#dandelion break
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ladytemeraire · 8 months ago
20. favourite things about the night?
The quiet. The peace. The way things settle, slow, soothe into a softer and gentler rhythm.
The way the heat and humidity drop, reducing sensory overstimulation and encouraging me to go outside while (after a certain hour) also meaning the insects that I react badly to are far less likely to be around to bite me. (I have borderline allergic reactions to certain insect bites, including mosquitoes, and while I recognize they are part of the ecosystem I also try to limit my exposure both to them and to pesticides/insect repellants as much as possible.)
The release of immediate constraints and deadlines (see also: "revenge bedtime procrastination"), freeing me from the need to be "on" in a social sense or worry about someone checking in on me and my progress, so I am more likely to pursue both personal and externally structured goals.
Being able to walk Sadie around our neighborhood without fear of other dogs, or random pedestrians, or motorcycles whizzing by at peak hours.
Related: the knowledge that if Sadie does react to something while we're on a walk, it's a legitimate issue, there is Something There, because she doesn't bark at nothing, and in the dark I can trust her instincts and senses over my own vision (vs the daylight, where I generally rely on my own reaction and perception to intercept triggers before she can react to them).
Being able to enjoy the outdoors in peace and stillness in a way that's not always possible during daytime hours.
The soft susurration of crickets and cicadas and frogs; seeing bats and night-flying birds dart about in their regular pursuits and hearing their noises as they go.
Watching lightning bugs/fireflies dance over any open space available, during the few months they are around.
The ability and freedom in all seasons, since I live in a relatively rural area, to step outside and (to paraphrase Walt Whitman) wander off by myself, in the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, look up in perfect silence at the stars.
Thank you so much for asking!
[Questions I think it would be fun to be asked]
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ladytemeraire · 2 years ago
Good turt
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maybeasunflower · 2 years ago
Dandelion break
Time to go and look at more brassicas.
See also: author's website.)
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omnificent-orion · 1 year ago
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Don't ever forget. Wherever you go…
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geraskierfanficprompts · 27 days ago
Prompt 148
All in all, it’s not the worst kidnapping Jaskier has been through. He’s blindfolded, but they’ve not gagged him! Score! His head’s still a little muggy, however, so he hasn’t been able to make his mouth really say anything… not yet.
he’s tied to… a tree? A pole? Maybe a beam or column? He can’t tell if he’s outside or inside yet, on account of the whole blindfold and muggy head thing he explained earlier. "H- Hello?" He finally manages to call out. "Welcome to the waking world, My Lord~" A voice mocks. Jaskier has a bad feeling about the voice, even aside from the fact the voice is most definitely his kidnapper, it also just has very bad vibes overall.. It reminds Jaskier of an ooze. Or... Or sewage. Something.... Slimey. Icky. Blegcky... The fog in his brain starts to clear a little bit more.. Lord.. He called him lord. Jaskier is no lord. Julian was a lord. Jaskier is not Julian, not any more. That rings many alarm bells in Jaskier's head. They're expecting a man that Jaskier considers dead to the world. "Looks like he's panicking, Boss." Oh shit. There were multiple. "Aww, that's cute." Another one mocks. "Don't worry, lordling, as soon as your parents pay the ransom, you'll be free." Yet another one says. Uh oh. This is quite frankly too many voices for Jaskier to focus on right now. He has a LOT of other things to focus on right now! Like the fact they think his parents are going to be paying a ransom? As if! Oh Melitele, he's going to die here! ...Unless... "W- What address are you sending it to?" "The Pankratz estate, obviously." "They won't be there to get your message, good sirs! They're actually in their holiday home in the blue mountains! I- In Kaedwen!" Jaskier prays this works.
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ladytemeraire · 2 years ago
Oh this got very concerned headtilts from my dog, 10/10
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heybiji · 10 months ago
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bed head
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084392 · 5 months ago
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just some quick pmd2 sunflora fusions...
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ladytemeraire · 2 years ago
And part 2! I think she likes it 😊
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gojisaurus · 2 years ago
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matching t shirts
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The influence you’ve had on my life is that I just went to see if dandelion wine is available at my library (it is)
SODAPOPPER MY GOD YAS LAWD BOMSHAKALALA (in all seriousness that book. uh. changed my life. in quite literally the first ten pages. which sounds like an over hype. but my god. it kinda gut punched me about the nature of bein alive!! n then continued to kick me into the ground about happiness n love n growin up n OUGH. truly. it's an amazin book hon. PLEASE come chat with me about it. cause I could go for HOURS.) (also absolute credit where credit is due lemme get on my knees n thank @horsegirlsodapop for first gettin me into it so I could peer pressure the rest of yall)
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ladytemeraire · 1 year ago
Shepherd puppy shepherd puppy shepherd puppy eeeeeeeee
(Her big sister is a very pretty floofy girl!!)
Also I've been spending a good portion of today setting up a month or 2 of queued posts because I have a little ankle biter coming home on the 30th and she is going to be an absolute handful, I just know it.
This is the face of a future yarn thief, I have no doubts.
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Meanwhile, her big sister has no idea I'm about to ruin her life with a baby goblin, so wish me luck I guess o7
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sugared-violets · 19 days ago
oh and another thing about that hadestown performance i just saw with the girl playing hermes. she was a senior and it was her last show as a high schooler, and in her solo start of the last song ("it's an old song...." after orpheus turns back) she was audibly choking back tears as she sang.
and not only was it still beautiful, i think it added so much to the in-story heartbreak. imagine your love story being so tragic that it brings a god to tears. and as the song got going she regained her composure as her co-actors, who were probably also her friends and classmates, joined in and sang the final chorus, and it made it all the more genuine and beautiful. i hope that girl knows that it was nothing to be ashamed of. she's my favorite hermes i've ever seen on stage (and i'm up to three now!)
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geraskierfanficprompts · 6 months ago
Jaskier never makes promises. He literally never says the word “promise”, and he swears no oaths.
It’s a subtle quirk. It takes Geralt years to notice. When he points it out, Jaskier says with false levity, “I guess I don’t.”
From the bard’s body language, Geralt can see he doesn’t want to talk about it, so the topic is dropped.
Years later—after Geralt screams his fury at Jaskier—the bard says in a broken voice, “Don’t worry, Geralt. I promise not to bother you anymore.”
The promise sears itself onto Geralt’s soul like a brand. One made of chaos, and he can feel it become binding.
Geralt whips around, but Jaskier was gone.
There are a few moments of confusion before Geralt realizes what just happened. Jaskier had promised, and that promise was sealed with chaos. Only the Fae have such an ability.
YESSSSSSS i love this Geralt has to track down Jaskier and prove that Jaskier doesn't bother him, and thus the promise is still ringing true, even as they continue traveling together
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enyter · 28 days ago
Dandelion design for my sona <]:}
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Idea from @therealandeborg
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ladytemeraire · 2 years ago
Your honor that steak was just sitting out there, this is clearly entrapment and my client is innocent
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This is the face of a criminal. A rat bastard who ate $25 of steak off the kitchen counter.
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