#daichi would be Lu
kings-highway · 10 months
someone either let me know where I can find a good Daisuga Link Click AU or get fcking ready for me to write it myself i-
[Why is this show so good? I picked it up almost randomly. I am,,,, sobbing? I... I...]
extended sobbing noises
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
Here is a second prompt!
Epileptic Suga having a seizure for the first time in front of the first years, maybe in a tougher situation to handle like a bus ride 👀
This one took me a little while, but it's done now, so enjoy! As mentioned in a prior post, this fic is part of the Setter Health Conditions (SHC) universe, so it might be referenced in other fics taking place in the universe. (Fun fact, this fic was originally titled "Into the Sugaverse" before I edited the title to be less cryptic.)
That One Bus Trip
Epileptic Suga with caretaker Daichi
Word count: 3447 words
Daichi was stressed. That wasn’t a new thing, though. With three siblings and two very busy parents, Daichi’s life was near-constant chaos. Though right now, the current cause of Daichi’s stress was sitting right next to him. Suga was curled up against Daichi on the bus seat. They were driving home from a weekend training camp in Tokyo. It was only early evening, but Suga looked quite sleepy leaning against Daichi’s arm.
“Are you okay, Suga?” Daichi asked quietly. They were seated near the back of the bus to keep an eye on everyone. The first years sat in the row in front of Daichi and Suga, and Daichi didn’t want to broadcast Suga’s private business to them (or anyone else on the bus, for that matter).
“Yeah,” Suga groaned as he shifted against Daichi’s arm. “Just feeling kind of off, ya know?”
Daichi’s eyes widened in alarm. “What kind of “off,” Suga? Like off off?”
“Off off,” Suga agreed, pressing the side of his face into Daichi’s club jacket.
“Do you want me to get someone?” Daichi muttered urgently.
This wasn’t good. Feeling off off was how Suga liked to refer to having an aura, and an aura meant a seizure was coming soon. And to make matters worse, they were on a bus, hours away from home. If Suga had a seizure now, it would be chaos. Everyone would panic because only Daich, Asahi, and Mr. Takeda knew about Suga’s epilepsy (Daichi wasn’t sure if Coach Ukai knew, but he wouldn’t be surprised if Suga never mentioned his condition. Suga was very shy about sharing his epilepsy with others. It had taken Daichi and Asahi cornering a first year Suga in the locker room after a particularly long practice to get Suga to tell them anything, and they were some of Suga’s closest friends.)
“No,” Suga murmured. “I have my medication. I’ll take it, so hopefully, things won’t get too bad.”
Suga leaned forward and rummaged through the bag at his feet, producing a medicine bottle seconds later. Daichi grabbed a water bottle from his own bag and presented it to Suga, who took it gratefully. Suga shook out one pill from the bottle and swallowed it down with a gulp of water. He handed the bottle back to Daichi and bent down to his bag again.
Daichi turned to his bag to distract himself from all the possible futures flashing through his mind. Even though Suga had taken his medication, that didn’t guarantee nothing would happen. Similar to migraine prevention medication, Suga’s medicine only worked some of the time. Daichi was praying to every deity in existence that it would work this time because he hated Suga seizing in any circumstance, but especially on a bus with their loud, emotional teammates. Suga didn’t seem too panicked on the surface, but Daichi was keenly aware of the setter’s clenched hands and furrowed brow. Suga was worried too, but he was far too prideful to ever tell anyone directly.
“Let me know if you need anything,” Daichi ordered, voice low to keep their conversation discreet.
“Okay,” Suga yawned, “I think I’m gonna take a nap. This medicine always makes me drowsy.”
“Alright,” Daichi nodded slightly. “Just try to stay calm. Getting worked up will only make everything worse.”
“I know, Daichi,” Suga huffed good-naturedly. “I’ve been dealing with this for years. I think I know how to take care of myself.”
Daich chuckled and patted Suga’s head with his free hand. “I know, I know. But I’m still worried, you know. I’m your best friend and your captain. I think I have the right to worry about you sometimes.”
“You’re such a dad, Daichi,” Suga snickered mischievously. “Dad... Daichi… Oh! Dadchi! From now on, I’m gonna call you Dadchi.”
Daichi sighed wearily. “How can you be so responsible one minute and then so childish the next?”
“It’s a gift,” Suga smiled goofily. Then a yawn escaped his mouth, and he blinked slowly.
“Take a nap, Suga,” Daichi said, slipping off his jacket to drape over the setter. “You’re tired, and it’ll make you feel better.”
Suga hummed in agreement, leaning against Daichi’s side and snuggling under the jacket. He sighed contently and closed his eyes. Within minutes, Suga was sleeping comfortably against Daichi’s shoulder. Daichi smiled at the sight, silently resigning himself to being Suga’s pillow for the rest of the bus ride. They still had over three hours left until they reached Karasuno High School, so Daichi was hoping Suga would be able to take a good, long nap until they arrived.
With Suga sleeping soundly, Daichi could finally relax. He gazed out the window at the setting sun, admiring the beautiful colors as the sun disappeared from the sky. Suga’s body was warm, Daichi noticed. Not feverish, but warm enough to keep Daichi’s body pleasantly warm as well. The bus was also fairly quiet. Most of their teammates were either reading or playing video games (even Kageyama was attempting to work a DS after Hinata’s incessant nagging). After two days of grueling training, Daichi’s body was begging for a break, and between the warmth and quiet murmurings of his teammates, Daichi felt himself nodding off too. His head drooped against Suga’s, and Daichi was asleep almost instantly.
When Daichi awoke, he noticed light flashing through the very dark bus. Lifting his head drowsily, Daichi quickly found the light source. Someone (probably Tanaka or Noya) had brought a portable DVD player onto the bus, and everyone (minus Suga, Daichi, and Asahi, who had donned an eyemask and fell asleep sometime after Daichi had) was gathered around it watching a movie of some sort.
Daichi yawned and pulled out his phone. He sent a quick text to Ennoshita asking about what movie they were watching. Ennoshita replied with the title (“Into the Spider-Verse,” apparently) along with what he’d missed so far. The movie was only a third of the way done, so Daichi hadn’t missed too much. Suga was still sleeping soundly, so Daichi didn’t dare move. He couldn’t see the movie, but that was fine so long as Suga was asleep and calm.
Suga continued to sleep for another half hour at least while Daichi ignored the DVD player in favor of looking at his phone. During that time, Ennoshita texted frequent updates on the movie, summarizing the plot, characters, and visuals with stunning clarity. Daichi would occasionally see some bright flashes of light, but he was too focused on his phone to register the problem the lights might pose. Daichi was snickering at the reveal of Doctor Octavius when Suga stirred next to him.
“You’re up, huh?” Daichi murmured to a drowsy Suga.
“Yeah…” Suga yawned, eyes still shut.
“Are you feeling better?” Daichi asked gently.
“A little, yeah,” Suga hummed, shifting to a sitting position and cracking open his eyes.
“That’s good, at least,” Daichi smiled, reaching over to grab his jacket from Suga’s lap.
“I guess,” Suga sighed, his brown eyes still half-lidded with exhaustion. “What’s going on?”
“We’re watching a movie. Into the Spider-Verse, apparently.” Daichi lifted his phone to show Suga the screen. “Ennoshita’s been keeping me updated. He’s actually pretty good at it too.”
Suga grabbed the phone and scrolled to the beginning of Ennoshita’s recent texts. He took a moment to read before handing the phone back to Daichi. “You’re right. He is pretty good. Is the movie still on?”
“Yes,” Daichi nodded, “The DVD player’s in the aisle. We can watch it if we move over a little.”
“Let’s watch it,” Suga replied. “It’s not like we have anything better to do right now.”
“Okay,” Daichi agreed easily, sliding over into the aisle to watch the movie. Suga moved too, taking Daichi’s now-vacant seat.
They settled down to watch the movie without much trouble. The occasional bright flash made Suga wince and turn away for a moment, but the instances were infrequent, so Daichi didn’t think much of them. Suga seemed to be enjoying the movie too. He laughed at the jokes and fawned over the action sequences. Daichi wasn’t surprised. He’d known about Suga’s nerdy side for a while now.
To be fair, Daichi was also enjoying the movie. The soundtrack and animation were very well done, and Daichi was always a sucker for action movies. Perhaps that was why Daichi forgot about the danger the movie could pose to Suga. Daichi was so absorbed in the movie that he failed to notice Suga’s furrowed brows and rapidly paling face. The final straw for Suga’s fragile health was the collider scene. The frantic, aggressive flashes of light sent Suga’s body headfirst into an epileptic episode.
At first, Daichi thought Suga was just shivering. Small trembles wracked Suga’s frame, but when the trembles grew stronger and more sporadic, Daichi became concerned. Turning away from the DVD player, he squinted through the dark at his best friend, and what Daichi saw was horrible. Suga’s body spasmed erratically while Suga’s eyes were blown wide with panic and distress. Tears slipped down Suga’s cheeks as a soft whine escaped his mouth. Suga’s eyes settled on Daichi, silently begging for help.
Daichi was panicking, but Suga needed him, so he had to focus. Daichi quickly wrapped his jacket around Suga’s head and neck, creating a cushion to protect the vulnerable areas during Suga’s thrashing. Then he carefully scooted Suga’s body farther into the seat, so he wouldn’t fall off and hit something against the bus floor. With Suga in a secure position, there was nothing left to do now but time the seizure and wait for it to end. Daichi hated this part the most because he was powerless to help his best friend.
Their teammates slowly started to notice that something was wrong. Suga’s breathing was irregular and audible over the movie to the people sitting near Daichi and Suga. Ennoshita sent him a text a minute later to make sure everything was okay. Daich responded with a cryptic text that told Ennoshita something was wrong but didn’t specify what. Naturally, Ennoshita sent more texts, each becoming more and more worried, though he thankfully had the sense to keep his inquiries in texts instead of voicing them aloud.
Suga’s trembles finally slowed, and Daichi checked the clock on his phone. The seizure had lasted for just over two minutes. While not ideal, the seizure was still under five minutes. Seizures lasting longer than five minutes tended to be the most dangerous ones, so at least Suga avoided that.
Now that the seizure was over, Daichi needed to get Suga help. So Daichi got to his feet and walked down the bus aisle. Most of his teammates grumbled in annoyance, but Daichi caught the worried gazes of Ennoshita and his seatmate Kinoshita. He gave them a small smile, hoping to convey that things were getting better, but the duo still looked worried. Daichi continued on his trek and finally reached the front of the bus. Thankfully, Coach Ukai was driving while Mr. Takeda was helping Coach Ukai navigate from the front bus seat.
“Mr. Takeda?” Daichi leaned towards the club advisor, keeping his voice low.
“Daichi?!” Mr. Takeda yelped in surprise, but he quickly fell silent once he saw Daichi’s face. “What’s wrong?”
“Suga had an… episode,” Daichi whispered to the club advisor.
“An episode?” Mr. Takeda blinked in confusion. “What kind of episo- Oh!” Mr. Takeda lowered his voice out of courtesy to Suga and his privacy. “Suga had an epileptic episode?”
“Yeah,” Daichi sighed tiredly. “His seizure lasted for a little more than two minutes. He’s resting now, but we should take him to a hospital to get checked out.”
“Of course!” Mr. Takeda nearly shouted again. “I’ll let Coach know right away! Do you need any help with Suga?”
“I don’t think so,” Daichi shook his head. “I just might need help getting him off the bus when we get to the hospital.”
“Alright. I’ll find the nearest hospital and tell Coach to get us there as soon as possible. Can you keep Suga comfortable until we arrive?” Mr. Takeda asked.
“I’ll take good care of him,” Daichi replied firmly.
“I’m sure you will,” Mr. Takeda agreed before he moved to the driver’s seat to let Coach Ukai know about the change of plans.
Daichi returned to his seat swiftly, anxious from leaving Suga alone for so long. Suga was still lying across their seats, but he was conscious and relatively alert because he turned his head when Daichi got back to their seats. Daichi sat in the aisle to keep an eye on Suga, rubbing the setter’s ankle soothingly. Daichi and Suga stayed like that until the bus pulled into a hospital parking lot.
Cries of confusion and irritation broke out until Mr. Takeda silenced them with an uncharacteristically stern stare. “Move out of the aisles, everyone. The paramedics need to use them.”
Everyone obeyed immediately, but looks of confusion were etched on most of their teammates’ faces. Two paramedics boarded their bus, with Mr. Takeda directing them back to Suga and Daichi’s seats. Daichi moved out of their way, helping them pull Suga into the larger paramedic’s arms. Suga remained limp in the paramedic’s hold, though his eyes darted over to Daichi as the paramedics carried him away. Daichi waved reassuringly, and Suga flashed him a brief smile before his eyes fell shut. That caused the paramedics to panic and rush off the bus. Daichi watched them place Suga on a waiting stretcher from the bus window, and then his best friend disappears into the large white building with the paramedics.
They weren’t allowed to see Suga for the next few hours. Their teammates’ confusion had morphed into shock and despair once they realized that something was wrong with Suga. The first and second years badgered Daichi and Asahi relentlessly until they finally caved, informing the team of Suga’s epilepsy. Daichi also explained why Suga was currently in the hospital, and Tanaka looked guiltier by the second. Daichi reached out a hand and rubbed the spiker’s shoulder, explaining that it wasn’t Tanaka’s fault. He didn’t know about Suga’s epilepsy until a few minutes ago, so there was no way for him to know how dangerous the movie would be for his vice-captain to watch. Tanaka still moped in his hospital chair until they were finally allowed to see Suga.
It was very early morning when a nurse approached their group with information about Suga. She pulled Mr. Takeda and Coach Ukai away for a few minutes to inform them of Suga’s condition. With Suga’s parents out of the country for work, they were acting as Suga’s legal guardians while he was in the hospital. Daichi waited with the team until the two adults returned to their group.
“Suga will be fine, everyone,” Mr. Takeda smiled exhaustedly. The events of the night had taken a visible toll on him. “He was just dehydrated and exhausted. He’s on an IV right now to get some fluids and nutrients into his system, but he’ll be okay after getting some rest.”
“He’ll be released soon,” Coach Ukai continued gruffly. “They’re just waiting until his IV is done. We should be out of here in an hour or so.”
“Can we see him?!” Nishinoya and Hinata asked eagerly.
“Yes,” Mr. Takeda laughed at their antics, “but you have to be quiet, ok? Suga might be asleep, and we shouldn’t wake him if he is.”
“Yes sir!” The duo nodded before dashing down the hallway.
“Wait!” Mr. Takeda let out a panicked cry. “You don’t even know Suga’s room number!”
Mr. Takeda chased after the two, and soon the entire team was running down the hospital hallway to Suga’s room. Mr. Takeda directed them to take two flights of stairs and a long corridor to reach Suga’s room. Unsurprisingly, Hinata and Nishinoya were the first to the door, with Kageyama and Tanaka not far behind. Mr. Takeda caught up with them, forcing them to wait until everyone had gathered to open the door. Daichi pushed his way to the front of the group, citing his captain status. Suga was his best friend, and he was going invoke his captain rights if it let him see Suga faster.
Mr. Takeda opened the door, and the Karasuno VBC filed into the room silently. Daichi stared at Suga as he entered. Suga was awake and sitting up in his bed. He looked exhausted, but his face had color, and he looked much better than he had hours ago. Suga watched them all carefully, offering them a wave. The IV in his elbow bounced in time with Suga’s wave. Once everyone was settled into the room, Suga gave them a warm Suga-Smile™.
“Hey, guys,” Suga said with exhausted but genuine enthusiasm. “What’s up?”
“SUGA!!!!” Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka yelled, launching themselves at Suga.
They piled themselves on top of a shocked Suga, but he was quick to pull the trio into a warm hug.
“You scared us, Suga,” Daichi said quietly as he sat on the side of Suga’s bed.
“Sorry. I should have told someone earlier,” Suga sighed, snuggling into the cuddlepile on his lap.
“It’s not your fault, Suga,” Asahi hummed from the other side of Suga’s bed. “You can’t control your epilepsy.”
“I guess so… But I still feel bad for scaring you guys like that,” Suga confessed, eyes full of guilt.
“It’s okay, Suga,” Hinata chirped from the cuddle pile. “We’re just glad that you’re okay!”
“Thanks, Hinata,” Suga laughed into the blocker’s red hair.
“Hinata’s right,” Ennoshita chimed in. “I just wished you’d told us about your epilepsy earlier.”
“I know I should have, and I’m really sorry.” Suga bowed his head in apology. “I just hate talking about it. Daichi and Asahi basically had to kidnap me to get me to tell them about it.”
“Is that true, Daichi?” Nishinoya asked excitedly.
“I guess so…” Daichi laughed awkwardly. “In our defense, Suga was very stubborn. That was the only way we got Suga to talk to us instead of changing the topic.”
“Was I really that bad?” Suga cocked his head to the side.
“You were,” Asahi nodded solemnly. “I didn’t think we’d ever get you to tell us anything.”
“You’re always so negative, Asahi.” Suga poked the ace’s arm lightly. “It’s that negativity goatee, I swear.”
“My goatee has nothing to do with it!” Asahi whined sadly.
Suga giggled lightly at his friends, and Suga’s laugh was always infectious. The cuddle pile trio was giggling too, and then Daichi and Asahi joined in as well. Soon, the entire team was laughing, even Mr. Takeda and Coach Ukai. The previous events were long and stressful, so now everyone was finally relaxing a little.
The team chatted amongst themselves quietly until a nurse entered the room to check Suga’s IV. She declared that it was done and swiftly removed the needle from Suga’s elbow before the setter could even process what was happening. The nurse left the room for a moment and returned with a wheelchair for Suga to sit in. Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka clambered off Suga’s lap, so Daichi and Asahi could help Suga into the wheelchair. They wheeled Suga out to the bus and got him situated on a bus seat near the front, so the adults could keep an eye on him. Daichi also sat beside Suga to help him if need be.
Everyone boarded the bus, and they were on their way back to Miyagi. Suga leaned his head on Daichi’s shoulder, eyes heavy with sleep.
“Daichi,” he yawned heavily. “Thanks for everything today.”
Daichi smiled tiredly at his best friend. “Sure. I’m always here for you. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, I do,” Suga hummed happily. “I’m glad you’re such a good friend.”
“Thanks, Suga.” Daichi yawned as well. “You’re a pretty good friend too.”
“You’re still better,” Suga teased lightly before a big yawn escaped his mouth.
“And you’re still exhausted. Get some rest. I’ll wake you up when we get back,” Daichi said softly.
“Thanks, Daichi,” Suga murmured as his eyes slipped shut.
“Any time, Suga,” Daichi whispered as he felt his eyes grow heavier by the second. He leaned his head on top of Suga’s. The adults would wake them when they got to the school, Daichi reasoned before his eyes shut completely. Karasuno’s captain was asleep in a matter of seconds, taking a well-deserved nap after the chaos of the past few hours. The bus wouldn’t arrive for a few hours, and Daichi was content to nap with his best friend as the bus rolled on through the night.
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basilrazzledazzle · 4 years
dating the haikyuu boys, pt 2
y'all REALLY liked that last one omg so here's a few more.
(a/n: i have written kageyama's part three times and oikawa's twice why can't this stupid app SAVE MY DRAFTS)
anyway this one is dedicated my one and only follower you're a real one homie 😌
Kageyama Tobio
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he was the one to ask you out
tbh he had probably been pining for a hot minute before he finally got himself together
you had been helping him in class during free time because ya boy isn't the smartest and needed someone to help him study
and one day he was watching you explain a concept and he couldn't help but notice wow uh,,, y/n is really cute,, wait what??
anyway there's a big test coming up and our boy kags is stressing
so you volunteer to help him after school
but he has practice
so you both decide that you'd go to his house after practice
so you meet him at the school and you guys walk together
and you hadn't really talked about your personal lives
but he told you about how much volleyball and his friends meant to him
which was kinda wild because you had always thought of him as cute but intimidating
so anyway you stayed over for a little over an hour but it was getting late
and as you're getting ready to leave he volunteers to walk you home
you oblige because it's getting late plus you don't mind the thought of being together in the dark
and turns out he's just an absolute dork because he's cracking jokes the whole way home
and before you go inside he gets kinda flustered
"hey y/n?"
"would you uh,, wanna hang out this friday?"
"but we don't have any tests or anything monday??"
just bc you're tutoring him doesn't mean you're not a dumbass
"no like a,, uh like a date"
o h
you agree ofc because who in their right mind would turn him down
i really think he would do something like taking you to an aquarium
mostly because he likes to watch you get excited over all the colorful fish
i've decided that kageyama doesn't know what to do with pda
because ya boy definitely gets flustered easily
he could never get upset with your affection
so you guys talked a lot during school but i feel like the most pda that would happen would be like hand holding
anyway after a couple weeks of dating you're walking to his house with him
and you mention that you're kinda chilly and wish you had brought your sweater
this boy has his jacket off in an instant
and also insists you wear it when he walks you to your house after "studying"
and you're wearing it at lunch the next day
and hinata asks kags why you have it
and since our favorite tangerine cannot keep his mouth shut, half the school knows by the end of the week
Oikawa Tooru
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he asked you
he knew he had almost all of the school wrapped around his finger
except you were always one to call him out on his bullshit
and he found that hot
anyway he was kind of low-key flustered when he was asking you out
the two of you were both the captains of your volleyball teams
so you had that in common
and his excuse to talk to you was for you to teach him how to gain the respect of his teammates
you said he couldn't get anyone's respect if he continued to act as arrogant as he did
which kinda threw him off
but he asked you out anysay
you. laughed.
"are you serious?"
"why wouldn't i be serious??"
you agreed to ONE date
but it turned into several
this boy LIVES to show you off
would literally swoop by your locker in between classes just to give you a kiss
low-key clingy asf
one day you mysteriously found his volleyball jacket in your locker
you could take a hint
he saw you wearing it after school and OH BOY
he was whipped
you probably could've gotten away with murder if you had been wearing his jacket, he thought
lots of movie dates at his house
and even though he liked to talk a lot he was surprisingly a good listener
mostly because he thought it was hot seeing you angry as you wanted over the latest bullshit
it took him a bit to open up to you tbh
but he became very vulnerable about how he was scared to let down his team
on another note
he knew he could get anything he wanted when he was wearing his glasses
god he's such an asshole
but so attractive
Daichi Sawamura
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he asked you out but also technically didn't
but boy was FLUSTERED
like he was so nervous
even though you guys had a pretty good relationship already and had amazing chemistry
you guys had been friends for a while
and you were hanging out at the library
supposedly studying but in reality most of the time had been spent joking around and goofing off
he was really trying his best to stay on task but you kept finding memes that you just had to show him
so you leaned over close to him with your phone in hand
and your boy just went for it
he pulled away almost immediately though
"y/n i am so sorry i shouldn't have done that-"
you kissed again him just to shut him up
which he was completely okay with
but then you realized you were in a library
where making out was generally frowned up
it took a minute before you officially became a couple though
tbh you were probably wearing his jacket before you were official
and when you were wearing his jacket??
oh boy
you could have gotten your way with anything
he was so whipped and seeing you in his clothes just had him wrapped around your finger
dates with him were probably pretty casual tbh
lots of cuddling at each other's houses while watching netflix
arguments only happen because you don't like him overworking himself
even then it's not a full blown argument
he'll just keep doing what he's doing (homework, volleyball shit, etc) and give you some bs excuse about him having to hold himself to high standards
other than that he's extremely agreeable and willing to compromise with anything
ugh i just love him sm
Hinata Shoyo
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you asked him
you had most of your classes together and found his cheerfulness infectious
and one day you were in the courtyard setting a volleyball against the wall and you heard him come up behind you
"hey y/n!! will you set to me?"
after that you guys had an immediate friendship
plus you lived near each other, so when he didn't have practice, you guys walked together most of the way home
he was very energetic and practically bouncing the whole way home
so one day you decided to just go for it
"hey shoyo, are you busy this friday?"
he wasn't
"do you wanna,, i dunno, hang out?"
"what, do you wanna practice?"
ugh he's so oblivious what a dummy
"no, like a date"
boy turned RED he didn't know what to do
"uh, y-yeah! sure!"
idk i feel like going to a park with him would be cute
y'all would get some sort of fast food to take with you and just hang out on the swings and talk
it was chill but also allowed him to move around a lot because you already know this boy cannot sit still
anyway you were walking back that night and he noticed you shiver
bc it was kinda chilly
and he's like "hey y/n are you cold?"
and you assure him you're fine
but he insists you take his jacket anyway
because wow a gentleman
and surprisingly it's tsukishima who notices you with it on monday because you had first period with him
"hey what're you doing wearing shorty's jacket, y/n?"
"y/n's and i are dating, thank you very much! they can wear my jacket as they please."
tsukki couldn't believe it
neither could anyone else tbh
but you were both happy and that's all that mattered :))
ahh anyway that's what i have for them. i hope u enjoy these!! i really have fun writing them but they take forever omg
feel free to request a one shot / imagine or something like this!! i need something to fill my time lmao
anyway thank u for reading!! please like n reblog (if u wanna, ofc) ily all!!
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coliemoongaming · 4 years
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☾ cute character questions ☽  by pirncessleia
Basically a Get to Know Haeju thingie! 
I know that these are supposed to be asks but I just wanted to do it! :3 
the basics:
name: Haeju Lujan - nicknames - Hae Hae, Hae, Lu, Lulu, JJ age: 21 zodiac sign: A mix of a Pisces and an Aries (can’t really find one that fits her to a T yet) one good trait: Honest one bad trait: Impatient, a little short tempered but chills out after 
one bad habit: Cursing loudly when losing at anything too many times one good habit: Tends to cool off pretty fast and is back to being laidback  one habit they can’t break: Chewing on her lips  one they’ve broken: Not staying up until nearly 5 am  what they’re afraid of: Honestly...not making her late parents proud
their parents names: Suza Lujan and Micheal Lujan  their siblings names: Daichi Lunjan (older bro, also has a wife and two kids) Kids names are Emiko and Hikaru and his wife’s name is Ashanti.  favorite childhood memory: Not super sappy but her grandfather (who was also into video games) gave Haejun her first gaming console which was a nintendo 64 along with several games. She still has it in her apartment in pretty good condition.  favorite childhood toy: Her nintendo 64 (received as a gift from her grandfather) and a cute white build a bear that says “I love you!” when you press it’s tummy.  embarrassing story: Peeing herself laughing while watching on of her favorite simtuber’s getting jump scared while at lunch. In high school.  favorite family member: Her grandfather hands down! She was pretty messed up after he passed when she was 16.  a story about that family member (it’s nearly 3am. Too tired to think of a full story so have a sort of summary of the kind of person that he wasr: Haeju’s grandfather, Koji, was the type of grandfather that stood up for his grandkids and would always allow them the freedom to have fun. He’s one of the main reasons why Haeju loves video games so much since it was a fun bonding experience for them. 
what they prefer:
coffee or tea? Soda! Especially peach soda and black cherry.  showering in the day or night? Prefers showering in the night taking baths or taking showers? Showers! She believes that you are basically washing yourself in the your own filth.  tv or movies? Both! Especially shows that deal with either zombies or monsters.  writing or reading? Haeju prefers to read.  platonic or romantic love? She likes both. Platonic relationships with friends along with a romantic relationship with her new himbo boyfriend.  iced tea or lemonade? Lemonade.  ice cream or smoothies? Smoothies since it’d be easy to either eat/drink them while gaming.  cupcakes or cake? It’s basically the same thing right? Just one is a big cake while the other is mini baby cakes.  beach or mountains? Both! 
song: Sunflower by Post Malone, Conversation by Sionya, Stronger Than You (undertale version), Cat and Dog by TXT, Lil Dork by Yuh Yuh to name a few.  band: She listens to a variety of people, doesn’t really have just on favorite band.  outfit:Baggie hoodie, jeans or sweats, socks and sneakers along with her headphones.  place: Was an arcade that she used to go to alot when she was younger.  memory: Her favorite memories mainly consist of her playing various video games with her grandfather.  person: Her grandfather, Koji or Jiji as she called him movie: Basically every Studio Ghibili movie  show: Supernatural, Z Nation, Big Mouth (she doesn’t care about the haters! That shit is hilarious to her) and various animes. 
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ishauntedbythemoon · 7 years
It’s a meme night lads
I was tagged by @vahlance
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better You really DON’T have to answer these, I’m just really sleepy and bored?
nicknames: Nico(work in progress), Moony(for many reasons), some people at work call me ‘Little One” but I wouldn’t call that nickname per say? I don’t really have a lot of nicknames or any :/
gender: *shrugs* when you find out, let me know? star sign: Aquarius
height: 5′1″
time:  10:27 PM
birthday: February 13, 1995
favorite bands: P!AtD, FOB, ummmm, DreamCatcher, Super Junior, Infinite, um Simon Curtis?
favorite solo artists: Daichi Miura
song stuck in my head:  Thanks to a commercial from Walmart — It’s Raining Men by The Weather Girls
last movie i watched: Baby Driver— while kind of drunk so I don’t really remember much of it, but really… was there much to remember?
last show i watched: Bob’s Burgers
when did i create my blog: Um… UM….it’s been like 3 years? only really active for two? 
what do i post: shit posts, Harry Potter stuff, Anime stuff, Cosplays, bitching about how important mental health is because I have no backbone to say it out loud 
last thing i googled: Sims 4 and when the pets die and Miraculous Ladybug season 2 at the same time
do i have any other blogs: I have a spite blog I made for ME for my senior year of college. I do work digital and printing the amount they want isn’t always an option because of funds
do i get asks: I’ve never gotten an ask, but more so people expressing concern for some of the posts when I am struggling.
why i chose my url: So I’ve adopted the name Nico over the last few years and so far it seems to work well for me though I still have days where it feels strange. I kept typing Nico and different interests into a screen name generator and it finally landed on something like “Nicordisks” and my mind read it was “NicoRdis” almost like Toys R us and “dis” instead of “this” and then it sort of morphed into “Nicordis”  somehow? 
following: 315
followers: 133
average hours of sleep: 5 a night which probably explains my sometimes short temper, anxiety spikes, and bags under my eyes for days making me look like a fuzzy trash gremlin
lucky number: 13, I was born the 13th during a huge snow storm, my birthday is often on the friday the 13th and those are my luckiest days or days where things go alright for a little, graduated in 2013 so… yea, :3
instruments: I don’t play anything but I adore the sound of a violin most days? 
what am i wearing: black boxer shorts and a black tank top because I’m under a mountain of blankets and anymore clothing is suffocating? Can I be wearing a blanket?
dream job: Anything that allows me to feel free, and experience what it’s like to get out of bed in the morning without immediately wanting to curl back up and give up. I want to help people and am currently working towards a degree in art therapy but I’ve often thought of myself working in a green house or with plants, but then I’ve also had a thought of working in the little witch shop down the road but I don’t know enough of the already broad subject to really… understand how to explain it to that extent. Then I’ve also thought of working with animals because I love them, but my anxiety of certain situations involving certain animals and my lack of an ability to handle blood or medical equipment squashed that. In other words I’m a mess
dream trip: France, Japan or somewhere in the UK
favorite food: I really like asian foods but my MAIN kick right now is a good Miso or a good Phở
nationality: American but Genealogy is proving the bloodline is really all over the place and it’s interesting for ME personally to be able to track it to particular people, times and places and how long they stayed there and the names of countries or lands that no longer exist.  
favorite song right now: UMMMM FLY HIGH FROM DREAMCATCHER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39yeTdIuKJU
Fun Fact About Me: Been thinking about this particular moment all day for some reason. Back in like 2012 my grandmother has this Chihuahua named Berny. Berny was kind of an old man but an old man with attitude. He had adopted my grandmother’s couch as his own but I wanted to sit on it to. He started to growl at me when I sat on the other side so I used a pillow to just gently push him off the couch as a “I’m not taking this from you.” Repeat this the next few weeks and somehow it turned into him actually cuddling up to me when he realized that I’d be the only one willing to take him on longer walks. Thus making him the only dog I’ve liked besides her previous dog Reggy who was a little black dachshund who had habit of forcing his nose into your crotch if you sat on the floor unsuspecting. Earning him the nick name “Wedgy”  Is that it? Is that how people make friends with dogs? Pushing them off couches and bribing them with walks? 
Tagging  @abunnydreamingofkisses @38sr @twipzies @more-dog-than-human @dave-mutherfucking-strider @vixcoon @artpanda-lu @runningwithdamnscissors @highlysocialingfuntiopath @quinzenth @vahlance
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