#dark cacao cookie fanart
lexi-the-demon-69 · 2 days
I drew Dark Choco and Dark Cacao in the Panty and Stocking artstyle-
I've been recently getting back into watching Panty and Stocking and since the show's style was a main inspiration for my style, I decided to draw Choco and Cacao in the PASWG style lol.
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Since armor isn't really a thing in Panty and Stocking, incorporating Cacao's armor in the style wasn't the easiest, but I got a result that I'm mostly happy with. Also yes, I had to draw Dark Cacao's boots as heals-
They searched up their names on Pinterest... They saw some nasty Sigmund Freud-type shit...
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Seriously why is it everywhere on my feed when I'm just trying to find references-
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cl30ra · 4 days
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My hsnds diewd pn thus ome, i wm tryping wurh my tioe ad in rigfht npow
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pinemartenstudios · 1 year
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There's this little bandwagon in Twitter where people are taking screenshots of the English VAs in CRK official streams and are redrawing them with their characters (there's one in particular that spread the most), but I wanted to draw a personal favourite of mine. When the Chapter 10 reading stream happened, Patrick Seitz waved goodbye by moving the bear jelly plushie's arm and that made me happy ToT. So I redrew it with Cacao. BTW: His Dark Enchantress portrayal was excellent u.u. Hope you like it!
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o-wyrmlight · 1 year
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Warrior Cats AU - Accidentally gotten into a discussion over this AU with a folk or two on a Discord server. Dark Cacao would be a Maine Coon cat--large stance, large paws, large fur. It's great.
The background is supposed to be a burnt tree trunk, but I sort of gave up on it in case you couldn't tell. Backgrounds are hard. But it was neat to draw him as a cat--he's a very handsome young man.
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sillylilcookies · 1 year
Yippie I drew some art that I actually decided to post here! :3
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I actually drew the Dark Cacao one like a week ago but it’s whatever lol
And I drew Black Pearl randomly bc uhhh MerMay lol
Anyways alt versions under the cut
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loralemons · 1 year
I decided to paint Dark Cacao with watercolors.
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I think this is the first art that I really like
(and original for comparison)
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smokyinference · 2 years
his outfit is pretty cool
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svengabrielle109 · 2 years
Pls submit your artwork of the Chapter#2 [the whole]: Dark Cacao Cookies’ Recover and Dark Cacao Cookie’s bf
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marscarhime · 10 days
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Dark Cacao and the pretty men he inexplicably keeps getting involved with ✨✌🏻
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phoenix-ohma · 1 month
love the new update and i love mystic flour cookie but she fr did a thanos snap on them😭
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cuppajj · 1 month
All I've Ever Wanted - Beast Ancients AU
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 19 days
🎶 Oooooooooooooooh~ Sailor Cacaoooooooo~ 🎶
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Yup. I had to do this at some point. Isn't he so pretty?
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I wanted to get a little creative when it came to his pose since a lot of folks are drawing him doing the pose Sailor Moon does after her transformation is complete. So, I decided, why not do one of her in the middle of her transformation? Because, y'know, it looks cool lol
*I've been listening to the Sailor Moon soundtrack while making this help*
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imaginariumwanderer · 2 months
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(Our goddess is a merciful one)
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sam4lmk · 5 months
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maimedbunny · 7 months
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flowery-draws · 6 months
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Happy 3rd Anniversary, Cookie run Kingdom!
Here is my entry for #cookierunkingdom fanart contest!
Hope yall enjoy!
The close up:
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