#dae zombies
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imjustavenuxwithaboomerang · 8 months ago
finished the eps so here's some zombies lore and tidbits from the re-animated series:
bonzo and willa have the same shoe size (10 3/4 in men's and 12 3/4 in women's)
bucky loves cool frogs and hates all dogs (except for barky)
willa has been wearing the same boots every day because she became the alpha of their pack while wearing them (they are now destroyed)
bree runs the lost and found department and addison is her secretary
seabrook high has a drama department, a marching band, a water polo team, and a clown club
there are zed, addison, and eliza clones living in a neighboring town
there are alien-specific classes led by a computer robot in the mothership
zed has physical cards with drawings of him and eliza that act as "best friend cards"
bonzo was born on january 28th in 2007
zed and addison regularly use whiteboards to plan stuff
zed has a habit of smooth-talking his way out of and into things (including, but not limited to, getting extra food from lunch ladies, convincing eliza and addie to do things with/for him, and convincing a possessed dae to hold off on destroying the world)
there is a sentient blob that attends seabrook high
bonzo works at bree's family's diner which is called grammykin's griddle
wyatt's a february pisces and eliza is a virgo
the werewolves celebrate numerous meat-themed holidays like porksgiving, beefapalooza, and vealentine's day
werewolves also have a great meat hunt that involves one werewolf being picked to hunt an unchecked apex predator in the woods and bring it back for the pack to eat
there are now zombie dogs due to another soda incident
principal lee has a sister who is pregnant (or has a very young baby)
wynter has an uncle named uncle wolfchowski
zed's favorite color is decomp green with light saturation
coach used to be best friends with the solstice slasher that haunts the woods
zombie strength can hold back a moving car
there are many pet sitting services in seabrook (some names include waggedy ann's, be on all four seasons, and harry poopins)
eliza created their universe's version of tik tok called shrimp tok
addison can't wink
moonstone necklaces were first created by a werewolf named wilhelmina lykenlolly
werewolves and sasquatches are century long enemies
eliza and wyatt are vegetarians
zed, wyatt, bree, and eliza play dungeons and dragons together and zed runs the campaign (zoey now also plays with them by the end of the episode)
aliens hatch out of spotted eggs and have a hatch-uation
a-spen is mothership's favorite alien
part 2 part 3
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werewolfvanillapotato · 4 months ago
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Being an introvert 🍁🍂
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deeply-unserious-fellow · 8 months ago
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HAPPY ZOMBIES DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!! I'm gonna throw up :)
I just took the background from the original picture bcuz I didn't feel like redrawing it or making my own. We love short cuts here
Also man u can really tell I lost steam by the time I got to Wynter...
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abandonedquishe · 6 months ago
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months ago
Rampant (2018)
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I keep track of every movie I watch and make a point to write a review for it to grow my library but also to see how my feelings and tastes change over time. When I saw Rampant four years ago, I gave it 3.5/5. I saw that it received mixed critical reviews and couldn’t understand why. Now, I do.
Set during the Joseon dynasty, a plot to overthrow King Lee Jo (Kim Rui-Sung) accidentally releases a plague in a nearby village. The infected turn into highly contagious, flesh-eating 'night demons'. As their numbers grow, Crown Prince Lee Chung (Hyun Bin) and his companion Hak-soo (Jeong Man-sik) must contain this threat while schemers attempt to topple the throne.
I will grant Rampant that the production is first-rate. A lot of zombie films are made on the cheap but not this one. There are A LOT of zombies, with fairly elaborate makeup (no memorable designs, but they’re also not that kind of zombies). The action is set hundreds of years ago, so they couldn’t use any modern costumes or locations. Everything had to be built. The setting automatically makes this film different from most of the ones you’ve seen before. There are primitive guns, but this is not a movie where “Go for the head!” applies. There are bows and arrows but those aren’t as effective either; most combat involves edge weapons. The stakes are also different. A good chunk of the film has the palace overrun with “night demons”, with Prince Lee Chung and his allies trying to keep them contained so they cannot attack the surrounding city and spread to the entire country. Then, there’s the political stuff, which adds some human villains that don’t feel superfluous to the plot - they’re the ones who caused the plague. Even when things get apocalyptic, Minister Kim (Jang Dong-gun) and his cronies aren’t giving up their quest for more power.
I saw all that the first time I viewed Rampant and somehow, it made me overlook the characters. There’s no one to like in this movie. You might think that’s deliberate when we meet Prince Lee Chung, who’s been convinced to leave his womanizing over in Qing (China) to come over. At first, he only cares about someone if he can lure them into his bedroom (don’t get excited, there’s no sex or nudity in this film whatsoever) but over time readies himself to take on the responsibilities he’ll inherit with the throne. No. What I mean is that you won’t like anyone because they’re all boring. Even our protagonist. He essentially turns into a completely different person once he sees the zombies and while his skirt-chasing was annoying, at least it made him stand out. The same can’t be said for the badass survivors he meets when he lands in Jemulpo. You won’t be able to remember a thing about them the second they walk off-camera. That might be better than the worst character in the entire film, Prince Lee Chung’s companion, Hak-Su. Why director Kim Sung-hoon or writer Hwang Jo-yoon decided to include a comedic sidekick in this horror/action/thriller, I have no idea. At one point, he’s being attacked by zombies. It would take a miracle for him to make it out alive, and one of the last things he says to his companion is “Watch out for dog shit on the street”. If the character doesn’t care about his situation, why should we? As for the villains, they're important in theory, but once the plague gets out of control, all of them get wiped out and Minister Kim doesn't matter anymore. The things that interested us at first are all get taken away.
As a zombie movie, Rampant fails because it never does the thing you expect zombie movies to do, the thing that makes them effective: It never has someone meaningful to the main character turn or get bitten so they can feel conflicted about what's about to happen. In theory, the film has high stakes but in execution, everything feels low-key. One of the main reasons being that there are only about three scares in the whole movie and none of them appear past the halfway mark. The pieces to make a great, memorable and unique zombie movie were here but you couldn’t tell by the end result.
And now, I find myself in a strange position. The first time I viewed Rampant, I had a good time. During this second viewing, I just kept getting madder and madder at Prince Lee Chung and Hak-Su. I suddenly noticed all of the movie’s flaws. It just shows that moods and tastes change but can I recommend the film, or can’t I? I'm not sure but let me put it this way: I’m not watching Rampant a third time to get a tie-breaker review. (Original Korean with English subtitles, September 6, 2024)
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vrystalius · 1 month ago
Sleeping with the Squid Game men.
No, not like that. The fluffy and cuddly way to sleep with them.
Pairing: Recruiter, Thanos, Nam-gyu, Dae-ho, Gi-hun, In-ho x gn!reader (you have a soft chest/boobs)
Summary: What it’s like to share a bed with your favourite man
Genre: Fluff, slightly suggestive
Words: around 500 words per person; around 2.5-3k words in total
Note: The way I had to google for sleepy/sleep pictures for the actors is crazy 😭
(Here are some pregnancy HCs and them as dads if you’re interested!!)
Gong Yoo // The Recruiter // The Salesman
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He is a very light sleeper but never obviously shows it when he wakes up. Your husband likes to act like he is asleep so you can hold him in silence for longer. His favourite position is to spoon you with you facing him, his face buried into your soft chest, getting pleasantly smothered by your warmth.
He’s a very quiet sleeper and barely ever snores, but his hand sometimes twitches in his sleep and accidentally slaps you lightly.
His sleeping face is soft and almost angelic, his lips squished together into a soft pout when he’s asleep. His hair is spread over the pillow and his arm tightly wrapped around you, as if afraid to be alone again like before he met you.
You took a picture of his sleeping face once. You wanted to use it as a wallpaper for your phone because of how adorable his cheeks looked on there but you somehow lost it. Maybe it was deleted somehow or by someone.
In the mornings seeing him so confused and messy, his hair ruffled by sleep and his eyes still droopy is quite a sight.
His groans are deep, sleepy and raspy. When you brush your hand over his face, you can feel a little bit of a morning stubble on his chin and cheek.
The morning is the only time you can see your husband so off guard, so comfortable. He’s always so on guard otherwise, but now? A dreamy smile and quiet hums of content scape his lips as his eyes sleepily scan your equally tired features.
You two don’t often have lazy mornings but when you do, your husband likes having your head in his chest while his hand traces invisible patters all over your skin, his other arm behind his head in a comfortable posture.
“Are you comfortable like this? I can make some breakfast for us if you like.”
Thanos // Su-bong // Player 230
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Snores loudly, takes up all the space in bed, drools and doesn’t give a fuck. Thanos likes to spread himself out and then complain about you not spooning him like it’s your fault his arm literally took more space on your bed than you had for yourself.
He talks in his sleep and has periods where he snores very loudly and then goes very quiet, making you think he’s either awake or dead. He is neither though, just in a very deep sleep.
He hogs all the blankets too, that dick. Thanos steals them from you and cuddles onto them, thinking you are the blanket, whining in his sleep about you not hugging him back and his drool spilling all over the blanket.
Also, has the ugliest sleeping face ever. So ugly it’s almost cute, especially the way his mouth falls open and he gets a double chin when his mouth falls agape, or when Thanos begins to frown during his sleep or even cross his arms angrily when he doesn’t like the dream he’s having.
In the mornings he is more like a zombie than a human. He can’t get up without you practically dragging him out of bed and even if you succeed, your boyfriend will curl up on the floor and continue sleeping there.
During cozy mornings, he likes getting his chin scratched by you. He pouts and lazily holds his head up so you can give him the mandatory scratches while his eyes slowly close again as you lull him back to sleep.
He also is very sensitive when it comes to where he can fall asleep. There either has to be complete silence or some white noise playing in the background. Like a child, he can’t fall asleep in front of the TV or when anything else is playing in the background.
Thanks to you he Thanos can’t sleep on his own anymore. Either he has to facetime you and fall asleep on the call or be there with you. He is your problem forever now.
“I don’t need to announce my visit, I’m your boyfriend! I don’t give a shit if it’s 2am either, move your gorgeous ass, I wanna lay down too.”
Nam-gyu // Player 124
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For some reason, Nam-gyu cannot lay still. He turns and moves around all night, even talking full on sentences while being fully asleep. If you’re lucky you can have full on conversations with him.
He doesn’t move towards you but in fact actively tries to escape your cuddles. Apparently he likes his freedom. And your pillows.
Instead of stealing your blankets, Nam-gyu snatches the pillow from under your head to hug it and hoard it for himself. He doesn’t drool on it but you did catch him giving it an awkward kiss while he was out like a light.
His sleeping face looks stressed for some reason. He’s frowning as if he just went through the messiest divorce or was abandoned by his mom in the mall. It softens up once your fingers brush over his cheekbones to push some hair away.
Nam-gyu is not a morning person but can force himself out of bed pretty easily. To wake you he heads to the bathroom to let cold water wash over his hands in the sink and then throws the water droplets at your exposed skin or grabs your warm feet from beneath the blanket.
Due to his job as a club promoter and not really having anything to do during the day, your boyfriend is almost always available for many lazy mornings.
He likes to lay his head on your warm stomach and scroll through his phone or angle his camera to snap a selfie of your sleeping beauty face and putting it as the wallpaper of your chats.
Also, an admirable talent of his is that Nam-gyu can fall asleep anywhere at any time. Loud wedding you were invited to? He’s catching a quick nap in the corner of the venue. He has 10 minutes before the club opens? His head is resting on your shoulder in deep sleep while you two wait on a random bench nearby.
“You don’t like the pic I took? I think it’s pretty. And I think you look pretty no matter what… don’t act like you ever took a picture of me when I was sleeping. I know you.”
Dae-ho // Player 388
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Thanks to both growing up in a big household and his time serving in the marines, once he’s out, he’s out. Dae-ho can sleep through vacuum-cleaning, hammering nails into walls, a storm, you trying to wake him up and through most of his alarms.
You know that calling out to him like a drill-sergeant would be extremely mean and insensitive to his troubles. You know he’s still scarred, so you’ll keep trying to talk and shake him awake.
Your boyfriend barely snores, just lets out the occasional sigh and groan here and there. His cheek is often squished against his pillow while he lays on his stomach, his lips parted and mouth slightly agape. His sleeping face is extremely cute, vulnerable almost.
His voice is extremely raspy in the mornings and his expression formed into a permanent sleepy pout while he is standing by the stove to make himself a grilled cheese. You just sit there and enjoy the view of his defined muscles in the back working.
Dae-ho needs to hold you to fall asleep. It grounds him in reality and reminds the scared part of his brain that you’re here with him, that you’re not going anywhere and leave him on his own. Whenever you’re with him, he can fall asleep with a smile.
Your smell and warmth alone can lull him into a deep sleep in seconds. If your hands begin to remove his hairtie and your fingers run through his hair to untangle any knots, he’s an absolute goner.
Lazy mornings are pretty rare with him, you’d have to tire him out the night before to get him to still be sleepy in the morning.
Dae-ho took a video of you being asleep and squished up against his soft chest, your drool staining his shirt on one side of his chest and your free hand squeezing his other. You never saw that video before, it cracks him up too much to let it be deleted by you.
“Don’t let go, I still need you here with me… I love you, you know that?”
Gi-hun // Player 456
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Gi-hun curls up into a fetal position when he sleeps. His face is hidden beneath the sheets, only his eyes and nose peeking out. He snores very quietly and they stop abruptly whenever he begins to stir.
He thinks he’s being slick by acting asleep and listening to what you’re doing but it’s pretty obvious when those adorable snores stop.
Even if he isn’t much of a morning person he still forces himself out of bed and brews a cup of coffee for you two.
You watch as Gi-hun sits with his cup at the edge of the bed, watching the sun rise higher and higher, enjoying the quiet morning. Peace, even if it’s temporary.
He likes holding you in his sleep and having your head nuzzled in his shoulder, but your boyfriend prefers to be held instead. He desperately craves comfort and security and you always spoil him with exactly that.
Your hand slowly and soothingly brush over his back while his arms were tightly wrapped around you, his eyes tightly shut and face buried in your warm chest.
His sleeping faces are surprisingly handsome and peaceful, his mouth shut most of the time. His brows are furrowed in permanent stress though that only seems to go away when he feels the bed shift beneath him, indicating that you just joined him.
Gi-hun likes sharing a bed with you. It’s intimate and a sacred tradition. Falling asleep and waking up next to you feels like you two bonded over night, two souls enjoying being near each other. Maybe it sounds sappy but that’s how it feels to him.
Lazy mornings are rare because he cannot seem to relax and let his guard down, ever. There’s always something on his mind, something to do and that damn salesman to find. You can shut him up by smothering him with a pillow once he begins to ramble about those weird games again.
“I’m exhausted, I’m sorry if I’m being selfish, but join me? I can’t sleep without you.”
In-ho // The Frontman // Player 001
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You’ll have to force him to sleep for more than 4 hours a night. Even if the games are not happening right now or it’s still half a year until recruitment, In-ho is always busy with something. It sometimes feels like he’s trying to get out of sleeping in the same bed with you.
When you finally get him to stay in bed with you, it takes a while for him to fall asleep in addition to him being a very light sleeper in general.
He’ll count every tile in the ceiling, scan your face for any new features he might’ve missed or that have changed since last night, then he’ll waddle into the kitchen for a glas of water and then maybe, maybe he’ll begin to slowly fall asleep.
When you wake him up in the mornings, he wakes up like he had the most horrific nightmare just now; eyes shot wide open and a deep gasp emitting from his lips. Your husband always assures you he doesn’t have any though.
He snores in his sleep but it’s more of a pleasant/relaxing sound rather than an annoying dad-snore. They are quiet and rhythmic, giving you quiet reassurance that he’s still peacefully resting next to you.
His face is relaxed as the worry lines in his face slowly melt away, his hair uncared for and his arm shifting around to find your warm skin to touch. He prefers to be the big spoon and have your face nuzzled into his chest or neck, where he can always feel your warm breath and heartbeat.
You gave into the temptation to take a picture of his adorable face once, but In-ho felt an disturbance in the air and shot his eyes open to stare at your face before you could snap your picture. This man can never be caught of guard it seems.
Sometimes you catch him falling asleep in his office, his body curled up in the leather chair as his head hung forward slightly, his glass of whiskey still in his hand with a firm grip on it. He almost dropped it once you woke him up by the way In-ho got startled awake.
“Sorry, I lost track of time. I’m coming to bed now, no need to drag me—“
Author’s note. Thank you for reading!
I always write about the things I want the most; sleep and cuddles. Sleepy cuddles? Whenever I use C.AI I always choose a “sleepy” prompt since I mostly use it after waking up or during breaks, times where I am always very sleepy and in need of affection 😭 Hope this wasn’t too weird to read.
Also I did T.O.P so nasty with the pic I chose I’m sorry 😭😭
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough <33
Take care of yourselves and stay safe my dears!!
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carnalcrows · 1 month ago
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pairing: lee suhyeok x bottom male reader
synopsis: Fighting zombies is one thing; fighting off your secret boyfriend’s jealousy while your friend crushes on you? Pure chaos.
content warnings: 18+, semi-public sex, anal, voyuerism (?), zombies.
word count: 1.2k
A/N: give me more AOUAD reqs yall!!
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The classroom buzzed with a strange energy, an odd mix of fear and camaraderie. Despite the ever-present moans and thuds of the undead outside, the boys managed to find ways to distract themselves from the grim reality. The latest distraction? Wujin’s endless monologue.
"You know," Wujin began, leaning back against the wall with the confidence of someone who definitely thought they were the main character, "if we survive this apocalypse—and I mean if—I’m taking Y/N out for a fancy dinner. Like, steak, dessert, the whole deal."
The group burst into laughter. Dae-su nearly choked on his biscuit, while Cheong-san shook his head with a grin.
"Bro, you can’t even afford steak," Cheong-san teased. "Your wallet’s emptier than the cafeteria right now."
"First of all," Wujin retorted, holding up a finger, "rude. Second of all, Y/N is worth it. He’s got that whole ‘strong and silent’ vibe going on, you know? Like, the kind of guy who could carry you bridal style through a horde of zombies and still look cool doing it."
More laughter erupted, and even you—sitting across the room sorting through supplies—couldn’t help but crack a smile. Wujin was nothing if not persistent.
"You’ve got it bad, huh?" Dae-su said, nudging Wujin with his elbow.
Wujin sighed dramatically, clutching his chest like he’d been shot. "Of course I do! Have you seen him? He’s like... the human equivalent of a survival handbook. Practical, reliable, and ridiculously good-looking. If I had a chance, I wouldn’t just shoot my shot—I’d cannonball into it."
Suhyeok, who’d been leaning against the wall a few feet away, stayed silent. He twirled a metal pipe in his hands, his expression unreadable.
"Y/N’s great and all," Cheong-san said, throwing a glance in your direction. "But don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?"
"Me? Dramatic?" Wujin gasped, mock-offended. "It’s not dramatic to acknowledge greatness when you see it. He’s a ten out of ten."
The group burst into laughter again, but Suhyeok barely reacted. He simply shrugged, his voice calm as he said, "Yeah, Y/N’s cool."
Wujin grinned, turning to him. "Right? I mean, come on, Suhyeok, even you’ve gotta admit he’s a catch."
Suhyeok gave a nonchalant hum, his tone light. "Sure. He’s a good guy." His fingers tightened on the pipe for just a moment before he set it down, his movements smooth.
The conversation drifted to other topics, but Suhyeok’s mind stayed stuck on Wujin’s words. The casual teasing and compliments shouldn’t have bothered him, but they did.
He glanced at you across the room, the corner of his mouth twitching up as you focused on organizing the supplies. You were completely oblivious to Wujin’s crush—and to Suhyeok’s growing jealousy.
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Later that night, the group settled down, some asleep while others kept watch. You slipped away with Suhyeok under the guise of checking the rooftop, craving a moment of peace.
As you leaned against the railing, the cool night air brushing against your skin, you sighed. "You know, Wujin’s been talking about me all day. He’s funny, but man, he really doesn’t stop."
Suhyeok leaned beside you, his jaw tightening slightly. "Yeah, he’s got a lot to say."
You chuckled, completely missing the edge in his tone. "He’s harmless, though. Honestly, it’s kind of sweet. I think he—"
Before you could finish, Suhyeok turned and kissed you, cutting you off mid-sentence. The force of it pushed you back against the railing, his hands gripping your waist firmly. The kiss was intense, almost desperate, as if he’d been holding back all day and finally snapped.
You froze for a moment before kissing him back, your hands clutching at his jacket. When he finally pulled back, his lips red and slightly swollen, you were left breathless.
"What the hell was that for?" you asked, your voice low and shaky.
Suhyeok’s eyes locked onto yours, his expression unreadable. "You really don’t know, do you?"
"Know what?" you asked, genuinely confused.
He smirked, brushing his thumb along your jaw. "You’re mine, Y/N. I don’t care who else thinks they have a shot—you’re mine."
The words sent a shiver down your spine. "Wait… is this about Wujin? You’re jealous?"
Suhyeok didn’t answer. Instead, he kissed you again, rougher this time, his hands sliding up your back as he pulled you closer. The kiss grew sloppier, your breaths mingling as his lips moved down to your neck. You couldn’t help but let out a quiet gasp as he nipped at your skin, his grip on you tightening.
Your hands moved to his shoulders, as he trailed down to your pants, pulling them down with a firm tug, making you gasp with surprise.
“Here? What if someone–” he interrupted you with another searing kiss as he tugge your boxers down too, leaving your lower half bare.
Out of nowhere, he pulled out a small packet of lube (magician I tell you), and ripped it open with his teeth. You simply stared at him wide-eyed, wondering where the damn thing came from. Suhyeok merely smirked, and poured the cold liquid onto his fingers, watching it run down to his palms.
He gently turned you around and prodded one lubed finger against your ass, slowly inserting it, with you covering your mouth. He then added one after the other– and soon, three fingers were steadily pumping in and out of you.
Your back arched, pushing forward into the wall in front of you– hands digging into the paint, coming off with flecks in your nails.
Deeming you to be prepped enough, Suhyeok removed his fingers and replaced them with his erection, his pants hanging low at his ankles.
He pressed the tip in– followed by the rest of his length, until he fully bottomed out inside of you. He groaned at how your hole was clenching tightly around his cock– feeling every twitch and pulse.
“Gonna move now baby,” he uttered before pulling out all the way before slamming back in. You moaned at the feeling– almost forgetting that the zombies or your friends could hear you at any moment. 
Suhyeok turned you around to face him– having an almost death grip on your waist. One of your hands tightly clutched his shoulder, while the other covered your mouth so that you wouldn’t let out any noises.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, groaning with almost every single thrust. You felt so fucking good around his cock.
"Suhyeok," you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. "Someone could walk in."
As if on cue, the rooftop door creaked open.
Both of you turned, startled, to see Wujin standing there, his face a mix of shock and horror.
"I—I was just—" Wujin stammered, his eyes darting between you and Suhyeok. "You know what? Nope. Didn’t see anything. Carry on."
Before either of you could say a word, Wujin spun around and bolted, the door slamming shut behind him.
You groaned, running a hand through your hair. "Great. This is exactly what I needed."
Suhyeok laughed softly, still thrusting gently inside of you, "Guess we don’t have to keep it a secret anymore."
"Yeah, and now I get to deal with Wujin thinking I’m a jerk."
"He’ll get over it," Suhyeok said, pulling you closer. "And if not, who cares? You’re mine, Y/N. That’s all that matters."
You sighed, leaning into him despite yourself. "You’re impossible, you know that?"
"And you love it," he teased, pressing a kiss to your temple, before pulling out and slamming back in again with full force– making you let out an almost pornographic moan in surprise.
It was going to be a long night.
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© carnalcrows on tumblr. Please do not steal my works as I spend time and and I take genuine effort to do them.
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quack-quack-snacks · 1 year ago
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Star Crossed - Chapter 9
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Normal AOUAD things, Gwi-nam Word Count: 4,890
As you looked up, you saw the one and only Gwi-nam running across the rooftop towards Cheong-san who was running towards him too. They slammed into each other and Gwi-nam got the better of the situation by slamming Cheong-san onto the ground on his back. 
Su-hyeok screamed for his friend, getting up right after you had and running towards the two. 
Cheong-san yelled in agony and you looked around for something to do. You couldn’t bring yourself to fight him. You couldn’t fight your brother, no matter what he was doing to your friends. 
On-jo had run up to Gwi-nam from behind him and grabbed ahold of his jacket, trying to pull him off without success until she was slung away and landed right in front of you. You, along with Hyo-ryung and Ji-min, helped her up as she winced in pain. You lifted her shirt slightly to assess the damage and luckily there didn’t seem to be anything too bad. At the most, it would probably just bruise. 
You heard more grunts and looked up just in time to see Gwi-nam kick Su-hyeok monstrously into a pile of metal chairs. You let go of On-jo to run to him but as soon as you did she almost fell to the ground. Cursing, you picked her back up and held her up with her arm around your shoulder. You looked up to take a good look at the person you had called your brother for all your life and didn’t recognize him. Blood covered his chin and jacket. It was fresh and looked like he had just eaten somebody. You would be terrified of him being an actual full-fledged zombie if it weren’t for how conscious and aware he seemed to be. 
Joon-yeong, thankfully, ran over to help out Su-hyeok who was gasping for breath and you mentally expressed your gratitude towards him. 
Gwi-nam looked around and skimmed over who was standing in front of him, his eyes glancing over you before he did a double take. His face switched rapidly between emotions; his asshole, tough-guy, dead-eyed face changed to one of confusion, then concern, then relief, until finally, it ended on annoyance. 
“(Y/n)? What the fuck are you doing with these assholes?” He asked you and took a few steps towards you but you got dragged back by On-jo, who had gotten her strength back, Hyo-ryung, and Ji-min. All three of them pushed you behind them and you would have given a smile at them for their protectiveness but this was not the time. Gwi-nam scoffed and you stepped out in front of the three girls but On-jo and Ji-min grabbed onto your right arm while Hyo-ryung grabbed onto your left to hold you back. 
“Guys. Let me go,” you ordered them in the most terrifying and monotone voice you could muster, but it had no effect. While you didn’t regret telling them about how your act was just that, an act, you wished you had done it at a time later than this moment. 
Gwi-nam scoffed at your friends’ actions and stayed in his spot, glancing back over to everyone else. He sighed. “Who are you?” He asked them in a voice fringing on being bored to death. 
“What the hell are you? You come from the One Heart club?” Dae-su asked seriously and Gwi-nam looked behind him at the back of his jacket before stuffing his hands into his pockets with an arrogant smirk on his face. “It's me. Yeah.” When everyone continued to look confused, his smirk dropped. “You don't know? How the fuck do you not know me?”
“I know you. I said it many times before.”
“Cheong-san don’t!” You warned him and tried fruitlessly to escape the tight grips of the girls behind you. Despite not using their strength often, they were pretty strong. 
“You're the bullies' gopher,” Cheong-san ignored your warnings and Gwi-nam raised a hand while taking a threatening step forward. 
He pointed the hand he used to threaten to hit him with to point at him as he spoke out a warning. “If you call me that again, I'll kill you.”
“You weren't a gangster and you weren't a good student. And now you're not a human and you're not a zombie either. No matter the time or place… you're nothing.”
Gwi-nam scoffed and clicked his tongue before a menacing smile was set on his face. “I won't just kill you. I'll gouge out both of your eyes and feed your blind ass to the zombies. Oh, yeah,” he promised. He looked around at the group as he spoke again. “Everyone but Cheong-san and (Y/n), can go. Unless you wanna die with this fucker.”
“What do you want with (Y/n)?” Cheong-san questioned and Gwi-nam shot him a look like he was stupid.
“She’s my little fucking sister, asshole. Even if you somehow fucking killed me, I’ll still make sure she gets out of here alive,” he promised and it reminded you of how he would always protect you against your abusive father. Except this time, he’s protecting you against zombies… while promising to feed your friend to them… 
When no one moved from their spots, standing with Cheong-san even after Gwi-nam took a warning step forward, the boy tilted his head slightly, annoyed. “You're all dead.” He then raced forward to charge for Cheong-san who met him halfway and they scuffled. You squirmed with all of your might against the tight grips of your friends but they only loosened slightly until they continued to wrap tightly around your arms. Ji-min did let go to rush forward and help the boys as they fought but Hyo-ryung and On-jo held strong. 
Joon-yeong got flung backwards and landed on his back, groaning and his glasses flew off his face and onto the ground beside him. 
Cheong-san got kicked towards you and Ji-min helped him up as Gwi-nam took menacingly slow steps forward until Su-hyeok appeared from behind him with a wooden portrait holder used for painting and slammed it against his back. Gwi-nam spun around to face him and quickly dodged a hit from Su-hyeok before grabbing ahold of his neck and forcing him backward to the edge of the roof. 
“Gwi-nam! Stop!” You begged but he did nothing of the sort.
Luckily, Su-hyeok was a skilled fighter. He jumped up and kicked Gwi-nam’s torso backward, making him lean back in an odd, inhuman, contorted way. His feet were still planted on the floor but his upper body levitated above the ground. His spine looked like it snapped in half. His bones crunched as he lifted himself back up and started walking towards Su-hyeok again. At his first step forward, you remembered a self-defense mechanism Su-hyeok had told you once.
If you make yourself dead weight, it will make it harder for people to keep a hold of you.
You dropped your body weight to the floor, On-jo and Hyo-ryung scrambling to keep a hold of you but you escaped too quickly for them and ran towards your brother, jumping on his back and putting him in a chokehold. It wouldn’t do anything to him, you knew this, but just like you couldn’t bear to hurt him, he couldn’t bear to hurt you either.
Or so you thought. 
Gwi-nam grabbed hold of you and threw you over his shoulder towards the corner of the roof. 
“Do yourself a favor, and stay the fuck out of this (Y/n/n),” he warned. Your breath was knocked out of your lungs harshly and you wheezed while simultaneously holding your leg where you had scraped the skin of your knee extremely harshly. Blood seeped out all across the concrete beneath you. At the metallic scent, Gwi-nam’s head redirected back to you from where it had been focused on Su-hyeok. “(Y-Y/n)?” Gwi-nam hesitantly took a step towards you, his anger and murderous face taking up that of a concerned brother once again.
Up until Nam-ra walked up behind him and slammed him across the back with a stick set aflame. He turned back to look at her and grabbed her neck, lifting her above the ground. 
“Nam-r-ra…!” You tried to weakly scream her name but you still hadn’t regained your breath. Su-hyeok ran over to you, lifting your upper body into his lap as he checked you over but you kept your eyes on the fight between your brother and your best friend. Gwi-nam smacked her down but she was insistent and stabbed the broken stick into his leg when he started moving in your direction again. He groaned and took the broken stick out of his leg, aiming for Nam-ra but she fought against him and held onto his arm. 
“Let go,” he started thrashing around but she didn’t let go of him. “Let go!” He punched her across the face and she fell to the ground but kept her hold on his arm. He then lifted her up and slammed her back against the ground a few times before finally breaking her hold. He lifted her up and off the ground by grabbing ahold of her hair to bring them face to face. 
They spoke in hushed tones that you couldn’t hear until Nam-ra threw Gwi-nam near the wall of the roof. He barely wasted a second before getting back up. Su-hyeok, who had gently set you back down onto the ground, stood up, ready to fight. He kicked the back of his knees and punched him before getting slammed against the edge of the roof by Gwi-nam. Nam-ra, out of instinct to protect her new friend, grabbed ahold of Gwi-nam and threw him over the edge of the roof. 
You watched with mixed emotions as he disappeared over the edge of the roof’s wall and closed your eyes.
Everyone took a sigh of relief after that, even you. You dragged yourself to be leaning against the wall and looked down at your legs. One was worse than the other but they both still hurt like shit. The skin was torn up around your knees and upper calves and for the time being, you weren’t able to walk or stand. 
You took your shoes off and grabbed ahold of a sharp wooden stick from beside you, using it to cut one of the knee-high socks you were wearing at the ankle. You pulled the sock up to cover the wounds and folded them in half so they would be tighter and prevent any more blood loss. They stained red instantly from how much you were bleeding but you didn’t care. Nam-ra walked up to kneel next to you and took the stick from your hand before doing the other leg for you. You could see the guilt and regret on her face so you covered one of her shaking hands with your own. 
“It was the best thing to do,” you told her and she nodded before focusing back on covering your wounds. After that, you put both of your shoes back on and tried to stand but collapsed. Su-hyeok, who had been standing by to give the two of you your space, ran forward and helped you up after the first failed attempt. “Su-hyeok, I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting it,” you told him through gritted teeth after a certain movement made your legs sting like hell. 
“No. You’re not fine, and don’t pretend like you are.”
“You got thrown around way more times than me! You should be helping yourself!” You protested but he just scoffed and rolled his eyes before picking you up princess-style and carrying you over to the fire. 
“I was thrown around more and yet you come out more beaten up than all of us combined. Let me take care of you for once, yeah?” 
You looked away and huffed, ignoring the heat rising to your cheeks and reluctantly thanking Su-hyeok when he set you down in front of the fire, carefully helping you into a sitting position before sitting next to you and stretching out his shoulder. 
“Damn, it stings!” Dae-su complained about his own wounds and you looked over at him. 
“You doing alright, Dae-su? You got thrown around too…” Your eyes roamed over his growing bruises with a noticeable look of guilt.
“Yeah, I’m alright (Y/n),” he reassured you with a smile and you returned it as you listened to Joon-yeong and Cheong-san’s conversation after Joon-yeong gave up on fixing his glasses. 
“What the hell is with that Gwi-nam kid?” Joon-yeong asked him. “You said he got bitten.”
“I don't know,” Cheong-san admitted. “It looks like he became something totally different.”
“I don't think he can die,” Su-hyeok spoke up. 
“What will we do if he climbs back up here again? None of us are in any shape to take him on again…” You trailed off and everyone nodded in agreement. 
“He's bad enough… but to be honest, I'm scared of Nam-ra too,” Ji-min admitted. “You saw her fighting before.”
“Nam-ra was literally just fighting out there to help save you guys. How could you still accuse her like this? I understand how you’re scared but she’s proven herself over and over again. How about a little trust?” You begged Ji-min and she gave you a half-hearted shrug, unsure if she would take your words seriously. 
“Well… I think it's reasonable to assume they're both half-bies-” Dae-su started until Hyo-ryung elbowed him in the gut and he grunted. “What?” He whispered to her. 
Ji-min turned to Nam-ra. “Are you really okay, Nam-ra?” She asked. “You won't do that to us, right?” She asked again when she didn’t answer the first time. 
“Would you believe me if I said that I wouldn't?” Nam-ra asked rhetorically. 
“Why do you have to say it that way? Can you at least try to make us believe you? We're going to be together anyway,” Ji-min complained.
Nam-ra took a deep breath and sighed before looking back up at JI-min who had looked down to stare at the fire that was slowly burning out. 
“I… I've never done anything but study. I don't think I was naive, I think I was a coward,” she looked down at her hands as Ji-min looked back up at her. “I was too scared my grades would drop and my mom would get mad. So I didn't do anything. I was too scared to make friends. My mom would always ask me what rank they were in class, what their parents did, how big their house was… I never even told her about (Y/n) who I’ve been friends with for over a year now,” she paused for a moment. “I never thought I'd get a chance to sit around a fire with all of you like this. It's really nice. It's my first time,” she looked up and glanced around at the group with a smile. “If we somehow manage to get out of here. I really hope we can make a fire… and hang out like this again. I really hope we can do that.”
“Sure, let's do it,” On-jo agreed and looked over to Nam-ra, their eyes locking and both smiling softly at each other. “If anyone wants to make a fire… we can all get together,” On-jo promised and you smiled to yourself. 
“Sorry, Nam-ra,” Ji-min apologized and you smiled, liking how everyone has come to see Nam-ra the way you’ve been seeing her for your whole friendship. Nam-ra looked down and chuckled softly with a smile. 
“Ooh. Did you just smile?” Dae-su joked. “Super awkward.”
“God, come on,” Hyo-ryung whispered and looked at Dae-su with irritation. 
“What now? What?” He asked her, confusion and annoyance mixing.
“Why don't you two just date already?” Wu-jin asked. “You guys are so annoying.”
“Are you crazy?”
They both spoke at the same time and you just chuckled at their similarities. If they just got over themselves, they would be a genuinely good couple. 
“Hold on.”
Everyone looked over at Nam-ra as she spoke and she looked pensive, almost hopeful.
“Did you hear that?” She asked and looked around at everyone, her eyes wide. 
“No, what is it?” Su-hyeok asked her calmly, one hand rested on your thigh right above your wound where he rubbed tiny circles on your skin and created butterflies in your stomach. 
“What? Is someone out there?” Hyo-ryung also asked, more worried and scared. 
“Oh fuck, not again,” you complained and mentally prepared yourself for the pain that would come with standing up. 
Nam-ra looked off into the distance with an expecting gaze. “Listen.”
Everyone’s heads snapped in the same direction and they gasped. 
You focused your hearing on something, you weren’t sure what but you remained focused even as the group questioned the silence. Suddenly, you heard the familiar sound of wind whirring. 
“Wait… Is that a helicopter?” You asked and stood up abruptly, Su-hyeok right beside you to help you remain balanced. Your left foot didn’t hurt as much, it was just your right that was debilitatingly painful. The others stood up after you and you all saw lights in the distance. Cheong-san walked towards the edge and looked off to see the helicopter heading straight for the school. 
“Hey…” He stated and ran back towards the campfire to grab a lit stick. “Fire!”
“Yeah, yeah! They see us! They're coming!” Wu-jin expressed and everyone started waving their hands in the air frantically. Su-hyeok handed you off to Nam-ra who held you tightly meanwhile he also waved his hands around and screamed. 
Everyone started screaming at the same time, all pleading for them to come over. Dae-su even ran up to the edge and stood on a crate to raise his body as he yelled. Joon-yeong frantically ran up behind him to make sure he didn’t fall. “This way! This way! Look over here!”
“Look at us, will you?”
“Come save us!”
When the helicopter grew closer so it was hovering above the roof, everyone started cheering in happiness and jumping up and down. Su-hyeok came back over to help support you and Nam-ra let go in favor of covering her ears from how loud the wind was. You all continued to celebrate when you all saw four soldiers dressed in black gear slide down two ropes they threw out from the aircraft, two at a time, and land on the roof with you. Once they were down, they pointed their guns at you and you all backed up in confusion and fear, the cheering and thanking stopping immediately. The helicopter they came down from slowly rose up again and flew away and you all stood with your hands in the air, confused. 
“Get down. All of you,” one of the soldiers commanded but you all stood still, unmoving. 
Dae-su spoke first and asked the soldiers, “Sir. Can you please help us?” They all aimed their guns directly at him threateningly and screamed out orders.
“Face down on the ground! Get down!”
Slowly, each of you lowered yourselves to the ground, Su-hyeok helping you before following, and you all were on the ground, lying on your stomachs. They started walking around and pressing a device near your necks. It beeped after a second and the soldier then repeated a number. You guessed they were thermometers and just prayed for Nam-ra to still be as warm as she was earlier today. You looked over at Nam-ra and saw her using her hair to cover her reddened eye. 
When the soldier made his way around to you, you tensed as he held the thermometer up to your neck. 
“35.2° C. This one also needs medical attention to her legs. Providing warming blanket and first aid kit now.” 
They continued going around, checking each person’s temperature while one soldier ran to get the warming blanket and first aid kit for you. Su-hyeok came rushing forward to assist you with the cleaning and bandaging process after he was cleared and got permission to do so from the soldiers. You watched him as he wiped down your knee, trying not to think of the sting, and saw the thermometer light up in red as the soldier checked Nam-ra. You held your breath as he spoke. “34.5°. Providing a warming blanket.” 
You let out a sigh of relief as one of the other soldiers came back with another metallic blanket and wrapped it around her back. 
“We'll rescue them after the mission's complete. Over,” one of the soldiers announced and the others nodded their heads. “You can get up now.”
Everyone slowly stood to rise, Su-hyeok helping you when you almost stumbled. Your legs were better now with the help of the medical equipment but they were still painful to move
“Are you the only survivors?” One asked. 
“We don't really know,” Cheong-san spoke for the group. “There are probably others.”
The soldier nodded. “We're going down for a few minutes. Wait right here.”
“Are you not gonna rescue us?” Ji-min shoved her way forward and asked them, doubt leaking from her bold tone. 
“Yes, we will,” they reassured. “So don't go anywhere. Don't do anything. Just wait here. Understand?” Everyone murmured their agreement and the man who you assumed was the highest rank turned to the other three soldiers. “Let's go.”
Ji-min looked defeated and you reached forward to grab her hand. She jumped in surprise as she looked back at you but then relaxed and rested a hand over the one you had on her arm. You could see she was trying not to cry. 
One soldier stayed behind as the other three went into the school. You were confused about what they were doing. Why would they willingly go into the school? You decided not to pay attention to it and just turned to Nam-ra who was holding her eye in pain with one hand while the other held the blanket around her shoulders. 
“Hey,” you asked and she turned to you. “Are you okay?” You gestured to her eye and she just gave a slight nod. 
“I think so.”
You nodded and thought you should save your strength so you sat down, Su-hyeok helping you and sitting beside you. After a while, the three soldiers came back up, safe and sound, and the helicopter moved over to the same place it was when it dropped them down onto the roof. One soldier reached into his bag and pulled out a harness. 
“Master Sergeant. You go up first,” one of the soldiers commanded.
“Yes, sir,” he agreed and ran to the rope, but your eyes didn’t follow him as the other soldier spoke again and gained your attention. 
“We'll pull you up one at a time,” he explained. Nam-ra had sat down next to you at some point and was holding her ears this time in pain from the loud wind that must have been even louder with her new bodily functions. You reached over to wrap the falling blanket around her shoulders, tucking it around her so it stayed in place, and then wrapped your arm around her shoulder, trying to do as much as you could to stop her from feeling too much pain. “Stay still even if you're scared. Okay?”
“You're not landing the chopper?” Ji-min questioned with a panicked look. 
“We can't. It can get unstable. He's gonna pull you up, so don't worry,” he reassured and she still looked scared but more relieved. After the soldier rose to the top of the helicopter and was safely inside of it, the other soldier spoke again. “You can't go all at once, so let's go one by one.”
“We can't all go?” Cheong-san panicked but the soldier quickly eased his worries. 
“We can take all of you, but it has to be one by one.”
Everyone looked around at who would go first and they all collectively, but silently, decided on Ji-min. On-jo gently pushed her towards the soldier and everyone encouraged her to go first. She looked hesitant but thankful as the soldier started to strap her into the harness. 
As she started to rise, the soldiers ushered for the next person and Hyo-ryung was urged to go next. Just as you saw Ji-min reaching the top, one soldier stepped away. 
“Say again. Did you mean everyone?” He asked through his transmitter and went silent as the person on the other end of the line spoke. “But their temperatures are fine,” he protested and went silent again. “They're just children!” After another moment of silence, his hand dropped from his head and he looked over to the group, scanning each of you slowly before sighing heavily and responding. “Understood. Over,” he turned to the other soldiers on the ground. “Cancel the operation,” he ordered. Everyone looked shocked by his words and you stood up on shaky legs. “We'll take just the package and pull out.”
Ji-min started lowering from the chopper just as she grabbed hands with the soldier on top and you could distantly hear her concerned words. The soldiers started taking the harness they put on Hyo-ryung off and she whimpered in confusion before they pushed her toward the group. Everyone was screaming out questions about what was happening but you stood there in silence as you watched the soldier who spoke through his transmitter. You weren’t sure what had happened but whatever it was made it so that they couldn’t and wouldn’t rescue all of you. 
As Ji-min landed on the group and they started to take her harness off, she started screaming and thrashing around as she cried but the soldiers just pushed her harshly into the arms of your group.
She walked back up to them and one of them pointed their guns at her threateningly. You raced forward to step in front of her before Su-hyeok could stop you, ignoring how your leg stung slightly at the movement. 
“I wanna get out of here!” Ji-min screamed from behind you as you stared the soldier directly in the eye with a straight face. “Please, take me with you!”
“Come on, sir!” Dae-su expressed. The soldier then pointed his gun at Dae-su and everyone who spoke their complaints.
“W-Wait a second,” Joon-yeong started and the gun then pointed at him. “What's wrong with you? We're fine! We're not zombies.”
“Please, just take me with you!” Ji-min begged again from behind you, her hands reaching out to fist the fabric of your shirt. 
“Stand back!” They all advanced forward with their guns to get you all further away from the ropes. “Stand back, or we'll shoot!”
You locked eyes with the soldier in front again and you could see the distress in his eyes. “Sir,” you started but took no steps to advance towards him. “What’s really going on?” 
He raised his gun and shot strikes into the air as a warning. You didn’t flinch even as your ears rang from the loud sound, only moving when Su-hyeok ran up from behind you and pulled you back with Ji-min following. 
Cheong-san had advanced forward with On-jo in his hand as he begged. “I'm begging you. Please take just a few of us with you.”
The soldier didn’t respond and after a second Cheong-san took another step forward when he fired the gun into the air again and everyone screamed. At this point, it was only him left on the roof as the others had risen up to the helicopter and he backed up towards the rope behind him as Cheong-san tried one more time. “Rescue us.”
After the soldier got strapped in, he looked back at all of you with a sorrowful and guilty look. “I'm sorry.”
The last of everyone’s shimmer of hope distinguished away like a flame under the rain as he rose higher and higher into the air before going inside and the helicopter slowly flying away. Everyone stayed silent as you watched the helicopter grow smaller and smaller in the distance until you could barely hear its wind. 
“They abandoned us,” Hyo-ryung sobbed out. “Didn’t they?”
You nodded.
“No one's coming to save us now? But why did they do that?”
“Maybe…” Wu-jin started. “They thought that all of us were already fucking zombies.”
“No, that can’t be it,” you contradicted.
“They would have killed us,” Joon-yeong added and you nodded along. “They wouldn't have left us here alive if they thought that.”
Cheong-san turned and in a fit of anger and frustration and betrayal, he kicked the dimming remains of the fire. 
“C-Cheong-san,” your voice broke as you attempted to stop him but the lump in your throat prevented you from talking anymore. 
On-jo walked up to him and pulled him away by his arm. “What are you doing?”
He yanked his arm away from her grip. “It's pointless. No one's coming. No one else is coming,” he told her angrily and she just watched as he continued to kick at the fading embers on the ground and the rest of the ‘SOS’ sign. 
The scream of agony and bitterness Cheong-san let out tore through your heart painfully but you couldn’t do anything. You couldn’t do anything to help him and your friends. You couldn’t do anything to help your brother.
You couldn’t even do anything to help yourself.
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
@multifandom-lover01, @justmare, @hellomotherfuker, @queenjang21, @d1tzy-bl0nde, @madislayyy, @she-kills, @le3lyntv, @undeadky420, @needsleep3000, @bunnychano3o
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terpsichorestyx · 2 years ago
hiiii!! i was wondering if u could do a aouad Su-hyeok fic where him and the reader we’re together in the broadcasting room with everyone else but she ended up getting lost when they were going to save Cheong-San? Maybe she re-finds them after the group got to the roof ?
(established relationship if that’s okay 🤗)
i really hope that makes sense (_T_)
sorry it took so long 😭 su-hyeok x f!reader
murder, zombies, blood (everything in aouad basically)
(on-Jo likes cheongsan, Nam-ra doesn’t like anyone. Also the whole rooftop thing with eun-Ji doesn’t happen at the same time. she’s already a halfbie and her friend is at the safety camp already.)
Not proofread and it’s not very good 💀👍
You both were together when it happened. Su-Hyeok had bought you flowers out of the blue, and you were laughing together outside. He had put a baby pink flower in your hair, stuffing the rest in the dark blue bag that hung on your shoulders. He was just leaning in for a kiss when you both heard a bloodcurdling scream, and saw a horde of students running in one direction infront of you. Looking to see what they were running away from, you saw a group of bloody students stumbling behind the rest. An unfortunate girl had tripped and fell, and you both watched as the group fell on top of her while ripping flesh from her skin with their teeth. You looked at Su-Hyeok in fear, and he got up holding your hand and ran through the halls, following the other students.
You both ran until you found a safe classroom and locked yourselves inside.
Gyeong-Su, Cheongsan, On-Jo, Na-Yeon, Dae-Su, Nam-Ra and Hyeon-Ju were already inside.
Since then, you all stuck together. Bad things happened, like Hyeon-Ju getting infected, zombies breaking in, and more, but you all stuck together and fought no matter how much you were hurting. Eventually, you had found a way to the broadcasting room. The water-pipe hung from the window and everybody took their turns going down. You volunteered to go last, after Su-Hyeok.
In the broadcasting room, Na-Yeon and Gyeong-Su had began arguing. Su-hyeok and Cheongsan went to make them stop, so they didn’t notice. If they did, you would’ve been with them right now. You weren’t blaming them, if anything, you blamed yourself. You had slipped. You slipped off the pipe, and luckily grabbed onto a ledge a few floors down just in time. Too scared to call for help in case you attracted the zombies, you went inside the class hoping to find the others soon later.
Su-Hyeok realised soon enough, and he was frantic. He tried climbing up the pipe to get you, but in your place were a bunch of zombies. He wanted to leave, to find you, to save you and bring you back to safety, but nobody let him. He still had hope you were alive. You were strong, he knew that. Despite the growing feeling of despair each hour he wasn’t with you, he held onto that string of hope.
You, on the other hand, were fighting. Running from class to class, hitting zombies with anything and everything you could find. You took a break in the music room, trying to stock up on food and water. Opening your bag and looking at the flowers for a second, before gently placing the food inside to not ruin the flowers. “He’ll be okay. He’s with everyone else, and he’s going to be safe.” You thought.
Your break was interrupted by a lone zombie running to the music room. Dropping your bag, you pushed a piano onto it before grabbing a bottle of water and running. You ran to the roof. Luckily, the door was unlocked and you could find refuge there.
You saw helicopters near the school before, you knew more would come soon after, so you waited.
Meanwhile, Su-Hyeok was with everyone else. They had used a drone to locate Cheongsan, but couldn’t find a trace of you. They had made their way to the music room and sat there for a while before exploring the music room for useful things. They couldn’t open the supply room door, but they saw a zombie stuck under a piano.
“Hey, What’s this?” Dae-Su said as he picked up a dark blue bag. Su-hyeok didn’t pay attention. He was caught up in his thoughts. “Is she okay? It’s almost been two days.” He thought. Dae-Su opened the bag and said “Hey! There’s food here!” Which caught Su-Hyeok’s attention. They group had been starving for hours. They all scrambled to Dae-Su to take some food. Su-Hyeok went last, but just as he was about to pick up a Soda can he saw a familiar bouquet of flowers. Wilting baby pink flowers were placed beside the food, just barely out of sight. He grabbed the bag and looked around it, finding a name tag with your name on it.
He froze. He couldn’t think of anything, nothing registered in his mind. Your bag was in the music room, bloody. You were in the music room. You left your bag here, with food and water. By choice? No. Something must have happened. The small string of hope he was holding onto was gone.
Everybody came around to gather, and they all saw your bag. Though they tried to comfort Su-Hyeok, they were all thinking the same thing. You were bitten.
After that, nothing mattered. su-hyeok felt dissociated. He was fighting, but for what?
They made a plan to go to the roof, so that the helicopters notice and save them. So they did. They fought and fought until they made it to the roof, and started banging on the doors to get in.
You were skeptical at first, but you heard Cheongsans voice. You ran to the door and pulled it open.
Everyone fled inside and closed the door behind them, and then you saw him.
He spotted you and his eyes widened in relief. He ran to you and pulled you into the tightest hug, never wanting to let you go. “I thought you were dead” said su-hyeok, holding back tears.
You didn’t say anything, you just held him closer. Sure, you would have to keep fighting, and it won’t be easy, but you were together. All of it was okay if you were together, and he wasn’t going to let you go ever again.
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imjustavenuxwithaboomerang · 2 months ago
lore and tidbits from the re-animated series:
an alien's glove can only work when worn on the left hand
there's a debate class at seabrook high and bree is generally feared when it comes to the debates
zed and addison watch a show called dragon's landing together
christmas/x-mas is called z-mas
seabrook has their own version of dancing with the stars called dancing with the shrimps
addison is only a level-one alien student
everyone at seabrook high ships wyliza and has been secretly rooting for them to get back together
there's a zombies-ified version of jingle bells
zed thinks that nachos are the best food (so they're most likely his favorite food cause they've been mentioned A LOT)
the werewolves refer to december as meat-cember
pacey (or bucky's lackey) is seabrook high's hall monitor and he takes it very seriously because it's the only thing he has for himself
zed's contact picture in addison's phone is a picture of him making a heart with his fingers
there's an alien nutrition cube-only vending machine in the cafeteria
bartleby has been employee-of-the-month at the curse shop 10 times
zed is usually the planner of events such as parties and dances
coach runs seabrook high's information technology (IT) department but only because he agreed during his 'year of saying "yes"'
principal lee is a cat lady
bree's grammykins has a recipe for punch
instead of santa claus, seabrook has santler claws
^and instead of giving coal to bad kids, he slashes the bad children's gifts and rather than children leaving out milk and cookies, they leave out hot sauce
^speaking of hot sauce, there's a brand by the name of henry heathead's habanero hemorrhage
pre-packaged squirrel is a meal option for werewolves
zoey's favourite holiday is z-mas
willa doesn't like to wave to people and finds it unnecessary
dae can play the tambourine
willa and wynter used to try to catch santler claws as kids
part 1 part 2
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werewolfvanillapotato · 14 days ago
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Dae: together we shall conquer the world with your jazz hands!
Bucky:yess yessss!
Bucky and Dae’s friendship requested by @wiliza6967
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ally1uvsu · 2 months ago
The Last Train to Survival. | Squid game x Dystopian au
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Summary; The world fell apart in the most unexpected way, nothing mattered anymore. Debts didn’t matter, getting high or worrying who’ll you sleep with in the next party. All you have to worry about is survival, if the dead won’t creep up to you at night and kill you, in a world such as this, only the fittest and the smartest survive. Giving the ones in debt a sick irony of a second chance.
Info; Okay gang, since this ain’t ao3 and I don’t have an acc, I’ll try to tag properly here; Ships so far - Choi su-bong (Thanos) x Nam-gyu, Cho hyun-ju x Gyeong Seok, Hwang In-ho x Seong Gi-hun, Kim Jun-hee x Se-mi, Park Min-su x Kang Dae-ho Tags (for the whole fanfic); angst, fluff, character death, dead dove, smoking, use of drugs, killing, blood, sexual content, sexual tension, threatening, stealing, suicide, self-harming, mutual pinning, slow burn, violence, abuse, self-harm, internalized homophobia, transphobia, trans!nam-gyu, Jun hee is still pregnant in this, autistic characters (hcs), SA, mentions and inferences to r4p3 (even scenes with it, the chapter in itself will have a TW), Implied autistic characters, organ harvesting mentions, transgender (hc and og) characters, EDs, Thanos is a little shit in the beginning, depression, EXPLICIT mentions of harmful substances, behaviors, fighting, spanking (sexual and nonsexual), overall NSFW stuff, near death experiences, stalking, kidnapping, just normal zombie apocalypse shit, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Notes; I DONT HAVE AO3 💔💔💔 I LOST MY ACC BRO but the second I get my hands on that invite I’ll update this there. I’VE BEEN W THIS IDEA IN MY HEAD FOR SOOOOO LONG LIKE!?!?! So I hope y’all enjoy it<3 (also, should I mayhaps drop this on other sites like wattpad, and etc?) Also, the main focus here is Thagyu!! We have other ships but they’re the actual mcs here. So hence why that heading, this will be Nam-gyu’s POV.
Dead for a little while. | Pt.1
Nam-gyu had a huge fucking headache that no drugs or smoking could cease.
The bar he was working out was loud enough to burst his eardrums, he groaned as he cleaned some countertop, now, normally Nam-gyu would be fine, it's just that today in particular he hadn't gotten enough sleep, so he was grumpy the whole time.
Checking his phone, he had twenty minutes left on his shift, the clock marked nearly midnight; the weather was clear but cloudy, expecting rain. Nam-gyu sighed as he shoved his phone inside his pocket, this place would get fairly more humid and disgusting with the hot rain.
He tucked his hair behind his ears, not really paying mind to anyone or anything until some guy with two girls clinging to his arms came to the counter, "Hey, man. Can you pour us a few shots of whiskey? Like, three?" 
For fuck's sake, what a dumb question. Of fucking course he could. Nam-gyu lifted his head up, controlling his temper. He wasn't normally the best one to deal with migraines, and plus, judging by the look on this guy's face that had a cheeky grin as he talked to the two girls with his arms interlaced with them, he was some sort of rich guy who certainly knew how to fight.
Don't get Nam-gyu wrong, he could fight. But today he wasn't in the mood and this guy was definitely stronger than him. So against his normal behavior, Nam-gyu just nodded and dropped the cloth he was using to clean the countertops. He walked back behind the counters, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and three cups used for shots, pouring three of them and sliding them to the trio in the opposite side. 
Stating the given price, Nam-gyu took the money and watched the guy and the two girls turn around on their heels and leave off, disgusting. Not that Nam-gyu thought hooking up was bed it was just.. two girls at once seemed a bit too much.
The pounding in his head was insistent, Nam-gyu swore his head would fucking blow up if he stayed in here any longer. "So-ri, can you cover for me? My shift ends soon anyways." Said the raven haired as he called out to one of the many bartenders the club had, whose shift would be right after his.
So-ri would normally arrive twenty minutes earlier to take some time to secretly get high, and she was still good at her job even while doing so. It was admirable, really. Nam-gyu never snitched on her, ever. One because it was none of his business, two, he'd do the same. And lastly.. it just made her owe him something.
"Go ahead, dude. I'll take over. Boss' ain't even gon' care anyways." And Nam-gyu didn't have to think twice before going to the bathroom where they normally had lockers to keep their shit in. Getting in and out was fairly easy, Nam-gyu was so used to that damn combination that he could do it far more quickly than he used to.
Soon enough, he fell into step on the streets. Jacket tied around his waist and bag slung over his shoulder, again, he wasn't quite sure why he brought a jacket along with him, the weather was disgustingly humid, after all. But maybe it was just a force of habit, considering he was someone with a cold body and was cold constantly. Today was just one of the rare times where he didn't need his jacket to fell warm.
He grabbed a cigarette from his bag, lighting it up with a lighter he also kept in the back pocket of his jeans. Closing his eyes as he took a long drag and let the smoke mix into the air and become nothing, just another part of it.
His ears weren't difficult to pick up sounds of footsteps, he ignored it for the first couple of minutes, but then he figured something was wrong. And Nam-gyu knew exactly who was following him, fucking shark loans. 
He turned just around the street, and to his surprise (or maybe not), more of them were already waiting for him. Nam-gyu took the cigarette away from his lips and let his hand that was in charge of holding it fall limply to his side as his face became a grimace for a split second.
"Nam, fancy meeting you here." The guy said cheerfully, but Nam-gyu wasn't dumb. He could see the pure disdain in his eyes deep down. "Don't call me that, fuck do you want?" Nam-gyu gritted out, hell, he knew exactly what they wanted.
"You know what we want," Well, fuck him sideways, it was like they read his mind, fan-fucking-tastic. "I don't have the money right now and you know damn well our agreement isn't until next month." Nam-gyu said rather annoyedly.
"That's the same thing you said last month, wasn't it? We keep postponing the date because you can't be responsible enough to save up and pay for it." A vein popped on Nam-gyu's temple, they weren't necessarily wrong, but it still stung. Before he could even speak up again, he was cut off by that guy, Nam-gyu hated being cut off.
"And we thought we should teach you a lesson to put you straight in line." Fucking great, Nam-gyu was exhausted and outnumbered, but hey, it is what it is. He dropped his bag to the ground, tucking his hair behind his ears.
A loud sound of knuckles cracking and meeting a bone was heard, maybe someone's jaw. And then he realized, it was his jaw. Blood inevitably splattered out of his mouth and he stumbled back, he threw a punch that hit the guy in the nose and because they were all fucking pussies, like Nam-gyu thought, everyone ganged up on him.
He felt a punch on his nose, warm blood trickling down it and a bit pushing past the gap of his slightly parted lips, his tastebuds immediately catching on the sick and metallic taste of blood, he cringed. Another punch to his stomach, his head meeting the ground, his knuckles split on the second attempted impact at someone's face, he couldn't even tell who at this point. And then his wrists were pinned down, and he had to fight the stinging pain.
Eventually, it stopped. And someone's hand was on his chin. Nam-gyu's vision was turve, blurry. He couldn't exactly make out who was in front of him, just a big blur of colors before his vision somewhat focused, but never fully- maybe because Nam-gyu knew he needed stupid vision glasses.
"Now, don't be mad. This is only a lecture, nothing personal. You have until next month, Nam." The guy said as his fingers trailed down with a voice falsely dripping with gentleness, Nam-gyu would have scrunched his nose if it wasn't hurting so bad. 
The feeling of that finger, moving like a feather down his jaw, neck, trailing his collarbones so gently made Nam-gyu seriously want to puke. And then, it stopped right where his heart should be. "Otherwise we won't have a choice but to sell your organs, especially heart, to the black market. You're a shitty person, with an even shittier heart. You won't need it as much as someone else will."
Nam-gyu let the words sink in, panting and slightly wheezing for breath once the man stood up straight. "Alright, boys. Let's pack up and go, business is done around here." And then the sounds of footsteps, first loud and then slowly vanishing into the corner were picked up by his ears.
Nam-gyu slumped against the wall, the back of his hand wiping his bloody nose and his tongue licked his cracked lips, now split open at the bottom. He looked up at the sky, staying there in silence and unmoving for around five minutes, if he had to guess. 
"Fucking pussy, can't even come fight me alone." Nam-gyu finally uttered out to himself as he stood up with  the a grunt of effort, ignoring how sore and painful his muscles felt, this was nothing new. Nam-gyu deep down knew he deserved it, he was indebted and owed these guys.
He quietly walked back home, not bothering to light up another cigarette. He stared at the air with an emptied stare, this was and has been his life. Maybe that's where he realizes something inside of him is broken, maybe not. But life sucked, really fucking sucked. His job did, the people did, but it wasn't like he had a escape, hell, his money from work mostly went to drugs and sometimes he got so low he would barely have money to buy groceries, often opting for convenience stores because they were so cheap.
It took him a while, normally a walk from the club to his house was fifteen minutes. It was painful but Nam-gyu really didn't feel like sleeping in the middle of the street. The second he got home, his shoes were nowhere to be seen, maybe mingled in the mess of his other cheap ones. And his bag was thrown on the couch carelessly as he dragged himself to bed.
He didn't bother unbinding even if his ribs hurt like a fucking bitch. A groan left his lips, mixed with a sigh of relief as his eyes fluttered shut. Nam-gyu never had went to bed so.. 'dirty' but he couldn't help it when his eyes fluttered shut and he fell asleep almost instantly.
. . .
Sleep wasn't easy on him, like always. But tonight, due to the exhaustion, he might have slept a bit better. Like everyday, he was up at exactly six in the morning, taking a while to properly get up and go to the bathroom to do a proper hygiene.
Once he created enough motivation, he was back up on his feet, rubbing one of his eyes as he reached the bathroom. He turned on the tap and stared at himself in the mirror, split lip, a hint of a black eye, and dry blood around and in his nose. They really didn't go easy on him this time.
His hands moved to make a cup form to catch water, splashing it onto his face. The pointy feeling of the water waking him up somewhat, then he did it again just to make sure he was fully awake.
Opening the cabinet, he reached out for some already nearly ending bandages, three cotton pads and rubbing alcohol. He wetted one of the pads, sighing as it hovered close to his nose. He cleaned up the blood around it gently, the material gliding against his skin to clean the blood that once dirtied his face.
Other than that, he didn't bother with his other injuries, figuring he'd save the bandages and rubbing alcohol as he put them back in their designed places. Instead, he focused on brushing his teeth and brushing his hair, bothering to style it was dumb, so he never truly did.
As he moved back inside his bedroom, his mind was already thinking what to do for the day. He needed to go eat something, probably buy a few things. He didn't really pay attention to his outfit this time, nobody really would pay attention to him, or at least he hoped so.
Even then, he still reached for that face mask, he didn't feel like getting eyed for having a split lip despite having a whole ass black eye. Thankfully, his muscles were in agreement with him and weren't as sore as yesterday.
He didn't have much money, but he didn't mind it, he often got more high than bothered eating, maybe that's why he didn't gain much weight. But that was another topic, slipping the house keys inside his pocket, leaving.
He was greeted by a bit more chillier wind, good. He seriously couldn't handle horrendously humid weathers and far too hot ones that made you sweat in big amounts. But couldn’t handle too cold, too. So he had a jacket on anyways.
The breeze kissed his face as he moved, he liked weathers like this, something about it just made it comfortable.
The convenience store was around a five minute walk, good thing for him it wasn't that expensive either. He wasn't that hungry, sometimes he didn't even have an appetite and yet would still eat because if he were to wait, he would go quite a few times without eating.
Today, he opted for something lighter. A cup of microwaved tteok-bokki, and a roll of gimbap. Grabbing some water to drink with it along the way. He assumed he only grabbed enough money for breakfast, so groceries would sadly have to stay for another time.
He paid for it, sitting down by the table they left against the windowsill. Already opening his gimbap and taking one of the rolls inside his mouth while his fingers worked to open the tteok-bokki.
He added whatever was there to add, microwaved it, grabbed his chopsticks and began eating. His eyes focused on the view outside as he chewed, so many people and yet all of them had different lives.
Some of them were on shit like him, some were rich bastards, some were making enough to have a good life. All of these people looked happy, he wondered how come he couldn't be like them? Not that he envied them, it'd be wrong. He was in debt because of his own reasons, envying them would be stupid. But he meant it in a sense of being happy, enjoying the fleeting joys. Having someone, hanging out with friends on some cheap place, but then like that guy said yesterday, maybe someone else would enjoy having his organs better than he did.
As good as it was, he only finished his tteok-bokki halfway, and three rolls of gimbap were left. He neatly closed the gimbap with the plastic he hadn't yet discarded, trying to somewhat seal the container the tteok-bokki was in. 
He'd probably stay home for the rest of the day, lay down, sleep, contemplate his life. Well, at least that was his original plan. The universe however seemed to have another one. 
He was greeted by that same breeze when he stepped out, but this time, the scenario was far from pleasing. His head snapped as a blood curling scream came from somewhere in front of him, to the left. Followed by gurgling and squelching sounds. Everything around became chaos in question of seconds, people ran and screamed, and soon enough, he got a view of whatever the fuck was happening.
His eyes locked with a figure on the ground, bleeding in excess. The skin on their neck was broken, maybe bitten off. His eyes widened, the person was dead on spot.
But maybe just for a little while.
Nam-gyu didn't keep track of how long he spent standing there, maybe minutes. Chaos erupted around him, and yet he wasn't quite sure how he wasn't caught up in it. His ears tuned out the screams and cries, his vision blocked everything. He was solely focused on that person, dead on the ground.
And then they began standing up, movements all jerky, eyes white and lifeless. Making groaning sounds, shit, Nam-gyu wasn't even sure if that thing could be called human anymore.
By the time he snapped out of it, someone was already rushing into him, sending him tumbling down on his butt. He woke up to reality, shit, what the fuck was going on? 
Nam-gyu normally would think this was one of his all to real nightmares, just another one to the collection. But then, the sirens used to alarm the city began ringing, telling everyone to hide. 
His legs had never worked quickly despite the shock, maybe it was the adrenaline pumping in his veins that kept spreading when he saw people killing off each other, he stood up in a flash and was back inside the convenience store. 
He looked around frantically, someone could get in. He reached for one of the shelves, ignoring how he was knocking some food out. Pushing it until it was sturdy and firm against the door, hell, he even unplugged the refrigerator where the cold drinks were normally kept and to secure a second layer, pushed it against the shelf.
Now that was done. Nam-gyu finally let whatever the fuck happened sink in, "What the actual fuck." He mumbled to himself, breath shaky. He moved away from the door, checking for any other ways of getting inside, he only found a back door nearby the bathrooms. He covered it with some furniture, never having been so thankful that these doors opened from the inside.
He pulled his phone out, since it was buzzing in his pocket as notifications of alerts rang through it. Some saying stay at home, others saying evacuate. No way in fucking hell Nam-gyu would go anywhere out of that door.
Instead, he grabbed the fire extinguisher to use as some sort of weapon and sat in the middle of the store, trying to tune out the screams and sometimes the banging in the windows. He didn't look outside, nor at the glass doors, not at the windows. Knowing they'd likely be drenched in blood.
He turned the TV on, the channel was flicked to the news. Some woman was talking about a virus, fucking great. Viruses were bad, some weren't. But what kind of fucking virus made people die and come back from the fucking dead to eat others alive?
"Stay calm, and stay safe for now." The woman said, hell, as if Nam-gyu could be any calm.
He didn't leave the place even when he heard gunshots and sounds of cop car sirens blaring, eventually they were all replaced by screams and more sounds of gurgling and squelching as blood seeped out of their bitten skins. It was the most sane choice, he wouldn't trust some cops or even a journalist that was just reading a fucking script.
How many hours had he stayed in there? Nam-gyu wasn't totally sure. He fell asleep after hour one, not sure how he did it. Maybe it was because his brain had the urge to shut down, to do anything but hear the pleading and screams outside.
Three hours after that, he woke up. He was lying under  counter where the cashier was. The air was dead silent. Normally, Nam-gyu would think that it was all a  dream, just his mind playing tricks on him after getting that beating. 
But he woke up sleeping under the damn cashier, and reality seeped back in. It wasn't just a dream, no. It wasn't his mind playing cruel jokes on him. It was real.
He was careful to even stand up, steps slow and measured as he hunched over to get a glimpse outside from the window. He nearly couldn't stomach the sight, his lips parted open and eyes wide in shock. There was blood everywhere, people.. things, actually. Were limping, crawling, or just dragging themselves around the streets. Some people were gutted out, dead on the floor. The sight was fucking horrifying, even for someone like Nam-gyu.
"I'm so fucked." Nam-gyu muttered, maybe he was. He got lucky to be inside a convenience store, getting in here as a safe okace without even thinking. He had water, food, bathrooms, everything necessary. But he knew it wouldn't really last forever, he just created that illusion to feel at ease on day one.
The people he thought that were dead just.. came back. What a sick irony, death didn't fully claim them. Maybe the heavens listened to the pleading of the living when they wanted their loved ones to be back from the dead in flesh.
All these people who died.. they were dead, but their bodies wandered alive. And the things that came back weren't people, Nam-gyu guessed it was safe to assume they weren't people. Their conscience and form were just gone for a little while.
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deeply-unserious-fellow · 4 months ago
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Every fandom needs a redraw of this template, and as one of the only like, 3 fanartists active in the Z-O-M-B-I-E-S fandom, I figured it was my RESPONSIBILITY to make one. So here it is :D
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years ago
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Wips of George and Jeong Dae for some side character short introductions
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namgyusbeastbaby · 9 days ago
Don't jump to conclusions, they said.
super sorry for fic wait, @letupabit !! my personal life is wonky shlonky
also am a little drvnk, but only a little, so sorhy if there's any mistakes!! i finally have motivation now tho heuehueehue
also if i didn't specify before english is NOT my first language, so, like, sorry if there's any grammatical errors :((((
christmas colours in february goes hard dawggggg
<summary!: thanos loses his cross, and being a stupid little shit, blames namgyu for it!!! 😱
even tho nam-gyu didn't take it, he wrecks the fuck out of him regardless and eventually finds it in his pocket!!! 😼>
tw: raspberries, pinning, intense tickles (?) (nothing sexual or anything, no tools either)
lees: namgyu, implied thanos
lers: thanos, implied namgyu
note from after i finished the fic: sorry if anything is ooc, cringe, ect. the title, summary and first half of fic was written by me when i was drunk
He was losing his fucking mind.
Thanos had looked everywhere, like a dog hungry for blood, trying to find his cross necklace. He needed to get high. He needed to stop the shaking and quaking of his hands. But, holy fucking shit, it was MISSING.
WHO could've taken it?
WHERE could he find it?
WHY did they take it?
Those were the three questions racing through his mind for hours on end. Who, where, and why.
"I'm going to fucking kill myself in a minute! Where the fuck is my NECKLACE?!"
Gi-Hun, Dae-Ho, Jung-Bae, 'Young-il', and, heck, even Jun-Hee were watching him, bedazzled by his erratic and frantic behaviour. He might aswell have been foaming by the mouth, he looked like a fucking zombie.
To say the least, they were confused. Yet, they were laughing - or, atleast Jung-Bae was, and Dae-Ho too, but only a little. Even players that had never interacted with the purple haired man, like player 044 and 100 were staring at him like he was Renfield from Dracula (essentially a mad man).
After a while of mindless searching, a conclusion settled in his head.
He was going to absolutely demolish him. Usually, he'd be merciful, but those pills were the bane of his fucking existence. He needed them, and he needed them now.
"Woah, dude, why do you look so agitate- THANOS, WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Nam-Gyu practically screamed when the older man pinned him to the floor, and he put his hands up in surrender.
"Holy shit- The fuck did I do?!"
He was smirking a little, but purely from nerves. That only ticked Thanos off more.
"Yo, where the fuck are my pills, boy?" Thanos asked, seemingly very agitated and on-edge. He needed some sort of outlet for his stress, and that was his pills. But, he couldn't find them.
"I don't know- I haven't seen them anywhere, I was going to ask you for soME-" Nam-Gyu tried to explain his case, but was cut off by Thanos giving his side a harsh pinch, earning a small squeak of surprise.
"I'm not playing around, Nam-Su, I need these pills. You know how shaky I'll be next game, right?" Thanos then pinned Nam-Gyu's arms above his head, his elbow pinning his left arm and his wrist pinning his right.
He then started to trace Nam-Gyu's sides gently, putting his free hand underneath his shirt first for more effect. Nam-Gyu almost squealed already, it was clear he was holding back, and he tried to curl up.
"IhI dohohon't hahave i-it!" Nam-Gyu pleaded, genuinely telling the truth, but Thanos wouldn't believe him. Nam-Gyu's lied to him about the pills before, and got wrecked then, so why believe him now?
"Come on, boy. You know I won't believe your lies again; tell me where it is, and I'll let you go; simple as!" He said as he lifted the younger man's shirt and started to trace over his stomach and ribs, earning squeaky, quiet, yet frantic, laughter from him.
Thanos could only smirk; it was a cute display, there was no denying it, but he had a goal. "Awwe, you struggling, Nam?"
Nam-Gyu clearly was, but only a little. He was squirming as much as he could without Thanos needing to pin him down too much, and he was also trying to bring his knees up to his chest. But, that couldn't happen, as one, he was laid down, and two, Thanos was straddling and looming over him.
"FUHUck ohoff, maHahan- I don't haHave ihit-" His giggles had a little bit of a whining tone to it now, as technically, he was being tickled for information he didn't have. And frankly, no good reason!
"Fuck off, huh? You want me to fuck off, yeah?" Oh, shit.
"WahahAIT- I dihihidn't mEHEan IT-" The brunette's scream, mixed with a squeal, was practically heard all over the dorm room from the purple haired man's raspberry attack on the sides of his stomach.
"You want another, boy? You like this, huh? You do? Give me my necklace back!" The older man demanded, blowing another on his abs, earning another squeal-like-scream. Nam-Gyu's face was a bit flushed now from the lack of breath and Thanos' accusations (which weren't entirely false).
"We could be doing this all da-" There was a sudden clanging on the floor. Thanos stopped tickling Nam-Gyu, but kept him pinned, and looked down to see what it was. It was the necklace he owned, q bit of the chain stuck in his own pocket still, so he couldn't assume it was Nam-Gyu who gave it up.
Thanos' face heated up a little too. He just fucking wrecked someone for no good reason- He was fucking dead.
"Well, hah, I think I have it now, Nam-Su! I'll see ya' later-" He then quickly got up, and was going to leave, knowing he was fucked when the younger male found out where it was.
But, Nam-Gyu's a very sneaky listener. He instantly grabbed Thanos ankle and pulled him back, wrestling him to the floor and pinning him on his stomach.
"So.. Su-Bong.. Care to show off those back tattoos, hm?"
A devious grin was plastered on Nam-Gyu's face as Thanos' squeals rang out through the room. It'd be a very noisy day for the other 200-or-so players here.
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years ago
Rampant (2018)
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If you’re interested in a period piece zombie film set in Korea but you don’t have the time to sit down and watch an entire season of Netflix’s The Kingdom, then Rampant is the movie for you. Movies about legions of undead terrorizing hapless citizens have been done countless times but this take offers something fresh.
Set during the Joseon dynasty, a plot to overthrow King Lee Jo (Kim Rui-Sung) accidentally releases a plague in a nearby village that turns people into highly contagious, flesh-eating 'night demons'. As their numbers grows, the crown prince Lee Chung (Hyun Bin) and his companion Hak-soo (Jeong Man-sik) must face this threat while schemers move ever closer to toppling the throne.
While many zombie films are made on the cheap, Rampant has a sizeable budget. The period setting is a nice way to mix things up visually and provides some spice to the formula. These zombies can be taken out with a blow to the head or heart and unlike most other stories, firearms are extremely rare. What does that mean? Swordsmen vs. zombies. That’s pretty cool. The excitement doesn't stop there. Escape is out of the question. Communication with the outside is nothing like what we have today. The infected are also given a couple of rules/weaknesses to keep your hopes up and things interesting. Movies of the zombie genre usually have a fairly standard plot and ultimately, it comes down to whether the conclusion is satisfying. Without giving too much away, this picture's is.
What sets Rampant apart is the stuff outside of the zombie apocalypse, however. To the backstabbing officials, this disaster is merely another opportunity. Even that’s not entirely novel. Many zombie stories reveal that humans are much worse than the flesh-eaters who rise from their graves. This won't even cross your mind while watching. You’ll just be concerned about whether Lee Chung will realize the real enemy is Ki Ja-joon (Jang Dong-gun) before it’s too late.
At 121 minutes, Rampant is too long. Some characters could’ve been combined to give their deaths (or survival) more meaning. The action scenes also tend to overstay their welcome. If you cut down zombies left and right it’s awesome at first but the more you cut down, the less of a threat they become.
Rampant offers a nice breath of fresh air while delivering what you want to see in a zombie movie. The ghouls are threatening, the swordplay and sieges keep you on edge and the political scheming bridges the gaps nicely - you may even find it more interesting than the monsters. It runs long and some of its time could’ve been better spent expanding on the characters. Though the sequel it wants to tell isn’t going to happen thanks to disappointing box-office results, Rampant still work as a standalone piece. (Original Korean with English subtitles, May 29, 2020)
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