#daredevil discourse
goldenlikedayl1ght · 4 months
hi tumblr it’s me danny
i’m pretty high right now (sorry) and let me tell y’all.
i do not give a fuck about daredevil discourse
i love you karen page, matt is in fact blind, and YES realistically matt’s ‘no killing’ thing is ruined by the fact he’s given many head injuries but i beg you to remember that this is a television show, a marvel one at that, and YES he’s a bad friend to his friends in the seasons! but matt’s whole thing is a balance of justice and personal freedom !!!!
just let me give him a kiss.
and maybe her a kiss too.
also send me matt asks if you’re feeling silly literally about anything and my high ass will respond. smooches!!!!
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elflikesfrogs · 5 months
the daredevil netflix fandom is kept alive by 3 things: foggy stans, charlie cox simps, and that blog that posts about the 1/6 scale model apartment
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amberlynnmurdock · 9 months
the way karen literally treated matt horribly too and kept secrets/lied to him and was even ableist towards him but you losers only talk about how poor bby karen bitch page was treated horribly by matt
are you okay anon?? it's really not that serious LMFAO
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ceterisparibus116 · 1 year
Nuance is absolutely important but I think it becomes unnecessary when it's veering into moving goalposts and skewing the argument in favor of painting one side in a better light (in this case, Karen). Like I said, the "honesty measuring contest" is weird and I'm not sure entirely accurate because Matt's secret has, as far as we know, never put Karen in direct danger? All of the dangerous circumstances she found herself in was of her own doing (taunting Fisk, going out to investigate at night) and none because of Matt's secrets. Whereas her not revealing that she was the one who killed Wesley gave Nadeem a reason to justfify his FBI manhunt for Matt even more.
I just don't see the proper logic behind "oh yeah Karen was hypocritical throughout the course of her relationship with Matt and set hypocritical standards that lead to her breaking it off, but in no way is she responsible for the relationship not working out"...? Isn't the very existence of that hypocrisy, of that weird goal post that, "yeah I can set standards that are palplably hypocritical and if you don't meet that, gooodbye" make her a contributor to its implosion? Relationships entail adjustments from both sides, but it feels like your argument is positioning Karen like a controlled variable and that it should be Matt making all the adjustments. If she knows and is aware that her standards are hypocritical, how does that not make her a reason for it not working out? Notwithstanding Matt's reaction to it or his personal feelings about dishonesty, if Karen didn't have that hypocritical, "non-negotiable" standard then she would be more lenient with things and possibly make adjustment to said standards? And my original point was that Karen put Matt on a pedestal the same way you and many others point out that Matt put Karen to, yet this is never addressed.
I just find it weird to see all the mental gymnastics to frame Matt as the sole reason for the relationship not working out lol? It feels like you're laying out all the facts that yeah, "Karen is this, Karen is that" acknowledging her hypocritical standards yet give a contradictory conclusion that "therefore Matt is all to blame for the relationship implosion" and this is where I'm detecting some cognitive dissonance.
I really appreciate you being so logical and rational about this. It seems like you genuinely want to understand where I’m coming from, and that’s really impressive online!
But let me be clear: in response to your asks, I am talking about which character contributed to the relationship not working out. I am NOT talking about which character contributed to the relationship being unhealthy.
And this isn’t me moving the goalposts. I have, from the very beginning, been talking about one (1) thing: the reason why their relationship didn’t work out.
(And btw, this isn't me trying to skew the argument in favor of one character over another, either. Gosh. I respect how you're handling this discussion overall, but this particular claim is attacking my intentions, not my logic or my argument. For whatever it’s worth, if we’re going into intentions, I actually prefer Matt as a character over Karen. Like, significantly! I’d love to skew the argument in Matt’s favor. I have literally zero desire to skew the argument in favor of Karen. The mere fact that I present an argument that favors one character does not mean that I “skewed” the argument in favor of that character.)
But anyway, for the record, again: I agree that Karen is hypocritical, and that’s bad. I also agree that Karen absolutely contributed to the relationship being unhealthy. She did this in many ways, actually, including but not limited to her dishonesty.
But a relationship can continue to exist despite being unhealthy. And in the case of Karedevil: if Matt had been honest with Karen, but she had refused to be honest with him, all signs point to the idea that they would have stayed in a relationship. Would it be unhealthy? Yes. Would she be hypocritical? Yes. Would they have broken up? NO. The only reason they broke up was because she couldn’t handle his dishonesty.
From watching the show, I see no evidence that their relationship (unhealthy as it was) ended because of her hypocrisy. All the evidence I see points to one reason for their relationship ending: Matt’s dishonesty, and her frustration with his dishonesty.
Please, show me where in the show you are getting the idea that Karen's hypocrisy contributed to them breaking up. Show me a scene or a line of dialogue. Show me evidence.
As for the pedestal stuff…eh, I just don’t see how she put him on a pedestal. I see no evidence that she couldn’t handle the thought of Matt having a violent streak, and I really don’t know where in the show you’re basing the opinion that she thought of him as a perfect goody-two-shoes. She obviously is surprised to learn that the apparently mild-mannered lawyer is a secret vigilante, but I don’t see her ever once being disappointed or upset by his violence. The only thing she’s disappointed and upset about is, again the dishonesty.
Like, please show me where in the show you think Karen puts Matt on a pedestal? Don’t just say “Karen put Matt on a pedestal.” That’s a conclusion. Give us evidence! Give us reasoning! Why do you believe Karen put Matt on a pedestal? I have told you why I think she didn’t – now it is up to you to tell us why you think she did. Repeating a conclusion “Karen put Matt on a pedestal” is not enough to change anyone’s mind.
(And make sure that your evidence isn’t about whether Matt thinks Karen put him on a pedestal. I totally think Matt thinks Karen put him on a pedestal. But what Matt thinks is on him. You must have forgotten this, but I actually already addressed this – you said “this is never addressed,” yet I specifically dug into the issue of pedestals in my first reply to you.)
But ultimately, please understand me: I am NOT saying Matt is solely to blame for their relationship being unhealthy. I am simply saying, and have been saying from the beginning, that Matt is solely to blame for their romantic relationship ending.
And you said that I'm being contradictory by acknowledging Karen's flaws yet refusing to say that those flaws contributed to their relationship imploding. Well, no. A person can have a ton of flaws, and yet it doesn't necessarily follow that all of those flaws would lead to a relationship imploding.
Karen's flaws, in my mind, include not only dishonesty, but also: pride, recklessness, selfishness, and a strange inability (or even refusal?) to learn from her mistakes. But I don't think any of those contributed directly to their relationship imploding because I don't see any evidence that it did in the show.
Similarly, Matt has many flaws besides dishonesty, such as: pride, self-loathing, and obviously some anger management issues. But I don't think any of those flaws contributed directly to their relationship imploding.
So there's nothing inherently contradictory in me acknowledging a character's flaw, and yet not believing that the flaw led to a specific outcome.
Finally, you said: “If she knows and is aware that her standards are hypocritical, how does that not make her a reason for it not working out? Notwithstanding Matt's reaction to it or his personal feelings about dishonesty, if Karen didn't have that hypocritical, ‘non-negotiable’ standard then she would be more lenient with things and possibly make adjustment to said standards?”
And ahhhhh. Maybe this is the issue. Maybe you're not actually asking a question: "If Karen were less hypocritical, then would they have stayed together?" but are making a statement: "If Karen were less hypocritical, they would have stayed together!"
Tell me if I'm getting this right.
To you, "If Karen were less hypocritical, they would have stayed together!" appears to be an objective fact, and you are bewildered by the fact that the fandom doesn't see it. And that's why you think I and others have cognitive dissonance, etc.
However, this statement is not an objective fact. It's a possible interpretation of what might happen if we changed an aspect of Karen.
But here's the thing: that's not the only possible interpretation. Actually, there are five possible outcomes, at least, to her being less hypocritical:
She becomes more tolerant of dishonesty (both hers and his) and therefore doesn’t break up with him over his dishonesty – so ta-da, they stay together;
She becomes less tolerant of dishonesty (both hers and his) and therefore shares her secrets, which results in Matt sharing his – and ta-da, they stay together;
She becomes less tolerant of dishonesty (both hers and his) and therefore shares her secrets, which unfortunately results in Matt still NOT sharing his – and they break up;
She becomes less tolerant of dishonesty (both hers and his) but also can’t bring herself to share her secrets, so she either ends the relationship or doesn’t enter it in the first place – so they’re not together, one way or the other; and finally
She becomes either more or less tolerant of dishonesty (both hers and his), but not to such a significant degree that it causes her to be okay with dating someone who is lying about such a significant part of Matt’s life as Matt is.
Ultimately, all five of these are possible interpretations, because you are veering into the world of speculation with this. Ultimately, we don’t know what would happen if Karen were less hypocritical. We don’t know how the causal chain would continue.
And it’s totally valid of you to have your interpretation, to think “If Karen were less hypocritical, she would be tolerant of Matt’s dishonesty, and they wouldn’t break up.”
But as you can see, two of those options, (c) and (e), would allow her to be less hypocritical, and yet they would still break up due to Matt’s dishonesty. Those are both possible interpretations.
Personally, I think “e” is the most likely explanation. I think that even if Karen becomes less hypocritical, Matt’s dishonesty is so pervasive and so intimately connected with who he is as a person that she would not tolerate it. After all, we’re not talking about little white lies here.
However, even though I think “e” is the most likely explanation, I’m not gonna go around accusing other people of moving the goalposts, skewing arguments, having cognitive dissonance, or engaging in mental gymnastics simply because they reach a different interpretation than the one that I think is most likely.
Like…this is fandom, my friend. Interpretation is subjective. And speculation about what would happen if we changed Karen as a variable is just that: speculation. I could write fics exploring all five different scenarios (which would be fun, actually) because all five scenarios are possible.
The only thing that is objective fact is that she broke up with him because of his dishonesty. Everything else is speculation.
And that’s not me heaping blame on Matt. That’s just me doing an analysis of the sequence of events in the show and their causal connection. You don’t have to agree with my analysis, but gosh, I really don’t see how I’m doing mental gymnastics or anything like that here. I’m literally just looking at what happened in the show.
But we might just have to agree to disagree on this.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Where was the love for kenshi when he was disabled,not 100000billion megapixels of hd graphics,played by lewis tan or "relevant" again.
If you didn't love kenshi at his dollarstore daredevil knockoff blind swordsman. You dont deserve him at his lewis tan.
I dont even care for kenshi that much. I dont find him all that important beyond one small part in the grand scheme of things. In fact,it's not really all that new or interesting to me personally.
HOWEVER i won't tolerate shallowness for this character either.
Either play him during his crusty days and get good. Or dont come into the fighting arena.
I play mortal kombat. Dont just thirst over saucy men in tights beating each other in a bloodsport. I am in the bloodsport.
Play the damn game.
Have fun. Get good. Enjoy it. Not just for one dude. But for many dudes. All the dudes. Women included. Those dudes too.
Like enjoy mk in IT'S ENTIRETY.
Anyways i hope kenshi lovers who are respectful of the character
Have a wonderful day.
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look,,, rarepairs are great.
crossovers are great.
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dorkotheromantic · 2 years
jennifer walters is so real because I too would hook up with matt murdock(albeit getting dinner with matt sounds just as good)
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npdclaraoswald · 2 years
Funny how people complained that casting Zendaya as MJ and Mehcad Brooks as Jimmy Olsen was "taking away representation from redheads" but I've never seen anyone make that complaint about Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock
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flashfuture · 9 months
"spider-man isn't a cop" discourse is so funny because I don't think it's really a route we wanna go down. Like no Peter Parker is not a cop.
Instead, he's an impossibly strong completely unregulated vigilante prone to extreme acts of violence that could probably end up qualified as domestic terrorism. It's not even about the supervillains. It's regular ol criminals he beats the shit out of them and then suspends them from lamposts and shit. no due process no potential for holding him accountable. Not even the other heroes in Unvierse over decades of comics can get through to Peter that he's a bit of a thug and should try to do more than beat people up.
Peter goes abroad frequently to beat people up then come home. On two occasions he fucking killed people abroad then when back NYC facing no repercussions for his actions. (The guy he blew up to avenge his parents was retconned he survived But the comic made it clear Peter intended to kill the guy and thought he did. This was an early days comic. And Charlemagne the spy he killed mixed up with Wolverine in Germany we're talking 80s the Berlin Wall was still up. And it was just in a recent Daredevil comic he admitted to Matt he murdered somebody)
Hearing there are drug dealers or whatever other criminal, breaking and entering all over the place, and then beating up anybody involved and leaving them for the cops. Like you need need a reallll bendy spine to twist your way out of how that's not cop behavior and was not Always cop behavior.
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bunmurdock · 2 months
bun you’re so sweet, it makes me so, so happy that you liked my writing !! :’)🧸 i thought i’d write back just to casually yap more about matty (its giving obsessed
cause, tbh, i think about him having a hard time falling asleep quite a lot after watching that scene where elektra sleeps on his couch (s2e7) and the camera focuses on her chest and breathing. as far as i interpreted, it’s sort of a way to make us “see” through matt’s senses.
like, imagine how relieving it must have felt to him falling asleep to her presence after ten years apart? he didn’t bother letting her sleep on his bedroom and sleeping himself on the couch, neither leaving her there to go to his bed, he simply drifted off in a literal chair next to her and a very fucked up neck position lmao.
foggy also mentioned briefly (also s2e7) about how devastated matt was after elektra left him and i often think about that smiley, soft, baby college matt trying to sleep and just live overall without her back then :(
it’s not the ideal super healthy type of relationship, but, being super honest, i think it’s quite impossible to reach that with mm. it doesn’t matter how hard he tries, i think he’d always rely and depend so much both physically and emotionally on his partner.
bro’s got a daddy, mommy, mentor, priest and nun issues on his back. turns out daredevil is just canonically the most sensitive baby ever, who would have thought?! (im looking right at you, stick 🔪)
re: s2e7 "the camera focuses on her chest and breathing. as far as i interpreted, it’s sort of a way to make us “see” through matt’s senses." i definitely read it as that. even though his connection with her wasn't physical, it was definitely made to feel deeply intimate, and to me it was 100% emotional infidelity to karen. i also read his connection with elektra and his final lay to rest at the end of that episode as an itch/addiction scratched, particularly an identity-based one. because season two's biggest antagonistic force imo was matt murdock's own hubris and his inability to reconcile his dual natures as he dealt with the consequences of his own actions from season one (vigilantism over law and order). i know charlie cox once said something to the effect of "when matt puts the suit on, his intentions are good, but when he starts beating on criminals that can turn." that internal conflict coupled with the loneliness and violence of his mission that no one could understand or empathize with but elektra is why i think he fell back in love with her. it was always more than sex for them, but a sense of "i know you like no one else, and you know me." and us-against-the-world dynamics.
that said—definitely. i think a huge part of matt murdock's allure is that he's extremely private—to a fault—but will let one very special person in on everything in his life. he naturally reaches for soulmate bonds. i've always seen matt murdock as a lover, not a fighter, first. sex with him would have a spiritual component. ugh they don't make em like him anymore. 😔
share your mm thoughts
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papayasapphic · 1 month
Finally! A pinned post!
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~ The name I prefer to use online is Papaya. I am a college student and I am currently working on my bachelors degree. I am majoring in Anthropology and I am always tired.
- I have autism, which makes it so that I latch onto things and hold onto them for a while. Sometimes those interests go dormant, but fear not! They are always there :)
- I also have a brain injury from carbon monoxide poisoning that made my autism symptoms more severe and added memory issues to the mix.
- I am a nonbinary lesbian and I have very strong held opinions on certain discourse related to those identities, but I would prefer to not discuss that.
Some of my special interests and hyper fixations are as follows:
- freshwater fish and other freshwater animals
- dog breeds, specifically poodles
- spiderman and deadpool, both together and seperate
- daredevil
- minecraft youtubers (several of them)
- animal crossing
- stardew valley
- pokemon
More will likely be added at a later date!
Do not follow me if any applies to you
- you are racist, homophobic, or transphobic
- you support or identify with a harmful label (i.e sapiosexual, bi/pan lesbian and/or mspec lesbian, MAP, etc.)
- you use the r slur towards me (i don’t care if you think you can reclaim it)
- if you speak over minorities
- if you believe that a single disabled person’s experience dictates all of our experiences
Thank you for reading ^-^
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Sins & Amends Chapter 20
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Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: With Frank dropping bodies at an alarming rate you try your best to keep up and to not get caught in more vigilante bullshit than necessary
You knew Frank's appearances at your door would be few and far between. He was doing his best to keep those he cared about that was still breathing in that shape. You just wished there was more you could do to help him besides keeping your phone turned on at night should he need a patch job unexpectedly.
 He was dropping bodies faster than the news or police could keep up. You had enough contacts in the NYPD after so many years of being a paramedic that rumors floated your way. A war between gangs was the best theory. Those who knew what was going on were worried about who would be next or if a civilian would end up in the cross hairs. You knew that wouldn't happen. Frank wasn't a bad guy, he wasn't some psychopath. He was a man who had watched his family get slaughtered and not be able to stop it. Lack of skills was the only thing keeping you from insisting on being at his side.
You were trying to find some semblance of a new routine. You'd help Curtis with the meetings he held, the soup kitchen and had dinner with him at least once a week. You started going over to Alice and Kenzie's at least one night a week. You had to keep your head on straight should the occasion arise Frank need you.
A part of you felt wrong not telling Curtis. He deserved to know Frank was alive. It's not like he'd say anything but you had made a promise to not tell anyone and nothing could make you break that promise.
Of course around the station house discourse was coming up as to what was actually going on. Some believed what the news was reporting, others thought it was some sort of secret government clean up. You kept your mouth shut and stayed clear of any and all discussions revolving around the gang murders.
You were almost off shift one night when the news of Metro-General being shot up by a lone gunman came through. Apparently he was after a witness involving the Irish gang murders. Your eyes flew up to Jason's when he said those words "How do you know that?" You asked a lot harsher than you meant to. He shrugged "sergeant Mahoney. You remember him don't ya?" You nodded so he continued "He told me. From what they're thinking this guy is the person behind all the killings a one man wrecking crew"
"Well if he shot up the hospital they'll have footage and be able to identify him" Kayla tossed out only to be over talked by Jessie who said "Who cares? Not a single civvie has been injured. Cops need to stay out of it and let the man work"  any further conversation was lost to you from the sound of your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. They'd know who he was. Fuck all of New York would know Frank was alive and his face would be plastered every where. You couldn't keep him safe.
"Y/N you ok? You're a bit flushed" Alice asked in all but a whisper. You slowly shook your head and checked your watch "No I'm not. I um do you think you can cover me leaving early? Riley and Ash will be here soon" "Of course. Is there something I can help with?" You shook your head and headed to the locker room "No but I promise I'll call you in the morning"
You hadn't made it but a couple blocks when your phone started ringing from a blocked number "Hello?" You answered cautiously and let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding when Frank's voice was the one on the other end "Hey kid" you glanced around and saw the only other people on the sidewalk were out of ear shot but you lowered your voice regardless "You went after one of the pieces of scum at a hospital?" "No one got hurt. You know me better than that" 
You ran a hand across your face so as to not get louder "No shit. I meant the fucking cameras. NYPD knows you're behind the killings. Cameras are a bitch. They're gonna find out who you are" "This the part where you tell me you can't help me any more"
"Of fucking course not. I'm a paramedic and have no legal requirement to report who i render aid to off the clock. I'm just worried about you" "Don't be. I'll come by your place once I'm sure no one knows I'm coming. I just need you to make sure my nose ain't broke" "I'll be around" you said to the dead line and cursed before sliding the phone back into your pocket. Shit was about to get real deep.
"So you shot daredevil? Did you fucking kill him?" You asked Frank once you'd popped his nose back into place and made sure there would be no lasting damage. "Naw I hit mainly helmet. He'll have one hell of a headache but I'm sure I'll see that red asshole again soon enough" you wanted to laugh to keep from crying. For the first time in a while you were terrified and not for yourself. What if the remaining members of any of the gangs caught up with Frank? 
"I'll be fine Y/N. If you can't handle this anymore I get it sweetheart. It's getting neck deep" you forgot at times just how long you'd known Frank when he read your expressions like that it was a reminder. "I ain't going anywhere just..just stay alive Frankie. Please?" He pressed a quick kiss to your temple "I'll be fine" before you could say anything he was disappearing out your door and down the hall. You glanced out and didn't catch so much as a glimpse of his back.
"From your mouth to God's ear" you said to the empty hall then shut your door and locked it. You glanced at the time and said a silent thank you to the powers that be that you were off the following day,you needed a shower and a nap.
Your phone ringing broke you out of your sleep and you groaned when you looked at the time to see you had barely hit four hours.
You felt around on your nightstand then bought the phone to your ear without even looking at the caller i.d. "Hello?" "Y/N I need a favor" you sat up blinking at Kenzie's voice "What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you ok? Is Alice ok?"
Your heart was pounding in your chest and you knew it was just a gut reaction to what had happened with Maria and the kids but you couldn't help it. "Y/N deep breath. I'm ok. Alice is ok. She's just busy and I need some paramedic version of help for a friend of mine" you pushed the blanket off your legs and was already walking into your closet as you asked "There a reason they can't call an on duty squad?" 
"Well um his friend is blind and a bit self conscious about getting hurt and he knows I'm with Alice so he called to see if she could come over and since she can't I figured I'd see if you were busy" you reached for a pair of jeans but stopped halfway "This friend have a name by chance?" "Franklin Nelson? You know Nelson and Murdock?" "The law firm that handled the Fisk case? Yeah everyone knows them" you answered sliding the jeans onto your legs. "Well I've known Foggy for a while and apparently last night Matt his law partner took a fall and got a pretty good lick to the head but doesn't want to go in. Can you go to Matt's apartment and check him over?" 
"Text me the address and make sure Foggy knows I'm coming" you replied and you heard a ding and saw where she'd already sent the address through "Thank you so much Y/N" "Anything for you dear" you told her before she said bye. You laid the phone down so you could finish getting dressed. Wonder if Foggy had some coffee made because you didn't want to take the time to make any.
You walked up the stairs checking numbers until you were at the one Kenzie had said. You hesitated for a second and shifted your med bag before knocking. "One second!" A voice called out before the door opened to show a friendly looking guy with longish hair who was a little on the bigger side but his smile made you feel at ease. 
"You must be Y/N" he said and offered his hand. You shook it then patted your bag "Did this give me away" "a bit" he replied then added "I'm Foggy by the way" "Nice to meet you but where's the injured person I'm here for?" You didn't want to seem rude but if you were lucky maybe you could grab some coffee after you left and get a nap before meeting Curtis later that evening.
"Oh yeah he's on the couch" he said waving his hand into the apartment so you walked past him stopping so he could close the door and show you further inside. 
On the couch was a brown haired guy who appeared to just be wearing boxers laid back covered with a blanket and his eyes closed. "Matt the paramedic is here" Foggy announced so Matt sat up pulling the blanket further up. You appreciated the thought but you'd seen a lot worse than his bare chest and legs. He was a good looking guy and just a small part of you felt weird for acknowledging that even to yourself. Maybe it was the fact that he was a patient or maybe some remnant of the past lingering in your mind. You pushed it away quickly going into work mode.
"Um Mr Murdock? My name's Y/N is it ok if I give you a once over?" You asked and he smiled slightly "of course. Forewarning don't try to see if my eyes are dilated and it's Matt by the way" "Well I see your sense of humor wasn't hurt huh Matt?" You asked sitting your bag down on the table next to him before digging out gloves.
You checked him over and once you cleaned the blood away saw that dermabond would do the trick to close what wound was there. "How'd this happen again?" You asked as you worked. "I fell" Matt answered almost before you finished asking.
"Well if you don't mind me saying don't you have a cane or something? I'd suggest using it" "Yes ma'am" he replied but the way he tracked your movements not with his eyes but with his actions made you feel there was a lot more to him and how he'd gotten hurt than what you were being told but you brushed it off and finished cleaning him up then stripped your gloves off.
"Well Matt you're good to go. Give it a little while but by tonight showering is fine. I wouldn't suggest taking any more blows to the area so be extra careful please. You can take aspirin as needed. You may have some dizziness or ringing in your ears. That's common but if you feel you're losing any hearing or if the pain gets worse than over the counter meds can help I would suggest going to the hospital" "Thank you Y/N" he smiled when he spoke and once again you got the feeling of something else going on but you brushed it off.
You gathered your things then smiled at Foggy "Do you want my cell number so you can contact me directly should he get hurt again? I don't mind helping who I can"
"Actually that would be great" he held his phone out so you added your number and your name plus paramedic by it in parenthesis. You handed his phone back then said "Take care you two and nice work on the Fisk case" "Thanks and thanks for taking care of Matt" Foggy said and Matt added "If you ever need a lawyer feel free to look us up" "I'll keep that in mind" you laughed then showed yourself out. 
So maybe some of Maria's tendencies of claiming strays had rubbed off on you. Those two seemed like decent guys and if Kenzie liked them they must be. Besides when was having two lawyers on your side a bad thing? You shook your head as you walked down the stairs. Quick stop at the coffee shop then you could maybe catch another hour or so before meeting Curtis later.
You were just walking downstairs to Curtis' car when your phone started ringing from a blocked number again. You took a breath and held it considering it was night them. That was when Frank hunted so that was when he ended up hurt.
"Y/N. Any way you can bring me a couple suture kits?" You turned around and walked right back into your apartment "Where to? Curtis is waiting downstairs for me so what do I tell him?" There was silence for a moment then Frank spoke "That's even better. I'll give you the address get him to wait on you in the car, just say it's personal. Come up to the roof, give me the kits then get as far from here as possible got me?" You shoved three suture kits out your med bag into your purse and added your gun as well. Frank sounded like trouble was brewing and you didn't want to walk in naked. "Be there in ten" you said then he hung up without another word.
You had to hand it to Curtis. Yes he was extremely protective of you but when you told him it was personal he agreed to wait in the car given you be back down in the agreed on twenty minutes. "If I'm not down feel free to call the calvary and come busting doors down ok?" He had rolled his eyes at your comment but laughed nonetheless.
The walk up the stairs you were waiting for someone to point out that you didn't belong here. You could talk your way out the situation of course but you also didn't know what was going on with Frank so better not to even be caught. You made it to the roof access door and the moment your hand touched the handle it opened to show Frank on the other side. 
He pulled you out onto the roof checking the stairwell behind you in the meantime. "I bought you three kits. I didn't know how badly you were hurt this time" you held the kits out and he nodded "Thanks it's just a bullet graze. Shit went a little sideways" you heard what sounded like chains rattling and your eyes went wide "Frank do you have someone tied up?"
He looked over his shoulder and gave a sharp nod "Told ya I'd be seeing red again" you pushed past him despite him telling you to go back down and followed the sound of the chain. When you walked around the corner there was daredevil himself chained to a portion of the roof.  "At least tell me you didn't shoot him again" you whispered to Frank.
Daredevil's face turned up at your voice. "Who's that?" "None of your fucking concern. Forget she was here or we'll have problems" Frank's voice was a growl but you were frozen to the spot. That voice, added into where Daredevil's helmet was damaged and the familiar way he tracked movement. It wasn't possible was it? Matt was blind, you'd checked his eyes yourself but you had that same feeling you did in his apartment and he'd gotten hurt the same night Frank had shot Daredevil. 
"Kid you alright?" Frank asked and you nodded. "He won't bother me. Will you red?" You wanted to call him by his name to see if he'd react but you also didn't want to let on anything considering he also knew your voice and if you were right his best friend had your cell number.
He shook his head "She just bought you suture kits. I can't hold helping someone in need against her" "Good" Frank replied then touched your elbow "Get going now. Once you get back down to Curt decide you want to eat on the other end of the city, got it?" 
You nodded and started to walk off but stopped to look back at Frank. There was so much you wanted to say but with another set of ears there you didn't want to get too much into it so you simply said "Stay alive" he shrugged one shoulder and replied "I always do" 
"So you gonna tell me what that was about or why the sudden change in appetite?" Curtis asked as he drove down the street. You cut your eyes towards him and gave a small smile "I told you it was personal and I remembered Ash talking about the new korean barbeque place and I wanna try it" he studied you for a moment then shook his head "I know you better than that but I'm gonna let it go cause I'm hungry and you're like a sister to me so I'll trust that if you need me you'll tell me"
"You know I will Curt" you were just happy he'd chosen to let it go for tonight and said a silent prayer to whoever or whatever was listening that Frank and Matt would both still be alive and well come morning light.
Tags @intothesoul
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foxitheskeleton · 6 months
hello tumblr! ive been putting off making this intro for a while now, and im not entirely sure what to write, but here goes nothing. (also, still learning formatting, apologies if this looks bad!)
you can call me Kai, i use any pronouns. i am 20 (i will try to keep my age updated, but i may forget). i probably won't update this post much, unless something big changes.
basic dni criteria apply, just don't be rude.
this blog is endo-safe (as well as other system types), and safe for all therians/otherkin! if you do not agree with these communities, please block me and move on. i will not tolerate discourse in my notes or messages.
some things about me:
• i am a theriomythic dragon. a drawing has been added to the bottom of this post. (i am emotionally attached to my profile picture, but it isn't my theriotype).
• i am plural, not diagnosed with anything (yet) as ive only just discovered it. my headmates never fully front, and i am still learning how to communicate with them properly. (we have a system sideblog, @infernointerlude! may not be very active there, though.)
• i am very likely autistic, and often have trouble talking to new people at first. if you want to be friends, just know that me not talking much is a common thing, and it usually gets better over time. (also, please don't be afraid to interact with me. i don't bite!)
• i draw and stuff sometimes! my art is pretty limited, and im really just learning how to draw humans, but if you want a drawing of an animal or something (and if you ask nicely) i can possibly do that for you :) i also do origami and papercraft, and i have been learning how to make my own papercraft models in blender and pepakura. i also take commissions on ko-fi! link is at the bottom of this post.
• i like music, and often hyperfixate on it. some bands (artists?) i listen to include twenty øne piløts (clearly), Linkin Park, Citizen Soldier, Demi the Daredevil, and NF. that is not the full list, so feel free to ask me about anything related to alternative music (or whatever the genre of these bands are)!
i may not post here very often, considering i don't post much on other social media either (i tend to just lurk the therian/otherkin tags here). but if anyone has been curious about me, i hope this is helpful!
also, this is me! :) (please don't steal, i spent so long on this. thanks!)
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(small update: i have a buymeacoffee page! you don't have to check it out if you don't want to, i just thought it would be cool to have one.)
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Eek don't post this coz I just wanna let it out but I don't wanna start any fear mongering, discourse or defensiveness in your inbox but I would rather it be for Daredevil than a superbowl commercial. There are so many things being boycotted right now idk if everyone is keeping track and if Tom happens to endorse the "wrong" thing we will end up with a Snl timmy 2.0 😩
Giiiiirrrrrl I've been so BUSY and out of it lately regarding the news.... What's going on with the SuperBowl? 😦
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askfratt · 1 year
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About the Mun
adult (30+)
not a native speaker
queer af (he/she/they pronouns)
15+ years of RP experience/5+ years of ask-blog experience
does this for fun
has read a lot of Daredevil comics
hasn't read any Punisher comics (yet)
has watched all of the Netflix Marvel shows
might get things wrong because brains are fickle things
might signal boost Fratt/Punisher/Daredevil related events on this blog
About the Characters
are their Netflix Marvel shows counterparts (mostly)
might mix comics, NMCU, and MCU because it's fun
might be OOC at times because of the nature of this blog
this blog is set after DD S3 and Punisher S2, but time is an illusion and mun doesn't give a fuck
Rules (Might Change)
no RP, this is solely an ask-blog
that also means no RP under my posts
you can send NS//FW and/or kink asks but the drawings will always be SFW
no NS//FW asks involving minors (because uncomfy for mun)
NS//FW asks will be tagged as #askfrattsmut
this is NOT an advice blog, mun is NOT qualified to give any advice at all
do NOT trauma dump
mun intermissions will be tagged as #mun speaks
asks won't always be answered in the order they're received
mun is a human with a life and (mental) health issues, so please be patient as it can sometimes be months until they get to your ask
no character or ship bashing
no discourse
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briefcasejuice · 2 years
wrt the anon you got: i was looking in the tags of a mattfoggy post exclusively of comic panels, and i was seeing several people complain about missing actors over there. mcu/netflix daredevil fans have no idea when to stop talking about their show and will overlook boundaries, written or unwritten. i'm this close to writing a dni on my comics blog
it's actually so irritating. i've talked about genuinely putting a dni in my twitter bio with a friend of mine already as well. the thing about mcu enjoyers is that they don't consume media of the same genre otherwise and if they do, they're missing whole plot points and whole themes (because of the kind of media illiteracy the movies facilitate) so it's not even like they're consuming that at all. that, on top of the fact that the mcu participates in this weird kind of erasure where they refuse to acknowledge that their shit empty casings of art are actually based on this rich culture that is comic books (some real paprika or perfect blue -> inception or black swan shit), makes mcu fans believe that what they're getting is original content and that anything related is inherently and wholly tethered to the movies they stuff their faces with. i've genuinely seen someone refer to comic!canon as 'part of the multiverse' like comic canon is the multiverse. not to mention it gets worse, because the mcu movies are mainstream, so the popularity gives the fans a sense of entitlement to discussion about them online and it makes for the invasion of other fandom or just internet community spaces with mcu discourse and or discussion with little to no regard for the people that were already there. it really doesn't help that those movies and that kind of fanbase is genuinely harmful to film and fandom on a whole plus is a wonderful example of propaganda and capitalism on a consumer level. it's genuinely exhausting because very few of them realise this as well (so it's essentially futile to try explain any of this).
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