evidence that he was crying were some trails in the muck that coated his face. “They have food here?”
“We do!” Umi called. “But it'll cost you!”
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The light of the inn was in sight. It had been a rough couple of days, but they had found their next heading. Tav was ready to debrief Jaheira, take a bath and sleep.
“The inn will be bursting now,” Gale said, “with the deep gnomes and the tieflings.”
“I hope they all made it okay,” Karlach said. “They’ve been through enough.”
“More than enough,” Tav agreed. “We will check in on them. Add that to the list.”
“Noted,” Gale tapped his temple.
As they passed through the barrier of light around the inn a weight lifted off of them. Traveling through the cursed lands was always exhausting, it was a suffocating darkness that covered the land and something always felt like it was lurking nearby.
After discussing with Jaheira and the rest of the camp, Tav took some time to check in with the rescued deep gnomes and tieflings. Barcus had bounded up to her before she could even take a mental count of who was present, dragging her over to Wulbren Bongle.
The leader of the Ironhands brushed both her and Barcus off, as if the former hadn’t just broken him out of a prison and the latter hadn’t begged so earnestly for her to do so. If she was not so tired she may have made a comment about it, but Barcus looked mortified and Tav didn’t have the energy.
As she moved on, she nodded to Lakrissa who was glued to Alfira’s side at the bar. There was no sign of Bex and Dannis, but she could only imagine their reunion was something they wanted to have in private. She saw the back of Cal’s head at the bar, heard Lia’s loud laugh and approached to find Rolan with them, leaning over the bar.
The two she had saved seemed better than she had found them. Clean, smiling and animated. Rolan’s shoulders were still an even line, but they seemed to have dropped a few inches, no longer settled up to his ears in tension.
“It’s you!” Lia grinned.
“I’m glad you lot made it back alright,” Tav smiled. “He’s been a pain in the ass.”
“Yeah,” Cal grinned. “But he’s our pain in the ass. Thanks for dealing with him while we were gone, we’ve got it from here.”
Tav just nodded. Rolan was staring at her, but she could not decipher his look. She awkwardly shifted and then said, “well, I was just checking in. I’ll leave you to it.”
“Wait,” Cal turned. “Thank you - for saving me. And the two idiots. I never thought I’d see them again.”
“It was nothing,” she shrugged.
“That black eye you're sporting says otherwise,” Lia said seriously. “I saw those hits you took. It wasn’t ‘nothing’. I’m not the best at showing it, but I love Rolan and Cal to death. They’re family - thanks for bringing us back together.”
Tav felt suddenly uncomfortable with the praise. Rolan had suggested before he thought she got off on playing the hero. His siblings' thanks felt like it would only prove his point further.
She just smiled, “I’m just glad you three are together again.” Clearing her throat, “I ought to check on my camp.”
Rolan stood suddenly as she turned, “Tav.” She waited, half expecting another comment about her heroics. “I’ve lashed out at you. Drunkenly and otherwise, and you helped anyway. You didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry. And thank you.”
With a nod she took off for a bath. She checked in on camp, hearing any intel and updates she needed from those left behind. Everyone quickly began discussing strategies and next steps, they needed to find their way to this Balthazar and find Ketheric Thorm’s weakness. There was also the matter of finding Art Cullagh’s lute, seeing if they could find any hint that Arabella’s parents were alive and figure out how to finally put this curse to rest.
Even after a victory there was still so much left to do.
She slipped away to sit on the outcrop of stone by the lake again. Everyone at camp meant the world to her, but every once in a while she needed her space. It was dark and creepy, but if she closed her eyes she could hone in on the lap of the water against the rock. A soothing sound.
“Not thinking of taking a swim, are you?”
Tav jumped, and turned. Rolan stood not far off, a bottle in his hands and to her surprise a small smile on his face.
“Gods, you scared me,” she placed a hand over her heart. “I wasn’t expecting —“ she cut herself off. She wasn’t expecting anyone, let alone him and smiling no less.
“I’ve got a bottle of Arabellan dry, if you’re up for it.” He walked up and sat down next to her, showing her the bottle.
Tav considered him for a moment. “Is it poisoned?”
“Very funny.” He said sarcastically. “I would not waste poison in a wine such as this.”
“And where did you find it?” She looked at the bottle.
“I stole it from the cellar, the last bottle,” he said, popping the cork. “I brought cups, but I know pulling straight from the bottle is more your style.”
“I’ll try a cup,” she hummed.
He poured them each a cup, and held his up to clink against hers before the first sip. Rolan hummed in pleasure. “Gods, that’s so good.”
“It is,” Tav agreed. The flavor bloomed on her tongue, smooth and without the bite of the cheap stuff she had been drinking of late. “What’s the occasion?”
“An apology. A proper one,” He muttered. “You went out of your way to help us, it’s only right you get something in return.”
“You don’t have to —“
“You were right,” he said before she could finish. “I wasn’t really angry with you. I was angry with myself. Angry at the gods awful hands we’ve been dealt on this journey.”
“It’s alright if you were a little angry with me,” she admitted sheepishly. “I shouldn’t have used Cal and Lia against you.”
“That was rather wretched of you.”
“It was,” she agreed. “But I think I more than made up for it.” She was teasing, testing the waters in this new peace they had found.
“I thanked you once already,” he said haughty tone overdone and just as playful, “don’t be greedy.”
Something about the tone, about the smile on his face and the words themselves spurred her imagination into overdrive. Him above her, wrenching an orgasm from her only for her to ask for more. Don’t be greedy, she imagined him saying it again, condescending and admonishing. A truly mortifying high pitched giggle escaped her. She took a gulp of wine, her body hot and shocked at the instantaneous reaction.
She was very glad he did not have a tadpole.
A silence stretched between them that made her itch, he did not seem to mind but she felt like she would start to fidget if she didn’t say something. Luckily, he spoke while she floundered for something to say.
“I never asked, are you alright?”
She did have a black eye and possibly a concussion. She had left camp before Shadowheart could offer some healing. “Bumps and bruises,” she said casually. “Occupational hazards, nothing to worry about.”
“Hm,” he huffed. “That’s what you get for being a meddlesome hero. But I shan’t say more, you’ve done too much for me lately.”
“Karlach, Astarion and Gale were there too, you know,” she said.
“Yes, well, I won’t be sharing my favorite wine with them,” he said stiffly.
“Oh, and what makes me so special?”
He took a drink of wine, looking into his cup. “You are — “ he started, “particularly infuriating.”
“I’m special because I’m infuriating?”
He grimaced. “Yes.”
“You don’t make a bit of sense,” Tav laughed in disbelief.
“I make perfect sense,” he said haughtily. “You’re the one jumping into cursed lakes. Or risking your life for someone who has never been particularly nice to you.” He drank the last of his cup, pouring another as he added, “top up?”
She offered her cup for him to fill. “I told you why I jumped in the lake. A precious family heirloom was at the bottom.”
“And the gallant rescuing?”
Tav frowned, taking a drink. “I don’t know. I just… if I can help, I don’t see why I shouldn’t.”
Rolan didn’t seem to find that worth responding to. The silence stretched on again. He cleared his throat and held out his hand. For a moment she thought he was asking her to hold it, and she felt a strange tingle throughout her body. On his pointer finger was a ring, old and a bit scratched up, but with some kind of inscription in a language she couldn’t read on the flat surface.
“This was Cal and Lia’s grandfather’s ring.” He said looking at it. “Their mother gave it to me when I came to stay with them for good. It’s not enchanted, nor is it worth much but it — it’s proof. We’re a family, bound by something stronger than blood.”
That sunk in slowly for Tav as she pieced it together. She had questions: if Cal and Lia were not his biological siblings what happened to his parents? How long ago had he been one of their own? These felt invasive, and they had been getting along so she chose not to voice them; happy to have been trusted with a small tidbit of his past.
Delicately her fingers came out to run over the inscription. As she did her fingers brushed over his, and perhaps it was the wine, but she grabbed his hand to bring it closer to her face. The writing was maybe infernal, with some sort of emblem.
“What does it say?”
Rolan didn’t respond.
Tav looked at him, finding him very intensely focused on her. She dropped his hand, “sorry, I shouldn’t —“
“It’s fine,” he replied tersely.
An awkward silence filled the gap and she kicked herself internally.
Rolan cleared his throat. “It’s his title and rank, he was a Hellrider.” He pointed it out on the ring and she ran her eyes over it. “The Hellriders protected their lodges with wards, and could only be accessed with ward tokens. This was his.”
“Do you miss it?”
“We had nothing there, even before it fell,” he said.
Tav nodded her head. “So, Baldur’s Gate was always in the plan?”
“An apprenticeship, regardless of where it was, that’s what I was after.”
“Gale says Lorroakan is a well-renowned wizard,” she left out the part where her friend called him a ‘cad.’ They were talking and getting along and she didn’t want to ruin it. “You must be excited.”
“When I get to the gates I'll be excited,” he sighed. “The journey so far has been one disaster after another.”
“We’ll get you there, Rolan.”
He looked at her for a long while. “Another promise, little hero?”
“I know how much you love when I’m gallant,” she smiled.
“That’s the problem with you,” he pointed at her with a smile playing on his lips. “I believe you. I believe you will get me there.”
Tav wasn’t sure what to say. Her face warm and her smile wide as she felt the need to look away from him. She drank the rest of her wine.
“So,” he said, “what’s the promise this time, Tav?”
“Rolan,” she began, “I promise that when we get to Baldur’s Gate, I’ll buy you a new bottle of Arabellan Dry. since you so generously shared yours with me even though I saved your ass from the Shadow Curse. It was rude of me to come to your rescue, and you’re being just so gracious about it.”
He laughed a rich deep sound that made her heart flutter, and the rest of the night her only goal was to get him to laugh again.
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Part 2 will be out very soon! Thank you for reading 💜
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