#damn I was really hoping for a Christmas burning
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December 25th 2024
#damn I was really hoping for a Christmas burning#that’s okay a new years burning is just as nice#but preferably it would burn earlier#gavle goat#gavlebocken#christmas#the gavle goat stands#gavle goat 2024
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Someone in the Crowd
12 Days of Christmas: Day 12, January 5th, 2025
ITZY’s Lee Chaeryeong & Shin Ryujin x Male Reader
10.1k words
Christmas Masterlist

A/N: The work itself is going to be a little confusing because of the frequent perspective shift, hope you enjoy it! Also, thanks for the support during the last twelve days!
Another Day Of Sun
“So, Yeji,” Ryujin lets the last words trail off in the air. She’s twisting her ankles in nervousness. “I’d like to ask you something~”
Yeji doesn’t look up from her Percy Jackson and The Titan’s Curse. “What is it, Ryu?”
Ryujin giggles. She can do this. “You know you’ve always been my role model in a lot of things, being the strong and fierce leader you are~”
“Yeah, sure, strong and fierce.” Yeji pulls up an air quote, clearly amused by her friend’s sudden compliment.
“Yes, I love you, Yeji,” Ryujin sulks, putting her hands on Yeji’s shoulder. Yeji’s walls are crumbling.
“I love you too, Ryu,” Yeji says, without looking into Ryujin’s eyes. She’s still focused on her book. It’s probably the fun part. She seems to be in the middle of the book, though, not sure what’s so fun about that. Ryujin is more of a romance type than a fantasy one.
Ryujin giggles again. “Hehe, so, as I’ve said, I’d like to ask you for something.”
Yeji clenches her brows a little, but her eyes are still on the book. She flips it to another page. “For something?”
Ryujin’s smile is so bright it hurts. She’s definitely going to get this. Yeji’s giving in to her! “Tonight–”
Yeji suddenly closes her book, and Ryujin’s gleeful expression collapses. Fuck. Yeji didn’t even mark the page she was reading on!
Ryujin is definitely not going to get this.
Chaeryeong is waiting in her room, kicking her feet in a burning anticipation. Will she have to stay here tonight?
The US tour has been, to say the least, draining for the girls. Yuna is still asleep at two in the afternoon after last night’s show, while Jisu is now throwing profanities into her microphone to her Helldivers' teammates. Chaeryeong and Ryujin, on the other hand, have been planning to go somewhere on their last night in the US. They just have to ask for Yeji’s permission first.
She really needs this, and all she hears are faint mumbles from Ryujin and Yeji talking. Her heart is beating fast.
She really needs this, and it’s killing her.
She really needs this.
“Y–Yeah, t–tonight,” Ryujin stutters. Her face turns pale from fear. Is Yeji going to scold her?
“It’s not safe, Ryu. Do you know what can happen here?” Yeji’s expression is nothing but concern, caring for her friend’s well-being. Ryujin knows this, but the blazing fire inside her tells her to keep going.
“Yeji, please, I’m so tired from the tour. I really need this!” Ryujin argues, but it proves fruitless, as Yeji rolls her eyes.
“I’m sorry, but you can’t, Ryujin.” Yeji uses her full name. She’s serious about this. She throws the book onto her bed with a thud.
“Nothing’s going to change my mind. Try,” says Yeji, her posture inviting Ryujin to bring up an argument.
She has already made up her mind. It’s over.
“F–Fine, Yeji,” and Ryujin walks away, heart full of disappointment.
Chaeryeong watches Ryujin walking into the living area, crestfallen. Oh, it was no for an answer.
“Is everything okay, Ryu?” she asks.
“She said no,” Ryujin answers, still looking down on the floor despondently.
Poor Ryujin, she’s so bad at persuasion.
“I’ll talk to her.”
“Yeji,” Chaeryeong says.
Yeji is back to her Percy Jackson and The Titan’s Curse. It’s probably the fun part. She seems to be in the middle of the book, though, not sure what’s so fun about that. Chaeryeong is more of a mystery type than a fantasy one.
She looks up from her book, adjusting her glass a bit. “Same thing?” God, she just read Chaeryeong so damn easily.
Chaeryeong sighs, walking towards the bed before sitting down. The bed creaks a little. “You know, Ryu has given her all for this tour. It’s normal that she’d need some relief. You understand how our lives go, right?”
Yeji sighs. Her expression softens. “I’m sorry, Chae. It’s just not safe out there! I can’t let you guys risk your lives just for a night out. What if you get abducted? What if someone recognizes you?”
“We’ll be careful, Yeji. I can assure you of that.” Chaeryeong pleads, putting her hand on Yeji’s. Chaeryeong has nothing but her promise.
Yeji sighs again. She’ll probably see their effort through the tour. They deserve this.
“Fine, Chae. Be careful, alright?” Yeji plants a kiss on Chaeryeong’s forehead. “Have your pepper sprays ready. Have our numbers on the speed dial.”
Chaeryeong beams. She’s going to have a lot of fun with Ryujin tonight. “Thanks, Yeji.”
“So, for the first week’s assignment, just give me anything, alright? Just give me anything you got.”
The professor’s words echo inside your head.
Well, what’s it going to be?
It has been the question you’ve been asking yourself since last Monday, and it’s Sunday now. You’ve tried picking the ones from your Japan trip years ago, but none of them looks good enough. You’ve gone to the Statue of Liberty. You’ve gone to Central Park. You’ve gone to the Brooklyn Bridge. None seemed to work.
Should I pick something from my home? No, that’s too cliché. Should I pick someone? That’s even worse. Everyone’s going to laugh at you.
So, here you are, in a bar at 6 PM, venting your struggle to your bartender uncle in a nightclub—under this eye mask the bodyguards insisted you wear.
You just can’t find a photo to hand in for the first assignment.
“Is there any bar you’d recommend to us, mister driver?”
The young driver has had his mouth opened wide for at least a few minutes now, unable to find a voice in his throat. Ryujin has to ask for the third time, and he’s still in shock to see his idols in the back of his seats.
“Mister driver?” Ryujin asks again. Her patience is running thin. Is her presence that shocking to someone?
“Let’s just open Google Maps and pick some random bar, Ryu,” Chaeryeong says.
“W–Wait,” the driver finally says something. “I know a place. I–It’s pretty private.”
Ryujin smirks at the response, and it sounds like a nice place to be tonight. “Take us there, mister driver.”
The night wears on, and people are filling the club. You’ve been looking at the photos on your phone for three hours now, and you just can’t seem to find the perfect photo for tomorrow.
The techno music shakes your body, sounds like Reznor and Ross. The colored lights get into your eyes sometimes, but they’re having less effect than they should’ve been. You’re still concentrating on your device. Some people have even bumped into you, but only an apology and your eyes are back at your phone.
“Anything yet, tiger?” your uncle asks, shaking his bartender thing you’ve never cared to learn its name. It kind of works as a percussion instrument.
“Nothing as always,” you reply with slight disdain. You’re going to be doomed when the sun rises.
He laughs, pouring the contents inside his percussion into a cocktail glass. “Try going out there and dancing! Perhaps you’ll find an inspiration~”
You smile softly back at him, but dancing really is not your thing. “I’m not really good at it, uncle. I’ll have to pass.” You take a sip of your Long Island Iced Tea.
He pulls your glass back, staring into your eyes with an encouraging smile. “Look, I’m not going to let your ass sit here being all hopeless like that. Get out there and dance!” he orders, smiling.
You sigh, giving in to his demand. “Fine.”
“Get someone back to your place too if you can!” your uncle says with a smirk before you walk away into the raving crowd.
“Thanks, mister driver,” Ryujin says before handing back the freshly signed Crazy in Love album to him. He’s shaking with excitement.
Ryujin and Chaeryeong get out of the taxi to a normal-looking nightclub. Two muscular bodyguards are standing beside the door. Damn, they look scary.
“IDs please,” one of the bodyguards says sternly, and both Ryujin and Chaeryeong comply immediately, showing their cards.
The bodyguards examine the IDs carefully, making sure that the women are of age. The air thickens, and Ryujin finds her limbs freezing up. Are they going to be recognized? Are they going to be denied from getting inside?
After a while, they finally nod in agreement and give the IDs back to her. Ryujin lets go of the breath that she doesn’t know she has been holding.
“Here are your masks. Enjoy the trip!” the other bodyguard says, winking at them with a smile. The tension drops. He hands two fancy-looking eye masks to the women.
He probably knows her and Chae.
Someone in the Crowd
Fuck, how can Ryujin hear her in a place like this?
The EDM music blares through the club. The colorful lights shine onto them. Chaeryeong scans over the club to find a quiet corner to avoid recognition. They still have to be cautious, even with a mask on. Sadly, there’s none, leaving them with only two options: leaving, or trying to blend in with the crowd.
Chaeryeong weighs the choices. The first one leaves her despondent, while the second one contains the risk of getting exposed by Dispatch by tomorrow morning.
This is hard.
But before she can decide, Ryujin drags her into the lively pack of people.
“We deserve this!” she shouts, pulling Chaeryeong’s hand into the crowd.
Chaeryeong feels unsure. She needs this, of course, but the fear of uncertainty lingers, and she just can’t let it go.
“Don’t live to regret this, Chae! We only live once!” Ryujin shouts.
That alone seems to make sense to Chaeryeong.
You aren’t sure what moves you are making. They probably look funny. God, you’re embarrassing yourself.
The bass vibrates the air around you and the crowd. You find yourself in the middle of the club, seeing people grinding on each other (even one another can be seen beside you, you swear). You start to feel the heat growing in your pants at the sight. If someone would be beside you right now.
The DJ announces something you can’t quite make out. The crowd roars in rejoice as you’re bored to death. Suddenly, the music changes to ITZY’s Wannabe. Holy shit, you recognize this. You can dance to it, at least a little.
Jansorineun stop it
People start to do Shin Ryujin’s iconic shoulder dance beside you, and you can’t help but join in. Her high-pitched singing voice fills the air with energy, and it flows through you so damn freely, injecting the missing liveliness into you. It’s giving you the life you’ve been missing for the last three hours.
Araseo halge
And that’s the first time you’re having fun tonight.
They’re singing their song?
Chaeryeong looks over at Ryujin to see her dancing to it, and she can’t help but follow her friend’s iconic move, smiling. She looks around to see the people also imitating the move. Damn, Ryujin must be so happy.
As the song goes on, Ryujin and Chaeryeong are laughing and dancing joyfully. People are singing and moving to their song! She finds herself beaming uncontrollably to see her efforts not going to waste. It’s like there’s a spotlight shining on them, and that couldn’t make her happier.
I wanna be me, me, me
The crowd cheers, along with Ryujin and her. The concept and message feel so simple, looking back, but the effect it had on people makes Chaeryeong so ecstatic.
Just be yourself.
This really is their night.
After a little over three minutes in heaven, the song ends, transitioning to the citizen-darling APT. You’re still enjoying it, but the thirst in your throat starts to grow.
It’s time for a drink!
You go back to the bar, evading the people grinding on each other (or one another, you don’t judge them, anyway) to your destination. You tap your hands softly on your thighs to the rhythm of the song.
You find your uncle waiting for you, standing in front of your seat, smiling happily at his nephew’s effort. He’s making a drink in his percussion thing. You’re making him proud.
“How did it go?” he shouts, shaking the drink masterfully.
You let out a somewhat drunk laugh. “It was fun. You were right!” Alcohol is starting to have an effect on you.
“Told ya,” your uncle says, before walking to the other side of the bar, leaving you tapping your fingers to the song alone.
Apateu apateu, apateu apateu
Chaeryeong dances to the beat joyfully. She loves this song, always has been. Her arms and legs are moving in sync to the beat. She’s happy. She’s ecstatic, even.
What she hasn’t realized yet is that–
“God, I fucking love this–”
–her friend is missing.
Apateu apateu, uh uh-huh uh-huh
Ryujin is probably going to the toilet, though. Maybe she should just keep dancing along to the song. Ryujin should be back soon.
“Long Island Iced Tea, please,” Ryujin says to the bartender. A young man is close to her. He’s tapping his fingers to the rhythm of the song disinterestedly. Is he waiting for something?
The bartender laughs. “Well, my nephew also likes it! Wanna make it two?” He asks the young man, who seems lost in his head. He only nods.
Ryujin lets out a small smile, before taking the seat next to him. He seems nice. Should she talk to him a bit?
The young man turns to her.
“Having fun?”
He nods, smiling.
Ryujin lets out a small laugh. What should she start the conversation with?
“Do you listen to ITZY?”
Fuck, why did she ask that? What if–
“Yeah,” he says groggily. He’s clearly starting to get drunk. Thank god, she can probably show her true colors with him without much worry.
“Were you here when they played Wannabe?” he asks. His uncle hands him the Long Island Iced Tea.
Ryujin can’t help but let out a smile. He recognizes one of her songs! She then softly makes the shoulder dance, making him chuckling and following her moves.
He seems like a cool guy.
Where the fuck is Ryujin?
Chaeryeong starts her search for her friend, who has now been gone for twenty minutes. She’d never go for a long bathroom break anywhere outside of the hotel, of course. ‘They’re dirty’, she once said.
Chaeryeong scans the crowd for a short-haired woman in a blue denim jacket, but there’s none to be found. Her heart rate rises. What if she was actually abducted?
She tries to call Ryujin, but she doesn’t answer. She needs to go somewhere she can rely on.
Shit, the bar it is.
Chaeryeong walks towards the white area in the club's corner. She’s going to ask someone if they had seen a short-haired woman in her denim jacket, blue. She’s going to find Ryujin without raising a suspicion. She’s going to find her friend.
And be it fate, be it a mere coincidence. She does a double take, then a triple take. She finds her friend sitting at the bar, talking to a young man. Ryujin is rejoicing in the conversation, so does he.
Thank god.
“Hey, I thought I lost you!”
A sound comes from your right. You look over to find a tall, long-haired woman walking towards you two. She’s in a tight-fitted dress that shows off her curves beautifully.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” says the short-haired woman. She seems calm, unlike her friend, who looks a bit worried, hands shaking beside herself.
“Thank god,” the long-haired woman says, annoyed by her friend’s antics. “Don’t fucking go somewhere else alone, alright?”
The short-haired woman only giggles.
The long-haired woman shakes her head. “So, who’s this guy?”
The short-haired woman introduces you to her friend, who’s listening intently. You give her a handshake before dragging the chair behind you close for her to sit down.
And the night begins, for real this time.
The conversation goes on. Many Long Island Iced Teas are served to the three of you, and by the time you look at your watch, it’s eleven already.
Time flies when you have fun.
The conversation with these two unknown women has been nothing short of calming to you—a contradiction to the raging music around. You’ve talked about your life as a photography student, while they’ve talked about their careers. You find out that they work together, and you understand how tiring and demanding their job is.
“Is it fun working with your friend?”
The two women look at each other before laughing. “Well, it’s good sometimes. But yeah, there are times that I get tired of her face,” the short-haired woman says, as the other nudges her shoulder softly.
“Damn you.”
You look at your watch again. You should go to bed now; class is tomorrow morning!
“So, it has been nice talking to you guys–” you’re trying to sound as polite as possible before drinking up the last of your cocktail. “–but I have a class tomorrow morning, and–”
“Aww–” the short-haired woman sulks, kicking her feet like a child “–can’t you just stay? For us?”
“Yeah, please?” the other woman chimes in.
You genuinely appreciate their gestures, but you can’t stay up late like this, especially in a nightclub.
“I’m sorry, guys, but I really have to go.”
Ask for their contacts!
You pull your phone out of your pocket. “Can I have your Instagrams?”
The women smirk at each other. “Sure, if you can promise you’ll tell nobody about this,” the long-haired woman says.
It’s a bit weird, really, but they probably have their reasons. “Sure.”
The short-haired woman is the first one who types into your phone. She giggles while doing so. Fuck, should’ve cleared the search history first, those IVE Instagrams.
“Seems like you’ve followed me already~” the short-haired woman says, giggling, before handing it to the long-haired woman, leaving you confused.
Is she? She looks kinda familiar.
“And me too~”
You narrow your eyes. Have you met them before? Under that mask, you think there’s something about them, but you just can’t quite make it up.
She hands you back the phone, and your eyes widen at the realization as you look at your search history.
They signal a ‘shhh’ with their fingers, smiling.
They’re @iamfinethankyouandryu and @chaerrry0.
Ryujin then laughs at the man’s shocked expression, before closing in on his body. She gets so close to him she can feel his warmth on her. She plants a hand on his thigh, and he shudders in response.
“You know the implications, right?”
He can’t seem to find a word out of his mouth, still hanging open. He must be so damn shocked to meet his idols in a nightclub like this, and they’re lusting over him!
With the teasing image, Chaeryeong’s core starts to heat up with desire. She’s a little apprehensive, but with him still seems to be lost on what to do, or what to say next, she has to make a move. She follows Ryujin and touches his thigh.
“Come on, do you want us?”
She then glides her hand up his inner thigh, feeling his muscles. It gets closer and closer to the growing tent in his pants, before she stops just right before the contact. His breath hitches.
“Don’t be shy, pretty boy. You’re quite a catch yourself~” she says, followed by the hottest lip bite she can make. He sucks a sudden at the sight.
“W–Won’t you guys get caught by D–Dispatch or something?” he asks, voice shaken. His hands are trembling with pure anxiety. “I mean, I’d be v–very honored to be with you two tonight.”
“Well, fuck Dispatch,” Ryujin says, and Chaeryeong nods in agreement. “It’s not everyday we get to do this.”
A Lovely Night
The taxi ride to the hotel starts quietly. He’s trying his best to not pull the driver’s attention to the fact that he’s heading to Ryujin’s hotel in the middle of the night. If the driver knows, it’s over for the three of them.
Ryujin, though, can’t keep her hands to herself, snaking down to his crotch whenever she can. She wants this so fucking badly. She’s getting wetter and wetter as the seconds go by. Her core is aching with unbridled lust.
He’s so damn big.
Chaeryeong can’t risk having her fame tarnished with a single night, but god fucking damn, why does Ryujin keep touching his cock?
“Want a touch, Chae?” Ryujin whispers into her ear.
Chaeryeong slaps Ryujin’s hand away from his length, not wanting to indulge in such perverse action. “Don’t fucking do that, Ryu!” Chaeryeong sneers quietly, and Ryujin giggles. Fuck, why is she so insufferable?
But Chaeryeong can’t deny the ache building up inside her crotch. She’s feeling it. She needs a release.
Ryujin doesn’t stop with Chaeryeong’s words. They only spur her on even more. Her hand finds its place under his tight boxers, and she starts stroking it softly. Her other hand grabs some creased dollar bills for the taxi driver. She’s going to keep quiet about this.
“How much do we have to pay you, ma’am?”
“Just don’t kill each other and you’ll be fine,” the taxi driver says.
Ryujin’s aroma is intoxicating you. It’s so sensual, and your cock is so hard because of it. You can’t help but let out a moan. She looks into the rearview mirror to see the well-being of her customer, but she doesn’t seem to care, as she switches back to see what’s on the road without a word.
Ryujin’s smell reminds you of those femme fatale you’ve seen in the movies—sensual, manipulative, dangerous. This is so heavenly for you.
After a while, Chaeryeong puts her hand on your body, feeling your tight abdomen. Her finger draws a pattern on your toned chest. She’s admiring your strong frame.
“You do feel good, pretty boy.”
“So,” Chaeryeong says, unsure of what to do next.
“Where do you want to start?” Ryujin asks.
You turn to her. Her eyes are bored into yours. She’s expecting an answer from you. Don’t just say ‘I don’t know, Ryujin’, but where should you start?
“Where do you guys usually start from?”
What a dumbass question! Do you think they bring a guy back to their hotel and do this every day?
“Kissing, perhaps?” Chaeryeong chimes in. “We should start slowly, what happened in the taxi doesn’t count.”
“I have a little game,” says Ryujin. Her hands are groping your back and chest. You shudder at the contact. “Let’s compare our kisses, shall we?”
You gulp, hands trembling, but you’re trying to keep your cool. “Sure, who should I–”
Ryujin captures your lips in a searing kiss, as Chaeryeong unlatches herself from you with a small whine. Ryujin’s tongue invades your mouth aggressively. There’s a faint hint of raspberry covered in that heavy Long Island Iced Tea she drank over the night. Her hands dig into the under of your waistband, groping your raging bulge through your boxers, making you jolt in response. You moan and moan into her mouth.
Your hands start to have a mind of their own. Your right hand snakes under her shirt to feel her toned back, while your left hand finds itself on her lacey bra, kneading her soft, firm breasts. God, she has a nice body. She moans and moans into your mouth.
“Damn.” You hear Chaeryeong say from the back, as you start to get used to Ryujin’s body.
Suddenly, Ryujin pulls back from the burning kiss. She’s panting softly, clearly satisfied with the kiss. “Could’ve used more tongue, but this is already pretty good.”
You try to catch your breath, feeling like Ryujin pulled the air out of your lungs. “Th–Thanks, Ryujin.”
“Your turn, Chae,” Ryujin says.
You turn to Chaeryeong. She’s staring into your eyes blankly. She’s as unsure as you.
You give her an offer, “Do you want me to–”
“I’ll–I’ll do it.” Chaeryeong says, before taking a deep breath. “I just–need to get used to your body a bit.”
Her hands start to find their rhythms. She starts from your hands, holding on to them softly. She then wanders upwards along your arm, feeling your lean muscles.
“You take care of yourself well,” she says, voice laced with sultry.
“Th–Thanks, Chaeryeong.” Your appreciative words are rewarded with a smile from her. Her hands then travel over your body. Her left hand finds your erection under your boxers. She’s stroking it softly, enough to earn a whimper from you. Her right hand runs over your back, sending pleasure through your frame.
After a few pumps, her hand leaves your cock, making you groan in the sudden absence.
She then grabs your chin gently, before pulling you into a loving kiss. The faint scent of your cock remaining in her hand flies into your nostrils.
Chaeryeong doesn’t let her tongue slip into your mouth like Ryujin did. She merely has a taste of your Long Island-laced lips. You can taste the strawberry resting on her mouth, mixed with the Long Island Iced Tea she drank throughout the night.
Your hands feel her pert breasts on top of her tight-fitted dress, squeezing them, kneading them. She has been taking care of herself well; you can feel it. You wander down to her wet cunt under her panties, and she gasps softly into your mouth. You’re sure that she loves this.
“Mmm, that felt good, baby,” Chaeryeong says, muffled into the kiss.
You feel her puffy cunt on your palm, seeking her wetness with your fingers. You find out that she shaves, before you plunge yourself into her drenched cavern.
“Mmmph!” she rasps. Her body turns into a jelly, able to be controlled to your liking. You dig your fingers deep into her sweet, wet cunt, before curling up to where she’s sensitive the most. She falls into your embrace. You hear Ryujin chuckling on your back. Chaeryeong’s body warmth emanates into yours. Her wet cunt is welcoming your fingers easily.
Still, you can’t let her cum so soon. You regretfully pull out of the kiss and her wetness, before sucking on your fingers lewdly. She tastes so salty and musky. God, what a pleasure to your tongue. Chaeryeong pants.
“S–So,” Chaeryeong says, still trying to catch her breath.
“Who’s better?” Ryujin asks, staring into your eyes.
You let out a sigh before answering, “I get to feel Chaeryeong’s pussy, so–”
“Hey! That’s not fair! You didn’t even touch my panties!” Ryujin sneers.
“Stand up and face me.” Chaeryeong watches Ryujin ordering, and he complies immediately. His erection pokes through his pants into a tall tent on his crotch.
She admires his stiffness for a while. She seems eager to take in the image of his big cock. Her hands toy with his bulge playfully, eliciting moans from him.
She then grabs onto his waistband, looking up into his eyes.
He nods.
Chaeryeong watches her friend pulling his pants down, revealing the bulge under the boxers. He’s fucking horny for them, isn’t he? Chaeryeong can feel the heat building up within her core. She needs a release, but she isn’t brave enough to let it out yet.
The show continues, as Ryujin pulls his boxers down. His erection springs freely.
God, he’s so big.
Ryujin admires his length for a while. Her eyes are now gleaming with desire, and Chaeryeong can’t help but start to rub her core, sending shockwaves through her body. Fuck the reticence. She needs to cum.
“Again, you said that you didn’t touch my pussy when I kissed you, right?”
He nods sheepishly. Ryujin is going to make him feel her cunt.
Ryujin then pulls him down and captures his lips aggressively again. Chaeryeong lets out a gasp. This time, she brings his hand into feeling her puffy cunt, and he pushes his soft fingers into her. Chaeryeong can hear her friend moan needily into his mouth.
“Mmmph, that feels so good, pretty boy,” Ryujin says into the kiss. His fingers turn upwards to stimulate Ryujin’s inner walls, making her body shiver. Chaeryeong watches their bodies turning into a needy ball of lust. He’s so good at this.
Chaeryeong can’t bear the beckoning heat inside of her anymore. She pushes her slender fingers into her pussy, playing with the inner walls of herself. She quietly moans at the lewd sight.
You hear Chaeryeong moaning from the back. This probably spurs her on, so you lose yourself deeper into the kiss. You push your tongue into Ryujin’s mouth, and she gasps at such audaciousness. She wants your tongue, so you give her your tongue.
Your finger is still working on Ryujin’s g-spot tirelessly, trying to elicit moans out of her mouth. She responds willingly to your touch, and you love the way she reacts like this.
“So–So good, Ryu,” you utter, trying to keep yourself from getting lost in the situation.
Ryujin softly plants her lips onto the head of his throbbing length, rewarding her with an airy moan from him.
“Fuck!” he cries in a whisper.
He composes himself well. The other three aren’t going to wake up if he can keep his voice down like this.
“Come on, Chae,” Ryujin unlatches herself from his stiff cock, but still keeping one hand on it, stroking softly. “Make him cum.”
“B–But I don’t wanna kiss you, Ryu. I–”
“Now is not the time, Chae. Just come here,” Ryujin signals her friend to give him an otherworldly blowjob with her. She’s too drunk to care about kissing Chaeryeong right now.
“I–uh–fuck, alright!” Chaeryeong finally gives in, and Ryujin smiles at her friend’s compliance.
Let’s give him the blowjob he’ll never forget.
Ryujin plants her lips onto his cock again from his front, taking in his intense taste. He’s driving her insane with his cock. He rasps quietly in pleasure. His mouth hangs open, and Ryujin is sure revelling in the way he’s feeling her on his cock right now.
Chaeryeong then joins in on his back, starting to take a swipe of her tongue on his hardened testicles. Her hands land on his muscular ass. He’s covering his mouth to not let out a loud moan. God, what a sight for Ryujin.
Chaeryeong doesn’t want to kiss her friend. It’s weird to be Ryujin. So, she just paints his balls with her saliva hungrily, meticulously avoiding her friend’s lips. Her hands are roaming over his back—a courtesy of her, while Ryujin takes his front.
She then feels his hand gripping onto her head from the other side. Ryujin is getting it too. He’s pressing Chaeryeong harder into his ass. Their makeup starts to get messy from performing their oral masteries on him. He moans and cries silently in ecstasy while also trying his best to not wake the others up. Chaeryeong can’t help but to run her fingers down between his ass cheeks, and she gets another whimper from him.
His balls taste so damn salty, so musky, and that’s driving her insane. Her cunt feels like it’s on fire. She uses one of her hands to dig down her tight pants and rub on her swollen clit. It feels so good. It feels like she’s going to fly.
“Shit, this feels so–ahh,” a soft moan leaves Chaeryeong’s mouth as she plunges her fingers into her cunt, curling them up where she needs it the most. Her silenced whimpers hit his balls. God, this feels great.
The pleasure these women are giving you is unreal. Ryujin creates a suction around your cock, bobbing her head back and forth. She’s so damn good at this. While on the other side, Chaeryeong drags her tongue from your sack up to your puckered hole. Fuck, it feels so damn good.
You press their heads into your aching heat, and they seem to accept it eagerly. Both Ryujin and Chaeryeong up their antes for you, and that brings you closer and closer to your orgasm.
Suddenly, an idea pops into your head.
“Yes?” Chaeryeong and Ryujin answer at the same time. They stop their oral masteries, making you groan softly at the sudden detachments.
“Can you guys like–sucking my cock at the same time?”
The two women look at each other. It’s going to make them think. You see Ryujin nodding, but Chaeryeong hesitates a bit.
“I–I mean, it’s fine if you don’t want to, Chaeryeong,” you say.
Chaeryeong has certainly given some blowjobs, but this is the first time she’s going to do it with Ryujin. Hell, it’s the first time she’s going to do it with another woman. This is huge for her.
Chaeryeong contemplates for a few heartbeats. This is going to change the dynamic between her and Ryujin forever. On the other hand, the alcohol-induced aching inside her core is ravaging her inhibition. Plus, they’re just having a little fun anyway, nothing serious.
Fuck it, let’s do this.
She then shoots a grin back at him. “Alright, pretty boy, get on the bed.”
He quickly complies with her order. Ryujin watches his erection twitching in pure anticipation before turning to Chaeryeong.
“Let’s do this.”
Chaeryeong nods. She doesn’t seem to be weirded out by the prospect of kissing her friend anymore, and Ryujin couldn’t be more happy with the fact.
Ryujin then climbs up the bed, crawling towards him like a predator. Her eyes look into his hungrily, before taking a long lick from his balls up his shaft. He moans uncontrollably, still keeping his volume low, trying his best to not wake up the other women.
“God, you’re so good at this, Ryujin,” Chaeryeong says, following Ryujin’s lead onto the bed.
Ryujin giggles before giving him another wet lick on her throbbing cock. She has to make him falter under her touch. She gives him a lick, and another, and another. He groans, moans, and whimpers with her sensual contact.
And if that isn’t already enough, Ryujin takes his mushroom-shaped tip into her filthy mouth, coating him with her saliva. He grunts in pleasure. His body turns rigid.
“My god, Ryu–Ryujin,” he moans her name out, and that encourages her even more. She takes in more of his length with each bob of her head, staring from just the tip, going deeper and deeper. Eventually, her nose hits his pubic bone, taking him in fully and staying right there. She can’t think straight right now, with a cock stuffed in her mouth like this. She wants him to lose control. She wants him to moan her name uncontrollably.
She’s making gagging sounds. Her eyes are watery. This cock is too big for her, but her capacity means shit if that means she gets to hear her boy moan like this.
“Hey,” Chaeryeong snaps Ryujin back into reality, pushing her arm softly. “This cock isn’t just for you, Ryu.”
Ryujin regretfully pulls back from his hardness, slowly. The cock inside her throat is now gone. She whimpers at the sudden lack of filling in disappointment. Black streaks from her makeup are now forming from her tears.
His cock is now slicked with Ryujin’s drool. He’s going to taste like Ryujin, isn’t he?
“Can I have him for a sec?” Chaeryeong asks her friend, still trying to catch her breath after taking an entire cock inside her mouth.
“Go–cough–ahead, Chae.”
Chaeryeong begins her show slowly, but there has to be sensuality in it. That’s her aim. She works down his taint first, drawing breathy moans from him. His taste is so intense, so addictive. It’s his pure body scent mixed with Ryujin’s raspberry. It’s like an aphrodisiac to her.
She doubles her efforts, drawing a straight line up from his testicles, to his shaft, to his leaking tip. Her tongue is making him whimper erratically, and she’s relishing in it. It feels good to have him lost in pleasure like this.
“You’re doing this pretty well too, Chae,” Ryujin says, finally recomposing herself beside Chaeryeong. He’s shaking.
Chaeryeong can only smile, her lips still busy kissing a trail on his thick cock. She’s smearing her essence all over him. He’s going to taste a bit–different after this.
“God, shit, just suck me off already, Chaeryeong,” he pleads, making Chaeryeong chuckle.
“I’ll wait for Ryu, pretty boy.”
Ryujin slowly recollects herself by the side as Chaeryeong is busy teasing his cock, wiping her own drool off her mouth. Then, she finally rejoins the play, starting by licking the underside of his hardness. He moans in ecstasy.
“Fuck!” he cries out, making Ryujin giggle softly.
Chaeryeong knows that it’s time for her to go in, so she pulls back, taking him on the left side. She’s inviting Ryujin to take the other side of his cock. Ryujin does so, and he lets out a whimper.
You’re absolutely revelling in the pleasure these women are giving you. Ryujin and Chaeryeong are giving you one of the best blowjobs you’ve ever had. The amount of saliva is perfect. The technique is immaculate. The sight is nothing short of exquisitely vulgar. You’re struggling to find a purchase in the bedsheets.
They’re sliding up and down on your cock from the side. When one goes up, the other goes down, keeping your cock being fully taken care of by their mouths the whole time. The pleasure on your cock shoots through you like a bullet. Fuck, this feels great.
Ryujin then syncs her movement with Chaeryeong, now moving together in an up and down motion. Their lips make contact when they’re at the tip of your cock, and sometimes, they put on a show for you, kissing each other with your cock in the middle. Their tongues pierce into each other’s mouth, grazing your aching tip as they kiss.
With such a lewd sight, you can feel your orgasm coming. Your legs grow tense. You’re going to cum from this double blowjob from your idols.
“Girls, I–I think I’m gonna cum.”
Both of them only reply with a giggle, before sealing the tip of your cock with a sensual kiss, one that’s so damn pleasurable for your dick. The view is just too splendid for you—two women kissing on your cock. The sensation is unreal. This is just too much. You can’t hold it anymore.
Cum is fired out of your cock into the kiss, and the women both hum in satisfaction. Your cock twitches between their dirty mouths. Your whole body jerks and spasms between them. Your whole life leads to this, and you wouldn’t change a thing.
Your whole body shudders in rapture, unable to make sense of the pleasure coursing through it. Cum is shot out of your cock into their mouths, and they seem to be happy to share your nectar together.
Your orgasm inevitably dies down. You’re starting to catch your breath. They look up at you with nothing but lust inside their eyes.
“That tastes good, pretty boy,” Ryujin says, scooping the remnants of your cum on her cheeks with her fingers, before plunging them in Chaeryeong’s mouth. She seems to be taken aback by it, but eventually, she happily accepts her friend’s fingers. Fuck, what a sight.
Chaeryeong is sucking her friend’s fingers with her eyes closed, trying to take in the salty taste of you as much as possible. She lets out a satisfied hum in the action, and you feel like you’re ready to take on both of them again.
Chaeryeong loves this. She loves the way Ryujin’s fingers are toying with her tongue. She loves the way his salty taste engulfs her like a tsunami. Chaeryeong fucking loves this.
“So good,” she says, muffled into Ryujin’s fingers, before they’re pulled out of her mouth, leaving Chaeryeong whining in disappointment with a string of saliva.
Then, as she opens her eyes, she is welcomed by the sight of Ryujin unbuttoning her shirt, ready to bare herself in front of them. Her black, lacy bra comes into view.
She looks so hot.
“What, do I look that hot?”
Chaeryeong recollects herself immediately. She’s caught staring at her friend’s body. How embarrassing!
Ryujin only giggles before removing her outer garment. Her toned tummy is now visible. Chaeryeong watches the man drool over her friend’s body, and she can’t help but chuckle at him.
Ryujin is now boiling with lust. She needs to get rid of this fabric cage as soon as possible. Her pussy is drenched, and she needs something inside her.
She quickly unlocks her black, lacy bra she’s wearing, exposing her firm breast for the other two to see. She feels so–naked, so–vulnerable, but fuck it, she needs something inside of her now, and it’s going to be his cock.
“Alright, you two–oh my god, will you guys just fucking stop looking at me and strip, please?” Ryujin sneers, fed up with their gazes on her. She wants a cock inside her now, and if their clothes are staying on like this, all this juice would be for nothing.
“O–Oh, sorry, Ryu,” Chaeryeong says before quickly unzipping her black dress from behind. Ryujin watches the act in contentment. Chaeryeong’s small breasts slowly come into view. Along with her friend, he strips himself off his shirt, revealing his toned abs for the women to see. Fuck, he looks delicious.
“Hey,” he says, chuckling, snapping her back into reality. “Ready?”
He moves her chin closer into another torrid kiss. His Long Island-laced lips touch hers. His tongue pierces into her mouth with aggression. They are intertwined in a battle for dominance. His free hand grabs and squeezes her breast, eliciting a jolt in her body. Ryujin moans out into the kiss in pleasure.
She then hears Chaeryeong huffing. “Come on, guys. This isn’t just about you two!” Chaeryeong says, annoyed by the sight of the two kissing.
Ryujin giggles, before pulling Chaeryeong into the kiss. Their tongues are intertwining messily, drool is dribbling down their chins onto the bedsheets. Their hands are desperately clinging on to one another, trying to have their fair share of arousal.
“Oh god,” Chaeryeong utters, barely catching the chaotic rhythm of the kiss. Her drool leaking everywhere, splattering on Ryujin’s and his body. “Th–This is fucking—mmm.”
God, this is embarrassing for her.
Chaeryeong is having a hard time catching her rhythm. She’s trying, but the other two are so adept with their tongues it’s making her crumble.
“Goddamn it, s–slow down, guys,” she utters into the blazing kiss. Her hands are caressing Ryujin’s and his body. She knows that her spit is leaking, but she has to catch up.
She hears the other two giggle with her struggle. Fucking bitches.
Ryujin would be the first to pull back from the kiss, panting, leaving the two of them in the act. She leans back a little, clitoris already swelling with arousal.
“Alright, can you fuck me yet, pretty boy? A woman needs a cock over here,” Ryujin says, teasing her nub with her fingers.
“Just–Just go, she needs this,” Chaeryeong says. She can’t help but feel a little disappointed, as he pulls back from the kiss with a slight whimper.
“O–Okay,” he says, as Ryujin flips onto her stomach, hands and knees on the bed. She’s ready to take his cock.
Ryujin is on all-fours, ready to take his cock that she has been craving. She needs his cock inside her cunt. She wants to be plowed. She wants to be fucked.
“Yesss~ put it inside me, put it inside me,” she rasps—so eager, so needy.
He frantically tries to line up his cock against her cunt. His mushroom tip ghosts past her a few times, making Ryujin groan in dissatisfaction. Chaeryeong crawls to the front of Ryujin, spreading her legs. She’s going to have Ryujin eat her out.
“So, I’m supposed to be the middle woman here?” Ryujin playfully teases. She’s more than willing to taste Chaeryeong’s nectar.
“Y–Yeah–ahh! Fuck!”
Chaeryeong’s head falls backwards as Ryujin presses the tongue against her pretty cunt. Ryujin is quite sure that the other women might hear that, but Chaeryeong’s wetness and texture is just too exquisite for her to care. Ryujin lavishes her friend enthusiastically, lapping up the nectar that has been building up through the night.
Chaeryeong’s taste is driving Ryujin insane. She’s salty. She’s musky. She’s perfect. Ryujin just keeps swiping her tongue against Chaeryeong’s folds, eliciting guttural, deep groans out of her friend. At the same time, he plunges his cock into Ryujin’s cunt from the back.
“Mmph! Shit!” Ryujin moans. His cock starts to fill her pussy as she’s lapping at Chaeryeong’s delicious cunt with reckless abandon. His cock is so big, making her feel so full. His hands grab onto her slutty waist for a hold, simultaneously locking Ryujin in place. She becomes a whimpering mess between the groaning him and the shaking Chaeryeong.
His length nudges her g-spot softly, making her knees weak. She falls stomach-first onto the bed, so ready to be prone-boned. Her tongue keeps up the work tirelessly. Chaeryeong is still a shaking lump of flesh in front of her, and Ryujin has to make her friend cum.
A cock inside her spurs Ryujin on. She licks her friend’s pussy even faster, and Chaeryeong starts to put the pressure on Ryujin’s head, pushing her head deeper into her cunt. Ryujin can’t think straight anymore—cock in her cunt, cunt in her face. The two of them are taking over her senses—the size, the taste, the scent. It’s everything Ryujin wants.
This pleasure feels like a sin to Chaeryeong. She can’t quite comprehend the feeling coursing through her right now. Ryujin’s tongue is doing wonders on her pussy, but she’s her friend! How are they going to look at each other tomorrow?
Still, the pleasure overwhelms her senses like a goddamn tsunami. It’s fucking electric every time Ryujin’s tongue glides past her swollen clit. Her cunt feels like it’s on fire. Hell, her hand even presses Ryujin’s face deep into her needy pussy!
“So–So good,” Chaeryeong mewls. Her head falls backwards.
The grip on Ryujin’s head becomes tighter. Chaeryeong is trying to intoxicate her friend, making her drunk with her pussy. The strands of Ryujin’s short hair find their places between Chaeryeong’s hands. Ryujin is drunk in her pussy, and Chaeryeong, even if it is so foreign, is loving it.
Shin Ryujin’s cunt feels too good.
You pound into her with reckless abandon, eliciting moans and whimpers suppressed by her friend’s cunt. She’s lying stomach-flat on the bed, so perfect for your domination. Her juice spills out of her needy pussy onto the bed. Those poor staff. They’re going to have a lot of work tomorrow.
You lie down against the smoothness of her back, feeling her warmth. You’re putting your weight on her. Your head is right beside her. Such a perfect view to watch Ryujin eating Chaeryeong’s cunt. The sight of her tongue splaying on her friend’s cunt is obscenely vulgar. Chaeryeong’s meaty thighs are shaking in pleasure.
Your hands roam over the front of Ryujin’s body, feeling her abs, her firm tits, and eventually, you grab onto the front of her neck. God, what a body. You pull Ryujin’s face out of Chaeryeong’s cunt, leaving a string of juice between them. Ryujin is so drunk in pleasure coursing through her—your cock inside her cunt, and Chaeryeong’s cunt on her pretty face. Her eyes are barely open. Her expression is so damn puzzled by the situation.
Suddenly, you pull Ryujin in for a sensual kiss. The remnant of the earlier Long Island iced tea lingers. Then, there’s the violent taste of Chaeryeong’s salty juice on her lips. It’s so good. You plunge your tongue into Ryujin’s mouth, making her moan as your cock keeps plowing her cunt with no abandon.
Chaeryeong is barely able to catch her breath as Ryujin’s tongue leaves her cunt. God, what a feeling she just had. It’s a bit of a whiplash, but her finger will do. She pushes her digits into her own cunt again as they kiss, watching the rough fucking in front of herself. She curls her finger where she needs it the most, prolonging the intense pleasure she felt from Ryujin’s tongue. She’s chasing her own orgasm, and she’s sure that she’s so fucking close.
“Oh god, oh god, oh goddd!”
Chaeryeong sprays her juice onto her friend’s face, making her the first victim of the night. She cums, hard. Her body shakes with intense pleasure as her fingers are knuckles deep into her cunt, curling up at the right fucking spot. Her body falls onto the soft bed, limping, shaking.
“Nghh~ Ch–Chae, you t–taste good,” Ryujin stammers, eyes barely open, body all limp under his dominance.
She can only catch her breath quietly, in front of the rough fucking Ryujin is taking.
The sensation is just too foreign for Ryujin to comprehend at this point. Chaeryeong just squirted on her face, and then she got knocked out from the sheer intensity of her own orgasm. Ryujin can’t move. She’s merely a spectator of this debauchery, and the best part is she’s more than willing to let him fuck her into oblivion.
“Nghmm, s–so g–good,” Ryujin mewls, so cock-drunk with the violent pounding from her back.
He gives her ass a loud spank, making her moan in the mix of shocking pain and surprising pleasure. His cock grazes against her wall so well—perfect curve, perfect length. He’s everything she could’ve asked for.
“More!” Ryujin says.
You give Ryujin’s reddened cheeks another harsh spank, making her yelp. Her ass is so fucking soft. You’re loving this. She’s loving this.
“More, p–please!” she mewls, she’s barely holding herself up from the pleasure coursing through her veins.
Your fucking cannot get rougher at this point—the ass slap–
–the violent pounding. It’s making Ryujin dazed. It’s making Ryujin lost in the throes of pleasure. And the best part? It’s you doing all of this.
If he keeps up the pace, she’s going to cum in a minute.
Her pussy is getting stretched by his cock. He’s making her feel so full. It’s hitting all of her right spots. She keeps moaning and moaning in the wake of this divine delight. Her body feels limp, unable to move, but she loves this. She’s getting a cock inside her cunt, and she couldn’t have asked for more tonight.
The wave starts to form. It’s far, but it’s there. Her muscles tighten in this bliss. She’s going to cum!
“Oh god, I–I’m gonna–”
Her words are cut off with another slap on her ass, making her cry an unintelligible sound out. She finds the sound weird, but that’s the least of her concern right now.
“–cum, nghh.”
The wave hits. Ryujin’s orgasm crashes into her like a goddamn tsunami. Her body turns rigid in the wake of this divine delight under his. She lets out a loud wail. Her hands find purchase in the bedsheets, gripping onto them with her dear life. She savors it hungrily. She knows she’s going to fucking remember this, she’s going to.
After what felt like an eternity, she comes down from her peak. Ryujin slowly catches her breath with her still-fluttering eyes. She just had one of the best orgasms in her life. She’s going to cherish this moment, she’s going to.
That blowjob plays a part in delaying your orgasm. Thank god.
You drag your cock out of her spent pussy. It’s glistened in her filthy juice, shining against the nocturne. You watch her as she basks in the afterglow, trying to make sense of what just happened.
(Well, you’re also trying to make sense of what just happened.)
“Oh god,” you utter. Chaeryeong slowly sits up on the bed again, hair all messy after her mind-breaking orgasm.
“Should we–Should we take–a break?” you weakly ask, barely holding yourself together.
“Another round, p–please.”
“Fuck me, this time,” Chaeryeong blurts out, seeing the damage you’ve inflicted on Ryujin. “I want the same package as hers.”
Fucking hell.
You are sure that you aren’t going to forget this.
You’re fucking Lee Chaeryeong’s ass, as she eats Shin Ryujin’s pussy from above. Ryujin is looking up at you with her doe eyes, so dazed by the overwhelming pleasure she’s feeling. Chaeryeong’s ass feels so tight, so right. You can’t help but moan her name out in pure ecstasy. This is going to leave a mark on you forever.
Your balls ghost past Ryujin’s face. Sometimes, she’d stick out her tongue to make your body jolt when you thrust into Chaeryeong’s ass. Ryujin moans and writhes under her, so lost in the pleasure her friend is giving. This must feel so right for her.
“Fuck, y–you’re so tight, Chaeryeong,” you utter, eyes barely opening with the intense pleasure coursing through you.
“You–You better c–cum in my a–ass–ah!” she replies, shaken as your cock plow into her ass.
“M–More than happy too, M–Miss Lee.”
She now knows why Ryujin was so ecstatic when she’s fucked like this.
He feels so full in her ass, full in the way no one has ever made her feel before. He pounds her without any relent, making sure that she will never forget this. The sensation is just electric. The sensation is just overwhelming, and she’s loving every second.
Ryujin’s taste is also nothing short of insane. She’s perfectly salty. The texture is perfect. Her scent is driving her insane. Chaeryeong keeps lavishing her friend’s cunt tirelessly, so fucking determined to make her cum with her tongue.
“G–God, fuck. Y–You taste so fucking good, Ryu,” she mewls, voice shaken along with the movement of his cock in her ass.
She hears Ryujin giggle from below.
Two layers of drunkenness can be a little overwhelming for Ryujin—one with the alcohol, another one with the sex, but she’s fucking revelling in this.
His balls are swinging above her face, and she makes sure to stick out her tongue whenever she can, to make him cum in her friend’s ass. Ryujin grabs onto his thighs softly, leaving enough room of strength to make him move freely. Her nails dig lightly into his skin, leaving crescent marks on him.
Down below (or above, it doesn’t matter anymore), Chaeryeong sure knows how to eat pussy. She’s lapping Ryujin’s cunt masterfully, eliciting moans and moans out of her lungs. She’s so fucking drunk in the sex she just can’t think straight anymore.
The familiar sensation builds up in her loins—the same sensation for when his cock was in her cunt, the same sensation for when her fingers are knuckles deep into her wet, tight cavern. She’s going to cum.
“Oh god, oh god, gonna cum!” Ryujin mewls, so hazy from the relentless pleasure crashing onto her.
Instead of any reply, Chaeryeong only laps on her cunt faster and faster and faster. Ryujin’s head is feeling like it’s going to explode. She’s so dizzy. She brings her finger down to rub herself off, making her hips buck into Chaeryeong’s face with bliss.
Ryujin becomes the first to cum twice in this messy debauchery. Her cunt sprays gushes of juice onto Chaeryeong’s face. Her friend shows no sign of disgust, instead latching her lips on Ryujin’s clit, making her scream in pure delight. Her hands find purchase on the bed sheets tightly, as her scream pierces through the quiet nocturne.
Well, Yeji is definitely going to hear that.
Ryujin tastes great—perfectly salty. Chaeryeong feels torn. It feels so wrong to be her friend, but who can resist Ryujin’s charm?
Ryujin’s legs twitch in the corner of Chaeryeong’s eyes. She seems to be really lost in it. Chaeryeong keeps her mouth on Ryujin’s needy pussy, casting her in a state of bliss. She tugs it. She nibbles it. She’s making her friend scream with her filthy mouth, all the while taking his cock in her snug ass.
The sensation from behind her is going to put her in the same fate as Ryujin. Her muscles are blazing now. She’s going to cum with a cock in her ass!
“I–I think I’m gonna c–cum too, nghh~”
“At your service, Miss Lee,” he replies, pounding as fast as humanly possible into her. It’s coming. It’s coming.
Gushes of her own juice are discharged onto the damp sheet. Her body writhes with pure ecstasy. Her head falls onto the bed. The current just cuts through her so easily as she breaks the silence in the same way Ryujin did. This feels too fucking good.
It’s fucking unforgettable.
You keep fucking Chaeryeong through her unyielding orgasm. Her ass clenches around you as she cums violently. Ryujin is now panting below you, face full of bliss—eyes barely open, tongue hanging out from her slutty mouth. Chaeryeong’s arms are barely holding herself up. She almost collapses onto her friend’s body, writhing with pleasure. What a fucking sight.
You chase your orgasm relentlessly, not giving up even if Chaeryeong and Ryujin already did. Even thrust, every breath, everything in your life was leading to this moment, and you’re not going to waste it.
The familiar feeling builds up within your loins. You keep chasing it. You keep running for it. You’re going to cum inside of Lee Chaeryeong’s ass, and you’re not letting anyone stop it.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fu–ah!”
To say that it’s one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had wouldn’t be a hyperbole (up there, rivalling the one that you just had by their mouths mere minutes ago). You can literally see stars within your eyes as you unload globs of cum into Lee Chaeryeong. Your body shakes with unyielding bliss. You grunt—loud, stark. Your nails dig into the waist of Lee Chaeryeong. To cum inside her ass is just utterly divine. Your breathing stops. Everything stops. At this moment, it’s just you, Ryujin, and Chaeryeong in this debauchery that no one is going to rob away. This is the fucking high of your life.
You slowly come down from the precipice. You feel so dizzy from the heavenly sensation you just felt. Your cock twitches its last portion of cum into Chaeryeong’s ass, before you drag yourself out of her tightness. Her asshole gapes, missing your cock. Your cum flows out of her gaped asshole. Fuck, it’s beautiful.
“Fuck,” you utter—lost, dazed. You just did something you can’t comprehend, and it’s going to forever stick with you as one of the best moments of your life.
“Yeah, fuck,” Chaeryeong pants, before collapsing on top of Ryujin.
City Of Stars
“I know it’s a bit weird to ask you this.” you pause, unsure of your next words. Are they the right people to ask?
Fuck it, you just had the most mind-blowing sex with them. A question wouldn’t hurt.
“But I have an assignment due–” you pause again, looking at your watch. It's a little after two “–today.”
Ryujin laughs quietly. “What? Are you going to have us help with your assignment?”
You can only smile shyly, looking left and right at their ethereal, after-sex faces. “Kinda, yeah.”
Both women let out a laugh. “Sure, go ahead,” Chaeryeong says.
“As I’ve told you, I’m a photography student–”
“Wanna work for JYP after you graduate?” Ryujin asks.
You chuckle. “If it means I’ll see you two again, definitely.”
“That’s our boy,” Ryujin says, nudging your shoulder playfully.
“Well, as I’ve said, I have an assignment due in like–seven hours,” you continue. “I need a photo to hand in this morning. It can be pretty much anything.”
“Anything?” Chaeryeong asks, her hand gently caressing your shoulder.
“Yeah, anything.”
The three of you say nothing for a heartbeat, letting the silence hang in the air. They’re probably trying to help you.
“That seems like a straightforward assignment for me,” Ryujin says. Her hand roams down your body once more, making you shiver.
“Yeah,” Chaeryeong adds, giggling at your response. “Couldn’t have been so hard.”
She gives your cock a slight touch with the back of her hand, and your breath hitches a little.
“My suggestion–” Ryujin leans in to pepper your neck with kisses, sending pleasure through your body “–just pick something that screams you.”
“Ryujin, ngh~”
“You know, I wanna be me, me, me,” she continues between her heavenly kisses.
“Yeah, I don’t wanna be somebody,” Chaeryeong adds, her hands starting to jerk you off now. “Choose something that’s only you could’ve done.”
The muscles start to tense up again.
“Yeah, because nobody else can do that,” Ryujin adds, still planting small pecks over your now-willing body. Her hands are everywhere.
“Good night, baby,” Chaeryeong coos.
And your vision turns white.
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❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲.. 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭.. 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮.❞
Which sex position is your future lover’s favorite and why? (Detailed)

Author's note,
It's been a while since I last posted, hi everyone. I hope you enjoy your Christmas coming up!
Pile I.
“I want to devour the sweet nectar of the sin that lies beneath me. To feel it dripping on the sin of my fingertips, the graze that will melt us into ecstasy burning in the brain of our subconscious, such a beauty that I only get to see—for how lucky I am.. a lucky bastard.. that I am.”
Your future lover’s energy puts me in a calm trance, the calmest one could be. I feel like I am sleeping or walking on a path of water that will lead me to paradise. They are so soft with you, their love, or shall I say devotion, to you is something they cherished tremendously, and they could not bear losing that with you. To lose you would simply be their death, and they cannot have that done, and that is why their favorite sex position is all over the place. They do not have one and could never dare; they want to feel you everywhere, in every position, and want to see your beautiful face move and show pure pleasure as they please you with the utmost respect. “That is something you deserve, you deserve the utmost respect one could bear, and that is the one thing you never have to ask or prove with me—it will be with you the minute you are my lover, though I am sorry it was not done when we were fighting.”
Enemies to lovers, or rivals to lovers, is your trope with them. You honestly made them want to fall in love, and made them understand what it was to actually love. Their ex, (or multiple, energies are flying around like crazy), were nasty. That’s really it, so awful, but they used that to improve on what they wanted, which was building walls around until you had the audacity to break them and make them fall for you, “shame on you!’’
(I can feel them next to me, they are so animated, so damn loving, it’s like they want to grab you right here and right now and pull you to their future).
Aside from your “audacity,” they are very happy that you did because they were spiraling into something darker and started to use something dangerous, not illegal or self-harming (it’s not my place to tell you), as a coping mechanism, yet now.. you are their drug. Not literally, but you basically saved them from this impending doom of shame and guilt. I believe you should get ready to heal your inner child (even if you have) with them because they will be spoiling you .. like crazy, maybe a bit too much? I see a vision with an insane amount of gifts, teddy bears, jewelry, sports gear, food, or something to do with your religion. Also art supplies or crystals that are insanely expensive, but if it is for you, then “fuck it, right?” That is how their attitude is with you.
Ten of wands.
I took a break because something was missing from them, and they could not tell me. Meaning they kept focusing on the positive aspects when it comes to your relationship and sex with you. However, with the ten of wands, they actually do not know how to have a favorite sexual position. In a way, they thought it was off-putting that others always picked a favorite; if you picked a favorite, then you lost the chance to explore around and make your lover feel sexual pleasure. So, intuition tells me they feel overburdened and overwhelmed picking a favorite, but at the same time, they feel pressured to pick one.
They know that you would not give a damn whether or not they had one, but their colleagues, co-workers, a boss, or some type of group pops up with how they think about sex, and it is affecting your future lover right now, and when you meet; they will feel insecure throughout your sexual journey with you thus why the relationship with them will be enemies or rivals to lovers. I believe it's peer pressure with them. My intuition tells me this is the reason why you saved them and why they would do anything for you.
I feel a lot of anxious energy with them, a part of me wants to hug them and tell them they are okay, okay to love and show their pleasure in their own way, but I already know this is how you feel with them and what you will tell them. And when you do, they will confess you saved them.
As I was editing, I had to give you a message and also saw 777. Listen here. You are absolutely allowed to love whoever you want, you are allowed to be spoiled and pampered, you are allowed to be kissed in the most romantic ways, and you are allowed to have someone help you take showers. No, this person will not treat you in a bad way because you struggle with mental health problems. And no, they will not let anyone laugh at you even when you guys are not together because you do not deserve that, and they also think someone who does that is a "fucking asshole.'' You are so so so .. and many so worthy of love and I hope each day you tell yourself that, because it is true or else I would not have said it nor left this message, understood? Allow yourself to have the happiness you deserve and stop being your own blockage because, at the end of the day, it is not worth it, and seeing you struggle to have your happiness, do you think your kid self would like that? Would that be okay with them or is that okay—to have yourself struggling to make amends with your past, forcefully giving yourself guilt for something that should have been forgiven a long time ago? Let it go, it is seriously okay, let it go. Yes, what you did was awful, and should not have happened with them, but let it go and do and become better for the mistakes you caused and for yourself so it does not happen again. So as I said before, if I didn't mean it, I would not have mentioned it in your pile, so let it go.
Pile II.
Your future lover's favorite sex position is face sitting. They love, and I mean this very heavily, love eating you out, giving you oral, sucking you off, whatever the case is, they are very addicted to your private parts. “All you, all you, and .. all you, you are so fucking delicious baby, fuckkkkk.” I see a scene where they are covered in your juices, your cum, everything about you, and they are still eating you out as you grab their arms, body parts, or hair. Gripping for dear life, begging for relief, but nothing happens other than using their tongue in or on you faster, swirling it until it hits that sensitive spot of yours and, as well, as they are filled to the brim with your essence. The whole idea of eating dessert does not appeal to them UNTIL it is yours.
I hope you are ready for a very smutty scene since I cannot channel anymore other than their fantasies.. for you. I will address you as Y/N (your name), and them as F/L (future lover).
Scene A)
Your F/L will grab your leg and flip you over as they crawl towards your body, grabbing your skin to feel your skin. To feel the heat of your body because of how aroused you are. They will crawl towards your lips and greedily suck your top lips, nibbling the bottom to feel the taste from the last meal you ate, and chew softly. Then they will roughly thrust their tongue into your lips, sucking and grazing their tongue on yours and your teeth; they want to feel everything about you. Then they will pull out, grope your jaw and spit into your mouth as they crawl down and then sensually drag their tongue down to your chest area, sucking on them, and then to your private part as they blow air on it, seeing you twitch, whimper, groan, moan, etc. They will lean down and then give you oral.
Scene B)
Y/N is focused on doing their work, finishing up a coming project, and their deadline is coming within a week or two. F/L comes waltzing in as if they own the place and gazes at Y/N, smirking at their inconvenience. Though it would have been better if they could have helped Y/N, but no, it did not fit their shenanigans or their agenda. They stride over to Y/N as they massaged Y/N's shoulder, building trust with them. Once gaining their trust, they forcefully kiss Y/N, tasting their sweet nectar and feeling their tension dropping down until they remember their work as they push away F/L. But no, you would assume F/L will hold back and respect that push, yet they will not (still consent here). F/L will pick Y/N over their shoulder despite the weight of Y/N, and walk towards a countertop or over a table and bend them over. F/L will look at Y/N, and undress them as they crouch down and tease Y/N’s undergarment until they see a wet spot and then take it off only to tease Y/N with a toy, waiting for them to release but not cum since it is not allowed.
It will last for 2 hours straight, and once Y/N has had enough, they will face Y/N over their shoulders, similar to someone sitting on someone’s shoulder, only in this case, Y/N is sitting in front of F/L. F/L will suck or eat out Y/N until they are cumming over.. and over again and sobbing for F/L to stop. But it will not happen until Y/N uses their safe word(s) and once that does happen, pampering aftercare will erupt and leave Y/N comforted to the highest degree possible. With an insane amount of kisses, "because you deserve that and you deserve me to eat you out more!''
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Crying bc that could never be me bc I never really had close guy friends when I was young please write a one shot or something of childhood friends y/n and Katsuki of Katsuki being immune to cooties and bringing these tendencies to UA together 😭
eeeee i was secretly hoping someone would ask me to talk about this more tehhehehe here you go ! I didn’t rlly get what you meant with him carrying the cootie thing to high school so i wrote this around your ask a lil, hope you don't mind ! i tried honoring your request as best i can, hope you enjoy !
fem reader, polar opposite’s trope except not POLAR opposite’s cus yn is a little shit on the low, mitsuki favoritism lol, mitsuki and katsuki arguing n bein sassy, katsuki gets embarrassed, mitsuki is mischievous, katsuki calling his mother old, yn calls mitsuki ‘miss’, pure fluff honestly, say it with me CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS TROPE WOHOOOO, mentions of making out n kissing, established relationship, cooties lol, lemme know if i missed sum else <3 !!
katsuki wants to do one of three things right now : dissapear, sink into the floor or die—and the more he hears his old hag babbling on and on to you with a familiar photo album in her lap, the more he's starting to find the all three options tempting.
" oh look, this was at you guys' kindergarten graduation ! you were both soooo small, do you remember that ?! "
he hears his mom gush from the other bigger living room couch she's sitting on with you. it's been 15 minutes since you had come over to his house and the plan was for you guys to hang out, watch a movie and get a make out session in before you leave or preferably have you sleep over.
that was the plan, until his old hag came and fucked it up.
15 minutes since she'd dragged you over to the couch and talked your ear off about whatever the fuck moms talk about and you, being the sweetheart that you are, listened patiently the whole time, chatting and giggling out jokes easily. katsuki really, really doesn't know how you do it but he sure as hell respects you for it.
you'd always insisted on being polite with his mom, something about staying in her good graces after you guys had started dating. katsuki thinks that's extremely stupid because his mom has loved you since that day in elementary school when he'd dragged you over to her, his little hand gripping yours tightly and proudly exclaiming you were the one he was gonna marry. you were sweeter and calmer than he was by far and she was immediatly enamoured with you. katsuki's damn near sure she loves you more than she loves him. that in itself isn't the problem. the problem was that she's been hogging you ever since you walked in the door.
usually, katsuki's fast enough to drag you up to his room before she can get her claws in you, but he wasn't fast enough today and that's how he ended up in his current predicament.
" and this one when you came over for christmas—oh, katsuki begged me to let you stay over, you know ? you cannot believe how loud he can get when he doesn't get his way, started rolling around on the floor n' everything ! "
katsuki feels his ears redden the more he listens to this conversation and he wishes so bad for you guys to just fucking go. he could go to his room and avoid this entire conversation in theory, but he'd rather avoid his mom telling you some other embarrassing stories that you absolutely do not need to know about, so he concedes and tries his best to drown the conversation out, scrolling on his phone.
"ou, i have an adorable picture of katsuki in the bath let me find—"
" DON'T FUCKIN’ SHOW HER THAT, HAG ?! " katsuki shrieks, startling you, his mom looks surprised for no more than a milisecond before shooting him a nasty glare unphased by her son's outburst. "what's got you pipin' up now, brat ?" she asks unimpressed.
katsuki practically zooms over and snatches the album away from his mother's grip, shooting her a glare identical to her own. " i'm gonna burn this in your sleep one of these days, i swear. " he grumbles, trudging off to put the album back on one of the shelves of his living room and ignoring his mom wishing him good luck with that. katsuki feels like he's lost a battle when he hears you giggle quietly when he turns away, no doubt his mother had said something about how he was embarrassed to have you see his baby pictures. he vows to get revenge and thinks the best way to start is by throwing this cursed collection of pictures on an open fire. he decides to just put it back on the shelf for now.
“ what a spoilsport, am i right ?” mitsuki nudges you with her shoulder and you giggle at what katsuki personally finds a horrible joke. to each their own though, or whatever.
katsuki scoffs to himself. he makes his way back to the couch and stands in front of you both, arms crossed.
“you done hoggin’ my girlfriend now or are you gonna keep yappin’ some more ?” mitsuki scoffs at her son’s words, wrapping her arms around your frame and pulling you against her tightly when she sees katsuki’s hand creeping towards you, assuming he'd try to pull you away.
“ i’m sure you can be patient for a little longer, as hard as i know it is for you.” you hear katsuki scoff out an insult under his breath, mitsuki pays it no mind. “besides, yn has been enjoyin’ our conversation so far, haven’t ya sweetie ?” she asks. you, again, being the sweet thing that you are, happily nod with a smile. mitsuki looks up at her son with a smug look, her expression screams “see ?”.
“ she’s only agreein’ cus yer fuckin’ holdin’ her hostage.” katsuki grumbles. he feels his patience dwindling at a pace that should definitely be alarming. he looks at you and feels his heart flutter when you offer him an apologetic smile. his patience returns the slightest bit.
“hostage ? don’t be ridiculous katsuki—” then it’s as if a lightbulb goes off, katsuki can practically see it gleaming above her head and he really doesn’t like it.
“he’s always been like that y’know ? all clingy—you remember that right ?!”the excitement in her voice becomes more prominent when she sees you nod enthusiastically. katsuki has a strange, foreboding feeling about this.
“ i remember he’d constantly want you around holdin’ his hand everywhere. one time—" she pauses as she bursts into giggles that, to katsuki, sound more like witch cackles than anything.
“one time you refused to hold his hand because you got scared he’d get cooties” she chuckles. katsuki feels his stomach drop.
“but he said that wouldn’t happen because he was too strong to get them !”
fuck patience.
katsuki grabs you and stalks off so fast you feel like you’re floating a little bit. he quickly yells out a “we’re goin’ to my room, don’t fuckin’ bother us !” then he’s quickly running up the stairs with you in tow. it’s only when you get to the hallway that leads to his bedroom that he looks back at you. he rolls his eyes when he sees you clearly fighting back a laugh.
“be quiet.”
“i didn’t even say anything yet !” you defend, giggling at the same time. katsuki fights back a smile at the sound.
“yeah, but you were going to and i don’t wanna hear it.” he bites. he squeezes your hand afterwards, telling you it was a joke in his own way. in actuality, katsuki could listen to you talk for hours and hours, days on end without getting bored. you’re being a brat right now though, so he won’t tell you that.
you smile at his back as katsuki drags you along muttering to himself about how he “never should’ve left you with that old witch for so long.”
“i remember that, y’know ? the cootie thing.” you admit jokingly. walking up a little faster you catch up to him and walk side by side. he glances at you from the corner of his eye then looks away and scoffs “of course you do.” he groans.
“ you’re mom didn’t mean to embarrass you, i’m sure.” you try to console him despite still snickering at the memory of his face going beet red after his mom had ‘exposed’ him. “and it was nice to see those pictures. it felt all...nostalgic.” you reminisce about the summer days you’d spent over the years with your katsuki with a smile. remembering the days of adventures and melting ice cream. of waterparks and bandaged covered knees.
katsuki doesn’t make a sound next to you and you think he’s just ignoring you until he speaks again, the scowl on his face threatens to melt away. “that old bat had it out for me the entire time. she’s fuckin’ evil incarnate, just doesn’t show it to you.” he feels prideful when he hears you laugh “that’s mean !” you scold through giggles, but his smirk says he’s seen through you. he comes to a stop and backs you up until your back is against the wall.
“yer laughin’ though. not as much of an angel as you’re pretending to be, are ya ?” he teases, leaning in closer to you until your noses brush. you try to fight back the smile that pulls at your mouth but it doesn’t work and after a moment you’re giggling again. katsuki swears every time you laugh an angel gets its wings. he steals a sloppy kiss to hear the sound again.
your hands play with the hem of his plain black shirt. he’s handsome, too handsome. his outfit consisted of a plain black t-shirt and some sweatpants yet he still looks like a model and it makes you want to kiss him silly, call it revenge for looking so good.
“ i’m not pretending to be anything, definitely not an angel.” you chuckle “unlike you, i’m just being nice.” you stick your tongue at him and he chuckles. rolling his eyes, he scoffs. his warm hands reflexively start running up and down your waist.
“yeah well, that’s cus unlike me your ass gets to go home. you’d be less nice if you were stuck in here like i am.” you playfully roll your eyes at his dramatics
“i doubt that. besides, miss mitsuki likes me !”
“she’ll get mad at you for callin’ her miss again.” you gasp, quickly clasping your hand over your mouth as if his mom would hear you from here. katsuki’s snort makes you snort as well.
“c’mon” he urges after a minute, grabbing at your hand and tugging at it “we’re goin’ to my room.” he mumbles out a “fuckin’ finally” and you laugh.
then you get an idea.
you suddenly rip your hand from his and katsuki immediately stops dead in his tracks to stare back at you like you had just insulted him. you let out a tiny snort at his expression.
“the hell are you doin’ ?”
you clasp your hands behind your back and sigh, even looking down at the floor sadly for extra dramatic effect “we can’t risk it, suki.”
“hah ?” katsuki fully turns to you, slowly starting to grow worried at your sudden shift in attitude. “what’re you talking about ?”
“i mean..if we hold hands..” you slowly look up at him, revealing your shit eating grin “you might get cooties..”
katsuki looks at you for about 15 seconds with an incredulous look on his face and you burst out laughing. he’s definitely one of the most expressive people you’d ever met, so seeing what kind of faces he’ll makes next is always fun.
he walks over, grabs your hand and squeezes hard, as punishment you assume. you yelp through giggles.
you hear him let out a disappointment sigh when he turns his back to you and drags you to his room again. you happily follow along behind him like you’d done for years now.
"i really shouldn't have left you with that old hag for so long." he mutters bitterly. you let out a snort and smile to yourself, content that your plan to mess with your boyfriend ended up being succesful. you perk up when he suddenly huffs out a laugh.
" and anyways, i won't be gettin' any cooties. m'too cool for 'em." you laugh out loud and the way he grips your hand a little tighter tells you you don't need to see his face to know he's proud of that.
"what if i have them ?" you challenge in between snickers.
katsuki scoffs dissaprovingly, you can basically see him rolling his eyes despite his back being to you.
"you don't. only losers get cooties. and as far as i know, you're not a loser." he's a little embarrassed because this is reminding him too much of when you were kids and it makes him cringe. when he'd come up with excuses like him being 'too strong' or 'too cool' to get cooties because he just couldn't admit he simply wanted you close. "yer anythin' but." you hear him mumble.
you walk up next to him with a somewhat shy smile "i'm flattered you think of me that way." you confess.
"don't let it get to your head." katsuki quips. you respond by sticking your tongue at him again. he tries to ignore the loud thumping of his heart but it's not going too smoothly for him. his cheeks slowly redden and he looks away from you again, not before shooting you an eyeroll.
"hope you know you owe me extra cuddle time for wastin' it talkin' to my ma." katsuki adds, changing the subject. you smile up at him in response and offer him a sweet 'mhm !'
his mom may have embarrassed the shit out of him, but he figures it wasn't all bad. he's still deadset on destroying that photo album before she ends up showing you that picture of him in the bath, though. he'll think about a plan later but right now he plans to enjoy his cuddle time with you, cootie free.
#thx for the request anon was supa fun to write !!#super fun fact i had to rewrite that last part like 5 times cuz tumblr hates me apparently#super duper fun time !!!!!!#anyways i love him childhood frnds to lvrs katsu 4eva !#bakugou katsuki x reader#bakugo fluff#bakugou imagine#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugou x reader#katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou katuski x reader#bakugou fluff#katsuki x y/n#katsuki x you#bakugou drabble#bakugou x you#bakugou x y/n#bakugo x female reader#bakugo x reader#bakugo x you#bakugo x y/n#katsuki bakugo fluff
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A Not So Silent Night...
Merry Christmas, again! This is the NSFW continuation of A Christmas Kiss - things do be getting spicy on this Christmas night...
Synopsis: You surprised him with a Christmas office makeover. But the best decoration? The mistletoe. The angel is on the tree, the halls are decked, it's time for presents. And one present is... it won't be a silent night, that's for sure.
The crackles and pops of the fire and the sultry notes of Santa Baby drift through the air as Sylus kisses you once more. After placing the angel on the tree, he resumed kissing your neck. Gently at first, but an occasional bite nearly caused your knees to give out. Sylus, of course, noticed, but he didn’t tease or slow down. He spun you around and lifted you up, his arms tucked under your ass. He smiled up at you as he made his way to the couch.
“Do you want to continue?”
His question surprised you. He lowered you both on the couch, moving your legs to straddle him comfortably. You lock your fingers behind his neck, playing with the ends of his hair with your thumbs. You swear you had so many plans for today, but they all flew out the window when you hung that damn mistletoe.
“I do have other presents for you. And I know you got me presents, the twins already tattled.”
“I hope they don’t know about their presents then.”
“You got Luke and Kieran presents? That’s so sweet!”
“I got them muzzles cause they can’t keep their mouths closed.”
You clasp a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles. The thought of the twins in muzzles to punish them for yapping too much is just too good. Come to think of it…
“Did you really get muzzles for them? Or are you joking?”
“Why? Did you want one for yourself?”
“Might be useful… for things…”
Sylus’s eyes darkened, the hint of a smirk on his lips. His gaze dropped to your lips and you couldn’t help but lick them. The idea of Sylus in a muzzle so he can’t sass you while you explore his body has made your mouth very dry all of a sudden.
“Is that so?”
You smile, shifting your hips slightly. The subtle grind forces a groan out of Sylus, it takes you by surprise and you let out a breathy laugh. You trail your hands down his chest as his circle around and under your ass. He leans forward to capture your lips once more, but you lean back suddenly. He glares at you.
“Something wrong?”
“No, nothing. I just…” You hesitate, you can feel the warmth in your cheeks.
“You just what, sweetie?”
“I’ve thought about this moment and I guess I had… thoughts? Plans?”
“Oh, you’ve thought about this, have you?”
“And that is why I want you in a muzzle.”
Sylus lets out a laugh and tucks his arms under your ass once more, lifting you off the couch with ease. You wrap your arms around him, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
“Let’s get in those matching PJ sets and I’ll have the chef bring our dinner in here. We can open the presents after. How does that sound?”
“Damn, Luke and Kieran do need those muzzles. Those PJs were supposed to be a surprise!”
Sylus chuckles as he carries you out of his office to change.
An hour later, you’re in your festive sleep set and sitting on the floor next to the coffee table. Sylus’s chef had prepared roast pork and your favorite potato dumplings. Sylus brought out one of the rarest wines in his collection and instructed the chef to bring the dessert and leave it on a cart outside the door. With that, Sylus sent him, and the everyone else on base, home early and you both settled in for the night.
“Do you like the pajamas I picked?”
Sylus glanced down at his pajama pants covered in candy canes. It came with a matching shirt, but Sylus opted to go shirtless for the evening. Damn him. You were already regretting the pajamas you had chosen - long pants and long sleeves? You were burning up from the inside out at this point next to the fire and Sylus sitting there looking, well, perfect.
“They’re very comfortable. I’m just glad you didn’t make me wear those reindeer antlers.”
“Luke and Kieran put those on voluntarily! They’re really embracing the holiday spirit. It’s cute.”
Sylus nods before sipping his wine.
“They’ve never celebrated the holiday. Even before finding me.”
“Then I’m glad they’re having fun. You should take a page from their book. You’d look adorable in antlers!”
“Do I not look adorable already?”
Your cheeks flush and you sit up on your knees to stand before Sylus can make another joke. You gather the presents from under the tree. Sylus had brought in a few boxes while you were taking off your makeup. You were shocked at how many boxes there were now.
“Please tell me these aren’t all for me.”
“And if they are?”
“I won’t apologize for spoiling you. Especially during a holiday you love so much.”
You can’t argue with him there. You finish hauling the boxes over to the coffee table as Sylus clears the dishes and takes the cart back into the hallway. There’s one gift you are terrified to give him and no matter how perfect this day has been, you can’t convince yourself to give it yet. You quickly stuff it under the couch next to you before Sylus comes back in the room. Maybe later?
“Okay, who goes first? Or should we go back and forth?”
“This is your holiday, sweetie. It’s your call.”
You pick up a small box from his pile and hand it to him before picking up one from your own. You’re careful not to shake it, no matter how tempting.
“We open at the same time, okay?”
He nods. He starts peeling the sparkly green paper off the box. The golden wrapping paper on all of your gifts feels fancy and it’s wrapped so perfectly. It almost feels like a crime to tear it off, but it doesn’t stop you from shredding it like you are a kid again.
Your stomach flips when you see the tiny box, it’s a ring box. You had wanted to take the next step, but this is several steps… You slowly open the box, holding your breath. The ring inside isn’t an engagement ring, and you almost laugh at the fact you thought Sylus would propose like this. Or that he’d propose at all after a few months of dating.
The ring is a tiny ruby on a silver band, but there are cat ears attached and accent stones making them shine in the firelight. A tiny cat ring with a bright ruby gem. It had to be custom made and it fit perfectly on your middle finger.
“Is it a little too on the nose?”
You’re about to make a joke, but when you see his brows pinched and his ears nearly glowing red, you hold your tongue. You realize he’s nervous.
“It’s adorable. I mean it.” You slip the ring on and hold your hand out to examine it. You look over to see Sylus smiling while he fiddles with the unwrapped box in his hands. “Your turn, open it!”
Sylus returns his focus to the box in his hands. He opens the box and pulls out a book. He takes a moment to read the cover, but a smile crosses his face before he can say a word.
“A book about history's most notorious criminal masterminds?”
“From Al Capone to Jack the Ripper and it even covers the legend of that guy from Philos who started the illegal protocore trade.”
“I look forward to reading it, thank you.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling, his approval of his gifts mean more to you than you realized. You turn to pick up the next two gifts. Neither of you hesitate to start opening the boxes now. Yours is a bit larger and you gasp when you see the brand on the heavy wooden case.
“Hero Leather Works? Sylus!”
You open the box to reveal a brand new custom holster. The deep chocolate leather and shining golden buckles take your breath away.
“You mentioned your holster was getting old.”
“You remembered? I said that nearly 3 months ago!”
“And you still haven’t replaced it. So I called in a favor.”
“With the most famous leather artisan in Linkon? They’ve been booked for months!”
“Like I said, Hero owed me a favor. And you needed a holster.”
You drop your gaze and hold the holster in your hands, stroking the leather slowly. Tears build up in your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall. Without looking up you urge Sylus to open his present.
“Okay, okay, your turn.”
He opens the bag and tosses the tissue paper over his shoulder onto the sofa. He stares into the bag, he chuckles under his breath. He finally pulls out two plushies. A dove and a crow, connected at the wings, their heads turned toward each other so their beaks touched.
“I got it custom made from the same company that made the big crow plushie you got for me. This one is a bit smaller, since I know you’re not a huge fan of plushies. I just thought –”
Sylus leans over and kisses you, effectively shutting you up. He pulls back and rests his forehead against yours.
“I take it the crow is me and the dove is you?”
You smile and he pulls back to kiss your forehead.
“I love it. It’ll have a permanent spot on my desk.”
The tears you fought off a few minutes ago threaten to fall once more. You clear your throat.
“How about you pick the present we open next?”
“Now that is a good idea. I was wondering when I’d have a chance to ask about the box you stuffed under the couch, guess I won’t have to.”
You stop breathing. Your heart pounds in your ears. How had he seen you do that?
“Oh I just…”
He reaches past you and pulls the box from under the couch, setting it on the table in front of him. You’re tempted to grab it and chuck it in the fire, but you can’t seem to move. Is this what they mean by “frozen in fear”? Sylus lifts a small slender box from your pile and sets it before you before leaning back on the couch and holding his present up to examine.
“Why would you hide this one in particular? How curious.”
You shake your head trying to pull yourself out of this paralysis.
“I wasn’t hiding it, it must have just slipped under there by accident.”
“Kitten, I always know when you’re lying.”
You glare at him.
“Oh no no no. I’m not revealing that. It’s too much fun watching you try to wiggle your way out.”
You sigh and cross your arms in defeat. Your heart is racing so fast your chest hurts. How could you have been so confident and sure when you bought it, but now you are convinced you are going to ruin everything? Sylus pushes your present closer to you.
You take in a ragged breath. You tear off the red satin ribbon and tear off the gold paper to reveal a long slender velvet box, much like the ring box. You tentatively open it and gasp when you see its contents.
A silver chain necklace holds a delicate silver charm in the shape of an elegant dragon. Its tail wraps around the ruby heart shaped stone while its wings curve inwards to secure the sides. The head rests on the gem, its eyes two smaller rubies. You find yourself captivated by the charm, your hands tremble slightly and a tear spills over.
Sylus reaches out and wipes away the tear with his thumb. He shifts closer to you, placing an arm around your shoulder. He doesn’t speak, he just holds you and lets you take in the gift. A gift you didn’t understand, but loved instantly. You finally turn to face him.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Would you like to put it on?”
You almost blurt out yes, but your eye catches on Sylus’s gift, still sitting on the table. Your stomach flips and you feel heat spread from your chest to your center. The only thing you can think of is that gift and this one.
“I would, but only after you open your gift.”
Sylus squints at you, but doesn’t argue. He pulls the gift over and starts to peel the paper away. He is purposefully going as slow as possible, he can feel how nervous you are. He is enjoying this way too much. You lean over and press your mouth to his ear.
“If you keep teasing me, you won’t get to see me wear it.”
You feel his body tense, his jaw clenches. You place a soft kiss on his cheek and lean back. The nerves you were feeling earlier vanish. If he could tease you, you could tease him. He picks up the pace and finally reaches the thin box. As he opens the lid, you watch his face. His eyes widen, his breathing quickens, a blush spreads across his cheeks and down to his chest. He sets the box on his lap and pulls out the contents.
His fingers trace the thin red lace of the bralette. Tiny red hearts adorn the sheer fabric, but not nearly enough to hide anything. The matching red lace thong follows, the ribbons at the hips tie together to secure it to the body. A matching garter and red lace robe lay at the back of the box. You can help but smile as you look down at the necklace you still hold in your hand. The red matches the ruby perfectly.
“So you hid this present because you changed your mind?”
His voice is gruff and breathy. You almost jump up to straddle him at that very moment. His words are full of doubt, but his voice is full of desire. You dare to shift closer to him, lifting your hand to pull his chin in your direction.
“I was worried you wouldn’t want to go there yet. But I never changed my mind.”
His eyes drop down to your lips, then down to your neck and chest. You drop your hand to his chest and feel his heart racing. He lets out a shaky breath before returning his gaze to the box on his lap. He returns the contents and closes the lid. He turns to you, the box directly between you both. That familiar smirk returns.
“Change. Now.”
You place the necklace back in its box and close it. You hold it out next to the box he holds.
“But first, put this on me.”
He doesn’t hesitate. He takes the box, removes the necklace and unclasps the hook. You reach to pull your hair up and he wraps his arms around your neck to secure the necklace. The cold metal almost stings against your hot skin. Sylus reaches down to straighten the charm, allowing his fingers to linger on the exposed skin of your chest.
You stand and calmly walk out of the room, but as soon as you reach the hall you are a fumbling mess. You damn near skip down the hall to the nearest room. You slip into the bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. Is this really happening? Are you about to put on sexy lingerie and parade around his office like you’re a present to be unwrapped? Oh god you hope so.
You strip out of your festive pajamas and freshen yourself up a bit before slipping on the silky two piece. You’ve never been one to love or hate your body, but as you look in the mirror now, you can’t help but feel unbelievably sexy. The red is bright, the ribbons delicate, your skin soft, your nipples hard and the butterflies in your stomach are making it hard to breathe. You slide the garter up your thigh and drape the robe over your shoulders, not bothering to tie it. You gently open the bathroom door and look both ways up and down the hallway. You know Sylus sent everyone home early for the holiday, including Luke & Kieran, but you were not used to walking around wearing so little, especially here.
You speed walk to the office and pause before placing a hand on the handle. Would he like what he sees? Would you be enough for him? Would you satisfy him? Would he still want you to take the lead or would he take control? What if you couldn’t get there? Would that make him feel bad? What if you can’t get him there?
You take a deep breath, you knew you were being ridiculous. The way he kissed you earlier? He wants this. God, he wants this. Memories of your kiss flood your mind and you press a hand to your chest trying to slow your breathing. Open the door. You just need to open the door. Everything else will come naturally. So you do it. You open the door.
Most of the lights have been turned off, the glow of the fireplace and the candles around the room cast dancing shadows against the walls. Sylus leans against his desk with a glass of whiskey, facing the door. He glances up at you as you slowly make your way towards him. He drinks you in, his eyes barely knowing where to look first. They linger on your chest before lowering to your nearly completely revealed cunt. He nearly breaks the glass when he sets it on his desk with a clink.
You stand in front of him, his eyes now locked on yours. He slowly lifts his hands to your shoulders, stroking the sheer fabric. He tugs at the fabric and pulls it over your shoulders, you let it fall away and onto the floor. His hands return and finally glide over your skin. Chills spread over your arms at his touch. His fingers glide down your arms to your hands, he pulls you closer to him placing your hands on his hips.
“If you had taken any longer, I would have come looking for you.”
You laugh and gently squeeze his hips, his fingers trailing up and down your arms.
“Maybe we’ll play hide and seek later?”
Sylus laughs, it’s not his usual laugh - it is darker, you feel electricity flicker across your skin. He moves his hands down to your bare waist and you nearly moan. His hands on your skin feels even better than you imagined.
“I doubt I’ll be letting you out of my sight the rest of the night, sweetie.”
And before you could say another word, he leans down and presses his lips to your neck. His hands circle around your waist and pull you to him, your hardened nipples press against his chest. You let out a breathy moan, your hands grasping onto his shoulders. He reaches down and tucks his hands under your ass, pulling your lower half directly to him, his thigh settling between your legs. He slowly shifts his leg, the friction just enough to make you painfully aware of how wet you are.
He grunts against your neck before straightening and swiftly turning you both around. He lifts you and places you on his desk before spreading your legs and slotting himself between them. You feel his erection now, pressing against your stomach. God, he’s big. Your mind goes blank as his lips meet yours again and his hands move your arms up and around his shoulders.
He grinds against you, letting you feel him. You are thanking every deity that Sylus is the one taking control because your brain is short circuiting. Your skin feels like it’s on fire, your core is so tight like you did countless sit ups, what is this man doing to you?
His mouth has moved from yours to your neck and down your chest. You tilt your head back and close your eyes, trying to make breathing your only priority. His fingers trace the lace of your bra from the back to the front. The throbbing between your legs is getting so intense you barely register that he has pulled one of the straps of your bra down exposing your breast. His lips close around your nipple and you gasp. He keeps a hand on your back, giving you the resistance you need to arch and press your chest into his mouth. His other hand squeezes your breast, peaking your nipple and making it easier for him to suckle. He gently bites down and you moan loudly. No one has made you moan just from nipple play, but you realize now, it doesn’t matter what Sylus does, you’d be moaning for him.
He unclasps the bra with his hand at your back and pulls the straps down your arms. He tosses it to his desk chair before diving down to give your other breast the same treatment. Your hands thread through his hair and down his back. You’ve started grinding against him now, desperate for more. He finally reaches a hand down to run a finger along the fabric over your entrance. As soon as he feels the wetness he releases your breast with a loud pop and meets your eyes.
“Already soaking through your present?”
You glare at him, but he presses his fingers firmly against the fabric leaving you gasping. You nod frantically trying to get him to stop teasing.
“We should get those off before you ruin them.”
As he says this, he tugs at the ribbons on the sides. The fabric falls away and settles onto the desk. He wraps an arm around you, lifting you off the desk leaving your panties behind. He bends to pick you up properly and you wrap your legs around him. He lets out a soft whimper when he feels your bare cunt against his stomach. That sound alone nearly made you come.
He lowers you down onto a soft blanket in front of the fireplace. He places kisses all over your face, your neck, your chest. He starts lowering himself to your stomach and when he places a kiss to your hip you finally register his intentions.
“Sy, wait –”
You look down at him and see his eyes sparkle in the firelight before he lowers his mouth onto your throbbing clit. The sight was intoxicating enough, but the feeling of his tongue lapping at your swollen clit over and over before sucking it into his mouth was euphoric. He pressed his tongue against your entrance, his nose pressing perfectly against your clit. You arch your back and feel your hips twitch with need.
“Sy… Sylus… I need… I need more��� oh god…”
The rumble of his response against you sent your hips thrusting upwards. He tucked his hands under your ass, giving you the leverage to continue the movement. He finally pressed his tongue into you, swirling against your walls, his nose massaging your clit. And every time you grind yourself against his face, his grunt of approval sent vibrations up your spine making your legs shake.
You had no time to warn him, the pressure built and spilled over so rapidly you would feel embarrassed if you weren’t so deliriously happy. You hear him groan and his hands knead your ass as he takes everything you gave him. When he lifts his head, his face is coated in your arousal, a love drunk expression painted on his face. You smile and giggle at the sight.
“Sorry I couldn’t warn you…”
He gets onto his hands and knees crawling back on top of you. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Always keeping me on my toes.”
He nuzzles his face into your neck. You let your hands drift down his chest. You wanted to feel him, to see him, to not be the only one exposed. Your fingers trace the hem of his pajama pants. He lifts his head to stare down at you.
“Already wanting more?”
“From you? Always?”
Your quick reply surprised even you. But you weren’t lying, “always” was the right word. Being with him made you happy and horny and peaceful and daring. His eyes dropped to the necklace, the charm still cool against your skin. Sylus runs a finger over the charm, a small smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. You wanted to ask why a dragon, but you also didn’t feel like you needed to - it just felt right. You pressed your fingers against the hem harder, pushing the fabric down to his hips.
He looks into your eyes as he pushes himself up to his knees. He tucks his thumbs into the hem of his pants and boxers and pulls them down letting his cock spring forward. He tosses the clothes onto the couch before returning his gaze to yours. You felt your chest tighten, he was big, but not scary big. You’d always wondered what you’d do if he was too big - like in those trashy romance novels.
He lowered himself over you once more. His tip grazes your inner thigh making you spread your legs wider on instinct. He looks down to see you spread yourself for him and he lets out a soft moan.
“Stop that.” You breathe.
He looks at you, his brow raised in surprise. You reach up and pull him down on top of you. You nearly swallow his tongue once he parts his lips. All the fear and nerves from earlier are long done, you needed him inside you. Now.
You reach a hand down and wrap it around the base of his cock. His breath catches and he pulls back to look down at you holding him. You stroke him gently, building intensity based on his breathing. He sinks his head into your neck as you continue to pump him. When he starts placing messy kisses to your collarbone and those soft moans start slipping out one after the other, you line him up with your entrance.
When he feels his tip press against your folds, he pulls back and looks down at you.
“Are you… on the… pill? Do I –”
“I’m on the pill, I want you – god, I want you inside me Sy. Right fucking now. Please…”
Hearing the urgency in your tone, he reaches down and moves your hand away. He presses his tip further into your entrance, your arousal making it easy to initially slide through. You feel his breath against your ear.
“I won’t take it easy on y– you kitten. Remember you asked – fuck… you asked for this.”
You dig your nails into his back as your chest heaves, your chest brushing against his with every breath.
“Fuck yes…”
At your response, he sinks himself into you. Not too fast, but he doesn’t slow down, he doesn’t take breaks to let you adjust. You feel the delicious stretch and cry out, letting your nails drag across his back. You feel his muscles ripple in response. His pelvis now pressed against yours, his cock twitching as your walls squeeze him.
He lets out a deep groan before he pulls back and starts thrusting into you, slow and deep. You lock your ankles around his waist. His movements pick up pace, you hear the slapping of skin against skin. Your chest burns, tears spill from the corners of your eyes, pressure builds once again, but you’re determined to ride this high as long as he lets you.
The way Sylus moans is unexpected. It’s needy, but he meets those needs himself. It’s like he knows how badly he needs you and he has no doubt he’ll get what he desires. You know if you were in control he would be desperate, but how your body is responding to his has proven to him that you will never deny him. Even if you tried, you would give in eventually.
You curl your fingers into his hair and hold him against you as his thrusts turn savage. He’s hitting that spot that makes you see stars with every brutal thrust. Your moans turned to grunts and then screams of ecstasy. His moans have been replaced by soft whimpers of your name in your ear. Your heart flutters, his desire has taken over and the only thing he can say is just your name.
His whimpers stop suddenly, his breathing shakes, you know he’s close. You start thrusting your hips upward and before long he is coming, hot and fast. Your second release of the night is almost immediate once you feel his body shake and his lips find yours again. You whimper and moan into each other's mouths as you ride out your high together.
The crackle of the fire and the soft Christmas music slowly comes back into focus. He rests his forehead against yours, keeping himself tucked inside your warmth. You unhook your ankles and let your legs fall open. He sinks down to his elbows, your chests pressed against each other.
“I think I might like Christmas.” He sighs contentedly.
You giggle and press a kiss to his cheek.
“Merry Christmas, my love.”
Tag List (comment if you wanna be added!): @trishiepo0 @not-so-quite-human @kitsunetori @babyx91 @libriomancer @lilyadora @cordidy
#love and deepspace#sylus (love and deepspace)#lads sylus#lnds sylus#love and deepspace sylus#l&ds sylus#angst and fluff#qin che#sylus love and deepspace#sylus smut#sylus x y/n#sylus x you#sylus x mc#sylus x reader#fluff#christmas sylus#christmas fanfic#christmas#holiday#smut
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remus lupin x female!reader word count: 2,231 synopsis: insecurity kindles like a burning reminder across remus's cheeks. she deserves more than cheap flowers and a poorly-wrapped blind date with a book, but just when he begins to feel sorry for himself and makes to turn around and go back home, she catches his eye through the bookshop window. and he knows he's screwed. caught like a fish on a hook, she reels him in, and all he can do is pray that this valentine's day will be different from the rest.
…i had a valentine!
He thinks the tips of his ears are red.
In a desperate attempt to hide them, Remus sifts his fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands until they cover the tips of his ears but when he blinks up at his reflection in the bookshop window, he realizes how ridiculous he looks. A curse tumbles from his lips and he shakes his head around, combing his fingers back through his tresses, hoping his hair will fall back into place in the wake.
Maybe he can blame it on the cold.
The wind is a bit nippy today after all, and he’s walked at least a couple of miles between his flat, to the florist, then back to his flat when he realized he forgot to grab her damn gift, all the way to the bookshop he stands in front of now. He hopes she can’t see him now, ruffling his hair, trying to quell the scarlet that’s bloomed across his face.
He feels perspiration gather along his hairline and he sighs, wiping at his forehead with the sleeve of his coat. Maybe this is stupid, he thinks to himself, peering down at the bouquet and wrapped book in his hands. He’d spent quite a lot of time picking each of these things out for her— trying to figure out her favorite color and flowers, figuring out ways to subtly ask about the books she’s read to get a better idea of her preferences while simultaneously figuring out what books she hasn’t read yet. He’s seen enough photos on Pinterest and Instagram of blind date with a books to understand the concept but he fears he doesn’t project that well— his scrappy packaging and hasty handwriting is enough to make him suddenly want to throw everything away and make the trek home to crawl in bed and sulk for the next two to three years.
He thinks that’s what he’ll do— a spider of shame crawls from his ears, to his cheeks, down along the column of his neck when he peers down at the gifts he’d prepared. This isn’t enough for her, he thinks. She deserves more than flowers from one of the cheapest florists he could find in the city and a book she may or may not have already potentially read, packaged in probably the shittiest wrapping job that even children wouldn’t be entirely thrilled to open on Christmas morning.
A wave of nausea suddenly rumbles through the pit of Remus’s stomach and he thinks he should go now before he really embarrasses himself and blows the chunks of that piece of untopped toast he scarfed down this morning. He’s about to make a break for it when suddenly he sees her, through the window of the bookshop, guiding an older man to a bookshelf.
And he’s fucked.
Remus is entranced, his feet stuck on the pavement below him as he simply watches, watches the way she speaks with her hands and even through the glass, he can see how bright her eyes shine, gleaming with passion for whatever book she must be referring the customer to. He watches the way she listens as the older man speaks, eyes transfixed, head nodding as she soaks in every word, happy to offer whatever help she can.
She’s so… kind. And that’s just the simple way of putting it. She’s passionate, charismatic, she’s every guy like Remus’s dream: she works at a bookshop, she likes coffee and tea, she enjoys the classics, she listens to good music, she eats avocado on her toast, she’s even in a book club!
She speaks about her interests with a fervor that’s hard to come by these days and she meets others’ interests with an equal amount, even if it’s something she doesn’t normally find all too intriguing. She always seems to have her special way to make people feel comfortable and despite how incredibly cheesy Remus thinks it sounds, she’s always been capable of brightening even the darkest of rooms.
Remus truly believes that if the sun were to vanish, she’d be enough to even put the stars to shame.
It’s in Remus’s trance that she notices him standing by outside the window and her face splits in a grin, so natural that he doesn’t even initially notice it’s for him. Her mouth forms his name and that’s when he realizes: oh.
He’s screwed now.
She gestures with a hand for him to come in and it’s like it’s in his program to be incapable of resisting her, because his feet practically move on autopilot, straight through the entrance of her bookshop.
“Remus!” She exclaims when he enters and her voice, god, her voice feels like the breath of a fireplace along his skin in the coldest of winters and he’s suddenly made aware, again, of just how red the tips of his ears are as warmth spreads across his face.
His heart leaps against his chest and he doesn’t know how he was able to even muster a coherent sentence, but he greets her back, albeit, rather meekly. Her smile widens and Remus thinks that the world has stopped spinning because he swears nothing moves around them when she does it, when she looks at him like that.
“Quite a gloomy day for what’s supposed to be one of the happiest days of the year, don’t you think?” He hears her say and he clears his throat, hoping it will snap him out of his stupor.
Get it together, he hisses at himself. Rotting in bed, whether you like it or not, is not a fruitful way to live out the rest of your days.
He turns to peer out the window. It was a rather drab and gray day, he concurs, and the wind came with a harsh chill. The conditions were certainly less than ideal, what with all the running around he’s done throughout the day.
“Yes,” he manages, a little awkwardly as he turns back to face her. When he does, he finds she’s eyeing the items he’s since forgotten he was even holding and suddenly, he thinks he’ll melt into a puddle of magma right then and there.
That, or he’ll just turn and run away until his legs can’t hold his weight anymore.
“How cute!” She says, nodding down at the bouquet and book. “Did you make a blind date with a book for your girlfriend?”
Remus blinks, a little surprised. She thought he already had a girlfriend? He wonders if he should take this as a sign that maybe she didn’t feel the same way— she thinks he’s taken, after all. Is she not interested in him after all? Was he wrong to suppose that maybe she’d even give him a chance?
His mouth opens and closes, trying and failing to give her a coherent reply, an elongated ‘uh’ emitting instead, a little dumbly. She simply blinks at him, waiting for him to reply, perhaps a little less enthusiastic than before but Remus assumes it’s because of how incredibly awkward he’s acting.
He presses his lips together and closes his eyes, tightening his fists around the gifts, and breathes. He’s tired of embarrassing himself, of being so incredibly self-conscious and timid that it prevents him from simply talking to someone, from making friends, from telling her how he feels. This is far from the first time he’s spoken to her and he should know by not that she’s not the kind of person to make him feel bad, whether or not she accepts or rejects him.
And he’s put so much thought into this. That’s got to account for something, right? Never mind how bad his handwriting or wrapping skills are or how cheap these damn flowers are— he should know by now that she’s the kind of person to value intent over expense.
So, he sucks in another deep breath, shakes the warmth away from his cheeks (to the best of his ability), and he takes his shot.
“Actually, these are for you,” he says, daring a step forward, extending his arms to present her with the gifts. She blinks down at them, eyes rounding in surprise. Remus shakes away that nagging sense of insecurity and continues. “You know, I’ve been coming here for quite awhile and you’ve always… you’ve always been so nice and I just thought… I’ve always just thought that you’re so… beautiful and I…”
He trails off, heart pounding against his chest when she glances up at him again, meeting his eye. Her gaze is so bewitching, so heavenly, he thinks she must’ve been crafted by the gods and goddesses above, sent down to Earth solely to catch him like a fish on a hook and keep him here, enthralled by her forever. A single look from her is enough to make him want to sink to his knees and pray for just an ounce of worthiness so that he could merely be around her for even just a minute.
He’s completely trapped now and even though he knows she’s the kind of person who would make rejection still feel nice, he thinks he’d die right then and there on the spot if she were to refuse him, if she were to say she’s not interested, if she says there’s already someone else.
“…I know you said you liked these flowers so I hope you like them, sorry they’re a little… windblown,” he titters nervously as he hands them to her. “I’ve been running around incessantly all morning.”
She takes them from him cautiously, a furrow in her brow as she brings them closer to her nose, taking in their scent.
“And I… I really hope you don’t already have this one,” he says, handing her the wrapped book, a little hesitantly. “I tried to find one I was sure you haven’t read. And, uh, sorry for the, uh… well,” he gestures to the pisspour wrapping skills and not to his surprise, she laughs but much to his surprise, it’s more amused than anything.
“‘Dark Academia, whimsical, secret societies?’” She reads his handwriting scribbled across the brown packaging “Remus, this is…” she trails off and for a moment, Remus’s stomach sinks and he really feels like he’s another to blow chunks of toast all over the place.
Just then, her face splits into the most marvelous smile he thinks he’s ever laid eyes on, the entire universe put to shame by this girl, this beautiful, enchanting girl. And that smile is all for him.
“…this is the most thoughtful gift anyone’s ever given me, I think,” she continues with a breathy laugh, curling her fingers around the ends of the wrapping paper. “You don’t mind if I…?”
“No, go ahead,” Remus says with a breathy laugh of his own. He watched as she tears through the paper, pulling the paperback out of the wrappings, her face— if it was at all possible— glowing brighter than he’s ever seen it before.
“The Starless Sea?” She says in more of a shriek, meeting his gaze again as she hugs the book to her chest. “I’ve been meaning to pick this one up for ages! How did you know?”
He didn’t, but he’s more than relieved to have been the cause of that devastatingly pretty look upon her face now.
“You recommended The Secret History by Donna Tartt that one time to me a few months back and told me about how much you loved it,” he replies, resting his elbows on the counter, a newfound air of ease around him. “It was amazing, by the way. I immediately began searching for books like it. I’d hoped you hadn’t gotten to this one yet.”
He thinks her eyes are beginning to gloss over and he blinks, dipping his brow, afraid she might cry for a moment. He yearns to see that smile of hers again, but before he can ask her what the matter is, she circles around the counter and practically leaps at him, locking her arms around his neck in a hug that he nearly recoils from out of instinct. It’s so shocking— being so close to her all at once, to be touching her and for her to be the one initiating but he breaks himself out of his stupor again, resting his hands on the small of her back, afraid to lose her touch once he has it.
After a moment, she pulls away just enough to peer up at him and Remus thinks that even if she were to reject him now, it would’ve all been worth it just for her to look at him the way she does now. He feels his lip tremble as she brings a hand up to his hair, the tips of her fingers brushing against the tips of his ears.
“Your ears are red,” she notes and he screws his lips together, swallowing down the boulder-sized lump at the base of his throat. She laughs and for a moment, a silence falls and he doesn’t realize she’s blinking up at him expectantly until she breaks it. “Aren’t you supposed to say, ‘will you be my Valentine?’”
Remus blinks back at her, feeling the corners of his mouth twitch but he doesn’t muster the courage to repeat it. She grins again, her warm knuckles dragging along his cheek.
“Because my answer is undoubtedly yes.”
a/n: FINALLY GOT AROUND TO WRITING A VALENTINE'S DAY FIC THIS YEAR! i hope you all enjoy! wrote this all in one sitting so not sure of its quality... but nevertheless, i hope you enjoy shy, fluffy remus <3
💌 if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging or even leaving a reply to let me know! it would be such a great valentine's day gift 🥰🫶
#remus lupin#remus x reader#remus lupin imagine#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x you#remus lupin x y/n#remus lupin x fem!reader#marauders#wizarding world#harry potter#marauders era#the marauders#marauders fic#marauders fanfiction
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Plz do a Husband corazon + child Law for mother's day 💐💛
Y E S omg I love Corazon, he'd be such a great husband and father. 🥺 On par or even better than Sanji imo.
I hope you don't mind that Corazon and the Reader have a biological daughter as well, I just thought it would be cute!! I also made this a modern AU one, because damn it, Corazon deserved to be happy. :'(
(Note: This is out of order from all requests simply due to the theme. I have made progress on the others!)

Corazon would have a whole plan, partly put together by thirteen-year-old Law and your toddler, Evangeline. Your daughter would draw you a card, while Corazon and Law focused on making you breakfast and of course, it would go all kinds of wrong.
You wake up to hushed shouting between your husband and adoptive son, Law telling Corazon he's going to burn the bacon and to stop smoking while he cooks. Your husband retorts that it's fine, nothing bad is going to happen. He's not going to set anything on fire, unlike at Christmas. For a few minutes you lay there on your phone, listening to your family down the hall. Evangeline eventually comes into your bedroom, pulling on your blanket and calling for you to pay attention to her.
“Mommy, mommy!”
You roll over and lift her up into your bed, giving her a tight hug while she laughs and returns it. What a joy she is, that last nearly three years have been a blessing with her and Law around, you wouldn’t change it for the world. Yes, some people have given your small family odd looks—what are two twenty-six-year-olds doing with a toddler and a teenager?—but you’ve learned to tune them out and ignore them. It didn’t matter what others thought, they could assume you’d had a teen pregnancy all they wanted. It wasn’t the truth, but some wouldn’t even listen or believe you. After all, you’d tried to explain it to your coworkers when you and Corazon adopted Law just before Evangeline was born, but even those close to you didn’t understand it.
“What’ve you got there, Evie?”
“Your gift!” She beams at you and holds the card she’d made out, the biggest grin on her little face. Just as planned, it’s a card she scribbled together, you can recognize your husband’s handwriting to make the words legible, but it’s still adorable that she tried so hard to make you something. There’s a cute little drawing of your family in the card, making you smile and hug her again,
“Thank you, Evie! I—” you’re stopped by the smell of smoke before the smoke detector goes off and kick off your blanket, running down the hall with your daughter in your arms and hearing Law yell that everything is fine, though you’re at the kitchen doorway before he finishes speaking. “What is happening?!”
Law turns to you and points at Corazon, who is waving a towel over the completely burnt bacon to try and get the smoke and smell out the window. “He burned breakfast again!”
“Not like you were helping, little shi—” Corazon stops himself when you send him a glare and cover Evangeline’s ears, shaking your head at him. After the one time she said ‘bastard’, you’d been very watchful of what words were said in your house, “Look, it’s fine! We can salvage it!”
“No, we can’t! It’s burnt black!”
Corazon ignores Law’s complaints for the moment, coming over to kiss your forehead and smile at Evangeline. “Did you give mommy her card?”
“I did!”
“That’s my girl!” Evangeline giggles while Corazon turns back to kiss you as a proper good morning. “Happy Mother’s Day.”
“Thank you, beloved.”
You’re briefly interrupted by a fancy bouquet of flowers being shoved between the two of you, Law looking away shyly as he holds them there for you, his own gift for you for the day that makes you almost cry and heart ache. He’d been with you as your son for the last three years, but this was the first time he’d given you anything on this day. You’ll never truly take the place of his mother, like Corazon won’t really take his father’s place and Evangeline his sister’s, but you’re glad for the smallest bit of progress that has him viewing you all as his family, and you hope for him to continuing viewing you all in that light, even as he grows up and out of your home one day.
“…Happy Mother’s Day.”
Crouching down enough to be eye level with him, you give Law a kiss on the forehead and a smile.
“Thank you so much, Law. I love them.”
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virgil van dijk x black!reader
essentially virgil is a cheetah in this.
His matte black Mercedes pulls up into your driveway. Just like routine, he flashes his lights twice.
It acted as a greeting - he always assumed I was watching like a nervous little girl. I always was though; like a kid at Christmas in hopes of catching Santa.
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest, you can damn near hear it in your ears. In a daze, you turn quickly to observe yourself in the mirror. As a result your cheetah print robe falls losely around your chocolate frame. The robe framed your pear shaped figure well, exposing your black lace push up bra that made your cleavage pop out. The matching black lace panties you wore on show also, and you had to admit the way it elegantly sat on your wide hips was to die for.
It goes without saying that he loved your body, like a dog and its bone. Let alone when you had it oiled up for him, waiting for him - like a meal.
You tie your robe around you so that only your cleavage was on show. For now. You admired the way in which it cinched your waist. And you took time to admire the way you looked - as a whole - in the reflection before you.
There was always a sense of pride that floated within you, when you looked at yourself. Not in a cocky way but because you invested in yourself : in how you ate, bathed, the products you used, the perfume you used, the quality of hair you bought and the clothes you wore.
This drew Virgil to you, you were a young woman with an advanced sense of maturity; a quality possessed by no one your age. You knew what you wanted, got it and then attracted people who were likewise - like himself.
Your naturally coily type 4 hair that would usually sit on your collar bone was now bone straight and hanging down your shoulders, different from the last time he saw you. It was the month of October and therefore in your world, silk press season. Virgil loved your curly hair. He worshipped it and you did too but, during the months of winter where it was usually very hectic - because of the annual buzz of your shapewear business - you knew having your hair in this state was easier to manage and would be less time cosuming.
You run your fingers through your hair, shamelessly flexing your hang-time in the mirror until you hear your door bell ring, a notification popping up on your phone that read,
im at the door :)
You take your time walking towards the door not wanting to look out of breath when you were face to face with him but, also due to a part of you burdened with jealousy. You hadn’t seen this man since last month, September 3rd to be exact. It was now October 29th. You missed him dearly and wanted to really spend this time with him wholesomely but the inferno of jealousy burning within you seemed to be overpowering your mind as you got closer and closer to the door.
Seeing his signature manbun through the glass panel on your door made your heart skip a beat. Logically it wouldn’t be fair to express your selfish feelings about his lack of communication with you as you were involved with an occupied man who had both a wife and multiple kids; especially during these autumn months when his kids were starting back at school.
You both were in a difficult position, him mostly as he had the most to lose and you because of your dignity. You’d never usually go for someone married or with kids as to do so you’d need to bare an innate sense of maturity to cooperate in those situations but with Virgil it was how he treated you that drew you to him. Hell, how he looked at you alone would make you fall to your knees. The gifts he showered you with; the cars, the jewels, the houses, the sex and the bags were big tokens of love for a girl like me. As a 22 year old girl, there weren’t men my age with these capabilities, so you can imagine I was immediately onboard.
It was addicting; the disguising, the private jets, the meeting at hotels, the sense of mystery he brought to your life. The ‘on edge’ feeling, it riled you. It enlivened you. Not to mention way he fucked you, rough and hard and senseless somedays and then when he would make love to your pussy with his tongue and fingers on other days.
How aggressive he was with you, it enticed you. It brought a sense of danger, a feeling you lacked in your life.
You know it did say a lot about your character, but from your perspective you were young and allowed to make mistakes. You deserved to be loved, and in your head life was too short to miss out on this experience of “love” or lust. Not many people your age could claim an experience like this so you embraced it, even when parts of you knew there was potential for this to be a short-lived rollercoaster ride.
There were boundaries that I intentially set with Virgil when we first started seeing each other. I no longer wanted him to sleep with his wife, especially because he was sleeping with, unprotected at that. This was something that “showed my age” he always said and something he often dismissed as me “trying to start with him'”. But I swore to him, if I was to ever see any evidence of them sleeping together, we would have a problem. Gladly, I feel he is listening, he has spoken about their sexual spark diminishing ever since having kids and to support this; his sex drive with me is insane in a way it wouldn't be if he was sexually active with her.
He knocks again, breaking me out of my deep ponder.
You exhale, opening the door wide enough for him to enter. He ducked, walking through the door way, his hair as always slicked back not a fly away in sight. He wore a black crew neck shirt and black baggy joggers, and a silver cuban link that adnored his chest.
He knew what his chains did to you.
You sway your hips into your kitchen leaving him in the doorway his mouth agape, his mind racing not able to verablise how good he thought you looked.
He follows you into the kitchen like a lost puppy. The smell of vanilla invading his nostrils both from you and the candles you’d lit throughout the house. He looks around, his eyes admiring the new rugs you'd bought whilst you went to collect your green juice from the fridge. A nightly ritual you underwent.
“You don’t wanna give me a hug?” His deep voice sounds, the bass in his voice drawing you to look at him as you drank the entirety on your juice, hiding your smirk behind the bottle.
He eyes you back, his intimidating eyes falling from yours to your cleavage, and back up again appreciating how good you looked behind the kitchen island, your breasts spilling out of your robe. The older man walks up to you, standing behind your body. Your 5’7 self nothing in comparison to his 6'5 goodness. He lands his cold fingers on your collar bone rubbing them in circular motions. He hums, the vibration heading straight down your body.
You breathe in and out deeply, your eyes rolling back. Putting the bottle down, you turn around to face him not before making sure your plump bum rubbed up against him. You embrace his rock solid physique.
His firm hands travel down the length of your silk pressed hair, “Where are you curls Ameena?” he queried trying to find your eye contact.
You sigh at the memory, pushing them back and standing firm in your nonchalance.
“Not here” you muffled into his chest.
Feeling his body against yours brought out the feline in you, it needed to be studied. This cat like feeling manifests as you drag your fingers up and down his back inhaling in his intoxicating fragrance.
His chin lands on the crown of your head. “I’ve missed that attitude.”
The storm that had once subsided was back, you draw back fast, smacking at his chest. “Where have you been? Of course you’ve missed me, you haven’t bothered to see me in ages' you complained, your upper lip raised in irritation.
“I’ve been busy, klein mesije” he drags pulling you back towards him by your waist.
“Yeah doing what? Playing house? At award ceremonies with that b- woman -” you collect yourself pointing at his chest with your index finger, the nonchalant facade had faded. “holding umbrellas for her and shit? You didn’t even check on me to see how I felt after seeing that all over the internet. Or check on me in general for that matter!”
“Ameena-” he chuckles at your absurdity as he swipes his hands over his face.
'And no, sending me money isn't a form of communication', you rebute, crossing your arms over you chest in an act of dominance which actually had the complete opposite effect because now his focus was on your twin giriles that were sat even higher than before on your glistening chest.
“So you wanted me to bring you as my plus one? And how would that outcome be, Ameena?” he spoke softly to your suprise. He usually got very defensive with these topics, maybe he really did miss you.
“You’re on punishment, you should never go more than a week without talking to me. It makes me feel disposable and used. You claim we have more than just sexual chemistry - an emotional connection - yet you chose to ignore my existence. This is what I mean - this is why I couldn’t have that - no - why i can't have a baby with you.”
A crash of realisation paralyses you. You attempt to renege on what you had said but it’s too late as you see his head cock to the side almost instantaneously.
You hurriedly walk to the other end of the kitchen island towards the entrace of your living room in mortification, feeling his eyes follow your silhouette.
This was a low blow from you, throughout the 2 year entanglement, he had attempted many times to 'give you his son', to which you always profusely refused - you just weren't ready. He'd get offended saying that you were unserious, this whole saga stopped when you started taking birth control meaning he could cum in you. He doesn't know this, what he thinks is that you're now willing to have kids with him. The con regarding this temporoary victory was that you didn't know how you'd address him when 5 months down the line he asks 'why aren't you pregnant yet' .
His eyebrows furrow, a moment of realisation prominent in his expression. 'What did you say, Ameena?" he shot back.
There he was, the man we usually see on the field. You had no choice but to berate yourself, you couldn't keep your gob shut! The fibres in your body stopped moving for half a second. The world felt still until you spewed out some words to escape from the deafening silence.
'I said, you should never neglect me like this again or it's done.' you rush, knowing exactly where you'd taken this conversation to.
'No. After that..'
" I - I Listen Virgil if you're in the mood to argue you should leave, you should be making it up to me right now not grilling me. You are in the wrong, admit it." Your confident attempt to gaslight him fell upon deaf ears. You begin to strut off, not wanting to deal with the can of worms you had opened up or it was going to be a long night. You hoped nothing of the sort would happen.
You never thought you were one of those girls, the type to tell on themselves in the presence of a man.
'No Ameena. Come. Here” he forefingers beckon. “That’s right, one step at a time”.
You retreat towards the island. You lean both elbows on your kitchen island. “What!?” you question unenthuiastically, itching in trepidation.
"You're being disrespectful, you know how I feel about you walking away from me. Don't do it again." He walks towards you, licking his lips slowly. Slut, you screamed in your head.
"Stand up straight" he ordered following your movement with his eyes, his chin raised. You stay in this position, side eyeing him as he walks closer to you.
He grumbles with clenched teeth.
He latches onto your arms, pulling you into his chest, your back slamming against his front.
"Ow, Virgil" you grimace.
“You’re going to do whatever the hell I tell you to do” he rasped into you ear, you feel his left hand circle around your neck. You wince, trying to wringle yourself out of his embrace.
“When I want you to have my kids, you will. I'll make you the mother of my kids. Will you stop me?" you shake your head, a moan escaping your mouth as you fight to wriggle out of his nasty grasp.
"Use your words, Ameena"
“Ok Virgil!” you answer desperately, craining your neck upwards to loosen his hold on your neck. He keeps his hand there, walking you both closer to the island, so your bare stomach is pressed against the cold marble of the counter. Your robe, in the process of your tussle with Virgil, had unravelled.
''Virgil, my hair!" you cry like a brat in fear of all the tussling ruining your silk press.
"I don't care. Say you're sorry.' you gasp.
Now he held both your hands behind your back as if you were a hostage. With ever second that passed and you were silent, he manhandled your body in a different way.
Ten seconds had passed of silence so he pulled your robe off, earning a hiss from you when the cold marble met your skin.
"So thats the only thing you heard, I literally expressed my sorrow regarding us not speaking and the only thing you caputured was that I wouldnt have your babies?" you grit out kissing your teeth in disgust.
A stinging sensation, illicits a mini scream from your lips.
"Say you're sorry!" he repeated loudly.
The reality was, you weren't sorry. In fact, that was the most truthful thing you'd ever said to him. You didn't see him divoricng his wife anytime soon, and to have a baby with a secret woman, would in return make the baby a secret; yes you were flawed butyou wouldn't dare bring a child into that type of situatipn. It wouldnt be fair.
"I'm sorry Virg. I'm cold" you whisper.
"I'm sorry!"you shout. "thats so humiliating Virgil" you mutter.
"Good girl' he kisses your back, slapping your ass one more time before letting you get up.
You stand, scoffing, being naked in the kitchen always seemed to happen whilst he was here. This man, you complained in your head, what have I gotten myself into for crying out loud.
"Pick up my robe" you ordered and like a dog he does as told. I think it's because he knew I was no longer in the mood as I hated when he dominated me like that during arguments. It made me feel weak.
"Next time, use your manners" he scolds scratching his goatee, I know it took everything in him to not cuss me out for speaking to him like that.
"Really though. For real, I will not have a kid with someone who doesn't contact me when they're away from me, and who keeps me as a second option. everytime. It gives deadbeat. I know you'd hate for me to find someone he doesn't do that", you finish tieing knot around your waist.
Virgil's jaw ticks for the second time this night, he swallows the anger he feels rising up so he could articulate himself without yelling at the young girl. She hated it.
"Ameena. Don't be silly, were you not just upset with me because I was not contacting you a lot? Why do you think that was? I was doing the opposite of what you have just accused me to be. I was being a father. I was spending time with my kids, who are most important to me. How dare you call me a deadbeat".
He turns around.
A breathe gets caught in your throat, but it's forced to stay there as he continues his speech. "This is what I mean when I say you show your age, you complain about me not seeing you and not texting you for days at a time as if you don't know how much my kids mean to me.”
"You really shouldn't complain about being a second option in regard to them. That’s my family, my everything . You will always be a second option - you knew what you were getting yourself into."
Nothing comes to your brain not a rebutal, nothing. The reality that was your situation dawns upon you. You felt as if common sense had only entered into you at the start of his latter speech. Clouds of humiliation hover over you.
His words had sucked the breathe of you. He was right, you couldn't interrupt a man's life and then claim first place.
You walk to stand infront of him, your voice small. This was the first time, in ages, he had made you feel like what you were, a little girl. "So, if I have your babies, would they, as well as I, still be a second option?".
His face is stoic, the horny and playful vibe that was once in the room had dissipated. “No, they'd be equal. But since I am such a deadbeat - what was the need for the question. You already have an assumption of me lodged in your brain, no?"
“My baby” you thought, he didn't show it but you knew he was upset. He blinked often, trying to conceal the disappointment in his eyes.
You press your chest on his, the urge to be in his embrace triumphing. You attempt to wrap his heavy arms around your waist.
“I'm sorry, truly. The comment was audacious and immature . I didn’t mean it. You're an amazing father, it’s just that the reality of having your babies seem so near, and its daunting Virgil. I was just projecting my fears”.
His arms fall back to his sides as soon as you let go of them, as if his arms were dead.
The sense of disheartment you felt wasn't going to prevail. In this moment, just like other moments you both had shared, you felt the only way to express your sorrow was to initiate something sexual. It usually worked, but this time you weren't sure.
You look up at him your chin snuggled onto his chest,whining..
"Daddy, I'm so so sorry..." you bite at his crew neck pulling your head back. He liked it when you acted like this, desperate. And in this case there was no acting, you were despearte to be in his good books again.
To your suprise he is looking back down on you, earning your heart a little jump, the eye contact felt intimidating. "Virgieeeee" you drag, puckering your lips on your tip toes. Vocalising your fustration of not being able to reach his lips, despite being on your tip toes with a small cry.
A nasty thought springs into mind, your heart racing as you predict the outcome. You untie the cheetah printed robe, making sure to not lose eye contact with the man. Aroused, you pull your perky breasts out of your lace push up bra squeezing them for him, enjoying the sensations of your needy hands on them.
A barley audible groan sounds from his throat as you collect saliva in your mouth allowing it to dribble down to your twins. You loudly suck the remaining dribble back into your mouth.
Virgil's eyes darken, a little quiver underneath his left eye. He tucks his bottom lip underneath his teeth fully entraced in what you were doing. You pinch your wet nipples, causing your chest to involuntarily rise.
"virgil, i'm ready, look, so why aren't you saying anything?" you whisper in a small small voice.
"You can do me however you want .. however." you plead, your wide eyes pleading alongside your words and voice.
"Get upstairs. Now".
I apologise for any typos. pt.2coming soon
#football x reader#liverpool fc#premier league#virgil van dijk#virgil van dijk x reader#virgil van dijk x black reader#football#trent alexander x reader#trent alexander arnold#jude bellingham imagine#jude bellingham x reader#blackboyjoy#black men#jude bellingham fanfic#fanfic#Virgil Van Dijk#jobe bellingham#jobe bellingham x black!reader#jude bellingham#trent alexander imagines#lfc#liverpool football club
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Merry Christmas
Scaramouche x Reader *FLUFF*
Warnings: Smoking, and that’s probably it! No smut this time, wasn’t feeling in the mood for it and wanted something soft :3 ❤️
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone 💚 I hope you all have a wonderful day ❤️ Not proofread
Scaramouche was no fan of holidays, especially Christmas. The obnoxious sound of Christmas music howling in the wind on every street corner, every radio station blasting all the classics people seemed to love. His drives to work had become utterly silent at this point, leaving him to sit with his thoughts. The streets were bustling with reds and greens. Big signs advertising sales or delivery or whatever else companies did to swindle the people into buying more and more and more. It was disgusting really.
The only thing he found enjoyable was his time with you.
Sure, you put a tree, decorated it with Christmas ornaments, hung wreaths, put up small elf and reindeer trinkets, and baked a lot of sweets. But he enjoyed the looked on your face spending time with your family and him. A beautiful smile that could rival the sun would be graced upon your lips. Your laughter ringing through your shared home with him. It never failed to make his heart skip a beat and make him fall deeper and deeper in love with you. Even though the windows frosted over with ice, the snow packed against the asphalt, and the skies gloomy with winter weather, you always made him feel warm.
You melted the walls around his heart years ago.
“I’m going out for a smoke.” Scaramouche interjected, standing from the couch where you and your family sat before making his way to the sliding glass door to the balcony of your apartment. He didn’t care the disapproving glares from your parents, he really just needed a smoke and to get away from the music, bright lights, and Christmas movies playing on repeat. His face was met with the chill of the winter air, soon enough turning his pale nose pink in its icy touch. His slender fingers fished through his jean pockets, pulling out a half empty pack of cigarettes before slotting one between his cracked lips. Just as he was putting his pack back and going for his lighter did the glass door sound in his ears.
“Hey.” It was your voice, soft and gentle as you approached your boyfriend. Scaramouche only hummed in acknowledgment of your presence for a brief second, before finally fishing out his lighter. He held his hand around the lighter, flicking his thumb over the ignition to make a spark. After a few attempts, the spark found the gas and lit a small and weak flame. A warm red burned from the tip of the cigarette as your boyfriend took an inhale of nicotine. “You’re getting better you know.” You said smiling, coming beside him on the opposite side the wind was blowing. He exhaled a breath of smoke, his shoulders slowly slumping as he let out a small scoff.
“It’s only half a pack. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” He couldn’t help but glance over at you. That damned ugly Christmas sweater you were wearing, the fuzzy white and red hat atop your head, and the remains of cookie crumbs peppered on the edge of lips. You still made his heart do backflips. “I know. But you’re trying, for me. I want to recognize and praise you. Thank you.” You looked over at him and smiled warmly, the blank expression on his face remaining, yet you could always tell when his eyes would soften. Your hands circled around one of his arms, your breasts coming to push comfortably against him as you both looked out over the bustling festive city. “I can’t wait till this damn year is over.”
“Well, new years is a week from today. It’s almost over, and your birthday is near.” Ugh, don’t remind him. Just another festivity you insist on celebrating for him. It was unnecessary, especially considering how his background with his family. Yet you always insisted that you were thankful for his birth. In some way it was heartwarming really, but it still never failed to bring bad memories. He inhaled another drag from the cigarette, blowing out the smoke through his nose before looking away from you. He hadn’t even finished half of his cigarette before he was burning it out against the metal railing of your balcony. “B-Be careful when you do that. I don’t want the landlord finding out.”
“I got you a present.” Scaramouche mumbled, glancing back to see your expression. He had never gotten you a gift on Christmas before. Sure he bought you flowers occasionally after rare arguments or brought home chocolate on your period, but he had never actually given you a gift. “H-Huh? You did?” You asked in bewilderment. Your boyfriend was never one to show his affections through gifts or words, rather through actions. He thought the idea of giving gifts just to make someone happy was ridiculous. Everyone always preaches it’s the thought that counts, but in the end people buy each other gifts because of tradition now. “Yeah. I did.”
He turned away from you, fumbling with his pockets for a moment before handing you a small box with a ribbon on top. You took the gift cautiously, staring at it with slight anxiety. Your thoughts were racing of what it could possibly be. Through your 4 year relationship he had never gotten a gift for anyone on Christmas, it must be super special or important for him to have gotten a gift now. The tips of your fingers tingled as the cold air pricked your skin, your fingertips slowly tugging at the ribbon to reveal a small black velvet box. Was it jewelry? Your cheeks reddened at the thought of something so romantic. Replacing your fingers on top, you slowly edged the box open.
There was a ring. A diamond ring at that. Oh and of course he left the price tag on it.
Your eyes almost bulged out at the price, utterly flabbergasted at how much he’d spent on a ring. “S-Scaramouche this is-! It’s beautiful! But-!” He closed the box back before you could finish. “Let me put it on then.” He opened the box back and pulled out the ring, ripping the price tag off and tossing it off the balcony to be taken by the wind. You through your hands up in protest. “No way! T-That’s way too expensive! That’s more money than I’ve e-ever seen in my-“ Your voice died out quickly as he grabbed your left hand, carefully sliding the expensive diamond ring onto your ring finger. “Money doesn’t matter to me. It was on my mom’s credit card anyways”.
“I didn’t hear or see any objections.” He muttered, his eyes softening as he started to see tears welling in the corner of your eyes. He reached a hand to your face, being delicate to wipe your tears away with his cold fingers. “Not like I’d let you anyways.” His arm came to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You could still faintly smell the smoke on his breath, mixed with the scent of his cologne that always made you weak. Your smile hurt, your cheeks aching at how wide your grin was. Without a seconds hesitation, he pulled you the rest of the way in, his lips finding yours in a soft and innocent kiss, unlike his fiery passionate ones he typically gives you.
“I-It’s not fair! You- You’re supposed to ask!” You pull away with a laugh. Your new fiancé gives you a light scoff before pinching your reddened nose. “That’s pointless. Your answer would’ve been yes either way. Don’t act like you would’ve said no. I wouldn’t have let you.” You hugged him once more, nuzzling your face against his chest while a few happy tears escaped down your cold cheeks. “Never… I want to be with you forever.” Scaramouche looked out over the city once more, his eyes trained on the full moon that lit up the night, the stars flickering in the distance. His eyes widened as a shooting start blitzed across the sky. “Merry Christmas, Scaramouche.”
His lips twitched, slowly arching upwards as he looked back down to you against his chest.
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N).”
#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact#genshin impact scaramouche#scaramouche fluff#scaramouche#scaramouche x reader#scaramouche x you#merry christmas
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Christmas Cookies
Female Reader x Monkey D. Luffy
A/N I don't really write fluff but I really hope you guys like it!!<3 Merry Christmas to those who celebrate:)
Warnings: None pure fluff!!
Word count:1,061
(Likes and reposts are greatly appreciated!<3)
You bake Christmas cookies with Luffy on christmas eve!
You rarely had the kitchen to yourself, but when you did you let the chef know in advance. Today was one of those days, Sanji had finished cleaning up after the Christmas feast and let you know the kitchen was free to use and wished you Goodluck. The reason being, that you were going to bake with Luffy.
You knew better than anyone just how gluttonous your boyfriend can be, but he always insisted on being by your side while you baked. His reasoning was that he liked to 'help' you, when in reality it was just you scolding him and swatting away his stretchy hands from eating all the raw cookie dough, and this time was no different. "Luffy!! Don't eat that, the raw ingredients can make you sick" you scolded him as his face was already covered with the flour and dough. His mouth was stuffed with the cookie dough as he spoke "But I'm hungryyyyy" he moaned as if he hadn't stuffed down a Christmas feast. You roll your eyes at him "Luffy you just ate like 30 pounds of meat and you're still hungry?" His stomach growled right after you asked that, he pouts slightly and pats his stomach "See? I wasn't lying."
You couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was begging for the cookie dough. He looks at you pouting and with pleading puppy eyes. "Okay fine... I'll give you some more cookie dough, but that's it because we need to leave some for Santa." His eyes lit up as you gave into his begging and immediately swallowed whole the sugar cookie dough you gave him. His cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk. You made more cookie dough, rolled it out, and started using Christmas cookie cutters to get the right shapes. Luffy was having a blast using his gum gum Gatling move to cut the cookies faster, the room was filled with his laughter.
After putting a batch of cookies to bake, Luffy is sitting by the oven admiring them and impatiently waiting for them to be ready. You hear him slightly groaning and muttering how the cookies are taking too long to bake. You ruffle his hair and smile "Be patient...they're almost done" He groans again "This is taking so long..." You come over with two mugs of hot cocoa and hand him one, "Here, to make the wait easier" He swipes the mug away from you and grins "Thanks! You're the best" He sips it slowly since it was piping hot, but that didn't stop him from trying to chug it.
After a few more sips of the hot cocoa, the timer indicating that the cookies are ready rings and he jumps up, "They're ready!!" You make your way to the oven and carefully place them on a cooling rack. "Careful babe, you'll burn yourself" but he was practically drooling over them. He ended up stealing one although you warned him, and he was trying to play it off "I-It's not that hot..." You saw how red his face was and smiled at how stubborn he is.
After the cookies cooled off, you had set a variation of decorations. Things such as various colors of icing, sprinkles, gummy, candies, and colored sugar. As you set your half of cookies on one side, you set his half on the other side. You called him "Babe the cookies are ready to decorate!" He rushes in and immediately grabs an icing bag. Noticing how eager he is you ask,"Oh how are you going to decorate your cookies?" He snickers and looks at you "It's a surprise...just wait and see." You were still extremely curious as you watched him gently squeeze and spread the frosting on the cookies, but you knew he wouldn't budge if you continued to ask, so you let him concentrate. You started playing some Christmas music as you decided to start decorating the cookies you'd leave out for Santa.
After an hour, you finally finished. You tried your damn hardest to make the cookies as precise and jolly as you could. You admired the decorations you made, the Christmas trees, the snowflakes, and the Santa hats. But you were so focused and in your zone you had forgotten about Luffy. You turned to look at him as he has a prideful grin on his face, and you saw the mess he made and the frosting all over his face, and he even had some in his hair. "Check it out! what do you think?" He moved away from hiding his cookies and let you see the surprise design he made. You felt an overwhelming sensation in your chest as you saw the surprise design he made was actually everyone in the crew.
You saw all the hard work he put into the cookies and admiring how adorable everyone came out, noticing sanjis extra curly eyebrow, and Zoro's face being grumpier then ever. You felt him looking at you for approval on how he did, when you turn to look at him "Luffy...these are the cutest cookies I've ever seen, you did amazing." His eyes lit up at your praise and he smiled, "Really you like em' that much?" You giggle softly as he pulls you closer by the waist "I love em', who knew you were such an artist." His laugh bubbles out loud when he pulls you even closer, "Let's leave our cookies and milk out for Santa..." You kiss him softly and admire that sweet excited expression he has all over his face, "Whatever you say Cap."
With that, you two set up a little table on the deck outside on a sunny, placing a mix of both of your cookies and a glass of milk. He smiles and looks at you while placing the cookies neatly before speaking up, "Wait... I wanted to eat this one" He points at the one he made of you. You felt your cheeks heat up a bit "You wanna eat me?" He nodded eagerly "Uh-huh! It's my favorite cookie out of all of 'em!" You couldn't say the cookie he made of you, "Of course babe...whatever you want." You saw as he devoured your cookie,
He wrapped one of his arms around you pulling you as close as possible to him and you hear him say "This was the best Christmas ever!"
#one piece#straw hat crew#monkey d. luffy#luffy#one piece luffy#straw hat pirates#straw hat luffy#luffy fluff#one piece x reader#luffy x reader#luffy x you#luffy x female reader#luffy x y/n#op luffy
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Christmas in Mount Justice
cartoon version of Young Justice, written instead of sleeping and I'll be honest, I kinda run out of steam at the end, but it'd take me until next year if I didn't push through, so here it is, and hopefully it's not quite visible where I started pushing through it, I hope you'll enjoy
words: 4633
“Since, hopefully, this is the last time we're seeing each other before Christmas–” Black Canary announced, stretching after finished training“ I wish you all merry and healthy and boring Christmas” she finished with a wide warm smile. Danny barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. This goddamn worst time of the year. He checked once more if his mental shields were up. According to M'gann, ghosts were really loud on mind reading wavelengths so he needed to keep them up most of the time. He wasn't an asshole to drown his friend in absolute hatred of Christmas.
“You too Black Canary!” Wally yelled, running like the earth was burning to get cookies M'gann baked “By the way, what are your plans?” he asked upon his return.
Did they really have to keep talking about it? Danny was half considering just dropping through the floor to escape this conversation but chose against it because he really didn't want to answer all the questions it would cause or hear a ‘you can't deal with all unwanted conversations by escaping them’ lecture again any time soon. He could and he would, the Freakshow incident was just one way to prove it.
“B and I have to attend some stuffy rich people party” Robin said with clear displeasure “I still need to plan what mess to stir there. Chandeliers swinging are banned and so is arson so I have to get creative.”
“You actually set something on fire?! That's sick as hell!” the speedster's enthusiasm didn't waver as he threw a few cookies at Danny. It was nice that someone remembered about Danny's slightly enhanced metabolism. They (both Young Justice and Amity squad) still didn't understand it completely but the working hypothesis was that he needed to eat more to make up for ectoplasm he couldn't consume in quantities big enough for his ghost side since it was poisonous to humans and he had to dose it carefully. Being a halfa was rough like that some(most)times.
“Well, lighter is easy to sneak inside–” Robin explained and honestly Danny never expected to hear Gotham’s feared vigilante go over logistics of arson but he guessed it was his life now, he could use this info to do something about at least one Christmas tree in Amity or share it with Sam. She mentioned some upcoming rich people party too”–and amount of alcohol there is astonishing, really you'd think that people would try to stay sober on event like that but apparently–”
“I'm having dinner with my mom and some family friends–” Artemis interrupted “Can't wait spend God knows how many hours with all of them talking over each other and asking awkward questions” she tried to sound displeased but there was no way she could hide her fondness and wasn't that a wild thing to see. Seriously, he almost choked on a cookie. In theory Danny knew some people genuinely liked Christmes but–
Just like that? Just happy to–
Yeah, he knew but couldn't quite comprehend. Sam was exactly like that, found but trying to seem annoyed to keep up with her goth persona. Tucker was way more open about his delight.
For Danny Christmas was only too loud because everyone was singing badly and too bright because of lights and too stuffy and there was this damned argument about Santa and yelling and fe–
“Oh, me too! We also planned a movie night with Central Rogues, this time it's Cold’s turn. I wish he won't pick Die Hard again…”
Well, Danny guessed movie night with Rogues, that clearly meant an off evening since they wouldn't try to stir things up while watching the movie, sounded like a really nice idea. Personally he would do without people who try to turn him into a pulp every other day but apparently things worked differently in Central.
“King Orin wanted to introduce me to some surface celebrations as well,” Kaldur said with a warm smile and halfa forcefully stopped himself from giving their leader a weird look. Even him?! Betrayal, absolute betrayal!
“Well, I don't really celebrate so I'm staying here, maybe training a bit, I'm not sure yet,” M'gann announced shyly and it took all his willpower to not hug her for being the only sensible person in the room.
“Yeah, I'm staying too. Apparently I'm not invited to family gatherings” Conner added bitterly.
“Honestly your not missing much,” Danny muttered “It's just perfectly prepared and measured argument breeding space, believe me”
Wally tried to protest but one pointed glare and it dissolved through power of ‘don't make Conner feel about it any worse than he already does’. Danny felt a little guilty for using it to sooth his own hatred towards Christmas but not too much. He really wanted to reassure his friend and ways he went about it were no one else's business.
“And what are your plans, Danny?” M'gann asked gently after he didn't continue. He really wished he didn't have to answer but keeping his emotions hidden meant nobody could see that something was up and say ‘you don't have to tell if you don't want to’ or other shit like that.
“Not sure yet. I think I will crash with you here honestly. If we believe this magic book we found, there is a Christmas truce in Zone, so there shouldn't be any ghost attacks and your company is always great,” he smiled sincerely.
“Wouldn't your parents ask questions if you just skipped Christmas, though?” Wally asked a bit cautiously but Danny waved his concern off with a vague ‘eh’ sound.
“Will you show us some Christmas traditions then? As a part of ‘earthly traditions’ course?” M'gann's eyes almost shone with excitement and Conner looked hopeful and it made him feel conflicted. The whole point of crashing in Mount Justice with two aliens was to not touch anything Christmas related with thirty feet long stick but alas M'gann asked nicely and was pretty. These were two big ideals fighting inside of him then and there while he tried to keep his face and outer mind blank enough to not bring any suspicion.
Betrayal to second, no third, power! He wanted to escape this hell of an experience!
But well, he could shape the experience in a way that's the least painful and M'gann and Conner were really great friends…
He couldn't quite match her enthusiastic grin or even Conner’s bit smaller one.
He was going to regret it, wouldn't he?
“Guys, I messed up so bad…” Danny whined, curling on Sam's enormous bed covered in fluffy blankets and nice pillows.
“What did you do this time?” girl asked with a smirk. Halfa was sometimes mad how well his friends knew him and didn't take his dramatics as seriously as he would like to.
“I wanted to have a sleepover at Team's HQ during Christmas, you know, to escape it. Only ones who will stay are Miss Martian and Superboy, aliens, so I thought it's a good idea. And then they asked me to show them ‘earthly Christmas traditions’ and I AGREED!” he yelled, his hands flying dramatically at the confession.
His friends, little traitors they were, just laughed.
He came to get some help, advice on either doing this introduction well because Danny Fenton was known for a lot of things but half-assing projects he agreed to do wasn't one of them (homework was obligatory without his consents ergo didn't count) or gracefully getting away from mess his idiocy brought onto him, not to be laughed at! He had enough of it at other times.
Though they got to work when they calmed down, making Danny revisit the idea of not talking to them ever again and throwing it out of the window.
“Alright,” Tucker started, preparing his note and planner apps before continuing “what do you want to show them? Gingerbread house?”
“Of course” Danny huffed because as much as he hated Christmas and its traditions, gingerbread house was decent one. Making one at Tucker's place three years ago when he had been introduced to the idea was one of his best memories related to the holiday. Even though it was cut short by trip to the ER because dumbass little Danny had wanted a little gingerbread man he set aside and he had eaten him still all fresh and 350°F hot and got severe burns in his mouth and throat because apparently his instinctual response to burning in his mouth was to swallow instead of to spit.
“Gifts.” Sam raised in a way that meant she was not taking any complaints and Danny didn't really want to argue. His track record with gifts from his parents wasn't too good ever since he had a brief just-like-dad phase and they didn't realize it ended after a month but other people knew how to fix it. The Voyager Lego set he got from Sam the year before still made him smile when his eyes landed on it.
Tucker noted it down. “What else? Christmas tree?”
Danny winced but nodded. He wasn't too fond of it but it was too big to miss it.
“Ugly sweaters?”
“Superboy would actually develop laser vision if I tried it”
“Movie marathon? I can lend you some DvDs”
“Yeah, it's probably a good idea. Kid Flash mentioned it too.”
“Santa Claus?” Sam asked with a smirk and Danny threw a pillow at her.
“Who is Santa Claus? I never heard of him, must be a Rhode Island thing” he answered with a straight face, not knowing how many times he will have to repeat it.
Phantom: hey guys!
Phantom: want a Crisscross Christmas
Phantom: ?
Artemis: The what?
Phantom: oh, you know
Phantom: this thing were we draw aech othres names anf have to buy a gift
Kid Flash: you mena Secret Santa
Kid Flash: ???
Phantom: never heard of that
Phantom: thats a wierd naem
Phantom: but if rules match, call it whatever yoyu wnat
Aqualad: I like this idea
Robin: GIft drop-off on 27th is okay for everyone?
7 people liked this message
Robin: i take that for yes. 50$ budget?
Kid Flash: Robin, Rob, Bob, my best pal. I have 5$ and single slice of bubblegum to my name rn
Kid Flash: No, actually no bubblegum anymore
Kid Flash: 10$ is top I could spend
Phantom: Same
Artemis: Same
Aqualad: Me too
Miss Martian: I'm not sure if me and Superboy have any money, actually
Phantom: See Rob?
Phantom: just be a good samamritanina and give them 10$ instead og flaunting batmans money
"Important question. How do one pick a present?"
"You know, it's good if it's something personal, either in a way that it's something they want or need, a gag gift that'd be funny for both of you, or just something that made you think of them"
"Yeah, yeah, I read the mom blogs, none of this actually helps, what am I supposed to get for Artemis?!"
"Alright, so. I have a list of things I think you need to learn about Christmas. We're kinda late to the party, so I cut off some stuff because there is no way we would make it in time."
"Sounds about right, what do we start with?"
"Most classic of classics, the Christmas tree, Batman already greenlit it, so it's waiting outside"
"So, Christmas tree is evergreen plant, conifer, sometimes only branch or synthetically made model, that, if living, is cut down from Christmas tree nursery, and then put inside the house, usually in the living room or other space that is considered repre-"
"Danny, we live in society, we have basic knowledge on American traditions that is literally everywhere. We don't need it to be spoon fed to us in a voice more robotic way than Red Tornado, literal robot"
"What?! I'm not wrong"
"Sorry. Let's get to decorating then?"
"If you want to ramble, we'd be more than happy to listen. It's obvious that you took a lot of care to learn everything."
"Speak for yourself"
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, with what exactly do we plan to decorate it?"
"Oh, this one is easy. I asked around people to donate some stuff, and Batman got us few things after I asked for permission for the tree. He even asked Justice League to drop us some things too."
"That's nice of them"
"Yeah, though I'm a bit worried about gifts from Arrows and Robin, y'know. They all had this type of smile that means either a gag idea, merch or exploding glitter and I'm not sure which option scares me the most"
"Yeah, you're right"
"Did… um… did Superman bring anything?"
"Yes, actually! He brought pretty big box of stuff and mentioned dropping of some food for Christmas in the morning or the afternoon of the first day. He said he was happy that you got the experience even if he isn't able to be the one to give it to you. I think he is coming around"
It was an interesting thing about Danny. He wasn't all that good with authority figures or frankly adults in general, and he never passed on the chance to tear in Superman for his treatment of Conner, if he saw the man, but in private he was surprisingly pro-Superman and tried to make them "see his perspective" with some pretty convincing arguments. Everyone else was still unimpressed but Danny never gave up.
M'gann still wasn't sure if in these circumstances she found it cute or annoying.
"If that's what you want to believe in"
"Oh, hello Megan! Red Tornado, would you like to join us in decorating the Christmas tree?"
"This… seems like a decent idea. What is the procedure of it?"
"We already put on the lights, so now we're placing baubles and other hanging decorations, before we finish off with paper chains and these fuzzy boas. We need them evenly spread out on all of the tree, preferably in a way, that things in similar colors aren't right next to each other, alright?"
"Yes, Phantom, instructions are clear"
"Great. Do we want some music in the background? My friends usually play some Christmas songs to get us all in 'the right mood' as he calls it?"
"Good idea, I'll play something."
"Thanks Meg"
"Just hear the sleigh bell jingling…"
"Is this… yeah, it's Carpenters, it's Jazz's favo- oh shit"
"Got it!"
"Nice catch Conner! Red Tornado, sorry I didn't clarify before, we're not decorating the side by the wall."
"We have only one last thing left then"
"The star at the top. The youngest child of the family usually get the honor. Conner, it's you time to shine~"
"Shut up already"
"How is he supposed to reach the top though? He can't fly"
"Step stool or someone has to hold him up lion king style"
"Lion king- Don't you dare! Keep those hands to yourself! Danny!
"So, what's next on your magical list?"
"Gingerbread house. It's a moment for you to shine Meg, because I'm absolute mess in the kitchen and I don't think Conner is much better"
"blah, blah, blah, absolutely perfect, could be hired at Michelin star restaurant right this instant blah, blah, blah"
"Oh, you little-"
"I believe the arguments are supposed to start at the Christmas table and not before. It seemed to be consensus in my sources. Was I mistaken?"
Conner stopped dead in his tracks, as confused as M'gann at the question.
Danny laughed so hard he fell on the ground.
"Red Tornado, what does that mean?"
"There is no need to spread misinformation until we can get confirmation whether my sources were correct or not"
"Danny? Danny?! What does he mean?! Why are you laughing?!"
Danny just stayed curled on the floor, almost wheezing.
"So, we have all of the ingredients, right? Flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves-"
"I think it's still in the cabinet, let me grab it real quick"
"Alright, other than cloves, do we have salt, vegetable shortening, granulated sugar, molasses, an egg- I mean, applesauce? Yeah? Let's hope it'll work. Okay, I think were ready"
"Do we have ginger ready?"
"I don't think so, I'm pretty sure we've run out about a week ago? Why- oh wait"
"Did we seriously forgot to get ginger to make The Gingerbread House?! It's literally in the name!"
They all just stood in silence for a long moment.
"We're idiots"
"Well said, well said"
"I believe there are better names to describe you in this situation. Unfortunately, I cannot recall them"
"Thanks Red Tornado, that was helpful"
"Maybe we can still buy it?"
"It's 10:34 PM, December 23rd, M'gann, what shop would even be open?"
"Shut up Conner, it's actually not a bad idea. I think I've seen- yes, there is something open until eleven, about five minutes out if I fly"
"There was no ginger at the shop, but I got cranberry for later, if needed, and some chips to snack on"
"It's fine, we found unopened pack of powdered ginger in the back of the cabinet"
"That's great! Give me a minute to return this packet I liberated on my way home?"
"Hey, M'gann!"
"Would you like to invite your uncle to our dinner?"
"That's a great idea Conner, thank you!"
"Okay, wait, wait, wait, before you two get weirdly aggressive about it again-"
"We're not that aggressive and it's a serious matter"
"I don't have any ghosts to get of my misplaced aggression out on so I'm funneling it into cake decorating instead"
"M'gann, you literally are trying to choke him right now, Danny, even I know it's concerning and I have less than half a year of learning what is considered normal under my belt. Anyway, before you escalate it again, how about each one of us gets one side of the house and then we work in pairs on the roof?"
"I like that"
"But what about aesthetic integrity!"
"It's quite literally against the point of gingerbread house"
"Before we go to sleep, I believe it's a widespread tradition to leave milk and cookies for the Santa Claus on the Christmas Eve evening"
"What is it this time?"
"Nothing really, chill out Conner, I just never heard of that"
It was so clearly a lie it probably couldn't even be called that, but at this point everyone realized, that for some reason bearded man in red was a sore subject, and they stopped trying to learn why. Maybe some day he'd tell them.
"Sorry. This person is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the tone."
"Hey Dani, it's Danny. Merry Christmas, please let me know when you get that. I'm celebrating outside of home, safe, with some friends, so if you want, I can give you an address and you can drop by. They're all more than okay with ghost stuff and have a history of accepting someone similar to you without any questions. I'm sure they'd love you. Let me know you're alright and if you want to join us. Sorry I keep calling, I'm at the worrywart stage. Love you, please stay safe."
Danny was doing pretty well with this whole "organizing Christmas". Really. M'gann did kick him out to breathe a bit of fresh air (and wait for the Superman and food he was supposed to bring in) because his hands were shaking too much, but other than that he was fine. Really. He was getting a bit panicky because he didn't hear a word from his sister in the past week and usually she let them know if she knew she would go somewhere where that could happen but she just as often didn't because she spontaneously decided to do something else. Trackers they made her wear showed she was fine.
It didn't really help, he wasn't sure if there was anything less than actually hearing or preferably seeing her that could reassure him.
It wasn't even talking about all of the trouble that was a bit closer to home, because Christmas never meant anything good for him, with or without his parents stirring up the Santa-fight. They weren't there and yet, he still couldn't make himself believe it could be any better this time. For Ancients sake, he made sure there was no Santa Claus in whole Mountain, nothing to remind him of how it always was and his brain still decided to be stupid about it.
So now he was standing in thin hoodie out in Rhode Island winter, in hopes that cold would shock him out of spiraling, trying to keep his breaths even and not fly away because it felt all like a little too much at the moment. he was standing in thin hoodie out in Rhode Island winter, waiting for a man who would awkwardly try to do the whole 'I'm an adult you can trust' routine and then treat him like messenger pigeon to contact the child that actually wanted and needed him. He couldn't entirely blame him but-
"Are you quite alright?"
"I'm fine"
"Are you sure? It's quite cold to be dressed like this and your heartbeat is quite erratic."
"I'm fine as old wine Superman, please say your piece before someone comes to see what took me so long"
"I'm serious. Leave it alone and just give me the food"
Superman looked a bit conflicted, clearly considering all of the potential pros and cons of digging in further and choose wrong.
"You're worried about Dani"
"You're the last person I want to talk to about her," Danny spat out, anxiety quickly turning into anger.
"Of course, but-"
"Have two civil conversations with your clone before trying to tell me how I should handle mine" As soon as these words left his mouth, Danny regretted them, if only a little, but he kept pushing "I told you about her to explain why I'm willing to vouch for you. It doesn't make you someone I'll confide in. It doesn't make you someone I trust. It doesn't make me approve of the way your handling it. It just means I understand. But you're an adult man and experienced hero with stable job and adult shit figured out and I'm a teenager with home just safe enough for me to stay and family that'd question how third child just showed up. We are not the same."
Superman flinched away at some point during the rant, looking properly humbled. He avoided eye contact and just reached forward to pass him hard plastic case filled with food containers and smaller boxes wrapped up in nice Christmas themed paper.
"Alright kiddo. Get it inside before you turn into a icicle. And tell Conner I wish him Merry Christmas, alright? I mean, I wish it to everyone but…"
Damn, if the "never meet your heroes" person wasn't right.
"You're a coward Superman. Come in and tell him that yourself"
Conner lashed out, as expected, but it was far more subdued than it would be just few month before. To his credit, Superman stayed the whole time it went down and only left when boy mostly calmed down and wouldn't feel like he was being ignored. Man even tried to respond to some allegations, though he wasn't really heard. Conner ranted some more after hero left, but overall it went better than Danny thought it would.
Then they had dinner, which went… surprisingly well. Apparently, not having to worry about being attacked by the main dish did wonders to Danny's overall jitters (and didn't everyone get super weird when he mentioned it). Not having people start nonsensical fights also helped. He knew better than to mention that.
Also, turns out that Superman or whoever he got to make them food was freaking amazing cook, thank you very much. Danny wasn't necessarily fasting, not in a way he knew some people did in the period preceding Christmas or at least on Christmas Eve, but the tension of past few days made it hard to eat a lot. It definitely lessened now that the thing was happening and seemingly going well, so he was absolutely ravenous. To be completely honest, as far as he could tell, everyone else matched his enthusiasm.
There was a bit off moment at the beginning, when Martian Manhunter asked him if he shouldn't be with his family during holidays, but Danny quickly and subtly brushed it off and nobody mentioned that afterwards.
He may have overeaten, actually, for once in his live, which he may regret in the morning, but at the moment, it made him quite content.
Then came the gifts, which also went better than he expected. For once there was no need to act like he enjoyed the gift despite already planning on how to get rid of it. Even better, focus was almost fully removed from him, obviously, because it wasn't his first rodeo.
Conner looked so lost and confused with the gift he got from Superman's mom, it was almost heartbreaking. It was beautiful crocheted scarf, black and red, with his symbol on each end, and an apology note explaining that Mrs Martha Kent would give him something more note worthy but she learned about him way to late to make something better. There was also promise of more worthy gift in near future. Danny knew all that because Conner read it out loud, asking everyone to help him make sense of that. There was only so much they could do.
Other than that, he got some nice flannel shirts from M'gann, quite a few sweets. He also got a book from Danny (it was a sin he didn't read "The Martian" before) and concepts of new hero suits for him, that Sam somehow sneaked between the pages. It was certainly a lot to explain without making anyone angry.
M'gann got two different cook books, that unfortunately didn't include Fenton fudge recipe (Dad was really protective over it), some surprisingly obscure merch from "Hello Megan" and more sweets.
Red Tornado got an apron and few tokens of appreciation, that robot quite liked, as far as Danny could tell.
Martian Manhuter, due to how rarely he visited, was the hardest to pick presents for, which resulted in some general little trinkets.
Danny got night sky projector, which was really cool, and potted plant, for some reason, which, while also cool, because plants are cool (Sam would rekill him if he thought otherwise), he knew far too well, would not survive until July. It wasn't only because he could barely take care of himself, let alone whole ass plant (see also, that one time he either drowned or dried three cacti), but also because of the times ghosts (or home security) attacked him in his room. He was thankful anyway. Maybe it could push him into finally getting some contingencies against that, that’d actually work. After all, it was quite a pretty plant.
By the time they moved to the couch to watch “Die Hard” of all things (it was only DVD that Tucker provided that didn’t have Santa Claus as a prominent character, because of course that little traitor would do that), Danny had to admit that this Christmas was… nice. Enjoyable. Pretty amazing actually. Good enough that he could understand people waiting for it the whole year. He couldn’t tell that he joined their ranks, but he certainly could understand them.
It was also downright exhausting and at some point even dynamic fights of John McClane couldn’t keep his eyes open. It was fine though. He was safe, he was warm, almost squeezed against his friends. It was good place to just relax.
It’s been first time in a long time since he felt that on Christmas.
I'm not sure if I managed to properly Conner's... whole thing, if he turned out too hostile, let's just say he was still pissed about the whole "wasn't invited to Clark's family gathering" thing and it made him a bit more antsy.
I'm not sure how well I managed to handle it, but I don't want to bash neither Clark nor Conner. They're both victims in this situation and while the way Clark handled it was far from ideal, it's also far from worst he could do and I believe he deserves a bit more grace. In the end, on psychological level he is just human and humans don't always handle being baby trapped perfectly. Maybe I have more understanding towards him because my prefered way of handling conflicts is walking out and locking myself in my room, but idk. Maybe I'm capable of more coherent explanation when it's not 3:44 AM
Ginger shenanigans were inspired by my own Christmas preparation adventures, when I was making bread dough for the Christmas Eve and decided to add rosemary to make it more ✨festive✨ and got really attached to the idea. My mom agreed, then it turned out we didn't have any, then I went to the shop like twenty minutes before it closed at 11PM so at least one guy was there to replenish his alcohol suplies. My mom called to tell me to also buy some powdered garlic and beetroot. Turned out we had rosemary at home. At shop I only found garlic. I also brought energy drink, because I was tired but had more stuff to do and some snacks just because.
Bread turned out pretty good.
I sincerely believe if I was solely responsible of making gingerbread, I would forget to get ginger (or like, to fit with "it's in the name" thing, pepper, because in Polish it's "piernik")
I'm really sorry if the drop in quality by the end is noticable, if this thing stayed unfinished whole another year i'd do something I'd regret later.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dc x dp#dcxdp#by the way Dani is fine#she is in Atlantis after she helped beached whale back into the ocean#her phone is water proof but was not made to get reception at the ocean floor#but two days after Christmas Danny will get message from Kaldur's phone that'll read#Dani here; I'm fine got invited to sea kingdom and-#-it's amazing bye#to be honest it was quite curious thing to have#mostly because despite both Poland and US being part of the Western culture there are quite a few differences#and I can do all the research I want (I suck at in-depth research)#there is no way in hell I'll understand it#especially considering my family is practicing Catholic and Poland historically is Catholic so our traditions are heavily affected#anyway feel free to yell at me if I fucked up representing American Christmas spirit and the way it would look in a friend group#and feel free to ask if you're curious about Polish traditions if you want#sorry for not including team gift exchange#I have no energy to think about what they could get for each other#feel free to write it yourself if you want to#I'd love to read it#christmas#christmas fic#wandixx writes#have a nice day dear stranger who got to this part
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The itch
Part I
Summary: Reader is a friend of the band but III doesn't like her too much and the feeling is mutual. Or is it?
Pairing: III x fem!reader
Warnings: non, YET
Word count: 2930
A/N: The start of a bit of a slow burn, I hope you like it, please, don’t forget to give me feedback! 🖤
He spotted the familiar face across the room and his stomach tied into a knot. She got under his skin with her almost bubbly personality, she had this ability to make everyone feel like they were the center of the universe.
Everyone but him.
“Hey guys!”
You wave across the bar, not surprised by III’s unimpressed face. Approaching them your heart beats like crazy, you know he doesn’t quite like you, you just don’t know why.
III’s teeth gritted at your voice, lips pursed as he lifted his gaze with a muttered course.
Great, what I needed.
“Evening darling.” – he said, the sarcastic term of endearment rolling off his tongue like a spit of venom. He raised a hand in a half-assed greeting before taking another swig of his drink. IVy, on the other hand, seemed to light up like a bloody Christmas tree anytime you were around.
The twat.
You great the others with a short hug, obviously leaving III out, you’re not pretending to be close though you know him better than he’d like to admit.
“Where’s Ves?” – you ask cheerfully.
“He’s got a cold. Bit of a cough.” – II responds with a shrug.
IVy was eyeing you, sizing you up with his usual easygoing smile. Sometimes III wondered if he just wanted to get into your pants. He sure seemed like it.
“Said he needed a night off, don’t blame him.”
“Oh… what a shame.”
You say, noticing IVy looking at you and III looking at IVy from the corner of your eye.
“What are we drinking? I feel like gin tonight.”
You smile at them, even at III who seems to be annoyed by it, as always. If only you knew what was his fucking problem with you.
“I’ll get the next round for you boys, okay?”
You were always so happy. Too damn happy, it was getting on his nerves.
“Gin, of course.” – he says, rolling his eyes.
“The drink of choice for those who can’t handle real alcohol.”
“Oh, and what do you consider as real alcohol?”
You can’t take it, you need to comment.
“Anything but whatever fruity shite you’re drinking.” – he says with a scoff.
“You’d probably pass out if you had a good whiskey.”
II rolls his eyes, mumbling something about not starting this again while IVy grins at your retort.
“So what? How old are you, 19? You know what, I don’t give a fuck about who could drink more of what, I’m gonna get gin for myself and beer for you guys and anyone who doesn’t like it can bite me.”
III’s opening his mouth but you’re not in the mood.
“Oh just shut it already.” – you say chuckling, well aware that it’s gonna fuck him up.
You turn around and make your way to the bar, swaying your hips a little more than you should.
You know you’ve won this battle but the war is far from over.
III’s eyes follow you as you walk away, his irritation mixing with a hint of admiration for your feistiness. His gaze quickly falls to your hips and his jaw clenches. The view did something to him, his body reacting in ways he’d rather not think about.
Bloody hell.
The night goes on by rather fun after all this, the boys are easy to talk to and III seems to hate you less and less as you drink more. Or at least he’s not insulting you in every fifteen minutes, which is a progress. You catch him look at you a few times but you don’t make a big deal out of it because tonight IVy’s doing the same, it doesn’t really matter.
III can’t help but notice that too, a pang of something unexplainable stirs in his chest. He’s practically drooling over you every time you speak or laugh.
Bloody prick.
“I think it’s time for me to go.” – you say softly, you’re dozing off faster than you should.
III glances up at you, noticing the slight slur in your words and the way your eyes flutter a bit too slowly. Your cheeks are flushed and he can’t help but feel a little bit of… concern? Clearing his throat, he mutters.
“You sure you’re okay to get home? Alone?”
The words come out rougher than he intended, he can taste the slight bitterness in his mouth.
Why am I concerned?
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl.” – you say, your smile directed at him, not even acknowledging II and IVy now. You’re almost ashamed to admit that it feels good to have him worrying about your safety.
“Yeah, sure. You’re a big girl until a creep jumps you.”
II and IVy just watch, confused look on their faces until III throws them a glare.
Keep your mouths shut.
He finishes the last of his drink before rising from his seat, feigning aloofness as he glances at you, silently offering his company. There it is again, that feeling of protectiveness. It’s unfamiliar and he’s not sure he likes it.
“Who are you…?” – you ask in an overexaggerated manner.
You wanna go on but you don’t push your luck. You want him to walk you home. He rolls his eyes at your comment but there’s a hint of a begrudging smile in the corner of his mouth. He hates how cute he thinks you are when you’re all giggly and slightly drunk like this.
“Yeah, yeah, spare me the sarcasm. Just don’t puke on my shoes or something, I ain’t your bloody babysitter.”
“I’ll try my best.” – you say as you giggle and wave goodbye to the boys.
The two of you step out of the pub into the cold November night, walking in silence for a bit but you can’t keep your mouth shut.
“Why are you doing this..?”
III stuffs his hands into his pockets, ducking his head against the cold.
“Doing what?” – he asks innocently.
He knows damn well what you’re talking about but he’s not gonna admit it because…
Why am I doing this?
He doesn’t have a good answer.
“Come on, quit it…” – you say teasingly.
“It’s so out of character, walking me home and all this shit.” – you pause and add a comment in an attempt to stir him up.
“IVy would’ve probably offered to walk me home anyway…”
“Yeah, I bet he fucking would have.” – he mutters under his breath, a little too loudly.
The though of him walking you home, his hands all over your drunk, curvy frame…the though makes his blood boil.
“Oh for the love of…” – he stops dead in his tracks and turns his face to you, blue eyes darkened in the dim street light.
“…and what, would you preferred it if it was him?”
You’re taken aback, eyes going wide and your mouth opening without a single words coming out. His sudden and unexpected reaction caught you by surprise.
“No. Actually, no…” – you say softly, looking up at his somewhat grim face as he’s towering over you.
III’s heart stutters at your words, a strange mixture of relief and surprise coursing through his veins.
“No?” – he repeats.
His body is tense as he looks down at you. For some strange reason this whole thing is making his pulse race and his breath catch in his throat.
Why do I want to hear you say it again.?
You don’t say anything, you just shake your head twice, slowly, letting it sink in. He’s staring at you like never before, you can’t read him and it’s infuriating. You’re not sure what to say or do, you feel like he’s controlling the situation and you just react to him.
The way you’re looking up at him, the way you so easily turned tables with a quiet admission…it’s unnerving. And yet, there’s a stirring he can’t quite ignore. Something deep within him, a primal sort of possessiveness that screams he wants to be the one to walk you home, he wants to be the one to make sure you’re safe. He wants to reach out, to touch you, to hold you…
Why am I being so fucking soft?
“Thank you…”
Though your voice is a whisper it snaps both you and him from this indescribable state.
He swallows, the huskiness of your voice sending a shiver down his spine like electricity.
“Just… shut up.” – he mutters, averting his gaze.
He starts walking again, the silence between you more comfortable than before, as if some of the walls are coming down.
“Okay, okay…”
You chuckle as he tells you to shut up, his somewhat usual mannerisms coming back but it still feels different. It doesn’t seem like hate and despise anymore, rather teasing and banter.
As you’re catching up to him the thought of your arm linking with his comes to his mind but he immediately brushes it off.
Get it together, you fool.
He glances over at you, his eyes flitting over your figure every so often, taking in the way your hips sway, the way your hair frames your face.
“Yeah, yeah… you never seem to know when to shut up.” – he says almost in a warm tone.
“Someone has to keep you occupied, yeah?” – you tease him, the cold air sobering you up a little.
You need to hurry beside him, his long legs are carrying him way faster than your short ones do little old you.
His gaze flickers over to you, the way your cleavage is slightly visible from where he is, just enough to keep his mind reeling. He has to bite his tongue to keep him from saying something stupid.
“Keep up you midget.”
“Oh fuck you.”
You want to stop yourself but you can’t, you laugh out loud.
“You fucking lamp post.”
“Lamp post?” - a scoff leaves his lips.
“At least I’m not the size of a bloody bonsai tree.”
He chuckles, shaking his head as he glances down at your shorter frame, imagining all the ways he could manhandle you.
You’d like that, wouldn’t you…Fuck, pull yourself together.
Your laughter gets louder and heartier, no one has ever called you that, it’s genuinely funny.
“You fucker.” – you say, trying to stop the laughing.
III grins, the laughter slipping out if your lips warms his heart more than he cares to admit.
“Language, hobbit.” – he teases.
“Okay, you Ent.” – you giggle as you’re getting closer to your apartment.
“Well at least you know your Tolkien, that’s something.”
He looks down at you, taking in your flushed cheeks, the way your hair falls across your face. He glances at the upcoming building, the realization sinking in that the night is coming to an end. A pang of disappointment hits him but he does his best to ignore it.
“This is your place then?”
“Not this, the next one.” – you say, probably unsuccessful in masking your disappointment that you have to part ways.
Seeing the building he looks back at you, taking in the way the light from the street lamp casts shadows on your face. His gaze lingers on your lips for a moment, his fingers itching to touch you.
“Well, I guess this is goodnight.” – he mutters, stuffing his hands in his pockets to stop himself from doing something stupid.
Don’t touch her…
“Yes…” – you say softly as you’re searching for your keys.
Having found them you turn to him, his icy blue eyes burning a hole in you as he’s looking down.
“Thank you, again.” – you almost whisper.
“No worries.” – he replies, his voice gruff, almost a low growl.
His eyes travel down your face, lingering on your lips, on your neck… He clenches his jaw, fighting the urge to reach out, to pull you closer, to feel your softness against him. The two of you nod and he stars to walk away when you do something you’ll probably regret later.
“III…!” – you call out to him.
He stops mid-stride, turning around to look back at you. His heart jumps as he hears his name spill from your mouth, the sound of it sending a shiver down his spine.
He turns to you, his expression schooled into a familiar mask if ignorance, trying to hide the effect your voice has on him.
You walk towards him and without a word you hug him. You’re not sure why you’re doing this but it feels right at that moment.
Bloody hell.
His whole body stiffens at the unexpected contact, the feel of your arms around him sending a wave of heat through his veins. For a moment his mind goes blank and he stands there like a statue, unable to move, to speak, to breathe. Then, as if a dam has burst, his arms envelop you, pulling you tightly against his body, one hand slipping into your hair, the other at the small of your back pressing you close to him.
The feeling of his long bony fingers in your hair makes you swallow hard, you gasp. His tall slender figure against your soft curvy one feels indescribably comforting, you don’t want to pull away from him, not yet.
Just a few more seconds of this, please.
His breath hitches as your body melts against his, the feel of your softness driving him crazy. He tightens his grip, his fingers tangling in your hair and pulling slightly, his breath fanning over your ear.
“Fuck…” – he mutters, the word escaping his lips like a prayer.
He knows he should pull away; he knows this is a dangerous boundary he’s crossing but he can’t bring himself to care. Instead, he pulls you closer.
Hearing him curse as his breath is hot and damp against your ear you roll your eyes at the sensation. Unable to control yourself you let out a soft and quiet moan, hoping he didn’t hear you but I know he did. You're practically melted against each other.
His ears prick up at the sound that escapes your lips sending a spear of desire straight between his legs.
That sound, that beautiful breathy sound… He wants to hear it again. Over and over, until your voice is hoarse from screaming his name…
He swallows hard, fighting to keep himself under control, to keep his hands wandering around you body, to keep his lips claiming yours
“God, I…” – he murmurs softly, his voice barely above whisper.
You suddenly come to the realization that he’s heard you and shame is starting to creep up inside. You pull away from him, your tone apologetic.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, sorry to have hugged you, I…” – you’re a mumbling mess as you’re moving towards the door.
Fuck, what is happening?!
“Wait, love…”
The nickname slipping before the has a chance to stop it. He swallows, trying to regain some degree of composure and it’s taking all his willpower not to pull you back to him.
Your mind doesn’t even register what he’s just called you, you’re desperate to get inside your flat, you feel like you’ve done something to be ashamed of.
“Thank you… thanks for walking me home, it meant much to me, good night… bye, sleep well…” – you’re spurring.
His heart sinks as he watches you make a beeline for the door, he can see the shame in your eyes and it's tearing him apart.
“(Y/N), wait… please…”
He tries to keep his voice level but the desperation bleeds through. He wants to say ‘don’t be sorry, there’s no need to apologize, this was the highlight of my day’, but the words stick in his throat. Instead, he takes a step forward, closing the distance between you.
You slip inside the door before he could reach you, it locks behind you with a loud click.
“I’m sorry! Good night, I’m sorry…!” – you shout, on the verge of crying, the reason unknown to you.
You can’t comprehend the turmoil you feel and it fucks you up.
He stands frozen in place, his hand outstretched, his heart in his throat. The sound of the door closing, locking him out is like a punch to the gut. He can still feel the imprint of your body against his, the memory of your scent, the sound of your voice but now he’s left alone in the cold, wondering what’s just happened, why you’re apologizing, why he’s feeling like he’s just been sucker-punched. He clenches his jaw, the urge to hit something, anything, almost overwhelming.
You hurry up to your flat, taking two steps at a time. You don’t know what’s gotten into you but you feel you were in the wrong. He hates you, right? And you don’t like him either, right?
How are you going to crawl out of this weird hole?
He's still standing in front of your apartment, feeling like the biggest idiot on the planet, contemplating what the hell has just happened. Did you know what you were doing when you pressed that delicious body against his? Or when you wrapped your arms around him just begging to be held? And then there was that moan, the sound that’s been playing on loop in his head since he’s heard it. A moan that made his knees go weak. A frustrated growl escapes his lips as he’s starting to walk home.
You carefully look out your window, watching him walk away,
My fucking god, why did I have to hug him?
It's just complicated everything
But he felt so good against me…
You will blame it on the alcohol if it ever gets brought up, yeah.
Like a coward.
But that’s the best you can do for now.
There’s a part two coming! Stay tuned loves.
My lovely tag list so far 🖤
#iii#iii sleep token#iii x reader#iii sleep token x reader#sir token the third#iii imagine#sleep token fanfic#iii sleep token fanfic
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Got7 x reader A/N: I am so obsessed with Yugyeom's AOMG era. He burned those damn skinny jeans the moment he left JYP. If there's a song for this fanfiction- it would be Hey daddy (Daddy's Home) by Usher. (Someone please get Yugyeom a girlfriend 😫) Word count: 2485 Warnings: None just some fluff ______ You turned off your phone with a pout, still frustrated that Yugyeom hadn’t responded to your texts. You checked the time zone—2 AM in Germany, and here you were in Japan, wide awake. Your family had decided to spend the holidays here with Jackson’s family, while the brothers, Mark and Yugyeom, were off vacationing in Germany.
"Stop checking your phone," Jackson teased, sneaking up behind you. "You two were just FaceTiming earlier."
"I can’t help it!" you huffed, crossing your arms. "I miss him already."
Jackson chuckled, draping an arm over your shoulders and shaking his head. "Why don’t we go shopping? We can pick up something for them. It’ll take your mind off him until he wakes up, wherever he is."
It actually sounded like a good idea. Plus, you still hadn’t figured out what to get Yugyeom for the holidays. With a nod, you followed Jackson out for a shopping spree.
The streets of Tokyo were alive with dazzling lights and festive decorations. Christmas in Japan had a different kind of magic—bright illuminations, couples walking hand in hand, and stores filled with limited-edition holiday merchandise. You tugged your coat tighter around you, still feeling the winter chill despite the warmth of the city.
Jackson dragged you into a luxury store first, insisting that Yugyeom needed something stylish.
"Look at this," he said, holding up a designer jacket. "This would look amazing on him."
You tilted your head, picturing Yugyeom in it. "Hmm… it does suit him."
"Of course, I have taste," Jackson grinned. "Unlike you, who was about to buy him—what? A stuffed animal?"
You swatted his arm. "He likes cute things! And he would actually keep it."
Jackson rolled his eyes. "You are so whipped."
"Whatever," you muttered, moving to another section of the store.
Eventually, you settled on a sleek silver ring that you knew would look good on his fingers. Simple but meaningful. It felt like the perfect gift.
Just as you were about to pay, your phone buzzed.
Kyum ��: You awake? Kyum 💙: I miss you.
You couldn’t stop the huge grin that spread across your face.
Jackson groaned. "Oh my god, you’re smiling like an idiot. You’re literally hopeless."
"Shut up," you said, quickly typing back.
You: Go back to sleep, it's 3 AM there! Kyum 💙: Not until you tell me you love me.
Your heart skipped a beat. Damn him.
Jackson peeked over your shoulder. "Oh my god, are you guys that cheesy? Get a room—wait, no, get another country."
You ignored him, chuckling as you typed back.
You: Fine, I love you. Now sleep.
A reply came almost instantly.
Kyum 💙: I love you more. Also, buy me something cute.
You giggled. Jackson groaned dramatically. "I swear, this is worse than a K-drama."
But you didn’t care. Because no matter how far apart you were, Yugyeom always had a way of making you feel like he was right there with you.
"Seriously, what the heck? It looks like we bought out an entire store!" Jackson groaned, struggling to carry all the bags filled with the items you’d picked out. You hadn’t even really thought about it, you just grabbed anything that reminded you of your boyfriend. Damn, you missed him so much. ------------------- Thanksgiving had come and gone, and you were already back home, but Yugyeom was still in Germany. He’d be there for another two days, and the separation anxiety was killing you. FaceTiming wasn’t enough, either you’d fall asleep first, or he would. It was so frustrating. All you wanted was to cuddle him.
Your phone buzzed, nearly slipping from your hand as you eagerly checked, hoping it was Yugyeom. To your disappointment, it was Bambam. You weren’t even back at your dorm yet, and he was already asking to meet up.
Bam: Where are you? You: At home. Why? Bam: Too bad! Can we meet up around the area? The YSL bag I’m about to give you can’t wait.
Your eyes widened at the mention of a YSL bag.
You: You're lying. Prove it.
Bambam sent a photo almost immediately—a sleek black Saint Laurent bag sitting pretty in its box.
Bam: Doubt me again and I’ll give it to Lisa instead.
You rolled your eyes, but you were already reaching for your coat.
You: Fine. Where are you?
Bam: The café near your place. Hurry up, before I change my mind.
You huffed, grabbing your things and slipping on your shoes. The thought of seeing Bambam and securing a brand-new designer bag was enough to make you move fast.
As you made your way to the café, your phone buzzed again. This time, your heart skipped a beat.
Kyum 💙: Where are you going this late?
Damn. Did he have a sixth sense or something? You hadn’t even texted him yet.
You: Bam wants to meet up. He said he has something for me.
Kyum 💙: At this hour?
You bit your lip. Uh-oh. Someone was grumpy.
You: It’s fine! I’ll be quick.
No reply.
You sighed, pushing the door open to the café, only to be greeted by Bambam’s signature smirk.
"You look nervous," he teased.
You plopped down across from him. "Yugyeom is being weird."
Bambam laughed. "Ah, he’s jealous."
You frowned. "Of what?"
Bambam wiggled his eyebrows, pushing the bag toward you. "Of me, obviously."
You rolled your eyes, but a small smile played on your lips. If Yugyeom was jealous, then maybe… just maybe… he was missing you a little extra tonight.
He handed you the YSL box containing the bag.
"Thanks, Bam!" you beamed.
Trust Bambam to be stylish—he could easily pass as a stylist someday.
Your eyes lit up as you began unboxing it. What the heck? This was absolutely gorgeous.
"Glad you like it! It took Yugye—" Huh?
You paused mid-unboxing and looked up at Bambam suspiciously.
"It took who?" You pressed.
Bambam’s eyes darted to the side, and he coughed into his fist. "Uh—what? No one. I mean, I just—um—found it and thought of you."
Your jaw dropped. "Bambam."
He sighed, slumping in his chair. "Okay, okay! It took Yugyeom forever to pick that bag for you, alright? He called me six times asking if you’d like black or beige, if the gold chain was too much, if the size was right—"
Your heart skipped a beat. "Wait… he picked this?"
"Yeah, duh." Bambam rolled his eyes. "Why do you think he was acting weird earlier? He probably wanted to give it to you himself."
You stared at the bag in your hands, warmth spreading through your chest. Yugyeom picked this. He was the one worrying over every little detail, making sure it was perfect for you.
Your phone buzzed again.
Kyum 💙: Are you home yet?
You bit your lip, trying to fight the stupid grin forming on your face.
Bambam groaned. "Ugh, you have that lovesick look. Just call him already!"
You laughed, clutching the bag closer. Maybe you would.
You still hadn’t replied to Yugyeom, too caught up in admiring the bag he’d picked for you. You couldn’t help the fluttering in your stomach, it was so thoughtful of him. Even as you got home, you couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.
Your jaw dropped, even the bag you are holding, when you entered your house.
Yugyeom was sitting on your couch. You almost did not recognize him because...... what the hell did he do to his hair?
Yugyeom was sitting on your couch.
Your heart stopped. "W-What the hell?! What are you doing here?!"
He grinned lazily, stretching his long legs out. "Surprise."
You blinked rapidly, trying to process his presence. "You're supposed to be in Germany!"
"Yeah, well..." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking slightly guilty. "I, uh, cut the trip short."
Your eyes widened. "Why?"
Yugyeom smirked, leaning forward. "Because someone was too busy staring at a bag to text me back."
Your mouth opened and closed, heat rushing to your cheeks. "I—I was just—"
"Just what?" He stood up, stepping closer. "Too distracted by the gift I picked for you?"
You swallowed hard, your pulse racing as he invaded your space. "Maybe."
His smirk softened, and he reached out, brushing his knuckles against your cheek. "Did you like it?"
You looked down at the bag, still stunned. "I love it."
Yugyeom hummed in satisfaction. "Good. Then I don't regret flying all the way here just to see you hold it."
Your breath hitched. "You flew back for me?"
He grinned, tilting his head. "Well… yeah. And maybe because I missed you like crazy."
Your heart was doing backflips at this point. "Idiot." You whispered, but you were already reaching up to pull him into a hug.
He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "Yeah, yeah. But I'm your idiot." “And what the hell did you do to your hair?!” you blurted out, slightly pushing him to take in his whole new appearance. His once dark locks were now light brown, tousled messily as if he had just rolled out of bed. Yugyeom smirked, running a hand through his newly dyed hair. “You don’t like it?” “I—That’s not the point!” You threw your hands in the air. . “You’re supposed to be in Germany! And now you're here, looking like some K-drama second male lead who's about to break my heart.”
He let out a low chuckle. “Damn, is that what I look like? Should I go back to black?” You shook your head in disbelief, stepping closer. “No, it’s just… Why? And why do you look like this?”
You had to admit, his new look did something to you that you couldn’t quite explain. He looked... magical.
“Wanted a change. And… I missed you.”
Your breath hitched. “So you impulsively dyed your hair and hopped on a flight back?”
He shrugged. “Pretty much.”
You stared at him, your emotions a chaotic mix of disbelief, fondness, and something dangerously close to love. “You’re insane.”
He smirked, tugging at your wrist, making you stumble forward slightly. “Maybe. But you love me anyway, don’t you?”
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the way your heart was hammering in your chest. “Debatable.”
He laughed, pulling you close to him once again “Then I guess I’ll just have to make you admit it.”
You remember you have to give him what you bought from Japan also.
Your eyes widened as you suddenly remembered the shopping bags in your room. You quickly turn around making Yugyeom raise an eyebrow at your sudden movement.
"Wait, I got you something," you said, rushing over to grab them in your room, neatly wrapped package from your shopping spree in Japan.
Yugyeom smirked, watching you with amusement when you returned. "Oh? My girlfriend spoiling me now?"
"Shut up," you muttered, shoving the bag into his hands. "Just open it."
He chuckled but did as you said, tearing into the wrapping like an eager kid on Christmas morning. His eyes lit up when he pulled out the limited edition designer hoodie you had painstakingly picked for him.
"Shit," he muttered, running his fingers over the fabric. "This is sick. You really know my taste, huh?"
You shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant even though his reaction made your heart swell. "Well, you should look good if you're gonna keep making impulsive decisions like dyeing your hair brown."
He snorted. "You love it. Admit it."
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. "Are you gonna try it on or not?"
Yugyeom smirked, standing up and pulling the hoodie over his head in one swift motion. It fit him perfectly, and damn, you had to admit he looked really good.
"So?" he asked, striking a playful pose.
You bit your lip, refusing to give him the satisfaction. "Yeah, yeah. It suits you."
He stepped closer, leaning down slightly. "That all?"
You huffed, looking away. "Fine. You look hot, okay?"
He grinned, his hands sliding around your waist. "Knew it."
You groaned. "I hate you."
"Liar," he whispered before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
You hesitated for a moment before reaching into the shopping bag again. Your fingers brushed against the small velvet box, and suddenly, you felt nervous. It wasn’t that serious, but still… buying a ring for someone felt kind of intimate.
Clearing your throat, you pulled out the box and handed it to Yugyeom. "I, uh… I also got you this."
He looked at the box, then back at you, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "A ring?"
You nodded. "You always wear them, and I saw this one and thought it’d look good on you."
Yugyeom opened the box, and for a moment, he just stared. Inside was a sleek silver band, simple yet elegant, something that screamed him. His long fingers traced over the metal before he slipped it onto his ring finger, testing the fit.
"Damn," he muttered, holding up his hand to admire it. "You really know me too well."
You shrugged, trying to act casual. "If you don’t like it, you don’t have to—"
"Shut up," he interrupted, stepping closer. His fingers curled around your wrist, tugging you toward him. "I love it."
Your breath hitched when he lifted your hand, pressing a kiss against your knuckles. His lips brushed your skin so softly that it sent a shiver down your spine.
"Does this mean I gotta get you one too?" he teased, his voice low and playful.
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the heat creeping up your cheeks. "Just say thank you, idiot."
He grinned, his fingers lacing with yours—the ring on his hand shining under the dim light.
"Thank you, my idiot," he murmured, pressing a quick kiss to your lips this time.
#kim yugyeom#yugyeom#bambam#mark tuan#choi youngjae#jayb#jaebeom#got7 x reader#aghase#got7#got7 fanfic#igot7#yugyeom x reader
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a heart for melting

pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
words: 2.7k
warnings: post-outbreak, implied age gap, themes surrounding child loss and grief, some angst but mostly festive fluff, grumpy x sunshine dynamics (Joel is a grinch & reader loves the holidays), reader is described as having long-ish hair
summary: Jackson's first annual Holiday Market brings about more than just cheer.
a/n: Merry Christmas @thetriumphantpanda; I'm your pedrostories secret santa! I hope you enjoy this lil festive take on grumpy!joel x sunshine!reader — I had lots of fun writing it 🤍🎄 🥧 🪵 🦌
Joel doesn’t want to be here — surrounded by garland and ribbons and so much unadulterated joy, it’s nauseating. No, he was forced to be here.
Please, Ellie had begged, it’ll be good for you to do something other than patrol or drinking with Tommy. Plus, they’re too good to keep to yourself.
They, being wood carvings — the tiny sculptures of deer and bears and birds, tufts of hair and bunches of feathers drawn out of driftwood with the tip of his blade. It was only ever meant to be a hobby, a way to busy his hands after they’d been wrapped around the cold metal of his rifle all day. Something lighter, creative rather than destructive, an act of giving rather than taking.
But sharing them with other people? He hadn’t been interested. Maybe he’d make one for Ellie or Tommy. Wrap it up in a piece of cloth and offer it as a gift for their birthday.
Not that he thought they were any good, really.
With the announcement of Jackson’s first annual Holiday Market, though, came Ellie’s pleading. “I’ll help you,” she’d bargained. “You don’t even have to give me anything!”
“Who said I would anyway?” he’d grumbled, digging his spoon into the bottom of his bowl of stew and sifting out a chunk of meat.
Joel despises the Holiday Season. He’d welcomed its disappearance with the end of the world. Because he had no reason to celebrate, with Sarah gone. Her absence stung like salt in an open wound on any normal day. But on Christmas, memories of her hanging her favorite ornaments on the tree and sneaking one of the cookies baked for Santa burned behind his eyelids. Left him heaving through hot tears.
The holidays had no place in his world, but they certainly had a place in Jackson. The first time he and Ellie had strode through those gates, they’d been met with that damned Christmas Tree, towering over the settlement like a beacon. And he hated it, hated the way it brought about that pounding in his chest and that spinning in his head.
How could anyone find any good in such a poignant reminder of loss?
Tommy says it’s about new beginnings, finding ways to be happy again. And what’s happier ‘n Christmas? God damn Santa Clause, hot chocolate, children singin’ carols?
Still, Joel isn’t convinced — not yet.
Standing across the mess hall, at your table piled high with baked goods, you are far too cheerful. You’re humming some song with a jovial beat, absentmindedly swaying as you rearrange rows of gingerbread and muffins and scones — all of which are draped in white icing, like flocking on Christmas trees. You pause to wish a happy holiday to everyone who passes through.
Joel knows he’s seen you before, flitting in and out of the community’s kitchen, always with that signature smile scrawled across your face.
And god, you’re so bubbly, taking to everyone you meet like a bee to honey, letting them in without a care in the world. Popping from table to table, making sure they have enough to eat. That they’re doing well.
It shouldn’t surprise him that you’re so…spirited, too. You seem to find the good in everyone and everything, after all.
It infuriates him, nonetheless.
Joel groans to himself. Stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans as an elderly couple rounds on him.
He grumbles a hello to them when they approach. They offer him half-smiles in return, beginning to pick up some of the carvings laid out on the table — turning them, inspecting them.
“This one’s nice,” the man says to his wife. She hums in agreement.
“You got any tigers?” the man asks.
“Yeah — I used to love ‘em as a kid.”
“Got what’s on the table,” Joel grumbles.
“You make ‘em custom? I can offer some homemade jam in return — elderberry.”
Joel sighs in annoyance.
“Don’t make ‘em custom. Got what I got.”
The man seems defeated, nodding and walking off without another word. The woman follows closely behind.
Just as they leave, Ellie appears. She sidles up to Joel and shrugs her jacket off. Pulls a chair up next to him.
“There’s so much cool shit here!” she exclaims, too loud. A judgemental set of eyes flit her direction. She glares right back at them.
“Do you mind?” Joel huffs, jaw ticking.
“Jesus, who pissed in your Cheerios?”
“How do you even know what Cheerios are?”
“Don’t,” she admits. “I read it in a book.”
“Of course you did.”
Ellie leans back in her chair, pulling an apple out of her backpack and biting into it. She shuffles some of the carvings around on the table. “Gotta fill in these gaps, man,” she says, juice dribbling down her chin.
Joel ignores her. He sneaks a glance at you; finds that you’re already looking. Your expression is unreadable, gaze unmoving as he studies you.
Despite your upbeat disposition bothering him, he can’t deny that you’re gorgeous: bright, beckoning eyes, siren-like smile — it’s like you’re peering into his soul.
He didn’t think he still had one of those.
“Dude.” Ellie nudges him. He peels his eyes from you reluctantly. “I asked how many takers you’ve had.”
“Uh.” He pretends to think.
“You have no fucking idea, do you? Too busy staring at that girl.”
“Wasn’t starin’,” he clips defensively.
“No? Well she’s coming over here, man.”
Sure enough, you’re striding right toward him, abandoning your post. Joel barely has time to prepare for impact.
He unconsciously straightens up and pulls his hands out of his pockets. He brushes them on his jeans just as you stop in front of his table.
“Hi there,” you say.
“Hi!” Ellie chimes.
You pick up a carving of a two-headed deer. His favorite.
“This is beautiful,” you coo. “The craftsmanship is lovely.” You’re running a finger along the grooves in the wood, holding the piece delicately in the palm of your hand — as if it’s made of glass, not wood. “You have a real gift…”
“Joel,” you repeat. He ignores how sweet his name sounds coming out of your mouth. You tell him your name, and it fits you, he thinks. It’s pretty.
“How long have you been making them?”
“Just since I got to Jackson. ‘ts somethin’ to pass the time.”
You nod. Continue scanning over the intricacies of the deer. “I was never much of a baker before I got here, either,” you joke, gesturing back toward your table.
“Good one,” Ellie laughs. “You’re funny — isn’t she funny, Joel?”
In his head, he’s glowering at her. Outwardly, he feigns amusement.
“Real funny.”
“I’d love to see how you make these sometime,” you say, then, placing the deer back on the table gingerly. “Do you have a workshop?”
“In our shed,” Ellie pipes in before he can say anything. “You should come by tomorrow! Joel’s off patrol.”
He shoots her daggers. She pretends not to notice.
“I’d love that! I have to work in the kitchen, though. I could come by after?”
Joel starts to shake his head no. Ellie’s hand wraps around his arm like a vice grip. He stills.
“Sure,” he grits.
“I can bring some pastries, if you’d like.”
“Don’t like sweets.”
“Oh,” you say, a little thwarted, but you’re undeterred. You shift on your feet. Chew your bottom lip. “Well, how about something not sweet, then?”
Your brows lift, narrowed eyes on him as you await a response. Joel still isn’t thrilled about the prospect of a visitor. Really, he doesn’t like anyone on his property that isn’t Ellie, or Tommy and Maria if he’s invited them. But you don’t seem so bad, offering to bring him food.
He can probably deal with your sunny disposition in exchange for a full belly. Lord knows he went too long without that luxury, and he’d be a fool to deny himself of it ever again.
So, he agrees, the garbled sure less than enthusiastic leaving his mouth. Still, you don’t seem too offended. In fact, you smirk at him, wordlessly sauntering back to your table, sneaking glances at him every so often for the remainder of the afternoon.
Sure enough, the next evening, while Joel is whittling in the shed, you show up.
You’re wielding a basket of savory hand pies, as promised, and Joel has to stop himself from drooling. They smell incredible. And they’re still warm, somehow, steam wafting off of them even after your walk here.
“Come in,” he gruffs, his nose following the scent like a dog’s as he trails behind you inside.
His set up is minimal: a rocking chair next to a bench, a couple stools he made for when Tommy comes by to play poker. But his works are scattered throughout, every surface in the small room cluttered with little carvings.
He settles atop one of the stools as you begin to wander around the room, plucking sculptures off shelves and awing at them with such genuine admiration, it causes something to pull in his chest.
Every so often, you make a remark about the details in a piece, how the fur on the deer looks real, how you can practically smell the replica evergreen in your grasp.
And something shifts — carried by your kind words through the stuffy shed.
Taken by the slight lilt in your voice when you speak to him, the almost-shy smile that pulls at the corners of your lips — Joel is attracted to you.
He’s following the line of your neck down to your collarbone, ogling at the exposed skin there when you pick another carving up off the shelf. And he feels guilty — he shouldn’t be looking at you like this. You’re just being nice, being neighborly, and he’s gawking at you like you’d have any interest in him.
No; you’re young, beautiful, could do a lot better than an old grump like him.
He averts his gaze quickly when you suddenly set down the tiny, carved bird that had been in your palm, round the workbench and perch yourself atop the stool next to his. You retrieve a handpie out of the basket and pass it over to him.
“It has braised rabbit and carmelized onions in it,” you explain, taking a bite and letting the steam roll out.
He follows suit and — it tastes just as good as it smells, if not better. He’s salivating again, letting the dough melt in his mouth before swallowing.
The two of you eat in comfortable silence, getting through the entire basket in mere minutes.
When you’re finished, you ask him where he’s from.
The question shouldn’t feel like such a shock to the system. But after a year of being in Jackson, successfully avoiding conversation about his life before the outbreak, it sets off a panging between his eyes, a dull ache in his viscera.
“Texas,” he tells you plainly. “From Austin, originally.”
You nod. And you must be able to tell that he’s not used to talking about himself — by the tick of his jaw or the lack of eye contact — he’s not sure. Because you don’t pry. Instead, you say, “you can ask me something.”
He nods. Thinks on it for a moment.
“When did you arrive here? To Jackson?”
Unlike him, you do not grimace at the intrusion. Instead, you tell him: about your parents, their untimely deaths, the harrowing road that led you here. You do not cry, but Joel can see the pain in your shiny eyes.
It’s inevitable; there isn’t a single person here who hasn’t been dealt a bad hand. But you wear your past like a badge of honor, like you’re still grateful, after it all, to be alive.
Joel envies your tenacity.
So when you ask him about Ellie, if she is his daughter, he lets the walls around him down — just an inch. He doesn’t get upset when he stumbles over his words while telling you about Sarah. He finds comfort in confiding in you, in the way you so attentively listen, quietly nodding along as he recalls his version of the end of the world.
“Thank you,” you say when he’s done, burying his hands back in his pockets.
“For what?”
“For sharing that with me. I know it can be difficult to relive it.”
“I relive it everyday,” he admits. “Everything reminds me of her in one way or another.”
“I understand,” you nod. He believes you do.
So sweet, gaze like honey, you are an enigma to him. He hasn’t met many people who are kind just for the sake of it — not in a long while. Maybe that’s why he’d been so bothered by it at the market. It had felt almost unnatural to him, bound to be laced with an ulterior motive.
He’s still learning how to trust people again. It doesn’t come easily after twenty-odd years of rationing it like the pills he’d stowed. Still, there is something innate about baring his soul to you. Letting you in through the cracks in his battered being. You are safe, he’s sure of it; benevolence radiating from you like warmth.
It drips off your tongue when you ask him to show you how he does his craft — slips down your fluttering lashes. No longer can he deny you of anything — he’s accepted this swiftly — and so he obliges.
A half-whittled fox materializes from his coat pocket, along with his blade. He passes both to you and pulls his stool closer to yours.
He guides you, taking your hand in his, encouraging the press of the blade into the wood. Shows you how to round out a corner with a subtle twist of the knife. You’re a fast learner, Joel notes, attentive, taking every instruction like gospel.
The slow drag of steel, your fingers wrapped tightly around the handle; you’re so focused that you jump slightly when he places a reassuring hand on your knee.
“Doin’ great, darlin’,” he says, and your lips pull around pearlescent teeth. Joel feels as enraptured by you as you do the carving — the loose tendrils of hair that drape over your shoulder, the clinging of cotton to your soft curves. Though he hardened into stone a long time ago, he feels smelted in your presence. So he cannot help it when his fingers begin to drift up your leg, settling at your side as he turns his body toward yours.
The blade stalls, tip still stuck into the wood, puncturing the fox’s non-existent spine, and your face lifts.
“Is this okay?” he whispers. You nod, gaze flickering between his eyes and his lips.
You’re so close like this; Joel can smell the floral perfume dappled along your neck, can feel your warm breath fanning his face. He has half a mind to stop himself from sealing the sliver of distance left between you. But then you’re sighing, placing the blade and the wooden fox on the tabletop. And it’s your turn to guide him — winding your delicate fingers around his wrist and settling his hand at the small of your back.
The air in the tiny workshop grows heavy with unspoken desire, a longing to disrupt; to create. Your body forms to his languidly, arms interlocking behind his neck, fingers weaving in his hair to pull him closer to you. And then your lips press to his — hesitant at first, then not. You drink from each other until you are drunk, breathless and giddy when you separate.
“That was nice,” you whisper, and Joel chuckles.
“Just nice?”
“Great,” you amend. “It was great. Better than I imagined, even.”
“You imagined this?”
“Yes,” you smirk. “On a loop since I first saw you at the market.”
He pulls you back in. Gives you another chaste kiss. “For good measure.”
“Joel,” you say then, “will you and Ellie come by mine on Christmas? I could even cook — it’s just-”
“Yes,” he’s accepting before you can finish. “I’d love that. As long as you make more of those,” he gestures toward the empty basket on the workbench.
“That can be arranged,” you grin.
As soon as you leave that evening — sent off with a goodbye muttered between slotted mouths — Joel starts on your Christmas present.
end notes: thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging or leaving a comment if you enjoyed <3
#joel miller x f!reader#joel miller x female reader#joel miller oneshot#joel miller x reader#the last of us fanfiction#tlou fic#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal as joel miller#pedro pascal#pedrostoriesgift23#pedrostories
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Why Helluva Boss Surpasses Hazbin Hotel In the Best Way Possible
The Helluva Boss Christmas episode dropped and I caught up with Season 2. I love this show so much for so many reasons. But that doesn't diminish Hazbin Hotel in any way at all. In fact, because of the show, it gives us a much deeper appreciation for what Helluva Boss is doing. I mean Hazbin Hotel was cool on Prime, but I want to talk about why Helluva Boss is the "Shrek 2" of the R-Rated animated musical series by a YouTube Animator. And that's a weird mouthful.
Getting Better with No Reward
Helluva Boss makes pretty clear that the "evil" demons of Hell are basically regular people with problems. Whether a majority of demons are born in Hell or damned souls, it's clear that they grow up from children to teens to adults. They have jobs, families, homes, and all the mundane things in our lives. And do in fact die. Possibly? That part is vague in whether they just get erased from existence or reincarnate Chainsaw Man style. But with those in mind, what would exactly be the point of being a "good" or "bad" person?
Throughout the series, many of the demons have some moral code, ethics, empathy, or rationale that sets them apart from the more chaotic and stereotypical demons. What I saw with a lot of characters is they willingly try and change for the better, all without Charlie Morningstar or the promise of Heaven, but redemption. This is especially in the case of Blitzø with a silent O.
Blitzø is one of the more unhinged characters you would see as a demon: immoral, selfish, hedonistic, all those demony things. But we, the audience, get to see his life, his failures, and his pain and how it shaped him. While it doesn't excuse his actions, it does make us understand. Once realizing these feelings, Blitzø tries to confront the consequences of his actions, with some trial and failure. Reconciling with his twin sister Barby: failed. Apologizing to his exes: failed. Talking with Fizzoralli: okay but still some scars, literal and figurative.
In fact, both Blitzø and Charlie share one major quality: attempting to change the status quo of Hell. But Blitzø wants to be seen more than a lackey to other higher demons while Charlie wants to prove people can change for the better. While Charlie's reason is more rooted in selflessness and hope, Blitzø's feels more human and genuine. From what I could see from the show so far, Hell is getting a whole lot bigger in what it can offer.
What's The Big Difference?
Helluva Boss is a more grounded and relatable show than the epic musical of Hazbin Hotel. The show allows for a lot of worldbuilding moments with the different rings of Hell along with their functions and associated demons. We're introduced to imps at the bottom of the demon hierarchy, demon royalty through Stolas and the Goetia royals, and six of the Seven Deadly Sins.
It seems the Seven Deadly Sins hold the most authority compared to the Overlords. It might be that the Overlords are more rich people like CEOs, industrialists, and entertainers while the Sins are like government officials, both holding power and influence but in different areas of life.
Whenever Hell is used in a show, it's represented in a myriad of ways ranging from classic burning pits to existential or nihilistic despair. It does make it clear that Hell is more a dark reflection of life on Earth, but more dirty, vibrant, and chaotic nonetheless. Even the Earth depicted in the show isn't really different aside from the whole demonic powers and magic stuff.
What Makes it More Interesting than its Predecessor?
Helluva Boss uses episodes as vehicles for their characters. Basically, getting to know who we're watching, why they're important, how they are as people, and so on. It doesn't have an overarching story that builds to a final battle. They're just chilling with exploring characters and their impact to others and the present stories in different episodes. Although there are interconnecting plots and stories, the show is mostly episodic.
Its strongest element include the characters, its main cast, supporting, and even one-off jokes, they all leave impressions on anyone who sees them. Millie is given more exploration in later episodes with why she always put up with Blitzø and believes in their business despite his total incompetence and hangups. You think Millie is just this bubbly tank, but shows a much more vulnerable side who wants to be seen more than her "intended role."
Stolas is another character is breaks the mold of his role. With disastrous results for everyone he cares for. Stolas is the love interest of Blitzø who aids IMP with his magic. He slowly breaks out from being a prince into someone else he hasn't found yet. We see his royal comfort implode in the Sinsmas finale, he loses his status, power, and even his daughter because of a perceived fantasy or escape that would free him. But, like a lot of caged birds, he doesn't fare so well in the real world. Now left with truly nothing but the very person he made his "sacrifice" for. Even uncertain of that as well.
But, the songs from both shows are incredible!!!!
My favorites include Loser, Baby performed by veteran Keith David and newcomer Blake Roman and U 2 Me performed in "Apology Tour" by Bryce Pinkham. Both those songs really connect with me while conveying character moments. The songs in Helluva Boss develop and explore character like a musical would use them for those big "Declaration of Something" anthem. Defying Gravity, We Don't Talk About Bruno, even Cell Block Tango, all are songs that explore one's mindset, opinions, and personal struggles.
Why Should I Watch...?
The Characters, the plots, the songs, the animation, so much F^$King things to admire and love that I can't... I just... 😣 😩 ... I don't know.
Just Watch It and See for Yourself!!!
#helluva boss#hazbin hotel#blitzø#charlie morningstar#angels and demons#hell#viziepop#vivienne medrano#keith david#blake roman#angel dust#husk#stolas goetia#stolitz#stolas#bryce pinkham#chainsaw man#fizzarolli#alex brightman#christmas#sinsmas#helluva spoilers#helluva boss spoilers#hb spoilers
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a/n: so.. hey.. happy new year.. merry christmas... happy halloween. I'm SORRY FOR SAYING ID UPDATE MORE THEN LEAVING AND NEVER COMING BACK. I really forgot about Tumblr after a few days ☹️☹️ but HERE I hope you all had a good 2024 and a even better 2025!!

You just sat on your chair, contemplating life while deciding if you even wanted to live it
This is so humiliating.
Just when you thought your day couldn't get worse, you got a notification from someone you would rather die than talk to.
There is no fucking way.
Y/N stared at their phone screen, frozen.
" Funny how you kept whining about how overrated I was, wanna talk about those stories you've made? "
No. No. No.
The words burned into your brain as you read them over and over again. Scaramouche. THE Scaramouche.. The idol you dragged through the mud on countless streams and tweets. The same idol who was, apparently, now aware of your other identity.. the anonymous fanfiction writer who had single-handedly written half the internet’s “Scaramouche x Reader” content. The same person who shitted on him so much time!
You dropped your phone onto the desk and buried your face in your hands. Nope. This isn’t real. This is all a dream. It can’t be real. Why would it be real? There’s no way this is real. But when you peeked through your fingers, the message was still there, on the phone like it demanded your attention.
“Why.. why is this happening to me?” you whispered to yourself. Your brain was screaming at you to respond, but also screaming at you to jump out of your window where you could die or move to the countryside and become a farmer. But your fingers refused to move. What could you even say?
" Haha, just a prank, broski! " No, too weird. Who the hell says that.
" That wasn't me!.. " Yeah, because your whole stream was definitely ai generated.
No, none of this would work.
Maybe you could ignore it. Pretend you didn’t see the message. But what if he posted about it? What if he already had? But, he couldn't right?! He's an idol.. but just out of paranoia, you frantically opened Twitter, scanning his feed. Nothing. Yet.
Dropping your phone back onto the desk, you screamed into your hands begging to be taken out. But you were going through that crisis, your phone buzzed again. Another message.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” you muttered as you grabbed their phone.
Please don't be him again.
" I have to say, you’ve got quite the imagination. Because some of those scenarios? Bold. "
Your soul left your body. He read them. He actually read them. How many? Which ones? Did he see the one where he- no. nope, nope, nope. don't you dare think about that.
Your thumbs hovered over the keyboard, shaking. After a deep breath, you typed something anything- to atleast be able to solve this issue!
“ I can explain? 😁.. "
The response was immediate.
"Oh, please do. I'm very interested. "
You let out a strangled noise somewhere between a groan and a scream. Why did he have to be so smug about this?! This was his fault!, with his stupid face and his stupid voice and his stupid way of being the perfect material to write about! This is all his fault he knows damn well how he's acting In front of the camera does he expect no one to be taking one for the team and writing about him?!
“Look,” you typed, trying to sound calm, “it’s not like I’m the only one who writes this stuff. You just happened to find mine. "
His reply came in less than ten seconds.
“ Not hard to find when you've basically written half of the internet's fanfiction about me. "
You nearly chucked your phone across the room. Yes, death is definitely a better option, where's the nearest window? You couldn't even think straight before you typed back and sent
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” you shot back
“ Oh, absolutely. This is the best thing I’ve seen all week. Do you always write such... intense stuff, or was it just for me? "
There's no coming back from that. You groaned, slamming your head onto the desk. There was no way you were living this down. Ever.
Driven by emotions instead of rationality, you texted back.
“I hate you.”
Another buzz.
“Doesn’t seem like it, judging by what you've written about me. "
You let out a soundless scream, shoving your chair back and pacing around the room, making laps as you ran around the house. Your heart was racing, your face felt like it was on fire.. out of embarrassment of course, NOT because you're interacting with THE scaramouche- the same one who in your fics did- yeah, stop.
Ignoring the continuous buzz of notifications erupting from your phone, you finally sat down from running laps and thought to yourself, knowing you just pulled yourself in a hole you sure as hell won't be escaping anytime soon.
He wasn't going to let this go, was he?

SYPNOSIS: You, a well-known streamer, have always kept your two hobbies separate. By day, you entertain thousands with your snarky commentary, but by night, you secretly write. fanfiction about your favorite idol, Balladeer. It was a guilty pleasure—until a late-night stream led to a slip of the tongue and exposed your secret to the world!
In a single moment of poor judgment and a misclick, which by the way was totally not your fault!.. I think.. clips and memes about you spread like wildfire! It was embarrassing enough for everyone to know about your fanfiction, but it spiraled down even further when they discovered you were writing about the very idol you constantly claimed was overrated.
Just as you wallowed in self-pity, a notification pings on your phone. A familiar username and a blue checkmark.
accidentally yours masterlist: chapter 4 —
@kaeuri @kazumiku @kyouzki @skyoverkill1 @flowzel @lalalaloveallmydays @sketcheeee @vi0let-writes @kunikuzushis-darling @js-a-silly-little-guy @simonisferal @jayzioxx @naevis-callingae @vxmp-loml @dxrling-xing @suzueuieeeee @kinanahan @help-whatdoimakemyusername @khisuko @dearanemo @heusalettle @v4lerixxq @catorkitty @khsuvy @reivelmin
#accidentallyyours#genshin fanfic#genshin#genshin x reader#genshin smau#kunikuzushi x reader#smau#self insert#social media au#kunikuzushi#scaramouche x yn#scaramouche x reader#scaramouche smau#scaramouche x you#scaramouche#genshin scara#wanderer x you#wanderer x y/n#wanderer x reader#wanderer#fanfic
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