#dance central 3 spoilers
prokopetz · 1 day
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synchodai · 2 months
Fire and Blood promised me a multivalent historical account of a fictional extinct dynasty. Characterizations are sparse and there is a lot of frustrating ambiguity. But that's okay, because that's what its premise was.
House of the Dragon promised me a family drama that tears apart and corrupts two childhood friends. Characterizations are sparse and there is a lot of frustrating ambiguity. And that's not okay, because it didn't deliver on its own premise.
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jackjeannebrainrot · 1 year
Jack Jeanne Special Gold Saves
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Japanese credit and English translation credit
WARNING: Potential Route Spoilers can be found below, continue reading at your own risk.
In the scene at the shrine, when Chuza says, "Oh, you must think I'm some flashy con artist, don't you? Take a look at the school's website. Here."
In the scenario that occurs during the first singing lesson, when Tancho's line, "Life must be dazzling! And so too will you dazzle, my little diamonds in the rough!"
Tues April 14th - In the conversation scene after rehearsal, when Neji says, "Well, just leave it to me. I have confidence from polishing the 'dull Quartz' after Tsuki Tachibana left."
Sat May 30th - During the "Newcomer Performance", when Otori's line "…………………… Gah." (Scene where Otori's event illustration is displayed)
During the preparation period for the summer performance, during the 5th Weekend with Ion'', the line "I mean, I'm now a match for Kiito with his incredible physique." (before starting song practice)
In the additional scenario that occurs when you visit Mona Star School 10 times during the preparation period for the summer performance , when Mona 's line “Oh, yes! I was known as Univeil's Brown Rose, you know?''
Sat July 25th - During the "Summer Performance", when Kai's line "Don't play dumb. It's as if… " (Scene where Mutsumi's event illustration is displayed)
During summer break when selecting "Go Out" with Kasai at Onyx Dorms (playing soccer/football) - Kasai says, "Or so you think…!"
Mon Oct 12th - In the scene during rehearsal, when Orimaki 's line "Gotcha! Hup. Hahaha."
Sat Oct 24th - During the “Autumn Performance,'' right after choosing to speak to Fumi from the wings of the stage, his line “Wow, that really ticks me off!!!"
Sat Oct 24th - During the “Autumn Performance'', after choosing the option to speak to Suo, his line "I'll kill you… I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!!" (Scene where Sou's event illustration is displayed)
Tues Dec 22nd - After rehearsal at the theater (at night), in the conversation scene with Mitsuki, his line “No matter who you are, I accept you."
Thurs Dec 24th - During the "Winter Performance", when Kisa's line "Aaaaahh… agh…!" ( Scene where event illustration with Mitsuki is displayed)
Sat Jan 16th - when Ao says, "I'll be rooting for you. If times get tough, just remember Ao is here. I'll always be with you."
Wed Jan 27th - when Kisa 's line "The central nation of Kielce is my entire life" (Scene where Kisa's event illustration is displayed)
Sun Jan 31st - In Kisa's route , when Chui’s line "Come with me. I’ll take you as far as you want to go" appears. This is a scene after going out.
Sat Feb 27th - Before the play begins, in the scene in the theater/corridor, Kisa says, "So watch me, okay?"
In Suzu's intimacy scenario 3, when Suzu's line " ... " appears. (Scene where event illustration is displayed)
Mon Jan 4th - In the scene in the Rhodonite practice hall, when Mare's line "Whaaaaaaaa?!” (the second time)
Sat Feb 27th - After the Final Performance on Suzu’s route, when Kamiya 's line “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry'' appears. (Scene inside the Universal Theater)
In Mitsuki’s Intimacy Scenario 2, when Mitsuki says, " Do you guys mind…?" (Scene in the rehearsal hall at the beginning of the scenario)
Fri Feb 12th - In Mitsuki’s route, when Kaido says , "I was waiting for you to say that! Sugachi, I want you to be Onyx’s victorious dancing princess!"
Mon Feb 1st - In Sou’s route, when Momonashi says, “I want to consume Chui Tanakamigi. I want to take him, swallow him, and turn him into myself.” (Scene at Mt. Odate)
Wed Feb 24th - In Sou’s route, when Sou says, “Your ability to think about yourself gets warped and you can’t see the world for what it is.” (Scene where event illustration is displayed)
Fri Jan 29th - In Kai’s route, when Kai says, “What is it?” while talking to Mitsuki as he’s looking for Kisa.
Fri Feb 19th - In Fumi’s route, when Fumi says, “Sorry… I wasn’t careful and I got sick.” when visiting Fumi in his room.
Wed Feb 24th - In Neji’s route, when Neji says, “I was excited to see how far he’ll go. Which is why I wrote scripts for him and even played his AI Jeanne.” when speaking in the Quartz Training Room.
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freyjas-musings · 8 months
Thank you so much for the response abt the bonus chapter💙
apparently since Azriel said he doesn’t have a mate in the bonus chapter Gwynriel is “debunked.” I feel like SJM included that just to show that Az doesn’t know yet, but it’s so interesting how different biases cause people to interpret the books differently.
I just wish people wouldn’t comment spoilers like that on posts not tagged as spoilers for the sake of argument
Why would Az need a book if he has already found out who his mate is, is already in a relationship with her and has found growth and healing 🤔 ?????
I would throw the world's biggest tantrum if I see his story happen off page 😅😅... So no thank you I will wait for his book.
The ACOTAR spin off's are based on individual couples getting together with an overarching plot . The Romance is central to the spin off books so it's never going to happen off page.
Just before someone says it's not true that SJM said that 😅😅😅
So, the obvious logic would be that an Azriel book would be about his journey, growth and healing with a Gwynriel romance and also have a connecting plot with plot lines ,if I were to guess it would illyrian and autumn and some connected to Nesta.
If anything the Az , Nesta and Bryces bonus establishes the following things:
1. The shadows aren't evil , they haven't disappeared. They are very much his companions as they always were and as they always will be ( SJMs words from Azriels bonus ACOSF) . They are wilder similar to that of Cormac from CC , they truly are Azriels companions.
2. They don't react to all music, as evidenced by the lack of a reaction when Bryce plays music on her phone. They only react to Azriel's voice, and dancing or singing is a playful positive thing and they dance to Gwyn( they danced with her breath as though they heard a silent music which in my opinion the mate bond, SJM described the bond as the song between mates souls) . There by proving they are indeed mates!!!!
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3. Azriel's mother is alive , he doesn't still talk about her but he loves her and is fiercely protective of her. It would be an important part in his healing and journey. Thereby further solidifying that his book is NEXT.
There are a lot more plot points I shall pull up once everyone has access to the book about why it's definitely going to be Azriels book.
Also, the sleeping beauty non sense based on stone mother and glass coffin is the worst reach ever , I can write why it's wrong on so many levels but I would be adding spoilers that aren't from the bonus and I don't want to do that.
All I will say is that the sleeping beauty reach was worse than Bread and Roses , I don't know how they keep outdoing their own levels of idiocy so well .
Sorry the answer was long but I would rather be thorough 🤗
(You cool kids will need to tell me if I said it right 😅)
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true-illusion · 2 months
So, I finally got round to watching the new Doctor Who season.
I had lost interest since Clara became the companion and after Peter Capaldi was the Doctor. I only watched two episodes of Jodi Whitaker - the first episode and the one with John Barrowman and Jo Martin. I thought both episodes were rubbish. Plus, it took effort to find and download the show, so I stopped watching. I haven’t gotten round to the Tennant specials cos I thought they were just nostalgia bait.
So, I was very sceptical, going in to Ncuti Gatwa’s era. I worried it would be another snooze fest that was more interested in being PC and box-ticking than telling a good story. But I had nothing else to do, and it was on Disney, so I turned it on.
IT WAS SO GOOD. I binge watched the whole thing in two days.
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I could definitely see Russell T. Davis’ hand in it. It felt like the Eccleston and Tennant era episodes. It was exciting and fun and funny, but not too silly. They made a social point without being too preachy. Ncuti Gatwa is growing on me - I think the binge watching format made it harder to sink in that, "yes, he’s the Doctor". But I’m getting there.
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But, I think it was Ruby that carried the season. There were quite a few Rose-type moments. But she was different enough to be her own person. I liked Ruby overall. She was sweet, she felt genuine, and she was not forced into that “sassy/arrogant” characterisation. I was invested in her story.
Her mum was not bad - Jackie Tyler was still better, imo, cos though she had a heart of gold, she still had her flaws. Ruby’s mum was just too perfect. Gran was hilarious though. I want more scenes with Gran just waiting for someone to finally give her a cuppa.
Some episodes were better than others. Episode 2 “The Devil’s Chord” was AMAZING; it is the episode I want to go back and rewatch. They should have incorporated “American Pie” into it at some point. Haha! Jinkx Monsoon as the Maestro was brilliant. It was so larger-than-life and over-the-top, it was fantastic. Only thing I hated was the twist song at the end. Cringe.
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Episode 5 “Dot and Bubble” was also amazing because of how disturbing it was. How people cannot function - cannot look at the world, can't even walk - without the devices, how Lindy sacrificed Ricky to save herself, how they refused to let the Doctor save them in the end. It felt like a reflection of our society and the trajectory we could be on.
Episode 1 “Space Babies” was pretty lame. If I had seen that first instead of the Christmas episode, I might have not continued. The babies were just cringe, and the snot monster… ugh. Plus, with the space station and giving Ruby universal roaming which she immediately called her mum with - it was a bit too much like Eccleston’s Doctor and Rose’s first outing.
The Christmas episode itself also wasn’t great, but it introduced the characters and the season's central mystery well, and got me interested in them. The episode reminded me of Labyrinth. “Magic Dance” kept running through my head. The bad-luck goblins were funny. Unfortunately, this Goblin King is no David Bowie. Also, no sinister robot Santas or killer Christmas trees that were a staple of past Christmas specials. It irked me a bit that the entire season’s central mystery might have been solved if the Doctor had just went up to Ruby’s mother then. He knew she was looking for her mother. He knew they couldn’t go back cos he couldn’t cross his own timeline. So why didn’t he go to her?? (Ok, then there wouldn’t be drama for the rest of the season. Lol!)
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Episode 3 “Boom” was also weak. It tried to deal with strong themes - war, family, faith. It introduced interesting technology. But the story itself doesn’t hold up too well. The way the war started and continued was just too far fetched. I thought it was cool that majority of the thing took place just in that one crater though.
Meanwhile, other episodes left question marks. Episode 4 “73 Yards” was good (I loved the Welsh landscape), but a bit too much of building up to something and then it’s an anticlimax. Eg the people at the pub building up to some horror movie scenario, and then it was just some delivery person at the door. Roger just running away and giving up politics just like that? Maybe I just wasn’t paying full attention, but it was a bit too timey-wimey and weird. What was it that the woman said to all those people to make them run away screaming? Was she really Ruby all along? Where was the Doctor all that time?
And episode 6 “Rogue”… silly story with the cosplaying aliens, but it was a nice bit of fun after “Dot and Bubble”. It made me laugh the way they kept referencing Bridgerton, and how the characters were all about the Drama, with a capital D. The resolution of Ruby pretending to be the Chuldur was very disappointing bait-and-switch. But I love Rogue. I want to see more of him. Why couldn’t he stay? He could be the new Captain Jack Harkness (not that anyone could replace Capt Jack Harkness). Rogue and the Doctor together was something special (and not just in the sexual way). I want him as another companion. But the way it ended, I don’t think we’d see him again.
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I don’t have much to say about the last two finale episodes, “The Legend of Ruby Sunday” and “Empire of Death”. It was a rollercoaster. It was intense. It was a bit too “Bad Wolf”. There was a lot going on but I’m not really sure what was happening. I liked seeing Kate from UNIT and the old companion Mel. Kate’s “sign out” line made me emotional. Unfortunately, she didn’t stay dead in the end. I also never watched the old episodes with Sutekh, so I don’t think I got it. The scale of the destruction was just too big in this story. The Doctor just randomly going down to that planet to get the spoon… why? If Sutekh could track dead skin cells then why couldn’t he get to the Doctor instead of through Mel? And just conveniently, the DNA test law pops up. Did Ruby find her mother in the database or not? The end resolution with the magic rope and thingy felt, again, like more bait-and-switch. I was intrigued about the concept of how Ruby’s mother is not actually important except that they had placed importance on her, thereby imbuing her with more worth. But I don’t get why Sutekh couldn’t see her or why he cared. But again, maybe I wasn’t paying full attention. The end ending was sweet - how the Doctor didn’t think Ruby should go talk to her mother but Ruby did it anyway and it worked out well. And then more questions at the end. Who exactly is that neighbour woman?
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I hope Ruby returns next season. Honestly, I watched this season more for her than for the Doctor. I'm glad I gave this season a chance. I’ll watch next season, for sure.
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MDZS, CQL and the passage of time
MDZS novel and CQL spoilers ahead!
There's this thing where despite The Untamed / CQL having Wei Wuxian be dead for 16 years instead of 13, everything is meant to feel so much rawer and closer in time than the novel I feel. For a start, naturally having 30 episodes straight of flashback sequencing before depicting an immediate reconcilation between Wangxian really imprints those flashbacks much closer in your mind than Wei Wuxian's actual ressurrection, which happened in episode 1.
Furthermore, there are also these other flashbacks when Wei Wuxian sees something reminiscent of his past, different instrumentals played initially in the flashbacks coming back again to remind you of the themes those instrumentals represent. One of the most distinct examples I remember is in episode 2, when CQL Wei Wuxian sees a vision of Wen Qing introducing Dafan Mountain as the place where her branch of the Wen clan lives in CQL and then remembers the dancing fairy statue. This never happened in the novel- partially because, in CQL, Wei Wuxian was introduced to characters and locations / concepts WAY before he found out about them in the novel (eg.- YiCheng characters, Meng Yao, Dafan Mountain, demonic cultivation in the form of the Yin Iron). By entrenching these places and characters so far back into Wei Wuxian's past- all the way back to his Gusu days, in fact- they feel much more central in the overall plot and connected to the modern storylines involving rediscovering them. Wei Wuxian isn't being thrown into a new world at all, it's the same world with all the loose ends to be tied up. This does force him to remember the past more to deal with the present, and also links the show together in a way that would engage people who have come to watch a put-together story (this sort of strong cohesion I think is less required in novels than in a series because of the way the story needs to flow from 1 episode to the next to be coherent). In the novel, Wei Wuxian's own past storyline has a much slimmer connection to the current events- the obvious kicker being Jin Guangyao in CQL was the main reason Wei Wuxian was villainised and it all comes together in the end, but novel Jin Guangyao just accelerated the process of Wei Wuxian becoming the scapegoat and made this very clear. He didn't know Wei Wuxian would kill Jin Zixuan, he said; even though Jin Guangyao's not the most trustworthy character, how on earth could he have predicted that Wei Wuxian would lose control if he wasn't there to influence him like in CQL?
However, there are even more flashback scenes like the one in episode 35, where Wei Wuxian flashes back to Nie Huiasang being excited about fans and then compliments modern-day Nie Huiasang's fan. Scenes like these cannot be explained by the changed plot because Nie Huiasang and Wei Wuxian being friends at 15 in the Cloud Recesses is canon in all versions of MDZS. Personally, seeing this scene, the strongest effect I can garner from it is nostalgia for simpler times, for people he used to be close with. Memories are flooding CQL Wei Wuxian the minute he's alive again. Contrast this exact scene with MDZS, where Wei Wuxian zones out for a good while after Nie Huiasang leaves- no words of companionship or nostalgia or anything.
Novel Wei Wuxian rarely remembers any of his past life in detail unless he fully means to, actively giving himself reminiscing time, or in a life-or-death situation. The 3 flashback sequences in the novel begin:
when Wei Wuxian decides very specifically to muse over his past with Lan Wangji,
when Wei Wuxian gets stabbed and has to be taken away from Golden Carp Tower,
when everyone turns on him in the Burial Mounds with the same words and having the same intent they did at Nightless City (to harm him, to besiege him).
I think novel Wei Wuxian has spent 13 years in the afterlife getting used to wallowing over his memories, and then consequently repressing and ignoring memories from his past life because they were all associated with pain and bitterness and so much guilt (traumatic, even, but I can't say much from a perspective of trauma because I neither have trauma nor am qualified to know enough about it). Nobody cared for him anymore in his eyes, and he DID lose control, fully feeling himself lose control and accidentally cause the deaths of people he genuinely cared about. The worst-case scenario that he had to contend with actually happening and being, to some degree, his fault. With 13 years to exist as a ghost, I think he had so much time in which he would've had to contend with his choices and death that he fully removed himself from his old life as much as possible, leading to his modern-day gap in memories. You feel the effect of his years dealing with his emotions about this whole mess.
In contrast, CQL Wei Wuxian feels like he is experiencing everything raw when he comes back into the world, like he hasn't been practicing repression to the point of memory loss. Maybe he wasn't conscious during his years as dead? He's introduced with Mo Xuanyu calling to him in his brain during the sacrificial ritual, I think, and is getting told he IS Mo Xuanyu and he is...a tad confused. And then disappointed, but I mean given what Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian had come to expect after the fiascos that ended his life, he probably wouldn't be too surprised or confused anyways. My theory is that CQL Wei Wuxian likely was unconscious when he was dead whereas MDZS Wei Wuxian was not.
This doesn't seem...important. However it does change who Wei Wuxian is and why he does the things that he does upon reincarnation. Novel Wei Wuxian taking every opportunity to drape himself over Lan Wangji with the purpose of pushing him away makes a lot of sense for a guy who's convinced the worst thing he could do to someone is get too close to/with them; he goes ahead with making a ruckus and trying to make Lan Wangji uncomfortable- without shame (because that's gotta erode away after being dead and reviled for 13 years) and without considering the possibility that Lan Wangji might want to help. Why would he consider that? He doesn't see himself worthy of help or believe anyone would help him, and he's internalised that for years on years.
CQL Wei Wuxian though, he faints on Dafan Mountain due to the weight of his memories- he's confronted with so much of the past so fast and his response is to faint. Barely any ruckus at all. When Lan Wangji finds out who he is, they have a calm conversation about it, where novel Wei Wuxian is like "oh frick he called me Wei Ying" and pretends nothing happened. CQL Wei Wuxian is a lot more open, and I think part of that is because he woke up from his death and was given the support he needed in his previous life within a couple of days. He didn't feel the years go by, have to deal with the consequences of the things he did alone (and in CQL 60% of them weren't even his own actions), so he didn't build himself the same kind of emotional fortress novel Wei Wuxian did.
CQL Wei Wuxian is jaded, true, but not the kind of jaded that comes with floating around in the afterlife for over a decade. It's easier for him to get back into this world and solve a little murder mystery together with Lan Wangji- they fall into step with each other perfectly- while novel Wei Wuxian is still getting his footing. Thus, CQL Wangxian's relationship doesn't evolve the way book Wangxian's do in Wei Wuxian's new life, and Wei Wuxian's reason to be back in this new life is far more about getting back that which he lost (Lan Wangji, a claim to justice) as opposed to gaining something else, something new and all the more important for it (a newfound relationship with Lan Wangji). Novel Wei Wuxian being so out of sync with the new world around him, in both memories and relationships, means that he has so much more room to grow in his present life as he can stop being haunted by the past. I'm not saying this is better than CQL, that's really up to what you like in your media, but this puts Wei Wuxian in a very different position in MDZS than in CQL, and also fundamentally changes their purposes and outlook on their new lives. Whether the focus of his character development takes place in the past or in the present. Whether it's about tying up the loose ends of the past, or chucking out the tapestry of the past to weave a new future.
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centrally-unplanned · 21 days
i’d be really interested in your thoughts on GRR Martin’s latest blogpost going at the HotD writers and showrunners
(Spoilers for all of the Dance of Dragons)
I went to look, not knowing it was out, and it was fucking deleted! That promises some spice, fortunately you can't escape the Internet Archive if you are a name as big as GRRM. So let's see what we got...
Ah, I see why it was deleted:
In Ryan’s outline for season 3, Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason.  There is no fresh horror, no triggering event to overwhelm the fragile young queen
GRRM!! You can't leak script details!! That is definitely somewhere in your contract. Very minor of course, but still, if you made me bet this line got him a call from the PR rep at HBO. Anyway, onto the meat of the post.
So to summarize he outlines two points: one is the removal of the "Sophie's choice" plot with Blood & Cheese's murder of Aegon/Helaena's child, and the other is the butterfly effect of removing their third child, Maelor, whose later death triggers Haelena's suicide and other events at King's Landing. I see where GRRM is coming from but overall I think he is a bit too beholden to the trees of his story to see the forest here?
First, Blood & Cheese: in the "book", the two assassins find Helaena and her two sons, and to fulfill their mission of "a son for a son" make her choose which one they will kill. She chooses the younger Maelor, and then they kill the older Jaehaerys instead, and mock/shame her with the knowledge that she chose to kill the surviving child. In the show this doesn't happen - Helaena's "choice" is about identifying which of her two children is the boy, which honestly is dumb. The show should have just cut the "choice" angle (watching your son be murdered is trauma enough), or make it instead some actual choice, like her giving up her son's location to spare her own life or something. GRRM is right to say the book scene is more coherent.
However! The book scene is also...just Sophie's Choice? The 1982 film starring Meryl Streep? Like it is...exactly what happens in that film, beat for beat. That is now so famous as to be its own trope? It isn't a twist or a play on the concept, it is just the concept ported in wholesale. And to be clear, in the "book" that is fine. Because the "book" isn't a book; it's a chapter in a history retelling, it is like 40 pages long, this event is maybe two paragraphs. In something like that, a little bit of a nod to a famous movie is fine, right? The scene isn't relevant or big enough to require a bespoke identity.
But in a 4 season TV adaptation of that ~40 page story, these scenes are way bigger. This moment is very "drama central" in the episode. And I don't know...I kind of think a 1-for-1 copy of the Sophie's Choice plot would be, hm, a little weak? Like I might roll my eyes a little bit watching it, now that it is front and center. I can't say Condall was thinking that - GRRM mentions things like budget & hiring child actors for the change, totally valid concerns ofc. But it would be my instinct as Condall, and I also maybe wouldn't want to say that directly to GRRM if that is what I was thinking lol. So I think Condall had the right idea to try to give the scene a unique "twist", even if he failed on the execution.
As for the butterflies, GRRM is concerned that removing Maelor will have distinct consequences down the line that can't be undone, a "butterfly effect". And to not beat around the bush, he is being stubborn here - in real life you can't control butterfly effects, but stories are fictional. You can bend the currents of destiny to your will. Helaena can have other reasons to commit suicide (her relationship with Aemond is already fuel for that), and she isn't that important of a character, you can have other reasons the townsfolk turn against Rhaenyra.
And those reasons are already going to be different, they have to be, because in the TV show Rhaenyra is the good-natured protagonist; in the books she is a cruel tyrant. The butterflies are already here to roost; you can't hold sacred to any of these plot points, the show is too different from the books. As an artist you have the power to figure that out, and while canon is very important it can't rule all, not this far down the river of changes at least. It is the same with those other changes he hints towards at the end of the essay; of course there are changes at the end, they changed the beginning!
At one point he mentions that you can't replace Maelor's death with her daughter Jaehaera dying, because:
Jaehaera can’t be killed, she has a huge role to play as Aegon’s next heir.
And, no? No she doesn't. GRRM what are you talking about, no she doesn't! She is married off to Aegon III as part of the piece deal and then kills herself a few years later out of grief over her family at the age of 10. This is a minor plot beat, this can easily be changed. You gotta kill your darlings man. If they wanted to do this swap they totally could.
All that said, I myself love the death of Maelor at Bitterbridge; it is one of the peaks of the Dance's theme of the way war makes monsters of its participants. A town of smallfolk, split between blacks and greens and fear of reprisals from both sides, spirals out of control and tears the child apart in the fight. It is a great scene in the books and I would be sad to lose it. Though with only 4 seasons of runtime, and after the way they burned sunlight wastefully in Season 2? You gotta cut some stuff, and I can't blame them for trimming side stories like these.
But I do, truly, get why GRRM is upset at these changes. It is just very hard to separate yourself from the things you create like this. I really don't expect that of him; for that reason this critique is quite a soft one.
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micamicster · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any romcom (movie) recs? I feel like i hypothetically like the genre, but have a lot of trouble finding ones i enjoy. So many romcoms feel so formulaic (in a dead way) and misogynistic and stale to me. I think they’re a lot easier to do well in the context of a series because there’s actually time to build. Recently i thought rye lane and fire island were fun. I like kdramas when i have the time for all the episodes because i appreciate the build. I need chemistry— people who both convincingly like each other and seem like actual human beings. I thought you might have some good ideas! Thanks <3
I hope you weren't waiting on my recs all day haha i have been. hm. hungover af <3 (i'm going to leave kdramas off this list for now but if you would like specific recs for kdrama romcoms send me another ask and i can try to do them justice!)
I think this is a genre with underrated range! So one thing that I find very interesting about the genre of romcoms is that I think there tends to be a split between romcoms whose goal is, like, to be a fun lighthearted movie with a central romance, vs romcoms whose goal is to Say Something About Love in the vehicle of a funny movie. Both of these categories are represented on this list but for giggles i will not be saying which i think are which <3
anyway recs under the cut <3 i will link my tags for these movies if you want to take a look but be warned for spoilers ofc
I think for your purposes my primary rec would be Lovesick (aka Scrotal Recall). It's a (short) tv show so it would likely give you the chance to get to know the characters and see a slower build. In contrast to the frustration you've had with some more "formulaic" romcoms the writing in this show is very deliberately in conversation with romcoms of the past. Also it's just one of my favorite romcoms ever made so I rec it to everyone. The premise is that a young man, Dylan, is diagnosed with chlamydia and instructed to tell his past partners. Being a hopeless romantic (emphasis on hopeless), he decides to try to turn this into an opportunity to revisit relationships that didn't work out, and try to figure out where he's been going wrong. Two simultaneous storylines play out in each episode, the flashbacks to the exes (and breakups) and the present, where Dylan's best friend is getting married.
Older romcoms: When Harry Met Sally (ive heard this is divisive? but idc its SO funny and so well made), Moonstruck (a romantic-comedy in the operatic sense. also cher <3), The Philadelphia Story (katharine hepburn the woman u r. tw for a classic 1940s gag about punching ur wife in the face), Bringing Up Baby (screwball comedy my beloved), Roman Holiday (audrey hepburn is lethally charming in this movie), Dirty Dancing (someday ill write something this good and then You Will Realize), Much Ado About Nothing (i tend to enjoy either the danielle brooks shakespeare in the park version or the classic tennant/tate combo)
Teen romcoms: 10 things I hate about you (young heath ledger and young julia stiles ur welcome), to all the boys i;ve loved before (lana condor is ADORABLE), The Half of It (my other favorite sort-of romcom of the decade)
More recent-ish: Speed (like its keanu and sandra what more do you want), Strictly Ballroom (i used to watch this literally weekly as a child and I WAS RIGHT TO), Miss Congeniality (sandra bullock what u did for us all <3), Fire Island (thank u 4 my LYFE), The sandra bullock/channing tatum movie that came out last year (i forget what its called but he's so funny in it), Mamma Mia AND Mamma Mia Here We Go Again (beautiful greek islands, abba, cher, what more can you ask for?)
Indian/bollywood: Jab We Met (after dramatically quitting his job, Local Man somehow ends up escorting a woman he meets on the train while she attempts to elope with her boyfriend. aka classic screwball comedy heroine and Guy She Dragged Along For The Ride), khabie khushi khabi gham (multiple generations of romance and family drama featuring Kajol, the Most Beautiful Woman In the World), Band Baaja Baaraat (two wedding planners fall in love--great choice if you want to watch idiots ambushed by their feelings)
Other tv recs: Selfie (john cho and karen gillian in a show canceled far too soon)
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dramamelon · 1 year
For @polyshipweek 2023! ✨
Day 1: Road Trip Day 2: Second Chances Day 3: Bed Sharing
Completing the Connection
Day 4: Soulmates Rating: E (overall, but not until day 5) Characters: Drift, Ratchet, Rodimus, Thunderclash Pairing: thunderdratchrod Fandom: Transformers (IDW1) Tags: Minimal Editing, Romantic Fluff, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Polyamory, Flirting Fic Summary: As a still newly-minted foursome, they've come closer to one another, but one connection hasn't quite fully cemented itself just yet. A surprise retirement announcement from Thunderclash has Rodimus suggesting one last tour on the Exitus for all of them. Really, it's a chance to for a bit of vacation time with his partners on Cybertron's shanix. And maybe it might spur on a little more action between Thunderclash and Drift.
AO3 link in reblog! Sequel to Closest of Friends. :)
If there was one thing they did as a group that was almost perfect, Drift pegged it as the way they complemented each other in the pure ability to move in near-complete synchronicity. He knew the thing that kept them from perfection was himself. It wasn't the first time such a thing lay on his shoulders. It was, however, something that became entirely evident every time he landed in a berth—or on the couch, or on the table, or in the washrack, or on the floor, et cetera—not so inconspicuously nudged into the arms of Thunderclash. Something both Rodimus and Ratchet were guilty of arranging.
So it went, with him now perched astride Thunderclash's middle and his fingers playing along the edges of the frame around Thunderclash's central venting. Beside them on the berth, their partners pretended at being deeply involved with one another, Rodimus settled between Ratchet's thighs already and the two swapping oral lubricant as if the fate of the universe depended on it. However, the groping hands and too loud sexy murmurs were belied by the constant flicker of watching optics in their direction. Drift met Thunderclash's gaze and rolled his optics, smiling as he shook his helm.
"Can you believe the two of them?" he asked, flicking one audial flare in the direction of their berthmates. "It's like neither one of them remembers how romance and attraction works."
The low reverberation of Thunderclash's answering chuckle vibrated through Drift's intimate plating where it sat against the bigger mech's belly. Thunderclash's thick fingers played along the seams of the dark plating on Drift's thighs. It all sent to quiver through Drift's frame as Thunderclash replied, "Oh, absolutely. And both of us are quite well aware they very much know better."
Amusement hummed through Thunderclash's field, the bright tendrils tickling against the edge of Drift's field and pulling a laugh from him, as well. A laugh that grew louder as Rodimus pulled away from Ratchet to give them a pointed look as he said, "If the two of you would just fuck already without us being involved, Ratch and I might stop pestering you about it. Have you considered that?"
He made no attempt at relenting when Thunderclash and Drift both gifted him with pointed looks of their own. The standoff was quickly ended, though, when Ratchet pinched a cluster of wires in Rodimus' hip joint that never failed to have him yelping and begging for mercy. "Apologize, brat."
"No—yowch!" Rodimus squirmed atop Ratchet as their medic twisted those wires just a little bit harder. Drift bit his gloss on the laughter that threatened to escape him as he watched Rodimus curl his golden fingers around the edges of Ratchet's chest plating. With a hiss, Rodimus curled into the deepening pinch, his spoiler wings dancing with complaint matched by a high-pitched whine of static from his vocalizer. "Ratch, come on, babe! Stop it, stop it, stop it! I'm fucking sorry, all right?"
Astoundingly, it wasn't Drift that reached out to settle the tussle between the two of them, but Thunderclash, instead. He laid one big hand on Ratchet's forearm, letting it slip to brush along Rodimus' nearby thigh. "Hey, you two, as amusing as it is, is now really the time?"
Ratchet turned a cranky face on him, though it was much less annoyed than it had been before the touch. "He—"
"He apologized," Thunderclash finished for him, one of his soft smiles gentle on his kind face. Of all the things Drift was familiar with regarding the big mech, that was the one thing that never failed to melt just a little bit more the increasingly smaller part of him that was still hesitant to jump into something meaningful. "Maybe it wasn't the best of apologies, but we are talking about Rodimus."
"Dude!" Rodimus protested, pushing up to sit on his knees and obviously entirely unaware that Ratchet had given up his torture. "I give amazing apologies."
"Oh, really?" Ratchet replied, arching one orbital ridge high.
As Drift watched the bickering continue, something that would continue as long as Ratchet and Rodimus were within any sort of near proximity to one another, he knew he would have it no other way. A soft tapping along his thigh pulled him from his thoughts. It took a moment, but he realized Thunderclash was sweet talking him through chirolinguistics again. Something he often used with Ratchet and Rodimus, neither understanding more than a few words, Drift had never been the recipient himself.
His attention fully earned again, Drift gave Thunderclash an inquisitive look. He tilted his helm a little, audial flares perked in curiosity. Extending one claw, he slipped it between two vent blades, teasing just enough to make those still tapping fingers stutter against his armor. Drift smirked at the sudden widening of Thunderclash's optics and sheathed the talon again before walking his fingers up the long length of Thunderclash's torso. He folded his arms across that broad chest as he leaned down and just took in the shape of the mech's face. It was a good face, warm gold in color and long since healed of the scratches Drift had carved into the paint. His features were heavy and bold, broad and comfortable in a way that none of the rest of them could lay claim to. They were very nice to look at.
Drift shifted a hand and traced his fingertip around the curves of Thunderclash's mouth. His lips were soft and malleable under the touch. "You know, I talk a lot of slag," he murmured just loud enough for Thunderclash to hear. He modulated the hue of his optics to match the amused touch of lavender in Thunderclash's at the comment. "It's true. Just ask Ratty. He'll tell you all about it. That's not what I wanted to talk about right now, though."
Curiosity washed across Thunderclash's easy to look at face and his fingers stilled before those big hands slid up to settle around Drift's waist. They were warm and tingled with just the slightest hint of a confidence not quite entirely true. That was an unexpected surprise, but Drift found himself intensely pleased with the revelation. Not that he believed Thunderclash had ever bought into the Greatest Autobot hype, of course. Something of his pleasure must have gotten across Thunderclash, though, as his voice bore no sign of any self-doubt. "And just what subject did you have in mind?"
Casting another glance toward Rodimus and Ratchet, smirking at seeing they'd put aside their quibbles and watched the happenings between himself and Thunderclash. The intensity of their gazes, the brightness of the hope lighting their optics…. He looked back to Thunderclash and felt his spark squeeze in a tight twist and a dizzying dance of flutterwings in his fuel tank. Staring back at him from those vividly scarlet optics was the very same hope blended with a desire that went beyond the physical.
Stretching out his arms, Drift levered himself up to attain a small amount of distance. He rested his weight on his palms, pressed against Thunderclash's chest. Not once did his gaze stray from that of the mech beneath him, his attention quite fully captured. The flutterwings in his belly sent a quiver all through him. "Thunderclash?"
Maybe he couldn't actually read auras, like he so often brought up simply to push Ratchet's buttons in the easiest way possible, but there was something tangible in the swirl of tendrils of electromagnetic fields tangling all around him. Something deep. Thunderclash moved his right hand from Drift's hip upward to rest in the center of his chest, right over the space where his spark lay underneath. Slower than before, Thunderclash's fingers tapped words against his armor. With a soft sigh and an indulgent smile stretching across his face, Drift relaxed as the renewed tension fled his frame. He laid a hand over the top of Thunderclash's, stilling the movement of his fingers.
"You can say it out loud, you know," Drift told him, weaving his fingers between Thunderclash's. Giving a quick tilt of his helm toward Rodimus and Ratchet, he continued, "I'm pretty sure those two wouldn't mind."
Thunderclash's optics flicked to the other two mechs with them, returning a nano-klik later. The look of hope remained, shining perhaps a touch brighter in the realization he hadn't immediately been turned away. "Is it time, then?" Thunderclash asked in a quiet voice. "Have I earned your trust finally that you might consider giving yourself to me, might accept my offers of myself, with and without Rodimus and Ratchet?"
"Well, you've certainly done a better job of selling yourself than some mechs I've met over the vorns," Drift replied with a deeply amused edge to his tone. He guided Thunderclash's hand back down to the hip it had abandoned, then leaned forward to rest his elbows on Thunderclash's chest. Reminiscent of the swirls he'd once drawn in a drunken state across the big mech's face, Drift traced circles through the stylized wings of the technohawk enamel inlay that decorated that impressive stretch of torso. If Thunderclash thought he wouldn't feel the tiny shiver that passed through the plating beneath him, the mech was sorely mistaken. Drift's smile made a slow stretch across his face into a knowing grin, his orbital ridges quirking high with challenge. "Tell me, Thunderclash, do you think we've reached that point?"
"I'd like to think so," Thunderclash said, his hands giving Drift's hips a soft squeeze before slipping around behind to curve over the shape of Drift's backside.
Drift laughed and not so subtly lifted into the touch. Thunderclash had very good hands, big enough to hold him and make him feel small. The sort of feeling that sent waves of heat rising through his own frame and started his fans whirring. "Well, I guess it's good that I have gotten kind of soft on you, then." He dropped his helm low and pressed a kiss to the center of that technohawk. A soft hiss of air preceded a hot wash of interest from the big mech. Drift's smile curled high to one side, giving what he knew was a good flash of fang. It got him the rev of engine he knew it would—his Autobots definitely got off on danger. Those big hands on his aft squeezed a little harder and the thick pelvic span pushed up against him. Undeniably smug, Drift extended his claws on one hand and tapped them over that broad chest.
"Did you hear that? I heard that. I figured you were naughty judging by the company you keep. So glad to know I'm right," Drift said with a purr reminiscent of the other name he wore for so long. "Do you believe in fate, Thunderclash?" He scratched the first line of a complicated glyph into the center of the Autobrand set within the technohawk inlay. "In destiny?" A few more lines were added. "In soulmates?" The final line was added with a particularly deep scratch, lifting a curl of paint.
He watched Thunderclash's optics dash a look down to his chest, the tip of Thunderclash's glossa passing over his lips, before his gaze bounced back up to lock with Drift's. It was invigorating, the reaction one he didn't get from either his conjunx or his best friend. It was the sort of thing he could really get used to. If the depth of Thunderclash's belief didn't delve too deep, anyway. He couldn't take another Wing. Then Thunderclash answered. "No, I don't," the big mech said. "None of those are real. It's all just stories about people in bad situations looking for an easy out that people bored with what they have tell themselves."
Drift relaxed into Thunderclash's hold, letting himself drape over the larger frame, relieved. "Good answer," he said, his own engine throwing a steady hum that matched the pleased echoes in his field. "I might just have to keep you."
They exchanged a wry look and rolled their optics at the cheering from the pair on the other side of the berth.
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pocket-ozwynn · 2 years
Do you have any random facts about your characters that are just too random to put into 1 post? I'm a baby creator still not knowing a lot about my own works yet so it's really interesting to see creators knowing their characters more in depth. Basically, a fact dump of your characters would be very much appreciated! 😳
SCREAM oh you're so sweet fr 😭 bless you @smolcomfycat
AAAAAAAH okay so I'm using this as a self-indulgent "it's my birthday so I'm just gonna ramble about my blorbos because they make my heart sparkle", so find everything you'd like to know below the cut 💜
(if y’all have any additional questions, feel free to shoot an Ask! This is just kinda of the top of the iceberg of what I could ramble regarding kdaflsjkgfjd)
-Freyja's jersey number 26 is in reference to my birthday:)
-Freyja & Alice’s ship name is Herbeau
-Rowan & Zelly’s ship name is Rolly
-Zelly's inspiration was taken largely from the fact I was really into watching Twitch/was fascinated with Streamer culture during 2020-22.
-Zelly swears like a sailor, so sorry you’ll never see me actually write that lol
-Both Zelly & Rowan were born outside of the continental U.S. in Offline Valor.
-Like Freyja, her sisters all have names taken from Norse mythology. 
-Freyja asked out Alice first, but after a few dates Alice was the one who eventually ask if he could kiss her.
-Freyja loves to rock climb.
-Freyja focuses better when she has something to fidget with.
-Alice went as unnamed for more than 6 months. Originally he was just called Freyja’s “little beau” which helped prompt the eventually surname Beauchamp.
-Alice is a musical theatre kid! He’s been in three productions and was the lead in one of them as well. 
-Genesis Day and Kaiju!Freyja really came a from common complaint regarding Kaiju/Giant Monster movies and how the human element is always the weakest/most boring. So I decided to blend the elements of the Human & the Monster to really dissect and peel back some new themes and dynamics. (plus I also discovered some things about myself during the course of designing her Kaiju form. ...no, why do you ask if I'm a monsterfu-)
-Alice was designed with the central color of lavender and purple in mind, and that was back when I only owned a single dark purple shirt which was too small for me. Now I have two lavender hoodies, and several lavender and purple shirts/button-downs. Honestly it was an experiment to have Alice wear lavender before me because I really wanted to ALLOW myself to love that color, and now I can't separate myself from it.
-Zelly’s full first name is Zelda. She was named after Zelda Fitzgerald however, and not after Princess Zelda. She grew up being called Zelda by her parents but once she got older and expressed an interest in streaming she started to go by Zelly because she thought it was incredibly cringe for a video gamer to be seemingly named after a fictional character.
-Freyja is canonically built like Lusia from Encanto, and now it's so much easier to explain to people what Freyja's shape language is for commissions and such. 😭
-Rowan was taught how to dance by Princeps Lazuli before their falling out. He can still dance, but is sheepish about it.
-Rowan was adopted by Clan Ash when he was roughly 8 or 9 and was raised by a woman named Thistle, who is the sister of Oleander. There's some spoilers as to Thistle's role within the Clan, but I love her<3
-Oleander was instructed by Clan Ash’s leader, Lowlord Yucca, to train Rowan how to fight and kill when he was roughly 11 or so.
-When designing Lazuli, I wanted the main color of their house be a dark turquoise because I remember my Mom wearing a lot of turquoise jewelry growing up. So my brain automatically associates turquoise with finery and royalty.
-When designing Maura I knew I didn’t want her to fall into the “popular plastic” trope. Rather, I wanted her to be the “sweater vest wearing, smiley business major going to Sunday School who no one would suspect is utterly toxic and manipulative.” I think the specific wording that came to mind was “viper in sheep’s clothing.”
-In AUs where Freyja is a Human (namely Offline Valor/Borrower!AU & Emotional Shifter!Alice AU), she rides a motorcycle and does a lot of mechanic work for her family and friends.
-Rowan’s main titles--Unmowable, Crownbreaker, Matchside--come from three separate instances of his direct involvement in stopping coups/takeovers of different kingdoms within the area. He earned the first and third titles thanks to attempts on his life, while the second--arguably the most famous epithet--is the most recent, and was earned after disposing the last tyrannical monarch of the greater area roughly two or three years ago when he was 23.
-The inspiration for Rust comes from my childhood love of powerful, masked brutes/bounty hunters whose faces you might never ever see or you'd never hear speak.
-There is deeply sentimental feelings for Rowan regarding his cloak (which is, in fact, a cloth that's used to clean glasses).
-Rust isn’t a full-blooded Borrower.
-Fireteam Griffin was my first attempt to really include new AU-centric OCs for Genesis Day & the Kaiju!AU. Because I knew that the story would start off with Maura & Alice together (and Alice purposefully isolated from other friends as a result), so I wanted Freyja her own friends that weren't tied solely to Alice. Inspired by other ensemble casts (Power Rangers, Voltron, the original Halo novels), I wanted Freyja to have a small cast of pseudo-siblings. I ended up loving the dynamics of Ekland, Williams, Delgado, and Hunter SO much that they're now going to be included into the University!AU as the "Griffin House" and will all play different sports and be besties with Freyja. Sergeant Buck will also be in GTU but will be a professor and maybe the Griffin House act as his research assistance or somethin’.
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sungpeach · 1 year
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instagram user sungie a.k.a. choi joosung
i have a lot of thoughts and feelings and don't want to make them look "cute" or be in "full sentences" so im just putting it under a read more !
he bought the handle off of someone who wasnt using it
he posts like once every couple days on average so even though it's only been open since he joined everlast (3 years) he has a lot of posts. doesn't often delete posts either
mist told me if ur verified u can hide ur following list so.... that's sung. as i said to mist, if it was public he'd follow about 200 accounts, but because it's private he follows probably more like 400. he follows friends, acquaintances, staff, family, bookstagram, random cute aesthetic accounts, his favorite brands, his favorite celebrities, and ngl a few thirst follows (he usually unfollows them when he feels guilty abt it then the cycle starts again the next time the thirst occurs)
his bio link always goes to his latest title track release, except for last year on april fools where he linked a meme video a fan made of him
heavenly is the name of his recent first solo concert. don't hold me to it i might change my mind
the revolving hearts are misc insta stories he wants to keep. usually just days he was rly happy/something memorable happened
sungshines are fan created things. he'll post fansite pics, art, gifts, letters (closed), pictures of fans like from the concert or waiting for him after a music show etc. with art, he mostly posts what's sent to him these days as he's able to avoid the stuff he Doesn't wanna see that way
friends is,, what it says on the tin. him being a fanboy and/or posting pics of/with friends. he's careful about what he posts here to some degree but he tries to be open still. for example instead of posting the pic where he's hugging the lights out of a girl friend, he's posting the public acceptable one where they're minimally touching if anything
bts is like spoiler central. studio (dance or music) pics, spoiler clips, etc. his social media manager will also add appropriately timed actual bts clips here too
motivation are quotes sung sees or reads that he finds beautiful. it's not all super happy positive whatever, sometimes it's just a really beautifully written line in a book he wants to highlight. sometimes it's memes
then for the pics, instead of trying to do smth chronological, i wanted to showcase the general style of pics he usually will post on the main feed. so the genres i'd say (in order, left to right, top to bottom) are cute style pics, aki (his cat), family pics, daily life pics, boyfriendy/thirst trap pics, dance vids
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sunnydaleherald · 11 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, October 25
GILES: For as long as there have been vampires, there's been the Slayer. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. BUFFY: He loves doing this part. GILES: Alright. The Slayer hunts vampires, Buffy is a Slayer, don't tell anyone. Well, I think that's all the vampire information you need.
~~BtVS 1x02 “The Harvest”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sticky Solution (Xander, Cordelia, Norman Pfister, PG) by badly_knitted
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A Stake WHAT?! (Faith/Hermione Granger, Harry Potter xover, E) by SnarkyGranger1
Never Unclaimed (Angel/Spike, E) by the_widow_twankey
Our Silly Little Game (Giles/Jenny, G) by Jess_Ann_Perreault
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Soul Marks & Other Disasters, Chapter 5/5 Complete! (Buffy/Angel, G) by bluestarsandclouds
Slayers and Watchers, Chapter 7/7 Complete! (Buffy/Giles, E) by Skylark62
To Be Hers, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by faefawn
Days of Future Past, Chapter 27/34 (Buffy/OC, Angel/OC, Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
Kinktober 2023, Chapter 25/31 (Buffy/Giles, E) by Skyson
House of Slayer: The Slayer, The Witch, & The Key, Chapter 21 (Buffy, Dawn, Harry Potter xover, T) by BrennaLynn
Forgotten Memories, Chapter 3/12 (Buffy/Angel, M) by Ilovebooks10
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Her Old Fashioned Boy, Chapter 10 (Giles/Jenny, T) by Bobbie23
Return of the Soulless Vampire: BTVS S9 Rewrite, Chapter 43 (Ensemble, M) by Hoomanbeans
The Vampire's Daughter, Chapter 18 (Spike, OC, T) by Puella Pulchra
[French language] Une dernière nuit, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Zenzi
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43, Chapters 1-2 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dynamite
The Plunge, Chapter 20 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Harlow Turner
L'amore troverà la via, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Violette-Milka
Shut Up and Dance With Me, Chapter 3 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by honeygirl51885
When Anne met Spike, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, G) by To Be Hers
Plenty of Fish , Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by all_choseny
In the Depths of October, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by mcgnagallsarmy, acekoomboom, violettathepiratequeen
Ethan Rayne, Watcher, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Desicat
New Normal, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by holetoledo
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Old Fashioned Romance, Chapter 3 (Xander/Steve Rogers, Marvel xover, FR21) by calikocat
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Vampire Whxre, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by ClowniestLivEver
He's a Friend from Work, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by DeamonQueen
Autumnal Shorts, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Mini willow for tiny buffy (worksafe) by pzyii
Artwork: Halloween headers (Ensemble, worksafe) by onegirlinallthewrld
Artwork: [Spike drawing] (worksafe) by isevery0nehereverystoned
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Artwork: She's Hell on the Old Skins (Buffy/Spike, G) by HappyWhenItRains
[Reviews & Recaps]
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*WHO DUMPED WHO?!* Buffy the Vampire Slayer S5 Ep 10 "Into the Woods" Reaction: FIRST TIME WATCHING by Nick Reacts
FISHES?! Buffy The Vampire Slayer | 2x20 'Go Fish' | Blind Reaction by Vic
Werewolves! // Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode 2x15 Reaction // I did not sed that coming! by Brooke Whipple
THE KISS! Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction - 3X5 - "Homecoming" ( Buffy Reaction / Review ) by Java Java Reactions
Let's Rewatch Buffy! Season 1, Episode 11 by Jenny Trout
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x22: Restless Reaction!!!! by Victor & Grace Reacts
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So I just finished 'Slayers'. Some thoughts [contains spoilers] by FlameFeather86
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PODCAST: Fanholes Episode # 226: Buffy The Vampire Slayer [Episodes Discussed: "The Wish", "Once More With Feeling"] by Fanholes Podcast
[In Search Of]
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Does anyone have any good Halloween themed spuffy fic recs? requested by bisexualdawnsummers
[Fandom Discussions]
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One of my favourite Season 7 moments of Buffy, in the top-tier episode Lies My Parents Told Me by centrally-unplanned
Rewatching Buffy is also a fun exercise in context-aware consumption by centrally-unplanned
The lack of fleshed-out Buffy Army Plotline in Season 7 is a big issue for one of the Season’s key plot moments by centrally-unplanned
No matter how much people complain about Buffy’s soul lore... by coraniaid
do spuffy ever have an honest kiss? by silvermars
You know i just realized the stupidest thing about the writers not giving a Buffy a paycheck for being a Slayer in the later seasons? by confusedguytoo
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Glory's Hobbits started by NoShip
10 Harsh Realities About Buffy's Character started by Skanky Vamp
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Reacting to Reactions! - BtVS Season 3 [cass reacts starts S3] continued by multiple posters
Reacting to Reactions! BtVS Season 5 [EvilQK reaction to The Gift] continued by multiple posters
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What are some moments of all those super-great-always-talked-about scenes that DON’T get talked about enough? by Thisisnotforyou11
What would the events of the series feel like to you if you were in the Buffyverse? by Tuxedo_Mark
Did Cordelia and Connor really have a mother son type of relationship when he was a baby? by jdpm1991
I am obsessed with Cangel by Sweet-Siren
Angel's curse is SO DUMB by JeSuisLaCockamouse
If you guys were ever going to see a film continuation of the TV show, what would you like to see in by staplerbot
Buffy Summers, Class Protector by UnquantifiableLife
The Watchers Council did not always have custodianship of the Slayer by Coven_Supreme
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: 10 Spooky Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes To Watch On Halloween by Screen Rant
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s Emma Caulfield Reacts To The Show’s Ongoing Legacy As Slayers: A Buffyverse Story Is Released by CinemaBlend
PUBLICATION: Buffy's Top 10 Scariest Monsters of the Week by Sideshow
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zalisok · 2 months
TUA Season 4 Episode 3
Time for episode 3. Spoilers ahead, and let's go!
what. is that. "what the fuck" is right, miss reporter lady
"once you get to the top, it's always a sex cult" DIEGO
allison and klaus :(
klaus go OFF
ray walked out??????? why would ray walk out???
oh and klaus left. is it side plot time?
ben your hand oh no
talk to dAd (various annoyed sounds)
oh they're splitting up. that's never good.
liTtLe gReEk gUy
diego and lila :(((( they really, really have to communicate
jesus christ ben's arm looks like a volcano eruption they did not hold back on the gore this season did they
why is there a llama???????????
JEAN AND GENE (we'll let you decide which one of us is dominant and which one of us is recessive) why did that actually make me laugh my sense of humor is broken
jennifer what's happening? what happened between ben and jennifer??
alpaca milk
wait did i miss something or how did five, lila and diego know how to get to jean and gene's house? did they track their car via the phone call five made?
so five can only blink to the subway?
five and lila sheninigans let's go (this is not going to end well...)
klaus?....klaus?...klaus what are you doing...?
klaus and claire :((oh no:(
yes diego flaunt those recon skills
oh shit the apocalypse
there are two fives now. a ten. and five doesn't seem affected by the apocalpyse at all?
the split screens woah
who is sy?? how does he know so much??
do jennifer and ben have a telepathic connection now?? what is that volcano liquid thing???
so jene and gene are professors (physics professors? or philosophy of physics professors? either way), and they want to restore the true timeline and bring about "The Cleanse"? their main grudge was that their reputations were being dragged through the mud, but what would bringing about "the cleanse" do to help that? (and what is the cLEANSE?)
squid???? what is it with tua and locking people up in places with their central trauma?
family newsletter??
aw viktor. truly daddy issues!daddyissues!
"the last time you talked to dad he murdered you" she's not wrong, luther
???why are the people so...nice???
viktor's theme playing????
what is happening???
"it's kind of a love-hate thing for me" aww :(
i love how everyone's so confused because...i am too??
oh klaus is LEVITATING
"i thought you were dead, but turns out you can float" sums it up quite well
oh my god klaus ????
"guess we know who wears the monocle in this relationship" ALLISON
i love how reginald and his wife? girlfriend? partner? are so loving and allison's like "????"
they don't know how ben died...
their memories? are missing?
"that said, it does sound like something i might do" why is he so evil...but somehow unintentionally funny
but doesn't sparrow ben remember jennifer? isn't this ben sparrow ben? or did the reset also mess with his memories??
ough the tentacles are helping ben walk
jean and gene's dancing is so delightful
oh ben's pissed
the change in tone was a bit unsettling
i don't trust reginald. the machine is kind of cool though.
viktor...not a good idea...don't do it....
"i'm sorry i lied about book club" aw
wait what???lila??
ok the machine is kind of scary.
what does that MEAN
i am so confused. but intrigued. (i've said that many times but it still holds true) need to watch the next episode.
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xneontragedyx · 5 months
Shadows House Wiki
Shadows House Wiki
Shadows House Wiki
in: Spoilers, Locations, Terminology
Shadows House (Place)
Spoiler Warning
This place has many spoilers!
Shadows House
Shadows House Outside
Soot Island
Shadows, Living Dolls, Veiled Dolls, Scorches and Morphs
The Shadows House (シャドーハウス Shadō Hausu?) is a manor built atop of a cliff, in which Shadows live as nobles, serviced by their Living Dolls. It is composed of two buildings, namely the Children's Building and the Lord Grandfather's Wing. The buildings are connected to each other by the Passageway of Glory. Living Dolls and Shadows who try to escape the Shadows House will be attacked by arrows. Even if they dodge the arrows and head to the entrance, they will only be greeted by the bottom of the cliff. The only thing that connects the Shadows House to the outside is the Soot Train.
1 Origins
2 Children's Building
2.1 Main House
2.2 West Wing
2.3 Star Bearers' Residential Tower
3 Passageway of Glory
4 Lord Grandfather's Wing
4.1 Basement Floor
4.2 First Floor
4.3 Second Floor
4.4 Third Floor
5 Hierarchy System
6 Trivia
Over 50 years ago, the Shadows House was once Mirrors House before it was attacked by Morphs.
Children's Building
Children's Bulding Rough Sketch
The Children's Building (こどもたちの棟とう Kodomo-tachi no Tō?) is the building in which Children of the Shadows House live, including those who have yet to Debut. The Shadows and the Living Dolls are separated into two different wings depending on their gender – the Boys' Wing and the Girls' Wing. The Star Bearers have their own rooms, with allowed visits, but they close at 6PM.
The house is divided into multiple teams, each having 3 or 4 members. So far, the only teams shown have unilaterally consisted of 4 members. Among these teams, the Star Bearers are the ones with the highest authority, and they essentially watch over the house as a whole.
Aside from the Star Bearers, there are also 2 special teams, namely the Research Team and the First-Aid Team. The former is dedicated to researching and creating inventions, while the latter is dedicated to treating and taking care of sick Dolls. The leaders of these 2 teams are both Star Bearers, though it's not certain whether being part of the Star Bearers is a strict pre-requisite to leading these teams.
Main House
Great Hall: The main room of the house. Living Dolls organize in teams to clean the immense hall.
Hall of the Cleaning Implements: It is where the cleaning tools for the Living Dolls are kept.
Classroom: A classroom where new Living Dolls learn about their cleaning duties.
Maze Garden: The place where Kate and her friends debuted. Its a big garden ideal for meetings or relaxing, it has a few small greenhouses where they can cultivate fruits like oranges.
Conservatory: One of the Hobby Rooms. A place to cultivate flowers and fruits like oranges. Patrick and Margaret visit here frequently.
Library: One of the Hobby Rooms. A place for Shadows to borrow books to learn more about different topics, like marriage.
Music Room: One of the Hobby Rooms. Shadows with interest in music can pass their time here. Some of the instruments include violins and a piano.
Dance Hall: One of the Hobby Rooms. Shadows with interest in dancing like Maryrose can pass their time here.
Training Room: Supervised by Susanna, a large room where Shadows with their soot power awakened can receive special lessons and train. Shadows without soot power don't know about this place.
Soot Management Facility (Sootmain): An important facility that pulverizes the soot from the children's building at conveys it to the Lord Grandfather's wing.
Intermediate Facility: A facility that manages soot-blowing fans, conducting the soot in the rooms to go until the soot-crushing room.
Soot Pipes and Soot-Crushing Room: All the clean up soot collected in the Shadows' rooms and the training room goes through these pipes. A pipeline goes under the Passageway of Glory where the soot-crushing room process it to be used as an energy font in the Lord Grandfather's Wing.
Research Room (Laboratory): A room where Oliver and the Research Team build and test their inventions. It is located underneath the house but is rarely used, with the Research Team instead opting to use a large cabin in the garden for the extra space.
Washing Room (Medical Wing): A place where Dolls can clean themselves. There is a lot of rooms with bathtubs and showers for Dolls to bathe in pairs. There is also another room where they can change their clothes properly, check their heights, size height, and others details. The medical wing that Susanna and the First-Aid Team take care of is also located here and they can treat ill Shadows who are sick with Soot Sickness.
Veiled Dolls' Rooms: Underneath both Children's and Lord Grandfather's Wings in confined and dim individual rooms for them to only sleep, wake up, and dress up. It is also where the Kitchen and Laundry of the house is located since neither Shadows nor Living Dolls need to cook or wash clothes.
West Wing
Chapter 091Boys' Rooms: contains the rooms of the male Shadows which are connected to their Living Dolls' rooms. Shadows that haven't debuted yet can't leave their rooms.
Girls' Rooms: contains the rooms of the female Shadows which are connected with their Living Dolls' rooms. Shadows that haven't debuted yet can't leave their rooms.
Star Bearers' Residential Tower
Meeting Room: Star Bearers use this room for their reunions about important matters to their decisions. They can also call the members of the children's building to make announcements
Coffee Room: Where the coffee beans are brewed for the Rejoicing Party, it's located in the first floor of the tower.
Gym: The place where Benjamin and his Doll train their physical body with equipment supplied by Oliver.
Passageway of Glory
The Passageway of Glory (栄えい光こうの廊ろう下か Eikō no Rōka?) is the place that separates the Children's Building from the Lord Grandfather's Wing. It also leads to the underground of the Lord Grandfather's Wing.
Lord Grandfather's Wing
Adult's wing outside
The Lord Grandfather's Wing (おじい様さまと共ともにある棟とう Ojī-sama to Tomo ni Aru Tō?) is the building in which Adults of the Shadows House live.
The building is split into 3 floors, with the Shadows living on higher floors holding more power and authority than those living below. It also have a basement where children gathers together after a new debut ends.
Basement Floor
Basement adult's wing
The Basement Floor is where the Debut Hall, the place Shadows test if they match with their Living Dolls, is located. If they pass, the Shadow gets access to the rest of the children's wing (aside from their own rooms), and the Living Dolls can act as their faces. Else, they are disposed of. This floor also have an audience room, where the Star Bearer reunites with the Children's Building warden, an Unification Room for the invited Shadows to fuse, Veiled Doll's quarters, a prison and access to the garden.
First Floor
On the First Floor, residents are undergoing or have recently completed Fusion. As of now, the only known member of the First Floor is Lewis.
Second Floor
On the Second Floor, residents aim to become part of the Third Floor. When a Shadow reaches the second floor they may gain duties such as organizing a Debut, being the Children's Building Manager, carrying out an Obligation, or having an administrative job over one of the House's many villages.
Third Floor
On the Third Floor, residents gain maximal influence; those who currently reside there are, specifically, The Lord Grandfather, Dorothy, Joseph, Ryan, and Sophie. They are the ones who have the highest power of authority in the Shadows House and, since they rarely show their faces, nobody, include the others adults in the house, knows their appearances.
Hierarchy System
Faceless Shadow: These are Shadows who have yet to debut. They are unable to leave their rooms since they are still incomplete Shadows. They are to be tended to by their Living Dolls who clean and influence their personalities. The Dolls are to give a goodnight kiss every night to help stabilizes the mimicry process.
Debuted Shadow: After the debut, the Shadow can finally leave their rooms and interact with the others members of the house, having a schedule of hobbies and activities during the day. The Living Doll of a debuted Shadow is called a Face and when using the portrait attire, they need to show their master's feelings.
Team Leader: A Team Leader has to report the activities of the members of the team they are in charge of to the star bearers. One will need good leadership skills to become a team leader.
Star Bearer: Originally a step before reaching adulthood, the current Star Bearers are the ones who lead all the others children in the house and report current events to the adults (more specifically, only to the current manager of the children's building) to check who can be invited. Only they can lead special teams like the Research and First-Aid teams.
First Floor Adult: The first stage of adulthood. After the Fusion, they need to stabilize their transformation and get used to having their own face.
Second Floor Adult: Here is where important adult Shadows live; however, most of them stay outside of the manor to keep order of the villages. Another important role a second floor Shadow can have is becoming a Children's Building Manager: the Star Bearers needs to report to them and they are also in charge of "welcoming" the invited Shadows.
Third Floor Adult: The most influential Shadows in the house. For unknown reasons, different from first and second floor Shadows, they never reveal their faces, except if they are in charge of the Selection.
Lord Grandfather: The ruler of the Shadows House and said creator of the Living Dolls. A mysterious figure with unknown goals.
The ambience of the manor resembles the Victorian Era (around 1850).
According to Chapter 80, there currently are more than 50 children living in the building.
The official English localization differs between Funimation's anime and Yen Press' manga in some terms as well:
Hall of the Cleaning Implements is called Utility Room
Classroom is called School Room
Washing Room is called Washroom
Soot-Crushing Room is called Soot Processing Room
Lord Grandfather's Wing is called The Building at Grandfather's Side
After Volume 5 Team Leaders are called Team Captains
Star Bearers' Meeting Room is called Star-Bearers' Conference Room
Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
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findjoosoftware · 10 months
Unleashing the Power of Association Management Software
Greetings, fellow enthusiasts of streamlined association operations! Today, we embark on a journey to unravel the wonders of Association Management Software (AMS). Get ready to discover how this technological marvel can revolutionize the way associations function, from efficient member engagement to seamless event management.
1. AMS 101: A Brief Introduction
Let's kick off with the basics. What exactly is Association Management Software, and why should your association care? We'll delve into the core features that make AMS a game-changer for managing memberships, events, and communications.
2. Member Nirvana: Elevating the Member Experience
In this chapter, we explore how AMS transforms member interactions. From personalized dashboards to tailored communication, your members are in for a treat. AMS ensures they feel valued, engaged, and part of a thriving community.
3. Event Mastery: From Planning to Post-Event Glory
Events are the lifeblood of associations. Discover how AMS takes the hassle out of event planning, from online registrations to tracking attendance. Say farewell to event-related headaches and hello to seamless, successful gatherings.
4. Communication Revolution: AMS as Your Voice
Communication is the glue that binds associations. Uncover how AMS acts as your communication maestro, ensuring members stay informed, engaged, and connected. It's time to bid adieu to scattered emails and embrace centralized, effective communication.
5. Financial Harmony: Managing Finances with Ease
Finances can be a labyrinth, but not with AMS by your side. Learn how AMS simplifies financial management, from dues collection to budget tracking. It's the financial dance where every step is accounted for.
6. Data Fortress: Securing Your Association's Treasure
Data is precious, and AMS treats it as such. Explore the robust security features that turn your association's data into an impenetrable fortress. Rest easy knowing your members' information is safe and sound.
7. AMS in Action: Real-Life Success Stories
What better way to understand the impact of AMS than through real-life tales of success? We'll share stories of associations that transformed their operations, boosted member engagement, and achieved unprecedented success with AMS.
8. Choosing the Right AMS: A Guide to Your Perfect Match
Not all AMS solutions are created equal. Navigate the selection process with our guide, ensuring you find the AMS that aligns perfectly with your association's unique needs. It's like finding a reliable partner for the association ball!
9. ROI Unveiled: The Economic Impact of AMS
Curious about the return on investment? We'll break down how AMS not only enhances efficiency but also contributes to the financial health of your association. Spoiler alert: It's an investment that pays dividends.
10. Future-Proofing with AMS: Staying Ahead of the Curve
In our final chapter, we look to the future. Explore how AMS evolves with technological trends, ensuring your association remains ahead of the curve. It's the blueprint for future-proofing your association's operations.
There you have it—a comprehensive exploration of Association Management Software. Get ready to witness the transformation of your association into a well-oiled machine, where members thrive, events shine, and communication flows seamlessly. Happy reading!
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eventhorizondev · 2 years
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On a planet powered by the magic of an ancient god in its core the world knew nothing but love and peace. The inhabitants, no matter how small, lived together in a delicate cycle of life. Everything seemed perfect, the jellyfish people of the caves were known for their music, their dance, their amazing blends of coffee and colorful art. The CoreSpirits, jaguars made of lava and rock lived within the worlds biggest volcano, tending to the sacred coffee beans that grew from the goddess’s tree. They, very proud people lived among the magic of the world and harnessed it in their crops and fabrics. And then the Feathered people of the deep jungles, their city coexisted with the world around them, their art painted stories of old on sacred trees. Their festivals were the pride of the world, a day where all would emerge from the depths of the world to celebrate.
This world has seen danger before, two great hero’s once walked her delicate soil and defeated enemies native and foreign to the planet. Both using a divine blade of magical gold, a blade of pure flame kissed by the goddess herself. After the last invasion ended with a triumph for the people 1,000 years ago. All believed they reached a new age of peace, that was until the ground shook more than usual, contact with the city ceased and darkness fell.
You play a humble farmer turned folk hero, you’re destiny was never ment to bring you here and yet here you are. Will you defend your home from the invasion? Or will your home end up like so many of the planets they had conquered before.
Features! -
- Metroidvania style platforming along with sword and magic based combat.
- 3 base swords with interchangeable buffs for a wide range of play styles
- Interactive world with tons of fleshed out interactions and side quests to explore.
- Monsters and characters based on real world mythology from Central America.
- Fleshed our relationships including romantic, friendship and kinship. Note: There will not be a romantic path for Adela within the story but instead will be up for interpretation.
- Interactive story with branching paths depending on what you do within the main game.
- ARG inclusion…. But, that’s for you to find out.
Event Horizon -
Is a hand drawn indie metroidvania currently in early development. Based on love for video games the Dev team has a lot of passion for this project and there for is built from the ground up with our own money. This Blog is run by our lead Artist and Animator to start building a community around the game.
Demo -
A demo is set to release early next year which will include the prologue for the game, as well as a bit of combat. We are a 3 person team so this date is subject to change.
Questions -
Please! Ask questions about our game, and I will answer them to the best of my (spoiler free) ability! I will show some behind the scenes art, characters, locations, and some plot points on this blog and am more than happy to talk some more about them!
Platform -
As of now Event Horizon is set to release for PC only via steam. However our eyes are set on a possible steam port!
Updated as of 3/15/2023
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