#danganronpa: mind fuck [AU]
s1llycilantro · 4 months
Are Shuichi and Kokichi studying in the same school as any other of the drv3 participants in the cinema au? :0
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Sorry for such a late response but yeah!! Most do, and it's not limited to drv3 either! Though they don't all go to the same school (drv3 cast haha) they all talk or atleast know of eachother. Doesn't mean they all like eachother though ! :P
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dcomposing · 2 years
thinking about how the Togami Family™️ holds cruelty and misery as virtues of Strength and how thoroughly engrained that is in togami's character. also thinking about how naegi's whole entire character is that his strength comes from his kindness and desire to create a more pleasant future. thinking about how togami's entire character arc is about realizing that strength comes in many forms and that allowing yourself the space to be emotional actually leads to a greater resilience than just. bottling all of it up. thinking about That.
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daringdoombringer · 1 year
ok time to be a multifandom blog
⚠️so uh obvious content warning for talking about blood/open wounds and crap if you’re squeamish ⚠️
Not only is it brilliant neon pink in color, it’s also reflective. When fresh, it’s basically like that reflective tape you see on railroad crossings. Put a wound under a flashlight in a dark room and dat shit fuckin ✨GLOWS✨ Surgeries in the DR universe must be… interesting…
It dries to a rich mulberry sort of color, and has almost a pearlescent shimmer. It also turns a similar dark hue when infected.
Oh and how neon/reflective it is and the overall shade depends on the person and how healthy they are.
Now we all know the reason it’s pink is for censorship purposes, so the deaths don’t appear too “gorey.” But I like to think there’s a more complicated, in-universe explanation for its interesting hue. Probably has something to do with Despair, witch I headcanon to be an actual magic/wieldable force??? Some kind of chemical reaction or something once the person’s been wounded idfk lol. Cause yaknow, it’s not exactly normal for humans to bleed the equivalent of fucking ✨HIGHLIGHTER INK✨
this is potential worldbuilding for my Danganronpa sci-fi horror AU/rewrite that I’ve had for like a year now lmao
For everyone who followed me thinking I was just a Skylanders blog I’m sorry but also not really y’all got yourselves into this mess now you have to listen to my unhinged horror au ramblings.
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All Star Apologies
"A body has been discovered!! Now then, after a certain amount of time has passed, the class trial will begin!"
This search has been nothing but a waste of time.
So a bit of base for this. Out of all of us, 1 of us has apparently died. I refuse to say whom at the moment. And this asshole bear thing had recently announced a motive; there will be an obscene number of lire waiting towards any one of us that manages to kill, and escapes freely. Naturally, this created something of a schism between us among us in La Squandra di Esecuzione, the professional hitman team to the boss, the ones with the shitty payment from said boss, and La Unita Speciale per Boss, said boss’s personal guard. Nero has chosen to keep quiet about this fight, while Doppio explicitly said that he won’t take sides on this, with what the woman he loves on the other side as well. So us hitmen (and the little one) decided to go look for the body as someone disappeared. Because wherever he, whoever he is, did the crime shouldn't be that far, right? Who's he? Oh, no one in particular. But I am the only woman in this group, so everyone else is a man. Hehehe...
After about half a day of searching, we all just gave up. And by "we", I mean me, Melone, Illuso, Doppio, and perhaps Nero himself. Well, Nero says that he won't stop the search, and chided us for giving up, but a: his tone is just dripping with weariness, and b: he "excused himself" in the bathroom, and won't get out (I heard faint crying noises too so he's not helping his case). So our group is heading back to our rooms. Actually, I think the others should be heading soon enough, it's almost time to check in. 'Cuz if they don't in about an hour or so, they'll end up like a pincushion just like Carne. What was it called again...? Oh, I don't wanna know! At least being temporarily Stand-less has it's perks. I do NOT wanna clean up the Notorious goo mess.
"VoUlEz-VoUs CoUcHeR aVeC mOi," That's a French phrase. We got told that because we gave up quickly. Only France gives up easily. Do you think the boys know what that means? Hell no. Illuso is the LAST to know. "The hell's that supposed to mean...?!"
"Will you sleep with me," I remarked, annoyed.
"The fuck?! No!" He exclaimed, horridly.
"No, not like that. The phrase means 'will you sleep with me'," Why would I want to do you? Don't get any ideas. "Melone, don't even try,"
"Alright alright..."
Pass through the hallway, then take the door on the left. I guess the search would go on the next day. Now I told you this before, that two of us are missing from each group; the lovebird duo on our side, and the medic and his human pet on the other side. One of them may be dead, while the other is perhaps looking. I wonder where the place is being powered from.
And then.
It happened.
*fwush!* The power blew out. Uh, does my GBA need charging? Guess not.
"...Dammit," Whenever the power in the building goes out, Melone is almost always is the first to go. Do you seriously use that computer while you're walking? You do, don't you ya freak. "Okay, okay, now where's the fuse box?" Planning to turn it on again, I suppose? I guess I could tag along. The other two would follow with.
"On the other end of the hall with Izza's room," Wonder how'd Illuso find that out, poking around in the incinerator I guess? "Hey Paulla, do you have a flashlight?" someone asked sheepishly. It was Doppio. Of course it was.
Without saying anything, I turned on the little backlight in my GBA. That should suffice. Or maybe not, who knows. But with this, we took a detour to the boiler room. Who even flipped off the switch, anyhow? It can't be because someone's planning a murder... yet.
Let's see. Monopad ping the door, then file inside. Find where the box is... unless you get hit with something squirming at the legs.
This caused a bit of a ruckus among us 4, because we couldn't see what was there, and it was too dark to stray even WITH the GBA light. The fuse-box SHOULD be somewhere... right?
"Aceto, let go of me," I complained to the little guy, who currently had his arms and legs wrapped around my top half. He doesn't budge. Man, for a so-called "Ultimate Bodyguard", he sure is un-threatening now, isn't he? Look around, see what's there.
"...There it is!" Illuso was triumphant after all. It was wedged on-top of the incinerator chute itself. I would've thought it was on the other side of that and the boiler, but I guess not. And with a flick of Melone's wrist and switch, the lights turned back on. Chattering all the way in the dining room came all the way to here. Ah well, the stampede should awaken in... 30 minutes or less. So without further ado, let's turn off the GBA and go back to our rooms like intended. Until...
We saw it.
In broad daylight (not literally).
Gelato was bound up extremely tightly and gagged on the floor, but he's still alive. Blood stains all over the floor and walls, and whatever happened to him had his face absolutely stained with tears (still crying, I may add!). A piece of paper that read "PUNISHMENT" was taped to his forehead. Handwriting is unlike anything I've seen in the last 2 days. What the hell happened in here? Was he the one that kept bumping into our legs? Why didn't he try to make any noise indication that he WAS here? Ugh... it's getting really hot in here.
"The fuck?" "What the-?!" Half of us were more reactive than others.
"Why are you just sitting there, watching this?! GO HELP ME OUT HERE!!" Melone scolds me in a moment of wild uncharacteristic fear.
"I'd love to if he'd stop SQUIRMING!" I complained in the back. Melone can handle it on his own. ...Aren't I forgetting something?
"Hold on hold on," I think Illuso noticed it too. "If Gelato's over here, then what happened to Sorbet?" Motherfucker, you're right. Ugh. Those two NEVER leave each other's presence for too long, if I didn't know any better, I'd think they were just having sex in their room.
"We'll look for the other one later. Now come on! Help me get this off of him!" Yeah, that gag is done on WAY too tight. One wrong move earlier, and he'd already be dead through suffocation. "Aceto, go get Nero-chan," Stained blood has better iron generations in it, right? Oh wait, he doesn't have Metallica on hand. But I think that wouldn't matter, he's always got something sharp on hand. "You got it, Paulla!" At least he's eager. "Let me see what's up here..."
Whatever happened to him, he's rendered to a shell of fear and nerves, a far cry to his usual self. You know, I'd expect this to be slightly more from the other one, not him. I took off the taped note, revealing a moderate gnash on his forehead, most likely from hitting one of us, or the wall. I wonder who should go look for Sorbet, with us handling the other one. Does he even know that he's here? I don't think so. Why is he not looking for him? Can he look for him? Is he still alive, even?
"Okay, howzabout we go look for the other one, y'all? Does that sound good?" I don't know how to comfort people. Much less people in this position. Still, as I picked him up, at least his cries were softened a bit. Listen, just WHAT do you want me to do?
"Uh... you guys?" Hearing Doppio's sheepish voice again can't be good. From afar is even worse.
"Aceto..." We all (surprisingly) began. The other two had corrected themselves, since only I call him that. "Uh, Vinegar..."
"What happened to Nero?" Not even I could've torn off his gag.
"No, not that, just..." He looked back to where the others were, as if he was remembering that something came up. "Come over here really quickly! You guys have to see this!" He shouted, then ran back to the others.
We all gave each other a glance, feeling dread settle upon us. Maybe they found the other three... I sighed, then we all went over to where he told us to go. The gym gates open to reveal...
Sorbet's spliced up corpse.
The Ultimate Opera Singer has been killed.
Sectioned into 39 pieces, and dipped in formaldehyde for preservation, his face is permanently twisted into a gape of pure agony and despair. I would've showed this to little Gelato, but he's already unconscious, as I had checked. Or is he? Eh.
*ding ding dong dang* What the?! The loudspeaker came on... Don't tell me it's-
"A body has been discovered!! Now then, after a certain amount of time has passed, the class trial will begin!" *Fwush* An announcement came on from the big screen in the gym room. It was that jackass bear. How come he didn't announce it before, when the group had most likely found it? Probably just to rub it in our faces...
We all faced the artistic corpse again, all in various faces of either horror, disgust, or fear. Even those among La Unita aren't hiding their shock. Well, most of us, at any rate. I, who can't feel anything at this time, and the now found duo for the special unit, Dolcio and Secco. I'd expect that those two aren't very worried either. As a surgeon, you'd have to expect the worst in damages. And I'm assuming that human pets simply don't GAF. Of course, one COULD use it for... discerning evidence.
Illuso is the first to leave, quickly dashing towards the nearest trash can to gag in. Doppio and Pesci refuse to look at this, clearly too terrified at this to continue looking. It's strange. I can sense everyone's despair, but none of us have our Stands, and that was a plus from Smooth Criminal, so what gives? None of us say anything the whole time, I just fake being horrified to suit the others. Hardened assassins, running about like children stumbling upon 2 month old leftovers in or out of the fridge. Look at us... who'd have ever thought? At least Nero is out of the bathroom now, so we can get Gelato un-bound-and-gagged with. Oh! I see a lighter on the stage! That makes this even better! And since he's unconscious... that makes it easier for us to do so without interruptions. Just gotta make sure the smoke doesn't hit him. Once he's freed, we can squeeze an answer out of him.
We had to go to sleep soon enough, so Nero and the others grabbed up the pieces of Sorbet, and moved it to the stage. Investigate later, that sounds better. When the guys went to leave once they were finished, I went to grab the lighter over there. Make sure to tilt his head back so he doesn't inhale the smoke. Doppio is the only one to linger. I motion for him to go help me out here, so he held up the body carefully on top of the stage so I wouldn't have to bend down.
*click!* Steady now... Don't move much. Watch the flame. I'm so glad Gelato doesn't have messy hair! Halfway done. Hmm...
"Yeah, Paulla?"
"Do you know what's going on here? Does the boss, like... know that we're stuck here?" On the hitmen's end, we were just chatting in the hideout, but when I went to go get a drink, the others fell unconscious. I soon joined their fate once I got back to the other guys. We all woke up in here alongside the unit.
"I've tried calling him, no go. I wonder what happened to him?" Worried about him? Well, I guess that is rather like you...
"What I want is for this to wrap up quickly. Destroy the bear thing, or wait until someone tries to get us," ! He's waking up! Almost done, you hear? The weight radiating from him in the boiler room is coming back!
"GUYS! HE'S AWAKE!! GELATO'S ALIVE!" I tried to call out for the guys. "NERO?! TIANZO?! HELLOOOOOO!!" Tianzo? Tiziano? Whatever. He's the only one not named Aceto that I talk to in the unit. Doppio himself went to go fetch the guys for the discovery. I had to go carry him again carefully so the others could see. But what happened next is a different story.
What did he see then? You'll figure it out. What we saw then, however, were fireworks.
A screech hits the room, loud, discordant, despairing. A violent and horrified yell, at the sight of something that caught his eye in the stage. The stage where we kept his husband, or rather, the corpse of his husband.
Oh, this is gonna be a long, long day. And now my head hurts...
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Rhymix Danganronpa AU or whatever but the wheel chooses their fate you should FUCKING GET IT BY NOW I THINK.
this is cursed.
the cast is determined by The Wheel™ (The Wheel™ made terrible decisions ngl) so yeah. here they are:
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so yeah. the rest of the shit here will be under the cut. let'sa gooooooooooo (is filled with guilt and shame)
1. Chapter 1:
- Victim: Ionostream
- Culprit: Stasis
- Quick scenario:
Okay so basically: after killing game gets announced to the participants by Monocredits (i should really not call him that ew), Stasis gets desperate to escape, so he tricks Ionostream to come with him with the fake reasoning being, "I wanna discuss some escape methods with you! Y'know, ones that don't involve murder~"
Yeah, escape methods that don't involve murder my fucking ASS. He kills her and yeah. Lol. Lmao even. (is in paint without the t rn)
2. Chapter 2:
- Victim: Ringed Genesis
- Culprit: solips
- Quick scenario:
After the events of chapter 1, Ringed Genesis becomes terrified and paranoid. Meanwhile, Solips—who is driven with even more curiosity than ever before—decides that maybe he should...try something.
Seeing that Genesis is in a more weaker state of mind, Solips takes his plan into action. However, after doing the deed, Solips couldn't help but feel...guilt.
3. Chapter 3:
- Victim 1: Lucas
- Victim 2: FANTA5Y
- Culprit: Upshift
- Quick scenario:
A motive is shown to the participants; whoever kills, their loved ones don't get hurt (which is 100% a motive used in THH ch1 but shhhh i'm still uncreative as shit ok). Upshift, desperate to save both Perfect and NULCTRL's lives, decided that he needed to commit a murder. Because he's stupid.
He thought about doing this with FANTA5Y, because she's also thinking of committing a murder to save one of her own loved ones: her long time crush. They both then decided to work together to sort out a plan to murder...Lucas. Because Lucas is the only one who isn't shown a motive, because that lonely ass of his doesn't have any friends (anymore).
However, what FANTA5Y didn't know, was that Upshift is merely using her for his own gain. After killing Lucas (who really did tried his best to fight back), he killed FANTA5Y.
He feels so bad about it once the trial starts that he just...tries to make sure everyone is convinced enough that he's the culprit. Because he knew damn well that if his two friends knew what he did for their sake, they wouldn't be happy about it at all.
(i'm deadass using the fucking. cursed ch3 format for this one. ew. i got uncreative ok)
4. Chapter 4:
- Victim: Amazing Mighty
- Culprit: Tempo
- Quick scenario:
Okay, this one makes NO FUCKING SENSE??????
But I guess in this logic Gods Can Be Killed, so whatever.
I genuinely don't know what to come up with for this one. I really don't. Uhhhh-
Motive comes up where if nobody kills Amazing Mighty before midnight strikes, everyone dies. Tempo didn't want that to happen, and decided to give it a shot. Mighty lets him kill him, solely because he's pretty tired with living life as The One Who Transcends All. Tempo kills him, cries about it, and then moves on for the rest of the day until the body discovery announcement.
5. Chapter 5:
- Victim and traitor: Opia
- Culprit: Tsunagite
- Quick scenario:
I initially wanted the culprit to be the traitor, but then The Wheel™ landed on Opia as the victim an then I immediately came up with a banger scenario.
Motive for this chapter is literally so fucking vague to the participants: just kill whoever you think is the traitor. Nothing about it says whether you can escape if you don't get caught or not. It just says do it. Lmao.
Tsunagite eventually finds out it's Opia, and filled with rage, kills him with her powers. She later becomes horrified and literally goes insane during the trial. Just- she literally goes insane over her horror of committing a murder. She never did that before, not even with Pandora. So now she's horrified.
She died in such a state too; horrified.
(woagh a traitor?????!!!!!!!!)
6. Chapter 6:
- Mastermind: Lumine
- Survivors: RGB, Ego Eimi, Ray, and Axium Crisis
- Quick scenario(???):
*Destonio voice* LUMINE??????????????
Uhh.......she hates this world. Idk I genuinely don't know so I'll just leave it as it is.
The literal only child among the cast survived, though! Horray for RGB!
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bear-boi-5 · 3 months
Master Post
remaking this shit
G-Day mate! You can call me Bear, Beary or Soy, doesn't bother me :3
Some info to get to know me :]
-I use She/Her or She/They, idm :3
-I'm Australian
-I enjoy Fandoms like FNAF, Minecraft, Pac-Man, Super Mario, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon, Cuphead, Danganronpa, South Park, Pikmin, TADC, Hazbin/Helluva, SMG4, Baldi's Basics, TF2, MLP, Sonic, Tyke and Sons and Fairly OddParents
-I'm the creator of the Shroomy/Anti X Karen ship, ShroomKitty (since I have never seen it done before and I can only presume I created it)
-I have a sona called Soy (my pfp)
-#Please I'm lonely is used for ramblings
-If I say I don't like a ship personally, then that doesn't mean I'll attack you for liking it. If you like say MxM, then go ahead, just don't make it weird or force it onto others, including me. If you ship gross/illegal shit then stay 10 million kilometres away from me
I have created AUs such as
Pikmin: Other AU
TADC: The Spectacular Digital Studio
Pac-Man: (no name yet I just have a Pac-Man AU)
Super Mario RPG: King Mallow AU
Smg4: Viral Virus, Meme Plaza and Smg3, I shrunk our friends, Break the Cycle, Smg3 Wins and Never Bit
MLP: The Apple Core Plague
TF2: Double Trouble
FNAF: FNAF AU (no name again)
Tyke and Sons Lumber Co: Your Fault
Fairly OddParents: A New Wish AU (no name again again)
-Anything fucking nasty
-People who force beliefs onto people
-People who force ships onto people
-People who demand art from a creator, please don't ever do that, the artist owns you nothing
-People with gross fetishes/kinks, I don't want to hear it thanks
Oc Ref:
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Here's the link to my old Master Post for all my important information regarding Viral Virus
And here's my Alt account if you want to ask or dare Viral Virus :3
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sysboards · 2 months
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main blog | side blog | taken <3 | requests : open !!
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╰┈➤ my dni, please respect! i block freely! :))
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all art featured by lykangutz!!! graphics by arozuya!!!!
sysboards is a blog run by a did system for stimboards or moodboards!! both can be requested!! non-requests asks are allowed, but please do not send them in mass, remember the purpose of the blog when asking <3
you may request fandoms i'm not in (list of fandoms under the cut), but please try to keep it to things I know about if possible!! I don't mind doing research for boards, but they may be less accurate if you request things i'm unsure about!
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my fandoms are ... gravity falls, the scp foundation, underverse, undertale, deltarune, utmv, okegom, batim, country humans, centricide, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, among us, walten files, dsmp, cold front, dead plate, elevator hitch, sander sides, fnaf, gobb, hlvrai, I love amy, creepypasta, hetalia, crk, resident evil, roblox myths, poppy playtime, mark egos, mandela catalogue, welcome home, welcome home aus, danganronpa, dialtown, dsaf, dhmis, bnha, sonic prime, dracula (the book), percy jackson, harry potter, doors, pressure, adventure time, pokemon, regretevator, lego batman, the fucking miku fandom, hxh, warhammer, cuphead, death note, pepper's playhouse, scott pilgrim takes off, mortal kombat, steven universe, kinito pet, popee the performer, the amazing digital circus, fnf, tsp, hamilton the musical, mlp, ddlc, twf, and eddsworld!!
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The return of Enoshima AU: Mikako's gone crazy
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Mikako: Hehehehe
Junko: Jesus, the hell's wrong with you? Wait....*gasps* Are you falling into despair alright?
Mikako: ...
Junko: Woo! Finally, do you know how long it took me to try to get you into despair, 50 hours! Now I've finally done it, all because I've injured your friend right?
Mikako: *looks at Junko* You think Despair is the only thing you care about? You think all this is funny to you?!
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Junko: I mean, duh? Why do you think I was the Ultimate despair in the first place, Despair is beautiful.
Mikako: So you don't care if people are suffering?!
Junko: Yep, I managed to bring people in despair mutiple times and now, I'll make sure you and your friends in despair
Mikako: You....You....
Then something made Mikako snap!
Mikako: Hehehehehe....
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Junko: H-Hey what's so funny?
Mikako: Heheheh, oh you poor soul, you think making people kill each other is enjoyful and pleasant? Thinking that people killing each other, people dying and unleashing those monokumas will make you feel better about yourself? Gee, you must be a huge idiot than I thought!
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Junko: HEY! You don't get to talk to me like that!
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Junko: *growls* You know what, I should just execute you right now and send your dead body to your friends!
Mikako: Oh not if I kill you first! *broke out of her restrains*
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Junko: W-What the- How did you-GAK!
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Mikako: I told you Enoshima-san, there are some things you don't know about me! And I'm not as weak as you think!
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Mikako: Oh? I'm crazy?! Says the one who kidnapped me and trying to bring everyone into despair!
Junko: GAH! Mukuro! Do something!
Mikako: Oh I'm afraid, she won't be helping you, I told her to betray you because she believes in hope than despair! I'm not in despair but I'm very vengeful~
Junko: *grunts* GET OFF! *mind* Jesus, this bitch is crazy! I didn't think this emo chick would be crazier than me! I need to kill her- GAK!
Mikako: *squeezing Junko's neck* Since you love despair so much, How about I put you in despair instead!
Junko: W-What are you gonna do to me?
Mikako: I'm going to make sure you don't hurt anybody else! I'm gonna do what I had to go through when I was being used a lab rat!
Junko: NO! LET GO OF ME!
Junko was strapped to a chair and had wires on her head forcing her to watch her death over and over.
Junko: *Screaming* MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE! NO MORE!
Mikako: Why? I thought you like watch people die?
Mikako: Now you know how everyone feels when you bring despair to the world.
Mikako: Oh, now you're begging for mercy? No! You're going to watch until you pass out!
Mikako: Nope, I'm not falling for your lies!
(2 minutes later; Junko blacked out from watching her death multiple times)
Mikako: *sighs* I'm sorry I had to do this to you but you've gone too far!
Mikako was about to feel when she felt a pain on her head.
Mikako: *grunts* My head, I don't feel so good. Why is everything spinning? I feel like I'm gonna- *passed out and falls to the ground*
Mikako passed out on the group after getting payback at Junko for bringing everyone in despair and kidnapping her.
Later, someone found her.
Sora: Guys! I found her!
To be continued...
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kelperings · 1 month
hey guys so ive been thinking about @dansconcepts danganronpa diner au and its been on my mind for a hot minute (TOTALLY GO CHECK THEM OUT BTW ITS SOSOOSOS COOL) and i think its so interesting and cool the ideas that can come from it, and i fear i dont have the time to actually draw them at the moment so im writing them down!!!
like okay, celestia mentions that there was a coffee shop she used to frequent, and that they often made royal milk tea. WHAT IF *THIS* WAS SAID COFFEE SHOP, or at the very least what if this was a more convenient place for her. image the STRESS that passes through into the kitchen as someone walks in after getting celestia seated and is like “fuck guys ms.ludenburg is here.” imagine the number of teacups broken until they all perfected a royal milk tea. imagine if SHUICHI had to serve her that man would be fucking shitting himself.
or what if, lets say, yasuhiro comes in. lets say yasuhiro is doing some odd shit outside, and makoto asks hajime to go check on him while he deals with something in the kitchen. so he goes out, asks yasuhiro if hes doing alright and if he needs anything, and suddenly he’s roped into a 30min conversation where yasuhiro is doing palm readings, tarot cards, the lot of it. he’s getting his whole fortune told, angel numbers, zodiacs, everything you can think of. and he can’t just up and leave, he has to stay there, he’s trapped in this conversation. imagine how ANNOYED he’d be and imagine how SMUG nagito would be if he saw that happening. IMAGINE THE SHIT HE’D BE SAYING TO HIM FROM THE TABLE NEXT TO YASUHIRO’S.
“huh, married at 21? that’s interesting.”
hajime would want to STRANGLE HIM.
but anyways, thats a couple things i thought up while at work and im SO SORRY I CANT DRAW THAT GUYSS I JUST THOUGHT I MIGHT AS WELL BRING THESE CONCEPTS TO ANYONE WHO WANTS TO LMAOO.
andplease please PLEASE go check out @dansconcepts they r SOSOSOSO COOL!!!
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dice-nagito-ace · 11 months
Nine Clowns Walk Into A Hospital
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king: hey wouldn't it be funny if we started dominating the world like joker keeps joking about
queen: king, you fucking megalomaniac queen: we go with russia first
OR; Post-Game VR AU where DICE, without it's beloved leader, commit to the bit.
so it was real and it wasn't, almost a sick imitation of limbo, purgatory in which they signed their lives away into it.
they're left in a room where they're all fine, technically, but there are echos of the experience that they can't shake off and they can't, exactly, talk about it, NDAs were such a pain.
they've all agreed to keep contact, if nothing else but the fact that only they could understand what it was like, their own bond forged in blood.
except, there was only one left missing, surgery had to be done the moment his simulation was disconnected, to stop the stress on his bones.
they don't know how to approach him, his presence lingered all the same within their minds, either way.
they're not sure on who's going to come out that door, the one before, the one after or an amalgamation of both.
they're not sure what they want to see.
they never get to.
because there's a knock on a different door and out comes and comes and it never stops until it does and now there's nine new people in their fragile haven, all in white suits and wearing masks, falling in line, waiting.
they ask– of course they ask and the one of the smaller ones, smiles, bared teeth and friendly but no doubt, ready to bite.
"we're waiting for joker."
it takes a while, but the detective is the first, easy enough to connect really, when he looks and sees– checkered items, somewhere on their person, black and white, whether that be socks, bracelets or their masks.
"you're- DICE...?"
they grin but say nothing else, waiting, watching, they're not here for them.
and when the doors burst open, grand entrance for a grand leader, heterochromatic eyes– and wasn't that a surprise, it shouldn't but it is– taking stock of the room, pausing in recognition to the lackeys he's missed, mouth parting to call only to stop.
kokichi stares, no grins, no cheeky remarks and it's almost more off putting to see him without his sharp edges and the DICE members fidget and squirm.
"what did you do?"
one of them cracks, "it was king's idea."
"lead by jack's unit!" "under queen's orders!"
they fall into squabbling and they have to blink and wonder why the fuck were they intimidated at all by these people.
"my royal flush, my sweet suits." kokichi trills in the tone of a waiting disappointed father or a simmering angry mother, a role reversal that has them all silenced as he smiles.
"what did you do?"
it's quiet, one of the boys cough.
"you won the russian election?"
but the biggest surprise was that kokichi wasn't, instead looking exasperated and checking his phone.
"i was gone for a month."
"it was a bet-" "we wanted to see if we could-" "come on, joker, you kept saying stuff about world domination-!" "you like the cold!" "we can go ice skating for free now-" "joker, please don't be mad-" "dad-" "HA! you called him dad, again!" "da- joker, it's a gift, surprise?"
DICE all but scrambles over to their boss, one of them begins putting on a hat and cape and his signature bandana, on top of the hospital gown he was still wearing.
"who were the other candidates?"
"they were assholes, joker-" "nooo, i don't want them in power." "come on, joker, they're letting us have panta imported there." "the public loves you-" "plus with danganronpa you're already in the public eye-"
they all watch as DICE fall over themselves to make up to their disgruntled head of the organization.
"and i'm guessing we have new recruits?"
"yeah!!! you're not lying when you said you have 10k now, boss!"
"gods, you're all clowns." "hey now, boss you called us a circus for a reason!"
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growling · 6 months
for the ask game (with either raincode or danganronpa) :
👛 your favorite rare pair?
💕a ship you’d defend with your life?
♠️ favorite protagonist?
(from this ask game)
👛 your favorite rare pair?
I don't think much about danganronpa shipping anymore (my brain is now just permanently rotating enoshima, kamukura, komaeda, ouma and kiibo there like rotisserie chickens instead, i am TOO BUSY!!!), so rain code it is: yumayomi/kokohell/the japanese side calls it yumayomi ig and the english side does not call it anything because no one except me and like 2 other people care. yuma & yomi are just so objectively hilarious as a duo and the possibilities of putting them in Situations are fucking endless nobody does it like they do it. every day another yuma and yomi au idea establishes itself in my mind i am running out of storage room i have so many other things i should care about that aren't wacky rain code yaois but guess what i cannot they won't let me
(also fubuyomi honorable mention. I have to mention fubuyomi they also drive me but I have zero words to describe it. oh and worshipper x priest despite me keeping silent about it for a solid few months i did not forget religious serial killer toxic sludge yaoi anyway have you listened to we will commit wolf murder by of montreal for no reason in particular)
💕a ship you’d defend with your life?
zero hesistation ougoku danganronpa like what is you people's PROBLEM??? "it's abusive" jesse what the fuck are you talking about. Ouma did not "manipulate" him Gokuhara knew exactly what he was doing. Ouma explicitly told him his plans for the Insect Meet and Greet in the FTE's right before the event, and Gokuhara got mad at him because he lied about liking bugs, (which Ouma had to do because you've all seen how Gokuhara reacts to people that don't. you've seen it) NOT because he suddenly realized he was being manipulated or something. So many people dismiss the sheer amount of agency Gokuhara actually had in chapter 4, in favour of painting the situation as just "poor stupid baby gonta got tricked into murder by the big bad ouma :((((" while. he is not STUPID (HE IS LITERALLY A SCIENTIST??) he was not COERCED into his crimes, he was a WILLING ACCOMPLICE!!!!!! I FEEL LIKE I'M LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND!!!!! He did it in a misguided attempt at mercy killing his classmates after finding out the world got fucked and everything sucks now. There are multiple pieces of dialogue that highly imply Ouma did in fact also want to mercy kill the class - which also makes sense as it would end the killing game (you know his. main. true. goal.) This would mean that he only started his plan to become the “mastermind” after Gonta told him to not die with him <- this one's quoted from my favourite dr theory blog jacksmusesdrv3 hello hava good day I couldn't find another way to word this myself. "Ouma faked being sad Gokuhara's about to be/got executed in front of him" his reaction literally parallels Kuzuryuu's to Pekoyama's death buddy. buddy. Ouma's entire thing is that he lies about lying about lying about lying WHY are you taking his word at face value why are you believing whAT THE LIAR IS TELLING YOU?????? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. PUT ME OUT OF MY FUCKING MISERY I CANNOT TAKE THIS. People treat Gokuhara like he's stupid (which is "funny" (he said through clenched teeth) since isn't that the entire thing everybody ingame severely underestimates him and then. i can't) while he and Ouma are two of some of the smartest people in the game. And! Gokuhara is perfectly capable of lying and having ulterior motives we've all saw him do that right :)))) multiple times right :)))))) Gokuhara even SAYS Ouma didn't trick him BECAUSE HE DIDN'T. HE DID NOT. These two have the some of the most genuine dynamics in dr, and the best in ndrv3, and you dare disrespect them like this. shame on you. SHAME. People always assume the worst in Ouma, and the best in Gokuhara. This is my personal hell. I am not okay.
♠️ favorite protagonist?
Easily Yuma, beating literally all of dr's protags (though dr1 Naegi has second place. I love you Naegi Makoto). Where do I even start? I think I'm too tired after the above rant to articulate myself anymore and I think if I wasn't that essay would take an entire week to finish lmao.
Thanks for the ask anon :3 !!!
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catboymoments · 2 years
ohh wht are ur hcs on the tenmikoangies .. (either th pairing Itself or individuals i Do Not Mind :3)
- she’s very very feminine and loves girly things and people forget that!!! She loves ruffles and painting her nails and doing her hair and she’s a very big feminist. Girl
- I’m a much bigger fan of the original Japanese “horrible boys” catchphrase instead of the terfy “degenerate male” we get in the translation. Speaking of which people joke about Tenko being a terf which I absolutely hate. She would not be a terf. She would welcome anyone who wanted to become a girl!!! Being a trans woman is amazing and awesome!! I think I’m a modern/hpa/nondespair au she would follow a lot of transfem creators like Dylan Mulvaney and Kim Petras, and she would LOVE chihiro. If Angie and Himiko didn’t stop her she would be out protesting for LGBT rights in front of the Japanese parliament every day.
- Although I do think she has some internal biases about transmascs because “why would you not want to be a girl and be a horrible boy?” But she’s working on it and trying to understand. She’s unlearning a lot of harmful biases her old master instilled in her- she doesn’t have a hateful bone in her body and loves her friends no matter what!
- I think she loves having long hair, but it definitely gets in the way doing martial arts, so she does a lot of elaborate and pretty braids and hairstyles with cute accessories like bandannas and scrunchies! She likes doing Himiko and Angie’s hair when she can too- she especially loves Angie’s curls.
- Himiko loves close up magic we all know this, but I think she would also really love stuff like tarot, crystals and palm reading. She’s autistic and magic of all kinds is her special interest!
- she loves big cozy cardigans (cloaks) and fabrics with celestial patterns… I think she would be a fan of the olden town lmao
- in the nondespair au she has a black cat and a tabby cat named Midnight and Tiger
- she loves collecting shiny little trinkets, her room is cluttered but not in a messy way… it’s like howl’s bedroom
- fuck danganronpa canon I’m the boss now. Angie has curly hair I think. She’s so much more than the “crazy island girl” stereotype… augh
- she loves to go thrifting and go shopping at craft stores! You have to be careful with her because she can and will spend all of her money in one trip.
- she likes to cook! She makes traditional Polynesian food for her gfs!! Food is just another form of art after all!
- she doesn’t have a lot of issues with nudity because her culture she was raised in is just different, and while Japan has some non Eurocentric standards as well with communal bathing in hot springs and such, she can be a bit out there. Like she tends to walk around without shirts on at the house and if someone comes over she doesn’t think to cover up, she doesn’t wear bras, if she’s hot the clothes are coming off, etc. nudity isn’t sexual to her and that is okay!
- I need to do more research on different Polynesian cultures and decide which specific indigenous group she is, but I think it would be cool if she had traditional tattoos? It would mean she wouldn’t be able to use most public baths in Japan, but her culture is more important to her.
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
school au headcanons!! pt. 1
fandom: danganronpa: trigger happy havoc
type: school au, no-ultimates
a/n: just how the characters would act in an au where ultimates don't exist!
if it seems like i'm being mean to any of the characters i'm literally not (except for hifumi i can't defend him but other than that i have nothing but love in my heart for them all)
makoto naegi
friends with a bunch of theatre kids but not actively involved, sees every show
doesn't really have any after school activities
spends his free time reading comics and playing video games
very extroverted but not popular, but despite that no one has beef with him
usually active in pep rallies and social events like school dances, but not any clubs or sports
sayaka maizono
choir kid - soprano
everyone in the choir loves her
she always gets the solos
on top of that she has the highest grades in every subject and is on the student council
literally everyone loves her
takes a lot of fine arts classes
always the female lead in the musicals and theatre kids are tired of it but no one says anything
byakuya togami
rich kid
so god damn intolerable
straight A's across all classes, primarily chooses social studies related electives
president of his class and student government
everyone kisses his ass hoping to get invited to his mansion or receive gifts of some sort
captain of model UN
parents definitely donate a fuck ton of money to the school
kyoko kirigiri
top 10% of her class, straight A's
not the most popular, but well-liked enough, no one has beef because she stays in her lane
in the archery club
favorite subject is english
gets so many guys but doesnt look their way
girlie is focused on her studies so she can get into a top university and go into law
celestia ludenberg
another born rich popular kid
everyone kisses her ass and she takes advantage of it
extremely smart without even needing to study
mommy and daddy donate money to the school
probably the single most popular girl
her favorite subject is social studies, specifically history
on the student council, national honors society, and part of the chess club
chihiro fujisaki
responsible for reviving the programming club
super well liked with the less popular students, but not paid attention to by the populars
volunteers for a program that teaches kids to code!
part of the school's GSA
super smart! often tutors people for free in all subjects
all of her time is spent in the computer lab
hifumi yamada
started the anime club
widely hated
does well academically but not socially
does have quite a few members of his club though
also on the creative writing team but gets the lowest scores because his style is more suited for comics/manga/fanfiction
mondo owada
popular with the guys and the girls
on the baseball team
former bully but mellowed out in high school
cannot go a month without getting a detention because he speaks his mind
bro's grades are kind of suffering
that guy who gets dropped off at school on a motorcycle every day
his teachers don't have a lot of faith in him
kiyotaka ishimaru
tight ass student council member who never breaks a single rule
not a super-narc anymore but occasionally reverts to his snitch ways
he isn't even popular with other student council members
but he is very popular with the teachers
straight A's
king of extracurriculars, part of model UN, the GSA, honors society, student council, government, and volunteers for many different organizations and charities
is well aware people don't like him because of the stick up his ass, but he is passionate and respects every single one of his classmates and teachers. truly doesn't dislike a single person
junko enoshima
equally as popular as sayaka
takes cosmetology
doesn't even need to study to maintain her good grades
she is a model and influencer, and often gets followed/recognized at school
she never gets tired of the attention though
she does equestrian!!! loves horseback riding and competes with other schools
mukuro ikusaba
poor girl lives in her sister's shadow, no one even knows her name
everyone knows her as "junko's sister"
she tries to join independent activities
she runs cross country
her grades are good because she spends a lot of time studying
her favorite subject is math, she is naturally gifted with it
doesn't really talk to many people besides her sister, but she has a very small circle
toko fukawa
carries the creative writing team to states every single year
everyone kind of just overlooks her, but with her modest style she is prone to teasing sometimes
is also a writer/editor for the school newspaper
all her time is spent in the library devoting herself to one of her extracurriculars
is one of the few people who actually enjoy studying
struggles in math
tutors english because her teacher begged her to
yasuhiro hagakure
floats around between social cliques because he's so extroverted and liked by most people
doesn't do too well in academics but studies and goes to tutors because he actually cares
does improv
in the culture club
in student government due to how popular and easygoing he is
leon kuwata
captain of the baseball team
has a garage band with his buddies
super popular with everyone
does alright in most classes, but not math
tenor in the choir
somehow has a new girlfriend every week
sakura ogami
first female student at her school to join the wrestling team, and be captain
super popular with the boys
also part of the culture club, and takes spanish
favorite subject is math
works on the school newspaper
aoi asahina
played so many sports before she settled on swim (soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, softball, track and field)
she is the captain of the swim team in the winter and on the basketball team in the spring
part of the honors society because her grades are great
super popular with the other girls
the kind of person who's nice to everyone, especially the kids who seem lonely or sad
she won't let a single person feel left out
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k0yaz · 1 year
☆ requesting rules ☆
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Keep these rules in mind when requesting, please and thank you <3
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What I will write:
Character x Reader
Modern au/ any other reasonable au I guess
Kink safe for MOST kinks (kinks I won’t write for in the next part)
G A Y. (Specifically wlw hmu :))
If you have any prompts feel free to request
I WILL Write for male/amab Reader but not often so try not to ask me that
okay I will write ddlc characters with a male reader but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE avoid asking me that…because there’s seriously not enough wlw ddlc content. So that’s a will write but if you give me the option to I will NOT make it male reader. Apologies in advance to my male fans.
So far I write for YTTD, danganronpa (preferably v3), Genshin impact, chainsaw man, seven deadly sins, honkai starrail, ddlc, spiderverse franchise, tcoaal (NO. INCEST.)
Please be specific with your requests, like (reader gender, hc or oneshot, scenario like dating hcs or sm)
for my own ideas that aren’t requests, I will automatically make the reader female since that’s makes the most sense to write for me, so I don’t want to hear any pissbabies complaining about it <3
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What I WILL NOT write:
Piss/vomit/shit kink (what the actual fuck is wrong with y’all-?)
No romanticizing yandere or obsessive themes. I will write it, but I will not romanticize it. Like for example I can write an obsessed character, but I would make reader horrified of them and make it actually disturbing.
Character x character
Polyamory (can’t write this idk why)
Trans reader (I don’t know what it’s like to be trans so I might not write an accurate depiction)
No danganronpa udg
I’m pretty sure you guys know what I mean by weird kinks but just no weird kinks in general PLEASE 😭
IM NOT GONNA WRITE ROBIN (hsr), ARLECCHINO, ACHERON, OR NAVIA WITH MALE READER THATS FINAL. (And no m reader for Furina too I’m sorry that’s for personal hc reasons I’m only doing fem reader for furina and I am going to be so much more harsh bc my title is literally FURINA’S WIFE so don’t bitch about the fact that I don’t want to write Furina with a male reader you LITTLE SHITS) <- this rule was due to that one person that complained about me writing fem reader on my furina hanahaki fic.
No goofy ass headcannons (for example no OC’s or “SHSL” stuff for danganronpa)
Please, don’t ask for joke fics. I only take actual requests.
Don’t nag me about when your request is getting done, I have a life outside of tumblr.
If I don’t like a request for personal reasons I will not write for it.
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shenanaginag · 1 month
Petals on the Mulch
A Danganronpa Fan Fiction based on @drawbauchery's Bus AU
*Trigger Warnings: self-hatred, mild verbal abuse, and lots of coarse language*
Carbon, Hydrogen, and chlorine ions replacing hydrogen in the chain here and there, with some C8H4O4-2 phthalates to soften and make it more flexible. Formed into clean transparent tubes to show the fluids currently in it, but sure as hell not meant to be entered into someone’s body, like that supposedly klutzy nurse girl with the hot bod probably did when she was an “Ultra Despair Girl” or whatever the fuck Makoto said it was called. She probably just used that pathetic “I’m such a klutzy girl” shtick just to manipulate people and show off her curves. Which… fair, she’s got the goods, but why go about it in such a sneaky way? If you’ve got a body that hot, why not just flaunt it?
“Miu? You’ve been quiet for a while now.” Sakura nudged Miu out of her thoughts. “Do you…” She noticeably hesitated “have anything to add to the conversation?”
This muscular monster of a woman was put in charge of the physical therapy, obviously. But when some of the patients turned out to be problem children because they were being “too disruptive” for group therapy she got saddled with this sorry lot too. The whiney little monster Hiyoko, the ADHD stereotype personified Ibuki, the ticking time bomb Toko who’s always dragging along her emotional support girlfriend, and of course Tencrotch. Some idiot doctor decided that Miu belonged in this rogue’s gallery. At least Teru was here to keep her entertained. Dude was a mess, but at least he was straightforward about what he actually wanted. She appreciated that.
Gonta was also there too. Out of anyone HE definitely didn’t belong here, but people kept accidentally swatting at bugs and the big guy kept freaking out over it. Looking at him sniffling and being a guilt-ridden mess around her was fucking depressing. She didn’t blame him. Not even for a second. Sure he fucked up and now she has to use a bidet after taking a shit because she couldn’t think about… the thing… without phantom pains showing up around her neck. But it wasn’t his fault. It was that shit-stain of a bastard Kokichi to blame.
“Miu” Sakura prompted again, this time more sternly.
Miu stifled a moan. Last time she let one out she got confined to her hospital room for ‘inciting conflict’
“Yeah, sure whatever the last person said” she waved the question off.
“You…” the Shehemoth glanced at her notes “Feel worthless because you aren’t actually an aikido master and can’t protect anyone?”
Miu looked to her right and only just realized Tencrotch was ugly crying. It was gross, and she had snot dripping all over her face. Then she noticed what Miu said and looked up surprised.
“Really?” Tenko whimpered so pathetically that Miu couldn’t help but feel bad.
“What? Fuck no, I’m the best goddamn inventor the world has ever seen of course-“ the string of garbage spewed out before she really thought about it.
“Miu!” Sakura shouted, clearly angry now.
“Shit, wait!” Miu fumbled, her lips suddenly quivering, but it was too late, Tenko was already a heaving mess again. Worse now probably.
Miu’s mind reeled, ‘how do I get out of this?’ she tried desperately to think. Gotta go, gotta go, but where? Gotta go? Bathroom! Nailed it.
“I- I uh- gotta go- go to the bathroom! Suddenly?” She stammered “Gonna go take a massive shit!” she shouted and bolted out before anyone would stop her.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Miu didn’t actually know where the fuck she was going, but just about anywhere was better than in there right now. She sure as hell wouldn’t go to any of the public restrooms. Her room was the only one with a bidet installed. But if she got caught going back to her room too early she’d definitely be in trouble like that little imp of an idiot Kokichi.
That little clown fucker. That shit for brains, creepy ass, lying son of a rabies infested bitch. Maybe she should go find him just to bully him and blow off some steam. GOD she was so pissed right now, and he seemed like just the right punching bag. Why was she pissed off so much? It wasn’t because she got chewed out by She-hulk. She had plenty of lube left between the legs to prove that wasn’t it. Besides, she didn’t even deserve it. She didn’t mean to hurt anybody that time, so it wasn’t her fault! Right? It’s not like she actually did feel worthless because she wasn’t actually the ultimate-
She stopped walking for the first time since she left the therapy room. Where the fuck was she? A bank of windows lined an outside wall with afternoon light beaming down onto the sterile linoleum floors. Trees outside were swaying in the wind, dropping some flower petals onto the dull mulch. A little beauty amidst so much dullness and decay. She stared at it for a little while, until her eyes were drawn to a subtle bit of movement in the shadows around the corner of the hallway she was in.
Peeking around the corner she locked eyes with the embodiment of human filth himself.
“Just my luck to stumble across you, you purple puke urchin.” She sneered, trying hard to look at him like the most disgusting garbage she’d ever seen.
It was surprisingly hard to keep that appearance when she saw Kokichi slowly turn, visibly shaking as he balanced on his pathetic little cane. For the briefest moment she saw a hollow skeleton of the person she remembered seeing last. It felt chilling, like seeing a starved man hanging from the gallows, only moving because the signals from his brain were lost in the nerves, still triggering the muscles to move. This ghost only remained for a moment before it dawned an all too familiar mask and smiled menacingly.
“Miu! How nice to see you too!” the masked ghost cooed as if to an infant “Did you realize how much of a worthless insignificant piece of trash you were and run away from therapy?”
This cut Miu to her core. That’s exactly why she ran away. How did he always know? How the fuck did he always know exactly how to cut her down to a stump? She ran because she wasn’t the ultimate inventor. She ran because she couldn’t admit she felt just as powerless and pointless as poor Tenko. She ran because she spewed out the garbage that was always inside her waiting to come out. The garbage that should have been directed at her. The Ultimate Human Dumpster Fire.
“Well!” the half-baked retort came out weaker than she wanted it to. “Fo- for your information therapy’s actually-“
“Actually what?” Kokichi asked coyly “A colossal waste of time and energy to try and fix a dimwitted sex obsessed heifer in heat like you?”
“You’re worth the time and effort” a phantom voice whispered in Miu’s mind.
“No!” Miu shouted, surprising herself a little “I am worth the time and effort! And it’s actually a good thing that you could stand to spend some time in!”
What kind of insult was that? It was the worst comeback she’d ever come up with, but somehow it actually seemed to affect Kokichi. Where did that voice come from? And why did it sound like big n’ brawny girl? Was there actually something from these bullshit therapy sessions that was getting through to her? Kokichi was opening his mouth again to say something, but was hesitating longer than he usually did.
“I don’t care abou-“ Kokichi started, but Miu was faster on the draw.
“Don’t care about what?” Miu took a couple steps closer to the boy’s slightly shaking form. “About getting better? About me and what I want and need? You think I’m just a waste of space? You think I’m dumb? Well guess what? So do I!”
“You’re actually quite smart.” The phantom voice cut in again.
“But I actually am pretty damn smart when it comes down to it!” She yelled, hearing her voice echo down the corridors. She was getting quite close to Kokichi now and only just noticed how short he really was. “And fucking hell if I haven’t seen how smart you are in your own way, so why haven’t you figured out yet that you need this just as much as the rest of us losers?”
Why did she say that?! That makes it sound like she cares about him! Of all the stupid thoughts in the world. Still, something about this interaction pissed her off more than her own garbage actions. If she was getting this freaky voice in her head making her feel better about her own shit-show of a life, then why should he be a cowardly little shit and run away from the help they’d been given?
“I’m not in the mood.” Kokichi whispered coldly.
“What?” Miu shook her head, confused by the tonal whiplash.
“Just cut the bullshit Miu.” Kokichi uttered flatly, the mask suddenly gone again. “We both know you don’t actually care about me.”
Miu was stunned into silence for a moment. Kokichi started hobbling away, back into the shadows. The fight was over before she got to anything satisfactory? Bullshit! The little weaselly asshole couldn’t get away with this!
“I do too care!” Miu screamed. Outside, birds scattered from the trees.
Kokichi had stopped in his tracks, but didn’t look back. Hot stinging tears started pouring out of Miu’s eyes unbidden.
“I fucking hate you!” she continued, unable to stop herself. “I hate you, and I hate me, and I hate this whole goddamn world that stole our lives away! And I hate this stupid fucking hospital and these stupid ass therapy sessions, but goddamn it it’s doing something! It makes me want to keep caring! I’ve always cared! I cared when we were in the killing game too you know! I cared about Shuichi and Tenko and Kaede and that dumbass Kaito and Gonta… I cared about Gonta. And fucking goddamn it I didn’t want to kill you! I didn’t okay?! I just… I felt trapped! It felt like I had no choice! I’m sor-“
Miu ran away sobbing before she finished apologizing. Leaving the ghost standing alone.
She was ugly crying, just like Tenko was earlier. Snot was pouring out clogging her nose, making it hard to breath. It felt like her lungs were collapsing in on themselves as she kept squeezing out long agonizing screams. She couldn’t keep her hands from clutching her head and holding on desperately like she need to keep it from falling off her neck to floor. She ran blindly. Lost in her own misery and self-loathing. No phantom voice to save her now.
But without warning there was a very real, very very solid form that she ran into. At first she thought it was a wall with how hard and sudden the stop was, but something caught her from falling backwards with just as much solid force as the first thing. Half blinded by tears she looked up to see Sakura’s concerned face staring back.
Overwhelmed with emotion Miu flung herself into Sakura and continued crying. Surprisingly, Sakura not only permitted her, but even started patting her gently on the back and whispering quiet comforts. They stayed like this for a while, until the well of despair began to ebb and Miu started to feel numb. Eventually she backed away from her comforter’s enormous form.
“I’m sorry.” Miu chocked out, her throat raw from all her screaming. “for running away”
Sakura offered Miu a packet of tissues from her pocket. “I feel you did no wrong to me needing forgiveness.” She murmured, her voice still gravely, but tinged with compassion.
“However you do owe Tenko an apology.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
At the next therapy session, Miu apologized in earnest to Tenko, who, to Miu’s surprise, forgave her readily. For once, Miu actually tried to pay attention to the group conversations and even tried to contribute. People were still annoyed by the way she said things which pissed her off, but Sakura seemed pleased that Miu was actually participating. It didn’t make her weak in the knees as much as getting told off by the Titan, but it still gave her at least a bit of a praise kink buzz.
Then halfway through the session, the door opened, and in hobbled a ghost who claimed he only just now figured out how to get to the group therapy rooms.
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 2 months
So we hear ALL about pregame v3 characters, and how mischaracterised they are, and wow that's fucked. Danganronpa fans get so insane they go into a killing game? But what's even more insane???? They were already in one.
Like, au idea what if all the people from the v3 killing game were survivors/mm/escaped blackeneds of other killing games!
What if Himiko was a survivor, Angie was a mastermind, Maki escaped after killing 2 people... the possibilities are endless, and tbh it gives the fandoms smth more interesting (imo) then just "I like dangronber, mm let's play dangronber!"
What if they were so fucking twisted and insane before the v3 kg, Rantaro says "you wanted this" like what if he was a mastermind in a kg with his sisters and he pretty much killed all of them. What if they're all twisted bro. This idea makes my mind churn like butter (<- IM NOT MAKING A MONDO JOKE ITS NOT FUNNY)
But yeah any ideas or hcs or opinions because I might write this at some point.
you wrote this really scattered but basically the idea is that it like a special game with all survivors and victors of previous games? that is really interesting!
Hmmm I'm not really sure how to add to this, though i personally wouldnt make rantaro the mastermind or at least not the "i actually killed all my sisters" reasoning that feels a bit too edgy to like, actually be taken seriously? If you want a different mastermind you're gonna need to figure out two points
why did they agree to it?
what was their game like?
why is this special game happening?
For instance, lets say all of them were blacken survivors, then making kokichi as the secretly only not blacken survivor would be interesting because it could be spun as him getting revenge for the people in their games, as well as projecting his own trauma from the blackens of his own game onto them
Or if its a solid mix like you originally proposed, maybe kirumi has become fully in line with future foundation thinking, and feels like masterminding the game is a form of penance for being a blacken winner.
Or maybe its kiibo, broken down after being used as a camera in multiple of the games, given up hope of being more then just a convenient tool that can be killed and kill as many times as needed and still be brought back for the next game and part of ending the games is getting through to kiibo and reinforcing his own humanity and that he can make his own choices still, maybe he was a part of each of their games and remembers them all, and killing them is also as sense of closure, an expansion on the mercy kill concept trial 4 brings up
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