#daniel rohrbough
afataldesign · 11 months
Daniel “Dan” “Danny” Lee Rohrbough
On April 20th 1999, Daniel Rohrbough was the second person killed
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At the time of the massacre he was 15 years old (I don’t know if he was a freshman or sophomore. If you do PLEASE let me know)
ABOUT DANIEL According to many, he was a great friend and would be/is terribly missed. He was also said to be a ‘fun guy’. He liked electronics and video games. He would also spend a lot of time helping his family. During the school year he would work at Excalibur Sound Systems, his dad’s stereo business. And during the summer he would go to Kansas to help at his Grandfather’s wheat farm. He would always spend his earnings on Christmas presents for his family.
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crimejewels · 7 months
this is a recreation of rachel interviewing danny with AI. clone rachel's voice with the website https://speechify.com. i always wanted to know what rachel and danny's voice would sound like in this interview.
please note that this is not the official audio, it is simply a recreation. i am warning to avoid causing misinformation.
the conversation was found in a denver post publication. (x)
august 1998.
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astoryofcolumbine · 2 years
"Like snowflakes, my Christmas memories gather and dance. Each beautiful, unique, and gone too soon." ~
We understand that for many, the holiday season may present a particular type of grief. An empty chair at the table, the lack of laughter, the echoes of ooos and ahhs, the brightness in eyes that we cling to so dearly. The moments that we didn't know we would miss as much as we do now. The parts of people that we wish we had paid more attention to.
The Columbine families have now had more holidays without their loved ones, then they ever had with them. Hanukkah's, Christmas', Birthday's, Thanksgiving's, the days that are supposed to bring us together. And how can we ever truly feel together-ness, when we may never again feel whole without them.
"A place where people can come to pay their respects. Where students can have some peace. Where parents can feel closer..."~ 'I Walk With Each of You', Act 2 Epilogue Scene
Last year, the Columbine Memorial Foundation was thousands of dollars short within their yearly funds to upkeep the maintenance and cleanliness of the space. Please consider donating this holiday season to maintain the one-of-a-kind Memorial and to help keep the legacy of Columbine alive forever. For these families, the Columbine Memorial very well could be the closest memory of touch that they may have of their loved ones.
We ask that you please keep the families of Rachel, Danny, Dave, Kyle, Steven, Cassie, Isaiah, Matthew, Lauren, John, Kelly, Daniel, and Corey, in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season. We wish you all a peaceful and safe December and a Happy New Year. May their memories be a blessing.
Columbine Memorial Foundation Donations
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thezombieblogg · 9 days
Columbine timeline
January 1998 - Klebold and Harris are arrested after stealing items from a van. After pleading guilty, they are sent to a juvenile diversion program.
March 1998 - Randy and Judy Brown, parents of student Brooks Brown, file a report with the sheriff's office stating that Harris had threatened to kill Brooks and had written on the internet that he would like to kill people.
April 20,1999:
11:10 am: Harris arrives alone to the south junior student parking lot in his 1986 gray Honda civic and parks in another students parking spot.
Klebold arrives at the southwest senior parking lot in his 1982 black BMW and parks in another students parking spot.
Their cars border the schools cafeteria and the exits and entrances into the lower level.
Moments before they enter the building Harris speaks to another student, telling him to leave the school because he likes him, this student is known as brooks brown.
Brown is seen later walking away from the area.
11:14 am: at this time Harris and klebold leave the parking lots and head towards the cafeteria, carrying two large duffel bags containing homemade propane bombs o kill the majority of of the students who would soon be arriving at lunch ‘A’. The bombs were hidden in duffel bags so they easily blended in with the 400-plus backpacks strewn on the floor, under tables and chairs throughout the cafeteria. The propane bombs were set to detonate at 11:17 am.
11:17 am: After placing the bombs, Harris and klebold walk back out the the student parking lots and sit in their respective cars and wait for the bombs to explode. From their cars they have a clear view of the cafeteria. Klebold and Harris also have bombs constructed with timers in their cars, set to go off once they go back into the school.
11:19 am: Jefferson County Dispatch Center receives the first 911 call from a citizen reporting an explosion in a field on the east side of Wadsworth Boulevard between Ken Caryl and Chatfield Avenues. The explosion is actually a timed diversionary device. Two backpacks with pipe bombs, aerosol canisters and small propane tanks had been placed in a grassy open space three miles southwest of Columbine High School.Only the pipe bombs and one of the aerosol canisters explode but the explosion and subsequent grass fire are enough to get the attention of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and the Littleton Fire Department. The bombs exploding in the field along Wadsworth Boulevard are intended to divert the attention of law enforcement away from what is planned to be a much more devastating scene at the school.
11:19 - 11:23 am: Several witnesses identify Harris and Klebold standing together at the top of the west exterior steps, both wearing black trench coats and carrying a backpack and duffel bag. That location is the highest point on campus and allows them an elevated vantage point of the school’s west side, the southwest senior parking lot and portions of the junior lot, the cafeteria exits and entrances, and the athletic fields to the west. At about 11:19 a.m. a witness hears one of the suspects say, “GO! GO!” Klebold and Harris then pull their shotguns out of their bags. They already have 9-mm semi-automatic weapons hidden under their coats. From their position at the top of the steps they begin shooting at students in the area. Thus begins what is now known as the worst U.S. school shooting in history.The first gunshots, fired toward the west doors, kill Rachel Scott and injure Richard Castaldo, students at Columbine High School. Rachel and Richard had been sitting on the grass eating their lunch outside the school's west upper entrance near the north side of the library. Students Daniel Rohrbough, Sean Graves, and Lance Kirklin, having just come outside through a side door of the school cafeteria on their way to the “Smoker’s Pit” at Clement Park, are hit by gunfire. All three fall to the ground. Klebold goes back down the stairs to the area outside the cafeteria and shoots Daniel Rohrbough again at close range, killing him instantly. He also shoots Lance Kirklin again, this time at close range, but Lance survives.Klebold briefly enters the side entrance to the cafeteria and stands just inside the doorway, perhaps to discover why the propane bombs have not exploded. He then goes back outside and joins Harris at the top of the outside stairs. Harris shoots down the stairs hitting Anne Marie Hochhalter. Anne Marie is shot multiple times as she stands to run for cover into the cafeteria.Witnesses hear one of the gunmen shout, “This is what we always wanted to do. This is awesome!” From the onset, both suspects are seen lighting and throwing explosive devices onto the roof, into the parking lot and toward the grassy hillside.
11:21 am: Deputy Paul Magor, a Jefferson County Sheriff’s deputy patrolling the south Jeffco area, is dispatched to the scene of the fire and explosion on Wadsworth Boulevard.
11:22 am: The school custodian, after rewinding a recycled videotape, hits the record button on the VCR that records images of lunchtime activities in the school cafeteria. The tape immediately shows students near the windows beginning to notice something happening outside and some start toward the cafeteria windows to look. Jefferson County Sheriff’s Deputy Neil Gardner, community resource officer at Columbine High School, has just finished his lunch while sitting in his patrol car at the students’ “Smoker’s Pit” when he receives a call from the school custodian on the school’s radio. He’s needed in the “back lot” of the school.
11:23 am: Deputy Gardner, pulling his car onto Pierce Street and heading south to the student parking lot, hears the same call, this time coming over the Sheriff’s radio, “Female down in the south lot of Columbine High School.” He activates his lights and siren.
11:24 am: Several of the school’s custodial staff and faculty, including teacher William “Dave” Sanders, are attempting to find out what is happening outside the school cafeteria. Realizing a danger, Sanders and school custodians Jon Curtis and Jay Gallatine enter the cafeteria and direct students to get down. Students begin to hide under the cafeteria tables.Teacher Patricia (Patti) Nielson is working as a hall monitor when she hears a commotion outside the west entrance of the school. She looks outside, seeing two male students with what she thinks are toy guns, and assumes that a school video production is being taped. She is on her way outside to tell the boys to “knock it off” when one of the gunmen fires into the west entrance, causing glass and metal fragments to spray into the hallway. Nielson suffers abrasions to her shoulder, forearm and knee from the fragments. Gardner has just pulled up in the lower south parking lot of the school with the lights on his patrol car flashing and the siren sounding. As Gardner steps out of his patrol car, Eric Harris turns his attention from shooting into the west doors of the high school to the student parking lot and to the deputy. Gardner, particularly visible in the bright yellow shirt of the community resource officer’s uniform, is the target of Harris’ bullets. Harris fires about 10 shots at the deputy with his rifle before his weapon jams. Gardner fires four shots at Harris. Harris spins hard to his right and Gardner momentarily thinks he has hit him. Seconds later, Harris begins shooting again at the deputy. Although Gardner’s patrol car is not hit by bullets, two vehicles that he is parked behind are hit by Harris’ gunfire. Investigators later found two bullet holes in each of the cars. Harris then turns and enters the school through the west doors. Students in the cafeteria realize the activity occurring outside is more serious than a senior prank. A mass exodus of students is seen on the school’s surveillance videotape as students escape up the stairs from the cafeteria to the second level. Several students recalled Sanders directing them to safety by telling them to go down the hallway to the east side exits of the school.
11:25 am: Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office dispatch advises that there are possible shots fired at Columbine High School. “Attention, south units. Possible shots fired at Columbine High School, 6201 S. Pierce, possibly in the south lower lot towards the east end. One female is down.” Teacher Patti Nielson, hiding under the front counter in the school library, calls 911 to report shots being fired outside the library.
11:26 am: Littleton Fire Department dispatches a fire engine to the explosion and grass fire on Wadsworth. After exchanging gunfire with Harris, Gardner calls on his police radio for additional units. “Shots in the building. I need someone in the south lot with me. Dispatch reports several shots fired at Columbine High School. Teacher’s 911 call from inside the library reports smoke coming in through the doorway. She yells at students to get on the floor and under the tables.Jefferson County Deputies Scott Taborsky and Paul Smoker arrive on the west side of the school and begin the rescue of two wounded students lying on the ground near the ballfield. Smoker sees Gardner down the hill to his right, holding a service pistol. Gardner yells to Smoker as a gunman, carrying a semi-automatic rifle, appears on the inside of the double doors. Harris, leaning out of a broken window on the set of double doors into the school, begins shooting a rifle. Smoker fires three rounds at him and the gunman disappears from the window. Smoker continues to hear gunfire from inside the building as more students flee from the school. Student witnesses who entered the north main hallway from adjoining classrooms see Klebold and Harris standing just inside the school’s northwest entry doors. Both suspects, they later recalled, are armed with guns. Witnesses see Klebold fire a semi-automatic weapon east towards the students in the main hallway and south down the library hallway. They also hear bullets hitting lockers and other objects in the hallway as students run for cover.A student in the gym hallway observes Klebold and Harris walking east down the north hallway. Both are firing weapons … and both are laughing.A student in the counseling hallway sees students in the north hallway running east through the lobby. Klebold is running behind them, but comes to an abrupt halt near a bank of phones at the entrance to the main lobby area. Yet another student, on the telephone with her mother, glances up in time to see the sleeve of a black trench coat shooting a TEC-9 towards the main entrance of the school. She drops the phone and hides in a nearby restroom until she can no longer hear any activity in the hallway. The gunman, she assumes, has turned around and gone back the other way. She goes back to the phone and whispers to her mother to come pick her up and then escapes through the east doors to the outside. Her mother’s cell phone bill shows this call is made between 11:23 and 11:26 and lasts 3.8 minutes. The student estimates that she talks to her mother about two minutes before she sees the gunman.Klebold is last seen running back down the north hall to the west in the direction of the library hallway. Teacher Dave Sanders, still on the second level, turns into the library hallway toward the west entrance and the sounds of gunfire. As Sanders passes the entrance to the library, he apparently sees a gunman coming toward him from the north hallway. Sanders turns around and heads back the way he had just come. Just before turning the corner to go east, he is shot. Sanders is able to crawl to the corner of the Science hallway where teacher Richard Long helps him down the hallway into classroom SCI-3. A group of students, including two Eagle Scouts, Aaron Hancey and Kevin Starkey, gather around him, attending to his injuries and administering first aid.
11:27 am: Deputy Magor sets up a road block on Pierce Street at the southeast corner of the student parking lot. He immediately is approached by a teacher as well as students reporting a person in the school with a gun. Dispatch announces that possible hand-grenades have been detonated at the school. Harris and Klebold walk up and down the library hallway, randomly shooting but not injuring anyone. Investigators later scrutinized Nielson’s 911 call made from the school’s library. From the tape, the investigation shows that Harris and Klebold spend almost three minutes in the library hallway randomly shooting their weapons and lighting and throwing pipe bombs. They throw two pipe bombs in the hallway and more over the stairway railing to the lower level.A pipe bomb is thrown into the stairwell from the library hallway and lands in the cafeteria below. A large flash is observed on the cafeteria videotape. A second pipe bomb also is thrown into the cafeteria from the upper level.
11:28 am: Numerous students, running from the school, seek safety behind Taborsky’s patrol car on the school’s west side. The students tell the deputies that gunmen are inside the school randomly shooting at people with UZIs or shotguns and throwing hand-grenades. They describe the younger of the two gunmen as possibly high school age and wearing a black trench coat and a hat on backwards. The second gunman is described as “taller, a little older” and also wearing a black trench coat.Dispatch alerts the deputies that the shooter may have a shotgun. Deputy Smoker radios that students are saying the shooter is wearing a black trench coat.
11:29 am: Dispatch alerts all units that Deputy Gardner is under fire and the suspect just ran into the building. “Shots fired on the southwest side with a large weapon.”Harris and Klebold walk into the school library. The 911 call records a male voice yelling, “Get up!”
11:29 - 11:36 am: Harris shoots down the length of the front counter. One student, crouched behind a paper copier, is injured by flying wood splinters from the counter. The gunmen walk through the library toward the west windows, killing one student on the way, before they shoot out the windows toward law enforcement and fleeing students. Law enforcement returns the fire.The gunmen then turn their attention to students inside the library. They kill four and injure four more in the west area of the library before moving back toward the library entrance to the east. Harris and Klebold shoot out the display cabinet near the front door before firing their guns in this section of the library, injuring five and killing three.Harris and Klebold leave the library’s east area and enter the center section, reloading their weapons at this point. Two more students are killed and two more injured in the library’s center section before the gunmen leave the library. There are a total of 56 people in the library; 34 escape injury. Two library employees remain hidden in the television studio. One teacher hides in the periodicals room. Patti Nielson, originally hiding under the front counter, drops the phone. She ultimately crawls into the library’s break room to hide in a cupboard. All four women remain in the library until they are evacuated by SWAT around 3:30 p.m.
11:30 am: Deputy Taborsky reports hearing additional shots being fired inside the school -- “large caliber.” Dispatch reports possible shots fired in the library. Littleton Fire calls for personnel to stage at the scene. As the department learns that some students fleeing the school are possibly injured, personnel are instructed to stage in several areas nearby and set up triage sites to treat the injured.The county’s dispatch center goes into an emergency command system as the incoming reports begin to provide glimpses of the incident’s magnitude. Additional dispatchers soon arrive to help deal with the escalating radio traffic and 911 calls.
11:31 am: Deputy Searle reports smoke coming from the building.The 911 tape from the library records the sound of many gunshots being fired during this minute. One of the gunmen in the library yells, “Yahoo!”
11:32 am: Deputy Walker reports possibly seeing one of the gunmen through the windows on the upper level, southwest corner. Walker describes him as wearing a “white T-shirt with some kind of holster vest.” Many agencies already are aware of the situation at the high school because of the radio traffic they are hearing and personnel are quick to arrive at the scene. Several arriving Denver police officers and one Littleton police officer have children who are students at Columbine. One student, hiding with others inside the school’s kitchen, is on a cell phone with the Denver Police Department. His father is an officer in the department.
11:33 am: Dispatch reports a possible shooter on the football field behind the shed.
11:34 am: Suspects move to the center section of the library.
11:35 am: Dispatch advises additional gunfire being reported. Dispatch advises that several SWAT teams are en route. The last victim is killed at Columbine High School.Suspects move to the front counter of the library.
11:36 - 11:44 am: From the library Harris and Klebold go into the hallway and make their way to the science area. Witnesses describe the two as looking through the windows of some of the classrooms’ locked doors, making eye contact with some of the students, yet not attempting to break into the rooms or harm any more students. A teacher sees Klebold and Harris in the science hallway, stopping in front of the chemical storage room just east of Science Room 3 where she is hiding. Several students witness the suspects shooting into empty rooms. Klebold and Harris also tape an explosive device on the storage room door next to the area where teacher Dave Sanders and several students are hiding. Witnesses say the gunmen do not appear to be overly intent on gaining access to any of the rooms. The gunmen easily could have shot the locks on the doors or through the windows into the classrooms, but they do not. Their behavior now seems directionless.
11:36 am: Several more pipe bombs are thrown into the cafeteria from the library hallway a floor above. Another explosion can be seen at this time on the cafeteria videotape.Jeffco SWAT team commander Manwaring arrives at Pierce and Leawood and advises dispatch that the command post and the SWAT staging area will be set up at that location.
11:37 am:Another pipe bomb is thrown over the railing from the hallway above and into the cafeteria area where it explodes. This can be heard on the 911 call made from inside the library. Littleton Fire Department is staged at Weaver and Pierce Streets.
11:38 am: Deputy Walker, on the south side of the school, reports an explosion that blows out windows near the cafeteria. The explosion is from a pipe bomb. As the pipe bomb explodes, several students run out of the south cafeteria doors toward Walker. The deputy directs them to take cover behind several cars, covering them with his own gun while they position themselves away from the line of fire. Walker radios to dispatch that he has students with him, but he does not have any safe path to evacuate them from the parking lot.
11:39 am:Jefferson County Patrol Sgt. Phil Hy arrives on scene and begins identifying and disseminating pertinent information to the initial responders.
11:40 am: Deputies report 30 students have exited the school on the west side. Many of these students taking cover behind the patrol cars are those who are able to escape from the school library after Klebold and Harris leave the library and go into the science area. Deputy Taborsky, protecting students who have fled out the west side of the school, reports that one of the shooters might be “Ned Harris” and that he is possibly wearing bulletproof armor. The witness probably was saying “Reb,” which was Harris’ nickname.Dispatch advises that the suspects are possibly wearing body armor.Deputy Walker reports more explosions inside the school. The explosions seem to be moving east.
11:42 - 11:43 am: Based on 911 calls coming in, dispatch advises that a suspect has possibly left the building. Dispatch also reports one person wearing a red and white shirt on the north side of the roof, one suspect in the library with a shotgun and several bombs, and another person in the cafeteria with “bulletproof equipment and several bombs.”
11:44 am: Klebold and Harris leave the science area and go down into the cafeteria. The cafeteria videotape records Harris kneeling down and resting his rifle on the stair railing and firing several shots at one of the large 20-pound propane bombs hidden in a duffel bag. Photos of the cafeteria show duffel bags and backpacks scattered throughout the area, yet Harris seems to know exactly where the bombs are located and in what bags. He apparently shoots at the one, presumably in an attempt to make it explode. It does not. The videotape also shows Klebold walking directly over to the same bomb after Harris’ failed attempts to detonate it. Klebold seems to be tampering with something on the floor.The suspects both take a moment to drink from water bottles left by students on the school lunch tables. A witness hiding in the cafeteria hears one of the gunmen say, “Today the world’s going to come to an end. Today’s the day we die."
11:45 am:Harris and Klebold walk toward the food serving line in the cafeteria area.Klebold throws something in the vicinity of the propane bomb.
11:46 am: Harris and Klebold are in the cafeteria for about 2 ½ minutes. The cafeteria videotape shows that, as the gunmen are walking away, there is a partial detonation of a bomb and a subsequent fire. The bomb is attached to smaller containers of flammable liquids that may have been ignited by a device thrown by Klebold. That explosion causes the fire in the cafeteria that, in turn, moments later activates 5 fire sprinklers in the area. These events are recorded on the cafeteria’s surveillance cameras. The large 20-lb propane tank and the second complete bomb/duffel bag beside a nearby table do not explode.Deputy Searle, outside the building, reports a fire in the cafeteria.Four students run out of the cafeteria through a side door.
11:47 am:One student can be seen on the cafeteria videotape crawling out of the cafeteria side door.One gallon of fuel ignites in the area of the partially detonated propane bomb. Dispatch advises of reports of two suspects with UZIs, pipe bombs and shotguns. During its late morning news program, Denver’s KMGH-TV Channel 7 announces that Jefferson County has confirmed gunshots fired at Columbine High School.
11:49 am: Suspects are in the office area.Sgt. Ester reports that Denver Metro SWAT has arrived on the east side of the school.
11:51 am: The 911 call made by Patti Nielson from the library is terminated by the dispatch center since no more activity could be heard on the line.
11:52 am: Jefferson County Undersheriff John Dunaway arrives at the command post and authorizes SWAT to make an immediate entry into the school. Deputy Byerly reports shots fired on the east side of the building. The fire sprinkler system alarm in the cafeteria is activated.
11:53 am: Dispatch informs the command post that bomb squads from the Jefferson County and Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Offices are en route. Dispatch also confirms a live bomb at Wadsworth and Chatfield. “Repeat. A live bomb at Wadsworth and Chatfield.”
11:53- 11:55 am:Law enforcement officers on the east side of the school report noises and shots coming from the school’s northeast side. Searle reports that Denver Police Department personnel are at the shed on the west side of the school and they have “long guns.” A two-hour 911 phone call (from 11:29 a.m. to 1:24 p.m.) from a school secretary and a school security officer hiding in the school’s main office reports shots fired in the office, into the ceiling and in the art hallway to the north.Dispatch gives the command post a description of one of the suspects: “Eric Harris, 5’10”, thin build, shaved blond hair, black pants and white T-shirt, light blue gym backpack.”
11:56 am: Klebold and Harris’ movements continue to be extremely random. The cafeteria videotape shows the gunmen coming back down the stairs and into the cafeteria. Klebold is holding the TEC 9.
11:57 am: Walker reports shots fired from inside the school.The cafeteria videotape shows Klebold and Harris standing in the cafeteria surveying the damage.The suspects walk back toward the kitchen area.Deputy Schwieterman reports an ambulance has arrived on the south side.
11:58 am: Schwieterman, positioned by the west side athletic shed, reports that there are five victims outside on the southwest side of the school and gives directions where ambulances should come into the area to rescue them.
11:59 am:The suspects leave the kitchen area.
12:00 pm: Klebold and Harris leave the cafeteria and go upstairs to the library.The command post tells dispatch to request Channel 7’s news helicopter flying overhead to land in Clement Park in order to pick up a Sheriff’s deputy for an aerial survey of the school.
12:03 pm:A television reporter interviews the mother of a student who told her about gunmen dressed in black in the high school’s commons area. The station also reports that, according to information gleaned from its police scanners, the school is being evacuated.
12:02 - 12:05 pm: Gunfire erupts from the second story library windows above the cafeteria as the paramedics rescue the wounded students outside. Deputy Walker sees a muzzle flash from a library window and returns fire.Deputy Gardner fires three shots at the gunmen. Denver police officers also provide suppression fire to the library windows. This allows the paramedics to retrieve the three wounded teens. The fourth student, Dan Rohrbough, is determined to be deceased. The paramedics rush the living to medical attention.After the ambulances leave the scene with the wounded, the gunfire coming from the library windows ceases. No gunshots attributed to the gunmen are heard again.Gardner turns his attention to a group of 15 students huddled behind a vehicle in the parking lot just a car away from him. One at a time, he evacuates the students down the line of cars to the protection of the last car farthest away from the school and the shooters. A television news helicopter begins broadcasting aerial images of Columbine High School.
12:07 pm:Shortly after that last gunshot is fired from the library window at law enforcement and paramedics, Harris and Klebold kill themselves. Investigators believe, however, that Harris and Klebold killed themselves shortly after they came back to the library, shortly after they shot at law enforcement and paramedics through the library windows. The Coroner’s findings reported that Klebold and Harris’s deaths were consistent with self-inflicted gunshots. Each died of a gunshot wound to the head.
12:08 pm: a smoke alarm on the ceiling of the school library is activated. The smoke alarm is above the area where the bodies of the suspects are later found. A small fire from a Molotov cocktail presumably activated the alarm. The “cocktail,” lit by one of the gunmen, was placed on a library table. Evidence shows that when the glass bottle holding the cocktail got hot enough to break, the liquid inside the device spilled and started a small fire. A thorough investigation by a CBI arson investigator determined that there was evidence on the table and around the gunmen’s bodies indicating that the gunmen took their own lives before the fire occurred on the table. Additionally, the small fire from the Molotov cocktail is the only event that can be attributed to the fire alarm going off at 12:08 p.m. in the same area.
12:11 pm:The heating and air conditioning repairman, initially thought to be a possible sniper, is removed from the roof.
12:12 pm: A television reporter positioned at the Yukon and Caley triage area describes the scene as a “very bad situation.” He tells the television audience that four or five students are currently being treated and some are bleeding extensively
2:15 pm:SWAT positioned on the roof of a residence to the south of the school reports a sign in a window on the upper level. The sign reads, “1 bleeding to death.”
2:29 pm: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office requests Littleton Fire to dispatch engines and rescue units to Eric Harris’ residence. Already on scene are the Sheridan and Lakewood Police Department investigators, ATF personnel and Arapahoe County bomb technicians preparing to investigate a gasoline smell and the report of a bomb at the residence.
2:30 pm: Littleton Fire shuts off the electricity and natural gas to the Harris’ residence.
3:25 pm: Littleton Fire reports that live bombs and gasoline have been located at the Harris residence. Adjacent houses in the neighborhood are evacuated.
4:00 pm: Bomb technicians remove an explosive device from the Harris residence.
4:45 pm: The deadly shootings and massacre at Columbine was over.
November 12, 1999 - Mark Manes is sentenced to six years in prison for selling a gun used in the murders to minors Harris and Klebold.
October 22, 2003 - Home video of the two suspects is released by authorities. In the video, made six weeks before the murders, the suspects are seen in a forested area shooting at bowling pins.
Eric Harris 18
Dylan klebold 17
The shooters didn’t use all the ammunition and bombs they had.
The shooting was on 4/20, which was the day Hitler was born.
The shooters had been arrested before for their criminal mischief, theft, trespassing and other criminal activities.
Dylan and Eric had done the shooting two weeks before their graduation.
They had planned the attack over a year in advance.
KMFDM released an album titled "Adios" on 4/20/99. Eric noted the coincidence in his journal. "Heh, get this. KMFDM's new album's entitled "Adios" and its release date is in April.How fucking appropriate, a subliminal final "Adios" tribute to Reb and Vodka, thanks KMFDM...l ripped the hell outa the system.”
Sue Klebold said that she felt as if her child would bring her great sorrow on the day Dylan was born.
a woman.who worked at Blackjack Pizza (where the two worked) filed a report about Dylan stating that when she pulled him up on an infraction at work, he hit her.
Klebold was born on 9/11
A time bomb set in Dylan's car detonated at 11PM when the bomb squad accidentally set it off while trying to dismantle it
Both gunmen carried knives as well. Klebold wore a Cobra knife on his belt on the left side and had a switchblade knife in his pocket. Harris wore a boot knife on his belt and had a Khyber Pass machete Bowie knife taped to the back of his leg. Both of those knives had an "R" carved into their handles.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold both carried lots of homemade bombs of various types and sizes. Before the shooting, Klebold brought one of the pipe bombs to Blackjack Pizza where he and Harris worked, trying to impress coworkers. His manager, former friend Chris Morris, made him take it out of the restaurant for fear that it would go off.
Dylan Klebold clothing -- Black battle dress uniform (BDU) cargo pants, a black T-shirt that said Wrath in red across the front, black Boston Red Sox baseball cap (worn backwards), and a black trench coat (technically an oiled leather duster). Klebold also wore a black fingerless glove on his left hand and black combat boots. He had a red medallion on his left boot bearing a sickle and hammer. Black suspenders were found close to his body.
Eric Harris clothing -- Black fatigue-style BDU pants, a white T-shirt with the words Natural Selection in black on the front, black baseball cap with the letters "KMFDM" on it (worn backwards), and a black trenchcoat (duster). Wore a black fingerless glove on his right hand and black combat boots. Had a web ammo vest on over the T-shirt.
Both — wore BAR utility belts which held pouches filled with shotgun shells and they carried CO2 cartridge bombs ("crickets") and clips of 9 mm bullets in their pants. Both also had match strikers taped to their forearms to easily light their bombs, many of which had clusters of matches around the fuses.
Dylan Klebold guns: Intratec TEC-DC9 (9-mm semi-automatic handgun) attached to a strap slung over his shoulder (under coat), Savage Arms Stevens 311-D 12-gauge side-by-side double-barrel shotgun. Barrel sawed down to approximately 23 inches, initially half-hidden and carried in Dylan's cargo pants.
Eric Harris guns: 10-shot Hi-Point model 995 carbine rifle on a strap (under coat), Savage-Springfield 67H 12-gauge single-barrel pump action shotgun he called 'Arlene', named after a Doom character. He carried it in one of the duffel bags the shooters took to the top of the grassy knoll outside Columbine's west entrance. Stock and barrel sawed off, reducing the entire gun to 26 inches.
The sawed-off shotguns, each around 30 years old, were so short that firing them repeatedly caused the hands of the gunmen to bleed when used on the practice range. Both shooters also carried several knives with them, but didn't use them. They named their pipe bombs. Four bombs are mentioned on Eric's website, along with their specs. 'Vengeance' (pictured at bottom) and 'Atlanta' were found at the Klebold residence when police searched the house.
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
James Radley Mattioli, Daniel Conner Mauser, Sophie Jane “Soph” Lockwood-North, Chase Michael-Anthony Kowalski, Matthew Joseph “Matt” Kechter, Stephanie Dawn Johnson, Ross William Irvine, Dylan Christopher Jack Hockley, Steven Robert “Steve” Curnow, Rachel Joy Scott, Hannah Louise Scott, William David “Dave” Sanders, Reema Joseph Samaha, Daniel Lee “Danny” Rohrbough, Noah Samuel Pozner, Jack Armistead Pinto, John Alexander Petrie, Anne Marie McGowan Murphy, Daniel Vincent Parmertor, Brett McKinnon, James Radley Mattioli, Daniel Conner Mauser, Benjamin Andrew “Ben” Wheeler, Kyle Albert Velasquez, Britthney Ryen Varner-Wilson, Megan Turner, Lauren Dawn “Lulu” Townsend, John Robert Tomlin, Araceli “Ara” Tena, Victoria Leigh “Vicki” Soto, Jeremiah Small, Isaiah Eamon “Bushwick” Shoels, Mary Joy Greene Sherlach, Allison Noelle “Allie” Wyatt, Shannon Dawn Williams Wright,
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for-rachel-joy · 1 year
24 years ago today, 13 people lost their lives in a senseless tragedy that shook the country, and also the world in a way that’s been affecting us ever since.
Let’s remember the thirteen angels that should be here today, but are around us in spirit.
Kelly Fleming, 16
Rachel Scott, 17
Isaiah Shoels, 18
Daniel Mauser, 15
Corey Depooter, 18
Cassie Bernall, 16
Lauren Townsend, 18
Kyle Velasquez, 16
Steven Curnow, 14
Daniel Rohrbough, 15
Dave Sanders, 47
John Tomlin, 17
Matthew Kechter, 15
May you all rest in peace, and be reunited with your friends and families in heaven 🤍
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abelowaveragebeing · 1 year
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Columbine School Shooting. Since that fateful day, lives of students, teachers, and parents alike changed all across America. Students had to learn to hide and play dead, just incase. Teachers had learn hide students fast and keep them quiet, while having to keep themselves safe aswell. Parents fearing that their children won't come home, and that they will never be able to pack them a lunch again or hold them. In my lifetime, there have been 300+ school shootings since, and there hasn't been any changes made. Unless you count buying a bulletproof bag, instead a colorful one. How many kids have to die before change happens? Changes should've happen when, Cassie Bernall, 17; Steven Curnow, 14; Corey DePooter, 17; Kelly Fleming, 16; Matthew Kechter, 16; Daniel Mauser, 15; Daniel Rohrbough, 15; William "Dave" Sanders, 47; Rachel Scott, 17; Isaiah Shoels, 18; John Tomlin, 16; Lauren Townsend, 18, and Kyle Velasquez, 16, all lost their lives on April 20th, 1999. Thoughts and prayers are getting us nowhere. It's time to stand up and demand change
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isyloveslife · 5 months
25 years ago to the day was when it happened
Rest in peace:
Cassie Bernall, 17
Steven Curnow, 14
Corey DePooter, 17
Kelly Fleming, 16
Matthew Kechter, 16
Daniel Mauser, 15
Daniel Rohrbough, 15
William "Dave" Sanders, 47
Rachel Scott, 17
Isaiah Shoels, 18
John Tomlin, 16
Lauren Townsend, 18,
Kyle Velasquez, 16.
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michaelcosio · 6 months
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The 13 victims in the April 20, 1999, shooting massacre included 12 high school students and a teacher. More than 20 others were injured. The two gunmen took their own lives.(MGN/Columbine Wiki)
By Lindsey Grewe Published: Apr. 20, 2023 at 3:10 AM PDT
LITTLETON, Colo. (KKTV) - On April 20, 1999, a pair of Columbine High School students opened fire on their classmates, killing 12 students and a teacher and injuring more than two dozen before taking their own lives.
More than two decades later, it remains one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.
These are the lives lost on that day 24 years ago:
Cassie Bernall
Steve Curnow
Corey DePooter
Kelly Fleming
Matt Kechter
Daniel Mauser
Daniel Rohrbough
Dave Sanders
Rachel Scott
Isaiah Shoels
John Tomlin
Lauren Townsend
Kyle Velasquez
Copyright 2023 KKTV. All rights reserved.
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thegospelhighways2020 · 10 months
This morning We're going to use for an subject columbine high school shooting this is Sunday morning time for brother Tony ghost to preach some of you said brother Tony why you talking about them I say because they Were Young Remembering lives lost in 1999 Columbine High School mass shooting 24 years later LITTLETON, Colo. (KRDO) -- April 20, 2023 marks 24 years since 13 lives were lost during the Columbine High School mass shooting. Thursday, the public was invited to gather in the State Capitol Rotunda starting at 8 a.m. The Colorado State Capitol opened its doors for a short nonpartisan ceremony. There was a moment of silence and prayer to honor the 12 students and one teacher killed in the school shooting. Below is a list of the victims who died on April 20, 1999. Cassie Bernall, 17
Steven Curnow, 14
Cory DePooter, 17
Kelly Fleming, 16
Matthew Kechter, 16
Daniel Mauser, 15
Daniel Rohrbough, 15
Dave Sanders, 47
Rachel Scott, 17
Isaiah Shoels, 18
John Tomlin, 16
Lauren Townsend, 18
Kyle Valesquez. 16
And then in 2012 around December there was Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Dunblane Primary school shooting in March 13, 1996 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in December 14, 2012 and Parkland High School shooting was in February 14, 2018 and Oxford school shooting was in November 30, 2021 and the Robb elementary school shooting was in May 24, 2022 at 12:28 PM EDT and the Nashville school shooting was in March 27, 2023
10:11 – 10:27 a.m. (CDT; UTC−05:00) Vladislav Ribnikar Model Elementary School Shooting in 3 May 2023; 7 months ago
c. 08:40 – 08:42 (CEST, UTC+02:00) ya'll we're praying for all the school students that lost their lives we're praying for all schools that needed Justice that needed peace needed to be free no child should have went through it in the crisis of the year rest in peace to all those and Columbine High School mass shooting was in April 20, 1999 ain't ya'll tired I'm tired of the school shootings back in 1994 or 93 wasn't no school shooting up until now I love schools everyone loves schools schools should be safe it should be a safe place for people to get up and start their fun day children to go to learn and have fun
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goodlookingforagirl · 3 years
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Cassie Bernall, 17 years old, was an avid rock climber and her favorite movie was Braveheart. She would be 39 years old today.
Steven Curnow, 14 years old, was an avid Star Wars fan and had dreams of being a Navy top gun pilot. He would be 36 years old today.
Corey DePooter, 17 years old, was a skilled sportsman who planned to join the Marines; he was posthumously made an honorary Marine in 2000. He would be 39 years old today.
Kelly Fleming, 16 years old, was an avid reader and writer who was saving up money to buy a Mustang or a Corvette. She would be 38 years old today.
Matthew Kechter, 16 years old, was a dedicated athlete and straight-A student who always put academics first. He would be 38 years old today.
Daniel Mauser, 15 years old, was a member of the debate team and, as described by his father, “wasn’t ashamed to hug his parents”. He would be 37 years old today
Daniel Rohrbough, 15 years old, was interested in electronics and was described as generous and family-oriented. He would be 37 years old today.
William “Dave” Sanders, 47 years old, was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and basketball coach who enjoying teaching computer and business classes. On the day of the massacre, he led over 100 students to safety before he was killed. He would be 69 years old today.
Rachel Scott, 17 years old, was an aspiring writer and actress who was described as vibrant and kindhearted. She would be 39 years old today.
Isaiah Shoels, 18 years old, was a football player who also enjoyed playing music on the keyboard, with dreams of being a comedian and a record producer. He would be 40 years old today.
John Tomlin, 16 years old, enjoyed lifting weights and driving his Chevy truck. He once drove it to Mexico to help build houses for the impoverished. He would be 38 years old today.
Lauren Townsend, 18 years old, was a candidate for valedictorian who spent her time playing volleyball, drawing, and volunteering at animal shelters. She would be 40 years old today.
Kyle Velasquez, 16 years old, was described as a “gentle giant” by his loved ones, always helping with household projects and telling his mom that he loved her every day. He dreamed of joining the Navy or becoming a firefighter. He would be 38 years old today.
22 years later, their names are still being spoken, and their lives still matter. Rest In Peace to all thirteen of the Columbine Massacre victims.
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afataldesign · 1 month
Welcome.afataldesign X
Overview post of my account
Hello world! My name is Neptune and I create true crime and history research posts every now and then. I am fairly young, so please keep that in mind. I may make mistakes in my writing and may use wrong sources. Please feel free to correct me if needed, it’s greatly appreciated!! I try to post facts, not opinions. I also try my best to make sure all my facts are backed up.
Please note!! I do not look to condone, glorify, romanticize, or justify any of the actions I talk about. I create these posts to spread awareness. Everything I talk about is avoidable, I work to show how to make that our reality.
Most of my posts will be informational. I don’t use tumblr as much as I used to, so don’t expect a lot of frequent posts. I will repost memes and other things I’m interested in. And with that I should say, ANY jokes I may make/repost should be taken at face value. I do not mean to belittle anyone and their grief. Everything is completely satirical.
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Many people in tcc, or people really interested in true crime may be dealing with something. That’s okay! Just know, if things feel too overwhelming for you, there is help. You can find a master list of as many emergencies services as I can find, here. <- unfinished for now, I will link it once available. My apologies
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Rachel Scott | Daniel Rohrbough | Kyle Velasquez | Steve Curnow | Cassie Bernall | Isaiah Shoels & more to come soon…
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tru3-crime-af · 3 years
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leidelends · 3 years
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today, on the anniversary of the columbine massacre, remember to acknowledge the victims who died during the massacre, instead of talking about the perpetrators.
(from top to bottom, left to right)
cassie bernall, 17
stephen curnow, 14
corey depooter, 17
kelly fleming, 16
matthew kechter, 16
daniel mauser, 15
daniel rohrbough, 15
rachel scott, 17
isaiah shoels, 18
john tomlin, 16
lauren townsend, 18
kyle velasquez, 16
dave sanders, 47
talking about the killers today is giving them what they wanted, so instead, celebrate the 13 wonderful people whose lives were taken far, far too early.
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love4columbine · 5 years
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The 13 angels❤️👼
On April 20th 1999, 13 innocent people were senselessly killed in a shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado. Today, 20 years later, we still feel the void of their absence. We remember their lives, the people they were, and who they could’ve become. Although their time here was cut short, they live on in our memories everyday. We will not forget them.
Daniel Conner Mauser (15)
Corey Tyler DePooter (17)
Rachel Joy Scott (17)
Lauren Dawn Townsend (18)
Kyle Albert Velasquez (16)
Isaiah Eamon Shoels (18)
Matthew Joseph Kechter (16)
William David Sanders (47)
Cassie René Bernall (17)
John Robert Tomlin (16)
Daniel Lee Rohrbough (15)
Kelly Ann Fleming (16)
Steven Robert Curnow (14)
Remembering the 13🕯
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werememberthem · 5 years
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Happy Birthday to Danny Rohrbough. Senselessly taken on April 20, 1999 outside Columbine High School. 
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