#damnit isabella
Replaying DA2 - and if you know, you know.
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lovely-lauren-arts · 4 months
Beatrice - She'd just stand there holding it awkwardly, not knowing what else to do.
Isabella - She'd be smiling and talking to the baby but she'd still feel a little nervous whilst holding it.
Madeline - She'd wouldn't want to hold a baby. She would put it down somewhere or give it to someone else.
Daisy - She'd pass the baby to someone else, thinking it's gross.
Penelope - She'd just stare at it whilst holding it.
Oliver - He'd feel awkward holding a baby but would keep it very safe.
Claude - He'd be fine with holding a baby. He'd smile and play with it. He's used to babies because he has younger siblings.
Audrey - Would stand frozen whilst holding it, not knowing what to do so she'd just give it a very gentle hug.
Elizabeth - She'd like holding the baby. She'd smile and hug it.
Dolly - She'd be fine with holding a baby and would try to make it laugh.
Freddie - He'd be standing frozen and trembling, not wanting to hold something as fragile as a baby. He'd either give it to Dolly or Kev.
Kev - He'd be fine with holding a baby and would try and help it go to sleep.
Catherine - She would immediately pass it to Sophia and walk away.
Sophia - She'd carefully sit down and cradle it, not knowing what else to do.
Chester - He'd take care of it whilst holding it and make sure it's healthy and safe.
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Edge of Seventeen - Chapter Twelve.
Well guys, here we are at the end. Thank you so much to everyone who interacted with this, shared it, gave me such lovely, encouraging comments as well! I hope you enjoy the last chapter just as much as you have the rest :)
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 4,428
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
Sore. If one word accurately described the state of Bella Thorpe at that moment, it was sore. Would she tell Angel to stop, though, as he held her down on the bed, a big hand curled around her elegant neck, thumb stroking just below her jaw...
“God damnit, that’s my good girl, look how well you take my cock, baby. You want it faster again, huh?”  
Would you stop that?  
Pushing his thumb between her lips, he watched her suck upon it, fire dancing through his groin as he pounded her saturated cunt, her little sobs welling in her throat, big, green eyes fixed upon him, his other thumb moving to her clit, dragging sparks over her tiny, swollen bud. It was 6am, and they hadn’t slept a wink after arriving back at the hotel at 11:15pm, all over each other for almost six hours, only pausing to rest here and there.
His entire back and chest were a mess of scratches, both of their bodies covered in love bites and teeth marks, beyond exhausted, but not willing to cease just yet. Not when their hunger for one another persisted so relentlessly. Letting go of her suck on his thumb, she wailed as he dragged it over her lip, her cries filling the room as lightning dashed, hail raining beneath her skin, the storm of her release breaking over her, her insides battered by his need to join her in sweet oblivion.  
“You gonna take that big dick out and cum right down my throat?” she offered, Angel raising his eyebrows. She opened her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out as she sat up on her elbows a little, Angel moving to straddle her, pumping his cock until he came hard, decorating her tongue with the hot ribbons of his release, Bella groaning as she swallowed, licking the sensitive tip of his hardness, sitting up to scatter kisses all over his chest, her teeth biting onto one of his dark nipples with a hungry little growl.
“Okay, I’m gonna go get in the shower and then head down to get breakfast. I’m starving!” Off the bed she jumped, Angel flopping face first into the pillows. “You coming with me? We can head back up here and do it all over again, then.”
“Isabella, I just fucked you off and on for almost six hours!” he muffled. “How the hell are you still this bouncy?” He knew how. Eighteen-year-olds had energy in abundance.  
“So no to shower and breakfast, then?”  
“Sleep. I wanna sleep. Unless they do room service here. I could be persuaded to move for that.”  
She turned the shower on before moving back to the bed, giving his ass a thorough smacking with her hands before sitting astride him. “It isn’t that fancy, big sexy. Come on!”  
“Alright, but no more banging. I can’t feel the end of my dick.” it wasn’t until they were halfway through eating a while later that Angel remembered something quite vital about his girlfriend, something that meant he’d be able to get some vitally needed, undisturbed sleep before the three-and-a-half-hour ride back to Santo Padre. If Bella was well-fed, she became sleepy, like a little bear gorging itself prior to hibernation. Sure enough, she began yawning while finishing her tea, heading back up the room at 7.35am, placing the do not disturb sign on the door before they both stripped off, crawled back under the covers, and slept.  
When Angel awoke five hours later, it was to a very pleasant feeling, the warm hug of Bella’s lips wrapping around his cock. Peeling the covers back, he looked down at her, arching a curious eyebrow.  
“What? You told me you couldn’t feel the end of your dick.” Pausing, she kissed it, following with feathery licks. “Can you feel it now?”
“Mmm.” he groaned, lacing his hands together behind his head, watching himself vanish into her mouth again, the slow drag of her lips moving back up making his abs twitch. “Fuck, that feels too good. I fucking love how much you get off on giving me head.”
“Mmhmm,” she hummed, kissing the tip again. “I have to look after this gorgeous, big cock, don’t I? After all, it keeps me very happy, and it’s so thick and perfect. Mmmm, you’re right, too. I fucking love sucking on it, turns me on so bloody much.” Swallowing him back again, her short nails raked over his hips, making him shudder, stroking over his thighs, trawling up to his chest, circling his nipples before pinching them, sending his arousal charging.  
He knew he shouldn’t, but instantly, his mind compared her to Mel, who was virtually silent in the bedroom, save a few moans here and there. She was wordless, where Bella wasn’t, her vocalness hugely alluring. He often thought she’d be capable of talking him to orgasm alone. Also, he had no idea how the fuck she had the kind of skills she did, being that he was only the third person she’d ever had sex with, but Angel was not about to question that.  
“As much as I’m enjoying this, there’s somewhere else I need you far more,” she purred, moving astride him, sinking down on him with a soft groan, wincing with a little hiss as he filled her.  
“Still sore?” he asked, his hands coming to rest on her waist, stroking her lovingly.  
“Yeah, but it won’t stop me from wanting you to make me cum again. Fuck, I love you so much.” And those words right there were the sexiest she could ever speak, Angel pulling her down, hands smoothing up her back in a slow glide as he kissed her, fingers tangling in her messy waves. Pushing back up, she stroked his chest, her mouth falling open as they moved together with slow, yet focused purpose, her nails trailing over the hills and valleys of his muscles.
The way she moved on top of him, it was hypnotic, unlike anything Angel had ever experienced, her body rolling and undulating like she was made of liquid. Quite simply, he’d never been ridden like that in his whole life. She absolutely blew his mind, this beautiful young woman he was lucky enough to call his once more.  
The pace became more urgent and frenzied by the second, voracity replacing the slower and more sumptuous enjoyment that had prevailed thus far, Bella grinding down on him eagerly as he moved beneath her with more purpose, both driving deeper moans from one another. Each keen undulation caused him to feel sparks flickering his spine, while she had her own bliss pulsing softly, increasing more the faster she moved, fervidly chasing her release as she began to rub her clit, her other hand flexing at his chest, nails digging in.  
A string of panted expletives left her mouth as she felt herself reach the shining light of her undoing, blazing through her like a bright, winter dawn and taking him with her to a gloriously sweet climatic finish, intensity throbbing through them and leaving them both breathless, shuddering wrecks.  
“I love you, baby,” he whispered, kissing her hair, stroking her, his eyelids growing heavy as the sparkling blanket of orgasm swathed him in a weighted shroud.
“I love you, too.” She kissed him, resting her head on his chest, her eyes fluttering shut. They snoozed for just over half an hour, before the looming checkout drove them from the bed and into their clothes, ready to head home. During one of their stops along the way, they made plans to head to La Jolla first, so she could collect some of her stuff and head back to Santo Padre with him, arriving in front of the beach house at coming up to 6pm, Angel hesitant to see Deb’s car parked outside, next to Bella’s little blue Nissan.  
She’d of course revealed she’d passed her test in the time between them last being together, but that wasn’t all. Angel’s hesitation was borne of the fact that Bella had detailed her mother’s thoughts on their relationship once she’d come clean and confessed all to her, thinking that the age gap was too big.  
“Come on, she’ll like you when she meets you!”
“Yeah, she really gon’ love the grown assed man who was bangin’ a new hole into her underage daughter for five months last year,” he snorted, his feet planting.
Bella reached for his arm, stroking the thick bulk of his muscles. “She knows that you didn’t know, though. She also said you went up in her estimations for finishing with me as soon as you did, too.”  
He made an uncomfortable noise at the back of his throat. “I did the last time, though. That still fucking haunts me, that I went there knowingly.” And it did. It smacked him upside the head every time he remembered it, leaving an icky feeling lingering.  
“She doesn’t need to know that, though. That’s no one’s business but ours. We were both all emotional and heartbroken, not thinking clearly. Besides, it’s in the past, I’m eighteen now, and my choice is made. You’re my choice. Being without you, it isn’t what I want, so she’ll just have to get used to it. Come on, it’ll be fine, my mum’s nice, she’s like me,” she further encouraged, Angel only feeling marginally better.  
She took his hand, walking down the steps towards the small, gravelled path that led to their front door, a front door that opened, revealing the lady herself, sipping a steaming cup of nettle tea. She eyed them both, her gaze flickering between them, nodding a little as a small smirk tilted the corner of her mouth. A gorgeous Latino guy who was much older than Bella; he matched the description of a certain someone in particular.
“Good evening, daughter of mine,” she began, nodding in the direction of the tall man whose hand she held. “I take it this is the infamous Angel?”
“Yeah, this is him.” Deb eyed him shrewdly, shaking her head a little bit before offering her hand.  
“I did wonder how long it would take. Come in, both of you.”  
“Fuck, she has some grip for a botanist.” he muttered, Bella snorting with laughter as he shook his hand in the wake of greeting Deb, who walked into the kitchen, switching on the coffee machine. She was a swirl of emotions within, but kept poised as thoughts tumbled through her head, all of them conflicting. He was too old for her daughter, who although was now of legal age, was still a teenager, and he was pushing forty. However, she couldn’t discount for a second that she hadn’t seen her little belly boo look so lit up inside in a long time. Not since she was with him the first time around.  
It didn’t mean she wasn’t about to have some fun busting his balls, though.  
“So,” she began, pointing to the coffee machine with an inquiring face, watching them both nod. “How did this happen?”  
“We met at the festival by chance, and well, yeah. We got back together yesterday afternoon,” Bella confirmed, Deb pouring coffee grinds into the top before smacking the lid shut. The action made Angel jump a bit, and she tried not to laugh, at seeing a six foot three, probably close to two-hundred-pound biker look like he was on the verge of passing out.  
She moved to hoist herself up onto the counter, picking up her tea. “And where did you stay last night?”
“Hotel,” Bella confirmed. Her mum knew that already, though.  
“Together?” Oh, she could have killed her. She was doing this on purpose for her own amusement, to make Angel feel as uncomfortable as she could.
“Yep,” he confirmed, turning away and closing his eyes tightly for a moment, embarrassment riddling him, Bella eyeing her mum sharply, mouthing ‘stop!’ as she tried not to laugh, turning Angel back around again, hugging his arm.  
“I hope condoms were used.”
“Mummy!” Bella gasped sharply.  
“If the ground could just open up and swallow me right now, or a flock of seagulls fly in and take me away...” Angel trailed off, laughing uncomfortably. Deb couldn’t help but snort a little with laughter. He was funny, she liked that.  
“And do you do that to all women you’re with, Angel? Make their neck look like they’ve gotten into a brawl with a vacuum cleaner?” Of course, the hickeys.  
He didn’t know what the hell to say, so he just went with his gut reaction. If she was going to try and make him feel as uncomfortable as she could, he’d just do what he always did. Be himself. “It’s part of my charm, Deb.” he smiled, hoping he wasn’t about to get kicked in the balls, Bella exploding into giggles at his side.  
“Okay, mum. Stop it now,” she cried, Deb sipping her tea, her eyebrows quivering in delight.  
“Stop what? I’m just getting to know your boyfriend.”
“You’re mortifying him!” Bella yelled, picking up the nearby tea towel and throwing it at her. “And me!”
“Bella, don’t be naughty,” she warned, placing the towel down at her side.
“Pots and kettles, mother!”
“Alright, okay,” she began, laughing softly. “I’ll be good and give you a chance, Angel. Although I am still firmly of the opinion that you’re much too old for her.”
He snorted softly. “I’m thirty-eight, not dead.”
Again, she laughed, feeling herself liking him in spite of her resolute opinion. “So, tell me about yourself, then.”
They all sat down at the island once coffee had been made, Angel speaking of his life, interests and suchlike, Deb nodding periodically, finding a big common ground with him. His favourite author was one of hers.  
“I always wish he’d have written more novels; I really do. I absolutely adored The Prisoner of Heaven. Did you read the English translations or are you fluent in your parent’s native language?” she asked, referencing the book by Spanish author Carlos Ruiz Zafón.
“All of his later work I read translated, because I speak better Spanish than I read it, but my mom made me read his young adult novels in Spanish, so I’d get a better grasp of it. It was important to her, that Ezekiel and I learned. He kinda let it fall by the wayside a little bit, he isn’t as fluent, but I am. Means I get to talk to pop about him and he mostly ain’t got a clue what’s being said, which is fun,” he detailed, Deb nodding, laughing softly. He didn’t look like the type to read, but how apt the saying that you should never judge a book by its cover was in that very instance.  
“And what about this right here?” she then spoke, changing the subject and lifting his arm, tapping his Mayans tattoo. “Mayans MC. You’re all outlaws, aren’t you?”
He got the distinct impression he couldn’t bullshit her, but couldn’t very well detail the truth to her either, so chose somewhere in between. “Some claim that, some say we’re simply a motorcycle enthusiasts club.”
Her reply was direct and speedy. “And what do you say?”
“I say I am who I am, and who I am isn’t necessarily what I do. Who I am is someone who intends to take the very best care of your daughter, because I love her, and it’s that simple. That’s all you have to worry about, Deb.” She wasn’t stupid, and she was worried, about her only child getting herself involved with a man who she more than certainly deduced was involved in criminal activities somehow, by his reluctance to give her any details about the club. What she did see, though, was how genuine his intentions towards Bella were, how clearly he adored her, too.  
It could have been worse, she thought to herself. She could be in a relationship with a guy her own age who hadn’t matured yet, who would spend the vast majority of time acting a fool, messing her around and the like. She got the impression clearly that Angel wasn’t that type. Sure, he had a lot of self-confidence, maybe he was even a little arrogant, but he was sure of himself, much smarter than she thought he gave himself credit for, and above all, he made her daughter happy.  
Despite her reservations, that was what she couldn’t discount the most.  
They stayed for another hour, Bella grabbing a few changes of clothes, telling her mum she’d be back in a few days, having nowhere to be since she was on her summer break from college. With that, Deb waved them off from the door, still not entirely sure over the whole thing, but sitting a little easier with it now that she’d actually met Angel. She could see what all the fuss was over now.  
During the first few weeks they were back together, Angel made a big effort with her mum, insisting on spending time up in La Jolla, even if it did mean he had to sleep on the couch when Deb was home and he stayed overnight, which he thought was funny, since she clearly knew their relationship was sexual. It reminded him back when he was dating in high school and was forced to do the same by whichever girl in question’s parents.  
With Deb’s work meaning that she travelled a lot, going on research trips and speaking at events and conferences, he did get to spend time there without being confined to the couch. On some of those occasions, though, he did wish he was still there...  
“Fucking hell, B!” he grumbled, Bella squeaking with delight as she raced out of bed, managing to knee him in the thighs on her way several times, throwing on her undies and his shirt. “It’s 8am, why are you squealing at 8am?”  
“UPS man!”  
With that she was gone from her bedroom, racing down the stairs while buttoning his shirt, practically skiing to the front door over the polished wood floor to retrieve her huge parcel excitedly. When a sleepy Angel arrived with her, looking delicious in a pair of low-slung sweats and his hair all messy, Bella was cutting the tape open with a knife, still at level one hundred of excitement.  
She only paused to lean down and blow a big raspberry on his happy trail, as she often did when it was presented. Angel knew exactly what he was doing. “So, what’s in the box that’s got you all bouncy?”
“Gran’s care package, all the food from the UK that can’t be bought over here!” He’d never actually been present for one of these unboxings before, Bella beginning to pull things out with gusto.  
“Ribena!” she yelled, Angel feeling like his eardrums were about to explode, moving to the coffee machine and switching it on, locating the ground coffee as he yawned. Turning around, he saw a box he instantly recognised, one of the few British foods he’d actually tried thanks to Bella.  
“Gimme!” Gesturing with his hand, Bella passed him one of the six boxes of Jaffa Cakes, Angel cramming two in his mouth at once as soon as he’d opened the box and cellophane wrapper. It was worth noting that if you ever wished to bribe Angel Reyes, you could do so with the promise of delicacies comprised of chocolate and orange.  
“Monster Munch, oooh! And prawn cocktail crisps!” Immediately, a packet of the latter was opened, Bella cramming in as many as she could fit with a look of bliss upon her face as she crunched through them. “Try one!”
“Hold on.” He paused, taking the juice from the fridge and having a few gulps, not thinking that chocolate and orange would really go well with something prawn flavoured before taking one. “Oh my god, no!”  
She burst out laughing at his face, Angel going right to the trash and spitting it out, picking up the apple juice again to cleanse himself of the bad taste. “They taste like pussy that ain’t been washed, man!”
“Angel, don’t be disgusting!” she chastised, smacking his chest.  
“They fucking do. Ugh, dude!” he grimaced, rummaging in the box. “What’s this stuff?”
“Marmite! You have it on toast, it’s amazing.” Two slices of toast later, and Angel was cautiously biting a corner.  
“That tastes like death.” Nope, he was not a fan. “You’d better brush your teeth before you kiss me again. No, for real, get off!” What followed then was Bella chasing him around the kitchen, puckering her lips, in absolute hysterics as his reluctance, poking her finger in the jar of Marmite during one lap of the island, trying to get it on him. “Don’t you do it, mamas! No!” he warned, grabbing her wrists, Bella not able to fight against his strength, both of them laughing hard. Eventually, she sucked the offending brown goo form her finger, continuing to unpack the box.  
Through trial and error, he found that HP sauce was another failure, Cadbury’s Mini Rolls were a win, as were Monster Munch and Space Raiders. It was a somewhat odd breakfast, but he didn’t mind at all. It made a change from his usual egg whites and a smoothie. What he enjoyed even more after they’d taken a long soak in the bath together was a morning of doing absolutely nothing at all, lazing around the house in comfy clothes, listening to music and talking.  
Well, that and other pursuits that required a little more energy. Not much, but a tad.  
“How can one person be so fucking good with their mouth?” Bella sighed, stroking Angel’s hair as she lay back on the couch, his mouth buried between her legs.  
Pausing from pushing his tongue into her opening, he ran a lick to her clit, circling, sucking on her languidly. “I could ask you the same question here. I’ve never had anyone make me cum so quick from a blowjob before I met you.”
She chuckled softly. “Yeah, I am pretty good, aren’t I?”
“Mmm,” he confirmed, sucking at her again. “Yes you are, querida.” He continued to lay licks of wet heat over her clit until she began to pant rapidly, her sweet, soft moans signalling her blooming, Angel stopping at the crucial moment, turning her side on, moving to lie behind her, his cock steered into the hot grasp of her pussy a second later, levering her thigh up, her knee sliding into the pit of his elbow as he sank in and out of her slowly, laying hot, open-mouthed kisses from her neck to her shoulder and back again.  
It was a slow storm gathering, her hot slick bathing him as he trawled slow, rocking back and forth as his fingertips found her clit, stroking lightly. It edged on too much, but blended with not enough, Bella, trembling, but happy to be exactly where he held her, pleasure gathering without ascension. Sensations fizzed up her spine, the bulk of his muscles pressing to her back making her feel feverish, his groans as he kissed her neck causing her walls to flutter around where he split her wide.  
Slowly, he began giving her more intensity, cock scraping her walls faster, lighting her up like a bonfire, her cries filling the room as the onslaught of him beginning to spear her harder, Bella turning her head to kiss him messily, tongue circling his, reaching back to clasp the back of his head, nails digging in as he rutted her deep, his fingers adding pressure against her clit that sent stars streaking through her.  
She fluttered around him madly, the pulsing heat of her dragging it from him, his cock twitching within the velvet hug of her cunt, her light beginning to blaze over his horizon as it crested and broke like a winter dawn, Angel flooding her deeply, his fingers gentling but not stopping, the sensations rolling through her deeply, warming her bones, his cum dripping out from her around his slowing cock as they fought to breathe.  
The pleasure lay heavy within them, dreamy bliss sending them into the soft realms of slumber, Angel pulling the large throw down from the back of the couch, covering them, remaining inside her as they drifted off. An hour of napping later and they dressed, taking a walk down the beach, the early afternoon warmed but for the brisk breeze coming in from the ocean, the sunshine thawing the slightly biting chill.  
The day reminded Bella how life had been without him, cold and biting, the sunshine warming through his return to her life, as she always dreamed that he would. She was lucky, so, so lucky that he had, too. Her lie, she realised, could have burned the bridge between them forever.  
“Dude, what gives?” he asked, hearing her begin to sniff, turning to see her with tears streaming down her cheeks, Bella flapping the hand that wasn’t holding his.  
“It’s just... I’m... and you’re... and I...”  
He laughed softly. “Those are words, but they don’t explain much.”  
“I hurt you so badly! And I’m terrified of it happening again, ruining it somehow and ending up without you because I buggered it all up!”  
He halted her then, hands resting either side of her neck, thumbs reaching to stroke her cheeks. “Yeah, you did. But what happened, it’s in the past. Do you plan on telling any other lies to me, and I don’t mean little ones like you ate all my protein bars or used the last of my black pepper shower gel...”
“I don’t use it all!” she interrupted.
“Yes you do! You do it because you like smelling of me, I know it, you know it, don’t even front, Isabella!”  
It worked, she began to laugh, drying her eyes. “Alright, alright! And to answer your question, no. No more lies, not ever.”  
“Then you have nothing to worry about, because I ain’t going anywhere.” He pulled her close, kissing her head.
“You swear?”
The way she looked up at him, her beautiful, green eyes still glassy, Angel knew. He knew right then exactly how he could prove to her how very permanently he saw himself returned to her. “You wanna know how serious I am that we ain’t gonna be apart again?”
She nodded, reaching to stroke his face.  
“Alright.” He took a breath, smiling, knowing that either way, he’d remember this moment for the rest of his life.  
“Will you marry me?”
The End.*
*WELL, the end until I begin posting the mini-sequel, besties!
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
Sometimes I remember my Aeonar au and get emotional before remembering a solid 60% of our main cast has A names. Three could be called the blind mage.
I wrote 13k words just talking about how fucked up the prison was.
Anders and Karl had a polycule with an adhd spirit healer twink from Orlais that once bit off a templars nose and gets pressed into Seeker experiments on Tranquility.
Theres a half elven rivani seer in training that got sent south by a spiteful Commander while she was pregnant. Anders, Karl, and the orlesian adopt her and delivered her baby. Wynn had to cover for them when they got caught by the knights.
They thought she was a blood mage. She is, but she was trained for it, bc Rivane does that. She does not disclose this information until Anders is in Solitary.
The polycule and blood mage adopt each other. Karl taught her the culture of the tower, Arles the orlesian taught her how to bullshit talking to spirits the way she was "supposed' to, and Anders largely kept her spirits up between escapes.
Arles and Asha the blood mage get sent to the aeonar for trying to spring Anders from solitary confinement. It almost works but the door jammed and Arles has the upper body strength of a wet kitten. They get sent to the prison over death expressly because plot demands and a little bit because it would fuvk Anders up.
The Head Seeker has his own chunk of the 13k chapter devoted to being a dehumanizing prick and it's the best I've ever done to hate a character I made.
Valenna stuck with Anders mostly out of a "I cant believe I got attached to these two, Creators Damnit" and is who the Hawkes initially want to recruit into the expedition.
Theres four Hawkes. A blind mage that uses the veil to sense her surroundings. A kind to a fault force mage. Bethany and Carver. Yes Carver is about as calm as you would expect.
Anders was partially blinded when merging with Justice because of the light burning his eyes and has been getting by with shit vision and impressions on the Veil. He and Aislinn the blind Hawke are the handshake meme.
Asha and Arles escape the Aeonar with clever use of possession and extreme violence.
The Seekers are actively hunting them for escaping but also because they know the cure to tranquility.
They were too late for Karl.
Asha is team mom only bc she is literally a mom. Otherwise she's dead panning dick jokes with Isabella.
She is fused with a spirit of Valor that is v sincerely sad they missed the blight.
Valenna hates that ppl keep finding out about Justice and shit keeps happening. Upside Asha can help stabilize Anders and Justice's union. Downside Arles is crying in the corner again and she deeply doesnt want to be here.
Aeonar au my beloved
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icharchivist · 1 year
Due to your post I now believe that at some point in his life, Belial played the shady advisor to some king and made a mess of Skydweller politics. I'm not saying he fucked his liege on the side, but I'm also not saying he didn't...
ohmygOD i love this
nothing tells us that he never did it!!! He spent 2k years preparing his revenge damnit he's allowed some hot mess summer of destroying an entire country's politics by advising and bedding the king.
choosing to believe Isabella fucked over Feendrache because she was inspired by the tales of the Shady Past Advisor Who Definitly Fucked The King and while she had no plan on fucking the king, she could use his other shady stuff. and that's why the aesthetic matches. Belial is thrilled. but upset about the lack of fucking.
I want to believe.
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starlingsrps · 2 years
luca alessi.
FULL NAME: luca alessi
NICKNAME(S): nope.
PREFERRED NAME(S): luca is fine
BIRTH DATE: september 30
CHART: libra sun/rising/venus/capricon moon
AGE: thirty five
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/his
CURRENT LOCATION: rome, specifically trastevere
LIVING CONDITIONS: comfortable - he and his daughter live in a townhouse in trastevere with a shared patio. he wishes that it was not a shared patio but that's life baby.
HOMETOWN: yeah, rome. he's going to leave in a coffin, there is no other way.
SOCIAL CLASS: "comfortable" he says, like a dude with family money. the alessis are in banking, he does not know how that shit works, he appreciates the interest on his trust fund, that's about it.
EDUCATION LEVEL: engineering degrees
FATHER: pietro alessi, 67
MOTHER: marcella alessi, 67
SIBLING(S): isabella, 40; caterina, 37; emma, 32; nicola, 30
CHILDREN: aurelia, 11
PET: not as of right now but every week they draw closer to getting a dog. he will give in, he just knows that he will be the one taking care of the dog and he needs more time to prepare.
OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: his sisters are married with kids and nicola's wedding is in august so In Laws.
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: olivia belanger, 35. he and olivia started dating in university and when she got pregnant, it seemed like getting married was the next natural step. they had aurelia and their careers and things were fine, if not a daily heart stopping fairytale. they would probably have kept it up if olivia hadn't gotten an opportunity to work in paris (she's a fashion designer) that would have required them to move more or less permanently. luca didn't want to move and they divorced and his mother has only just started to recover. she remarried two years ago and is permanently based in paris. he has primary custody of aurelia but she spends school breaks with her mother and a month every summer there.
CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: single and ready to mingle (perhaps too much mingling, according to his neighbor)
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: civil engineer, has his own small firm. said firm is him and his future brother in law, garbiele, so they're "boutique" and work from their respective homes.
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: it's good - like it's a job moreso than a passion. he likes order and such and while he wanted to be an architect a bit more when he was young, this is okay.
PAST JOB(S): like some bartending in university
SPENDING HABITS: reasonable to set a good example for aurelia but damnit he's a simple bitch when it comes to apple products.
MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: his drafting equipment and whatnot.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: reasonable. he keeps in good shape.
DEFENSE: he hasn't thrown a punch since he was like twenty but he thinks he probably could if he needed to.
SPEED: nimble
INTELLIGENCE: even split between analytical and artistic
ACCURACY: p sharp
STAMINA: boundless
TEAMWORK: he's a strong negotiator and peace maker but really prefers a leadership position.
TALENTS: fair, dedicated, even tempered
SHORTCOMINGS: indecisive, vain
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: italian and english
DRIVE?: yes
SWIM?: yep
BRAID HAIR?: yes but very glad aurelia can do it herself now. he is retired.
TIE A TIE?: yes
FACE CLAIM: matteo martari
HAIR TYPE/STYLE: short, naturally wavy
GLASSES/CONTACTS?: glasses 75% of the time. he has contacts, he just would prefer that extra one minute of sleep in the mornings.
BUILD: athletic, great ass
EXERCISE HABITS: general cardio and such
USUAL EXPRESSION: naturally it is a magnificent resting bitch face but he tries to remember and keep it in check. he has a lovely smile but just sometimes looks like he can rip a man’s spine out.
CLOTHING STYLE: stylish but not flashy
JEWELRY: nice watch, possibly too nice.
DIET: nothing too out of the ordinary and a good cook
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: 6 - the loyalist
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful good
SOCIABILITY: extrovert
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: steady but prone to landing hard on major emotions.
PHOBIA(S): man does not like flying. he'll do it but he's white knuckling it the entire time.
ALCOHOL USE: socially
SPEECH STYLE: nicely deep, definitely talks too fast
ACCENT: italian
HOBBIES: sketching, ferrying aurelia about because she does five thousand activities.
DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: general accomplishment and sense of achivement.
FEARS: flying, aurelia deciding she hates his guts
POSITIVE TRAITS: engaging, confident, fair, gracious, focused
NEGATIVE TRAITS: vain, self critical, systematic, stubborn, overly confident in his own taste and sometimes a snob about it.
DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: no more or less than anyone else
ACTIVITY: either absolute peace and quiet with a book or out and about with friends. he’s a big ole flirt.
ANIMAL: dogs. this is why he will cave very easily on the dog question when push comes to shove.
BOOK: murder mysteries
COLOR: blue
DESIGNER: do i look like i know where fancy italian men buy their sweaters
HOLIDAY: christmas
MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: walking or driving
SONG: he mostly likes piano instrumentals
SCENT: paper and coffee
WEATHER: summer. man is a lizard.
VACATION DESTINATION: his family rents a house in umbria every august and it's p great.
GREATEST DREAM: living it.
GREATEST FEAR: aurelia has survived thus far but he really does fear her deciding that he's the devil the day she turns thirteen.
MOST AT EASE WHEN: he's always at ease and i hate him for it.
LEAST AT EASE WHEN: he really doesn't like being put on the spot.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: he's got his own business and a life he's proud of. could do with someone to share it with but it's good the way it is.
TOP PRIORITIES: aurelia, most other things.
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immakuronaakuma · 2 years
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Inktober day 6!
Today's prompt: Bouquet
POV: your human but-not-actually-a-human boyfriend brings you a courting gift of dandelions, what do you do?
I don't like this one cause of the inking. The pen I'm using can easily get smeared when I erase the pencil lines, create this dark blue or black smear.
I originally wanted to draw Isabella from Encanto, and I did, but then I realized that I didn't draw her having a bouquet. Aaaaaand by then was already inking.
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barclaysangel · 3 years
High key wanna make Genderbent!Losers Club aesthetics…
But I have 0 clue on faceclaims. Like, basically none. I thiiink I have one for female Richie but I’m still debating.
If anyone wants to me to make the aesthetics (or whatever other edits I make for them) and would like to help out with faceclaim ideas for all the losers (chapter 1 & 2 verse) that would be awesome!
I would appreciate the help, thank you :)
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sunfuqr · 4 years
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Friends support friends and their weird ass dreams
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eye-of-yelough · 2 years
@resplendentlytrite’s da2/archer fanart has been living in my head rent free and now this is happening
When You Hire The Kirkwall Crew To Heal The Inquisitor
Anders: could somebody lend me a hand?
Hawke: but Docter, I thought the patient was getting the hand.
Anders: speaking of hands, I’m-
Hawke: overplaying yours?
Anders: well I was gonna say “putty in yours, my dear” but I gotta hand it to ya-
Fenris: can I see a show of hands, who thinks this is getting out of hand.
Inky: GOD DAMNIT! Can someone. Please. Sew on my goddamn prosthetic hand!
Anders: …
Hawke: …
Fenris: …
Inky: …
Isabella: … Handjob.
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Fresh Squeeze Ch. 8
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall (You)
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Cursing, AAANGST yet SMUT. Mention of Death, Anthony Ramos, Coached masturbation, heavy petting, sunscreen. Fluff. Plot. Mature themes and situations.18+.
Word Count: 4.6 K
Plot: Linden is trying to run from her feelings for Daveed after a lot of trauma and a shitty ex. Daveed assumes and hits a nerve and Linden just wants to hit that. It’s her birthday weekend y’all!
Read the Previous Chapter
“Let this be a thing…”
You smiled at the possibilities of the situation.
“Let’s let this flow.  It’s my birthday weekend.  I want to have fun.”  You turned around and faced Daveed. “With you.” 
You reached up and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. They were so succulent, but you didn’t allow yourself to get sucked in, literally or figuratively.  You had to get some control back.
You looked up at him and he was hopeless. He struggled to continue to hold himself back. 
Daveed thought about how tight you were around his fingers. He would have you screaming in this fitting room again, this time with you impaled on his dick.
“That’s all that matters right now. I like this vibe.”
D nodded at you.  “You’re right.”  Daveed cleared his throat as you two gazed at each other.  “I guess we gotta find a way to get out of here.”
You chuckled. “Yeah.  The walk of shame.”  
You straightened your clothes and gathered the garments you were going to try on escaping the fitting room with only a passing smirk from the attendant. 
You giggled at his lowkey “Get it,” and Daveed rolled his eyes as you passed by.
You decided to get all of the clothes you’d wanted to try on, but got distracted from trying on because of your shenanigans.  You piled everything on the register.
Daveed was so unsure. About what just happened; about what could happen. He didn’t want to fumble this beautiful bag. 
Before you could speak, he stepped up to the register. 
“We’ll take them all.”
You gave Daveed a side eye. You smiled at the woman at the counter.
“Yes, I will.”  
You opened your purse to get your credit card out, trying to remain calm and collected. 
“Linden, let me.”  
Daveed really thought he was about to pay for all of your clothes up in here. This was not it. He was assuming too much.
“No, Daveed. I got it.  Thank you though.” 
There was no mistaking the acidity under your sweet tone. You didn’t know what Daveed thought this was….
“But, this is a lot. And it’s your birthday.”
Your smile widened even though your rage grew, “All the more reason it should be my prerogative.”
You stared at each other down for a hot minute and then finally Daveed just closed his mouth and watched as you pulled a black amex card out of your wallet and signed for the total, which was over $2200. 
You didn’t blink an eye.
The fun you shared in the fitting room was long gone.  Things had gotten real tense real fast.
“Can I at least help you carry them?”
You ignored Daveed as you struggled with the bags, then put them down on the corner of the street outside the store.
You got your phone out to order a ride.
“What the fuck was that Daveed?”
He took you in, your little angry body turning him on.
“I was trying to be nice.”  Daveed couldn’t hide his irritation with you.  Was this even worth it?
“Why do you think that paying for my stuff would be ‘nice?’”  
Daveed was confused. 
“Well, I know you’re not with Mark anymore and you were in school and everything and Columbia is expensive. I just didn’t want you to have to go into more debt on your birthday weekend.” 
“Why would I be going into debt?”  Your eyes were full of murder.  “Shit Daveed, you just don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
You looked up at him as if you were going to fight him. Daveed wondered how many times he needed to make you cum before you would calm down. He was going to find out.
“Obviously I don’t, because I don’t know why the fuck you’re mad at me because I wanted to do something nice...I-”
A car pulled up beside you.
“That’s just the fuck WHY Daveed.  You don’t know anything about me.”
And then you grabbed your bags, flung them in the back of the car and got in, leaving Daveed on the corner of a street in Isabella, Puerto Rico, wondering what the fuck had just happened.
You were actually vibrating with rage all the way back to the beach house. You texted Jas for the combination to the front door and let her know where you were.  
She made a remark about giving you and Daveed time alone and you didn’t correct her, you just  needed some space.
You got your bags into your room and then went back out to the kitchen for a bottle of water.  
Daveed came in as you sat and drank, looking out of the great room windows.
You sat up straight on the stool and tried to ignore him.
Daveed had ordered a car as soon as yours drove away, vowing to find out what that scene was all about.  
He had not had to chase anyone in a long time and he felt like he was way too old for it.  But he couldn’t help himself.
Now, he was standing here approaching you like a wild animal.
“Do you want to tell me what just happened?”
You just tried to will this intrusion into your life and your emotions away.  Maybe if you ignored him he would disappear. 
You just could not take anymore pain and Daveed was dangerous. 
He could hurt you. Bad.
Daveed came around beside you and watched your profile as you closed your eyes and tried to shut him out.
Damn.  You swallowed and opened your mouth to speak.  You almost couldn’t say the words. You continued to look at the ocean.
“Dell takes care of me.” 
Daveed looked at you carefully. You continued to stare straight ahead. 
“The accident. The driver of the truck that hit us was drunk AND high. The company knew of his history and didn’t take him from behind the wheel.”
You took a deep breath and continued.
“We had good lawyers. I not only list my twin, but my left ovary and the ability to have children without a very involved medical procedure.”
Daveed really didn’t want to hear anymore. He felt terrible.
“There was a 30 million dollar settlement, 5 million to my mom with 25 million in trust until I turned 25 years old.” 
You didn’t know why you were telling him all this.
“So when I say I got it, Daveed. I got it.” 
You looked at him, something in your eyes that spoke of strength and brokenness.
Daveed wanted to throw himself off a cliff as he watched the tears roll down your cheek. Got damnit he was such an idiot.
“I’m sorry, Linden….”
“Don't be sorry Daveed. I just can’t do this. I can’t let you hurt me like Mark, like every other person who thinks they know me.  I can not…..”  
You just shook your head and walked toward your room.  Daveed’s long legs got ahead of you and he just stood in your way as you walked.
“Linden. I’m not going to let you run away.” 
You two played a slow game of human foosball.  After a minute, you just stopped.
“Move Daveed.  Let me go.”
He put his arms up, but he didn’t move.  
“I’m not holding you.  But I’m here Lindy, and I’m not going to leave you alone.  I’m sorry that I made such a boneheaded assumption, and I’m sorry I made you bring up something so painful.  But I’m not like everyone else.  I think I…”
All of a sudden, you wanted him to stop talking. You grabbed him around his waist and gave him a hug, sobbing into his chest.  
Daveed brought his arms down around you and held you while you cried, just as he did that first night. He still felt good.
This time, however, was different. Daveed bent down and picked you up, taking you into your bedroom bridal style.
He kicked the bags out of the way and lay down with you on the bed.
“Daveed, I…”
“I just want to hold you Lindy.  Relax.”
You stopped protesting and went with the flow. You let him hold you and did as he instructed, you relaxed, your head on his chest, listening to the slow, steady beat of his heart under one ear and the ocean out of your other. 
You felt the soothing thrill of him playing on your scalp and with your curls with his left hand as his right caressed your left leg, which was thrown across his thighs.
Before he knew it, you were softly snoring in his arms, and Daveed knew that his fate was sealed. The road to your heart was full of landmines, but he had to try to get there.  
You woke up to the sounds of giggling.  
Jasmine and Craig were standing over you and Daveed on the bed.  You were a little confused, but you and D woke up to an audience.
“Whyyyyy are you still fully clothed?” 
You grimaced at Craig and threw a pillow at them as Daveed sat up and grinned.
“Get the fuck outta my room Craig.” He dodged it successfully.
“We ain’t got time for you to waste all weekend NOT fucking around.  Chop chop.” Craig walked out of your room as you stuck your tongue out as his back. 
Jasmine laughed at you and followed him. 
“We’re going to have dinner out by the pool if you wanna join. Swimsuits required. The chef will be here in a few and Craig and I want to get some sun before the show tonight.” She looked at you over your shoulder as she left. 
“Or if you two want to stay in, that would probably be dope too…”
You shook your head at her back as she closed the door.
You sat up on the edge of the bed, feeling a bit awkward.  You put your head in your hands and let your curls hide your face. What the fuck were you on? It was like you had experienced the rollercoaster of a relationship, all in 18 hours.
Daveed sat up against the headboard, eyeing you warily.
“I want you Linden. I’m sorry for assuming earlier, but you gotta let me in so I know how not to.  I need you to be absolutely clear about what you want.”  
“I… I want you too, Daveed. I’m just really scared about being hurt again.”  
He closed his eyes when he heard your admission. Slowly but surely.
You raised your head and looked over at him.  You’d exhausted him already.
“I don’t want to hurt you Lindy.  But we’re both human. And too grown for the games.”
“I don’t want to play any games with you Daveed.  I mean… well….”
He opened his eyes and stared at you. He heard the invitation in your tone. This was a dangerous situation. He looked at his watch.  It was about 4 pm.  
The show started at 10 and although he wanted to start something and finish with you all afternoon and night… it might have to wait.  He leaned his head back and fantasized.
“What are you thinking about?”
Daveed opened one eye. He was attractive as fuck. He opened the other one and then closed them again.
“You don’t wanna know.”
You were intrigued.  You turned toward him and put your leg up on the bed, half indian style.
“Yes I do!  I must know all the things.” Your voice raised at the end of the sentence, making D smile.
Daveed wished he had the time to tame your control freak ways.
“You really don’t.”
Daveed opened his eyes at your tone and you immediately calmed it down a bit, while your heart beat faster.
“You tryna stay in this room or you want to go out on the deck with everyone else?”
You looked down at the bed and bit your lip. You saw his huge hand on the bed, the veins prominent and the fingers impossibly long.  You looked back up at him and swallowed.
“W-we should probably join Craig an ‘nem….”
That stutter.  Oh, the control Daveed was utilizing at the moment.
“Then you definitely don’t want to know what I was thinking.”
Fuck. Now you definitely did want to know.
You pulled your other leg on the bed and then sat on your knees.  
“Pleeaseeee Daveeed.”
You. Begging.  This was heaven or hell, Daveed couldn’t figure out which. But he didn’t move from his position, just clasped his hands in his lap.  Because reasons.
“Actually, you on your knees made up a lot of my thoughts.”
You smiled a little.”So, you want me to suck your dick?”  You’d decided to try it.  
Daveed grunted and then looked to your face.
“That sounds nice.  Those pretty lips wrapped around my dick.  I wonder if you could take it all? Gag reflex?”
Instant waterfall. You moaned a little, and were so mesmerized you couldn't answer. Daveed sped on.
“But don’t be so unimaginative.  You on your knees can involve lots of things.”
Daveed moved, not too fast, and came around the bed behind you.  You shivered as he put his hand on your neck and then trailed it down your spine.
“Up. Let me see that arch.”
You obeyed of course, on your hands and knees on the bed, the arch in your back perfect for fucking. Daveed was looking at your ass and you hoped he couldn’t see your wetness beginning to trickle down your thigh.
“You could be on your knees with me behind you, eating you out from behind.” 
Daveed kneeled behind you, face to face with your barely cloth covered crotch. You moaned as you felt him get nearer to your core. Daveed stopped.
“You good?”  You nodded frantically, and Daveed continued closer.
“We’re gonna need a safeword.”
“Holy fuck!”
“Nah, that wouldn’t be a good one, because I have a feeling you might be saying that a lot.”
Daveed placed three kisses at your core, one on either inner thigh, and one on the strip of his jeans covering your clit. You started clenching as he pulled himself away, licking his lips. He’d captured some of your moisture on his mouth. You tasted better than he imagined.
“Or you could be on your knees riding my face, letting me drink from your pretty little fountain.”
Daveed sat on the floor and placed his head between your legs on the bed, looking up at your pussy in his jeans.  He just looked, not daring to touch you or himself. You reached down and caressed his curls.
“Daveed, please..”  
“No, no. You wanted to know what I was thinking.”  He slid out from under you like a mechanic.
He stood up behind you, put his hand on your ass and smoothed all the way down to the back of your neck, pushing your head down to the bed.
“How about me behind you on your knees, face in the bed with you keeping that ass up, while I pound that shit from behind? I wanna see that ass shake as I give you these back shots.”
And Daveed started the motion, pushing his hard, jeans covered dick into your ass, rubbing at first and giving you some friction, but driving you insane. 
You turned your head to the side to moan as Daveed pulled his hips back and snapped them forward, then sped up and gave you a pounding through your clothes.
Daveed hooked his fingers into your shorts, about to pull them down, when he stopped. He shook his head, trying to clear the sex high from his brain.  He stepped back.
You lay panting on the bed, lost in the moment.  You took a deep ragged breath to calm down and then turned over on your back.  You watched him watching you, knowing that he was holding back from fucking the shit out of you.
“What are you thinking Daveed?”
His voice was so damn deep. “That I want you to be ensconced around my dick. That I want all kinds of orgasms to happen, that you need to be cumming right now, Linden.”
He then cleared his throat.  “But that we probably have an audience right outside that door right now.”
“Hmmmm. I agree that I need to be cumming right now.”  You smiled at him and stretched.  ”But what about you Daveed?”
“Not quite yet. That HDD will be on point for the show tonight.”
You  got up on your knees, facing away from him and moved your hand to the waistband of your shorts. He watched in fascination as you touched yourself, your slick more than lubricating your fingers.
“What about me riding you on my knees. I LOVE Reverse Cowgirl.”
Daveed’s eyes began to water as he saw the vision. He saw your arm moving and your hips undulating. He moved behind you and pulled you to lean back onto him, your shoulders against his chest as he looked down to watch you finger yourself under the shorts.
So fucking sexy.
“What are you doing?” His velvet voice in your ear was everything.
As if he didn’t know. As if he couldn’t see. As if he wasn’t just doing the same thing less than two hours ago.  The view from over your shoulder was the shit.  Damn shame there were clothes involved, but the fact that they were his clothes made it pretty hot.
“MM.mmm...mmm…” You were gasping, his voice and proximity getting you there quickly.
“No, that won’t do.  If you wanna be a Good Girl for me, you gotta use those words.”
“Fuck.. I mean… Yes. Sir…” 
You heard his chest vibrate with a whimper when you said that.
“What Are you doing Linden?”
Your eyes rolled back in your head and it lolled against Daveed’s chest as he brought his hands up to your hips to help keep you steady.
“I- I’m trying to cum, Sir…”
“Where is your hand?” Daveed was intently using his imagination to visualize.
“Nnnnh nnh, circling my c-c-clit…”
Daveed huffed.  “Good Girl.”  He gripped your hips harder as they shook.
“Are you wet like you were earlier?  That shit feels like, like, liquid satin.  Man, I can’t wait to be deep in that…”  
He dipped his lips to your neck, eyes glued to your arm emerging from your pants.  He bit at your pulse point.
“Ah!”  You were sooo close.
“I just hope you can take it all. S’pretty big.”
You whimpered at the thought of the pleasure, and at the yearning to be filled up right now.
“Ohhhhhh.” So very close.
“Need time to prepare you. It might hurt a bit at first.”
You bit your lip at the spring was about to snap.
“But I think I know that you like it to hurt a lil bit... I don’t give a fuck if you get mad, I might have to buy you some nipple clamps…”
His hands moved smoothly up your sides under the t-shirt and cupped your breasts, ghosting over your rock hard nipples.  Suddenly, he took each between his thumb and forefingers and twisted roughly.
Your body rocked at your orgasm and you took your hand away from your core, too sensitive to continue. Daveed grabbed it and took it to his mouth, sucking your juices off, causing aftershocks to jerk your hips.
He moaned with your fingers in his mouth and then released them, kissing your neck again.  He chuckled.
“You wouldn't get off that easy if I had the time.  I’d make you take all of everything.  Including your orgasms. Better be ready.”
You turned around and stepped off the bed into his arms. Daveed held you, not daring to go down to the bed again.
Your head was on his chest.  Even after all that, you were too shy to look up in his eyes.
“How do you make me cum doing the bare minimum? You hardly touched me.”
Daveed smiled.  He felt the same way.  He was about to nut in his pants like a teenage boy a few minutes ago.
“You sure you want this?”
You finally looked at him.  Those eyes.  
“You sure you want all this crazy?”
“Mos def.” Daveed kissed your forehead and smiled down at you, eyes crinkling adorably.
It was time for your hands to roam.  You palmed him through his jeans.
“Let me take care of you D….”  You moved to unbutton him and he pulled out of your reach as you pouted.
Daveed smoothed his thumb over your lips.
“Like I said, I’d like nothing more.”  Then he cocked his head and looked up.  “Well, I’d like few things more… but If my dick comes out in this room right now, we would not leave for the rest of the weekend.”
He leaned down to kiss you with a sweet and filthy promise.
“Patience, Lindy.” He took a deep breath and backed toward the door.
“See you at dinner.”
You just stared at him, daring him to stay.
“Ok. Leave then. But Daveed. If I hear you turn my doorknob, I’ll be faceup on the bed butt-ass naked, waiting for you if you come back in.”  You started unbuttoning and unzipping your shorts.
Daveed stopped with his eyes wide, the angel and devil in his head wrestling with each other. He finally cleared his throat as he turned around and left.
“See you at dinner Lindy.”
The vision of you bending over toward him taking down your shorts with an evil smile was burned into his brain as he closed your door.  He stood there looking at the floor and contemplating going back in.  When he looked up, there were four pairs of eyes looking at him.
He straightened up and went to his room as his friends watched him like a hawk, then rolled with laughter.
Daveed hopped in the shower, and quickly got himself off to calm down.  He slipped on some blue swim trunks and his white sunglasses, ran out and cannon balled into the pool, causing Jasmine to cuss him out as he splashed her hair.
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He’d been chilling on a pool float a good twenty minutes when he saw his favorite animal out of the corner of his eye. Damn. 
“Look at that genius ass.”
Rafa commented and looked over from the float beside him and laughed at Daveed who was crossing himself.
“Dude! You’re jewish.”
Daveed cocked his eyebrow at his best friend. 
“I’m gonna need all the help I can get.”
You’d spent 30 minutes picking out your most modest swimsuit, then grabbed a quick shower. You were shy by the time you walked out onto the pool deck, but no one was paying that much attention to you.  No one, except for Daveed.
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His chill disappeared as he climbed out of the pool, over to your lounge chair.  Your sunglasses only partially hid you clocking him as he emerged, dripping wet.  Damn, that body you thought. 
He walked over to the chair next to yours and picked up a towel and started to dry off.
“Hey. You good?”
You smiled at him. 
“Hey. I’m great.” You smiled wider. 
You appraised him, as the delicious smell of something cooking wafted from the house. The sun was still bright, even though it was afternoon.
“You need a hand with some sunscreen? You’ll want to make sure that it is on evenly.”  
You stood up and bent at the waist to get the sunscreen out of the bag you’d brought out. Daveed licked his lips and you were all too ready to get your hands on Daveed again.
He looked at you and bit his lip.  “Sure, why not?”  
He cocked his head and eyebrow at you.  Then, he raised his hands to the side of his body..
Your mouth started watering.  You went around to his back and resisted the urge to put your arms around him and rest your head on him. 
Instead, you evenly distributed some cream on his well-sculpted shoulders and back.  You let your fingers dip a little bit into his swim trunks, feeling the top of the muscles contained within.
“Turn around.”  Your voice was everything at that moment to Daveed.  He did as you commanded.
“You don’t think I can take it from here?”  He questioned you as you squeezed some more cream into your hand.
“I have a technique. I can make sure it’s on evenly.  Its already out of the tube.”  You looked him dead in the eye as you rubbed your hands together, listing the reasons why you should keep your hands on him.
Diggs chuckled, then let you have your way.  
“I’m all yours."
His eyes held a look like he meant it when he said that. Your heart did a funny dance.
You held his gaze as you spread the cream on his shoulders and out to his arms.  Then, you got some more cream and started on his pecs.  You spread it on, rubbing your palms against his nipples.  
Daveed’s eyes closed in ecstacy.  Then, your hands went down.  You traced his eight pack as you continued to stare him in his eyes which opened as you started going south.
You licked your lips as your hands went where his happy trail would have been if he hadn’t shaved.  At that moment, his cock jumped and you were so close you could feel it. 
Your eyes widened when you remembered that you were not alone….
You and Daveed both turned your heads and saw your friends watching the show as you were about to go for the gold in Daveed’s swim trunks.
The deck erupted into screams, whistles and applause as everyone laughed at your lust.
You both blushed and moved apart. 
“Okay pervs, the show is over.”  Daveed said as you moved to sit on the beach chairs.
D returned the favor for you;  his hands on your body having the same effect on you as earlier, but the difference was you were self conscious now.
Dinner was chill, and you two enjoyed your surroundings and your friends, both of you sitting as far apart as possible.  
The dance you did was delicate, but everyone noticed the new intimacy despite the high sexual tension. You drank some wine, but not too much, and Daveed had about two Johnny Walker Blacks. 
Rafa led the discussion of music, politics and culture and the weekend was vibing.  You were very content in the moment. By 7:30, Daveed, Rafa, and Ant had to start to get ready to leave for the show.  
You walked him inside and you shared a few kisses.  You felt like a kid as he held you.
“Daveed, tonight I want….” you looked into his eyes, which were meeting yours boldly.
“What do you want Lindy?”
“I want you to be with me tonight, Daveed. Spend the night in my room.” Daveed was on top of the world.
“Done.  But I want you to decide after the show what we're going to do in your room tonight Lindy.  We can just go to sleep.” His smile was mischievous.
You didn’t understand. “You playing hard to get?” 
That heat, that anger in you. That was that shit he liked.
“Oh. I’m not hard to get. Get me hard Lindy.” Knowing full well he was a second away form just that.  
“Meet me backstage after the show.”
He pulled away and went into his room, leaving Linden hot, bothered, and soaking wet.
Next Chapter
Ahhhhh! I feel so rusty! Let me know if it’s any good. I missed this!
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puckngrind · 3 years
Columbus isn't home - J. Anderson
Summary: Josh returns to Columbus (winter 2021/2) for the first time since being traded.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of breakup, pandemic, rehab
Word count: 1,420
Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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“You don’t live here any more!” You screamed into your phone, ending the call then throwing your phone across the room. He didn’t live in Columbus anymore or the country for that matter. Josh was traded, sold his condo you two shared then blamed the border closer on his lack of return to Ohio before the season started last January. He found someone else to occupy his time in the year since you’ve seen him. While he wouldn’t tell you outright, the pictures didn’t lie. Punching the pillow and screaming again didn’t seem to help matters. Your phone rang again. Ignoring it and stepping outside into the cool winter air helped slightly.
The knock on the door startled you. “Ignore it.” You convinced yourself it was a salesman.
“Bells!” The recognizable voice shouted through the door. “Bells, damnit! I saw you standing at your balcony. Isabella!!” Josh’s voice got louder. A thud came from the door then silence.
Ding. The text alert lit up your phone from under the coffee table. Ding. Ding.
“Fuck off Anderson!” You thought you shouted but maybe it was a whisper. Closing the balcony door then fishing your phone from where you launched it you tip toe to the door to look out the peephole. Yup, Josh’s long legs spread into the hallway.
“I’m not going anywhere until you talk to me.” Josh sensed you were at the door.
“Why? Don’t you have a game tomorrow or something?” You pressed your forehead into the door. The unfinished business between you two making you want to open the door for him.
“Yes and I don’t care if I play like shit if it means talking to you face to face.” Josh stands, presses his hands to either side of the door frame then stares at the glass that keeps flipping from light to dark. “Just let me in Bells. Please?” You cursed how good he looked and even through the door how he was effecting your body.
“If I open the door what will change?” You stand your ground mustering up all the hurt and anger from the past year.
“We can close the chapter. I can apologize properly. Bells, please?” Josh brushes his fingers through his wet long locks. Reminding you of his 2019 cup run. Told him how much you liked his hair long and he kept it. You huff out of exhaustion then unlock your deadbolt. Slowly opening the door feeling Josh’s piercing blue eyes on you before even looking up.
“Come in.” Your voice shaky with a hint of annoyance.
“Thanks Bella.” Josh shuffled past you brushing his knuckles slightly against your arm as he made his way into your place. “Nice place.” He looks it up and down.
“Well, it was what I could afford after being suddenly evicted from my gorgeous condo… oh wait?” The venom dripping from each word.
“I really am sorry. I should’ve…” Josh stands a safe distance but you still feel the heat radiating between you.
“Save it. You attempted to apologize for the shit show that was October 2020 and I’m done hearing it. Why are you really here Josh?” Your arms cross over your chest.
“I needed to see you. I wanted to say sorry in person. This is the first time I’ve been back. I’ve missed…”. You put your finger up to stop him.
“Don’t fucking say you missed me! We both know you left your Columbus life and didn’t look back. Found new friends, new team, new girl. Don’t get all nostalgic on me now that you are back thinking we can just be fuck buddies when the Habs are in town.” You almost growl at him then make your way to the kitchen. Having this conversation needed alcohol. Knowing Josh would follow you slam a bottled water on the counter. The lid almost popping off with force. Twisting off your drinks top and chugging it like water made your head spin a bit.
“Bells. That’s not it at all. Could you calm down, please?” Josh stepped closer. “I think you filled in some holes that aren’t true.”
“Oh, you are smooth. Is that how you got her in bed? Convinced her we broke up? Introduced her to the wives? Let her wear a WAGS jacket to the cup final? Please enlighten me on what holes I filled?” Pressing your lips to your bottle again not wanting to break eye contact with him.
“Let’s sit on the coach, eh?” He puts out his hand but you walk past him to what was once his couch and sit placing your feet up so he had to sit on the other end.
“So, talk.” You had forgotten how you still loved him because all you could see was the hurt he caused.
“I fucked up.” He leans into the back of the couch.
“Sure did.” You nod.
“Bells, this was never the plan. Ever. Ask any of the guys.” Josh bites his lip then looks down at your feet.
“I did. You were going to propose. Well at least that’s what ‘the guys’ told me. Since you decided to ignore them too and I really didn’t have anyone else here beyond the family we made with the team.” Your fingers were still up in the air from the air quotes.
“You could’ve gone home to Cleveland, Bella.” Josh mumbled.
“I made a life here Josh. Remember? Job, friends, you. The only thing that left was you.” You snap.
“I’m a dumbass.”
“You could say that again.”
“I’m a fucking dumbass.” He repeats causing you to laugh a little. “Your laugh is contagious you know. I swear I hear it sometimes sitting in my apartment alone.”
“Alone?” You narrow your brow knowing she was living with him.
“Yeah. I told her I was still in love with you and sorry I lead her on the way I did.” Josh buries his face into his hands.
“Is that why your brother snapped me stating you were a fucking mess?”
“Then why has it taken you this long to get back here? Say these things?” Your voice softened but guard still very much up.
“I wallowed in my parents’ basement for a good two to three weeks." Josh admits. "Four weeks according to your Mom." You insert.
"What?" Josh was confused. "Anyway, decided to find a trainer in Montreal. When the border opened I wanted to come find you but you wouldn’t return my calls or texts or anything. And I get it, because I hurt you probably more than anyone ever has or will. I don’t deserve you, Bells. I have never deserved you. You’ve always been too good for my idiotic self.” Josh sniffles causing you to look over at him. His sweatpants now wet from tears dripping down his arms.
“Josh.” You whisper. “I… I don’t know what to say.”
“I didn’t ask you to say anything Bella.” Josh sits up wiping his face with his sleeve which makes you giggle.
“You want a tissue there Anderson?” Pulling the box from behind the couch. Josh grabbing one with a nod. The two of you sat in silence. Not really knowing what to say but just sitting there feeling the weight of the situation. Finally, the words come to you lips.
"You did hurt me the most of anyone, ever. You dumped our entire world for, what? Money? I was ready to follow you anywhere and you didn't even give me a chance. Do you not remember the rehab? Our trip to Vail for your surgery? You were pushing me away and I wrote it off as pain. Then... then... You just left. Left. Found an upgrade on all aspects of life and moved the fuck on. I was left to pick up the pieces. Yeah, I still love you but I'm not sure I trust you. I'm not in love with you. But, yeah, Josh. I still love you and it fucking hurts."
"But you still love me?" Josh had a small glimmer of hope in his voice.
"J, you live in Canada not Columbus." You whisper out.
"But the fact that you still love me is a start, Bells." Josh turns to you.
"Is it?" You question looking deep into his eyes. "Columbus will never be your home again and I cannot just live in Montreal."
"You sure about that Isabella?" Josh shuffles around. You look down, eyes going wide.
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Day 25: Hide & Seek
Note: Just a nice fluffy story between 2 children. Absolutely no whump found here. :D
“Pavi, come back here now!”
Pavi just ran. He could hear her behind him. He had to get out of there. She was angry. Mama Irene was really angry. He didn’t know where he could hide. If he hid in his room or anywhere else in the house, she would find him. And papa didn’t allow them to go to the medical floors of GeneCo. He didn’t want to disturb papa either.
He hit the ground floor on the lift. The door slid shut on Irene’s furious face. She was really angry. He was going to pay for it if she caught him.
The lift doors slid open and he ran past legs. There were annoyed ‘hey’s but no one stopped him. He ran out the front door and stopped. Where could he go? He didn’t know anywhere to go.
Oh. Luigi brought him to the park once. Maybe he could find his way back there. Yes. He would hide there until Irene calmed down. He would hide there until dinner; she wouldn’t dare do anything if papa was there.
“Mr Largo, have you seen your brother?”
Luigi looked up to see a Gentern at the door. “No.”
“That’s odd. I haven’t been able to find him anywhere. Dinner will be ready soon.”
“Ok.” Luigi closed the book he was reading and headed towards the dining room. Carmela and her mother were already there. Luigi sat at his usual spot without sparing a glance at them.
The same Gentern came in, “Mrs Largo, I can’t find Pavi anywhere.”
“Leave him. If he doesn’t want to come for dinner, he can starve.” Luigi hated how callous Irene was towards Pavi. Isabella never treated him that way. He didn’t understand how Irene could be such a bitch.
“Pops wants us all here.”
Irene rolled her eyes. “I’m not your brother’s babysitter. It’s not my job to know where he is.”
Luigi seethed. No, she was their fucking stepmom. It was her fucking job to care for them. But she only had eyes on Carmela and even that was the bare minimum she did. “Did you see him today?”
“Yes. He broke my favourite make-up set. Instead of apologizing, he ran off. You should teach your brother common courtesy.”
Maybe if he had a fucking role model for it. “Did you see where he ran off to?”
“He ran into the lift and it headed to the lobby. I didn’t see him after.”
Luigi froze. “He went outside?”
“Please. Your brother wouldn’t dare go out by himself. He’s probably hiding in the lobby.”
He turned to the Gentern. “Call security at the lobby.”
She obeyed and shook her head. “They didn’t see him. They checked the cameras. He left early this afternoon and there’s no footage of him coming back.”
Luigi stood. “Why didn’t you fucking say something earlier?”
“It’s not my job to baby-”
“He’s been gone the whole day. You let a 9-year-old boy wander the streets by himself. It’s fucking snowing outside.” Something in Luigi’s chest twisted. He gripped the back of the chair. He had to calm down. He took deep breaths. He couldn’t get angry. He couldn’t get an arrest now. He needed to find his brother.
Luigi left the dining room. He headed towards the lift. He grabbed his winter coat from the rack. He froze when he realized his brother’s coat was still hanging there. Damnit. He took the lift to the ground floor. He ignored security telling him that they would search for Pavi and to stay inside.
He opened the front doors and he shivered. It was fucking freezing out here. Where the fuck did his brother run off to? Where would he go? Pavi hardly went outside. He��he couldn’t be just wandering the streets by himself. It was so cold. Could he have gone to a shop to wait out the cold? That was it right? That had to be it. Pavi couldn’t be walking around in the cold like this.
Luigi looked around the park. It was empty. He didn’t know where else to search. He’d search everywhere in a walking radius from GeneCo. Fear clenched in his stomach. What if someone took his brother? Easy ransom or worse… Luigi shook the thought off. He didn’t want to think about it.
Luigi pulled the coat tighter around himself. The snow was getting heavy. He had to get out of the cold. No. He needed to find his brother. “Pavi!” There was no one here. “Paviche!” Where else could he look? If he was just wandering the streets, where would he go for shelter? “Paviche!”
Luigi looked around. He swore he heard his brother’s voice. It began to storm harder. The wind blasted in his ears. Maybe he was just hearing things. “Pavi!”
Luigi followed the sound to a large concrete pipe underneath the slide. His brother was there hugging himself. “Idiot! Where the hell have you been?”
“Come on, Pavi, we have to go.” The boy didn’t move. Luigi cursed and climbed into the pipe. “Paviche, did you hear me?”
“Mama Irene is…is…is angry wi…wi…with me.”
“Fuck her. Who fucking cares what she thinks?”
Pavi didn’t say anything. He was holding his left wrist.
Luigi pulled the hand towards him and pulled up the sleeve. A bruise the shape of a handprint greeted him. “Did she do this?” Luigi growled.
“Sh…sh…she was fu…furious.”
“I’m going to fucking kill her.”
“I…i…it’s ok, fratello.”
“How is this ok? Has she done this before?”
“No.” Pavi looked down. “It…it was m…my fault. I br…broke her things.”
“She still had no right touching you!” Something twisted in Luigi’s chest once more.
Luigi closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He was fine. He just had to calm down. He just had to keep his temper in check.
“A…a…are you ok?”
“I’m fine, Paviche.” Luigi sighed. He leant on the wall on just focused on breathing.
He hated that worry, that concern. “We should head back. I won’t let that bitch touch you.”
Pavi nodded slowly.
Luigi felt his heart slow. “Let’s…” Luigi froze. It was storming like hell outside. Luigi couldn’t see anything further than 5 feet. “Maybe we should wait for the snow to slow down first.”
Pavi nodded again.
“Are you ok, paviche?”
“Cold.” He shivered.
Pavi was just wearing a t-shirt and pants. GeneCo was well-heated. He must have just ran out with whatever he had on.
Luigi removed the coat and draped it over his brother. “Better?”
Pavi nodded and pulled the coat around him. “Wh…wh…why does she ha…ha…hate me so much?”
“She doesn’t hate you. She’s a bully. You’re an easy target for her.”
Pavi curled deeper into himself. Luigi could see his breath from where he was sitting. “I tr…tr…try so ha…ha…hard to be nice.”
Luigi sighed. “I know. Some people are just assholes like that.”
Pavi shivered and hugged himself.
“Are you ok, Paviche?”
Pavi nodded but shivered more.
Luigi placed a hand on his wrist. “Fuck Pavi. You’re fucking freezing.”
“I…it’s ok.”
Fuck. Pavi was stuck there the whole day dressed like that. Of course he would be freezing. Shit. Luigi looked outside again. They couldn’t go through that storm. GeneCo was too far on foot. Luigi cursed himself for leaving his watch at home. He watched his brother shiver harder. The ground was freezing; the walls were freezing as well. He needed to minimize contact with anything cold. The warmest thing in here was…Luigi himself. He was an idiot. “Pavi, come here.”
Pavi just looked at him questioningly.
“Come here.”
Pavi cautiously approached him.
Luigi pulled his brother towards him; his skin was freezing against his. He pulled the coat tighter around his brother. “Better?”
Pavi nodded and curled tighter against him. “Does…does this mean y…y…you’re not angry w…w…with me anymore, fratello?”
“I’m not angry with you.”
“B…b…but you won’t t…t…talk to me anymore… Not si…si…since your arrest l…l…last year.”
Luigi sighed. “It’s complicated, Pavi.”
“Wh…wh…whatever it is, I…I’m sorry.”
“It’s not you, Paviche.” He just didn’t want Pavi to get attached. “Why did you come here?”
“It…it…it was the last place we had f…fun. I thought I…I…I’d be safe here.”
Luigi sighed. “Don’t you have fun with Carmela?”
“Si but... sh…sh…she’s so small. I…I can’t te…te…tell her anything.”
Luigi sighed. He knew Pavi was lonely but… “I’m sorry Paviche.”
“F…f…for what, fratello?”
“Pops being so busy all the time. I know you’ve been feeling neglected.”
“Left out.”
“A little. B…b…but I had you, fratello. But then y…y…you stopped talking to me too.”
“You need to find someone else, Paviche.”
“Because I won’t be…I won’t…” Luigi sighed. “I won’t be here forever, Paviche. You need to get used to me not being around.”
Luigi sighed. “I know it’s not easy to understand Paviche but-”
“I understand, fratello. Papa to…to…told me.”
So everyone knew he was a goner except for him.
“He al…al…also told me that it was my j…j…job to keep you c…c…company. To ma…ma…make sure you we...we…weren’t scared or lonely. And…and I fa…fa…failed that, fratello.” Pavi buried his head into his chest and sobbed.
“Idiot. That’s…that’s too much to put on you.” Luigi held his brother tighter. “You’re too young to be dealing with this.”
“So…so are y…you, fratello.”
Luigi was silent. It wasn’t like he had a choice on this matter. And he was 14, he was practically an adult.
“Y…y…you ca…ca…can ha…ha…hate me, if…if…if you wa…wa…want, fratello. Ju…ju…just don’t hi…hide in your room a…a…anymore. Don’t…”
“Don’t what Paviche?”
“Don’t stop living.”
“It’s better this way Paviche.”
“Fo…for who?”
“It’s n…n…not better f…f…for me; Carmela is…is…is sad wondering why ‘Weegee’ won’t pl…pl…play with her anymore; Papa is…is…is worried. S…s…so better f…f…for who? Are you ha...ha…happy, fratello?”
“No.” Luigi hated how perceptive Pavi was. He was forced to grow up too fast. “I’m sorry.”
“I…I believe papa. He’s go…go…going to save you, fratello.”
Luigi sighed. “Maybe.”
Pavi’s eyes fluttered close.
“Pavi, stay awake!”
“Sleepy.” Pavi refused to open his eyes.
He tapped his face none too gently. “Eyes open, Paviche.”
“Ow.” Pavi glared at him.
His brother was not warm enough. He…skin to skin. That’s what they did in the movies right. Luigi’s hand moved to the buttons on his shirt. Why was he still wearing his gloves? He pulled off the gloves and placed it on his brother’s hands. They were too big but they had to do.
“Aren’t y…y…you cold, fratello?”
“No.” Luigi undid the buttons of his shirt. “I wasn’t as long out here as you.” He removed his shirt and cursed as his back pressed against the freezing wall. “I know it sounds weird, Pavi. But I need you to remove your shirt.” Pavi obeyed. Luigi wrapped his shirt around Pavi’s neck. He pulled his brother back towards him. He was still too cold. The storm still wasn’t slowing. What more could he do?
Pavi shivered against him.
“It’s going to be ok, Paviche.”
“Your sh…sh…shivering, fratello.”
“I’m not cold.”
“Just stay awake, Paviche. Pops will find us soon.”
Luigi blearily opened his eyes. Fuck. Did he fall asleep? It was so fucking cold. He looked at his brother in his arms. Pavi had fallen asleep too. He lifted his hand; it was stiff. Luigi opened and closed his hand to force the blood to flow. “Paviche, wake up. We shouldn’t have fallen asleep.”
Pavi didn’t stir.
He placed a hand on the back of Pavi’s head. It was so difficult to move. “Come on Pavi.” He shook his brother gently. “We need to stay awake. Conserve heat.”
Pavi still didn’t move.
Luigi was fully awake now. He shook his brother harder. “Pavi, open your eyes, now.” He tapped Pavi’s face roughly. “I mean it Pavi. Wake up, now.”
Pavi still didn’t move.
Fear filled Luigi. No. His brother wasn’t… Pavi was just being stubborn. That was all. He was just a deep sleeper. “Pavi, wake the fuck up now.” He shook his brother.
Pavi refused to stir.
Luigi felt something catch in his chest. This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t happening. His heart pounded. “Pavi, please. You have to wake up now.” His brother was so cold.
“Pavi! Luigi!”
Pops. “Here.” His voice was quiet. Luigi swallowed. “We’re here!” Luigi heard footsteps running. Luigi held his brother tighter. “Pops is here. Pops found us. We’re going to be fine.”
“Luigi!” Rotti’s face appeared at the mouth of the pipe.
“Pops. Pops, it’s Paviche. I…I don’t know how long he’s been asleep. I…I can’t wake him. I…”
Rotti reached into the cave. “Give him to me.” Rotti gently took Pavi from him.
Luigi just stared after his father. His father was here. They would be alright. Pavi would be alright. His heart skipped a beat. He had to be alright. He had to be alright.
Luigi heard Rotti talking with someone outside. There were people there; doctors maybe? Pavi would be alright. Pavi was safe now. Pavi was safe.
Luigi felt the freezing ground burn his side. He curled into himself. It was so cold. His heart pounded erratically in his chest. It was getting hard to think. He was so tired. He could rest now. Pavi would be find. Pavi would be…
The doctors took Pavi from him. They wrapped him in think blankets and brought him to the ambulance.
“He’s not breathing.”
Something clenched in Rotti’s chest. No.
One of the doctors climbed onto the stretcher and started performing CPR.
No. Not Pavi. Why hadn’t they found them sooner? What were they doing out here in a snowstorm?
“Mr Largo, we will take Pavi to the hospital first. The second ambulance will arrive shortly for Luigi.”
Rotti just nodded weakly. “He…He’s allergic to zydrate.”
The doctors nodded and pushed Pavi into the ambulance. Rotti numbly watched the ambulance speed off. Rotti took the thick blanket from the doctor that stayed behind. He shook. Pavi would be fine. Pavi would be alright.
Rotti turned back towards the pipe and froze. Luigi was lying in a foetal position on the ground. “Get off the ground boy, it’s cold.”
Luigi didn’t reply him.
Rotti turned the boy onto his back. His lips were blue. The boy was talking and moving just minutes ago. He couldn’t have deteriorated so fast. Rotti searched for a pulse. It was his heart. It was another arrest. “help me.” Rotti choked out to the doctor. He pulled Luigi out of the pipe and laid him on the ground. He pressed Luigi’s chest desperately as the doctor called for the ambulance to hurry.
Rotti felt numb. He couldn’t lose his children like this. Why did it take him so long to find them? Why didn’t he find them sooner? Rotti continued pressing Luigi’s chest. The ambulance would arrive and take Luigi to the hospital and restart his heart like they did so many times before. He would be fine. They would both be fine. They had to be.
Note: So I asked myself many times if I would kill a 9 year old boy. The answer was: I’ll let you decide. ;)
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#anyways today we are soft about little isabella morales and the havoc she unleashed within a wholefoods while also giving her father grey ha
My Top Posts in 2021
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854 notes • Posted 2021-01-19 16:10:57 GMT
oh to be a lone woman caught in a storm, shivering and alone as i knock on the door of a mysterious mansion in the middle of nowhere. The lady of the house opens the door with a sympathetic “oh you poor thing.” and immediately lets me in. My clothes are clinging to me from the rain and she lets me wear her own, they don’t fit well but keep me warm. She tells me the storm won’t be letting up anytime soon and sadly I must stay the night. How tragic. 
966 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 02:12:00 GMT
old: din djarin is a sexy mysterious college professor who will give his students special assignments for extra credit ;)
goldl: din djarin is an exhausted anthropology professor who’s son sometimes sits in on his lessons when school gets out early, probably collects coins or something, always looks like he’s about to fall asleep but also has terrifyingly fast reflexes to the point where students have a theory that he may have worked for the cia at some point, his background on his computer is a very zoomed in photo of his son’s face 
1449 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 11:41:17 GMT
i like that in the mandalorian the only two reactions to grogu are either "Ah this must be your darling little boy" and "what the fuck is wrong with your dog."
11499 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 12:58:41 GMT
pedro pascal stans post a picture and be like “sugar daddy🥵 dilf 🥵dom😫 spit in my mouth🥺 punch me in the stomach 🥵yes sir im your whore🥵” and its a picture of a man who looks like he would make it to the quarter finals of the great british bakeoff and then lose. 
12134 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 19:43:56 GMT
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Bartoned - Chapter 39
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Bartoned - A Hawkeye Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Rating:  E
Warnings:  Drinking, Smut (MF, drunk sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, terrible dirty talk)
Pairing: Clint Barton x F!Reader
Word Count: 2029
Summary:  Clint’s name has become synonymous with fucking things up.  When you have a one night stand with him, your whole life gets Bartoned.
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Chapter 39
October came with a flurry of activity. Dress fittings and bridal showers. Meetings with your celebrant and caterers. Getting your IUD taken out. Not to mention, Clint was up to something with Nat, Wanda, and Kari but you couldn’t work out what. You kept catching them together anytime you got home early from something. They all played dumb and acted like they were just hanging out, but you knew there was more to it.
Clint had his bachelor party a week before the wedding. Natasha organized what was essentially a repeat of Steve’s, only with twice the debauchery. You received a lot of photos over the course of the night of Clint in various compromising positions.
Yours was happening the night before the wedding and you were a little worried you might end up regretting it. Kari came and got you in the midmorning and you kissed Clint and Nattie goodbye and patted the dog before being led out to a limo that already held Natasha and Wanda.
A glass of champagne was pressed into your hand before you even had your seatbelt on. “So what’s the plan?” you asked.
“We’re going to have lunch at the Russian Tea Room. Then we’re going to go to a spa. Then we’re going to a Tiki Bar for dinner, drinks, dancing, and karaoke,” Kari explained.
“You trying to wipe me out for tomorrow?” you asked.
“Sure am,” Kari teased. “I wanna look better than you do.”
You laughed. “You know there’s a flaw in your plan, Kari? You’re gonna be there too.”
“Damnit,” she joked and took a long drink of her own glass of champagne.
“Who’s looking after the boys?” you asked.
“Steve and Bucky,” Wanda explained. “With Sam on rescue duty if things get too much for them.”
“That’s good. I’m sure they’ll do fine though,” you said. “Hope that Doreen can handle all of them tomorrow.”
You had hired Doreen back for the night at almost triple her usual rate to watch all the kids. They’d be there at the wedding anyway, but it meant the parents got a little bit of time off and she’d take them all to a hotel nearby so they could get some sleep once they were bored of it.
“We won’t be far away if she gets in trouble,” Kari said. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. She is trained for it.”
“Besides, Emilio has that thing where he thinks he’s responsible for his siblings’ wellbeing,” Wanda explained. “He’ll be watching Cruz and Isabella like a hawk.”
“Okay, enough parenting talk,” Kari announced. “Guess what?”
“What?” you asked.
“You’re getting married tomorrow!” She cheered.
Everyone let out a ‘Woo!’ and clinked their glasses together.
The day seemed to degenerate as you went along. Lunch at the Russian Tea Room included family members and your closest friends. It was a classy affair with everyone on their best behavior in the iconic New York restaurant. Natasha complained that the beluga caviar wasn’t actually beluga caviar but generally, everyone enjoyed themselves.
You then continued to the spa with around half of the people who were at your lunch. It was very relaxing but Kari and Natasha kept messing with you so you spent half the time in hysterical laughter while being scolded for cracking mud masks or not relaxing properly.
Your group then went to Tiki Chick where everything quickly devolved. A lot more people met you there, including old school friends, family, people from your paramedic days, and people you’d met through the Avengers, the entire group filling the bar. The whole venue had been booked out and the tables soon became full of cocktails both shared and individual in novelty cups and glasses. You started by sharing a huge rum punch with Wanda, Kari, and Natasha while you attempted to line your stomach with a burger so you didn’t get completely drunk.
It didn’t work very well. Half an hour in and you were already well on your way to drunk and when the karaoke machine was wheeled out, you were drunk enough that you wanted to be the first one to sing. Half a dozen bad renditions of 80s rock ballads later and the stripper showed up.
You had thought that getting a stripper would be a little tacky and you wouldn’t be able to get into it that much. It wasn’t like you had a lack of extremely hot men in your life.
You were wrong.
Kari had hired a Clint look alike and he came in wearing what looked like a purple gladiator skirt you squealed with excitement and took your seat in the middle of the room. ‘Stripper’ was a generous term. The guy was mostly naked when he got there, but he oiled himself up and gyrated on your lap, making you run your hands over his chest and butt as he danced. When he did strip off what clothing he did have, he had you lie on the ground while he did push-ups over you, much to the delight of every other woman there.
It was one in the morning by the time you were all kicked out and you were glad you were having an afternoon ceremony.
“Alright, let’s get you to your hotel room, Mrs. Barton,” Kari said as you stumbled into the back of the limousine.
“No…” you slurred. “I wanna go home.”
“Honey,” Wanda said gently. “You have a hair appointment and ten in Brooklyn and it’s over a two-hour drive from here to home even when there’s no traffic.”
“Don’t care,” you mumbled. “You’re going home aren’t you?”
“Yes,” she agreed. “But you have your hotel room.”
“Wanna go home!” you shouted.
“Oh my god,” Kari groaned and ran her hands down her face.
Natasha tapped on the partition that divided you from the driver. “Change of plans, we’re all going back to the compound.”
“Thank you, Tasha,” you mumbled, curling up against her side.
“You’re welcome, zoloste,” she said, wrapping an arm around you. “Try and get a little sleep in on the car ride.”
“And just so you know,” Kari said. “If I only get 3 hours of sleep because of you, Imma kill you.”
You closed your eyes and gave her the finger making Natasha laugh loudly.
Thankfully, all four of you did get some sleep on the limo ride home. By the time the car was pulling up outside your house, you’d gotten two solid sleep cycles in. You had sobered up a bit, but you were definitely still feeling it when you stumbled inside.
You tripped over the dog as you let yourself inside making him yelp and you crouched down guiltily and patted him. “I’m so sorry, puppy. I didn’t see you. And to be honest, I’m kind of drunk.”
He seemed to forgive you, licking your face excitedly as he wagged his tail. Clint appeared at the top of the stairs and looked down at you confused. “Honey?” he said, softly. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the hotel?”
You stood and wound your way to him. “Wanted to see you,” you said when you reached him, tapping him on the chest.
“Isn’t it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?” he asked, wrapping an arm around your waist and supporting you as the two of you made your way upstairs.
“Fuck that,” you said. “I like it better when you’re in my bed.”
He chuckled softly. “Might want to modulate your voice there, babe,” he teased. “Gonna wake Nattie up.”
He got you through the door and started to help you out of your clothes. “Did you have fun?”
“Mm-hmm…” you hummed as you flopped back on the bed and let Clint strip you off. “The stripper kinda looked like you. But not as hot.”
“That’s nice to hear,” he teased. “Come on, get into bed. It’s very late.”
“Nuh-uh,” you said grabbing the hem of his pajama shirt. “I want your penis inside my vagina.”
Clint laughed so hard he snorted. “That’s the best futzing dirty talk I’ve ever heard.”
“Please, Clint,” you whined. “I want you so fucking bad. And it’s my wedding day.”
Clint couldn’t stop laughing and he leaned down and kissed your temple. “How can I say no to that?”
You grinned and yanked down his pajama pants and nosed up his cock, placing small kisses and kitten-licking up his shaft as it hardened under your attention. You pulled it into your mouth, still semi-erect, and began to suck. Clint groaned and bunched his hands in your hair, his cock hardening fully in your mouth. You slowly bobbed your head up and down his shaft as you massaged and tugged on his balls. He let his head fall back and his hand slipped between your legs and he began to finger your clit, matching the slow pace you were setting as you sucked up and down his shaft.
As you moved faster up and down, his finger circled faster over your clit. You moaned around his cock and dropped your head down, your lips pressing flush against his groin as you deepthroated him.
“Fuck,” he groaned and patted your thigh. “If you want my penis to go into your vagina tonight you might wanna get up on the bed.”
You scrambled back up on the bed and Clint crawled up after you. He fished around in the side table as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “What are you doing?”
“Getting a condom,” he said, pulling one out of the drawer.
“No,” you complained and whacked his hand, sending the packet flying across the room.
Clint started laughing and looked down at you. “What the hell? You’re not on birth control anymore, remember?”
You looked up at him and cradled his jaw. “I said it had to wait until the wedding,” you said. “The wedding is today.”
Clint blinked down at you as he processed the words you just said. “You wanna start trying right now?”
You nodded. “Don’t you?”
In way of answer, he brought his lips to yours and kissed you deeply, his lips slowly moving with yours. You moaned into his lips and brought your knees up and with a snap of his hips, he was inside you.
His hips rolled, pushing himself deeper into you as the base of his cock rubbed against your clit. His lips never left yours, and you began to get light-headed as your lips turned numb.
As your head became fuzzy, the rest of your body began to prickle and buzz. Each thrust of Clint’s body against yours sent current after current through you. You dug your fingers into his back and moaned into his lips. Your cunt ached and dripped around his cock as he penetrated you again and again.
You fell apart, your body seizing as you came, crying out into his lips. Clint broke the kiss looking down into your eyes and picking up his pace. You groaned and bucked your hips with him. “Fuck, Clint,” you moaned. “Give it to me.”
He pulled your leg up and you began to rub your clit. Your cunt clenched suddenly and another orgasm hit. You clenched your teeth and cried out arching your back as it washed through you. His hips jerked into you and he released, groaning as his cock pulsed and filled you with come.
“Fuck…” he sighed and held himself inside you as his cock stilled.
“Mm… that’s exactly what I wanted all night,” you hummed.
“All night you were thinking about fucking me?” Clint teased. “I don’t believe that.”
“Some of it,” you giggled.
Clint slipped out of you and picked up your hips, shaking you gently. “Get in there, little guys. Do your work.”
You laughed and kicked your legs. “Clint!”
He chuckled and lay down beside you, pulling you in his arms. “Alright, go to sleep,” he said. “I’m getting married tomorrow.”
“Yeah?” you asked. “Who’s the lucky lady?”
“Just some random,” he teased. “Got her knocked up and now I gotta make an honest woman of her.”
You giggled and nuzzled into him. It wasn’t too long before sleep came for you.
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mikkel-nielsen · 3 years
Another season of the circle usa came out so you all know what this means
(Also how the fuck are they on season 3 already but we have nothing on the circle france and the circle brazil)
Calvin seems like every other hot guy that has been on the circle which it can work out for him
I love recognizing the apartments we have seen before
Michelle is… intense I guess
I hope Kai gets far in the game I like her
Ahhhh our first catfish Matthew aka “Ashley” I hope you know how to do make up
The fuck is that “about me”, Matthew???
“Being young and looking dumb is totally my strategy” i- jakajakajka ok then Daniel
I’m dying with the cocktail answer
Nick’s strategy is… interesting but also I am not vibing with him
I mean I do love a bulldog so he’s not wrong
Ava and Chanel they are… welp a lot, it will be interesting to see if my ears will handle it
Whats a spicy virgin margarita???
Why would you say this ewww
Daniel has stan twitter energy take that as you whatever you want
The ending at the first episode I was not expecting that
Michelle really showing her claws love that
My ears are bleeding omg
God damnit if they go with blue Michelle I’ll fucking loose it her stories are so fucking vague like ???? Put your brains to work
Thank you Daniel for representing me in this men gc
God damn they are dumb, I- literally what can I say at this point
Sophia aka “Isabella” I love you already
Rachel aka “Jackson”… again one more hot guy let’s see how she does
Ahhhh I love the circle games aaaaaa
Not me screaming russell at the computer like they could hear… I hate it here
“I’m straight I’m straight” HELP JAKAJAKAJKA
Sophia is having such a hard time flirting with Nick ajkajak poor girl
Ruksana my love
Oh poor Daniel damn 😭
Ruksana and Daniel’s private chat awnnnn
FACE TO FACE???? Oh shitttt
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