#damn thats a lotta tags
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k1ngsnak3 · 4 months ago
The Hall of Victims Victors is soon to welcome a new display.
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Close ups under the cut
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mchlkpng · 3 months ago
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Magic System:
There are 7 guilds with 2 faces: Each guild has a term representing them (Mortality, Temperature, Ambience, Health, Energy, Substance) and each has a day face, and a night face, with one's counterpart being the color in reverse order. This applies for all guilds except one.
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doomedclockworkdotmp3 · 4 months ago
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i didnt write my essay for this 👍👍
im so festive with my red and green color combos n whatnot
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torturednorns · 10 months ago
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from late at night
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goodburger1997 · 2 years ago
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Wanted to draw some selfship art AND diaperfur art so.... 2 birds with one stone XD
if anyone says weird shit about them wearing diapers its on site
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is there a reason my cat keeps furiously scratching at my door at 4am every night
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jitterbugbear · 7 months ago
you guys i might actually be a genius i figured out how to make a dvd menu with a subtitles section where you can turn them on or off AND IT ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKS
im going to learn how to make custom dvd menus even if it fucking kills me
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another-delta-lover · 12 days ago
[ ♡°* 🌟⭐️ DRAWING DUMP POST ⭐️🌟 *°♡ ]
TW: EYE CONTACT, Very slight GORE, "NUDITY" (not really), ROPE, SELF-HARM SCARS!!!
Cool ahh drawing I made in English Class while I wasnt payin attention. Teacher got angy but liked the drawin.
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WHITE FACE‼️‼️🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🤍🤍🤍🩶🩶🖤🖤🖤 and the monster from Dont Open Your Eyes and the Cube Escape games :P
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♡♡♡♡ The reason why I started drawin in the first place, Ballora <3 ♡♡♡♡ my wife...
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AND HEBY!!! :333 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ teeheeee
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Damn thats a lotta tags--
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months ago
That things to incorporate in smut post got me thinking. In a roundabout way that’s prob only indirectly smutty. Ok, say Jim had managed to acquire a younger girlfriend (which he totally thinks gives bragging rights because let’s be real, he’d be forever going on about it), pre-chow time. Post…well, look at how obviously different he moves. Not just the limp, but the caution. He’s more AWARE now that he’s an old guy *coughwithmoobsbutilovethatforhimcough* Very mortal. Very missing half his parts. GF still has more than half her life left, barring any unfortunate circumstances.
I think he’d be an absolutely tragic nightmare combo of clingy/flirty/tell him still think he’s hot/you can be the sexy nurse, but then when the phantom pains get bad enough to make him really THINK about it, he’s all cranky from wounded ego. No, he DOESN’T want a massage (because that’s a thing you can do for phantom limbs, apparently). He’s not taking his pants off for THAT, thanks. Maybe tries to spin it into something dirty, like “but if you’re asking for more fun reasons…” Before he just gives up and goes back to sulking. Says just hand him the booze and go away, he’s got things to drink about for awhile.
OMG YES- AND PROSTHETICS TOO! If I make smut for Jim, or Long John Silver, or Captain Hook- will absolutely be putting detail in about that. Thank you for the reminder!
And, yes!! He is a lot more cautious and grounded in the second movie! Obviously- because of trauma (I mean- look at my last post.). And I like how you're suggesting that only getting mauled by a croc made him realise he's old. Like, the general aging process did not do it for him (Which honestly makes sense, considering how he watches the coach get attacked in Final Chapter- he's watching like he's invincible. That would n e v e r happen to him right?? Sure, to his father and his mother and his aunt- but not him. Nooo.); he had to lose his limbs to get humbled. (Crazy person.)
Once again- yes! XD I totally agree on how he'd be after that with his S/O 😅 She can play sexy nurse, fine, but as soon as the concern gets real she's got a grumpy old man on her hands. He doesn't need anyone worrying over him, he's a grown ass man and (At least this is my HC) he's been on his own for a l o n g time (I mean he's a sleazy alcoholic low-life illegal poacher- I doubt he's got a whole lotta trustworthy friends.); he can take care of himself. He'd be stubborn as fuck, very very used to doing shit on his own; Gritting and bearing it; D r i n k i n g his problems away. Accepting help? Pff, nah.
I couldn't help it- I had to write a little something for this XD
Jim Bickerman x YoungerGirlfriend!Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: A typical night trying to make Jim take care of himself causes a couple revelations for you both. Mostly for you, because he's too damn stubborn to believe you.
Warnings: Very evident age-difference relationship (Its a major theme this time). Insecurities regarding aging and prosthetics. Unedited.
Tagging: @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball and @slxsherwriter
Its a stand-still. You imagine a tumbleweed blowing by in the untidy above-bar apartment; between the ratty old couch and the beer-damp coffee table, and across old jack bottles and a loose-strand mat thats seen far better days. But your focus is stead-fast on Jim across the room by the window. You're half concerned he's going to try and climb out of it to get away from you.
Well- not concerned-concerned, not in a way where you're worried he's going to hurt himself (Thats his prerogative), but more because then he'll escape. And you wont be able to get his damn leg off.
"Jim." You start, a very firm frustrated tone moulding itself to the sound of your voice; not taking your eyes off of the old cowboy so he knows you mean business. "The doctors said you need to take it off at night so the wound can b r e a t h e. If you don't, it can suffocate and get worse. You could lose more of your leg."
"Yeah, well, then it'll get worse! I'll lose more, wont I?" He exclaims, giving a shrug and you throw your arms up in frustration at this quick responce. This man!!- "Its my leg and I'll decide when I take it off."
"Just let me help you, you old coot!"
He waives his hand and the new hook around and shrugs. "I'm fine! Don't need aany help, thank you very- hey." The sudden dark tone that enters his voice creep in as soon as you move to approach and makes you halt immediately in your tracks as he sets you with a very stern look. Jim points his hook prosthetic threateningly at you. "You stay right there."
Well, it would have been threatening if you didn't know him so well. He was not going to hurt you, so you take another step. "Or what?" You ask, shrugging.
"Don't be cute." He warns, a growl in his voice and a snarl on his face.
"Whatever do you mean?- Oh, come on, Jim!" Mid-sentence, Jim had turned around and opened the window. "Its dark, its raining, and its slippery. how do you suppose you're gonna climb down??"
"I already left a ladder out there, assuming you were gonna start this shit again t'night." Of course he did. "Just gotta slide to it. Hm... " The way he's peering out the window suggests that he kind of forgot, though, the exact location of the ladder on the other end of the porch cover below the window sill. Would that stop him, though? No-
Ughh. You groan, and drop your face into your hands out of exasperation.
You managed to compromise- he gets to keep his leg on but you convinced him to take off the hook, so long as you handled opening his beers for him. Now you sit side by side under the window (The cool air from the rain is nice after the heat of the stand-off and negotiations). Carefully, you pull the tab on a can of gross beer and pass it across to him. "... so. Same time tomorrow night?" You ask, a worn-out smile on your face.
He chuckles darkly beside you, taking a sip of his drink. "Probably. 'nless you plan on leavin' me alone?"
"No." Nice try on that wishful thinking.
"Then yeah. Same time, same place then."
"... you know you have to give in eventually," You pipe up again, turning your head to look at him, leaning your temple on the wall. When he looks back, you flash him a sleazy smirk (You learnt from the best). "I have better stamina then you do."
That unlocks a real chuckle from him, his shoulders jumping and a smile flickering across his face in a way that makes your smile turn genuine. "Yeah, well, you might be right about that princes but I'm a lot older then you- I know things a lotta you don't, right?" He looks away from you. "And I don't anticipate you stickin' around here forever, so eventually I'll be home-safe." Your heart falls, and the smile slowly disappears from your face listening to him- but he doesn't seem to make any note of it as he flashes you a dirty look of his own. "No matter how good your stamina is."
"... what, on earth, do you mean?"
Jim gives a shrug. "Well sweetheart, just- you're a sweet young little thing. I'm uh- well," Chuckling, his eyes move away from yours again. "I'm a little past my prime, hm? Pretty sure I know how this story plays out. Eh?" There isn't a self deprecating vibe about what he's saying, he just sounds certain. And that baffles you all the more.
You straighten up. "No?? Well, you'd be wrong. Because, I- I- "
"Aw, sweetheart, you don't needta reassure an old man. I'm fine with all this is. Sure, I like ya, but I know what I am, hm? A little bump in the road, right? I'll be fine when you go off an- "
Oh you have never wanted to smack someone so bad. "Jim!" You exclaim in exasperation and a lick anger, cutting through the absolute bullshit. "First of all- " You take the beer out of his hands, set it clearly out of his reach, and then sit down very firmly in front of him; hands on his shoulders. Holding his attention. He looks bemused, and you wish he'd wipe that little grin off his damn face. "Second of all, listen up. I'm serious, here. I'm not going anywhere, not as far as I'm concerned right now. You're a pain in the butt sometimes but I really don't know where this idea that our relationship has an expiration date is coming from. When we met you were in this- what changed??"
"Well," He chuckles, sounding like he thinks whatever he's thinking is just obvious before he looks meaningfully down at himself. "Uh, I'm not exactly g.i. joe fresh outta the box, am I sweetcheeks? Don't even got all my pieces anymore."
Your jaw drops, and for a moment you don't know what on earth to say. You feel like you cant even breathe. Is that what this is about?? Oh- for gods sake. Setting your face in a frustrated frown, you get up- only momentarily- and climb on into Jim's lap; wrapping your arms around his neck and getting comfortable with a sigh.
"Listen," After taking a deep breath, you force your voice to be low and soft, and start again. "You're hot. How can you not know that?? I knew you were crazy but I didn't know you were out of your mind."
A slow, mirthless grin spreads across his haggard face. "... uhuh. Now I think you're just trynna get in my pants, hm?" Oh, he's deflecting. You refrain from the urge to roll your eyes, but come on man. How transparent.
"Maybe I am. Know why?"
"... " he sighs and rolls his remaining eye.
"Cuz you're hot!" You insist blatantly, putting your hands on either side of his face now so the tips of your fingers disappear in his short grey hair. "Please believe me, I'm nuts about you."
"Sure... "
"Everything about you is perfect. I like you; how you are and how you look." You say gently, tilting your head to the side. "... which is why, no matter how difficult you are or what you do to yourself, I'm not going anywhere. You can refuse help all you like, be as stubborn as you can old man, but I'm in this for long haul. So unless you don't want me, anymore, in which case I'll leave and thats fine, I- "
He had let you speak and do whatever you wanted this whole time, only interrupting when you paused, but when you move to get up and off him now Jim uses his one good hand to catch you and keep you where you are, with a finger in one of your belt loops. "Hmmm, now why would I want that?... "
Happily, you settle back down, wrap your arms back around his neck and lean your forehead against his. "... do you believe me?"
"... Not really." He says bluntly with a cheeky grin, making you groan in defeat. Stubborn. Old. Goa- "But I believe you believe all that crap right now- so I'll just enjoy the ride, huh? Long as it plays out."
Closing your eyes, you give a drawn-out sigh. "... you'll see."
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cakiette · 1 year ago
🎀🦴 moar fmfs fanart for @mothytheghost muhuahua- >:3 ur au is great asf
☆ object ocs r not mine ^_^
☆ fmfs au belongs to @mothytheghost ^w^
☆ characters: mecintosh, smol bebe cobs
notes : mothy i have more fanart 4 u but like my social anxiety is telling me “NO” but err yeah hope u lieky it ☆ btw srry for tagging u sm ik this is the damn 2nd time but still
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❝ 'Cause I just had a dream I was dead. And I only cared 'cause I was taken from you.❞
yeah mecintosh had a bad dream ik robots dont dream but like
its for the drama ok
btw the quote thingy is from pinkpantheress’s new song “Mosquito”
i jammed to that song while drawing other things and i went like what if i do this thingy and thats how i made it
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★ — i love these new dividers i found!!!
( o'ω')o hugs for whoever made the dividers ((those arent mine btw)
★— Omgg,, thats a lotta tags 🏷️
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monsterwithasweater · 2 years ago
Since I can finally make polls now...
I don't know, I'm bored.
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aethergate · 2 years ago
🤡 - Sora 🎢 - Figment 🎨 - Marluxia 🌙 - Bendy ❣️ - Gaster 🍽️ - Pinocchio (LEAVE YOUR GRUEL ERA, MY SON)
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
I'd say a lot of the times he's like.. trying to avoid a topic and then Donald and Goofy call him out on it, even if it's something small. Like for example, sometimes he'll think about him and Kairi and Donald and Goofy will point it out and he'll get real embarrassed about it. I think anyone would be embarrassed about it, but like.. he doesn't really get embarrassed about much else? He kind of takes all his goofs in stride and fully embraces it rather then getting embarrassed.
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
Oh yeah, he LOVES amusement parks, a good bit why being that he y'know. Lives in one. But also he just loves seeing how much joy the thrill of it can generate. As for actually riding them he enjoys them just about as he enjoys anything else. Also journey into imagination sweep he stands his brand strongly.
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
Not all that surprising, pink! Blue is a second, but not close. Everything else he feels pretty neutral about, except yellow. Fuck the color yellow.
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
Awful. Literally the worst. Guy hardly sleeps ever because he gets awful, super vivid nightmares, and whenever he does sleep, he gets waken up by something as simple as someone walking past his door. He hardly ever sleeps just in general.
❣️ - What are their love languages?
That's a good question, actually... Physical Touch is a good one just because like. He kind of hates how he is physically.. and also he hasn't really felt proper touch in like, years. Many of them. Many. That and probably words of affirmation as well as quality time - honestly mostly anything that involves really assuring him that he's like.. here, with the person. His issues <3.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
HIS GRUEL!!! HE LIKES HIS GRUEL!!! But seriously I think he enjoys savory foods and then sweet, and like.... I don't know if he's branched out enough food wise to really have a favorite? He probably really likes pies, and he gets those with Snow, so there's that for currently speaking! A lot of the foods he probably branched out with and tried were on pleasure island so he can't really count anything there as a favorite even though he liked a lot of it.
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sammyloomis · 4 years ago
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ericon kidzzz (+ james)
and a bonus sophie:
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purplepakwan · 6 years ago
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Matching costumes?
Matching costumes.
(Bonus taakitz under the cut!! :DD)
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luacomputa · 3 years ago
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Damn... I have made a HECK load of progress on this project since the first post of it I made on here. Here's the list of stuff I have done today:
-Mostly finished the first 2 bosses however they still need some polish and gameplay improvements
-The title screen
-One of the music tracks
That's quite a lot for one day. I am S P E E D!!!! Anyway yeah! This project has been really fun and addicting to work on (probably the reason why I have made so much progress today) and I'm excited to make more progress on it soon!
Also... @pari-prince look who it is in the first 2 screenshots :)))))
Okay that's it! Have a nice day/night!!!!!
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Recently I’ve been getting the idea to make a clown themed shmup (aka shoot em up for those who don’t know what “shmup” means) that takes place in the whole “clown husbandry” world or whatever. In terms of progress I have made, I’ve made (as you can see) the player’s spritesheet and the spritesheet for the first boss. I have also made a quick prototype which features the important stuff (movement, death, shooting, enemy death, etc). The current title for the game is “Clown gutz“ cause it sounds cool and makes sense with the fact it features a lot of big spooky clowns.
Anywaaaayyyyyy… on to what this shit is about!!!!!!
You play as a clown girl who is really pissed at how clowns are being exploited. So much so that she has become grey, sad and mad. What is this exploitation I’m talking about? Well, recently rogue scientists have been genetically modifying and abusing clowns into becoming giant insane mutated beasts who only have one intended purpose… to be put into these all new clown fighting rings that only exist for human entertainment (which of course are bad)! So, as one does when scientists are abusing clowns, she gets on her dumb little circus… ship… thing (idk) and goes off to where these mutant clowns are to put a stop to the chaos.
Anyway the gameplay is a sorta mix of mega man (in terms of level structure) and a normal boss rush + shmup game. Essentially the stages are split up into 2 parts. The first part is a very short obstacle course that you have to navigate through and the second part (aka the main part) is the boss fight. Each boss has its own gimmick and there are 3-5 of em planned. Each stage will try to introduce them to you before the fight starts.
Aaaaaand that’s all I have planned for now! Hope you like the art btw!
(please give feedback and suggestions btw (could be on the story, gameplay, characters, etc))
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nachitos-archived · 3 years ago
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(Click for better quality) Emerald Elves winner’s POV! I am absolutely stoked to see these boys all together–I hope they have a great time (Reblogs greatly appreciated!
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