#damaged update
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Steddie Amnesia Fic: 1/3
-> Part 2 | Part 3 | AO3
cw: lots of head trauma/brain injury/recovery stuff.
Steve wakes up in the hospital with someone snoring loudly on his leg, mouth open, drool getting soaked up into the scratchy hospital blanket over him.
Steve just stares.
It’s… Freddie? No, that’s not right... Eddie! Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson, known delinquent and drug dealer… resting his head on Steve’s lap.
What the hell…?
Steve reaches up with a wobbly, IV-ridden hand to clumsily pat along his head, but instead of meeting messy hair, he meets a thick wad of bandages. He flinches when he hits an especially tender spot.
It’s not much but it’s enough to wake Eddie Munson up with a jolt, and a random jumble of words that sounded something like, “the dice have spoken!”, but Steve can’t be sure. Not with the sharp ringing still going off inside his skull.
“Steve? Steve! Oh thank fuck, Jesus H. Christ, you scared the ever loving shit out of me.” Eddie stood and grabbed at one of Steve’s shoulders, shaking him enough to elicit another wince.
“Oh, damn, sorry. I’m like a fucking bull in a china shop here, man. There’s way too much expensive, breakable shit here. I’m not used to it. I accidentally ripped your IV out the other day... Fuck. The nurses hate my guts.” Eddie chuckles, eyes wide and solely on Steve, talking like they were old friends or something.
But that can’t be right. Steve doesn’t remember saying more than two words to Eddie Munson during the entire time he knew he even existed, and even then it was just to discuss weed prices.
“For real though, talk to me Harrington, how you feelin’, hm? Loopy? Gonna yak again? Apparently they got you on the good stuff,” Eddie flicks a liquid filled bag hanging above Steve and shakes his head, “but they keep cutting you back. Dicks.”
Steve’s eyes try and follow Eddie’s erratic movements but his eyes ache the more he moves them. He blinks against the harsh fluorescents and tries to open his mouth. And thank God, Eddie Munson seems to take this as a sign and shut up.
“What happened?” Steve finally croaks.
One of Eddie’s brows jumps. “You don’t remember?”
Steve gives his head a small shake. Did Eddie hit him with his car or something? Is that why he’s sleeping at his bedside and talking to him like they’re buddies?
“You fell, Stevie.” Eddie makes a whistling noise and mimicks something falling with his hands, then makes a crashing sound when his hand lands on Steve’s bandaged head. “Like a coconut out of a tree. Landed right on that big ol’ melon of yours. There was blood everywhere. It scared the shit out of me and the kids. Especially when you wouldn’t wake up.”
Steve’s throat feels like sandpaper, but he manages to swallow, his throat clicking as he did, and gets out, “The kids?”
Eddie seems to notice, even before Steve can ask, and reaches for a water bottle with a straw already in it, and half chewed. Eddie’s own, no doubt. Against his better judgment, Steve accepts it when Eddie offers it to him. He was just so goddamn thirsty.
“Don’t worry, they’re all fine. They were just shaken up. I’ll radio the little gremlins and give ‘em the good news in a sec.” Eddie’s smile falters a little, seeming lost for words. Like he wants to say something, but can’t quite get it out.
Steve finishes swallowing his few, meager gulps of water before he asks, “What is it?”
“Don’t freak out—“ Eddie begins.
And, okay, that’s exactly the thing you tell someone before they freak the fuck out. Steve’s stomach is subject to a growing, sluggish panic. “What? Dude, tell me—“
“It’s your hair.” Eddie seems genuinely pained at having to deliver this crushing of a blow to Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington.
Steve can hear the beeping from the monitors he’s hooked up to begin to pick up speed as his heart begins racing. “My hair?”
“It’s okay! It’s okay, it’ll grow back! They just had to take a little bit off where the stitches went, you can hardest notice it—well, that’s a fucking lie, you could spot that landing strip from space—but I think if you part it to the other side it won’t look so… y’know.”
“No, dude, I don’t know.” Steve says, eyes wide, brows pinched.
“Like a drunk toddler took a pair of rusty kitchen shears to your mop.” Eddie says, huffing out a nervous sort of laugh.
Steve groans, half due to the bastardization that’s happened to his favorite feature, and half due to the migraine that’s looming on his horizon.
“You’re still pretty, Stevie, don’t worry.” Eddie grins, eyebrows raised, like he’s trying to be cute or something.
That weirdest part is, it’s kind of working.
Steve must have hit his head really, really hard.
The doctors eventually come in and perform all sorts of tests, and he tries his best to comply with them and jump through whatever hoops they make him jump through. He just wants to get the hell out of this hospital bed.
Unfortunately for him, Steve hadn’t exactly aced any of the tests.
In fact, he had failed most of them pretty fucking dismally. He couldn’t remember the date, who the president was, where he lived, couldn’t say the alphabet backwards… although, who the fuck can do that? He stands by that failing grade.
A couple of CAT scans later and it’s clear that Steve’s brain got smacked around a little more than they had originally thought.
Among a pile of other stuff, the thing that sticks out the most to Steve is his diagnosis of something called short term amnesia. They explain it like the past 2 to 3 years has just been wiped from his brain. The last clear thing he really remembers is getting the shit beat out of him by Billy, and then it all sort of gets jumbled. Fragmented. The doctors explain that this is pretty typical for head trauma patients.
He’s a head trauma patient, now.
It’s normal for memories of trauma to link, creating spiderwebs throughout your brain.
Which, that’s great. So when he gets beat up again, there’s always a chance his brain will try and erase his easy, happy years and revert back to a trauma default. Really helpful brain, thank you.
And the thing that sucks the most is that his years after the Billy beat down sound pretty great. Traumatizing, sure, but great. Once the Upside Down shit was locked up, with every scary nightmare fuel monster inside of it, life in Hawkins didn’t sound all that terrible.
He lived with Robin, who’s his best friend, (his ‘platonic soulmate’ even, as she explains it), he’s working a retail job, (also with Robin), and coaches the high school basketball team during the evenings. He’d even been talking with Hopper about joining the force.
Well, he was. Now he’s more or less useless, working full time at re-learning his life, along with a couple of fine motor skills that got glitchy after the fall.
And then there’s Eddie.
Eddie, who’s apparently also his best friend, only their soulmate link isn’t platonic at all.
The strange and weirdly exciting reality was that Steve Harrington had woken up from his 3-day medically induced coma with not only a full fledged relationship, but a boyfriend.
It’s a lot to digest, and part of him still doesn’t even know how to process it, but hearing the stories being told around him, seeing how Eddie is practically living in his and Robin’s two-bedroom apartment, and just… the way Eddie looks at him?
It’s with love—Steve can see it. Feel it. Eddie’s practically vibrating with it.
What’s even crazier is that when Steve looks at Eddie, he feels the exact same way.
It’s like looking at the stars. Steve’s heart skips a beat when those dark eyes of hit him, and Steve wants nothing more than to make Eddie smile—no, better than that, to make him laugh, just so he can watch Eddie’s adam’s apple bob up and down and hear that manic, unhinged cackle. It’s downright delightful. Steve loves being in relationships like this, where it’s all consuming.
Steve may not have the memories of falling in love with Eddie, but he has all the feelings.
No one talks about it with Steve, of course. Maybe they think it’s going to be too heavy for him to process that he’s into dudes now, but Steve isn’t a big dumb baby. Sure, he’s got a pretty severe brain injury, and yeah, alright, it takes him a minute to remember people’s names sometimes, and he has a harder time controlling his emotions, but he isn’t a complete invalid. Only a little bit of one. He’s working on it, dammit.
And Eddie is so painfully, frustratingly patient with him. He never pushes. He’s clearly letting Steve retrieve his memories before he makes a move, because despite his whole outward appearance, Eddie Munson is a goddamn gentleman. He never so much as reaches for Steve’s hands, but Steve can tell by the way their pinkies graze when they watch movies late at night that he wants to.
Steve can tell by the way Eddie teases him, the way he’s there with him through his recovery, that he doesn’t ever make Steve feel stupid when he asks the same questions over and over again, when he cries at the drop of a hat or when he gets sort of confused about the lay out of his apartment—he doesn’t care about that of that.
Because he’s in love with Steve. It’s so painfully romantic, it brings a painful lump to Steve’s throat every time he thinks too much about it.
The two of them are driving to one of Steve’s therapy sessions, Eddie in the driver's seat, Steve in the passengers, listening to a low racket of some kind of heavy metal music. Eddie always keeps the volume low now, for Steve.
He’s just been so intensely good about everything that Steve needs to try and do something good for Eddie in return. He needs Eddie to know that there’s a light at the end of this tunnel that they’re both currently lost in.
“I’m sorry about this, y’know.” Steve says when they finally pull up the building that has ‘Brain Injury Recover Center’ written on the front. So all the boys and girls with scrambled eggs for brains know where to converge.
“Don’t worry about it, man. I work the evening shifts, remember? My days are free.” Eddie explains, and Steve wonders if he’s had to be told this bit of information a couple of times now. Sometimes it takes a few times before something sticks to his brain now. His short term memory is still majorly flighty. But no, Steve remembers that Eddie bartends at a local bowling alley most evenings. He’s gone a few times. Not to bowl, of course—too much hand eye coordination involved—but just to hang out with Eddie. He’s pretty decent at Ms. Pac-Man though.
Steve shakes his head. He knows his mind must have wandered because there’s been a lull where no one’s spoken. Eddie never seems to care about that though. “I don’t mean about the drive. I was talking about… y’know.”
“Wha’dy’mean?” Eddie mumbles as he backs into his parking space, hand on the back of Steve’s headrest.
Steve sighs and decides to just come out and say it: “I mean having your boyfriend forget everything about you and your relationship. I just… that must be really tough.”
Everything in Eddie Munson comes to a jarring halt, hand frozen over where he’s turned to ignition off.
It’s sort of unnerving—Eddie is always moving, fidgeting. Damn near bouncing off the walls. But now it’s like someone hit the poor guy with a freeze ray gun.
Steve chuckles softly as he reaches out and touches Eddie’s arm, giving him a playful jostle, to loosen him up a little, “it’s okay, Eddie. I know. You don’t have to keep going easy on me. I’m gay! Or, bi-sexual. Whatever.” Steve shrugs, “see? Not falling apart. I can handle being in love with another dude. You don’t need to keep babying me.”
The side of Eddie’s mouth twitches into a downturned smile that he seems to be trying to hide.
“I know, I know. Not just any dude.” Steve rolls his eyes, a smile still firmly on his face. He takes Eddie’s hand from the steering wheel, and Eddie seems to watch it go in a detached sort of awe. Steve wonders if Eddie’s proud of him for being so cool with it all. “In love with you.”
“Steve, I don’t think—
“Wait, just let me finish.” Steve asks, and Eddie blinks and works on closing his mouth. Knows it’s important to let Steve get his thoughts out quickly, lest they be lost to the giant black hole inside of his beat-up brain now. “I know that I don’t remember any of the important stuff with us. Our first date, or our first kiss or, y’know, any of our other first firsts. So maybe it feels like you’re cheating on the old Steve with me? But… Eddie, I know it’s crazy but even though my brain forgot all of the specifics; my heart didn’t. I look at you, and it’s all there. I’m still so into you, dude. I can feel it, even though I don’t remember how I got here. I’m in l—“
“Steve! Stevestevesteve wait, holy shit—!” Eddie’s eyes snap up from his intense stare at the place where their hands are linked. “Steve—”
“Yeah?” Steve prompts when Eddie doesn’t seem to be able to find the words. He runs his thumb gently over Eddie’s knuckles. It feels so nice to finally be able to hold his hand again. They fit together so well, and Steve wonders briefly if it’s some kind of muscle memory.
Eddie opens his mouth a few more times before he remembers how to make the words come out.
“Steve. Buddy. We’re… we’re not dating.”
Steve’s face falls, and he can feel a lump form in his throat, but he keeps a firm hold of Eddie’s warm hand in his own. “Yeah, I know, I know. We haven’t had any time to be a couple. And it’s probably been torture for you, man. You’re so busy taking care of me and making sure I don’t freak out over everything that you’ve clearly been neglecting your own hierarchy of needs.”
Eddie raises a brow.
Steve chuckles, “Shut up. It’s a therapy term.”
Eddie laughs in his throat. “Steve, you gotta slow down and listen to me.”
He turns his shoulders so that he’s fully facing Steve while he reaches his free hand over and tugs at one of his earlobes. “Got your hearing ears on?”
Steve rolls his eyes, but he nods just the same.
“We… we weren’t dating before your accident,” Eddie speaks slowly, his voice warm, gentle. “Hell, I didn’t even know you were, y’know, into dudes like that. Much less me.”
Something throbs dully behind Steve’s eyes. It’s the start of a migraine—the one that makes it hard to process much of anything. Steve squints, trying to make sense of what Eddie’s saying. “…you’re not my boyfriend?”
Eddie shakes his head very, very slowly. “No.”
Steve snatches his hand back like he’s only just now noticed how burning hot Eddie’s hand is.
He settles back in his seat, staring out the front window. The sounds from the outside world are muffled, and everything feels far away and sort of… Made up. Just like everything he’d imagined was going on between him and Eddie. Not real.
He feels painfully detached from reality. Unmoored. Maybe this was the disassociation thing the doctor mentioned might happen…
“Are you sure?” Steve asks, risking another glance over to Eddie, who hasn’t taken his eyes off him for a second.
“Pretty fuckin’ sure.” Eddie snorts.
“Oh, God. This is… I’m—sorry. I’m so stupid. Fuck, I gotta—“ Steve suddenly attacks the door handle with a clumsy fury that has his hand fumbling with the handle for way too long. Fucking busted up, bruised as fuck fucking brain-!
“Steve, it’s okay, dude,” Eddie says from behind Steve, but that’s easy for him to say; he didn’t just humiliate himself in front of his not-boyfriend, definitely-crush, possibly ex-friend—“Steve, wait!”
Steve flees the van on unsteady feet, not daring to look back.
#part 2???👀#update: okay yes definitely a part 2#please let let know if you want to be added to the tag list for part 2!◡̈#now part 3#this has been in my WIPs for so long#steddie#TW: brain damage#concussed Steve Harrington#Eddie Munson#angst#because i love to torture these boys#Steve Harrington#hurt/comfort#write Rae write#my writing#stranger things#Steve Harrington has brain damage#stranger things fic#Steddie fic#Steddie ficlet#cliff hanger#I’m so sorry#Steve Harrington whump#Eddie x Steve#Steve x Eddie#stranger things ficlet#recovery fic#disabled Steve Harrington
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How to traumatise the Hero of Time:

Art credit @linkeduniverse :)
#any% speenrun emotional damage#wild he's married!#jeez#linked universe#lu#linkeduniverse#lu wild#lu time#lu memes#lu meme#lu update#lu thoughts#linked universe memes#lu spoilers#lu spoiler#father time#wild child
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this project is gonna be the death of me it is never ending but I’m locking in we ball

#long awaited update#hit a rough ass patch in recovery from my Many Things#feeling good for the first time since August tho#fingers crossed i AM recovering fr but time will tell in several months when it’s time to face the unspeakable terrors again#ah well worst come to worse I’ll have another wild tale to accompany the next batch of brain damage I get dealt by god#cosplay#soulsborne#bloodborne#ludwig the accursed#fromsoftware#ludwig the holy blade#horror#monster#fromsoft#dark souls#bloodborne cosplay#puppetry#practical effects
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The young wolf when they learn cayde is back: ah fuck I gotta catch up with crow before they get into a fight
[they arrive to find cayde and crow already making out]
YW: this is worse
#destiny 2#destiny#idk what's going on I'm absorbing the latest plot updates through tumblr#anyways i think they should kiss#and i think my guardian would take 1000 points psychic damage witnessing it
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an assortment of rollo chams to appease the gacha rolls
edit : i sensed something amiss and it was that i forgot to add his falsies,,,also edited his lips a bit
#귀요미 쭈꾸미 씨발 쌔끼 mean “cutie squid fuck bastard”#chapter 7 update and then glomas rerun call that back to back brainrawt damage#manifesting this chamcher in my rolls!! WAUGH#twst#twisted wonderland#rollo flamme#doodle bin
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Jaytim spite fic:
Me: hm, how much innuendo can I fit in here without Jason catching on?
Brain: y e s
#all the amounts#jaytim spite fic#Jason’s one track mind is on revenge and Tim#and maybe the end goal of taking the latter out on a cutesie da#date#Jason hasn’t updated the software in a while and it shows#or rather he’s running on a Lazarus Pit virus#meanwhile everyone else is just… doing damage and damage control#in that order#jason todd#jaytim#Tim drake
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i feel like the "ERROR: NO VOCAL INTERFACE DETECTED. UNABLE TO COMPLETE TASK" (as opposed to a simple not functional message like the other parts v1 has) implies that v1/its system may have attempted to use it, to impulsively cry out for help so that it might not die, like someone crying out for a friend or family member in pain. but it doesnt have any outlet for such a thing
#mel/tav/fugo/marcy rambles#ultrakill#ultrakill spoilers#or i could just be reaching. tbh i had a specific characterization of v1 beforehand that this update is kind of damaging#which isnt bad i just need to reconsider it a bit bc of the new info
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huh? guar— whuh???
↓↓ up close guardian spook below ↓↓
#AH!!#that was great#never do it again#i became an old withered pile of bones seeing these kids as guardians#don’t get me wrong - it was pretty cool#and essentially accurate#but it still enacted psychic damage#ik the vid is technically out of page sequence (we see this image before vrissy or the mayor fountain) but i took artistic liberties yahoo#and yeah that blob guy is me btw :3#if you even care ^_^#homestuck upd8#upd8#homestuck beyond canon#hs:bc#hurly art#homestuck^2#homestuck#homestuck update#hs^2 update#homestuck fanart#hsbc#hs#hsbc upd8#roxy lalonde#homestuck roxy#john egbert#homestuck john#harry anderson egbert#vrissy maryam lalonde
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Guys.. I'm glad you guys are eagerly awaiting the updates for SEB, but please understand that I am just one artist working on this comic and this will take time. Time I barely have because hey! Life is a thing.
Comics take time, even more so when you have to do virtually everything on your own. There's writing, storyboarding, drawing the whole thing out. Polishing takes time. While I do have an editor with me onboard and my friends to throw in their input, it's still me alone who has to do everything else. Not to mention I was busy packing my belongings including my PC because of the big move that happened this past year. And then I got COVID. It fucking sucked being out for nearly two weeks because of that.
I have to stress that with each answered inquiry over the timing of next volume, I receive 4 more in its place. Scourge Eternal Blackout is a passion project that receives no monetary gain and I would like to keep it that way. However.. as of late I've noticed it has been reuploaded on other sites without my permission. In future uploads, all pages will have a watermark on them. Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and thanks again for understanding.
#patar speaks#updates#Scourge Eternal Blackout#I'm still dealing with the damage covid left in my system as I type this. It was really bad this time around.
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Slow Damage - Skytube - Towa: Blood Transfusion Version - Color prototype
Originally posted by Yamada Uiro on Twitter (with an additional photo I can't include Tumblr.) Caption below.
#slow damage#towa#towa slow damage#nitro chiral#ive been waiting so long for a color preview of him. hes so perfect#normally i wait for others on tumblr to post figure updates but its been 12 hours so#also glad to see hes a castoff. i plan to keep the hospital gown on him but i wanted the option
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has no one else seen the new lethal company guys yet?? the little, mostly harmless friends?? ;-;

#had soem of these just happily sit on friends heads!!#theyr tulip snakes apparently and i went looking for posts and nothin! ;-;#is the update that new??#likeidk im playing for the frst time in like 2 weeks so idk when it dropped lol#im just delighted they kinda st around and hang lol#probably not good for when u need to be quiet though since thye make noise but still! very cute!#luke rambles#lethal company#tulip snakes#ive heard they can pick u up too so fall damage ight be a pronlem but none of my friends had that problem and they were just vibing for bit#lethal company spoilers
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Did one for ch251 I NEED TO DO ONE FOR CHAPTER 252
Like knowing the power Apocryphos has and how that's how Past!Allen became our Allen w/o remembering. It could very much be that it was Our!Lavi and just shared that same fate bc he got hit in the aftermath when trying to save Past!Allen as this chapter just showed us
But also since "Lavi" is just a name Bookman gave to their successor for the mission, it could be they aren't the same Lavi.
BUT it's too much of a coincidence both "Lavi"s had the same name when meeting their respective Allen's so....... The Bookman knew what he was doing when he gave Our!Lavi the "Lavi" name for the Black Order mission, that Old Man.
ALSO if it turns out to be Our!Lavi and just got hit (which would explain why the Bookman spent years finding the "new" successor).
Bc we saw that other!Lavi (to call him something) didn't wear a eyepatch and had a huge scar over the eye that Our!Lavi covers with an eyepatch.
Bc we know form the previous chapter that the Bookman took Our!Lavi as successor when he saw his eye (the eyepatch covered one) bc it had some sort of marking (almost literal words) that marked him as the Bookman Successor.
So the years the Bookman spent looking for his new successor, he was actually looking for the same successor and when he saw Our!Lavi as a kid, he actually saw the scar and *realized* that the kid was the successor that deflected all those years ago (since the other!Lavi deflected after meeting nea and wanted to offer himself as his new host).
Because the whome de-aging only took moments (minutes at most) or so it seemed.
Unless that's what seemed to us and it actually took several years just in stasis for some sort of Innocence wacky explanation.



#d gray man#dgm#dgm chapter 252 spoilers#d gray man spoilers#lavi#lavi bookman#allen walker#i just gave up on being vague abt this bc HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO BE VAGUE ABOUT THIS????#also PLEASE do tell me if yall think the Lavi's look similar or not bc I am actually tbinking I might be losing my mind#DGM giving me osychic damage with every new update. that's just the fate of the dgm manga fans i guess
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Have any of Tim's pigeon spies fallen victim to feral cats? Like, are they his number one enemy when it comes to keeping eyes in the sky? (If you answer this before you finish writing the next chapter, I'm going to wait an extra couple of days before sending the drawing of Wisp.)
Oh several- but he has trackers for their chips and usually just rebuilds them a new body after recovering it. He's made sure the new model chips are practically indistructable.
His number one enemy is actually stray bullet fire since they happen to hang close to crime scenes- idiots shooting at the sky to "show off" forgetting bullets gotta come back down.
(Im already waitin and ive been DYING to awnser)
#update still in the works#im trying.#pigeons#i love#tim repairs them like once a week#unless severe damage#usually they're strong enough to withstand most shit#the drakes spoiled brat#trash tim au#tim drake#sunny asks
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Valkyr Prime No Forma Queen Steel Path Circuit Armor Strip Deluxe Build AKA Can We Get Much Higher
There's room for improvement (like adding forma and maxxing out the other arcane), but I don't feel like it right now.
Here's the Valkyr Prime mods & arcanes setup. Use Terrify (Nekros helminth) over ability 3 for armor strip ability. Use these archon shards to get the 100% armor strip too and good energy economy. Feel free to ask about any of these mod or build choices, this build is from like 2 years ago that one of my partners helped me set up and still going strong. Delusion helmet and Gersemi skin for appearance.
Prime Talons mod setup. Blast damage is the current meta as of December 2024 so you can see the original before Damage whatever number update point 0 we're at now compared to the original build.
Equip Naramon, it's extremely important for power scaling and end-game level damage.
Fully ranked up Power Spike is the only focus school stuff you need, but having the waybounds unbound is always good for operator/drifter survival, combat, and movement.
Manage your energy economy by getting parazon finisher kills on eximus units if you start running low, just edge the health bars until you see the prompt and your energy will shoot up to almost max if not max. More than half the time arcane energize should kick in and give you a boost on top of the archon shard energy boost (not sure if the effects of the shards and energize multiply/stack or not as I'm not a build math gal but it feels like it does).
Here you go @issilya and anyone else wanting a no forma Valkyr Prime that scales well into higher levels.
#oh and obviously put a potato on her too but that should be common sense... hopefully#I think i covered everything; literally equip anything in steel path circuit even if you get bad weapons; all you need is hysteria & talons#this is a build where Valkyr herself is the weapon itself and you can just get good at bullet jump and spin melee if there's air enemies#a few minutes in you should be at 12x combo multiplier and you should be able to upkeep it at around 11 or 12 as long as spawns r good#I'm aware of how specific a build this is but one of my friends also uses it and improved upon it so like its pretty reliable#as long as you avoid the nullies you'll be okay and the newest updates don't have any nullifiers so its extra good lol#also the can we get much higher meme was more popular when this build was made so like that's why its called that#and the fact that you can reach HIGHER end content by just being in hysteria 24/7 and upkeeping your talons and combo multiplier#big investment if you don't have these potentially but super worth it; at least 3 of us use this build frequently; good for netracells too#you can use the arcanes and mods for other builds on other frames too so useful resource#steel path circuit entrati labs 1999 this thing can do whatever you need done well... except the secret bosses bcuz magnetic dmg#but hey you can probably build her up for that or tweak it to adapt to the magnetic damage but there are better frames for those#I like shards :) they give more build flexibility same with helminth abilities; Valkyr's 3 feels just eh to me I don't utilize it at all#I used that one image just to show off my drifter fashion a little bit too yes UwU#mod rose#not a confession#warframe#valkyr prime#valkyr#warframe builds
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He has already caused over $800 million dollars in damage so I think its going well 😌
he rlly did that!
#ask#thats awesome thanks for the update#800 million dollars in damage.. made me smile when i read it so i thought id draw it for u#idk anything about this game and idk if pilots have an appearance so i just gave him pilot goggles on his hat#haha#finalbossdoodles#ms paint
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waiting for penumbra to work again before i use the item that adds in their other piercings, horns, and tail. ouughhbh...... handsome.... me when she, you understand
#fornax#femroe#ONCE AGAIN. THANK YOU ONEI FOR MY WHOLE LIFE TAKING THE TIME TO UPDATE AND PUT THEIR FACE TEXTURES BACK ON...... WEH#can't believe the culprit of missing face markings was something relating to the eyebrows. evil#i can't bring myself to take fuller gposes of fornax rn because seeing boobs/bras on them gives me 50mil emotional damage#you WILL see them with their pecs again some day
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