Who is your pfp?
Its Vanitas from Vanitas No Carte.
Its such an underrated BUT amazing anime, highly recommended!!!
Its basically about vampires and stuff. There are a bit spicy scenes here and there. Totally loved it!!!
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I'm a bit confused, are we allowed to request Obey me? It's not on your list but I've seen you post it
Hey there!
Yes, you can request obey me! I might have forgotten to add it in the list, but I've updated it now.
-> I am not taking requests now, I already have some pending ones, and also m' busy these days.
-> Once I start posting again then you can request if you want to.
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Hi! Would you like to write how obey me characters would react to MC praying before every meal, asking about stuff conected to heaven and etc? I think it would be a fun crack lmao 😭
Hey there! I hope you are doing alr. Sorry it took me too long to respond, I was just caught up in something...But lets get this over with. Also this is such a fun idea, I'll try to make it as chaotic as possible!!
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CW: Nothing?
Okay so first of all I personally think that this headcannon about MC being religious is pretty rare, Like I doubt they would be able to keep up with heavens while being in hell. Like won't it be controversial praying after banging a demon?
SO BACK TO THE POINT- I personally think that Lucifer and Belphie might be the most offended. Like according to them the House of Lamentation is an Anti-God house.
Apart from them, I think that rest of them won't have that much dramatic of reaction. Maybe Beel my baby would get a bit of sad and upset, as he'll remember Lilith and the war.
During your early days as an exchange student, I feel like everybody would be offended while giving you side eye here and there.
But as they all will get comfortable with your presence, they'll respect you and whatever stuff prayers you do, EXCEPT for Luci and Belphie they would still oppose this ridiculous idea.
For the rest of the brothers, I feel like that once they get used to it, they'll maybe get you to pray for them aswell (?). Like Mammon wanting to more rich and somehow he would want his debts to be dealt with, so he'll ask you to include him in your prayers Is that even possible for a demon to pray?
Also, I think that Satan is most likely to encourage you, not because he is a fan of heavens or something. It would be just because he would want to get Lucifer riled up.
If you were to ask anything related to Celestial Realm, Lucifer will be the best and only option. He might be reluctant at first, but the moment you add bits of, "Oh I see, you must be too embarrassed to tell..." or "Hmmm, becoming a demon, old on top of that must have tainted your memories, no? No problem I'll ask someone more knowledgeable"
Yes that's the moment his pride would get to him, and you ain't going nowhere. He'll have you sit opposite to him as he'll tell you everything you wanna know, while of course with adding how he was 'Father's favorite' or how he was so 'Great and mighty' back then. Father's Favorite, yet got clapped by him
Also let's be real, where is this religious MC going to pray anyway...In the house of sinners? Because I doubt there is going to be a a church in Devildom
Anyways y'all that's it, I know its short but still, something is better than nothing!! I'll try my best to maintain my blog and upload regularly, atleast twice a week. But let's just see where my busy schedule leads me!!
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Hey, could you please write yandere obey me characters calming down MC after brutal punishment? 🥰
Omggg!! Hey there anon!! Its my first request, on the same on which I created the blog!!! m' sooo happpy!!! And yes yes of course I'll write for yaa!!!!💞
Characters: The 7 Demon Brothers
TW: Yandere tendencies, lots of crying, men giving cold shoulder, gaslighting, bits of manipulation, blackmailing, sleep deprivation, hunger deprived, almost drowning, degrading, sugar coated insults, choking, suggestive in some parts (mainly asmo), comfort (?).
-> I dunno if the punishments I chose count as brutal, but lets get this over with.
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For what I think is that, his punishments would actually be a bit more harsh than others, but something that will also affect your mental health.
He could for example, use his belt as a whip, and hit you until you bleed, like come on, he is sadistic, he would take pleasure in seeing you like that, and most likely won't feel regrets.
Okay but seeing you sit in his room, on the floor, in a dark corner, while hugging yourself, actually does something to his heart. He tries to focus on his work, he really does, but your sobs, and sniffled pained sounds break his heart.
He tries to tell himself that you deserve it, you shouldn't had gotten all jazzy with someone else. But he can't help but sigh, and try to focus on his paper work. But he ends up getting up and walking towards you, with neutral expressions.
He would patch you up, while you are on his lap, as he would place warm kisses on your wound, blow on them, before bandaging them.
"...Mc?...", He softly spoke, more softly than he intended to. You sobbed and kept your head buried in your knees. He sighed as he crouched besides you, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you on his lap. You still kept looking at your lap, not daring to meet his eyes, thinking you meet anger him again "Look at me, mc", his voice wasn't so soft now, rather commanding. As you flinched and slowly looked up at him, your eyes glistening with tears. He clicked his tongue and gently pulled your head towards his shoulder. "You shouldn't have made me mad, My dear, *sighs* now look what you've done....Let's get you patched up...hmmm?" He picked you in his arms, making you sit on the bed, and crouching between your legs, as he started to apply ointment on your bruises. You can't help but forgive him, must be your mistake, if it was his, he probably wouldn't be caring for you...Come one! He loves you, you just need to keep your behavior in check.
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For Mammon, I feel like that his most brutal punishments, could be locking you away, and keeping you chained, with restricting many other things.
In this time period, you won't see his usual tsundere self, he would be icy cold, and give you cold shoulder.
But then again I think that he would be a bit more of a softie that Lucifer. He would be faster to comfort you than Lucifer.
Once he realizes that its enough punishment for you, he would shower you in gifts and cuddles.
He would take you out on dates in expensive restaurants, and buy you lots of things. Also I think that he would be one of the few brothers who would actually apologize for going too extreme.
You heard a click sound, as the door of the room opened, and rays of light fell on your face, as you looked away. He walked in sighed as he slowly untied your bindings. As he led you away from the dark room in his bedroom. He slowly sat you on the bed, and murmured, "m' sorry, I shouldn't have gon' that extreme." As he would slowly hug you, before one of his hand would slip in his pockets and picking out a pendant, and making you wear it, while mumbling another small sorry. He would gift you bouquet of gold roses, and dress you up in designer clothes from Majolish. Then you both would later spend rest of your day, in an exclusive restaurant and then later on take you on a shopping spree.
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You see, Levi gives me those vibes, a boyfriend who would stalk you, long before you'd even start to date.
Even when you start dating, he would keep tabs on your activities online, to see whom are you interacting with me and stuff.
And I personally feel like that he would be more jealous than any other brother, Maybe same as Lucifer. Like blud is literally Avatar of Envy.
His punishment could include, keeping your head underwater, until he feels like you might not be able to handle more.
When he finally sees how much you are crying, and sobbing, he would definetly feel guilty.
He would shush you, and cuddle you, telling you how you shouldn't bait anyone else an eye. How you are only and only his.
You were painting with you face and shirt drenched, as your hair were firmly gripped by Levi. During your pants you broke down in tears, while mumbling 'sorrys' to him. And it does soft his heart a bit, as he pulls you close to him, "Tsk, why do you always have to do something so- *sighs* nevermind, c'mere." He slowly dries you hair with a towel, with you on his, lap in his gaming chair, as he lets you snuggle in his jacket, while he pats your back, and leave occasional kisses on your cheek, as he grabs his D.D.D from other hand...He still gotta see do you need another punishment or not? So you better enjoy this moment while it lasts.
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Okay, so we all know that Satan and Lucifer are pretty similar. So his punishments are going to be, if not more then equally harsh.
What I could think of was that he would squeeze you and torment with his tail, like it is very sharp, with spikes and a hook at the end.
His tail would have a firm grip on you, while the hooked point would roam around your body, leaving scratches and bruises.
And all this time he would be fuming in anger, and insulting you, and they won't be sugar coated.
But after this cute little punishment, he is most likely to bandage you and aid you similarly like Lucifer.
Maybe he would read you some books till you sleep or maybe take you to a cat cafe, who knows?
I feel like he would also apologize you in literal words, but only once, unlike Mammon.
You were sitting on his table as he bandaged you, with a black expression, but you could see he was sorry. He would slowly wrap his arms around you, as he would mumbled against your chest, "I apologize, love. I...shouldn't have let my wrath get the best of he..." As he would make you sit on his lap, and nuzzle in you neck, and keep silence between you two, "You want to go to a cat cafe, or shall I read you something, as an compensation?" The choice is yours.
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So, I think that Asmo's mostly punishments would be sexual. He won't be the usual, sweet boyfriend while railing you.
He would overstimulate you, use bdsm, and I think that as a punishment he would definetly degrade you, let it be in sugar coated words, or with venom.
Afterwards, he would kiss every inch of your body to soothe you, and massage your muscles....Who knows what might lead to another think?
You were laying flat on your back, as Asmo was on top of you, massaging your sore thighs while kissing your chest to soothe the marks. "Darling, let's not make me angry next time, okay? Y'know you and your mistakes or so stupid..." Right, your mistakes, like comeone you think someone like Asmo would accept that he hurt you? Come on, it was your entirely your mistake. He would try to soothe you as his touched would get more intimate than needed to be. And then in a moment, you would be pinned in the same position. Your eyes would slowly widen in fear upon realizing where this was going, "Asmo-" "Shhh, I'll be gentle hmmm?"
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Come on guys, do I need to explain, that he is a ball of sunshine. He can't do brutal punishments.
The extreme he would do will be not feed you, that also just for a few hours.
And even during that time, he would feel like a jerk.
When he finally gives you food, he would tend to feed you by hid hands, he would feel guilty asf, and apologize you a hundred times.
He will also share his food with you. You get to decide which food...
Beel was eating while thinking about you, as he realized he hadn't given you anything for some 4 hours. He would feel very guilty. He finally gives in and would rush to you with some food, and feed you with his own hands, "I am sorry, Mc. I got carried away, am so sorry. you must be hungry, tch am so sorry- Lets not argue again, hmmm?"
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So I feel like, he would either sleep deprive you, or the next thing could be...he would choke you.
Like literally, you would be pinned beneath in his demon form, and he would be choking you, until you nearly, or actually pass out.
In sleep depriving, I guess he wouldn't let you sleep in the nights, you decide how, and then you would have to attend RAD, while being sleepy, and then maybe get scolded by Lucifer, and see a disappointed Diavolo.
Even if it isn't brutal, he would make sure it would affect you then let it be physically or mentally. I personally think he would target for mentally.
So when you do get back in HoL, he would let you cuddle with him, and then maybe he would somehow manage to get you to sleep the whole day, without Lucifer noticing, or maybe not...
"Tired?" The lazy cow Belphie spoke, as he saw your droopy self barely manage to look clearly, with eyes all too red. He would scoff and chuckle, before taking you to the quiet attic with him, and then there he would let you sleep for a few hours, but don't think that he would be too nice, when you'll sleep, he'll sleep with you, and wouldn't even think about helping you with your homework, while you slept.. You would have to do it yourself.
-> I didn't really like how it turned out, after Luci's part. Maybe it could get a bit more better?! Idk, nvm, but whatever I am still pretty happy about my 1st request. Maybe I wrote it the same day being excited, that's why it turned out a bit off? But let's just do good in future!!! Also let me know if I should write one for side-characters.
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Yan!Brothers with MC after a punishment./Fluff/Comfort/Suggestive/ Brothers with a religious MC./Crack/
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I will only write female reader, or I'll keep it gender neutral.
If there is a certain character I am not comfortable in writing I won't do it.
This is a Dark Blog, so of course it will contain dark themes, smuts, nsfw, although I will still try to write fluffs and cracks.
No need to hate on me, if I like a specific genre, I didn't kill your family.
Don't like it don't read it.
Please be respectful, and no need to hate.
Make sure to only request the fandoms I've specified.
What I'll do:
Fluffs (will try)
Angst (will try)
Kinks like: Non/con, dub/con, Bdsm, degrading, praising, threesomes, gangbangs, orals, tit play, lactation kink, Age gap, Bimbo!, Milf!, Slutty! reader etcs
I'll mostly write f!eader, then let it be with female character or male ones.
This blog is strictly for X reader.
I'll do Yanderes (Lol this blog is mainly for yan! stuff)
I'll do write light gore in Yandere fics
What I won't do:
Kinks like water spots, armpit kink, vomit kink, or any sexual activity involving any liquid that isn't cum.
Cheating on reader by character.
That's it for now, feel free to request anything you want, if it isn't listed in these rules, and I feel uncomfortable doing it, I'll let you know <3
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Hey y'all this is Riwa here.i am 21. I use she/her pronouns. I am new on tumblr and have no writing experience, also with english not being my first langauge.
Feel free to guide me around, just don't be rude and offensive <3.
I'll write for: Jujutsu Kaisen
Demon slayer
Vanitas no Carte
Genshin Impact.
Degrees of Lewdity
Obey Me
-I watched Vanitas no Carte long ago so I might not be able to write lore based fics, but i'll try
-My device is shitty for genshin, but I am in love with lore and characters so I am learning the lore from yt. So please don't request lore based fics, requesting with basic things will be fine
-I still haven't played DoL for long, but i'll try!!
My blog will mainly contain smuts and nsfw, so mdni.
I'll be taking ideas and requests so feel free to leave some here.
Rules M.Materialist
(P.S: Also y'all please help me regarding how to maintain a blog and how to decorate it, PLEASE!!)
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