#oh well its too late now
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during winter last year I had decided that I wanted to write a fic of omoriboy, and later on I began to take some notes of him so I could write him well enough.
but then I thought why not translate them and make a post? maybe it could be useful for someone and variety is the spice of life. since omoriboy is often depicted jokingly, it wouldn't be bad to have more of him seriously from time to time, right?
so here are my notes. I may mention this is a casual character study and I didn't really aim to make the most profound omoriboy analysis, so you'll quickly notice these notes are pretty messy, but in any case, that could serve better for each one to reach their own conclusions.
and being this about omoriboy, then you already have an idea of what subjects will be discussed: sexual themes, poor mental health, attempted suicide and a general pessimistic worldview, all that jazz.
(as an extra warning now that Im done, this motherfucker ended up being 10k words long so this is a post only for the brave)
oh also, I didn't include any images mainly because Im lazy and either way I think they go over tumblr's limit of images per post and I wanna keep this as a single post so.
Im not going to take notes of every single omoriboy drawing that has ever existed, because im lazy, but I'll be looking through the main stuff: the blog, the minicomic and a recent drawing, in that order.
for orientations sake, I'll copy the quotes of each entry, so you can follow along through another source. you can read the blog here, or watch this video here (which also contains many extra stuff), or you can go look for the blog yourself, whatever you prefer.
so, first thing first, the blog!
it all started during a december day of 2011...
[december 22nd, 2011]
"im omori and i fap and play old games"
Probably the most well-known panel out of all the blog, this is where it all started., with Omoriboy’s iconic introduction.
Quite the way to introduce himself, isn’t it? It has left an impression.
So, now the question is, why would he choose to introduce himself in this way?
I think with this, what Omoriboy is trying to achieve by being this upfront is to leave it pretty clear that he isn’t going to try to be appealing to anyone. It makes sense, after all, this is his one place in the world and he won’t try to pretend to be anything that he isn’t. Here, he is as he is.
In the image, he’s shown with his back turned towards the viewer, well kinda-ish. My point is that his body language isn’t very welcoming and his expression looks somewhat annoyed. Speaking of that, he’s also looking directly at the viewer. While in some other drawings he will also doing that, here it gives me the impression of being more intentional, like he wants to see how you'll react.
The contents of the laptop (if you’re viewing an uncensored version) are for all to see, which can contribute to this interpretation of Omoriboy not having any intentions in hiding any unsavory aspect of himself.
Going back to the text, this lacks any capitalization and punctuation, which could give the impression of, well, him simply not bothering with those. No formalities around here, but that’s pretty clear from just reading.
[december 23rd, 2011]
"sometimes i think im too fat, but it’s not like anybody will see me anyway
abs would look kinda cool though"
Considering Omoriboy looks rather thin, its concerning to wonder what would be an acceptable weight for him. Out of this, it could be possible to characterize him with an eating disorder, but given how delicate of a subject it is, I think I won’t be taking that direction. I don’t think Im good enough of a writer to handle it with the tact it needs.
For now, what I’ll take from this is that Omoriboy has a poor image of himself. Self-stem issues, unsatisfied with his appearance. Checks out.
In the image, he is examining himself via touch, so maybe what he means by ‘too fat’ is the feeling of his belly being soft instead of firm with muscles? Yeah this could also go with him having a certain idea of what a ‘real man’ looks like, or generally someone more successful than him. I can work with toxic masculinity.
[december 23th, 2011]
"at times i feel lonely but i try really hard not to think about it"
Since he expresses feeling lonely, I would say he has absolutely no one to talk. Namely, no sort of online friends.
It is also a prevalent feeling, which he has to make a conscious effort to ignore.
this one is pretty straightforward in its meaning.
Here omoboy is in a more comfy position. I would imagine like this he can feel more warm, with the blanket over him and his arms close to himself. A good way to make up from the lack of physical warmth from another person!
We dont see what he’s watching. It may be safe that its more porn but with the way he kicks his legs, that could entail he’s relaxed. Maybe he’s actually watching a show he enjoys? It would make sense then for him to not let us see what it is. Being reserved about this more ‘personal’ thing, he’s not about to let anyone learn more about the things he likes... though that's more of the route Im taking, of someone really reserved and even defensive. its probably more porn but the possibility is there.
[december 23th, 2011]
"what would happen if i died today?
how long would it take for someone to notice?
would anyone even go to my funeral?
probably not
but that’s too my fault i guess"
This one is pretty straightforward so I don’t have much to say. Most of what I can do is take a few notes
-omoriboy casually wonders about his death, specifically how people would act after his death, or if anyone would care about his death. If his death would have any sort of significance. Maybe he wonders if being dead would be any different for the world than if he was alive?
-he reaches the conclusion that no
-then he blames himself over this situation. This could refer to him being a hikikomori and loosing contact with anyone he could’ve had a connection to, or maybe he actively pushed people away before he became a hikikomori? Eh, I would go more with the former, since it would kinda go with the mentality of ‘I chose this’
- his body language doesn’t really leave much up to interpretation. He is letting his mind wander, and it looks like he’s letting his mind wander. Tho for once it would seem like he isn’t trying to distract himself from these thoughts. Is this particular question important enough for him to concentrate on it?
[december 23th,2011]
"i like wearing my socks inside-out, but if people knew that they'd just make fun of me
if i wore black socks, no one would be able to tell
...theoretically of course"
I guess the reason of him preferring to wear his socks inside out is because of the… ok I dont know how its called in english but is like the place were the stitches of the sock are. In some socks they can be pretty big so it can be kinda annoying. so this is a matter of preference, he would feel more comfortable wearing his socks inside-out.
then he immediately after thinks about people’s opinion on this matter, that if he did this inconsequential thing to be more comfortable, which isnt the standard, they would judge him and laugh at him.
who would say I would get such a metaphor out of some socks?
Given that hes never seen with socks that aren’t black, could this be tied with like, that need to perform even when no one is looking? It has a name but I dont remember it right now, but is a thing to consider since he’s right now in ‘his place’ where he can do whatever he wants, but he may be unable to shake off some habits.
Though at the end he kinda acknowledges this. After all, just like he mentioned before, ‘its not like anyone will see him anyway’
does he often imagine these hypothetical scenarios, where people mock him for whatever? Is this some sort of reaffirmation for his lifestyle?
I dont have much to say regarding the illustration. I guess he started to think about this as he was fixing(? his socks, though I hadnt noticed that ‘mark’ on his leg (idk how is it called in english either but is the thing that appears if you wear socks for a long time.) Is that meant to be a mark around the skin or is hair? I dont think he would have a motivation to shave, so maybe I should keep in mind to depict him as more hairy than in the pics.
[december 24th, 2011]
"omori is short for hikikomori (ひきこもり)
the first three letters also correspond with those of my creator
she must think she's so clever"
In the tvtropes page, they interpret this line as his full ‘name’ being hikikomori. here we have a popular show where the protagonist is simply called ‘boy’, so I believe its plausible to have a story of a hikikomori where the protagonist is simply called ‘hikikomori’, omori for the friends he doesnt have. This could also be tied to the loss of like, personhood, and all that remains of him, or all he is, is this state in which he lives.
Im not really sure what to make out of the fourth wall breaks, so Im just going to ignore them, tho from this one I take some notes of how his internal narration would be if he hypothetically interacted with someone else, because this is the closest thing to that. In other words, he’s probably going to make some sarcastic remarks, though he might not voice them. Living frustrated and depressed, it makes sense that his narration would be kinda grumpy.
In the illustration, he keeps the blanket around himself while sitting, which could give the impression of protecting himself or hiding, though I might just take it as a more general term of closing-off. His expression seems kinda distracted or avoidant. Does he want to seem dismissive?
Oh yeah, I also might note he knows what a hikikomori is, and that also entails he has some vocabulary to describe his situation.
[december 24th, 2011]
I think this is one of the few times where he shows real interest in whatever there is on his laptop, not only in attitude, but also in thought, as for once his whole attention is on the screen.
Though we cannot see what it is exactly.
Has he seen a woman that checks all his boxes?
Or its actually a fictional character?
Eh dunno but this is the closest thing to him being happy during the blog. Whatever it is, it has effectively distracted him!
Not much to say about the picture, since it just shows this interest. some people describe it as him kissing the screen but I just kinda see it as him looking closer.
[december 24th, 2011]
"mama says i have a disease
she says it's hard to help to someone who doesn't answer
but i don't need help
everyone else just thinks i do"
so there were various drawings that were easy t understand, but then there were other drawings that I found needed further examination and so I decided to do that once I got a better grasp on the character. this is one of such pictures.
understanding what he means here is very important to understand his character, but for that I got to define what 'help' means to him.
he says 'I dont need help' rather than 'I dont want help.' the wording is important.
I kinda think that 'getting help' for him is an euphemism for something bad, but what and why?
I can think of a long list of reasons, but to get to the correct answer, like I said, I need to understand him better.
so for now I'll just take a few basic notes.
1- he refers to his mother as 'mama'
2-with the vague wording, he could be saying that his mother has told him this, or that he overheard his mother saying this to someone else
3-he seemingly doesnt answer to her when she speaks to him. it could be out of spite or other reason, maybe he doesnt know what to answer, he find talking tiring or maybe pointless, like she wont really listen to anything he might say. this depends of what is the state of their bond, but it wouldnt be a surprise to say its a complicated one.
in the picture, he has placed the blanket on top of him, hiding his whole body and he seems to be crouching. his expression is partially hidden by his bangs, but we can see that he's unhappy, like trying to concentrate on whats on his laptop but being unable to. there's something about this subject that upsets him a lot, making him want to further pull inward. maybe its the wording? maybe he doesnt like to be called ill.
[december 24th, 2011]
"how hard do you think it is
for a kid to grow up when it's got no one to look up to?"
Speaking from experience, likely.
So this rhetorical question would be more insight into his childhood, where he might had lacked any adult role models, or otherwise reliable adults.
Then it brings up what his family situation might have been like. Was he often left alone by his parents? Or where they more like impala parents that mostly focused in providing for his basic necessities, like food and shelter, but otherwise didn’t really do much parenting.
Now omoriboy is old enough to realize these things.
In any case, I don’t think this quote is hard to understand.
Looking at the image, the camera is doing this kind of top-down thing that serves to emphasize how small a character is (specially compared to something else) or to emphasize like certain defenselessness or powerlessness. Even more, we have the character directly looking at the reader, while asking this question. It evokes that image of who once was a small lonely child, now a lonely adult (or teen) that was never taught how to grow up. Its like a moment of sincerity. For someone so distrustful, as I’ve interpreted it, this is like him truly showing vulnerability. The contents of the laptop are out of sight, so not even the reader can be distracted from seeing him as he is, deep down. Someone lonely left to figure out things for themselves, with no guidance.
I think for these reasons this picture is one of the ones I like most.
also, notice how he refers to this kid as 'it' rather than 'them', like an animal or a thing. did he grew up in the kind of place where children are treated no different from dogs or are seen more as burdens? a sadly common place.
[december 25th, 2011]
"i'm don't really like water so i'd rather not shower
i still think i smell better than most ひきこもり but its not like i've ever met any"
I was going to complain about him being shirtless in the middle of winter, but then I remembered that its not like his usual clothing provides much warmth so
He says that he would rather not shower instead of dont, which makes me believe that he might shower occasionally? Or try to.
Then he states that he thinks that he smells better than other hikikomori. Is this wistful thinking or does he have reasons to believe this?
Its possible his hygiene is better than popular belief, but its no guess that he struggles with personal hygiene.
Also, he has never spoken with other hikikomori.
In the picture he’s shirtless and this is the first appearance of mewo!
He could be shirtless because feeling mewo’s fur on his skin is physical contact that he lacks, or maybe because he was showering, or maybe doing that thing where one cleans oneself with like a wet cloth, dunno how its called in english.
Also, today its Christmas but there’s no mention of that. Understandable. When in a bad mental place, the only special thing about christmas is it being a specially bad day so the best thing is to forget about it and hopefully it goes by quickly… but then, was he trying to be more presentable today of all day by cleaning himself? but given his somber expression, he might have changed his mind and decide to forget its christmas. there might be an untold story behind this picture but Im not sure of which.
[december 25th, 2011]
"if i stay here, i can be whatever i want to be
if i leave this place, i'll have to accept my limitations as a human
and i just don't think i'm ready to do that yet"
This is another picture that I decided to leave for further examination later. Its important to understand it correctly.
For now, I’ll make a note that the last line might imply he isnt 100% against ‘leaving and accepting his limitations’, but he states he isnt ready for that yet.
Im not sure if self-awareness is the word, but I think this line shows some level of understanding of himself, though living like this he has plenty of time to self-reflect.
The first line here could be related to certain freedom that being a shut-in can bring, of being away from everyone's expectations, or it could relate to his imaginary escapades.
and the rest is there.
not much to say about the picture, he's playing a game.
[december 26th, 2011]
"whats the point of going to school if i can just learn everything on the internet?"
This to me seems a statement very typical of a teenager.
Nowhere it is stated how old omoriboy is (i think), but by his appearance hes probably somewhere in his late teens-early twenties.
Figuring out this question is also important to figure out another question: how much time has he been a hikikomori? The definition says that at least six months, but he gives me the impression he has done so for longer.
And then there’s the third question: when did he start?
If he was meant to be a college student, I dont think he would be saying this, since college is more about a career and training for that career, so, even if he was in his twenties, he still has the maturity of a teenager. Not like he has had many opportunities to mature like this.
Though that makes me wonder, did he finish highschool? Its possible he dropped halfway. this seems like the statement of a school student.
I could ask the same regarding middleschool, depending of how early he started.
I dont know if there’s a real answer, so I’ll have to choose what to do with these questions.
Anyways, in the picture he looks dismissal. This pose is also typical of a teenager saying ‘whatever, I dont care’ though he doesnt have his hand on his hip. Dunno, it kinda gives me the impression he wants to pretend he doesnt care, but he does, or maybe he's more tired that dismissal and the subject of studying saps away his energy.
[december 27th, 2011]
why is everything so
The repetitiveness of his life might be getting him.
Since he established that he plays old games (on a gameboy) then it could be possible that all the games he owns he has already played.
though he has access to the internet, most of the time he's seen watching porn, but most of the time he doesn't even seem interested in what's on the screen. Some time ago I had wondered if the reason he masturbates so often isn't so much for having a high sexual drive but rather it's because it's the only reliable way he has of feeling anything pleasant... or anything in general.
that’s pretty his two activities. A very dull life.
This statement could also be tied to his possible depression and struggling to find enjoyment in anything, even in things he used to enjoy.
Also, first swear. He talks casually and informal but he doesnt swear often. So, when he swears, he has a good reason to.
Not much to say about the picture, it represents well what he’s feeling.
[december 27th, 2011]
"just because i like to hide my feelings doesn't mean i don't have any"
Here when we say ‘to like to do something’ it doesnt always means that a person actually likes to do that, but rather is more of a habit of theirs.
This sentence is pretty straightforward otherwise, but there’s the question of what does he mean by ‘like’?
Probably not so much that he actually likes it, but that its a habit that he has picked up and the circumstances made it one pretty useful. Its possible others mocked him if he showed emotions.
Or maybe he’s just someone reserved and doesnt like others to know whats going on with him
Or its a matter of distrust and he isnt willing to be vulnerable out there with anyone.
Not much to say about the picture, though in many of these where mewo appears, he seems to be talking to her (or to be directing his thoughts to her). I guess he sees her as his only confidant who wont judge or snitch. she’s a great support to him in this way, since she gives him a excuse to express his thoughts.
[december 27th, 2011]
"it's all my fault...
it's all my fault...
it's all my fault..."
this is probably the picture that would lead to the invention of the incident.
so he's blaming himself and this makes him suffer a lot.
though I dont think its ever specified why. is he blaming himself over something in particular (well, not that something...probably) or is this a general sense of guilt?
last time he blamed himself, I attributed it to blaming himself over his own suffering, of putting himself in this situation. that could also be an option, but Im not completely sure this is the case here. maybe its more about him thinking about all the fuck-ups thorough his life that have ultimately culminated into this?
since his past is vague, then here I decided to give myself some liberty to choose, and since Sunny already has a big reason to become a shut-in, then I wanted to go with the route that omoriboy doesnt have a big traumatic event that changed the course of his life, but that doesnt mean he doesnt have a trauma.
here I can apply something that I learned last year! that there's apparently three classifications of trauma: acute, chronic and complex.
acute trauma is a trauma caused by a specific event. Sunny could apply here, because we can pinpoint the exact day and hour his life went downhill.
chronic trauma is one caused by a particular situation that continues through a prolonged period of time, like being in an abusive relationship.
and complex trauma is harder to pinpoint, because is a trauma caused by many different things, and I'll go with the route that omoriboy has this.
[december 28th,2011]
after a brief search, I found he's singing 'fix you' by coldplay. now I would analyze the song, but since it will appear again later on, then I decided to leave that for later. so I'll focus on the drawing.
I think this is the only time we’ll see omoriboy doing something similar to speaking outloud. Its not like he has anyone to talk to, to be fair, though even in his imaginary adventures he’s never seen talking with anyone… I kinda wonder if he’s actually as quiet as Sunny and prefers non-verbal communication.
In any case, I think this is also a rare instance of omoriboy for once not ignoring his feelings but rather having a way to release them. Good good, should I note a good relationship with music, then?
In the illustration he’s shown really into the song, even singing outloud, and also probably hugging mewo for further comfort, much to her dismay.
Considering the previous image, I think this is a positive development.
[december 28th, 2011]
"too bad saving the world isn't as easy as these games make it out to be"
I wonder if this is a reference to the time period, when everyone was saying that the world would end next year, though I dont remember when that became the talk.
Either way, this can be read as somewhat sarcastically, or there could be deep in a genuine sentiment of wishing the world could be a better place. He believes that the world is unfair and has wronged him, but this could say that this hasnt made him which for the end of the world. So, not outright misanthropic, probably.
Not much to say about the drawing, he’s just playing a game with a neutral expression. With all the game on the floor, it could be to have easy access to any or him juts not being someone tidy. Checks out.
[december 28th, 2011]
"bleep bloop"
This picture is a pretty unique one.
Here we see omoriboy simply goofing around… not much else to say, but I think this shows a bit more of his personality, beyond all the depression. He can be a bit of a goofball, if he feels comfortable enough for that, surely. There’s no many chances for that to happen.
If you squint, I guess you could also say he can be resourceful, using whatever there’s at hand to make some use out of it, though this could also be tied to him being a creative one. though you could also use this as more evidence of him being bored out of his mind.
[december 29th, 2011]
"the great thing about living on a blog is that i don't have to pay rent"
another fourthwall break Im going to ignore.
Though Im not sure why would he be worried about rent. Its not like he would be paying rent anyways… maybe I cant reframe this a bit in that he would be expressing relief at not having to worry about adult problems. I kinda wonder thought if he feels sorry about his mother having to maintain him, but that's just another way of asking what are his thoughts regarding his mother, but I'll define that another day.
[december 29th, 2011]
"if i have to change myself to live, i think i'll be content with just existing"
Another drawing for the ‘examine later’ pile.
This one expresses a similar sentiment as the one from december 25
At first it seemed a bit contradictory to me, since here he shows an unwillingness to change, but then the previous one wasnt about changing, but rather about accepting his limitations.
No further notes for now.
[december 29th, 2011]
"why am i
so weak?"
Could refer to physical weakness, but more likely he means his incapability to cope with life and exist outside… or also could relate to his statement in the previous entry.
There’s this thing I want to point out though, that each time he cries, he hides his face, despite this being his safe place. It could be an attempt at further repression of his feelings, or it could be a custom he has that he learned, that he can't cry openly without backlash. 'men don't cry' and bullshit like that.
Mewo is there for him, at least.
[december 30th, 2011]
"these old memories never really stop messing with us, do they?"
likely referring to the previous entry. maybe he was remembering a moment in particular where he was too weak for... do anything.
Pretty straightforward text. Typical thing you’re going about your day and suddenly something reminds you of something you would have rather not think about. Shame!
Given his dull life where nothing happens, where nothing worth noting happens and each day is identical and the present barely feels like anything, then the only thing to be had is about the past.
Not much to say about the picture.
[december 31th, 2011]
"what if my imaginary friends are the ones that are real?
what if i'm the one who's imaginary?"
Another drawing to exanimate later.
This is the first time we see him standing! And you know how he looks? Forlorn. Yeah I learned a new word! ~Forlorn~. I really like it! Its a fancy word.
This idea of him being fake must depress him a lot, but why? Maybe because then his suffering would be meaningless or like it doesnt matter?
Not sure, but here he establishes to have imaginary friends. I kinda wonder if he’s had imaginary friends all his life or if these are a recent development.
[january 1st, 2012]
"aand heres to -hic- not fukcin thsi yearr up asb ad as th lsat one,,,,"
Its new years and he acknowledges that, unlike with christmas (is the pornsite also celebrating?). He even might be having a little celebration himself! Or just drinking to forget.
He doest seem in the worst mood, though. I dont think he’s being sarcastic here, but rather ironic.
New year, same old omoriboy. He’s watching porn, like always.
Though I wonder if by ‘fucking it up’ he means his daily life in general of if there was some sort of event(s) in particular he’s referring to. After all, he starts his blog in december, who knows what else happened through the year. For all we know, this is actually his first year as a hikikomori.
[january 2nd, 2012]
"my mama always told me if i was kind, considerate, and forgave others, good things would happen
what a load of bullshit
all i did was waste my childhood and give the other kids my face to step on"
Here we have more insight on his past, where he considers that his childhood was wasted away. unlike the game, I believe the blog doesnt shy away about how cruel children can be.
So, highly possible that omoriboy was a victim of bullying from an early age and that must have formed much of his worldview, about the world being unfair.
He did try to follow his mother’s advice and be a good person, only to be humiliated for that. Fucked up to be punished without blame!
In the picture he looks somewhat resentful, which makes a lot of sense.
His mom’s advice isn’t malicious, but she must have failed to give him an actual solution to his problems with other children, and thus, now he must think he was made a fool for listening to a erroneous advice, or like he was tricked into making a fool of himself.
is he resentful towards his mother or her advice?
Very important entry to understand the character.
The knife makes its first appearance.
[january 3rd, 2012]
"it sucks to live in a world where nice guys finish last"
Many people have joked about omoriboy being an incel due to this entry.
Im not super knowledgeable about the incel mentality and Im too lazy to research it in order to determine if he is an incel or not, but the good thing is that in my fic his opinion about women is irrelevant so I dont have to worry about that. So I’ll just use this as more evidence that he thinks the world is unfair and trying to be a good person only gets you to be used as a step ladder.
Now he’s using the knife to draw certain person(?).. or to carve her in the floor? That requires certain care, even when the action of making marks on the floor with the knife could indicate an aggressive way of releasing frustration.
[january 5th, 2012]
"i'm just a waste of space"
Sooner or later he was bound to think about this.
is this due to him being a hikikomori, or has he thought about this from before becoming a hikikomori?
In the picture he’s closely examining the knife’s blade, maybe judging how sharp it is. His expression is neutral, which I’ve interpreted as him stating what he views as a fact. There’s no distractions around, no laptop, no mewo. Only the lightbulb and the knife.
[january 5th, 2012]
"i' _ _ o _ i _ _ , _ a _ a"
His expression is now obscured as he aims the knife towards himself. Its not hard to guess what his intentions are.
before I started taking notes, I had misremembered that his mother was dead and that he wanted to reunite with her. in the video linked above, they interpret this as 'I'm coming, mama' so that might be why.
but he has mentioned that she's alive, and if she had died in the middle of the story then it would have been more obvious, as he would have lost his caretaker and that would have caused conflict. so now Im not sure if that's what he's saying.
then maybe, if he refers to his mother as mama, why couldn't he refer to his father as papa? maybe he's the one dead.
but with my english, I don't think I can take a good guess. the sentence might start with 'I'm' (or maybe I'll'), then follows with a verb ending in -ing (losing could also fit, but Im not sure that's the word either), and the with a word with two a's, or maybe he's laughing.
all in all, I don't know. I'll have to check a dictionary later...
[january 7th, 2012]
but he's stopped!
two days later.
...maybe the dates just were the posting dates and weren't meant to be taken in consideration... I'll have to reevaluate the stuff from christmas then, but that for another day.
Anyways, here’s abbi!! (or tako-chan, rather)
according to the video, because I can't read japanese, the words here say 'not yet' (twice?)
Curious that he was thinking about her before attempting to end his life and then she’s the reason he changes his mind.
So, who is she? There’s many options:
1- she’s an imaginary friend of his that’s like ‘ hey if you commit suicide you wont be able to visit us anymore!’
2-she’s a fictional character from a show and this is a case of ‘if thinking that naruto would be proud of you gets you to brush your teeth…’
… ok I had two more theories but now that I think so the first one sound the most likely (though these two could coexist, I kinda think the waifu he meant earlier is her, but that’s just my impression)
[january 8th, 2012]
we all find excuses to keep existing even when we'd rather not
choosing to feel pain over feeling nothing at all
humans are so stupid"
And in the aftermath of this he lays alone on the floor just kinda thinking about what just happened. Shock might not be the right word but something like that… maybe numbness?
The text here is pretty straightforward, so I dont have much to say. From an objective standpoint, he doesnt think there’s a single reason he should keep living, but his survival instinct grasps onto anything.
Its worth noting his wording tho, how he speaks in a general matter rather than for himself. Maybe he considers his survival instinct is a hindrance and blames his human condition for that?
[january 10th, 2012]
"nothing is ever a big deal if you don't let it be"
Likely referring to the events in the previous pages. He just seriously considered ending his life but it’s not a big deal, really.
(I kinda wonder if he spent the last two days in the same numb state as before...)
Pretty straightforward so I dont have much to say, I could even add this to my notes just by copying it. to the mentality section it goes.
Not much to say about the picture. Its a casual posture with goes along not giving importance to serious things that need addressing.
All in all, a fantastic way to start the year.
[january 10th, 2012]
"i am a cocoon"
And later on the day(? He decides to goof around a bit… or maybe enveloping himself with the blanket is the closest thing to a comforting hug that he can have. At least mewo is there for him.
I like this sentence because while is sure he means it literally, pretending to be a cocoon, it can be taken metaphorically. Im not sure he is prone to be that philosophical though, but the thought is there.
[january 12th, 2012]
Now its time to analyze some tunes!
and let the internet become witness of how terrible I am at understanding songs. I barely read poetry and when I do I hardly understand it and its the same with songs.
But first, the illustration.
You know what? I think I’ll make a note of him having a positive relationship with music, here he looks like he is actually enjoying the songs, and if anything, he’s concentrated on them rather than thinking about something else. Good angst is all about balance, yknow? So its good to keep in mind the few positive things he has in life.
Ok then, time to open yt.
~musical analysis~
The smiths- please, please, please
This is a song of 1984 and the full title is ‘please, please,please let me get what I want’, or at least that’s the song that appears.
Essentially, this is a song about a guy(? Who has lived through a lot of misfortune and now begs for things to turn out alright for once. It checks out for the kind of life that i imagine omoriboy has had.
Imogen heap- speeding cars
This is a song of 2005 (or at least the album was released then)
At least from what I understand, this is a song about the singer comforting someone having a hard time and telling them that these kind of things are part of growing up, so acknowledging their suffering, but still reassuring them that they love them. There’s also a line where they discourage them from committing suicide.
Coldplay- fix you
This is a song of 2005 and also the song that omoriboy was singing earlier. I investigated it a bit more earlier for that, and I learned that the singer wrote this song after the father of his wife passed away.
Then this is also a song where the singer comforts someone who is suffering and promising to be there for them. The line ‘but if you never try, you’ll never know/ just what you’re worth’ catches my attention, mostly because of how the blog ends.
Don mclean – american pie
This is a song of 1972 and it has a cultural importance for the united states! Or so wikipedia says.
And since its a song so tied to its time period and nation, then I spend a good 15 minutes reading explanations because after reading the lyrics I didnt understand anything. Now that I finally more or less get it, the question now is, how does this relate to omoriboy?
In a very broad way, this song is about an era gone by, one where things were happier and now everything is more decadent. It can be about loss of societal naivety (is that the term?) or generally thinking that everything was better in the past and now everything keeps getting worse. I guess omoriboy could like this song because this whole thing of growing disillusioned with existence and missing a more innocent time is an universal feeling?
Foster the people – helena beat
This is a song of 2011 and I ended up reading that this songs is about self-destructive habits because I read a bit too much, but I dont think this changes that much.
Its a conflicting song, with opposing feelings regarding the subject matter, which makes sense as its a complicated thing. There are a lot of conflicting feelings regarding the singer’s own habits. There’s also a lot of lyrics that can apply to omoriboy, like ‘You know those days when you wanna just choose/To not get out of bed, you're lost in your head again’ and ‘Slip and fall, I'm dodging calls, hug the prison I've been living in’ I think this song would let him know that he isnt alone in having conflicting thoughts.
Overall, in a matter of music itself his likings are varied, but in a matter of lyrics he listens to songs that he can identify with, where his feelings are put into words. I think they would help him in not feeling alone with his experiences. So yeah, music is a very good thing for him.
[january 13th, 2012]
"ice cream..."
This is the first time he shows interest in something from outside. My guess is that he heard that jingle from an ice cream truck passing nearby and, well, he would like to have some, but… yknow, going outside is out of the question for him.
Taking in consideration the next image, I think this just served to give him a reminder of what kind of life he leads and that he cant do normal things like buying ice cream. It must have soured his mood, to remember the world inst place for him.
Dunno about you but this is the illustration that saddens me the most.
[january 15th, 2012]
"the closest i've been to being happy is being asleep"
More evidence that his life has been pretty depressing.
In the game many things were toned down from the blog, the sexual elements are the most obvious, but Im starting to think the protagonist’s backstory was also toned down by giving Sunny a happier childhood.
I guess Omoriboy doesnt mind being a hikikomori because he has nothing in the world that he misses. While he has his regrets, he doesnt seem to long for a different time so agonizingly like Sunny does.
In any case, dreaming must be the ultimate form of distraction, a true escape from this painful world into a kinder one… or as close as it’ll ever get.
In the picture he doesnt look exactly happy, but this must be because he’s trying to fall asleep currently, and this thought must have crossed his mind. His awake time must be more like just killing time until he can fall asleep again, or an unpleasant reminder that his happiness isn’t real… in that sense maybe this picture is actually about him having just woken up and wishing that he hadn’t.
[january 19th, 2012]
"fucking neighbors..."
A widely-understood sentiment.
So the neighbours are having a party and the loud music(? Won’t let him sleep.
Even if by itself this would be greatly annoying, omoriboy has stated that he’s his happiest when he’s asleep, so not being able to sleep is a even bigger deal for him. Right now they’re taking away the only way he has of being happy. A swearing is well-warranted.
Now this pic leads to another (probably seizure-inducing) pic that shows the neighbour’s room, but since that’s not relevant to my fic then I’ll ignore it, I have enough with these 40+ images to takes notes from. not much to note about the picture, beyond the suffering of the FUCKING NEIGHBOURS and THEIR FUCKING PARTIES THAT LAST UNTIL 4AM
[january 23rd, 2012]
"where am i going?"
In the tvtropes they choose to read this literally but I’ll go with the metaphorical route.
So, here our protagonist is thinking about the future, what his current path in life is leading to.
With how empty his present life is, then it makes sense that when he looks forward into the future, all he sees is a blank whole of nothing.
But at least mewo is there, with her unconditional companionship.
[january 25th, 2012]
"anything fun is just a distraction from how much the world actually sucks"
Considering that at his core hes a vent character, it makes sense that he’s someone pessimistic.
His daily life consists on distracting himself from how much his own life sucks, but given this mentality, I wonder if his unwillingness to change is rooted in that he believes outside he would be pretty much doing the same, distracting himself from how much the world sucks, or how much his job sucks, or how much his life sucks in a different way. Being a hikikomori sucks but outside isnt much better. Stuck between bad and worse.
Not much to say about the picture, he has mostly a neutral expression so this thought doesnt bring out many emotions, which makes sense since for him he’s stating a fact of life that can’t be done anything about.
[january 31st, 2012]
"how are you supposed to cheer up if you don't know why you're sad in the first place?"
After many pictures with the contents of the laptop out of view, now we can see that he has returned to his usual routine.
After his attempted suicide, even if he decided to not think of it as a big deal, what he did the following days was different than usual. Give himself some comfort, listen to music, not really using his usual distractions. I could say its the closest thing for him to self-care day. I think this experience affected him and he was, if maybe subconsciously, looking for comfort.
But sooner or later, he was bound to go back to his usual routine, since nothing was actually addressed.
About this entry, well its pretty self-explanatory. He often feels sad, even when nothing in particular has happened. Maybe this also happened before he became a hikikomori.
[february 1st, 2012]
"in my world, i am a god"
Another post with a a link to another drawing! But first I’ll take notes from this one.
In the real world, he would be seen as a useless loser that no one would miss, but in his world, he’s the most important being.
So, on one side his statement here could be about having control. The world cannot hurt him if he controls it, but it could also be about having control on his own life, or just having the control to mold the world to how he wants it to be.
On the other, this ‘being god’ thing could be about being important to the world, but I think its more likely its the first option.
In the illustration, he’s drawing while kicking his legs and having a somewhat intense look, so he is enjoying himself but also this is a serious thing! Probably
So, about the drawing linked in question…
Eh, I think i’ll mostly make a note about the things that he likes to draw rather than trying to understand the meaning, because Im tired after all these pictures.
Things to note then
→ Videogame influences
→ Himself with smile, red eyes and a bloody knife (a revenge fantasy or maybe him being able/allowed to defend himself from anyone trying to hurt him)
→japanese text i cannot read (the vid says that this means love apparently)
→ his eyes stabbed out (him being injured? self-harm?)
→ many eyes (feeling of being observed?)
→ tentacle hentai influences?
→ severed limbs
→ bows
→ scribbles
→ cats
→ underwear
→ a grotesque interpretation of that scene from lady and the tramp, maybe
→ a lot of red and black (resist breaking into song)
→ hearts
this reminds me its been a while since I drew something complex... I've been drawing graphics all month... I could give it a try to draw something like this, it seems fun.
[february 6th, 2012]
"bad kitty!"
This is another of the few comedic moments. Not much to say that isnt obvious. He’s calling mewo a bad cat for scratching his face, though he doesn’t look too annoyed about that. Maybe he’s more patient with animals since they don’t act maliciously and thus if she hurt him was because he provoked her? Unlike people, who might have hurt him out of malice and makes him feel wronged and bitter. She’s also his only company, so, that could also be.
With all of this I just wanna note that he might be the kind of person that enjoys/prefers more the company of animals than people.
Not much to say about the picture, though this is the only time he uses a exclamation point. sometimes he might plays with mewo as part of his limited number of activities.
[february 24th, 2012]
i wouldn't really mind going outside that much if everyone else wasn�t so stupid"
so his reason to not going outside is due to the people's attitude.
I dont think he believes himself to be intellectually superior to anyone, so by stupid I think he would mean people being rude and unpleasant or withholding arbitrary ideals that don't make sense, like gender norms as an example.
Now, I’ve said he believes the world is unfair, but is it because the world itself is like that or because the people in it make it unfair? I think this is an important distinction, but all of that for later.
In any case, I’ll make a note that people annoy him... (or so he says, but it could be that they make him feel wary)
yeah I know this analysis is lackluster but I was tired.
Btw, for some reason, the picture is signed differently.
[march 5th, 2012]
"life would be so much better if i didn't look like a potato"
this is going back to the sentiment at the beginning. I guess by ‘looking like a potato’ he means that he looks fat… just like he mentioned in the second picture.
I guess these thoughts are like cyclical and he’s going back to the beginning. He might later think about his loneliness, then about his blame, then about what people might think about him, then about his death, and so on until starting again. There’s only so many subjects to think about. He might try to commit suicide again, then he will pretend its not a big deal, and back to the start.
Given this is the last picture before the ‘end’, then I think its just a statement how there’s no really a beginning or end, as long as everything remains the same. Rather than a story, this is just a look at his daily life, and that’s all.
Not much to say about the picture. He looks ashamed and is ashamed of his appearance. Like before, the picture is signed as ‘omori’ now.
[march 14th, 2012]
"no way"
[password is incorrect]
"if i never try, it means i never have to give up
but i guess that makes me a coward anyways"
onto the finale!
In that case, I think I’ll examine these three pictures together, because that’ll be easier and less work for me.
In the first picture, he is seen distressed as he
The fucking program crashed and it didnt save all the nice analysis I had written
Well fuck
So the ending here is about omoriboy giving up access to the blog because the password is incorrect and he from the get go sets himself to failure and so prefers to not try at all than to try again and again and having to accept the humiliation of failure. The story concludes with him considering himself a coward for this. (was he ever called a coward for not following the mentality of never give up? Or he has gone through many failures)
The reason the password is incorrect could be due to him simply mistyping which would make his decision all the more drastic, since he looses access to one of his only sources of entertainment and its not like he is indifferent to that as the first pic shows,which either could mean that he has been a shut in for a long time so his problems have gotten worse to this point or in his memory is fresh all the failures of his life and even something so simple repels him.
The problems with the password could also be due to external factors, like him getting hacked or maybe getting some malware from all the pornsites, but im not sure that would fit thematically but is a possibility.
Or maybe his mom could have done something in this with a misguided idea that taking away his access to the internet will change his shut-in habits.
Its an stereotype to have a shut-in character who is very good at technology so i think it makes him more unique by him showing an average knowledge regarding technology, i like that.
Ok now I remembered to save. Hey now that I think so he also lost access to his tunes :(
and that would be it for the blog! so now I'll go with the comic.
So, omori’s story.
I wont be analyzing every picture like before this time, but rather I’ll look at the entire comic as a general thing.
Omori’s story starts with him being in his white void as usual. In this case, he’s entertaining himself with drawing with crayons when a white wooden door catches his attention.
He decides to open it, and when he does, he finds himself in a colorful place, with a cat watching him, some floating hands reaching him, and a good view of he night sky.
Some people are here and they quickly notice his presence. They look happy to see him and approach him to greet him. The girl grabs him by the wrists, making him blush, but the other two boys snatch him away much to the girl’s annoyance. Mewo is coming along. It all seems to be just playful banter, as the girl soon joins and they all walk side by side like a good group of friends. Omoriboy has some expressions that we have never seen before, looking shy and unsure, but the rest are easy-going and bring him along in their outing. this page is my favorite, is very wholesome!
Firstly they visit some kind of playground and the four of them play with a jumping rope. There’s a lot of other young people around playing with each-other and having fun.
After that they go to the pool and swim around while other people are also swimming or relaxing.
And after so much physical activity, they decide to rest a bit while going to float in space, as friends usually do. There seems to be a firework show around, maybe even some sort of festival or celebration. Until now, omoriboy has looked somewhat perplexed, but here he has a honest smile!
After they have rested, they seem to be heading to their next destination, climbing some sort of hill made out of cats. They run up and omoriboy merrily goes after them.
But when he reaches out for the girl, not only she vanishes, but everything else as well. It seems it was all just a very vivid daydream. Omoriboy now stands alone in his white room, with a bunch of drawings on the floor.
With a close up, all these drawings are of the places he had been daydreaming about, as well as a drawing of the people that so easily included him.
Now we see his face, simply looking down at these drawings with a tired expression.
He falls to his knees and longingly reaches out for the drawings. His expression first is neutral, but then he grits his teeth, his bangs obscuring his face. He then curls down (is that the word?) as the camera zooms out, letting us see a gigantic and empty white void of nothing but a lonely guy, his cat, and a bunch of drawings of everything he doesnt have.
So what can we conclude from all of this?
On one hand, that omoriboy is terrible at coming up with names, which is a very convenient character trait as Im also terrible at coming up with names, so that means I dont have to make an effort on that regard.
On the other hand, despite the reputation that omoriboy has, his fantasy is very tame and childish. And well, its not really a comic hard to understand.
All he dreams of is having people that are willing to accept him even when he’s different from them (if he wanted to be like everyone else, I think he would be changing color palette to be purple, but no, he remains the same, clearly different from everyone else but no one cares), people that include him in their outings and encourage him to have fun even when its not something familiar to him. So, all he wants is to have friends to have fun with in a nonjudgmental world.
Now that I think so, you know how many people have said that they would like to have a group of friends like the main gang? I think omoriboy shares the sentiment.
Though other way to see this is that he daydreams of the childhood that he didn’t get to have, but its not like these interpretations are conflicting.
Sadly, all of this its just a dream… at least as of now, there’s no much evidence that these characters have real-life counterparts. For all we know, they’re completely imaginary. But at least mewo is there.
the comic speaks for itself. Just loneliness and the longing for human connection.
there's something I've been thinking about, back when I analyzed the song 'fix you' and while still wondering what he entails by 'help.'
the songs selection give me the impression that Omoriboy wants support, someone to be there for him to acknowledge his pain and comfort him.
but the idea of help might feel conditional for him. there will be someone there for him, but only if he makes an effort in changing. depression must sap his energy away, so the idea of doing anything is exhausting for him. he cannot get support if he doesnt go get it, and he's just too tired. it makes him feel pressured to change when he doesnt feel ready, but people dont listen him to him and keep insisting for him to change, which even if well-meaning, will only make him feel like he isn't being listened.
so I was thinking, maybe what he meant was 'I don't need help to change, I need support'
this idea still needs examination, but Im still sure he would like to have some unconditional support, one that lets him stay flawed and still offer understanding.
I think I explained myself like shit but hopefully you understand where Im getting at. basically 'you'll get support only if you fix yourself' vs ' I'll support you now as you are'
so the same sentiment, being accepted the way he is, with all his flaws.
(as a separate note, depending on how much you separate omoriboy from Sunny, then in certain way he did get what he wanted so much, after being reworked into Sunny: a loving family, a nice neighbourhood and a group of friends who accepted him just the way he was…
There’s this real good trick for angst, which says to give your character that which they want the most, so you can take it away from them in the worst way possible. its seems they followed this philosophy)
There were a couple more stuff with omoriboy, but later on, after some point, he was separated into two characters and for some years that would be it for him.
But surprisingly, there’s a recent picture of him now!
-> omoriboy?! in MY 202x?! (I dont remember when this was posted and Im too lazy to check)
There’s a few differences with the previous pictures. First, there’s a few new objects: a tv, some furniture, a console which I think is a super nintendo with a cartridge on it, and our good omoboy is laying inside a box. The laptop is completely absent, so I guess he truly never touched it ever again. The lightbulb is also missing, but I’ve jus kinda ignored it all this time. The game already has all its symbolism so in my fic its just a burnt lightbulb (is that the term for a lightbulb that doesnt work well?)
Otherwise, he’s the same as ever, playing videogames with a bored expression. According to the wiki this file is named giygas so I guess he’s playing mother 2, or he’s replaying it after having played it so many times he feels absolutely nothing at this poignant moment of the game.
Now there’s something that catches my attention, and that’s the text you can see written on the box. It seems to say ‘ I feel HAPPY’. Did he write it? Why? In the blog he’s pretty honest about how he feels, even when his feelings are conflicting. That’s the whole point, that he can be genuine and doesnt have to hide how awful he feels. This seems strange coming from him. Its obviously a lie, but is he trying to lie to someone? To himself? To the viewer? Or is he sarcastic?
There’s also the static that covers the whole image, which was never present before (in this way at least, if you’re reading the censored version).
I remember there was another thing I thought back when it was posted. First, I jokingly said something along the lines of ‘in ten years, nothing has changed!’ but its the kind of thing that when you think twice, it isnt funny anymore.
Ten years have passed, and nothing has changed.
It wouldn’t be a surprise to know his mental health has gotten even worse, and now has opted to try and delude himself that he’s satisfied with his life, or that maybe he’s even loosing his grasp in reality. That would explain why the tv seems to be dripping (at first it scared me because it looked to me like battery acid, but if it was then it wouldnt be working… and do tv’s even have a battery inside?) in certain way, isnt it a silent scream?
but at least mewo is there with him!… but cats only live so much time. how much longer will she be there?
and that's all for omoriboy as of now, until we see him next time... if there's a next time.
I still have some more stuff to do, but now the bulk of the character analysis is done. I still have some unanswered questions, but after Im done with writing the character profile I think then I’ll have a better feel of what the correct answer, either by what feels more in character or whats more fitting for the theme of the story.
Now I have a lot of ideas for the protagonist’s backstory, the place he has grown in and his relationships, I even have a good deal of what his mother’s story is, but I also have the problem that I dont have an actual plot for the fic itself, just a vague idea of the beginning and end, but Im not too worried about that.
As an actual conclusion though, I believe omoriboy has some excellent angst potential that isnt being explored! When I looked up the tag in ao3, there were many crackfics, smutfics, shipfics but not much that actually was what I wanted, gut-wrenching angst. Only three fics ended up catching my attention, but if anything my whole fanfic writing career started because I couldnt find the fic I wanted to read so, its not problem for me. by the end of it, I hope to make the readers feel a deep sense of emptiness, so I have a goal in mind.
there's also some stuff I wanna investigate more:
1- porn addiction.
I have wondered if omoriboy has a porn addiction but since I dont know its actual definition, which its sure more complex than 'watching a lot of porn' then it seemed like a good chance to learn more. if anything, it will be funny to make yt believe I have a porn addiction.
its never bad to learn more
3-incel mentality
its not a priority but its really bothering me. is he an incel or not? its not important for my fic so I could skip it but leaving a question unanswered will drive me mad.
I think it also would be fun to make a chart comparing omoriboy and Sunny.
for now I’ll take a rest of omoriboy because this has taken a lot of effort.
hopefully this has been an interesting read for you!
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Hi! Do you have any romcom (movie) recs? I feel like i hypothetically like the genre, but have a lot of trouble finding ones i enjoy. So many romcoms feel so formulaic (in a dead way) and misogynistic and stale to me. I think they’re a lot easier to do well in the context of a series because there’s actually time to build. Recently i thought rye lane and fire island were fun. I like kdramas when i have the time for all the episodes because i appreciate the build. I need chemistry— people who both convincingly like each other and seem like actual human beings. I thought you might have some good ideas! Thanks <3
I hope you weren't waiting on my recs all day haha i have been. hm. hungover af <3 (i'm going to leave kdramas off this list for now but if you would like specific recs for kdrama romcoms send me another ask and i can try to do them justice!)
I think this is a genre with underrated range! So one thing that I find very interesting about the genre of romcoms is that I think there tends to be a split between romcoms whose goal is, like, to be a fun lighthearted movie with a central romance, vs romcoms whose goal is to Say Something About Love in the vehicle of a funny movie. Both of these categories are represented on this list but for giggles i will not be saying which i think are which <3
anyway recs under the cut <3 i will link my tags for these movies if you want to take a look but be warned for spoilers ofc
I think for your purposes my primary rec would be Lovesick (aka Scrotal Recall). It's a (short) tv show so it would likely give you the chance to get to know the characters and see a slower build. In contrast to the frustration you've had with some more "formulaic" romcoms the writing in this show is very deliberately in conversation with romcoms of the past. Also it's just one of my favorite romcoms ever made so I rec it to everyone. The premise is that a young man, Dylan, is diagnosed with chlamydia and instructed to tell his past partners. Being a hopeless romantic (emphasis on hopeless), he decides to try to turn this into an opportunity to revisit relationships that didn't work out, and try to figure out where he's been going wrong. Two simultaneous storylines play out in each episode, the flashbacks to the exes (and breakups) and the present, where Dylan's best friend is getting married.
Older romcoms: When Harry Met Sally (ive heard this is divisive? but idc its SO funny and so well made), Moonstruck (a romantic-comedy in the operatic sense. also cher <3), The Philadelphia Story (katharine hepburn the woman u r. tw for a classic 1940s gag about punching ur wife in the face), Bringing Up Baby (screwball comedy my beloved), Roman Holiday (audrey hepburn is lethally charming in this movie), Dirty Dancing (someday ill write something this good and then You Will Realize), Much Ado About Nothing (i tend to enjoy either the danielle brooks shakespeare in the park version or the classic tennant/tate combo)
Teen romcoms: 10 things I hate about you (young heath ledger and young julia stiles ur welcome), to all the boys i;ve loved before (lana condor is ADORABLE), The Half of It (my other favorite sort-of romcom of the decade)
More recent-ish: Speed (like its keanu and sandra what more do you want), Strictly Ballroom (i used to watch this literally weekly as a child and I WAS RIGHT TO), Miss Congeniality (sandra bullock what u did for us all <3), Fire Island (thank u 4 my LYFE), The sandra bullock/channing tatum movie that came out last year (i forget what its called but he's so funny in it), Mamma Mia AND Mamma Mia Here We Go Again (beautiful greek islands, abba, cher, what more can you ask for?)
Indian/bollywood: Jab We Met (after dramatically quitting his job, Local Man somehow ends up escorting a woman he meets on the train while she attempts to elope with her boyfriend. aka classic screwball comedy heroine and Guy She Dragged Along For The Ride), khabie khushi khabi gham (multiple generations of romance and family drama featuring Kajol, the Most Beautiful Woman In the World), Band Baaja Baaraat (two wedding planners fall in love--great choice if you want to watch idiots ambushed by their feelings)
Other tv recs: Selfie (john cho and karen gillian in a show canceled far too soon)
#hi anon thanks for the ask! there is a wide range on this list but im sure other people have their own recs too <#I absolutely second fire island as being excellent its one of my fave romcoms of the last decade for sure!#Haven't watched rye lane yet but it looks fun too#also the fast and the furious. who said that?#also this is a depressingly white list sorry about that. maybe i should have put kdramas on here but i didn't do a lot of tv?#oh well its too late now#feel free to ask me about kdramas if you want! happy to talk about them too!
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miss when this lot actually got to have fun for once
#arts arcanum#i tried to upload this in a way that doesn't look like ass but i fear i failed#tumblr sure will do things to an image#i. i fucked up kaladins shadow#left leg in the peter pan dimension. oh well its too late to fix it now <3
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Instruction Pamphlet: Special Containment Protocol – Lecter & Graham
Welcome, Orderly. If you’re reading this, you were either very unlucky or deeply hated by whoever scheduled this shift. If you value your safety, your sanity, and your internal organs, read this carefully. Welcome to the worst job you’ll ever have.
Hannibal Lecter (Subject A) – Former psychiatrist, part-time cannibal, full-time smug bastard. Will make you feel stupid in at least three languages.
Will Graham (Subject B) – Former FBI profiler, dangerously unpredictable and arguably worse than Subject A. Less likely to eat you, but not by much.
Never separate them: We tried separating them. Once. The hospital was a bloodbath for three days. Keeping them together is not for their benefit—it’s for ours. If they are too busy being obsessed with each other, they are too busy to turn their full attention to escaping or, worse, you. They are now kept in separate cells, facing each other.
Respect their marriage: They are married. Do not call them “friends,” “associates,” or “accomplices.” If you do, they will correct you, at length. Address Subject B as Mr. Graham-Lecter if you value your peace. Subject A will be smug about it. Accept this.
No eye contact for more than three seconds: If Subject A smiles at you, start praying. If Subject B smiles at you, you’re already dead.
Do not discuss murder, cannibalism, or therapy: You may think you’re having a normal conversation. You are not. You are being analyzed, dissected, and possibly recruited without realizing it.
Avoid metaphors: Subject A weaponizes them. Subject B drowns in them. You will get lost in a conversation and emerge three days later, having unknowingly confessed your deepest sins.
Subject A receives a standard, pre-packaged, nutritionally balanced meal: No exceptions. If he makes a comment about the seasoning, ignore it.
Feed Subject B first: Not “at the same time.” Not “shortly after.” First. If Subject B does not eat first, Subject A becomes… difficult
If you hear any of the following, report immediately and request backup.
"You’re not as rude as the others." (You are in danger.)
“You know, we’re not so different, you and I.” (Yes, you are. Leave.)
“Would you rather be eaten or psychologically dismantled?” (Why are you answering? Stop answering.)
“He belongs to me.” (Oh, fantastic. They’re being weird about it again.)
If they are sitting completely still, eyes unfocused, breathing slow, DO NOT INTERFERE: They are not sedated. They are not dissociating. They are having sex. This occurs inside their memory palaces, which they have merged. Do not ask what that means. If Subject B shudders and exhales deeply, congratulations. You just witnessed the most repressed orgasm in recorded history. Give them five minutes before interacting again. DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT JUST HAPPENED.
If Subject B starts laughing, seemingly at nothing, evacuate the area: Subject A has said something only he understands, and it is never something you want to hear.
If Subject A is humming a classical tune, especially Bach, request additional security: This is a precursor to something deeply unpleasant.
Yes, they’re legally married. No, we don’t know how. Yes, we have to allow this. No, we don’t like it either.
Visits are allowed once a month: Any less, and Subject A starts reciting poetry in a way that makes staff cry. Any more, and Subject B becomes insufferably smug.
Surveillance technically required, but no one watches: The last person who did requested a transfer and won’t talk about it.
Post-visit: Subject A is smug, Subject B is suspiciously content, and staff report generalized dread for 24 hours.
You are not special.
You are not their friend.
You are not an equal participant in this narrative.
You are background noise in their endless psycho-sexual mind games.
For the love of God—if either of them ever tells you to “think about it,” DON’T.
#psychic sex is workplace hazard#respect the murder marriage#just another day in the worst psychiatric hospital ever#help they’re flirting again#eldritch love story#I fear them#HR was not prepared for them#if you hear Bach it’s already too late#this is way above the orderlies pay grade#hannigram#murder husbands#hannibal lecter#hannibal#will graham#ACTUALLY ITS WILL GRAHAM LECTER#bshci#idk if I’m supposed to be tagging that#but oh well#it’s here now
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my cybunny siblings!!! the burlap cybunny was designed by @mimikyuu <333
#neopets#neotag#neolodge#my art#my oc#anthro#furry#furry art#bunny#cybunny#my pets#cyvny#bunyssa#ehehehehe shes so CUTEEE i love her crying#i wanted to draw a bg and shade them etc but then#..... well its real hot in my room OK#so i will not be doing that srrry#AUGH I JUST REALIZED I DIDNT GINISH COLOURING IN HER HAIIURRRRR#oh well. it's too late now 😭😭😭
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What if my father's attitude to magic is wrong?
#idk. is this anything?#i literally don't know where i was going with this#just playing around#i am still thinking about that meta about ep 5x10 :(#this is literally made in canva like. that's the extent of my editing skills (0).#tw: experimenting#i know kara wasn't executed for using magic btw#it's about the symbolism okay.#merlinedit#merlin#arthur pendragon#screencaps from s5 are super crisp full HD#and then screencaps from s1-3 are like. potato quality 😭#gif makers how do you do it!!!!#i don't even mind the grainy quality too much its just#when you've got to use them together :(#anyway I wanted to start rewatching s1 tonight but#I wasted over 1 hour on this and now it's too late#oh well
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He looks a Little derpy but it's ok
#cotl#cult of the lamb#crochet#narinder crochet#cotl narinder#i fucked up the eyes#oh well#its too late now#hes cute anyway
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#The Atypical Family#I haven’t enjoyed/ been so moved by a drama in a very long time ❤️#just finished it I cried so much & SO hard haha#I was completely immersed and engaged from beginning to end which is rare (12 eps is a good length too)#I didn’t expect it to have so much depth and be so touching going into it I just wanted something different#mental illnesses complex interesting characters complicated -toxic- family relationships fantasy fated lovers found family...#well written and WONDERFULLY acted!!#the whole cast was amazing but the two leads were just outstanding wow#never saw either of them in big roles and now I’m a huge fan of both#Chun Woo Hee I’m so in love with you#I’m usually more touched by the female lead (actress/character) but the male lead actor was acting his ass off and made me SOB many times#his scenes with his daughter Ina oh I was a MESS and of course the lead couple scenes together <3#I also haven’t been that impressed by romance lately in shows but theirs was truly beautiful (and again: really well acted)#I could relate to parts of most characters: Dahae Donghee Gwiju Ina..#a poetic emotional rollercoaster and my favorite drama this year so far (by far)#now I want to carry on watching Queen of Tears (mainly for my Queen Kim Jiwon I’m her number one fan) and watch Lovely Runner too#but it will be hard to beat this one and I highly recommend it!!#deserved more love & attention#my mom loved it too it standed out to her and she watches ALL the kdramas lol#forgot to mention the magical OST I see you by the oh so great Lee Sora and her bewitching voice <3#I also haven’t been so moved by an ost in a long time it added so much to the atmosphere of the drama & really transported me into its worl#korean drama#2024#shots#cinematography#jang ki yong#cheon wo hee#Claudia Kim#park soyi
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felt like drawing one of those snakes with silly yawn
#emeraldtreeboa#snake#digital art#my art#man i havent posted in a while!#nice to see you again tumblr#grrahhgh i don't like how the bg blends into the snake too much oh well its too late to change now
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noone can stop me
#i dare you to try#im gonna clash clangen probably#oh well#its too late#im doing it now#warriors clangen#clangen warrior cats#warrior cats clangen#clangen
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starting to kind of date someone right before christmas is so stressful fr. do i get him a gift or what we've been on two dates but i'm seeing him tonight n it's christmas eve.....but what if he didn't get me anything then it will be weird.....
#i planned to try to find something small enough that i could easily carry around concealed then take it out if he got something for me#but the thing i got ened up being a bit too big for that lol#im gonna bring a big bag of gifts for all my friends maybe and then it won't be weird idk#by some miracle my mom showed me a bag of emergency gifts for the girlies and i was like cool im taking all of them tonight 😂#which was not what she intended lol#but im gonna do it#if i had time i would have gotten him something different but its good enough#he mentioned a book he hadn't read last night so would have been cool the got him that but its too late its a music hat now#if he even got me anything idk#but he specifically told me he was last minute christmas shopping so idk#i am over analyzing this for sure tho#anyway most unrealistic part of christmas romance movies is they're not anxious wondering whether to gift or not to gift#also im lowkey scared abt new years 😳#not that i wouldn't like to kiss him probably but i already have a hard time looking at him without blushing 😂#so that would make it 10000x worse lmao#also idk if i want to kiss him JUST bc its new years instead of waiting for the right moment to just happen? idk i dont wanna rush things#its not for sure we'll be together at midnight on new years idk what his plans are#but we'll see#anyway things are going well but moving faster than expected 😅#also not 100% sure i'm seeing him tonight and def not tomorrow so that might take the gift pressure off but idk#waiting to hear back abt tonight#😐😐😐#also idk why we waited until we were both on break from work to do stuff bc honestly every time we've met it's been after work hours anyway#however it allows us to stay up later than on work nights which is nice#he didn't leave my house until after 11 last night lol#anyway trying hard not to get swept up in all this while its new but fr im like oh this is what it's supposed to feel like 🥺#never been in love before every relationship i've had was awk and forced was starting to think maybe im just not capable of love#but literally cuddling on the couch watching it's a wonderful life last night i was like hm i'm definitely capable of love actually#not saying im actually there yet but it would be soooo easy to fall for this guy which is p scary actually#esp bc im not sure it would work for other reasons
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"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
this was originally gonna be one half of two drawings but i dont think ill finish the other half so uhhh,,,
#rip zuka's half </3#koe drawings#phighting#phighting!#rocket phighting#btw that isnt zuka so im not tagging him#rocket looks like a lesbian every time i draw him#i probably shouldve waited until tomorrow to post this i keep forgetting its april fools#oh well too late now !!!!
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making a collection
making another collection with a threatening aura
#davy back fightbpart 3 letsgo#HOW do the three big guns get wasted on the eating contest... horrible plan.... luffy is fine bc well... but not sanji and zoro like damn.#luffy DOESNT WANNA EAT??? CALL THE NAVY!!!!#what was i saying.... bad idea putting the three beasts there#FRANKY FRANKY FRANKY!!!! they captured the two princesses :(#one sided beef squashed between luffy and foxy. friendship ended with random ex marine guy. now luffy is my best friend#usopp and franky bonding time hell yeah. throw usopp by the head once more pelase#nami with zoros swords just like holding them looks so cool like she should get a few swords too... nami three sword style oda drawing pls#i think this man underestimates nami and luffys power together he doesnt know about shiki#luffy saying he knows its a trap and sorry for being late.... lets go on an adventure all nine of us.... usopp yes anding his lie..... omg#cant believe nami isnt there yet. she could take this guy. oh there she is!!!!! she does look cool with the swords and jumping to get luffy#zoro screaming in agony from luffy getting shot omg THIS FUCKING GUY OF COURSE!!! this looks like its so over#zoro and sanji must feel so useless rn. they didnt even get the chance to fight like damn#komei-kakka??? more like come caca. boom#luffy face down dead on the floor akdjkaa chopper have you tried looking at the wound to see if it harmed him idk#it hit the face akdjskn usopp that was coom also#was robin flirting with the other guy and zoro caught her and she told hum to shut up???#'your friends got the best of me but you are still in my arms an-' 'HEAT EGG!! ALSO YOU'RE ON FIRE!'#flare maneauver that was so slay also luffy and nami in the same frame so twins of them. my children. birthed them one right after the othe#zoro and sanji fighting back to back. back to back to back to you i dont wanna fall right back to us maybe you should run right back to her#that is such a bop song. also post wano zosan. and post wci. see the recurrent theme#fighting in water.... being on top of the sword that was a slay... red hawk ace i will never forget you it seems#foxy liking his jolly roger omg nami fooled him ahdhsjs i think they should have pirate game event every year they yearn for contests#now since this experience foxy should make monthly multitudinary pirate games olympics hoping the strawhats join them a la gatsby#the faces at the mushroom akdhaksjs#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies#kinda loved how robin betted on franky against usopp.... i will take the crumbs
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a friend who'd wait :)
#im posting this very late because i was sort of weary of how it came out and ended up messing w it until it was like 4am oops.#and i have plans tmrw so... oh well! i did my best and ill put it out while i can!#and i tried to make the scene match barnard's colors lol#finn's ocs#finn's art#i know i said id do more sillay stuff with the simpler screentone only style but i had a couple more of these in me#and this is the first piece im making thats like an actual part of the story too rather than just setting stuff for fun#i wanna write something to go with it too but for now ill just sort of briefly explain the context in the tags here:#barnard has a pretty bad case of OCD and his compulsions have made it difficult to make friends in the past#he was never outright bullied or anything but people just didnt really have the patience to deal with it#he has compulsions that include stuff like walking through doors until it feels right and needing things to be perfectly aligned#which in group settings has lead to people having to wait for him to finish his rituals and join them#they might find it tolerable at first but eventually they grow impatient and hes just... not invited to stuff anymore#but juno is a newer member of the guild who ends up frequenting the same library. hes also kinda a little weird#and they dont become fast friends or anything but just sort of naturally spend time in the same place#though they never plan meetups they eventually fall into a routine. around the same time theyd just both be at the library#and read next to each other. and maybe talk a bit. and eventually they end up walking back to the guildhall together#since theyre going to the same place after all. and juno always waits for barnard outside the door#eventually barnard asks if this bothers him. juno kinda just tells him 'of course it does' without any malice or anything. just a statement#barnard is surprised and apologizes and juno says not to. but the next day juno doesnt show up at the usual time.#barnard assumes hes committed somekinda more by bringing it up. he ends up staying there late reading to get his mind off it & not ruminate#but when he leaves juno is in fact still waiting for him down the hall (see pic) having collected a bunch of books literally abt ocd#he fell asleep bc barnard stayed later than expected. and hes an eepy guy generally. and also one very bad at expressing himself#but now barnard gets that juno's 'of course it [bothers me]' had the implication of 'but its worth it' which no friend has previously done.#and from the interaction juno was also able to understand that this isn't something barnard just does for the hell of it so. he studies.#and checks a bunch of stuff out because he thinks it could help his friend too (theres ocd workbooks and such- i remember working w them)#and thats the point where they became more ''friends'' than ''pleasant library acquaintances''#from there on they also do get into juno's problems. whole other bag of worms. but this specific scene is more about bernard from his pov#sorry about when i said briefly explain. i lied </3#but compared to the whole sequence im picturing its brief so shhh
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ever forward, to the start of a new adventure!
#these were very quickly done in roughly an hour pre maintenance#now i wish id gotten more color in these#well its. too late now huh#also wish they werent both positioned on the same side of the frame. driving me crazy#meredith plays ff14#nadezda oksinova#isolde venturi ff#would have gotten one of cella too but. after isolde i had 15 min.#oh well!!
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Everyday I log into Tumblr dot com and learn I've been using an emoji wrong for literally years.
#or similar internet social mistake#anyway its too late im not fixing it now#people can continue to be confused by my emoji use oh well#whoops.
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