#dalton moms
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shan0blight · 8 months ago
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pencileraser1 · 4 months ago
dead poets society driving headcanons but they're all terrible drivers
(and if they also all lived somewhere with similar roads to where i learned how to drive bc i can be more specific that way. also im not a car guy so all the cars are from real people i've met)
inspired by me learning to drive and being bad at it
neil: drives a stick shift and isn't very good at it. he saved up money working to buy a shitty corolla from probably just some guy and was like yeah i can totally drive a stick lol how hard can it be when asked about that. the guy was like uhh probably pretty hard standard shift is famously not easy to learn. and he was like itll be fine dont worry about it. every time he switches gears it feels like the car is falling apart. he has gotten stuck trying to start the car stopped on a slight uphill incline for like 10 minutes multiple times. half the time when he starts the car he does it way too fast, and he constantly kills it when coming to a full stop. he once flipped his car over when going down a windy road. he is very attached to his car despite this, named it something like gertrude. its constantly full of shit and has a ton of doodads hanging from the rearview mirror
todd: will not drive above 25 mph unless he absolutely has to when around other cars. always takes backroads if he can because he is terrified of the freeway. hell drive at the speed limit on the highway but is gripping the steering wheel for his life the whole time. at the same time drives mountain roads where theres no cars at full speed. goes through windy roads barely braking. scares the shit out of everyone in the car. never comes close to crashing despite everyone thinking they're gonna die. he drives a tiny hatchback that probably used to belong to jeff. hes the only one trusted with neils car despite not knowing how to drive stick
charlie: constantly driving over the speed limit, not looking where hes going, blasting music so loud you cant think. hes always like. i dont understand why everyone is scared to drive with me lolll and then goes 90 in a 25. for some reason. his parents bought him a jeep gladiator
knox: knox is constantly getting lost. has absoutely no sense of direction. will get lost on roads he has been on his whole life. he also forgets to use his turn signal constantly. insists on never looking at a map despite having no clue where he is for as long as possible. it is infuriating to everyone else in the car.
cam: drives a mini van. would be a decent driver if he knew how to come to a gradual stop. unfortunately he just slams the brakes like 75% of the time. he drives with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brakes which does not help. he is usually the main one driving the poets places when they're in a group since he has the most seats. when they have more than 7 someone always wants to sit in the trunk, which cam is vehemently against. he's generally just very tense while driving.
pitts + meeks: pitts drives an old truck, a smaller one that only has jump seats in the back. meeks doesnt have a license so pitts drives him everywhere. because of this if anyone wants pitts to drive them anywhere they either have to take the jump seat or sit in the bed cause meeks automatically gets the passenger seat. as far as everything else goes pitts is ok ish at driving, if kind of jerky, it mostly just sucks to get a ride from him cause he doesn't really have any room. meeks doesn't really want to get a license for several reasons and since he is conveniently always with pitts he has decided he just won't for as long as possible. ideally he never will, and will just use public transit if pitts isn't there.
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bosqueinvisible · 2 years ago
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give dalton his gay uncles
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augustus-hater · 2 months ago
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Asoryuu Dead Poets Society AU. Kazuma is adopted by Stronghart and wants to do theater really badly, but Stronghart won’t let him and Ryuunosuke is his roommate.
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rvstyartstar · 4 months ago
⁠✷Lucky luke hcs !!
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•is a polyglot thanks for his nonstop traveling.
•got into the lawmen business in his early 20s
•has a incredible long-term memory but will lose track easily (same).
•a really good whistler, can whistle literally anything.
•is acesexual (and I'll Die with this hc!!) and doesn't really have gender preferences.
•he's oblivious to any and all romantic interests someone may show to him, even in childhood didn't have any real crushes.
•gives compliments sometimes in a way that sounds like flirting and will leave you with mixed ideas, like if someone spotted something/someone he's looking for,he'd later say:
" god had made very pretty eye on you"
And mean it as a "you have good eyesight"
•is touch starved but he doesn't know for the life of him how to ask for a hug from another person.
•if he ever met a fan of his he'd be like if received a complement he'd "aww thank youu ,if you work hard you'll be a legend you slef" and probably just leave after cause he's just awkward like that.
•its kinda growing on me him being mixed (native American-white) bc of the 2009 movie.
•this ones silly but i like to imagine him and jolly helping eachother to sleep (sing, tell stories to eachother ect..)
•doesn't see a person as "good" or "evil" everyone has both of them balanced to him including himself.
•im sorry y'all but he would SMELL
"bu-but he showers"ONCE EVERY TEN ISSUES.
but maybe his scent(in days where the sun don't boil) is a mix of daisies, gunpowder and lemonade idk.
•his relationship with the Daltons is basically "cant let society know i fw them" lol he won't admit he enjoys their company and neither would they.
•is a victim to calamity Jane's playful punching while telling a joke.
•ever since he has been going back and forth with the Daltons they have grown onto him bc they unlike most the outlaws he met don't seem scared of him (or anything for the matter)
•when the way to the prison took to it actually surprised him that they (expect joe) opened a conversation with him when he was still in his early days as a lawman.
•he's still in touch with Martha (do NOT @ me) would visit and chat with her if he's close by the town, they eat cookies and gossip.
•if your actually ACTUALLY close to him you'll be receiving telegram from every once and then.
Well that's if y'all got some headcanons of this cowboy GIVE IT TO ME!!
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graceofgondor · 1 month ago
charginny headcanons (pt. 2/?) post-canon/adult edition
back for more bc enough of you liked the last one <3
charlie volunteered for the war after graduating college, ginny obviously hated it but he promised he would come back for her.
they have a black lab named merlin. (charlie got him as a birthday present for ginny before he left).
he served two tours before coming home (injury)
they bought a house in the suburbs shortly after he came back (it's yellow with a white picket fence okay) and they were engaged that year
(there's barely any furniture at first)
dancing in the kitchen™
ginny ties his tie every morning before work
they both participate in local activism, peaceful protests, etc.
ginny is still an actress <3 she does a lot of community theatre but manages some small roles on broadway (charlie is so incredibly proud of her)
charlie eventually works up to investment banking (NOT in association with his father) and actually doesn't mind that it's dull
they end up having three kids (two older sons, and a youngest daughter) and charlie naturally has endless nicknames for them (buddy, champ, princess, etc.)
one of them ends up being blond. which would be odd, if not accounting mrs. dalton, who somehow allowed her genes to sneak in.
charlie is so insanely protective of ginny while she's pregnant
but also even more eager to please her (even when she's mad)
they quite literally refuse to send any of their kids to boarding school, and despite protest (particularly from mr. dalton) they manage to break the cycle.
they're pta parents big time.
charlie is most likely a coach for one of their son's teams. ginny gets reeealllyy passionate at said games (it's a little scary)
charlie just looks at her like 'that's my wife <3' (yes, and she's yelling at eight year olds, and just threatened the coach)
meanwhile when their daughter comes along it's charlie's turn to be insane (only this time it's dance or piano recitals)
god charlie is a girl dad. like SO much. he'll buy her ANYTHING.
merlin is such a family dog. the kids yank on his tail/ears when they're little and he just looks up at charlie and ginny with puppy eyes, taking it like a champ.
pitts and meeks babysit sometimes (they're clueless but they try)
when they aren't available it's left to uncle chet (aka the og funcle). the kids absolutely LOVE this- ginny does not. (there is no point to this, charlie isn't much better).
speaking of which, charlie ends up alone with the kids when ginny goes to rehearsals (the pep talk they were left with was inevitably ignored) and yes they had ice cream for dinner.
charlie ends up getting scolded along with the kids when they get in trouble, and they all sit in a line on the couch (merlin included) while ginny lectures them.
bonus: ginny is a HUGE abba girlie when they come around. like, she plays the record non stop, and both her and charlie know the words to like every single song.
︱part 1︱part 3︱
next up: wedding? (i have thoughts) also lowkey plugging the fics that the first bit of these apply to: 1 and 2
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oscarcito · 1 year ago
i was going to make a post saying something like logan sargesbg should’ve been rushing a frat or whatever and then i remembered the letter he wrote before the lvgp and fell to my knees. like no he is where he needs to be actually
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notagaybastard · 2 years ago
I'm not sure if already posted this but I don't care because it was too funny
I was watching dps with my mom (her first time watching) and then that scene where Knox, Meeks and Charlie go to Neil's dorm start.
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A couple seconds later, nothing really happened and my mom just looked at me and said "Is he a queer?"
"This one" *points at Charlie*
"Well he looks like a fag"
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thebiggestplantgirlno15 · 8 months ago
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desire-mona · 1 year ago
chaos screaming, chaos creaming
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shan0blight · 9 months ago
Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1019576761/
This addiction to dead poets society is getting bad ngl 😭 but idc🤷‍♀️cause hot people watch dead poets society
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wikibelll · 1 month ago
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graceofgondor · 29 days ago
I sometimes forget that dps is a film from 1989 cause why did my mom just tell me her college friend used to be obsessed with charlie dalton
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graceofgondor · 1 month ago
Okay guys- since I've literally carved out some archaic path- and yall actually heard me out/already agreed with me (ILY) HOW WE FEELING ABOUT THE NEW TAG??
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satoshy12 · 10 months ago
A End of 20s Jazz gave her boy a look:" Why are you alone? We wanted a family day." Damian looked confused. " But I am not..." Jazz:" We did plan to visit the Zoo today, so I came in already." Damian did have a 180° turn:' I can talk to my father later.'  As he joined the scary Redhead Mom in the SUV, he saw many clones ? there. No wonder she thought he was one.  Well, Damian isn't sorry, but he likes spending time with siblings Darren, Darius, Damon, Daria, and Dalton. It's much better when your clones don't try to kill you. And Uncle Daniel and Ellie were nice too, but when will "Mom" notice he isn't one of hers?  Jazz already did notice she took the wrong child, but then again, this isn't her first surprise adoption; how do you think she got so many babies? She found them and just took them with her, and as long as he doesn't want to leave, he can stay. 
Damian stayed many, many days with them, till Bruce found Damian again. 
A/N Jazz is around 28-30 year old.
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miange1 · 1 month ago
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male reader, bar sex or smth, being ex's, dalton trying to make up for being a dick, he wasn't abusive, just a dick, letting fame get to you, leaving, rough sex, anger issues, kind of hate sex but it's one sided, reader calls dalton 'el' a few times, the bar is empty i just got lazy, i was listening to justin beieber while writing this
he had been watching you from across the bar this whole time, and each time you caught each other's eye, you wouldn't fail to glare at him. what was this prick doing here? why the hell was he staring at you? and like that.
you weren't at all happy about him being here. sure, those other guys fucking with the bar were being less and less frequent but that didn't change anything. it didn't change who he actually was, now did it?
"el, all im saying is that you need to take a break— you aren't even in the right mind to fight!" he wasn't, he was getting into more arguments with you which ended with something random broken. he would never hit you, not now or ever but harming your things still wasn't okay.
"fuck off." he'd comment on how you were practically riding his dick at this point. "oh, so is riding your dick being a worried boyfriend? i'm sorry for caring about you!" you really would have left him alone, but this wasn't the best time. if he went out and fought, he could really hurt that person and his own self. whether it would be physical or mental, he would get himself hurt and that's all you were worried about.
"jesus, just leave it alone! this is the shit i do, so im gonna keep doin' it, you understand? you aren't my fuckin' mom." he was being unbelievable. if you could fight him you would. "this isn't about whether or not i'm acting like your mom, it's the fact you aren't listening to me—" your words cut off with your own gasp, feeling his arm tightly grip around your shoulder.
"leave it the hell alone."
it wasn't the biggest argument, but it was the worst one to you. he broke nothing, never harmed you. it just seemed like he genuinely hated you. things ended once he retired, because he just left and made you assume the status of the relationship.
but if he no longer had feelings for you, what the fuck is he looking at you like some lovesick teen. it was getting annoying, you finished cleaning the glass as you let yourself walk over to him.
"you haven't touched your drink." why are you doing this, you should have just went home. why are you talking to this man. his eyes met your instantly, beautiful and blue orbs staring at you like he had just fallen in love all over again. he seemed to save out for a moment before you snapped you fingers at him.
"hello? you gonna drink it or get out?" way too harsh, you practically saw his facade fade into something less hopeful. "of course. you made it for me." he gave you a small smile, taking a sip of it though it was watered down. it made you gag as he drank it, it was practically just juice mixed water at this point.
shaking your head, you snatched the drink from him and headed behind the long table to remake it. your eyes glanced up at him, cocking your head to give him a hint to come over towards you.
his smile got wider as he headed over towards you, sitting down acting so giddy. "here you are." you would have thrown it at him, but you just slid it over towards him.
"enjoy." you couldn't leave till he finished, when he was done you'd have to wash another glass and only then could you head home. he was taking occasional sips, only taking the rest of the time just to look at you. it got you frustrated.
"look, you gonna drink it or not? i got places to be dalton."
"dalton?" finally, the man speaks.
"yes, that's your name ain't it?" he shook his head, setting the drink down for a moment. "thought it was el, is it not?" your mouth turned into an annoyed snarl, you expected him to say this.
"don't give me that shit, dalton." you purposely emphasized his name. you had this entire racing thought in your mind that he was still the exact same person. he hasn't changed, not at all.
"well, i tried." this agitated you, how calm he was but you could tell he was upset himself. you leaned on the wood slightly, your elbows hurting due to setting yourself down too hard. "fuck are you trying to do, hm?" your voice lowers though no one else was inside. he acted clueless, "what am i doing?" your hand slammed down on the surface. "don't give me that!"
you had a full right to be upset, this couldn't just be some coincidence, was it? "we end things, and i move and you knew where i was going- now all of a sudden you're here too?" it didn't add up. "what do you want."
he had finished the drink by now, it was out of the question. "this was all a coincidence, im not going to lie about that," he looked down for a moment, as if he was shy.
"but sooner or later, i would have come here to see you again." his long eyelashes practically batted at you, beggingly. "you.." your guard was let down for a moment, feeling a sense of longing the more you were around him. he was a terrible person— he let fame get to him, and that's all he ever cared about. right? right.
"go home dalton." he seemed as if he was going to say something, but he stopped and allowed himself to nod and take his leave.
"please, el pick up.." that was the 50th voice note you've sent, and he still hasn't answered you. you've sent various messages and he hasn't even responded to them.
you didn't know where he was! he just left you in this big ass house and expected you to take care of yourself? what were you supposed to do?
"el, please! i'm sorry about what happened, but you could have at least taken me with you!" sadness, anger, confusion had all ran through your veins. where was he..
"i'm not mad if that's what you think..please, el, i love you and i miss you. but i can't stay in your house, i don't have the money to pay it.." a sniffle came through, more sobs coming out. "just— meet me in glass keys. okay? bye." and you sent the voice note. you hadn't been blocked, because you knew he saw it. did he even care?
he did care. his heart aches being away from you even if he couldn't admit it. he made sure that was the last voice note you sent, before throwing his phone some place else and leaving it there.
oh gosh, he wasn't sure how this happened. one moment, it was all going well— sort of. you refused to really look at him, but you were sort of paying attention to what he had been saying. a few hums, and even some chuckles. it felt nice, but it didn't really feel like old times.
then he found himself in front of you, while you rambled about how stupid he was to even fight a guy like that. it was some irish fucker, you didn't even care about him, but you definitely cared about daltons well being.
"the fuck is wrong with you— he was clearly a lunatic! do you understand that?!" the way you patched him up hurt more than the wound itself, but he knew it'd feel better later. he feels good right now, having you as close as ever and you were willingly touching him.
"you've always been stupid, so damn stupid! see this? this, is why we didn't work out! cause you're an idiot!" he had such a stupid smile on his face, eyes hooded like he was in a dream.
"mhm.." the man was just happy to be here.
"el, are you even listening!" well now he was. he nodded, smiling even more. "yeah, yeah i am." you caught yourself smiling, feeling your heart beat faster and faster. it was quiet for a moment , your hands leaving his face and resting in the front of you.
a glob of spit rushed down your throat from how nervous you were. he was so handsome still, only thing changing was how much he really did want to change. your body leaned forward, going up a bit to reach him and you quickly placed a small kiss on his lips. fuck, what were you doing.
"i..uh.." you quickly wiped your lips, feeling tears of embarrassment threaten to rush out but you did your best to swallow them down.
his hand found your wrist, gently pulling away. "why'd you wipe it off?" you tried to pull your arm away, but his hold tightened as if he was really scared you'd permanently leave him.
from a small kiss, to a make out session, to your shoes being kicked off and your pants being to your ankles and almost completely on the floor, they practically hung from one singular ankle.
your moans echoed throughout the bar, wet slaps of skin mixing and daltons groans of pleasure gave you pure bliss. it felt so good, after so long having something finally fill you up this way. he had practically stretched you out again, making you feel like the first time the two of you fucked.
"el— oh god, yes, yes yes,.." when dalton spoke to you, he was so soft with his words yet his actions differed. your back arched into his movements, sending a shock through your spine and making it feel tingly and weird, but fuck it was good.
"mnghhh, fuck just like that.." eyes rolled back, saliva almost dripping from how hard he was going— damn, did he miss you that much? cock pulsing, already having cum far too much due to him. he had changed, but this hadn't. calloused hands holding you tight, most likely bruising your skin , and his fingers nails digging inside.
his lips kissed along your neck and back, whispering the sweetest things to you, like how good you were being for him, how much he missed and loved you and that could make you cum alone.
he stopped his actions for a moment, jolting a bit at his own actions. you slightly regained yourself, thinking you were done, but when you tried to lift yourself up he forcefully put you back down into position.
"all i did was take a small breather, you thought we were done?" the stamina this man had was utterly insane. "c'mon, you know me much more better than that." you did, he would always made sure you came as many times as you could before he was done and he would maybe wait till you shot blanks to stop.
but he wasn't sure he could stop this time, he missed more than your body of course but it was still apart of you and he wouldn't ever let it go. "fuuck..i can't, no, no.." he chuckled, sending another shiver through your body. "mhm, yes you can. i know you can because you have, and you will." didn't mean you were used to this again just yet.
"you'll get used to it." he slid it out for a moment, you let out a breathy and strained moan because he did it so damn slowly and all he needed to do was spit on it a bit so it could hurt much less.
dalton flipped you over, so you could look at him. "i like this better." he wanted to make sure you were looking at him. "missed your pretty eyes.."
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