#dagger squad christmas
jungle-angel · 2 years
Early Risers (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Christmas morning under your roof is nothing short of special
It had been one hell of a Christmas, a blizzard having started on the way home from church the night before while you, Bob and the rest of the Dagger family had gathered at the ranch in Montana to celebrate. 
The kids had been quiet on the morning of Christmas Eve, playing round after round of beanbag toss in the large expanse of basement while the grown ups were left to take care of business. That was where the real craziness had ensued. 
It had all begun when Coyote, Rooster and Hangman had been sent on a liquor run, only to return with a truck bed containing half the store. Bob, your beloved and most patient of husbands, ran his hands over his face in exasperation despite the good intentions. 
Fanboy and his grandparents had shown up an hour later with Abuela Alma taking charge of the kitchen. You and her had the time of your lives as you cooked away, the house filling with a whole different array of smells that attracted the boys quite easily. Unfortunately, they were met with Alma’s swift hand and a dishtowel when Javy, Mickey and Rooster tried to sneak a taste of the tamales that had just come out of the oven. 
The kids had done the same thing, imitating their uncles and their grandfathers, though Alma was a bit softer with the children, shooing them away to the basement and warning them that if they didn’t wait they’d spoil their dinners. The both of you however, started to lose patience pretty quickly when Tank, Bob’s two year old Rottweiler sat close to the kitchen counters, pawing your thigh for a little taste of the food. 
Getting the kids ready for Christmas Mass was a nightmare in and of itself. Auggie, Nicky, Pete, Danny, Thomas, TJ, Sebastian, Roddy, Tiago and Gabe all complained about having to wear nice clothes, chasing each other through the house and whipping each other with their ties before their fathers all grabbed them to keep them from getting out of hand. The girls were a little easier, but keeping them from getting their clothes messed up? Phoenix and the guys all thought piloting through the canyon on the Uranium Plant mission was much easier than that. Finally, they decided to let the kids curl up in the living room to watch “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” if it would help keep them quiet. 
Christmas Mass went off without a hitch, everyone going early in the evening while the food warmed at home. It was so crowded that you, Bob and the rest of the squad all had to stand at the back, the kids resting on the floor for the time being while Father Gonzales officiated. Joe and Irene pulled their truck around after all was done, you and Bob loading up Auggie, Patrick, Deidre and Baby Rudy so that their grandparents could take them home. You and Bob on the other hand, rode home with Maverick, Penny, Amelia and the boys, all of you totally caught off guard by the blizzard that started before you had gotten up the driveway. 
Twelve hours and ten million reruns of “A Christmas Story” later, you, Bob and the rest of the family poked your heads into the living room to find all the kids asleep on top of the huge pile of unopened presents under the tree. No one could resist the thought of snapping pictures of the kids all asleep in their plaid Christmas jammies, some of them snoring away from having woken at three in the morning to see if Santa came. 
The kids awoke soon enough as everyone opened their gifts, overjoyed at the thought that was put into every one of them. The kids played with their new toys or read through their new books while you and the rest of the squad let breakfast cook in the oven or hauled out the remaining liquor to make mimosas. You and Bob couldn’t have imagined a more perfect day, a day where all of you were together, surrounded by your family and friends and the people who loved you most of all.
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missathlete31 · 10 months
Random Hangman Story Idea of the Day-
hopefully an actual writer takes over this story and writes it. Please someone- take it!
Jake giving up his Christmas leave to Bob because he finds out Bob’s sister just welcomed a new baby and he knows how much the WSO wants to be home for the holidays. So Hangman goes to Admiral Simpson and requests to give his leave away anonymously. When Cyclone calls Floyd in to tell him, Bob is so happy to get to see his family, he doesn’t think about who could have given him this gift and just heads out to pack.
The Friday before Christmas, as everyone who has the time off leaves, those stuck in Miramar start making their own plans. Bradley and Phoenix are about to head out for some last minute shopping before they begin their holidays at Mav and Ice's home, when they see a light on in Jake’s apartment. They head up to investigate, shocked when the cocky pilot answers the door, expecting him to be halfway to Texas at this point.
Natasha realizes pretty quickly how Bob was able to make it home and asks Jake about it. The blond explains how he didn't need to go home, his parents wouldn't want him there, and soon he is being invited by the two other aviators to join their festivities. Hangman declines, convinced it was a pity invite and that no one actually wants him there. Bradley and Nat beg him to reconsider but head out when it's clear their teammate isn't going to change his mind.
On Saturday, December 23rd, Jake runs around the mostly deserted Top Gun base with his air pods in. He’s about to start his fourth lap when someone grabs his shoulder- it’s Maverick, looking just as surprised as Jake is to see him there. The two chat amicably for a bit when Pete brings up Christmas. Assuming this is his Captains way of trying to see if Hangman is going to crash their family dinner, Jake explains that while he appreciates the offer he doesn't want to impose, especially after such an emotional few months for Mav and his family (reconnecting with Bradley, Ice's cancer battles). Maverick tells Jake that there is nothing they wouldn't love more than if the blond would join them, even joking about how low key the whole event will be since Ice used to do the seven fishes on Christmas Eve and the big Christmas Ham and both Pete and Bradley are hopeless in the kitchen. Jake still seems unsure, to which Mav asks him to think about it and leaves him be.
All this leads to Jake Hangman Seresin arriving at Pete and Tom's house with a handful of groceries and presents on Christmas Eve morning, insisting on cooking to earn his place at the table. Of course his captain informs him he is meant to be a guest, but everybody stops fighting it as seven courses of delicious seafood find it's way to the dinner table. The group spends the night eating, drinking, watching Christmas movies and just spending fun time together, Jake having the best holiday he can ever remember. And as they all bid each other goodnight and head off to their different guest rooms, Hangman can't help but thank his hosts for having him. Tom and Pete just smile at the young man they are ready to adopt and tell him it's their pleasure, ushering the pilot off to bed so they can place the numerous wrapped presents they purchased for Jake under their tree, excited to see his reaction the next morning.
When that reaction ends up being tears for finally finding the family he always dreamed of Jake will find himself subjected to a lot of hugs on Christmas morning.
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And yes, Brisket might be one of the presents waiting for Jake under the tree 🥰
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callsign-daydream · 9 months
How the Hangman Stole Christmas! - TGM
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Summary: It's Secret Santa time for the Dagger Squad! Every year, Hangman manages to figure out everyone's SS and spoil the fun, but the rest of the squad is determined to keep him in the dark this year. Will they succeed, or will Jake Seresin once again be the Dagger Squad's personal Grinch?
Warnings/Content: Plain ol' silliness, alcohol mentioned, starred out swearing, OC included, little to no editing happened here
Word Count: ~1024
A/N: Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! My gift to you is this silly little blurb. Wishing you smiles, joy, and peace from Above in the coming days! <3
How the Hangman Stole Christmas!
“Go away, Bagman.”
“**** off.”
“Forget it.”
“Seriously, Jake?”
“Didn’t you ruin Christmas enough last year?”
Jake Seresin worked with a bunch of losers. It wasn’t his fault that he’d managed to figure out everyone’s Secret Santa last year. Or that they’d decided to try it again this year. He was just that smart, and his squad was just that bad at keeping secrets. 
Of course, he probably didn’t have to announce everyone’s Secret Santa the day before the exchange, but that was besides the point.
Unfortunately, everyone was being a stick in the mud and complaining that he “ruined Christmas.” Even Fanboy was uncharacteristically tight-lipped on the topic. The other Daggers had evidently told Maverick about the incident as well, as Jake was met with an instant “I don’t know” when he approached the Captain.
Of course, the opposition was just extra incentive for Jake to get creative.
He knew he had Coyote, and he was pretty sure he could confirm a few key Daggers…
The bakery was crowded on a Saturday, but Jake needed to snag a few things for Daydream. Both for a Christmas present and for bribing her to tell him who she’d pulled for Secret Santa. He was debating whether she'd be more willing to tattle over a cannoli or some tiramisu when he heard a familiar voice.
“Yeah, two dozen. Thanks.”
Rooster, as Jake lived and breathed, buying a box of pistachio pizzelles that only one person they knew ate.
Hangman smirked to himself.
“How’s my favorite pilot?”
Daydream looked up as Jake waltzed into her apartment. Her face was anything but impressed as she placed Pillsbury gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet.
“I’m not telling you who I have for Secret Santa.”
“Fine. I’ll keep this early Christmas present for myself.” He opened the box to display the dessert
He chuckled and held it high over his head. “What’s the magic word?”
She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “Still not telling.”
“Nope. I think it rhymes with peas.”
Another eye roll that made him crack a smile.
“With pleasure, Dreamgirl.”
She eyed him suspiciously as she accepted the gift before marching to the fridge. Jake was just debating what else could possibly get her to talk when a paper on the counter caught his eye. It was a familiar green color, with a singular name scrawled across it.
Jake slid into the booth at the Hard Deck. He almost had all his answers, except one. And he knew exactly who to confront.
“Hey Floyd,” he greeted Bob. “You breaking hearts out here on your own?”
The man blinked behind his glasses. “I’ve been sworn to secrecy, Bagman.”
Jake held up his hands. “I didn’t ask.”
“Well, good.”
Jake nodded and knocked back his drink. He scanned the bar and was satisfied to see no sign of Phoenix. No need to have her literally swoop in and snatch Bob away just yet.
“Hope your shopping went well. Fitch must be hard to shop for.”
Bob chuckled. “I don’t have Payback.”
Jake nodded. “Right. Good thing too. I’m sure Fanboy would be easier to buy for anyway.”
There it was. Bob opened his mouth and shut it. It was fast enough to nearly miss, but Jake had spoken to his fellow aviator enough to know what it meant.
“I don’t have either of them. Keep trying, Jake.”
Jake chuckled and waved a hand. “Nah. I’m done guessing this year.”
I don’t need to.
Gifts and beers littered the table that the Daggers huddled around. Penny had replaced the usual jukebox tracks with Christmas music, leaving them with “Blue Christmas” in the background. The squad had elected to dress in civilians, a move Jake was glad for considering the red dress Daydream had broken out for the occasion.
“Alright!” Phoenix yelled to shut the squadron up. “Are we ready for Secret Santa?”
The table cheered, including Jake.
Rooster spoke up and lifted his bottle. “And I want to raise a toas to all of us besting Bagman this year!”
Cheering and clinking followed, until Jake stretched and smirked. This was the best part of the game, to his mind.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Rooster. Who wants me to tell them who their Santa is?”
"Not again." Phoenix's face dropped.
“But we didn’t tell you anything,” Payback said.
Jake shrugged, soaking in the incredulity of his squad. “Didn’t have to.”
“You’re bluffing,” Daydream said beside him.
With a quick swig of his beer, Jake cracked his knuckles and leaned forward.
“I have Coyote. Easy.” He passed over the box he’d wrapped to perfection, which was accepted with a lifted eyebrow.
“Coyote tells me every year, and this time around he got good ol’ Rooster.”
Everyone booed as Coyote sheepishly handed over a box full of vinyls with a bow on the front.
“Oh, come on!” Coyote snatched up his drink. “It’s one name. How could he have figured anyone else out?”
“Was last year not bad enough for you?” Fanboy asked.
“I still don’t believe you know everyone,” Daydream said.
“Fine. Rooster has you. Saw him shopping at an Italian bakery when the most cultural he gets is Del Taco every Tuesday.”
“They make good tacos!”
“Dreamgirl left her paper on the counter when I came over and has Bob. Bob does the mouth thing when he’s lying, making it easy to guess that he has Fanboy.”
Bob sputtered and did the mouth thing.
“Garcia can’t hide cards to save his life, or in this case, a Secret Santa slip. I knew you had Payback from day one.”
“This is why you always lose at poker, man.” Payback shook his head as he accepted a bag overflowing with tissue paper.
“I knew Payback didn’t have me because Phoenix made that special face she keeps just for me when she saw her paper, leaving Fitch to have Phoenix by process of elimination.”
He stuck his toothpick in his mouth and leaned back in his chair as everyone stared at him. Maybe he could be an ace detective in his post-naval career. He was a bit of a genius when it came to deduction, apparently.
Phoenix turned back to the group. “So we leave out Bagman next time?”
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alegendoftomorrow · 7 months
Ice Skating
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Summary: A fun outing after Christmas turns into a tease fest when one of the Dagger Squad may not be as good at everything as they pretend to be.
OC: Olivia Carter (Liv, Livy, Olive,). Photo Journalist assigned to the Dagger squad to do a piece on Naval Aviators in the modern world. Official character sheet coming soon!
Word Count:1,971
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my first entry into @sailor-aviator ‘s winter challenge. My prompt was ice skating, though I did also use this as a springboard for a possible series that I hope to start soon. Now, is this late... so very much so. Did life decide to send me into the new year with one finale kick…. Also yes. Is this also the first personal thing I’ve written for myself in a long time…also yes. But I had so much fun doing it and it feels good to get back to writing again. I hope you all have a phenomenal New Year and you find all the things you were looking for…. Enjoy some Christmas in February
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“This was a terrible idea,” Jake’s voice calls from somewhere behind Liv. His tone lacking its usual confident swagger as she turns towards it to find him clutching the edge of the ice like it’s his lifeline. His feet slipping and wobbling as he attempts to walk rather than skate.
“I thought you said you had been skating before?” Liv called as she glided closer to him. Stopping sharply in front of him and meeting his pouting glare with an innocent smile.
“Yeah, when I was ten,” he said sharply. Ducking his head in something that resembled sheepishness. “I thought it was like riding a bike.”
Liv shouldn’t laugh. She really shouldn’t. Yet she can’t help the barely contained giggle that bursts past her lips that she tries to disguise as a cough. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s not funny. Just try to—”
“What’s not funny?” Bradley’s voice cuts through her words and the Christmas music still playing on the loud speakers around them. “Seriously Hangman, you’re still attached to the wall? You know there are five-year-old’s doing laps around you right?”
Jake rolls his eyes and mumbles something unintelligible, his hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose while Bradley leans down and kisses Liv’s cheek. His mustache scratching her warm skin in a way that still sets her heart racing like it did the very first time he kissed her there. His arm wrapping around her waist and tugging her closer to his side. Effortlessly using his strength to keep them both balanced and upright.
“Come on my love leave the poor man alone. Can’t you see he’s struggling enough?” Liv playfully smacks Bradley’s shoulder as he throws his head back and laughs. The California sun catching his blonde-brown curls and throwing that warm light back down onto Liv. Momentarily making her forget there are other people around her until Jake very loudly clears his throat.
“If you two are about to start making heart eyes at each other again I’m going to throw up.”
“Oh, whose making heart eyes?” A voice calls out. All three sets of eyes turn to find Mickey and Reuban skating towards them. Bundled up like everyone else around them against the “cold”. Matching knitted candy cane stripped scarves around their necks that were a gift from Reuban’s wife. They’d opened them yesterday when they’d gotten back and had yet to take them off. Somehow Mickey seemed more excited them Reuban had been. Proudly declaring “his shared wife” had made it for him. Reuban had found this far less amusing then the rest of the squad.
“No one is,” Bradley said quickly. Squeezing Liv closer he nodded towards Jake who was doing hi sbets to look like he didn’t need the wall to stay balanced. “We were just making fun of Jake here and his inability to skate.”
“You can’t skate?!” Mickey’s voice added to the shock in his wide eyes and dumbfounded expression.
“I can—”
“No way!” Reuban continued. “You mean there is something even the great Hangman himself can’t do.”
Jake sighed deeply and hung his head into his hand, groaning as the teasing continued. Liv wanted to feel bad but considering Jake was often the first to jump on someone else’s weakness she really didn’t feel too bad about it.
“Yeah, well not all of us grew up in the ice and snow,” he weakly shot back. Another round of laughter as Bradley argued that he too had grown up in California for some time, and Mickey put in that he’d grew up without snow too.
Liv just leaned into Bradley’s chest and looked at the group with an amused smile. The California heat was new to her. As was a Christmas and New Year without snow. Her parent’s farmhouse was likely half buried in snow and the pond she’d learned to skate on would have been frozen for months.
“Yeah, and didn’t Javy grow up in New Orleans?” Bradley added with a pretend thoughtful expression. “Yet I know that man can skate nearly as good as Livy here.” He jostled Liv out of her thoughts for a moment.
“Speaking if Javy, where is your wingman, Jake?” She asked.
“Oh, he hasn’t made it to the ice yet,” Mickey said. Pointing across the rink to the outdoor rental building where Javy was leaning against the counter with a wide grin as his hands animated the story, he was telling to the beautiful woman working the counter. “Yeah, he’s too busy flirting to come and save you.”
The woman laughed at something Javy said and Jake gave a long-suffering sigh, a look of betrayal crossing his face.
“Don’t make that face.” Liv smirked. “Like you haven’t done the same thing to him a thousand time.” She raised her eyebrow in an almost dare to have him disagree with her. He did not.
“Yeah, well how come Bob gets to sit this activity out?” He shot back instead.
They all looked over to the row of bleachers sparsely filed with mothers helping their kids tie up their skates, friends huddled around hot chocolate mugs laughing with whipped cream on their faces, and a few older people with cameras waving to their families on the ice. Right in the middle was Bob. His cheeks covered in a pink blush as he stuttered his way through an explanation of his booted ankle while he helped a woman’s young daughter stand up in her skates. The woman’s son was sitting on Bob’s other side continually shaking his head when his mom tried to offer him a pair of skates. Bob must have said he would watch him because the woman smiled and took Bob’s hand, nodding her thanks which made the blush on Bob’s cheeks worse. He nervously adjusted his glasses and pointed to the ice, saying something that made the little girl laugh.
Good for him, Liv thought as she turned her gaze back to Jake who was growing increasingly annoyed.
“Because he twisted his ankle playing volleyball with us all yesterday,” Nat said. Her sudden appearance causing them all to jump and Jake to scramble back into the wall.
“A little warning next time Tasha!”
“Sorry,” she said in a way that made it clear she wasn’t sorry at all. “What are we all doing hovering awkwardly over here?”
“Jake can’t skate,” Mickey supplied.
“We’re making fun of him,” Reuban added.
“I hate all of you,” Jake shot back.
“Even me?” Liv asked. Turning out of Bradley’s grip to face Jake fully with her best puppy dog eyes.
“Especially you Olive. This was your idea.” Jake pointed a finger at her and yet there was no venom in his words.
Liv gasped and gripped at her heart. Mock hurt flashing across her face as she fell backwards and suppressed a laugh when Bradley’s strong hands caught her. “I’m hurt Jake. You have wounded me and I don’t think I can recover from this.”
She peeked an eye open just in time to watch Jake roll his eyes and the other laugh.
“You’ll get over it,” he promised.
Before Liv could say anything back, a very breathless and unsteady Javy called out for them as he skated quickly towards them before nearly crashing into Mickey and Reuban. Both men exclaiming as they caught him and scrambled to catch their balance. Bradley pushing Liv back to standing and Nat skating a step forward with her hands out to help if needed.
“And where have you been?” Jake asked accusingly when Javy had been rightened back onto his own feet. Though Mickey and Reuban kept their hands floating beside him just in case.
“Whoa, whoa why the aggression?” Javy asked with only mild confusion. Liv recognized that mischievous glint in his eyes as meaning he was only half listening to whatever any of them said. He had come here with a plan. “I was only gone a few minutes.”
“It’s been half an hour and I could have used some backup,” Jake said.
Javy tilted his head and scanned his eyes over all their faces for a moment before just shrugging and plowing on to what he’d come here to say. “Okay so I was talking to Claire and—”
“Who’s Claire?” Natasha asked.
“Unimportant,” Javy continued. “Anyways—”
“She’s the woman renting out skates,” Liv whispered to Natasha who leaned over so she could see the woman in question and then nodded.
“She’s cute.”
“I know.”
“—So, she says her friend Amelia is the best there is,” Javy finished with a flourish.
“Wait. Who’s Amelia?” Liv asked. Clearly having missed something while talking to Natasha.
Javy fixed both of them with an exasperated look. “Do either of you ever pay attention when I talk?”
“As a general rule of thumb, no,” Natasha teased.
“If it makes you feel better, I don’t listen to any of you,” Liv added.
“Hey!” Bradley turned to face her with a pout. His honey brown eyes locking onto hers as he stuck his bottom lip out.
“That doesn’t include you, my love. I always listen to you,” Liv added quickly. Cupping his cheek and patting it softly with her fingers.
A chorus of groans and gagging noises followed the action.
“Alright back on topic. Amelia is the red head over there that’s offering lessons. She’s also single,” Javy added with a smirk.
More groans and eye rolls followed as they all watched Jake’s interest immediately shift to the woman a few feet away from them. She was tall and had a white hat pulled down over her ears, her long red hair only barley contained in a thick braid down her back. Smaller red curls poked out around her face and her ice blue eyes were filled with light as she clapped for a pair of siblings who had just finished skating the length of the rink without falling.
“Don’t worry I already talked her up for you.” Javy nudged Jake in the ribs and the other man’s confident smile once again wavered. His eyes snapping to Javy.
“What did you tell her?”
“Only the good things don’t worry. Come on, consider it my very late Christmas present to you.” Javy didn’t give Jake a chance to protest as he wrapped his arm around his and dragged him over towards the woman. Jake attempting to still look as tall and in control of the situation as he still white-knuckle gripped the wall.
“Oh, this I have to see,” Natasha said as she too moved to follow after them.
“I’ll race you there,” Mickey dared. Tucking the edges of his scarf back into his jacket so he was ready.
“Twenty bucks says I beat all of you,” Reuban chimed in. Living up to his callsign as Bradley and Liv shared a look before declaring their intention to race too.
“Let’s maybe not race towards the group of beginners though,” Liv said. Pointing instead to the bleachers on the other side of the rink where Bob was still conversing with the young boy beside him.
The pilots and Liv all lined up against the wall and waited for an opening while Natasha cupped her hands to her mouth and called out.
“Bob! Call it when we get there.”
Bob looked up and squinted at them before shaking his head with a sigh and flashing a thumbs up. Liv was pretty sure he mumbled something about pilots and there need for speed but her lip-reading skills weren’t the best.
“Go!” She called.
More laughter mixed with the sound of skates cutting into ice as the last bars of Jingle Bells played on the loud speakers. Just for this moment at least, they were safe and happy, and really that was all any of them had wanted for Christmas anyway.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
So, everyone knows that Bradley is basically like a son to the one and only Maverick. Man's pretty much a legend, the Daggers are excited to have him as an instructor and all. Jake, on the other hand, is anonymous. Well, he got a reputation for himself, sure, but other than that? No Seresin in the Navy. He's nobody. Until, uh oh...they find out that he's not as anonymous as they think. As you called him, he's basically royalty! And knows more high officers, commanders, admirals, and a couple of retired guys too, well. Perhaps even a bit too much well. DEFINITELY, too well, how did Mav miss a whole damn kid being passed around through the whole 86 class and instructors like that?!???
Leave.it to you how they find out, or why~
Oh my god yay okay.
Threesome au bc goose is alive in that one
They decided to host a reunion at Ron’s house. They told Jake to invite the daggers. They’d really get to meet people this way.
Jake bounces down the stairs in a sweatshirt and jean shorts. He opens the door to Mav, Bradley and Goose. Carole is standing a few feet away on the phone, she waves at Jake. “Hey y’all!” Mav tilts his head he still can’t believe Tom and Ron have a kid and a husband together. Bradley pulls Jake into a hug. He gets a grin in response.
“Y’all aren’t actually the first here. Uncle Rick and Uncle Henry got here first. Same with pops actually.”
Goose and Mav blink at each other. Rick and Henry? As in Wolfman and Hollywood??
Carole sweeps into the house she presses a kiss to Jake’s head and keeps on going. “Ronnie! I need a notepad!” Jake smiles after her. Bradley tilts his head. “Lookin a lot like a rooster there Brad.” Jake gets punched in the arm.
They make their way to the backyard where Chris and Tom are on a couch together. Ron and Carole are talking on the side.
Mav blinks at the group of people. Fucking Viper is here. His evil fucking wife is too. She tried to medically discharged him so many times. Goose coughs. Mav can tell he’s trying not to laugh.
“Maverick.” Maverick straightens and shakes the hand that’s offered. “Sir. Didn’t realize you’d be here.” Viper grins at him. “Had to see my grandson.”
Chris snorts from where he’s leaned against Tom. “Please you wanted to cause issues. Scare some kids.” Viper shrugs. “A perk.” Ron comes back and passes Viper a beer, “need anything pops?” Viper shakes his head. Laura takes the blanket Ron passes to her. She tucks it’s around her and her husband.
Mav thinks maybe he’s actually lost it this time.
He catches sight of Jake being caught in a hug by Wolfman. Hollywood is watching them like this is normal.
What the hell.
There’s more voices from the house. “Javy we can’t just walk in??” Theres a laugh that’s distinctly Javy’s. “Girl when there’s this many photos of me in this house I say we can. Come on I wanna drink some of Vipers killer whiskey before Chris and Jake drink it all.”
Mav’s mouth is officially dropped open.
He puts his hands up as the rest of the daggers walk out. “How long have you all known Jake is Ron and Tom’s kid?” Chris makes a small noise of annoyance at being left out of the list but lets it pass.
Wolf speaks up first. “Years. Met him after top gun. Chris and I got along quite well cause of the Texas thing. Got stationed out there when Jake was about two. Took care of him some weekends.” Holly nods and sticks his hand in Wolf’s back pocket. “This kid loves Batman more then you’ll ever know.”
Jake flushes red. Bradley pokes his side with a head tilt.
Mav points at Javy. “You two grew up together? You knew how famous his dads are?” Javy shrugs. “They were always just Jakes dads until I went into the navy.”
Bob raises his hand. “I knew Ron had a kid but didn’t know it was Jake?” Phoenix blinks at the two of them. “What the hell Jake.”
Jake shrugs. “In my defense I almost didn’t go navy so like it only means something cause I’m a pilot. Also pops wanted me to get a degree before joining.”
Viper nods from where he’s sitting. “Sports medicine. Good kid.”
Goose finally speaks up from where he’s been watching. “Carole did you know. You seem very calm.” She shrugs. “Didn’t know but I do know how Facebook works. Y’all could know too.”
Jake snorts from where his slipped under Bradley’s arm. “She’s right you know.” Goose points at Viper. “You’re his pops?”
Viper shakes his head. “Jake as a baby didn’t quite understand DADT he called Ron papa and Chris dada right in front of me. Called Tom tata I just didn’t know what it meant. They freaked but they were two of the best pilots. I didn’t care if they loved each other. They can still fly.”
Laura pats his hand and nods. “Our daughter has an incredible wife. They have an organic farm.”
Mav blinks at the beer bottle that appeared in front of him. “Drink Mav. You’re gonna need it.” Bradley passes one over to goose as well.
“How was this kept a secret from us the entire time?” Everyone looks around guilty at least. It’s Tom who answers this. “Wasn’t intentional Mav. Just kept it quiet. A lot of people didn’t know. Still don’t sometimes. Wasn’t always sure I could trust you.”
Mav winces yeah okay that hurts. Goose blinks at the two wingmen. “You two kept a whole secret husband and kid I’m impressed.” Chris laughs. “They kinda sucked at it back in Texas. Got lucky we stayed in a small town who needed firefighters more then homophobia.”
Jake laughs. “Bit of an understatement dad.”
Mav nods. What else can he do besides nod. He sits in the chair closest to him. It puts him directly next to Viper. “You look good old man.” Viper grins at him. “I am good. Too good to be true.”
All of the daggers mouths drop open they can’t believe Jake stole that from his grandpa.
They all latch onto the respective 1986 pilots. Asking so many questions. Mav decides to interview Wolfman about knowing Jake for so long. Shockingly it sounds like Jake was an incredible kid.
Goose looks around a sees Bradley and Jake talking on the couch. Cute. Reminds him of him and Ron. They’ll work though. Jake flies solo. Bradley flies better then goose ever did.
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pollyna · 2 years
The Daggers don't celebrate Christmas for se because everybody comes from a different back ground and they don't have the time to organise something serious because is already almost the end of December when the mission is really done so Mav invites them all for the 27th, and the way he picks the day is hilarious and involves an almost cracked glass, and asks everyone to take something to eat. But he badly miscalculated how much food the twelve of them can put together and, after a lunch that turns in to a dinner and a midnight snack, a sleepover and breakfast he has to sent them back home with food and put some in the freezer.
(He and Ice are still eating left overs the second week of February.)
(And they have enough photos that the new album they bought isn't enough to put all of them.)
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rose-pearls · 2 years
Christmas list: gingerbread house competition - Hangman & Dagger squad
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Christmas list
“I can’t believe we are doing this.”, you let out a chuckle and Jake brings you closer to him, wanting to enjoy the last moments in bed with you. 
“Common it’s going to be fun.”, he whispers before kissing you shoulder, and you let out a snort.
“It’s going to be a carnage, you are all way to competitive.”, you can feel his smirk on your skin, and he starts drawing shape on your hips.
“Well, we are from the Navy, being competitive is in our blood darling.”, you hum softly and feel yourself falling back asleep at his touch.
“Except for Bob.”, Jake grumbles softly but you can feel a smile.
“Except for Bob.”, he agrees and then stops drawing shapes on your skin making you whine at the loss of touch.
“We need to get ready beautiful.”, Jake kisses you and you feel his hands caress your body.
The both of you quickly get ready and are on the road towards Maverick’s and Ice’s house where the gingerbread house contest was going to happen. For some reason the Dagger squad had decided to turn an innocent proposition from Bob into a competition and the last week had been everyone gloating about how they were going to win.
Most of the squad is already there when Jake and you arrive, the smell of gingerbread makes you feel giddy, memories of Christmas with your parents and family coming back.
Once everyone arrives you see the large table that has been set with a chair for everyone and gingerbread is all over the place with icing. Ice has set 6 pieces of gingerbread at every chair and is looking like he would like to be anywhere else even if a large smile can be seen.
“Alright aviators, you have 30 minutes to create your best gingerbread house, then everyone will vote on the best one. Winner gets gloating rights!”, Maverick says like an excited puppy, and you can’t help the smile that appears at the sight.
The whole squad sits down, and you don’t feel ready for the gloating that will happen when one of them wins. 
“Ready to lose darling?”, you shoot Jake a glare while he smirks.
“Please, I will beat you easily.”, the both of you look at each other with twin smirks before Ice tells everyone to take a seat.
“Everyone get ready, set. Go!”, everyone starts to build their gingerbread houses and you have to stop yourself from laughing at seeing everyone looking so serious at making gingerbread houses.
Ice is looking over everyone making sure that no one is cheating or trying to sabotage the others. The time is nearly over, and your gingerbread house is standing and ready to be decorated. 
“Time is going to be up in 3, 2 and 1. Hands down!”, everyone stops what they are doing and Ice smirks while seeing you all look at him tired but with bright smiles.
“Now, let’s take a look and then you have to vote for the best one.”, we all look around and you can’t stop looking at Bob’s house and Phoenix’s, how did those two do all that in just 30 minutes.
We all go and vote one by one in another room with Ice looking over us like the Admiral he is. Ice comes back while Rooster is telling a story of the old lady that flirted with him at the grocery store and Jake is nearly on the floor from laughing so hard.
“The votes are in, now do you want me to go over everyone or do I just say who won?”, we all look at each other before turning to Ice.
“The winner.”, he rolls his eyes fondly and clears his throat while swatting Maverick’s hand away that was reaching for the paper.
“And the winner is Phoenix!”, there is a moment of silence before everyone cheers and the pilot has a proud smile.
“Speech, speech.”, Rooster starts, and everyone joins making Phoenix roll her eyes at their antics, but she stands up clearing her throat.
“I want to thank my family for supporting me and the Navy for giving me the strength to support most of you idiots.”, they all start to argue but you laugh at her mischievous grin.
“Lastly, I want to thank Bob for training with me the past week to make the best gingerbread houses. And I can’t wait to gloat over this win!”, Halo, Bob and you clap loudly at her speech while the others look at her betrayed.
“You trained?!”
“That is cheating!”, Rooster and Jake said, and you roll your eyes at their dramatics.
“Please your just jealous because her gingerbread house was much better than yours.”, Jake looks at you with raised eyebrows before a smirk appears.
“Really darling.”, you look at him with furrowed brows before you see him take some icing and you start to stress.
“Don’t you dare Seresin, don’t you dare.”, he smears some on your cheek and you look at him for a moment before taking the flour and throwing some at him making him squeal.
Somehow one of you throws something on someone else and it ends in a food fight, much to Ice’s dismay until someone throws a marshmallow at him, without meaning it, and after looking at him afraid for a minute you hear him chuckle.
“You are so dead Bradshaw.”, Rooster screams like a little girl but let’s Ice put icing on him while laughing so hard he nearly falls on the floor.
“Please Pops, please stop.”, Ice was now tickling him, and you would have looked at them for a bit longer before you felt something thrown at you and you get back into the fight.
Jake seems to be intact, and you plan on doing something when Bob comes behind him and slaps a hand of green icing on his cheeks, making you burst in laughter and the rest joins. The WSO is looking proud while Jake looks at him stunned for a moment.
“You are so on Bobby.”, the WSO lets out a scream before running into the garden and in the snow followed by Jake. Maverick has a camera in his hand and is taking pictures of them, you suppose that the man had been taking pictures of all of you.
The fight ends when Bob comes back with a bit of green icing in his hair and red cheeks from the cold, snow is starting to fall, and you all look around hiding your smiles at the mess.
Ice uses his Admiral voice, and you all clean the mess up before sitting down in the living room with Ice making hot chocolate and Maverick helping him, well more distracting him. 
Jake brings you close to him, and you can’t stop smiling at the sight of the broken gingerbread houses, that you all started to eat, your friends all laying down in the couches. Bob and Phoenix are in the loveseat whispering together while Rooster and Coyote are trying to figure out what to watch.
“I think the winner of our contest should chose the movie, right?”, Ice says as he enters the room and Phoenix smiles brightly at the suggestion making Rooster and Coyote pout.
“I pick, Love Actually.”, some groan but Phoenix is decided, and you catch a sweet look between Bob and Phoenix where the WSO whispers a soft thank you at his girlfriend.
You feel Jake kiss your temple and you relax in his warmth already feeling drowsy after the busy afternoon and falling asleep in his arms around your family.
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(some of the Daggers who are deployed together put on a Christmas skit for the rest of their squadron)
Hangman(reciting): 'Twas the night before Christmas / And all through the house / Not a creature was stirring, / Not even a mouse. Cue the mouse!
Rooster(runs on wearing mouse ears and holding a mixing bowl and spoon): I'm here! I'm here! Cutest little mouse is here!
Phoenix:: What's the bowl for?
Rooster: Oh! So you can see that I am not "stirring"! Note how the hand NEVER touches the spoon...!
Rest of the squad: OOOOH...!
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
Christmas At The Bradshaw’s | H.C Pt.2
click here to see the master list
Merry Christmas to my babes that celebrate it! Happy holidays to my lovies that don’t ❤️ I hope you are all enjoying yourself today! I love you all so much! Enjoy Christmas with the Bradshaws and the dagger squad! Happy reading and enjoy part 2! 🎄🎁❤️
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Everyone stuffed themselves and migrated to the couch for the present exchange. Everyone had a secret Santa. You started the exchange. You had Coyote. You gave your gift to him. You got him a brand new speaker. It was a nice portable Bluetooth speaker so it would be easier to carry around instead of his boombox that he lugged everywhere. “Oh Damn, y/n! This is was too much! But thank you so much!” He pulled you in for a big hug and a fat kiss on your cheek. You patted his chest and smiled. “Of course, Coyote!” 
Since Coyote got his gift first, he was next to give his gift to his recipient. He was Bob’s secret Santa. He went over to the tree and grabbed his gift for him. He sat next to him and patted Bob’s back. “Merry Christmas, Floyd!” Bob smiled and threw the tissue paper out of the bag. “Oh you got me some hats! Thanks, Coyote!” Bob smiled over at him. Coyote smirked, “There’s more.” Bob looked through the bag, he pulled out a ‘baby on board’ sign and air tags. He looked at Coyote confused. “Air tags for when you get drunk, so we don’t lose you. Sign to hang in your plane.” 
Bob was next to give his gift. He had you. He brought over a rectangular wrapped gift. “Merry Christmas, Y/n.” He smiled at you. You opened your gift. Bob got you a custom made blanket that had a picture of you, Bradley, Leia, and the whole squad on it from your engagement. You gasped, “Oh my gosh, Bob! I love it!” You wrapped it around you and hugged Bob. “I’m glad you love it, y/n!” Since you already gave your gift, you picked for Fanboy to go.
Fanboy sighed and got up to get his gift. “Heads up, Fitch!” He gently tossed over a couple of boxes at his pilot. Payback chuckled, “We had a limit, Fanboy.” Fanboy shook his head, “No. Not for my pilot we don’t.” He laughed. Payback opened the first box, it was a selfie stick. “No matter how long your arms are dude, you suck at taking pictures.” Fanboy laughed. The next box was a pair of new running shoes. “Hey, thanks man! I needed new shoes!” 
Payback grabbed his gift and handed it to Bradley. “I hope you like it, Rooster.” Bradley smiled and grabbed the bag from Payback. He set it on his lap and rubbed his hands together, smiling. He pulled the tissue from the bag and pulled out a mustache grooming kit. Bradley threw his head back and laughed, “This is perfect! I’ve really been needing one of these! Thanks, Payback!” He pulled out the next gift, it was a pair of Hawaiian shorts. He looked at them with wide eyes. Hangman huffed, “Oh great.” Bradley stood up and held them to himself. “How do I look?” Hangman blurted out, “Stupid” and started laughing. Bradley pulled out the last gift and it was an adventure book for your little family to fill. “Thank you, Fitch! I love all of it!” 
Bradley handed his secret Santa gift to Hangman and winked. Hangman closed his eyes and groaned. “Karma is about to be a bitch right now.” He kept his eyes closed as he unwrapped the gift. He opened his eyes and opened the box. It was a Hawaiian shirt. Bradley busted out laughing and everyone joined in. “Fuck me.” Hangman looked at the shirt. Bradley laughed and haded him another gift, “That one was a joke, but keep it.” Hangman opened the bag and inside was a new watch and brand new dress shoes. “You need new ones, the ones you wear out are thrashed.” Hangman smiled and nodded, “Thank you, Bradshaw. I love them. Including the Hawaiian shirt.” He cringed at the shirt.
Hangman was Phoenix’s secret Santa. He handed her a big bag. “Merry fucking Christmas, Nix.” Phoenix opened the bag slowly. She pulled out candles, a new hydro flask, a camel back for her hikes, and face masks. She looked at everything shocked. “Who should have known that Bagman would know my taste in things? Thank you, Jake.” She chuckled and smiled at him. Hangman shrugged, “What can I say? I am the best.” 
Phoenix grabbed her gift and set it on Fanboy’s Lap. It was a big long rectangle and super heavy. “What the hell is this, Trace?” Fanboy lifted it and laughed. “You’ll see. Open it. Merry Christmas. Don’t say I don’t listen to you.” Fanboy looked at her confused. He ripped off the paper and opened the box. He slid out the object, it was a longboard. “Holy shit, Trace! I’ve wanted one of these so bad!” He looked at it in awe. “Thank you so much!” He ran over and hugged her. 
All the gag gifts. HeHeHe 😈 I love them so much! Last part coming up. Our Leia girl gets her presents from the squad! 🥰 It is brewing in the Q.
I hope these tags work 😫 These are my babies vvv
​@lonelywitchv2​ @shakespear-picaso-lovechild​ @emma8895eb​ @beebslebobs​ @creativitybeware​ @peachiicherries​                @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​ @b-uckyreadss​ @winterrebel04​ @rosiahills22​ @treblemakeronbase​ @multiple-fandoms-girl​     @inky-sun​ @carsgeek24​ @caitsymichelle13​ @justanothermagicalsara​ @shouldershimmycity​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @javden​ @bregarc​ @misticbullet​         @castle-bookworms-world​ @asteria33​ @shanimallina87​ @bayisdying​ @smells-like-perfect-senses​ @teenwolf01​ @milestomaverick​ @minstens​ @luckyladycreator2​ @khaylin27​ @missbayside​ @tallrock35​ @phantomxoxo​ @itsdesiree86​ @adaydreamaway08​ @devvbabyy​ @spookycookie​ @ts1mp0ne​ @secretsicanthideanymore​ @notanordinaryprincess95​ @mak-32​ @abaker74​ @rintheemolion​ @lexhalstead3​ @badasspizzalover​ @xoxabs88xox​ @sarahsmi13s @mushy-mushroom04 @hazeli410 @the-navistar-carol  @bradshawsbitch  @callmemana 
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jungle-angel · 2 years
10. Under the mistletoe
With teen Phoenix, or teen Bob (I like the idea of teen Phoenix better but do what you prefer)
Merry Christmas!!
Heheheheheheee and a very Merry Christmas to you too my bestie. Sorry for the late response, I'm trying to get better at being more prompt (lol).
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It was your senior year of high school
You and Nat had been together since sophomore year
Bob was having a giant senior party at the family ranch right around Christmastime
You were smirking as Nat walked in
At first she thought it was because somebody pranked her with something in the red solo cup she had just grabbed
"Ok if this thing is spiked, I swear to God....."
But you just kept smirking
"What?" she asked
"Um........look up"
Nat went so red in the face, you thought she was gonna melt from embarrassment
"Well," she said. "It's senior year.....guess anything goes at this point"
You two were laughing the entire time you were kissing
Because of how embarrassed Nat was
But deep down you could tell
That there was nowhere else she'd rather have been
And that you were the one she'd rather be with
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hangmanapologist · 2 years
I know Payback makes a STRONG eggnog
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
when phoenix helps rooster sabotage her husband, he gives her a hand motion and she’ll kiss him everytime he gets frustrated and it just becomes a cycle that he can’t escape
gets annoyed —> gets kissed —> gets sidetracked—> gets annoyed again
Ahaha, I love this. Hangman gets very distracted by Phoenix’s kisses, but eventually will remember why he was so annoyed and be like, “Hey!” But then Phoenix kisses him again and the cycle begins all over 😆
Phoenix: *mid-conversation with Bob*
Hangman: *suddenly remembering her gingerbread sabotage* Hey! Minx!
Phoenix: Sorry, Bob, one second. *turns to kiss her whining husband*
Hangman: 😍😍😍
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halsteadsbradshaw · 2 years
Imagine my disappointment
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callsigndragon · 2 years
On another note, I'm gonna be here all afternoon, cause i'm gonna be alone for the first time in three days.
I'm gonna watch Top gun 1 & 2, work on some prompts, and in a few minutes i'll post some Top Gun incorrect quotes that I made.
I need to keep my mind occupied.
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ddejavvu · 2 months
m.list - jake 'hangman' seresin
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thoughts: #let's talk about hangman !!
spring fling (series)
pizza box puzzle pieces
rooster x reader x hangman | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
surprising jake for christmas
living on a ranch with hangman
being feral for hangman
jake + clingy!reader
personal trainer!jake
hangman + casual dominance
hangman's dirty talk
waxing jake's chest
jake's skincare routine is longer than your own
hangman is shy around you | 2
hangman likes proving you're his
hangman + rivals to lovers
dbf!hangman | 2 | 3
jake x pregnant!reader
jake x bradshaw!reader
showering with jake
the dagger squad as mechanics
cuddling with the top gun pilots
jake with a secret wife
jake x shy!reader
booktok with husband!hangman
jake buying you flowers
bathing with jake
hangman x florist!reader
hangman's gf has a bonfire with the dagger squad
hangman comforts you after a botched haircut
top gun x criminal minds crossover
hangman corrals his drunk girlfriend
you wear jake's cowboy hat
hangman + dumbification
hangman doesn't recognize you with your new hair
hooking up with hangman
jake lets you into the bar's bathroom
jake taking you in the locker room
you're hangman's girl
decorating jake's car
asking jake to leave while you change
hangman alphabet: N O P
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bradshawsvinyl · 3 months
Dad!Jake Headcannons
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•Absolutely dotes on your children.
•He would be the best girl dad in the world.
•Never shuts up about his children and their accomplishments. When your daughter gets a 100 on her spelling test the entire dagger squad knows about it within the next day.
•Speaking of the dagger squad, Jake DRAGS them to any events or games your child has. He wants his children to feel loved and supported.
•Jake goes all out for Christmas and birthdays. You often have to tell him to relax with the gifts because there is no more room under the tree.
•He tries to make the holidays special. He wants your kids to have fond memories of the holidays.
•Cries at every graduation your child has. It doesn’t matter if it’s kindergarten or college he will be in the front row sobbing.
•If your child ever has an issue with another kid at school, Jake will go to the principal and cause a scene (ESPECIALLY if it’s your daughter.)
•Let’s his daughter paint his nails and put makeup on him. (and will nearly punch Rooster when he says something about it.)
•Teaches his children how to play football and baseball.
•Is always there to comfort your kids after they wake up screaming from a nightmare.
•When he’s deployed, Jake calls as often as he can and may even set aside gifts for you to give the kids while he’s gone. He feels like without his family a part of him is missing.
•Always has daddy/daughter and daddy/son dates.
•Would do anything to protect his family.
•Gifts your first born child an airplane plushie on their first birthday. (so they can be just like daddy)
•Loves your children no matter what.
•Can not say no to puppy dog eyes.
•Is a proud member of the PTA.
•Volunteers to help you bake cupcakes and cookies for your daughter’s bake sale.
•Feels extremely guilty when he has to miss one of your daughter’s recitals because he’s deployed. He makes you video tape it and email it to him. He also has Javy send over some flowers for your daughter.
•Is extremely overprotective.
•Would DIE for his family.
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